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Neuroanatomy Tracts

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Functional levels:
- Segmental
- Intersegmental
- Suprasegmental (Transit zone)

2 types of somesthetic sensory system:

- Superficial (Exteroception)
o Superficial pain
o Temperature
o Light touche

- Deep (Propioception)

- Baresthesia (Deep pressure)
- Barognosia (Weight discrimination)
- Bathesthesia (Posture)
- Synesthesia (Identification of motion)
- Sterognosia (Recognition of objects)
- Vibration
- Deep pain

- Muscle tone
Tone (Residual muscle tension): Partial, passive and - Equilibrium
continuous contraction of the muscles. - Motion coordination

Drosal column – Medial leminiscus sytem

Tract Sensation 1º Neuron 2º Neuron 3º Neuron Final destination Crossover

Dorsal column system – Medial lemniscus system
Fasciculus Conscious Dorsal root ganglia. IPSILATERAL? CONTRALATERAL BOOMERANG SHAPE 2º Neuron
gracilis proprioception, light Axons from JC Nucleus gracilis of Ventral posterior V crossover at
(Goll or Gracilis) touch (Epicitric) from (Meissner and medulla oblongata. lateral nucleus Primary sensory cortex medulla oblongata,
inferior half of the Pacini), through Crossover to contralateral of contralateral (Post central gyrus: 3, before entering
body (Sacral, lumbar posterior funiculus side as internal arcuate thalamus. (VPL) 1 and 2) medial leminiscus.
and 6 lower thoracic join fasciulus gracilis. fibers and ascend as
nerves) medial leminiscus.
From superior half of Dorsal root ganglia.
the body (Cervical Axons from JC, Nucleus cuneatus of Ventral posterior Primary sensory cortex 2º Neuron
Fasciculus and 6 upper thoracic through posteior medulla oblongata. lateral nucleus (Post central gyrus: 3, crossover at
cuneatus nerves) funiculus join Crossover to contralateral of contralateral 1 and 2) medulla oblongata,
(Burdach or fasciculus cuneatus. side as internal arcuate thalamus. before entering
Cuneatus) fibers and ascend as medial leminiscus.
medial leminiscus.
Lateral Pain and Posterior spinal From Laminae I, IV, V and Ventral posterior Primary sensory area In lateral funiculus
spinothalamic temperature. ganglion root VII of posterior horn of the lateral nucleus (Ascending parietal crosses the
tract Cutaneous receptors: through the spinal cord. Cross the of contralateral gyrus: 3, 1 and 2) anterior
Free nerve endings Lissauer’s midline in the anterior thalamus. commissure at the
(Ruffini AND Krause) fasciculus. Projects white commissure and level of spinal cord.
to substantia ascend through lateral
gelatinosa of the column/ funiculus.
SLOWER posterior horn of the
spinal cord. Peripheral fibers: Lower
Medial fibers: Upper

Anterior Light touch and Posterior spinal root From Laminae IV through Ventral posterior Primary sensory area In anterior
Spinothalamic pressure. ganglion. Projects to VIII. Projections cross the lateral nucleus (Ascending parietal: 3, funiculus crossing
tract Pacinian, Meissner’s substantia midline in anterior white of contralateral 1 and 2) through the white
corpuscles and hair gelatinosa of the commissure and ascend in thalamus. commissure and
follicles. posterior horn of the anterior column. ascends laterally.
spinal cord.

Direct or Unconscious Posterior spinal root From Laminae VII Direct.

posterior proprioception and ganglion. Project to (Clarke’s nucleus) Medial cerebellar
spinocerebellar exteroception medial part of between C8-L3. Axons cortex (Vermis
“Fleschsig” receptor, muscle Laminae VIII ascend through spinal cord and Paramedian
contraction strength (Intermediate) end in lateral column lobule).
of leg: Muscle spindle, at Clarke’s column. IPSILATERAL to medulla Neurons from
Golgi tendon, joint oblongata and into the
receptors. Meissner’s cerebellum through paleocerebellar
receptors. INFERIOR CEREBELLAR cortex.
PEDUNCLE (Restiform
Lower limb body)
Anterior or Unconscious Spinal root ganglion Lamina V-VII. Neurons at the Decussation at the
crossed proprioception. and lumbar and Axons cross to the paleo cerebellar level of the spinal
spinocerebellar Joint receptors, Golgi sacral spinal nerves. contralateral side through cortex. cord.
“Gowers” tendon, muscle grey commissure (X) and
spindle. turn in lateral funiculus as
Movement and the anterior
position. spinocerebellar tract.
Bends back to enter
Upper limb ipsilateral SUPERIOR

Tract Sensation Trajectory

Cuneate’s Consicous Cuneate ascending fibers from sacral, lumbar and

fascicle proprioceptive, 6 lower thoracic nerves.
(Burdach’s) vibratory,
discriminative Gracile throughout the spinal cord:
tactile Ascending fibers from cervical and 6 upper
sensation. thoracic nerves.
Gracile’s fascicle
(Goll) Enter posterior horn without synapsing, ascend
until lower medulla, synapse in the nucleus, cross
through medulla and ascend as medial leminiscus.

Lateral Conscious pain From posterior horn, crosses the anterior White
spinothaamic and comissure and ascends as lateral spinothalamic
tract temperatura tract.
Anterior spino- Conscious Posterior horn, crossing through white
thalamic tract prothopathic commissure to anterior funiculus, ascending as
tactile anterior spinothalamic tract laterally.
Posterior Deep Above 2º lumbar segment, ascending ipsilateral to
spinocerebellar conscious reach cerebellum through inferior cerebellar
(Flechisg’s tract) sensation peduncle.

Anterior Ascends in the lateral until reaches medulla

spinocerebellar oblongata and pons, enters NEXT to superior
(Gower’s tract) cerebellar peduncle.


20% descends ipsilateral like anterior corticospinal tract.
80% of the fibers decussate at the level of the pyramids like lateral corticospinal tract.

Tract Function Trajectory Termination Location

Anterior corticospinal tract Voluntary control upper and Primary motor cortez (4), - Interneurons in grey Anterior funiculus.
(Direct) lower limbs. Modulation of premotor (6), primary matter modifying
sensory functions. somatosensory (3, 1, 2). sensory input
(Lamina IV-VII)
Same, but at the level of the - Remainder finish on
pyramids continue caudally anterior horn motor
in the anterior funiculus as neuron (Lamina IX)
anterior corticospinal tract.
DECUSSATE at the level of
spinal cord segment.
Lateral corticospinal tract Voluntary and posture of Cells of the anterior horn Decussation at the level of
(Crossed) proximal and distal muscles. Cortex to corona radiata, (alfa and gamma motor the lower medulla
internal capsule, midbrain interneurons of Lamina IX) oblongata.
(through crus cerebri). At the
pons they separate in
bundles. At the medulla
oblongata spinal junction
forming the pyramids, where
they DECUSSATE as the
lateral corticospinal tract.
Medial longitudinal fascicle Ascending fibers from: Oculomotor (III), Trochlear Descends ipsilateral through
- Vestibular nuclei in (IV), Abducens (VI) cranial the anterior funiculus.
upper medulla nerve nuclei, tracking
muscles of the eye.

Descends ipsilateral through Anterior horn of cervical

anterior horn. segment (neck muscles).
Descensing fibers from:
- Superior colliculus
- Oculomotor nucleus
- Vestibular nuclei
(Medulla oblongata)
- Pontine reticular
motor neuron.
Lateral vestibule-spinal tractLVE: Facilitates extensor From Vestibulocochlear Anterior horn: Ipsilateral anterior funiculus.
motor neurons in nerve (VIII) and cerebellum Interneurons at laminae VII
maintaining the upright  Descends uncrossed, and VIII, and motor neurons
Medial vestibulo-spinal tract position. occupying a place in the at laminae IX.
lateral funiculus of the spinal
MVE: Facilitates flexor motor cord.
neurons in controlling head
Rubrospinal tract Facilitates the activity of Red nucleus, crossing Ventral tegmental
flexor muscles and inhibits anterior tegmental decussation at
the extensor ones. decussation at the mesencephalon, and
Contralateral limb motion mesencephalon. descends in lateral funiculus.
(Not certain in humans)

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