Group#11 - Laboratory Work #2 - Total Station

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Laboratory work: Total Station

Group #11

Bernar Kakabay 201993150

Doszhan Temirbekov 201988816

Tolezhan Kydyrali 201922332

Nursultan Seitmyrza 201977362

Zhibek Aldabergenova 201973418

Date of Submission: September 22, 2021

Another method of measuring distances and angles is the method of using a total
station. A total station can perform both theodolite and automatic level functions
simultaneously. This lab work was done inside the university and it consists of three
experiments: project creation, height and distance measurements of three points, and
survey with resection method. In the project creation part, we set points A and B,
knowing their coordinates. The second part includes horizontal angles, vertical angles,
vertical distances, and slope distances measurements of three points (fire alarm, dot,
and speaker) at different positions. Third experiment measures coordinates of an
unknown point using coordinates of known three points from the second experiment.

Methods and materials:

The equipment applied to perform project creation, height and distance
measurement, and survey with resection method are total station, tripod, substrate, and
tapes. A brief description of each device is given below:
1. Total station - is a precision electronic instrument designed to both measure
angles and distances.
2. Tripod - is a portable three-legged stand, used as a platform for total station.
3. Substrate - is a tool intended to be the base for a tripod on a solid surface.
4. Tape - is a ribbon with tick marks used to take distance measurements.
As it was mentioned before, the overall laboratory work was made of three
different experiments. They were project creation, height and distance measurement,
and survey with resection method.
To perform the first experiment, project creation, the tripod was set up at a certain
point by expanding the legs and placing them on a substrate to avoid floor damage.
Then, the total station was installed and fixed on the tripod by adjusting the underneath
screw. After turning on the total station, the next step included setting up the knurling
bubble to the center to ensure the horizontally of the equipment. Then, the total station
was configured to add a new job file with a particular name and zero coordinates. Thus,
the height between the total station objective and ground point and the distance from
the total station and specific points were defined by tapes and inputted into the job file.

The procedure was carried out by measuring tile dimensions (0.6 m × 0.6 m) which
revealed the point coordinates. Similarly, the point coordinates were determined through
the total station eyepiece. By computing the data, the station and orientation were set
up. All data are shown in the following table:

Table 1. Project creation data

Point North (m) East (m)

A 2.400 -1.200

B 1.800 1.200

To carry out the second part of the experiment, the height and distance
measurement, three points were chosen: the fire alarm button, the exclamation mark
dot, and the speaker. So, each position was defined by looking at the points through
the total station eyepiece and performing the measuring procedure. As a result, each
point's zenith angle, horizontal angle, horizontal distance, and slope distance were
determined, which are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Height and distance measurements data

Point Horizontal Zenith angle (°) Horizontal Slope
direction (°) distance (m) distance (m)

#1 Fire alarm 34°24’46’’ 88°07’15’’ 27.652 27.666

#2 Dot 356°59’08’’ 86°11’14’’ 22.901 22.952

#3 Speaker 282°58’11’’ 87°28’55’’ 19.525 19.544

In the last part of the experiment, survey with resection method, the total station
was moved to an unknown position. Similarly, the total station was set up as it was done
before in the first part. So, to define the coordinates of unknown position, the "Station
Setup" and then "Resection" options were chosen. After that, the points from "height
and distance measurement" were then found sequentially through the total station
eyepiece. By computing already known three points, the height and coordinates of

unknown position were determined which are given in Table 3. As the last step, the total
station was turned off.

Table 3. Survey with resection method data

Height (m) North (m) East (m)

1.479 -2.979 -0.607

Results and discussions:

In the second part of the experiment, the vertical height of the points can be
calculated using the following formula:

𝑉ℎ = 𝐿 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑧) = 𝐿 𝑠𝑖𝑛(α)


where 𝑉ℎ is the vertical component of the point; 𝐿 is slop distance; 𝑧is the zenith angle;

α is the vertical angle. Hence, the vertical height of 3 points from the second part of the
experiment will be:
Point 1: 𝑉ℎ = 𝐿 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑧) = 27. 666×𝑐𝑜𝑠(88 + 7/60 + 15/3600) = 0. 9072 𝑚

Point 2: 𝑉ℎ = 𝐿 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑧) = 22. 952×𝑐𝑜𝑠(86 + 11/60 + 14/3600) = 1. 526 𝑚

Point 3: 𝑉ℎ = 𝐿 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑧) = 19. 544×𝑐𝑜𝑠(87 + 28/60 + 55/3600) = 0. 8587 𝑚

Keeping in mind that the total station itself is located from the floor at the height of 1.479
m, it can be concluded that the height of points from the floor:

Table 4. Vertical heights of points

Point Vertical height from floor (m)

#1 Fire alarm 2.386

#2 Dot of exclamation mark 3.005

#3 Speaker 2.338

At the first glance, the appearance of the total station is quite similar to an
electronic theodolite, however, the total station has much more functionalities and
opportunities. A total station is able to measure not just angle but can provide distance
measurements. Therefore, it is called an integrated total station as it integrates the
functionalities of theodolite and tape measuring into one piece of equipment. Moreover
using the measured vertical angles and slope distances, the total station can
immediately calculate and present the horizontal and 6 distance components. This
ability of total stations is based on the fact that it has its microprocessor (tiny computer)
that can process the set of data and give the results. Apart from these basic
calculations, a microprocessor can also calculate the slope corrections, rectangular
coordinates and store them in its internal memory. As a result, total stations can be
applied to define a position in control surveys, mapping, and setting out. Overall, it is
clear that an integrated total station gives an opportunity to perform much more
measurements and setting out tasks than an electronic theodolite [1].
In the third part of the experiment, a survey with a resection method was
conducted. The resection method (also called free stationing) is the method of
determining the location of an unknown point relative to the one known point. The first
step of resection is determining the (x, y, z) coordinate of the total station in the first
position. In order to determine the coordinate location in this position, it is needed to use
3 or more target survey points and save their data in the internal memory of the total
station. Then moving to another unknown point there is a need to survey target points
again. Using that new data and old data microprocessor of the total station can
determine the location of the new point. This method has a significant advantage as it
determines the coordinates of new points rapidly. However, the main problem of this
method relies on the fact that there could be some errors in measurement, and the
direct surveying and measurement between points could give more accurate
coordinates [2].
The main sources of equipment error: horizontal collimation error, tilting axis
error, compensator index error, vertical collimation error, ATR collimation error,

collimation of laser pointer, instrumental distance errors and auxiliary equipment. Also
there are some errors caused by atmospheric effects.
Horizontal collimation error. If line of sight is not perpendicular to the x-axis, axial
error can occur. It causes axial rotation and affects the horizontal angle reading. It
changes the horizontal circle readings and increases when angle increases. We can
eliminate this error by two face measurements.
Tilting axis error. This axial error happens when the tilting axis of the total station
isn’t perpendicular to the vertical axis. Sightings will remain the same when line of sight
on the telescope is horizontal except when the is tilted. When it's tilted there will be
some errors in readings. This error is also eliminated by observing on two faces. If
single face measurement is used tilting axis error is calculated in calibration and
horizontal circle readings are corrected.
Compensator index error. Compensator is used to eliminate error occurring at
residual tilts of the total station. But compensators have other errors called longitudinal
error and transverse error. These errors can be eliminated by averaging left and right
face readings.
Vertical collimation error. This error is similar to horizontal collimation error, and
occurs when line of sight is not perpendicular to the vertical axis. It is also eliminated by
two face measurements. If single face measurement is used then index error is
measured and applied to vertical angles.
ATR collimation error. If there is an angular divergence between the crosshair of
the telescope and the ATR camera of the equipment. We compare the readings set
manually and ATR system positions, if there are differences there is ATR collimation
error. To get rid of this error we have to perform more readings and set it to accepted
Collimation of laser pointer. If the laser beam is not collimated with the line of
sight of the telescope, error in detecting the target point occurs. To minimize this error, a
target plate is used.
Instrumental distance errors. This type of error has three types: zero error (index
error), scale error (frequency drift) and cyclic error. Zero error has a prism constant and
is related to mechanical, optical and electrical center differences of the equipment.

Three peg test is used to check for this error. Frequency drift error occurs when the
frequency of the oscillator of the total station is varied in the system. To detect the error
several readings should be taken. Instrument non-linearity or cyclic error occurs when
signals generated by the equipment interfere with each other causing the cross-talk
effect [3].
Atmospheric effects. Depending on atmospheric conditions, the speed of light of
the total station varies. To minimize atmospheric effects we establish the temperature
and pressure values, but this error can be neglected when short distances are
measured [1].
The main limitations of using a total station are:
1. It is expensive. Leica TS06 Robotic Total Station costs $9600-9800.
2. Complex skills are needed to work with equipment.
In order to avoid those limitations, the total station should be used carefully, for
example, the bubble should be positioned correctly, as in our case the positioning is not
exactly in the centre of the circle on the display. Another issue is that the dot was drawn
by hand, without using any equipment, so it is hard to find out if it is centered and set
the total station using a laser dot. The surface on which the total station was placed had
low friction, so the total station might be easily displaced, causing some losses in
precision of our final results. Therefore, a compass could be used to draw the circle for
setting the total station and another surface of the ground with high friction should be

During this laboratory work all setted goals were achieved, as creation of the
project, measuring needed heights and distances, surveying with applying resection
method were conducted successfully. Total station was used correctly, despite some
limitations, so it was acknowledged how to use it for surveying measurements. Possible
errors as the vertical collimation error that could happen in this work and the ways of
fixing them were discussed in the report. In addition, limitations of the experiment
regarding proper use of total station and its cost were written down and some
suggestions about avoiding them in future were presented, for example, highlighting the

type of surface used for placing total station could be important. Overall, it should be
mentioned that the experience of using total station and theoretical knowledge about it
might help to succeed in understanding the surveying part of the course and in future
work as engineer, so it was significant to complete it.

Uren, J and Price, B. (2010) Surveying for Engineers. 5th Edition. Palgrave Macmillan.
pp. 28-60. ISBN: 978-0-230-22157-4.
R. Schultz. (1995) Leveling. In: Brinker R.C., Minnick R. (eds) The Surveying
Handbook. Springer, Boston, MA. pp. 113-114.
Awange, J. L. and Walker, J. (2018) Surveying for civil and mine engineers: theory,
workshops, and radicals. Springer. pp. 68-70. ISBN 13: 9783319531281

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