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Database Foundations

Conceptual Data Modeling

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Roadmap You are here
Relational Conceptual
What Is a
Databases Data Modeling

Unique Relationships
Data Modeling Identifiers and and Foreign Keys
Terminology Primary Keys

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Conceptual Data Modeling
This lesson covers the following objectives:
• Describe a conceptual data model
• Explain "implementation-free" as it relates to data
models and database design implementation
• List the four goals of entity relationship modeling
• Identify an entity relationship diagram (ERD)
• Construct ERD components that represent entities
and attributes according to diagramming

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Purpose of Conceptual Modeling
When you design a house, you eventually want to see the
house built. Even if you don't do the actual construction,
you need to understand the builder’s terms to help them
take your conceptual design and make it a physical reality.
The database conceptual model can be used for further
discussion between designers, database administrators,
and application developers.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Conceptual Modeling
• A conceptual data model identifies the highest-level
relationships between the different entities.
• It contains relationships between entities, but may or
may not include cardinality and nullability.
• It does not specify the primary key, but it does
determine a unique identifier for each entity.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Conceptual Modeling Components: Entities
• Real-world object or thing that has an independent
existence and that is distinguishable from other objects
• Examples: person, car, customer

Person Car

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Conceptual Modeling Components:
• Characteristics of entities or relationships that provide
descriptive details about them
• Examples: person’s name, address

Attributes Attributes

Name Address Color Model

Person Car

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Conceptual Modeling Components:
Association among two or more entities

Attributes Attributes

Name Address Color Model

Person drives a car.

Person Car Relationship

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Steps to Create a Conceptual Model

4. Determine
3. Identify unique (including optionality
identifiers. and cardinality)

2. Identify attributes
(including optionality).

1. Identify entities.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Conceptual Modeling: Example
# Faculty ID # Course ID
teaches offered by
* Faculty Name * Course Name
° Faculty Email taught by ° Session ID
° Department ID

belongs to enrolled

contains enrolls

# Department ID # Student ID
* Department Name * First Name
° HOD ° Student Reg Year
° Student Email


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Conceptual Data Modeling
Entity Relationship Diagram
• A consistent tool that can be used to represent the data
requirements of a business, regardless of the type of
database that is used, and even in the absence of one.
• A graphical representation of entities and their
relationships to each other, and it is used to organize
data within databases or information systems.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Implementation-Free Models
Database Types
• A good conceptual data
model stays the same ER Model
regardless of the type of
database system that is
eventually built—or
• This is what
Hierarchical Network
“implementation-free” Database Database
model means.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Entity Relationship Model
• Is a list of all entities and attributes as well as all
relationships between the entities that are of
• Provides background information such as entity
descriptions, data types, and constraints.
• Does not require a diagram, but the diagram is typically
a very useful tool.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Goals of ER Modeling
• Capture all required information.
• Ensure that information appears only once.
• Model no information that is derivable from other
information that is already modeled.
• Locate information in a predictable, logical place.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Steps to Build an ERD

Choose Unique Build Identify Check the
Entities and
Identifiers Relationships Cardinalities Model

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Sporting Goods Business Scenario
I'm a manager of a sporting goods wholesale company
that operates worldwide to fill orders of retail sporting
goods stores. The stores are our customers (some of our
people prefer to call them our clients).
Right now we have fifteen customers worldwide, but
we're trying to expand our customer base by about 10%
each year starting this year. Our two biggest customers
are in the United States: Big John's Sports Emporium in
San Francisco, California, and Women's Sports in Seattle,

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Sporting Goods Business Scenario
For each customer, we must track an ID and a name. We
may also track an address (including the city, state, zip
code, and country) and a phone number.
We maintain warehouses in different regions to fill our
customer orders. For each order, we must track an ID. We
may also track the date ordered, date shipped, and
payment type if the information is available.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Sporting Goods Business Scenario
Our order entry personnel are well versed in our product
line. We hold frequent meetings with Marketing to learn
about new products. The result is better customer
satisfaction because we can answer customer questions.
We deal with a few select customers and maintain a
specialty product line. For each product, we must know
the ID and name. Occasionally we must also know the
description, suggested price, and unit of sale. When
necessary we also want to be able to track very long
descriptions of our products and pictures of our products.

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Conceptual Data Modeling
Completed Sporting Goods ERD
placed by # ID
o price via # ID
o quantity o date_ordered placing the o name
o quantity_shipped having assignment of o phone
o date_shipped entered by
o total o address
representing o city
o payment_type
o order_filled assigned o state
INVENTORY entering
to o country
o amount_in_stock o zip_code
o reorder_point EMPLOYEE
o credit_ratings
o max_stock responsible # ID
o comments
o out_of_stock_reason for o first_name
o retstock_date o last_name
* user_id
o start_date
held assigned
represented for in managed
o comments
by o salary to
part of by
holding o commision_pct
assigned the
PRODUCT the assignment
WAREHOUSE assignment to
# ID
# ID of
o name of
o short_description
o address
o city # ID
o suggested_whisl_price # ID
o state o name
o whisl_unit o name assigned to
o country
o zip_code contain
o phone

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Conceptual Data Modeling
In this lesson, you should have learned how to:
• Describe a conceptual data model
• Explain "implementation-free" as it relates to data
models and database design implementation
• List the four goals of entity relationship modeling
• Identify an ERD
• Construct ERD components that represent entities
and attributes according to diagramming

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Conceptual Data Modeling

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