Neuroanatomy Tracts
Neuroanatomy Tracts
Neuroanatomy Tracts
Functional levels:
- Segmental
- Intersegmental
- Suprasegmental (Transit zone)
- Superficial (Exteroception)
o Superficial pain
o Temperature
o Light touche
- Deep (Propioception)
- Baresthesia (Deep pressure)
- Barognosia (Weight discrimination)
- Bathesthesia (Posture)
- Synesthesia (Identification of motion)
- Sterognosia (Recognition of objects)
- Vibration
- Deep pain
- Muscle tone
Tone (Residual muscle tension): Partial, passive and - Equilibrium
continuous contraction of the muscles. - Motion coordination
Anterior Light touch and Posterior spinal root From Laminae IV through Ventral posterior Primary sensory area In anterior
Spinothalamic pressure. ganglion. Projects to VIII. Projections cross the lateral nucleus (Ascending parietal: 3, funiculus crossing
tract Pacinian, Meissner’s substantia midline in anterior white of contralateral 1 and 2) through the white
corpuscles and hair gelatinosa of the commissure and ascend in thalamus. commissure and
follicles. posterior horn of the anterior column. ascends laterally.
spinal cord.
Lateral Conscious pain From posterior horn, crosses the anterior White
spinothaamic and comissure and ascends as lateral spinothalamic
tract temperatura tract.
Anterior spino- Conscious Posterior horn, crossing through white
thalamic tract prothopathic commissure to anterior funiculus, ascending as
tactile anterior spinothalamic tract laterally.
Posterior Deep Above 2º lumbar segment, ascending ipsilateral to
spinocerebellar conscious reach cerebellum through inferior cerebellar
(Flechisg’s tract) sensation peduncle.