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Kelas :

Guru Pembimbing :
Safilawati, S. Pd


Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

Adinda Kayla Reni Silviani Selfi Rahmadani

Sulis Setiawati Vega. O. Samosir Yuni Devina. P


Apa itu Teorema
Torricelli mengatakan bahwa kelajuan fluida
menyembur keluar dari lubang yang terletak pada
jarak h di bawah permukaan atas fluida dalam
tangki sama seperti kelajuan yang akan diperoleh
sebuah benda yang jatuh bebas dari ketinggian h.
Persamaan ini di sebut Teorema Torricelli.
Table of contents

About Features
01 You can describe the topic of
the section here
02 You can describe the topic of
the section here

Topics Quiz
03 You can describe the topic of
the section here
04 You can describe the topic of
the section here
This can be the part of the presentation where you
introduce yourself, write your email…
Here you can give a brief description of the topic
you want to talk about. For example, if you want
to talk about Mercury, you can say that it’s the
smallest planet in the entire Solar System
Types of energy

Kinetic energy Potential energy

Mercury is the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name and is
Sun and the smallest one in the the second planet from the Sun. It’s
Solar System—it’s only a bit larger hot and has a poisonous
than the Moon atmosphere
Types of kinetic energy

Rotational Transnational Vibrational

Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
to the Sun and the smallest and is the second planet actually a cold place. It’s full
of them all from the Sun of iron oxide dust
Where does that energy come from?

Mechanical Electrical
energy energy
Venus is the second Jupiter is the biggest
planet from the Sun planet of them all

Thermal Radiant
energy energy
Despite being red, Mars is Saturn is a gas giant and
a cold place has several rings
Facts about kinetic energy

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful Mars is actually a cold
planet to the Sun and name and very high place. It's full of iron
the smallest one temperatures oxide dust

Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Jupiter is a gas giant and It was named after the It’s the fourth-largest
the biggest planet in the Roman god of wealth & object by diameter in
Solar System agriculture the Solar System
“This is a quote. Words full of
wisdom that someone important
said and can make the reader get
—Someone Famous
A picture is worth a
thousand words
A picture always
the concept
Images reveal large amounts of data, so remember:
use an image instead of a long text. Your audience
will appreciate it
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
9h 55m 23s
Is Jupiter's rotation period

Earths is the Sun’s mass

386,000 km
the distance between Earth and the Moon
Let’s use some percentages

50% 30% 20%

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus is the second Mars is actually a very
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun cold place
About the
You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
Kinetic energy infographic

Potential Kinetic
energy energy
You can use this graph

Jupiter is the biggest planet
of them all

It’s composed of hydrogen
and helium

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For
more info, click here
Forms of kinetic energy
Easy way to remember the forms of energy

M Mechanical Mercury is the smallest planet

E Electrical Venus is the second planet from the Sun

L Light Mars is actually a very cold place

T Thermal Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all

S Sound Saturn is the only planet with rings

You can use this diagram too
Potential Kinetic

Nuclear Electrical

Chemical Light (Radiant)

Gravitational Heat (thermal)

This is a map
It’s the second planet
from the Sun

Jupiter is the biggest

Saturn is composed of
A timeline always works fine

Jupiter Mars
Jupiter is a gas giant and Mars is actually a cold

1 the biggest planet

3 place. It’s full of iron

Mercury 2 Saturn 4
Mercury is the closest Saturn is composed of
planet to the Sun hydrogen and helium
Quiz: which one is kinetic energy?

Nuclear Chemical
Jupiter is a gas giant and Mars is actually a cold
the biggest planet place. It’s full of iron


Gravitational Electrical
Mercury is the closest Saturn is composed of
planet to the Sun hydrogen and helium

Saturn is composed of hydrogen
and helium
Let’s do an exercise
Circle T if the statement is TRUE or F if it is FALSE. You may use a
dictionary to help you

T a) Things in motion have kinetic energy

T b) Light is a form of matter
T c) Electrical energy travels through wires
T d) Energy cannot be moved from one place to
F another
Another exercise
Different forms of energy in everyday life

Form of Energy Example Icon

Answer here Light Bulb, Sun

Answer here Food Battery

Answer here Music

Answer here Nuclear Power

These are some references

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the

smallest in the Solar System

● You can list your reference websites or

publications here
● You can list your reference websites or
publications here
● You can list your reference websites or
publications here
● You can list your reference websites or
publications here
Our teachers

John Doe Sam Jane Becca Bones

You can speak a bit about You can speak a bit about You can speak a bit about
this person here this person here this person here
You can replace the image on the screen with
your own work. Right-click on it and then
choose "Replace image" so you can add yours
Tablet app
You can replace the image on the screen with
your own work. Right-click on it and then
choose "Replace image" so you can add yours
Mobile web
You can replace the image on the screen with
your own work. Right-click on it and then
choose "Replace image" so you can add yours

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