Solid Mensuration

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Mensuration of Plane

Section 1

Section 2

2.1 Rectangle

2.2 Square

2.3 Parallelogram

2.4 Trapezoid

Section 3
Regular Polygons

Section 4

SOLID Section 5
Composite Figures

This course is divided into three major parts: the first part being the measurement
of plane figures; the second part on the solid figures and the last part is the
application stage including centroids and center of gravity of the vessel, area of
the water plane and computation of TPC (Tons per centimeter, which connect to
Seamanship course
Part I : Mensuration of Plane Figures
The Topic on plane figures is dealt with as the first part of this course to give a foundation of basic formulas to
students or for them to recall what they have learned. This in turn would make the topic on the solid figures
easier not only on the part of the students but to the instructors as well.

A. Definition of Terms:

1. Plane Figure - is a close figure drawn on a flat surface bounded by curve or straight lines.
2. Polygons - is a plane figure where the sides are all line segments. Each side must intersect exactly two
other sides but only at their endpoints. The sides must be collinear and have common endpoint.
3. Perimeter - is the sum of the measures of all the sides of a plane figure.
4. Area - it refers to a space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object. The area of a figure is
the number of unit squares that cover the surface of a closed figure. Area is measured in square units.
5. Dimensions of Plane Figure- Plane figures have two dimensions- Length and Width. Two-dimensional
figure or 2D shapes do not have any thickness and can be measured in only two faces.
6. Regular Polygon - is a polygon that is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) and equilateral (all
sides have the same length) . Otherwise it is IRREGULAR POLYGON.

B. Plane Figure Diagram


1.1 Definitions:

• Triangle - is a plane figure with three sides and three corresponding angles
• Right Triangle - a triangle with one right angle (90).
• Oblique Triangle – is a triangle with no right angle.
• Acute Triangle – is a triangle with three acute angles.
• Obtuse Triangle – is a triangle with one obtuse angle and two acute angles.
• Equilateral Triangle – is a triangle in which all three sides and three angles are equal.
• Isosceles Triangle - is a triangle in which two sides are equal.
• Scalene Triangle – is a triangle that has three unequal sides and angles.

1.2 Diagram

A. For Sides and Angles

• Six Trigonometric Function

Sin q = opposite side/ hypotenuse side (o/h)
Cos q = adjacent side/ hypotenuse side (a/h)
Tan q = opposite side / adjacent side (o/a)
Cot q = adjacent side / opposite side (a/o)
Sec q = hypotenuse side / adjacent side (h/a)
Csc q = hypotenuse side/ opposite side ( h/o)
• Pythagorean Theorem

c2 = b2 + a2

• Sine Law

a = b = c__
Sine A Sine B Sine C

• Cosine Law

For sides:

a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A
b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac cos B
c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ac cos C

For angles:

Cos A = b2 + c2 – a2

Cos B = a2 + c2 -b2

Cos C = a2 + b2 -c2

P=a+b+c ; where a, b, & c represent the three sides of the triangle


• A = ½ bh ; where b is the base and h is the height

• A = ½ b (a tanq )

• Heron’s Formula

s = perimeter of the triangle / 2

A = √ s (s- a) (s- b) (s – c)

• For Oblique Triangle:

Two angles and one side are given

Area = a2 ( Sin B) (sin C)

2 Sin A

Two sides and included Angle Given

Area = ½ ab sin C


1. The sum of three interior angles is 180 degrees.

2. The sum of the Two sides is greater than the third side.
3. The opposite of the largest angle is the longest side.
4. In a Right Triangle, one angle measures 90 degrees, therefore the sum of the two acute angles is 90
Ex. #1

Given a Vessel’s sail in the form of an oblique Triangle with

a = 15m, b = 18m, c = 23m, find the area of the sail’s face?

Step 1: Illustrate & Label:

15 m


Step 2: Analyze the problem

a. What are the given?

Three sides: a= 18m, b=15m, c= 23m

b. What is ask?

Area of the face of the sail.

c. What is/are the appropriate formula/s to be used.

Heron’s Formula
Step 3: Solution:

s = Perimeter / 2
s = ( 15m + 18m + 23m)
s= 28m

A = Ö s (s-a) (s-b) (s-c)

A = Ö 28m ( 28m – 18m) ( 28m -15m) (28m-23m)
A= Ö 28m ( 10m) (13m) (5m)
A= Ö18,200m4
A= 25.49m2 0r 25.49 sq.m

Step 4: Answer:

Therefore the Area of the sail’s face is 25.49 sq. m.


Alternative Solution:
A= ½ ab sin C
A= ½ (12cm) (25cm) (sin 25°)
A= 63.39 sq. cm

A four-sided polygon.
Properties Of Quadrilaterals
1. Opposite angles are equal
2. Sum of any two adjacent angles is 180
3. The sum of four angles is 360 degrees.
A. Definition:
A rectangle is a quadrilateral which has two pairs of opposite parallel sides and of four right angles.

B. Formulas:
A = LW ; P = 2L + 2W

Example # 1
If the ship’s deck is in the form of a rectangle with length L that is twice its width W. What should the
ship’s deck dimension if its area is 162sq.ft.?

A. Illustration

L = 2w

B. Given:
Let : width = w
Length = 2w (since L is twice its W)
Area = 162 sq. ft.

C. Required:
Dimensions: length and width

D. Solutions: E. Answers:

A = LW therefore:
162 sq. ft = 2w (w) width = 9 ft.
162ft.2 = 2w2 length = 2(9ft) = 18 ft.

162ft.2 = w2
2 2

Ö81 ft2 = Öw2

9 ft = w
w = 9ft.

A. Definition:

A SQUARE is a rectangle whose sides are of equal length and of four right angles.

B. Formulas:

Let : s = refers to the side of the square.

d d = refers to the diagonal of the square.

Area (A) = 6s2

Perimeter (P) = 4s

Diagonal (d) = s Ö2

Side (s) = d / Ö2

C. Properties of a Square:

1. The sides of a square are all equal in length.

2. The angles of a square are all equal ( 90 degrees)
3. Opposite sides of a square are parallel.
2.3 Parallelogram

A. Definition:

A PARALLELOGRAM is a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel and equal in length.

B. Properties and Formulas:

C. Example:

A. Definition:

Given a trapezoidal ship’s lounge with one of the parallel sides (bases) equal to 18m, find the other
parallel side of the flooring if its floor area is 700 sq. m and its altitude is 25 m.

Given & Illustration:




A = ( b1 + b2 ) h 0r A = ½ h ( b1 + b2 )

700 m2 = ½ ( 25m) ( 18m + b2 )

700 m2 = 12.5 m (18m + b2 )

700m2 = 12.5m (18m) + 12.5m (b2)

700m2 - 12.5m(18m) = 12.5m b2

700m2 – 225 m2 = 12.5m b2

475 m2 = 12.5m b2
12.5m 12.5m

38m = b2

Or b2 = 38m

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