Making All Things New!
Making All Things New!
Making All Things New!
Revelation 21:1 - 5 The BESORAH of YAHUSHA Page1317 I saw a renewed heaven and a renewed earth, For the former heaven and the former earth had passed away And the sea is no more. See, I make all matters new. All the tears shall be wiped away from our eyes And there shall be no more death, nor mourning, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, For the former matters have passed away.
TURN to ME and be SAVED, ALL you ends of the EARTH! For I AM EL and there is none else. I have sworn by MYSELF, A WORD has gone out of MY MOUTH in righteousness And shall not return, So that to ME every knee shall bow and every tongue swear. YeshaYAHU 45:22&23 The BESORAH Page 514 WHO shall not FEAR YOU? O hwhy WHO shall not ESTEEM YOUR NAME?
And YAHUAH hw hy shall wipe away every tear from our eyes And there shall be no more death, or mourning, nor crying. And there shall be no more pain, BECAUSE the former matters have passed away. And HE who was sitting on the throne said, SEE, I MAKE all matters NEW. And HE said to me, WRITE, for these words are TRUE and TRUSTWORTHY. REVELATION 21:4&5 The BESORAH Page 1317
I pledged allegiance
With TORAH & LOVING kindness for ALL. I promised to LOVE those born and unborn. ALL PRAISE to YAH! HalleluYAH!
YAHUAH has provided an escape for those who pledge allegiance to HIM And a LAMB was seen standing on Mount Tsiyon & with the LAMB 144,000 having our FATHERS NAME written upon their foreheads. The 144,000 sang a RENEWED SONG That no one was able to learn except the 144,000 Who were REDEEMED from the earth. They followed THE LAMB wherever He led them. Those, who followed The Lamb had the FATHERs REFRESHED NAME written on their forehead And were REDEEMED from among men, They are FIRST-FRUITS to Elohim and to the LAMB.
Lets begin to examine this PLEDGE together And at this time, LET it BE from the bottom of our HEARTS!
Lift up your heads for your redemption is HERE!
Revelation 22
The BESORAH of YAHUSHA: Page 1318-1319 I was shown a river of water of LIFE, Clear as crystal, Coming from the throne of HWHY & of the LAMB. In the middle of its street & on either side of the river, Was the TREE of LIFE, which bore twelve fruits, Each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the TREE are for the healing of the nations.
No longer is there any curse & the throne of YAH & Of the LAMB was in it & His servants were serving Him. They saw HIS FACE & HIS NAME was on their foreheads. There was no more night & we had no need of a lamp Or the light of the sun because YAH gave us light. We were going to reign forever and ever. The words of hwhy are trust worthy and True. Rev 22: 6 ~ Matthew 24:35 ~ Mark 13:31 ~ Luke 21:33 And hwhy , of the Set Apart prophets has sent His messenger To show us what has to take place with speed. See, I AM coming speedily! Blessed is he who guards the words of the prophecy of this book. I saw and heard these matters. When I heard and saw, I fell down to worship Before the feet of the messenger who showed me these matters. He said to me, See, do not! I am your fellow servant & of your brothers the prophets And of those who are guarding the words of this book. WORSHIP YAH! Do not ignore the words of the prophecy of this book, For the time is HERE! He, who does wrong, let him do more wrong; He who is filthy, let him be more filthy; He who is righteous, let him be more righteous; He who is set-apart, let him be more set-apart. See, I AM coming speedily! My reward is with Me, to give to each according to their work. I AM the Aleph & the Taw, I AM The Beginning & The End I AM The First & the Last. Blessed are those doing My Commands, So that the authority shall be yours unto the TREE of LIFE And to enter through the gates into the city. Outside will be the dogs & those who enchant with drugs &
Those who whore & the murderers & the idolaters & ALL who love & do falsehood. I, Yahusha, have sent My messenger To witness to you these matters in the assemblies. I AM The Root I AM The Offspring of David, I AM The Bight and Morning Star. The Spirit and the bride say, COME! He, who hears, let him COME! He, who thirsts, let him, COME! He who desires, Let him take the water of LIFE without paying! I witness to everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book: If any one adds to them, Let YAH add to him the plagues that are written in this book. If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophesy, YAH shall take way His part from the BOOK of LIFE & out of the set-apart city, Which are written in this Book. He that bears witness of these matters says, Yes, I AM coming speedily! The favor of our Master Yahusha Messiah shall be upon us. Amen! PS: We shall see His face & His Name shall be upon our foreheads. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YeshaYAHU 52:5-6 Isaiah 52:5-6 My people are taken away for naught & Those who rule over them make them wail. My Name is despised all day continually! Therefore, My People, shall know MY NAME in that day, For I AM the ONE who is speaking. SEE, it is I.