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臺北市民族實驗國民中學 109 學年度第 1 學季成就評量九年級英語科 題目卷

範圍:翰林版 U1-U5 單字及課文+2000 單 P.115-P.142+ABC 英雜 P.12-P.25

班級:________ 座號:_______ 姓名:_____________________
作答說明:1. 請把所有答案寫在答案卷上。計分一律以答 7. ( )
案卷上的答案為依據。2. 請寫上班級、座號、姓名。未達 (A) Yes, she can swim well.
到作答說明要求者,一律依學校規定處理。 (B) No, she doesn’t like to swim.
(C) Yes, she is practicing swimming.
第一部份:聽力測驗 8. ( )
一、辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片 (A) Sure. You can count on me.
或符合圖片的描述。(10%,每題2分) (B) Yes. Count me in.
1. ( ) (C) That’s right. It’s around the corner.
(A) (B) (C) 9. ( )
(A) Yes, please fill the glass up with water.
(B) It’s not my cup of tea.
(C) No, thanks. I’ve had enough.
10. ( )
2. ( ) (A) First, always remember what you’re good at.
(A) (B) (C) (B) This appears to be true.
(C) Don’t worry. You’re on time.

3. ( ) 11. ( )
(A) (B) (C) (A) Twenty-three years.
(B) Eighteen years.
(C) Fifteen years.
12. ( )
(A) Wall color.
4. ( ) (B) Size of a house.
(A) (B) (C) (C) Food for pets.
13. ( )
(A) To ask Alice to finish the pumpkin lantern for him.
(B) To teach Alice to make a pumpkin lantern.
(C) To let Alice make dinner for his mother.
14. ( )
(A) He is sick at home.
5. ( )
(B) He was stopped by the police.
(A) (B) (C)
(C) He is in the traffic jam.
15. ( )
(A) Tiffany.
(B) Joyce.
(C) Sam.

6. ( )
(A) Yes, many times.
(B) No, I don’t use paper umbrellas.
(C) Yes, umbrellas are perfect gifts.

第 1 頁/共 4 頁
第二部份:書寫測驗 二、單字選擇:選出最合適的答案。 (20%,每題 2 分)
一、文法選擇:選出最合適的答案。(20%,每題 2 分) 26. Mr. Huang ___ cows and sells milk for a living.
16. Over the past ten years, my brother ___ in a hospital. (A) plants (B) raises
But he’ll leave the job next month. (C) mop (D) stands
(A) works (B) is working
27. Sorry, guys! I can’t go out with you. My mom wants
(C) has worked (D) worked me to ___ home and help her with the housework.
17. Getting up early on a cold morning is never easy, ___?. (A) sell (B) shout
(A) is it (B) does it (C) stay (D) sleep
(C) doesn’t it (D) isn’t it 28. Mom told us to stop eating chips because dinner was
18. Tina likes watching baseball games a lot. Watching ___ ready.
baseball games always makes her ___. (A) almost (B) never
(A) tiring (B) excited (C) always (D) sometimes
(C) interesting (D) bored 29. Ben’s dream is to have his ___ house.
19. Vincent ___ in heavy rain when he walked his dog. (A) himself (B) self
Unluckily, he didn’t bring an umbrella with him. (C) quite (D) own
(A) is caught (B) catches
30. It’s great that we can buy things online without going
(C) caught (D) was caught
out. It ___ us a lot of time.
20. There ___ a missing piece in Peter’s life since his pet
(A) prepares (B) takes
dog died two years ago.
(C) saves (D) attacks
(A) has had (B) has been
31. The paint on the wall is not as ___ as it was twenty
(C) had (D) has
years ago. It has changed from white to gray.
21. Sandy put the keys on the table, ___? (A) special (B) sure
(A) hasn’t she (B) doesn’t she (C) difficult (D) bright
(C) isn’t she (D) didn’t she 32. It is ___ for me to go to work by MRT. My office is
22. Max is ___. His words usually keep his family and very near the MRT station.
friends happy. They all like him very much. (A) dangerous (B) convenient
(A) interesting (B) boring
(C) employ (D) temperature
(C) surprised (D) excited
33. You can’t ___ Yummy Bakery’s meat pie! It’s so
23. Zoe doesn’t like ___ to do homework. She will do it
delicious that even some restaurants in town order it.
when she thinks it’s time.
(A) join (B) miss
(A) asked (B) asking
(C) wave (D) type
(C) being asked (D) be asked
34. The singer does not like his family to ___ in public
24. Patty has planned to visit a beautiful park and ___
places with him. He does not want people to know
many pictures there.
who they are.
(A) takes (B) take
(A) appear (B) agree
(C) taking (D) taken
25. Yesterday Teddy’s mom told him to clean his room. He (C) decide (D) deal
told her that he ___ it later. But he didn’t. Teddy’s 35. Ken has no money with him, and Hank doesn’t, ___.
mom got very angry with him. (A) also (B) too
(A) would clean (B) cleaned (C) either (D) yet
(C) has cleaned (D) cleans

第 2 頁/共 4 頁
臺北市民族實驗國民中學 109 學年度第 1 學季成就評量九年級英語科 題目卷
範圍:翰林版 U1-U5 單字及課文+2000 單 P.115-P.142+ABC 英雜 P.12-P.25
班級:________ 座號:_______ 姓名:_____________________
三、克漏字測驗。(5%,每題 1 分)
Most of the time, Bonnie is a happy girl. She has (二)
36. and good teachers. She has a good family, too. Minzu World News
They are all very kind to her. 37. , Bonnie feels People Protest against Masks
unhappy sometimes. When she feels that way, she thinks 10/29/2020 by Susan Schmidt
about 38. . They often have no food or water. That
39. Bonnie grateful for what she has. She knows that The whole world is fighting with the coronavirus. In
if she is happy, everybody 40. her will be happy, too. many countries, people must cover their faces with face
masks and keep a distance from each other.
36. (A) many good friends (B) much good friend But some people are starting to get angry because
(C) much good friends (D) many good friend they do not like to wear face masks for many weeks. They
37. (A) Instead (B) Also refuse to wear the masks.
(C) Because (D) However In a supermarket in Florida USA, a group of people
38. (A) rich (B) the rich protested against face masks. They got together and
(C) the poor (D) poor decided to ask other people not to wear face masks. They
39. (A) brings (B) lets walked into a supermarket, and they shouted at other
(C) shows (D) makes people. They were not wearing face masks. Other people
40. (A) except (B) around were very surprised when protesters shouted at them to
(C) and (D) without take their masks off.
四、閱讀測驗。(15%,46-48 題,每題 1 分;49-54 題, In the past, the US president did not want to wear a
每題 2 分) mask, and he refused to wear it during a meeting with
(一) reporters. But he changed his idea, and he asked people to
Some people like workcations. The word comes from wear masks in public and to keep a safe distance from each
“work” and “vacation.” A workcation is when you take a other.
vacation and work for your job at the same time. For
coronavirus 新冠病毒;refuse 拒絕;president 總統
example, you can write a report while you are at the beach.
When people are not in the office, they feel relaxed. Their 44. What is the news story mainly about?
minds are clear, so it’s easy for them to have new ideas. (A) Keeping a safe distance from each other is
On a workcation, you don’t get bored because you can important.
have fun while you are working. However, some people (B) The US president’s idea about wearing face masks
don’t like workcations. For them, they still feel pressure to changed.
finish the work. (C) You needed to wear face masks when you were in
a supermarket.
41. What is the passage mainly about? (D) Some people didn’t like to wear face masks and
(A) Health problems caused by pressure from work. they took action.
(B) The good and the bad of working in the office. 45. .What does “protested against” in the third paragraph
(C) A new type of vacation. most likely mean?
(D) Best places to visit on vacations. (A) To buy many boxes of face masks and give them
42. According to the passage, what might happen when to other people for protection.
your mind is clear? (B) To enter a supermarket and say that face masks are
(A) You get bored more easily. good enough.
(B) You come up with different ideas. (C) To join together and tell others that something is
(C) You remember things well. bad or wrong.
(D) You are more friendly toward people. (D) To wear masks and keep a safe distance from the
43. According to the passage, why don’t some people like surprised people.
(A) They still worry about work.
(B) They can’t concentrate on their work.
(C) They love working with people.
(D) They think offices are more comfortable.
第 3 頁/共 4 頁
(三) (四)
When someone says the word “pollution”, most people When it comes to seafood, many people think of
think about pollution of the air, water and land. But there are all-you-can-eat restaurants. However, they hurt our
other kinds of pollution, too. Noise pollution is unwanted or environment a lot. Due to overfishing, the number of fish in
harmful noise, usually from anything man-made. There is our oceans is becoming fewer and fewer. If we do not act
also light pollution. more carefully, overfishing may fully empty the oceans of
Light pollution comes from too much use of artificial fish. So, how can we enjoy seafood without hurting our
light at people’s homes or city buildings. Light pollution environment? Here is one solution: the Slow Fish restaurant.
wastes electricity and makes skyglow. Skyglow reduces our Slow Fish is a way to stop overfishing. At Slow Fish
ability to see clearly the beautiful night sky and its stars. restaurants, they only buy fish which were caught locally
According to the 2016 “World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky and in season. This way, people can easily check how many
Brightness,” eighty percent of the world’s population lives fish are still nearby. People can stop fishing if the number of
under skyglow. nearby fish drops too quickly. Slow Fish restaurants want to
In Taiwan, people are trying to protect special places help ocean life maintain healthy population numbers.
from light pollution. Not long ago, Hehuan Mountain was So the next time you want to eat seafood, you can go to
made Taiwan's first International Dark Sky Park. Nature a Slow Fish restaurant and enjoy delicious and sustainable
lovers are working together with the county government to fish there!
reduce light pollution. They want to enjoy the sight of sky
environment 環境;overfishing 過度漁撈;
without light pollution. Hehuan Mountain Dark Sky Park is
empty 使……變空;maintain 維持;
only the third park of its kind in Asia.
sustainable 永續的
pollution 汙染;artificial 人工的;
48. According to the article, which of the following can
waste electricity 浪費電力;reduce 減少;
protect the environment?
population 人口;government 政府
(A) You often go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant.
46. According to the article, which is NOT a kind of (B) People catch a lot of fish in the ocean.
pollution? (C) People stop eating fish.
(A) Noise pollution. (D) You enjoy seafood at a Slow Fish restaurant.
(B) Sight pollution. 49. Why can fishing locally and in season help ocean life?
(C) Light pollution. (A) People can easily check the number of fish nearby.
(D) Air pollution. (B) People can slowly cook the fish in the kitchen.
47. According to the article, why is skyglow bad for nature (C) People can eat up all the fish in season.
lovers? (D) People can start fish restaurants locally.
(A) It helps them see better in the dark.
(B) It makes the night sky look better.
(C) It keeps them from seeing the stars and night sky. 五、請寫出完整且正確的英文單字。(10%,每題 2 分) (請
(D) It makes it difficult to see mountain roads clearly. 以深藍色或黑色原子筆作答。)
50. She opened an en e, took out the letter and read it.
51. Mark lives near a school. Most of his ne rs went to
that school when they were young.
52. You can’t be e everything you see. Your eyes may
trick you.
53. That dress looks so st e that Helen doesn’t want to
wear it to the party. She’s afraid that her friends may
laugh at her.
54. The company co ts information about Net users’
interests when they visit the company’s website.

第 4 頁/共 4 頁

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