Papa Jims Herbal Book

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Para Jim's HersaL Maacic WorRKBOOK How ro use Heres rox Macican Purroses An A-Z Quine PAPA JIM’S HERBAL MAGIC WORKBOOK ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS New York PAPA JIM'S HERBAL MAGIC WORKBOOK By Papa Jim @ ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS 2004 ISBN: 0-942272-64-1 Al nights reserved No part of this book may be repredused in any macrier whatscever, incluc rg Internat usage. wilhcut writer permissien “om Orig ra’ Pun! cations, excapt in the case of bre* quotatiors embadied in crtica anives and reviews Please be advised that we cannal make any claims of sugematural aifecis av pewers tor any at ‘mulaa spel, riusis, et. listed hereis, The Author effets tre contents far mterest, (ctklore value, erperimentation and whatever value i! may have to the reader thereof. This beck is offeres as a Literary Curio Ory Iho responsivilty whatsoever for tha contents or the valdity of the statements herein is assumed by the author, publisher Or se'ler of [tvs baa FIRST EDIION First Printing 2004 Cover art by Raul Canizares Grig nal Pub‘icaticns PO Box 238 ld Bethpage, New York “1804-0236 1816) 480-6809 Prinled in the Urited States of Amarca HERBAL MAGIC Long before the days of science, man was at a loss te explan the things of the earth. With ne actual knowledge to guide them, men were forced ta Lurn to mythical explanations of the various elaments, To them the sun was a flowery chariot, thunder was the angry wrath of a certain god. Likewise the existence of various herbs, roots, shrubs and flowers were explained as tre result of the activities of the various gods and goddesses. AS man grew in mental stature, otter herbs and roots were discovered to have certain healing or medicinal values. Still later, men began to ascribe powers to the roots and herbs which were beleved to be in direct proportion to their bkeness to Lhe various parts af the human body, This practice was known as the dactrine of signatures, The practice was widely follawed during medieval times. Many of the discoverics made then are still in use today, not because of the resemblance of the herl to a wart of the human body but because the herb men, quite sy accident, found some rather valuable remedies Because of the earlier associaticns of rerbs, “oots and flawers with religious practices, the use of them for a practical purpose was needlessly retarded. Men considered it a sacrilege to put these plants to work for them as cures for their itis, Many plants could net be touched excapt by those delegated ta handle them. 2 Papa Jim's Herhat Magic Workbook a Those who have studied the history of herbs maintain that it is in reality a history of mankind. So interwoven with human activities are the histories of the various herbs that the changes in man’s conception of nature are recorded in them. Proof of the ancient’s use of herbs is contained in the Ebers Papyrus which is older than the Book of Exodus, Prescriptions listed in this ancient papyrus contain mere than a dozen common herbs used extensively at that time, 1500 B.C. Hippocrates used more than four hundred herbs in his practice of medicine. Many of the early herb formulae were guarded secrets and could be purchased only by extremely wealthy persons. Some containad as many as a hundred different ingredients. Knowledge of the use of herbs for all sorts of purposes was spread from one country to another by explorers, voyagers and armies. From the East the knowledge was taken to the Moors, thence to Spain and Portugal. From these cauntries the knowledge spread north to France, Switzerland, Britain and cther countries. Each country added to the original knowledge until the complete use of herbs and roots was a complicated and highly specialized practice. With this rich background of use through the centuries, is it any wonder that in many parts of the world the use of roots and herbs is still prevalent? Is it any wonder that some persons still ascribe to these plants a power which they cannot possibly possess? Herbs were extensively used during the period when Black Magic was practiced. Without them, it is claimed, Black Magic could not have flourished. The concoctions which were used were each supposed te bring about a definite result. Monkshood was used to produce fever; Nightshade was said to make the eater see ghosts; Black Hellebore disturbed the nervous system and caused swellings; Eyebright brought on rheumatism; Hanbane caused convulsions. One had but to pay a price to bring these misfortunes upon his enemies. Whether the herbs actually caused the conditions for which they were sold history does not tell us. & Papa Jim's Herbal Magiz Workbook 3 Flowers were generally associated with sunshine and fairies. Their origins were attributed to finer, more pleasant happenings. The Cowslip was said to be the key to heaven, Anemone was a fairy shelter For this reason flowers became the symbols with which witches and evil spirits were frequently driven away or held in check. It It is impossible to give a complete list of all the herbs, roots, flowers, shrubs and trees which have held an important place in the lives of men through the centuries. To do so would require many volumes. Instead we will note those which were considered most important and which were generally used. Also we will list many of those which are still in use in various parts of the world. METHODS OF USING HERBS FOR MAGICAL PURPOSES PREPARING HERBAL TEAS INFUSION: Is a term for an herb tea designed for a purpose. ‘Teas are commonly made by pouring hot water over the leaves or flowers, 2 cups of water to one cup of herbs, let it stand for 15 minutes, and if you want to drink it you can add honey. If using it to sprinkle, just sprinkle, DECOTION: When making a tea with roots, barks, ar stems, these are the hard parts of the herbs, they must be boiled. You can a either tie them in a clean cloth or just put them in the waten Put the roots in the water before putting the water to bail, after the water starts to boil, add the leaves, leave set for 10 minutes. When you are finished with the leaves and stems, sprinkle them around your property, for good luck, do nat throw them in the garbage. 4 Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workheok : PREPARING HERBAL BATHS Baths are often used in herbal magic. Fresh herbs are hard to find, so you can use dried herbs, unless you are growing your own. Bathing allows the practitioner a simple way to maximize the success of the ritual by spreading the herb’s power over the entire body. Later in the book we have included recipes combining various herbs for some very powerful baths. 1. Use the leg of a panty hose, or even better use both legs, put one leg inside the other, Then put the herbs inside the panty hose and fet it hang in warm bath water. Allow the herbs to soak 15-20 minutes and your bath is ready. Squeeze the stocking several times to release the ingredients. When you enter the tub, swish the stocking around the water and rub it over your body. If you desire bubbles cr suds in your bath, you may add soap to your mixture. When you remove the hose from the tub, put it in a wide mouth jar and add more water to the jar and leave it soak over night. The following day, just pour the water into the bath, if using a shower pour the water over your head, after you have soaped and rinsed off, 1A. If you are going to take a shower, put the herbs in a container and pour hot water over them, leave them soak for about 15 minutes, strain and pour the mixture over your head in the shower, do not rinse off. Another method of preparation... BOILING: Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil, when the water starts to boil, add the herbs to the water, remove from the heat cover and leave sit for 15 minutes, strain and use a pint of the tea, either in bath water or pour over your head. Heating releases the herbs natural essences. Some rituals require you to rub your body with the herbs. Do this after you have taken a bath, make sure none of the herbs will scratch you. Papa Jira's Herbal Magte Workbook 5 BURNING HERBS AS INCENSE lo create a certain vibration or energy in a particular location, lu it your business, your home, your bedroom or a ritual room, many rituals call for the use of an herb as an incense. The best way to perform this type of ritual is with the use of quick lighting cliarcoal. One of the best known on the market today is made by “three Kings Company” and is commonly available in any occult ‘aipply store. Make sure you do not burn charcoal in a glass container or in a flat metal container that will rest on the table, the coals become very hot. Place your coals in a vessel that will hot have to be moved, or in a properly designed burner that wilt allow you to move it without burning yourself. To prepare your herbs for use with charcoal, it is best that you grind them into flake or powder form and sprinkle it over previously lit coals every few minute during your ritual. You can ulso add ancinting oils to your mixture, the purer the oil the better the scent, Do not be alarmed by an unpleasant scent as you burn herbs, the important result is the vibration produced hy the herb. Later in the book we have included recipes for preparing some of the most commonly used incenses. Papa Jim's Herbal Magie Workbook 7 MAGICAL UTILITIES ! ovage Money Drawing Unhexing / Magnolia a Jinx Removing Business Happiness Legal Matters Maidenhair 3. ert African Ginger Barley Catnip Buckthorn Mandrake Ben oe » t Angelica Comfrey Hawthorn Cascara Sagrada Marigold Codae Balm Gilead Goldenseal High John Devil's Shoestring Mistletoe Clove Barley Marigold Lavendar Hydrangea Root Myrtle Devil's Shoestrin Bay Shamewood Marjoram Lemon Orange Blossom Flax 9 Black Cohosh Spearmint Passion Flower Marigold Orris Root Goldenseal Blood Root Squili Root St. John’s Wort Sacred Bark Rhubarb Jezebel Broom Tops Violet Leaves Witch Grass Rose Hips L iv Caraway Seeds Yellow Duck Root Love & Sex Scullcap even ger Catnip Health & Healing Absinthe Senna Root May Apple Chewing John Root Clairvoyance African Ginger Adam Root Sweet Pea eee : Chili Pepper Angelica Almonds Archangel Herb Spikenard Patchouly Galangal Anise Seed Angelica Balm of Gilead Verbena Root Tonk be Huckleberry Bay Basil Leaves Basil Vervain onKa Beans Hydrangea Bethel Root Cedar Black Cohosh Violet Leaves . Marjoram Calendula Cinnamon Bioad Root Protection Slippery Elm Celery Eucalyptus Catnip Luck Acacia Vertivert Dandetion Fennel Chamomile Allspice Angelica — Wahoo Bark Eyebright High John Chickweed ‘No p Balm of Gilead Mugwort Hops Chili Pepper Basil Leaves Barley Uva Ursi Horehound Clove Bayberry Basil Huckleberry Coriander Buckeye Root Biack Cohosh Curse an Enemy Juniper Couch Grass Calan Biood Root Calamus Life Everlasting Cubeb Berries Chamomile Cactus Chicory Mugwort Damiana Grains of Paradise Caraway Seeds Devil's Shoestring Mullein Devil's Shoestring Huckleberry Catnip Knot Grass Rosebuds Dilt Irish Moss Cinnamon Patchouly Leaves Rue Eve Root Kelp Clove Skunk Cabbage Sarsperilla Fennef Nutmeg Fider Flowers Vertivert Leaves St. John’s Wort Gentian Parsley Mandrake Witch Grass Sassafras Grains of Paradise Pipsissewa Marshmallow Wormwood Spikenard Ginger Silverweed May Apple Thyme Leaves High John Root spakeroot Myrtle Gambling Tonka Beans Jasmine sy nikenard Pipsissewa Bayberry Valerian Juniper Berries 7 Rattlesnake Root Chamomile Vervain Khus Khus Devil’s Shoestring Wild Yam Lavender High Jofin Root Lily Jamaica Ginger Papa Jim's Herbal Magle Workbook ae Linden Flower ABSINTHE Papa Jim's Herbal Magio Workbook ae A ABSINTHE: ACACIA: Brew this aphrodisiac into a tea and drink to increase sexual awareness and potency. Burn Acacia powder on charcoal, or mix it with any other gum incense to enhance psychic power, Burn to please all good spirits and to purify an altar or a ceremonial room. Some burn it during meditation for protection. Place this herb over your doorway ar bed to keep away evil. ADAM ROOT: ‘To be carried by a wornan in her pocket, purse, or around her neck to hold the love of her mate. Can be used in a pair with Eve Root to secure a relationship. Carry one maie (Adam Root) and one female root (Eve Root) ina yellow flannel bag. Add Attraction powder, a Seal of Love (frorn the 6th & 7th Books of Moses) to attract love, If you already have a lover add their picture to the bag to increase love. oe Pepa Jim's Herbal Megle Warkbook ADDERS TONGUE POWDER: Wrap @ picture of San Ramon, Adders Tongue Powder and Stop Gossip Powder in a plece of tin fall. Carry it with you to quiet the tongues of those gossiping about you. AFRICAN BIRD PEPPER: Throw this herb in a persen’s yard to cause him or her problems. AFRICAN GINGER: If you suspect that a hex or spell has been cast upon you, sprinkle this herb in each room of your home to cance! negative effects. Keep African Ginger in jars in your home to stop hexes Sprinkle in your yard to stop people from causing you trouble. Chew to cure a sore throat. AGAR AGAR: To bring success when playing bingo, first wash your nands with Siete Machos Soap, then rub your hands with a mixture of Agar Agar and Fast Luck Powder before you play. AGRIMONY POWDER: Rub this powder onto a White Image candle or jumdo candle, Burn one inch each day to break any spells or hex that has been placed on you. Burn as an incense to reverse a speli or hex cast upon you. ADDERS TONGUE Paya dim's Herbal Magic Workbook ee Papa Jim's Herbal Magi Workbook ALLSPICE AGUE: Put Ague in a Red flannel bag, anoint the bag with Protection ON and wear on a string around your neck to keep away any negative intent. To keep evil away from your house, spread this herb around the foundation. AJENJIBLE: To make someone move out of your house, add the tea made from this herb to wash water used for his/her clothes. ALFALFA HERB: To protect yourself from poverty mix Alfalfa with Money Drawing incense, and ~ burn in your home. ALFALFA SEED: Carry a packet containing these seeds in your purse or wallet and your money will go further. ALL HEAL: When someone is sick make a tea from this herb and sorinkle around the sick room, or bathe the person with the tea mixture ALLSPICE: To attract luck burn this herb with Good Luck Incense every day. To attract success and prosperity, mix Alispice with Gloria Incense and burn everyday. if your toved one is away burn this herb with Incense every day to keep protect that person and to bring him/her back. safely. Mix with Copal and burn to bring love. Hang over your front door or in your windows to bring good luck. ALTHEA: To pull good spirits to you, keep a jar on the table where you perform your spells, or burn on a white candle, AMOLE: Bury In the four corners of your yard for protection ANGELICA: Sprinkle in the four corners of your house, at the entryways and on the window panes to ward off evil. Add to your bath ta remove any hexas or curses that have been placed an you. It is said that smoking Angelica Leaves can bring on visions of the future. Brew Angelica into a tea and drink for relief of indigestion or to help cure acoid, ANISE ESTRELLA: Brew into a tea and take a bath to bring your love back, also can be burnt as an incense. ANGELICA Papa Jim's Herbel Magic Workbook Papa Jim’s Herbal Magte Workbook a 8 ye f ANISE SEED: ASAFOETIDA POWDER: Mix with Camphor and burn, to help make you more clairvoyant or te improve your psychic abitities. APACHE PLUME: Mix with Bay Leaves and Ash Leaves, make into a tea and wash the wood work and floars in your home to remove a jinx, or fo remove negative vibrations people have left in your home. ARCHANGEL: To find courage and alleviate fear, carry this herb in a White flannel bag along with a St. Michael holy card, Burn this herb on charcoal and toss the ashes in the wind in order to force a loved one to come back, or notice you, ARROWROOT: Mix with Gambling Powder and rub on your hands before you go gamble, When playing the lottery, wrap your tickets in a Green cloth along with Lucky Lottery powder, lay it beside a Green Skull candle and burn a littie each day. ARTHRITIS ROOT: To send ail kinds of bad luck to an enemy, mix this root with chicken feathers and Powder of Tripas del Diablo. Lay this mixture on a piece of tin foil and let the wax of a black candle drip on it. Fold it all up and throw or place in your enemies yard, car, or house. If you want to get even with someone Dy returning misery or distress, sprinkle some of this powder on their front doorstep. This horrible smelling herd can also be found in chunks. Throw some in a person’s car if they’ve harmed you, they will surely be sorry. ASAFOETIDA ROOT Burn this root to hex an enemy or force him to leave you alone. Write your plan on a piece of parchment, place the burnt ash on it and seal it with the wax of a black candle then bury it on the person's property. ASH LEAVES: To keep others from making a pass at your lover, place a picture of him or her along with a picture of yourself in a yellow flannel bag along with the Ash Leaves, Carry the bag with you at all times. AXCOPAQUE If you have had a sickness In your house, burn this as an incense. Brew this herb as é tea and sprinkle to cleanse a room from the bad vibes of an illness. Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook ee Papa Jim's Hertal Magis Workbook BALM: B In the old days Balm would be brewed] into a strong tea and then used as a rinse for the entire body to bring new life and tone to @ person’s skin. BALM OF GILEAD: In a red flannel pouch, mix this herb with Rosebuds, Lavendar flowers and Couch Grass. Tie the pouch tightly and wear it on a string around your neck to mend a broken heart and attract a new lover. Add this herb to your protection bag or mojo bag for good luck while gambling. Protect yourself from the evil eye. BALMONY: ‘Te cast & potent hex on your enemy, write his / her name on parchment and wrap the parchment in a bundle of Balmony. Burn the bundle with any hexing incense, call out the name of the person being hexed as you light it. BALMONY ROOT A powerful hexing root which is ground up and mixed in numerous incense recipes. BARB DE ELOTE: Make into a tea, then sprinkle in your yard or garden. it is said to bring good crops or anly good peopie to your nome. BARBERRY. If you want to protect your home or business from enemies, put this across your path or walkway into your house, or business. BARLEY Scatter this grain on the ground outside around your home or business to keep away evil and negativity. BASIL: To enhance your lovelife, sprinkle on your lovers food. Sprinkle Basil in the bath for a new refreshing love to come into your life, or to wash an old love out of your life. No evil can stay where Basil is placed. If you suspect there is an evil prescence in your home or business spread Basil on the floor throughout the premises. Ina red flannel pouch, mix this herb with Rosebuds, Lavendar Flowers and Couch Grass. Tie the pouch tightly and wear on a string around your neck to mend a broken heart and attract a new lover. BASIL LEAVES Dry and crush, then cook into a your food for luck and success, Dry and crush. It is said that if you cook BARBERRY Paya dt’s Herbal Magic Workkook eS o Pape Jim's Herbal Magls Workbeok 7 BAY BERGAMOT Basil into a woman's foad it will increase her fertility. Carry in a red conjure bag around your neck for protection. BAY Burn Bay Leaves with Sandalwood Incense to break hexes and ward off evil spirits, Burn bay leaves with Vision incense to induce prophetic dreams, BAYBERRY: Burn a White candie in a glass and sprinkle Bayberry in it; as it burns it attracts money and goad fortune. Keep this herb somewhere on your person to attract financial gain and good luck in all endeavors. BAY LEAVES: Bay is the best herb for protection. It can be placed in the home or business, Once a week, sprinkle the teaves on the floor throughout the premises, and then sweep out through the front door. BENZOIN: Burn with Cinnamon and Copal for better business. Burn Benzoin to protect and cleanse a home before moving in. WERGAMOT: Burning this herb during any magical ritual wilt add power and better your chances for success. BETHEL NUT: Carry for good luck and protection. BETHEL ROOT If you wish to increase your lover’s desire for you, grind this root into a powder and add it to his / her food. BERGAMOT Carry with a Cross of Caravaca in a Blue bag for good luck in gambling. ‘To increase clairvoyant powers chew this root thoroughly. BETONY: Burn as a incense, do a smudge cleans- ing, as the incense is burning rub the smoke on your body, or make a strong tea and after you bathe pour it over your head. BISTORT: Burn with Frankincense for luck in a hurry. a Carry it with you for good fortune. BETHEL TREE / BETHEL NUT BITTERSWEET: This is a hexing herb. Mix with Bitter root, Hexing powder and Black salt, then throw in the path of your enemy. BLACK COHOSH Papa Jim's Herbal Magle Workbook BLACKBERRY: BLACK COHOSH: BLACK MUSTARD SEED: This is a sacred herb. It should be used: to ramove evil spirits, demons or any! other types of evil. For returning evil back to a person doing you harm, carve the name of your: target into a Black Image candle. Place the candle ona piece of red cloth, pour some Black Salt over it and wrap it up with some Blackberry leaves then tie it with Black ribbon. Hit it with a hammer a couple of times, Call out the person’s name and what you want to return back to the person. Then every couple of days hit it with the hammer again repeating what you said, then throw it in a deep hole. To use this herb for protection make it into a tea and bathe in it. Brew into a potent tea and sprinkie all around a room to eliminate evil spirits. To improve your lave life cook this herb. into a meal. If you are weak, afraid, timid, or shy, brew this herb into a tea and bathe in it everyday, also use Siete Machos Soap. To cause trouble to a person mix Black Mustard seed with Hexing Powder and teave in a person’s house or throw it in their doorway. aly HLADDER WRACK: Papa Jin's Herbal Magie Workback Make into a tea and mop the floors, wash the windows and sprinkle in the door way of a business to attract customers. Very strong for people who like to fish, take a bath in this tea before going fishing, and soak the hooks in this mixture, ML00D ROOT: Burn or carry a plece in a red flannel bag to defeat hexes. To keep away evil, blend thoroughly with Blue Stone, Sugar and Cinnamon, Wrap in a piece of red flannel and carry it with you. Burm as a incense or carry the roat if someone is trying to take your husband or lover, Sew some into your mates pillow to help keep them faithful. Keep this root with you to attract a new lover. ULUEBERRY LEAVES: Put a cup of the leaves into a bowl of hot water, sprinkle some Black Mustard seeds on top and cover the bowl with tin foil. Let it soak overnight. On the following day throw in your enemy's path, It is said this will make them feel sad and blue. BLUE FLAG 20 BORAGE Papa Jim's Hesbal Magia Workbook BLUE COHOSH: BLUE FLAG: BOLDO BONESET: BORAGE: If someone has jinxed your car, wast it thoroughly, then meke a tea of Blu Cohosh in a gallon of water and rinsi the car to wash the evil away. A very expensive herb, but it is one o the best money drawing herbs. Mix i with money drawing incense and bur: once a week or everyday for quick mone\ drawing. Keep some in the cash box or registel to draw more money. q Carry some in a green flannel bag so yor will never run out of money. LEAVES: Sprinkle around the home to remove am type of evil, This herb is very good for exorcisms, rul the leaves on the body of the possesse and then burn them outside. When you want peace in the home, mak this herb into a tea and sprinkle around} the house. Carry this herb with you to increase courage and confidence in any situation | It is also said to enhance perceptive) abilities. Pape Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook ai a BROOM TOPS: Make into a tea and sprinkle inside and outside your home to keep evil out. Very good for cleansing, put in a cloth and rub on the body everyday. Brew into a tea and sprinkle around in an effort to break a hex and eliminate evil spirits. BUCKEYE ROOT Keep this root well wrapped in red flannel and carry it with you to bring success in any undertaking. BUCKTHORN BUCHU: To have one wish granted, brew into a strong tea and sprinkle in a small circle during a full moon. Dance inside the circle and concentrate on your desire. Mix with Frankincense and burn as incense to help have prophetic dreams. Readers should keep Buchu near their reading area, as it helps them tell the future. BURDOCK: Boil in water and let cool. Use as a floor wash for purifying areas were rituals are te be held. Sprinkle in all four corners of the room during ritual. Carry in a white flannel bag for protection. Add to moje bags for extra strength. BUCKTHORN BURDOCK Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Werkbook BUTTON ROOT To protect your premises from undesir- ables, place this root outside your frent: door underneath your welcome mat Add power to any hexing, contralling or dominating spell. Soak in salty water for any ei SACTUS THORNS: Pope sin’s Herbal Magi Workhook Used to mark names and signs on candles, roots, or to write in ink on parchment paper. Cactus thorns are a most powerful tool for sticking voadoo dools. 23 nine days then use to sprinkle around an altar to during the ritual. CALAMUS: A powerful controlling root. It is popular in Voodoo because of its strength. Add power to any hexing, controlling or dominating spell by burning as an incense during rituals Simply growing this plant brings luck to the gardener. GALENDULA FLOWERS: To protect against nightmares and make CACTUS certain all dreams come true, sprinkle dried bits of this flower under your bed. Keep burgulars out of your home by placing @ cactus near each window or entry way, Protect your property by placing a CAMPHOR: Cactus at each point of the compass. Burn a mixture of Camphor and Dream Incense in your bedroom. Burn it before going to bed burn to help you have prophetic dreams. Finally, a Cactus draws negative energy to it so the energy does not come to you, CARAWAY Place Camphor blocks in the corners of CACTUS FLOWER: your rooms to ward off evil, To keep evil, harm and witchcraft from your home or place or business, place the following items in a pint jar: nails, | GARAWAY SEEDS: needles, lodestones, Cactus Flower, Ruda, Rosemary and Mace, then bury it by your front door. To protect against illness, harm or hexes of any kind place these seeds along with some Rosemary in a red flannel bag, 24 Papa Jim's Herbal Magin Workbook CELANDINE CASCARA SAGRADA: CATNIP: CAYENNE POWDER: CEDAR anoint it with Patchouly Oil and carry i with you every day. Make an infusion of this herb and sprinkle around your house before going to, court, to receive a favorable verdict, To have the judge look upon you evidence favorably, place this herb along} with Success Powder in the briefcase containing your court papers. To help win court cases, brew into aj potent tea and sprinkle around the court! room. Add to love potions, to calm down a rocky’ relationship Mix with Rose Petals in a love sachet to spice up your relationship. Brew into a tea sweeten with pure honey and drink, It will calm your nerves and break even the most powerful spell. Very powerful effect when added to any: jinxing or separation spells. A piece of Cedar wrapped in with your roll of dollar bills (any denomination) attracts more money. To attract customers to your business mix Cedar with Better Business Incense and burn all day at the entrance to your; establishment. (continued) Papa Jimn’s Herbal Magée Workbook 25 When burned as an incense tne scent can help alleviate the symptems of a head cold. CELANDINE: To keep the law away, spread one pound of Celandine all around your yard at midnight. CELERY SEED: Burn with Orris Root as an incense to help bring on deep concentration and prophecies. This herb is used when you want to hold on to your money. Put your money in a jar of Cenizo, and leave it there over night. To give you that extra luck brew a tea of Cenizo and wash your hands in it before picking your lottery numbers, playing cards, rolling dice or gambling money in any way, CHAMOMILE: Protect your children from any kind of harm by making this herb into a tea and adding it to your child's bath water. If you are trying to get your mate to propose mix this herb with Marriage Oil and sprinkle onto the sheets of your bed prior to making love. Brew and use as a hand wash before playing cards or gambling. It is said to insure fuck and constant winning if used with regularity. CELERY CHAMOMILE Papa Jim's Herbal Magis Workbeok a Papa Jien’s Herbal Magic Workbock a CHERRY BARK: Wrap a picture of your lover in a red cloth along with Cherry Bark to make him more passionate. If your lover has left you and you wish to spoil his chances with another, wrap. his/her picture in a Black cloth along Cherry Bark and burn it in a hot framing fire, his nature will leave him when he is with someone else, CHEWING JOHN ROOT : ‘To reverse the effect of a hex and cause harm to the one who cursed you in the first place, chew on a piece of the root, while concentrating on your wish or desire, then spit it out. CHICKWEED ‘To attract a new romance or maintain a relationship mix Chick Weed, Roses, Damiana and Orange Blossoms into your bath water. To maintain a good marriage add a little bit to each partners food everyday. Bring peace to your home by sprinkling tea brewed from this herb throughout the house. CHICORY ROOT To curse an enemy, write your intent on parchment in black ink and fold it in a way that you can sprinkle in powdered Chicory root, Seal it with the wax of a black candle and bury it in the yard of your nemesis. Said to work without fail. (continued) Sprinkle Chicory and Cayenne powder on a picture of your enemy and fold it. For the next three days, at least once a day, stomp on it while wishing the bastard bad luck, then throw it in a hole. Your enemies fortunes wilt surely foliow. CHIL PEPPER: To make an existing |ove affair more passionate rub this powder into any paper or card and write your partner a love letter on it. CINCHONA: To increase your chances of winning when playing bingo or at the race track, carry this herb ina yellow bag along with some Tonka Beans. Anoint the bag with Lucky Gambler’‘s oi!. Wipe your cards or tickets with the bag to remove any bad vibes, CINNAMON: For the strongest protection from evil intentions aimed at ycu or your home, mix with Frankincense, Myrrh, and Sandalwood powder and burn each day. Burn the incense formulated above before you start any spell or ritual to cleanse the room. When you are finished doing the spell to protect you, let the smoke drift over your nude body and fae] the good vibrations. Brewed in a tea Cinnamon Is especially good for reltef of colds & diarrhea. For protection in any situation, mix powdered Cinnamon with baby powder and apply to your body before going out. a CINNAMON CINQUEFOIL 2B Papa dimn’s Herbal Magic Workbook Pape Jim's Herbal Magis Workbeok 29 CINQUEFOIL: CLOVE; COLTSFOOT CLOVER (FOUR LEAF): CLOVER (RED}: COFFEE BEAN HUSK: A powerful money drawing effect can be established by mixing Cinquefoil, Cinnamen, Cloves, and 4 Tonka Beans' in a green flannel bag. Carry the bag with you at all times. Anoint the bag with Money Drawing oi! while saying a money drawing prayer each day. Burn Clove powder as an incense to. attract good fuck to your home. Chewing on a piece of Clove while: thinking of a lover is said to make them. do your every bidding. Rub Clove into a Green candle and burn’ it to attract wealth, To stop gossip and remove negative vibrations burn Clove as an incense while burning a red candle. Carry in your wallet for extreme luck and to make your money multiply. Keep away evil by adding an infusion of: the plant to your bath water. One of the best herbs to bathe in to remove a jinx, it is very powerful. COLIC ROOT: Brew into a tea and sprinkle around the home to stop strife and arguments. COLTSFOOT: Burn the leaves to help you see the future. COMFREY: To make a business trip profitable, brew Comfrey into a tea and sprinkle it on your luggage before departure. Good for mojo and good luck bags. Rub some on your money to help you hold on to it. CONTRA YERBA: COPAL: Exceltant for protection. Carry 3 piecas in your pocket in a Green flannel bag to keep ail evil, jinxes and the evil eye away. This is a resin incense, that is burned in the home to remove evil and bless the house. Pray psaim 23 aloud while this is burning in your home. CORIANDER: Add to love spells to draw love to you. Carry some of the seeds in a Yellow flannel bag with the name of the person you wish to attract. Blend with a little of your favorite wine for a splendid aphrodisiac. COMFREY CORIANDER 30 Papa Jim's Herbal Magio Warkeook a CONTRA YERBA CORNFLOWER CORN FLOWERS: Brew into a tea, sprinkle inside and outside the house to bring peace and happiness to a marriage. cOWSLIP: Sprinkle in your front yard and leave on your porch if you don’t want any visitors CRUEL MAN OF THE WOODS: Use to retum evil to the sender. Write the persons name on a Black candle, then roll the candle in this herd. Burn the candle for S minutes a day. When it is all consumed, throw the remains into a hole, and cover the hole with salt, CUBEB BERRIES: Known as the love berry. Use in your bath water or carry in a Red flannel bag. Makes a lover more amorous or a prospective lover more willing. Must be powdered and then eaten by the one you desire, CUMIN SEED: Mix Cumin seed with Witch Sait and sprinkle around your home or business to keep away evil spirits and bad luck, Soak Cumin seeds in Peace Water for nine days and then sprinkle in every corner of the house, Said to create harmony and bring peace of mind to all living there. oe Popa Jira’s Herbal Magic Workbook 31 CURRY: Burn during jinx removing and reversing rituals to add more ower in difficult cases. D DAMIANA: First, allow the herb to dry then ground it into a powder and add it to coffee, tea or wine. It is the love herb a potent aphrodisiac. Makes men ready and increases their nature. Also use in @ love bath, DANDELION: Sew tigntly in a red flannel bag and wear around the neck to make wishes come true. Brew into a tea and drink to induce clairvoyance. DEVIL. BONE: Bring harm to your enemy with the following ritual. Write your enemies name ona Black Candle, then anoint the candie with Devil Ol, then roll the candle in Devil Bone, Burn the candle on the night of the full moon, while the candle is 32 Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook Papa Jim's Herbal Magis Workbook 33 DEVIL'S burning say aloud your request. CLAW If sameone has you trapped, and has you blacked, boil one half pound of Devil’s Claw, and everyday after bathing, pour it over your bady and say the following: "Devil take your claws from my life and return to where you came from.” Do this for 7 days, wear Protection powder daily, DEVIL'S DUNG: DEVIL'S If a person has done you wrong, throw this herb in his yard, car, or place of business. Make sure you wash your hands with Florida Water after you touch it. SHOESTRING: Carry this root in a White flannel bag with some Protection powder for protection against evil, harm ar gossip. Carry in a Green flannel bag for good luck. Cut up fine. Add whiskey and camphor. Rub this mixture on your hands. It is said to give a man total power over the weman he desires, or a woman can gain control over a specific man. To bring back a lover, take some dirt from his left footprint along his path. Adc some Devil's Shoestring and place this in one of his sacks or her stocking. Then place it into your closet. write your desire in Dove's Blood Ink on pure parchment. Wrap this root in the parchment and anoint it each day with Attraction oll and carry it with you. A piece of this root carried in the pocket at all times will bring luck to gamblers. Placed in the path of an enemy, he or she will have to face financial ruin. For help with court cases, carry this herb wrapped in parchment paper. On the paper, in Dove's Blood ink, or rec ink, write what you need done. Anoint it with Just Judge oll and carry it with you in court. DIABETINA: DILL Carry some in a Blue flannel bag along with a piece of coral, and a crystal to help ward off illnesses. Add to hot wine and serve. Increases passion of those who drink it, An aphrodisiac that is said to never fail a Voodoo practitioner. DILL SEED: Good for love. To help you get the person you desire place the following items in a Red flannel bag and carry it with you. Dill seed, a pair of red lodestones, one needle. DILL WEED: This is for a man or woman when you are crossed or jinxed in a love affair. Make an infusion of this herb , while it is 34 Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Werkbock ae a Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbsok 35 brewing add a pinch of Ginger Root to the water. After you have taken a ] bath rub this tea over your body, be sure you rub all parts, let it dry on your body. Do this for 9 days using a new batch of tea everyday. Good for men who have had their nature taken away. Bring peace and tranquility back into a troubled home by sprinkling this herb throughout the premises. E DITTANY OF CRETE: Is an old and famous herb, Said to be good for love spells. Burn as an incense for astral projection, mix with Vanillan powder, Benzoin, Sandalwood and burn on charcoal in the same room you are traveling. Burn every night until you reach your goal. co DOG ROSE: Carry in a Red flannel bag mixed with Chia Seeds to ward off curses or jinx. EARTH SMOKE: For quick money gain, make into a tea and sprinkle inside and outside the business or residence. If you are a sales man, put some on the bottom of your choes. (Also called Furnitory) ELCAMPANE ECHINACEA: Used by the indians as an offering to the spirits when seeking aid from them. DRAGON'S BLOOD CHUNKS: ELDER A chunk of Dragon's Blood carried in a DER: Red flannel bag is the best charm to Put some in a White flannel bag and hang attract good luck, add a piece of Alum above your front and back door for rock for added strength. protection from witchcraft, hexing and brujeria, DRAGONS BLOOD POWDER: ELDER FLOWERS: . Burn in the home to evacuate evil Protects a home from attack when dried spirits. This Is good to burn when you and sprinkled into each corner. al i ib be feansi the premises, ‘0 a new home to ci eC j EUCALYPTUS ELECAMPANE: Mix with Vervain and Mistletoe in a Pink flannel bag and carry it with you to attract love. A true love powder, 36 EYEBRIGHT FENNE! eB « Papa Jin’s Harbal Magi Werkbonk a EUCALYPTUS: Use to stuff Voodoo dolls or use in a cleansing bath. To relieve the symptoms of a cold, brew this leaf into a tea (do not drink). Breathe the vapor as it rises. EVE ROOT: To he cartied by a man in his pocket, watlet, or around his neck to hold the love of his mate. Can be used in a pair with an Adam Root to hold a relation- ship together. EYEBRIGHT: Burn in a bedroom before going to sleep. Makes all dreams come true in seven days. FENNEL: Carry for protection, helps keap the law away. Carry some of the seeds along with 3 Law Stay Away chips, in a Blue flannel bag, anoint daily with law stay away oll. Brew into a strong tea and drink while warm. Best when added to wine and utilized as an aphrodisiac. Popular with Voodooists today. Sprinkie ground Fennel into your food to relieve a nervous or gaseous stomach, a Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook 37 FENUGREEK: Add the seeds to your mop water to help bring money into the home. Carry the seeds in your puirse to help attract riches. FERN: Burn on charcoal, to remove evil spirits from the home. Mix with Bay Leaves and keep by the front door to help ward off burglars. FEVERFEW: For accident prone people. Carry some in your pocket. FIVE FINGER GRASS: To remove stubborn curses that have been placed on you. Take a bath in this tea for 9 days, FIVE FINGER ROOT: Add to mojo bags and charm bags for gambling fuck. FLAX To attract money, place a few Flax Seeds in your wallet and keep it with you It is said that a few of these seeds placed in your shoes will keep you from going broke. FENUGREEK 38 FENUGREEK GALANCAL Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook me 2 Drink a tea brewed with Flax Seeds to enhance your psychic visions, Scatter the seeds on the floor of your spiritual room to increase your mental powers. FLOR AZAHAR: Take a bath in these flowers, to help bring on a proposal of marriage, FRANKINCENSE: A most powerful mystical incense, Add to any ritual to increase the power. It is one of the three Holy incense. Combine it with sandalwood, and myrrh and it can be used everyday as a general purpose incense. G GALANGAL ROOT: GARLIC; Soak the root in sugared water and chew fer protection or to bring money. Carry in your packet for success in court cases, Burn as an incense with Bay Leaves to remove any type of evil, (continued) Papa Jim's Herbal Magle Workbook 39 Add to mop water or cleansing water to remove evil. GENTIAN: Brings love. Put in your bath water, and carry some in a Red bag atong with the name of the person you want. Braw into a tea and bottle while still hat. Then add a tablespoon to your bath water. Said to attract many new friends, perhaps even a lover. Add to your bath or use in a love sachet. GINGER: Used very often in love spells to enhance thelr power and bring quicker results, It can be added to food or burned with Incense GOATS. RUE: Carry to protect yourself from sudden death. GOLDEN SEAL: Mix with healing incense for better health. Brew into a tea and sprinkle in each corner of your business establishment. It helps increase profits and brings people to your door. To attract abundance and wealth, burn this herb with Money Drawing incense and at the same time you can burn a Gold candle anointed with Goldenseai oil. GENTIAN GINGER 40 a ¥ GRAINS OF PARADISE GOLDENSEAL Pape Jim's Hethel Magie Workbook GOLONDRINA: Soak your feet in this tea, when you feel you have stepped on something evil and your feet burn. GOTA KOLA: Mix with Mediation incense, GRAINS OF PARADISE: Put a picture of St, Michael at the front door and back door, place a bag of this herb behind each picture for protection of the home and family. A sexual stimulant, Must be added to food. One of the best known Voodoo aphrodisiacs. Carry the grains in a Green mojo bag to bring luck. GRAVEL ROOT: Said to help those seeking employment. Bathe in this tea before going to look for a job. Carry in a Red flannel bag when going on your interview. GROUND IW: Burn with Hexing incense to cast a spell against someone you dislike, GUINEA PEPPER: To cause harm to an enemy, flay out a black cloth, place on the cloth a rabbit's foot, Black Peppercorns, graveyard dirt, and Guinea Pepper, write the enemies ii iin nani amet atc abana ates lls Papa Jim's Herbal Magie Workbook 41 name on sheepskin parchment paper. Wrap the cloth and tie with a black ribbon and place it near or in your enemies house, car, or place of business. Your enemy will slowly become weaker. To cause harm to an enemy. Fill a 1 pint jar with Guinea Pepper, Four Thieves Vinegar, a Wolf Heart and your enemies name written on parchment paper with Dragon’s Blood ink. Every night for 13 nights at the same time burn a Black candle on the lid of the jar and curse your foe with the following: “(Name of your enemy), I curse thee. Mayyaur money go away. May your mind wander. May your family go away and feave you in loneliness, May your heart wither of jealousy.” On the 13th night bury the jar in an old cemetery. Now go home and light 13 White candles that have been rubbed with Protection oil. H HARDY YELLOW TRUMPET: Use in your bath on the night of the full moon to help attract a new lover by the new moon. 42 Papa Jim's Hechal Magic Workbook ut HAWTHORN BERRIES: When someone is trying to steal your mate, put this in their path to stop them. HEAL ALL HERB: Use in bath for gambling luck. HEARTEASE: Bathe in this after a break up of a relationship, to help get over the pain faster. HiBiscus: Can be used with Love incense, or carried for love drawing. Carry in a Red bag with the picture of the person you want. HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR ROOT: The most famous of all Voodoo roots. Carry with you at all timeses to help remove and conquer all obstacles in your path, Carry in a green bag for good luck, money drawing and power over others. Angint daily with John the Conqueror Oil. Attract a specific lover by carrying this root and a lock of hair from the one you desire in a Red chamois bag anotnted with Attraction Oil. A fantastic good luck charm when kept in your pocket while gambling. Carry in your pocket to offset moods of depression and confusion. 43 ae Papa Jim's Herbal Magie Workbook HOLY GHOST: Drink this te remove evil from the body. HOLY THISTLE: Make into a tea and sprink'e all around the outside of the house to defeat all curses, This herb is very helpful in any hex breaking ritual, Hors: Stuff a pillow with Hops to help ward off nightmares and ensure a sound and peaceful slumber. HOREHOUND: Carry in a white flannel bag to ward off jealous and envious people. HOREHOUND LEAVES Dry and pulverize then add to a bowl of water and place by a sick person’s bed. Said to heal. HORSETAIL: Keep under an infants crib or bed for protection against harm, evil and the evil eye. HUCKLEBERRY Placed in a Red flannel bag and carried with you these leaves are said to bring good |uck. HOREHOUND HUCKLEBERRY 44 Papa Jim's Herbal Magis Workbook Helps overcome despair. Simply boil in rainwater and sprinkle around the room. HYDRANGEA ROOT: Mix with incense and burn. Used to help get @ loved one released from jail, HYSSOP: All participants in any ritual ceremony should add this tea to their bathwater to purify, cleanse and remove ali negativity prior to beginning work. ICELAND MOSS ICELAND MOSS Sprinkle this herb in the path of your enemy to return any evil intent. INDIAN TOBACCO Burn this herb in your home to bring peace and calm when family members are bickering. HORSETAIL IRISH MOSS: Place in your place of business under a rug and carry in the pocket to increase a steady, flow of money. Stuff into Green voodoo dolls for to draw money and bring good luck when gambling. Se Papa Jim's Herha! Magic Workbook 45 J JABORANDI: Alleged te help make your hair grow. Make into a strong tea and rinse your scalp with it. JAMAICA GINGER: Place in a Red flannel bag and carry while gambling for good luck. It is said to guarantee big winnings. JASMINE: Said to be a powerful aid in love spells. Can be bumed as an incense. JASMINE Mix with Orris Root and Rose Petals for a very potent love bath. Mix with Lovers Incense and burn along with a Pink Candie to attract a lover or make a relationship stronger. JERSEY TEA: Indians would rub this on their body before bathing for 8 days to remove evil or jinx. JEZEBEL ROOT: A powerful money herb. Burn a Green candle anointed with Jezebel oil. Gather the wax and mold it into @ ball. Push a Jezebel Root and a penny into the ball, 46 Papa Jim’s Herbal Magis Workbook sprinkie Money Drawing powder on it and then bury it at a crossroad. You willscon # have @ boost in your Income. Yo break up a couple, rub your hands : with Controlling gil. Hold a Jezebel Root | in your left hand and @ Black Candle anointed with Break Up oil in your right = hand. Concentrate deeply on the couple and see them splitting, Burn the Black candle and as the wax drips, gather it to mold around the root. Bury the reot in your back yard and your job is done. JOB TEARS; Carry seven Job Tears with a Cross of Caravaca talisman and anoint with Hi Joha Conqueror Qil for good luck in | any type of gambling. JOE PIE: Carry in Blue flannel bag and add some = Attraction Powder for popularity and friendship. If there are a few people who you specifically have in mind add their pictures to the bag. JUNIPER: Use this herb in a hot bath, Inhale the steam for relief from a cold or respiratory infection. JOHNNY JUMPER: Used by men when thay want a lot of sextial activity. Carry in Blue flannel bag, mixed with 4 Tonka Beans and anoint it with Irresistable Ojl, nearness eaten nenechottn # Papa Jim's Herbel Magie Wrkdok 47 JUNIPER BERRIES: Add to wine and let sit for three weeks before drinking, Take daily doses for sexual potency. K KAVA KAVA: It is said that drinking a tea brewed fram this root will stimulate your sex life. Add 2 ounces to 2 quarts of water, then add Good Luck Lotion and let sit over- night. Use one cup a day in your bath water to attract good fuck and love. KELP Use as a floor wash to increase business and to bring general good luck in all affairs. KHUS KHUS: Carry in Red flannel bag for good luck in business or when going to look for a job. Add to bath water and It will make you Irresistable to the opposite sex. KING OF THE WOODS: This herb was used in the old days by male witches to seduce young virgins 48 Papa Jim's Herbal Maaie Workbook os Used by men to control women and to make you desirable to the opposite sex. Carry in a Yellow flannel bag a piece of Low John the Conqueror Root. KNOT GRASS Use for casting extremely evil spells on an enemy who has really caused you harm. Use only at night and only with a black candle. KNOTWEED KNOTWEED: To bind two lovers together, or to make your marriage stronger, Take a clean red cloth and lay it on the table, put your lover's picture face to face with your own. Cover the pictures with 2 ounces of Knotweed and Controlling Powder, Fold the cloth around the pictures and tie with a 2 shoslaces, one fram each partner’s shoe, Ancint weekly with Binding Oil and keep it under your bed, To bind your enemy or stop his luck. Take a black cloth, oné ounce of Knotweed, one Devil Shoestring, and the name or picture of your enemy. Add Controlling powder and Hexing oil. Tie the bundle with black ribbon and put it in a shoe box and everyday step on the bundle and say: “(Name of enemy) may your luck go away. May your good fortune go away.” On the fourth day throw the bundle into the river or bury in a hole. ingens matin mamaria endian ail i recente gtumentin th Pepa Jim's Herbal Meg's Workbook 49 L LADIES THUMB : Take an 8 inch piece of tin foil and lay it flat. On it, place the picture of the one you want; along with Love Drawing powder and Rose petals. Fold and seal with the wax from a red cancie then bury it by your front door. LADIES SLIPPER: Ladies wear this in their left shoe to attract potential sexual encounters. LAVENDER: Mix with Rose Petals and Orange Flowers for a love drawing, relaxation and tranquility bath. In @ red pouch, carry the following: Lavender, 2 Tonka beans, a Vanilla bean, Rosebuds, Vervain and Couch Grass Concentrate on what you want as you mix these, then add a little Attraction Powder. LAVENDAR To attract luck with finance, place this herb in a green pouch. Add a penny, a nickel, a quarter and a dollar bill. Carry it with you and the money will multiply. LEMON GRASS: For a potentiatly wild sexual encounter, make an infusion of Lemon Grass, and rub on your private parts before going out. 50 Papa Jim's Herbol Maglo Workbock LEMON LICORICE: LIGNUM ALOES: LIFE EVERLASTING LILY For a good outcome to a court proceed- ing, cut @ lemon in half, put salt on one half and wrap it in a new linen handkerchief. Do the same with the other half. Put one in your pocket or purse. Before going into the courtroom, rub one of the lemon halves briskly on your hands, towards you. When you enter the court, take the other half and squirt the juice into your hand. Read Psalm 23; this { will halp win your case. i Used to gain power over others, Use @ = piece of tin foil 8 inch square and on top * of it put one cunce of licorice and some Controlling powder, write the person's : name on a piece of parchment paper 7 times with Doves Blood Ink, Fold the tin foil and bury on persons property or near their place of employment. Use for blessing the room where ! rituals or spells are performed. 5 Use as an incense to get rid of fear and evil soirits. This is a potent charm against diseases and even minor illnesses. Said to prolong life when brewed as a tea and sipped with meais. Tf you want to break a love spell that you think has been cast on you, Carry a fresh lily. Papa Jim's Herbal Magis Workbook a LINDEN FLOWERS Grind fine and make into a moist paste. Rub on your heart each evening before going to bed. It is said to keep a lover true to you always. LINSEED: LOTUS: Take a piece of parchment paper & x 14 and draw a cross with glue, then sprinkle Linseed on the glue, which should then form a cross. Hang over doors to keep all evil out and protect the home from being burglarized. Burn a Lotus pod with any drawing incense to increase its magnetic powers. LOVAGE: Make a potent tea of this root and pour into your bath water just prior to your court proceeding. Place in your bathwater for ten minutes before you bathe. Said to make you more dynamic by increasing your natural physical magnetism. 6 days prior to appearing in court place Lovage Root and two quarts of water into a jar. Place your court papers under the jar for 3 days. Pour part of this water into your bath each day for three days preceeding your scheduled date, you should receive the outcome you're hoping far. LINDEN UNSEED 32 Papa Jim's Herhal Magic Workbook mo Papa Jim's Heraat Magie Workbook ve ta LOW JOHN THE CONQUEROR ROOT: Use an infusion of this root in your bath water to remove hexés or curses, Immerse Maiden Hair in a glass of water and let soak overnight. Use this water as a hand and face wash before going out for the evening to attract a new relationship. When chewing the root spit behind your enemy to pacify them. MALE FERN: To attract the love of a man, put his name in an envelope with Male Fern and carry it in your purse. LUNGWORT For halp in all love situations, cook this herb into your lover’s meal. MANDRAKE: ot A famous magical root. At one time you i could buy pieces that looked like a male or female, but people teday buy pieces and glue them together in the shape of a woman or man. to get the lover you LUNEWORT want, glue the root into the shape of the man or woman desired. Write that person’s name on parchment paper, MACE: wrap It around the figure and anoint with Mandrake oll. Wrap it in a clean cloth and put it under your pillow. love herb. Women mixed a pinch of this with vinegar and used it as a love douche. Once she took the man to bed he was in her control. In the old days this was a very powerful | | 1 You can purchase a bottle of oil with Mandrake root in it. Add to it one silver MANDRAKE ROOT dime. Use this to draw money, also rub on your money and wallet MAGNOLIA ROOT Take a Mandrake root and carve the name of the person you want into the Place under a mattress or on the ficor root. As you de this, tell it what you want under a bed. Gvercomes frigidity in sexual love and makes your love Partner faithful. MAIDENHAIR FERN: In ancient times this herb was used to bring beauty and love into your life. Use 1 ounce a day fora love bath. Also carry it in your purse. {continued) to be done. Add Red Clover, Rose and a piece of Willow. Wrap all the ingredients in a piece of red satin and place it under your pillow. When added to food this herb will increase one's sexuality, Protects a person from all harm when carried in a red flannel sack or chamois bag. 54 MARIGOLD MARJORAM Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook MANZANILLA: Wash your hands in this tea before going to binge or fer any gambling. Keep your lottery tickets or betting slips with a pack of Manzanilla. MARIGOLD: Put 4 ounces of Marigold under your pillow before going to bed to help you have prephetic dreams. Add to your bathwater to gain the respect of others and have greater influence on all in your presence. Perfect in business situations. The morning that you go to court, add Marigolds to your bath water to be thought of favorably. Also carry the herb in your pocket when you are in court. MARJORAM: Place in each room of the house or business. Protects the home or business from evil influence or jinx. Must be changed once a month to be effective. Brew into a tea and bathe a person who is sad or grieving for 7 days. May be placed in the corners of a house to uncress or break hexes. MARSHMALLOW HERB: Brew into a tea and add to your bath water. Protects against ali harm. Especially good for protecting little children. cease | Papa Jim’s Hernal Magie Workbook 55 MASTER OF THE WOODS: A very powerfui herb for any situation in which you need control over another person, Simply carrying it with you allows your influence to determine any outcome, To dominate someone ar to have power over them sprinkle this herb in their path or where they are sure to touch it. Mix with Boss Fix powder and rub an your body before going to ask for a raise. MAY APPLE Carry in your pocket to protect against ever going broke. MESQUITE: When cleansing magical tools or your Voodoo room, burn Mesquite as an incense. Can also be used as an purification bath MISTLETOE: One of the true love powders. Also a very good love bath. Use for good luck when hunting for a mate, If your lover has a wandering eye, mix Mistletoe with Commanding Incense and keep your mate from straying. MOTHERWORT: If your family Is in danger, make a strong tea and put in their bath water, also wash the clothes in this mixture. The deg can MAY APPLE MISTLETOE ie 56 Papa Jin Herbal Magic Workbook also be washed in this mixture. Keep some in a jar by the family pictures to keep your loved! ones safe. MUGWORT: crystals. This will remove any jinx the crystal has picked up and will add strength to it. Can also be burt on charcoal before crystal gazing MUGWORT Place this herb in your shoes to produce energy and vitality. Sleep on a pillow stuffed with this herb to produce prophetic dreams. MULLIEN: A tea made from these flowers will help you sleep and reduce minor aches and pains. Stuff Mullein in your pillow to prevent nightmares, MULLEIN Very powerful when used as an incense in black magic spells. You can use this herb to substitute for candles in a emergency situation. If someone lacks courage bathe them in this for 5 days. Mix with Graveyard Dust to make it more powerful. MUSTARD SEED (RED): Mix with Mistletoe and sprinkle around the house. Especially in the bedroom to protect your lover from others, MUSTARD SEED Make this into a mild tea to wash your matin a Papa Jim's Herbat Magis Workbook 7 MUSTARD SEED (YELLOW): Mix with Come to Me powder and the name of your lover and carry in a red cloth bag for love. Mix with Protection powder and sprinkle around the house for pretection, MYRRH: One of the 3 holy incenses. Myrrh is used to bring peace and for purifying areas It should be mixed with Frankincense and/or Copal. Myrrh is rarely burnt alone. This incense when used correctly is very effective MYRTLE: A love herb. Add to all love spells and lave baths to keep the love alive and sex exciting. Every bride should carry some Myrtle in her bra when getting married, to insure and jong and happy marriage. Wear to encourage sexuality. Toss pieces of this herb into the path of someone you desire, they will soon be yours alone. Makes one inspiring. Keep this herb in the corners of your kitchen to protect yourself from hunger and lack of money to buy food. 58 NUTMEG Papa Jim's Herhal Magi Workbook N NETTLES: &xcellent for removing a curse. Mix with pure Jinx Removing powder and draw 2 solid unbroken line across the doorway with the mixture. NUTMEG: For a most powerful money drawing lucky charm for gamblers follow these Instructions. Bore a hele into the nut. Fill the hole with Quicksilver and seal it with wax from a Green candle. Carry it with 3 silver coins in a red flannel bag when playing games of chance. Used in many prosperity spells. Can be ground and then sprinkled onto a Green Candle and burned. Use a piece of parchment paper. Write in Dove's Blood Ink the amount of money you wish to come to you. Wrap the parch- ment around a whole nutmeg and carry it with your change, Popa Jim's Herbal Megic Werkbook 59 O OAK: The most royal of all trees. Burn Gak and Mistletoe together to remove spirits or ghosts from the house or business. Also good when mixed in love spells. ORANGE BLOSSOM Blend with equal parts of Orris powder and Anise Seed, burn in order to locate a lover or to gain a marriage partner ORANGE FLOWERS: If your hoping for a marriage proposal add Orange Flowers to your bath prior to seeing your lover. OREGON GRAPE ROOT: Carry in Green flannel bag with Money Drawing powder to attract money and popularity. OREGANO: Sprinkle Oregano and Law Stay Away powder, around your house to keap the law away. Mix with Stay Away powder and put where the In-laws will touch to keep them away. ORANGE FLOWERS 2 2 : rm) Papa Jin’s Herel Mego Workbook a | & Pay dns Herbel Mayo Workbook we ORRIS ROOT 1) PARSLEY: A love root which attracts the opposite Mix Parsley with Jasmine and carry in sex. Carry ina Red flannel sack, or grind your shoe to make you more attractive into a fine powder and sprinkia on the to the opposite sex clothing of the one you desire. Brew into = tea and drink to calm your nerves and ta bring a turn of good luck. PASSION FLOWER: | To have luck with love, carry in a Red flannel bag with an Agate stone and anoint the bag with Love Drawing oil To protect yourself from an angry individual with hurtful intent, dry and . . sprinkle Passion Flower in front of your PALO AZUL: your doors and windows. Stops anger Make into a tea and use to remove any from hurting you. jinx or hex. Sprinkle the tea around your home or use it in your bath. It is very powerful. PATCHOULY: Known as a love herb, mix with Rose . ! Petals, Orange Flowers, and Orris root PALO SANTO: for a very superb love bath, Makes you When someone has cursed you with the feel real sexy. devil or strange things have be happening to you, make an infusion of This herb is used very often in spells PASSION FLOWER the herb and use it in your hathwater. designed to attract money or wealth. Tt can be sprinkled in your wallet or purse, burned with Money Drawing incense, or PAPAYA LEAVES: burned with Green candles. Mix with @ Mandrake root and burn or bathe to protect yourself from a spell, PATCHOULY LEAVES hex, or jinx. After doing so you can then i wear Reversible powder for added Used to break a marriage or an affair. protection and retaliation. Must be used with Black Image Candles and Black Arts Incense. Place these leaves along with a Mandrake Root in a sachet and hang it in the doorway of your home or PEACH TREE: business, Mix the leaves in Concentration oil and Success oil to help pass tests. PEACH TREE 62 Papa Jim’s Herbal Magic Workbook PEPPERMINT. PINE: PIPSISSEWA PEPPERMINT: A favorite for healing and cleansing spells, Rub the furniture and walls throughout a dwelling to cleanse them of evil. PERIWINKLE: This herb is carried to attract moneyand to dispel the evil eye or evil spirits. Burn as an incense to help restore lost memories. Combine with Love incense and burn in your bedroom to increase sexual passions. Sprinkle Pine needles around the floors then sweep to remove evil from your home or business. Burn as an incense to cleanse your home. SprinkE on your m oney and in your vallet before going gam bling to add money draw ing power PIPSISSEWA: Crush and blend with Rose Hips and Violet Flowers. Burn when calling only good spirits for help. PLAINTAIN: Hang this herb in a Blue flannel bag inside your car to protect it from envious people who might have evil intent. a Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook PE POKE ROOT: To remove a jinx and protect a business mix Pokeroot with Spearmint and make into a tea. Sprinkle the tea throughout the store. Whatever portion is unused can be kept in a jar to keep away any other jinxing attempts. If you believe that the curse has also baen placed on you personally, poor this tea in your bathwater. You will be uncrossed and given a boost of courage to move on. This combination of herbs can also be burned as an incense to break a hex or curse, POPPY SEEDS: When seeking to confuse someone, first inscribe their name on a Brown candie. Mix Poppy seeds with Confusion ofl and rub onto the candle during the full moon, while saying a prayer to daminate your enemy. PRIMROSE: If your child's behavior has gone out of control, put Primrose in his pillowcase and in his bath water, ha will then settle down and follow your rules. PRIMROSE 6&3 64 Papa Jim's Herbel Magic Workbook ot 3 Papa Jims Herbal Magic Werkbook 65 QUINCES: For protection in any situation, carry these seeds in a Red flannel bag. # QUINA ROJO, A most famous love herb from Mexico. Boil 1 ounce in 2 quarts of water, add In QUASSIA; To keep your laver under your power + and control, mix Quassia Chips with hair of your mate; and burn to ashes. The ashes are then put in a small jar and mixed with Controlling powder and Cinnamon oil. Keep Quassia Chips with you at work to have edvancement in your career and protection from those envious of your position. QUEEN OF THE MEADOW: Excellent for winning at bingo and other types of gambling. Add 4 ounces to gallon of water let it stand for 7 days. Use a pint a day in your bath water, QUEENS ROOT: If you are hoping for a marriage proposal from your mate, just prior to seeing him, make a tea from this reot and pour it in your bathwater. Add to Four Thieves Vinegar and use as & flaorwash to encourage harmony in the home. i some Rose Petals. Use 1 cup in your bathwater each day. It is said to make men’s heads turn and make their nature run rapid. Only use when sex is desired . Use with extreme caution, Used by prostitutes. R This is a personal feminine herb which should only be used by real calm, cool ladies. Add 4 ounces of leaves to 1 gallon of water. Let it sit for 3 days. Use to bring paace and harmony to your marriage. Bathe in it dally, your man will not want to wander. RASPBERRY: RATTLE SNAKE ROOT: Mix with Lovers incense, burn the incense and drink the tea. This is said to attract the right lover and prevent a wrong and unhappy choice. To stop others from harming you or your children, brew into a tea and mix with bathwater. Also use as a rinse water for your clothing for additional protection. 66 RHUBARB ROSEMARY Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Werkbaok RHUBARB ROOT: Cook in with other food and feed to your lover to stop infidelity. ROCK SALT: Mix with Dill Seeds and sprinkle around the house to remove Jinx, ROSE HIPS: Carry In a red bag and fove will soon surround you, ROSEMARY: Very good for cleansing baths Add with other herbs such as Ruda, Basil, and Lavendar Make inte a tea and use daily for cleansing and protection. Any time you do a hexing or jinxing spell, wash your hands afterwards with Rosemary tea. Known to help preserve a youthful look, Mix one pound of Rosemary to 2 gallons of water and leave sit for 3 days (keep it cool) Wash your facewith this mixture morning and night. Rosemary is powerful in warding off evil. Keep some in your home in a jar or cotten bags. It can also be burnt on charcaal to dispel evil from your home, To assure faithfulness keep Rosemary near your bed. Seu into your pilbw to ward off nihtn ares. Hang over Your doors and window sills be keep evil spirits from entering your jam e Papa Jim’s Herbal Magia Workbook oT ROWAN ROSE PETALS: Known as a love herb. To keep your relationship strong, place a picture of your lover in a bow! of Rose Petals. To make your relationship stronger, scatter Rose Petals all over the floor in the bedroom, leave them on the floor during the day and vacuum or sweep them up at night Brew a tea with Rose Petals and use in your bath to attract love. Place the picture of the person you wish to attract in a Red flannel bag along with a bunch of Rose Petals. Each time you are going to see the person anoint the bag with Attraction oil. To remove any hex or jinx, rub your body with Rose Petals after you bathe. woop: One of the oldest protective amulets known is made by tying two Rowan twigs in the shape of a cross using red thread or yarn. Carry with Amber stones in a Red bag anointed with Protection oil Ruda added to the bath helps break all types of hexes that have been cast upon you. Put Ruda in a White flannel bag and hang above the front door to ward off evil spirits. Make into a tea and sprinkle inside and outside the home for protection to ward off all kinds of illnesses. 68 Papa Jim's Horbal Magie Workbook RUE: SACRED BARK: SAFFLOWER: Jf you need help functioning mentally after a quarrel with your lover, the scent of Rue will help in clearing your mind, Rue brewed into a tea and poured in your bathwater is said to be very effective in: breaking the influence of any hex or curse that nas been cast upon you, Keep Sacred Bark burning in a bowl on the altar in your ritual room for purification, Some card readers keep Sacred Bark burning to help them concentrate. Make an infusion of Sacred Bark. Sprinkle it around your home before going to court, this can help bring a favorable verdict. Place the following herbs into a White pouch; Buckthorn, Marigold and Sacred Bark, and carry them into court with you for a favorable outcome. Used by gay men. Burn on charcoal as an Incense. Rub small amounts on the inside of the knees for exciting sexual encounters. yi nitinol aR te Papa Jin’ Herbal Magic Warkboek Carry some in a Yellow flannel beg to guard against the dreaded evil eye. When doing reversible spelis mix Sage with Reversible Incense. SALTPETER: Known also as Vesta powder. Can be fed to men to keep their nature from rising. If you want to Increase the power of any incense mix in some Saltpeter. Use with caution, it is highly flammabte. SAMPSONS SNAKE ROOT: Carried in a yellow bag and makes one more sexually ready. Can also be used in the bath water. Rub on the man’s private part to help give nim an erection. Make a conjure bag containing a pair of Red lodestenes, Heart of a Swallow, some Sampsons Snake Root and carry near your private part. SANDALWOOD: One of the three hely incenses. Burn on charcoal or use as an oil, Use to help make wishes come true Sandalwocd also provides protection and has great healing powers. Carry some in a Yellow flannel bag to guard against the dreaded evil eye. 69 a EK a 70 SCULLCAP Pape im's Herbal Magia Werkboek io SARSAPARILLA: Drink as a tea or putin your bath water to make you more sexually sensual and excite passions. Mix with Cinnamon and Sandalwood powder to draw money in a hurry. Said to be @ bieod purifier when cooked into your food. SASSAFRAS: Should be carried in your purse or wallet near your money, helps you control and make your money go further, Infused in a tea, Sassafras has a calming effect on the stomach and is said to purify your whale system. SAW PALMETTO: To help a man get an erection, mix this herb with Sarsaparilla, Muira Puama and Damiana and make into a strong tea. Helps men get an erection, This is what Shae tea all the ancient gods used to have sexual + encounters. SCULLCAP: If your worried that your man is being unfaithful put some Sculleap in a White bag along with 2 White lodestones and sew to your husband’s pillow. He'll only have eyes for you, Add to your lover's food to stop infidelity. Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workhaok n pe etal ei When someone doesn’t know that you want them. Write their name on parchment paper with doves blood ink, and put Senna leaves, come to me oil in @ Yellow flanne! bag and cerry on your person SENNA ROOT: Make into a tea and let cool. Anoint on mate while sieeping to stop infidelity. May also be added to their food to keep them home. SHAME WEED: Dry and pulverize then toss in the path of a debtor to shame them into paying. SILVERWEED: Seal in a bottle of whiskey and keep around the house as a potent iucky charm. SLIPPERY ELM: Use to stop vicious gossip. Burn and the edor will seal the lips of the one who is slandering you. A potent force when used correctly. SMARTWEED: Attracts money and clears the mind. Carry in a Green flannel bag along with 4 coins, add Money Drawing powder and anoint weekly with Money Drawing oil. SENNA 74 Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook SNAKEROOT: Carry this root to have god oluck and 3 be in control of any situation. SOLOMONS SEAL: Burn as a special incense for success, One should always take a bath or carry Solomons Seal for protection. ‘\ Brew the roots into a tea and sprinkle ? SHAKEROOT around any area that needs protection, 7 SOUTHERN JOHN THE CONQUEROR ROOT: : To increase sexual passion, add to wash = water used for bed sheets and night? clothes. 2 Ground the root inte powder and rub the mattress and sprinkle around your > bedroom This is said to make aman very ¢ horny. Carry in a Green flannel bag for luck, money and protection. SPEARMINT: Mix with Gloria incense and burn to rid your home of demons, ghosts, or evil spirits. Burn at 10 pm for 11 consecutive days. SPEARMINT Mix with Balm of Gilead, Barberry, Solomons Seal and Jasmin for cleansing or when someone has done something evil to you. i (continued) = Papa Jim's Herbal Magia Werkbook B e Crush and mix with incense. Burn to attract renters to an empty house or apartment. SPIKENARD: Jo make your love secure, In a flower pot put some Spikenard, some of your own pubic hair and a picture of the one you love. Fill the pot with soil and keep in it your bedroom, water the plant only with Holy Water. Do this once a month to keep your husband or mate from wandering. Brew into a tea for sprinkling purposes. Wet the picture of a loved one and they will naver leave you. Place the root in @ Red chamois bag and wear around you neck to attract good luck. SQUAW VINE: Pregnant women should bathe in a tee made of this wonderful herb once a week to keep jealousy away from the unborn child. Squaw Vine and Raspberry Leaves made into a tea help ease labor pains. SQUILL ROOT; To attract new customers brew into a tea and use in a cleaning mixture for washing down a place of business. (continued) Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook = To draw money. Place some Squill root, one silver dime, one silver quarter and one silver dollar bill in a jar, box or flannel bag. Sprinkle the bag with Money Drawing Powder and anoint with Bayberry oil. While burning Money = Drawing Incense and a Green candle % say the following money drawing prayer: “Father and Aif Saints, I calf an you to heip me succeed, as I need the money to feip me in my life, piease I beg of 3 you, help me draw money, bring me silver, bring me dollars hot or cold.” (Anoint the bag, bum the candle and the incense each day until you get the assistance you need.) STAR ANISE: Place a bowl of Star Anise on the altar or where you are daing your rituals, to purify and help increase the power. Renew each week. Carry to bring good luck. Burn the seeds as an incense to help increase psychic powers. ST. JOHN'S WORT: To calm nervousness and anxiaty, this herb can be added to boiling water and taken internally. (Only use under the supervision of a qualified medical professional). Pape Jim's Horbel Magic Workbook re) SULPHUR: Add to any jinxing or hexing spell. Mix with Asafoetida and War Powder and roll all these ingredients into a btack wax ball. Write your enemies name on the wax and throw it into his yard. This is not an herb, do not use it on anyone's body and NEVER take internally. SUMBUL ROOT: A very powerful love herb. Said to attract the opposite sex very quickly. Carry as a charm, burn as an incense or brew into a tea and pour into your bath water. SWEETPEA: It is said that if you carry Sweetpea flowers with you wherever you go you will attract friendships and perhaps even love relationships. 76 THYME Papa dir TANSY: THYME: s Herbat Magic Workbook A bit of Tansy placed in your shoes helps to keep the law away. Also bathe in it to keep the faw away, Put in a jar and keep in the home for : good luck. Burn as an incense to cleanse magic : rooms. Stuff in pillows to help stop nightmares. * Burn as an incense in the home to attract good health, TONKA BEANS: A favorite Hoodoo charm for good luck. Carry 4 Tonka Beans, a pair of Green lodestones and Gold Magnetic Sand in a Green flannel bag for luck when gambling. To make wishes come true carry the beans for 18 days (no more). Then on the 18th day they must be left at a church and your wish will come true in 3 days, (continued) Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook 77 Carry two Tonka Beans in a Green conjure bag. Moisten them with two or three drops of Monay Drawing Oil To have less frequent health problems, and to speed up your natural healing process, carry two Tonka Beans in a Green pouch around your neck. TREFOIL: Mix with Vervain, Dill Seed and St. Johns Wort to make one of the most powerful defenses or protection charms against any type of witchcraft: Brew Into a tea, do not strain. After you take @ bath, rinse yourself with this mixture and sprinkle some around your home. TWITCH GRASS: To cause trouble and problems for your enemy. On the night of the full moon, use a rusty nail to inscribe the name of your enemy 6 times on the side of a Black candle. Once done, roll the candle in Twitch Grass. Burn this candle in the cametery, while it is burning chant your desire aloud. 8 Pape Jim's Herbal Magio Workbook Bs Popa dim's Herbal Magic Workbook 19 ee Bring peace to your home by brewing this root as a tea and sprinkling around the : premises. Drink the tea to soothe your nerves. VANILLA: This comes tn a white powder form. A famous love herb. Take a bath with Patchouly soap, then dust your entire body with Vanilla powder. UNICORNROOT: Carry 2 roots tied together with Yellow string to bring a new love or lover into your life. Anoint the roots daily with Attraction cil. cia lM Mix this into some love incense and burn daily so your mate will always be To keep your lover faithful bind 2 roots # thinking about you together with white thread and hide in ¢ your lover's belongings. VERBENA: VANILLA UVA URSI: Bathe your children in this herb to help Atea made of this a said to help you see make them learn faster the future. Mix with Sandalwood and burn for a jinx removing. Carry Uva Ursi with you to increase your = = psychic powers. Burn as an incense to develop psychic = powers and to sharpen your perception. > VERBENA (LEMON): When a marriage is going sour, place a jar of Lemon Verbena behind the . wedding pictures with Peaceful Home VALERIAN: powder also added to the jar Wrap the Valerian Root and a picture of i ' Make into a tea a sprinkle all around the VALERIAN your mate in tin foi! to stop quarreling or house, especially In the bedroom to fighting. Carry for 3 days and then throw into running water. restore passionate lovemaking. inne aoa To cause an enemy to wreck or have bad luck with his car, simply hide a Valerian Root in the glove compartment. VERBENA ROOT: VERBENA Add a little to a meal and serve. Makes passions quickly rise. A popular (continued) aphrodisiac with Voodooists. 80 VERVAIN Papa Jim's Herbat Magis Workbook VERVAIN: Carry in a Red pouch to attract love and bring luck to the one who carries it. Brew into a potent tea and drink some for good luck, success and healing power. VETIVERT: Place in cash registers to increase business. Can also be made into a tea and sprinkled [n and around the business Bura to overcome evil spells. VERTIVERT LEAVES: MOLET: Overcomes hexes and makes enemies suffer, Use only against those who have hexed you, Burn to avercome the spell of an enemy. A love flower. Mix with Lavender for @ great love bath. When someone is ill; bathe them in Violet to help the sickness heat faster. VIOLET LEAVES: Pin four Violet leaves in the form of a cross and weer in your shoe. This will give you the power to force others to do your bidding. 3 BS Papa dim’s Herhel Mayle Workbook A VIRGINIA SNAKE ROOT: Said to be one of the most powerful of all good luck roots. It is very hard to get and very expensive. Once it is in your possession ne one can touch it or see it because the luck will vanish. Carry in a Green flannel bag for good luck in bingo, lottery and any other type of gambling. Anoint weekly with Snake Root oil. W WAHOO BARK: Used to unhex people. Brew into a tea and anoint the head of a crossed person, Call "Wahoo” in a loud voice seven times. For the next seven days the hexed person must add the tea to his bathwater. This will break any hex the person has on them. WALNUT LEAVES: Use to hex your enemies. Write your intent on parchment with black ink, Roll the parchment and Walnut Leaves into a al Papa Jim's Herbal Magic Workbook a black wax ball and throw It into your enemies yard. As the wax melts your enemie’s luck will suffer. WILD CHERRY HERB: Sozk this herb in Peace Water for nine days and then sprinkle all around the home. Guarantees more harmony and tove in the household. WILD YAM HERB: Soak in plain rainwater for seven days. Wash hands in this water before taking part in healing rituals. Gives the healer more powers, WILLOW BARK: Burned during black magic rituats to call for the aid of Satan. WINTERGREEN: Bathe your children in Wintergreen to grant them good fortune and luck throughout their lives. Also to protect your children from evil kids; take a white flannel bag add Wintergreen, 1 Cross of Caravaca, a piece of Camphor, and a picture to St. Michael. Have your child carry this on their person at all times, Anoint weekly with Holy oil. Papa Jin’s Herbal Magia Workbook 83 WITCH GRASS: Take a bath in Witch Grass, to help you attract a new lover. Sprinkle this herb on your lover's clothing to keep him/her from wandering, Grind into a fine powder and use on Voodoo dolls hex somone. Use in any hexing ritual to enhance power. WOODRUFF: This herb is very good for victory in any circumstance. Very good for peaple who are inte sports. Place some in your left shoe before a game, so your team will be victorious. For any situation in which you need control over another person, simply carty Woodruff with you in @ Red flannel bag. WORMWOOD: Hang in a White flannel bag on your rear view mirror of your car, to help prevent accidents. Burn in your home to remove any hexes or curses, Wormwood is burnt as an incense to call upon the spiritual guides for assistance Burn to bring spirits of the dead back and to cast hexes on thase you wish to harm.

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