Evolution I: Multiple-Choice Questions

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29

Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Chapter 29 Evolution I

Multiple-choice questions

* The table below shows the number of differences in amino acid sequence in a
protein of four animals, W, X, Y and Z.
W 12 13 3
X 1 10
Y 11

Which of the following is most likely to be the evolutionary tree of these four



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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The table below shows the amino acid sequence in a protein of four mammals.
Each type of amino acid is represented by a letter.
Mammal Amino acid sequence
Human Y L Y Q W L G A P V P Y P D P L E P R R
Chimpanzee Y L Y Q W L G A P V P Y P D P L E P R R
Orangutan Y L Y Q W L G A P V P Y P D P L E P K R
Gorilla Y L Y Q W L G A O V P Y P D P L E P K R

Which of the following can be concluded from the above information?

(1) Humans and chimpanzees are genetically identical.
(2) Humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than to orangutans.
(3) Gorillas evolved from orangutans.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (3) only
D (2) and (3) only

* Which of the following provide information to deduce the phylogenetic
relationship between different organisms?
(1) the difference in amino acid sequence of a certain protein in their bodies
(2) the difference in base sequence of their DNA
(3) the difference in their body size
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

The photograph below shows a fish skeleton fossil.

Below are some events that happened during the formation of the above fossil.
(1) Minerals deposited in the fish skeleton.
(2) The fish skeleton was buried in mud and sand.
(3) The soft parts of the fish decayed.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the events?

A (1) → (3) → (2)
B (2) → (3) → (1)
C (3) → (1) → (2)
D (3) → (2) → (1)

Which of the following statements about the formation of fossils are correct?
(1) Fossils can only be formed in rocks.
(2) Fossils are exposed by earth movement or weathering.
(3) Fossils are usually preserved in sedimentary rocks.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The photograph below shows a whale.

Whales are marine mammals which may have evolved from land mammals, but
how the land mammals may have evolved into whales is still a mystery. Which
of the following is most probably the reason?
A The remains of whales cannot form fossils.
B There are gaps in the fossil record.
C Scientists do not know the time of existence of the whales.
D Fossils cannot provide evidence for the evolution of mammals.

* At a site, fossil X was found at 50 m underground, while fossil Y was found at
200 m underground. What can we deduce from the above information?
(1) Fossil X is a more recent fossil than fossil Y.
(2) The species preserved in fossil Y is the ancestor of the species preserved in
fossil X.
(3) The two species preserved in fossils X and Y existed on earth at different
periods of time.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (2) and (3) only

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

The age of fossils can be estimated by
A measuring the thickness of the fossils.
B observing the colour of the fossils.
C ultraviolet light dating.
D radioisotope dating.

Why is a continuous fossil record seldom found?
(1) Some organisms did not fossilize.
(2) Some fossils decayed before discovery.
(3) Some organisms died in places where the conditions were not suitable for
fossil formation.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* The base sequence of the DNA of three different animals was determined. About
90% of the base sequence of organism X is the same as that of organism Y,
while about 93% of the base sequence of organism X is the same as that of
organism Z. Which of the following can be deduced from the above information?
A Organism X has a closer phylogenetic relationship with organism Y than
with organism Z.
B Organism X has a closer phylogenetic relationship with organism Z than
with organism Y.
C Organism Y has a closer phylogenetic relationship with organism X than
with organism Z.
D Organism Z has a closer phylogenetic relationship with organism Y than
with organism X.

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Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following statements about fossils is not correct?
A Fossils can only be formed from the hard parts of organisms.
B Bones and teeth can become fossils.
C Fossils provide strong evidence for evolution.
D Fossils can be formed from organisms of different sizes.

* Fossils found in younger rock tend to be very similar to living species, but fossils
in older rock tend to be markedly different and simpler in structure. These facts
show that
(1) organisms of increasing complexity have appeared on earth over time.
(2) organisms evolved from a common ancestor.
(3) organisms were generated from non-living things.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* Fossils of the earliest cells have never been found. Which of the following is/are
the possible reason(s)?
(1) The cells are small in size, thus the chance of finding their fossils is small.
(2) The cells evolved into higher forms quickly, thus no fossils were formed.
(3) The cells decomposed quickly after death, thus no fossils were formed.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

The photographs below show four different fossils.

W: a dinosaur footprint X: a dinosaur dung fossil

Y: an insect preserved in amber Z: a snail shell fossil

Which fossil contains the largest proportion of tissue of the original organism?

According to the fossil records, which of the following organisms appeared first
on earth?
A prokaryotes
B fungi
C ferns
D mammals

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The diagram below shows a sedimentary rock. The arrows indicate the locations
where two fossils, X and Y, were found.

Which of the following can be concluded from the diagram?

(1) Fossil Y was formed earlier than fossil X.
(2) Organisms forming fossils X and Y are now extinct.
(3) Organisms forming fossils X and Y evolved from the same ancestor.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (3) only
D (1) and (3) only

* Which of the following statements about fossils is not correct?
A Fossils in the lower layers of rocks are earlier fossils.
B Fossils are preserved remains or traces of organisms.
C Fossils of more complex organisms are found in the lower layers of the
D The age of fossils can be estimated by radioisotope dating.

* Which of the following is not an explanation for the missing links in a fossil
A Some fossils are located in inaccessible areas.
B Some organisms cannot form fossils.
C Some organisms decay before being buried in mud and sand.
D Some organisms become extinct before fossils can be formed.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The diagram below shows the change in structure of the forelimbs of horses over
the past 60 million years.

According to the diagram, which of the following changes have occurred over
the past 60 million years?
(1) The forelimb has become longer.
(2) The number of toes has been reduced.
(3) The hoof (蹄) has become harder.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* The oldest fossil found on earth is a fossil of a prokaryote, which is estimated to
have formed 3.5 billion years ago. Fossils earlier than this have never been
found. Which of the following is a possible reason?
A The environment at that time was not suitable for the formation of fossils.
B All organisms living at that period have evolved into more complex
C All the fossils formed at that time were decayed.
D Organisms at that time did not have the gene that codes for fossil formation.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The photographs below show two fossils. Fossil P was found in the lower layer
of the rock while fossil Q was found in the upper layer.


Which of the following statements about the two fossils are correct?
(1) Fossil P was formed earlier than fossil Q.
(2) Both fossils were formed from the hard parts of organisms.
(3) The organism forming fossil Q evolved from the organism forming fossil P.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* Which of the following provide clues to the phylogenetic relationship between
different organisms?
(1) fossil records
(2) variations between different individuals of the same species
(3) genetic similarities between different organisms
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

The photograph below shows a fossil.

Which of the following are required for the formation of this fossil?
(1) pressure
(2) mud and sand
(3) hard parts of the organism
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* Which of the following can be observed in fossil records?
(1) extinction
(2) formation of new species
(3) successive change in body structure
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following organisms is least likely to form a fossil?



* Which of the following provide(s) evidence for evolution?
(1) structural similarities between different organisms
(2) fossil records
(3) habitats of different organisms
A (2) only
B (1) and (2) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

Which of the following organisms is least likely to fossilize?
A horse
B jellyfish
C horseshoe crab
D snail

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Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Fossils are usually preserved in
(1) volcanic rocks.
(2) sedimentary rocks.
(3) seawater.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Short questions

Short questions

* a The diagram below shows two species of trilobites, a group of arthropods
that became extinct about 240 million years ago. Species X is 20 million
years older than species Y.

i List three observable features from the diagram that suggest the two
species are related. (3 marks)
ii List two observable features from the diagram, other than size, that
could suggest they are different species. (2 marks)
b Explain how fossils provide evidence for the theory of evolution.(2 marks)
OCR GCE (AS) Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health Jun 2011 Q6
-- answer --
a i The bodies of both species consist of the head, the thorax and the tail. /
The bodies of both species are segmented. /
Both species have lateral spines. /
The thoraxes and tails of the two species have similar shape.
(any 3) 1m x 3
ii The lateral spines of species Y are longer. /
Species X has an anterior spine but species Y does not. /
The head of species Y is less rounded.
(any 2 or other reasonable answers) 1m x 2
b Fossils show the changes of the organisms over time. 1m
Fossils can be dated by radioisotope dating. 1m

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Question Bank Short questions

The diagram below shows the evolutionary history of humans and some other

a With reference to the diagram, which organism has the closest phylogenetic
relationship with humans? (1 mark)
b Explain how we can deduce the phylogenetic relationship between humans
and other organisms by analysing DNA. (2 marks)
-- answer --
a U 1m
b Compare the base sequence of the DNA of humans and other organisms. 1m
The more similar the base sequence of DNA between humans and an organism,
the closer the phylogenetic relationship between them. 1m

* The diagrams below show the wings of four flying animals.

Which of the animals has the closest phylogenetic relationship with the bat?
Support your answer with evidence from the diagrams. (5 marks)

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Question Bank Short questions

-- answer --
The bird has the closest phylogenetic relationship with the bat. 1m
Both the wings of the bird and the bat are supported by bones. 1m
The basic designs of the bones in them are very similar. 1m
These structural similarities show that the bird and the bat may have evolved from a
common ancestor. 1m
The wings of the fly and the flying fish are totally different in structure when compared
with the wings of the bat. 1m

* Archaeopteryx was a bird living 150 million years ago. The diagrams below
show its fossil in a rock and a drawing of it based on the fossil.

a Describe how such a fossil was formed. (4 marks)

b Scientists believed that Archaeopteryx may not be able to fly very well.
Support this view by two features shown in the diagrams. (2 marks)
-- answer --
a An Archaeopteryx died and its soft parts decayed. 1m
Its skeleton and feathers were buried in mud and sand. 1m
After millions of years, the mud and sand became rock due to great pressure from
the upper layers of sediment. 1m
Minerals deposited in the skeleton and feathers, and turned the skeleton and
feathers into a fossil. 1m
b The presence of teeth is a considerable weight burden to the bird. 1m
The relatively long tail which consists of many bones is also a weight burden to
the bird.

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Question Bank Short questions

* Apart from being preserved as fossils in rocks, remains of organisms can also be
preserved in some other ways. The remains of some organisms have been
preserved in amber and some have been preserved in ice.
a State the importance of fossils in the study of evolution. (1 mark)
b State two differences between fossils in amber and fossils in rocks.
(2 marks)
c State two differences between fossils in ice and fossils in rocks. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Fossils provide evidence for evolution. 1m
b Small organisms (usually insects) are usually preserved in amber, while larger
organisms can be preserved in rocks. 1m
The whole organisms including the soft parts are preserved in amber, while only
the hard parts of organisms are preserved in rocks. 1m
c The whole organisms including the soft parts are preserved in ice, while only the
hard parts of organisms are preserved in rocks. 1m
Fossils in ice can be found only in the polar regions while fossils in rocks can be
found anywhere with sedimentary rock. 1m

* Outline the hypothesis for the origin of life that is most widely accepted by
scientists. (3 marks)

-- answer --
Organic molecules were formed from inorganic substances like methane, ammonia,
hydrogen and water vapour present in the atmosphere of the early earth 1m
using energy from solar radiation, electric discharges in lightning and strong heat from
volcanoes. 1m
The organic molecules then joined to form the first organisms on earth. 1m

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Question Bank Short questions

* The photograph below shows a fish skeleton fossil.

a Explain why fossils are usually formed from body parts like skeletons.
(3 marks)
b Describe how fish skeleton fossils are formed. (3 marks)
-- answer --
a The soft parts of organisms decay after the organisms die. 1m
The skeletons remain for a longer time, 1m
thus minerals can deposit in them and turn them into fossils. 1m
b The fish skeletons are buried in mud and sand. 1m
The mud and sand become rock due to great pressure from the upper layers of
sediment. 1m
Minerals deposit in the skeletons and turn them into fossils. 1m

* a Fossils are most commonly formed from the hard parts of organisms. State
three examples of such hard parts. (3 marks)
b Explain why the soft parts of organisms are usually not preserved.
(1 mark)
c Amber is fossilized resin. Explain why soft parts of insects can be preserved
when insects are trapped in resin. (1 mark)
-- answer --
a Bones / skull / skeleton /
Teeth /
Shells /
Woods (any 3) 1m x 3
b The soft parts of organisms decay before fossilization. 1m
c The soft parts are kept in an air-free condition in the resin. This prevents them
from decay. 1m

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* The table below shows the similarity in the base sequence of the DNA between
humans and three other organisms.
Organism Chimpanzee Mouse Fruit fly
Similarity 98% 85% 44%

Which organism has the closest phylogenetic relationship with humans? Explain
your answer. (4 marks)

-- answer --
Chimpanzees 1m
The base sequence of the DNA of chimpanzees is most similar to that of humans.
The more similar the base sequence, the less genetic differences have accumulated.
This indicates that fewer mutations have occurred. 1m

* Scientists found fossils of fishes X and Y in a sedimentary rock. The diagram
below shows the locations in which the two fossils were found.

a Which fish is likely to appear on earth first? Explain briefly. (2 marks)

b State one way how scientists can obtain more information about the
time of existence of fishes X and Y from the fossils.
(2 marks)
-- answer --
a Fish Y is likely to appear on earth first. 1m
The lower layer of the sedimentary rock contains the earlier fossils. 1m
b They can estimate the ages of fossils by radioisotope dating. 1m

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The ages of fossils reflect the time of existence of the fishes. 1m


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Short questions

* The remains of organisms usually decay after the organisms die. However, in
some places, the conditions are not suitable for decay so the remains can be
preserved as fossils.
a Explain why the remains of organisms are more likely to be preserved as
fossils in the following places. (3 marks)

deserts polar regions sedimentary rocks

b Fossil records provide evidence for the theory of evolution. What does the
theory of evolution suggest? (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Deserts are too hot / do not have enough moisture for decay. 1m
Polar regions are too cold for decay. 1m
Sedimentary rocks do not have oxygen inside for decay. 1m
b The theory of evolution suggests that life on earth started from a common
ancestor. 1m
The common ancestor developed into all the different species today over a long
period of time. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Structured questions

Structured questions

** a It has been found that 98.4% of chimpanzee DNA is identical to that of a
i Suggest how the information obtained by DNA analysis can be useful
to taxonomists. (2 marks)
ii State two types of evidence, other than biochemical evidence, that are
used by taxonomists when classifying organisms. (2 marks)
b Cytochrome C is a protein found in living organisms. The structure of
cytochrome C varies between different organisms. However, closely related
organisms have similar cytochrome C.
The diagram below shows a possible evolutionary tree for vertebrates.
Common ancestors are indicated by the number 1 and various letters.

State the letter of the common ancestor that has cytochrome C which will be
i most similar in structure to common ancestor 1.
ii least similar in structure to common ancestor 1. (2 marks)

c The pine marten is a small mammal that is rare in the United Kingdom. Its

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Question Bank Structured questions

numbers are particularly low in Wales and there have been few confirmed
sightings of this animal in the past 50 years. There have been plans to
introduce pine martens from other areas of the United Kingdom into Wales
to increase the size of the population.
The DNA of museum specimens of Welsh pine martens in the National
Museum of Wales was tested, the most recent specimens dating from 1948.
The DNA analysis suggests that Welsh pine martens are genetically distinct
from those found elsewhere in the United Kingdom.
i The relevance of this analysis has been questioned by some scientists.
Suggest why the findings from the museum specimens may not relate
closely to the current pine marten population of the United Kingdom.
(1 mark)
ii Suggest why some people are concerned about the plan to introduce
pine martens from other areas into Wales. (1 mark)
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-- answer --
a i The base sequence of the DNA of different organisms can be compared.
The information can be used to decide which groups the organisms should
be classified into. 1m
ii Fossil records 1m
Anatomy 1m
(or other correct answers)
b i J 1m
ii T 1m
c i No DNA from living specimens in Wales is analysed. /
The population may have evolved since 1948. 1m
ii Introduced pine martens may not be adapted to local conditions. /
The local habitat may have changed in a way that it is no longer suitable for
any pine martens. /
Introduced pine martens may out-compete the native population. /
Introduced pine martens may bring diseases. /
Welsh pine marten may lose its distinctiveness because of interbreeding.
(or other reasonable answers) 1m

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* Read the following article and answer the questions.
Scientists find the missing link
Chinese and British scientists have identified a bird-sized fossil. They believe
the fossil fills a gap in our understanding of the flying reptiles known as
pterosaurs. The species preserved in the fossil has been named Darwinopterus
modularis. The fossil was found in rocks dated at around 160 million years
ago. Darwinopterus modularis appears to be an intermediate form between
primitive pterosaurs and advanced pterosaurs. Its head and neck are similar to
those of advanced pterosaurs, while the rest of the skeleton, including a very
long tail, is identical to that of primitive pterosaurs.

Darwinopterus modularis

a What are fossils? (1 mark)

b Find a term from the paragraph with the same meaning as ‘missing link’ in
the heading. (1 mark)
c State three reasons why there is a missing link in the fossil record of
pterosaurs. (3 marks)
d Name a technique used to ‘date’ a rock. (1 mark)
e What evidence(s) show(s) that Darwinopterus modularis is an intermediate
form between primitive pterosaurs and advanced pterosaurs? (3 marks)
f State the scientific significance of these findings. (1 mark)

-- answer --
a Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms. 1m
b Gap 1m

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c The bodies of dead pterosaurs may be eaten by other organisms or may decay
before fossilization. /
The conditions in which some pterosaurs died may not be suitable for fossil
formation. /
Some fossils are located in inaccessible areas. /
Some fossils are incomplete and may be damaged. /
The chance of discovering fossils is low. (any 3) 1m x 3
d Radioisotope dating 1m
e Darwinopterus modularis has structures similar to both primitive pterosaurs and
advanced pterosaurs. 1m
Its head and neck are similar to those of advanced pterosaurs. 1m
The rest of the skeleton, including a very long tail, is identical to that of primitive
pterosaurs. 1m
f The fossil of Darwinopterus modularis fills the gap in the fossil record between
primitive pterosaurs and advanced pterosaurs. /
Darwinopterus modularis helps show how primitive pterosaurs evolved to the
advanced pterosaurs. 1m

** It is believed that the atmosphere of the early earth contained methane, ammonia,
hydrogen and water vapour. There was little oxygen. Lightning and solar
radiation provided energy for the formation of organic molecules, such as amino
acids. These organic molecules then joined to form the first organisms on earth.
a State the significance of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapour in
the formation of organic molecules. (2 marks)
b Explain how the absence of oxygen in the atmosphere of the early earth
provided a favourable condition for the formation of organic molecules.
(3 marks)
c Name one type of organic molecule that is necessary for the survival of the
first organisms. Explain why. (3 marks)

-- answer --
a They provide elements such as hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, 1m
which are essential for the formation of organic molecules. 1m
b Without oxygen, ozone layer could not be formed in the atmosphere. 1m
Plenty of solar radiation reached the earth’s surface, 1m

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providing sufficient energy for the activation of chemical reactions. 1m

c Proteins 1m
Enzymes are protein in nature. 1m
Enzymes catalyse metabolic reactions to a speed fast enough to support life.

* The diagram below shows some of the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens and
some other related primates. The circles represent organisms that are now

a Given that the scientific name of chimpanzee is Pan troglodytes and that of
gorilla is Gorilla gorilla. Which circle in the diagram most likely represents
Homo erectus? Explain your answer. (3 marks)
b The dotted lines in the diagram represent ‘missing links’. State two reasons
why there are missing links in the evolutionary history. (2 marks)
c Explain how the study of genetics helps build up the phylogenetic
relationships between humans and other primates. (2 marks)
-- answer --
a Z 1m
Homo erectus has the same genus name as Homo sapiens, 1m
indicating that it may have a close phylogenetic relationship with Homo sapiens.

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b The bodies of dead organisms may be eaten by other organisms, or may decay
before fossilization. /
The conditions in which the organisms died may not be suitable for fossil
formation. /
Some fossils are located in inaccessible areas. /
Some fossils are incomplete and may be damaged. /
The chance of discovering fossils is low. (any 2) 1m x 2
c The study of genetics enables us to compare the base sequence of human DNA
with that of other primates. 1m
The more similar the base sequence, the closer the phylogenetic relationship
between humans and the primate. 1m

* For millions of years, dinosaurs, the giant reptiles, were the dominant animals on
earth. The dinosaurs disappeared suddenly and mammals began to dominate
about 65 million years ago. Recent evidence suggested that there was a
significant rise in temperature of the atmosphere at that time. It may be the cause
of the extinction of dinosaurs.
a How would a rise in atmospheric temperature affect the body temperature
of dinosaurs? Explain your answer. (3 marks)
b How might the significant rise in atmospheric temperature lead to the
extinction of dinosaurs? (4 marks)
c i What are fossils? (1 mark)
ii How do fossils help scientists understand about the past? (3 marks)
-- answer --
a Dinosaurs were reptiles. 1m
They lacked the mechanisms to keep their body temperature stable. 1m
Their body temperature would increase with a rise in atmospheric temperature.
b The rise in atmospheric temperature might cause an increase in body
temperature of dinosaurs.
Their body temperature might become too high, 1m
causing the denaturation of enzymes. 1m
The metabolic reactions might become too slow to maintain life. 1m
c i Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms. 1m

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ii They provide evidence of prehistoric forms of life from which present life
forms have evolved. 1m
The ages of fossils can be estimated by radioisotope dating. 1m
The ages of fossils reflect the time of existence of the organisms. 1m
(or other reasonable answers)

* By using the information obtained from the fossils found, scientists arranged
different organisms according to the time in which they first appeared on earth.
The diagram below shows the results.

a How the information about the time in which the organisms first appeared
on earth can be obtained from the fossils? State two ways. (4 marks)
b Suggest two general trends of the evolutionary history of the organisms as
shown in the above diagram. (2 marks)
c State two groups of organisms shown in the above diagram that belong to
kingdoms different from the other organisms. (1 mark)
d Estimate the time period in which first mosses appeared. Explain your
answer. (3 marks)
-- answer --
a The locations from which the fossils are found give information. 1m
The lower the location, the older the fossil, and thus the earlier the organism first
appeared on earth. 1m
The ages of fossils can be estimated by radioisotope dating. 1m
The ages of fossils reflect the time of existence of the organisms. 1m
b There is a change from simple organisms to complex organisms. 1m
There is a change from aquatic organisms to terrestrial organisms. 1m
c Algae and fungi 1m
d The first mosses should appear between 1600 and 425 million of years ago.1m
The structure of mosses is simpler than ferns but more complex than fungi. 1m
Therefore, the first mosses should appear between the appearance of the first
fungi and the first ferns. 1m

© Oxford University Press 29-28

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Structured questions

* In 1953, Stanley Miller carried out a scientific investigation to find out whether
organic molecules could have been formed from inorganic substances in the
atmosphere of the early earth. He exposed a mixture of methane, ammonia,
hydrogen and water vapour to electric sparks (which simulated lightning).
Organic molecules such as amino acids were formed.
a What is the hypothesis of this investigation? (1 mark)
b State two assumptions made by Miller about the early earth. (2 marks)
c State the role of the following in the formation of organic molecules:
i The mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapour
(1 mark)
ii Electric sparks (1 mark)
d What conclusion can be drawn from this experiment? (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Organic molecules can be formed from inorganic substances when the inorganic
substances are exposed to electric sparks. 1m
b There was no organic molecules on the early earth. /
The atmosphere of the early earth consisted of a mixture of methane, ammonia,
hydrogen and water vapour. /
Lightning was frequent on the early earth. (any 2) 1m x 2
c i They provide essential elements for the formation of organic molecules.
ii They provide energy for the activation of chemical reactions. 1m
d Organic molecules can be formed 1m
in the presence of essential inorganic substances and sufficient energy.

© Oxford University Press 29-29

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Essays


* The photograph below shows a fossil. Describe how such a fossil was formed
and discovered. (11 marks)

-- answer --
A fish died. The soft parts of the fish decayed. 1m
The skeleton was then buried in mud and sand. 1m
After millions of years, the mud and sand became rock 1m
due to great pressure from the upper layers of sediment. 1m
Minerals deposited in the fish skeleton 1m
and turned it into a fossil. 1m
Earth movement raised the rock above water. 1m
Further earth movement or weathering exposed the fossil. The fossil was then
discovered by people. 1m
Communication 3m

© Oxford University Press 29-30

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 29
Question Bank Essays

* Describe the hypothesis for the origin of life which is most widely accepted by
scientists. State one evidence of it. (9 marks)

-- answer --
The atmosphere of the early earth consisted of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and
water vapour.
Using the energy from solar radiation, electric discharges in lightning and strong heat
from volcanoes, 1m
these inorganic substances combined to form organic molecules. 1m
The organic molecules then joined to form the first organisms on earth. 1m
Results from experiments showed that organic molecules like amino acids can be
formed from a mixture of inorganic substances on exposure to electric sparks. 2m
Communication 3m

© Oxford University Press 29-31

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