Environmental Displacement Briefing Paper

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MUN Briefing Paper

Environmental Displacement

Hello everyone, my name is Grace Tremlett and I will be chairing the Environment
Committee alongside Alexander Bradley at the NBHS MUN Conference 2019. I am
thrilled to say that this will be North Berwick High School’s third MUN conference and I
have my fingers crossed that we can make it just as enjoyable and intense as
conferences in previous years. MUN provides a great opportunity for young people to
get a feel for what a real UN conference would be like and it is a delight to be able to
welcome both experienced and first time delegates to join us in a day of debating. If you
have any queries or questions about MUN or the upcoming debate please do not
hesitate to ask, just send an email to me, at [email protected] .

What do you need to do?

As part of being a delegate you are required to produce a position paper. A position
paper should be a 50-100 word summary on the stance that your selected country takes
on the chosen issue, in this case the chosen issue is environmental displacement. Your
position paper should then be emailed to me prior to the debate, allowing myself and
Alexander to be informed about the viewpoint of your country on the chosen topic. As
well as the position paper, we ask you to produce a resolution paper on what your
country aims to do about the selected issue. Resolution papers, though not obligatory,
enhance the whole experience and create a more realistic conference, as to why we
urge you to write one. Your resolution papers can be brought with you on the day, but it
would be incredibly helpful if you could also send me a copy of your resolutions before
the debate.

( We ask that you provide a separate position paper and resolution paper for each topic
that we are debating to reduce chances of confusion )
Topic of debate

As previously mentioned the chosen topic for our second debate is environmental
displacement. The question we ask is How should countries and international
cooperations, respond to those who are environmentally displaced?

Background Information

We are in the middle of a climate crisis. Our climate is changing in unprecedented ways
and is causing major disruption to the lives of many people around the world. We are
seeing dramatic rises in sea levels, vast amounts of desertification and an increase in
the number of extreme weather events across the globe. If by 2050 there is not a shift in
the patterns we are seeing in our climate, the latest IPCC report estimated that 200
million people will be displaced as a result of our rapidly changing climate.

Our sea levels are rising due to the melting of glaciers and thermal expansion which are
both side effects of our rising global temperature. Between the 1880s and the 1980s
global temperature was increasing, on average, by around 0.07 degrees celsius every
year. Since the 1980s, global temperature has been annually increasing by around 0.17
degrees celsius and 9 out of the 10 hottest years on record have all occurred since
2005. With CO2 emissions still high and a dramatic reduction in them nowhere in sight
our global temperature is likely to continue rising and it is not just sea levels that are
being affected.

Land aridification is also occurring and is the process in which areas of land are
becoming desert, some studies even predicting that as much as thirty percent of the
land on earth was at risk of aridification. This could lead to major problems in the areas
affected such as malnutrition due to the struggle or complete inability to grow crops on
arid land. Such factors would majorly contribute to the number of people displaced by
the effects of our changing climate.
Points to Consider

● Is your country going to be affected by rising sea levels,

desertification etc. If so, then how does it plan on ensuring the safety of those
who are going to be displaced?
● Does your Dictator/President/Prime Minister/Parliament believe in the climate
● Will your country take preventative action to reduce the number of those
displaced within as well as outwith its respective borders?
● What will your national response be to environmentally displaced refugees?
● What should the international response be to environmentally displaced

Useful Websites





IPCC Report on Environmental Displacement

https://www.ipcc.ch › apps › njlite › srex › njlite_download

Good luck!

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