Maintenance: Effective Techniques IN
Maintenance: Effective Techniques IN
Maintenance: Effective Techniques IN
. .J
November 1997
Maintenance can be considered to be an aggregate of those actions which prevent the
degradation or failure of structures, systems, or components, as well as those actions which
promptly restore these items to their intended functions following breakdown.
Proper maintenance of plant equipment is essential for the safe, reliable and efficient
performance of a nuclear power plant. High quality maintenance should be encouraged by
senior management by setting high standard.~, such as success criteria and pelformance
indicators. Self assessment should be carried out, to determine if standards are as expected.
Effet;tive maintenance can only occur with the support of operations in identifying
defects promptly and accurately, and in providing the appropriate conditions for maintenance.
Similarly, radiological ,.ontrol plays an important role by minimizing hazards. Chemical control
impacts on maintenance by helping to optimize component life in aggressive environments.
Engineellng support of maintenance plays an essential role by ensuring that maintenance
methods, tools and equipment and spare parts are optimized.
The selection and training of maintenance personnel should be well established so that a
high quality of maintenance standards and activities can be achieved. Sufficient resources
should be provided and the planning and progress reporting should be such that workload
backlog is kept to a minimum
Maintenance facilities and equipment should be sufficient to perform maintenance
activities effectively. All maintenance activities from the planning stage to execution should be
carried out in such a manner that the radiation exposure of both site personnel and general
public is kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
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organizational structures, professional competence and qualification of aU involved personnel,
and measurement of performance and evaluation and correction of findings. Management
should respond effectively to safety infringements and violations of Technical Specifications or
The training programme should develop and maintain general knowledge of the nuclear
power plant. The significance of items related to safety, safety risks involved in maintenance
work and methvds to minimize these risks should be included. This should include the use of
mock up t:-aming.
The principles of self checking should be inclucted in the training programmes.
Independent verification is also an important concept to be used when the consequences of one
individual making a mistake could be unacceptable.
Operating experience should be analyzed for maintenance lessons to be learned. These
lessons should be subsequently incorporated in the training in a. timely manner.
Maintenance management personnel should be actively involved in the design and
review of training. This can be achieved by regular meetings between training and maintenance
management and involvement in the training. This is an area which is often found to be in need
of improvement.
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Lifting, rigging, scaffolding and electrical equipment should be identified, periodically
inspected, stored appropriately and in good working condition when made available for use.
Adequate decontamination facilities for tools, parts, and equipment should be available
and used to minimize radiation doses and exposure to contamination. Also remote controlled
tools should be used, as appropriate, to minimize radiation exposures.
Measuring and test equipment should be calibrated and controlled adequately to ensure
accuracy and traceability. Test equipment that is out-of-tolerance should be promptly removed
from service and clearly labeled. Corrective measures should be taken where unreliable test
equipment has been used. This should result in miscalibrated equipment being identified and
appropriate corrective measures taken. A recent finding at an OSART mission found that this
,vas not effectively done
Only chemicals and flammable materials which are needed and appro'led for
maintenance activities should be retained and they must be suitably labeled and appropriately
st.ored. Unwanted dlemicals and parts should not be allowed to accumulate in maintenance
Loading, lifting and transport equipment should be available for movement of heavy
andlor large items. Heavy loads should not be transported over safety related systems and
3.4 Balanced use of resources
A proper balance of preventive and corrective maintenanc~ provides a high degree of
confidence that station equipment degradation is identified and coITected, that equipment life is
optimized and that the maintenance program is cost effective. Preventive maintenance includes
predictive, periodic, and planned maintenance actions taken to maintain a piece of equipment,
so that it can meet it's design intent and extend itls useful life. It is performed prior to
equipment failure, or to prevent future equipment failure. On some multi-unit plants which
have a single resource for 'at power' and shutdown maintenance, it is important to manage
maintenance resources to give the best balance between these often conflicting demands on
maintenance. The maintenance resource must be evaluated over the course of the whole year
and predictive {preventive maintenance must not be cancelled in order to complete outages on"
3.5 Maintenance procedures
A policy governing the use of procedures and the handling of deviations from the
procedures should be implemented and communicated to staff Maintenance procedures and
other work-related documents should identify preconditions, provide clear instructions for
work to be done and should be used to ensure that maintenance is performed in accordance
with the maintenance strategy, policies and programmes. They should be technically accurate,
properly validated, verified, authorized and periodically reviewed. There should be an
indication of when a procedure must be followed step-by-step or when it should be used for
guidance. Action to be taken when a deviation or a conflict occurs should be given and the
rules governing contractor use identified. The need for step by step sign off, self checking
and independent verification should be identified. Documents that are used in lieu of
procedures (such as excerpts from vendor manuals) should receive the same review and
approval as procedures.
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Detailed work instructions should include, where appropriate, qualifications required
for usage, identification of the plant system and components to be worked on and
specification of the necessary tools, material and equipment. Sufficient guidance should be
given for the task to be performed in a safe, practical and efficient manner, including
adequate drawings alld illustrations, warnings of potential dangers to p!ant or personnel and
clear specification of precautions to be taken. These should include environmental and
seismic events and radiation protection provisions. Hold points should be identified where
progress to the next step is dependent upon independent review. Inspection instructions and
related acceptance criteria, including post maintenance ar.d post modification testing should
be identified.
A proces~ should be ir. place to record the identificatiol! numbers of test eqaipment,
torque wrenches and quality a%ured spare parts used during the activity
Priority should be given to amending and updating procedures in a timely manner.
Temporary changes to procedures should be sufficiently controlled, including appropriate
review and approval. These temporary changes should be promptly incorporated into
permanent revisions when appropriate, limiting the number of temporary procedures and their
A mechanism should be implemented which enables users to feed back suggestions for
the improvement of procedures.
Maintenance instructions issued to craftsmen should be compiled in accordance with
quality assurance requirements and should point out the risk impact of the work on nuclear and
persomlel safety and identifY the countermeasures to be taken and specifY post
maintenancefmodification testing required. The required level of skill and methods of
procedure use should be stated.
Human factors and ALARA principles should be considered in the preparation of
maintenance instructions.
A programme of self assessment should exist at the maintenance department level. This
should be used to determine if maintenance is being carried out to the desired standard. A
programme of self checking and independent verification should be incorporated at the
working level.
Independent verification is part of the defense in depth philosophy.
It is used when critical operation or maintenance is being carried out. In this case, a
mistake by one individual could disturb the plant configuration in a way that will have an
unacceptable, immediate consequence to plant safety or reliability.
It is frequently a 'no cost' item, since two individuals will often be assigned to one job.
They have to be trained to independently verifY prior to the work starting, and at
critical stages during the work, that the following is true:
• they are on the correct unit
• they are on the correct system
• they are on the correct component
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• they have the correct isolation
• they are following the correct procedures.
Many plant upsets could be avoided by effective independent verification. The chances
of two well trained, competent individuals making the same mistake at the same time are
remote, but it has happened.
Self checking is also a useful and effective technique to reduce human error. An
example of one of several techniques to encourage self checking is to get all staff to do their
work using techniques similar to those used by experienced control room operators. They
always STOP, then TlllNK, then ACT, then REVIEW, because they have learned that one
control room error can have immediate undesirable consequences. This is commonly known as
the STAR technique.
3.7 Spare parts availability and storage
The provision of parts, r.laierial ~nd services must support the correction of deficiencies
and the timely re\urn to service of equipment.
The proper care of spare parts, materials and equipment must occur from the time they
are received at the plant, until they lIIe installed in a system. In order to achieve this objective,
the responsioility for procurement, receipt, storage and issue of spare parts and materials must
be dearly defined.
Spares must be purchased to the same technical standards alld QA requirements as the
e.quivalent installed plant items. Items should only be obtained from suppliers who are
approved in accordance with QA requirements. The material management facilities must
provide adequate support to the plant resulting in parts and materials being available when
needed in the plant.
Materials should be stored and identified in a manner that pennits timely retrieval.
Proper engineering approval is required for any deviations from design specifications for parts
or material.
Storage facilities should be operated in a manner that takes into account special
environmental requirements for storing certain components. In particular, preventive
maintenance activities should be performed 011 certain spare equipment (e.g. rotating large
ele<.1rical motors).
Spare parts with limited life should be stored separately and clearly marked to indicate
acceptable periods of use.
Hazardous material should be properly segregated and adequate procedures should be
in place to control its receipt and use.
3.8 Testing and verification
A verification program should be used to ensure maintenance is carried out correctly.
Post maintenance testing should confirm that that the maintenance was performed correctly
and the equipment met the design intent.
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3.9 Maintenance history
Maintenance history should be used to support maintenance activities, upgrade
maintenance programmes, optimize equipment performance and improve equipment reliability.
Appropriate arrangements shoulcl be made for orderly collection and analysis of records and
production of reports on maintenance activities. Maintenance history records should be easily
retrievable for reference or analysis. The use of computerized maintenance history handling
would facilitate this process.
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The objt"ctive of a preventive maint~nance program is to prevent or minimize
equipment breakdown and to maintain equipment in a satisfactory condition for normal and/or
emergency use.
Initially, a preventive program is designed based on manufacturer's recommendations,
then as time progresses and working knowledge of the plant is obtained, the program should
be continuously refined to optimize preventive maintenance frequency and content.
Predictive maintenance activities are part of preventive maintenance and should be used
to monitor the condition of inst~lIed equipment and systems where appropriate. The results of
predictive maintenance activities and surveillance tests should be properly trended to permit
filll t"ffectiveness of the preventive maintenance and lifetime management programmes.
Predictiv~ maintenance activities can be carried out while the equipment is in service <Ind are
used to supplement and stnmgthen the preventive maintenanct" programme and enhance
equipment reliability by utilisation of techniques such as vibration, thermography, oil analysis,
temperatt;re trends and acoustics. Predictive maintenance techniques are becoming more
sophisticated and combinations of techniques are now being used to determine equipment
status. Degraded or problematic equipment should receive appropriate focus and acted upon,
e.g. a programme to monitor motor operated valves (MOV's) should be included.
Toe little, or the wrong kind of preventive maintenance will make it~elf evident through
premature equipment failure and the resultar,t unpredicted outages.
Too much preventive maintemmce is a more insidious problem, but also important,
since it increases costs and causes unnecessary equipment downtime. Hence the objective is to
optimize the amount of preventive maintenance. A great deal of research has gone into this
issue because of it's importlll'.ce to successfui nuclear power plant management. This has
resulted in a number of approaches to the problem. Some are pragmatic and some are "high
tech" involving many hours of engineering time. At the high tech end of the spectrum is
reliability centered maintenance (RCM) involving detailed engineering analysis of each system
,md component.
The following basic issues need to be decided in order to determine what needs
improvement in the preventive maintenance program which currently exists at the plant.
• which are the problem components at the plant?
• what is their maintenance history?
• what has been done to date to improve their performlince?
• what is their impact on the reliability of the system they are in?
• what is the impact of the ~yster.. on safe reliable generation of nuclear power?
• can their performance be enhanced by improved preventive maintenance? (perhaps a
design change is the best solution)
• how do the failure rates of the component at this plant compare to the failure rates
elsewhere? (is environment or maintainer skills an issue?)
• what are the priorities for resolving the identified issues? (this process can take a
considerable length of time. On~ plant took more than a year to analyze the
components on two systems.)
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• what kind of a manpower and resource commitment is the plant able to make to this
An overview of the elements of one suc:cessful predictive maintenance enhancement
process is listed here. It consists of the following components:-
• problem component analysis
• problem component selection and prioritization
• system analysis
• system selection and prioritization
• system and subsystem boundary determination
• det~rmination of system and sub system functions;
• detemlination of functional failures
• functionally critical equipment selection
• analysis str3tegy for critical and non critical equipment
• determination of failure modes and effects
• history review
• preventive maintenance task selection and implementation
• logic tree analysis
• preventive maintenance living program., which continuously reVIews the
effectiveness of preventive maintenance program and revises it
Clearly this is not a process to be embarked upon lightly!
A further component which also needs attention, is the amount of unnecessal"y
preventive maintenance being done. This can be determined by keeping records of the results
of preventive maintenance inspections. and analysing the state of the equipment inspected. If
repeated inspections indicate no deterioration, then the preventive maintenance program fOf
that equipment should be re-examined.
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on the day they occurred, but this would represent the average backlog. Some backlog is
inevitable due to the need to plan work and obtain spare parts etc.
There are frequently pressing maintenance problems that require immediate attention.
Maintenance management has to guard against developing a crisis mentality, where the
maintenance work force is absorbed with the immediate problems. If this occurs, then it has the
inevitable result of perpetuating itself, because activities which would prevent future crises are
not dealt with effectively.
There must be a balance between the immediate needs and the long term needs, so that
items which can be left until tomorrow are not forgotten completely, until they become a crisis
themselves. It has been observed that management attention to the immediate problem is less
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imponant than management attention to the long term direction of the maintenance program. It
is generally true that the immediate problem gets plenty of attention, in any case.
This means that there must be good management tools which measure and take
corrective action on items such as:
• breakdown maintenance backlog
• preventive maintenance call up backlog
• plant material condition
• component refurbishing
• tool maintenance
• training completion
• test equipment calibration
Thi3 wili help ensure that the appropriate balance IS kept on a broad range of
maintenance activities.
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Outage management organization and administration should ensure the effective
implementation and control of maintenance activities during planned and forced outages.
The tasks and responsibilities of different organizational units and persons should be
clearly defined in writing. This is especially important during outage periods, when the
organization is temporarily modified.
Mest maintenance work is done during the plant outagcs. Therefore, extensive
preparation and detailed plllJll1ing for planned outages should he accomplished and a tracking
system should be used to monitor status and to ensure controlled executiop. of outage
Tasks and responsibilities and interfaces between maintenance and other groups must
be c1ear!y defined Procedures for managing additional workers must be adequate to e!1sure
g,)od work performance daring the eutage.
Sufficiem resources must be !Jrovided to permit timely completion of mai'ltenance and
modifications important to sl\fc and reliable operation.
Outage review reports should review the lessons learned and make recornnlendations
for the next outage preparation.
Ageing can be defined as the continuous time dependent degradation of materials due
to normal in service conditions, which include normal operation and transient conditions.
The service conditions which contribute to ageing act in two ways:
• chemical and physical processes such as stress, strain, temperature. radiation,
humidity and impact.of chemically active liquids and gases
• factors which lead to degradation of functional capability such as service wear and
corrosion, excessive testing and improper installation or maintenance.
The prograrnnle to manage the ageing process should consider such elements as :
• the degradation processes that could adversely affect plant safety
• the plant components that are susceptible to ageing degradation that could affect
plant safety
• the adequacy of current methods used for inspection, surveillance, maintenance and
testing to detect ageing problems before they affect plant safety;
• the keeping of appropriate records so that the ageing process can be tracked.
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Mair.tenance should be conducted in a safe and efficient manner to support plant
operation. Personnel should exhibit professionalism and competence. This will result in Guality
workmanship when performing assigned tasks.
Maintenance personnel should be attentive to plant deficiencies and responsive to
correcting them. The goal of maintaining reliability of equipment and systems and optimizing
material condition will thus be achieved.
The cop-duct of maintenance work in the plant must incorporate all of the programme
elements related to the task being performed. For example:
• Use of maintenance procedures and work documents
• Use of tools and support equipment
• Foreign material exclusion practices
• Equipment isolation and tagging practices
• Control of materials, spare parts and replacement equipment
• Coordination of work activities with support groups such as radiological protection,
quality control and stores
• Industrial ~afety pra.ctices (hard hats, scaffolding, safety belts, ear pfCltection, saf.;:ty
glasses, confined space entries and unique hazards)
• Radiological safety pra.ctices, including the use of protective dothing, respiratory
equipment, forced air hoods
• Wark site cleanliness and orderliness and access to equipment.
Maintenance work should be started only after obtaining authorization, and it must be
performed by qualified persol'JleL Procedures must be followed as required and procedural
problems should be promptly resolved.
Managers and supervisors should routinely observe maintenance activities and ensure
adherence to station policies and procedures. The work groups must be instructed on specific
jobs, so that they are knowledgeable of any special requirements and are aware of the impact
oftheir jobs on nuclear safety.
Contractors and other non-utility personnel conducting plant maintenance must operate
under the same controi procedures and to the same standards as plant maintenance personnel.
Appropriate personnel (e.g. operations, engineering and maintenance) must perform
post-maintenance testir;g, mu,t document and review the results and must return equipment to
service only when the results of this process are satisfactory.
The maintenance area is increasingly recogr.ized as a key area for safety, hence training
has improved, sometimes through international co-operation. In wme cases contractors staff
employed for maintenance and outage tasks are involved in tbe plant training prograrnme.
Almost all plants have an effective programme for preventive maintenance and
predictive maintenance is becoming more prevalent. These programmes often include a
vibration monitoring programme and lubricating oil analysis. A motor-operated valve
monitoring programme exists at some plants. However, several plants should enhance efforts
to adjust preventive maintenance tasks and intervals based on nuclear plant experience and
service conditions. They should also start to address ageing. Beyond traditional maintenance, a
few utilities are beginning to develop a reliability-centered maintenance approach, that should
result in safety improvement and improved efficiency. Despite significant interest in this
concept , its development is slow because of the initial costly investment, hence there is an
opportunity of establishing fruitful co-operation.
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