Teradata SQL Advanced

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Teradata and ANSI SQL Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to: State the purpose and function of the session setting flags. Recognize transaction mode differences for Teradata and ANSI. Use available HELP functions.

Teradata SQL
To become an 'ANSI-standard' language, all vendors of SQL must become certified in ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), a government certification agency. There are three ANSI standards: ANSI SQL - 89 (SQL 1) ANSI SQL - 92 (SQL 2) ANSI SQL - 99 (SQL 3) There are three levels of compliance within each level: ANSI SQL - 92 (SQL 2) Entry level Intermediate level Full level ANSI SQL - 99 (SQL 3) Core Enhanced Teradata SQL is an ANSI compliant product. Teradata has its own extensions to the language, as do most vendors. Teradata SQL is fully certified at the SQL92 Entry level, with some intermediate, some full and some SQL-99 Core features also implemented. As the Teradata database evolves, each major release is expected to move Teradata SQL closer to conformance with full SQL2, and including some features from the SQL3 standard.

Modes of Operation
Teradata SQL allows two different modes of session operation: ANSI mode Teradata (BTET) mode Choice of mode affects: Transaction protocol behavior Case sensitivity defaults Collating sequences Data conversions Display functions Be aware that the same SQL statement might perform differently in each mode based on the above considerations. Regardless of the mode you select, all syntax, whether or not ANSI compliant, is useable. No functionality is inhibited by choice of mode.

Transaction Modes
Transactions A transaction is a unit of work performed against one or more tables of a database. It can consist of one or more data-changing statements. By definition, a transaction must commit all of its associated changes or they must all be rolled back, meaning all changes are returned to the original pre-transaction state. A transaction is an all-or-nothing proposition i.e., it either succeeds in its entirety, or it is entirely rolled back. Knowing that transactions cannot partially complete provides assurance of data integrity. ANSI Mode Transactions .SET SESSION TRANSACTION ANSI

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ANSI mode is also referred to as COMMIT mode. It automatically accumulates all requests until an explicit COMMIT is submitted. At that point, all transactions are committed to the database and the transaction is ended. All transactions in ANSI mode are considered explicit, that is, they require an explicit COMMIT command to complete. In the special case of DDL (Data Definition Language) statements, they must always be followed immediately by a COMMIT statement. Macros containing DDL statements must contain a single DDL statement and be followed by an immediate COMMIT. A rollback operation occurs when for some reason, the transaction is not able to complete. Rollback will automatically undo any changes which have been applied during the transaction and release all locks which are being held by the transaction. Following a rollback, there is no active transaction until another one is initiated. In ANSI mode, a rollback will occur in the following situations: ROLLBACK work Session Abort SQL statement failure SQL statement error Explicit rollback of an active transaction Rollback of active transaction Rollback of active transaction Rollback the current request only

ANSI mode makes a distinction between SQL statement 'error' and 'failure'. SQL Failure - rolls back entire transaction when any of the following A deadlock condition occurs requiring transaction rollback A DDL statement has failed An explicit ROLLBACK command is encountered In this case: The transaction terminates SQL Error - rolls back individual SQL statement when An SQL statement completes unsuccessfully, and None of the above SQL 'failure' situations apply In this case: The transaction continues If this was the first statement in the TXN, then the next statement starts the TXN Any statement that follows a COMMIT automatically starts a new transaction. Locks are accumulated until a is used. Teradata Mode Transactions .SET SESSION TRANSACTION BTET Teradata mode also is referred to as BTET mode, which stands for BEGIN TRANSACTION / END TRANSACTION. In BTET mode, all individual requests are treated as single implicit transactions. If you need to aggregate requests into a single transaction, use the BEGIN and END TRANSACTION delimiters. In Teradata mode, no distinction is made between 'error' and 'failure'. They are both considered 'failures'. A rollback will occur if any of the following events occur: ROLLBACK work Session Abort SQL statement failure explicit rollback of active transaction rollback of active transaction rollback of active transaction

Locks are accumulated following a BT until an ET is issued.

Setting the ANSI Flagger

There is an additional BTET session setting called the ANSI SQL Flag. It may be set to flag any non-ANSI syntax. It returns warning messag encountered but it does not inhibit execution of the command. It is an informational setting only. The SQLFLAG may be set to any of the following three options: ENTRY - Flags syntax which does not conform to ANSI entry level requirements INTERMEDIATE - Flags syntax which does not conform to ANSI intermediate level requirements NONE - Sqlflag is disabled Teradata SQL is fully compliant at the ENTRY level and partially compliant at the INTERMEDIATE level. The SQL flagger must be enabled prior to logging on to a session: . This setting flags all non-entry level ANSI syntax.

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(Note: all user input commands are in red.) .SET SESSION SQLFLAG ENTRY; .LOGON xyz,xyz; sel date; *** Query completed. One row found. One column returned. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. sel date; $ *** SQL Warning 5836 Token is not an entry level ANSI Identifier or Keyword. sel date; $ *** SQL Warning 5821 Built-in values DATE and TIME are not ANSI. sel date; $ *** SQL Warning 5804 A FROM clause is required in ANSI Query Specification. (Note that three warnings were generated because ANSI does not accept lowercase characters, abbreviations, or the DATE keyword. In spite of the warnings, the date is returned.) Date -------97/01/20

(Note that we must logoff in order to reset the ANSI Flagger.) .LOGOFF; .SET SESSION SQLFLAG NONE; .LOGON xyz,xyz; sel date; *** Query completed. One row found. One column returned. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. Date -------97/01/20

(Without the SQL Flagger, no warnings are generated)

Note: SQLFLAG may also be set when using Teradata front-end clients other than BTEQ, for example the Teradata Preprocessor (PP2) and


The .SHOW CONTROL command shows all BTEQ reporting specifications, import and export features, as well as session parameters, including the SQL Flagger and the session Transaction mode: ANSI or BTET. Example [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] [SET] FOLDLINE FOOTING FORMAT FORMCHAR HEADING INDICDATA NOTIFY NULL OMIT PAGEBREAK PAGELENGTH QUIET RECORDMODE RETCANCEL RETLIMIT RETRY RTITLE SECURITY SEPARATOR SESSION CHARSET = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = OFF ALL NULL OFF OFF NULL OFF OFF ? OFF ALL OFF ALL 55 OFF OFF OFF No Limit ON NULL NONE two blanks ASCII

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SESSION SQLFLAG = NONE SESSION TRANSACTION = BTET SESSIONS = 1 SIDETITLES = OFF for the normal report. SKIPDOUBLE = OFF ALL SKIPLINE = OFF ALL SUPPRESS = OFF ALL TDP = l5442 TITLEDASHES = ON for the normal report. And, it is ON for results of WITH clause number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. [SET] UNDERLINE = OFF ALL [SET] WIDTH = 75

On-Line Syntax HELP

HELP is available for SQL syntax problems. It can either display a menu of all available SQL commands and functions or provide syntax help on a particular SQL command.

HELP 'SQL SELECT'; /* Provides syntax help for the SQL SELECT statement */ HELP 'SQL ALTER TABLE'; /* Provides syntax help for SQL ALTER TABLE statement */ HELP also provides syntax help for most Teradata client utilities as well as for SQL.

HELP 'utilityname utilitycommand'; such as: HELP 'ARCHIVE Command-name'; HELP 'MULTILOAD command-name';

HELP Examples

or, delivers the full syntax for any specified command, such as: HELP 'SQL UPDATE'; *** Query completed. 10 rows found. One column returned. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. On-Line Help --------------------------------------------------------------------------UPD[ATE] tablename [ [AS] aname ] [ FROM tname [ [AS] aname] ] [... ,tname [ [AS] aname ] ] ;

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SET columnname = expr [ ... ,columnname = expr] [ WHERE condition ] [ ] ; [ ALL ]

Try It! For this set of lab questions you will need information from the Database Info document. To start the online labs, click on the Telnet button in the lower left hand screen of the course. Two windows will pop-up: a BTEQ Instruction Screen and your Telnet Window. Sometimes the BTEQ Instructions get hidden behind the Telnet Window. You will need these instructions to log on to Teradata. Click on the buttons to the left to see the answers.

Answers: Lab A Lab B Lab C

A. Logon using your assigned userid and password. Do a HELP SESSION to see session information. Notice that output exceeds screen width. To adjust output width, use the following setting commands: .sidetitles; .foldline; Do the HELP SESSION again. Notice the transaction semantic. Is it set to Teradata or to ANSI? Select todays date. Note the output. Change your transaction semantic to ANSI and enable the SQL Flagger to ENTRY level. You must logoff (.LOGOFF) before you change session characteristics. Log back on again. Do another HELP SESSION. Notice the new transaction semantic. Re-Select todays date. What difference do you notice? B. Create a simple, empty table entitled "quick" with a single integer column entitled "col1". After creating the table, select todays date. What happens? Because you are in commit mode, a COMMIT command following a DDL statement is needed. Issue the command. Attempt to select today's date again. C. Reset your BTEQ session as follows: Logoff the current id. Turn off the ANSI flagger. Return to BTET mode. Logon. Turn off sidetitles and foldline (.SIDETITLES OFF;.FOLDLINE OFF;). Use the appropriate HELP command to view the contents of your userid database. Do a HELP command on a table called "employee". (Hint: Its not in your database. Its in Customer_Service.). Do a HELP command on the indexes defined for the "employee" table. Do a HELP command showing a menu of all possible SQL commands. Do a HELP command getting syntax help for the SELECT command. Do a HELP command getting syntax help for the ALTER TABLE command.

Using The COUNT Window Function Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to: Produce reports requiring group-based counts using the COUNT Window function

COUNT Window Function

The COUNT Window function may be used to perform the following operations: Count the number of rows in a defined group Count the number of rows in all groups A similar result can be produced using the WITH and WITH BY extensions to Teradata SQL. The WITH BY function is used to produce sub-totals (and sub-counts) over the detail data for a group, as defined by the BY clause. Similarly, the WITH function is used to provide grand totals (and grand counts) over the detail data for all rows.

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The COUNT Window function is an ANSI-standard function, whereas the WITH and WITH BY functions are not. The COUNT Window function also produces true relational output (uniform columns and rows) whereas WITH and WITH BY do not.

Using WITH BY For Group Counts

Using the WITH BY clause allows generation of sub-total counts based on groupings identified in the BY clause. Consider the following example which demonstrates a report showing a count of employees by department.

Produce a report showing the people in departments 401 and 403, their salaries, and how many people are in each department. Use the WITH BY feature of Teradata SQL. SELECT last_name AS Name ,salary_amount AS Salary ,department_number AS Dept FROM employee WHERE Dept IN (401,403) WITH COUNT(Dept)(TITLE 'Dept_Count') BY Dept; Name ------Trader Hoover Johnson Phillips Machado Brown Rogers Salary ---------37850.00 25525.00 36300.00 24500.00 32300.00 43100.00 46000.00 Dept_Count Lombardo Brown Villegas Hopkins Charles Ryan 31000.00 43700.00 49700.00 37900.00 39500.00 31200.00 Dept_Count Dept ----401 401 401 401 401 401 401 ----7 403 403 403 403 403 403 ----6

Note that the output from this query is a non-relational output. The sub-total rows are of a different format than the data rows.

Using The COUNT Window Function For Group Counts

Consider the same problem done using the COUNT Window function.

Produce a report showing the people in departments 401 and 403, their salaries, and how many people are in each department. Use the COUNT Window function. SELECT last_name AS Name ,salary_amount AS Salary ,department_number AS Dept ,COUNT(Salary) OVER (PARTITION BY Dept ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS Dept_Count FROM employee WHERE Dept IN (401,403) ; Name ---------Trader Johnson Phillips Rogers Machado Brown Hoover Charles Brown Hopkins Ryan Salary -------37850.00 36300.00 24500.00 46000.00 32300.00 43100.00 25525.00 39500.00 43700.00 37900.00 31200.00 Dept ---401 401 401 401 401 401 401 403 403 403 403 Dept_Count ---------7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6

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Lombardo Villegas

31000.00 49700.00

403 403

6 6

Note that the generated output is relational in form. All rows and columns are uniform. The PARTITION BY clause defines the group whose rows will be counted by the COUNT Window Function. This count is displayed as part of each row within the group, thus it may appear multiple times. The COUNT Window function permits viewing the detail data of each group, whereas the standard COUNT function does not show detail data, but only the aggregation at the group level. The COUNT Window function and standard aggregate functions (i.e., SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX) may not be combined in a single SELECT statement.

Using WITH For Final Counts

Using the WITH clause allows generation of final counts. Consider the following example using the WITH clause. Produce a report showing the employees in departments 410 and 403 by last name, their salaries and the total number of people in both departments. Use the WITH feature of Teradata SQL. SELECT last_name AS Name ,salary_amount AS Salary ,department_number AS Dept FROM employee WHERE Dept IN (401,403) WITH COUNT(Dept)(TITLE 'Total_Count') ORDER BY 3,1; Name ---------Brown Hoover Johnson Machado Phillips Rogers Trader Brown Charles Hopkins Lombardo Ryan Villegas Salary -------43100.00 25525.00 36300.00 32300.00 24500.00 46000.00 37850.00 43700.00 39500.00 37900.00 31000.00 31200.00 49700.00 Total_Count Dept ---401 401 401 401 401 401 401 403 403 403 403 403 403 ---13

The WITH clause generates a total count of all rows in the sample. The COUNT Window function may also be used to generate final counts, comparably to the WITH clause capability.

Using The COUNT Window Function For Final Counts

Consider the same problem using the COUNT Window function.

Produce a report showing the employees in departments 401 and 403 by last name, their salaries and the total number of people in both departments. Use the COUNT Window feature. SELECT last_name AS Name ,salary_amount AS Salary ,department_number AS Dept ,COUNT(salary) OVER (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS Dept_Count FROM employee WHERE Dept IN (401,403) ORDER BY 3,1; Name ---------Brown Salary -------43100.00 Dept ---401 Dept_Count ---------13

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Hoover Johnson Machado Phillips Rogers Trader Brown Charles Hopkins Lombardo Ryan Villegas

25525.00 36300.00 32300.00 24500.00 46000.00 37850.00 43700.00 39500.00 37900.00 31000.00 31200.00 49700.00

401 401 401 401 401 401 403 403 403 403 403 403

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Rather than generate a separate row for the result, the total is included on each row of output.

The COUNT Window function: produces a group count in conjunction with each detail row is an ANSI standard function may not be combined in a SELECT with standard aggregate functions (i.e. SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX>) may not be combined in a SELECT with WITH and/or WITH BY clauses

Try It! For this set of lab questions you will need information from the Database Info document. To start the online labs, click on the Telnet button in the lower left hand screen of the course. Two windows will pop-up: a BTEQ Instruction Screen and your Telnet Window. Sometimes the BTEQ Instructions get hidden behind the Telnet Window. You will need these instructions to log on to Teradata. Be sure to change your default database to the Customer_Service database in order to run these labs. Click on the buttons to the left to see the answers. Answers: Lab 1 Lab 2 1.) We wish to see a report showing us how many people in departments 301, 401 and 501 are earning a salary greater than $35,000. Show the count for each department and a list of the employee numbers who qualify. 2.) How many people in each department were born prior to 1950 and who are they? Show last name, first name (reduce both to 10 characters), birth date(as Birthdate), department number (as Dept), and the count of people in that department who qualify (as Dept_Cnt). Order the results by birth date within department.

Using The SUM Window Function Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to: Produce reports requiring group-based sums using the SUM Window function.

SUM Window Function

The SUM Window function may be used to perform the following operations: Sum a column from rows in a defined group. Sum a column from all rows in all groups. A similar result can be produced using the WITH and WITH BY extensions to SQL. The WITH BY function is used to produce sub-totals (and sub-counts) over the detail data for a group, as defined by the BY clause. Similarly, the WITH function is used to provide grand totals (and grand counts) over the detail data for all rows. The SUM Window function is an ANSI-standard function, whereas the WITH and WITH BY functions are not.

Using WITH BY For Group Totals

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Sales Table Using the WITH BY clause allows generation of sub-totals based on groupings identified in the BY clause. Consider the 'salestbl' used in the following example. Its contents are shown here. SELECT * FROM salestbl ORDER BY 1,2; storeid ----------1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1003 prodid --------A C D F A C D A B C D sales ------------100000.00 60000.00 35000.00 150000.00 40000.00 35000.00 25000.00 30000.00 65000.00 20000.00 50000.00

The following example produces a report showing a sub-total of sales by store.

Produce a report showing the sales for each product by store and the total sales for each store. (Use the WITH BY feature of Teradata SQL.) SELECT storeid , prodid , sales FROM salestbl WITH SUM(sales) BY storeid ORDER BY 1,2; storeid ------1001 1001 1001 1001 prodid ------A C D F sales --------100000.00 60000.00 35000.00 150000.00 --------345000.00 40000.00 35000.00 25000.00 --------100000.00 30000.00 65000.00 20000.00 50000.00 --------165000.00

Sum(sales) 1002 1002 1002 A C D

Sum(sales) 1003 1003 1003 1003 A B C D


Using The SUM Window Function For Group Totals

Consider the same problem done using the SUM Window function.

Produce a report showing the sales for each product by store and the total sales for each store. Use the SUM Window feature of Teradata SQL. SELECT storeid , prodid , sales , SUM(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY storeid ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) FROM salestbl ORDER BY 1,2; storeid ------prodid ------sales --------Group Sum(sales) ----------------

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1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1003


100000.00 60000.00 35000.00 150000.00 40000.00 35000.00 25000.00 30000.00 65000.00 20000.00 50000.00

345000.00 345000.00 345000.00 345000.00 100000.00 100000.00 100000.00 165000.00 165000.00 165000.00 165000.00

The PARTITION BY clause defines the group whose rows will be totaled by the SUM Window Function. This count is displayed as part of each row within the group, thus it may appear multiple times. The SUM Window function permits viewing the detail data of each group, whereas the standard SUM function does not show detail data, but only the aggregation at the group level. The SUM Window function and standard aggregate functions (such as SUM) may not be combined in a single SELECT statement.

Using WITH For Final Totals

Using the WITH clause allows generation of final totals. Consider the following examples.

Show the sales of all products in all stores and a grand total for all stores. (Use the WITH feature of Teradata SQL.) SELECT storeid , prodid , sales FROM salestbl WITH SUM(sales) ORDER BY 1,2; storeid ------1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1003 prodid ------A C D F A C D A B C D sales --------100000.00 60000.00 35000.00 150000.00 40000.00 35000.00 25000.00 30000.00 65000.00 20000.00 50000.00 --------Sum(sales) 610000.00

The WITH clause generates a grand total of all rows in the sample. This result requires the generation of a separate line of output. The SUM Window function may also be used to generate grand totals, comparably to the WITH clause capability.

Using The SUM Window Function For Final Totals

Consider the same problem using the SUM Window function. Show the sales of all products in all stores and a grand total for all stores. (Use the SUM Window function.) SELECT storeid , prodid , sales , SUM(sales) OVER (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) FROM salestbl ORDER BY 1,2; storeid ------1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 prodid ------A C D F A C sales --------100000.00 60000.00 35000.00 150000.00 40000.00 35000.00 Group Sum(sales) ---------------610000.00 610000.00 610000.00 610000.00 610000.00 610000.00

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