Continuous Breaks and Delays in Education
Continuous Breaks and Delays in Education
Continuous Breaks and Delays in Education
Person unable to complete my education since last 5 years. This is my 6th year and last
option to complete my degree education. What is it that is giving so many problems in
education? Will I be able to complete it finally? 14.02.1997 23:55 Jabalpur MP
KP rule for success in Education(upto Graduation) --- 4th Cuspal Sublord must signify 4
or 9 or 11 and must not be connected to 3rd house.
3rd house will negate(12th from 4th)... the prime house of basic education.
Rahu's signification
Rahu as a planet 11 ( starlord Sun -4) ( Signlord mer - 3,9,12)
Starlord Sun 4
Sublord Mercury 3,9,12 ( conj jupiter - 3,6)
Starlord of Mercury is Moon 7,10
Rahu is significator of 11,4,9 and is connected to 3rd... this is where the problem is.
Also Uranus is in conjunction with jupiter and mercury. Uranus gives unexpected, drastic
results, one which we do not wish for...
You are currently into Rahu Mahadasa... if you wish you can perform remedy to mitigate
some negative effect of 3rd house and hopefully... during Rahu/Saturn Dasha/Bhukti
period you will be able to clear your graduation..
what is best for my daughter - should we apply for PR and educate her here, or come
back to India for her education? My daughter's details are as follows:
For Education we'll see 4th and 9th House. 4th house is from primary education and 9th
is for higher education.
4th house cuspal sublord is Mercury. Mercury is the natural significator of karaka of
education. This Mercury has not become nakshatra lord of any other planet. So Mercury
is the strong significator of 4th.
Mercury is ashwini nakshatra. Rule by Ketu. Ketu is aspected by Saturn. Saturn is in 4th
and lord of 6th and 7th.
Mercury is in sub of rahu. Rahu is in 1st. Rahu is aspected by Mars. Mars is lord of 9th
and 4th.
So primary education upto graduation indicates excellent education. Rahu which is the
sublord of mercury has not become nakshatra lord of any other planet. Rahu is sublord
of 5th house(intelligent)... your daughter will be use her intelligence or you can say she
is intelligent.
which field she can go into.... 4th cuspal sublord mercury is in conjunction with
Sun(medicine). Mercury is in nakshatra of ashwini(medicine field).
During the time of her education she will be doing through Moon/Mars/Rahu
Moon and Mars are in star of Sun. Rahu is in star of Ketu. Sun is significator of 9th and
Ketu is significator of 4.. this indicates that the promise which is manifested from the 4th
and 9th cuspal sublord will be fuliflled during the Mahadasa period.
Analysis by Krishnamurti Paddahti Method. Basically there are two queries from your
a) Competitive exam
b) Career --- Uniform Job(Armed Job or Police Job)
For Competitive exam, especially success in competitive exame we'll see 4th
Cuspal Sublord and for Overall Career 10th Cuspal Sublord. We'll also map your
10th Cuspal Sublord with 6th Cuspal Sublord(prime house of job). Btw.. your birth
time is accurate..
Ketu is in 12th. Mars is aspecting Ketu. Mercury is in 9th and lord of 3rd and 6th.
Saturn is in 11th and lord of 10th.
Now this Ketu which is the source planet is aspected by Mars. Ketu is in jupiter
sign. Jupiter represent judicial. Jupiter is in conjunction with Sun. Sun represent
Govt. Mars represent army/police.. So your 10th Cuspal Sublord which is the
source planet for career indicates Uniform Job. If we map with 6th Cuspal
Sublord that is Moon. Both Sun and Moon represents govt.
Success in competitive exam depends on the dates of exams too.. It depends
examination dates and the result dates announce by the govt From this
horoscope During Jupiter Mahadasa Mars Bhukti period you will clear your
exams. End of Dec 2022.
The chart is indicating career related to police department more towards traffic dept.
Initially it will be at junior level and gradually moving ahead in life...
Q. 4 9 11 signify property and vehicle with venus and saturn mars. How did you
connected it with profession ???
Your 10th Cuspal Sublord is Ketu is pisces and in 12th house. 12th(one of the
house of travel).
Now this Ketu is in revati nakshtra. If you see the symbol of revati nakshtra then
you'll notice the deity are playing drums with stick. It is kind of communication or
to send signal. Revati nakshtra relates to travelling...
So all this indicates that most likely you will have profession related to police
traffic dept.
4th House signifies many aspects of life.... property, vehicle, mother, education
For property 4th house cuspal sublord must have relation with Mars(building)and
For purchase of property --- 4th cuspal sublord must signify 4,11,12
For Vehicle 4th Cuspal Sublord must have relation with Venus..
In my opinion career and education path if one can alined then the person can optimize the growth
For Career we see 10th Cuspal Sublord and For primary(basic education) upto graduation we see 4th
Cuspal Sublord...
In this horoscope, both the 10th cuspal sublord and 4th cuspal sublord is Rahu.
As you mentioned he has taken non medical subjects, so profession related to medicine is ruled out..
Rahu is a shadow planet, Mars is aspecting rahu with it's 4th aspect. So here Rahu is agent of Mars as
well as Venus been the signlord of Taurus.
Rahu's starlord(nakshtra lord) is Sun. Sun is placed in 10th house. Rahu itself is in 9th house. So
House 10th and 9th are the most important house in terms of career in this horoscope...
And if we talk about Rahu's sublord Saturn then saturn is also placed in 10th and Saturn's
nakshtralord is rahu..
Let see the profesion associated with 9th and 10th house
9th--- teacher, researcher, traveler, travel agent, counselor...
10th ---government, politics, CEO, CFO,secret agent.... dealing with masses of people...
Rahu is getting influence by Mars and Venus. Education field represented by these planets
Mar Non Technical --- Law, logic related, land
Semi Technical --- Science, Mechanic
Technical----Engineering, mechnanical work
if we talk about post graduation, then 9th Cuspal Sublord Mercury is in Rahu Nakshtra and Rahu is
occupying 9th house in bhava chart. Mercury is the lord of 11th... if he want's he can do post
graduation too...
Both his education and professional career will take him to distant land/location....
Analysis based on KP method.... First we need to find out whether your house of profession is
connected to business or service. For this 10th cuspal sublord needs to be analyze, in your case it is
Venus is in 1st house and lord of 6th,7th,11th. venus is in conjunction with mars. Mars is lord of
1st,5th and 12th.
Ketu is aspected by saturn, saturn is in 3rd and lord of 2nd and 3rd. Ketu is in placed in 4th and in the
sign of mars. Mars is in 1st, lord of 1st,5th and 12th.
Your 10th cuspal sublord venus is occupying 1st house( yourself) and it's starlord ketu is placed in
There are various line of business you can do... business related to education, interior designing,
business related to vehicles,business related to farming, any kind of commission related to
business( example brokerage related to land)...
The business that you do always put yourself ahead, do branding of yourself, you should be the face
of the business...
Let see if mone will come by doing this business... for this we see 2nd cuspal sublord. 2nd House is
the money that you will earn through your efforts also it shows bank balance position.
In your horoscope 2nd cuspal sublord is rahu which is untenanted planet and in star of mars.
Rahu is in 10th house and Mars is 1st.... this indicates whatever money you will earn will be through
your professional activity...
Rahu is in sign of venus. Venus is lord of 6th,7th and 11th.. so 2nd house is promising money through
your efforts.
Let's see whether your customer will give you money or not.... for this 6th cuspal( house of money in
return of service provided or good/product sold
It's sublord is Saturn. Saturn is tenanted planet, hence it's starlord which is jupiter will provide the
Jupiter is in 1st and lord of 4th. Saturn aspects jupiter.Saturn is lord of 2nd. Jupiter is sublord of
So your 6th house is also connected with 2nd and will come from the customer's end...
Coming towards house of gains(11th)... It's cuspal sublord is Jupiter, which is tenanted planet and it's
starlord is mercury. Mercury is in 12th and lord of 10th. Saturn is aspecting mercury... so your 11th
house is also indicating that you will gain through your efforts...
Saturn is tenanted, so result delivery will be given by its starlord jupiter, which is significator of
2,11)... so money will come from business... but there will be delay at times...
Mercury mahadasa which will last till 2043 is indicating that money will come, however you may
have to move away the business to far of location or maybe you can cater to client which are at far
off location...