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The document outlines an optional deload week training plan that reduces volume and intensity to allow for recovery. It provides lower body and full body workouts for the Classic and Body Composition training tracks respectively.

The deload week aims to reduce training volume and complexity/intensity in order to reset the body after an intensified training block and feel rejuvenated to resume normal programming.

Some of the exercises prescribed for the Classic track on Monday include dual kettlebell sumo deadlifts, bodyweight knee over toes split squats, bodyweight hip thrusts, and a 'Grinder' circuit consisting of rowing, kettlebell swings and hanging leg raises.

Persist Deload - Optional Programming


For those of you who have been with us for the past build and just completed Benchmark
Week, you may be feeling the effects of the intensification within your training. The new
cycle beginning October 11 will restart a new training build so will contain less volume and
intensity than the past few weeks. But If you are feeling the need to dial things back to reset,
you may wish to pull back a bit further.

The following training can be performed in place of the prescribed workouts Monday –
Wednesday of the first week of training as a deload option. These workouts will have a
similar format to the regular programming, but the reps, sets, weights, and movements will
all be reduced in terms of volume and complexity. By Friday, after 3 days of deloading and
another active recovery day or rest day, you should feel back to your best self and resume
normal programming with the group at that time.
There are workouts for the Classic and Body Composition tracks – for Minimalist, I
recommend that you simply do the bodyweight versions of the workouts for the day. If you
have any questions, drop them into the message area of TrueCoach for Athlete Support to
get back to you. Enjoy your deload week!

P E R S I S T C L A S S I C – M O N D A Y

Warmup: FBB Squat Prep 1.0 *Hover over movement names

for Demo Video Links
Bike or Row x 3 minutes
2–3 Rounds
1. Half Kneeling Weight Shift x 5/side
2. Low Cossack Transition x 5/side
3. Squat Hip Rotations x 10

*1. Knee in line toes. Vertical torso facing straight forward.

*2. Move slow through the middle and hold end positions for 2–3 seconds. Use upper body
assistance for improved positions.
*3. Keep foot flat on the ground as the knees move in and out. Hold end positions for 1–2

*Intention: Open up the groin region, and grease the hip grooves in the squat specific
pattern in preparation for your squats.

A) PreFatigue – Dual Kettlebell Complex:

3–4 Sets
8 Dual KB Sumo Deadlift
6 Dual KB Clean
4 Dual KB Rack Squat
rest 60sec between sets

B) Lower Body Full Range Work:

2 Sets
1. Bodyweight Knee Over Toes Split Squat; 31X1; 8–10/leg
rest 30sec
2. Bodyweight Wall Sit x 30–45sec
rest 30sec
3. Bodyweight Hip Thrust x 20reps
rest as needed before starting A1 Again.

C) Legs, Core, Hips – Grinder:

Complete at 60–70% effort
Bike 500/400m
Russian KBS Light
Calories Bike
Bodyweight Hanging Tucks
Bike 500/400m

Cooldown: FBB Squat 1.0

1. Pancake Stretch x 1 min right leg, 1 min left leg, 1 min center
2. Middle Split x 1 min
3. Middle Split Hinge x 10
4. Squat Hold x 2 min

*Pull yourself deeper into the stretch with each exhale.

*2/3/4 Hold onto stationary object in front of you for assistance.
*3 Slow lower, hold in bottom position for 5 seconds.

*Intention: lengthen adductors, hamstrings, and improve squat positions

P E R S I S T C L A S S I C – T U E S D A Y

Warmup: FBB Upper Body Prep 1.0

Ski or Bike x 3 minutes

2–3 rounds
1. Banded Shoulder Extension x 10 reps
2. Prone Swimmers x 5
3. Plank to Downdog x 10
*1. Hold in the stretch position for 2–3 seconds, move the arms fast back to the hips, then 5
second return to the stretch position.
*2. Move VERY SLOW. Own every inch of this movement, allow the shoulders to rotate
*3. Press through the floor throughout the entire movement to keep the shoulder blades

*Intention: Open up the shoulder joint and activate the scaps in preparation for upper body
pushing and pulling.

A) Shoulder & Core – Pre Fatigue Work:

2 Sets
5 Right BW Turkish Get Up
10 Right Single Arm Cross Body L Crunch
5 Yoga Push Ups
5 Left BW Turkish Get Up L
10 Left Single Arm Cross Body L Crunch
5 Downward Dog Handstand Push Ups

B) Full Body Blood Flow:

3 Sets Not For Time
10 Sprawls
30sec Row @ 85% effort
rest walk 90sec and restart your next set

C) Absolute Strength Giant Set 1.0:

2 Sets
1. Close Grip Bench Press; 2020; 6–8reps
rest 30sec
2. Incline DB Bench Press 20X0; 8–10reps
rest 30sec
3. Farmers Carry; 30sec carry moderate weight
rest 2mins and back to 1

D) Upper Body Aerobic :

10–15mins @ sustainable effort
2 Wall Walks
4 HR Push Ups
8 Body Rows
300/250m Row
Cooldown: FBB Upper 1.0

1. Passive Hang x 2 min

2. Supinated Passive Hang x 1 min
3. Seated Shoulder Extension x 2 min
4. Childs Pose with Lat Stretch x 1 min/side

*Sink deeper into the stretch position with every exhale.

*1/2. Keep your feet on the a surface if you can not hang for the entire time.
*3. Keep your chest and head up, shoulder blades back and down.

*Intention: lengthen lats and anterior shoulder tissue.

P E R S I S T C L A S S I C – W E D N E S D A Y

Warmup: FBB Hinge Prep 1.0

Row or Run x 3 minutes

2–3 Rounds
1. Shinbox Thoracic Rotation x 5/side
2. Single Leg Glute Bridge Isometric x 30 sec/side
3. Toes Elevated Dumbbell Jefferson Curl x 5

*1. Reach as far as possible holding the end position for 2–3 seconds
*2. Keep a neutral low back position (NO overarching)
*3. Move one vertebrae at a time and then lengthen the posterior chain as much as possible.

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain in preparation for full range hinging

A) Barbell- Hinge Focus Oly Build:

4 Sets @ Light Load for Technique
1 Segment Snatch Grip Deadlift
1 Segment Snatch High Pull
2 Low Hang Power Snatch
rest fully between sets

4 Sets @ Light Load for Technique

1 Segment Clean Grip Deadlift
1 Segment Clean High Pull
2 Low Hang Power Clean
rest fully between sets

B) Hinge Strength SuperSet:

2–3 Sets
1. GHD Hip Extensions or Good Morning; 3111; 6–8reps
rest 30sec
2. Hand Supported Single Leg RDL x 6/leg 2111
rest 60–90sec and back to 1

C) On the 4mins: Every 4mins x 4 Sets

2 Devils Press
4 DB Burpee
6 Dumbbell Push Press
10–15 Calorie Bike
There should be ample time to complete these sets and therefore have plenty of recovery

Cooldown: FBB Hinge 1.0

1. Pike Stretch x 2 min

2. Elevated Pigeon x 1 min/side
3. Front Split x 2 min/side

*Pull yourself deeper into the stretch with each exhale.

*2. Keep your spine as straight as possible
*3. Utilize band or place objects underneath hands for assistance.

*Intention: Lengthen glutes and posterior chain. Improve front split position.
B O D Y C O M P O S I T I O N – M O N D A Y

Warmup: FBB Upper Body Prep 1.0

Bike x 3 minutes
2 rounds
1. Banded Shoulder Extension x 10 reps
2. Prone Swimmers x 5
3. Plank to Downdog x 10

*1. Hold in the stretch position for 2–3 seconds, move the arms fast back to the hips, then 5
second return to the stretch position.
*2. Move VERY SLOW. Own every inch of this movement, allow the shoulders to rotate
*3. Press through the floor throughout the entire movement to keep the shoulder blades

*Intention: Open up the shoulder joint and activate the scaps in preparation for upper body
pushing and pulling.

A) PreFatigue – Back and Biceps Blood Flow:

2 Sets
12 Dumbbell Pull Over
12 Dual Dumbbell Upright Rows

B) SuperSet 1 – Shoulders and Lats:

2 Sets
1. Seated DB Press 20X1; 6–8reps
Rest as needed
2. Body Row; 20X1; 6–8reps
Rest as needed and back to 1

C) SuperSet 2 – Shoulders and Back:

2 Sets
1. 90/90 Legs KB Floor Press Bottom Up; 20X1; 6–8reps
Rest as needed
2. Tripod DB Row; 20X1; 6–8/arm
Rest as needed and back to 1

D) Finisher – Gymnastics Push Pull Pump:

10mins Continuous Movement Slow and Steady
20 Double Unders
3 Hand Release Burpee
4 Strict Toes to Bar
5 Push Ups
6 L Crunches

Cooldown: Persist Shoulders and Lats 1.0

1min Per Position x 2 Rounds

1st. Twisted Cross R
2nd. Twisted Cross L.
3rd. Child's Pose with Lat Stretch R
4th. Child's Pose with Lat Stretch L

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Passive Ring Hang

B O D Y C O M P O S I T I O N – T U E S D A Y

Warmup: FBB Pump – Hips and Glutes 1.0

2 Sets
Lateral Band Walk x 10 R
Lateral Band Walk x 10 L
Skater Band Walk x 10 Forward
Skater Band Walk x 10 Backward
30sec Theraband Half Squat Pulses

A) SuperSet 1 – Legs & Glutes & Hamstrings:

2 Sets
1. Cyclist Goblet Squat; 2020; 6–8reps
Rest as needed
2. Dumbbell Sumo RDL; 2020; 6–8reps
Rest as needed and back to 1
B) Giant Set 2 – Single Leg :
2 Sets
1. Goblet Curtsy Squat; 20X0; 6/leg
Rest as needed
2. Alternating Bodyweight Cossack Squat x 12 reps
Rest as needed
3. Split Stance Isometric Hold x 30sec/leg
Rest as needed and back to 1

C) Finishers – Fatigued Abdominals (Mirrored Back to Back):

For Time @ 75% effort
Row Cals

rest 3mins

Tuck Ups
Row Cals

Cooldown: Persist Groin Glutes and Abdominals 1.0

1min Per Position x 2 Rounds

1st. Seal Stretch
2nd. Butterfly or Weighted Butterfly
3rd. Pigeon Stretch R
4th. Pigeon Stretch L

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Static Back

B O D Y C O M P O S I T I O N – W E D N E S D A Y

Warmup: FBB Pump – Scaps and Locomotion 1.0

2 Sets
20ft Theraband Lateral Crawl R
20ft Theraband Lateral Crawl L
20ft Theraband Quadruped Crawl Forward
20ft Theraband Quadruped Crawl Backward
10 Tall Kneeling Theraband Pull Aparts Supinated
10 Tall kneeling Theraband Pull Aparts Pronated

A) Full Body Blood Flow:

2 sets:
30sec sec AB (increase your pace each set)
8 DB Curl to Press
8 Hand Release T Push ups
16 Tall Plank Knee to Elbow
30sec sec AB (increase your pace each set)
-rest 90sec-

B) Giant Set 1 – Chest & Arms:

3 Sets
1. Crush Grip KB Bench Press; 20X0 × 8–10reps
Rest 75sec
2. KB Horn Grip Curl 20X0 × 8–10reps
Rest 75sec
3. KB Pull Over 20X0 × 10–12reps
Rest 75sec and back to 1

C) FINISHER – Interval Upper Body Pump #2:

2 sets:
30 sec Row (increase your pace each set)
8 Bench Dips
8 Tuck Ups
8 Yoga Push-Ups
30 sec Row (increase your pace each set)
-rest 90sec-

Cooldown: Persist Chest Lats and Triceps 1.0

1min Per Station x 2 Rounds

1st. Kneeling Triceps Stretch R
2nd. Kneeling Triceps Stretch L
3rd. Bench Shoulder Flexion with Thoracic Mobilization
4th. Supine Bench Weighted Chest Opener

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Seated Barbell Shoulder Extension Stretch

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