The Recent Application of Palm Stearin in Food Industry A Review
The Recent Application of Palm Stearin in Food Industry A Review
The Recent Application of Palm Stearin in Food Industry A Review
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2 authors, including:
Edy Subroto
Universitas Padjadjaran
All content following this page was uploaded by Edy Subroto on 13 March 2021.
Abstract: Palm oil is divided into two main fractions, namely solid fraction called palm stearin (PS) and liquid fraction called palm olein (PO). The
separation of this fraction aims to increase the potential application of palm oil, especially palm stearin, which has flexible melting characteristics for
various food industries. This review presents various uses of palm stearin for the food industry. The use of stearin is not only for fat-based food but also
as a substitute material that can affect the physical and chemical characteristics of other food products. The more advanced the technology, the more
research is developing the potential of stearin with various treatments, especially through interesterification technology. The uses of palm stearin for the
food industry include polysaccharide-based coating substitutes, margarine, shortening, cocoa butter replacers, lard replacers, and emulsion products.
Palm stearin has a good effect on the physicochemical, functional, sensorial properties of various food products.
1. INTRODUCTION the bakery, shortening, and margarine [5], [8]. The use of stearin
Oil palm plantations (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a high is not only for the manufacture of fat-based foods but as a
productivity crop, which is the main potential to meet the substitute material that can affect the physical and chemical
world's vegetable oil needs. Commercially, there are two types characteristics of food or supporting materials in the production
of vegetable oil extracted from palm oil, namely crude palm oil of food produced.
(CPO) and palm kernel oil (PKO). Both have different types of
fatty acids so that each has different benefits for various 2 APPLICATION OF PALM STEARIN IN FOOD
industries. CPO is more widely used in food industries such as INDUSTRY
cooking oil, margarine and shortening, while PKO is more
suitable in non-food sectors such as cosmetics [1], [2]. In 2.1 Coating substitution material
processing, CPO is divided into two fractions, namely palm
stearin (30-35%) and palm olein (65-70%). Palm stearin (PS) The coating material is generally made from polysaccharides,
is solid at room temperature because it has a high amount of but they have the disadvantage of being very hygroscopic.
saturated fatty acids [2], [3]. PS has a slip melting point (SMP) Hygroscopic properties can cause agglomeration/clumping
of about 44-56oC [4]. It contains palmitic acid about 47-74%, caused by increased water content during storage [10].
oleic acid (16-37%), stearic acid (4-6%), linoleic acid (3-10%), Improvement of hygroscopicity properties of the coating
and myristic acid (1-2%) [5]. The triglycerides composition of material can be conducted by the addition of material with
palm stearin was dominated by POP, PPP, and POO about hydrophobic properties such as stearin and beeswax, so it is
30.0%, 22.1%, and 16.3%, respectively [6]. The high melting expected that the substituted coating does not easily absorb
point of palm stearin (44-56oC) can cause problems in the water [11]. Palm oil can be used as the material in the
manufacture of edible fats such as shortening and margarine, encapsulation process, especially to improve the ability of film-
which results in the product having low plasticity [7]. However, forming or to form the outer layer of encapsulation.
palm stearin has great potential if its melting point can be Specifically, palm stearin plays a role in the process of film
lowered as desired for the manufacture of various food formation because its high melting point makes stearin have a
products. This can be conducted by mixing other oils which crystalline structure [12]. To increase the ability to form films, it
have a lower melting point in order to obtain a fat mixture with also requires the addition of materials that can improve film
more suitable melting properties. Modification through the properties such as beeswax. The addition of beeswax can
hydrogenation, interesterification, and fractionation has been improve film on microcapsules. Mixing palm stearin and
widely used to improve the plasticity of fats [8]. The beeswax will form stronger hydrophobic properties that
modification method through enzymatic interesterification increase the efficiency of the moisture barrier in the coating
between palm stearin and other oils is a suitable and growing [13]. One of the coating material in the form of polysaccharide
method for modifying the physical and chemical properties of includes xanthan gum. Ding et al. [11] reported that the
the lipid [9]. The purpose of the treatment is to improve the addition of stearin and beeswax with a ratio of 7:3 to xanthan
functionality of stearin. Fats with extensive plastic range gum can increase the efficiency of encapsulation and improve
properties such as palm stearin are used in the production of the wall system on the coating. That is because there is a
———————————————— synergistic effect between stearin and beeswax. Long fatty
Edy Subroto and Rizki Lutfiani Nurannisa: Department of Food acid in palm stearin and beeswax form a stable layer on the
Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industrial Technology,
surface of core material that has a high degree of polarity. The
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl.Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km. 21,
Jatinangor, Sumedang 40600, Indonesia. E-mail: decrease in the hygroscopic level of xanthan gum causes the
[email protected]; [email protected] coating not easy to absorb water vapor, and the coating is
difficult to agglomerate. Therefore palm stearin and beeswax
have the potential as suitable substitutes for coatings in the
food industry [10]. Various solid lipids can also be used as
coatings for the synthesis of nanostructured lipid carriers
(NLCs) and solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) [14], [15]. Palm
stearin and palm olein have been used for β-carotene-loaded oxidation. Interesterfication can reduce slip melting points due
nanostructured lipid carriers. Rohmah et al. [16] reported that to decreased trisaturated (S3) TAGs and increased
palm stearin could be prospectively developed as β-carotene- monosaturated-disaturated (SU2) TAGs. slip melting point
loaded nanostructured lipid carriers that produce NLC with an margarine obtained from interesterification usually ranges from
encapsulation efficiency of 91.2 23.6oC to 36.3oC, so that the resulting margarine melts
completely at body temperature and can improve mouthfeel
2.2 Margarine when consumed [20]. The microstructure of margarine shows
The formation of trans fatty acids produced due to the a fine aqueous droplet that spreads between oil crystals/fats.
hydrogenation process in making margarine can increase the The dispersion phase affects melting behavior, where an
risk of coronary heart disease and increase the amount of increase in the size of the droplet during storage causes a
cholesterol in the blood plasma [17], [18]. Therefore, the decrease in SFC below its critical point because solid fat is
development of margarine manufacturing processes is carried unable to withstand droplet unification, then the emulsion
out, including through blending or interesterification. The becomes unstable [25]. Ornla-ied et al. [18] reported the
process does not change the level of saturation of fatty acids research on margarine from the interesterification of palm
and does not produce trans fats. In addition, interesterification stearin and rice bran oil, it was found that the crystals formed
can improve the slip melting point (SMP) and solid fat content had a smaller size (<10 mm). The ratio of rice bran oil to palm
(SFC) fat produced [19], [20]. Interesterfication changes the stearin of 40:60 shows needle-shaped crystals in small size
composition of triacylglycerol (TGA) through the redistribution and no aggregate crystals. The crystals in small sizes and
of fatty acid positions, thereby improving the physicochemical compact are suitable for use in the bakery because the
properties of the resulting fat [17], [20]. Redistribution of fatty crystals can spread and stabilize the air conditions during the
acid positions among the triacylglycerol (TAG) molecules also creaming stage so as to produce a smooth texture. Crystal
substantially improves lipid function. Sellami et al. [21] structure formed between margarine from interesterification
producing zero-trans margarine fat through enzymatic and commercial margarine does not differ significantly. Adding
transesterification between palm stearin and palm olein rice bran oil to palm stearin reduces the size of the crystals
obtained that transesterification results in redistribution to the [25].
triacylglycerol composition. The margarine obtained has good
rheological behavior and is comparable to commercial 2.3 Bakery shortening
margarine. Blending and interesterification processes in the Shortening is a fat-based food additive with a crystal structure.
production of trans fat-free margarine can also be carried out To increase the content of saturated fatty acids in shortening,
in a mixture of palm stearin, palm kernel oil, and soybean oil some companies use the hydrogenation process so that it has
using sodium methoxide. The results showed that the potential to produce trans fatty acids [2], [3]. Therefore,
interesterification in the mixture was effective in modifying or many companies are now starting to avoid the hydrogenation
improving physicochemical properties [22]. Some researchers process. The alternative is to use sources of fat that are rich in
use a mixture of milk fat to obtain margarine or fats that have saturated fatty acids such as palm stearin and the fraction of
good physicochemical and flavor properties [23], [24]. The stearin from coconut oil or from palm kernel oil [26], [27].
addition of stearin is important in the process of making Shortening for bakery products generally has solid fat content
margarine because the components in stearin can increase (SFC) between 15-25% at a temperature of 20oC with a
the plasticity of fats and contribute to providing solid properties melting point >38oC. Basically, palm oil has an SFC of around
[17]. The addition of soybean oil to palm stearin can increase 22-25% at a temperature of 20oC. It shows a consistency
the amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty similar to plastic cake shortening, so that palm oil itself has the
acids so that the resulting margarine is healthier. Thus the ability to be shortening. The addition of palm kernel oil (PKO)
mixture of soybean oil and stearin contains saturated fatty can also improve the ability of palm oil as a shortening [2].
acids that are dominated by palmitic acid (59.4%) [17], [20]. According to Rudsari et al. [27], bakery shortening can be
The content of fatty acids in the products produced has an produced using palm stearin raw material. The functional
effect on physical properties such as the crystal structure of characteristics of shortening can be improved by
fats. The high amount of palmitic acid increases the stability of interesterification with ardeh oil (Sesamum indicum). The
β′-crystals. Increased β′-crystals improve the even distribution addition of ardeh oil improves the melting point in the resulting
of small crystals in the polymorph structure so as to stabilize shortening. That is because ardeh oil increases the amount of
the air cavity and increase mouthfeel [17], [25]. According to unsaturated fatty acids. Interesterification reduces the slip
the research of Naeli et al. [20], the interesterification between melting point (SMP) due to changes in the formation of
palm stearin, palm kernel oil (PKO), and soybean oil caused a triacylglycerol (TAG) groups. The decrease in melting point
change in the composition of triacylglycerol (TAG). TAG during the interesterification process is due to an increase in
composition decreased in PPP, LLL, OOO, POP, POO, LLO, di-unsaturated (SU2) TAGs and a decrease in trisaturated (S3)
LnLL, and PLLn as well as an increase in PPLn, PLP, POS, TAGs. Different ratios of palm stearin to ardeh oil produce
PLO, and PLL. In addition, there was a decrease in some shortening with different properties. The ratio of palm stearin to
trisaturated (S3) and tri-unsaturated (U3), as well as an ardeh oil of 40:60 produces shortening that can be used on all
increase in monosaturated-disaturated (SU2) and disaturated- bakery products because the shortening produced has a wide
monosaturated (S2U). The interesterification process also melting temperature range whereas the ratio of 50:50
significantly reduces the amount of free fatty acids from the produces shortening which is suitable for pie products
margarine produced. The advantage of interesterification is because it can soften the dough while still providing a sense of
that it can reduce the amount of saturated fatty acids, but flakiness [27].
there is no loss during the interesterification process.
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