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Applicant: Ms. Nicole Kate F.

Romero Date: February 23, 2022


I. Objectives:

At the end of the 1 hour lesson, the students shall be able to do the following with 85%

a. define the meaning of persuasive writing;

b. state the significance of persuasion in various contexts;

c. identify essential elements and guidelines in persuasive writing;

d. familiarize the different parts of a persuasive essay; and

e. compose a persuasive essay.

II. Subject Matter:

Persuasive Writing






III. Instructional Materials:

A. Cartolina, marker, scissors, chalk

B. Laptop, projector, chalk

IV. Instructional Strategies

Teacher Student

1. Preliminaries

Good morning, everyone! It’s a wonderful day

and I’m fervently hoping that you are all as eager
for this class as I am. Before anything else, let us
start with a prayer. (Students will utter a short prayer.)
Kindly check if you left any trash or litter on the
floor, and while you’re at it, I want you to
ascertain that your armchairs are arranged
according to our seat plan so as to observe proper
social distancing. Wear your masks and please
make sure that you brought your sanitizers. Keep
anything that is irrelevant to our subject in your
bags because I just want to see your notebooks,
writing pads, and pens.

If you’re all done, you may take your seats. (Students do as they are told.)

Allow me to introduce myself so that we may

properly be acquainted. I am Ms. Nicole Kate F.
Romero. You may address me as Ma’am Nikan.

2. Instructional Process


Take me to Zamboanga!

We have one more month before April, am I

right? It’s that time of the year when despite the
restrictions of the pandemic, we are longing to
bask in the sweltering summer sun, visit tropical
islands, hike in a rumored enchanted mountain
somewhere in Visayas, or even fly to the north
just to have thrilling adventures. My point is, we
all have a destination in mind if we wish to have a
much-deserved vacation.

However, if you are going to ask people on as to

where they want to spend their breaks or holidays,
you will hear popular cities like Manila, or let’s
say Batangas, we also have Tagaytay or for some,
they prefer Cebu.

It is funny to note, that if you’re from Zamboanga

and you’ve been to these places, you will never
hear them say that visiting our city is in their
bucket list.

Hence, this is the unfortunate situation that I wish

us to remedy. I want you to pretend that you are
representatives from separate touring agencies. On
the other hand, I’m the undecided traveler with
loads of cash to spare for my summer escapade.
Your goal is to give me compelling reasons on as
to why it would be better for me to set foot on
Zamboanga City than anywhere else in the
country and elaborate on why is it worth-visiting. (Students will give and justify their answers.)

Awesome! Your answers are indeed substantial

and it was evident that you pooled your ideas
together to highlight your significant points. Now,
I would like to ask the class to describe the
activity that we just had.

1. What was the activity all about?

2. What was your impression of the given task?  The activity was about convincing you about
the best option to choose and help you
3. How did you think of ways to compel me to decide.
agree and visit Zamboanga?  We had to state reasons on as to why our
choice would prove to be the best destination
Splendid! You are all right! for you.
 We thought of the advantages of the choice
Transitional statement: that we want you to make.

The activity that we had in our class compelled

you to make attempts that will eventually
convince me to consider your perspective and
ultimately agree with your choice. This means that
at some point, I would be able to come up with a
decision because I would believe that what you
said was factual and worth-considering. This act
is called persuasion.

Regardless if we are aware of the word of not, it

happens often and is admittedly an inherent part
of human interaction.

Persuasion was when your classmate managed to

bring you all the way to Peak View because he or
she claimed that the ambience was better than in
most local cafes. It was when your relative
invested more than 20,000Php for a nonexistent
company, only because the agent promised a deal
that’s hard to refuse. Persuasion occurred when
you attended all of your classes and submitted
your assignments in Math even if you hated it,
because your mother reminded you that apart from
the varsity, good grades would help you get a

Persuasion took place when you faced every

hurdle with a stronger and a more resilient heart
because the people who truly matter to you
wanted you to believe that better days are worth
living for.

 Can you also share some instances where you (Students will cite some of their experiences with
may have persuaded someone or one where persuasion.)
you’ve been persuaded?

Dear students, now we are aware of the relevance

of the art of persuasion. Thus, it is time for us to
delve deeper into this subject and understand how
we could effectively employ and make use of it.


What is persuasion?

 the act of persuasion occurs when attempts

are employed to convince people to consider
your points and deem it to be true and of

What is persuasive writing?

 is a form of nonfiction writing that

encourages careful word choice, the
development of logical arguments, and a
cohesive summary.
 it attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a
certain point of view or take a particular

Basic Principles in Persuasive Writing

1. Appeal to emotion

- As humans, we are wired to be moved or

influenced by our emotions.

This strategy is commonly used in paid

advertisements where the main intention is to
move the audience emotionally by offering swift
solutions or taking advantage of our shared
feelings. Examples are those slimming pills that
persuade you the build a better version of yourself
and fastfood chains that compel you to believe
that you can find romance if you dine there.

 In what other instances do you think is (Students will share examples of appeal to
appeal to emotion relevant? emotion)

2. Appeal to intellect or reason

- Persuasion should be a logical and rational way

of convincing others. This is an efficient way of
persuading an audience. In order to establish a
strong reasoning, you need to cite solid evidences
to emphasize your stance.

Some examples that use this strategy are the

infographics we’ve been seeing lately urging us to
stay home as much as possible. These types of
infographic often show certain data to establish
(Students will cite examples of appeal to reason)
 What are other examples that make use of
appeal to reason?

What makes an effective persuasive essay?

 Intriguing introduction
 Valid points
 Grounded on research
 Features research findings
 A fitting conclusion

Basic Structure of Persuasive Essay


 Hook, Background, Thesis Statement

As online learning becomes more
common and more and more resources are
converted to digital form, some people have
suggested that public libraries should be shut
down and, in their place, everyone should be
given an iPad with an e-reader subscription.

 Introduce claim 1, develop and support

sufficiently with evidence

However, it would be a serious mistake to

replace libraries with tablets. First, digital
books and resources are associated with less
learning and more problems than printed
resources. A study found that people read 20-
30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less
information, and understand 10% less of
what they read.

 Introduce claim 2, develop and support

sufficiently with evidence


 Reiterate main points, paint a picture of the

While replacing libraries with tablets
may seem like a simple solution, it would
encourage people to spend even more time
looking at digital screens, despite the myriad
issues surrounding them. It would also end
access to many of the benefits of libraries
that people have come to rely on. In many
areas, libraries are such an important part of
the community network that they could never
be replaced by a simple object.

Concluding statement:

For this session, we have learned about persuasive

writing. If there is a skill that we must hone and
develop, it is our ability to move people and
convince them to see the world in the way we do.
Persuasion allows us to be critical about the
decisions that we make. It provides us with
opportunities to pause, discern, and rationalize so
that we way come up with a sensible course of
action. May you all effectively utilize what you
have learned today so that you will not fall prey to
the cheap deception of others. Later on, in life,
may you speak for those whose cries for help are
unheard and compel people to be better in every
way imaginable.


To assess your understanding of our lesson for

today, I will be administering a quiz. For the quiz,
you will have to think of a unique and authentic
product. After which, you will have to compose a
short persuasive text that will convince people to
purchase it. Your output will be worth 40 points
and will be evaluated through the ff:

a. Strong introduction (10 points)

b. Valid claims (10 points)

c. Evidences (10 points)

d. Fitting conclusion (10 points)

I will you give you 15 minutes to accomplish this.



To put to practice what you have learned today,

you will be tasked to come up with a three-
paragraph persuasive essay. Choose one from the
following topics:

a. Why is online education a beneficial


b. Should senior high graduates pursue a college


c. When is it healthy to tolerate any form of


If are there are no more queries that you wish to

raise, our session ends here. Class dismissed.

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