05 Advanced Buoyancy Control Diver

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SDI Standards and Procedures

Part 3: SDI Specialty Standards

5. Advanced Buoyancy Control

5.1 Introduction
Introducing a diver to the benefits of controlling his buoyancy usually
has a great positive effect, an effect that will enhance the diver’s sense of
enjoyment, and feeling of accomplishment. This specialty is designed to
increase the open water diver’s understanding of the factors that influence
his buoyancy, and to train the diver in using those means available to him as
methods for controlling his buoyancy. The added benefits to the marine, and
freshwater environments, cannot be overstated; as well as a diver that has
better control of himself in conjunction with his environment.

5.2 Who May Teach

An active SDI Instructor or Assistant Instructor that has been certified to
teach this specialty

5.3 Student to Instructor Ratio

1. Unlimited, so long as adequate facility, supplies, and time are provided to
ensure comprehensive and complete training of the subject matter
Confined Water (swimming pool-like conditions)
1. A maximum of 10 students per instructor
2. Instructors have the option of adding 2 more students with the assistance
of an active assistant instructor or divemaster
3. The total number of students an instructor may have in the water is 14
with the assistance of 2 active assistant instructors or divemasters
Open Water (ocean, lake, quarry, spring, river, or estuary)
1. A maximum of 8 students per instructor; it is the instructor’s discretion
to reduce this number as conditions dictate
2. The instructor has the option of adding 2 more students with the
assistance of an active assistant instructor or divemaster
3. The total number of students an instructor may have in the water is 12
with the assistance of 2 active assistant instructors or divemasters

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SDI Standards and Procedures
Part 3: SDI Specialty Standards

5.4 Student Prerequisites

1. SDI Open Water Scuba Diver , SDI Junior Open Water Scuba Diver, or
2. Minimum age 18, 10 with parental consent

5.5 Course Structure and Duration

1. Confined or open water execution
2. Two dives are required with complete brief and debrief by the instructor

5.6 Administrative Requirements

Administrative Tasks:
1. Collect the course fees from all the students
2. Ensure that the students have the required equipment
3. Communicate the schedule to the students
4. Have the students complete the:
a. SDI Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk Form
b. SDI Medical Statement Form
Upon successful completion of this specialty the instructor must:
1. Issue the appropriate SDI certification by submitting the SDI Diver
Registration Form to SDI Headquarters or registering the students online
through member’s area of the SDI website

5.7 Required Equipment

Basic open water scuba equipment as described in section three of this

5.8 Approved Outline

Instructors may use any additional text or materials that they feel help
present these topics. The following topics must be covered:
1. Why Do We Care About Buoyancy?
a. Don’t touch the aquatic life; save the environment
b. Less fatigue, less effort required; more fun
c. Reducing air consumption = more bottom time
d. Able to control buoyancy = better pictures or video

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SDI Standards and Procedures
Part 3: SDI Specialty Standards

2. When Must a Buoyancy Check Be Performed?

a. When equipment is changed
b. When diving environment is changed
c. Have not been diving for a while
d. During every dive
3. Buoyancy Factors
a. Additional equipment; Photo, video, extra cylinder, extra equipment,
dive lights, etc
b. Cylinder weight changes during a dive, as air is consumed from the
cylinder; depending on cylinder size; 9.0 litre / 63 cu ft approximately
1.35 kg / 3 lb, or an11.1 litre / 80 cu ft cylinder approximately 1.52 kg /
5 lb
c. Using lungs versus BCD. When using the lungs to compensate, be
aware of not holding one’s breath and paying attention how much the
depth change that is made, to avoid lung embolism.
d. Using BCD versus dry suit
e. Staying physically fit
f. Breathing patterns and technique
i. Do not – breathe shallow
ii. Do not – hold your breath
iii. Do – slow down your breathing rate
iv. Do – stay relaxed – go slow
v. Strenuous work and stress increase breathing rate
g. Compression of suit due to water pressure changes the buoyancy of the
h. Weights – position and distribution and what impact that may have
i. Horizontally, face down – weights towards sides and stomach
ii. Head-up, feet-down – weight toward middle of stomach
iii. Slightly head-up, feet-down – weight toward chest or move
iv. Feet rising – use light ankle weights, especially if wearing an dry
v. Weight integrated systems – benefits and restrictions
i. Streamlining equipment
i. Minimize drag
ii. Keeping equipment off the bottom
j. Streamlining body (body positions)
i. Overweight drags down lower half of body
ii. Using BCD to compensate, will float upper part of body
k. Efficient kicking style
l. Practicing your skills

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SDI Standards and Procedures
Part 3: SDI Specialty Standards

m. Weighting (salt water, use as initial guideline only – do a buoyancy

check to confirm)
i. Swimsuit –45 kg / 1 lb to 1.2 kg / 4 lb
ii. 3mm wet suit – 5 percent of body weight
iii. 5mm wet suit – 10 percent of body weight
iv. Cold-water suit with hood – 10 percent of body weight, plus 1
to 2.5 kg / 3 to 5 lb
v. Dry suit – 10 percent of body weight, plus 3 to 4.5 kg / 7 to 10
n. How to perform a standard buoyancy check; with an almost empty
i. Wear all equipment and normal amount of weight
ii. Enter water to deep to stand in
iii. Deflate BCD completely
iv. Hang vertical and motionless, breathe in, and hold a normal
breath at the surface
v. Adjust weight until floating at eye level
vi. Exhale, must sink slowly

5.9 Required Skill Performance and Graduation

Dives can either be performed in a pool or in open water. Students are
required to successfully complete the following:
1. Open Water Dive 1
a. Assembling of dive equipment; use an almost empty cylinder,
approximately 34 bar / 500 psi in the cylinder
b. Pre-dive check and enter water to deep to stand in
c. Perform a pre-dive buoyancy check with an almost empty cylinder
d. Adjust weight to achieve correct buoyancy
i. Step 1: student takes a 1 kg / 2 lb weight off, to illustrate under
ii. Step 2: student adds 2 kgs / 4 lbs of weight, to illustrate over
iii. Step 3: student removes 1 kg / 2 lbs of weight off, to achieve
neutral buoyancy
e. Change cylinder and use a full cylinder
f. Do a pre-dive buoyancy check with full cylinder
g. Controlled descent

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SDI Standards and Procedures
Part 3: SDI Specialty Standards

h. Hovering exercises
i. Hover stationary without use of hands or fins
ii. Fine-tune with breath control
iii. Fine-tune with BCD or dry suit
iv. Close to bottom exercises, no touch
v. Perform skills from the Open Water course, as directed by the
instructor, while neutrally buoyant
i. Swimming exercises
j. Ascent that includes a safety stop hovering; simulate safety stop if
in pool
k. Log dive, noting the amount of weight used
2. Open Water Dive 2
a. Change to a full cylinder
b. Do a pre-dive buoyancy check with the full cylinder
c. Controlled descent
d. Hovering exercises
i. Fine-tune with breath control
ii. Fine-tune with BCD or dry suit
iii. Close to bottom exercises, no touch
3. Swimming exercises
4. Ascent that includes a safety stop hovering; simulate safety stop if in pool
5. Log dive, noting the amount of weight used

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