Chapter 1 5 For Hardbound

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Background of the Study

Our planet is our home, the place that keeps us alive, but should we live in

harmony with it? Humans had chosen a road of self-destruction, destroyed the structure

that provides us with refuge. Anthropogenic activities harmed our ecosystems and natural

biodiversity, from rising carbon emissions to deforestation and land degradation. Few

individuals were aware that the UN General Assembly meets every year. Designated

2011-2020 as the "Decade for Biodiversity," we were now in the penultimate year of this

vital decade. Despite multiple strategic plans and efforts aimed at mobilizing individuals

at all levels, we were still well behind schedule in meeting our objectives. The damaging

biodiversity and ecosystem conservation trends indicate that we need to do more (Voices

of Youth, 2019). The science is precise: The world was warming dangerously, humans

are the cause of it, and a failure to act today will profoundly affect the future of the Earth

(The New York Times, 2022).

Over 1,000 scientists worldwide take to the streets in week-long climate protests.

(Domenech, 2022). "We've been trying to tell you guys for so many decades that we're

heading towards a catastrophe and ignored," Kalmus (2022) says. "The scientists of the

world are being ignored, and it’s got to stop. We’re not joking. We’re not lying. We’re

not exaggerating.”  NASA Climate scientist Peter Kalmus and three other scientists

detain at JP Morgan Chase, the world's largest investor in fossil fuels. "We need a billion

climate activists. I encourage everyone to consider where we're heading as a species and

engage in civil disobedience and other actions. Now is the time to act. We've been

waiting a long time. Activate, then reactivate again. Mobilize before we lose everything."

- Peter Kalmus (NASA Scientist). When some scientists were jailed and were eager to

speak and tell people about the climate situation, the Let the Earth Breathe

movement took off on social media, arguing that we only have four (4) to five (5)

years before the worst things happen if we do not fight it. By 2025, "would require

rapid and deep" reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to keep global warming below

1.5 degrees Celsius and avert the worst climatic disasters. According to the report by

Business Insider, if nothing was ready to curb emissions by 2025, greenhouse gas

emissions would cause a median global warming temperature of 3.2 degrees Celsius by


In an article by Ecosia Blog (2019), instead of using Google, use ECOSIA; it was

a search engine the same as google, but the difference was that they would plant a tree for

every search. Save earth by deleting Emails and using ECOSIA. We need to ensure the

new forest ecosystem can function when planting trees. Ecosia only grows trees in

deforested regions where there had been trees in the past - usually in the shape of a forest,

but it could also imply savannah trees. We know that if there was an area where trees are

used to grow naturally, it provides an environment where trees can thrive. We work with

native species to restore the natural situation that previously existed. There were few

exceptions, such as planting non-invasive fruit or nut plants alongside native trees in

agroforestry systems to supply residents with money and food.

In an article part of the Sustainable Development Impact Summit, booming e-

commerce here would be higher than average volumes of packages that would move

through the global supply chain. At this point, the need to select sustainable logistics

vendors becomes clear. SMEs may save money on shipping and warehousing while also

enhancing their environmental credentials. According to a McKinsey assessment of ten

key markets, consumers in China, India, and Indonesia ranked sustainable packaging as a

top priority for food-related items. Companies like FedEx use packages made from 100%

recyclable materials and composed of 45% recycled content. The corporation added

alternative fibers into its product mix and invests in additional "tree-free" paper

alternatives. FedEx had established a goal to make its global operations carbon neutral by

2040, which would be a decade ahead of the Paris Climate Agreement's ambitions. The

corporation was pouring $2 billion into three critical areas: vehicle electrification,

sustainable energy, and carbon sequestration, to reach this lofty aim. Working with

sustainability-focused partners woud go a long way toward assisting SMEs in

contributing to climate change mitigation, ultimately contributing to long-term business

growth and success (Preet, 2021) as a Brand Contributor.

Gambet (2019) took action by doing the environment and Natural Resources

Division in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, October 5 - Provincial Local Government Unit

conducted distribution of fruit trees and falcata seedlings - ENRD at Nasipit, this

province. Said event followed the one-day Provincial Peace and Order Council

Immersion that aimed for the community to support one government. PPOC Immersion

involved different government agencies and their services for the determined barangay

residents of Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. Residents would give durian, rambutan,

lanzones, mangosteen, pomelo, and falcata seedlings. Still, due to lacking several

falcata seedlings, ENRD staff collected names of those interested in acquiring an


additional number of falcata seedlings. It was delivered last October 8 in Cult and

Jaguimitan on October 9 in Camagong and Aclan.

Green supply chain management was an idea that considers environmental issues.

It began in the early years when several companies worldwide pledged to go green with

supply chain management in response to the harmful effects of production on the

environment (Aguilar et al., 2018). The active management of supply chain activities to

optimize customer value and generate sustained competitive advantage was known as

supply chain management (SCM). Supply chain organizations made a deliberate attempt

to construct and run supply chains most effectively and efficiently feasible. Product

creation, sourcing, production, logistics, and the information systems required to manage

these activities were all covered by supply chain activities (Handfield, 2021).

The term "green" was commonly used interchangeably with the more established

notion of "sustainable," which referred to a more holistic view of environmental, social,

and economic effects (Baines et al., 2012). Greening, the supply chain management, was

a relatively new discipline motivated by being environmentally sensitive. However, the

primary goal was to be environmentally friendly, has a good sense of green business, and

boost profits (Khan, 2018). Pourhejazy and Kwon (2016) found different practices of

GSCM; Green Product Design or Ecological Design, Green Purchasing or Green

Procurement, Green Production or Green Manufacturing, Green Packaging or eco-

friendly packaging, Green Marketing, and Green Logistics. Chiu and Hsieh (2016) also

discovered Corporate Environmental Policy as part of their GSCM analysis. A good

partnership with Green Suppliers would enhance the chain's performance in many goals.

Many companies knew the need to upgrade and modernize their supply chain

management, which had evolved from functional to strategic (Khan, 2018).

Meanwhile, Aminrad et al. (2011) stated a statistical significance of the effect of

age on overall environmental awareness. He also added that increasing age and levels of

education affect growing ecological awareness and attitude. Meanwhile, according to

Elwell and Williams (2016), men and women had different needs and objectives. There

were disparities between them regarding rights and natural resources, making

environmental and development goals more challenging to attain. Ecological projects that

do not proactively identify and address relevant gender issues can perpetuate inequality

and expand the gap between men and women. The initiatives of years in service to

improve environmental sustainability had a positive impact on restaurant employees. The

effect of the green practices on this selected group of restaurant employees' attitudes

included high job satisfaction, high organizational commitment, and high self-efficacy.

The designation of employees in the hospitality industry would educate visitors and

customers on decreasing waste and conserving resources like energy and water in their

everyday lives. Employee environmental attitudes were essential antecedents of

ecological behavior which trigger the employee's intention to execute ecological practices

(Alcorn, 2014).

Supply chain management kept up with ever-changing environmental regulations

while maintaining a competitive edge through science and technology innovation that

improved eco-efficiency. Previously, green management managers has only integrated at

a distance, with individual organizational units managing environmental performance in

product design, process design, logistics, marketing, compliance laws, and waste

management. Though it had a long understanding that adopting a green strategy should

correspond to the market's desired order requirements, the green concept would assume

throughout the organization. Environmentally friendly items are in high demand, and

they would include in every supply chain management practice and research (Tebaldi et

al., 2018). According to a previous study, green supply chain management was one of the

most severe difficulties facing European companies in the twenty-first century (Chiu and

Hsieh, 2016). The term "green" or "environment" would become a critical competitive

factor in the SCM system in the future (Khan, 2018). The company should be "green" as

a competitive ability, representative's active strategy, replacing the relevant provisions of

past environmental compliance more passively. The enterprise would receive improved

environmental performance and better competitiveness. Past studies had shown that

supply chain management can improve organizational performance. Supply chains and

organizations can gain a competitive advantage by being the first to adopt environmental

sustainability and implement GSCM practices. Greening the supply chain means using a

systematic approach to choose suppliers whose products/services were more sustainable

than their competitors and whose own green practices were more sustainable (Chiu &

Hsieh, 2016). In a previous study, supply chain management proved to boost the

efficiency of the company businesses, and supply - chains can acquire a competitive

advantage—edge by being the first to adopt environmental sustainability and implement

GSCM practices (Khan et al., 2022).

Despite the Philippines' status as a growing economy, Aguilar et al. (2018) stated

that only a few enterprises practice Green SCM due to a lack of environmental concern

and understanding. Mason (2010) said that to develop your professional practice, you

must first establish your sensitivities and awareness was two terms that come to mind

when discussing sensitivities. When new possibilities are needed, one must be

sensitive to them and be aware of them by knowing what was going on at any

particular time.

The proponents determined the level of awareness on Green Supply Chain

Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit Agusan del Norte.

This study would benefit the following stakeholders: The owners, staff, and

employees of food establishments, who would undoubtedly learn and use green supply

chain management principles. As a result, they reduced risk by avoiding hazardous

materials that harmed the environment. Notably, the desire to enhance procedures

demonstrated that companies were maturing in their approach to environmental

challenges and becoming more competitive in consumer satisfaction.

This study aimed to provide an overview of how Green Supply Chain

Management awareness has developed in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. This study

identified a new research field of challenges relating to the implementation of the GSCM.

Following that, this study presented a comprehensive review of existing research. This

presentation concluded by proposing a research direction framework for the analysis.

Theoretical Framework

This study was based on Thompson and Hoffman's (2013) "Nature Education"

theory, according to which environmental education is learner-centered; provided

students with opportunities to construct their understanding through hands-on, minds-on

investigations indirectly engages learners and challenges them to use higher-order


thinking skills, as well as supporting the development of an active learned community

where learners share ideas and expertise. It was the process of acquiring necessary

environmental knowledge, generating positive attitudes about the environment,

developed appropriate actions, and establishing conscious societies that behave with

lifetime awareness at all stages of life. Individuals can forecasted the outcomes of their

efforts by understanding environmental challenges (Gokmen, 2021). Individuals with a

favorable ecological mindset display healthy behaviors toward the environment.

Determining individuals' philosophies towards the environment and environmental

problems and taking necessary measures in line with results was essential in eliminating

and preventing ecological issues (Abun & Racoma, 2017). Individuals with negative

attitudes about the environment were less likely to respond to environmental problems

and may even contribute to them (Abun & Racoma, 2017). Therefore, it was precious for

individuals of all ages, genders, professions, and socio-economic backgrounds to have a

positive environmental attitude. A previous study found that female students exhibit more

environmentally conscious views than male students based on gender roles, emotional

and physiological traits, traditions, family, and environmental influences (Gokmen,


According to Ghadge (2020), harmful emissions had played a significant role in

recent climate change, which had posed substantial problems and hazards to humanity in

terms of global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and floods. Green supply

chain management was a topic that academics and practitioners worldwide are interested

in (GSCM). Significant climate change, mainly ascribed to human activities, has

impacted all humanity in recent years. Harmful emissions had contributed significantly to

modern climate change, which has resulted in considerable challenges and hazards for

society in the form of global warming, earthquakes, storms, tsunamis, and floods (Dubey

et al., 2017).

Sendpulse (2015) stated various benefits of green practices adopted in an

organization; (1) Improved public image: Improved public image was the most

significant benefit of green management practices. As the consumers were getting more

and more concerned about the environment, they perceived organizations adopting green

management practices better than organizations that were causing harm to the

environment, thereby improved the organization's public image. (2) Increased profit in

the organization: Adopting green management practices impacted profitability. It was

beneficial for the organization to adopt green management practices as Green is the way

of the future. (3) Better employee retention rate: Survey conducted among the

organization with Go green Moto showed that they had a better employee retention ratio

than firms not adopting green management practices. Firms with Go green Moto has

more excellent market value. (4) Stimulates innovation: green initiatives can stimulate

innovation. According to studies, adopted green management principles in the workplace

has helped firms manage risks more effectively, entered new markets, increased product

quality, enhanced processes, and used resources more efficiently through driving


Schematic Diagram

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

The Level of Awareness on Green

Profile of the Respondents: Supply Chain Management Practices

among Food Establishments in

 Age
Nasipit, Agusan del Norte:

 Gender
 Corporate Environmental Policy

 Education  Green Procurement

 Green Design
 Green Manufacturing


Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram shows the relationships between the dependent and

independent variables of the sample.

Statement of the Problem

The study determined the Level of Awareness of Green Supply Chain

Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

Specifically, it sought to address the following questions:

1. What is the Profile of the Respondents in terms of:


1.1. Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Education;

1.4 Year in the service; and

1.5 Position/Designation?

2. What is the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among

Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of:

2.1 Corporate Environmental Policy;

2.2 Green Procurement;

2.3 Green Design;

2.4 Green Manufacturing;

2.5 Environmentally friendly Packaging;

2.6 Green Distribution;

2.7 Green Suppliers; and

2.8 Green Marketing?

3. Is there a significant difference in the respondents' level of Awareness on Green

Supply Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del

Norte, when grouped according to their profile?

Null Hypothesis:

There is no significant difference in the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices and the Profile of the Respondents among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study determined the level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain

Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. The

survey was conducted with seventy-two randomly selected respondents, including food

facility owners/managers and employees from thirteen randomly selected food

establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. The respondents are classified by Age,

Gender, Education, Year in Service, and Position/Designation as perceived by the Green

Supply Chain Management Practices; Green Procurement, Green Design, Green

Manufacturing, Environmentally Friendly Packaging, and Green Distribution, Green

Suppliers, and Green Marketing.

Definition of Terms

The terms were operationally defined based on their use in this study.

Age. It refers to when the respondents have lived or existed in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

Awareness. It refers to knowing and understanding the Green Supply Chain Management

and its practices to the respondents.

Climate Change. It refers to the most pressing global issue and the primary goal of

Green Supply Chain Management in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

Corporate Environmental Policy. It refers to the establishment’s regulatory changes

and the government's implementation impact on businesses' environmental management

and long-term viability.

Designation. It refers to the owner/manager of the establishment being the holder of an

official position and the knowledge to qualify a company to achieve its environmental

sustainability goals.

Eco-efficiency. It refers to eco-efficient food establishments that use proper disposal,

material, and energy while recycling more. 

Education. It refers to the respondents' level of academic performance and knowledge

about green supply chain management.

Environmental. It refers to influencing the total ecological impact of any food

establishments involved in green supply chain activities.

Environmentally Friendly Packaging. It refers to packaging that's easy to recycle, safe

for individuals and the environment, and is made out of recycled materials in every food


Gender. It refers to the male and female respondents of Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

Green Design. It refers to the food establishments industry; this can be through by

repairing and recycling stone and wood that can reduce their environmental footprint and

achieve superior aesthetic at the same time.

Green Distribution. It refers to “low pollution vehicles” that place only a minor impact

on the environment for distributing goods to limit the release of air pollutants in food


Green Initiatives. It refers to green practices encompassing the three Rs: reduce, reuse,

and recycle that minimize negative environmental impacts, such as saving energy, saving

water, and reducing solid waste.

Green Manufacturing. It refers to green manufacturers' research, development, or

utilize technologies and practices to lessen their impact on the environment.

 Green Procurement. It refers to which food establishments seek to reduce the

environmental impacts of the goods, services, and works. 

Green Suppliers. It refers to the food industry thinking differently about a product's


Green Supply Chain Management. Green supply chain management must keep up with

ever-changing environmental regulations while maintaining a competitive edge through

science and technology innovation that improves eco-efficiency in every food


Hospitality Industry. It refers to Food Service, and Hospitality includes businesses and

companies that provide a meal outside the home; this can consist of companies such as

restaurants, cafeterias, catering services, and more.


Year in the Service. It refers to the senior managers of the establishments that provide

help and encouragement for internal environment management.




Food chains were among the fastest-growing businesses today. However, the

large number of wastes generated by these establishments threatened the environment

and the health condition of the society they serve (Elmedulan et al., 2014). Since the last

couple of decades, environmental issues had been increasing and traveling faster than a

forest fire, country to region, region to the world level territory, which was a severe cause

of climate change and global warming. By implementing green supply chain practices in

company operations, the green supply chain idea helped alleviate environmental

deterioration and control air, water, and waste pollution. Without a doubt, the

fundamental concept behind the green image was to enhance environmental

sustainability, but firms adopt the green idea of "kill two enemies with one bullet."

Because a green supply chain can reduce environmental pollution, boost economic

growth, and provide a competitive edge in terms of increased consumer satisfaction, a

positive image, and a better possibility to export their products to environmentally

friendly countries (Khan, 2018).

Although the hospitality industry was considered a tertiary industry, it impacted

the environment; the tourism industry had long been prominent as a significant

contributor to the economy. The economy carbon dioxide, in particular, was a powerful

greenhouse gas emitter. It was necessary to act upon it to reduce the related

environmental impact on the environment in the hospitality industry. Therefore, with

their share in raising environmental awareness, many companies had successively

declared their ecological and social responsibility. Otherwise, firms should pay attention

to their understanding and ability to respond due to the environmental impact in the food

and beverage industry. Companies played an integral role in preventing environmental


impact; they were, for example, responsible for environmental degradation caused by the

manufacturing process. As a result, many non-governmental organizations now had the

data they need to demand that firms publish information about their environmental

impact. Customers had begun to search for ecologically friendly products to buy and

require that the company has a green system. According to a previous study,

environmental practices positively impact organizational performance in operations,

composition savings, competitiveness, firm image, stakeholder satisfaction, and financial

performance of services (Chiu & Hsieh, 2016). 

Being the first to promote environmental stewardship and execute Green Supply

Chain Management processes can give supply chains and businesses a competitive

advantage. Consider the relevance of your eco-friendly techniques as the foundation of

your operation's money while focusing on your suppliers' habits. In other words, greening

the supply chain entails systematically selecting suppliers whose products/services were

more sustainable than their competitors and whose green practices were more sustainable.

It would be flexible, businesses must rethink their company strategy and establish green

innovation strategies for market demands, and environmental issues would be pressing

(Chiu & Hsieh, 2016).


It was not unexpected that businesses want to know how employees' job actions

affect the environment and which personal attributes lead to excellent and poor

environmental performance at the individual level. Investigations so far have included

features. Personality qualities (Kim et al., 2017), occupational attitudes (Paillé et al.,

2013), personal norms, and environmental views (Bissing-Olson et al., 2013). (Bissing-

Olson et al., 2013). According to Scherbaum et al. (2018), popular media and popular

press prejudices, older adults were supposedly less worried about the environment than

younger people (Irvine, 2012); (Twenge et al., 2012). Older workers were frequently

portrayed as rigid, hesitant to adopt new habits, and incapable of learning new abilities

(Dennis & Thomas, 2017). Organizations and researchers had expressed concern that,

based on these assumptions, older workers were more averse to modifying their work

habits to be more environmentally friendly (for example, by using tablet technology to

reduce paper consumption). Video conferencing avoided excessive travel or generally

puts environmental sustainability ahead of personal concerns  (Wiernik et al., 2016).

Some authors had also claimed that older workers were more likely to have health issues

that prevent them from engaging in various sustainable behaviors (such as taking the

stairs, turning down the heat, and turning down the air conditioning (Afacan, 2015). 

Many businesses had expressed worry that aging workforces would interfere with

corporate environmental sustainability goals due to these age-related preconceptions

(Peccoud, 2013). Many firms' management methods had begun to be influenced by these

considerations. For example, perceptions of Millenials' allegedly more vital

environmental problem have led environmentally-conscious organizations to recruit

young people in practices that disadvantage older workers and expose organizations to

legal liability (Epstein & Howes, 2006). In their review of age–job performance

relations, Ng and Feldman (2012) observed that similarly negative age-related

stereotypes were present in many domains of job performance (e.g., safety performance,

interpersonal skills, job dedication, adaptability, computer skills) and influence


organizational recruitment, selection, evaluation, and promotion practices (Wiernik et al.,



Men and women had different expectations and objectives, and there exist gaps

between them in terms of rights and natural resources, making environmental and

development goals harder to attain. Ecological projects that do not proactively identify

and address relevant gender issues can perpetuate inequality and expand the gap between

men and women. REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions from It stands for Deforestation

and Forest Degradation and was a global program to reduce emissions caused by

deforestation and forest degradation. It would cut emissions by rewarding developing

countries for preserving their woodlands. However, research revealed that men and

women would not profit equally from this paradigm. Women would leave out of the

policy-making process on national and local levels. In Nepal, There were only a few

women-focused organizations represented. Currently at the proposal stage. As a result,

Nepal's bid for REDD+ preparedness was rejected as a framework to include women in

the decision-making process. It overlooked the different needs of men and women in

forestry management (Elwell & Williams, 2016).

Women had limited access to woods in Cameroon, and informal norms and biases

frequently prevent them from being invited to forest governance meetings. REDD+ may

unintentionally perpetuate inequalities without a deliberate focus on and inclusion of

gender problems. The evidence relating to gender equality and improved environmental

results had been growing worldwide. Countries with more women in parliament, for

example, were more likely to set aside protected land regions and ratify international

ecological treaties. Evidence revealed a link between the environment and gender

inequality; when gender inequality is high, so were forest depletion, air pollution, and

other indicators of environmental deterioration. However, engaging women effectively

was about more than just avoiding harmful repercussions (Elwell & Williams, 2016).

Because their caregiving obligations and livelihood activities were frequently

heavily reliant on natural resources, women were active agents of conservation and

restoration. Women, for example, were mainly responsible for gathering water in roughly

three-quarters of households without access to it. There were other international examples

of women leading climate change responses by changing growth patterns, water

harvesting and soil conservation measures, catastrophe risk reduction and response plans,

and reducing consumption patterns in households' and communities' environmental

footprints. Women leaders worldwide were trying to bolster their governments' efforts to

combat environmental degradation and enhance women's and families' lives (Elwell &

Williams, 2016).

In cities worldwide, women leaders were hard at work improving sustainability by

promoting bike-sharing programs, safe public transport, and urban trees. In contrast, their

equivalents in rural areas aim to rehabilitate landscapes and access clean energy sources.

Furthermore, there was mounting evidence that community-based natural resource

management was beneficial. Enhanced by having management groups consisting of both


men and women. For example, studies had shown that forest conservation improves when

women participate in forest management and decision-making processes at the

community level in India and Nepal. There were numerous lessons to learn from this

experience to make this sort of governance more than gathering ideas. Women's basic

needs equitably engage them in decision-making and leadership and expand social

boundaries (Elwell & Williams, 2016).


Environmental education was defined as incorporating ecological content into the

educational system. Enhance people's awareness of environmental issues at all levels of

education; it was an educational approach that hopes to solve the deteriorating

relationship between man and the environment (Erhabor & Don, 2016). According to

Thompson and Hoffman (2013), environmental education was learner-centered;

providing students with opportunities to construct their understanding through hands-on,

minds-on investigations involves engaging learner’s indirect experiences and challenging

them to apply higher-order thinking abilities was beneficial to the creation of an active

learning community in which students share their knowledge interdisciplinary


The awareness of the negative impacts of humankind on the natural environment

had risen remarkably, and environmental policies and programs worldwide would

develop. People were more aware of their marks. Within the environment, environmental

laws and principles of natural system functioning would study, which aid in the

development of practical skills and the ability to assess the state of the domain Erhabor

and Don (2016); on the one hand, they had an impact on the environment in their daily

lives, and on the other, they affect how their local community will administer. The

concept arose, encompassing two aspects: informing and educating people about the

environmental system to had a more responsible attitude toward the environment. The

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and The

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) collaborated heavily in the 1970s to

raise the profile of ecological education, define its scope, establish clear quality indicators

and norms, and promote environmental education. A learning process that increases

people's awareness and understanding of the environment and its issues develops the

necessary skills and competence to deal with the obstacles. It fostered attitudes, motives,

and commitments to make positive changes in the background, make informed decisions,

and take responsible action (UNESCO Tbilisi Declaration, 2018).

Years in Service

Restaurants required environmental sustainability initiatives because they

generate a lot of waste. To function, significant amounts of garbage used energy and

degrade natural resources. Restaurant personnel significantly impacted restaurants'

environmental sustainability activities (Alcorn, 2014). Because of the green methods,

there was high job satisfaction and pride. According to the Theory of Planned Activity,

attitude can predict intent to execute a behavior (Ajzen, 2011). Initiatives to improve

environmental sustainability had a positive impact on restaurant employees. The effect of

the green practices on this selected group of restaurant employees' attitudes includes high

job satisfaction, high organizational commitment, and high self-efficacy. The impact of

environmentally friendly practices on this selected group of restaurant employees'

behaviors had high job involvement, boosterism, and commitment to customer service.

Restaurants can implement environmentally sustainable initiatives successfully. Green

practices in restaurants positively impacted employee attitudes and behaviors, and the

environment and the restaurant industry can benefit from green practices (Alcorn, 2014). 

Senior managers provided help and encouragement when it comes to internal

environment management. Internal management was a significant success component for

businesses to embrace green practices. Senior management was motivated by the

pressures that employees create the motivation and support from environmental

protection. Meanwhile, changing people's perceptions of the risks to the environment

could lead to more green practices would embrace (Khan, 2018).

Position or Designation

The hospitality sector was an essential aspect of the service industry, sharing

significant contributions to the world economy. However, this sector faces severe

environmental challenges due to rapid industrialization and global warming. According

to previous research, the hospitality industry had placed a minor priority on sustainability

ecological issues, particularly on developing green employee behavior, which was crucial

for meeting the customers' expectations. Because of recent environmental legislation

propagation and mounting market pressure, green practices were becoming increasingly

important in the hospitality industry. Hotels, restaurants, and rest homes recognize their

value in resolving environmental challenges. Employees in the hospitality industry would

educate visitors and customers on decreasing waste and conserving resources like energy

and water in their everyday lives. Employee environmental attitudes were essential

antecedents of ecological behavior which trigger the employee's intention to execute

ecological practices (Alcorn, 2014). 


Furthermore, it would scarcely discuss the role of job attitudes and human

resources' conduct. Previous studies also recommended exploring the effect of employee

environmental commitment and discretionary behavior in resolving environmental issues.

Employee participation was vital for the successful implementation of ecological

strategies (Arshad et al., 2021). 

Good managers served as role models for ethical behavior. If a company wants its

employees to act ethically, it had to start at the top, where executives were held to a high

standard of conduct and boldly say, "Follow my lead, do as I do." At the very least,

leaders should not break the law or violate company policy. "Get this deal done, no

matter what it takes" could imply that unethical practices and breaking the spirit, if not

the law's letter, are acceptable. A manager who misappropriated company property by

taking home office supplies or utilizing the firm's computers for personal gain but then

punishes any employee who does the same was not modeling ethical behavior. Likewise,

a manager who consistently leaves early but expects all other employees to stay until the

last minute was not demonstrating fairness (Kahya, 2007).

Green Supply Chain Management Practices

Pourhejazy and Kwon (2016) found different practices of GSCM; Green Product

Design or Ecological Design, Green Purchasing or Green Procurement, Green Production

or Green Manufacturing, Green Packaging or eco-friendly packaging, Green Marketing,

and Green Logistics. Chiu and Hsieh (2016) also discovered Corporate Environmental

Policy as part of their GSCM analysis. Khan (2018) recommended that a good

partnership with Green Suppliers enhanced the chain's performance in many goals. Many

companies know the need to upgrade and modernize their supply chain management,

which had evolved from functional to strategic. Meanwhile, (Aminrad et al., 2011) stated

a statistical significance of the effect of age on overall environmental awareness. He also

added that increasing age and levels of education affect growing ecological awareness

and attitude. 

Mason (2010) said that to developed your professional practice, you must first

establish your sensitivities and awareness was two terms that come to mind when

discussing sensitivities. When new possibilities are needed, one must be sensitive to them

and be aware of them by knowing what was going on at any particular time.

Corporate Environmental Policy

The extent to which enterprises execute environmental protection practices would

be determined by the rigor of the rules and their opinions of the laws' stringency. Several

studies had looked into the links between government rules and ecological procedures,

concluding that government pressure was one of the most important external

stakeholders. Regulatory changes and the government's implementation impact

businesses' environmental management and long-term viability. Additionally, companies

must adhere to international and local legislation to safeguard the environment while

competing globally. Furthermore, government support/enforcement substantially impacts

corporations' environmental practices, making this an essential task to research (Koluk &

Zipperer, 2015).

The Republic Act (RA) 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000, gave local government units (LGUs) the necessary policy

framework, institutional mechanisms, and mandate to achieve a 25% waste reduction by


establishing an integrated solid waste management plan based on the 3Rs - reduce, reuse,

and recycle (Premakumara et al., 2014). Restaurants were basic settings for foodborne

disease transmission. The Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net) would

identify underlying factors contributing to disease outbreaks and translate those findings

into improved prevention efforts. The most commonly identified contributing factors

were handling food by an infected person or carrier (65%) and bare-hand contact with

food (35%). Food safety certification of kitchen managers appears to be an essential

outbreak prevention measure, and managing food worker illnesses should be emphasized

during food safety training programs (Hedberg et al., 2016). Personal protective

equipment AKA PPE was essential in ensuring safety in a food manufacturing plant.

Food handling safety tools provide a barrier between the contributing factors and the

workers. It was crucial in the food processing industry, where most operations would do

by hand (Techniclean, 2017). 

Green Procurement 

Today, Green Public Procurement (GPP) was the policy of many governments as

prominent market stakeholders focus on sustainable consumption that would influence

production patterns. GPP helped to sustainable development, defined as achieving human

development goals while preserving natural systems' ability to supply the natural

resources and ecosystem services that the economy and society rely on (GPPB-TSO,


Green purchasing involved an organization assessing the environmental

performance of their suppliers, which required the suppliers to undertake measures that

ensure ecological quality in their operational systems. Green purchasing was defined as

"environmental plans for a firm's long-term material, component or system

requirements," suggesting that the purchasing function may help to evaluate the amount

of waste flowing into business systems (Diabat & Govindan, 2011). 

Torres (2020), in a Nolisoli article, said that it was a common misconception that

sustainability was all about eco-friendliness. However, it was true that essence was seeing

ecological and societal systems work together to preserve each other efficiently.

Businesses must implement more processes that encourage sustainability, as much as

environmental activities like "reduce, reuse, recycle" can help. It involved minimizing

waste streams, conserving the environment, and improving the lives of communities for

restaurants. These restaurants demonstrated that sustainability and excellent food can go

hand in hand by developing restaurant operations that aim to care for the environment

and its inhabitants.

 Earth Kitchen (Katipunan Avenue., Quezon City) – One of Earth

Kitchen's key goals as it grew from the bottom up was to support local

farmers and communities in the Philippines. It improved Filipinos'

livelihoods while also reducing the number of chemicals transportation

networks need when importing commodities from other countries. They

also ensured that the farms were equally sustainable, with products free of

GMOs, chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Because

ingredients would source from local farmers, fishers, and indigenous

communities, some dishes were only available if the ingredients were in

season. They served appetizers, salads, and main courses, all made with

local ingredients (Torres, 2020).


 Le Don’s Garden and Café (Silang, Cavite) – Le Don's Garden and Café

would create to help owner Jenni Foranda and her family took care of their

sick mother by providing her with the healthiest and safest produce. They

made their garden where they harvested vegetables and herbs and used

them as their dishes' ingredients. This garden-to-table process has helped

them conserve energy and water and lessen food waste. Added to this,

they also held yoga sessions in the café's function rooms to promote a

sense of community tied to a healthy lifestyle (Torres, 2020).

Green Design

Diabat and Govindan (2012) looked at several factors that influenced the

deployment of green supply chains and discovered that green design had a beneficial

impact on their performance. The goal of eco-design was to reduce a product's

environmental impact without sacrificing other design criteria like cost and functionality

and securing cautions that must take transaction costs associated with supply chain

partner interactions into account as the partners worked to improve the situation supply

chain's environmental sustainability. A previous study found that hotels with more

environmental practices achieved better firm performance than those adopting fewer.

Eco-design, designed for environmental management, enabled organizations to improve

their environmental performance and close the supply chain loop by handling product

functionality while minimizing lifecycle environmental impacts (Zhu et al., 2019).

Green consumerism had grown in popularity as environmental sustainability had

become more widely recognized. Green restaurants became increasingly popular.

Consumer patronage is critical to the survival and growth of green eateries. The result of

mobile Internet and location-based services enabled restaurants to entice customers

through initiative location-based recommendations. Location-based recommendations

may have attracted customers to visit the recommended restaurant. Restaurant quality

played an essential role in restaurant consumption decision-making. Previous research

had shown that the quality of food, service, and ambiance are the most critical factors

customers consider when rating restaurants. The eatery type moderated the association

between a restaurant's quality attributes and a customer's behavioral intentions. However,

several studies had examined the antecedents of green restaurant patronage intentions.

Knowledge of how green restaurants' food, service, and ambiance quality attributes

influenced visiting customers' patronage intentions in location-based recommendations is

scarce (Yu et al., 2018).

In an article from (2021), McDonald's opened its newest Green

& Good store on Shaw Boulevard Wack-Wack, Mandaluyong City, Philippines,

reaffirmed its commitment to adopting environmentally conscious and climate-friendly

restaurant solutions. McDonald's Green & Good restaurants allowed the fast-food

behemoth to experiment with and learn about sustainable methods such as green building

development and energy efficiency. Last April 2021, the first Green & Good store

opened on UN Del Pilar Avenue in Manila City. The Green & Good store on Shaw

Boulevard in Wack Wack was the first McDonald's to have used a modular system with

prefabricated pre-finished building materials. Each module was manufactured off-site and

installed with other on-site modules instead of a traditional brick-and-block procedure. It

enabled faster work in a controlled environment and promotes sustainability through

reduced waste and impact of on-site construction activities. It also used reclaimed and

recycled resources to construct the store, including reclaimed wood, eco-pavers, and eco-

bricks. On slabs, pavements, and driveways, concrete fiber was employed to replace steel

rebars. More minor details, such as paint made with low volatile organic compounds,

were prioritized with less environmental impact.

With the rising community of bikers, the new store had a Bike & Dine section where

riders can enjoy their McDonald's favorites without worrying about their bicycles' safety.

The store also featured a Bike Repair Station where riders can get the tools to do basic

bike repairs and maintenance.

McDonald's had also teamed up with Meralco to provide electric vehicle charging

stations. The Green & Good store in Shaw Wack-Wack was the second to offer Meralco

E-Sakay e-Charging stations for e-bikes and e-scooters to its consumers. Customers could

easily plug in their e-bike or e-scooter for a one-minute charge for a nominal price of

PhP1. Customers could also enjoy their food using reusable packaging for dine-in, such

as reusable rice bowls, utensils, cups, and wooden stirrers. Stricter implementation of

solid waste segregation in the dine-in, kitchen, and prep areas was in place. McDonald's

Philippines aimed to significantly reduce waste at the sanitary landfill by converting

paper waste to fuel, food waste to fertilizers, plastic waste into repurposed goods, and

modification of Vegetable Oil to biodiesel.

Green Manufacturing

Green manufacturing refered to the revitalization of manufacturing processes and

ecologically friendly activities. It was essentially the "greening" of manufacturing, in

which workers utilized fewer natural resources, produced less pollution and waste,

recycled and reused materials, and moderated emissions in their processes (Goodwin

University, 2016).

Recently, organizations had started implementing green initiatives; however,

these activities were still base on the traditional "end-of-the-pipe" solutions. They tried to

reduce the environmental impact of their actions after creating them. Instead, a more

proactive approach involving adopting a green supply chain is needed to reduce

environmental problems before they happen (Khidir, 2016). Green practices in

restaurants indirectly affected the firm performance through green capability; when green

and green capacity suppliers' ability is higher, it would contribute to organizational

performance, namely environmental and economic performance. Green practices could

be a key driver of green capability, and they should be a priority in restaurants (Chiu &

Hsieh, 2016).

Food and menu design aren't the only approaches to improving food service's

health and sustainability. Choices affecting restaurants and other foodservice enterprises'

design, construction, and operation were also crucial. Imagining kitchens that promoted

the ideal preparation of fresh, healthy foods and selecting energy- and water-efficient

equipment and ecologically friendly building materials were just a few examples. Dining-

room operations and food service eating places also demanded more attention. Behavioral

economics studies have shown: that design, setup, service, and communication methods

could drive consumers to healthier, more sustainable choices. Moderated portion size was

one of the most significant steps foodservice operators could take toward reversing

obesity trends and reducing food waste (The Culinary Institute of America, 2022).

Environmentally Friendly Packaging / Green Packaging


The rise of solid waste harmed the concept of sustainability. Green packing

served as the optimal solution to cater to this challenge, as it is associated with the overall

process of the packaging life cycle. Ninlawan et al. (2010) gave additional information on

how to increase green packaging materials, promote reuse and recycling programs, and

develop standardized packaging procedures to practice green packaging further.

However, the packaging systems could be controlled and managed using system

evaluator indications. Green packaging was a type of packaging that used ecologically

friendly materials to safeguard the environment. Its main characteristic was to get

dissolved or disappear in nature rapidly without harming any damage. It could attain

green packaging in a 4R1D way. 4R1D reduced, reused, reclaimed, recycled, and is

degradable (Zhang & Zhao, 2012).

Consumers pay attention to your to-go packaging since it says a lot about you.

Even with the danger of COVID-19, guests chose to do business with enterprises that

were conscious of their environmental impact. The National Restaurant Association

performed a survey on industry trends in early 2020. Can you predict what people are

looking for among plant-based products and healthy meal options? Eco-friendly

packaging, to be precised. Eco-friendly packaging came out on top, beating off a slew of

other contenders. Chosing eco-friendly packaging and being more conscious of your

usage would help you attract and retain clients (Fenchack, 2020).

Below were some examples of a must-try eco-friendly packaging;

 Greaseproof Paper - Custom-printed greaseproof paper was a beautiful alternative

for any owners or marketing managers at cafes, bakeries, coffee bars, and other

businesses wished to stand out from the crowd. Aside from the practical benefits

of greaseproof paper, such as it kept food fresher for longer and prevented

components from becoming stuck in the container, adding your logo and brand

messaging to food wrap provided significant advertising space (PackGenie,


 Cassava Plastic Bags - Cassava starch, vegetable oil, and organic polymers were

made up of bioplastic. The substance was biodegradable and compostable, and it

degraded over time on land or at sea. However, in hot water, it dissolved rapidly

(Material District, 2017).

 Wheat Straw - Wheat straw plastic was the latest eco-friendly material and was an

innovative, environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. It was a premium food-

grade material, completely BPA-free, and had FDA approval. The impact of

regular plastic on the environment was devastating, and wheat straw plastic was

an excellent alternative. It was made from a by-product of wheat production,

namely wheat straw. It had many applications like wheat straw food containers,

wheat straw drinking straws, wheat straw plastic plates, reusable coffee cups, and

many more (Cowley, 2020).

 Sugarcane Bagasse Containers - Sugarcane was a tree-free renewable resource.

Bagasse waste was often burned in the fields, creating pollution when not in use.

We used bagasse to manufacture eco-friendly foodservice products and replaced

traditional paper, plastics, and Styrofoam products. Bagasse also required less

energy to manufacture than plastics products, and had made it more energy-

efficient to produce. As we adopted bagasse products, we pledged to help reduce

pollution and energy consumption. Bagasse sugarcane plates, bowls, compartment


trays, and food containers were safer and more environmentally responsible

alternative for the food service industry (Eccocane, 2015).

 Bamboo Packaging - The bamboo plant was used to create bamboo packaging.

Bamboo plants, contrary to popular assumptions, were not trees. They belong

to the grass family. Bamboo came in over 1,000 different species and maybe

found worldwide, but it was most common in Asia. Bamboo was one of the

fastest-growing plants on the planet. Bamboo, like trees, was a renewable

resource, yet it grows faster than hardwood. One species grown up to 35

inches in a single day! It takes 3–5 years for the fruit to mature and be

harvested. This growth was also achieved without herbicides, irrigation, or

replanting. That means less environmental impact and more long-term

viability (Good Start Packaging, 2022).

 Fungi Packaging - "Mushroom Packaging" was made by allowing mycelium to

grow around clean agricultural waste, such as corn stalks or husks, for a few days

until the fungus fibers bind the trash together and form a solid shape, which is

then dried to inhibit further growth (Global Citizen, 2016).

The companies listed below used sustainable packaging materials and practices and

alleviated the growing trash problem worldwide.

 Shuangtong Daily Necessities manufactured disposable utensils for

restaurants and beverage stores, including straws, forks, spoons, cups,

bowls, plates, and takeout containers made of bamboo silicone glass and

stainless steel. In recent years, Shuangton had developed new product


lines and used eco-friendly materials, such as wheat straws, bagasse, and

kraft paper. Examples of these products include disposable plates, wheat

straw cardboard meal boxes for hamburgers, noodles, or rice, wheat straw

cardboard wedges for sandwiches, wheat straw clamshell meal boxes,

paper wrap cups for French fries, kraft salad boxes with PLA window, and

edible straw for tapioca drinks (Chuiyan Mo, 2020).

 By the end of this year, fast food restaurant chain KFC Canada had

committed to permanently use bamboo buckets to serve all poutine and

chicken bowls. The shift to bamboo poutine buckets would enable the

company to eliminate 55 tonnes of plastic waste annually. The company

currently used paper pulp-made buckets (Chuiyan Mo, 2020).

 Ikea would start using biodegradable mycelium, "fungi packaging," as part

of its efforts to reduce waste and increase recycling. The mushroom-based

packaging decomposes in a garden in a couple of weeks. Every year,

consumers have thrown more than 14 million tons of plastic into landfills,

with experts estimating that by 2050, 99 percent of all birds on the planet

would have plastic in their bellies (Chuiyan Mo, 2020).

Green Distribution

Green distribution referd to logistical methods that cause minor environmental

damage. Greener choices were made across the supply chain, including storage, order

processing, packaging, and last-mile delivery. Green logistics decreased waste and

emissions, making them suitable for companies looking to lower their carbon footprint.

Although green distribution was only one solution to a rising problem, it could make a

significant difference. According to the European Commission, maritime transported

accounts for roughly 2.5 percent of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. According to

the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, commercial aviation was responsible for

around 5% of global warming. The U.S. According to the Environmental Protection

Agency, containers and packaging made up 82.2 million tons of municipal solid garbage

in 2018, accounting for 28.1 percent of all municipal waste produced in the United States

(Agility, 2021).

The impact of the distribution of goods on the environment and society was a

topic well discussed and with growing research interest. The distribution of goods

affected local air quality, generated noise and vibration, caused accidents, and

significantly contributed to global warming. Transport's share in global greenhouse gas

emissions in 2000 had reached 14% (Stern, 2017) and continued to grow. According to

Muma et al. (2014), green distribution consists of green packaging and logistics. This

study which adopted a correlational research design, would determine the effect of

GSCM on environmental performance. Its investigation revealed a link between green

distribution and ecological performance.

Below were some sample companies around the world that practiced Green Distribution;

 DoorDash was a meal ordering and delivery platform established in the

United States, with a 56 percent market share, made it the largest food

delivery firm in the country. DoorDash debuted DoorDash Kitchen in

October 2019, its first ghost kitchen in California that exclusively


delivered meals. DoorDash became the fastest-growing food delivery

service in April 2020, when it claimed it had stockpiled sanitizers and was

distributing them to drivers at no cost. In October of that year, the firm

launched the "Reopen for Delivery" program, which partnered with ghost

kitchens to give delivery and pick-up-only service to restaurants closed

due to the epidemic (Lellis, 2021).

 Grubhub was one of the leading online and mobile food-ordering and

delivery platforms built in America, owned by Just Eat Takeaway. In

2020, amid the coronavirus pandemic, Grubhub said it would keep its

drivers safe by giving contactless delivery and pick-up options. Grubhub+,

a membership service that delivers free and unlimited food delivery from

connected restaurants for a monthly fee, was introduced in February 2020.

(Lellis, 2021).

 Amazon wanted to buy 100,000 Rivian electric delivery trucks as part of

its Climate Pledge and deliver 50 percent of goods with zero emissions by

2030. In locations like Los Angeles, the bespoke vans that can travel up to

150 kilometers on a single charge were beginning to appear on the road

(Lellis, 2021).

 DHL wanted to operate 70% of its first- and last-mile delivery services

with clean transport modes by 2025 as part of its long-term goal of zero-

emissions logistics by 2050. Electric delivery vans, as well as e-bikes and

e-trikes, are included. DHL's delivery fleet comprises about a fifth of zero-

emission vehicles, including 11,000 StreetScooter electric cargo vans

(Lellis, 2021).

 Since 2010, FedEx had begun deploying electric vans. Today, the delivery

behemoth was ramping up its electric vehicle initiative to electrify 50% of

its parcel collection and delivery fleet by 2025. By 2040, the company's

entire fleet will be electric vehicles with zero emissions. The shipping

behemoth would be the first company to take delivery of General Motors'

EV600 vans in late 2021 (Lellis, 2021).

Green Suppliers

Supplier selection was key to successfully developing a supply chain (S.C.) and

promoted effective buyer-supplier collaboration. Companies paid careful attention to

their selected vendors to ensure this effective partnership and guarantee appropriate

integration levels. Furthermore, as public knowledge of environmental issues had grown,

Green and socially responsible practices had become more prevalent in S.C.In another

way, firms apply sustainable strategies in various S.C. to better their connection with

ecosystems and reduce their ecological imprint. Purchase of resources, production,

consumption, and services, among other things. Green supply chain management

(GSCM) emerged as a philosophy to help organizations reduce their ecological footprint

and increase environmental efficiency without sacrificing desired business benefits in

response to public ecological concerns and the growing use of sustainable practices along

S.Cs. Companies have significantly benefited from GSCM since it allowed them to

comply with regulatory laws. It added to a greener company image and enhanced

performance, allowing benefits to be realized and eventually translated into more


significant financial or economic benefits. Companies integrated greening in their supply

chain differ from others that initially concentrated their efforts exclusively on operational

and economic aspects and neglected their operations' social and environmental

implications. In addition, GSCM was a competitive advantage for companies and thus

improves Supply Chain (Sharabati, 2021).

In this regard, the integration of cooperation partnership with suppliers with better

performance would recommend within S.C., which leads to enhancing the performance

of the chain in many types of goals such as costs reduction through waste elimination,

spending on time, reputation protection, continuous improvement of quality to achieve

zero defects, flexibility improvement to meet the end-customers’ requirements, decreased

lead time at different stages of Supply Chain (Amin & Razmi 2011). Nowadays, GSCM

had gained more popularity. It became a need for every organization to reduce

environmentally harmful activities and improved the interaction between the customers

and the suppliers of green products. These GSCM rules, actions, and relations are feasible

solutions for reducing the environmental effect of operations while boosting operational

performance (Khan et al., 2018). Several ecological changes have occurred over the past

few decades, necessitating environmentally friendly practices for organizations'

competition and survival. Organizations faced environmental challenges and need green

technologies to improve environmental performance and competitive position.

Environmentally social processes and technologies prevent and reduce waste, including

emissions, and created a competitive advantage (Sharabati, 2021).

Green Marketing

Green marketing and management were strategic issues Chan et al. (2012) not

only because being green makes a firm "good" but also because being green pays (Ambec

& Lanoie, 2018); (Russo & Fouts, 2017). Menon and Menon (2017) stated that an

effective green marketing strategy should endorse entrepreneurial marketing principles.

Entrepreneurial marketing was "formulating and implementing entrepreneurial and

environmentally beneficial marketing activities to create revenue by providing exchanges

that satisfy a firm's economic and social performance objectives." On the other hand,

researchers have established green marketing as a child of social responsibility. It would

include ethical and social considerations in green marketing, which positively impacted

society (Kärnä 2013). Also, Stanton et al. (2017) presented the definition of green

marketing as the combination of activities that create kind transactions and aim to meet

the requirements and needs of humans without harming the environment. Therefore,

green marketing was developing a product and used the 4p's not to damage the natural


Transportation was a massive contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and other

regulated air pollutants. Hence, anything we could do to reduce such emissions is suitable

for all of us Mokhtarian (2022). By working at home, you've not only reduced air

pollution, but you’ve also not exposed yourself to the potential health consequences of

breathed polluted air every single day. And you had a positive impact on the environment

(Reynolds, 2020). Paper-based processes involved the handling of the physical

document(s), photocopying, archiving, and retrieving physical document(s) from a file

cabinet (Kissell, 2013). Selvi et al. (2011) stated that paper-based processes were

inefficient, cost valuable office space, and pose security risks. Paperless operations

executed on a computer or other device provided greater flexibility for organizations that

have replaced paper-based processes. "Unlike paper records, digital documents were easy

to find, exchange, and backup, and they take up virtually no space” (Kissell, 2013). Chao

(2016) notes that "electronic files allow better access and information sharing, cost less in

terms of physical space and personnel, and increase productivity, all of which added to

the bottom line." Chao (2016) cited seven benefits that companies and customers could

acquire from the paperless system;

 Customer support representatives had access to all the data they need to

provide comprehensive service.

 Staff could get the information they need to do their jobs from wherever.

 Because it could create electronic documents instead of paper originals,

filing space is saved.

 Electronic documents caused a reduction in printing and printers.

 Staff reduction due to increased efficiency.

 The provision of an audit trail of electronic information updates; and

 the improvement of information management.

Famous skincare brand Kiehl rewarded customers for recycling their empty

containers. Customers received one stamp for each container they bring, and once they

reached ten stamps, they received one travel-sized product. Sustainability is a manner of

life and production that served human needs while supporting environmental health.

"Reduce, reuse, recycle," as the adage goes. A green loyalty program generated

emotional loyalty and brand advocacy, which kept customers interested while also

helping the environment (Garai, 2022).




This chapter presented the research design, local research, respondents,

instrument, ethical norm, data collection, and statistical care.

Research Design

The researchers used the quantitative approach and a descriptive framework to

evaluate the Level of Awareness of Green Supply Chain Management Practices among

Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan Del Norte. Gathered information to provide an

overview of how GSCM awareness has developed in the municipality of Nasipit.

Research Locale 

     The study was conducted in 13 food establishments inside the municipality of

Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. According to locals, the name came from an incident when an

immigrant asked a native the site's name shortly after being bitten by a crab—the local

answered na-si-pit, "bitten by a crab," because he misunderstood the query. Nasipit has

been the name of the town since then. The respondents were the owners and their

employees that were identified on the list given by the municipality; Food establishment

1 (Papaeat Food Corner), Food establishment 2 (Juanderful Delights), Food establishment

3 (3js Pizza), Food establishment 4 (Samgyeojin Korean Grill House), Food

establishment 5 (Jenyu Korean BBQ Grill House), Food establishment 6 (Brew's

Milktea), Food establishment 7 (Winter), Food establishment 8 (Panaderia), Food

establishment 9 (Grawndid Chicken Hauz), Food establishment 10 (Project Moi), Food

establishment 11 (Lasar Fastfood), Food establishment 12, (Nao’chan Food &


Snack) and Food establishment 13 (Boobateaio Milktea House). Nasipit is a 3rd class

municipality in the region of Agusan del Norte. 

Research Respondents

The researchers used a universal sampling in choosing the respondents. The

identified food establishments in Nasipit were based on the list of operating food

establishments found in the appendices. As presented in the table below, the number of

owners and employees shows the study respondents.

Table 1

Respondents of the Study

N= 72


FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS Owners/Managers Employees Total

F % F % F %

Food establishment 1 1 1.39 4 5.56 5 6.95

Food establishment 2 1 1.39 4 5.56 5 6.95
Food establishment 3 1 1.39 4 6.78 5 6.95
Food establishment 4 1 1.39 5 6.94 6 8.33
Food establishment 5 1 1.39 6 8.33 7 9.72
Food establishment 6 1 1.39 4 5.56 5 6.95
Food establishment 7 1 1.39 3 4.17 4 5.56
Food establishment 8 1 1.39 3 4.17 4 5.56
Food establishment 9 1 1.39 5 6.94 6 8.33
Food establishment 10 1 1.39 5 6.94 6 8.33
1 1.39 7 9.72 8 11.1
Food establishment 11
Food establishment 12 1 1.39 4 5.55 5 6.94
Food establishment 13 1 1.38 5 6.94 6 8.32

TOTA 13 18.06 59 81.94 7 100

L 2

Research Instrument

The researchers modified the survey questionnaire taken from the previous

research questionnaire. The researchers took the questionnaires from the study entitled

“The Impact of Restaurants’ Green Supply Chain Practices on Firm Performance” by

(Chiu & Hsieh, 2016). 

There are two sections of the questionnaire:

Part I of the survey questionnaires is the demographic profile of the respondents.

Part II is the Green Supply Chain Management Practices as perceived by the corporate

environmental policy, Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices, Green

Procurement, Green Design, Green Manufacturing, environmentally friendly packaging,

Green Suppliers, Green Distribution, and Green Marketing.

Ethical Standard   

The researcher's primary ethical concern was maintaining the respondent's privacy

in the review process. Researchers carried out their tasks to the highest possible

expectations for the respondents. Researchers ensured the well-being and integrity of

respondents who engaged in their research studies. The researchers used the

questionnaire directly to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by


The study meets the ethical principles by supplying the respondent with a survey

questionnaire, including informed consent from the researchers. Researchers assigned a

number to the respondents' responses to the questionnaire. Just have access to show the

total number of respondents to maintain their identity. Acquired the information from the

respondent, who had been detained with the utmost confidentiality. No single restaurant

would be ruined due to the study's formulation, as it will agree to support those restaurant


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers initially gave the owners of the said establishments a letter of

consent to obtain authorization to collect the necessary data for the study or research. The

researchers then committed to surveying these sites and accepted the Dean of the

College's approval. The researchers dedicated their time, effort, and collaboration to

creating surveys with precise wording that would be useful to the targeted respondents.

The survey was implemented using suitable questions modified from related research by

the researchers. Following that, the researchers conducted a face-to-face study at the

selected fully functioning Food Establishments, following the standards of Covid-19

health protocols such as wearing of face mask, sanitizing, and social distancing. The

researchers utilized purposive sampling since that is how they selected respondents from

a list of eateries acquired from the municipality of Nasipit. Finally, the information

received from this research instrument was compiled and structured based on the

responses given by the participants.


Statistical Treatment

Statistical treatment helps to organize and process the data in this section. The

procedures that were used are listed below.

1. Frequency and Percentage- used this statistical tool to answer the statement of

problem number 1.

2. Weighted Mean - used this statistical tool to answer the statement of problem number


3. ANOVA and Independent T-test - used this statistical tool to answer the statement of

problem number 3.



This chapter discusses the data results, which consist of two parts based on specific

problems. Part I was answered by the respondents regarding their demographic profile,

including age, gender, education, years in service, and position. Part II was responded to

according to the respondent's knowledge or awareness of the Green Supply Chain

Management practices, including Corporate Environmental Policy, Green Procurement,

Green Design, Green Manufacturing, Environmentally Friendly Packaging, Green

Distribution, Green Suppliers, and Green Marketing.

Problem 1: What is the Profile of the Respondents in terms of age, gender,

education, years in service, and position/designation?

As to Age

Table 2

Age of the Respondents

Age F % Rank
18-34 years old 1
59 81.94
35-54 years old 2
12 16.67
55 years and above 3
1 1.39
Total 72 100

Table 2 shows the age profile of the respondents. 59 or 81.94% out of 72

respondents belong to ages 18-34 years old, which has the highest rank of 1, while 1 or

1.39% belongs to ages 55 years old and above, which has the lowest rank of 3.

Therefore, most respondents are young adults from the 18-34 age bracket and are

more engaged in environmental issues.

According to popular media and popular press prejudices, older adults are

supposedly less worried about the environment than younger people (Irvine, 2012);

(Twenge et al., 2012).

As to Gender

Table 3

Gender of the Respondents

Gender F % Rank
Female 41 56.94 1
Male 31 43.06 2
Total 72 100

Table 3 shows the gender profile of the respondents. 41 or 56.94% are female, has

the highest rank of 1, while the remaining 31 or 43.06% are males, which has the lowest

rank of 2.

Therefore, most of the respondents are female and tend to be more concerned with

environmental issues and sustainability.

Evidence reveals a link between the environment and gender inequality; when

gender inequality is high, so are forest depletion, air pollution, and other indicators of

environmental deterioration. However, engaging women effectively is about more than

just avoiding harmful repercussions. Because their caregiving obligations and livelihood

activities are frequently heavily reliant on natural resources, women are active agents of

conservation and restoration (Elwell & Williams, 2016).

As to Education

Table 4

Educational attainment of the Respondents

Educational Attainment F % Rank

Total 72 100
College level 37 51.39 1
High school graduate 17 23.61 2
College graduate 16 22.22 3
High school level 2 2.78 4
Elementary level 0 0.00 5.5
Elementary graduate 0 0.00 5.5

Table 4 shows the educational attainment of the respondents. 37 or 51.39% of

respondents are College level which is the highest rank of 1. Elementary level and

Elementary graduates with zero frequency and zero percentage have the lowest rank of


Therefore, most of the respondents have the educational attainment of College

Level and are more environmentally aware.

Environmental education will define as incorporating ecological content into the

educational system. Enhance people's awareness of environmental issues at all levels of

education; it is an educational approach that hopes to solve the deteriorating relationship

between man and the environment (Erhabor & Don, 2016). According to Thompson and

Hoffman (2013), environmental education is learner-centered; providing students with

opportunities to construct their understanding through hands-on, minds-on investigations

involves engaging learner’s indirect experiences and challenging them to apply higher-

order thinking abilities is beneficial to the creation of an active learning community in

which students share their knowledge interdisciplinary knowledge.

As to Years in Service

Table 5

Years in Service of the Respondents

Years of Service F % Rank

Below one year 40 55.56 1
1-3 years 21 29.17 2
3 years and above 11 15.27 3
Total 72 100

Table 5 shows the years in service of the respondents. Out of 72 respondents, 40

or 55.56% belongs to respondents with below 1-year experience in service, which has the

highest rank of 1, while 11 or 15.27% belong to respondents with 3 years and above,

which has the lowest rank of 3.

Therefore, most respondents who have a below 1-year experience in service are

more environmentally aware.

Senior managers provide help and encouragement when it comes to internal

environment management. Internal management is a significant success component for

businesses to embrace green practices. Senior management is motivated by the pressures

employees create and the motivation and support from environmental protection.

Meanwhile, changing people's perceptions of the risks to the environment could lead to

more green practices being adopted (Khan, 2018).

As to Position/Designation

Table 6

Position/Designation of the Respondents

Position/Designation F % Rank
Employee 52 72.23 1
Manager 15 20.83 2
Owner 5 6.94 3
Total 72 100

Table 6 shows the position or designation of the respondents. Based on data, out

of 72 respondents, 52 or 72.23% are employees, which has the highest rank of 1, while 5

or 6.94% are owners, which has the lowest rank of 3.

Therefore, most of the respondents are employees who are more familiar with

sustainability activities.

Senior management is motivated by the pressures that employees create the

motivation and support from environmental protection. Meanwhile, changing people's

perceptions of the risks to the environment could lead to more green practices being

adopted (Khan, 2018).

Problem 2: What is the Level of Awareness of Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in Corporate

Environmental Policy, Green Procurement, Green Design, Green Manufacturing,

Environmentally Friendly Packaging, Green Distribution, Green Suppliers and

Green Marketing?

As to Corporate Environmental Policy

Table 7

Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Corporate Environmental


Corporate Environmental Policy Weighted Verbal Verbal Rank

Mean Description Interpretation
1. This establishment monitors
personal hygiene among Extremely
3.78 High 1
employees. Aware

2. This establishment provides

waste segregation bins like Extremely
3.69 High 2
organic, paper, plastic, and Aware
3. This establishment requires all
staff to wear their Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE), Extremely
such as a hairnet, face mask, 3.68 High 3
apron, gloves & clogs inside the

4. This establishment requires

employees to have Health
Certificates issued by the 3.64 High 4
Municipal health officer before
5. This establishment follows the
RA 9003, also known as the Extremely
3.63 High 5
Ecological Solid Waste Aware
Management Act.
Average Weighted Mean 3.68 High

Table 7 shows the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, in terms of Corporate

Environmental Policy.

The Monitoring of personal hygiene among employees has a weighted mean of

3.78, a verbal description of Extremely Aware, and a verbal interpretation of High in the

level of awareness, which means that the respondents always practice in the area stated

has the highest rank of 1. On the other hand, the Following of RA 9003 has a weighted

mean of 3.63, a verbal description of Extremely Aware, and a verbal interpretation of


High in the level of awareness means that the respondents always practice in the area

stated which has the lowest rank of 5.

To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

in terms of Corporate Environmental Policy shows that it has the average weighted mean

of 3.68, a verbal description of Extremely aware and a verbal interpretation of High in the

level of awareness implies that the respondents always practice in the area stated.

Restaurants are basic settings for foodborne disease transmission. The

Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net) was established to identify

underlying factors contributing to disease outbreaks and translate those findings into

improved prevention efforts. The most commonly identified contributing factors were

handling food by an infected person or carrier (65%) and bare-hand contact with food

(35%). Food safety certification of kitchen managers appears to be an essential outbreak

prevention measure, and managing food worker illnesses should be emphasized during

food safety training programs (Hedberg et al., 2016). Personal protective equipment

AKA PPE is essential in ensuring safety in the food manufacturing plant. Food handling

safety tools create a barrier between the contributory variables and the employees. It is

necessary for the food processing business since most processes are carried out by hand

(Techniclean, 2017).

As to Green Procurement

Table 8

Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green Procurement

Green Procurement Weighted Verbal Verbal Ran

Mean Description Interpretation k
1. This establishment buys
products that last long. 4.00 High 1
2. This establishment buys
ingredients that are Extremely
3.61 High 2
healthy for the Aware
3. This establishment buys
products that have Somewhat
3.22 Moderate 3
minimal packaging Aware
4. This establishment buys
products that utilize clean Somewhat
2.99 Moderate 4
technology and/or clean Aware
5. This establishment buys
products/equipment that 2.85 Moderate 5
uses less energy.
Average Weighted Mean 3.33 Moderate

Table 8 shows the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, in Green


As to the establishment’s purchase of products that last longer, it has a weighted

mean of 4.00, a verbal description of Extremely Aware and a verbal interpretation of

High in the level of awareness means that the respondents always practice in the area

stated which has the highest rank of 1. The Establishment’s purchase of products that

uses less energy has a weighted mean of 2.85, a verbal description of Somewhat Aware

and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the level of awareness means that the

respondents sometimes practice in the area stated which has the lowest rank of 5.

To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

in terms of Green Procurement shows that it has the average weighted mean of 3.33, a

verbal description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the

level of awareness implies that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated.

Torres (2020), in a Nolisoli article, said that it's a common misconception that

sustainability is all about eco-friendliness. However, its true essence is seeing ecological

and societal systems work together to preserve each other efficiently. As much as

environmental initiatives like "reduce, reuse, recycle" can help, it is the responsibility of

businesses to practice more systems that promote sustainability. For restaurants, this

means reducing waste streams, protecting the environment, and enhancing the lives of

communities by implementing restaurant operations that aim to take care of the

environment and its people.


As to Green Design

Table 9

Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green Design

Green Design Weighte Verbal Verbal Rank

d Mean Description Interpretatio
1. This establishment has
environmentally-friendly 3.46 Moderate 1
2. This establishment buys Somewhat Moderate
3.44 2
from local vendors. Aware
3. This establishment uses a Moderate
ventilation system to help
control the air while 3.43 3
regulating the required
health and safety levels.
4. This establishment uses Moderate
organic and recycled 3.33 4
materials to minimize waste.
5. This establishment regularly Moderate
monitors leaky pipes and 3.14 5
faucets to conserve water.
Somewhat Moderate
Average Weighted Mean 3.36

Table 9 shows the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, in Green Design.

As to the establishment’s environmentally friendly facilities, it has a weighted

mean of 3.46; a verbal description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of

Moderate in the level of awareness means that the respondents sometimes practice in the

area stated which has the highest rank of 1 while establishment’s regular monitoring of

leaky pipes and faucets to conserve water has a weighted mean of 3.14, a verbal

description of Somewhat Aware, and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the level of

awareness means that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated which has the

lowest rank of 5.

To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

in terms of Green Design shows that it has an average weighted mean of 3.36, a verbal

description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate implies that the

respondents sometimes practice in the area stated.

Eco-design, designed for environmental management, enables organizations to

improve their environmental performance and close the supply chain loop by handling

product functionality while minimizing life-cycle environmental impacts (Zhu et al.,


As to Green Manufacturing

Table 10

Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green Manufacturing

Green Manufacturing Weighted Verbal Verbal Rank

Mean Description Interpretation
1. This establishment uses organic 3.69 Extremely High 1

and fresh ingredients. Aware

2. This establishment has options for Moderate
smaller portions separately or a 3.01 2
children’s menu.
3. The establishment research Moderate
develops and utilizes technologies Somewhat
2.94 3.5
and practices to lessen its impact Aware
on the environment.
4. This establishment requires Moderate
employees to attend Somewhat
2.94 3.5
manufacturing training in green Aware
technologies and practices.
5. This establishment offers Moderate
substitutions to meet dietary 2.82 5
Somewhat Moderate
Average Weighted Mean 3.08

Table 10 shows the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, in Green


As to the establishment’s use of organic and fresh ingredients, which has a

weighted mean of 3.69, a verbal description of Extremely Aware, and a verbal

interpretation of High in the level of awareness means that the respondents always

practice in the area stated which has the highest rank of 1, while the establishment’s offer

of substitution to meet diet restriction has a weighted mean of 2.82, a verbal description

of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the level of awareness

means that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated which has the lowest

rank of 5.

To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

in terms of Green Manufacturing shows that it has the average weighted mean of 3.08, a

verbal description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the

level of awareness implies that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated.

Green manufacturing refers to the revitalization of manufacturing processes and

ecologically friendly activities. It is essentially the "greening" of manufacturing. Workers

utilize less natural resources, produce less pollution, reduce waste, resources are recycled

and reused, and reduce emissions in their processes (Goodwin University, 2016).

As to Environmentally friendly Packaging

Table 11

Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among

Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of

Environmentally Friendly Packaging

Environmentally Friendly Packaging Weighte Verbal Verbal Ran

d Mean Description Interpretation k
1. This establishment offers Somewhat
3.24 Moderate 1
paperless receipt options. Aware
2. This establishment uses Moderate
plastics like wheat straw, 2.96 2
sugarcane bagasse containers
& bamboo fibers.
3. This establishment uses 2.68 Somewhat Moderate 3
recycled cardboard and Aware

4. This establishment uses Slightly
2.40 Fair 4
organic fabric packaging. Aware
5. This establishment uses Slightly
2.25 Fair 5
Mushroom packaging. Aware
Average Weighted Mean 2.71 Moderate

Table 11 shows the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, in Environmentally

Friendly Packaging.

As to establishment offers paperless receipt options, it has a weighted mean of

3.24, a verbal description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in

the level of awareness means that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated

which has the highest rank of 1 while as to establishment uses Mushroom packaging, it

has a weighted mean of 2.25, a verbal description of Slightly Aware and a verbal

interpretation of Fair in the level of awareness means that the respondents seldom

practice in the area stated which has the lowest rank of 5.

To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

in terms of Environmentally Friendly Packaging shows that it has the average weighted

mean of 2.71, a verbal description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of

Moderate in the level of awareness implies that the respondents sometimes practice in the

area stated.

Green packaging is a type of material that attempts to be environmentally friendly

to protect the environment by using environmentally friendly material. Its main

characteristic is to get dissolved or disappear in nature rapidly without harming any


damage. It can attain green packaging in a 4R1D way. 4R1D reduces, reuses, reclaims,

recycles, and is degradable (Zhang & Zhao, 2012).

As to Green Distribution

Table 12

Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green Distribution

Green Distribution Weighte Verbal Verbal Ran

d Mean Description Interpretatio k
1. This establishment
practices Green 3.08 Moderate 1

Distribution to help
improve service and gain a
competitive advantage.
2. This establishment Moderate
practices Green Somewhat
2.93 2
Distribution to help Aware
improve risk management.
3. This establishment Moderate
practices Green
Distribution to help 2.88 3
increase efficiency and
reduce cost.
4. This establishment designs Somewhat Moderate
2.78 4
delivery schedules. Aware
5. This establishment uses Moderate
low pollution vehicles like
bicycles, electric cars, Somewhat
2.56 5
electric trains, hydrogen- Aware
fueled vehicles, etc.,
during delivery.
Somewhat Moderate
Average Weighted Mean 2.84

Table 12 shows the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green


As to Establishment practices Green Distribution to help improve service and

gain competitive advantage has a weighted mean of 3.08, a verbal description of

Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the level of awareness means

that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated which has the highest rank of 1.

While Establishment uses low pollution vehicles like bicycles, it has a weighted mean of

2.56, a verbal description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in

the level of awareness means that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated

which has the lowest rank of 5.


To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

in terms of Green Distribution shows that it has the average weighted mean of 2.84, a

verbal description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the

level of awareness implies that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated.

The distribution of goods affects local air quality, generates noise and vibration,

causes accidents, and significantly contributes to global warming. Transport's share in

global greenhouse gas emissions in 2000 had reached 14% (Stern, 2017) and continues to


As to Green Suppliers

Table 13

Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green Suppliers

Green Suppliers Weighte Verbal Verbal Ran

d Mean Description Interpretatio k
1. This establishment partners
with green suppliers to Extremely
4.00 High 1
create an eco-friendly Aware
2. This establishment offers
safe and high-quality 3.67 High 2
products to consumers.
3. This establishment
maintains a good Somewhat
3.18 Moderate 3
relationship with green Aware
4. This establishment Moderate
partners with green Somewhat
3.13 4
suppliers to enhance Aware
5. This establishment Moderate
partners with green Somewhat
2.96 5
suppliers to reduce costs Aware
and improve performance.
Somewhat Moderate
Average Weighted Mean 3.39

Table 13 shows the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green


As to the establishment of partners with green suppliers to create an eco-

friendly brand which has a weighted mean of 4.00, a verbal description of Extremely

Aware and a verbal interpretation of High in the level of awareness means that the

respondents always practice in the area stated which has the highest rank of 1 while the

establishment partners with green suppliers to reduce cost and improve performance

has a weighted mean of 2.96, a verbal description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal

interpretation of Moderate in the level of awareness means that the respondents

sometimes practice in the area stated which has the lowest rank of 5.

To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

in terms of Green Suppliers shows that it has the average weighted mean of 3.39, a verbal

description Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the level of

awareness implies that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated.

Companies use sustainable practices to improve their interactions with

ecosystems and lower their ecological imprint. S.C. activities, including materials

procurement, production, consumption, and services, among others. Green supply chain

management (GSCM) emerged as a philosophy to help organizations reduce their

ecological footprint and increase environmental efficiency without sacrificing desired

business benefits in response to public environmental concerns and the growing use of

sustainable practices along S.Cs.(Sharabati, 2021).


As to Green Marketing

Table 14

Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green Marketing

Green Marketing Weighte Verbal Verbal Rank

d Mean Description Interpretatio
1. This establishment
markets healthy 3.51 High 1
2. This establishment's
customers are aware of
the green marketing 3.26 Moderate 2
practices that this
company has.
3. This establishment Moderate
practices a paperless 3.17 3
4. This establishment Moderate
encourages remote
work or telecommuting 2.60 4
to reduce gas
5. This establishment
offers a green loyalty 1.97 Fair 5
Average Weighted Mean 2.90 Moderate

Table 14 shows the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte in terms of Green


Establishment markets healthy products. It has a weighted mean of 3.51, a verbal

description of Extremely Aware, and a verbal interpretation of High in the level of

awareness means that the respondents always practice in the area stated, which has the

highest rank of 1. On the one hand, the establishment offers a green loyalty card with a

weighted mean of 1.97, a verbal description of Slightly Aware, and a verbal interpretation

of Fair in the level of awareness means that the respondents seldom practice in the area

stated which has the lowest rank of 5.

To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Level of Awareness on Green Supply

Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

in terms of Green Marketing shows that it has the average weighted mean of 2.90, a

verbal description Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the level

of awareness implies that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated.

Green marketing and management are a strategic issue Nadanyiova et al. (2020)

not only because being green makes a firm "good" but also because being green pays

(Ambec & Lanoie 2018); (Russo & Fouts 2017). Menon and Menon (2017) state that an

effective green marketing strategy should endorse entrepreneurial marketing principles.

Entrepreneurial marketing is "formulating and implementing entrepreneurial and

environmentally beneficial marketing activities to create revenue by providing exchanges

that satisfy a firm's economic and social performance objectives."


Table 15

Summary on the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management Practices

among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

Indicators Weighte Verbal Verbal Rank

d Mean Description Interpretatio
Corporate Environmental 3.68 Extremely 1
Policy Aware
Green Suppliers 3.39 Somewhat 2
Green Design 3.36 Somewhat Moderate 3
Green Procurement 3.33 Somewhat Moderate 4
Green Manufacturing 3.08 Somewhat Moderate 5
Green Marketing 2.90 Somewhat Moderate 6
Green Distribution 2.84 Somewhat Moderate 7
Environmentally friendly 2.71 Somewhat Moderate 8
Packaging Aware
Somewhat Moderate
Average Weighted Mean 3.16

Table 15 shows the Summary on the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain

Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

As to Corporate Environmental Policy, it has a weighted mean of 3.68, a verbal

description of Extremely Aware and a verbal interpretation of High in the level of

awareness means that the respondents always practice in the area stated, which has the

highest rank of 1. On the other hand, environmentally friendly Packaging has a weighted

mean of 2.71, a verbal description of Somewhat Aware, and a verbal interpretation of

Moderate in the level of awareness means that the respondents sometimes practice in the

area stated, which is the lowest rank of 8.

To sum up, the gathered data regarding the Summary on the Level of Awareness

on Green Supply Chain Management Practices among Food Establishments in Nasipit,

Agusan del Norte shows that it has an average weighted mean of 3.16, a verbal

description of Somewhat Aware and a verbal interpretation of Moderate in the level of

awareness implies that the respondents sometimes practice in the area stated.

Mason (2011) said that to develop your professional practice, you must first

establish your sensitivities and awareness is two terms that come to mind when

discussing sensitivities. When new possibilities are needed, one must be sensitive to

them and be aware of them by knowing what is going on at any particular time.

Problem 3: Is there a significant difference in the Level of Awareness on Green

Supply Chain Management Practices of the respondents among Food

Establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, when grouped according to their


Table 16

Level of Awareness
Sum of Mean Decision Interpretation
Squares df Square F Sig.
Between Groups .579 2 .289 .836 .438 Accept H 0 There is no significant
difference in the level of
Within Groups 23.866 69 .346 awareness on green supply
chain management practices
Total of the respondents among
24.444 71 food establishments in
Nasipit, Agusan del Norte,
when group according to
Test on Difference in the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices when Group According to Age

Table 16 shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test results in determining

the significant difference in the level of awareness on green supply chain management

practices among respondents among food establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

when group according to age.

The model statistically demonstrated the significant difference between groups

was determined by one-way ANOVA (F=.836, p=.438). It shows that the result is not

significant with the p-value > 0.05, which accepts the null hypothesis.

The ANOVA result indicates that there is no significant difference in the level of

awareness on green supply chain management practices of the respondents among food

establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, when group according to age.

While significant changes can only occur if countries and businesses change their

policies and practices; but, we as people can make a difference, whether through little

actions or significant projects (Voices of Youth, 2019).


Table 17

Test on Difference in the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices when Group According to Gender

Std. Decisio Interpretation

Level of Sig. Mean Error n
Awareness (2- Differe Differ
F Sig. t df tailed) nce ence
Equal Accept
1.3 .06 There is no significant
variances .448 70 .063 .140 .353 H 0 difference in the level of
61 3
assumed awareness on green supply
chain management practices
Equal of the respondents among
variances food establishments in
60.1 Nasipit, Agusan del Norte
not .440 .063 .143 .116
75 when grouped according to
assumed gender.

Independent Sample T-test


Table 17 shows the independent sample t-test results in determining the

significant difference in the level of awareness on green supply chain management

practices of the respondents among food establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

when grouped according to gender.

The model statistically demonstrated the significant difference between groups as

determined by Independent Sample T-test (p=.063). It shows that the result is not

significant with the p-value of ˃ 0.05, which accept the null hypothesis.

The Independent Sample T-test result indicates that there is no significant

difference in the level of awareness on green supply chain management practices of the

respondents among food establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte when grouped

according to gender.

As individuals, we make choices about our activities, and inevitably, they involve

choices about resource consumption (Cohen, 2021). Some say that the fixation on

individual responsibility distracts from the more critical task of compelling government

and major institutions to implement systemic change. According to Professor Levermann

(2019), personal sacrifice alone cannot be the solution to tackling the climate crisis.

There's no other area where the individual is responsible for what's going wrong. And it's

true: people drive too much, overeat beef, and travel way too much. However, achieving

zero emissions necessitates significant modifications. Individual sacrifice will not be

enough to get us to zero. Only substantial structural change, a new industrial revolution,

can bring it about. Personal responsibilities and actions are possible to find answers to the

climate catastrophe obstructing this. It argues that all we need to do is band together for

the next 30 years, save energy, walk, skip foreign vacations, and 'do without.' However,

these demands for individual action immobilize individuals, preventing the large-scale

change that is so desperately needed.

Table 18

Test on Difference in the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices when Group According to Educational Attainment

Level of Awareness
Sum of Mean Decision Interpretation
Squares df Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.635 3 .545 1.625 .192 Accept H 0 There is no significant
difference in the level of
Within Groups 22.810 68 .335 awareness on green supply
chain management practices
Total of the respondents among
food establishments in
24.444 71 Nasipit, Agusan del Norte
when grouped according to
educational attainment.

Table 18 shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test results in determining

the significant difference in the level of awareness on green supply chain management

practices of the respondents among food establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

when group according to education.

The model statistically demonstrated the significant difference between groups

was determined by one-way ANOVA (F=1.625, p=.192). It shows that the result is not

significant with the p-value > 0.05, which accepts the null hypothesis.

The ANOVA result indicates that there is no significant difference in the level of

awareness on green supply chain management practices of the respondents among food

establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte when grouped according to education.


Many other scientists worldwide have said that education is the most powerful

and dominant force one can use to change the world, so we need to educate ourselves

about the necessity of environmental education (Earth Reminder, 2020).

Table 19

Test on Difference in the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices when Group According to Years in Service

Level of Awareness
Sum of Mean Decision Interpretation
Squares df Square F Sig.
Between Groups .589 2 .295 .853 .431 Accept H 0 There is no significant
difference in the level of
Within Groups 23.855 69 .346 awareness on green supply
chain management practices
Total of the respondents among
food establishments in
24.444 71 Nasipit, Agusan del Norte
when grouped according to
years in service.

Table 19 shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test results in determining

the significant difference in the level of awareness on green supply chain management

practices of the respondents among food establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

when group according to years in service.

The model statistically demonstrated the significant difference between groups

was determined by one-way ANOVA (F=.853, p=.431). It shows that the result is not

significant with the p-value > 0.05, which accepts the null hypothesis.

The ANOVA result indicates that there is no significant difference in the level of

awareness on green supply chain management practices of the respondents among food

establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte when grouped according to years in service.

Air and water pollution, global warming, smog, acid rain, deforestation, and

wildfires are just a few environmental issues. Environmental protection is everyone's

responsibility to make this planet a wonderful place. One does not need to put a lot of

money into going green, but simple changes in daily lifestyle are required to reduce your

carbon footprint on the environment (Conserve Energy Future, 2022).

Table 20

Test on Difference in the Level of Awareness on Green Supply Chain Management

Practices when Group According to Position/Designation

Level of Awareness
Sum of Mean Decision Interpretation
Squares df Square F Sig.
Between Groups .272 3 .091 .255 .858 Accept H 0 There is no significant
difference in the level of
Within Groups 24.173 68 .355 awareness on green supply
chain management practices
Total of the respondents among
food establishments in
24.444 71 Nasipit, Agusan del Norte,
when grouped according to

Table 20 shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test results in determining

the significant difference in the level of awareness on green supply chain management

practices of the respondents among food establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

when group according to position/designation.

The model statistically demonstrated the significant difference between groups

was determined by one-way ANOVA (F=.853, p=.431). It shows that the result is not

significant with the p-value > 0.05, which accepts the null hypothesis.

The ANOVA result indicates that there is no significant difference in the level of

awareness on green supply chain management practices of the respondents among food

establishments in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte when grouped according to


Reduce your company's environmental effect to increase its long-term viability.

Your firm will have a better chance of long-term success if you are less reliant on natural

resources than your competitors and have strategies to deal with rising costs related to

climate change. (The state of Queensland, 2022). Good managers serve as role models for

ethical behavior. Suppose a firm expects its people to perform ethically. In that case, it

must begin at the top, where managers must meet a high standard of performance conduct

and can hold accountable and confidently say, "Follow my lead, do as I do" (Kahya,




This chapter contains the conclusions and offers recommendations



The result of the study shows that the majority of food establishments in Nasipit

Agusan del Norte are somewhat Aware of the Green Supply Chain Management

Practices means that the level of awareness is Moderate. Among the eight Green Supply

Chain Management practices, Corporate Environmental Policy is the only factor that the

respondents are extremely aware means that the level of awareness in this section is

High. In contrast, the other seven factors resulted in somewhat familiar, which indicates

that the level of awareness on these GSCM practices is Moderate.

The study agrees with the cited "Nature Education" theory of Erol and Gezer

(2016). Environmental education is the most effective technique to improve ecological

awareness. It is the process of acquiring necessary environmental knowledge, generating

positive attitudes about the environment, developing appropriate actions, and establishing

conscious societies that behave with lifetime awareness at all stages of life. Individuals

can forecast the outcomes of their efforts by understanding environmental challenges

(Gokmen, 2021). According to, individuals with a favorable ecological mindset display

healthy behaviors toward the environment (Abun & Racoma, 2017). Determining

individuals' philosophies towards the environment and environmental problems and

taking necessary measures in line with results is important in eliminating and preventing

ecological issues. Therefore, it is important for individuals of all ages, genders,

professions, and socio-economic backgrounds to be aware and have a positive

environmental attitude.


Based on the study, the researchers recommend the following:


Primary Recommendations

Based on the result, the researchers recommend that the Food Establishments of

Nasipit Agusan del Norte strictly follow guidelines and get involved in environmental

education activities such as green supply chain management awareness seminars to be

appropriately informed. The researchers also recommend that these establishments

implement Green Supply Chain Management practices in their business management,

researching, sourcing suppliers, and using applicable and effective eco-friendly

packaging, as stated in the previous chapter. It is highly recommended that it significantly

impacts people's behavior and perspectives on environmental conservation and soon help

the world become better.

Environmental education is the most effective technique to improve ecological

awareness. It is the process of acquiring necessary environmental knowledge, generating

positive attitudes about the environment, developing appropriate actions, and establishing

conscious societies that behave with lifetime awareness at all stages of life (Erhabor &

Don, 2016). Air and water pollution, global warming, smog, acid rain, deforestation, and

wildfires are just a few environmental issues. Environmental protection is everyone's

responsibility to make this planet a wonderful place. One does not need to put a lot of

money into going green, but simple changes in daily lifestyle are required to reduce your

carbon footprint on the environment (Conserve Energy Future, 2022).


Secondary Recommendations

To the Food Establishment owners

The researchers recommend that the food establishment owners should follow the

LGU’s guidelines and attend awareness seminars provided by the LGU. Food

establishment owners should also spread their knowledge regarding environmental

conservation and GSCM to their management and staff. Food establishment owners

should follow green supply chain management practices to achieve positive business and

ecological results stated in previous chapters. According to The Nielsen Company, about

three-quarters of Millennials (74%) and Generation Z consumers (72%) are prepared to

pay more for ecologically friendly products, goods, and services. From the survey,

consumer companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability outperform those

that do not, increasing to 4% internationally vs. less than 1% globally.

To the Food Establishment Managers & Employees

The food establishment managers and staff should follow the establishment's

environmental policies. The food establishment managers and staff should attend

awareness seminars to be well informed. Despite the Philippines' status as a growing

economy (Aguilar et al., 2018), only a few enterprises practice Green SCM due to a lack

of environmental concern and understanding. Mason (2011) said that to develop your

professional practice, you must first establish your sensitivities and awareness is two

terms that come to mind when discussing sensitivities. When new possibilities are

needed, one must be sensitive to them and be aware of them by knowing what is

going on at any particular time.

To the Local Government Unit of Nasipit Agusan del Norte


The researchers recommend that the LGU should require environmental

awareness seminars among all local vendors and food establishment owners to educate

them on how ecological conservation can change not just one place but also the world.

The local government unit should update its environmental conservation guidelines in

granting business permits to local vendors and food establishments, following the

practices used in Green Supply Chain Management. The rigor of the rules and firms'

perceptions of the stringency of the laws will determine the amount to which businesses

adhere to environmental regulations practices (Muma et al., 2014).

To other Government Organizations

The researchers recommend the following organizations maximize all their

resources to help save mother earth;

DENR – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources should strengthen

the implementation of policies, guidelines, rules, and regulations relating to the latest

strategies for environmental management, pollution prevention, and control.

BFAR – The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources should develop activities

relating to clearing garbage found under the sea and conserving the country's fisheries

and aquatic resources.

DTI – The Department of Trade and Industry should intensify its Green Economic

Development (GED) program by challenging the creative minds of the MSMEs

through sustainable product pitching contests and trade fairs. GED workshops to help

them adopt climate-smart, environmental-friendly, inclusive strategies and measures by

aligning with the green value chain approach to identify hotspots for greening.

DEPED – The Department of Education recommends intensifying climate literacy and

supporting climate action in the primary education sector to spread awareness and instill

an excellent environmental attitude toward students.

DILG – The Department of the Interior and Local Government should implement more

effective capacity development programs for Climate Change Adaptation and disaster


DHSUD - The Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development, as the

central housing authority in the Philippines, is recommended to emphasize environmental

land use and urban planning and development. The organization should contribute not

only to their departmental duties, nation-building, and serving the Filipino people but also

help a much more significant problems like climate change and global warming.

CCC – The Climate Change Commission should continue encouraging households

and citizens to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, including reducing single-use plastic

consumption, to help heal and protect our ailing environment and planet.

To the Non-Governmental Organizations

The researchers recommend these environmental groups support greater

awareness and expand ecological awareness.

World Wide Fund for Nature -Their projects don't only focus on food, water, and

climate, but on wildlife as well. They work to secure the survival of the country's most

endangered and uncommon species. They also want to change people's lives by giving

livelihood initiatives (Unardi, 2022).

Save Philippine Seas - Part of the advocacy of Save Philippine Seas is to promote

community empowerment, environmental education, and shark conservation. The


organization also initiates citizen-led programs to empower Pinoys toward behavioral

change (Unardi, 2022).

Greenpeace Philippines - The main goal of Greenpeace Philippines is to protect natural

landscapes, species, and more from environmental threats such as dangerous imports of

garbage, coal projects, and illicit logging are, a few of the issues that have come up. This

volunteer-run organization promotes ecological and ecological farming and organizes

anti-poverty activities the land, air, and water pollution (Unardi, 2022).

Rare-Rare is a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable fishing and resource

management initiatives worldwide. They collaborate with local organizations to teach

people the best and safest fishing techniques. We may all aspire for cleaner waters and

more abundant oceans due to their efforts (Unardi, 2022).

Mother Earth Foundation - Garbage is among the top enemies of nature. Mother Earth

Foundation campaigns for zero-waste advocacy to local authorities to address this

alarming concern. They hold environmental education and proper waste management

programs in schools and barangays (Unardi, 2022).

To the Future Researchers

Future researchers are recommended to conduct research regarding the

development of GSCM awareness among food establishments in Nasipit Agusan del

Norte and determine its effect on the environment and the current waste and pollution

problem. Future researchers are also recommended to do further research regarding the

practical techniques to make GSCM practices put into action by the local food

establishment owners that do not cost a hefty amount of money. The researchers

recommend that future researchers consider all information regarding the latest GSCM

practices to provide the local food vendors and food establishment owners with various

ways to start greening their supply chain. Many companies know the need to upgrade and

modernize their supply chain management, which has evolved from functional to

strategic. Supply chain management must keep up with ever-changing environmental

regulations while maintaining a competitive edge through science and technology

innovation that improves eco-efficiency (Aminrad et al., 2011).

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