Food Marble Aire Devices Updated 072722

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Using FoodMarble’s

Handheld Breath Testers

(Aire) in SIBO.
A Game Changer?
Dr. Joshua Goldenberg, ND
(Naturopathic Doctor)
Goldenberg GI Center, LLC
Copyright Joshua Goldenberg. Please use slides with permission.
FoodMarble Aire*
Validation studies and clinical applications

FoodMarble, Aire, and Aire2 are Trademarked etc. by FoodMarble (registered in Ireland with the
number 574999)
QuinTron is Trademarked etc. as well
Conflict of Interest Statement
• I have no conflicts of interest to report
• I use the Aire and Aire2 in practice but receive no payments,
honoraria, etc. of any kind from FoodMarble.
• I have deferred all referral fees for any purchases made by any of my
clients or patients.
• I simply find the devices useful and wish to share my experience.
Medical Disclaimer
By use of this presentation you agree to the terms and conditions listed below.
• This presentation is not meant to replace medical advice. It is meant to provide some educational
information. It cannot treat, prevent, or diagnose disease. Please, for your health, consult with a
qualified medical professional for all medical matters.
• I attempt to provide education around the FoodMarble handheld Aire devices as well as SIBO and
sugar malabsorption. However please be aware that research is constantly changing and only you
and your medical provider can decide what is appropriate for your care and what is worth
• Do not delay or change care based on what you see here. A presentation cannot replace medical
school. If you have a medical concern please see your medical provider.
• Joshua Goldenberg accepts no liability for damages associated with the use of this presentation.
• You shall defend, indemnify and hold Joshua Goldenberg harmless from all liabilities, claims, and
expenses, including attorney’s fees resulting from your use or misuse of the information from this
• Please consult with your medical provider before making any health changes.
Who Am I?
Teacher with a focus on:
• Evidence-evaluation
• Critical review of the
medical literature
• Evidence-based medicine
Researcher with a focus on:
• Evidence-based medicine
Clinician with a focus on:
• Past President of the Gastroenterology
Association of Naturopathic Physicians
What is the Aire?
• Handheld gas sensor/s linked to an app on your
• “Fermentation Scores” are presented
• Note this is NOT linear in Aire2
• Clinicians can see the actual ppm
• Aire measures H2
• Aire2 measures H2 and CH4
• Plans for H2S in the future (“currently under
development and should be available through a
software update by the end of 2022”)
• Does not measure CO2
What is FoodMarble?
• Amazing story of a PhD
engineer with a girlfriend (now
wife) struggling with IBS.
• Six years and 6 million dollars in
funding later the company has
25 employees and has sold
over 30,000 Aire devices
Validation Studies
--Note most of these are industry sponsored/authored--
Technical Performance
• MEDRXIV paper. In peer review
• Barahona et al 2022
• Accredited testing and calibration
• QuinTron vs. Aire
• Tested certified ppm H2 gases of
3ppm, 10ppm, and 50ppm.
• 3 Aires tested 3 times on 3 non-
consecutive days
• Overall mean absolute error 1.2
Comparison to QuinTron in Healthy
Participants (Orocecal time)
•Shortt et al 2019 Poster
•N=14 healthy adults
•Each participant compared two Aire devices to QuinTron Device
•Lactulose (10g); 3-hour test
•Breath tests q5min switch between the 3 devices x 3 hours
•Malabsorption defined as >/= to 20 ppm increase in H2 over
baseline (so really just measuring orocecal time?)
•Of 14 one had baseline H2 over 15 so excluded
• One did not have a 20+ rise within 3 hours (slow transit)
• Of the 13 included, all had congruence within 10 min – hitting the
20 point rise all lined up with both Aire and the QuinTron
Link between fiber, gas, and
“There were significant correlations
between breath H2 and “pain” (r=0.18,
p=0.02), bloating (r=0.31, p<0.0001), and
flatulence (r=0.49, p<0.0001).”

• Study: Crossover RCT design

• Population: N=20 (15 healthy, 5 IBS)
• Intervention: GOS, wheat dextrin
• Control: Crossover w/ washouts
• Outcomes: Symptoms and ppm H2

Shortt et al 2020 (DDW

Comparison to QuinTron in suspected
SIBO Participants
• MEDRXIV paper. In
peer review now.
• Barahona et al 2022
• 36 pts suspected of
• LBT done with
QuinTron and Aire
• Diagnostic
Comparison to QuinTron in Suspected
SIBO Participants
Some Take Homes
• It appears the mail ones are running lower which
may be due to gas leakage in the bags over time
• In general looks similar but if anything more
positives with Aire
• Of the 3 ‘extra’ positive cases with Aire, two
responded to abx treatment, one result pending.
(Barahona 2021)
Comparison to QuinTron in Participants
with Suspected Lactose Malabsorption
• Shrestha 2019 • 19 healthy participants (12 self
• 75% of world population has limited reported dairy intolerant (cohort
expression of beta-lactase - a proportion of 1); 7 only females avoiding dairy
which will experience adverse GI sx from (cohort 2))
lactose when the amount ingested exceeds
the enzymatic capacity of the residual • Cohort 1: 50g lactose measure
intestinal lactase activity. for 5 hours
• According to Aire paper a positive is a rise of
25 ppm with 50 g lactose at any time • Cohort 2: 650 ml milk (32g
lactose) measure for 4 hours
• According to Dynamed a positive is a rise of
20 ppm with 25 g lactose within 3 hours • AIRE versus QuinTron (Aire used
• SIBO can cause false positive (or have both) the arbitrary units (AU))
• Strong correlation with lactose (r=0.82; P<0.001)
and milk ingestion (r=0.90; p<0.001)
• Baseline and maximum levels don’t line up very
well. But overall very correlated
• I am a bit curious about the AU conversion
messing with the extremes. Perhaps if you had
the true ppm there would be better correlation
there too. But perhaps be wary at extreme values
• They calculated 3 AU as equivalent to 25ppm. Of
the 12 suspected LI individuals, there was
baseline data for ten. Nine tested pos for LM with
Quintron and all ten did with AIRE
“lactose intolerance study was unknown to us, found out when published”
Aire2 validation studies
• In process according to the company
Important Notes
• Fermentation scores are not in linear relationship to ppm
• Need to have clinician dashboard to see ppm
• Will need Rx for lactulose
• Hard to get multiple packets of fructose/lactose for SIBO testing. Company
says may make them more available in the future.
• Calibration (how is it calibrated? Degrades over time?) FoodMarble: “Each
unit is uniquely calibrated using gas standards and then sensor drift over
time is managed remotely using a machine learning approach”
• Correction factor not needed
• Need minimum of 15 min between tests (issue for sequential testing)
Clinical applications
• Food and symptoms exploration
• ’Matt Method’
• Lactose/Fructose malabsorption
• Formal SIBO testing
• Spot testing to track progress
• AUC analysis
Food and symptom exploration
• Can track F scores with various foods and look for association
between symptoms and gas levels.
• Recall that gas may be from fermentation anywhere along the GI track
(i.e. from dinner last night)
• Foodmarble’s ‘Food Intolerance Kit’
• ‘Matt Method’: Intermittent fasting 16 hours. Breakfast with
challenge of known Ok foods plus one new variable. Test for up to 3
hours. Then eat as you will through the rest of the day. With each new
tested variable add this to green food list or red food list and continue
testing new variable each am for breakfast until you have a good
sense of ok foods and foods to avoid.
Malabsorption Testing
• Can do formal lactose/fructose malabsorption testing
• Lactose 25g, fructose 25g (mixed with or followed by one cup of water) (NA
Consensus, Rezaie 2017)
• Note that the ‘challenge pack’ has 25g of fructose and lactose
• Recall that malabsorption is not the same as intolerance. It needs to cause
symptoms to be intolerance
• Fructose and lactose breath testing should be performed for at least 3
hours (NA Consensus, Rezaie 2017)
• The presence of bacterial overgrowth should be ruled out before
performing lactose or fructose breath testing (NA Consensus, Rezaie 2017)
Formal SIBO Testing
• Recall: Barahona et al 2021
• No validation study yet for the methane sensor
• Nothing for H2S SIBO yet
• Can get Rx for lactulose (10g in 15 ml solution)
or 75g glucose OTC (proximal SIBO only?)
• Can even use the fructose packet in the
‘challenge kit’ (false positive with fructose
• Follow the identical instructions for a mail order
test. The app’s “challenge” function is excellent
and gives step by step guidance.
Formal SIBO Testing
Spot Testing to Track
• In a patient with high SIBO levels I will start an intervention and then
ask them to do a spot test once a week.
• I ask them to pick the same day of the week each time eat the same
dinner the night before and breakfast and test using the breakfast as
the challenge.
• I would like to see a steady decrease in gasses each week and if it
starts plateauing we would do a formal challenge (SIBO test) to
• This is useful clinically in theory and easier on patients than doing a
bunch of challenges.
Clinician Dashboard
Clinician Dashboard
AUC Analysis
• New feature in the works
for clinician dashboard
• Case example. Pre/Post
testing (lactulose) for a
rifaximin intervention
• Hydrogen worse? Methane
better? Overall
improvement or
worsening? Bail or stay the
AUC Analysis
• What was at first a
confusing gas response is
now clearer -> overall drop
of 20ppm H2 equivalent. A
positive gas response.
• Don’t bail!
• Fermentation scores DO NOT equal ppm!
• Nor are they in a linear relationship especially in Aire2
• High levels (>25ppm) in either gas can throw the overall “F” score
• For example, in trying to track the impact of oral methanogens on a patient
with a high baseline methane (Erdrich 2021) a patient recorded a 6 before and
then a 2 after chlorhexidine mouthwash for her methane ‘Fermentation score’
(out of 10). This looked like oral methanogens were dramatically impacting
results, but when I checked the ppm, they were actually 31 ppm and 31 ppm
both times! NO CHANGE and we could stick with future testing without
• FoodMarble is aware of this issue and is planning to change their calculations
for Fermentation Scores
• Relatively cheap device that can be used hundreds of times allows for real life H2
and CH4 testing
• In small congruence testing Aire appears to perform similarly to Mail-ordered
tests in healthy, SIBO suspected, and lactose intolerance suspected populations
• Allows for cheap and timely repeat testing, which is essential to good SIBO care in
my opinion.
• Good for a ‘have it at the ready if you get nervous’ purpose for those in remission
• Clinician dashboard is excellent
• New features rolling out
• A small startup company but extremely responsive
• The company is clearly dedicated to a research focused approach
• SO MUCH DATA. Hard for some patients to tell the forest from the
• Can’t do H2S
• Patients/clients can’t see ppm
• It appears that (all?) the studies were industry sponsored although
perhaps not all from FoodMarble.
• Can we trust the CH4 data? Validation studies are still pending
So... Game Changer?
• I think so!
• Bearing in mind all the caveats mentioned previously, this technology
allows for cheap and timely repeat testing which has lowered the
barriers to ideal SIBO monitoring in my practice.
• However, formal research on these devices is minimal and there are
significant gaps particularly with the Aire2. So while I have embraced
this technology I remain vigilant in terms of potential findings from
future research or issues with clinical interpretation.
Questions & FoodMarble’s
Clinician Dashboard
• “Yes, the clinical dashboard is out of beta but we are always adding new features
to improve the clinician experience and data interpretation abilities. The
dashboard is free of charge for clinicians... We don’t ask for people to submit their
credentials. We do ask for a profile or company page so we can get a sense of
• We have recently created FoodMarble Classroom which provides guidance on data
interpretation and has been particularly helpful for those new to breath testing.
• We also are creating a platform called FoodMarble Connect which is a database of
clinicians who are already set up with FoodMarble. We have over 30k users and
many of these are working without a clinician. However, very frequently we get
asked to recommend a clinician to help them. Interested clinicians can sign up and
we will make this database available to all of our existing and future users.
Questions & FoodMarble’s
Will end-users (customers/clients) be able to see ppm at any point or will you stick
to fermentation scores?
• The direct-to-consumer device, AIRE, is designated a wellness device by the FDA,
which basically means the device can be used for maintaining or encouraging a
healthy lifestyle and is unrelated to the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, prevention, or
treatment of a disease or condition.
• MedAIRE is listed as a medical device with the FDA, which is considered a tool to aid
the clinician in the diagnosis of carbohydrate malabsorption or SIBO. We are
currently getting advice on this from legal counsel, however, we hope to show ppm
values to patients (and possibly consumers), if allowed by the FDA. It’s a grey area!
• In the meantime, we also plan to split the Fermentation Score, to show one relating
to each gas. This should help users track how each gas is changing over time.
Questions & FoodMarble’s
Loving the AUC approach and can use the excel you sent me. You
mentioned this might be rolled out on the clinician dashboard.
• As mentioned above, we will offer a report to help assess changes
and response to treatment. AUC seems like a useful measure to
• We are also adding medication tracking to the app, which will be
helpful when tracking response to treatments over time.
Questions & FoodMarble’s
How does calibration work for Aire?
• The devices are calibrated in the factory upon manufacture and are
remotely monitored when in use. If any sensor drift is identified, it
can be automatically adjusted using a machine learning approach that
has been developed over the last six years.
Questions & FoodMarble’s
Correction factors based on CO2 levels. Am I correct in understanding that
you don’t need to do this because the device measures after a certain
number of seconds of blowing ensuring the measurements are indeed from
alveolar air?
• A high-quality end-tidal breath sample is required for a reliable breath test
result. In the case of AIRE, the user is instructed to hold their breath for
three seconds before exhaling in order to promote adequate gas exchange
in the lungs. Upon exhalation, the user is instructed to breathe slowly into
the mouthpiece for five seconds. The sensor in the AIRE device performs
optimally with a steady flow of breath and once the patient starts to
exhale, readings are recorded continuously throughout the five seconds.
The proprietary algorithm selects the end-tidal breath sample and is
recorded in ppm. If a patient stops breathing before five seconds have been
reached, they will be asked to retake the breath sample one minute later.
Questions & FoodMarble’s
What is MedAire versus Aire?
• MedAIRE (H2 only) and MedAIRE2 (H2 and CH4) are FDA-listed devices.
There are minor differences between these and the
direct-to-consumer devices. The key difference is that if a clinician wants to
submit reimbursement, they must use a medical device. The colour of the
device, packaging, and inner materials differ slightly (attached to the
email). The Healthcare app only works with users who are linked to a
dashboard account as a patient, whereas the direct-to-consumer app can
work with consumers and patients. If a user is working with a doctor (linked
to the dashboard as a patient), the app will provide access to SIBO tests
(glucose and lactulose), and will not share test results with the patient, only
the doctor. The pricing also differs slightly between the two and depends
on volume.
• Barahona, Guillermo; Moran, Áine; Bride, Barry; Villatoro, Luisa; Burns, Robert B; Konings, Bo; et al. S1377 Postprandial
Breath H2 Using a Portable Handheld App-Connected Device to Predict the Presence of Small Intestinal Bacterial
Overgrowth as Well as the Response to Antibiotic Treatment, The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2021 -
Volume 116 - Issue - p S632
• Barahona, Guillermo BarryMc Bride, Áine Moran, Sahar Hawamdeh, Luisa Villatoro, Robert Burns, et ala]. Improving the
Diagnosis of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Using an At-Home Handheld App Connected Breath Analysis Device
(AIRE). medRxiv 2022.04.21.22274143
• Erdrich, Sharon, Edwin C K Tan, Jason A Hawrelak, Stephen P Myers, and Joanna E Harnett. 2021. Hydrogen – Methane
Breath Testing Results Influenced by Oral Hygiene. Scientific Reports, 1–11.
• Rezaie, Ali, Michelle Buresi, Anthony Lembo, Henry Lin, Richard McCallum, Satish Rao, et al. 2017. “Hydrogen and
Methane-Based Breath Testing in Gastrointestinal Disorders: The North American Consensus.” The American Journal of
Gastroenterology 112 (5): 775–84.
• Shortt C, Brief J. PWE-098 A pilot validation study of an at-home hydrogen breath test device. Gut 2019;68:A219.
• Shrestha A, Prodhan UK, Mitchell SM, Sharma P, Barnett MPG, Milan AM, Cameron-Smith D. Validity of a Portable Breath
Analyser (AIRE) for the Assessment of Lactose Malabsorption. Nutrients. 2019 Jul 17;11(7):1636.

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