Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Otkptkro

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1. Toni : How are you doing ?

Sita : I am good
What does Toni express ?
a. Asking for information
b. Greeting
c. Offering a help
d. Asking for help.
e. Asking something
2. Anton : How do you do Susan ?
Susan :…………………………. ?
a. How do you do, Anton
b. How are you Anton
c. I am very well , Anton
d. Not bad.
e. How is life
3. Katty : Let me introduce my self to you.
Alfi : ok, thank you.
What expression does Katty say ?
a. Expression of offering a help
b. Expression of sympathy
c. Expression of asking a help
d. Expression of introducing himself.
e. Expression of asking something
4. X: How do you come here ?
Y: ……………………………………………..
Below are the possible answer, Except:
a. I come here by bike
b. I come here by walk ?
c. I come here by car
d. I come here by motorbike
e. I come alone.
5. Yuli : Are you a doctor ?
Dodi : yes………………………………….
a. I am.
b. I do
c. You are
d. I will
e. I was
Deni : That,s wonderful, Alif.
Alif : Oh , Thanks .
Santi : Good for you. Good luck.
Alif : Thank you very much.
Bejo : well done.
Alif :thank you for saying so.
Ivan : That was great. You must be very proud of your achievement.
Alif : Thanks. I,m glad you think so. Thank you.
6. “well done“
The synonym of the “well done” is…….
a. Not bad
b. Very good!
c. Oh my God!
d. Oh no !
e. Well paid
7. Deni: “ That,s wonderful, Alif”
Is the expression of ……….
a. Asking for sorry
b. Asking for permission
c. Asking for help
d. Complimentary
e. Sorry
8. Mr. Burhan earns (gets) money from making a chair, table, cupboard. He is a …….
a. Carpenter
b. Driver
c. Dentist
d. Businessman.
e. Doctor
9. Mrs. Betty wants to met……
a. I
b. My
c. Me
d. Mine.
e. Mind
10. I don,t know where I can find ……….
a. They
b. Them
c. Their
d. Theirs.
e. Thems
I want to make sure that all students grade X cover all materials for this term to prepare for the
final exam. Because the final exam is approaching, the class will start one hour earlier and finish
one hour late. The class will start at .six thirteen a.m and finish at five p.m. This will last for one
month until a week before the final
Mr. Ali Gondi
11. Who writes the announcement ?
a. teacher
b. someone
c. nobody
d. Mrs. Gondo
e. Mr. Gondo.
12. Why does the class start one hour earlier ?
a. Because the final exam is still far
b. Because the final exam is approaching
c. Because the final exam is being on
d. Because the final exam is never done
e. Because the final exam is going on
Jawab (B)
13. Man : I would like to compliment you on your recent achievement.
Woman: Thank you for saying so, but it was the work of the whole team.
Man : The project you did was excellent. I,d like to use it as a model for another students.
Woman: Thank you. I,d be so honoured.
Why did the man pay a compliment to the woman ?
a. She is an excellent model
b. She could finish her project
c. She did an excellent project
d. She helped other students, project
e. She was able to lead an excellent team.

Congratulations on your fantastic achievement, Ricky ! your hard work really got the project
perfectly finished. You as one of the best staff we have. It is a pleasure to work with someone
who knows how to make a friendly and inspiring work environment, like you. I am glad that a
position opened up for you that will be a great next step in your career.

14. Why is the man congratulated ?

a. A new branch office opening.
b. A good job achievement.
c. A close business relationship.
d. A fantastic speech
e. A promotion

15. Whom does the man address his congratulation to ?

a. His business partner.
b. His colleague
c. His co-worker
d. His staff
e. His boss
Jawab (E)
16. What does the man promise ?
a. A new job.
b. A promotion
c. A new project
d. A fantastic reward
e. An enjoyable working environment.

17. Man : here is the money you asked for. What are you going to do with it ?
Woman : …………………………………
What is the best response to the question ?
a. No worries
b. I have bought it
c. That is sound good
d. I don,t want to do that .
e. Thanks. I am buying a new dictionary.

18. Man : we have some very nice mangoes.

Woman: All right. I will a pound.
Man : What are they for ?
Woman: ………….
What is the best response to the question ?
a. I plant mangoes my self
b. The mangoes look tasty
c. I am going to make mangoes ice cream
d. I will buy ice cream
e. I don,t do that .

19. Man : Sorry, I can,t come on Friday evening.

Woman: What are you going to do that day ?
Man : ………………..
What is the best response to the question ?
a. I,d love to
b. d , I come on time
c. I am finishing my math project
d. I have finished the job
e. I don,t want to do that
The play ground has just been renovated.
For our convenience, the school
Management has issued a new rule
For the use of the play ground.
1. It opens from 7 a.m to 5 p. m
2. No bevered allowed
3. Only used by school members.
4. No trash. Trash bins are placed on every corne
20. To whom is the Attention addressed ?
a. School management
b. Head master
c. Only for teacher
d. The member of the school
e. TU staff only

21. What is being renovated ?

a. School management
b. Play ground
c. Library
d. Trash bins
e. Beverage

22. Who has issued a new rule of us of play ground ?

a. School management
b. The headmaster
c. The teacher
d. The governor
e. The students

23. How long is the play ground opened ?

a. 5 hours
b. 7 hours
c. 8 hours
d. 10 hours
e. 9 hours

24. Where are trash bins placed ?

a. In front of the school yard
b. Behind the class
c. On every corner
d. Behind the wall
e. Before the corner


Art and craft club is conducting and art workshop during the coming school holidays.
This workshop is aimed at stimulating student,s creativity and increasing students, appreciation
of art. The materials used in the activities are non-toxic, high-quality educational products which
are easy to find.
Date : 5 to 9 july
Time : 2 p.m to 4 p.m
Venue : Art and craft room
Fee : Rp: 200.000
Students are able to learn origami, cardboard creation, rubber creation, and recycled creations.
As there are a limited number of places, registration will be on a first-come-first served basis.
For further
Inquiries, kindly contact Mr Surya at the Art and Craft room.

Aditama Praja

25. What is the text about ?

a. Show room of art and craft
b. Educational product
c. Art and craft
d. How to learn origami
e. An art workshop.

26. When will the art workshop be held ?

a. 5 july
b. 9 july
c. 5 to 9 july
d. 5 t0 8 july
e. 2 p.m to 4 p.m
27. How long will the art workshop be held ?
a. 7 days
b. 5 days
c. 4 days
d. 8 days
e. 9 days

28. …..registration will be on “first-come first-served basis”

This sentence means :
a. Who will first regristrate will be served first.
b. Who will first regristrate wiil be served last
c. Who will first regristrate will get bonus
d. Who will first regristrate will be cancelled
e. Who will fist regristrate will served in the end.

29. Where is the art workshop be held ?

a. School room
b. Factory
c. Craft club room
d. Art and Craft room
e. Art and educational product room

I have reviewed your paper and some of you haveB) used inappropriate writing formats. For
students who have a yellow mark on some pages of your paper, please do some revision and
resubmit before this week. Should you have any questions, please text or email me. I,ll be
availzble from 10 a.m to 3 p.m.

Best wishes,
Hanna Amanda.

30. What is the text about ?

a. Information on reviewing the paper
b. Information on revising and handling in the paper
c. Information texting and emailing the teacher
d. Information on checking the yellow mark.
e. Information on handwriting in the paper.

31. What time shouldn,t the students contact the teacher ?

a. 11 a.m
b. 12.a.m
c. 12 p.m
d. 1 p.m
e. 2 p.m

Concert for Valor

TD international group music cordially presents a touring concert for DC residents. This event
was introduced last year and this month, it will be envilened by guest stars from all over the
world. We will now be holding this concert on a monthly basis.
Special guest Stars this week :
Monday : Peter Andre, Olly Murs, Demi lavoto, and the weeknd
Tuesday : Ella Eyre, Ariana Grande, Jason Mraz, and Olly Murs
Wednesday : One Direction, Pitbull, and Jess Glynne
Thursday : Christina Perri, Rihanna, Eminem, and Travie McCoy.
32. Who hold this concert program ?
a. DC residents.
b. Tour concert management.
c. TD international music
d. Guest Stars.
e. Valor people

33. On what day can a person see the same singer ?

a. Monday and Tuesday.
b. Tuesday through thrusday
c. Tuesday and Wednesday.
d. Wednesday and Thrusday.
e. Monday and Wednesday.

34. … DC “residents”
The word resident means……
a. People who live in a city
b. People who live in a village
c. People who live in an apartement
d. People who rent the house to live
e. Peole who live in a certain

Last December ,we were in London for a week. I had heard from my teacher that London
public transportation was very good. He said that the tube in London was the best
transportation facility in the world. It was a great chance for me to ride on it.
My mother and I took the District Line from Kensington to Westminster. We boarded
the train at West Kensington station. I was amazed knowing that the route of the tube was
underground and nothing much could be seen except darkness on both sides.
The tube moved at an incredibly fast speed. We passed six stations, Early,s court,
Gloucester Road, South Kensington, Sloanne Square, Victoria and St. James,s Park. The
stations were all brightly lit and immaculately clean. I could see many signs and notices to
remind commuters not to eat or drink in the stations or trains.
We got off the train at Westminster Station , feeling fresh. A day before, I took a bus
from Kensington to Westminster taking 45 minutes. However, it took us only fifteen minutes
by tubes.
At Westminster, we took photographs of the famous Houses of Parliament and
Westminster Abbey. It was a great day out.

35. What is the text about ?

a. London Transportation
b. London view
c. London architect
d. London tube
e. London parliament

36. How long did the writer spend in London ?

a. Five days
b. Seven days
c. Two weeks
d. Six days
e. Nine days.

37. Who had told him about London,s tube ?

a. Westminster
b. Her friends who live there.
c. Her teacher
d. His mother
e. Victoria.

38. What did the teacher say about London Transportation ?

a. It was not so good
b. It was fair
c. It was good.
d. It was bad
e. It was nothing

39. How did the writer feel about the trip ?

a. The writer feel so tired
b. The writer feel so bored
c. The writer feel jealeous
d. The writer feel so fresh
e. The writer fell stress.

40. Why was the writer not able to see what was outside the tube,s window ?
a. Because it was in the night
b. Because it was rain heavily
c. Because it was no lamp
d. Because it was no sun light
e. Because it was dark.

My name is Tania. I ……..(41) school last year and I …… (42) a job yet, so I am trying to
improve my English in the meantime. I ……. (43) in a language school here in Medan since
then. I think I ……. (44) quite a lot of progress.
Apart from studying English, my other main interest is sport, especially swimming and
volley ball. I …… (45) several trophies for swimming and our team………..(46) National
Volleyball championship last year.

41. A. left
B. Leave
C. Has left
D. is leaving
E. has been living

42. A. didn,t find

B. Haven,t found
C. was not found
D. have not been found
E. have not been finding

43. A. Study
B. studied
C. have studied
D. was studied
E. have been studied.

44. A. made
B. is made
C. has made
D. was making
E. has been making

45. A. win
B. won
C. is won
D. was won
E. have won

46. A. win
B. won
C. is won
D. was won
E. have won.

One morning, I was on my bike going to school. When I reached the T-junction, I was
very shocked to see that the old wooden bridge had fallen down. Just a couple of days before
the same bridge had stood proudly over the small sturdy road. After school, I used to stop over
on the T-junction and walk on the bridge. I spent some time enjoying the cold wind that mildly
blew on my face. I usually saw and old woman feeding the birds under the big bars of the
bridge. Then, I was worried, “what if she was asleep when the bridge fell down ?”
I felt strong desire to find her. I got off my bike and rushed to the broken bridge. I
crawled among the wooden bars. I focussed my eyes and my ears in order to find the old
woman. After some minutes , a heard a faint cooing noise somewhere in the darkness. When I
got closer, I knew it was the sound of the birds that the old woman usually fed. They look
swollen and their eyes betrayed a look of death. “you poor things, look at you !” I exclaimed. It
drove me to reach the spot as soon as possible.
I had to be very careful because the wooden piles could bury me. Then, I was shocked.
In the small hole, I saw the old woman was lying still, dead. She was surrounded by the birds.
Then I felt onto my knees beside her, trying to hold the tears back. The sorrowful cries of the
birds did not make it any easier. I buried my face in my hand and cried.
47. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To describe the bridge.
b. To entertain the readers
c. To explain how the bridge fell down
d. To persuade the reader to help the old woman.
e. To tell the readers about the fall of the bridge.

48. What is the story about ?

a. An old bridge fell down
b. An old woman was abandoned.
c. Beautiful birds flew around an old bridge
d. An old woman was buried in the ruins a bridge.
e. No one took care of the bridges, except the woman.

49. What happened to the old woman

a. Badly injured
b. Abandoned
c. Murdered
d. Alive
e. Died
50. “They” looked swollen…. (paragraph 2)
What does the underline word refer to ?
a. Minutes
b. Birds
c. Bars
d. Ears
e. Eyes.


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