Design 7 Midterm Esquisse Part 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Sorsogon City Campus

ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 7 October 18-21, 2021

MIDTERM ESQUISSE S.Y. 1st Sem. 2021-22

Project No. 1
A Proposed Open Market Residential Prototype Project


Proposed Open Market Residential Prototype Project consisting of a Two (2.0) -Storey, Single-
Detached House with 77 sq. m. Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)-cum Site Development Planning Project
for a Cluster of 10 Prototype House and Lots, on a Site with a 10 % Slope.


A multinational development company (the client) has decided that its property 1,934 sq. M. ,
inside (regular lot). With a low density residential Zoning Classification and located in the better parts of
the City of Cavite in Cavite Province, shall be developed to host an open market residential
development. The 10 Prototype Houses shall be exclusively/ semi-upscale structures, 6 of which shall be
on lots each with a 132.0 sq.m. TLA and a 12.0 meter depth. The stated stated 77 sq.m. TGFA of the
prototype houses only refers to the enclosed floor areas above grade (or natural ground) level and
excludes all other floor areas, if these are still be introduced at a later time.


The 1,934 sq.m. Grand Total Lot Area (GTLA) making up the entire project site rectangular in
shape and has 32 meter wide frontage facing East property may be reached via a 15 m. wide street(the
main RROW) which a 1.8 m. wide pave-lined sidewalks on each side. The surface of the main RROW
sidewalk closest to the project site shall be considered as elevation 0.0 m. An 8.0 meters wide cluster
street bisects the project site at its long axis and intersects the main RROW at right angle. The project
site uniformly slope at 10% from the west to east, which is also the direction of the cluster street serving
as the direct access to the 10 slots, 5 on each side on the cluster street. The 2 end lots at the
westernmost portion of the project site are approximately 31.45 % wider than the 6 lots at the center of
the development. The corner lots defined by the cluster street and main RROW are 2. 0 wider than 6 lots
at the center of the development.

a. To create exclusive / semi-upscale, low - rise, single detached residential building to be sited
on a low density residential Zoning Classification property.
b. To plan and design a closely knit residential cluster that may serve as a model development in
the project host area.
c. To plan the development to maximize profits for the developer; and
d. To design the prototype houses to serve as landmarks in the Project area.

A. Draw the Lot Plan indicating the following;


b) Orientation (NSWE)

c) Cluster Street (serving as the direct access to the 10 slots)

d) 10 slots (2 end lots at the western portion, 6 lots at the center of the development & 2 corner
lots that defined by the cluster street and the RROW)

e) Label and indicate the dimensions of the Lot, TLA and Zoning Classification.

f) Provide washed color to each type of slots for easy identification.

Insert the Drawing (Lot Plan) Not to scale

B. Answer the following questions;

1. What is the width (in meter) the 6 lots at the center of the development?

Show the computations. 132sq.m/12m depth= 11m

13 meters c. 11 meters

a. 15 meters d. 9 meters

2. Under the (NBCP) PD 1096, what is the covered by the BHL for the project?

a. Antenna c. deck roof level parapet wall, if introduce

b. Electrical or electronic devices d. none

mounted on the top of parapet
wall, if introduce

3. Under the (NBCP) PD 1096, what is the generally permitted range for number of storey for a low
rise building project?

a. 1 to 5 c. 1 to 3
b. 3 to 6 d. 6 to 9

4. Given the project site orientation, from what direction shall the “AMIHAN” wind come from?
a. East c. Southeast (SE)
b. Southwest (SW) d. Northeast (NE)

5. Where on the 10 lots are the best sites to plant large trees that will serve as “HABAGAT” wind
a.North, Northeast and East perimeters c. West, Northwest and North perimeters
b.East, Southeast and south perimeters d. west, Southwest and south perimeters

6. Given the street position, what are the main orientation of the road- right- of -way (RROW) view
a. Northeast (NE) and Northwest (NW) c. Southeast (SE) and Southwest (SW)
b. North and South d. East and West

7. Given the project site orientation and the cluster street orientation, where are the best sites on
each of the 10 lots to plant large shade trees?
a. Right and Left side yards c. Front and Rear yards
b. Northeast (NE) corners d. Southeast (SE) corners

8. Given the project site orientation, what are the dominant suns- path to the property?
a. SW to SW and NW to NE c. SE to SW and NE to NW
b. SE to NW and NE to SW d. SW to NE and NW to SE

9. Assuming one of the 2 end lots shall host common provisions, which of the following is NOT
considered as an amenity provision of the project?
a. Game room c. swimming pool
b. Homeowner’s Association Office d. clubhouse
10. Which of the following is NOT considered a facility provision for the project?
a. Gym c. game room
b. Clubhouse d. guest parking

11. Which of the following is NOT considered a service provision for the project?
a. Gardener’s room c. workshop
b. Security quarters d. overhead water tank

12. Which of the following is NOT considered a utility provision for the project?
a. Generator room c. domestic water cistern
b. Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) if introduce d. Guest parking

13. Which of the following provision should NOT be situated close to one another?
a. Security quarters, lockers and shower
b. Guest parking slots, cluster street, disabled ramp
c. Homeowners association office and generator room
d. Cistern and sewage treatment plant, if introduce

14. Which of the following structural wall can subdivides a building so as to resist the spread of fire,
by starting at the foundation and extending continuously to the storey to, or above the roof?

a. party wall b. foundation wall

c. Firewall d. none bearing wall

15. Which of the following structural wall can used to resist the lateral displacement of any
a subsurface wall built to resist the lateral pressure of internal loads?

a. party wall b. foundation wall

d. Curtain wall d. retaining wall

16. As per BP 344, entrances with vestibules shall be provided with at least how much depth to
allow a disabled person to open the and allow his/her wheelchair to pass through easily?

a. 1.8 meters c. 2.4 meters

b. 3.0 meters d. 3.5 meters

17. As per BP 344, how much is the parking slot width for the handicapped drivers and passengers
providing sufficient clear space between parked cars to allow them to transfer to the wheelchair?

a. 3.6 meters c. 3.7 meters

b. 3.8 meters d. 3.9 meters

18. Parking areas for the physically handicapped shall be how many meters of the facility being
served from the farthest parking space along accessible path to the closest accessible distance?

a. 30 c. 40
b. 60 d. 80

19. What is the width of the 2 corner lots on the East side?
a. 15 meters c. 13 meters
b. 8 meters d. 20 meters

20. What is the width of the 2 end lots on the West side?

a. 18.2005 meters c. 10.8595 meters

b. 16.568 meters d. 14.4375 meters

End of Part 1 of 3

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