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Listening and Reading Test
Introductory Course
Grant Trew

Audio Scripts & Answer Key

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Audio Scripts

Units 1-4 4
Units 8-11 9
Review Test 1 15
Review Test 2 17
Practice Test A 20
Practice Test B 26

Answer Key

Units 1-7 32
Units 8-14 50
Review Test 1 69
Review Test 2 78
Practice Test A 87
Practice Test B 108

Review Tests Answer Sheets 129

Quick Check Answer Keys

Review Tests 1 131

Review Tests 2 132
Practice Test A 133
Practice Test B 134
Score Conversion Chart 135.
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Unit 1 E Mini-test (,:05.

1 (A) They're sitting in a restaurant.
A (8) They're standing next to the computers.
(C) They're having lunch in the office.
Language building 1
(0) They're putting the documents on the table.
2 , 3 (i:02. 2 (A) He's making a call from his office.
1 They'restanding in front of the reception desk. (8) He's waiting to go someplace.
2 A woman is talking to the group. (C) He's putting the briefcase next to the chair.
3 The flight attendant is serving drinks to the (0) He's standing in the waiting room.
3 (A) The people are working in the garden.
4 The people are listening to the speaker.
(8) The people are sitting in the library.
5 The people are traveling by plane.
(C) The people are going into the building.
6 The receptionist is taking the credit card.
(0) The people are relaxing on the grass.

Test tactic 4 (A) She's doing some exercise.

(8) She's running for the bus.
3~ (C) She's watching TV.
1 (A) The people are talking on the corner, (0) She's washing the window.
(8) The woman is riding her bicycle in the street.
5 (A) The woman is making some bread.
2 (A) He's sitting in front of the computer. (8) The doors of the vehicle are open.
(8) He's talking on the phone. (C) The woman is driving to the store.
3 (A) The waitress is bringing their food. (0) The vehicle is parked in the garage.
(8) The man is holding the menu. 6 (A) The people are at home.
(8) The man is painting the room.
Tactic practice (C) The people are looking out of the window.
2 (1.04) (0) The girl is holding the woman's hand.

1 (A) He's opening the car door. 7 (A) The woman is giving the man some flowers.
(8) He's driving into the parking lot. (8) The people are walking through the door.
(C) He's talking on the phone. (C) The man is opening the box.
(0) He's washing the car. (0) The people are sitting in the room.

2 (A) The man is writing on the whiteboard. 8 (A) The people are standing at the bus stop.
(8) The people are leavingthe room. (8) The passengers are getting off the train.
(C) The woman is standing In front of the class. (C) The man is walking toward the train.
(0) The people are listening to the presentation. (0) The people are leaving the building.

3 (A) The woman is cleaning the room.

(8) A visitor is giving some flowers to the woman.
(C) The people are sitting on the bed.
Unit 2
(0) The people are walking in the garden.
C Understanding natural pronunciation Language building 1

1, 2 (!.05} 3 (1.07)
1 The waitress is bringing the man's food. 1 May I borrow your dictionary?
2 The man is opening the door. Sure. here you are.
3 The woman is arranging some flowers. 2 Can you meet me on Wednesday?
Certainly.what time is good for you?
4 Audio Scripts
3 Could you tell me the time? B
I'm afraid I don't have a watch,
4 Wouldyou mind closing the window? Language building 2
Actually,I'm feeling a bit hot.
5 Wouldyou be able to check these documents for 2 (i:09~
me? 1 You'reon vacation next week, aren't you?
All right, but I won't have time till tomorrow, (A) Yes, I went to Spain,
6 Can I say something here? (B) Actually,it's next month,
Of course, (Cl No, it will be two weeks long,
7 Could I have Mr, Sato's phone number,please?
2 The work will be finished on time, won't it?
I'm sorry, but I don't have it,
(Al Yes, I hope so,
(B) Sorry,it's not time yet,
Tactic practice
(C) The meeting is tomorrow,
1,2608) 3 Youdon't have this in a size 11, do you?
1 Can you open the door, please? (A) I think 11 is too many,
(Al Sure, I'll do that for you, (B) Yes,that's correct.
(B) It's next to the door, (C) No, I'm afraid not.
(C) Yes, it's closed,
4 Youread the contract before you signed it, didn't
2 Why didn't you come to the party? you?
(A) That's right, it didn't. (Al I'm afraid the sign is too small.
(B) The music was very good, (B) No, I didn't have time,
(C) I'm sorry, I forgot about it. (C) Yes,you can check in later,
3 Let's try the new restaurant across the street. 5 Youdidn't forget the keys, did you?
(A) Sure, I'll get my coat. (A) I forgot to lock them,
(B) Yes, I let him do it. (B) It's not my key,
(C) I'll bring some menus to your table, (C) I'm afraid I did,
4 Could you look at this report for me? 6 This is last year's catalog, isn't it?
(Al I wrote it last week, (A) Yes, I think you're right,
(B) I didn't finish the report on time, (B) I don't think it will last,
(C) When do you need it? (C) The price is in the catalog,
5 Wouldyou mind helping me move this table?
(Al Sure, where do you want it to go? C Understanding natural pronunciation
(B) Yes,she's moved to the new office,
(C) I don't think there are enough chairs, 1,26iQ)
1 Could you call me a taxi?
6 Did you remember to bring your passport?
2 Would you mind helping me move this table?
(A) Mary will bring the report.
3 Could you please sign these documents for me?
(B) No, I'll have to go home to get it.
(C) The plane ticket is on your desk,

7 Would you be able to work this Saturday?

(A) Yes, I worked all weekend, 1 Would you mind sending this invoice for me?
(B) Yes, I like my newjob, (A) I've already paid the bill.
(Cl No, I'm afraid I have plans, (B) I don't think I'll have time today,
8 Can I return these shoes? (C) No, it hasn't been delivered,
(A) No, I have small feet, 2 Can I borrow a pencil?
(B) I think you need new socks, (A) I'll borrow it.
(C) Only if you have the receipt, (B) No, I haven't done it,
(C) Sorry, I don't have one,

Audio Scripts 5
3 You didn't read the sign on the door, did you? 13 Could you take a look at my car?
(A) No, I can't open it. (A) Yes, I'd be happy to drive you.
(B) Sorry, I didn't see it. (8) I reaily like this car.
(C) Yes, I'd love to read it. (C) What's the problem with it?
4 Could you cail me a taxi? 14 These aren't your keys, are they?
(A) Certainly, please wait here, (A) No, they must be Mary's,
(B) No, he took the bus instead. (8) I think it's already open.
(C) It cost $20. (C) Yes, I have them,

5 You used to work for a magazine, didn't you?

(A) Only for six months.
(B) Yes, it's very cheap,
Unit 3
(C) I'm going to buy one tomorrow.
6 Could you move this box of receipts?
(A) I moved it very carefully, Tactic practice
(B) Sure, where do you want it?
(C) No, I didn't move anything, 2 (ill.
Questions 1-3 refer to the foilowing conversation,
7 Please fold these documents and put them in the
envelope, M Hi, Sheila. Were you on vacation last week?
(A) I'll send the letter. W I was at a training course,
(B) Please look at the documents. M Reaily? Was it at the beach? You look like you got
(C) Sure, I'd be glad to. some sun.
W No, but I played golf with some people from the
S You won't forget to turn off the lights, will you?
Boston branch on the weekend. It was reaily
(A) No, I like the darker color.
sunny, and I didn't have a hat. Anyway,the training
(B) Yes, turn right at the corner.
course was excellent. You should apply for it.
(C) Don't worry, I won't.
1 Where does the conversation take place?
9 The photocopier is broken, so could you find
2 What is the reason for the woman's trip?
someone to fix it?
3 What happened while the woman was away?
(A) i'i1do that right away.
(B) No, I can't find it.
(C) l'i1 make some copies for you. 4~
Questions 1-3 refer to the foilowing conversation.
10 Could you give us a bigger discount?
(A) I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't. W We're planning on going to the international
(B) l'i1 count them today, festival in town this weekend. Would you like to
(C) Yes, it's a big company. join us? There's going to be music and dancing
and shopping at a street market.
11 Would you mind helping me at the information M I'd love to come, but I promised my brother I'd
desk? help him with his car on Saturday.
(A) No, she's not at her desk.
W Well, the festival is on the whole weekend, if
(B) Certainly, I'd be happy to,
you're interested, we couid go on Sunday. Are you
(C) Yes, you've given me a lot of information.
free then?
12 Could you move these chairs, please? M That sounds good, Where should we meet?
(A) I don't know where to sit. 1 What are the speakers discussing?
(B) The chair is next to the table. 2 What is the man doing on Saturday?
(C) Sure, where should I put them? 3 What does the man ask?

6 Audio Scripts
B 4 What are the speakers talking about?
5 What problem did they have last year?
Language building 2 6 What does the man offer to do?

3~ Queslions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.

1 Could I get $10 from you? I'll return it on Friday. M With our special "Get ready for summer"
2 I'll call him if you like. He's a good friend of mine. SChedule,you get use of the swimming pool,
3 Have you seen my report? I can't find it anywhere. sauna, and weight room, and also three months
4 Last month our Web site got more hits than ever of exercise classes at 25 percent off the regular
before. price. The offer also includes special prices on
5 I'm afraid the people from our office won't arrive sports clothing in our store.
at the convention until 10 o'clock.
W That sounds good. I have a coupon for free
6 The bus is really slow. You should drive.
parking for all new members. Can I use that?
M I'm sorry. You can't use the coupon with special
C Understanding natural pronunciation discounts like this. But if you like, I could include
parking, and give you a 25 percent discount off
1 , 2 (ill) the usual price.
1 Would you iike me to carry these packages?
7 Where does the conversation take place?
2 I'd be happy to deliver the letter.
8 What does the woman have a coupon for?
3 I'd love to come, but I'm afraid I can't.
9 Who most likely is the woman?

Questions 10-12 refer to the following conversation.

E Mini-test (ill)
W It's very noisy in here, isn't it?
Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.
M Yes, it is. They're doing some building work in the
M Our new laptop isn't selling very well. Sales are office on the fifth floor. It's been like this for two
down 7 percent compared to last month. weeks.
W Well, perhaps we should increase our advertising W Two weeks? It must be difficult to concentrate on
budget. your work with all that noise.
M We aiready spend a lot on TV and radio ads. M They say it'll be finished in another week. I'd like
i'm not sure if more advertising will make a big to take the week as a vacation, but I'm too busy,
difference. so there's no point in complaining.
W You may be right. Since we're talking about a
10 What is the conversation about?
hi-tech product, perhaps we need to improve our
11 How long will the problem continue?
Web site.
12 What will the man do?
1 What problem are the speakers discussing?
2 Where do the speakers probably work?
3 What does the woman suggest? Unit 4
Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation.
W We need to finalize the plans for the company
barbecue soon. Language building 1.
M I think we should choose a place people can go if
it rains. You remember how it was last year. 1, 2 (U:7}
W How about the Riverside recreation center? It has 1 Excuse me, everyone, could you all please sit
lots of tables outside, and if the weather turns down? We're going to begin shortly. In just a
bad, we can all go .Inside. minute they are going to start serving dinner, and
M That sounds like a good idea. Would you like me while we eat, I'd like to invite some of you who
to call and find out about prices and booking worked with Bob for many years to come up and
details? tell us a few stories. After dinner, there will be live
entertainment. Thank you.

Audio Scripts 7
2 Good morning, everyone. I've called this meeting any workers who choose to transfer to the company's
to discuss recent sales. I'm sorry to say that Woodbury factory, which is located in nearby Bloom
results for this quarter have been much lower County.
than expected. Could you iook at the chart on
page 2 of your handouts, please? 4 What is this news report mainly about?
5 Where is the new factory located?
3 Attention all passengers waiting for flight BW78 to 6 What has Tufftek promised to do for workers?
Shanghai. We regret to inform you that this flight
has been delayed by 30 minutes. We apologize
for any inconvenience.
C Understanding natural pronunciation
4 Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the
first of our lectures on European art. Professor 1, 2619.
Martino's talk on great Italian painters of the 16th 1 Could I have your attention, please?
century will begin at 2:00 P.M. in hall 2, which 2 May I ask you all to move back to your tables
is next to the main entrance of the museum. now?
Visitors going to the lecture should take their 3 Could all passengers please go to gate 5?
seats at least 10 minutes beforehand. Thank you
for your cooperation.
D Learn by doing

Tactic practice

Talk 1 Attention passengers. We regret to inform you that
Questions 1-3 refer to the following announcement. the 9:50 train to Middleton has been canceled.
Passengers going to Middleton should take the 10:15
Attention all passengers waiting for flight BAX832 to from track 4. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Jakarta. Due to a late arrival from Singapore, this flight
Talk 2
has been delayed by 30 minutes. We apologize for any
inconvenience. Would passengers please remain in the Attention everyone, please. I'm afraid that the
departure lounge until the flight is ready for boarding. elevators will not be working for the next two hours.
Would Mr. Lee Young, traveling on flight CA143 to Would all staff please take the stairs instead? Thank
Tokyo, please go immediately to gate 24, where his you for your cooperation.
flight is now ready to depart. This is a final call for Mr.
Lee Young on flight CA143.
E Mini-test 62i)
1 What does the speaker say about flight BAX832?
2 What should passengers for flight BAX832 do? Questions 1-3 refer to the following announcement.
3 What does the speaker say about Mr. Lee Young?
Good morning, everyone. I just want to let you know
Talk 2 that the lunchroom is ciosed because of the damage
caused by last night's storm. I'm afraid that until the
Questions 4-6 refer to the following news report.
windows can be repaired, we'd like to ask you to eat
In tonight's business news, shoe manufacturer Tufftek lunch at your desks. You may also use meeting room
announced that it will be closing its Brentwood factory B, but please be sure to clean up after you're finished.
and moving production to a new factory in Mexico. Please do not eat in any other meeting or seminar
President of the company, Eric Thompson, said in rooms. Until the lunchroom is reopened, please put all
a statement that high state taxes are one reason food garbage in the boxes near the exit.
for the move. He said that the new factory will be
1 Who is probably speaking?
cleaner, safer, and cheaper to run than the current
2 Where can workers eat their lunch?
one. The closure could mean the loss of nearly 850
3 What are listeners requested to do?
jobs, although Tufftek has also promised to employ

8 Audio Scripts
Questions 4-6 refer to the following message.
Unit 8
Thank you for calling Pay2Taik Mobile Telephones. To
check your voice mail, press 1. To check your account,
press 2. To add credit to your telephone, press 3.To
change your contract, press 4. To speak to customer
Tactic practice ~
services, press 5. To report a problem with your phone
or service, press 6. Remember, you can get more 1 (A) There's a box near the table.
phone credits by phone, on our Web site, or at any (8) There's a table in the middle of the room.
store showing the Pay2Taik sign. This month only, get (C) There are a lot of magazines on the floor.
100 free phone minutes if you buy 500 minutes with (D) The library is busy today.
2 (A) There are some vegetables next to the sink.
4 Who might listen to this recorded message? (8) Dinner is being prepared.
5 Which button should be pressed to report a (C) The man is cleaning the kitchen.
problem? (D) The dishes have been washed.
6 How can callers get a free offer?

Questions 7-9 refer to the following announcement. B

Excuse me, can I have your attention, please. This Language building 2
afternoon's seminar "How to Raise Profits" will be held
at 2:00 P.M., not 2:30 as I said in my e.mail. Apologies 3 {t:23}
for any inconvenience. Also, please note the change 1 (A) There's a sofa on the left.
in location from the first fioor to the third fioor meeting (8) There's a table in the middle of the room.
room. Don't forget to bring along the documents that I (C) There's a TV in the corner.
sent you last week. If you didn't get a copy, please ask (D) There's a picture next to the door.
Susan, my personal assistant, whose office is near the
reception desk. If anyone has any questions before the 2 (A) There are some buses on the road.
seminar, I'll be in my office. (8) The people are standing on the bridge.
(C) There's some grass next to the building.
7 Who mos~ likely is the speaker? (D) There's a train next to the bridge.
8 Where will the seminar be held?
9 What is the main purpose of this announcement?
C Understanding natural pronunciation
Questions 10-12 refer to the following talk.

Welcome to this year's Computer Expo. I'm Joseph

1 The people are riding bicycles.
Capello, and I'd like to explain a couple of things
2 Tables are lined up.
to visitors to the show. The latest models are in
3 The stores are far from the road.
room 1; that's the large hall next to the entrance;
it's open all day. Don't forget to wear your identity
pass, as entrance is limited to members only. The E Mini.test (25)
museum exhibit, with a special show on the history
of computing, is in room 3. Food and drinks will be 1 (A) The book shelves are empty.
sold starting at 10:00 A.M. in room 8. Finally, video (8) The class is abouHo begin.
presentations will be shown starting from 2:00 P.M. in (C) The computers are on the desks.
room 12. (D) The man is reading in the library.

10 What can people see in room 1? 2 (A) The weather is very bad.
11 Who should visit room 3? (8) The party has finished.
12 Where can people buy something to eat? (C) The food is being prepared.
(D) There are some chairs by the table.

Audio Scripts 9
3 (A) The man ;s getting into the car.
(B) The parking lot is nearly empty.
3 6"~
(C) Lines are being painted on the road. 1 Where is the marketing seminar going to be held?
(D) The bus is outside the store. (A) It's in the market now.
(B) It was held in the Grand Hotel.
4 (A) There are many lanes of traffic. (C) It's going to be in room 401.
(B) There are no peopie on the street.
(C) People are waiting for a train. 2 Have you been to the new French restaurant
(D) A man is gelling into a taxi. around the corner?
(A) Yes, I had lunch there last week.
5 (A) The patient is taking some medicine. (B) No, i've never been to France.
(B) The curtains are open. (C) No, I don't have it.
(C) The floor is being washed.
3 Why are all the department managers in the
(D) The bed is under the window.
meeting room?
6 (A) A rug has been put on the sidewalk. (A) i'm not sure who planned it.
(B) Some boxes have been stacked next to the (B) They're talking about the new catalog.
truck. (e) I think it'll be a very long meeting.
(C) The back of the truck is empty.
4 Who is the woman taiking to Mr. Bauer?
(D) There are a lot of packages on the shelves.
(A) She's the new marketing manager.
7 (A) The restaurant is closed. (B) I've never met Mr. Bauer.
(B) The windows are open. (C) He's been talking to her all afternoon.
(C) People are sitting outside the restaurant.
5 What are you doing this evening?
(D) The building is being painted.
(A) Yes, I'd be happy to go there.
8 (A) The platform is very busy. (B) I stayed home and watched TV.
(B) Many passengers are waiting to get off. (C) I'm having dinner with one .of our clients.
(C) The training course has finished.
6 Why do you think James was promoted?
(D) The doors of the train are open.
(A) He's the best salesperson in the company.
(B) Yes, I think they're going to promote him.
(C) i don't know why he wanted to go.
Unit 9
7 How long will it take to get to the station?
A (A) Are you in a hurry?
(B) I don't think it's there.
Tactic practice (C) They've had it about a month.

8 Is that the best price you can give me?

1 , 2C~
(A) Sorry, I think it's too expensive for me.
1 Where is the marketing seminar going to be held?
(B) I can give you a discount if you buy 500
2 Have you been to the new French restaurant
around the corner?
(C) How many did they give you?
3 Why are all the department managers in the
meeting room?
4 Who is the woman talking to Mr. Bauer? C Understanding natural pronunciation
5 What are you doing this evening?
6 Why do you think James was promoted? 1, 2 (1.28)
7 How long will it take to get to the station? 1 Would you prefer to drive or take the train?
8 is that the best price you can give me? 2 Do you know what time this train leaves?
3 Does she work in the accounting department?
4 Where can I find a bank?

10 Audio Scripts
E Mini-test (i29) 11 What time's your flight?
(A) It leavesjust after midnight.
1 Has John set up the meeting room yet? (B) It's a really long flight.
(A) He's doing it now, (C) It took about four hours.
(B) i think he's in a meeting,
12 How many people came to your presentation?
(C) John's in room 4C,
(A) I think there will be over one hundred.
2 Do you know what time this bus leaves? (B) I didn't count, but the room was full.
(A) It left 40 minutes ago, (C) I spent over 20 hours preparing it.
(B) Sorry, i don't have time right now,
13 Are you ready to order, or would you like a few
(C) In about 5 minutes, i think.
more minutes?
3 Whydid you come to work by bus this morning? (A) Yes, I've done this a few times.
(A) Yes,the bus was late this morning. (B) Can you give us a few more minutes, please?
(B) i think he's still working. (C) I think I ordered the fish.
(C) My wife wants to use the car today.
14 How did you get tickets for the concert?
4 Do you sell size 12 running shoes? (A) They'remy favorite band.
(A) What brand do you want? (B) Yes,they were quite expensive.
(B) There's a saie next week. (C) I ordered them online.
(C) No, they aren't large enough.

5 Where can I buy printer paper near here?

(A) I think it will cost about 90 cents.
Unit 10
(B) There's an office supplies store just down the
street. A
(C) No, it's not near here.
Test tactic
6 Do you want to come with me, or would you prefer
to wait here? ' 5 (1.30)
(A) I've been waiting for a long time. Questions1-3 refer to the following conversation.
(B) yes, I know the way to go.
(C) I think I'll come with you. M I wanted to hold the New Year's party at the
Baymont Hotel again this year, but when I called
__ 7 Will you be able to finish the project on time? them, they were fully booked.
(A) Yes, if I work overtime this week. W That's too bad. I love that piace. Well, why don't
(B) Yes,it's time to start the project. we have the party at the office instead? We could
(C) i've been working on it since June. have food and drinks delivered.
S When is the next meeting? M' I'm not sure that's a good idea. There isn't a
(A) It'll be held in the hall. room big enough for everyone.
(B) A week from today. W If we move the tables and chairs in the main
(C) We meet twice a week. conference room, there should be plenty of room.

9 Can you tell me where the shipping department is? 1 Whywon't the New Year's party be held in the
(A) Yes,the packages were shipped out same place as last year?
yesterday. 2 Where does the woman recommend holding the
(B) I bought it last week. New Year's party?
(C) Yes,go through those doors on the right. 3 What will they have to do to prepare for the New
Year's party?
10 What should I do with these receipts?
(A) Takethem to the accounting department.
(B) Yes,those are the correct documents.
(C) You should take your client out for dinner.


Audio Scripts 11
Tactic practice W Everyonelikes Derek but he's only been working
3 .1.31. here for two years. I don't understand why they
didn't offer you the job first. Perhaps you should
Questions1-3 refer to the following conversation. discuss it with the president?
M Irs so hot in here. Do you mind if I open the M Thank you for your concern, but really, I'm happy
window? for him.
W Well, the traffic is pretty loud with the window 1 What are the speakers discussing?
open. I don't think it's especially warm in here. 2 What does the man say about the position of
Maybeyou feel hot because you've been sitting export manager?
in front of your computer in a suit and tie all 3 What does the woman suggest?
M Youmay be right, but Mr. Willis said I should wear
a suit to work. C Understanding natural pronunciation
W Well, I'm sure it's fine to take yourjacket off.
1, 2 .1.3'4)
1 Where does this conversation take place? 1 I didn't enjoy the book.
2 Whydoesn't the woman want to open the 2 I really don't understand the problem.
3 I couldn't agree more.
3 What does the woman suggest the man do?

6 .1.32)
Questions1-3 refer to the following conversation.
Questions1-3 refer to the following conversation.
M I don't think the first candidate would be right
for the sales job. He was 30 minutes late for the M I heard the sales staff are getting smartphones.
interview. If he's late for an appointment with a I really don't think that's a good idea. The money
customer, it won't look good. could have been spent on something more useful.
W But the first candidate has a lot of useful W Youmay be right, but with a smartphone you can
experience. The second candidate certainly gave use GPSto find customers' offices, and having
better answers to the questions, but he seemed a easy access to e-mail is also really useful.
little over-confident. M That's true, but I think our sales staff will spend
M Well, I'm not sure that either of them is the right too much time viSiting Web sites and playing
person for the job. I think we need to interview a games. -
few more people before we decide. 1 What does the man think about the sales staff
W I couldn't agree more. getting smartphones?
1 In which department is a job available? 2 What smartphone function does the woman say is
2 What was the problem with the first candidate? useful?
3 What do the speakers agree about? 3 What features is the man worried about?

Questions4-6 refer to the following conversation.


W What's wrong? Youdon't look very happy.
M Well, management wants us to work an extra
Language building 2
hour every week to increase productivity and they
don't intend to pay us for the extra work.
W That doesn't seem so bad. I hear it's happening
W Youmust be disappointed that Derek got
in a lot of companies these days. But if you feel
promoted to export manager before you.
strongly about it, why don't you complain?
M I don't mind. I like the job I have now. To
M I have complained. I sent an e-mail to the human
be honest, I'm glad I don't have the extra
resources manager yesterday.
responsibility that comes with the promotion, and
the manager's salary isn't much higher. 4 Why is the man unhappy?
5 What is the woman's opinion of the management
6 What does the man say about complaining?
12 Audio Scripts
Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation. 5:00 P.M., or go to our Web site at www.molex.com. For
help with customer accounts, please call my assistant,
W Mr. Lee is coming to visit on Wednesday, so I'm
Jenny Mills, at 555.3897.
going to reserve a room for him at the Plaza
Hotel. Do you have their telephone number? 1 Who most likely is the speaker?
M The Plaza? i believe it got poor reviews recently 2 How long will Dan be away from the office?
in Travel Magazine. I think we should choose 3 How can people contact Dan?
somewhere better for an important client like Mr.
Lee. You'd better make a reservation at the Royal Tactic practice
W If you say so. But the Plaza is close to the office 3603)
and it's cheaper. Do you want me to reserve a Questions 1-3 refer to the following report.
tabie for dinner also?
This is Max Evans on 94.5 City FM with today's
7 What are the speakers discussing? transportation news. The cold weather has caused icy
8 What does the man say about Mr. Lee? road conditions, and traffic is very slow today. Due to
9 What does the woman say about the Plaza Hotel? an accident, delays are expected eastbound on route
60. There's also construction work on Stanhope Street,
Questions 10-12 refer to the following conversation. so traffic there is moving siowly. The bus company
M We have to finish the reports by Friday,so we'll confirms that buses into the city are likely to be a little
have to work quickly. Sarah, can you finish the late today, with expected delays of around 10 minutes.
sales graphs, and I'll start typing the explanation. However,there's good news for train passengers.
W I think Friday is going to be difficult. The sales After yesterday's delays on the city main line, the train
data hasn't arrived yet. I won't get it untii service is back to normal today. However.we suggest
Thursday. Is there any way we can get more time? that all commuters aiiow a little extra time for their ride
Another week would be great. today to take the wintry weather into consideration.
M Sorry, but the meeting with the customer is on 1 Why are there delays on route 60?
Monday morning. If we have to work late to finish 2 How late are the buses likely to be?
the reports, you can take some time off later. 3 What good news does the speaker give?
10 When does the work have to be finished?
11 What does the woman say about the sales data?
12 What will the man and woman probably do to B
finish the work?
Language building 2

3 (2.04~
Unit 11 Mary, this is June from Styles by Diana. I'm calling
about your appointment with Charles next Monday.
A I'm afraid we're going to have to change it. Charles
had a bicycle accident on Friday and hurt his arm.
Language building :t Unfortunateiy, it'ii be a couple of weeks before he can
return to work. Do you want to wait till then to make a
3602. new appointment? If not, then Micheiie or I can do your
Questions 1-3 refer to the following message. hair this time. Could you caii me in the next coupie of
This is Dan Stevens at Molex Office Supplies. I'm not days to let me know what you'd like to do? I'm sorry if
able to take your call personally at the moment, as I'm this causes any inconvenience.
out of the office for a week. I'll be back on Monday, 1 Why is the speaker calling?
__ ~uly 14. If you need to contact me urgently, please 2 How did Charles hurt himself?
e-mail me. The address is customerservice@molex. 3 When can Mary most likely have a new
com. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. For product appointment?
information and general inquiries, please call our heip
line at 555-9234 from Monday to Friday,9:00 A.M. to

Audio Scripts 13
4 What can cailers who press 2 do? I
C Understanding natural pronunciation
5 How long will Mr. Humphreys be away from the I
1, 2 .2.05. office?
1 I'm calling about your contract. 6 What should cailers do if they want general
2 The buses are running a bit late, information?
3 Hannah is feeling a lot better.
Questions 7-9 refer to the foilowing talk.

Good morning, everyone and thank you for coming to

D Learn by doing
hear about this year's sales figures. You'iI be happy to
~ know that sales have increased by 7 percent since last
year, This means that they're 22 percent higher than
Heilo, John. This is Sarah, from Pitt Engineering, I'm
two years ago and 27 percent higher than five years
cailing about our meeting next Tuesday. I'm afraid that I
ago, How did we manage to do it? Weil, there are three
can't make it then, Would it be possibie to change the
reasons, First, our sales team has expanded and is
meeting to next Wednesday? Please cail me back to
doing a great job, Second, the discount we decided
confirm that this is OK, I look forward to meeting with
to offer to regular cilents has been very popular. But
the main reason is that we've started a new online
advertising campaign that has been very successful.
E Mini.test 607. So what does this mean for profits? Weil, profits have
increased by 12 percent, which means a bonus for
Questions 1-3 refer to the foilowing voice.maii everyone this year.
7 In which department does the speaker most likely
Heilo, Martin, this is Stuart from Pro.Fitness Gym, I'm work?
just cailing to remind you that your monthly payment 8 What is the main reason for the increase in
was due last week, but I'm afraid we haven't received sales?
it yet. I know you were planning on jOining the new 9 What has increased by 12 percent?
swimming class tomorrow, but you'iI need to bring
$75 cash with you before you can enrol on that. In the Questions 10-12 refer to the following message,
meantime, could you check if there's a problem with Welcome to iRes\, the 21st-century hotel. We're not the
your regular credit card payment? I look forward to largest or the cheapest hotel in the city, but we offer
seeing you tomorrow. you rooms of the future, today. The first thing you'iI
1 Why is the speaker cailing Martin? notice when you go to your room is that there are no
2 When should Martin have paid the fee? keys, Just press your finger against the lock to open
3 How does Martin usualiy pay his gym fee? the door, And that's not all. To turn on the beautiful
wide.screen television simply say "entertainment
Questions 4-6 refer to the following recorded message. center open" in a loud, clear voice. To watch hundreds
Thank you for cailing. You have reached the offices of new and popular movies, please buy the special
of Jarvis, Browne, and Humphreys TaxAccountants. cards from the machines in front of the elevators.
We're closed for business right now but wiil reopen on 10 Who most likely is the speaker?
Monday, October 10, If you'd like to leave a message 11 What does the speaker say about the hotel?
with your name and telephone number, we'iI return your 12 What is unusual about the rooms?
cail as soon as we can, To leave a message for Mr.
Jarvis, press 1. To leave a message for Ms. Browne,
press 2. If you're a new customer, please press 3. Mr,
Humphreys is currently on vacation for two weeks. If
you're a client of Mr. Humphreys and need immediate
assistance, please leave a message with Ms, Browne.
For general information about our services, please go
to our Web site at www.jbh.com.

14 Audio Scripts
10 Can I get you a cup of coffee?
Review Test 1 (A) Sure, how do you take your coffee?
(B) Yes, I just came back from the cafeteria.
Part 1 ~ (C) Thanks, that would be great.

1 (A) They're sitting in the train. 11 Do you think I should take a coat?
(B) They're shaking hands. (A) Yes, it can get cold this time of year,
(C) They're attending a training course, (B) I think your coat looks very nice.
(D) They're holding the handrail. (C) No, I think it was taken during the winter,

2 (A) She's holding the plates. 12 I couldn't use your phone, could I?
(B) She's washing the dishes. (A) Yes, he called a few minutes ago.
(C) She's preparing the food. (B) Sorry, I don't have time,
(D) She's stacking the plates. (C) Certainly, here you are.

3 (A) He's parking in the street. 13 You don't have the key to the storeroom, do you?
(B) He's walking in the woods. (A) No, but I'm sure Tom has one.
(C) He's sitting on the bench. (B) I don't need anything from the store.
(D) He's raking the leaves. (C) There isn't enough room in there.

4 (A) She's shopping for food. 14 You look tired this morning.
(B) She's looking for a shopping cart. (A) Yes, it's a new tire.
(C) She's getting into her car. (B) Sorry, I can't go there this morning.
(D) She's washing the vegetables. (C) I was working till late last night.

5 (A) He's carrying the books. 15 Is the sales convention in Boston or Chicago this
(B) He's folding the paper. year?
(C) He's standing in the park, (A) I went to Boston last year,
(D) He's reading a newspaper. (B) As far as I know, it's in Chicago.
(C) Yes, I'm going to the convention,
Part 2 ~2.09~ 16 Can you unlock the front door for me?
(A) Yes, the door is locked.
6 You couldn't send me a copy of your new catalog, (B) Sorry, I don't have the key,
could you? (C) I think they're at the front.
(A) Yes, the catalog is new.
(B) You can if you like. 17 What are you doing this weekend?
(C) Certainly, can I have your address? (A) We went to Italy.
(B) Yes, have a good weekend.
7 Do you have a map of the area? (C) I plan to go sailing.
(A) No, but you can get one at the reception
desk. 18 Should I send it to your home or your office?
(B) Yes, I'd like a map, piease. (A) I'll take it with me now.
(C) This area is very popular. (B) I brought it to the office today.
(C) I sent it to my home address.
8 How often does the number 50 bus come?
(A) I usually take the bus once a week. 19 Can you send someone to repair my window?
(B) This bus doesn't go to 50th Street (A) It's very windy today.
(C) I think it's every 10 minutes. (B) Sure, but not until Tuesday.
(C) My window is broken,
9 Can I have three tickets to the nine o'clock show,
please? 20 I think we need new computers in the office,
(A) No, I think the clock is broken. (A) I agree, but we can't afford them now.
(B) I'm sorry, it's completely sold out. (B) Computer skills are very important.
(C) Yes, it's showing every night this week. (C) The office is new,

Audio Scripts 15
Questions 30-32 refer to the following conversation.

W Excuse me, do you have this refrigerator - it's in

Questions 21-23 refer to the following conversation.
your catalog on sale and it's a very good price.
M I wonder if you can help me? I've just arrived from But I don't see it in the store.
New York, and I can't seem to find my suitcase. M I'm sorry, ma'am, but that particular refrigerator is
W I see. Could you tell me which flight you were on? sold out. We have other models, also on sale.
M Yes, it was flight 317. We landed about 45 W No, thanks. This is the one I want. When will you
minutes ago, and all the other baggage came be getting new stock?
through, but mine didn't. M According to our computer, we'll have some next
W let me speak to the baggage handling section week. If you don't mind waiting a few days, you
to check that everything has been taken off the could place an order today.
30 What product is the woman looking for?
21 Where most likely are the speakers? 31 What is the problem?
22 What is the man's problem? 32 What does the man suggest the woman do?
23 What will the woman do next?
Questions 33-35 refer to the following conversation.
Questions 24-26 refer to the following conversation.
M Do you know which presentation is starting next?
W I'm sorry, Mr. Amma, but we don't seem to have a Is it the one on time management?
reservation for you. W No, that's been canceled because the speaker's
M But I received confirmation bye-mail on Thursday sick. The next presentation is on health and
- a double room with a bath. safety in the workplace, with Glen Harper.
W We were having problems with the computer M Really? I thought Glen Harper's talk was this
system on that day. It wasn't fixed until Friday. afternoon after lunch. I seem to have the wrong
Would you like to take a seat in the lobby and I'll schedule.
speak to the manager? Can I get you some coffee W Didn't you get the revised schedule? It was sent
while you wait? out last week. Here, you can have mine - I have a
M Yes, thank you. I hope we can fix the problem spare copy.
quickly. I'm very tired after my flight.
33 Where does this conversation take place?
24 Where does this conversation most likely take 34 What is the man's problem?
place? 35 What does the woman offer'to do?
25 When did the computer problems happen?
26 What does the woman ask Mr. Amma to do?
Part 4 .2.i1)
Questions 27-29 refer to the following conversation.
Questions 36-38 refer to the following talk.
W As you can see, the house is in very good
condition, especially considering its age. The First of all, I'd like to thank you for your interest in
kitchen has been completely redone, the Plasmo Industries. I hope that today's tour will give you
wallpaper and carpets are all brand new, and the a good idea of the kind of projects we're working on.
bathroom is very clean and sunny. And here is the The factory tour should take about one hour and a half.
living room. Please feel free to ask any questions as we go. We'll
M It seems a little dark in here. be going through the clean area of the factory first, so
W I guess the tree outside is a little overgrown. But I have to ask you to put on these coveralls over your
we can cut it back, and then there would be a lot clothes, and also these hair nets to help to keep dust
more light in this room. out of the equipment and the work environment. Thank
you very much.
27 Where most likely are the speakers?
28 What is the man concerned about? 36 Where does this talk probably take place?
29 How will the woman fix the problem? 37 How long is the tour likely to take?
38 What is the group going to do next?

16 Audio Scripts
Questions 39-41 refer to the following voice.mail 45 What's the first thing Anna should do with the
message. draft report?
46 When will Mike return to the office?
Mr. Anderson, this is Andrea Carter from Info Systems.
47 What is the purpose of Mike's trip?
I'm calling to let you know that the laptop you left with
us last Friday is now repaired and will be ready for Questions 48-50 refer to the following announcement.
pickup tomorrow. Our store is open from 10:00 A.M.
I've called this meeting to let you know that we've
tomorrow. The service center opens before that, at
7:30 A.M. if you'd like to pick up your computer then. chosen a new director to take charge of the digital
books and magazines department. As you know, we
Payment can be made by cash or credit card. We also
offer a courier delivery service. We can send your were looking for a person who could develop new
computer anywhere in the city by noon tomorrow. If products and ideas, and also manage a large team of
digital editors and designers, I'm pleased to tell you
you'd like to make use of this service, please contact
the office. Thank you for using info Systems. that we've chosen Megan Riley. She has worked in
Beijing and New York and has been the manager of a
39 What kind of company does Andrea Carter work small but successful digital publishing company, Her
for? publishing experience is varied and includes business
40 When is the earliest the man can pick up the books and journals, fashion magazines, and cooking
computer? magazines. Megan will be joining us in April.
41 Why should the customer call the company?
48 What is the purpose of this meeting?
Questions 42-44 refer to the following announcement. 49 According to the announcement, what will the
digital director do?
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a passenger
50 What has Megan Riley already done?
announcement. Would passengers traveling on flight
137 to Detroit please make their way to gate number
24. Please note that this is a change to the departure
gate, due to a problem with baggage scanners at
Review Test 2
gate number 20. Unfortunately this change means
that departure will now be approximately 30 minutes Part 161~
behind schedule. We would like to apologize for any
inconvenience. 1 (A) There's a pile of boxes in the corner.
(B) The basket is empty.
42 Why is this announcement being made? (C) The books are on the table,
43 Where are passengers for flight 137 asked to go? (D) There are many papers on the board.
44 When will the plane take off?
2 (A) The bus driver is selling tickets,
Questions 45-47 refer to the following voice.mail (B) The people are getting off the bus.
message. (C) The bus is leaving the station.
Hi, Anna. This is Mike Hamilton. It's Thursday evening, (D) The people are boarding the bus,
and I'm just leaving the office. I've left a draft of the 3 (A) Some trains are in the station.
quarterly sales report on your desk. Please check (B) The platforms are crowded with people.
the figures before you type up the final report, If you (C) People are crossing the train tracks,
find any errors or problems, please call me on my cell (D) The railway bridge is being built.
phone before you make any changes, The final report
needs to be handed to Carol Donovan by 4:00 P,M. 4 (A) She's writing a letter,
on Friday. I'll be away for a couple of days, back in the (B) She's looking at the computer.
office on Wednesday. My meeting with Robert Brown (C) She's holding a document.
is in London on Monday, and we hope to sign the new (D) She's sitting in the office.
contract then. 5 (A) The man is getting into the car.
(B) The man is carrying the boxes,
(C) The man is leaving the office.
(D) The man is driving the vehicle.

Audio Scripts 17
Part 2 613'. 17 Which train should I take to get to Burston?
(A) You need the express train on track 4,
6 Where have you been? (B) I've been training for months,
(A) Yes, I have. (C) You should take another one,
(B) From New York,
(C) The supermarket. 18 Can I bring my family to the company picnic?
(A) I'm sure you'll enjoy the picnic,
7 Did we receive the report from London? (B) I think the company will bring them,
(A) Yes, it's on your desk, (C) Yes, family members are welcome,
(B) I was in London last week.
(C) I sent it yesterday. 19 Who are we sending to the conference in May?
(A) I've already sent it.
8 The party's on Friday,isn't it? (B) I've heard that Tom will go.
(A) Sorry, I can't. (C) The conference is held in May.
(B) That's right.
(C) I'll do it tomorrow. 20 Didn't you tell me that delivery costs were
9 How much is a taxi to the station? (A) I don't think we can deliver it.
(A) About 30 minutes. (B) I think the cost is too high,
(B) Ten dollars, (C) Yes, but only inside the city limits,
(C) it's near the hotel.

10 What time will you be in the office tomorrow?

(A) I don't have time,
(B) About 10 o'clock, Questions 21-23 refer to the following conversation,
(C) I'm leaving tomorrow,
M I'm sorry to bother you, but i'm looking for the
11 Did you know the president is visiting next week? empioyment office. According to this map, it's on
(A) When is he coming? 17th Street, but I can't seem to find it.
(B) I really enjoyed his visit. W It's on 18th Street, not far from here. It's right
(C) I met him yesterday, next to the shopping mall, across from the bank.
M Thank you, This map must be wrong,
12 There isn't much coffee left, W I think the employment office moved from 17th
(A) He left at five o'clock, Street about four years ago. Maybe you should
(B) I'll get some more tomorrow, get a new map, I think you can get one at City
(C) I don't need any copies, Hall.
13 Have you seen the plans for the new office? 21 What is the man looking for?
(A) Yes, they're on the table. 22 What does the woman tell the man?
(B) The office is closed, 23 What advice does the woman give?
(C) No, it isn't new.
Questions 24-26 refer to the following conversation,
14 When does the delivery man usually come?
(A) I don't think it's been delivered. W Heilo, this is the reception desk, How can I help
(B) He came three times last week. you?
(C) He's always here before five. M This is room 515, The shower in my room doesn't
seem to be working. Could you send someone up
15 Can you help me tidy up this room? to fix it?
(A) Yes, I tidied it before I left, W Of course, sir, right away,
(B) I don't need any help, thank you, M I'm going to go to the fitness center for a while,
(C) Sorry, I have a meeting in five minutes, I hope the problem will be fixed by the time I get
16 Who should I speak to about my expenses? back.
(A) Yes, things are very expensive now. 24 Where most likely are the speakers?
(B) You should talk to your manager. 25 What is the problem?
(C) I was speaking to them" last week, 26 What will the man probably do next?

18 Audio Scripts
13 Would you like me to help you with the interviews 24 She's fixed the computer.
tomorrow? (A) She'll probably do it tomorrow.
(A) I can't interview you tomorrow, (8) Can't you find the problem?
(8) I don't like the view very much. (C) I didn't know it was broken.
(C) That would be very kind, thank you.
25 Which car did you choose?
14 When would you like to start? (A) I bought the biue one.
(A) We began at six o'clock. (8) I lost it yesterday.
(8) I don't like any of them. (C) I didn't send her a card,
(C) Next week if possible.
26 Whose office are we going to use for the seminar?
15 Let's go to the movies tonight. (A) We're going to do it all on Monday.
(A) The theater is just round the corner, (8) We can use mine if it's big enough.
(8) I really don't think I'll have time. (C) You can go if you really want to.
(C) Yes, of course you can.
27 Where will you spend your vacation?
16 Are you going to call him in the morning? (A) It cost $70.
(A) I think I'll send him an e-mail instead. (8) They went to Canada.
(8) I'm going to Milan for the conference, (C) I might just stay home.
(C) I'm leaving just after breakfast.
28 How will they get there without a car?
17 Did you repair the printer yet? (A) They should be there by six.
(A) No, I haven't paid her yet. (8) They'll have to take the bus.
(8) We bought a new pair yesterday. (C) They can drive, can't they?
(C) I don't know what's wrong with it.
29 Could you help me carry this box of books?
18 I'm late because my train was delayed. (A) I'll just finish the document I'm working on
(A) That train Is always late, first.
(8) I'm sorry to make you wait. (8) No thanks, I've read them all already.
(C) I think it might rain later, (C) We left them in the cupboard by the door.

19 Whose car is that parked outside? 30 We can give you a discount if you buy 10 kilos.
(A) We drove there, but the park was closed. (A) In that case, we'll order two more kilos.
(8) I've asked, but no one seems to know. (8) I counted them all, and one was missing,
(C) No, I parked it around the corner. (C) I always get to the office before 9:00 A.M,

20 Do you know if they bought a new house? 31 What are you going to do if it rains?
(A) I'm renting an apartment next door. (A) They said it will rain tomorrow.
(8) I can't remember their address. (8) We'll probably go see a movie.
(C) I haven't asked them yet. (C) I forgot to take my umbrella.

21 She mailed the letter, didn't she? 32 When will they begin the work?
(A) The mail was late, (A) They've been out of work for a long time now.
(8) She said she did, (8) They were in London last week, as far as I
(C) She didn't let me. know.
(C) They're going to start the day after tomorrow.
22 Where did Ms. Jones get the computer that came
yesterday? 33 He cleaned the windows, didn't he?
(A) We put them on the top shelf. (A) The windows are already open,
(8) I think it's from our usual supplier, (8) The wind was very strong,
(C) She usually leaves it on her desk, (C) It certainly looks like it.

23 I'll do the jOb, but I need more time, 34 It would be a good idea to read his report as soon
(A) I can only give you two days. as you can.
(8) You've never been late for work. (A) He always reports to me.
(C) You did it in three weeks, (8) I didn't know it was finished,
(C) I read a lot of books in my free time,

Audio Scripts 21
35 Are you going to stay here tomorrow? Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation.
(A) It depends on the weather.
W Hi. I'm calling from Greenwood Electrics. A week
(B) I think we'll hear from him today.
ago, we placed an order with you for a hundred
(C) You can stay as long as you like.
light bulbs, but they haven't arrived yet.
36 Why don't you take a cab to the airport? M Let me check. Yes, we received your order on
(A) The check-in desk is over there. Tuesday,and the bulbs were dispatched on
(B) I really don't like flying. Wednesday. You should have had them on Friday,
(C) It is just too expensive. W That's very odd, Could you check with your shipping
37 Should we begin production now or wait till next
M I'll call them right now, I don't know what could've
gone wrong. If there was any problem, I should
(A) He'll be promoted when he has more
have been notified right away, I'll get back to you
(B) I think we should start as soon as possible.
(C) Sales of the new product are very strong, 44 Why did the woman make the call?
45 When was the order shipped?
38 Do you know what happened at the conference?
46 What will the man do now?
(A) I'm afraid I wasn't there.
(B) Sorry, I don't have a map, Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
(C) I've never met him before.
M I'm really not happy with our cleaners, My
39 Where did you put the new plates? wastebasket was full this morning, and it's not the
(A) We didn't like the old ones. first time this has happened,
(B) They're in the cupboard, W You're right. They've always been good in the past,
(C) They moved there last month, but the last couple of weeks have been different.
M Do you know what the reason is?
40 Why didn't you pay them by check?
W I came in early yesterday, and I met one of the
(A) I've checked it already.
cleaners. He told me that they don't have enough
(B) I paid them yesterday,
people at present, but they're recruiting now, and
(C) They only take cash.
things should be much better in a month or so.

47 Why is the man complaining?

Pa rt 3 (3.04)
48 How long has there been a problem?
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation, 49 What has caused the problem?

M You know, we're going to have to do something Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
about this printer. It does work, but it takes so
W We have to decide whether it's worth launching a
long to print anything.
new brand of coffee, Does the market have room
W I know - it's often much slower than the
for it right now?
manufacturers claim, I called them this morning
M There's always room for a good product that's
to complain. They will send a technician
properly promoted - and this is a great product.
W But remember what happened when Koliman Inc,
M OK, but if he can't improve it, I think we should produced a new brand two years ago? It lasted
order a different printer.
just a year, and there was nothing wrong with the
W All right. I'll speak to you tomorrow after the
technician's been,
M Yes, good point, but the marketing was weak.
41 What is wrong with the printer? Kollman thought they could rely on their reputation,
42 What has the woman done? but they were wrong, A new brand must always be
43 What will happen tomorrow? well promoted, I'm sure we can make it a success.

50 What does the man want to do?

51 What happened to Koliman Inc.?
52 Why did this happen?

22 Audio Scripts
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation. 59 Who most likely is the man?
60 What will the woman have to do?
M I'd like to buy two tickets for the show Bottleneck
61 Where does the woman want to go first?
on Saturday, please.
W I'm sorry, sir, but Saturday is soid out. Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation,
M That's a shame, What about Friday or Sunday,
then? Ml I see that 20 of the radios we made in April have
been returned, I'm not happy with quality control.
W I'm afraid Friday is also sold out, but you're in luck
Is there a problem with the materials? Or could it
for Sunday - we have just two tickets left, and
they're only available because we've just had a be the new factory manager?
cancelation. They're quite expensive, but they're M2 I'm not happy either, but the problem isn't for
good seats - in the balcony, not too far back, either of those reasons. Quality control has
Sunday's performance begins at 7:30, but you suffered because we've had to cut back on staff.
Ml Well, we're going to have to do something about
need to get there about 7:00.
it. If anything like this happens again, we'll lose
53 When did the man originally want to visit the customers to the competition.
theater? M2 I think we might have to cut production a little. I
54 Why is the man lucky? don't want to, but I think it's the best thing to do
55 When does the show start? under the circumstances.
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation, 62 Why has quality control suffered?
63 According to the first man, what might happen if
Wi If it's agreed that we need to build an extension,
quality control is not improved?
the question is where, Behind the main building is
64 What solution to the problem is suggested?
the obvious place, but then we'd lose the garden.
What about extending the east wing? Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation.
W2 I've looked into that, and I don't think we'd
M Our office is so hot today that I can hardly work in
get planning permission. But there's another
it. It's been like this for three weeks. Isn't it time
possibility. Why don't we extend the west wing
we considered getting air conditioning?
across the parking lot and move the parking lot
W It certainly is hot today. Even the director has
been complaining. Could you prepare a proposal
Wi I see what you mean, It would be expensive, but
for him for installing air conditioning? I'm sure
our cars wouldn't be seen from the road, so
they'd be safer. the board would consider it very seriously if he
presents it to them. '
W2 Yes, they would. And I'm sure that planning
M I'd be glad to, but I'm pretty busy right now, Can
permission would be much easier to get.
you give me until the end of the week?
56 Where is the garden located? W Yes, that'll be fine. I'm meeting the director on
57 What is the problem with extending the east Wednesday next week, so I could give him the
wing? proposal then,
58 Where might the parking lot go?
65 What is the man complaining about?
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. 66 Who will consider the proposal?
67 When will the proposal be completed?
W Can you take me to the Palm Tree restaurant,
please? Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation.
M Sure, but Barton Street is closed to traffic today.
W I got a new laptop computer last year, but it takes
I can drop you at one end of it, but you'll have to
such a long time to do anything. You know a lot
walk from there.
about computers, don't you? Could you help me
W That's OK. I don't have anything to carry. Oh, and
choose a new one?
could we also go by the train station? I want to
M I'd be happy to. Are you looking for a desktop or
collect a ticket.
another laptop?
M Sure, no problem.

Audio Scripts 23
W They're a bit more expensive, but I'd prefer guarantee not to increase our current prices for six
another laptop. I have plenty of room for a months, so now is the time to rent from 8estcar. We
desktop, but there are times when I'd like to have are confident that once you have experienced our cars
my computer with me when I'm away on business. and our service, you'll want to use Bestcar time and
M All right. There's a good store in Grant Street. It's again. And as an added incentive, until the end of the
a bit far away, but it has the best range of models, year we are offering a free tank of gas for every week
so let's go there. that you rent. That's right, a free tank of gas for every
full seven days' rental.
68 What is wrong with the woman's computer?
69 Why does the woman want a laptop computer? 77 What advantage does 8estcar Inc. claim to offer?
70 Why does the man suggest the store on Grant 78 How long will 8estcar Inc.'s current prices remain
Street? the same?
79 What will 8estcar Inc. give with one week's rental?

Part 4 (3:05. Questions 80-82 refer to the following talk.

Questions 71-73 refer to the following announcement. If you look at the graph, you'll see two peaks in
production last year - one in March and one in July.
Attention all staff. There will be a fire drill today at And the reason isn't hard to find. In the three years
3:30. When the alarm sounds at this time, please since we began production of our current model,
leave your place of work and go downstairs and out these were the only months in which work was not
into the plaza. In the event of a fire, the elevators will interrupted by any mechanical failure. Well, we can't
not operate, so you must use the stairs. In the plaza, guarantee that everything will always work smoothly,
wait for instructions to return to the building. This will but we have now decided to train some of our own
be done by floor number, beginning with floor 6, then staff in maintenance. This means that in the future we
floor 5, and so on. will not waste time waiting for outside help to arrive.
71 What is the announcement about? 80 What happened in March and July last year?
72 What will happen at 3:30 P.M.? 81 When did production of the present model begin?
73 What shaul" employees do when this happens? 82 What will the company do to improve efficiency?
Questions 74-76 refer to the following voice-mail Questions 83-85 refer to the following talk.
The lease on our current building expires at the end
Sergei, it's Natasha. I've got a problem. My car won't of the year, so we have a choice to make. We can
start, so I'm going to be late for our meeting. I could either move to the north of town where rents are
be with you by ten.thirty, but I think it might be better if low, or we can relocate to a more expensive block in
we postpone it till after lunch. Would it be convenient the center. The main advantage of relocating to the
for you to make your factory visit this morning, and center is that we will attract more customers, but the
then see me at two o'clock? I'd prefer to meet in your main disadvantage is that our rent will increase. On
office because there's a problem with the heating balance, though, I think we should go for the middle
in mine. It was cold yesterday, and today may be no of town. The higher costs would be covered either by
better. Could you call me back and let me know if raising our prices or by the increase in business - or
you're happy to meet me in your office at two? a combination of these factors. A small price increase
74 Why is Natasha going to be late? would be appropriate if we moved to a prime location,
75 What new time does Natasha suggest for the so we could potentially boost our profits. It would also
meeting? be more convenient for most of our employees, who
76 Why does Natasha want to meet in Sergei's would enjoy a shorter commute and reduced travel
office? costs.

Questions 77-79 refer to the following radio 83 What is the main topic of this talk?
advertisement. 84 What does the speaker recommend?
85 Why does the speaker recommend this?
We at 8estcar Inc. are confident we are offering the
lowest-price car rentals of any major company. And we

24 Audio Scripts
Questions 86-88 refer to the following excerpt from a 92 Who most likely is the speaker?
local radio talk show, 93 Why is Marsden Road closed?
94 What are police advising drivers to do?
Now on to this morning's announcement by Zenith
HOldingsthat it will be building a new supermarket Questions 95-97 refer to the following excerpt from a
on the site of the Central parking lot on Smith Street, speech.
next to the bank, It says that the recently built multi.
level parking garage on Milton Road will more than Good evening, everybody, and welcome to our new
compensate for the loss of parking spaces on Smith restaurant. This is now our third restaurant, and those
of you who have eaten at either of our other two will
Street. But what do you think? Do we need yet another
supermarket? With the town's lack of parking spaces, know you won't be disappointed, We will have the
why not make the Smith Street parking lot a multi. same long operating hours, the same great value,
level, too? We could easily fill two multi.level parking and maintain the same high standards that we have
garages, couldn't we? already established - but on a much larger scale, We
believe it is also the best situated in town, and diners
86 What is Zenith HOldings going to build? will have great views of the river to the south and of
87 Where is there currently a multi.level parking the hills to the north. We will also be introducing live
garage? music for the first time, four nights a week, Our pianist
88 What does the speaker suggest doing? will be happy to play any of your requests,

Questions 89-91 refer to the following excerpt from an 95 How many restaurants does the company now
interview. have?
96 Why does the speaker think this new restaurant is
When I wrote my book, tourists rarely went to the
better than other restaurants in town?
east of the country. This was partly because public
97 How is this new restaurant different from the
transportation was infrequent and unreliable, and
company's other restaurants?
there was only one very old hotel there. But the main
reason was that the only way to get there was to fly to Questions 98-100 refer to the following voice.mail
the capital, in the west, then travel overland across the message.
desert. Now that the new airport has opened in the
Carol, I'm leaving you a copy of our agreement with
east, tourists are pouring in, and the area is developing
Compupeak, When you get back to the office, could you
fast. Two new roads are under construction, three new
sign it and leave it on my desk? Compupeak's director
tourist-class hotels have already been built, and five
is away, but I'm going there to meet its sales manager
more are planned. Some people complain the area
at one o'clock, and I want to take the agreement
is now being spoiled by tourism, but I believe that a
with me. Could you speak to our prOduction manager
tourist industry will help the people of the area. If it's
as soon as possible and then meet me tomorrow
true that the success of my book is one of the reasons

afternoon? We only have three months, and we can't

for the transformation, then I have something to be
afford to deliver late. So could you draw up a timetable
proud of,
for the work, and an estimate of how many people
89 Who most likely is the speaker? we might need? Could we meet in my office at two
90 Where is the new airport? tomorrow to finalize our plans?
91 How many new hotels have been completed?
98 What does the speaker ask Carol to do?
Questions 92-94 refer to the following report. 99 Who is the speaker going to meet at Compupeak?
100 When does the speaker want to meet Carol
For your drive home, there are no accidents to report,
but we're getting news of a road closure in the west
end, Within the past 15 minutes, Marsden Road has
been closed because a water main has burst and is
causing major flooding. Police cannot yet say when
it might reopen, and suggest that drivers look for
alternative routes. Traffic is always slow around the
train station at this time of day, so avoid that area if
possible. Stay tuned and we'll keep you updated.

Audio Scripts 25
Practice Test B Pa rt 2 .4~03)
11 Can you write the letter to Mr. Kato by tomorrow?
Part 1 (.:02) (A) Yes, I think so.
(B) No, they didn't let me.
1 (A) They're putting on their hats.
(C) He says you may be right.
(B) They're reading the newspaper.
(C) They're talking on the phone, 12 Where would you like me to park the car?
(D) They're looking at a plan, (A) I don't particularly like it.
(B) I paid the parking fine yesterday.
2 (A) The people are working on the highway.
(C) It doesn't really matter.
(B) The people are waiting on the sidewalk.
(C) The people are climbing the trees. 13 I can come with you if you need help.
(D) The people are carrying backpacks. (A) I'm sorry I couldn't help you,
(B) Thanks, I'd be grateful.
3 (A) The wheels are being removed.
(C) I'll come if I have time.
(B) The truck is being loaded with rocks.
(C) The truck is being emptied. 14 Will they see the sales manager on Monday?
(D) The wheels are being repaired. (A) Yes, I've confirmed the meeting.
(B) We're not managing to improve sales.
4 (A) He's carrying a suitcase.
(C) No, they saw it yesterday.
(B) He's looking out of the window.
(C) He's reserving a seat. 15 He's leaving at the end of the week, isn't he?
(D) He's buying some luggage. (A) I don't know where he's going.
(B) No, I think he left today.
5 (A) The pictures are in the hall.
(C) I don't know where he lives.
(B) The curtains are closed,
(C) The lamp is on the fioor. 16 Who did you say you were working with today?
(D) The bed is in the corner. (A) Actually, I'm working alone.
(B) Ms. Chen said she'd be out of the office.
6 (A) The woman is having her picture taken.
(C) No, I'd rather take the bus today.
(B) The man is trying to paint a picture.
(C) The wOman is waiking on the grass. 17 When is she going to make the announcement
(D) The man is buying a new camera. about staff recruitment?
(A) I think she's planning to do it today,
7 (A) The man is checking the time.
(B) They said the flight is departing from gate 7.
(B) The wOman is holding a bag.
(C) She's going to Taiwan for a job interview.
(C) The man is watching the people.
(D) The woman is walking in the mall. 18 Did he tell you why the conference was
8 (A) The cyclists are waiting at the traffic lights.
(A) He said he can go to the conference later
(B) The bicycles are parked in rows.
(C) The aisle seats are all full.
(B) He said he'll post the invitations tomorrow.
(D) The people are lining up outside.
(C) He said some people couldn't come that day,
9 (A) They're having a meal in a cafe,
19 How about taking the bus into town?
(B) They're standing around a table.
(A) The bus stop is around the corner.
(C) They're looking at some pictures.
(B) That sounds like a good idea.
(D) They're sitting at their desks.
(C) Yes, you can take it down now,
10 (A) The woman is checking in for a flight.
20 How many people came to the seminar
(B) The woman is buying a theater ticket.
(C) The woman is paying for a meal.
(A) We came here three days ago.
(D) The woman is packing her suitcase.
(B) I think there'll be 30 at least.
(C) I haven't been able to find out yet.

26 Audio Scripts
21 Has Alison read the end-of-year report? 31 Is she going to need the company car this
(A) She didn't draft the yearly report weekend, or can I take it?
(8) She hasn't said anything about it (A) I'll check if you can take the weekend off.
(C) She's not going there until next year. (8) Yes, she can drive you there on Saturday.
(C) I'll confirm that with you tomorrow.
22 How do you take your coffee?
(A) Just black, please. 32 Why wasn't Pedro asked to attend this week's
(8) I didn't take it. product briefing?
(C) I don't know. (A) Yes, I liked the brief report he sent.
(8) No, he hasn't produced anything yet.
23 Didn't you get the invoice from Sally today?
(C) I asked him, but he couldn't make it.
(A) I haven't checked my voice mail yet.
(8) She hasn't been invited. 33 Whose laptop computer is that by the door?
(C) No, she says it still hasn't arrived. (A) Yours is better than mine.
(8) It's on the fioor in my office,
24 Would you have time to buy the tickets for
(C) I think it must be Marina's.
tomorrow's show?
(A) I'll get them on my way home from work, 34 Could you explain to us how your distribution
(8) I don't know what time it starts. system works?
(C) I understand it's by the art gallery, (A) My colleague is going to do that after lunch,
(8) Thank you for offering, but I already know it
25 Is the new fax machine better than the old one?
(C) He works from 9:00 to 5:00 every day.
(A) We got the new one this morning.
(8) I think they're both about the same. 35 When are you going to update the expense
(C) I'm much better today, thank you. accounts?
(A) Aren't they up to date already?
26 Has she arranged the reception for our visitors?
(8) I'm going in three days.
(A) Please check in at the front desk,
(C) I haven't counted them yet.
(8) We've received them already,
(C) Yes, everything's been taken care of. 36 Can they discuss the new layout plans tomorrow?
(A) No, they don't have time today.
27 Why didn't we buy new furniture this year?
(8) Yes, if they're not busy.
(A) Yes, we'll buy some tomorrow.
(C) They're planning to go out after work.
(8) We didn't have the budget for it.
(C) Your new desks are ready now. 37 I thought that was a very expensive meal tonight
(A) Yes, but I think it was worth it
28 Couldn't Tom chair next week's board meeting if
(8) Shall we book a table for this evening?
you're not free?
(C) No, I've never eaten there before.
(A) We put all the new chairs in the boardroom
today, 38 Should I call you a taxi?
(8) Possibly, but he may have other things to do. (A) No, he'll talk to you later.
(C) No, I'm afraid I just don't have the time, (8) No, I'd prefer to walk.
(C) No, taxes are far too high.
29 What did you do with the broken printer?
(A) We printed them already. 39 Where will you hold this year's sales conference?
(8) It just stopped working, (A) We usually have it in July.
(C) I sent it out for repair. (8) We haven't decided yet.
(C) We sold as much as we could,
30 Is Mohammed going to the supermarket or the
pharmacy for the medicine? 40 Will you have time to prepare tomorrow's agenda,
(A) He said he's going to buy them both. or should I do it?
(8) He told me he would go on Tuesday, (A) I think it would be better if you did it.
(C) He usually gets it in the supermarket (8) We weren't prepared for this.
(C) You shouldn't miss the meeting.

Audio Scripts 27
Part 3 Crti4) Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.

M I could certainly make the main bedroom bigger,

Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation.
but you'd lose space elsewhere.
W Demand for our designer products is growing fast. W Well, the kitchen could be a little smaller. We just
We need to open another factory. need room for four people to eat there because
M Yes, but we need a pretty big loan, and that's we like to have breakfast together before the
risky. The bank would probably give us one, but children go off to school.
what if business suddenly decreased? M Well, there's quite a large reception area. How
W With good marketing, that won't happen. However about reducing that? There would be a small cost
efficient our present factory is, it can't satisfy the to alter the plans, so why don't you think about it
growing demand. and give me a call tomorrow?
M All right, I'll raise the issue with the board at the
50 Who most likeiy is the man?
next budget meeting, But I need you to have all
51 What are they mainly discussing?
costs carefully figured out, so I can let them know
52 What does the man ask the woman to do?
how much of a loan we'd need.
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation.
41 What does tne woman think they need?
42 Why is the man concerned? M I have to fly to Glasgow for the training seminar
43 What does the man ask the woman to do? next Thursday. Could you help me find a flight?
Before I go, I'm meeting a client on Thursday
Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation.
morning at 9:00, so I can't fty until after 12:00.
W I have to catch a train at 11:00 o'clock. Do you W OK ... some seats are available on the 1:30
think you cculd get me to the station by then? flight.
M Yes, madam, we should make it. M That'll be fine. I'll need to stay overnight, and
W Good. It's just that, if I miss this train, I'll be late return on Friday morning.
for an important conference in Boston. W I'm afraid there are no seats available until 6
M If the traffic's really bad near the station, I'll just o'clock in the evening on Friday. It might be better
stop as close as I can and give you a hand with to come back on the train. You'd be back by 2
your luggage from there. o'clock.

44 Where does this conversation take place? 53 When will the man attend the training seminar?
45 What is the woman most worried about? 54 What time is the man's flight to Glasgow?
46 How does the man say he can help if necessary? 55 What does the woman advise the man to do?

Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation. Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation.

M Do you think I could leave a little early today? I M We need to talk about the staff cafeteria.
need to go to the dentist. Sometimes there are no empty tables, and it's
W Yes, of course you can. But I really need to have expensive when we have to eat out.
your budget report before you leave. The board W Yes, it was all right last year, but now, with so
needs it first thing tomorrow morning. many more new employees this year, we need
M Well, most of it's already done, but I still need more space.
Paula's input on next month's figures, and I M Well, why don't we move the cafeteria to the
haven't seen her in the office today. Is she conference room?
working from home? W No, I'm afraid that won't work with the air
W No, she's doing her weekly factory visit, but she'll conditioning. How about providing some outdoor
be back in by 3:30. seating? I'll call the food service director about it
47 What does the man need to do?
48 When must the man finish his report? 56 What is wrong with the staff cafeteria?
49 Where is Paula expected to be at 3:30 P.M.? 57 What does the man suggest?
58 What will the woman do tomorrow?

28 Audio Scripts
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation.
M Could you tell listeners what you're working on W1 Hi, Carla. I see the new coats are nearly sDld out.
now? We should order a lot more.
W Well, it's the story of a Brazilian civil engineer W2 Yes, we'll need more, but we shouldn't get too
who's building a bridge. However,materials are in many. It's not long until spring, and no one will
short supply and the rainy season causes extra buy them when the weather warms up.
complications. Then a serious road accident puts W1 That's true, but we can always keep them. There's
him in the hospital. no danger that classic coats of such high quality
M Overcoming difficulty is a theme of yours, isn't won't sell next winter,
it? Your last book concerned a teacher in a W2 You're right, but the warehouse manager said at
developing country who had to spend months the last staff meeting that he can't take much
fixing up her school. She had some interesting more stock, as they're nearly at full capacity.
times teaching her classes outdoors though.
68 What problem are the speakers discussing?
59 What is the woman's job? 69 When does this conversation take place?
60 What was the problem with building the bridge? 70 What is the warehouse manager worried about?
61 What was the problem with the school?

Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation. Part 4 4'';-05)

W Excuse me, do you have a table for two? Questions 71-73 refer to the following tour information.
M There's only a table for four, but you can take it.
The new menu on the table has a page of healthy The hotel was built in 1897, and it quickly earned a
options. I'll bring you over some bread. Would you reputation for quality. Originally, it had just 30 guest
also like some olives? rooms, but that number was doubled when the west
W Yes, please. And some sparkling water too, wing was added in 1921. Half of the rooms have
please. If it's OK, we'll order now because we're in views of the river, and these are always booked up
a bit of a hurry. first. The original rooftop restaurant has long been
M Of course. We have three special dishes today famous, with wonderful views overlooking the city. In
that I can recommend. They're a little more 1997, the country's president attended the anniversary
expensive, but you won't have to wait long for any celebrations in the beautiful first-floor lobby, redesigned
of them. for the occasion. However,the hotel was closed last
month for long-awaited renovations and just reopened
62 How many people is the woman eating with? a week ago. These were necessary to bring the hotel
63 What is already on the table? into line with guests' expectations of technological
64 Why does the man recommend today's special conveniences in the 21st century_
71 What happened to the hotel in 1921?
Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation. 72 Where is the restaurant?
M Anna, I'm looking for someone to present our 73 Why was the hotel closed last month?
market research findings at the Paris conference Questions 74-76 refer to the following radio
next month. Could you do it? commercial.
W I'd like to, but I'm very busy with the Polish
contract. I really don't think I could manage both. Fastfly International has no first class, no business
M Yes, I know about the Polish project, but couldn't class, and no economy class, Everyone uses the same
James cover for you? He's on business in Madrid check-in, gets the same high level of in-flight service,
at the moment, but he's ftying back next week. and the same excellent food. Our standard is what you
W Well, I can speak to him about it. I'm going for would expect from business class, so you can forget
lunch now, but I'll call him at his hotel after that. those sleepless nights with no chance to stretch your
legs out on long flights. But if you make reservations
65 What does the man want Anna to do? far enough in advance, you'll get all these extras for
66 Where is James now? economy-class prices. And, for the next six months,
67 What does Anna say she will do after lunch?

Audio Scripts 29
we're offering one free flight for every four you make, year in a field outside of the town by a man digging
through our generous frequent.flier program, the field to plant potatoes, We'll visit the area this
afternoon on our way back to the hotel. A well.known
74 What level of service does Fastfly international
archeologist identified the coins and frequently refers
say it offers?
to their historical significance in his lectures. We now
75 What does the speaker suggest is the main
know that 500 years ago there was a large house
advantage of Fastfly Internationai?
with a garden next to it where the coins were found.
76 How can passengers get a free flight?
The owner of the house had probably buried the coins
Questions 77-79 refer to the following teiephone in the garden for safe.keeping and never returned to
message, retrieve them.

Hello, Carlos, it's Sven, We really need to put together 83 Where most likely is this talk taking place?
an urgent proposai for finding a company parking lot. 84 Who found the money?
Empioyees sometimes arrive late because it takes 85 What will the listeners do this afternoon?
them so much time to find a parking space outside,
Questions 86-88 refer to the following announcement.
Aiso, two employees have had vehicles broken into,
and one has even had her car stolen, The human Thanks for the weather and traffic update, John.
resources manager says the situation is affecting staff And now some good employment news for the
morale, and stress levels are increasing as a resuit. I'll city. Speaking from his head office, MegaMarkets
see him this afternoon and offer to prepare a proposai Corporation chairman, Barry Davis, announced Monday
that we can present to the director for a company that, in view of the success of the existing retail
parking lot. Could you help me figure out costs iater in complex, a new mall will be built on the site of the old
the week? Thanks Carlos. train station. Everything is in place, and building will
begin next year. His announcement was welcomed
77 Why is Sven phoning Carios?
by the mayor, who said that, aithough unemployment
78 Why is Sven going to meet the human resources
is still a cause for concern, our city's finances are
currently in the best shape they've ever been in, He
79 What does Sven want Carlos to do?
insisted that we have recovered from the recession,
Questions 80-82 refer to the following in.flight and he predicts a bright future.
86 Who made the announcement on Monday?
I'm afraid that, because of heavy fog at Birmingham 87 What is going to be built?
Airport, we are being diverted to Manchester, It's a little 88 What did the mayor say about the city's finances?
wet there presentiy, but it looks iike we should have
Questions 89-91 refer to the following voice mail.
clear skies by the time we land, We've made good time
because of tailwinds and will arrive on time at 6:15, Hello, I'm calling with a special offer from Greatsave
After you pick up your luggage, a free bus service will Bank, It's our policy to look for the best deal for our
be waiting to take you to Birmingham, However, there customers, and we think we can offer you something
may not be enough buses immediately available for all better than you've had in the twelve months since you
passengers, So, if you would prefer to stay overnight started doing business with us, If you put even the
in Manchester, we would be happy to arrange this for minimum deposit in our new Goldband Savings Account
you and provide you with the appropriate vouchers for for just two years, it'll earn twice as much interest
accommodation. Unfortunately, though, these cannot as you're getting now. And if you leave it in for three
be used for any food or beverages. years, it'll earn three times as much. It's guaranteed,
so it's absoiutely secure. And that could mean more
80 What is the speaker announcing?
money for your retirement. The advantage of your
81 What is the problem after the flight lands?
present savings account is that you can withdraw
82 Who will receive vouchers?
money whenever you want, but we wonder if the higher
Questions 83-85 refer to the following talk, interest rate might not be more attractive to you.
Moving into the next room, you can see the kind of 89 What is the subject of the message?
money that was used in the town's markets 500 years 90 What did the customer do last year?
ago. These particular coins were discovered last 91 What is good about the customer's present
30 Audio Scripts
Questions 92-94 refer to the following excerpt from a 98 Which agenda item will now be covered last?
speech. 99 Why is the agenda being altered?
Now that the time has come for me to leave, my mind 100 Where does the company propose to expand its
goes back to all the deals I've worked on during my
time here. Most of all, I remember securing the Tanaka
contract on my birthday. It wasn't our biggest deal,
nor was it our first in Japan, and it lasted just two
years. But without it, we would probably have gone
out of business. Although I love Japanese food and
I've learned a little of the language, I've never been to
Japan. So next year, my wife and I intend to go there
for the first time. I'm looking forward to iots of new

92 Why is the speaker giving a speech?

93 Why was the Japanese contract important?
94 What will the speaker do next year?

Questions 95-97 refer to the following announcement.

Our two current bridges cannot handle the volume of

traffic in the city. Congestion causes minor accidents
all the time and long delays on days when there is a
big football game. We all remember how bad it was
six months ago, when only one bridge was open. So a
contract has been signed for a new bridge, and work
begins next month. Some would've preferred to have
the new bridge constructed outside the city, but this is
not practical. It really must be central, and so it will be
built just to the north of the railroad bridge. At present,
the oldest of our road bridges has a lane in each
direction, and the other bridge has two. The new bridge
will have three, so capacity will be doubled.

95 Where will the new bridge be built?

96 What happened six months ago?
97 How many lanes in each direction will the new
bridge have?

Questions 98-100 refer to the following excerpt from a


Welcome to our twelfth annual general meeting. I'd

like to extend a warm welcome to our three Canadian
visitors who only arrived in the UK this morning. First,
I have to tell you about a change to the agenda.
Item number five, the proposal to sell off our existing
businesses in Sweden and expand our Italian
operations, will go to the bottom of the agenda. This
is because our Italian representative only just arrived
at the airport 15 minutes ago, and we must have his

Audio Scripts 31

Unit 1 3 Nouns customers, waitress, food, drinks,
restaurant, menu
Verbs holding, writing, speaking, listening,
A Key vocabulary sitting

1 2 (Possible answers)
1 8 3 D 5 C 1 In picture 1 the man is walking on the street,
2 A 4 F 6 E In picture 1 the woman has a bicycle.
2 In picture 2 the man is typing something.
2 (Possible answers) In picture 2 he's looking at a screen.
1 as a birthday present, to show sympathy, to show 3 In picture 3 the waitress is looking at the man,
gratitude In picture 3 the people are smiling.
2 serve food and drinks, check tickets and
passports, help passengers 3
3 answer the phone, make bookings, welcome hotel 1 A 2 A 3 8
guests or office visitors
4 serve food and drinks, bring the bill, bring change Tactic practice
5 Student's own answers
1 (Possible answers)

Language building 1 1 Nouns man, car, (ceil) phone, parking lot

Verbs standing, talking
1 (Possible answers) The man is going to get into the car.
A Nouns ftight attendant, passengers He is going to drive home,
Verbs serving, traveling, talking, standing, 2 Nouns peopie, man, whiteboard,
listening, sitting presentation, table
B Nouns reception desk, receptionist, credit Verbs looking, standing, sitting, speaking,
card listening
Verbs standing, talking, sitting, paying, The people are going to answer some
holding, taking questions,
C Nouns speaker, students, group, The man's going to write on the whiteboard.
presentation, table 3 Nouns people, bed, flowers
Verbs listening, sitting, writing, holding, Verbs giving, smiling, sitting, standing
taking, talking She's going to stand up.

2 She's going to put the flowers in a vase.

1 8 3 A 5 A 2
2 C 4 C 6 8 1 (C) The man has a cell phone to his ear, so he is
3 talking on the phone,
(A) The man has his hand on the car door, but he
Student's own answers
is not opening the car door.
(8) The man is outside the car, so he is not
Test tactic
1 (Possible answers) (D) The man is not washing the car,
1 Nouns street, corner, man, woman, people,
2 (0) A man Is standing at a whiteboard talking
to a group of people, so (0) gives the best
Verbs talking, standing, waiting, holding
2 Nouns man, office, computer, screen, chair,
(A) The man is standing by a whiteboard, but he
is not writing.
Verbs typing, looking, reading, working,
(8) The people are not leaving the room,
(C) The person standing in front of the class is a
man, not a woman.

32 Answer Key
3 (8) The woman on the bed is smiling as she Is (A) There is food in the picture, but the men are
given some flowers. not sitting in a restaurant.
(A) No one is cleaning tIle room. (B) The men are sitting, not standing.
(C) Only one of the two people is sitting on the (D) Some documents are on the table, but the
bed. men are not putting the documents on the
(D) The picture shows some flowers, but no table.
2 (8) The man is probably at an airport. He has two
3 cases,so he's waiting to go someplace best
Student's own answers describes the picture.
(A) The man is not making a call from his office.
(C) There is a briefcase in the picture, but the
B Key vocabulary
man is not putting it anywhere.
(D) The man is sitting, not standing.
2 D vehicles 6 C building 3 (D) There are some people sitting or lying on the
3 H documents 7 F stairs grass, so (D) best describes the picture.
4 I briefcase 8 E relaxing (A) The people may be in a garden, but they are
5 A typing 9 G exercise not working.
(B) The people are sitting, but they are not in a
Language building 2 library.
(C) There is a building, but the people are not
1 going into it.
1 up 5 onto 9 along
2 down 6 off 10 past 4 (A) The woman is using an exercise machine, so
3 into 7 through 11 toward (A) is a good description.
4 out of 8 across 12 awayfrom (B) The woman is not on a street near a bus.
2 (C) There is a screen In front of the woman, but
she is not watching lV.
2 up, down 6 in, awayfrom
(D) There is a window in the picture, but the
3 through, into 7 out of
woman is not washing it.
4 past 8 toward
5 on, along, off 5 (8) The picture shows a vehicle with the back
doors open, so (8) gives the best description.
D Learn by doing (A) There is some bread in the picture, but the
woman is not making some bread.
The sentences describe picture D. (C) There is a vehicle, but the woman is not
driving anywhere.
2, 3 (Possible answers) (D) The vehicle is not in a garage.
A They're boarding a plane.
Some people are carrying bags. 6 (D) A girl is holding the woman's hand, so (D) best
8 Some people are walking down a street. describes the picture.
Some people are shopping. (A) The people are in an art gallery, not at home.
C Twopeople are sitting down. (B) Some paintings are on the walls, but no one
A man is holding a tray. is painting the room.
D They're standing in a store. (C) There are no windows in the picture.
The man is talking to the sales assistant. 7 (8) The people are walking through a door, so (8)
gives the best description.
E Mini.test (A) The woman has some plants, and she is not
giving anything to the man.
1 (C) The picture shows two men silting at a desk. (C) The man is holding a box, not opening it.
They have drinks and a pizza,so (C) gives the (D) The people are not sitting.
best description.

Answer Key 33
8 (C) There is a train and the man is walking toward 4 (A) Correct
it, so (C) gives the best description, (B) minutes 5
(AI There is only one person in the picture, not (C) numbers R
many people.
5 (A) passed 5
(B) No one is getting off the train.
(B) Correct
(0) No one is leaving the building.
(C) stories R

6 (A) call R
Unit 2 (B) finish 5
(C) Correct
A Key vocabulary
Tactic practice
A magazine 0 receipt 1
8 catalog E calculator 1 (A) When the man says 1'1/do that for you, he
C envelope means that he will open the door.
(B) This is a statement about location, which
does not respond to the woman's request.
1 borrow 3 certainly
(C) The woman does not ask if the door is
2 avoid 4 deliver
3 2 (C) The man wants to know why the woman
Student's own answers
didn't come to the party. I forgot gives a
Language building :I. (B) This shows agreement. It does not give a
(C) This gives information that is not relevant to
2 No 4 No 6 Ves 8 Ves
the man's question.
3 Ves 5 No 7 Ves
2 3 (A) The man will get his coat so that they can go
a 4,6 b 5,8 c 1, 7 d 2,3 out and try the new restaurant.
(B) This does not respond to the question.
(C) The question was not about menus.
1 May I 5ure
2 Can you Certainly 4 (C) The man asks the woman to look at a report,
3 Could you I'm afraid and she asks when he needs it.
4 Would you mind Actually The question was not about the past, so (A)
5 Would you be able to All right and (B) are incorrect.
6 Can I Of course.
7 Could I I'm sorry 5 (A) The woman wants the man to help her move
this table, and the man asks where she wants
4 it to go.
Student's own answers (B) A new office is not relevant to the question.
(C) The woman talks about a table, not about
Test tactic chairs.

2 (A) phone R 6 (8) The man says that he will have to go home to
(B) asked 5 get it; it refers to his passport.
(C) Correct The question is not about (A) a report or (C) a
plane ticket.
3 (A) news R
(B) Correct 7 (C) When the woman says I'm afraid I have plans,
(C) newspapers 5 she is explaining why she cannot work this

34 Answer Key
(A) This is a response about last weekend, not 3 (C) This is an apology for not having a size 11.
this Saturday. (A) The first woman is asking about the size of
(8) The man does not ask about a new job. something, not the number of items, so (A) is
not a relevant response.
8 (C) The man is teiling the woman that she can
(8) This agrees with a statement, but the first
return these shoes on condition that she has
woman is asking a question.
the receipt.
The question was not about (A) feet, or (8) 4 (8) The woman means that she dido't have time
socks. to read the contract before she signed it.
2 (A) The man uses sign as a verb, so this is not a
1 (8) door S (C) closed R possible response.
2 (A) didn't S (8) music R (C) This does not respond to anything in the
3 (8) let S (C) menus R question.
4 (A) wrote R (8) report S 5 (C) The man admits that he forgot the keys.
5 (8) moved S (C) chairs R (A) The woman does not ask about locking
6 (A) bring S (Cl plane ticket R anything.
7 (A) weekend R (8) job R (8) Key repeats keys in the question, but this is
worked R
not the correct response.
8 (A) feet R (8) socks R
6 (A) The man thinks the catalog is last years, and
the woman agrees with him.
B Key vocabulary
(8) The man uses last as an adjective, not
as a verb, so (8) does not respond to his
1 question.
1 discount 5 contract
(Cl The man says nothing about price.
2 appreciate 6 invoice
3 lend 7 courier
4 fold D Learn by doing
2 (Possible answers)
1 contract 2 invoice 3 discount 2 A Would you mind opening the door?
8 Sure, right away.
3 A Youcouldn't close the window,could you?
Student's own answers
8 I'm afraid it's stuck.
4 A May I turn off the radio?
Language building 2
8 All right, I'm not listening to it.
1 5 A Can you sign the receipt?
2 d 4 c 6 h 8 e 8 Sorry, I don't have a pen.
3 g 5 a 7 f 6 A Wouid you be able to deliver this invoice for
2 8 I'm afraid I'm too busy right now,
1 (8) The man is mistaken about when the
woman's vacation will be. She corrects him.
E Mini-test
(A) The question is about the future, not the
past. 1 (8) The woman wants the man to send an
(C) This is about how long the woman is on invoice. He responds by saying that he cannot
vacation, not when the woman's vacation will do it today because he will not have time.
be. (A) Paid is related to the word invoice in
the question, but this is not the correct
2 (A) The man says he hopes that the work will be
finished on time.
(C) Delivered is related to the word sending
(8) The woman mentions time, but this is not a
in the question, but this is not the correct
response to the man's question.
(C) The man asks about work, not about a
Answer Key 35
2 (C) The man asks if he can borrow a pencil. The 9 (A) The man agrees to find someone to fix the
woman tells him that she does not have one. photocopier.
(A) Borrow repeats a word in the question, but (B) Find repeats a word in the request, but this
this is not the correct response, is not the correct response.
(B) The woman states that she did not do (C) Copies is related to the word photocopier
something, which does not answer the in the request, but this is not the correct
question. response.

3 (B) The second man apologizes that he did not 10 (A) The second man politely explains that he
see the sign on the door. cannot give the first man a bigger discount.
(A) Open is related to the word door in the (B) Count is related to the word discount in
question, but this is not the correct the question, but this is not the correct
response, response.
(C) Read repeats a word in the question, but this (C) The first man says nothing about a big
is not the correct response. company.

4 (A) The man asks the woman to wait here while 11 (B) The man agrees to help the woman.
he calls a taxi. (A) Desk repeats a word in the question, but this
(B) Bus is related to the word taxi in the is not the correct response.
question, but this is not the correct (C) Information repeats a word in the question,
response. but this is not the correct response.
(C) The questicn is not about the cost of
12 (C) The man agrees to move the chairs, and asks
where he should put them.
S (A) The woman tells the man that she worked for (A) Sit is related to the word chairs in the
a magazine for six months. question, but this is not the correct
(B) and (C) are not appropriate responses to response.
the question about working for a magazine. (B) Chair repeats a word in the question, and
table is related to the word chairs, but this is
6 (B) The man asks where he should move the box
not the correct response.
of receipts.
(A) and (C) both answer questions about the 13 (C) The man responds to the woman's request by
past, but the woman is asking the man to do asking what the problem is with her car.
something now. (A) Drive is related to the word car in the
question, but this is not the correct
7 (C) The woman asks the man to do something,
and he says he would be glad to.
(B) Car repeats a word in the question, but this
(A) Letter is related to the word envelope in
is not the correct response.
the question, but this is not the correct
response. 14 (A) The man wants to know who some keys
(B) Documents repeats a word in the question, belong to, and the woman tells him.
but this is not the correct response. (B) Open is related to the word keys in the
question, but this is not the correct
8 (C) The woman reassures the man that she will
turn off the lights.
(C) This responds to a question about who has
(A) Darker is related to the word lights in the
something, not who the keys belong to.
request, but this is not the correct response.
(B) Turn repeats a word in the request, but this is
not the correct response.

36 Answer Key
2 Why does the woman call Mr. Sidibeh?
Unit 3 (A) To change the time of their meeting
(B) To talk about the new company catalog
A Key vocabulary (C) To complain about waiting for her delivery
(0) To check that he got paid
1 delay 6 complain 3 What does the man offer to do?
2 budget 7 seminar (A) look for a )Qg item
3 reservation 8 package (B) Write a report
4 vacation 9 branch (C) EID' for dinner
5 apply (0) Speak to the manager

2 4 How can the man iillP!v for the jQQ?

2 g 4 b 6 e 8 (A) By gQiog to the office next week
3 h 5 d 7 a 9 c (B) By e-mailing the woman before Monday
(C) By calling the manager tomorrow morning
3 (0) By sending his documents to the receptionist
Student's own answers
5 When does this conversation most likely take
language building :1
(A) At the start of the visit
1 (B) Before the contracts are ready
1 d 3 b 5 e 7 a (C) When they are having lunch
2 f 4 h 6 g 8 c (0) After they have realized what the problem is

2 Tactic practice
2 could always 6 you should
3 don't you 7 lets 1
4 be happy to 8 I get you 1 Where does the conversation take place?
5 you like (A) At a gQ!f course
(B) At the beach
3 (possible answers) (C) At a training course.
2 A Yes, I think I'll do that. (0) At the office
B I'm afraid I can't afford a bigger one.
3 A You're right, I'll get in touch with him. 2 What is the reason for the woman's !riD?
B I'm afraid he won't be interested, (A) She was on vacation,
4 A Thanks, I'd appreciate it. (B) She was taking a course,
B Thanks, but I can do it myself, (C) She was having gQ!f lessons.
5 A That's a good idea. Would you do that, (0) She was visiting the Boston branch,
please? 3 What happened while the woman was away?
B Actually, I already have one, (A) She went to the beach,
6 A You're right, I really should, (B) She)Qg her hat.
B Unfortunately I don't have the time. (C) She spent some time in the sun,
7 A Yes, let's do that, (0) She applied for a jQQ,
B I'm sorry, but I'll be away next week.
S A Yes, please, I'd like some coffee. 2
B Thanks, but I've just had some tea, 1 (0) The conversation is between two colleagues at
the office.
Test tactic (A) The woman played golf last week, but they
are not at a golf course now.
1 What are the speakers doing?
(A) They're having lunch at a restaurant.
(B) They're delayed at an airport.
(C) They're buying something from a store.
(0) They're making a reservation at a hotel.

Answer Key 37
(B) The man asks about a beach, but they are 2 (0) The man says he promised to help his brother
not at a beach, with his car on Saturday.
(C) The woman was at a training course last (A) The woman mentions dancing, but the man is
week, but they are not at a training course not going to a dance on Saturday.
now. (B) The man tells the woman what he is doing on
Saturday, so this is not the correct response,
2 (B) The woman says she was at a training course.
(C) The woman talks about shopping, but the
(A) The woman mentions playing golf, but she
man is not going shopping on Saturday.
was not on vacation.
(C) The woman played golf, but golf lessons are 3 (0) The man asks the woman Where should we
not mentioned. meet?
(0) The woman saw some people from the Boston (A) No one mentions the cost of anything,
branch, but she did not visit there. (B) The man talks about his brother's car, but
does not ask for help to fix his car.
3 (e) The woman says that it was really sunny
(C) There is no mention of a store.
when she played golf, so she spent some time
in the sun.
(A) The man asks the woman if she was at the B Key vocabulary
beach, and she says no.
(B) The woman says that she didn't have a hat, 1
not that she lost her hat. 2 convention 6 improve
(0) The woman advises the man to apply for a 3 finalize 7 decrease
training course, but she did not apply for a 4 schedule 8 representatives
job, 5 increase

3 2
1 What are the speakers discussing? 1 Have you finalized plans for your next vacation?
(A) Going to a festival 2 What are the best ways to improve your English?
(B) A problem with a car 3 What's on your schedule next month?
(C) International travel Q1l!ill; 4 Have you ever been to a convention?
(D) The man's family 5 Do you have a booking for anything in the next
2 What is the man doing on Saturday?
6 At the moment are prices increasing or
(A) He is gQjng to a dance,
decreasing where you live? / At the moment are
(B) He doesn't know.
prices where you live increasing or decreasing?
(C) He is gQjng shopping.
7 Where might you hear a company representative
(D) He is helping his brother.
3 What does the man ask?
(A) About the cost 3
(B) For help to fix nis car Student's own answers

(C) For a ride to the store

(D) Where they should meet Language building 2

4 1
1 (A) The woman says that they are planning to go 2 g 4 a 6 b 8 e
to a festival. 3 h 5 d 7 c
(B) The man talks about helping his brother with
his car, but they are not discussing a problem
Student's own answers
with a car.
(C) The woman mentions an international festival,
not internationaf travel plans.
(D) The man mentions his brother, but they are
not discussing the man's family.

38 Answer Key
3 3 (D) The woman says perhaps we need to improve
a Online visitors have increased. 4 our Web site.
b The company representatives will (A) The woman suggests increasing the
be late. 5 advertising budget, but she gives no figure.
c The man thinks it's a good idea to (B) The man talks about a new laptop, but no
go by car. B one suggests getting new laptops for all staff.
d The speaker has lost a document. 3 (C) The woman does not mention improving their
e The man wants to borrow some money. 1 new laptops.
f The woman !mY!>she could telephone
4 (B) The speakers are discussing the company
a man. 2
barbecue, which is a company event.
(A) Both speakers mention the weather, but this
D Learn by doing is not the main topic of conversation.
(C) The woman mentions a recreation center but
1,2 (Possible answers) does not talk about building a new one.
1 A If you like, I could drive you to the station. (0) The woman says there are lots of tables
B Thanks, that's very helpful of you. outsIde, but there is no mention of buying
2 A Can I get you some chocolate cookies? new tables.
B Thanks, but I don't like chocolate.
5 (A) The man mentions rain and says You
3 A I'd be happy to work late tonight, if that would
remember how it was last year. He means
that bad weather was a problem then.
B That would be great. I'll stay with you.
(B) The woman mentions tables, but neither
4 A Let's have lunch together.
speaker says that there were not enough
B Actually, I'm having lunch with someone else.
tables last year.
5 A You could always buy some new computers.
(C) The man talks about prices, but he does not
B Actually, I think we have enough already.
say that high prices were a problem last year.
6 A Why don't you have a party to celebrate?
(0) A barbecue is discussed, but poor food is not
B Yes, could you make some invitations?

E Minl.test 6 (C) The man offers to find out the prices and
booking details, I.e. get more information.
1 (C) The man says that the new laptop isn't (A) A recreation center is mentioned, but no one
selling very well, so they are talking about a mentions choosing a new one.
decrease in sales. (B) The conversation is about a barbecue, but
(A) A new iaptop is mentioned, but difficulties they do not talk about buying the food and
with new technoiogy are not mentioned. drinks.
(B) They talk about the advertising budget but do (0) The man mentions booking details, but he
not agree that it is not enough. does not offer to make a reservation.
(0) A delivery is not mentioned.
7 (D) A swimming pool, sauna, and weight room are
2 (A) The speakers are discussing sales of a new mentioned, as well as exercise classes.
laptop, so they probably work at a computer (A) Nothing in the conversation suggests that it
company. takes place in a travel agent's.
(B) The woman mentions the advertising budget, (B) Prices and discounts are mentioned, but the
but they do not work at an advertising speakers are not in a department store.
company. (C) The man mentions exercise classes, but the
(C) The man mentions TV, but they do not work speakers are not in an exercise class.
at a TV station.
8 (B) The woman says that she has a coupon for
(0) The woman mentions our Web site, but the
free parking.
speakers do not work at a newspaper office.
(A) The man mentions a "Get ready for summer"
schedule, but the woman does not have a
coupon for it.

Answer Key 39
(C) A 25 percent discount is mentioned, but not a
coupon for it.
Unit 4
(0) The man mentions special prices in the store,
but the woman does not have a coupon for A Key vocabulary
9 (8) The woman says that her free parking coupon
1 rate 7 apologize
is for all new members, so she is probably a
2 board 8 transfer
new member.
3 accident 9 current
(A) The man mentions exercise classes, but the
4 factory 10 retirement
woman is not a member of the exercise class.
5 cancel 11 attention
(C) The man seems to be an employee at the
6 immediately 12 employ
sports center, so she is likely not his friend.
(0) It is possible that the man is a receptionist, 2
but the woman is not. a factory g rate
b transfer h immediately
10 (C) The woman says that it's very noisy in here, c employ retirement
and the man agrees. d apologize j board
(A) The man mentions an office, but no one talks e accident k current
of a move to new offices. to cancel I attention
(8) Some building work is mentioned, but not a
contract for it. 3
(0) The man mentions a vacation, but this is not Student's own answers
the topic of the conversation.
language building 1
11 (C) When the man says that it'JI be finished
in another week, he is talking about the 1
problem. 1 At a party 3 At an airport
(A) There is no mention of one day. 2 At a business meeting 4 At a museum
(8) The man talks about the fifth fioor, but five
days is not mentioned. 2
(0) The man says that it's been like this for two 1 b Excuse me
weeks, but he does not say that the problem Could you
will continue for that time. k Thank you
2 a Good morning, everyone
12 (A) The man says that he is too busy to take the
e I'm sorry to say that
week as a vacation. He means that he will Could you
continue as usual.
(8) The man says that he is too busy to take the 3 c Attention all passengers
week as a vacation. d We regret to inform you that
(C) The man says that there's no point in I We apologize for any inconvenience.
complaining, so he will not do this. 4 a Good afternoon, everyone
(0) Building work is mentioned, but no one talks g Visitors going to the lecture should
of a new building. k Thank you for your cooperation.
Announcement 1
c 1 d 2 a 3 b 4

Announcement 2
d 1 a 2 c 3 b 4

40 Answer Key
Test tactic (B) There is no mention of a factory accident.
(e) The company is a shoe manufacturer, but the
1 What are the passengers asked to do? B
report is not about a manufacturing probiem.
2 Where will the festival be held? C
(D) The speaker mentions high state taxes but
3 What will happen during the pianning period? A
says nothing about a new company tax.
Tactic practice 5 (C) The speaker says that production will be
moved to a new factory in Mexico.
1 (A) The company has a factory in nearby Bloom
Talk 1
County, but it is not a new factory.
Speaker Member of airport staff (B) The company has a Woodbury factory, but it
Topic Flight information
is not a new factory.
Place Airport (D) The company wiii be closing its Brentwood
Details Information for passengers on flight factory, not building a new factory there.
BAX832 and Mr. Lee Young
Talk 2 6 (A) Tufftek have promised to employ any workers
Speaker Newscaster who choose to transfer to the company's
Topic Information on factories and workers Woodbury factory.
Place TV or radio studio (B) There is no promise to pay workers more
Details A new factory and a promise to workers money.
(C) The speaker says that the new factory wiii be
2 cieaner, but there is no promise to employ
1 (B) The speaker says that flight BAXB32 has been more cleaners.
delayed by 30 minutes. It will therefore leave (D) There is a new factory in Mexico but no
later than scheduled. promise to transfer workers to it.
(A) The speaker does not say that flight BAXB32
wiff arrive soon.
B Key vocabulary
(C) The speaker mentions boarding but does not
say that flight BAXB32 has finished boarding.
(D) The speaker mentions Tokyo but says nothing
1 g 3 h 5 a 7 c
about a flight that has arrived from Tokyo.
2 d 4 f 6 b 8 e
2 (A) The announcement for flight BAXB32 says
would passengers please remain in the 2
departure lounge until the flight is ready for 1 garbage 4 raise 7 profit
boarding. 2 destination 5 pass 8 damage
(B) Flight BAX832 has been delayed by 30 3 credit 6 repair
minutes, but passengers should not go to
gate 30.
Student's own answers
Passengers are not told to (C) transfer to
another flight or (D) call the airline company.
Language building 2
3 (C) The speaker asks Mr. Lee Young to please go
immediately to gate 24. 2
(A) Mr. Lee Young is traveling on flight CA143, 1 (C) The speaker is giving instructions to
not flight BAX832. runners in a race, so Is most likely the race
(B) Mr. Lee Young's flight is now ready to depart, supervisor.
but it has not already departed. (A) The speaker welcomes runners to a race but
(D) The speaker mentions Singapore but does is not a runner.

not say that Mr. Lee Young has arrived from (B) The speaker mentions cleaning up the park,
Singapore. but is not the park cleaner.
(D) The speaker talks about the bike path, but is
4 (A) The speaker talks about a company ciosing not a cyclist.
its Brentwood factory.

Answer Key 41
2 (C) The speaker says that the race course comes please bring your own office chair? Please also
back here to the finish line in the rose garden. bring your sales training manual. Thank you for
Here indicates that he is in the rose garden. your cooperation.
(A) The speaker mentions the river, but he is not
by the river as he speaks. 3,4
(8) The speaker mentions a parking lot, but he is Student's own answers
not in the parking lot.
(D) The race course goes around the lake, but E Mini-test
the speaker is not next to the lake.
1 (8) The speaker gives instructions to workers and
3 (A) The announcement tells runners to go to the
is probably a company supervisor.
starting line near the parking lot.
(A) A storm is mentioned, but the speaker is not
(8) The speaker mentions cleaning up the park
a weather reporter.
but says nothing about the park cleaner. (C) The lunchroom windows need to be repaired,
(C) The speaker is the race supervisor, but he is
but the speaker is not a repair person.
not telling himself to go to the starting line. (D) Lunch is mentioned, but the speaker is not a
(D) The speaker mentions a bike path but says
lunchroom worker.
nothing about cyclists.
2 (C) The announcement asks workers to eat lunch
4 (C) The race course comes back here to the finish
at your desks.
line In the rose garden.
(A) The lunchroom is closed, so workers cannot
(A) A new bridge over the river is mentioned, but
eat there.
the race will not finish by the river.
(8) The speaker asks workers not to eat in
(8) The starting line is near the parking iot, but
seminar rooms.
the race will not finish in the parking lot. (D) The speaker mentions meeting room B, but
(D) The speaker mentions the lake, but the race
not meeting room C.
will not finish next to the lake.
3 (C) Listeners are asked to put all food garbage in
the boxes near the exit. This is a request to
D Learn by doing
keep lunch areas clean.
(A) The speaker talks of repair of the windows
but does not ask listeners to help with the
Talk 1 Talk 2
1 Attention 1 everyone
(8) Windows are mentioned, but the speaker
2 inform 2 afraid
does not ask listeners to keep all windows
3 going 3 Would
4 should 4 take
(D) The speaker mentions the exit but does not
5 apologize 5 Thank you
ask listeners to use the rear exit.
6 inconvenience
4 (D) The message gives options about using
2 (Possible answers) mobile telephones, so any listener is likely to
Airport empioyee be a cell phone user.
Attention passengers flying to Paris on flight FA16. (A) The speaker mentions any store, but a
The gate for your flight has been changed, and listener is unlikely to be a store owner.
you will now leave from gate 2 instead of gate 6. (8) Customer services are mentioned, but a
Passengers should be at the gate at ieast 20 listener is probably not a customer service
minutes before departure. We apologize for any representative.
inconvenience. (C) There is no reason to think that a bank
customer might listen to this message.
Company manager before a meeting
I'm afraid that there are not enough chairs in the 5 (D) The message says to report a problem with
meeting room. if you can't find a chair, would you your phone or service, press 6.

42 Answer Key
Listeners are told to (A) press 2 to check (C) The speaker does not mention museum
your account, (B) press 3 to add credit to your members.
telephone, and (C) press S to speak to (D) The speaker asks listeners not to forget their
customer services. identity pass, but gives no instructions to

6 (C) The message offers 100 free phone minutes people who have forgotten their identity pass.

to callers who buy 500 minutes with 12 (C) The speaker says that food and drinks will be
Pay2Talk. sold starting at 10:00 A.M. in room 8.
Callers may (A) change their contract or (B) (A) Two P.M. is mentioned, but not Room 2.
visit the company Web site, but this will not (B) Room 4 is not mentioned.
give them a free offer. (D) Room 12 is mentioned, but video
(D) There is no mention of a special number. presentations will be shown there.

7 (B) The speaker gives instructions for a seminar

and is probably a company manager.
(A) There is nothing in the announcement to
Unit 5
suggest that the speaker is a store owner.
(C) The speaker mentions the reception desk but A Key vocabulary
is not a receptionist.
(D) A personal assistant is mentioned but this 1
person is not the speaker. 1 loan 7 employee
2 supervisor 8 project
8 (A) The speaker announces a change In location
3 director 9 Sales
from the first floor to the third floor for the
4 Tax 10 expand
S deadline 11 discuss
The speaker mentions (B) the ffrst floor, (C)
6 engineer 12 Business
the reception desk, and (D) an office, but the
seminar will not be held in these places. 2
9 (C) The announcement tells people about a Student's own answers
change to the lime and location of the
seminar. Language building 1.
(A) The speaker does not mention a cancelation.
(B) Listeners are reminded to bring documents,
2 is going to open 6 depart
but that is not the main purpose of the
3 will happen 7 am going to miss
4 is going to increase 8 have
(D) The announcement does not answer any
5 will apply

10 (D) The speaker welcomes listeners to a 2

Computer Expo, and says that the latest
Student's own answers
models are ;n room 1.
(A) There is a museum exhibit, but it is in room 3. Test tactic
(B) The speaker mentions presentations, but they
will be shown in room 12.
1 (C) This is a personal arrangement for the future,
(C) The speaker mentions video presentations.
so the present continuous, are meeting, is
but they will be shown in room 12.
11 (A) There will be a show on the history of The past simple (A) met and the present
computing In room 3, so people who like old perfect (D) have met cannot be used for a
computers should visit there. future event.
(B) Presentations will be shown in room 12, not (B) The meeting is not part of a timetable or a
room 3. regular event, so the present simple cannot
be used here.

Answer Key 43
2 (0) This is a possible future event, so will close is 2
correct. a 4 b 3 c 1 d 2
(A) This is not part of a timetable or a regular
event, so the present simple cannot be used 3
here. 1 (C) It is possible to speak about dishes from
(B) Closing cannot immediately follow a subject around the world.
pronoun such as it. (A) By, (B) with, and (D) until are not
(C) The past simple closed cannot be used for a acceptable prepositions in this context.
future event.
2 (D) The speaker is advising someone to work
3 (A) The relative pronoun who is needed to refer hard and save money, and explains what will
to the subject of the sentence, people. and to happen otherwise.
introduce work for the airline company. (Al Sometimes, (B) always, and (C) no cannot
(B) Whom is an object pronoun and cannot be be used here.
used here.
3 (8) The relative pronoun which is needed to refer
(C) The possessive pronoun whose cannot be
to the project.
used here.
The relative pronouns (Al who and (C) whom
(D) Which can only be used to refer to things, not
always refer to people, so they cannot refer
to a project.
4 (A) The government has made a decision for the (D) What is not a relative pronoun, so it cannot
future, so is going to increase is correct. be used here.
(B) They will go to increase and (C) they go to
4 (C) The speaker states an intention to buy a new
increase are not acceptable verb forms.
desk, so the future form will buy is correct.
(D) Going cannot immediately follow a subject
(A) I think I buy is not an acceptable verb form.
such as the government.
(B) I buys and (D) I buying are not acceptable
5 (A) When a business needs money to do verb forms.
something, it can borrow money from the
bank, then repay it later, so (A) is correct.
B Key vocabulary
(B) To lend is to give money that must be repaid
later, which is not correct in this context.
(C) Put money from the bank does not make
2 j 5 g 8
3 a 6 d 9 c
(D) Objects such as cars can be hired, but money
4 b 7 10 h
6 (D) A catalog is a book or magazine that lists 2
things for sale, such as printers.
Student's own answers
(A) You get a receipt when you buy something,
which is not correct in this context. Language building 2
(B) A contract is a written agreement to do
something, which is not correct here.
1 realized 5 had had
(C) A menu is the list of food at a restaurant. You
2 was taking 6 was
cannot find a printer on a menu.
3 had left 7 signed
4 had bought 8 was e-mailing
Tactic practice
1 Student's own answers
1 from 2 never 3 which 4 will buy

44 Answer Key
C Grammar practice 6 (0) The engineer will come next week, so the
present continuous is sending correctly
1 opened 8 had grown/grew describes a future event.
2 was 9 were (A) The repair will be made next week, so the
3 expanded 10 had opened
present simple sends is incorrect.
4 was visiting 11 will have
The past tense (B) sent and the present
5 had 12 going to do
perfect (C) has sent cannot be used to talk
6 was 13 is going to change about the future.
7 opened 14 is going to start
7 (B) The past perfect is used to describe
something that happened before something
o Mini.test else, so had left is correct.

1 (A) In this context, to must be followed by the (A) The past continuous was leaving refers
infinitive form of the verb, so represent is to past actions that were unfinished or in
correct. progress, which is not the case here.
(B) Representing and (C) represented are not Before I arrived refers to the past. so the
infinitive forms, and (0) representative is a present tense (C) leaves and the future tense
noun or adjective. (0) will leave are incorrect.

2 (0) If the consultants think the company is not 8 (C) The second part of the sentence is in the

spending enough, then they think it should past continuous tense, was working, so the
increase the budget. first part must be in the past simple, did not
The consultants would not suggest (B) a receive.

budget decrease in this context. (A) The receptionist is not working at the front
(A) To dei/ver means to give or hand over, which desk now, so has not received cannot be
cannot be used in this context. used.
(C) To introduce a budget is possible but cannot The sentence is about the past, so the future
be used here. tense (B) will not receive and the present
tense (0) does not receive are incorrect.
3 (B) The preparation of the food Is regular and
ongoing, so the present simple prepares is 9 (0) A procedure is a way of doing something.

correct. such as transferring to another office.

(A) The present continuous is preparing is not (A) Proceed and (B) proceeded are both verbs,
used to describe something regular and and therefore cannot immediately foilow the.
ongoing. (C) Proceeding cannot be used here.
(C) is prepared and (0) was prepared are 10 (8) The arrival party has not yet happened, but
passive forms, but the active form is required it is already planned, so have arranged is
here. correct.

4 (0) Discuss means to talk about ways of saving (A) A passive verb cannot be used between a
money. subject, we, and an object, a special arriva'
(A) Represent means to speak in the place of party.
someone else. It cannot be used in this (C) The gerund arranging is incorrect here

context. because a verb tense is needed.

(B) To think ways is not an acceptable verb form. (0) The past perfect had arranged tells us that
(C) Expand means to grow in size. It cannot be something happened before something else,
used in this context. which is not the case here.
5 (C) A noun is required after the. A reservation
11 (0) The preposition m.ost often found after end is
is an arrangement in which a seat, table, or
of, which is correct here.
room is kept available for use.
(A) The end for the month, (B) the end from
(A). (B), and (0) are all verbs, but a noun is the month, and (C) the end to the month are
required. not acceptable combinations.

Answer Key 45
12 (8) The past simple arrived is correct as it refers Tactic practice
to a completed action in the past.
1 (B) Followingthe verb feei, only an adverb can be
(A) arrives and (e) arrive, and (D) arriving are
not correct in this context.
2 (A) Onlya noun can be used between the and
the verb do.
3 (B) Between more and the noun research, only
Unit 6 an adjective can be used.

A Key vocabulary
B Key vocabulary
1 warranty 5 income
1 temperature 5 reputation
2 fail 6 shipment
2 reduce 6 recommend
3 previous 7 artificially
3 emphasis 7 ingredients
4 efficient, reliable 8 product
4 convenient 8 healthy
2 2
a shipment f warranty Student's own answers
b product g income
c previous h artificially Language building 2
d reliable efficient
e fail 1
1 noun 6 adjective 11 adjective
3 2 adjective 7 adjective 12 adverb
Student's own answers 3 adjective 8 verb 13 adverb
4 adjective 9 noun 14 adjective
Language building 1 5 noun 10 adjective 15 verb

1 2
1 accidentally adverb Student's own answers
2 reliable adjective
3 artificially
1 improvement 5 famous
4 previous adjective
2 tasty 6 natural
5 efficiently adverb
3 emphasize 7 end
6 shipment noun
4 kind 8 expensive
7 apologized verb
8 applied verb
9 budget noun C Grammar practice

Test tactic 1 efficientiy adverb

2 efficiency noun
1 quietly adverb 3 efficient adjective
2 quiet adjective 4 reliance noun
3 representative noun 5 reliable adjective
4 represent verb 6 reliability noun
5 improve verb 7 convenient adjective
6 improved verb 8 conveniently adverb
7 reliably adverb 9 convenience noun
8 reliability noun 10 recommendation noun
11 recommend verb
12 recommended adjective

46 AnswerKey
D Mini-test (0) Limitless means without limits, which is the
opposite of the correct answer, limited.
1 (A) A noun is needed after the possessive form
our. The noun products means something 8 (A) A noun is needed after the adjective new, so
made or grown, such as fruit and vegetables. location is correct.

The adjective (B) productive and the adverb The verb (B) located, the gerund (C) locating,
(C) productively cannot be used here. and the verb (0) locates cannot be used after
(0) Production is the act of growing or making new,
something. It cannot be used in this context.
9 (C) The event is in the future, so will have is
2 (C) The introduction of "Nature's Gift" range of correct.

natura' baked goods happens next March, so The past simple (A) had and the present
the future tense will introduce is correct. perfect (0) have had cannot be used to talk
(A) The past tense introduced and the about the future.
present perfect (0) has introduced cannot be (B) We has is not an acceptable verb form.
used to talk about the future.
10 (B) This weather report is about the future, so will
(B) Sun Valley introducing is not an acceptabie
see is correct.
verb form.
The past simple (A) saw, the past perfect (C)
3 (0) Sun Valley Farms says it makes or uses had seen, and the past continuous (0) was
natural, fresh products, so there are no seeing cannot be used to talk about the
artificial ingredients. future.
(A) Almost artiffcial ingredients and (B) Some
11 (0) Moving can be used to describe cold air.
artificial ingredients at all are not acceptable
(A) Changing cannot describe the cold air in this
(C) Only artificial ingredients does not make
(B) Flying and (0) taking cannot be used to
sense in this context.
describe the movement of air.
4 (0) The Yokohama Animation Festival is a regular
12 (B) An adjective is necessary to describe roads
event, so the present simple expect can be
covered in snow and ice. Dangerous is correct.
(A) Reliable means trustworthy. (C) Convenient
(A) The third-person singular form is expecting
means not causing difficulty. (0) Efficient
cannot be used after the plural word
means working well. They cannot be used to
describe roads covered in snow and ice.
(B) The past perfect had expected cannot be
used to talk about the future.
(C) The organizers expecting is not an acceptable
verb form.
Unit 7
5 (A) A noun should follow the adjective first, so A Key vocabulary
success is correct.
The adjective (B) successful, the verb (C) 1
succeed, and the adverb (0) successfully 1 f 4 g 7 a 10 h
cannot be used after the word first. 2 e 5 j 8 c 11 i

6 (B) Nakajima's success happened ten years ago, 3 d 6 k 9 b

so the past simple was is correct.
The present simple (A) is, the future (C) will
Student's own answers
be, and the present simple (0) are cannot be
used to talk about the past.
Test tactic 1
7 (C) Space will be limited means that there will be
a 3 c 4 e 3 g 2
little or less space in a smaller office.
b 1 d 3 1 h 1
An adjective is needed to describe space.
(A) Limit and (B) limits are verbs or nouns, so
they cannot be used here.
Answer Key 47
Test tactic 2 Tactic practice

1 1
1 What !Yllli of product does the leaflet talk about? 1 (C) The letter writer says that the photographer
(A) A wateroroof shaver had borrowed another camera for the day,
(B) A battery-powered shaver and it was the first time he had used it. It can
(C) A hair-cutting product for pets therefore be inferred that the photographer
(D) Blades for a shaver didn't know how to use the camera.
The letter does not mention that (A) the
2 When should users change the blades?
camera was old or (B) the photographer hadn't
(A) Every 1.\';Q Ylllilli of regular use
taken wedding photos before.
(B) After three hours of use
(D) According to the letter writer, the photographs
(C) When they no longer cut well
taken in the garden were very bright, so it
(D) After each daily use
was not too dark outside.
3 What does the company recommend?
2 (A) The customers request a fuJI and immediate
(A) Use the product while charging
refund, which means that they do not want to
(B) Use water to clean the shaver body
pay for any photographs.
(C) Clean the blades regularly
(B) The customers say that a couple of the
(D) ];!!JY a special warranty
photographs are acceptable, but they will not
2 pay for 2 photographs.
1 (B) The leaflet is about a shaver and advises the (C) The customers mention the 15 photographs
owner to always charge the shaver's batteries they were sent, but they will not pay for 15
completely, so it is a battery-powered shaver. photographs.
(A) The leaflet is about a shaver but tells owners (D) There is no mention of 100 photographs.
that they must not wet the body of the shaver,
so it is not waterproof. 3 (D) The letter writer requests a refund. A refund is
(C) The leaflet is about a shaver and advises a return of money that has been paid.
against use on pets, so it is not a halr-cuttlng (A) The letter writer mentions a couple of
product for pets. photographs, but he does not ask for a
(D) The leaflet talks about a shaver and about couple more photographs.
blades, not just blades. (B) The letter writer complains about the quality
of the photographs, but he does not ask for
2 (A) Users are instructed to replace blades after better photographs.
two years of daily use. (C) The letter writer thinks that the camera
(B) Users are instructed to charge the batteries caused the problem, but he does not ask for
for at least three hours, not to change the a different camera.
blades after three hours of use.
(C) There is no mention of blades that no longer
1 To complain about poor quality wedding
cut well.
(D) The leaflet mentions daily use but does not pictures and to ask for a refund
2 The owner or manager of the company that
tell users to cflange the blades after each
employs Mr. Adams
daily use.

3 (C) The leaflet advises users to clean the blades

B Key vocabulary
after each use.
Users are instructed not to (A) use the
product while it is charging or (B) wet the body
1 offer 7 check
of the shaver.
2 customer 8 automatically
(D) A warranty is mentioned, but the company
3 frequent 9 turn on
does not recommend that users buy a special
4 cause 10 Safety
5 original 11 responsible
6 heater 12 replacement

48 Answer Key
2 D Mini-test
1 Flights to Taipei are very frequent./Flights are
1 (C) The letter asks heater owners to check the
very frequent to Taipei.
serial number of their heater. This is the first
2 This heater turns on automatically.jThis
thing they should do.
heater automatically turns on.
(A) The letter does not tell heater owners to wait
3 I'll need to check the original document.
4 This project is causing me problems. for more information.
S I'm responsible for health and safety in this The letter asks some heater owners to
factory. (8) call their local Vega store and (0) get a
6 replacement heater, but neither is the first
The store offered the customer a
replacement. thing they should do.

3 2 (D) Users need to know the serial number, and

Student's own answers this can be found on the back of the heater,
(A) The letter says nothing about a box.
Test tactic 3 (8) The letter mentions your local Vegastore, but
users will not find the information they need
1 there.
Student's own answers (C) There is no mention of a safety information
(8) In a business context, organizing means 3 (8) In this context, defect is closest in meaning
arranging for something to happen, such as to fault. A fault means a problem with the
a stress-management course. Organizing is heater.
closest In meaning to running. (A) A feature is something important, interesting,
(A) Canceling means deciding that an or typical about a place or thing. That is not
arrangement will not take piace. It is not the correct meaning here.
similar to running. (C) Service is a job that something or someone
(C) Running can mean moving quickly, but that is does; it cannot be used about a heater in
not the correct meaning here. this context.
(0) Studying does not have a similar meaning to (0) A departure is the act of leaving a place. That
running. is not the correct meaning here.
3 4 (8) The second paragraph begins Visitors are
1 (A) If something is due, it is expected to happen. asked, and the notice gives instructions to
Sofia lopez is expected to leave the company visitors.
next week. (A) The notice mentions employees, but it is not
(8) Something can be owed to a person, but a written for them.
person cannot be owed. (C) The reception desk is mentioned, but the
(C) Transferred means moved from one place to notice is not written for receptionists.
another. It is not similar to due. (0) The notice deals with safety, but it is not
(0) Require can mean to need something or addressed to safety workers.
someone. Required is not similar to due.
S (e) In this context, gain is closest in meaning to
2 (C) To dispense means to provide something, obtain. Obtain means to get something.
such as advice, to people. In this context, (A) Increase means to make something larger
given is closest in meaning to dispensed. in number. That is not the correct meaning
(A) It is possible to listen to advice, however here.
this would not be a huge contribution to the (8) Persuade means to convince somebody to
company. do something. It is not possible to persuade
(8) If something is refused, it Is not wanted. That access.
is not the correct meaning here. (0) Hire can mean give money to borrow
(0) Stopped using does not have a similar something or employ someone to do
meaning to dispensed. something. Neither is the correct meaning

Answer Key 49
6 (8) The last paragraph tells visitors that in case 11 (8) Buses for Bristol leave on the hour every hour
of emergency, and if no staff member is between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. This means
available, they should call 555-4327. that ten buses go to Bristol daily, far more
(A) The first paragraph mentions the East Gate, than to any other destination.
but not in case of emergency. (A) A maximum of four buses leave for London
(C) Visitors should report to the reception desk daily, so London does not have the most
on arrival, not in case of emergency. frequent bus service.
(0) The notice mentions the production area, (C) A maximum of three buses daily go to
but visitors should not wait there in case of Liverpool, so Liverpool does not have the
emergency. most frequent bus service.
(0) Only one bus goes to Edinburgh daily, so
7 (A) The announcement says that Mr. Romero
Edinburgh does not have the most frequent
would like to show his thanks and gives
bus service.
details of a special offer.
(8) The announcement mentions Mr. Romero's 12 (C) The service to Edinburgh is a night service,
final week in business, not that the shop will and passengers under 16 must travel with a
close for a week. parent or guardian. It is NOTtrue that children
(C) Angelo Romero has been in Hamilton for can travel a/one.
35 years, so the announcement does not (A) The Edinburgh bus service runs all week.
introduce him. (8) The letter R in the fifth column of the
(0) Cheap hair-care products will be available scheduie means reserved seats only.
from October 24 to 31, not for the whole (0) The bus for Edinburgh is a night service.

8 The business will no longer be open because

Angelo Romero has decided to retire.
Unit 8
(A) Angelo is mcving to Italy, but the business is
not. A Key vocabulary
(8) The announcement mentions a speciaf offer,
but not in November. 1
(0) The announcement mentions appointments, 1 dishes 4 pass 7 sidewalk
but it does not say that the business will not 2 sink 5 stove
be making appointments. 3 pour 6 saucepan

9 (A) Free haircuts are NOT mentioned as part of 2

the special oHer. 1 stove 4 pass
(8) According to the announcement, all hair-care 2 dishes, sink 5 Pour, saucepan
products will be sold at a 50 percent discount. 3 sidewalk
(C) The special offer includes haircutting at the
originai 19805 prices. This is a discount on
Student's own answers
current prices.
(0) The special offer includes styling at the
Language building 1
original 19805 prices.

10 (C) The last Xl bus for London on a Saturday 1

leaves at 2:00 P.M. A dishes, a sink, a kitchen
There are buses for London at (A) 10:00 A.M., 8 a restaurant, tables, a door
and (8) 12:00 P.M., but neither is the last bus C buses, a bus station, a bicycle
of the day. a a river, a bridge, a boat
(0) There Is a 4:CO P.M. bus to London, but it
runs Monday through Friday oniy.
1 are 5 hasn't had
2 are waiting 6 is traveling
3 is open 7 has passed
4 are 8 have been put

50 Answer Key
Test tactic B Key vocabulary

1 1
1 (8) The present continuous is pouring correctly 1 prepare 4 shelf
describes the unfinished action. 2 patient, medicine 5 truck, lane
2 (8) The picture shows a table with two glasses of 3 sofa, rug 6 stack
3 (C) The present continuous are driving correctly 2
describes the unfinished action. 1 shelf 6 sofa
2 2 truck 7 stack
1 (A) cleaning, stove The woman is not 3 rug 8 prepare
cleaning anything. 4 patient 9 medicine
(C) cut, pieces The fruit is a minor 5 lane
detaii, and it is not cut
3 (possible answers)
into small pieces.
1 shelf, sofa, rug, dishes, saucepan, sink
(D) dishes, washed There are no washed
2 gives medicine to patients
dishes in the picture.
3 look at a timetable, buy a ticket, wait on the
2 (A) meeting, started There are no people in platform, board a train
the picture, so a meeting
has not already started. Language building 2
(C) being used There are two chairs in
the picture, but no one is 1
using them.
1 b 3 d 5 a
(D) waiter, serving Waiter sounds similar
2 e 4 c
to water, but there is no 2
waiter in the picture. Student's own answers

3 (A) fixing, traffic iights There are no traffic lights 3

in the picture. 1 (A) True
(8) closed The picture shows some (8) False There's a table in the corner of the
vehicies, so the street is room.
not closed to vehicles. (C) Faise There's a TV above the fireplace.
(D) working, office Working sounds similar (D) Faise There's a picture above the sofa.
to walking, but the
people are not working. 2 (A) False There are some cars on the road.
(8) False The people are standing on the street.
(C) False There's some grass next to the
Tactic practice
1 (A) Wrong: similar-sounding words; the picture (D) False There's a train on the bridge.
shows some books, not a box.
(8) Correct
(C) Wrong: wrong information; there are no o Learn by doing
magazines on the floor.
Student's own answers
(D) Wrong: wrong information; there is no one in
the library.
E Minl.test
2 (A) Wrong: wrong information; there are no
vegetables in the picture. 1 (C) The preposition on correctly describes where
(8) Wrong: wrong information; no one is the computers are.
preparing dinner. (A) There are some shelves in the picture, but
(C) Wrong: wrong information; no one is there are books on them. The shelves are a
cleaning the kitchen. minor detail in the picture.
(D) Correct

Answer Key 51
(B) There are no students in the picture, so the (B) The windows in the picture are all closed.
class cannot be about to begin. (D) The building is already painted, so the
(D) No one is in the room, so the man is reading present continuous is being painted cannot
in the library is incorrect. be used.

2 (0) The preposition by is correct in this context. 8 (D) Open correctly describes the doors.
(A) The sun is shining, so the weather is very bad (A) The platform is not very busy. It is almost
is wrong information. empty.
(B) A party may be about to begin, but it has not (B) The picture does not show passengers
finished. waiting to get off the train.
(G) The food is already on the table, so the (C) Training sounds like train, but the picture
present continuous is being prepared is does not show a training course.

3 (B) The picture shows a parking lot with only one

car, so (B) best describes the picture.
Unit 9
(A) The picture does not show a man getting into
a car. A Key vocabulary
(G) The lines are already painted, so the present
continuous are being painted cannot be used. 1
(D) There is no bus in the picture, so this is the 1 manager 6 client
wrong information. 2 percent 7 candidates
3 department 8 training
4 (A) There is a busy road with many lanes of 4 record 9 marketing
traffic, so (A) best describes the picture. 5 promotion 10 decide
(B) There are many people on the street, so
there are no people on the street gives the 2
wrong information. 1 What departments in a company can you name? /
(G) There is no train in the picture, so this is the What departments can you name in a company?
wrong information. 2 What makes a good manager?
(D) A man is not getting into a taxi. This wouid be 3 Why might someone get a promotion at work? /
a minor detail. Why might someone at work get a promotion?
4 How long does it take you to decide what to wear
5 (B) Open correctly describes the curtains.
in the mornings? / How long does it take you in
(A) There is no patient in the picture, so this is
the mornings to decide what to wear?
the wrong information.
5 Have you ever done a training course?
(G) No one is washing the floor, so is being
washed is incorrect.
(D) Under does not describe the position of the
Language building :I.
bed. 1
6 (B) The preposition next to correctly describes 2 d 4 a 6 h 8 b
where some boxes are. 3 f 5 g 7 e
(A) There is no rug on the sidewalk.
(G) There are some things in the back of the
a U c R e R g R
truck, so it is not empty.
b U d Q Q h R
(D) The packages are not on the shelves.

7 (C) The preposition outside correctly describes Test tactic

where the people are.
(A) Some people are eating, so the restaurant is 2
not ciosed. 1 Future a 4 Present b
2 Past b 5 Past a
3 Present a 6 Future a

52 Answer Key
Tactic practice 8 (B) The man responds to the woman's request for
a better price by offering a discount.
1 (A) The woman wants to buy something, so the
1 Where future 5 What future man's response is incorrect.
2 Have past 6 Why past (C) The question is about the present, but this
3 Why present 7 How future response is about the past.
4 Who present 8 Is present

3 B Key vocabulary
1 (C) This answers a Where question about the
future. 1
The question is about the future, but (A) is 1 overtime 5 supplies
about the present and (8) is about the past. 2 expenses 6 accounting
3 brand 7 prefer
2 (A) This correc!ly 'responds to ": request for 4 shipping 8 order
information about the past.
(B) The que ti is about a French restaurant,
Student's own answers
not about France..
(C) The question is ,about the past, but this
Language building 2
response is about the present.

3 (B) This correctly responds to a Why question 1 (Possible answers)

about the present. 2 ship by air, ship by regular mail
(A) This responds to a Who question, not to a 3 you gave the presentation, Jessica gave the
Why question. presentation
(C) This response does not give a reason, so it 4 increase prices, decrease costs

cannot be used to answer this Why question. 5 beach, hotel

6 walk, take the bus
4 (A) This correctly responds to a Who question 7 kitchen, gardening
about the present.
(B) and (C) do not to respond to a Who 2
question. a 4 c 2 e 5
b 7 d 6 3
5 (C) This correctly responds to a What question
about the future. 3
(A) Yescannot be used to answer this What 1 Where is the accounting department?
question. 2 What should I take to the training course?
(8) The question is about the future, but this 3 Where can I order office supplies?
response is about the past. 4 How much overtime did Cho work last month?
6 (A) The man gives a reason to answer the Why
question. D Learn by doing
(B) Yescannot be used to answer this Why
question. 1 d 3 c 5 g 7 b
(C) The question is not about why James wanted 2 f 4 a 6 e 8 h
to go.

7 (A) The woman correctly asks a question related E Mini-test

to the man's question. 1 (A) The man means that John is setting up the
(8) This does not answer a How long question. meeting room now.
(C) The question is about the future, but this (8) The woman does not ask if John is in a
response is about the past. meeting.
(C) This responds to a question about where
John is, but this is not what the woman asks.

Answer Key 53
2 (C) This correctly responds to a When or What 10 (A) This correctly responds to a What question
time question. about the present.
(A) The man asks about this bus, so the bus (B) Yes cannot be used to answer this What
cannot have left yet. question.
(B) This does not answer a question about when (C) The question is about receipts, so a
this bus leaves. statement about a client is not relevant.

3 (C) This correctly responds to the Why question 11 (A) This correctly responds to a What time
that the first man asked. question about the future.
(A) Yes cannot be used to answer this Why (B) The man wants to know what time the flight
question. is, not how long it takes.
(B) This response repeats the word work, but it (C) The question is about the future, but this
is not the correct answer to the question. response is about the past.

4 (A) This question is related to the woman"s 12 (6) The man is unsure of how many people came
question. to his presentation, so he gives the woman
(B) The question is about the present, but this related information.
response is about the future, and does not (A) The question is about the past, but this
answer the question. response is about the future.
(C) This responds to a question about whether (C) This responds to a question about How long,
something is the right size, which is not what not How many.
the woman asks.
13 (6) This responds to an either/or question by
5 (6) This correctly responds to a Where question choosing one option.
about the present. (A) Yescannot be used to answer this either/or
(A) The man does not ask about the price of question.
anything. (C) The question makes clear that the speaker
(C) This responds to a where question but gives has not ordered yet, so this cannot be the
the wrong information. correct response.

6 (C) This responds to an either/or question by 14 (C) This correctly responds to a How question.
choosing one option. (A) Information about the man's favorite band is
(A) This responds to a question about How long not relevant to the question.
the man has been waiting, which is not what (B) Yes cannot be used to answer this How
the woman asks. question.
(B) Yescannot be used to answer this either/or

7 (A) This correctly answers a yes/no question

Unit 10
about the future.
The question is about the future, but (B) is A Key vocabulary
about the present and (C) is about the past.
8 (6) This correctly responds to a When question
1 human resources 5 proposal
about the future.
2 interview 6 export
(A) This responds to a Where question, not a
3 confident 7 afford
When question.
4 experience 8 advertising
(C) This responds to a When question but gives
the wrong information. 2
Student's own answers
9 (C) This correctly responds to a Where question
about the present. Language building 1.
(A) This responds to a When question, not a
Where question.
1 e,h 3 d,c 5 g,b
(B) This does not answer a Where question. 2 a, i 4 f,j

54 Answer Key
2 (C) The man is concerned that they do not have
Student's own answers a room big enough, but neither speaker
suggests booking a bigger room.
Test tactic (0) Neither speaker mentions inviting everybody.

1 Tactic practice
Why won't the New Year's Qilljy be held in the
same place as @g year? 1
(A) They couldn't book the place. 1 Where does this conversation take place?
(B) There isn't enough room. (A) In a clothing store
(C) It was a bad hotel. (B) In an office
(0) The Qilljy was canceled. (C) In a computer store
(0) Onthe~
Where does the woman recommend holding the 2 Why doesn't the woman want to open the
New Year's Qilljy? window?
(A) At the office (A) It's hQ1outside.
(B) In a !2W room (B) She forgot her jacket.
(C) In a restaurant (C) It's!lQi>y outside.
(0) At a hotel (0) She's cold.
3 3 What does the woman suggest the man do?
What will they have to do to prepare for the New (A) Turn off the computer
Year's Qilljy? (B) Open the window
(A) ~ more chairs (C) Take off his llil
(B) Move some furniture (0) Remove his jacket
(C) Book a bigger room
(0) Invite everybody
Student's own answers
Student's own answers 3
1 (8) The woman says that the man has been
5 sitting in front of a computer in a suit and
1 (A) The man wanted to hold the party at the
tie, and the man explains that he was told to
Baymont Hotel again this year, but they were
wear a suit to work. The conversation takes
fully booked.
place in an office.
(B) The man says that there isn't a room big
(A) The speakers discuss the man's clothes, but
enough for everyone at the office, but the
they are not in a clothing store.
party was not held in the office last year.
(C) The woman mentions a computer, but
No one suggests that (C) the Baymont Hotel
the conversation does not take place in a
is a bad place or (0) the party was canceled.
computer store.
2 (D) The woman says why don't we just have the (0) The man wants to open the window, which
party in the office instead? suggests they are in a building, not on the
(A) The speakers talk about the Aurora Hote/, street.
but the woman does not suggest holding the
2 (e) The woman says that the traffic is pretty loud
party at a hotel.
with the window open. This suggests that it's
There is no mention of (B) a farge room or (C)
noisy outside.
a restaurant.
(A) The man says that it is hot in here, but no
3 (B) The woman suggests moving the tables and one says that it's hot outside.
chairs. Tables and chairs are furniture. (B) The woman mentions the man's jacket, not
(A) The woman mentions chairs, but she does her jacket.
not say they need to get more chairs. (0) The woman says I don't think it's especially
warm in here, but she does not say that she's

Answer Key 55
3 (D) The woman says I'm sure it's fine to take your (D) The woman says that the first candidate has
jacket off. a lot of useful experience, not that he didn't
(A) The woman mentions the computer, but she have any experience.
does not suggest that the man should turn
3 (8) The man does not think that either of them is
off the computer.
the right person for the job, and the woman
(B) The man would like to open the window, but
the woman prefers not to.
(A) The speakers do not agree that the ffrst
(C) The man is wearing a tie, but the woman
candidate was better.
does not suggest that he should take off his
(C) The man does not mention any good points
about either candidate.
4 (D) The speakers do not agree that the second
1 In which department is a jQQ available? candidate was better than the ffrst.
(A) The human resources department
(B) The customer service department
(C) The sales department B Key vocab'ulary
(D) The advertising department
2 What was the problem with the first candidate? 1 data 5 impression
(A) He was late. 2 disappointment 6 productivity
(B) He was over-eonfident. 3 excellent 7 necessary
(C) He answered the questions badly. 4 explanation
(D) He didn't have any experience.
3 What do the speakers ~ about? Student's own answers
(A) The first candidate was better.
(B) Neither candidate was suitable. Language building 2
(C) Both candidates had good points.
1 Overview/main idea
(D) The second candidate was better than the
2 Specific information
fill. 3 Suggestion
Student's own answers 1 (C) The woman thinks the man must be
6 disappointed that Derek got promoted to
1 (C) The man says the first candidate isn't right for export manager before him. The promotion
the sales job, so a job is available in the sales must be recent.
department. (A) The man mentions extra responsibility,
(A) There is no mention of the human resources but they are not discussing the man's new
department. responsibifities.
(B) The man mentions a customer, not a job in (B) The speakers discuss the new export
the customer service department. manager, not the previous one.
(D) There is no reason to think that a job is (D) There is no mention of the woman's new job.
available in the advertising department. 2 (C) The man says that extra responsibility comes
2 (A) The man says that the first candidate was 30 with the promotion. He is taiking about the
minutes late for the interview. job of export manager.
(B) The second candidate was over-eonffdent, not (A) The man says about the export manager
the first candidate. position that the salary isn't much higher.
(e) The woman says that the second candidate (B) The man does not say that he was offered the
certainly gave better answers, but she does job first.
not say that toe first candidate answered the (D) The man says I like the job I have now and
questions badly. does not want the extra responsibility.

56 Answer Key
3 (B) The woman says to the man that perhaps he 5 (B) The woman says that the proposal doesn't
should discuss it with the president. seem so bad, suggesting that she thinks it is
The woman does not (A) suggest complaining ail right.
to Derek or (C) suggest that the man should (A) Nothing the woman says suggests she thinks
find a new job. the idea is exceilent.
(D) The man mentions extra money, but the (C) There is no reason to think that the woman
woman does not suggest asking for more doesn't understand the proposal.
money. (D) The man is unhappy, not the woman.

6 (C) The woman suggests that the man should

o Learn by doing complain, and the man tells her that he has
Student's own answers
(A) The man does not think that complaining is
a bad idea.
o Mini-test (B) There is no reason to think that the man
doesn't have time to complain.
1 (D) The man says that the money could have
(D) The man does not say that he won't
been spent on something more useful.
(A) No one mentions how long it will take to get
smart phones. 7 (B) The discussion is about where an important
The man does not say that (8) the staff client will stay when he visits. A client is a
getting smartphones is a usefui change or (C) customer.
it should have been done before. (A) The speakers mention a travel magazine
and a hotel, but they are not discussing a
2 (B) The woman says that with a smartphone you
can use GPSto find customers' offices.
(C) The man mentions a travel magazine, but this
(A) The man mentions visiting Web sites, but the
is not the topic of the discussion.
woman says nothing about this.
(D) The woman asks the man for a telephone
(C) The man talks about games, but the woman
number, but they are not discussing a
does not.
telephone cail.
(D) The speakers do not mention telephone calls.
8 (A) The man says that Mr. Lee is an important
3 (A) The man says that staff will spend too much
time visiting Web sites and playing games.
(8) No one says that Mr. Lee is a supervisor.
(8) The woman, not the man, mentions e-mail.
(C) A travel magazine is mentioned, but Mr. Lee
(C) The man taiks about visiting Web sites,
is not a writer.
which means web browsing, but he does not (D) The woman mentions a hotei, but the man
mention GPS.
does not say that Mr. Lee works for a hotel.
(D) The woman talks about GPSand e-mali, but
the man doesn't. 9 (C) The woman says that the Plaza is close to the
4 (A) The man says management wants us to work (A) The woman mentions reserving a room, but
an extra hour every week, which is why he is
she does not say that the Plaza Hotel is fully
(8) The man mentions an extra hour, but he says
(8) The woman mentions dinner, but she does
nothing about an hour eariier.
not say that the Piaza Hotel has an excellent
(C) The man does not mention that his pay has
been reduced. (D) The woman says that the Plaza Hotel is
(D) The man does not mention a vacation.
cheaper than the Royal Club, not that it is

Answer Key 57
10 (D) The man says that they have to finish the Language building 1
reports by Friday.
(A) The meeting with the customer is on Monday 1
morning, but the work has to be finished a 2 c 3 e 3
before therl. b 1 d 2 1
(B) Tuesday is not mentioned. 2
(C) The woman mentions Thursday, but she does 1 b,f 2 a,d 3 c, e
not say that the work must be finished by
1 (B) The speaker is giving information and advice
11 (A) The woman says that the sales data hasn 'f to customers. He is most likely a customer

arrived yet. service manager.

(B) The womarl does not say that the sales data (A) The speaker mentions our Web site, but he is
may be wrong. not a Web site designer.
(C) The marl talks about an explanation, but no (C) There is no reaSOrlto think that the speaker
one says that the sales data is difficult to is a travel agent.
expiain. (D) The speaker mentions his assistant, but he is
(D) The marl mentions typing, but the woman not a personal assistant.
does not say that she has finished typing
2 (B) Dan says that he will be back in the office on
Monday, July 14.
12 (D) The man suggests that they work late to (A) Dan mentions Monday to Friday, but he will
finish the reports. That means they will rlot be away from his office until Friday.
probably work overtime. (C) Dan mentions July, but not late July.
(A) The man mentions a meeting with the (D) Dan is on vacatiorl for a week, but he says
customer, but this is not in order to finish the nothing about four weeks.
3 (C) Dan says if you need to contact me urgently,
(B) The man asks the woman to finish the sales
please e-mail me.
graphs, not check them, but this will not
Dan says rlothing about (A) visiting his office
finish the work.
or (B) calling a help/ine.
(C) The woman talks about getting more time,
(D) Dan mentions our Web site, but he does not
i.e. an exterlsion, but the man rejects this.
say that people carl cOrltact him by visiting
the company Web site.

Unit 11 Test tactic

A Key vocabulary 1
b 3,D c 5,C d l,B e 2,A
1 assistant 6 expect
a trouble d Where
2 designer 7 service
b start e department, moving to
3 urgent 8 attend
c talk to
4 account 9 space
5 condition
Tactic practice
1 service 4 attend 1
2 assistant 5 designer 1 Why are there ~ on route 60?
3 condition (A) There was an accident.
(B) The road is in bad condition.
(C) There are too marlYcars.
(D) The roads are jj;y.

58 Answer Key
2 How late are the buses likely to be? 2
(A) 1.Qminutes Student's own answers
(B) 30 minutes
(C) 60 minutes Language building 2
(D) 94 minutes

3 What gQQ.Q news does the speaker give?

1 d I'd like to discuss the photos we want to use
(A) The weather has improved.
in the catalog.
(B) The construction work is finished.
2 e due to bad weather
(C) The trains are on time.
3 a on Tuesday night
(D) There are enough Jll!llilng spaces.
4 b by bus
2 5 c to confirm the time for our meeting tomorrow
Student's own answers
3 1 Why is the speaker calling?
1 (A) The report says that due to an accident, delays (A) To change an appointment
are expected on route 60. (B) To ask about recycling
(B)The report talks of road conditions, but does (C) To check a schedule
not say that route 60 is in bad condition. (D) To apologize for an accident
(C) The report does not mention too many cars.
(D) The report mentions icy road conditions, but
2 How did Charles hurt himself?
(A) He QJ1 himself.
this is not the cause of delays on route 60.
(B) He had a car accident.
2 (A) The speaker says that the buses are likely to (C) He fell into a river.
be a litlle late today, wifh expected delays of (D) He had a bicycie accident.
around 10 minutes.
(B) Nothing is said about 30 minutes.
3 When can Mary most likely have a new
(C) The speaker mentions route 60 but does not
(A) In June
say that the buses are likely to be 60 minutes
(B) After a couple of weeks
(C) Ina~
(D) The report is on 94.5 City FM, but this has
(D) In the next couple of days
nothing to do with how late the buses are
likely to be. 3
3 (C) The speaker says there is good news for train 1 (A) The speaker talks about Mary's appointment
passengers and adds that the train service is with Charles, and explains that she must
back to normal. change it.
(A) The speaker mentions cold weather but does (B) The speaker mentions a bicycle but says
not suggest that the weather has improved. nothing about recycling.
(B) There is construction work, but it has not (C) The speaker is not calling in order to check a
finished. schedule.
(D) The speaker mentions trafflc, but not parking (D) The speaker mentions an accident but is not
spaces. calling to apologize for an accident.

2 (0) The speaker says that Charles had a bicycle

B Key vocabulary accident on Friday.
(A) The speaker does not say that Charles cut
1 himself.
1 modern 7 inquiries (B) The speaker says nothing about a car
2 confirm 8 currently accident.
3 popular 9 alternatives (C) The speaker does not mention a river.
4 fee 10 styles
5 advertise 11 figures
6 remind

Answer Key 59
3 (8) Mary's appointment is with Charles, and it'll 2 (8) The speaker says that Martin's monthly
be a couple of weeks before he can return to payment was due last week.
work. (A) The speaker does not mention yesterday.
(Al The speaker's name is June, but the (C) The call concerns a monthly payment, but
appointment is not in the month of June. the speaker does not say that Martin should
(C) The speaker does not say that Mary can have have paid the fee last month.
a new appointment in a week. (D) There is no suggestion that Martin should
(D) Mary can call in the next couple of days, but have paid the fee when he went to the gym.
the speaker does not say that she can have
3 (C) The speaker talks about a problem with
a new appointment in the next coupie of days.
Martin's regular credit card payment, which is
how Martin usually pays.
o Learn by doing (Al The speaker suggests that Martin might pay
with cash this time, but this is not how he
1 usually pays.
1 John 7 make (B) The speaker asks Martin to check if/here's a
2 Sarah 8 change problem, but he does not mention paying by
3 Engineering 9 next check.
4 about 10 confirm (D) The speaker does not mention a bank
5 meeting 11 forward transfer.
6 Tuesday 12 you
4 (8) The speaker says to leave a message for Ms.
2 Browne, press 2.
(Possible answer for A) (A) To leave a message for Mr. Jarvis, caliers
Hello, Ms. Davis. This is Mike Mendes, from should press 1, but there is no information on
Cosmo Computers. I'm calling to rearrange our how to speak to Mr. Jarvis.
appointment next Wednesday. I'm afraid that I (C) There is no mention of making an
can't make it then. Would it be possible to change appointment.
the meeting to rext Thursday? Please cali me (D) Mr. Humphreys is on vacation, and there is no
back to confirm that this is OK. I look forward to information on how to speak to him.
meeting with you.
5 (8) According to the message, Mr. Humphreys is
(Possible answer for B) currently on vacation for two weeks
Helio, Mr. Becker. This is Wendy Lee, Dr. Grady's There is no mention of (Alone week, (Cl three
personal assistant. I'm calling to rearrange your weeks, or (D) four weeks.
appointment with Dr. Grady for next Monday.
6 (D) The speaker says for general information
I'm afraid that he can't make it then. Would
about our services, please go to our Web site.
it be possible to change the meeting to next
Leaving a message with (A) Mr. Jarvis or (B)
Wednesday? Please cali me back to confirm that
Ms. Browne are not ways in which callers can
this is OK. I hope to hear from you soon.
get general information.
3 (C) Three is the number to press for new
Student's own answers customers, not for general information.

7 (C) The talk is all about sales, so the speaker

E Mini-test most likely works in the sales department.
Nothing suggests that the speaker is from
1 (A) The speaker says that he's calling about a (A) the human resources department, or (D)
monthly payment. the production department.
(B) The speaker mentions a new swimming class, (B) The speaker mentions advertising but
but this is not why he is calling. is unlikely to be from the advertising
(C) The speaker does not say that he wants to department.
change a plan.
(D) The speaker is not calling to arrange a

60 Answer Key
8 (A) The speaker says that the main reason for the
sales increase is that we've started a new
Unit 12
online advertising campaign.
The speaker mentions (8) a discount and (C) A Key vocabulary
that the sales team has expanded, but
neither is the main reason for the sales 1
increase. 2 g 4 f 6 b
(0) There is no mention of a new sales manager. 3 d 5 a 7 e
9 (8) The speaker says that profits have increased 2
by 12 percent. 1 promise 3 flight
(A) The speaker says that sales have increased 2 responsibility 4 presenter
by 7 percent, not 12 percent.
(C) The speaker mentions a discount but does Language building 1
not say that discounts have increased by 12
2 visiting 6 raining/to rain
(0) There is no mention of productivity increasing
3 to cancel 7 to speak
by 12 percent.
4 staying 8 changing
10 (0) The speaker says that We're not the largest or 5 to discuss
the cheapest hotel in the city. We indicates
that the speaker is a hotel employee. 2 (Possible answers)
(A) There is no reason to think that the speaker 1 to speak French
is a tour guide. 2 driving, to take the train
The speaker is talking about a hotel but is 3 to find a job
not (8) a travel agent or (C) a guest. 4 to understand
5 going on vacation, traveling by airplane
11 (A) The speaker says that the hotel offers rooms 6 playingtennis
of the future, today, which means that the 7 working late
hotel is modern.
(8) The speaker mentions a beautifui wide-screen Test tactic
television but does not say that the hotel is
beautiful. 1
(C) The speaker says that the hotel is not the 2 4 g 6 e 8 d
largest in the city, which suggests that it is 3 5 h 7 b 9 a
not large. 2
(0) The speaker says that the hotel is not the 1 co-worker 7 retake
cheapest in the city, which suggests that it is 2 disagree 8 irresponsible
expensive. 3 nonrefundable 9 impossible
12 (8) The speaker says that the first thing you'll 4 prebook 10 unusual
notice when you go to your room is that there 5 intercity 11 underestimate
are no keys, which suggests that It is an 6 misdialed 12 overpriced
unusual feature. 3
(A) The speaker mentions special cards, but not Student's own answers
special furniture.
(C) The speaker says nothing about windows. Tactic practice
(0) The speaker does not mention different room
styles. 1
1 (D) A public transportation system is the bus and
train system.
(A)A public translator system, (8) a public
transfer system, and (C) a public transatlantic
system are not acceptable combinations.

Answer Key 61
2 (A) An incorrect answer is a wrong answer. When 3
one student gives an incorrect answer, the Student's own answers
teacher might ask another student.
(B) If Hideki had given an impolite answer, Language building 2
the teacher would not have asked another
student. 1
(C) A question might be unimportant, but not an 1 with 5 to 9 for
answer. 2 of 6 for 10 about
(0) After an, the word must begin with a vowel. 3 of 7 to 11 of
Dishonest begins with a consonant. 4 at 8 for 12 with

3 (B) An undercooked fish is not cooked properly, 2

so the customer doesn't want to eat it. 1 of 3 about 5 for 7 in
(A) Underground fish, (C) underwater fish, and 2 to 4 at 6 on
(0) underfed fish cannot be used to describe 3
fish served as a meal. Student's own answers

4 (D) Restart here means to start again after the

coffee break. C Grammar and vocabulary practice
An interview cannot (A) review, (B) preview, or
(C) cooperate. 1 overtaken 8 of
2 talking 9 compared
5 (C) A co-presenter gives a talk together with a 3 decrease 10 of
presenter. 4 speaking 11 writing
(A) A co-author writes together with an author. 5 using 12 increase
(B) A co-worker works together with another 6 to 13 in
person. 7 with 14 to contacl/contacting
(0) An interviewer does not give talks.

6 (A) Misunderstood is the past form of o Mini-test

misunderstand, which means to understand
badly. 1 (D) The preposition with can be used with happy.
(B) An e-mail cannot be predated. (A) Happy to must be followed by a verb; this is
(C) Overspend means to spend too much and an adjective.
cannot describe what a person does with an (B) Happy of is not an acceptable combination.
e-mail. (C) It is possible to be happy for someone, but

(0) Sent does not make sense in this context. not happy for something.

2 (B) The sentence is in the passive, so a past

B Key vocabulary participle is required. Unloaded means that
the boxes were taken out of the van.
1 (A) Reloading and (0) overloading are gerunds.
1 award 5 consider (C) Boxes cannot be preloaded from something.
2 submit 6 receive
3 (8) An infinitive is required after way, so to
3 afraid 7 management
improve Is correct.
4 skills
(A) Improve is the base form of the verb, (C)
2 improving is a gerund, and (0) will improve is
a consider e award the future tense.
b skills f submit
4 (0) A gerund is required after the verb consider,
c management g receive
so purchasing is correct.
d afraid
(A) To purchase is an infinitive, (B) purchase is
the base form of the verb, and (C) purchased
is the past simple or past participle.

62 Answer Key
5 (C) A noun is required between the and of, so 12 (B) The present continuous can be used to
excellence is correct. describe a planned future event, so is retiring
(A) Excel is a verb, (B) excellent is an is correct.
adjective, and (D) excellently is an adverb. (A) The base form of the verb, retire, cannot be
used after is.
6 (A) If something Is wrong or incorrect, there is a
(C) A verb is required here, so retirement is not
problem with It.
(B) Problem to the invoice is not an acceptable
(D) Is retired is not correct because Albert Hall
hasn't retired yet.
(C) By is used to indicate who or what performed
an action. The invoice did not perform an
action here.
(D) When there are two people or things, between
Unit 13
can show a connection. There cannot be a
problem between the invoice, as the invoice A Key vocabulary
is only one thing.
7 (C) A responsibility can be a duty to deal with or 1 d 4 7 h
take care of something as part of one's job. 2 g 5 f 8 a
(A) A big response cannot be used to describe 3 e 6 c 9 b
the job of human resources manager.
A noun is required after big, so the adjective
1 What kinds of things does the organizer of a
(B) responsible and the verb (D) respond are
party do?
2 What is a recent piece of good news that you
8 (A) A gerund is required after the verb avoid, so have had?
making is correct. 3 Which smart phone has the biggest sales in
(B) To make is an infinitive, (C) made is past your country? / Which smartphone in your
simple or past participle, and (D) make is the country has the biggest sales?
base form of the verb. 4 Is it acceptable to ignore copyright and make
copies of music and movies?
9 (A) The transfer happened last year, so the past
5 How often do you receive e-mails with
simple, transferred, Is correct.
documents attached to them?
The present continuous (B) is transferring and
6 What was the last document that you signed?
the future tense (C) will transfer cannot be
7 What is the best purchase you have ever
used to describe a past event.
The gerund (D) transferring is incorrect here
because a verb tense is needed. 3
Student's own answers
10 (B) By shows that Ms. Lee performed the action.
(A) Submitted in Ms. Lee, (C) submitted over Language building 1.
Ms. Lee, and (D) submitted between Ms. Lee
are not acceptable combinations in this 1
context. 1 and 6 so
2 and 7 but
11 (D) A fee is money that is paid for something,
3 or 8 so
such as late payment of a bill.
4 and 9 because
(A) Money is an uncountable noun, so an extra
5 but 10 and
money is not acceptable.
(B) Pay an extra value and (C) pay an extra
credit are not acceptable combinations.

Answer Key 63
Test tactic 2
1 3 Student's own answers
(C) ABC Learning has bought a school, so the
missing word is purchase. Purchase is the act Language building 2
of buying something.
There is no mention of (A) an advertisement,
1 5 her
(B) a project, or (D) a recommendation.
2 you 6 myself
2 2 3 yours 7 her
(B) However is used to contradict the claim that 4 our 8 them
the writer has to pay $450. 1
Because the writer is contrasting a claim with 1 you, me, I, myself 3 I, myself, my. I
someone else's, (A) therefore, (C) also, and 2 She, herself, her
(D) as a result cannot be used.

3 1 C Grammar practice
(D) The people at the seminar said it was useful,
so the past simple attended is correct. 1 our 6 However
The seminar has already happened, so the 2 she 7 Instead
future forms (A) will attend and (C) will have 3 As a result 8 herself
attended cannot be used. 4 we 9 Furthermore
(B) The seminar is a completed event in the 5 although 10 her
past, so the present perfect tense is not
correct. D Mini-test
4 4
1 (C) An Infinitive is required after offering, so to
(8) Prices are high, so expensive correctly
arrange is correct.
describes the convention.
(A) Arrange is the base form of the verb, (8)
Nothing suggests that the convention is (A)
arranging is a gerund, and (D) arrangement is
canceled or (C) delayed.
a noun.
(D) The convention may be useful, but this is not
relevant to the rest of the information. 2 (8) The previous sentence mentions a screen
and projector, microphone, and loudspeakers,
Tactic practice which are all pieces of equipment.
(A) Although the letter writer mentions the size
1 (C) All winning stories have the writer's name and
of the meeting room, she is not talking about
picture at the top of the page.
any other space.
2 (D) your story ... will appear in our magazine
(C) Because she has not yet mentioned any
3 (B) $100 ... ten free copies
procedures, the letter writer cannot mean any
other procedures.
(D) The letter writer has not mentioned any
B Key vocabulary
documents, so she cannot mean any other
1 resign 7 renew 3 (C) And adds information, so it is correct in this
2 rent 8 label sentence.
3 equipment 9 annual (A) As well as has a similar meaning to not only
4 reference 10 payment ... but also, and is not correct here.
5 resume 11 membership (B) Or shows an alternative, but there are not
6 unavailable two possibilities here.
(D) As gives a reason, so it is not correct here.

64 Answer Key
4 (0) Miriam Willis explains that she is leaving (D) The rent increase is not part of a timetable
Manbourne Electronics because, or as a result or a regular event, so the present simple
of, her husband's transfer to the UK. increases cannot be used for the future.
(A) Instead shows an alternative, but there are
11 (0) This sentence shows the result of information
not two possibilities here.
in the previous sentence, so therefore is
(B) Although and (C) however are used to
indicate a contrast, but there is no contrast
(A) Will although see is not an acceptable
5 (B) Miriam is writing about her employment, so (B) However shows a contrast with what has
the possessive my is correct. been mentioned before. There is no contrast
(A) I is a subject pronoun and (D) myself is a here.
reftexive pronoun. They are not possessives. (C) Instead shows an alternative, but there are
(C) A possessive pronoun such as mine cannot not two possibilities here.
be followed by a noun.
12 (C) A possessive is required here, so our is
6 (0) This is a conditional sentence, so would correct.
appreciate Is the correct form. (A) We is a subject pronoun, (B) us is an
(A) The present simple is not acceptable in a object pronoun, and (D) ourselves is a
conditional sentence. refiexive pronoun. They are not possessives.
(B) Will appreciate and (C) would have
appreciated cannot be used in this
conditional sentence. Unit 14
7 (A) Adam Miller is writing about Mr. Nesbitt's
membership, so the possessive your is A Key vocabulary
(B) A possessive pronoun such as yours cannot 1
be followed by a noun. 1 files, IT,memory stick, password,
(C) Yourself is a reflexive pronoun and security
(D) you is a subject pronoun. They are not 2 band, musician
possessives. 3 show
4 associate
8 (0) Furthermore correctly adds information to the
5 region
previous sentence.
6 successful
(A) As well as cannot be used here.
(B) Although and (C) however introduce a 2
contrast, but there is no contrast here. 1 The IT department is responsible for
computer services.
9 (C) The information in the previous sentence 2 The security of their computer systems is
shows that Trimain Movie Rentals is a store. important for all companies.
(A) Trimain has something to do with movies, but 3 Never tell anyone your password.
It is not a theater. 4 A memory stick is useful for storing
(B) Although a bank is mentioned, there is no important data files.
reason to think that Trimaln is a bank. 5 My computer saves the files I'm working on
(D) There is no reason to think that Trimain is a automatically every 10 minutes.
supermarket. 6 Mr. Lee is a business associate who helps
us in our Asian markets.
10 (B) The lelter is dated June 15 and the rate
7 We hired a band of jau musicians to play at
increase starts on July 1, so a future form is
our end-of-year party.
needed. Will increase is correct.
8 Ricky Dundee is the star of a successful TV
The past tense (A) increased and the present
perfect (C) has increased cannot be used to show that is watched by millions of people.
talk about the future.

Answer Key 65
Test tactic 1. 2 (A) Brian Jackson reports a problem with data
security and explains that it relates to the
1 (0) The writer says that Suzy Marr wants to
memory sticks that employees are using. He
change the time of your meeting next week.
has ordered a new kind of memory stick to
(A) Bill is 0f1 a trip, but Shelly does not ask about
solve the problem.
his vacation.
(B) Staff used the old type of memory stick when
(B) Bill is on a trip, but Shelly does not ask when
he is returning.
they wanted to work at home, so (B) is not
(C) Shelly mentions a new agreement, but she
(C) The problem with the old type of memory
does not inquire about a contract.
stick is that data saved on it was not safe.
2 (A) The writer reports that Jamie Shadow has a (0) A password is needed to use the new type of
$9-million boat, a 12.bedroom beach house, memory stick, not the old type.
and a personal plane. This suggests that he is
very successful.
3 (B) In his e-mail.Brlan Jackson says I have
ordered 400 memory sticks. However, James
(B) The writer mentions that Jamie Shadow plans
Cardew says that because of the current
to use t~e boat with business associates, so
heavy demand for the new memory sticks, he
(B) is incorrect.
can immediately deliver only 300 now.
(C) According to the article, Jamie goes on
(A) James Cardew does not say that he will not
vacation every year to Bermuda.
be abie to deliver any items.
(0) There is no suggestion that Jamie Shadow
has retired. (C) The product is still available because James
Cardew is expecting delivery of new stock
Test tactic 2
(0) It is Brian Jackson, not James Cardew, who
(B) Shaun Evans proposes three ideas. His last reports security problems.
idea Is to ask local bands about doing some
live shows in the store. Tom Butler says your
last idea is something we can think about. B Key vocabulary
(A) Mr. Butler mentions the Internet, but he is
not considering selling on the Internet. 1
Shaun Evans' first idea is to (0) increase 1 display 5 resume
advertising, and his second idea is to (C) 2 salary 6 chef
open a coffee bar. Tom Butler replies by 3 remove 7 Permanent
saying Your first two ideas are good, but I'm 4 deluxe, standard
afraid we don't have the budget to do them at
the moment.
Student's own answers

Tactic practice
Test tactic 3
1 (C) Brian Jackson writes that a problem with data
1 Which of the following is NOT stated about the
security has been reported. His message is
intended to warn people about a possible
(A) The closing date is September 30.
(B) Artists must Pill' a fee to enter.
(A) The first e-mail concerns computer security
(C) The painting must represent a local theme.
but does not place an order for computers.
(0) Artists must compiete an application form.
(B) Employees are asked not to take any data on
memory sticks out of the office, but are not 2 What is NOToffered to the final candidates?
told they cannot work at home. (A) A prize of $5,000
(0) Brian Jackson mentions the IT department, (B) An invitation to dinner at Qlly Hall
but he does not complain about it. (Cl A chance to ~ the mayor
(0) The ooportunity to display more than one

66 Answer Key
1 (B) The announcement mentions a sum of 4 (0) The product is a milder version of Jarvis
money, but it does NOTsay that artists must Miracle Cleaner, which allows you to quickly
pay a fee to enter. and easily remove dirt, grime, and oil from
(A) Paintings must be submitted by September your hands.
30, so this is the closing date. (A) The advertisement mentions oil, but the
(C) The painting must show some aspect of our product is not an oil heater.
town's culture, geography, or history. These (B) The product is a cleaner, but it is not a
are all local themes. dishwashing liquid.
(D) Artists must contact City Hall for an (C) The product has a nice scent, but it is not
application form. artificial flowers.

2 (0) Only one submission per artist is aI/owed, so 5 (B) Jarvis Deluxe has a fresh lemon scent, which
artists cannot display more than one painting. is not a feature of Jarvis Miracle Cleaner.
, (A) The third paragraph says that the winner will (A) Jarvis Miracle Cleaner cieans the hands
\ receive a $5,000 prize. without damaging your skin, and Jarvis Deluxe

(B) The final candidates will be invited to a gala
is gentle enough for even the most sensitive
(C) At the gala dinner, the short-fisted candidates (C) Both Jarvis Miracle Cleaner and Jarvis Deiuxe
will be seated at the mayor's table. remove oil.

(D) Jarvis Miracle Cleaner and Jarvis Deluxe are

C Mini-test both available at all good supermarkets.

6 (C) The grand total for all four family members is
1 (A) The successful candidate will receive a good
salary, as well as the opportunity to work with
(A) $25 is the family discount, not the family
and learn from a master chef.
membership fee.
(B) The successful candidate should have one
(B) The adult membership, not the family
years experience working in France, but
membership, costs $70.
opportunities to travei are not mentioned.
(D) The total family membership costs $185, but
(C) Barrafina's is a three-time winner of the
this does not include the discount.
Best Restaurant award, but the successful
candidate is not offered an award for cooking. 7 (B) Children under 12 are junior members and
(D) The head chef is mentioned, but the must pay $10, so membership for them is
successful candidate is not offered NOTfree.
promotion to head chef. (A) There is a discount for a famify of four or
more members.
2 (0) Barrafina's hopes to find an assistant chef
(C) The invoice gives information on paying by
with one years experience working in France,
but there is no mention of the ability to speak
(D) Peter Denton's signature is dated March
14, but no date is given for the payment of
(A) Barrafina's is in New York and seeks an
assistant chef with one year's experience
working in France. S (A) The date of reservation is given as August 1.
(B) Barrafina's wants a chef with at least five (B) August 24 is the date of arrival, not the date
years' experience. of the reservation.
(C) A requirement for the job is experience with (C) August 30 is when Nadia Atherton wants
French, Italian, and Spanish cuisine. to leave the hotel, not the date of the
3 (C) A restaurant that is prominent is well known
(D) August 31 is given as the date of departure
or famous.
in the ietter; it is not the date of the
Prominent is not the same as (A) expensive
or (D) fascinating.
(B) Something that is prominent may be
noticeabie, but that is not the meaning of
prominent here.

Answer Key 67
9 (C) After giving details of the room, the letter says
that rates do not include taxes.
(A) €75 is the room rate, not the rate per person,
(B) The reservation is for a standard twin room,
not a deluxe room.
(0) €75 is the room rate per night, not the rate
for seven nights,

10 (A) Nadia Atherton says that she noticed that

there were some errors, which is her reason
for writing.
(B) Neither the letter nor the e-mail mentions a
(C) Jose Cruz mentions a cancelation fee, but
there is no mention in the letter or the e-mail I"
of a reservation fee.
(0) Nadia Atherton writes about her reservation,
but she does not want to cancel it. )
11 (A) Jose Cruz gives Nadia Atherton's date of
arrival as August 25, which she confirms.
(B) Nadia Atherton's request was for six nights,
but the hotel has reserved the room for
seven nights, This means that the departure
date is wrong.
(C) The hotel has reserved a standard twin
room for Nadia Atherton, but she asked for a
deluxe room.
(0) Jose Cruz gives the number of guests as 2.
but Nadia Atherton will be accompanied by
her husband and daughter, 3 guests in total.

12 (C) Nadia Atherton has pointed out the hotel's

mistakes, so they will probably correct the
Nadia Atherton does not ask for (A) an extra
room, (B) a cancel/ation, or (0) a standard

68 Answer Key
Review Test 1 (8) This responds to a request for permission to
do something, but the woman is not asking
for permission.
Part 1
7 (A) The man asks the woman for a map. The
1 (8) They're shaking hands best describes the
woman tells him where he can get one.
(8) The man wants a map. He does not offer to
(A) The men are not sitting in the train,
give a map to the woman.
(C) The picture shows a train, not a training
(C) This gives information about the area, but it
does not respond to the man's request.
(D) We can see a handrail, but neither man is
holding the handrail. S (C) The woman means that the number 50 bus
comes every 10 minutes.
2 (A) The woman has one plate in each hand, so
(A) This gives information about how often the
\ she's holding the plates best describes the
woman takes the bus, not about how often
\ \
the bus comes.
(8) There are some dishes, but the woman is not
(8) The man does not ask where the bus goes.
washing the dishes.
(C) There is some food, but the woman is not 9 (8) The woman wants to buy tickets, and the man
preparing the food. tells her that all tickets have been sold.
(D) There are some plates, but the woman is not (A) The woman mentions nine o'clock, but her
stacking the plates. question is not about a clock,
(C) This gives information about when something
3 (C) He's sitting on the bench best describes the
is showing, but does not respond to the
woman's request for tickets.
(A) The man is not in a car, so he is not parking
in the street. 10 (C) The woman politely accepts the man's offer to
(8) There are some trees, but the man is not get her some coffee.
walking in the woods. (A) The man offers to get some coffee for the
(D) Leaves are on the ground, but the man is not woman, so she would not ask how he takes
raking them. his coffee.
(8) This response does not answer the question.
4 (A) The woman is in a supermarket pushing a
shopping cart full of food, so she's shopping 11 (A) 8y telling her that it can get cold this time of
for food best describes the picture. yea" the man is agreeing that the woman
(8) The woman already has a shopping cart, so should take a coat.
she is not looking for one. (8) The woman does not ask how her coat iooks.
(C) The woman is inside a supermarket, so she (C) The question is about the present, but this
cannot be getting into her car. response is about the past.
(D) The picture shows some vegetables, but no
12 (C) The first man agrees to the second man's
one is washing them.
request and offers his phone.
5 (0) The man is holding a newspaper and reading (A) The question is about the present, but this
it. response is about the past.
(A) The man is not carrying any books. (8) This does not respond to the first man's
(8) The man is holding a paper, but he is not request.
folding it.
13 (A) The man does not have a key, but he thinks
(C) The man is standing on a sidewalk, not in the
that Tom does.
(8) This responds to an offer to get something
from the store, but it does not answer the
Part 2 question.
6 (e) The woman wants the man to send (C) The woman's question is not about the
something to her, so he asks for her address. amount of room.
(A) The woman does not ask if the cataiog is

Answer Key 69
14 (C) The first woman responds to the second 20 (A) The man agrees that they need new
woman's statement by explaining why she computers, but he adds that they can't afford
looks tired. them now.
(A) This responds to a question about a new tire, (B) The woman's statement concerns computers
but the first woman does not ask a question. but does not mention computer skills.
(B) This responds to a request, but the first (C) The woman is talking about computers, not
woman does not make a request. about the office.

15 (8) The second man responds to an either/or

question by choosing one of the two options. Part 3
(A) The first man's question is about this year, so 21 (8) The man just arrived from New York, and the
a statement about last year is not relevant. woman asks him which flight he was on and
(C) The question is about the location of the mentions the baggage handling section. They
convention, not if the second man plans to must be in an airport.
go to it. (A) The woman asks the man which flight he was ,/
on, but she is not a travel agent.
16 (8) The woman wants the man to unlock the
(C) There is no reason to think that the speakers
front door. The man responds by explaining
are in a store.
why he cannot.
(A) This does not respond to a request to unlock
(0) Both speakers mention a mght, but they are
the door.
not on an airplane now.
(C) This is not a possible response, since they 22 (A) The man says that he can't seem to find his
does not refer to anything in the question. suitcase, which means that the suitcase is
(C) The man responds to the woman"s question missing.
(B) The man's flight landed 45 minutes ago, but it
by telling her what he plans to do this
was not delayed.
(C) The man has not iost his ticket.
(A) The quest'on is about the future, but this
(0) The man is at an airport, but neither speaker
response :s about the past.
(B) This is not a possible response to a What mentions a reservation.
question. 23 (A) The woman is going to speak to the baggage
handling section, so she will try to find out
18 (A) The man wants to know where the woman
wants something sent. She says she does not
about the baggage.
(B) The woman mentions a flight, but she will not
want it sent anywhere because she will take it
herself. confirm the flight number.

The man offers to do something, but (B) and (C) There is mention of baggage, but not of a
(C) both answer a question about something
(0) The man has arrived from New York, but the
that has already happened.
woman will not go to New York.
19 (8) The woman asks for a service. The man
agrees to do it, but he explains that she will
24 (D) The man talks about e-mail confirmation of a

have to wait until Tuesday. double room with a bath. He is most likely in
(A) The woman asks about her window, not a hotel.
about windy weather. Nothing suggests that the conversation takes
(C) The woman asks about her window, so a place (A) in an airport or (B) in a factory.
(C) The conversation is about a reservation, but
statement about the man's window is not
relevant. it does not take place in a travel agency.

25 (C) The man received confirmation bye-mail on

Thursday. The woman says thallhey were
having problems with the computer system on
that day.
No one mentions (A) Monday or (B)

70 Answer Key
38 (B) Before going through the clean area of 42 (A) There is a change to the departure gate and
the factory, the group are asked to put on a revised departure time for flight 137. The
coveralls and hair nets. reason for the announcement is to explain
(A) The speaker talks of projects, but the group these changes to passengers.
are not going to start a new project. (B) The announcement mentions a flight
(C) The speaker encourages listeners to ask any departure, not the arrival of a flight.
questions, but the group will not ask some The announcement does not (C) ask people
questions next. to board the plane or (D) give directions to the
(D) The speaker mentions equipment, but the check-in desk.
group are not going to buy some equipment
43 (C) The announcement asks passengers on flight
137 to please make their way to gate number
39 (D) The message tells Mr. Anderson that his 24.
laptop Is now repaired, so Andrea Carter (A) Flight 137 is for Detroit, but passengers are
works for a computer repair company. not asked to go to Detroit.
(A) Andrea Carter talks of a computer and a (B) The announcement mentions gate 20, but
store, but she does not work for an office passengers are not asked to go to gate 20.
supplies company. (D) The announcement does not mention the
(B) Andrea Carter mentions a courier delivery ticket counter.
service, but she does not work for a delivery
44 (C) The speaker says that departure time wiff
now be approximately 30 minutes behind
(C) Mr. Anderson can pay by credit card, but
schedule. Behind schedule means late.
Andrea Carter does not work for a credit card
The announcement does not say that the
plane will take off (A) immediately or (B) in 20
40 (B) Andrea Carter says that the computer will minutes.
be ready for pickup tomorrow, and that the (D) There is a problem at gate 20, not at gate 24.
service center is open at 7:30 A.M.
45 (B) Mike Hamilton asks Anna to check the figures
(A) The store opens at 10:00 A.M., but there is no
before you type up the final report. He is
mention of 10:00 P.M.
telling her first to look for mistakes in the
(C) The computer can be delivered by noon
tomorrow, but that is not the earliest the man
(A) Anna will calf Mike Hamilton if she finds
can pick it up.
any errors, but this is not the first thing she
(D) The man left the computer with Info Systems
should do with the report.
last Friday, but Friday is not the earliest that
(C) Anna must type up the final report, but this is
he can pick it up.
not the first thing she should do with it.
41 (A) The speaker asks the customer to contact the (D) The report must be handed to Carol Donovan,
office if he wants to make use of this service, but this is not the first thing Anna should do
meaning the courier delivery service. with it.
(B) The customer is not asked to calf the
46 (C) Mike says that he will be back in the office on
company if he wants to contact the service
(A) Mike's meeting with Robert Brown is on
(C) The customer can pay by credit card, but he
Monday, but he will not return to the office on
need not calf the company to do this.
(D) The speaker does not mention reporting a
(B) There is no mention of Tuesday.
(D) Mike leaves the message on Thursday
evening, but he will not return to the office on

72 Answer Key
(D) The woman mentions Friday, but she 32 (B) The man says that more refrigerators are
does not say that the computer problems coming next week, and says that she could
happened on Friday. place an order.
(A) The man mentions other models, but does
26 (C) The woman invites Mr. Amma to take a seat
in the lobby while she speaks to the manager. not suggest that the woman buy one.
(C) The man does not suggest that the woman go
(A) Mr. Amma mentions an e-mail, but the
to another store.
woman does not ask him to send an e-mail.
(D) The sale has already started.
(B) The woman will speak to the manager. She
does not ask Mr. Amma to do so. 33 (D) Both speakers talk about presentations.
(D) The woman offers to get the man some Presentations happen often at a conference.
coffee, but she does not ask him to go to the (A) The man mentions lunch, but the
coffee shop. conversation does not take place at a
" 27 (B) The woman says as you can see, the house is restaurant.
There is no reason to think that the speakers
in very good condition, which means that they
are in a house now. are (B) at a factory or (C) at a business
The speakers are in a building. but it is not
(A) a hotel or (C) a store. 34 (D) The man says' seem to have the wrong
(D) There is no reason to think that the speakers schedule.
are in a park. (A) There is no mention of a meeting.
(B) Both speakers mention a presentation but
28 (e) The woman says here is the living room, and
the man replies it seems a little dark in here,
do not say that a presentation has already
so he is concerned about the amount of light.
(C) The woman mentions a speaker who is sick,
The woman mentions (A) the age of the
property, (B) the wallpaper, and (D) the
but the man is not sick.
kitchen, but the man does not. 35 (C) The man has the wrong schedule and the
29 (A) Talking about the problem caused by the tree, woman says Here, you can have mine. Mine
means my schedule.
the woman says we can cut it back.
(A) The woman mentions a presentation that was
(B) The woman mentions light, but not more
lights. canceled, but she does not offer to cancel
(C) The woman says that the carpets are new, the presentation.
(B) The woman does not offer to talk to the
but says nothing about buying new ones.
(D) The woman mentions the living room but says manager.
(D) A speaker is sick, but no one mentions a
nothing about cleaning it.
30 (B) The woman asks Do you have this refrigerator,
so this is what she is looking for. Part 4
(A) The man mentions our computer, but the
woman is not looking for a computer. 36 (B) The speaker mentions a factory tour and says
There is no mention of (C) a camera or (D) a that they will be going through the clean area
washing machine. of the factory.
There is no reason to think that the talk
31 (A) The man apologizes, saying that that
takes place at (A) a museum or (D) an office
particular refrigerator is sold out. building.
(B) The woman says that the refrigerator is a very (C) Listeners are asked to put on hair nets, but
good price, so it is not too expensive. they are not at a hair salon.
(C) The man mentions a computer, but it is not
broken. 37 (C) The speaker says that the factory tour should
(D) There is no evidence that the store is busy. take about one hour and a half.
The tour is not likeiy to take (A) half an hour,
(B) one hour, or (D) two hours.

Answer Key 71
47 (A) Mike talks of his meefing wifh Robert Brown 52 (C) If the Lemon Tree has fresh food, friendly
and says we hope to sign the new contract service, and a varied menu, it must be a
then. His trip is therefore for a business restaurant.
meeting. (Aj Supermarkets, (B) parks, and (D) sports
(B) The flnal report needs to be handed to clubs do not usually have menus.
Carol Donovan, but Mike will not meet Carol
53 (C) The statement is about next year, so the
Donovan on his trip.
future form will close is correct.
The purpose of Mike's trip is not to (C)
(A) The present simple closes is not used to
flnalize the sales report or (D) take a vacation.
describe a future event that is not already
48 (0) The speaker says I've called this meeting decided.
to let you know that we've chosen a new (B) The gerund closing is incorrect here because
director. a verb tense is needed.
(A) Digital books and magazines are mentioned, (D) The past simple closed cannot be used to
but discussing them is not the purpose of this describe the future.
54 (0) Travelers on a small budget have little
(B) The speaker says nothing about a new
money, so they are likely to want Inexpensive
(C) The speaker mentions a large team of digital
(A) Automatic, (B) artiffcial, and (C) efflcient
editors and designers, but the purpose of the
are not words used to describe a vacation.
meeting is not to choose a team of experts.
55 (A) The statement is about something that
49 (B) According to the speaker, the company was
happens daily, so the present simple depart is
looking for a person who could develop new
(B) The subject of the verb, 10 flights, is
(A) Books and magazines are mentioned, but
plural, so the singular form departs is not
the digital director will not sell books and
(C) The gerund departing is incorrect here
(C) The company employs designers, but the
because a verb tense is needed.
speaker does not say that the digital director
(D) A verb is required here, so the noun
will employ new designers.
departure is incorrect.
(D) The speaker does not say that the digital
director will write reports. 56 (B) Drinks are refreshments and are often
provided during a break.
50 (C) Megan Riley has been the manager of a small
Drinks cannot be described as (A) schedules,
but successful digital publishing company.
(A) Megan Riley has worked in Beijing and New (C) ingredients, or (D) resources.
York, but not in London. 57 (C) The statement describes the past, so the past
(B) The announcement does not say that Megan simple had is correct.
Riley has studied business. The present simple (A) has and the present
(D) Megan Riley has publishing experience, but continuous (D) is having cannot be used to
has not been a journalist. describe the past.
(B) The subject of the verb, Mr. Hamid, is in
Part 5 the third.person singular, so have is not
51 (C) The present continuous is going is needed to
talk about a fixed plan In the future. 58 (B) A comparative adjective is needed before
(A) Go cannot be used with the third person than. so later is correct.
singular, Dr. Matthews. (A) Late and (C) latest are not the
The statement is about the future, so the comparative form of the adjective.
past simple (B) went and the present perfect (D) Lately is an adverb, not an adjective.
(D) has gone cannot be used.

Answer Key 73
59 (C) The statement is about the past, so the past (C) The sentence tells us that something
simple realized is correct. happened because of an earlier event. Was
The base form (A) realize and the present falling does not refer to an earlier event.
simple (8) realizes cannot be used to
65 (C) A seminar Is a meeting in which speakers
describe the past.
present ideas that are discussed by everyone.
(D) Realizing is a gerund and cannot immediateiy
(A) A plan is an idea about what to do. It is not
follow a subject pronoun such as I.
possible to attend a plan.
60 (0) The speaker describes hopes of what the (8) A budget is a financial plan. It is not
company will do. Hopes of future performance something that people might attend.
are ambitions. (D) A department is a division of a company.
(A) Achievement means something that someone Employees might attend a meeting, but they
has already done successfully. cannot attend a department.
(8) An experience is something that happens to
66 (A) The adverb considerably is acceptable before
a person.
the comparative adjective richer.
(C) We make a complaint when something has
The adjective (8) considerable and the noun
gone wrong.
(0) consideration cannot be used before
61 (A) The action is completed, so the past participle richer.
canceled is correct. (C) Has become considered is not an acceptable
(8) The base form cancel cannot be used after verb combination.
has been.
67 (A) From $4 million to $5 million is an increase.
(C) Has been cannot be followed by a noun such
(8) It is not possible to divide something from $4
as cancel/ation without a or the.
million to $5 million.
(D) Has been canceling would refer not to a
(C) To report an investment and (D) to offer
single action but to a process that took some
an investment from $4 million to $5 million
time. Here, a single action is involved.
are not acceptable.
62 (B) The current contract is the one that is in use
68 (C) The adjective careful means giving thought
now, so it replaces the contract made three
to what you are doing to avoid damaging the
years ago.
A contract that replaces one that was made
(8) Careless is the opposite of careful and
three years ago would be new, not (A) old or
cannot be used in this context.
(D) previous.
Please be must be followed by an adjective,
(C) Immediate cannot describe a contract.
but (A) care is a noun and (D) carefully is an
63 (B) When a person wants a refund, the seller adverb.
usually asks for proof of purchase, such as a
69 (B) The third-person singular speaks is correct.
(A) Speak is not the third-person singular.
(A) Proof of receipt and (C) proof of warranty
(C) The sentence is about the present, so the
are not acceptable combinations.
past simple spoke is not correct.
(D) Proof of reservation may be needed for
(0) Speaking is a gerund and cannot immediately
something like a hotel room, but not for a
follow a subject pronoun such as she_
70 (0) A noun is needed to define Ms. Baxters
64 (0) The past perfect had fallen describes
responsibility. Management means
something that happened before something
responsibility for people or an organization.
else. In this case, first the snow fell, then the
(A) Manage and (8) manages are verbs, and
road was closed.
(C) manageable is an adjective.
(A) The present simple falls and the gerund
(8) falling cannot be used to describe the

74 Answer Key
Part 6 Part 7
71 (8) The event described will occur next month, 77 (C) Jan refers to the photo of the lake near the
so the present continuous ;s retiring correctly museum, and says that we no longer have a
describes this future event. contract to use images from that company. so
(A) The subject is George Hopkirk, so retire is the one photograph cannot be used,
incorrect form of the verb (A) Jan mentions a photograph but does not say
The past simple (C) retired and the past that a photograph is not clear.
perfect (0) had retired cannot be used to (8) The e-mail concerns a magazine, but Jan
describe a future event. does not say that the magazine doesn't look
72 (e) The information that George Hopkirk has
(0) Jan mentions a catalog but does not say that
missed only two days of work in 40 years
it has to be changed.
explains why he is described as reliable.
(A) Relaxed, (8) interesting, and (0) most 78 (8) Jan says you could have one of your
original do not match the information in the photographers take a picture.
sentence. (A) Jan mentions a logo but does not suggest
designing a new logo.
73 (A) There is to be a picnic with games and prizes
(C) Jan says that the Artfield catalog cannot be
for all, so the occasion is a celebration of
George Hopkirk's retirement.
(0) They do not have permission to use the
(B) A convention is a meeting of people to
photograph, but Jan does not suggest getting
discuss a common interest. (C) A destination
is a place to which people are going. (0) An
occurrence is something that happens. None 79 (B) The advertisement mentions Italian dishes,
is correct in this context. menus, and a take-out service. Mario's must
be a restaurant.
74 (A) Greg O'Sullivan plans to go to the sales
(A) Although Mario's sells food, it is not a
conference next month. The present
continuous am attending can be used to talk
(C) A delivery service is offered, but Mario's is
about fixed plans of this kind.
not a delivery company.
The past simple (B) attended, the past
(0) Mario's advertises its Web site, but it is not a
perfect (C) had attended, and the present
Web site development company.
perfect (0) have attended cannot be used to
describe a future event. 80 (B) Hours are Tuesday through Thursday and
Friday through Sunday. No hours are given for
75 (B) An adverb is needed before the comparative
Monday, so that is when Marlo's is closed.
adjective more expensive. Slightly means a
Mario's is not closed on (A) Sunday, (C)
Thursday, or (0) Friday.
(A) Slight is an adjective, (C) slighter is a
comparative adjective, and (0) slightest is a 81 (0) Mr. Edwards's license is going to expire soon,
superlative adjective. which means that he needs to renew his
76 (A) After Would you the base form of the verb is
(A) The letter is about a driver's license, but Mr.
needed, so recommend is correct.
Edwards did not request a new license.
(B) Recommendation is a noun, (C)
(B) The license is not ready yet, so he cannot
recommending is a gerund, and (0)
have been unable to pick up his license.
recommended is a past participle.
(C) A new license is mentioned, but Mr. Edwards
did not recently get a new license.

Answer Key 75
82 (B) There is a fee for the new license, but the 87 (B) The notice is titled New Recycling Program
letter says that we no longer accept payment and gives instructions on recycling household
in cash, so Mr. Edwards does not need cash. waste.
The letter asks Mr. Edwards to bring (A) his (A) The notice mentions garbage, but it does not
current license, (C) a photograph, and (D) this say there is a revised schedule for garbage
letter when he renews his license. coiiection.
(C) There is no mention of a center.
83 (A) If Mr. Edwards is unable to pick up his new
(D) A helpline is mentioned, but it is not new.
license himself, he may choose another
person to do it for him. 88 (A) Red bins are for paper and cardboard.
(B) Mr. Edwards's license will expire soon, so he Magazines and newspapers are usually made
cannot continue using his current license. of paper.
(C) Mr. Edwards should go to the Division of (B) Blue bins are for plastic.
Motor Vehicles before March 15, not after (C) Green bins are for glass.
March 15. (D) Yeiiow bins are for metal.
(D) Mr. Edwards is not told to send his license
89 (B) Residents are asked not to put bins out until
they are full, in order to ensure the most
84 (C) The notice welcomes readers to the Global economical operation of the waste recycling
Electronics annual international conference. program. This will reduce recycling costs.
The event is therefore for employees of (A) The plastic bins are strong, but they will not
electronics companies. reduce recycling costs.
(A) The restaurant has an international menu, but The notice does not mention (C) putting out
the event is not for people who wish to eat waste regularly or (D) cleaning the streets.
international food.
90 (C) The notice says that people can phone
(B) RepresentaTives have come tram 18
between 1.00 P.M. and 6.00 P.M. on Thursdays
countries, but the event is not for people in
and Fridays, so they can phone on Friday
the travel industry.
(D) The event is a conference, but it is not for
conference organizers.
The helpline is not open on (A) Wednesday
afternoon, (B) Thursday morning, or (D)
85 (0) The main purpose of the notice is to tell Saturday morning.
people about a series of special breakfast,
91 (A) The announcement is for people who are
lunch, and dinner meetings.
(A) There is no mention of a party. interested in a job in e-marketing. Such

(B) Seminars are mentioned, but not training people are likely to read a marketing industry
(B) Maxlex manufactures computer monitors, but
(e) The registration desk is mentioned, but the
main purpose of the notice is not to describe this announcement would not appear in a
registration procedures. computer instruction manual.
(C) Maxiex makes televisions, but this
86 (B) The Wednesday lunch session is about announcement would not appear in a TV
research into new technologies. This would be listings magazine.
of most interest to engineering staff. (D) An announcement of this kind would not
There is no reason to think that engineering appear in a company report.
staff would be most interested in (A) the
92 (0) Managing budgets is NOTstated as a job
Tuesday breakfast session about challenges
for new managers, (C) the Thursday dinner
session about training new sales staff, or (D) The announcement states that job
the Friday lunch session about opening new responsibilities will include (A) producing
markets in Asia. reports, (B) assisting in the creation of
e-marketing campaigns, and (C) working with
sales departments.

76 Answer Key
93 (8) The announcement says that the successful 98 (A) Mr. Parton writes f hope you witl be able to
candidate will be able to demonstrate replace the chair. He wants the company to
experience in analyzing market trends. send him a new chair.
(A) Experience in e-marketing is required, not (B) The armrest broke, but Mr. Parton does not
experience in the electronics industry. want the company to adjust the armrests.
(C) A degree in marketing is required, not a (C) Mr. Parton says I still have the receipt. He
degree in computer studies. does not want the company to give him a
(D) There is no mention of the ability to speak a receipt.
foreign language. (D) Mr. Parton does not want the company to
write to the manager of the store.
94 (e) Creation is the act of making something new.
ProductionIs closest in meaning to creation. 99 (D) Mr. Parton bought the chair 14 months ago.
(A) A performance can refer to how well or The warranty is for 12 months from purchase,
badly you do something. It is not similar to so Argonaut might refuse Mr. Parton's request
creation. because the warranty period has expired.
(B) A recommendation can be the act of (A) The quality of the chair and (C) the price
telling someone how good something is. A of the chair would not be reasons for refusing
recommendation is not a creation. Mr. Parton's request.
(D) Knowledge is something that you know, and it (B) Mr. Parton says I still have the receipt.
is not similar in meaning to creation.
100 (A) When companies assure customers, they are
95 (8) The announcement states that a short list making a promise.
of candidates will be invited to interview in (B) To refuse means to say that you will not do
person in Toronto. something that someone has asked you to
(A) Not everyone who shows interest in the do. It is not similar to assure.
position will be invited for an interview in (C) To convince is to persuade by argument. This
Toronto. is not what assure means here.
(e) Not everyone who has a telephone interview (D) To protect is to make sure that someone or
will be invited for an interview in Toronto. something is not harmed or damaged. It is
(D) There is no mention of candidates who five not similar to assure.

96 (e) The letter begins I'm writing about a problem

with one of your Argonaut Olympian chairs.
The main purpose of the letter Is therefore to
make a complaint.
(A) The letter says nothing about a delivery.
The leller does not (B) ask for information on
chairs or (D) mention a brochure.

97 (D) There is a warranty, but it is for 12 months

from purchase, not for two years.
(A) According to the advertisement, the footrest
moves up and down.
(B) The advertisement says that armrests provide
added comfort.
(C) The Argonaut Olympian is available in six

Answer Key 77
7 (A) The woman confirms that they received the
Review Test 2 report, and tells the man where it is.
(B) The man does not ask where the woman was
Part 1 last week.
1 (0) A board is on the wall, with many papers on it, (C) The man wants to know if the report has
so (0) best describes the picture. been received, not if it was sent.
(A) There are no boxes in the picture. S (B) That"sright confirms that the party is on
(B) The basket is not empty. Friday.
(C) There are no books on the table. (A) and (C) respond to a request to do
2 (0) Some people are getting on the bus. so (0) something, however the first woman does not
best describes the picture. ask the second woman to do something.
(A) The picture does not show a bus driver. 9 (B) The man tells the woman how much it costs
(B) There are some people and a bus. but they to take a taxi to the station.
are not ge,ting off the bus.
(A) The woman's question is about cost, not
(C) The bus is not moving. about length of time.
3 (A) There is a railway station with some trains (C) This gives the location of something, which is
at the platforms, so (A) best describes the not what the woman asks.
10 (B) What time means when. The woman says
(B) There are only a few people on the platforms,
that she will be in the office at about 10
so they are not crowded.
(C) No one is crossing the train tracks.
(A) This responds to a request to do something,
(D) There is no bridge in the picture.
which is not relevant.
4 (C) The woman has a document in her hand, so (C) This does not respond to anything in the
(C) best describes the picture. question.
(A) The woman is not writing anything.
11 (A) The man asks for more information about the
(B) The woman ;s not looking at a computer.
president's visit.
(D) The woman may be in an office, but she is
The question is about the future, but (B) and
standing, not sitting.
(C) are about the past.
S (0) The man is silting in a vehicle that he is using
12 (B) The man promises to get some more
to move some things, so (D) best describes
tomorrow. More mean more coffee.
the picture.
(A) He does not refer to anything in the question.
(A) The man is already sitting in the vehicle. He
(C) The woman mentions coffee, not copies.
is not getting into it.
(B) The vehicle is carrying something, not the 13 (A) The woman tells the man that she has seen
man. the plans, and adds information about where
(C) The picture does not show an office. theyare.
(B) The man's question is about plans for the
Part 2 new office, not about an existing office.
(C) This answers a question about whether
6 (C) The key question word is Where. In (e), the something is new, which is not what the man
woman responds correctly by naming a place. asks.
(A) Yesdoes not answer a Where question.
(B) This answers the question Where have you 14 (C) The woman is expecting a delivery from a
come from?, net Where have you been? delivery man. The man tells her that he will
certainly come before five.
(A) The woman does not ask if something has
been defivered.
(B) The question is about an ongoing action, but
this response is about the past.

78 Answer Key
15 (C) The man apologizes to the woman and 22 (A) The woman tells the man that the
explains why he cannot help her to tidy up the employment office is on 18th Street, not
room. far from here. This means that the office is
(A) The question is about the present, but this nearby.
response is about the past. (B) The woman does not tell the man that she
(B) This responds to an offer to help, not to a can't help him.
request for help. (C) The woman does not say how long she,has
lived here.
16 (B) The key question word is Who. The second
(0) The speakers discuss the map, but the
man responds by identifying your manager as
woman does not say that the man doesn't
the person to speak to.
need a map.
(A) This agrees with a statement that things
are expensive, but the first man asks about 23 (C) The man's map is out of date, so the woman
expenses. advises him to get a new map.
(C) This does not answer a Who question. (A) Neither speaker mentions a bus.
(B) The woman says that the office is right next
17 (A) The woman tells the man that he needs the
to the shopping mall, but she does not advise
express train on track 4.
the man to turn right there.
(B) The question is about a train, but this
(0) Neither speaker mentions moving to a new
response is about training.
(C) A response that does not identify a particular
train is not correct. 24 (8) The woman is at the reception desk, and
the man is In room 515. She is probably a
18 (C) The man asks if he can bring his family to the
receptionist, and he is probably a guest in a
company picnic, and the woman responds by
telling him that they will be welcome.
(A) This does not answer the man's question (A) There is nothing to suggest that the
speakers are (A) in an office or (0) in a travel
(B) The man does not ask the company to bring
(C) The man is going to the fitness center, but the
19 (8) The key question word is Who. The man has speakers are not in a sports club.
heard that Tom will go to the conference.
25 (8) The man says that his shower doesn't seem
(A) This does not answer a Who question.
to be working.
(C) This answers a When question, not a Who
(A) The woman is at the reception desk, so it is
not closed.
20 (C) A question beginning Didn't you requires a yes (C) The hotel has a fitness center, but sports
or no response. The second woman answers equipment is not mentioned.
Yes and adds some extra information. (0) There is no reason to think that the room is
(A) It does not refer to anything in the question. dirty.
(B) The first woman mentions delivery costs, but
26 (C) The man says that he is going to go to the
does not ask for an opinion about the cost.
fitness center. People use fitness centers to
do some exercise.
Part 3 There is no mention of (A) the office or (0) the
21 (C) The man says I'm looking for the employment manager.
office. (B) The man is already in room 515, so he
(A) Both speakers mention 17th Street, but the cannot go there.
man is not looking for 17th Street.
(B) The woman mentions the shopping mall, but
the man is not looking for the shopping mall.
(0) The woman mentions the bank, but the man
is not lookIng for the bank.

Answer Key 79
27 (B) The subject of the conversation is the 33 (A) The man addresses the woman as doctor, and
insurance of the man's car. The conversation she advises him on his health. They are at a
most likely takes place at an insurance doctor's office.
company. (B) The woman gives the man health advice, but
(A) The speakers talk about money, but they are they are not at a health food store,
not at a bank. (C) The woman talks about food, but they are not
(C) The conversation concerns the man's car but at a restaurant.
does not take place at a car rental company, (D) There is no reason to think that they are at a
(D) The woman mentions car repairs, but the pharmacy.
speakers are not at a repair shop.
34 (B) The woman recommends that the man eat
28 (B) The woman says that, on the first plan, the lots of fruits and vegetables. She is advising
man would have to pay extra for his car to be him to eat healthier foods,
taken to a repair center. The woman says nothing about (A) getting
(A) The woman says that repairs to the car are more exercise, (C) doing some tests, or (D)
included in the first plan. getting a new job.
There is no mention of (C) a replacement
35 (0) The woman says I'll see you again in six
vehicle or (D) a new car.
29 (0) The man says that he will go for the second There is no mention of (A) one week, (B) two
plan. weeks, or (C) three months.
(A) The man does not say that he can't afford it.
(B) The man's car does not need repair. Part 4
(C) The woman mentions $500, but the man
does not decide to pay $500. 36 (C) The speaker says to change the answering
machine message, please press 3.
30 (C) The two people have spoken many times on Customers can press (A) 1, (B) 2, and (D) 4
the telephone, and the woman says that it's for certain functions, but not to change their
easier to do business with someone in person. answering machine message.
They are business associates.
(A) There is no reason to think that the speakers 37 (C) Customers are instructed to press 6 if they
are school .friends. wish to request a change in their payment
(B) The speakers are meeting for the first time, plan,
so they do not work in the same office. (A) Customers should press 1 to hear their
(D) The man offers tea or coffee, but there is no recorded messages.
mention that they met in a cafe. (B) Customers should press 4 for account
31 (A) The woman says I'm really pleased to meet (0) To return to the main menu. customers
you. should press the star key.
(B) There is no mention of a new job.
(e) The man offers tea or coffee, but the woman 38 (B) The speaker says that calls may be recorded
is not drinking tea. to help us improve the service we provide.
(D) They have spoken so many rimes on the This means that they will check the quality of
teiephone, but the woman has not been the service.

waiting for his call. There is no mention of (A) finding new

customers or (D) confirming the identity of the
32 (B) The man asks if the woman would like to caller.
get started. She replies Let's talk about the (C) Customers may report any problems, but this
schedule and contracts first. They are about is not why calls may be recorded.
to begin their discussion.
(A) Neither speaker mentions another person.
(C) The speakers are meeting in person, so they
are not in a phone call.
(D) The man offers the woman tea or coffee, but
the woman says we can take a break later.

80 Answer Key
39 (C) The speaker mentions a produce section, 44 (A) Bob says the Central Plaza Hotel is right next
everything you need for your barbecue, and to the train station, so it'll be very convenient
tasty prepared salads. These things might all for both of us.
be tound at a food market. (B) There is a fantastic Mexican restaurant near
(A) There is no reason to think that the the hotel, but Bob does not say that the hotei
announcement is made at a shoe store. has a good restaurant.
(B) Although restaurants might have salads, they Bob does not say that (C) the Centrai Plaza
do not have a produce section or everything Hotei is quiet, or that (D) they can stay there.
you need for your barbecue.
45 (8) The announcer mentions the ship, and thanks
(D) A garden center might seli gardening tools,
passengers for traveling with Silver Line
plants, and seeds. It does not sell the things
Ferries. They are on a ferry.
mentioned in the announcement.
(A) The announcement is for passengers, but
40 (A) The speaker says that Hanley's has some they are not on a train.
really exciting deals, including delicious The announcer tells car drivers to return to
summer fruits at half price. their vehicles, so they cannot be (C) on a bus
(B) Hanley's sells everything you need for your or (D) on a plane.
barbecue, but it will not have a barbecue this
46 (C) The announcement says that the ship will
stop in Port Ramsey for 20 minutes.
(C) There are new opening times, but Hanley's
(A) In 5 minutes they wili be arriving at Port
will not close early today.
Ramsey, but they will not stop there for 5
(D) The speaker says nothing about a new
(B) The announcer mentions 10 minutes, but
41 (C) Customers are reminded of the free home they will not stop in Port Ramsey for 10
delivery service when they spend $75 or minutes.
more. (D) The announcer says nothing about 30
(A) Customers who spend $20 or more will get minutes.
a free package of paper plates. This is not
47 (D) Talking about the cafeteria, the announcer
offered to customers who spend $ 75 or
says that services will resume again 10
minutes after our departure from Port
(B) The store sells tasty prepared salads, but
they are not offered to customers who spend
The announcer says that the shop and
$75 or more.
cafeteria are now closed. so passengers
(D) The speaker says nothing about a voucher for
cannot use the cafeteria (A) whenever they
like or (B) for the next 20 minutes.
42 (A) Bob Andrews says I'm calling to confirm the (C) Brightstone is mentioned, but passengers
details of our meeting next week. cannot use the cafeteria there.
(B) Bob mentions his son, but this is not why he
48 (C) The announcer talks about bridge repairs
is calling.
and heavy snow, telling listeners how these
(C) He suggests lunch, but he is not calling to
will affect traffic. The main topic of the
reserve a table at a restaurant.
announcement is traffic conditions.
(D) He suggests meeting at a hotel, but he is not
The announcement does not mention (A)
calling to book a hotel room.
sports scores, (B) international news, or (D)
43 (C) Bob says that he is at a training course all business reports.
day on Monday.
49 (A) The announcement says that traffic officers
(A) He will be at a baseball game on Wednesday
will assist drivers.
afternoon, not Monday.
(B) The announcement mentions bus passengers,
(B) The design meeting is on Tuesday.
but not bus drivers.
(D) He makes no mention of a business trip.
(C) There is no mention of business leaders.
(D) The announcer gives advice to commuters,
but commuters will not help the public.

Answer Key 81
50 (D) Bus passengers are advised to call 555-9757 58 (C) For is the correct preposition in the phrase
to find out more about the revised schedules. apply for a job.
(A) Driving tips and (C) weather reports are (A) Apply at a jab, (B) apply with a jab,
not available by telephone. and (D) apply by a job are not acceptable
(B) The announcement contains traffic updates, combinations.
but these are not avaifable by telephone.
59 (A) Approximately means about and is correct in
this context.
Part 5 (B) By often one hour and (C) by usually one
51 (D) A gerund is needed after considered. Moving hour are not acceptable combinations.
is correct here. (D) Lately means in the recent past. Lately
(A) Move is the base form of the verb, (B) cannot be used to describe a future event.
moved is a past participle, and (C) to move is
60 (B) About is the correct preposition in the phrase
an infinitive.
excited about this opportunity.
52 (A) An invoice shows what needs to be paid on an (A) It is possible to be excited for somebody, but
order. not excited for something.
(B) The order needs to be paid, so no money has (C) Excited from this opportunity and (D)
been sent. excited to this opportunity are not acceptable
(C) Sales and (D) purchase cannot be sent combinations.
with an order.
61 (D) So is a conjunction that shows the result
53 (B) During refers to a length of lime, in this case of something. Here it is Impossible to see
the period of the flight. the new exhibit as a result of the museum
(A) At the flight and (D) from the flight cannot closure.
be used here. (A) The conjunction or is used for two
(C) While cannot come immediately before a possibilities, but there are not two
noun, such as the flight. possibilities here.
(B) But implies a contrast, which is not the case
54 (D) A noun or adverb is needed after the verb
improve. Productivity is correct here.
(C) The conjunction because is used to give a
(A) Producer is a countable noun, so improve
reason, not to show the result of something.
producer is not acceptable.
(B) Produced is a past participle and (C) 62 (B) The Park Hotel is on the way to the city
productive is an adjective. center, so it is correct to say that the bus goes
past it.
55 (D) An infinitive is needed after the verb offer. To
A bus cannot go (A) into a hotei, (C) along a
give is correct here.
hotei, or (D) across a hotel.
(A) Give is the case form of the verb and (B)
giving is a gerund. 63 (A) Another adjective is needed to go with fast.
(C) She offered to be given is not an acceptable Regular is correct here.
combination. (8) Regularly is an adverb and (D) reguiation
is a noun.
56 (A) Is very must be followed by an adjective.
(C) Regulating means controlling something. It
Convenient is correct here.
cannot be used here.
(B) Convenience is a noun and (D)
conveniently is an adverb. 64 (C) With is the correct preposition in the phrase
(C) Inconvenient mea:1S causing problems. The pleased with the resuits.
meaning is not correct in this context. (A) It is possible to be pleased to do something,
but not to be pleased to something.
57 (C) A possessive adjective is needed before the
(B) Pleased of the results and (D) pleased in
noun names. Their is correct.
the results are not acceptable combinations.
(A) Themselves is a refiexive pronoun, (B)
they is a subject pronoun, and (D) theirs is a
possessive pronoun.

82 Answer Key
65 (A) Because of his hard work and excellent sales (0) The past perfect tense, such as had affected,
results, Mr. Gomez has been made sales is used to describe something that happened
manager. He has received a promotion. before something else happened, which is
(8) A procedure is a way of doing something and not the case here.
cannot be used here.
72 (C) Also is used to give additional information.
(C) Qualifications could refer to an academic
The replacement of lost apple trees is an
degree or useful qualities, but qualifications
additional reason for a price increase.
to cannot be used here.
(A) However introduces a contrast, but there is
(0) A proposal is a suggestion and cannot be
no contrast here.
used here.
(8) instead introduces another possibility, but
66 (8) A possessive adjective is needed before the another possibility is not given here.
noun report. Your is correct. (0) As a result is used to show the outcome of
(A) You is a subject pronoun, (C) yours is a something, which is not the case here.
possessive pronoun, and (0) yourseif is a
73 (8) An object pronoun is needed after the verb
reflexive pronoun.
inform. Them is correct here.
67 (C) Electronic parts can be sent in packages. (A) They is a subject pronoun, (C) their is
(A) Ships of eiectronic parts is not an acceptable a possessive adjective, and (0) theirs is a
noun combination. possessive pronoun.
(8) Electronic parts are not sent in letters.
74 (C) The infinitive is needed after deciding, so to
(0) Mails is a verb, but a noun is needed here.
open is correct.
68 (A) Still indicates that something remains true. (A) Open is the base form of the verb, (8)
The Madison Hotel was the largest in town in opens is the present simple, and (0) opening
1845 and remains the largest today. is a gerund.
(8) Yet is usually part of a negative sentence and
75 (B) The verb discovered in the sentence refers to
is not correct here.
the past. The past simple checked is therefore
(C) Before and (D) aiways cannot be used
The present simple (A) check and the future
69 (B) An adjective is needed after are very. Reliable tense (0) wili check cannot be used to
is correct here. describe the past.
(A) Rely is a verb, (C) reliabiy is an adverb, (C) The gerund checking cannot immediately
and (0) reliability is a noun. follow the subject we.

70 (0) The preposition about is needed after worried 76 (B) The driver's license is not acceptable because
in this context. it does not provide evidence of where Mr.
(A) It is possibie to be worried for someone but Williams lives. Confirmation of address is
not worried for something. therefore needed.
(B) Worried from and (C) worried with are not There is no reason to think that confirmation
acceptable combinations. of (A) bank account or (C) age is needed.
(0) The letter begins thank you for your purchase
Part 6 of a computer desk, so payment has already
been made.
71 (C) The present perfect tense can refer to
something that began in the past and is
still happening. Have affected here tells us
that fuel and labor costs increased in recent
months, and they remain high today.
(A) The sentence refers to recent months, so the
present simple affects cannot be used.
(B) Affecting is a gerund, but a verb tense is
needed here.

Answer Key 83
Part 7 82 (0) The team will prepare the office over the
weekend. Saturday is part of the weekend.
77 (A) Copy and print paper costs $3.72 per unit. A (A) The new office furniture will come on Monday,
unit is one package.
but the team will not do their work then.
(8) $7.44, not $3.72, is the total cost for paper. (8) Staff can return to their desks on Wednesday,
(C) $7.44, is the total cost for paper, not the cost
but the team will not do their work then.
of one package. (C) Friday is mentioned, but the team will not do
(0) $73.52 is the total cost of all items, not of their work then.
the paper.
83 (C) The memo advises employees to take your
78 (C) The discount Is a token of our appreciation for
personal property home to avoid loss or
your regular business. This means that they
have used Ealing Office Supplies before.
(A) The plastic crates are for books, papers, and
The invoice does not state that the customer foiders.
(A) placed a large order, (8) bought the (8) Employees are required to ciear their desks,
cheapest paper, or (0) paid the biJi on time.
so they cannot leave personal items on their
79 (C) Kate writes that it won 'f take you more than desks.
half an hour door-to-door, so it will take Peter (0) Employees are instructed to throw any
about 30 minutes. unwanted items in the bags provided, not to
(A) Kate mentions a five-minute walk to the office, throwaway personai items.
but that is only part of the trip. 84 (8) Sci-Wave is a software developer. This means
(8) The train ride takes about 20 minutes, but they produce software.
that is only part of the trip. (A) The article mentions smartphone apps, but
(0) There is no mention of one hour. Sci-Wavedoes not produce cell phones.
80 (8) Kate tells Peter to give me a call when you (C) Sci-Wave produces web-based comics, not

arrive at the office. This means that he should comic books.

phone her. (0) Sci-Wavehas a baseball management game
(A) Kate has to meet a customer, but Peter but does not produce baseball bats.
should not go to a meeting when he arrives. 85 (0) According to the article, Major Player is a
(C) It is Kate, not Peter, who has to meet a
baseball management game, a kind of sports
customer. game.
(0) They can have a cup of coffee when Kate's (A) Major Player was produced by Sci-Wave,not
meeting is over, but not when Peter arrives at
by Novon.
the office.
(8) SciWave produces weo-based comics, but
81 (8) The memo mentions a team of cleaners and Major Player is not a web-based comic.
movers who will prepare the office. Their (C) SciWave's stock has risen to $9.00, but

purpose therefore is to clean the office. Major Player does not cost $9.00.
(A) The team of workers will come before the (A)
86 According to the article, the purchase of Sci-
new furniture is installed, so their job is not to
Wave offers Novon access to a larger variety
instaJf new furniture.
of software and successful products. In other
(C) Computers are mentioned, but the team of
words, Novon will improve their range of
workers is not going to repair them.
(0) The memo refers to personal items, but the
(8) The article does not say that the purchase
team of workers will not collect personal will increase their stock price.
(e) Novon prOduced Pals Plus, but the article
does not say that Novon wants to sell Pals
(0) According to the article, Novon wants to
expand the business, not reduce the size of
their business.

84 Answer Key
87 (D) After describing the appetizer and main (B) The writer mentions software packages,
course, the reviewer says that both were but he is probably not applying for a job as
delicious. computer programmer.
(A) The reviewer says the main dish was (C) There is no reason to think that the writer is
delicious if a MOe spicy. This does not mean applying for a job as sales representative.
that the main dish was too spicy.
92 (Cl The writer says that he can supply letters of
The review says that dessert was a little
disappointing, so the reviewer does not think recommendation on request. Therefore he has

that (B) all the dishes were excellent or (C) the NOTincluded letters of recommendation at
dessert was delicious.
this point.
(A) He includes a copy of his degree.
88 (Cl The reviewer is not a big fan of spicy food, (B) He gives contact information at the end of
and the 5-ehili dishes are for only the bravest. the letter.
He therefore Implies that these dishes are too (D) He says that he is enclosing a completed
spicy and he probably couldn't eat them. application form.
(Al If the 5-chili dishes are for only the bravest
93 (A) The writer says that he has worked in a
then not everyone can enjoy them.
(B) The reviewer did not try any of the 5-chili similar role.

dishes. (B) The writer says he saw the job advertisement

(D) The reviewer says nothing about how in Fulcrum magazine, not that he used to
expensive the dishes are. work for a magazine.
(C) The writer has had only one job since he left
89 (B) The reviewer describes the service as college three years ago.
excellent and gives it 5 stars, while he gives (D) The writer mentions software packages,
the food 3 stars and the atmosphere 4 stars. but does not say that he was a software
He therefore liked the service best. developer.
The reviewer liked (A) the food and (C) the
94 (B) The writer says I am especially interested
atmosphere, but these are not what he liked
best. in the possibility mentioned in your
(D) The reviewer says his dessert was a little advertisement of developing editorial skills.
(A) The writer says he has proficiency with
disappointing. He therefore did not like it
best. general office software packages, not that
using computers attracted him to the job.
90 (Cl The reviewer says that the service is excellent, (C) The writer says he can work in a fast-paced
so he does NOTsay the waiters are unhelpful. environment, not that working in a busy office
(A) The restaurant has many spicy dishes. attracted him to the job.
(B) The reviewer says I reserved a table as I'd (D) The writer mentions organizing business trips,
heard ... that without a reservation, there but says nothing of taking business trips
would be a long wait. overseas.
(D) The reviewer says that the Thep-Phanon
95 (A) The writer says he would welcome the
restaurant can handle large groups of up to
20, so it can host parties. opportunity to meet with Ms. Hali. In other
words, he hopes that she will arrange for an
91 (0) The writer has worked in a similar role since interview.
leaving college. Presently he organizes (B) The writer hopes he can discuss his skills
meetings and business trips and keeps with Ms. Hall, not that she will test his
records up to date. He is most likely applying editorial skills.
for the job of administrative assistant. (Cl The writer offers to supply letters of
(A) The writer claims to speak and write excellent recommendation, but he does not hope that
Spanish, but he is probably not applying for a Ms. Hall will do this.
job as translator. (D) The writer does not say that he hopes Ms.
Hall wili check his qualifications.

Answer Key 85
96 (C) The agenda is for the 12th Annual European
Accountancy so accountants
would be interested In attending.
The agenda lists a professor among the
speakers, but the convention is not (A) for
teachers or (D) for professors.
(B) One presentation includes Information
Technology, but the convention is not for IT
97 (A) Barry Brown asks to have his presentation
moved to a later slot. He is requesting a
change in a schedule.
(B) Barry mentions a famiiy vacation, but
organizing a famiiy vacation is not the
purpose of the a.mai!.
(C) The purpose of the e.mail is not to make
plans for a business trip.
(D) Barry mentions lunch, but the purpose of the
e.mail Is not to make arrangements for lunch.

98 (C) The last item on the agenda is closing

remarks at 5:00 P.M. This is NOTa
(A) At the top of the agenda, the location is given
as Paris.
(B) Before lunch there are three presentations.
(D) The speakers are professors and

99 (0) Barry would like to switch his presentation

with Bart Monroe's. Bart Monroe's
presentation is scheduled for 3:00 P.M.
(A) Barry Brown's presentation is scheduled for
10:00 A.M., but he wants to change it.
Barry Brown does not want to make his
presentation at (B) 11:15 A.M. or (C) 1:15 P.M.

100 (D) A joint pre"sentation is a presentation by more

than one person. Barry Brown wants to give
his presentation together with Jeff Blum. Joint
is therefore closest In meaning to combined.
Joint does not mean (A) different, (B)
common, or (C) public.

86 Answer Key
Practice Test A 6 (A) The picture shows a young man studying in
a library. He is wearing a shirt, so (A) best
describes what we see.
Part 1 (B) He is using a pen but not buying a pen.
1 (A) The man is silting at a desk. He is looking at (C) He is reading a book but not carrying a book.
some papers and has a pen in his right hand. (D) He is silting at a table and leaning on it, but
He may be a teacher who is marking some of he is not cleaning it.
his students' work. So (A) best describes what
7 (D) They are all looking at and discussing the
we see.
same piece of paper, which has a diagram on
(B) The man is reading, but there is no
it, so (D) is the best description.
newspaper in the picture.
(A) There is a calculator on the table, but they
(C) The man may be in an office, but he is not
are not currentiy looking at it.
(B) No one is eating in the room.
(D) There is a board behind the man, so he is
(C) They are not counting the pens.
not facing it.
8 (8) The picture shows a road In the countryside
2 (C) The people are silting at a table, with some
with some birds walking across it, so (8) is
papers in front of them, discussing something,
the best description of what we see.
so (C) best describes what we see.
(A) The car is going straight; it is not turning
(A) The woman's hands are on the table, and she
is not holding a pen, so she is not writing a
(C) There is a car driving on the road, so the road
is not closed.
(8) There is a wall, but no pictures are on it.
(D) We can see some fields, but they are not
(D) There is water on the table, but no one is
underwater, so they are not flooded.
pouring it.
9 (C) There are many cupboards in the picture,
3 (D) She has some towels over her right arm, so
and all their doors are closed, so (C) best
(D) Is the best description.
describes what we see.
(A) The woman is opening a door, not a drawer.
(A) We can see a corner, but no chair.
(B) The woman's hand is on the door handle, but
(B) There is no table in the picture.
she is not cleaning the door.
(D) The kitchen looks clean, but it is not being
(C) There is a cart behind her, but the woman is
not pushing a cart.
10 (C) The people are in a library where they are all
4 (8) The picture shows a beach with several boats.
reading books, so (C) best describes what we
Some of them are in the water, so (8) best
describes what we see.
(A) They are reading books, but they are not
(A) We can see some houses next to the water,
talking about a book.
but they are not underwater.
(B) They are all at a table, but they are reading,
(C) We can see a beach, but there are no people
not eating.
on it, so it is not crowded.
(D) They are sitting next to the shelves, but they
(D) The boats are all tied up, so they are not
are not looking at them.
leaving the harbor.

S (C) The picture shows a large city square, and Part 2

some people are walking across it, so (C)
gives the best description. 11 (A) The man asks the woman how far away she
(A) There is a man carrying an umbrella, but he lives. She responds appropriately by saying
is not opening it. that her apartment is just around the corner.
(B) (B) The man uses the word away, not weigh.
There are no cars on the road.
(D) The woman is not entering the building. (C) The man uses the word live, not leave.

Answer Key 87
12 (B) The woman wants to know if the man met 19 (B) The key question word is Whose. The woman
the director. The negative didn't you implies wants to know the identity of the owner of a
that she is not sure. The man responds by car, and the man explains that he has been
saying that he did not meet him because the unable to find out.
director was too busy. The woman does not ask (A) about a park or
(A) The woman uses the word director, not (C) where the man parked his car.
20 (C) The man asks the woman if some people
(C) The pronoun you means that this cannot be a
have bought a new house. She responds
correct response to the question.
by saying that she has not asked them yet,
13 (C) The second man gratefully accepts the first which means that she does not know.
man's offer to help him with some interviews. The man does not ask the woman (A) where
(A) This answer is the response to a request, but she lives or (B) where someone lives.
the question is not a request.
21 (B) The first man asks if someone mailed a letter,
(B) The question refers to interviews, so a
and the second man reports that she told him
response about a view is not appropriate.
she did mail it.
14 (C) The key question words are When would you (A) This gives information about the mail, but
like to. The woman answers appropriately does not answer the question asked.
with a time in the future. (C) The question is about a letter, not about
(A) This correctly answers a When question, letting someone do something.
but the question is about the future, not the
22 (B) The woman asks about where the computer
came from, The man responds by saying he
(B) The man says would you like, not do you like.
thinks it came from their usual {computer]
15 (B) Let's is a common way of making a supplier.
suggestion of what to do. The woman The woman does not ask about where
suggests going to see a movie, but the man something was (A) put or (C) left.
explains that he is too busy to go.
23 (A) The woman responds to the man's statement
The woman does not (A) ask where the movie
by telling him how much time he can have to
theater is or (C) ask for permission to do
do the job.
(B) This responds to a question about working
16 (A) The answer correctly responds to a question hours, which is not correct,
about contacting someone. (C) A length of time is an appropriate response,
The question does not ask (8) where but it refers to a finished job in the past,
someone is going or (C) when someone is which is not correct.
24 (C) The first woman says that the computer is
17 (C) The woman's response indicates that she has fixed, but the second woman says that she
tried to repair the printer, but has failed. didn't know it was broken.
(A) The man does not ask if someone has been The first woman does not (A) ask when
paid yet. something will be done or (B) indicate that
(B) The man asks about a repair, so a response there is any problem.
about a pair is not correct,
25 (A) The key question word is Which, and (A)
18 (A) The woman is explaining why she is late, correctly identifies which car the woman
In saying that train ;s always late the man bought or chose.
is saying that he understands and does not (8) The man does not ask about losing
blame her. something.
(B) This response is an apology for making (C) The man asks about a car, not a card.
someone wait, and is not an appropriate
response to an apology from someone else.
(C) The woman talks about a train, not about

88 Answer Key
26 (B) The woman asks whose office they can use 33 (C) The woman wants to know if the windows
for the seminar, and the man replies that they have been cleaned. The man's response
can use his office if it's big enough. indicates that he thinks they have.
The woman does not (A) ask when something (A) The woman does not ask if the windows are
is going to happen or (C) ask for permission ... open or closed.
to do something. (B) The man asks about windows, not the wind.

27 (C) The man wants to know where the woman 34 (B) The first man is suggesting the second man
will go on vacation. I might just stay home reads a report. The second man says he didn't
answers the question Where and is an know [the report} was finished.
appropriate response. (A) In the statement, report is used as a
(A) The man uses spend in the sense of noun, not a verb, so this response is not
spending time. A reply referring to cost is not appropriate.
appropriate. (C) The first man does not say anything about
(B) The man wants to know where the woman will reading books.
go, not where they went.
35 (A) The woman responds that she will decide
28 (B) The key question word is How, which in this whether or not she stays here tomorrow,
case asks for a means of transportation. based on what the weather is like.
They'll have to take the bus gives the The man does not (B) ask when they will
information requested. hear from someone or (C) ask the woman for
(A) The woman does not ask about when permission to stay.
something will happen.
36 (C) The woman suggests that the man take a cab
(C) The woman says they don't have a car, so
to the airport, but the man responds by saying
this answer is not possible.
that this is too expensive.
29 (A) The man wants the woman to help him lift a The woman does not (A) ask about where
box of books. In (A), the woman is saying that something is or (B) ask about flying.
she will help him, but not immediately as she
37 (B) The first woman asks when they should begin
has to finish something else she is working
production and the second woman replies
on first.
that they should start as soon as possible.
The man does not (B) ask the woman if she
(A) The first woman asks about production, not
wants to read the books or (C) ask about
where something was left.
(C) The first woman does not ask about the safes
30 (A) The man explains that there is a discount if of [a} new product.
you buy ten kilos, and the woman revises her
38 (A) The woman wants to know what happened at
order based on this information.
the conference, but the man wasn't there, so
(B) The man offers a discount. A response about
he is unable to help her.
counting is not appropriate.
(C) The man does not mention anything about The woman does not ask the man (B) where
something is or (C) if he knows someone.
39 (B) The key question word is Where. In (B),
31 (B) The woman wants to know what the man will
the woman responds appropriately with a
do if it rains. We'lf probably go see a movie is
an appropriate response.
(A) This response gives a reason for something.
The woman does not (A) ask when it will rain
or (C) say it is raining, or going to rain. which is not an appropriate response to the
32 (C) The man asks when some people will begin (C) The man does not ask about someone
the work. The woman responds appropriately moving somewhere.
by giving a time in the future.
The man does not ask (A) how long they've
been out of work or (8) where they were.

Answer Key 89
40 (C) The first man asks why the second man did 45 (B) The man says that the bulbs were dispatched
not pay someone by check. The second man on Wednesday. To dispatch something, means
responds by telling him that they only [accept] to send or ship it.
cash payments. (A) The man says that the woman's order was
(A) In the question, a check is a means of received ... on Tuesday, not that it was
paymen:. This response uses check as a shipped on Tuesday.
verb and is not relevant. (C) Neither speaker mentions Thursday.
(8) The first man does not ask about when or if (D) The man says that the woman should have
someone was paid. received the order on Friday. not that it was
shipped on Friday.
Part 3 46 (C) The woman asks the man to contact the
41 (A) The man says that the printer takes so long shipping agents to find out what has gone
to print anything. and the woman agrees, wrong. and the man says I'll cail them right
saying that it is often much slower than the now. He is therefore about to make a phone
manufacturers claim. cail.
No one says that the printer is (8) noisy or (C) The woman asks the man to check with your
often jams. shipping agents, but there is no mention that
(D) The man says that the printer does work. the man will (A) write a check or (8) visit the
shipping agent.
42 (B) When the woman says that she cailed them
(D) Nothing suggests that the man will cancel the
this morning to complain, them means the
(A) The man mentions the possibility of ordering 47 (A) The man says that he is not happy with our
a different printer if the problem is not cleaners because his wastebasket was full
solved, but the woman has not ordered a new this morning. In other words, it has not been
printer. emptied.
(C) A technician is mentioned, but the woman (B) The woman says that she was in early
has not spoken to a technician. yesterday, but the man does not complain
(D) It is possible that the printer will be returned, that he has to start work very early.
but the woman has not returned the printer No one (C) mentions a vacuum cleaner or (D)
yet. says that the recruitment process is slow.

43 (C) The woman has called the manufacturers, 48 (B) The woman says that the cleaners have been
and says that they will send a technic/an good in the past. but the last couple of weeks
tomorrow. have been different. This means a problem
(A) A new printer may be necessary. but no one began a few weeks ago.
has ordered one yet. (A) The woman says she was in eariy yesterday,
There is no mention that tomorrow (8) a but no one says that the problem began
claim wili be made or (D) a refund will be paid. yesterday.
(C) The woman says that things should be much
44 (D) The woman calls the manufacturer to check
better in a month or so, but this does not tell
on an order for a hundred light bulbs that
us when the problem began.
haven't arrived yet.
(D) Neither speaker mentions last year.
(A) The woman mentions shipping agents, but
there is no discussion about hiring a new 49 (C) The woman says that one of the cleaners ...
one. told me that they don't have enough people at
(8) The woman has already ordered some light present. In other words, the cleaning company
bulbs. The woman is not ordering some light does not have enough staff.
bulbs now. No one says that (A) people are arriving
(C) The woman is calling from Greenwood late or (8) poor performance is causing the
Electrics, but no one mentions an electrical problem.
fault. (D) Neither speaker mentions equipment.

90 Answer Key
50 (B) They are talking about launching a new brand 55 (D) The woman says that the performance begins
of coffee, and the man assures the woman at 7:30.
that the market has room for a good product (A) Neither speaker mentions 2:00 P.M.
thats properly promoted. (B) Neither speaker mentions 2:30 P.M.
(A) The man mentions marketing, but not (G) The woman says that the man should get
that he wants to reorganize the marketing there about 7:00 {o'clock}, not that the show
department. starts at 7:00 P.M.
(G) The man does not mention a new coffee
56 (A) The first woman says that they would lose the
(D) The man mentions reputation, but not that he garden if they built the extension behind the
wants to improve his companys reputation. main building. The garden is therefore located
at the back of the building.
51 (D) The woman says that Kollman Inc. produced (B) No one says anything about the front of the
a new brand two years ago ... It lasted just a main buiiding.
year. This means their new product was not (G) The first woman mentions extending the east
successful. wing, but the garden is not located to the
The woman says that Koiiman Inc. produced east of the main buiiding.
a new brand two years ago, not that the (D) The second woman suggests extending the
marketing department closed two years ago, west wing, but the garden is not located to
so (A) and (B) are incorrect. the west of the main building.
(G) The woman says that Koliman Inc.'s new
57 (G) When the first woman suggests extending the
brand lasted just a year, not that they went
out of business last year. east wing, the second woman says that she
has investigated this and does not think they
52 (B) The man says that the marketing was weak would get planning permission.
meaning that they did not promote their (A) The first woman says that extending the west
product wel/. wing would be expensive, not that extending
(A) The woman says that there was nothing the east wing would be expensive.
wrong with the coffee. which means their (B) The second woman suggests extending
product was not poor quality. the west wing across the parking lot. so the
(G) The man says that Kollman thought they parking lot would not be lost by extending the
could rely on their reputation. This implies east wing.
that Koliman Inc. has a good reputation. (D) No one says that extending the east wing
(D) The man uses the word weak, but not to would not be safe.
describe the economy.
58 (B) The second woman is In favor of extending
53 (C) The man begins by saying that he wants to the west wing across the parking lot. They
buy two tickets for the show Bottleneck on might then move the parking lot underground.
Saturday. (A) The first woman says that their cars wouldn't
The man does not (A) ask about Thursday, be seen from the road. not that the parking
(B) ask about Friday first. or (D) ask about lot might go across the road.
Sunday first. (G) The garden is behind the building. but no one
says that the parking lot might go there.
54 (C) The woman says that the man is in luck for
(D) There is no mention of the front of the
Sunday because there are just two tickets
left, and that they are oniy aval/able because
we've just had a cancelation. 59 (A) The woman asks the man to take her to the
(A) The woman says that the tickets are quite Palm Tree restaurant, and he says that he can
expensive. drop her at one end of Barton Street. He is
(B) The woman says that they have just two probably a cab driver.
tickets left, so there are not plenty of tickets. It is not usually possible to make these types
(D) The woman says that the seats are in the of requests to (B) a bus driver. (G) a train
balcony, not too far back. not that the man driver, or (D) a truck driver.
can get his money back.

Answer Key 91
60 (0) The man says that, since Barton Street is 65 (0) The man says that our office is so hot today
closed to traffic today, he will have to drop the that I can hardly work in it.
woman at one end of it, and she will have to (A) The man says that he is pretty busy right now.
walk from there. but this is not what he is complaining about.
(A) The woman says that she doesn't have (8) The woman mentions the board. but the man
anything to carry. does not say that his work is boring.
(8) No one mentions paying an extra fee. (C) The man suggests that they should consider
(C) The woman wants to go to a restaurant, but getting air conditioning, but he does not
there is no mention of making a reservation. complain that the air conditioning is broken.
61 (C) The woman wants to go to a restaurant, but 66 (B) The woman asks the man to prepare a
she asks the man to also go by the train proposal for installing air conditioning, and
station. This means that she wants to go says that she is sure that the board would
to the train station first, on the way to the consider it very seriously. It refers to the
restaurant. proposal.
(A) The restaurant is probably on or near Barton (A) The man will prepare the proposal.
Street, but this is not where the woman (C) The woman will give the proposal to the
wants to go first. director.
(B) The woman wants to go to a restaurant, but (0) The director will present the proposal to the
this is not where she wants to go first. board.
(0) The woman wants to coliect a ticket, but there
67 (B) The man asks the woman if she can give
is no mention of a theater.
him until the end of the week to prepare the
62 (B) The second man says that quality control has proposal.
suffered because we've had to cut back on (A) Wednesday this week and (0) the end of
staff. In other words, there are fewer people next week are not mentioned.
to do the work. (C) The woman is meeting the director on
(A) The first man asks if the quality control Wednesdaynext week, but this is not when
problem is because of the new factory the proposal will be completed.
manager, but the second man says this is
not the reason.
68 (C) The woman says that her computer takes
(C) The first man asks if there is a problem with such a long time to do anything, meaning that
it is too slow.
the materials, but the second man says this
(A) The woman complains about her computer.
is not the reason for the poor quality control.
(0) No one says that production has been but she does not say that it is broken.
(B) The woman does not say that her computer
is too noisy.
63 (A) The first man says that if anything like this (0) The woman begins by saying that she got her
happens again, we'li lose customers. computer last year and doesn't imply that it
Neither speaker mentions that (B) no more is too old.
radios will be made, (C) some staff wili lose
69 (0) The woman says there are times when I'd like
their jobs, or (0) that the factory will close.
to have my computer with me when I'm away
64 (C) The second man suggests that they might on business.
have to cut production, which means that they (A) The woman got a new laptop computer last
would make fewer radios. year, but she does not say she already has a
Neither speaker suggests (A) having a desktop computer.
competition, (8) hiring more staff, or (0) (8) The woman says that laptops are a bit more
cutting radio prices. expensive, but she does not say that she
cannot afford a desktop.
(C) The woman says that she has plenty of room
for a desktop, meaning that she has enough
space for one.

92 Answer Key
70 (B) The man says that the store has the best 75 (C) Alter explaining why she will be late, Natasha
range of models, meaning that it has the best asks Sergei if he can make his factory visit
selection of computers. this morning, and then see me at two o'clock.
(A) The man describes the Grant Street store as She also asks Sergei to let me know if you're
good, but he does not mention its saies staff. happy to meet me in your office at two,
(C) The man does not mention the store's prices. Natasha does not suggest having the
(0) The man says that the store is a bit far away. meeting at (A) ten o'clock or (0) two-thirty.
Natasha mentions (B) ten-thirty, but she does
Part 4 not suggest having the meeting at this time.

71 (B) The announcement says that there will be 76 (B) Natasha says that she would prefer to meet
a fire drill today. Drill is another word for in Sergei's office because there is a problem
practicing a procedure, especially in an with the heating in mine. Mine refers to
emergency such as a fire. Natasha's office.
The announcement mentions (A) floors, but (A) She asks if it would be convenient for Sergei
this means the level of a building. It aiso to change his schedule, but she does not say
mentions (C) elevators, but does not say that that his office is more convenient.
they are broken or going to be repaired. There Natasha does not (C) say whether or not
is no mention of (0) anything related to an Sergei's office is bigger than hers, or (0) say
outdoor catering event. that her office is too noisy.

72 (0) The announcement says that there will be a 77 (0) 8e5tcar says it is confident that it is offering
fire drill today at 3:30 and that an alarm will the lowest-price car rentals of any major
sound at this time. Sound can be used as a company.
verb to mean the same as ring, especially for (A) Rental procedure is not mentioned.
an alarm. (B) Although the speaker uses the term
(A) There is no mention of a barbecue. experienced, this does not relate to
(B) The announcement says that the elevators experienced staff.
will not operate. (C) Bestcar's service is mentioned, but better
(C) The announcement mentions a drill, but this service is not the advantage it claims to offer.
does not mean drilling.
78 (C) 8e5tcar guarantees not to increase our
73 (A) The announcement tells employees that they current prices for six months. In other words,
should go downstairs and out into the plaza. current prices will remain the same for at
(B) The announcement mentions floor 6, but least six months.
it does not say that empioyees should go (A) There is a mention of seven days' rental, but
there. not in relation to current prices.
(C) Employees are toid that the elevators wfll not (B) The end of the month is not mentioned.
operate, so you must use the stairs, so this is (0) Until the end of the year is mentioned but not
incorrect. in relation to current prices.
(0) The announcement mentions instructions, but
79 (A) Bestcar is offering a free tank of gas for every
it does not say that employees should read
week that you rent. Gas is fuel.
(B) Seven days' rental is mentioned, but there is
74 (C) Natasha explains that she is going to be late no mention of this being free.
because her car won't start. In other words, There is no mention of (C) a road map or (0)
a problem with her car.
she has insurance.
(A) Natasha says nothing about missing a train.
(B) Natasha mentions a factory visit, but this is
not the reason she is going to be late.
(0) Natasha suggests postponing her meeting
with Sergei till after lunch, but she does not
say that she has a business lunch.

Answer Key 93
80 (8) The speaker says that the graph shows two (C) The speaker recommends raising our prices,
peaks in production last year - one in March not reducing them.
and one in July. A peak in production means (0) The speaker does not mention anything
production increased. about the range of products.
(A) The speaker mentions production of our
85 (8) The speaker says that relocating to the center
current model but does not say that a new
._. will attract more customers and also
model was produced.
mentions the increase in business in relation
(C) According to the speaker. work in March and
to this.
July was not interrupted by any mechanical
(A) The speaker says that rent will increase, not
be reduced.
(0) The speaKer mentions outside help but does
There is no mention of (C) staff productivity
not say that outside help was required in
and no suggestion that (0) customers would
March and July.
be happier.
81 (D) The speaker talks about the three years since
86 (e) The speaker says that there has been an
we began production of this model. In other
announcement by Zenith Holdings that it will
words, production of the present model began
be building a new supermarket.
three years ago.
(A) The speaker mentions a bank but does not
(A) Three months is not mentioned.
say that Zenith Hoidings is going to build
(8) Last year ... in Juiy is mentioned, but not
in relation to beginning production of the
(B) The speaker mentions two parking lots but
present model.
does not say that Zenith HOldings is going
(C) Last year ... in March is mentioned, but not
to build one.
in reiation to beginning production of the
(0) There is no mention of a movie theater.
present model.
87 (D) The speaker talks about the recentiy buiit
82 (D) The speaker says that the company has now
multi.level parking garage on Milton Road.
decided to train some of our own staff in
(A) The speaker mentions a supermarket but
maintenance. In other words, the company
does not say that there is a multi.level
will do its own repairs.
parking garage next to it.
(A) The speaker says we will not waste time, but
(B) A parking lot on Smith Street is mentioned,
this does not relate to reducing staff working
but it is not multi.level.
(C) The speaker mentions a parking lot next to
(8) The speaker says that we can't guarantee
the bank, but it is not a multi.level parking
that everything will always work smoothly.
(C) The speaker talks about staff but does not
say that the company will employ more staff. 88 (8) The speaker talks about the towns lack of
parking spaces and suggests making the
83 (D) The speaker begins by saying that the lease
Smith Street parking lot a multi.level, too.
on our current building expires at the end of
There is no mention of (A) banning cars from
the year, and then mentions new locations for
the town center, (C) free parking, or (0) fines
the company.
for illegal parking.
The speaker mentions (A) a shorter commute
and (B) prices, but these are not the main 89 (A) The speaker begins by saying when I wrote
topic. Customers are also mentioned, but (C) my book and also mentions the success of
customer satisfaction is not the main topic. my book.
(B) The speaker mentions flights, hotels, and
84 (A) The speaker says I think we should go for the
tourism, but the speaker is not a travel agent.
middle of town.
(C) The speaker says that five new hotels are
(B) The speaker mentions reduced travel costs
planned, but the speaker is not an architect.
but does not recommend providing cheap
(D) There is a mention of new tourist-class hotels,
staff transportation.
but the speaker is not a hotel owner.

94 Answer Key
90 (C) The speaker says a new airport has opened in 96 (B) The speaker says that it is the best situated in
the east. town, and diners will have great views of the
The speaker mentions (A) the desert, (B) the river to the south and of the hills to the north.
capitai, and (D) the west {of the country} but (A) The speaker says that it will have the same
does not say that the new airport is there. long operating hours, but does not say that
this restaurant is open ionger than other
91 (C) The speaker says that three new tourist ciass
hotels have already been built.
(C) The speaker says that it will be the same
(A) The speaker says that there was only one
great value but does not say that this
very old hotel, but this is not the number of
restaurant is cheaper than other restaurants.
new hoteis.
(D) The speaker says that it is on a much larger
(B) The speaker says there are two new roads
scale but does not say that this restaurant is
under construction, but this is not the number
larger than other restaurants.
of new hoteis.
(D) Talking about hotels, the speaker says that 97 (0) The speaker says that we will also be
five more are planned, but does not say that introducing live music for the first time.
five have been completed. (A) The speaker talks about the same long
operating hours, so this restaurant does not
92 (0) The speaker Is delivering a traffic report. The
stay open longer than others.
report concludes with sfay tuned {to the radio
(B) The speaker mentions that there are great
station} and we'iI keep you updated.
views of the river but does not say the new
The speaker mentions water, police, and a
restaurant is on a boat.
train station, but the speaker is not (A) a
(C) The speaker says nothing about the menu.
water engineer, (B) a police officer, or (C) a
train official. 98 (A) The speaker mentions leaving Carol a copy
of our agreement with Compupeak and
93 (A) According to the speaker, Marsden is closed
asks Carol to sign it. It is the copy of the
because a water main has burst and is
causing major flooding.
(B) The speaker asks Carol to leave something
(B) The speaker mentions the police but does
on his desk but does not ask her to leave
not say that there has been a robbery.
work early.
(C) The speaker says that there are no accidents
(C) The speaker is going to Compupeak but does
to report.
not ask Carol to go to Compupeak.
(D) There is no mention of a road being repaired.
(D) The speaker asks Carol to do something
94 (C) Having explained that Marsden Road Is when you get back to the office but does not
closed, the speaker says that police are ask her to return to the office.
advising drivers to look for alternative routes.
99 (C) The speaker says that Compupeak's director
Alternative routes means other roads.
;s away, so he is going to meet its sales
The speaker mentions the train station and
manager instead.
a drive home, but police are not advising
(A) The speaker says that Compupeak's director
drivers (A) to travel by train or (B) to stay at
;s away, so they cannot meet.
home. The speaker says that traffic is always
(B) It is Carol who is to meet a production
slow around the train station, but police are
manager, not the speaker.
not advising drivers (D) to drive slowly.
(D) The speaker is going to meet Carol but not at
95 (C) The speaker says that this is now our third Compupeak.
The speaker mentions one thing and the
company's other two restaurants, but the
company does not have a total of (A) one
restaurant, (B) two restaurants, or (D) four

Answer Key 95
100 (8) The speaker wants to meet Carol tomorrow 105 (8) A noun/object is needed after the transitive
afternoon. He says that he would like to see verb face. Facing closure means in danger of
her in his office at two. shutting permanently.
(A) The speaker is meeting someone at (A) The noun closeness is related to the adjective
Compupeak at one o'clock, but it is not Carol. close, meaning near, rather than to the verb
(C) The spea«er mentions three months, but not close, meaning shut.
3:00 P.M. (C) Closely is an adverb and (0) close is
(0) There is no mention of 4:00 P.M. a verb or an adjective. These are not the
correct part of speech after the transitive
Part 5 verb face.

101 (A) An adverb is needed to describe the verb. 106 (8) In a first conditional sentence referring to the
Well describes how we did. future, the clause that begins with if, unless,
(8) The adjective good cannot be used to etc. uses the simple present tense, so sell is
describe the verb did. correct.
The comparative adverb (C) better and the (A) The sentence is first conditional, referring
superlative adverb (0) best cannot be used to the future, so the past tense sold is
with as ... as .... incorrect.
In a conditional sentence, (C) the future form
102 (0) The conjunction but is used here to show the
and (0) would are not used in a clause that
contrast between none of them was suitable
begins with if, unless, etc.
for our needs and we tried several software
applications. 107 (C) Nowhere is used here as a pronoun. Nowhere
The adverbs (A) consequently and (B) else is used to mean no other store in this
therefore would not be correct here, as none context.
of them was suitable for our needs is not (A) The pronoun none cannot be used with else.
the logical result of we tried several software (B) The determiner no must be followed by a
applications. noun, and it can never be followed bye/se.
(C) While can be used to show contrast between (0) The adverb not cannot be used directly
clauses when it is used at the start of a before else.
sentence, but not in this position.
108 (0) The verb phrase spend time must be followed
103 (0) To start correctly completes the construction by a gerund when it describes an activity, so
be about [to do something}, which indicates visiting is correct.
that an action is going to happen in the (A) The infinitive without to cannot follow the verb
immediate future. phrase spend time.
(A) Starting is a gerund and therefore cannot be The verb phrase spend time cannot be
used after she was about. followed by (B) visited (a past simpie or past
(B) Going to start would not be used after be participle verb) or (C) to visit (an infinitive).
about, and so it is incorrect here. The phrase
109 (B) The modal verb ought is followed by the
She was going to start would be correct
infinitive with to and expresses obligation, and
without about.
is therefore appropriate here.
(C) Starts cannot be used after she was about.
(A) From the overall meaning of the sentence,
104 (A) When the emphasis of a sentence is changed it is clear that a verb form expressing
by starling it with What, the verb be must be obligation is required here, but was to have
included. been wearing does not do this.
(B) The adverb now would leave the sentence (C) The modal verb should cannot be followed by
incomplete grammatically. the infinitive with to.
(C) The pronoun we cannot be followed by the (0) The verb form supposed can only be used
infinitive with to, and it repeats the subject of after the verb be.
the sentence.
(0) The modal verb must cannot come after a
verb or be followed by the infinitive with to.

96 Answer Key
110 (D) Economical is an adjective that can be used 115 (A) The noun lack is correct. If there is a lack of
to modify the noun model, so it is correct something, there is not enough of it.
here. (8) The noun need is followed by the preposition
The noun (A) economy, the verb (8) for, not of, to express that something is
economize, and the noun (C) economics missing.
cannot modify the noun model. (C) The noun reduction is followed by the
111 (A) The pronoun each refers to both the truck preposition in, not of in this context.
(D) The noun fault is followed by the preposition
driver and the crane opera to" and requires
in, not of, to express that something has
the singular verb form blames.
(8) The pronoun both requires a plural verb form, gone wrong.
and therefore cannot be used before blames. 116 (C) The adverb primarily expresses the idea that
The pronouns (C) someone and (D) another the cell phones are designed to appeal mainly
cannot refer to the truck driver and the crane to the type of person described.
operator. (A) The adverb hardly has the negative sense
112 (D) of almost not and would also not be in this
The relative pronoun which is correct here to
position in the sentence.
refer to the new vldeoconferencing equipment
(8) The adverb frequently describes how often an
in the non-defining relative clause.
(A) The pronoun it is incorrect because the new action or event occurs, but the verb appeal
describes a state in this context, not a
videoconferencing equipment is the subject
repeated action or event.
of the sentence, and it would repeat the
(D) The adverb exceptionally, when used with a
(8) What cannot be used to refer to the new verb, means onfy in unusual circumstances,
which does not fit this context.
videoconferencing equipment in the relative
clause. 117 (C) The adjective financial is correct. Financial
(C) The pronoun this is incorrect because the results are a record of the money a company
new videoconferencing equipment is the has received and spent.
subject of the sentence, and this would The noun (A) financing and the adverb (D)
repeat the subject. financially are not the correct parts of speech
113 (C) The conjunction since shows that one part of
(8) The past participle financed cannot be used
a sentence follows logically from the other,
to describe a company's results.
and that is the case here.
(A) The conjunction for, meaning because, cannot 118 (8) The noun influx is correct because it describes
be used at the start of a sentence. the sudden arrival of a large number of
(8) Although (a conjunction) and (D) however things, people, etc. In this case, a large
(an adverb) are used to show contrast number of applications is received at the
between two parts of a sentence, but here same time.
the second part follows logically from the (A) The noun supply is used to describe
first. something necessary that is provided for
114 (C) Mine is correct because the expression use. It is therefore not used to describe a
number of job applications.
a colleague of ... must be followed by a
(C) The noun entrance describes the way in to
possessive form.
(A) The possessive adjective my must always be a place, but this sentence describes job
applications being received.
followed by a noun phrase.
(D) The noun spare is not followed by the
(8) The object pronoun me is incorrect because
preposition of.
of me is not used to show possession.
(D) I is a subject pronoun and cannot therefore
follow of.

Answer Key 97
119 (C) Such is correct, as such a fast one is a (8) The object pronoun us is incorrect because of
comparative structure comparing other us is not used to show possession.
computers with this fast one. (C) The possessive adjective our must always be
(A) This sentence requires a comparative followed by a noun phrase.
structure to compare this computer with
126 (A) So + adjective + that can be used to show
others. Quite a fast one is not a suitabie
a result and is therefore correct here. The
comparative structure in this context.
result here is that an ordinary person cannot
(8) More would not form a correct comparative
possibly understand the instructions because
sentence with a fast one.
they are so complicated.
(D) The adverb this cannot be followed by the
That cannot foliow (8) too + adjective or (C)
article a.
very + adjective.
120 (C) The verb base, used to describe where (D) Such + adjective must be foliowed by a noun.
something is, is used in the passive form. Is
127 (B) Had is correct because the structure had
based is therefore correct.
better (do) has a similar meaning to should,
(A) Wiil base, (8) has based, and (D) is basing
(A) The verb be + adjective cannot be followed by
are active forms and are therefore incorrect.
a verb in the infinitive without to.
121 (C) The adverb quickly modifies the verb develops (C) Would and (D) should cannot be foilowed
and completes the structure that includes the by better in this sentence.
more In the second part of the sentence.
128 (8) The adverb clearly is used to modify the verb
(A) The adjective quick is the wrong form to
complete the structure that includes the form they were not expecting.
more in the second part of the sentence. (A) Clear (an adjective), (C) cleared (a past
participle), and (D) ciearing (a gerund) cannot
The comparative adjective (8) quicker and the
be used to modify the verb form they were
superlative adjective (D) quickest cannot be
not expecting.
used after more.
129 (C) Being aware of the risks means knowing
122 (D) It is correct. It is ... who is used to emphasize
about the risks.
the subject Sandra Bellini.
(A) There is who, (8) That is ... who, and
The adjectives (A) alert, (8) ready, and
(D) satisfied cannot be followed by the
(C) She is who cannot be used here to
preposition of.
emphasize the subject Sandra Bellini.

123 (C) While followed by a gerund expresses during 130 (B) The noun range can refer to the upper and
lower limits of something. Cars in this price
the time when ... : while looking has the
range refers to cars at a price between the
same meaning as While I was looking ....
upper and lower price limits.
The prepositions (A) at and (D) during, and
the conjunction (8) as are not used before a The nouns (A) variety, (C) series, and (D) type
gerund form such as looking. cannot foliow price to describe a number of
different prices.
124 (D) The adverb much is used to strengthen a
comparative adverb such as harder.
131 (A) The verb get is commonly used with idea,
meaning receive or think of, and so got is
(A) Very and (C) too cannot be used to
correct here.
strengthen a comparative adverb such as
harder. (8) In this context, the subject of gave would
(8) More is incorrect, as the adverb harder is have to be your presentation, but here the
already in the comparative form. subject is I, so gave is not correct.
(C) The verb make is not used with the noun
125 (O) Ours Is correct because the expression an idea.
ex-colleague of ... must be followed by a (D) Thought needs to be followed by the
possessive form. preposition of for it to be used here.
(A) We is a subject pronoun and cannot therefore
follow of.

98 Answer Key
132 (A) The conjunction so shows that we had 138 (A) We use the expression in production to
to readvertise the position is the logical describe something being manufactured.
result of none of the applicants had enough The phrases (B) to production and (C) for
experience. production cannot be used after be.
(B) But and (C) though are used to show (D) The preposition at is not used before
contrast between two parts of a sentence, production to describe something being
but in this case the second part is the logical manufactured.
result of the first.
139 (B) The preposition apart from means not
(D) In order needs to be followed by to or that,
and it is used to show that what follows is an
(A) The preposition aside needs to be followed by
aim or purpose. In this case the second part
of the sentence is not the aim or purpose of
(C) Exclusive is an adjective. This part of speech
the first.
is incorrect here.
133 (C) Diversify means start selling different things (D) Out of does not have the meaning except for,
and is correct here. and is therefore incorrect.
(A) Differ means be different, (B) divert
140 (D) The noun application is correct. An application
means change the direction of something,
for something is an official request.
and (D) differentiate means treat things
(A) Apply is a verb. This part of speech is
incorrect here.
134 (D) Every day except Sunday means every day but (B) The gerund applying is not the correct noun
not Sunday. form here.
(A) Every day and on Sunday cannot both be (C) The noun appliance does not have a meaning
true. related to applying for something and is
(B) By Sunday means on or before Sunday, which therefore incorrect.
is not the intended meaning of this sentence.
(C) Apart needs to be followed by from. Part 6
135 (B) Advised means told someone it would be a 141 (C) The sentence refers to what the local safety
good idea to do something. regulations say. As regulations is plural, a
The verbs (A) suggested, (C) recommended, plural pronoun and verb is needed, so These
and (D) insisted cannot be followed by the state is correct.
object personal pronoun us + infinitive. (A) It states and (B) this states is singular and
therefore does not agree grammatically with
136 (C) The adjective competitive is the correct part
iocal safety regulations, which is plural.
of speech here.
(D) It is the iocal safety regulations that state
(A) Compete is a verb. This part of speech
what must be done, not the hotel or writer.
cannot follow the verb remain.
(B) The noun competition is not possible in this 142 (Al The e-mail states that employees will need
context. a certificate before the hotel opens, which
(D) Competitiveiy is an adverb and is not the part would be at or before the end of next month.
of speech in this context. The preposition by means at or before and is
therefore correct.
137 (D) The verb expect is often followed by a direct
(B) The preposition through means continuously
object + the infinitive with to, and means be
until and is therefore incorrect.
prepared for something to happen.
The prepositions (C) during and (D) within are
The verbs (A) avoid and (C) predict cannot be
used before a period of time, not before a
followed by a direct object + the infinitive with
point in time such as the end olthe month.
(B) The verb warn can only have a person (or
group of people) as its object, so it cannot be
followed by deliveries.

Answer Key 99

143 (C) The verb including means here that details 148 (D) Role is used to describe a person's function
of cost and dates should be part of the in an organization. Director of the Board
information about courses that is supplied. is Tom O'Connell's function in Kendrick
(A) The verb involving refers to a situation, an Pharmaceuticals, so role is correct.
event, an activity, etc., and is not used to (A) Part is not used to describe a person's
refer to information. function in a company.
The verbs (8) informing and (0) instructing (8) Duty is used to describe a task that is
need to be followed by an object personal part of a person's job, but in this case the
pronoun such as me, us, etc. announcement refers to the whole job of
Director of the Board.
144 (B) The verb run is correct. If you run a small
(C) Employment is used to talk about the fact
business, you operate it.
of having a job, but here the announcement
The verbs (A) direct, (C) carry, and (0) make
refers to the particular job of Director of the
are not used to describe operating a small
149 (C) Verbs that introduce an opinion are often
145 (B) The verb prevent is often followed by a direct
followed by that. Here, we are confident
object + gerund. Meeting is therefore correct.
introduces the opinion.
Prevent cannot be followed by (A) a direct
We are confident is followed by a verb clause,
object + infinitive, (C) a direct object + verb in
so (A) of and (8) in are incorrect.
the past tense, or (0) a direct object + verb in
(D) The adjective confident cannot be followed by
the present perfect.
how when expressing a belief that something
146 (D) The adverb therefore Is correct, as we have will or will not happen.
decided to buy ... a second, larger van is the
150 (D) The memo, written on March 1, refers to a
logical result of the problem caused by the
change happening on March 18 so the futUre
size of our van.
form will be allowed is correct.
The adverbs (A) still and (C) however have a
(A) The memo does not refer to a change that
similar meaning to but, and they are used to
has already happened, so have been allowed
contrast two ideas. Here, we have decided to
is not correct.
buy ... a second, larger van does not contrast
The verb aiiow must have a direct object; in
with the previous sentence.
addition, (8) are allowing and (C) allow cannot
(8) The adverb moreover has a similar meaning
be followed by an infinitive with to.
to also, and it is used when adding
information that supports what you have 151 (A) By is used to describe how something is done.
just said. Here, we have ... decided to (8) In, (C) from, and (0) to cannot be used
buy a second, larger van is not supporting here to describe how something is done.
152 (D) Standard hours refers to the normal hours in
147 (A) The party is described as next weeks event. the company that most staff work (8:00 A.M.
The future continuous form is often used to to 4:00 P.M.).
describe a scheduled future event, so will be (A) Model can be used before a noun to describe
holding is correct. an excellent example of something, for
The party has not yet happened, so past exampie a model employee, but that is not
forms (B) was held and (0) held are incorrect. the sense here.
(C) The present simple tense is not appropriate (8) Average hours would refer to the total number
for describing an event that happens only of hours, but this memo focuses on workers'
once. usuai start and finish times rather than total
(C) Common is not used to describe a work

100 Answer Key

Part 7 156 (0) The advertisement states that live jazz Is on
Saturday nights, and that reservations are
153 (B) The information states that temporary library
required for Fridays and Saturdays.
membership ... allows books to be borrowed
The advertisement states that reservations
on three separate occasions.
are required for Fridays and Saturdays, but
(A) The information does not say that a
(A) the $9.95 lunchtime buffet is only
temporary library member can only borrow
available on Sundays.
books once a year.
(8) The express lunch and (C) the free drinks
(C) The information says an external membership
offer only apply from Monday to Thursday.
costs $88.00, but it does not say that a
temporary library member can borrow books 157 (A) The advertisement states that there is free
eighty-eight times. delivery within 2 miles.
(D) The information says that external (8) The advertisement states that there is a 10%
membership for one year ... allows unlimited discount on orders over $30.00, not that you
borrowing, but it does not say that a get pizzas delivered free when you spend that
temporary library member can borrow books amount.
an unlimited number of times. (C) You get free drinks for parties of four or more
when you show this advertisement, but it
154 (D) The information tells people to go to the
does not say that you get pizzas delivered
Library Services Office if a card is lost. The
address at the end tells us that this is room
(D) The advertisement says nothing about free
delivery if you order pizzas at lunchtime.
The library card can be used (A) in the
Jespersen Library, which is (8) on the second 158 (A) The notes at the bottom of the invoice say we
floor. but the information does not tell people are now using R&M Freightways since Cometa
to go there if a library card is lost. Shipping went out of business.
(C) People can apply for a card at the University (8) The notes at the bottom of the invoice say
Facilities Office. but it is not the place to go if 8rodvik Cycles have passed Ken's delivery
you iose your library card. instructions on to the new company, but this
does not mean that the previous company
155 (B) The information tells us that color
lost deliveries.
photocopying Is available in the Jespersen
(C) The notes at the bottom of the invoice state
Library, which is on the second floor.
that R&M Freightways' rates are similar to
(A) You can obtain prepaid cards to use for
Cometa Shipping's. so the new company is
photocopying from the University Facilities
not cheaper.
Offices, which are on the first floor. However.
(0) The notes at the bottom of the invoice state
the information does not say there are color
that the new company's reputation is equally
photocopying facilities here.
good, meaning both companies have the
(C) There are photocopying facilities in all
same reputation.
libraries. presumably including the library in
the Study Center on the third floor. However, 159 (B) NH 00012 is the invoice number, and the
the information does not say there are color notes at the bottom of the invoice say that
photocopying facilities here. Ken should call the shipping company. quoting
(D) The information says there are no the invoice number.
photocopying facilities in the Conference (A) 7701.9839-4581 is Brodvik Cycles' tax
Center, which is on the fourth floor. registration number, (C) BIKEB44G is the
customer reference number, and (0) (308)
555.6607 is the telephone number to call.

Answer Key 101

160 (A) The writer says I would appreciate it if you 164 (C) A members family ticket can admit two
would refund my credit card with the fui/ adults and up to three children, and it will
amount Ipaid. cost $12.00.
Although the writer asks Blands Kitchen (A) $5 and (B) $7 are not enough for two
Appliances to take the dishwasher back, adults and one child to attend an event.
she does ~ot (B) ask for a replacement (D) $14 is too much if they are members.
dishwasher or (C) ask them to repair it.
165 (C) The information describes what kind of
(D) The writer says that she is enclosing a copy
vacancies exist, the general level of salaries,
of my receipt, not that she wants another
and what it is like to work at Hillgate Bell, Inc.
copy of it.
All the information is relevant for people who
161 (A) The writer says she needs a dishwasher that may consider applying for a position at the
does not run too noisily in order not to wake company.
the family next door, but that the noise levels Most of the information is not relevant for
of this model were extremely high when she (A) current Hillgate Bell, Inc. employees or (B)
used it the first time. investors. None of the information is relevant
The writer does not mention (B) the size of for (D) possible new customers.
the dishwasher, (C) how well the disllwasher
166 (A) Recognition can mean a public
cleans, or (D) how much the dishwasher
acknowledgment to thank someone for their
costs to operate.
work. In this case, the awards are to thank
162 (B) The writer says I chose this model because the winner for their exceptional contribution.
the sales assistant assured me that it ran (B) Recognition can sometimes mean awareness
almost silently, but that she later learned if it refers to realizing something, but this is
from the Internet that this model is wei/- not the meaning here.
known for its high noise levels. We can infer (C) A promotion can sometimes be the result of
from this that she believes that the sales recognition for someone's contribution, but it
assistant was not telling the truth. does not mean the same as recognition.
(A) Although the writer says that she is not (D) An advertisement has the purpose of giving
satisfied with the service she received in information about a job people can apply for,
the store, she does not say that the sales a product people can buy, etc. It cannot be
assistant was not potite. used to thank or award someone.
(C) The writer says that the sales assistant
167 (8) The information states that working from
assured me that it ran almost silently, which
home is encouraged as part of the company's
shows that the sales assistant understood
initiative to reduce car emissions by 20%.
the writer's requirements for a dishwasher
The information does not mention (A)
that ran quietly.
employees who have children, (C) the issue
(D) The writer does not mention whether or not
of office space, or (D) the issue of how much
the sales assistant gave her advice.
time employees spend traveling to work.
163 (B) On March 27 you can see an exhibition of
16B (C) One of Hillgate Bell Inc:s stated goals is
Early Roman Jewelry, which runs between
to lead the market through innovation.
February 11 and April 7, and go to an event
Innovation means having good, original
called Making Your Own Jewelry, also on
ideas, and to lead the market means to be
March 27.
better than other companies within the same
The exhibition of Early Roman Jewelry begins
on (A) February 11, and the exhibition of
(A) Being the most efficient company in the
Jewelry and Ceramics by local artists begins
industry is not mentioned.
on (D) OctOber 18, but it does not say you
(B) One of Hillgate Bell, Inc:s stated goals is to
can learn how to make jewelry on these
turn over $10 million within two years, but
this does not mean the same as increasing
(C) Although you can go to an event called
new investment by $10 million.
Making Your Own Jewelry on April 10, there is
no jewelry exhibition on that date.

102 Answer Key

(D) The information states that Hillgate Bell, Inc. 172 (D) Steven Jollvert states that the aim of the
also ensures that people are provided with the new Medical Center is to speed the difficult
best resources ... to advance their ... career, process of turning scientific discoveries into
so the company has already achieved this. licensed medical treatments. This means that
its focus is on developing new medicines that
169 (C) One employee comments that you can
people can buy.
discuss your views with management without
Steven Jolivert describes the aim of the new
fear, but this does NOTmean that it is easy to
become a manager. Medical Center, but he does not mention (A)
ancient treatments or (B) training medical
(A) One employee comments that the company's
commitment to helping local charities is
(C) Steven Jolivert states that the aim of the
new Medical Center is to speed the difficult
(B) One employee comments that staff well-being
process of turning scientific discoveries into
is high on the agenda at Hillgate Bell, Inc.•
licensed medical treatments. This implies that
which means it looks after its staff well.
the aim is developing medicines from existing
(D) One employee comments that the salary
cures, rather than finding new cures.
package is exceptional in the industry, which
means that the pay is above average for this 173 (B) The information describes what winning
type of work. bidders can expect to happen after an online
auction ends.
170 (A) The article states that the Martin Center is a
(A) The information describes what happens
cultural venue ... In what was a quiet corner
after an auction ends, not how to enter an
of Toronto.
(B) The Institute is based in Ottawa, but the
(C) The information says that a winning bid is a
cultural center isn't.
contractual obiigation, but it does not include
(C) The Institute is funding a new $400 million
advice on how to take legal action.
Medical Center for Vancouver.
(D) The information does mention shipping
(D) The Institute has its International Research
charges, but it does not give details on how
Center in Kenya.
items are delivered.
171 (C) The article states that the Institute spent
17 4 (B) The information states that No personal
$520 million last year ... on the launch of a
checks, cash, or credit card payments will be
cultural venue for music and theater, but it
accepted. Personal check is therefore NOTan
does not say that any of the new funding will
acceptable means of paying for an item.
be spent on this building.
The information states that payment can be
(A) The article states that the Institute will help
in the form of (A) wire transfers and (e) money
with the development of a new $400 million
orders. It also states that (D) business checks
Medical Center ... due to open in five years'
will be accepted.
(B) The article states that the Institute will help
fund research into diseases in other countries
... at its flagship International Research
(D) The article states that the Institute will
help fund research into diseases in other
countries ... through sponsorship of individual

Answer Key 103

175 (C) The information states that there will be a (C) The article states that ShinAir is confident
15% buyer's premium added to each winning that it has secured terms that will not impact
bid. This means that every winning bidder its existing primary safes and distribution
must pay 15% more than their winning bid. point on its Web site, This means that it will
(A) The information states that invoices will continue to sell tickets online.
include sales tax if applicable, This means (0) ShinAir is not now selling tickets for another
that not every winning bidder must pay sales airline, No other airline is mentioned in the
tax, article.
(B) The information states that items that are
178 (A) The article states that the new ticketing
marked as oversized will be charged an
system is part of ShinAir's continuing focus on
additional 5% shipping rate, This will only
attracting more business travelers.
have to be paid by bidders who have won
The article does not mention (B) the cost
oversized items, so it won't have to be paid
of distributing tickets or (C) any problems in
by every winning bidder.
ShinAir's ticketing system,
(0) The information states that No ... credit card
(0) The article states that ShinAir is confident
payments will be accepted, So there can be
that corporate travelers will be willing to pay
no credit card surcharge.
a booking fee in return for the convenience
176 (D) The information states that the winning of the travel agency arranging the booking
bidder will receive ... the shipping tracking details. It can be inferred that ShinAir is trying
number when we ship your item. As items are to get business travelers to book through
shipped within 48 hours of receipt of cleared Yamagishi Travel rather than encourage them
funds, this means the shipping tracking to use the ShinAir Web site,
number will also be sent to the winning
179 (B) The article states that ShinAir believes
bidder within 48 hours after payment reaches
corporate travelers will be willing to pay a
better_buy _auctions.com.
booking fee ;n return for the convenience
(A) The information states that all invoices must
of the travel agency arranging the booking
be paid within 14 days, but it does not say
details. This means that they will pay to have
anything about a payment reminder.
the advantage of not having to spend time
(B) The information states that winning bidders
completing booking themselves,
will be notified as soon as the online auction
(A) The article states that ShinAir's Web site
ends, not 48 hours after payment has
will always offer the cheapest available deal.
reached better_buY3uctions,com,
Tickets bought through Yamagishi Travel will
(C) The information states that invoices will
cost more because there will be a ¥l,OOO
be sent 48-72 hours after the close of the
booking fee, so this is not an advantage,
auction, nct 48 hours after payment has
The article does not mention (C) destinations
reached better_buy_auctions.com,
or (D) any concerns about the safety of online
177 (B) The main idea of the article is that ShinAir credit card payments,
has agreed to a major distribution deal with
180 (B) The article states that ShinAir is confident
Yamagishi Travel for its tickets to be sold
that it has secured terms that will not impact
via their Global Ticketing System, ShinAir
its ... primary sales and distribution point
currently sells tickets through its Web site,
on its Web site, It describes how the ¥1,000
so this will be an additional way of selling
booking fee ensures that ShinAir's Web site
will always offer the cheapest available deal,
(A) ShinAir is not raising its ticket prices,
It can be inferred that the aim of the booking
However, tickets bought through Yamagishi
fee is to ensure that ShinAir's Web site will
Travel rather than via ShinAir's Web site will
not lose sales.
be subject to a ¥1,OOO booking fee.
The article does not mention (A) the cost of
business travel, (C) the fact that ShinAir could
profit from the booking fee, or (0) investment
in its ticketing system,

104 Answer Key

181 (C) The first article states that for the past three 185 (C) The first article describes how Huber uses
years, no one has won the award, as winning underground plastic pipes to keep the
ideas must be reproducible in any focation. house at a stable temperature. The second
Reproducible in any location means able to article gives more details, telling us how an
be copied anywhere, which implies by most antifreeze solution is pumped 500 feet under
people. the ground in order to do this.
Neither article mentions (A) the cost of the (A) The first article mentions that Huber uses
ideas, (B) how much energy was produced foam insulation but not that it is carried in
by the ideas, or (0) whether or not the ideas the underground plastic pipes.
submitted invoived solar energy. Neither article mentions (B) electrical cables
or (0) solar energy being carried in the
182 (0) The second article states that in Steve
underground plastic pipes.
Huber's house, water is heated by a separate
solar panel, Solar panels use energy from the 186 (8) Jason does NOTmention that he has any
sun. experience in Web site design.
(A) The first articie states that Steve Huber uses Jason states that his main duties include
underground plastic pipes to keep the house (A) managing the customer database and
at a stable temperature, not that he uses (C) keeping ... network protected against
them to heat his water. security risks. He also mentions that he has
(B) According to the articles, Steve Huber does (0) recently ... been training new staff in
not use hydroelectric power in his home. database input.
Hydroelectric power, which uses energy from
fiowing water, was used in another idea that 187 (C) Jason states that training new staff in
was submitted for the award. database input ... is a task that Ihave found
particularly rewarding.
(C) The second paragraph of the second article
describes how Steve Huber uses some form Jason does not mention whether or not he
of heat pump for the heating and cooling enjoys (A) maintaining the customer database
or (B) managing the company's network.
systems of his house, not that he uses one
to heat his water. (0) Restoring vintage motorcycles is Jason's
hobby, not something that he does as part of
183 (C) In the first article, Huber says that his house his current job.
would have been $10,000 cheaper without
energy-saving measures, and the second 188 (C) Jason states that he is a regular customer of
article tells us that these systems ... can pay mybikebits.com, and that is why he knows
for themselves in about five years.
that the products they sell are of the highest
(A) Two years is the length of time that Steve
(A) People that Jason knows told him about the
Huber has successfully run an energy surplus
working practices of the company, but not
(B) Three years was the length of time that about their products.
there had been no winners of the State (B) Jason found the job advertisement in the
Michigan Times, but he does not mention that
Environmental Technology Award.
(0) Ten years is the length of time that Huber he read about their products.
(0) Jason does not mention the company's
hopes it will take for most homes in the
Paulsen Valleyto be free from oil, gas, or national reputation, only that he is currently
electricity bills.
working for a national car rental company.

184 (0) Upfront costs, payments, etc. are advance

costs, payments, etc. In this case, they are the
costs that must be paid before the house can
be completed.
(A) Honest or truthful can sometimes mean the
same as upfront, but not in this context.
It is possible to use (B) main or (C) total in
this context, but neither word means the
same thing as upfront.
Answer Key 105
189 (0) The advertisement mentions performance- 192 (A) The letter states that a meal will be provided
related bonuses, which means that if Jason for 100 people, and that people should book
gets the job, he will earn extra money if he early to be one of these people.
does it well. (B) The letter states that the meal costs $30.00
(A) The advertisement states that the salary will for guests, so it is not only limited to society
reflect experience and is locally competitive. members.
This means that pay goes up if you have (C) The letter states that students from ...
many years of experience. It does not mean langdon Catering College Restaurant will be
that the salary is higher than average. providing a three-course meal. This means
(B) The job advertisement mentions that that they will be making the dinner, not that
a passion for motorcycles would be an the dinner will be served to them.
advantage, but this does not mean (0) The letter gives the cost of the dinner for
employees will receive discounts on them. society members and guests to have dinner. It
(C) The advertisement mentions relocation costs, does not say that it is only for award winners.
which means that Jason will get money to pay
193 (8) Jim Applebaum writes that the event provides
for moving expenses if he has to move from
everyone with a chance to network. The
where he lives to take the job. This does not
purpose of networking is to make new
mean that there will be many opportunities to
travel within the new job though.
(A) Jim Applebaum mentions the publicity that
190 (0) Relevant can mean related in the context of the awards bring to the winners, but he does
connected. not say that other people who attend the
Although (A) varied and (B) recent are event wili get publicity.
possible in the context, neither has the same (C) Jim Applebaum does not mention that the
meaning as relevant. event or members will raise money for a
(C) Important does not have the same meaning catering college.
as reievant, and it would not be possible in (0) Jim Applebaum writes that nominees have
this context. been notified by e.mail. This means that
the possible award winners have already
191 (e) The letter and form both state that these are
been nominated for an award, and so just
annual ... awards. Annual means happening
attending the event would not give someone
once a year.
a chance to win an award.
(A) The letter states that these are the ninth
annual ... awards, but this does not mean 194 (A) The letter states that if you have been
that the ceremony is held once in nine years. nominated for an award, entry is $3.00. The
(B) The letter states that as in the last five years, Ticket Order Form states that Simon Hayden
a meal will be provided, but this does not is a member but also a nominee, so Simon
mean that the ceremony is held every five Hayden gets in for $3.00.
years. (B) The letter states that the evening costs $7.00
(0) The letter states that the licket order form for members, but this is not what it will cost
should be returned no later than August 26, Simon.
but this does not mean that the ceremony is (C) The letter states that guests are welcome at
held every August. a cost of $10.00 each, but this is not what it
will cost Simon.
(0) The total cost of attending the awards is
$68.00, but this is for both Simon and his
guest, including dinner.

106 Answer Key

195 (0) The letter states that light refreshments 198 (A) Peter tells Mark a representative from ZBN
will be on sale ... until midnight. Light Rubber Company will be joining us in our
refreshments refers to food or light snacks, workshop to demonstrate a range of their
and midnight is the same as 12 o'clock at acrylic rubbers. This means that the rubber
night. supplier's representative will visit Kwai Chung
The letter states that (A) a three-course meal Shoes' workshop, so Mark will NOThave to go
will be provided starting at 7:00 P.M., (8) the to the rubber supplier's factory.
awards ceremony will begin at 8:00 P.M., and (8) Peter tells Mark that Alan Chan, the Kwai
(C) there will be dancing and a band from Chung Production Manager, will take Mark to
10:00 P.M. onward, but this is not the latest see the Kwai Chung leather supplier, meaning
time you can get something to eat at the Mark will visit the leather supplier with Alan.
awards. (C) Peter tells Mark they will spend half a day in
the Kwai Chung workshop, where they are
196 (0) Peter Leung tells Mark Snell that his team
making a prototype of the design Mark sent.
is making a prototype of the design you sent
(0) Peter tells Mark that he will take him on a
us. He also writes at the end of the letter I ...
tour of the Kwai Chung main production unit.
hope we will be able to do business together.
The e-mail describes how Mark Snell will 199 (C) In his e-mail, Peter tells us that he knows
be looking at the prototype, the available that Mark has already made arrangements
materials, and the factory before deciding for travel from the airport, and for dinner on
whether Peter Leung's company will make Monday.
shoes to his design for him to sell. (A) Mark is meeting Alan Chan on Tuesday
(A) Peter tells Mark that a team at Kwai Chung morning, not Monday evening.
is making a prototype of the design you sent (8) In his e.mail, Peter tells us that he knows
us. Mark has therefore already shown Peter that Mark has made arrangements for travel
Leung the new design. from the airport, and for dinner on Monday.
(8) Although Mark Snell will meet leather and This tells us that Mark will be arriving on
rubber suppliers who supply materials to Monday.
Peter Leung, there is no mention of prices or (D) Mark must tell Joyce Hung if it is convenient
of Peter Leung supplying Mark Snell. for him to be taken to the airport on
(C) Peter does not say that his company needs Wednesday evening. This does not mean that
new machinery. he will be meeting her when he arrives.

197 (A) Supervising and overseeing a team of people 200 (B) Peter tells Mark that I will introduce you to
both mean making sure people are doing my brother David on the second half of the
work correctly. first day. We can see in the schedule that this
(8) Implementing means putting something into is Tuesday afternoon.
action, and cannot refer to something that is Mark wili not first meet David Leung on (A)
done to a team of people. Tuesday morning, (C) Wednesday morning, or
(C) Inspecting can mean looking c10seiyat (D) Wednesday afternoon.
something. This does not mean the same
thing as overseeing.
(D) Examining can mean either testing or looking
closely at something. This does not mean the
same thing as overseeing.

Answer Key 107

6 (A) The man is holding a camera and pointing
Practice Test B it at the woman, so she is having her picture
taken is the best description.
Part 1 (8) The man is holding a camera, so he is trying
1 (0) The men are looking at a large piece of paper to take a photograph, not paint a picture,
with a picture of a plan on it, so (D) is the (C) The woman is leaning against a fence, so
best description. she is not walking on the grass,
(A) The men are not putting on their hats (D) The man is holding a camera, but he is not
because they are already wearing them, buying a new camera,
(8) The men are looking at a paper, but they are
7 (A) The man is looking at his watch, so he is
not reading the newspaper,
checking the time best describes the picture.
(C) The men may be talking and there is a phone
(8) The woman is holding something in her right
in the picture, but they are not talking on the
hand, but she is not holding a bag,
(C) The man is looking at his watch, so he is not
2 (0) The people have packs on their backs, so the watching the people.
people are carrying backpacks is the best (0) The woman is making a call, not walking in
description. the mall.
(A) The people are walking, not working, and
8 (8) There are many bicycles, and they are all
there is no highway in the picture.
parked in rows, so (8) is the best description.
(8) The people are walking, so they are not
(A) There are no traffic iights in the picture.
waiting, and there is no sidewaik in the
(C) There are no aisle seats in the picture.
(0) There are some people outside in the picture,
(C) We can see trees, but the people are not
but they are not iining up.
ciimbing the trees.
9 (C) There are some pictures on the bench or
3 (C) The truck's load is being emptied, so (C) best
table, and the people are all looking at them,
describes the picture.
so they're looking at some pictures is the best
(A) The truck has wheels, but they are not being
(A) The people are sitting around a long bench
(8) The truck may be carrying a load, but it is not
or table, but they are not having a meal in a
being loaded with rocks at the moment.
(0) The truck has wheels, but they are not being
(8) The people are silting down, so they are not
standing around a table.
4 (8) The picture shows a man sitting in front of a (D) The people are sitting down, but they are not
window, which he is looking out of, so (8) is sitting at their desks.
the best description.
10 (A) The picture shows an airport check-in counter,
(A) The man has two cases, but he is not
and the woman at the front of the line is
carrying a suitcase.
handing something to the person behind the
(e) The man is sitting in a seat, but he is not
counter, so (A) best describes the picture.
reserving a seat.
(8) The picture shows an airport, not a theater,
(D) The man has some luggage, but he is not
so she is not buying a theater ticket.
buying some luggage.
(C) The woman may be paying for something, but
5 (0) The picture shows a bedroom, with the bed she is not paying for a meal.
against the wall, in the corner, so (0) is the (D) The woman has a suitcase, but she is not
best description. packing her suitcase.
(A) There are some pictures on the wall, but they
are not in [he half; they are in a bedroom.
(8) There is a window, but the curtains are not
(C) We can see a lamp, but it is not on the fioor.

108 Answer Key

Part 2 17 (A) The woman asks when an announcement will
be made, and the man says he thinks it will
11 (A) Yes, I think so means Yes, J think I can and
be today.
correctly answers a question beginning can (B) The woman refers to an announcement,
but this does not relate to where a flight is
(B) The question is about a letter, not about
departIng from.
letting someone do something.
(C) The woman refers to staff recruitment,but
(C) The woman asks if the man can write a letter,
she does not ask where someone is going for
not if she is right.
a job interview.
12 (C) The man asks for a preference. The woman
18 (C) The first woman asks why the conference was
responds appropriately by saying that she has
postponed, and the second woman explains
no preference.
that some people couldn.t come on the
(A) The man asks where the woman would
original day.
like him to park the car, not if she likes
(A) The first woman asks about something being
something or not.
postponed, not about when someone can go
(B) The question is about where to park the car,
not when a parking fine was paid.
(B) The first woman asks about something
13 (B) The man offers to help the woman. She being postponed, not that someone will post
responds appropriately by thanking him. something.
(A) The woman apologizes for being unable to
19 (B) The woman suggests taking the bus into town,
help, but the man was offering help, not
and the man agrees that it is a good idea.
asking for it.
(A) The woman is making a suggestion, not
(C) The man is offering to do something for the
asking where something is.
woman, not making a request, which this
(C) The woman asks about taking the bus into
answer is a reply to.
town, not about taking something down.
14 (A) The first man asks for confirmation of a
20 (Cl The man asks how many people came to the
meeting with the sales manager on Monday,
seminar yesterday, but the woman says she
and the second man says he has confirmed
doesn't know yet.
the meeting.
(A) This answers a question about when, not a
(B) The question is about seeing the sales
question about how many.
manager, not managing to improve sales.
(B) The question is about the past, but this
(C) It cannot refer to anything in the first man's
answer is about the future, so it is not an
appropriate response.
15 (B) The woman asks for confirmation that
21 (B) The first man asks if Alison has read a report,
someone is leaving at the end of the week.
but the second man doesn't know because
The man responds by saying he thinks that he
she hasn.t said anything about the report.
left today.
(A) The first man asks if Alison has read a report,
(A) The question is about when someone is
not it she has drafted (written) it.
leaving, not about where someone is going. (C) The first man asks if Alison has read a report,
(C) The question is about when someone is
not about when she's going somewhere.
leaving, not about where someone fives.
22 (A) The man asks the woman how she takes her
16 (A) The man asks the woman who she is working
coffee, meaning what does she take in her
with today. The woman tells him that she is
coffee, such as milk or sugar. By saying just
working alone, which means that she is not
black, she means that she takes it without
working with anybody else.
(B) The man asks the woman who she is working
(B) The word take is used in the man's question,
with today, so this does not answer the
but take in this response does not have the
same meaning.
(C) The man does not ask about how the woman
is getting to work.

Answer Key 109

(C) This might answer a question about who 28 (8) The man suggests that Tom could chair (i.e.
took something, but that is not what the man manage/run) next weeks board meeting
asks. instead of the woman if she is not available.
The woman explains that she is not sure if he
23 (C) The first woman wants to know if the second
[Tom] has other things to do.
woman has received the invoice from Sally.
(A) In the man's question chair is used as a
The second woman explains that she {Sally]
verb, but the woman's answer uses the noun
says it {the invoice] still hasn't arrived.
chairs, which has a different meaning, so it is
(A) The question is about an invoice, so this
not correct.
response about voice mail is not appropriate.
(C) The man is asking if Tom can do something,
(8) The question is about an invoice, so
not if the woman has the time to do it.
this response about being invited is not
appropriate. 29 (C) The man wants to know what has been done
with the broken printer, and the woman
24 (A) The woman asks if the man would have time
explains that she sent it out for repair.
to buy the tickets, and the man says he can
(A) The man asks about a printer, not about
get them on his way home.
something that has been printed.
(8) The woman asks if the man would have time
(B) This might answer a question about what the
to buy something, not if he knows what time
problem was, but the man does not ask this.
something starts.
(C) The woman asks the man to buy something, 30 (C) The woman asks if Mohammed is going
not if something is by the art gallery. to get the medicine in the supermarket or
the pharmacy, and the man explains that
25 (8) The man asks if the new fax machine is
Mohammed usually gets it {the medicine] in
better than the old fax machine. The woman
the supermarket.
explains that there is not much difference and
(A) The woman only asks about buying one thing,
that they are both about the same.
so an answer about buying them both is not
(A) Although this says something about a new
fax machine, the man does not ask about
(B) The woman does not ask when something is
when it arrived.
going to happen.
(C) The man is asking about fax machines, not
about the woman's health. 31 (C) The woman wants to know if she can take the
company car this weekend, and the man says
26 (C) The first woman asks if the reception for our
that he will confirm that tomorrow because
visitors has been arranged, and the second
someone else might be using it.
woman explains that it has been taken care
(A) The woman wants to know if she can take
of, which means arranged.
(A) The first woman asks about a reception for the company car this weekend, not if she can
take the weekend off.
our visitors, but reception in this case does
(B) The woman wants to know if she can take the
not mean a front desk.
(B) The first woman asks about a reception company car this weekend, not if someone
can drive her somewhere.
for our visitors, not if something has been
received. 32 (C) The woman explains that she asked Pedro

27 (8) The man asks why no new furniture was to attend the meeting, but says that Pedro
couldn't make it, which means he wasn't able
bought this year, and the woman explains
to attend.
that they didn't have enough money for this in
(A) The man asks about attendance at a product
their budget.
(A) briefing meeting, not about a brief report.
An answer beginning Yes is not an
(B) The man asks about attendance at a product
appropriate answer to a Why question.
(C) The man asks why something briefing meeting, not if Pedro has produced
did not happen
this year, but this answer doesn't give a
reason, so it is not appropriate.

110 Answer Key


33 (C) The man asks who the laptop computer 39 (B) The man wants to know where they will hold
belongs to, and the woman says it must be this years sales conference, and the woman
Marina's laptop. says that the location hasn't been decided
(A) The man asks who something belongs to, yet.
but the woman's answer doesn't give this (A) The man asks where something will happen.
information. not when.
(B) The man asks who something belongs to, not (C) The man wants to know where they will hold a
where something is, sales conference, not how much of something
was sold.
34 (A) The woman asks the man to explain the
distribution system, and the man says that his 40 (A) The woman wants to know if the man will
colleague is going to do this after lunch. have time to prepare tomorrow's agenda, or If
(B) The woman is making a request for she should prepare it herself. The man says it
information, not offering to help. would be better if she prepared the agenda.
(C) The woman wants to know how something (B) The woman asks about preparing something,
works, not when someone works. not about being prepared for something.
(C) The agenda may be for a meeting tomorrow,
35 (A) The woman asks about when the man is
but this answer doesn't give the information
going to update the expense accounts, and
that the woman asks about.
the man thinks that the accounts are up to
date already.
(B) The woman asks about when the man is Part 3
going to do something, not about when the 41 (D) The woman says we need to open another
man is going somewhere. factory. This means that she thinks they need
(C) The question is about accounts, not about more production capacity.
counting. (A) The woman mentions designer products but
does not suggest they need more imaginative
36 (B) The first woman asks if something can be
done tomorrow, and the second woman says
(B) Although the woman mentions products. she
it probably can, if they're not busy.
does not suggest that they need a wider
(A) The first woman asks if something can be
product range.
done tomorrow, not today.
(C) The speakers talk about marketing and a
(C) The first woman asks about layout plans, not
budget meeting, but no one says that they
about planning to go out.
need a bigger marketing budget.
37 (A) The woman agrees with the man that it was
42 (A) The man says that they would need a big loan
a very expensive meal, but says she thinks it
and wonders what would happen if business
was worth it, which means she thinks that the
suddeniy decreased.
price was reasonable for the high quality of
(B) The woman says that demand ... is growing
the food.
fast, not decreasing.
(B) The man is talking about a meal they
(C) The woman talks about the efficiency of their
have had tonight, so a response about
present factory, but no one says that the
making a reservation for this evening is not
factory is inefficient.
(0) When talking about a loan, the man says that
(C) The man does not ask if the woman has
the bank would probably give us one.
eaten in the restaurant before.

38 (B) The woman is offering to call a taxi for the

man, which means she is offering to arrange
a taxi to pick him up but the man declines

the offer because he would prefer to walk.

(A) The woman is offering to call a taxi for
the man, so he'll talk to you later is not an
appropriate response.
(C) The woman asks about a taxi not taxes.

Answer Key 111

43 (A) The man tells the woman that he needs her (C) The woman mentions that the board needs
to have all costs figured out, so he knows how the report, but she does not say that the man
much of loan they might have to get has to attend the board meeting.
(B) The man says that he will raise the issue with (D) The woman mentions a factory visit. but the
the board, not that the woman will have to man does not need to make one.
give a presentation to the board.
48 (A) The man needs to leave a little early today,
(C) The woman mentions designer products, but
and the woman says that she must have the
the man does not ask her to design a new
man's report before he leaves because it is
(D) The woman mentions marketing,
needed first thing tomorrow morning. This
but the man
means that he must finish it today.
does not ask her to contact the marketing
(B) The woman says that the board needs the
report tomorrow, but this is not when the
44 (8) The man is probably a taxi driver because man must finish his report.
he calls her madam, which suggests she is (C) The woman talks about a weekly factory visit,
a customer. The woman asks if the man can but no one says anything about next week.
get her to the station by 11:00 A.M., and the (D) The man mentions next month's figures, but
man mentions the traffic and helping her with this is not when the man must finish his
her luggage. These clues indicate that they report.
are talking in a tax;,
49 (B) The woman says that Paula will be back in
(A) The woman says that she must catch a train,
[the office} by 3:30.
but the conversation does not take place in a
(A) The woman says that Paula is currently doing
her weekly factory visit, but this is not where
(C) The woman asks the man to take her to the
station, but the conversation does not take
she will be at 3.30 P.M.
(C) A dentist is mentioned, but this is not where
place in a station.
(D) The woman mentions a conference, but
Paula will be at 3.30 P.M.
(D) The man asks if Paula is working from home,
the conversation does not take place In a
conference. but this is not where she will be at 3.30 P.M.

45 (A) The woman says if I miss this train, I'll be late 50 (A) The man is talking about the plans for a
for an important conference, 50 she is most
building and says he can alter the plans and
make the main bedroom bigger, so he is
worried about being on time for an event.
(B) probably an architect.
The woman is going to take a taxi, but she is
(B) A reception area is mentioned, but the man is
not worried about the cost of a taxi ride.
(C) The woman does not ask for directions to the
not a receptionist.

(C) The woman mentions the kitchen, but the
(D) The woman has some luggage, but she does man is not a chef.
(D) The woman talks about school, but the man
not mention the weight of her bags.
is not a teacher.
46 (0) The man tells the woman that he can give her
51 (B) The man mentions the main bedroom, and
a hand with her luggage.
(A) Only one station is mentioned. the woman mentions the kitchen and her
(B) children, so they are talking about a family
The woman is on her way to a conference in
Boston, but the man does not offer to take
her to Boston. (A) They mention a kitchen, a bedroom, and a
(C) Neither the man nor the woman mention reception area, but they are not talking about
money during their conversation. a hotel.
(C) The woman mentions school, but this is not
47 (B) The man says that he needs to go to the the main subject of the conversation.
dentist. (D) They mention a kitchen and breakfast, but
(A) The man is asking for some time off, but not they are not talking about a restaurant.
a whole day off work.

112 Answer Key

52 (C) The man asks the woman to give him a call (D) The man says that it is expensive to eat out,
tomorrow. In other words, he asks her to talk but no one says that the cafeteria is too
to him the following day. expensive.
(A) The man suggests that he might alter the
57 (A) The man suggests they move the cafeteria to
plans. He does not ask the woman to do this.
the conference room.
(B) The man says that there would be a small
(B) The woman mentions new employees, but
cost to alter the plans, but he does not ask
she is not referring to food service staff.
the woman to raise the price a little.
(C) The woman mentions the air conditioning.
(D) Breakfast is mentioned, but the man does
but the man doesn't suggest improving
not ask the woman to arrange a breakfast
(D) It is the woman who suggests providing some
53 (B) The man says the training seminar is next outdoor seating, not the man.
Thursday. He goes on to say that he will
58 (C) The woman says she will call the food service

leave for the seminar after 12;00, From this
director tomorrow about providing some
we know that he will attend the seminar on
outdoor seating.
Thursday afternoon.
(A) The woman says something won't work, but
(A) The man is meeting a client on Thursday
she does not say she will close the cafeteria,
morning, so this is not correct.
(B) The man says sometimes we have to eat out,
(C) The man says the training seminar is next
but the woman doesn't say she will do this
Thursday, not Friday.
(D) The man says the training seminar is next
(D) The woman mentions the air conditioning,
Thursday, not Friday,
but she does not say she will repair the air
54 (B) The man wants to fly to Glasgow after conditioning tomorrow,
12:00. The woman then says there are seats
59 (0) The man talks of the woman's last book, so
available on the 1:30 flight, which the man
the woman Is a writer.
says will be fine.
(A) The man mentions a teacher and a school,
(A) The man mentions Thursday morning at
but the woman is not a school teacher.
9;00 A.M., but this is not when he is flying to
(B) The woman talks about a civil engineer, but
this is not the woman's job.
(C) The woman mentions 2:00 P.M., but this is
(C) The conversation is probably part of a
not when the man is flying to Glasgow.
radio show, but the woman is not a radio
(D) The woman mentions 6:00 P.M., but this is
not when the man is flying to Glasgow.
60 (B) The woman says the rainy season caused
55 (A) The woman says she thinks it might be better
to come back on the frain.
(A) The woman says that materials were in short
(B) The man says that he will stay overnight, but
supply, meaning there were not enough
the woman does not advise him to do so.
materials, but she does not say that the
(C) Neither the man nor the woman discuss
materials were not good.
flying back the same day.
(C) The woman only mentions one accident, not
(D) The woman does not advise him to postpone
many accidents.
his trip.
(D) The woman says that something was in short
56 (C) The man says there are sometimes no empty supply, but she is not talking about time.
tables in the cafeteria. This suggests that the
61 (B) The man talks about a teacher who has to
cafeteria is too small.
have classes outdoors.
(A) The woman mentions air conditioning, but
(A) The man mentions the woman's last book,
there is no reason to think that the cafeteria
but this does not relate to school books,
is too hot.
(C) The man mentions interesting times and
(B) The woman talks about this year and last
doesn't suggest that lessons were boring.
year, but there is no mention of how old the
cafeteria is.

Answer Key 113

(0) The man talks about a teacher who had to 66 (A) The man says that James is in Madrid at the
spend something, but he is not talking about moment.
money, (B) The man says that James is flying back next
week, which suggests he is not currently in
62 (A) The woman asks for a table for two, so she is
the office,
eating with one person.
(C) The conversation is about the Paris
(B) The woman asks for a table for two, but this
conference, but James is not in Paris.
does not mean she is eating with two people,
(0) Anna mentions the Polish contract, but James
(C) The man mentions a table for four, but the
is not in Poland.
woman is not eating with three people.
(0) The man mentions a table for four, but the 67 (0) Anna says that she is going for iunch now, and
woman is not eating with four people. that she will call James at his hotel after that.
(A) Anna mentions a hotel, but she does not say
63 (0) The man talks about the menu on the table,
she will make a hotel reservation.
so a menu is already on the table.
(A) The man says that he will bring over some
bread, which means there is no bread already
on the table.
(B) The man asks if the woman would like some
(B) Anna mentions the Polish contract, but she
does not say she will sign off the Polish
(C) The man would like Anna to go to Paris, but
she does not say she will arrange travel to
ofives, which means there are no olives
already on the table.
(C) The woman asks for some sparkling water, 68 (A) The first woman says that the new coats are
which means there is no water already on the nearly sold out, and they then discuss what to
table. do about this.
(B) They discuss how many coats to order, not
64 (0) The woman says that they are ;n a bit of a
how many they have already ordered.
hurry, so the man explains that she won't
(C) The first woman mentions the coats are high
have to wait long for today's special dishes.
(A) According to the man, today's special dishes
(0) The first woman thinks there is no danger
are a little more expensive.
(B) The man does not suggest that today's that the coats won't sell next winter. This
means she is sure that they will sell.
special dishes are popular.
(C) The man says that there is a page of healthy 69 (0) Carla says that it's not long until spring, so the
options on the menu, not that today's special conversation must take place in the previous
dishes are healthy. season, which is winter.
Carla says that it's not long until spring, so
65 (B) The man asks Anna if she could present
the conversation does not take place in (A)
their market research findings at the Paris
spring, (B) summer, or (Cl fall.
(A) The conversation is about a conference next 70 (C) According to Carla, the warehouse manager
month, but the man does not want Anna to said that he can't take much more stock, as
arrange it. they're nearly at full capacity. This means that
(C) The man talks about market research, but the warehouse is nearly full, so he is running
he does not want Anna to carry out some out of space.
research. (A) Carla mentions more stock, but the
(0) Anna mentions a contract, but the man does warehouse manager is not worried about a
not want Anna to finalize a contract. shortage of stock.
(B) Carla mentions a staff meeting, but the
warehouse manager does not need more
(0) The warehouse manager said that they were
nearly at full capacity, which means the
warehouse Is not full yet.

11.4 Answer Key

Part 4 (C) The speaker says you can forget sleepless
nights but doesn't suggest they don't do
71 (C) The speaker says that the west wing was
overnight flights,
added in 1921, This means that the hotel's
(0) The speaker mentions In-fiight service, but
size increased.
there is no mention of massages,
(A) The speaker mentions the hotel was closed
but not in 1921, 76 (0) The speaker says that Fastfly International
(B) The speaker explains that the hotel was built is offering one free flight for every four you
in 1897, and It quickly earned a reputation for make.
quality. This means it became famous before (A) Passengers cannot get a free flight by
1921. booking six months in advance.
(0) The speaker mentions the hotei was (B) Passengers cannot get a free flight just by
reopened but not In 1921. joining the frequent-flier program.
(C) Passengers cannot get a free flight by flying
72 (8) The speaker mentions the rooftop restaurant,
business class.
which means that the restaurant is on the
roof. 77 (0) Sven wants to discuss an urgent proposal
(A) The speaker mentions the west wing, but the for finding a company parking lot and then
restaurant is not in the west wing. explains the situation.
(C) The speaker mentions the river, but the (A) Someone's car was stolen, but it was not
restaurant is not next to the river. Sven's.
(0) The speaker mentions the nrst-floor lobby, but (B) Two employees have had vehicles broken into,

the restaurant is not on the nrst floor. but sameone's office was not broken into.
(C) Employees sometimes arrive late, but Sven
73 (0) The speaker says the hotel was closed last
doesn'tsuggest this includes Carlos.
month for renovations. to add 21st century
technological conveniences. This means the 78 (C) Sven says that he and Carlos really need to
hotel was closed to modernize its facilities. put together an urgent proposal, He then says
(A) The speaker mentions technoiogical he will see the human resources manager
conveniences but does not say there were and offer to prepare a proposal.
technical problems. (A) Two employees have had vehicles broken into,
(8) Anniversary celebrations are mentioned, but Sven is not meeting the human resources
but the hotel was not closed last month to manager to help complete a police report.
prepare for these. (8) Something has been stolen, but Sven is
(C) The country's president visited the hotel, but not going to talk to the human resources
not last month. manager about company security,
(0) The speaker says that employees sometimes
74 (8) The speaker says our standard is what you
arrive late, but he is not going to meet the
would expect from business class.
human resources manager to complain about
They do not offer (A) economy class or (C) nrst staff arriving late.
class levels of service.
(0) The speaker says that everyone gets the 79 (C) The speaker asks Carlos to help him figure
same high level of in-flight service, which out costs. This means that he wants Carlos to
suggests there is only one levei of service, give him financ/al information.
not three. (A) The speaker mentions a proposal, but he
does not want Carlos to write a report.
75 (A) The speaker says everyone gets a high level (B) Although something has been stolen, there is
of in.f1ight service, and that if you make
no mention of the police.
reservations far enough in advance, you'll get (0) Sven is going to meet the human resources
... economy-class prices.
manager this afternoon, and he asks to meet
(B) The speaker mentions long flights but doesn't Carlos later in the week.
suggest they offer shorter flight times.

Answer Key 115

80 (B) The speaker says that we are being diverted. (A) The speaker mentions lectures, but the
(A) The speaker says that the flight will arrive on listeners will not attend a lecture.
time. (B) The speaker mentions a garden, but the
(C) The speaker mentions weather conditions listeners will not visit a garden.
and some tailwinds but does not say that (C) The speaker mentions the town, but the
they are expecting turbulence. listeners will not walk around town.
(D) A service is mentioned, but the speaker does
86 (B) The speaker says that the MegaMarkets
not say that in-flight service is suspended.
Corporation chairman announced Monday
81 (B) The speaker says there may not be enough that something was going to be built.
buses. (A) The speaker mentions the mayor, but she
(A) Accommodation is mentioned, but the airport does not say that the city mayor made an
hotels are not fully booked. announcement on Monday.
(C) Food is mentioned, but the airport (C) The news reporter is the speaker, but
restaurants are not closed. she does not say that she made an
(D) Luggage is mentioned, but the luggage has announcement on Monday.
not been lost. (D) The speaker mentions a traffic update, but
she does not say that a traffic reporter has
82 (C) The speaker says that passengers who would
made an announcement.
prefer to stay overnight in Manchester will be
provided with the appropriate vouchers for 87 (C) The speaker says that, in view of the success
accommodation. of the existing retail complex, a new mall will
(A) Passengers who have lost luggage will not be built.
receive vouchers. (A) The speaker mentions a head office, but she
(B) Passengers using the bus service will not does not say that an office complex is going
receive vouchers. to be built.
(D) Passengers waiting in the airport will not (B) The speaker mentions the old train station,
receive vouchers. but she does not say that a train station is
going to be built.
83 (B) The talk is about old coins, which the listeners
(D) The speaker mentions a traffic update, but
are directed to see in the next room, so the
she does not say that a parking lot is going
talk is most likely taking place in a museum.
to be built.
(A) Although money and markets are mentioned,
this talk is not taking place in a shop, 88 (A) The mayor describes the city's finances as
(C) The speaker mentions returning to the hotel, being in the best shape they've ever been In.
so the talk is not taking place in a hotei. (B) The mayor says that they have recovered from
(D) The speaker mentions lectures, but the talk the recession but did not say that the city's
is not taking place in a lecture hall. finances are recovering.
(C) The mayor says that unemployment is still a
84 (B) The coins were discovered when a man was
cause for concern, not that the city's ffnances
digging the field to plant potatoes. A man
are causing concern.
who plants potatoes in a tield is most likely a
(D) The mayor predicts a bright future. He
does not say that the city's finances are
(A) The speaker mentions lectures, but it was not
a student who found the money.
(C) An archeologist identified the coins, but he 89 (B) The speaker describes a new account that
did not ffnd them. the bank is offering the customer, mentioning
(D) The speaker mentions a garden, but a deposit and interest. The subject of the
gardener did not find the money. message bank account.
is therefore a
(A) The speaker mentions bank policy, but this is
85 (0) The speaker explains that the coins were
not the subject of the message.
discovered in a field outside of the town, The
(C) Although the speaker says that money in the
speaker then says that they will visit the area
account is secure, bank security is not the
this afternoon.
subject of the message.

116 Answer Key

(D) The speaker represents a bank, does not 94 (0) The speaker says that he has never been
mention a bank loan. to Japan and that nex.t year he and his wife
intend to go there for the first time.
90 (0) The speaker talks of the twelve months since
(A) The speaker mentions Japanese food, but he
you started doing business with us. This
does not say he will open a restaurant next
means that the customer opened a bank
account last year.
(B) The speaker says that he has already learned
(A) The speaker mentions more money for your
a littfe of the language, so won't start learning
retirement, which means the customer hasn't
retired yet.
(C) The speaker says he is looking forward to
(B) Although withdrawing money is mentioned, we
new adventures, but he does not say he will
are not told that the customer withdrew too
start a new business next year.
much money last year.
(C) The speaker talks about when the customer 95 (B) The new bridge will be built just to the north
started doing business with the bank, but of the railroad bridge.
we are not told that the customer started a (A) The speaker does not say that the new bridge
business last year. will be built between two other bridges.
(C) The speaker says that some people wanted
91 (C) The speaker says that the advantage of the
the new bridge outside the city, but it wiIi not
customer's present account is that customers
in fact be built there.
can withdraw money whenever they want.
(D) The speaker mentions a big football game but
(A) The speaker talks about interest, but we are
does not say that the new bridge will be built
not told that the customer's present account
near the football stadium.
has a high interest rate.
(B) The new Goldband Savings Account has a 96 (0) The speaker recalls six months ago, when only
minimum deposit, but the speaker does not one bridge was open.
say that the customer's present account has (A) A contract has been signed, but the speaker
no minimum deposit. does not say it was signed six months ago.
(D) The speaker is calling with a special offer, but (B) The speaker mentions a big football game
does not say that special offers are a feature but does not say that there was a game six
of the customer's present account. months ago.
(C) The speaker talks about frequent minor
92 (C) The speaker begins by saying that it is time
accidents but does not say that there was a
for him to leave, and he goes on to look back
major accident six months ago.
on his time with the company. Therefore he is
giving the speech because he ;s retiring. 97 (C) Talking about the number of lanes in each
(A) The speaker mentions his birthday, but this direction, the speaker says that the new
is not why he's giving a speech. bridge will have three.
(B) The speaker mentions his wife, which means (A) One of the existing road bridges has a lane in
he is already married. each direction, but the new bridge will have
(D) There is nothing to suggest the speaker is more than this.
welcoming someone. (B) One of the existing road bridges has two
lanes in each direction, but the new bridge
93 (A) The speaker says that without the Japanese
wili have more than this.
deal, we would probably have gone out of
(D) Neither of the current bridges has four lanes
in each direction, and the new bridge won't,
(B) The speaker says that the Japanese contract
wasn't our biggest deal.
(e) According to the speaker, the Japanese 98 (B) The speaker explains that item number five
contract lasted just two years. ... will go to the bottom of the agenda. This
(D) The speaker says that the contract wasn't means it will now be covered last.
our first in Japan, so it did not open up a new (A) Three Canadian visitors are mentioned, not
market. item number three on the agenda.

Answer Key 117

(C) The twelfth annual general meeting is 103 (A) This is the correct word. The word
mentioned, not item number twelve on the arrangements in this sentence means actions
agenda., done to prepare for a trip, such as making
(0) Fifteen minutes is mentioned, not item airline or hotel reservations.
number fifteen on the agenda. (8) Renovations refers to actions done to make
something seem new again.
99 (A) The speaker explains that their Italian
(C) Precautions refers to actions done to make
representative only just arrived at the airport
someone safe before they do something.
fifteen minutes ago, which means that he wiil
(0) Developments means progress or advances.
arrive late for the meeting.
(8) Fifteen minutes is mentioned in relation to 104 (A) The adjective additional is necessary to
the representative's arrival at the airport, but describe the noun fee; also, the noun fee
the speaker does not suggest there is not requires an article (an).
enough time. (8) The phrase in addition cannot be used
(C) A proposal is mentioned, but the speaker here to describe the noun fee; the phrase
does not suggest that it was rejected. in addition is used to join two parts of a
(0) The speaker does not suggest that someone sentence.
will not attend. The .ing phrase (C) adding on a and the
adverb (0) additionally cannot be used here
100 (C) The speaker says that the company intends to
to describe the noun fee.
expand its Italian operations.

(A) The meeting is taking place in the UK, but 105 (0) The noun form service is used correctly here.
the company does not propose to expand its Customer service is a common phrase.
business there. (A) The noun servings is used incorrectly here;
(8) The speaker mentions a proposal to seli off servings means portions of food.
our existing businesses in Sweden, so the (8) Servicing is the .ing form of the verb
company does not propose to expand its service. (C) Serves is the present tense of
business there. the verb serve. (8) and (C) cannot be used to
(0) Canadian visitors are mentioned, but the complete the sentence. ••
company does not propose to expand its
106 (A) This is the correct word. The phrasal verb fill
business in Canada.
out means write the necessary information on
a document, such as an employment form or
Part 5 a check.
101 (8) This sentence is missing a main verb. (8) Filf in on means give someone missing
The present tense active verb sells is information, so it is not correct here.
grammatically correct here.
(A) An infinitive (to sell) used by itself cannot
(C) Fill up means completely
is not correct here.
fill something, so it
serve as a main verb. (0) Fiff in for means substitute for someone, so it
(C) The passive verb form is sold is not is not correct here.
appropriate here. (The company does not
107 (B) Amounts Is the correct word choice. Amounts
receive the action of the verb; it performs the
of chemicals are quantities of chemicals.
(A) The word part means section or portion.
(0) An .jng form (selling) used by itself cannot
Chemicals do not have parts.
serve as a main verb.
(C) Numbers and (0) ranges would not be
102 (C) The conjunction (connector) both is used used to taik about quantities of chemicals.
correctly here. Both is often paired with and.
10B (0) Hers is used correctly here to show
(A) Either, (8) also, and (0) as well cannot be
possession; hers is not used before a noun.
paired with and in this context.
(A) Her is not the correct form of the pronoun.
Her is used as a possessive before a noun or
as an object of a verb or a preposition.

118 Answer Key

(8) She is not the correct form of the pronoun. 115 (8) The noun extras is correct. In this sentence, it
She is used as the subject of a verb. means extra features.
(C) A reflexive pronoun iike herself is only used (A) Surplus means an amount that is more than
when the same person is the subject and is needed. It would not be accurate to use
object of the verb. surpluses in this sentence.
(C) Remainder means something that is left. It
109 (D) The adjective frequent means that something
would not be accurate to use remainders in
happens often, and it is used correctly in this
this sentence.
(0) Interchange usually means an exchange of
(A) Usual and (C) much do not indicate how
thoughts or ideas. It would not be accurate to
often something happens, which is the main
use interchanges in this sentence.
point of this sentence.
(8) Numerous would not be used with a noncount 116 (D) The preposition beneath means below or
noun such as service. under. Beneath could be correctly used to
describe the position of a submarine near
110 (C) A verb is needed that is parallel with the
the ocean bottom in relation to waves on the
verbs speed up and correct. The verb analyze
surface of the ocean.
is used correctly here.
The prepositions (A) behind, (8) along, and
(A) Analysis and (8) analyst are nouns, and
(C) among cannot be used to describe the
(0) analytical is an adjective, so none of
position of a submarine near the ocean
these choices is correct.
111 (C) The word as is used with serve to mean to
117 (D) The past participle grown is accurate here;
serve in place of someone or something.
grown is used to reduce (shorten) a relative
After the verb serve, the words (A) like, (8)
clause; this phrase means that is grown.
for, and (0) by cannot be used to mean serve
Main verbs such as the present continuous
in prace of someone.
form (A) is growing and the past simple (8)
112 (8) The phrase strictly forbidden is used grew are not correct because this sentence
appropriately here. It means completely already has a main sentence verb (is).
forbidden. (C) An infinitive after a noun (cotton to grow)
(A) Highly, (C) evenly, and (0) merely cannot does not fit logically or grammatically into
be used to describe a forbidden action. this sentence.

113 (C) After the phrase compared to, the word those 118 (8) The adjective delightful can correctly be used
is used to show a comparison with another to describe the noun play.
concept (Comet Express's rates) when the (A) The -ing verb form delighting cannot be used
concept is plural. The word those in this to describe the noun play.
sentence means the rates. (C) The adverb delightfully cannot be used to
(A) Them, (8) some, and (0) such cannot be describe the noun play.
used after compared to ... in this context. (0) Delight is a noun or a verb. It cannot be used
to describe the noun play.
114 (A) After the verb finish, the -ing (gerund) form of
the verb (preparing) is correct. 119 (D) The adjective late is often used to indicate
(8) After the verb finish, the simple form of the that someone is in the last several years of
verb (prepare) is not correct. his or her twenties (or thirties, forties, etc.).
(C) After the verb finish, the past tense/past The adjectives (A) upper, (8) high, and
participle form of the verb (prepared) is not (C) older cannot be used to indicate that
correct. someone is in the last several years of his or
(0) After the verb finish, the infinitive form of the her twenties (or thirties, forties, etc.).
verb (to prepare) is not correct.
120 (C) The preposition by is correctly used in the
phrase preposition + at least + time word (by
at least 1:00 P.M.). By at least 1:00 P.M. means
no later than 1:00 P.M.

Answer Key 119

The prepositions (A) on, (8) to, and (D) for (8) Because of and (D) due to must be
cannot be used in this context to mean followed by a noun or noun phrase, not a
before a particular time. clause.
(C) The connector while is used to show contrast
121 (C) In this sentence, the adverb attractively is
between the information in two clauses
correctly used to describe the passive verb is
of a sentence. The point of this sentence,
... packaged.
however, is to show cause and ellect.
(A) Attraotion, (8) attractive, and (0) attracting
cannot be used to describe the passive verb 127 (D) This is the correct choice because whose is
is ... packaged. a relative pronoun that can describe a noun
(workers) and that shows possession.
122 (A) Photographs that were taken is the correct
(A) The relative pronoun which is used to refer
idiomatic expression. It means that
only to things, not to people.
something was photographed.
(8) The word what is not a relative pronoun such
(8) Held, (C) built, and (0) gone are not
as which and who and cannot be used to
the correct verbs. They do not mean that
introduce a clause that describes a noun
something was photographed.
(workers ... suggestions are accepted.)
123 (8) The plural noun valuables is correct because (C) The reiative pronoun whom is used oniy when
it refers to things that have value, such as it refers to the object of a verb.
cash, credit cards, important documents, and
128 (A) An adjective (vacant) is required to describe
so on.
the noun space.
(A) Values is not the correct noun to use in the
The noun (8) vacancy, the -ing verb (C)
context of this sentence. Values refers to a
vacating, and the adverb (0) vacantly cannot
person's beliefs in what is right and wrong.
be used to define the noun space.
(C) The past tense/past participle verb valued
does not fit grammaticaily into this sentence. 129 (C) Targets is the best option. Targets means
(0) The adjective valuable does not fit goals or objectives that a person or a
grammatically into this sentence. company aims for.
(A) Directions, (8) promises, and (0) sights do
124 (B) The phrase in case of is correct here because
not make sense in this sentence.
it can be used to join a noun phrase to the
rest of the sentence. This expression means if 130 (A) The phrase do so means do something that
there is a spill or whenever there is a spiff. is mentioned earlier. In this case, it means to
The connectors (A) whenever and (D) only prepare a revised budget.
when are used to join two clauses. The The phrases (8) do to, (C) do them, and (0)
second part of this sentence (a chemical spili do over cannot be used to compiete this
on the factory floor) does not have a verb, sentence. They do not mean do something
and so it is not a complete clause. that is mentioned earlier in the sentence (to
(C) There is creates a second clause (there is a prepare a revised budget).
chemical spill on the factory floor), but there
131 (B) The phrase the other can correctly be used
is no connecting word to join this second
before a plural noun (the other floors).
clause to the first clause (An alarm wili
(A) The word another cannot be used with a
plural noun (floors); it must be used with a
125 (e) The simple form of the verb, stay. is correctly singular noun (e.g. another floor).
used after the verb phrase would rather. (C) The others and (0) others cannot be used
(A) Staying, (8) to stay, and (0) stayed cannot before nouns.
be used after the verb phrase would rather.
132 (D) An adverb is needed to describe the action of
126 (A) This is the correct choice because the word the verb (flow). Easily is therefore the correct
since can be used to join the first clause choice.
Monday is a holiday and the rest of the (A) Ease is a noun, (8) easier is a
sentence. Since can also be used to show comparative adjective, and (C) easy is an

cause and effect. adjective, so none of these c,hoices is
120 Answer Key
133 (C) The adjective accessible means able to be 140 (C) The sentence means that we can finish the
seen or used. It is correctly used with the project in any way that we want if it is done by
preposition to. the end of the month. As long as is close in
(A) Present and (B) admired cannot be used meaning to the word if.
with the preposition to. (A) As far as. (B) as well as. and (D) as soon
(D) Designed to is not correct in this context. as are not appropriate here.

134 (B) The verb requested can correctly be used with

a that clause. Part 6
(A) The verb invited is not used with a that 141 (e) The verb enjoyed is correctly followed by
clause. a gerund (-ing) form. The -ing form is also
The verbs (C) notified and (D) informed must needed to be parallel with meeting (enjoyed
be used with an object before a that clause. meeting ... and taking).

135 (A) The word fares is used correctly here. Fares (A) The verb enjoyed does not take a simple verb
refers to money paid to travel on public form (take) as an object.
(B) The verb enjoyed does not take a present
(B) Costs. (C) funds. and (D) tolls cannot be perfect verb form (have taken) as an object.
used to complete this sentence. (D) The verb enjoyed does not take an infinitive
(to take) as an object.
136 (C) Storage space is a place to keep things that
are not used regularly.
142 (D) The word submitting is correct. Submitting
(A) Store. (B) storing. and (D) storable cannot means give something to someone for
be used with the noun space to mean a place
to store things. (A) The word resigning is not correct in the
context of this sentence. Resigning means
137 (B) A noun form (deliveries) is needed as the leaving a job.
object of the participle bringing. (B) The word overseeing is not correct in the
(A) Delivers is a verb. (C) deliverable is an context of this sentence. Overseeing means
adjective. and (D) delivering is an -ing verb. so supervising.
none of these choices is correct. (C) The word exporting is not correct in the
context of this sentence. Exporting means
138 (A) The -ing form of the verb (becoming) is
sending to another country. but it is used only
correct here. The verb phrase ;s becoming is
with goods. not with a proposal.
the present continuous tense. It indicates that
something Is happening right now. 143 (A) Therefore means for this reason. Marc Lyle is
(B) The past tense form of the verb, became, going to make a proposal for designing the
cannot be used with the auxiliary verb is. lobby and lounges. and therefore he needs to
A main verb is needed to complete the see copies of the architectural drawings.
sentence. (C) To become is an infinitive. and (B) The writer is not giving an example. and so
the phrase (D) by becoming does not form a for example is not correct.
main verb. (C) The connector indeed is used when a writer
is giving more information. In this sentence,
139 (D) The noun enthusiasm is correct here; it is the
Marc Lyle is not giving more information.
object of the preposition with.
(D) The word however is used to contrast
After the preposition with. the adjective
information in another sentence or clause.
(A) enthusiastic and the adverb (e)
In this sentence. Marc Lyle is not contrasting
enthusiastically cannot be used to form a
prepositional phrase.
(B) The noun enthusiast means someone who is
enthusiastic about something. and does not
make sense in this sentence.

Answer Key 121

144 (8) Within is the correct preposition. The 148 (8) Contributed is the correct word choice.
preposition within means before the end of a Contributed means given.
period of time. (A) Disposed is not the correct word choice.
(A) Until is not the correct preposition. The Disposed means thrown away.
preposition until means up to a certain time. (C) Transferred is not the correct word choice.
It is used with specific times, not periods of Transferred means moved.
time such as a year. (0) Objected is not the correct word choice.
(C) Afterwards and (0) later are adverbs. Objected means disagreed.
Adverbs cannot be used before a noun such
149 (A) Available means accessible and ready for use.
as a year to form a time phrase.
It is often used after the noun(s) it modifies.
145 (0) The noun creativity is the object of the verb The cups and mugs exist and are ready to be
admire and is parallel with the other object of used, so this is the best answer.
that verb. the phrase leadership skills. (B) Allowed, (C) allocated. and (0) announced
(A) The adjective creative cannot be used as the are not logical choices in this sentence.
object of the verb admire and is not parallel
150 (e) Still is the correct choice. Still indicates
with the phrase leadership skills.
(B) Creation means something that is created. that something continues to happen. In this
sentence, It means that most paper continues
This sentence is talking about Carla Wilder's
to be made from trees.
personal qualities. not something that she
made. (A) The word yet is used only in negative
(C) The adverb creatively cannot be used as the sentences or questions.
(B) The word anymore is only used in negative
object of the verb admire and is not parallel
with the phrase leadership skills. sentences or questions and is almost always
used at the end of a sentence or clause.
146 (0) In short is the correct phrase to summarize (0) The word already indicates that something
the information in the previous paragraphs. happens before it is expected. Already is not
(A) The connector moreover provides additional logical here.
information about the same topic. This
151 (0) In fact is the correct connecting phrase to join
sentence, however. does not serve to add
new information. this sentence with the previous one. In fact is
(B) The phrase at last means finally or after a used to provide additional, and usually more

long time. specific, information. •

(C) The connector nevertheless contrasts The connectors (A) likewise. (B) on the other
the information in the following clause or hand, and (C) meanwhile are not logical
choices in this sentence.

sentence with the information in the previous
clause or sentence. This sentence does not 152 (A) The phrase at your convenience means
contrast twO ideas. whenever it is convenient for you.

147 (0) The prepositional phrase thanks to is used

correctly here. Thanks to can be used with
(B) ConvenIently and (C) convenient do not
correctly complete the preposition phrase at
people as well as with things and concepts to
(0) The plural noun conveniences does not make
say that something has happened because of
someone or something. sense here. The phrase at your conveniences

(A) Thank, (B) thanks for, and (C) thanking do does not have any meaning.
not convey the meaning because of.

122 Answer Key

Part 7 (8) Mr. Supriono will be returning to Jakarta on
Monday evening, but he is not there at the
153 (A) The notice says Enclosed please find ticket(s). time this e-mail was written.
Of the four choices, only an envelope could (C) The person receiving this e-mail, Michael
enclose something. Powers, is in Los Angeles, but Mr. Supriono is
(8) There is no reason to think that this notice not.
was printed on a bulletin board. Tickets would
not be found enclosed on a bulletin board. 158 (0) Ms. Martin says in the e-mail you can spend
(C) The notice says Enclosed please find ticket(s). Monday getting over your jetlag, so it can be
It is not logical that this information would be inferred that Mr. Powers will spend Monday
printed on the back of a ticket. resting and relaxing.
(D) The notice says Enclosed please find ticket(s). (A) The e-mail advises Mr. Powers to leave for
Tickets cannot be enclosed on a postcard. Jakarta tomorrow, arriving Sunday, so he will
not be flying there on Monday.
154 (C) The notice says We cannot guarantee your (8) Mr. Powers will be giving the presentation at
requested time if you call after February 13. the meeting, which will now take place on
(A) November 16 is the first day of the exhibit, Tuesday,not Monday.
not the last day to get a guaranteed time to (C) The meeting Mr. Powers is going to will now
see the exhibit. take place on Tuesday, not Monday.
(8) January 23 is the date when the ticket.holder
will see the exhibit, not the last day to get a 159 (C) This advertisement is meant for people in the

guaranteed time to see the exhibit. restaurant industry. The advertisement Invites
(D) March 9 is the final day of the exhibit, not the people working in restaurants to get more
last day to get a guaranteed time to see the information about listing their restaurants and
exhibit. to contact the newspaper about advertising.
(A) Travelers from out of town, (8) business
155 (A) The notice says When you arrive, go to the executives, and (D) romantic couples are not
Will Call desk to exchange your pre-paid the main audience for this advertisement.
ticket(s) for your timed-entry ticket(s).
(8) The ticket-holder will receive a confirmation 160 (A) The advertisement describes Dennis Fang as
number when he/she calls to make the Bugle's award-winning restaurant critic. A
reservations. restaurant critic writes reviews of restaurants.
(C) The notice does not say ticket-holders will There is nothing to indicate that Dennis
receive an audio tour at the Will Call desk. It Fong's job is (8) providing information to
says that the tickets are not valid for audio callers, (C) selling advertising space, or (D)
tour. maintaining the Web site.
(D) The prepaid tickets are enclosed. They will 161 (B) This is NOT true. Basic listings for all area
not be available at the Will Call desk. restaurants are provided without charge.

156 (0) A timed-entry ticket is not valid for audio tour (A) This is true. The advertisement says
or admission to Hanson Planetarium, so this Restaurants are listed alphabetically in "Taste
is the correct option. of the Town" by type of cuisine ... and also by
(A), (8), and (C) are incorrect. According to price range.

the information in this notice, Each ticket (C) This is true. The advertisement says
{is} valid only for admission to the Secrets of Restaurant listings are also available at our

the Incan Empire exhibit and admission to Web site.

museum, gift shop, and restaurants. (D) This is true. The advertisement says Call
Kirk Newton at 204-555-1317 for more
157 (D) The e-mail says He {Mr. Supriono} is sti/I in information or to have your restaurant listed.
Bangkok at the moment.
(A) The writer of the e-mail, Katie Martin, is in
Chicago; Mr. Supriono is not.

Answer Key 123

162 (B) The article says that the tunnel is clearing 166 (B) The main point of the advertisement is to
a path for a key railway link between attract business conferences to the hotel, so
Switzerland and Italy. conference planners would be the primary
(A) This is incorrect although the article says audience for this advertisement.
that eventually the network will extend further (A) The advertisement mentions that there is a
north into Germany. challenging eighteen.hole golf course at the
(C) and (0) are incorrect although the hotel, but the advertisement is not aimed at
article says Similar rail tunnels are under professional golfers.
construction, connecting France and Italy in (C) The advertisement mentions that the
the western Aips, and Austria and Italy in the meeting rooms are named for artists, but
eastern Aips. artists are not the primary audience for this
163 (C) The article states that the driving force behind
(0) The advertisement gives some information
the building of this tunnel, which cost 9.8
about the hotel that might interest people
billion Swiss francs (7.0 billion euros), is a
planning a vacation, but the main audience
wave of popular concern about air pollution in
the Alps caused by road traffic.
for this advertisement is not vacationers.
(A) The article says that the tunnel wiil shift 167 (B) The advertisement says 250 rooms overlook
truck freight onto raii. This will decrease the the Mediterranean, while the other 125 have I
amount of freight entering Switzerland by views of the golf course.
truck rather than increase it. (A) The advertisement does not provide any
(B) There is no mention in the article that the information about the price of rooms.
tunnel will increase revenue for Switzerland. (C) The advertisement does not give the distance
(0) Speeding up the trip between Milan and from the hotel to central Barcelona.
Zurich was not the primary purpose of (0) The advertisement says that the hotel
building the tunnel. provides round.the-clock dining services, but it
164 (C) This is NOTtrue. The article says it is an old does not say how many restaurants are in the

railroad tunnel.
(A) This is true. The article says the old tunnel 16B (A) The advertisement mentions that one of the
was nevertheless an amazing engineering feat junior ballrooms is named the Miguel Barcelo
when completed 128 years ago. Room, and it says All meeting rooms are
(B) This is true. The article says that the Seikan named for Spanish artists, so Barcelo must be
Tunnel is 53.8 kilometers long, whereas the a Spanish artist.
old Gotthard Tunnel is 15 kilometers long.
(0) This is true. The article describes the old
tunnel as aging and narrow.

165 (0) The article says that around 300 trains will be
able to speed through Gotthard's two tubes
Nothing in the advertisement indicates that
Miguel Barcelo (B) is the manager of the
hotel, (C) has recommended the hotel, or (0)
is one of the performers.

169 (0) The notice says that the presentation is for

every day. small business executives, and it invites them
(A) The article says that the new Gotthard Tunnel to learn the fine points of doing business in
is 57 kilometers long; it does not say that Brazil.
the new tunnel can accommodate 57 trains a (A) The workshop is for people who are aiready
day. operating businesses, not for peopie who
(B) The article says that the trains can travel want to start new small businesses.
through the new Gotthard Tunnel at 155 (B) The notice is not intended for Brazilian
miles per hour; it does not say that the new executives; it is for people who are interested
tunnel can accommodate 155 trains a day. in doing business in Brazil.
(C) The article says that the trains can travel (C) Brazil is famous for its coffee, but the
through the new Gotthard Tunnel at 250 presentation will not focus on coffee.
kilometers per hour; it does not say that the
new tunnel can accommodate 250 trains a

124 Answer Key

170 (A) The notice says For members of the 174 (C) According to the report. ten years ago most
association, registration is $29 by April 19 high.fevel executives were working an average
and $39 after that date, Non-members can of 13 hours a day.
register for $39 on or before April 19 and (A) The report talks about a ten-year period,
$49 thereafter. Members who pay by April 19 but it does not say that Korean executives
therefore pay the least. worked an average of ten hours a day.
(B) The cost for non-members of the association (8) The report says that today. on average,
who pay after Apr;; 19 is $49. high-level executives work about 11 hours
(C) Members who sign up after Apr;; 19 must pay a day, but this is not the number of hours
$39. executives worked ten years ago.
(0) Non-members who register by April 19 must (D) The report mentions that ten years ago,
pay $39. almost 16% of Korean executives were in their
seventies, but this is not the number of hours
171 (C) Between 12:45 and 1:45, the participants
executives worked ten years ago.
will listen to a presentation about business in
Brazil and see a slide show. We can infer that 175 (A) According to the trade events information,
the slide show will feature pictures of Brazil For the first time, this show will be open not
and Brazilian businesses. only to industry professionals but also to ...
(A) Between 11:30 and 12:00, there will be a members of the general public.
meet and greet session. Participants will (B) This information says that the ninth annuai
introduce themselves and talk informally. Great Northern Spring Garden Fair will be heid
(B) Between 12:00 and 12:45, participants will again this year in Manchester. If it is being
have lunch and listen to music. held again in Manchester, this is not the first
(0) Between 1:45 and 2:15, participants and time.
workshop leaders will take part in a question (C) This information says that approximately 150
and answer session. leading companies from the UK and from
around the world will participate. but it does
172 (A) The report says, The average age of top
not indicate that this is a change from other
Korean executives has gone from 60.1 to
54.7 over the last decade. a drop of 5.4 years.
(0) Showing a truiy spectacular array of flowers is
(B) According to the report, top Korean
not a change from previous years.
executives are working fewer hours now than
they did 10 years ago; they are not working 176 (C) The expo involves technology for working with
longer hours. leather. so it is unlikely that finished products
(C) The report does not include any information such as leather shoes would be for sale there.
about salaries. (A) The information says that machines for
(0) The report does not directly discuss how cutting and sewing ieather will be avaiiable.
much experience executives have, so this is (B) The information says that chemicals will
not a probable conclusion. be available. Since this is an exhibition
of industrial leather technology. these are
173 (A) According to the report. The number of top
probably chemicals for treating leather.
executives in their thirties was about the
(0) The information says finishing and polishing
same - only about 2%.
equipment will be available.
(B) The report says the percentage of executives
in their fifties went up to 47%, an increase of 177 (8) The information says, inquiries [requests
17%. for information} have arrived from firms in
(C) The report says the percentage of both Canada, Vietnam, and Norway. This indicates
those in their sixties and those in their forties that firms in those countries are interested in
shrank. attending the convention.
(D) According to the report, the percentage of Nothing In the information indicates that (A)
executives in their seventies went from 16% the convention will deal with forestry issues
ten years ago to none this year. in those three countries or (C) that they will
hold forestry conferences.

Answer Key 125

(0) The information does not say that companies (8) This topic is mentioned in the memo. Paula
from Canada, Vietnam, and Norway have Woo writes I've noticed that employees in both
already booked exhibition spaces. companies have been using various formats
for their e-mail addresses.
178 (0) The information says that the trade event
(C) This topic Is mentioned in the memo. Paula
in Dubai we/comes all shipping, port, rail,
Woo writes At that time, the domain name
ferry. and air terminal executives. Therefore,
for ali of our e.mail addresses will change to
someone interested in the management of
railroad stations would probably attend this
event. 182 (C) This is Paula Woo's suggested format: first
(A) The trade event in Manchester deals with name + last name divided by an underscore
gardeni1g, not railway stations. (.j.
(8) The trade event in Shanghai deals with (A). (8), (0) are not e-mail formats that Paula
industrial leather technology, not railway Woo proposes.
(C) The trade event in Auckland deals with 183 (8) According to the memo, having a single e-mail
forestry, not railway stations. format will make it easier for both employees
and clients to remember our addresses.
179 (0) The Cass Road location is a fuJI-service Paula Woo does not suggest that the change
location ... open 24 hours every day of the will result in (A) quicker response times
week, so someone wanting to ship a package to e-mails, (C) making the company more
before 7 A.M. could go there. friendly, or (0) helping clients contact the right
The locations at (A) Merchants Street and (8) person at the company.
Crossroads Mall open at 7 A.M., so someone
184 (A) The memo states On Monday, we will have a
wanting to ship a package before 7 A.M. could
not go to either. joint staff meeting to discuss the allocation
(C) The University Avenue location is open 24 of office space in the new corporate

hours, but it only offers copying services, so headquarters building.

(8) There is nothing in the memo to indicate that
someone wanting to ship a package could
not go there. this will be a topic at the meeting on Monday.
(C) The memo states that perhaps they can talk
180 (C) According to the advertisement, Color copying about Paula Woo's proposed e-mail address
at all locations is reduced 50% all month in format, but this is not the main purpose of
celebration of our new store. The Cass Road the meeting.
location is the newest store. (0) The memo indicates that a new domain name
(A) The advertisement does not say that color (@H&TPacific.com) has already been decided
copying is a new service. on.
(8) The offer for 50% off on color copying is
available at all locations, so it would not 185 (8) Mr. McKey is known by his initials, J.J., rather
especially draw customers to the University than by his firsl and middle name, He
Avenue location. therefore wants to be able to use initials so
(0) There is no mention of this service being that his e.mails are recognized.

unpopular nor of any desire to increase

(A) In his e-mail, Mr. McKey says that having a
demand for it. single e-mail address format is a good idea.
(C) Mr. McKey writes /n our system, e-mail
181 (0) Paula Woo does NOT mention the address of addresses are automatically underlined, and
the new headquarters building. so the divider wiil seem to disappear.
(A) This topic is mentioned in the memo. Paula (0) Mr. McKey writes If we format our e-mail
Woo writes As you are no doubt aware, next addresses in the way you suggest, no one will
month the merger of our two firms will be recognize my e-mails when they check their
finalized. inboxes.

126 Answer Key

186 (A) The article is meant for tourists. It mentions (C) Udo Strassmeir says There are still areas
travelers and visitors; it also mentions where cars definitely pose dangers to cyclists,
bicycling in a park, seeing art, and shopping, but ile does not say tilat tilis danger is tile
which are typical tourist activities. result of increased car traffic.
(B) Tile article does not mention tile type of (D) Udo Strassmeir says til at people can use a
activities business travelers take part in. cell pilone to unlock bikes in Germany, not in
(C) Tile article discusses a new bike service Paris.
in Paris, but tilere is no indication til at it is
191 (0) Tile form says if you register before August
meant for bicycle racers.
15, you are eligible for a 10% "early bird
(D) Tile article says til at Parisian drivers were
discount." However, Mr. Bustamante did not
annoyed wilen tile bike lanes were built,
register until September 2, so til at is wily he
but tilere is no indication tilat tile article is
did not receive a discount.
meant for Parisian drivers.
(A) Notiling on tile registration form or in the
187 (C) According to the article, The service is letter indicates that a discount is given for
convenient for travelers, not just Parisians, taking a certain number of classes.
offering short-term passes and directions in (B) He did not register after September 7; he
eight languages. This implies that Parisians registered on September 2.
would not be interested in short-term passes (C) He did not receive his confirmation late, and
but in long-term annual passes. there is no indication that there is a discount
The article does not mention (A) an election for a late confirmation.
to authorize the Velib' program, (B) that
192 (C) Mr. Bustamante checked the box indicating
Parisians often commute to work on bicycles,
that he was sending a cileck to pay for the
or (D) how much time Parisians typically
spend on the Metro.
(A) There would be no reason for Mr. Bustamante
188 (A) The article says Since July 15, about 11,000 to enclose a schedule.
bikes have been posted around town at 750 (B) The form does not say anything about
stations, and the numbers of both will double providing a copy of a driver's license.
by January 1. (D) Mr. Bustamante used a single form to
Tile article does not mention (B) an increase register both himself and his daughter
in the price of the Velib' service, (C) tilat Jennifer for classes.
the number of bicycle lanes will increase
193 (B) One of the classes that he had signed up
by January 1, or (D) that there will be an
for, Digital Photograph 2, was full, so he is
increase in tile number of bikes but a
registered for one, Grow Your Own Vegetables.
decrease in the number of stations.
(A) Mr. Bustamante is signed up for at least one
189 (B) Tile first half-ilour is free, and the second half- or more classes.
hour costs one euro, so renting a bicycle for (C) The letter confirms that he and his daughter
one hour would cost one euro. are registered for three classes, but Mr.
(A) Only the first half-hour is free. Bustamante is not signed up for all of those
(C) Two euros is the cost of renting a bicycle for classes himself.
the third half-hour. (D) Mr. Bustamante requests a total of four
(D) Three euros would be the cost of renting a classes, but not all are for him, and one of
bicycle for an hour and a half. the classes he wanted to register for is full.

190 (B) Udo Strassmeir, the letter writer, says The 194 (B) The class tilat was full costs $150, and there
improvements have helped, but Paris isn't a is no processing fee. The form says If a class
paradise for bicyclists yet. There are still areas is full or is canceled by Lifetime Learning, a
where cars definitely pose dangers to cyclists. full refund will be issued.
(A) Udo Strassmeir does not compare the safety (A) The class that was full did not cost $90.
of riding bikes in Paris witil riding bikes in (e) A processing fee will not be taken out of the
other European cities. refund.

Answer Key 127

(D) The full amount that Mr. Bustamante paid is 198 (A) The heading on Ms. liu's note indicates
$490, but he will receive a refund only for the that she works at the University Counseling
one class that was full. Center. The fact that Jack has not graduated
indicates that he is still a student. Counselor
195 (C) Jennifer Bustamante will take a driver's
and student Is the most likely relationship
education class on Saturday.
between them.
(A) Jennifer Bustamante will take a dance class,
(B) This describes the relationship between Mr,
but it meets on Monday and Wednesday, not
Cross and Sabre Jones, not between Jack
on Saturdays.
Poirier and Joyce liu.
(B) Mr. Bustamante - not his daughter, Jennifer-
(C) Jack Poirier is applying for a job as assistant
wanted to learn about digital photography, but
video editor, but there is no reason to think
that class is full.
that Ms. liu is an editor,
(D) Mr. Bustamante - not his daughter, Jennifer-
(D) Jack Poirier is a student, but there is no
will learn about vegetable gardening on
reason to think that Ms. liu is a teacher.
199 (C) The note to Jack says Be sure to let him
196 (D) The letter to Jack Poirier says that Mr. Cross
know that you won't be available until after
asked me to inquire as to whether you could
graduation in early May, so this is the earliest
meet with him in Boston on the morning of
date that Jack could start the job.
April 12.
(A) Jack couldn't start the job at the beginning of
(A) Mr. Cross's firm, Linslade Productions Ltd, is
May because graduation is later than that,
located in London, but the interview will not
(B) Jack could start the job in June, but this is
take place there.
not the earliest date.
(B) The e.mail says that the position may involve
(D) Jack could start the job before July, but this
editing training videos for a firm in Milan, but
is not the earliest date.
the interview will not take place there,
(C) Jack Poirier is a student at a university in 200 (B) She does NOTsuggest this, Ms. liu reminds
Fairhaven, Maine, but the interview will not Jack that they videotaped a practice interview
take place there, last semester, and says You might want to
come by the Center next Friday, and we can
197 (C) Ms. Jones says in the letter to Jack that Mr,
watch it again.
Cross was particularly interested in that fact
(A) Ms, liu tells Jack This might be the time for
that you are a fiuent Italian speaker,
you to buy a good suit!
(A) Ms, Liu tells Jack to mention that you spent
(C) She suggests in the note that Jack find out
a semester in Italy when you were in high
from his admin. assistant {Ms. Jones] exactiy
schoof, but there is no indication that this
where and when the interview will be.
information was on Jack's resume.
(D) Ms. Liu writes Find out as much as you can
(B) Ms, Liu says to show him {Mr. Cross] the
about the company {Linsfade Productions ltd]
videos that you worked on when you were an
on the Internet.
intern, but there is no indication that this
information was on Jack's resume.
(D) Jack will not graduate until May, so this could
not have impressed Mr. Cross,

128 Answer Key

Review Test 1: Answer Sheet [NAME

Listening Test

Part 4
,'" 6 @@~
",'-7'@ @ ~
,,'8 @@~
-~ '?~@ @ ~
> ,
,11 @ @ ~
~.14@ @ ~
-17 @ @ ~
,18 @ @ ~
19 @ @ ~
20.@ @ ~

Reading Test

Part 5 Part 7
, -71 @ @ ~ @ 77'@@~@
72 @ @ ~ @ 78 @ @ ~@
;73 @ @ ~ @ 79 @ @ ~ @
, 74 @@~@ 80@(!l)@@
, :75 @ @ ~ @ 131 @ (!l) @ @
-'-76,@ @ ~ @ 82@(!l)~@
:85 @@ @@
"'87 @ @ @@
:88 @@@@
, 89 @@~@
90 @@~@
91 @ @ ~ @
93 @@~@
• , ,94 @ (!l) ~ @
< 96@@@@
~7 @ @ ~@
,,98 @@@@

~ «.) Oxford University Press Review Test 1: Answer Sheet 129

Review Test 2: Answer Sheet I NAME

Listening Test

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

'l.@@@@ 6.@(jj)@ .21 @ (jj) @ @ 36@(jj)@@
2@@@@ 7@(jj)@ 22 @ (jj) @ @ 37 @ (jj) @ @
3@@@@ 8@@@ 23@(jj)@@ 38 @@@@
4@@@@ 9@IID@ 24 @ (jj) @ @ 39@(jj)@@
5@@@@ 10 @ lID @ 25 @ lID@ @ 40@@@@
11 @ (jj) @ 26@(jj)@@ 41 @ (jj) @ @
12 @ lID@ 27 @ lID@ @ 42 @ lID@ @
13@IID@ 28.@ lID@ @ 43 @ lID@@
14,@ lID@ • 29 @ lID@ @ 44 @ lID@ @
15 ,@ (jj) @ 30 @ lID@ ')j) 45 @ lID @ @
16@IID@ '31 @ lID@ @ 46 @ lID (Q) @
17 @ (jj) @ 32,@ lID@ ,)j) 47,@(jj)@@
18,@ lID@ 33 @ lID@ @ 48@IID@@
19 @ (jj) @ 34@ (jj) @ @ 49@(jj)@@
20 @ lID@ 35 @ lID@ @ 50@(jj)@@

Reading Test

Part 6 Part 7
51 @@@@ 71"@@@@ 77 @ (jj) @ @
52@@@@ 72 @@@@ .78 @ lID@ @
53@@@@ j 73;@ (jj) @ @ 79 @ (jj) @ @
54 @@@@ 74 @ (jj) @ @ ",80 @ lID (Q) @
55'@@@@ 75 @ lID@ @ 81 @ lID (Q) @
56 @@@@ 76 @ (jj) @ @ 82 @ lID@ @
57 @ lID@ @ 83@IID@@
'58 @ lID@ @ 84 @ lID@ @
59'@ lID@@ 85 @ lID (Q) @
60 @ lID@ @ .86 @IID@@
61 @ (!lJ @ @ 87., @ (!lJ @ @
62 @ lID@ @ 88 @ lID@ @
63@@@@ 89 @ lID@ @
64 @ lID@ @ 90,@ lID@ @
651@ lID@ @ 91 @ lID@ @
66 @ lID@ @ 92 @ lID@ @
i37@@@@ 93@ lID@ @
68@IID@@ 94 @@@@
69 @ lID@ @ 95'@@@@
70 @ lID@ @ 96 @@@@
97 @ (jj) (Q) @
98~@ @ ~ @
99 @ lID ~ @
100 @ (jj) ~ @

130 Review Test 2: Answer Sheet ~ :6>Oxford University Press

Review Test 1: Quick Check Answer Key

Listening Test

Part 4
1@.@@ 6@@. 21 @. @@ 36@.@@
2.@@@ '7.@@ ~22'.@@@ 37 @@ @
3@@.@ 8@@. 23.@@@ 38@.@@
.4 • @ @ @ 9@.@ 24,@@@. 39 @@ @
,5@@@. 10@@. 25 @@.@ 40@.@@
11 • @ @ 26 @@.@ 41.@@@
12 @ @. 27 @. @@ 42 • @@@
13.@@ '.28 @ @. @ 43'@@ @
14 @@. 29!.@@@ '44@@ @
15@.@ 30'@. @@ 45@.@@
16'@. @ 31. @@@ 46 @@ @
17 @@. 32@.@@ 47 • @@@
18.@@ 33@@@. 48@@@
19@. @ 34@@@. 49 @. @@
20.@@ 35@@.@ 50 @@ @

Reading Test

Part 5 Part 6
51 @ @ • @ 71@.@@ 77 @@.@
52 @ @ • @ 72 @@.@ 78 @. @@
53@@.@ 73.@@@ 79 @. @@
54@@@. 74. @@@ 80@.@@
55.@@@ 75'@.@@ 81 @@ @.
56@.@@ 76. @@@ -S2@.@@
57 @ @ • @ 83.@@@
58@.@@ 84@@.@
59@@.@ 85@@@.
60@@@. 86@.@@
61 • @ @@ 8'i@.@@
62@.@@ 88.@@@
63@.@@ 89@.@@
64@@@. 90@@.@
65 @@.@ 9i.@@@
66.@@@ 92@@@.
67 .@ @@ 93@.@@
68@@.@ 94@@.@
69@.@@ 95@. @@
70 @@ @. 96@@.@
97 @@ @.
,.98 • @ @ @
99 @@@.

~ Itl Oxford University Press Quick Check Answer Key 131

Review Test 2: Quick Check Answer Key

Listening Test

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

1@@@. 6@@. 21 @@.@ 36@@.@
2@@@. 7.@@ 22.@@'Jdi 37 @@.@
3.@@@ 8@.@ 23@@.@ 38@.@@
4@@.@ 9@.@ 24 @. @@ 39 @@.@
5@@@. 10 @. @ 25 @. @@ 40 e@@@
11.@@ 26@@.@ 41 @@.@
12 @. @ 27 @. @@ 42.@@@
13.@@ 28 @. @@ 43@@.@
14'@@ • '29'@@ @. 44.@@@
15@@. 30@@.@ 45@.@@
16 @. @ 31.@ @@ 46@@.@
17.@@ 32@.@@ 47@@ @.
18 @@. 33.@@@ 48@@.@
19@.@ 34,@.@@ 49.@@@
20@@. 35@@@. 50 @@@.

Reading Test

Part 6 Part 7
51 @@@. 71 @@.@ , 77.@ @@
52.@@@ 72 @@.@ 78 @@.@
53@.@@ ,73 @. @@ 79@@.@
54@@@. 74 @@.@ 80@.@@
55 @@ @. 75 @. @@ .,81'@. @@
56,.@@@ 76 @. @@ 82'@@@.
57@@.@ 83 @@.@
58@@.@ 84@.@@
59.@@@ 85@@@.
60@.@@ 86 .• @@@
61@<!l>@. 87 @@@.
62@.@@ 88@@.@
63.<!l>@@ 89'@. @@
'64 @@.@ 90@@.@
65.1jJ)@@ 9i,@ @ @.
66@.@@ 92 @@.@
67 @@.@ 93.@@@
68.@@@ 94 @. @@
69@.@@ 95 • @@@
70 @@ @. 96@@.@
.99 @@@.
>100 @ @ @.

132 Quick Check Answer Key ~ «) Oxford University Press

Practice Test A: Quick Check Answer Key

Listening Test
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

:~.i~~ _~;.i8~i
71.~. ~ @


45 @i•
I 741
76 •
8 •

47 • @ ~ 77 C

52', ~

81 8 C
8D~il@ C
83 C

55 8 @ • 84i@@1
85 I@D

58 i@.!
@ @


60@ @!
~~,~ ~:

65 @
[email protected]
~; il~~i
95 8. D

~~'; ~ g I
66~.i@ 96 • ~
68 @ @
69 @@. 99 @.D
70 • @ ()j) 100 • @ 0

Reading Test

Part 5

~!Cig{ ~~~i iI..1' i i

Part 6

141 @
i;; I~iii~i eC
Part 7

1 0

142 8 (c) CID

'103@@C. 123 @.@ I55 .C@ 179 0

11j~i.ii :0
~.!.I. .i~ 156 IC. 180

'145 • C 00

157 C! 181 @
146 8 C • 158.8CD'1828(C)

108 A •CIDC ()j)

,109 128
129 • ~
(jj) •
147 C, ()j)
148.@ 8 C •
149,@ 8 • (6)
[email protected]
160 • CIDC
185 @
I @

150 @ ~.
110 (jj) C.
111 • CIDC (g)
112 @ CIDC.
8 C D
8 C D
151. C @
152 @ 8 C •
164, D 188
i~~ •
I~g 0
8 0 165 8.0189 8@.
"ii;,~~ i~; ~i
'166i. 8 i '.190 8 @
115. @ .135 A:@@ W7~ C ~1 8 D
1161 8. .136 @ , 168 D 192. C D
117 8. D 137 8 169' 8. 0 193 @ C 0
'118 .@D 138 8C@
(jj) •
@ ~139 @. C @
@ 140 @ CIDC •

@ i Ji~
~,~¥~ .•

@ 198. 8 ~
• @ " 199 @ 8
@ @. 200 @
@ 0
@ D
~ ~ Oxford University Press Quick Check Answer Key 133
Practice Test B: Quick Check Answer Key

Listening Test
Part 1
1@@@,. ~11 •

i @ @

Part 3

11 ~ • i
" 2@@(C). 71 (ij) @
•C (fJ)

41 eN, 72 •
12 (ii) •C 42
- 3~@.@ 13 • 43 .• • B C 0 73 (ij) C •

I 14

44,@ • C 0

15 @ • C .45
C •
16 ., C 46@(ii)C.
76 ~
Ic ~
B C •
18 @ • 47 eN. C 77 BC.

i 83~~I:$I~
48.(Il)CO 78 B. @
9'@ B • 0 79 B. @
,10 • ~ @ 0
21. .1
~~tleN ~ >g<,

B ~

• @ 0
• @ 0
.iO 82

84 .•

C 0

25 55 @(C)O 85 (ij) C

~ti 1 56eN@.;
@ (0

@I. ,
57 • 87
86 @
• C 0
58.~ @. 0 88 • (ij) ~

I. ~~.
59 89
30 B. C 60 .CO 90 ~ •
(Il C
C •0
31 A




C •
91 B. 0

63~ 94~~C~
35 • B ~ 65 .c@ 95 • C @
36@.@ 66 • B C @ 96 (Ij) (C) •

37 • (ii) @


@ C
67 @
70 @

C •

@. @

Reading Test

Part 5 Part 6

Part 7

I~ ~!)o
~g~ ~
103 •
104 •

I. ii
B @ 0
B @ 0
123 ~ •
124 •
@ 0
(G;. 0
142 @ B C •
143 • B C @
1441. C (QI

156~BC. I~~'
~ 177
I8 C

• ~ (QI"

I.iII 1
157 C •

i" i
145AIC. 181@@(C).
105 eN ~ 125 0 .. 146 B C •
· 158, B C • 182 @ (ii)• @
\~g~ gC ~• '~~f~ ~ g•
147 B C • 159 B. @ 183@.@1
'108 ) '128. B C @ 184 • @ C

B. 00 .~g~
B. I 131
I@ ~ ~~ $
C @
• C
C •
163 B.
@~, @

~ ~~~.
112 @O 132 B C. 152.BI@
'113 B.O 133 B.@ 164,
165 ~
@ C (0
• 189 • C 0

134, .@@

Ig : ,~~~li.
',166 • C 190 A • C 0

i I.
167 • C 191 @ C •

0 168.@CO 192 (ii)• @
117 @ C. 137 • 0 169 fA) @ @ • 193.@1
;~118' C @ .138, C 0 194 • @
119' C.139@BC. 171 • @
170 @ 8 •(C) 0
120 • @ 140,@ B • @ 172.BCO 195
196' B (C).0
173 • ,~ 0 •
197 B.I
174 @ ~. 0 198;8@0
175 • @ (c) @ 199 B. 0
176 @ @. @ 200 • rt:J@

134 Quick Check Answer Key ~ (kl Oxford University Press

TACTICS FOR THE TOEIC. TEST Listening and Reading Test
Introductory Course

Score Conversion Chart

Getting an estimated TOEle score

Comparethe total numberof correct answers (raw score) in both the listening and reading
sections to the appropriatesections of the chart below. Then add the converted listening
and reading scores together to get an estimated total scaled score.

Note: This score conversionchart will only giveyou an approximate idea of your TaEIC
performance. It should not be interpreted as an exact reflection of how you will perform
on the actual TaEIC test.

" 9&-100. 470-495 470-495

91-95" :' 445-470 445-470
.86-90, . 420-445 420-445
81-85 . 395-420 395-420
,76-80. 370-395 370-395
71-75, 345-370 345-370
66-70 320-345 320-345
61-65 295-320 295-320
56-60 270-295 270-295
.51-55 245-270 245-270
46"50 220-245 220-245
41-45 , 195-220 195-220
,36-40 170-195 .,' 170-195
31-35 " 145-170 145-170
120-145 120-145
95-120 95-120
70-95 70-95
45-70 45-70
20-45 6-10 • 20-45
; ;
5-20 .1-5 , 5-20


Listening: 79 (raw score) = 370-395 (scaled score)

Reading: 63 (raw score) = 295-320 (scaled score)

Total: 142 (raw score) = 665-715 (scaled score)

~ iO Oxford University Press Score Conversion Chart 135

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