How To Get Along With Everyone Who Is Not Me Denise Ryan

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How to Get Along with Everyone

Who Isn’t Me
Presented for

By Denise Ryan, MBA, CSP

Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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Communication Challenges


Lack of focus, attention


Knowledge gap with non-CPAs

Generation differences

Cultural/language barriers

Communication style differences

Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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Communication Styles Quiz

This is an informal survey, designed to determine how you usually act in everyday

On the answer sheet, circle A or B in each pair of statements below, whichever best describes
you most of the me.

1. A) I’m usually open to ge"ng to know people personally and establishing

relaonships with them.
B) I’m not usually open to ge"ng to know people personally and establishing
relaonships with them.

2. A) I usually react slowly and deliberately.

B) I usually react quickly and spontaneously.

3. A) I’m usually guarded about other people’s use of my me.

B) I’m usually open to other people’s use of my me.

4. A) I usually introduce myself at social gatherings.

B) I usually wait for others to introduce themselves to me at social gatherings.

5. A) I usually focus my conversaons on the interests of the people involved,

even if that means straying from the business or subject at hand.
B) I usually focus my conversaons on the tasks, issues, business, or subject
at hand.

6. A) I’m usually not asserve, and I can be paent with a slow pace.
B) I’m usually asserve, and at mes I can be impaent with a slow pace.

7. A) I usually make decisions based on facts or evidence.

B) I usually make decisions based on feelings, experiences or relaonships.

8. A) I usually contribute frequently to group conversaons.

B) I usually contribute infrequently to group conversaons.

Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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9. A) I usually prefer to work with and through others, providing support when
B) I usually prefer to work independently or dictate the condions in terms
of how others are involved.

10. A) I usually ask quesons or speak tentavely and indirectly.

B) I usually make emphac statements or directly expressed opinions.

11. A) I usually focus primarily on ideas, concepts, or results.

B) I usually focus primarily on persons, interacons, and feelings.

12. A) I usually use gestures, facial expression, and voice intonaons to

emphasize points.
B) I usually do not use gestures, facial expressions, and voice intonaons to
emphasize points.

13. A) I usually accept others’ points of view (ideas, feelings, and concerns).
B) I usually don’t accept others’ points of view (ideas, feelings, and

14. A) I usually respond to risk and change in a cauous or predictable manner.

B) I usually respond to risk and change in dynamic or unpredictable manner.

15. A) I usually prefer to keep personal feelings and thoughts private, sharing
only when I wish to do so.
B) I usually find it natural and easy to share and discuss my feelings with

16. A) I usually seek out new or different experiences and situaons.

B) I usually choose known or similar situaons and relaonships.

17. A) I’m usually responsive to others’ agendas, interests, and concerns.

B) I’m usually directed toward my own agendas, interests and concerns.

18. A) I usually respond to conflict slowly and indirectly.

B) I usually respond to conflict quickly and directly.

Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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Please transfer your answers to this page. For example, if you circled A for
Queson 1, you will circle 1A. If you circled B, you would circle 1B.



1A 1B 2B 2A
3B 3A 4A 4B
5A 5B 6B 6A
7B 7A 8A 8B
9A 9B 10B 10A
11B 11A 12A 12B
13A 13B 14B 14A
15B 15A 16A 16B
17A 17B 18B 18A

TOTALS _____ _____ _____ _____

Total the numbers of items circled in each column and write it on the spaces

Now, compare the “O” column with the “G” column and circle the le<er that
has the highest total.
O or G

Then compare the “D” column with the “I” column and circle the le<er that
has the highest total.
D or I

Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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Who are you?

If you circled the G and D, you tend toward being

a Controller/Director.

Celebrate their acon leadership and honesty

• Commander
• Values ge"ng the job done
• Decisive risk taker
• Good at delegang work to others
• Not shy but private about personal ma<ers; comes on strong in conversaon
• Likes to be where the acon is
• Take charge, enterprising, compeve, efficient approach
• Fearless; no obstacle is too big to tackle
• Results Oriented

If you circled the O and D, you show many

qualies of a Promoter/Socializer.

Celebrate their enthusiasm and joy

• Entertainer
• Values enjoyment and helping others with the same
• Full of ideas and impulsive in trying them
• Wants work to be fun for everyone
• Talkave and open about self; asks others’ opinions; loves to brainstorm
• Flexible; easily bored with roune
• Intuive, creave, spontaneous, flamboyant approach
• Opmist; nothing is beyond hope
• Celebraon Oriented

Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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If you circled the O and I, you’re predominantly a
Celebrate their gentleness and mediaon qualies
• Harmonizer
• Values acceptance and stability in circumstances
• Slow with big decisions; dislikes change
• Builds networks of friends to help do work
• Good listener; mid about voicing contrary opinions;
concerned for others’ feelings
• Easy-going; likes slow, steady pace
• Friendly & sensive; no person is unlovable
• Relaonship Oriented

If you circled the G and I, you have lots of

Analyzer/Thinker characteriscs.
Celebrate their sensivity and depth
• Assessor
• Values accuracy in details & being right
• Plans thoroughly before deciding to act
• Prefers to work alone
• Introverted; quick to think and slow to speak; closed about personal ma<ers
• Highly organized; even plans spontaneity!
• Cauous, logical, thriLy approach
• ThoughMul; no problem is too big to ponder
• Idea Oriented

Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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How to Get Along with:





Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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Unfortunately, there’s only one of you. And a whole lot of
everyone else. Here are some tips:
Try to listen more if you are a Director or a Promoter. Try to talk more if you are a Supporter
or a Thinker.

Keep an open mind. You might not always be right. (I know, it’s a long shot, but….)

Take responsibility for yourself. (You can’t control them—only you.)

Try empathy - they really might be going through something horrible.

Treat others with respect. (The Golden Rule)

Always praise good work – a sincere compliment costs you nothing and goes a long way.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep – be true to your word.

Apologize when you are wrong or hurt someone – it costs you nothing. (Directors – hear me?)

Give other people a break, they may not be as excited, as sweet, as smart, or as perfect as you.
And the day may come when you’re not as excited, as sweet, as smart or as perfect as they are.

Give yourself a break – all you can do is be yourself and do your best. You won’t get along
with everyone, and that’s okay.

Post Office Box 31692, Raleigh, N.C. 27622

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