Analytical Techniques

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CIE Chemistry A Level

22 : Analytical Techniques
Chromatography ​(A level only)
Chromatography is a process used to separate a mixture of substances.

Thin-layer chromatography
In thin-layer chromatography, the ​mobile phase​ is a solvent and the ​stationary phase​ is typically
a layer of silica gel or alumina on a piece of glass. A spot of the substance being analysed is put
on the pencil ​baseline​ before the stationary phase is placed into the solvent.

‘Paper chromatography’, Wikipedia

CC BY-SA 3.0

The ​Rf value​ (or retention factor) can be calculated after chromatography is completed:

Substances are separated because different compounds have​ different solubilities​ in the solvent
and ​different attraction​ to the stationary phase.

Gas-liquid Chromatography
In gas-liquid chromatography, the ​mobile phase​ is a carrier gas (such as helium) and the
stationary phase​ is a liquid with a high boiling point which is ​adsorbed​ onto a solid. The
stationary phase is found inside the coiled column.

‘File:Gas chromatography-vector.svg’​ ​CC0 1.0
Retention time​ is the time taken for a sample to travel from the injector to the detector.

The retention time of a compound is affected by:

● Boiling point​ - compounds with higher boiling points will condense sooner in the column so
the retention time will be longer.
● Solubility in the liquid stationary phase​ - more soluble compounds will have a longer
retention time as they will spend less time in the carrier gas.
● Temperature​ - the higher the temperature of the column, the shorter the retention times of
all the compounds will be because the molecules have more kinetic energy.

A gas-liquid chromatogram can also be used to work out the ​percentage composition of a
mixture​. The area under a peak shows the relative amount of that substance which can be
calculated using the formula ½ x base x height. To convert this into a percentage:

Infra-red spectroscopy

When infra-red radiation is directed at a compound, ​specific frequencies are absorbed​ by bonds
in the molecule. The percentage transmittance of infra-red at each frequency is recorded by a
detector and then plotted on a graph.

Energy that is absorbed by the compound causes bonds to ​vibrate​, meaning the bond ​stretches
or bends​. The amount of vibration depends on the ​length of the bond​ and the mass of the atoms.

The peaks on an infra-red spectrum can be used to identify the functional groups present in a
molecule as ​each bond absorbs a specific frequency of IR radiation​. A peak can be compared
with known values in the data book to identify the bond.

‘What is an infra-red spectrum?’, Jim Clark, Chemguide
The ​fingerprint region​ on an infra-red spectrum is the region (typically between 1500cm​-1 ​ and
500cm​-1​) that contains a complicated series of absorptions. Every compound has a ​unique
fingerprint region.

Mass Spectrometry ​(A level only)

During mass spectrometry, a ​vaporised​ sample (atoms or molecules) is turned into positive ions.
The ions are then accelerated, deflected by a magnetic field and then detected. A graph is
produced with the ​mass to charge ratio (m/z)​ on the x axis and ​relative abundance​ on the y

Molecular mass
The molecular ion peak (​M+​​ ) is the peak with the ​greatest mass to charge ratio​. The molecular
mass of a compound is equal to the m/z value of this peak.

M​+1​ peak
The M​+1​ peak is a tiny peak which is 1 unit to the right of the molecular ion peak. This is​ caused by
the presence of the 13​ ​ C isotope​ (the relative abundance of 13​
​ C is 1.11%). 13​
​ C has one more
neutron than ​ C meaning that the relative formula mass is increased by 1.

The relative heights of the M​+​ and M​+1​ peaks can be used to predict the number of carbon atoms
(n) in a molecule:

M​+2​ peak
Compounds which contain ​chlorine​ or ​bromine​ also have a M​+2​ peak on their mass spectrum.

Chlorine in these compounds can be one of ​two isotopes​: 35​ ​ Cl or 37​
​ Cl. Compounds containing the
Cl isotope will have a relative formula mass that is 2 units larger than compounds containing the
Cl isotope which causes the M​+2​ peak. The peak heights of the M​+​ and M​+2​ ions are in the ​ratio
3:1​ because the chlorine atom is 3 times more likely to be 35​
​ Cl than 37​
​ Cl.
Bromine has ​two isotopes​: 79​
​ Br and 81​
​ Br. The heights of the M​+​ and M​+2​ peaks
​ will be in the​ ratio
1:1​ because the ratio of the two isotopes is 1:1.

For a compound with 4 bromine atoms, there will be ​5 molecular peaks​ because there are 5
combinations ways that you can have 4 bromine atoms (as there are 2 isotopes):
79 + 79 + 79 + 79
79 + 79 +79 + 81
79 + 79 +81 + 81
79 + 81 +81 + 81
81 + 81 +81 + 81

Fragment ions are formed when an ​unstable molecular ion breaks​ up into a positive ion and an
uncharged ​free radical​ (a species which contains an unpaired electron):
M​+​ → X​+​ + Y●
Only charged particles are detected​ so the free radical (Y●) will not produce a line on the
spectrum. Each line on the mass spectrum represents a different fragment ion.

The combination of fragment ions in a mass spectrum can be used to identify a molecule.Below is
a table showing some common fragment ions:
m/z value Fragment ion

15 CH​3​+

17 OH​+

29 C​2​H​5​+

43 C​3​H​7​+

57 C​4​H​9​+

Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy ​(A level only)

The 13​
​ C nuclei ​can align with or against a magnetic field. It is ​less stable​ for the nucleus to oppose
the magnetic field than align with it as this is at a ​higher energy​. Supplying energy (in the form of
radio waves) to the nucleus can cause it to flip from the more stable alignment to the less stable

The atoms/ groups of atoms that the carbon is bound is called the ​environment​. The environment
that the carbon is in impacts the amount of energy that is required to cause the nucleus to oppose
the magnetic field. On an ​NMR​ spectrum, the ​number of peaks​ shows the​ number of carbon
environments​ there are. Comparing the ​chemical shift​ value of a peak (from the x axis) to the
data book can identify what environment the carbon atoms are in.
When using a 13​
​ C NMR spectrum to predict structures of compounds, it is important to consider the
number of​ carbon environments​ and the​ functional groups​ present (identified using the
chemical shift values).

Example questions:​ These questions will require the chemical shift values from the formula book
● An organic compound contains 2 carbons and has the 13​ ​ C NMR spectrum below. Determine
the structure of the compound.

- The compound contains two carbons.

- There is a peak at 200 ppm meaning the compound must contain C=O.
- The 13​
​ C NMR spectrum shows 2 peaks so there are 2 different carbon
environments. This means the two carbons are in different environments.
- The chemical is ethanal.

● Predict the number of peaks in the 13​

​ C NMR spectrum for 3-methylbutan-1-al.
- The structure of 3-methylbutan-1-al is:
- Number the carbon environments:

- There are 4 carbon environments so there will be 4 peaks on the 13​

​ C NMR for

Proton (​1​H) NMR Spectroscopy ​(A level only)

As with carbon-13 nuclei, hydrogen nuclei can align with or against a magnetic field. The direction
of alignment can be flipped using a ​specific frequency​ of radio waves (known as resonance
condition). This is because there is a ​difference in the energy of the two alignments​. Hydrogen
nuclei in different ​environments​ require different frequencies of radio waves to change their

The proton environment can be identified using​ chemical shift​ values and comparing them to
known values in the data book. The ​ratio of the areas​ under the peaks indicates the number of
protons in each environment.

The number of protons on the adjacent carbon atoms can be identified using the ​splitting pattern
in the spectrum. The ​n+1 rule​ states that the number of peaks in the splitting pattern is equal to the
number of adjacent protons + 1. Examples are shown in the table below:
Number of peaks Name Number of adjacent
in splitting pattern protons (n)

1 Singlet n+1=1

2 Doublet n+1=2

3 Triplet n+1=3

4 Quartet n+1=4

There are several cases where the n+1 rule doesn’t work:
● Alcohols​ - the chemical shift for the hydrogen atom in -OH is variable and this peak is
always a ​singlet​. Also, the hydrogens in the -OH don’t cause any splitting in adjacent
● Equivalent hydrogens​ - hydrogens which are bound to the same carbon/ are in the same
environment have no effect on each other. This means that one hydrogen atom in a CH​2
group doesn’t cause splitting of the other one on the spectrum.
● Benzene​ - the splitting pattern is generally very complicated so it is called a multiplet
instead. The peaks for benzene rings will be found in the range 6.0 - 9.0.

TMS (Tetramethylsilane)
The peak at 0 ppm on a proton NMR spectrum is due to the hydrogens in TMS. TMS is used as a
standard for chemical shift measurements​ during NMR spectroscopy.

TMS is used because:

● It has 12 hydrogen atoms in the same environment so a ​single, strong peak ​is produced in
proton NMR.
● It ​contains both carbon and hydrogen atoms​ meaning it can be used in carbon and
proton NMR.
● It contains 1 carbon environment so it produces a ​single peak​ in carbon-13 NMR.
● It’s non-toxic.
● It’s inert so it will not react with the compounds under analysis.

Deuterated solvents
NMR​ typically uses a solution containing the substance being analysed. The solvent can’t contain
any hydrogen atoms as these would produce peaks on the spectrum. ​Deuterated solvents​ (such
as ​CDCl​3​) contain deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen) and are often used in NMR. ​Deuterium
doesn’t produce a peak on the proton NMR spectrum ​so the solvent doesn’t affect analysis.

Identifying O-H and N-H protons

The chemical shift values for O-H and N-H protons are variable, making it difficult to identify the
peaks caused by these protons. To identify which peaks are caused by O-H or N-H:
1. Run a proton NMR to obtain a spectrum for the compound being analysed.
2. Shake the sample with D​2​O (or heavy water, this contains 2 deuterium atoms instead of
3. Run a second proton NMR and compare the spectra. Any peaks caused by O-H or N-H
protons will disappear.

Alcohols​ are slightly acidic meaning the hydrogen in the OH group transfers to one of the lone
pairs on the oxygen in D​2​O. The negative ion formed from the alcohol is likely to collide with D​2​O
which will regenerate the alcohol. Instead of reforming the OH group, an ​OD group is formed​. The
deuterium atom won’t produce a peak on the NMR spectrum meaning the peak caused by the O-H
proton will ​disappear​.

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