Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System

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Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering 5 (2015) 181-194

doi: 10.17265/2159-5879/2015.04.004

Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore

Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System

Kaliyaperumal, P., Venkatesan, R., Senthilkumar, P., Kalaivanan, C. K., Gnanadhas, T., and Vedachalam, N.
Ocean Observation Systems, Earth Science Systems Organization-National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai, 600100 India

Abstract: This paper discusses the analysis done on the meteorological ocean buoy mooring used for monitoring the Indian seas. Based
on the extreme environmental parameters experienced by the buoys, mooring loads are analyzed using offshore dynamic analysis
software. The results obtained are validated with the tension recorder installed in one of the moorings, and the results are found to
comply with an accuracy of better than 1%. The successful on demand performance of the mooring during major cyclones in the Bay of
Bengal and the vital meteorological and oceanographic information provided by the buoy during these disastrous cyclonic events
validates the mooring design, and proves the data availability for societal needs. The time critical data assimilated in the cyclone
prediction models have given confidence to improve the country’s weather prediction and climate modelling capabilities.

Key words: Mooring, data buoy, tsunami, cyclone.

1. Introduction environment agencies, tourism, weather forecast,

offshore mining and oil industry and climate research.
Oceans play a vital role in maintaining the Earth’s
The buoy systems used for ocean monitoring is a
climate, and its variability is due to the fluid motions,
floating structure designed to measure the ocean
high heat capacity, and its ecosystems. The level of
meteorological, surface and subsurface parameters.
understanding the ocean environment and analysing in
These buoy systems are categorized into moored and
an appropriate spatio-temporal scale including its
free drifting types, which in turn classified into surface
variability and to precisely model the weather and
and subsurface types. The buoy mooring is a structure
climate is a challenge [1]. Space-based observations of
that extends from the surface to the ocean bottom used
sea level through altimetry, surface wind stress through
for mounting meteorological and oceanographic
scattering studies and other passive sensing, sub
instruments. Of late, MSB (Moored Surface Buoys)
surface temperature measurements through infrared
with precise data collection and real time transmission
and microwave techniques and precipitation through
has revolutionized the observation system capabilities
the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission using
and their societal importance.
passive and active radar systems, are largely confined
The top portion of the mooring is exposed to
to surface variables measurements only [2, 3]. In situ
demanding environments and therefore its design
observations provide an essential complement for
should take into consideration the extreme effects of
validating the remotely acquired data and to obtain the
surface waves, ocean currents and other factors that
subsurface variability. Knowledge of the ocean is
vary with time, location, regional climate and weather
essential for many stakeholders dealing with
patterns. Extensive research has to be done in this
climatology, fisheries, ports and harbors, coastal zone
domain to understand the dynamics, load patterns,
management, navy and coast guard, public health and
material needs and configuration. The study of the
Corresponding author: R.Venkatesan, Ph.D., research dynamics of anchored steel, polypropylene and nylon
fields: marine pollution and management, ocean observation,
ocean policy andmaterials for marine application. Email:
mooring lines disturbed by simple sinusoidal waves to
[email protected].
182 Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System

predict the dynamic component of mooring line tension reported [12]. The finite element analysis software
and it was reported that synthetic fiber ropes develop CABLE [13, 14] and OrcaFlex [15] were used for
much lower dynamic tensions [4, 5]. The S-shaped carrying out the static and dynamic analysis of
inverse catenary mooring with sub-surface floats oceanographic cable structures and to solve the
referred to as slack mooring is used for most of the surface and subsurface single-point mooring
deep sea instrumented mooring applications [1, 6]. The problems with user specified forces such as waves,
importance on the need for efficient computational currents, wind and ship speed. In this paper, an
tools with capabilities to model all significant elements attempt has been made to compare the actual field
and physical processes related to the mooring system recorded load measurements with the predicted
and to provide realistic predictions of loads, motions mooring loads, using numerical analysis with CABLE
and displacements was discussed [6]. Extensive and OrcaFlex software.
research is initiated for gaining further insight into the
2. Materials and Methods
mechanism of the dynamic behaviour of mooring lines
to quantify the effects of important parameters with 2.1 Indian Moored Buoy System and Its Importance
special attention to the maximum tension developed Considering the importance of ocean observations in
[7]. terms of understanding our ocean environment and
Depending on the weight of the instruments attached utilizing them for operational oceanography, the
to the mooring and based on the amplitude and Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, has
frequency of the waves, large dynamic tensions are
installed a moored buoy network currently comprising
experienced specifically in the top portion of the
of 24 MSBs to acquire different oceanographic
mooring line. The cyclic loads with frequencies of
parameters from the Indian Seas. The prime objective
about ten million times could be experienced in
of the moored buoy network is to provide reliable,
one-year operational period [8]. An analysis on single
accurate and cost-effective atmospheric and oceanic
point inverse catenary mooring systems with and
observations for supporting weather forecasts and data
without subsurface floats showed that the most
exchange with international agreements on climate
important design parameter in terms of the maximum
monitoring under the GOOS (Global Ocean
tension is the length of the mooring. The other
Observation System) project. The data acquired are
important parameter in terms of the bending fatigue
widely used for research, validation and operational
damage is the length of the buoyant section and the
distribution of the floats, which resulted in the design applications in India and abroad. The OOS (Ocean
and development of instrumented moorings with the Observation Systems) program of the ESSO National
combination wire rope and synthetic ropes [9, 10]. Institute of Ocean Technology is involved in the design,
Studies on the dynamics of mooring lines were deployment and maintenance of meteorological and
conducted to provide a broad data base applicable to tsunami buoy networks in the Indian seas. The
model validation and to quantify the horizontal and locations of MSBs are shown in Fig. 1. These buoy
vertical components of the dynamic tension generated systems are deployed at particular locations, and are
by the vertical and sinusoidal motions of the upper equipped with sensor suites to measure meteorological
end of the mooring line which helps the designers to and oceanographic parameters. The state-of-the-art
determine the bending stiffness and scope of the OMNI (Ocean Moored buoy network in the Northern
mooring line [11]. A comparison of the mooring line Indian Ocean) buoy collects up to 106 parameters and
tension with two types of mooring systems and with transmits to the MCC (Mission Control Centre) in real
the tension recorder measurements were also time [1] at NIOT Chennai.
Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System 183

Fig. 1 Indian moored buoy network.

The acquired meteorological data are used by

2.2 System Configuration
operational meteorological agencies such as the IMD
(Indian Meteorological Department) for assimilating in The OOS group of NIOT, maintains three types of
their numerical weather models for precise weather buoy systems, namely, the met ocean buoy system for
forecasts. During the cyclone period, the wind and measuring the surface parameter such as wind,
air-pressure data over the sea are crucial to initialize the humidity, air pressure, air temperature, wave, and
models for forecasting the intensity and to track a surface current; OMNI buoy systems for measuring the
cyclone. Similarly, the sub surface ocean temperature meteorological parameters, such as the wind, humidity,
and salinity are being assimilated in the air pressure and temperature, wave, radiation and
MOM-GODAS (Modular Ocean Model-Global Ocean rainfall, and subsurface parameters, such as current
Data Assimilation System) which is used for coupled speeds up to 100 m depth, conductivity, temperature,
ocean-atmosphere seasonal monsoon forecasts. The salinity and pressure up to 500 m depth [2]; and
buoy is also used to monitor the sea level changes Tsunami buoy systems, a co-located BPR(Bottom
during a tsunami. The time series data provided by the Pressure Recorder) with the surface buoy that measure
buoys are imperative to understand the the water column change sand communicate with the
thermodynamics and resulting fluid dynamics of the MSB acoustically, which are used to predict and to
ocean, and the air-sea interaction over the north Indian issue tsunami related warnings [17]. Depending on the
Ocean to assess the different temporal variations type of application, a standard suite of sensors is
(diurnal, weekly, seasonal, semi-annual, annual, etc.) integrated with the data acquisition system, which is
and to increase the degree of confidence in estimating capable of handling sensor outputs, average the data
the intensity and location of tropical cyclones [16]. sets, and transmit the data through different telemetry
184 Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System

channels. The entire system is programmed to collect synthetic ropes, nylon. The synthetic line acts like a
data at pre-defined time intervals, store it, and transmit rubber band that stretches if necessary, to maintain the
it from the MSB to the MCC. The surface buoy connection between the surface-following buoy and the
provides a platform to mount the sensors and their anchor at the bottom.
accessories, including the energy storage batteries and The basic idea of buoy mooring was evolved based
telemetry systems [1]. A discus shaped hull made of on the concepts of traditional near-shore vessel
fiber reinforced plastic filled with polyurethane foam, mooring. The parameters to be considered in the design
offers a net buoyancy of about 2,000 kgf. The shape of of instrumented buoy mooring systems are operational
the buoy hull enables it to perfectly follow the wave, parameters including allowable amount of motion, and
which is of paramount importance for wave environmental parameters such as wind speed, current
measurements [18]. speed and wave parameters. In case of instrumented
Mooring is a compliant section between the surface buoy mooring systems, the horizontal drift from the
buoy and the seabed located anchor, which protects the anchored position is critical, as the measurements need
buoys from the action of the surface created forces. to be taken in a particular place and depth. The
Moorings typically have three basic components: an allowable buoy drift from its anchored position is
anchor, mooring line with instrumentation and termed as a watch circle.
flotation devices that keep the mooring line and The challenge in the design is to achieve an
instrumentation in place. Shackles and links are used to appropriate combination of structurally compliant and
connect the mooring components, and to secure the fish bite-resistant materials. The “scope” of the
instruments in the mooring line. The choice of the mooring (the ratio of the total un-stretched length of the
hardware, mooring line and flotation for a particular mooring components to the water depth) is one of the
application, as well as the size and design of the anchor, critical design factors. A mooring with scope of less
depends on the type of mooring and the environment in than one (taut mooring) relies on the stretch of the
which it is deployed. nylon for the anchor to reach the bottom. This mooring
remains fairly vertical with a relatively small watch
2.3 Challenges in the Design of the Instrumented Buoy
circle under considerable tension and the currents and
Mooring System
waves impose additional loads [19].
The moorings are designed in such a way that the Based on best of mooring practices published by
rope is not in contact either with the buoy hull or with pioneers such as NOAA NDBC (National Data Buoy
the sea bed. For instrumented buoy mooring, the Corporation) [20] and NIOT’s operational experiences
mooring should not influence the free motion of the [21], the current operating mooring comprises of a
buoy. As surface mooring is subjected to a hostile single point “inverse catenary” link between the buoy
marine environment, it needs a form of built-in and the anchor, which has a minimal effect on the wave
“compliance” (ability to stretch), to compensate for loading because of its compliant section and higher
large vertical excursions, that the buoy may experience, scope. This design has specified lengths of wire rope in
during the course of tidal action and with passing the upper part of the mooring and a nylon rope to form
waves and swell. The compliance should also the required compliance section. A polypropylene rope
compensate for the buoy displacements in lateral is used in the remaining ocean depth up to the anchor
directions on the sea surface due to the drag forces along with the chain. The inverse catenary design
induced by ocean wave and currents. In deepwater offers a larger scope, typically 1.2 to 1.4 for
applications, compliance is provided through the use of high-current periods, and still performs well in lesser
Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System 185

currents. In low currents, the buoyancy provided by the mooring is mainly attributed to the gravity forces and
polypropylene rope and floats keeps the negatively fluid drag on the attached mooring line components
buoyant nylon from entangling with the rest of the and the line tension [22]. Depending upon the
mooring. An instrumented mooring of inverse catenary buoyancy of the mooring hardware, gravity forces act
design lowers the static mooring line tension. The based on the principles of Archimedes. The tension in
dynamic tension contribution to the total tension, the mooring line will be approximately equal to the
however, is unchanged, and care must still be taken in immersed weight of all the mooring components, but in
the design process to prevent the mooring from having oceanic applications, due to currents, drag forces need
a resonant response to forces in the range of surface to be considered in calculating the line tension as given
wave periods. This type of mooring is less vulnerable below:
to vandalism as there are no floating lines on the sea P W  B (1)
surface, which offers fish bite resistance in the upper where, P—resultant force (N/m);
ocean, and is easy for deployment, retrieval and W—Weight of the body (N/m);
servicing activities. B—Buoyancy force (N/m).
These moorings with inverse catenary configuration In the direction normal to the flow, for a diameter (d)
have three sections: the upper, the compliant and the the hydrodynamic resistance due to drag is given by,
lower sections. The upper section consists of a R  1 Cd AV 2 (2)
combination wire rope of 550 m length to protect the Where, R—Drag force (N);
mooring from vandalism and fish bite. The compliance Cd—Coefficient of drag;
section has a nylon rope which gives an S-shape with A—Frontal area (m^2);
the aid of sub-surface floats, and polypropylene rope Ρ—Fluid density (kg/m^3);
provides sufficient stretch to the mooring line under V—Velocity of fluid (m/s).
extreme environmental conditions. The remaining The drag coefficient varies depending on the nature
length of the water depth contains the polypropylene of the fluid flow and type of exposed surface, and can
rope and a 3 m chain, which is known as the lower be obtained by plotting the drag coefficient versus
section in the mooring. In order to avoid the rubbing of Reynolds number for flows, normal and tangential to
the chain with the sea bed, subsurface floats are added the smooth and rough circular cylinders [23]. Under
in the mooring line, which keep the chain in an upright static equilibrium, the vector sum of these forces shall
position. The mooring scope in this case is about 1.2 to be zero. Applying these conditions for normal and
1.4. Tsunami buoy moorings are also of inverse tangential components of these forces, yields the
catenary design but with a lesser scope of about 1.04 to resulting tension in the mooring lines.
ensure reliable acoustic communication between the In recent years, reliable and sophisticated
MSB and the bottom mounted pressure recorder [17]. computational tools are available for numerically
In OMNI buoy moorings, induction cables are used analysing the mooring line-loads subjected to different
instead of a combination rope, to mount the inductive environmental conditions. In the finite element method,
sub surface sensors for real time and connector-less sub the mooring line is divided into a number of straight
surface data transmission. segments, and the changes of tension that take place
over a segment length are calculated. The numerical
2.4 Mooring Dynamic Modeling and in-Situ
modelling of the mooring system and the equations of
motion are solved, by using the time domain numerical
The total dynamic load on the oceanographic surface simulation tool OrcaFlex and CABLE software. They
186 Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System

are fully coupled 3D non-linear time domain finite depth of 3 m approx. from the surface buoy, in line
element programs, capable of dealing with arbitrarily with the mooring, as shown in Fig. 3. The recorder
large deflections of the flexible line, in static and (Model: Iokeys CTL-030 KN) is a robust and
dynamic offshore conditions. Orcaflex provides fast waterproof, battery operated unit, suitable for
and accurate analysis of catenary systems, such as measurements of tension loads up to 3 tonnes (30 kN).
flexible risers and umbilical cables under wave and It consists of a compact electronic data recorder and a
current loads with externally imposed motions. It also load cell tension sensor. The load cell generates an
has the capability to exactly model and analyse the electrical signal that is measured and logged. The unit
buoy systems and their behaviour when subjected to is capable of measuring tension every second for more
different environmental conditions. In OrcaFlex, the than a year, with an internal battery, ensuring valuable
line is divided into a series of segments, which are then information for long term research applications. The
modeled by straight mass less model segments, with a maximum, minimum and mean values of each
node at the end. The model of the line made with measuring interval are stored in memory. Before
OrcaFlex is shown in Fig. 2 [15]. deployment, the tension recorder was calibrated and
In order to study the deep sea inverse catenary programmed to measure the tension at 10 minutes
mooring load in the in-situ condition and validate the intervals. The measured tension data were stored in the
numerical model results, a tension recorder is internal memory, totalling 41,754 data sets. This
incorporated in a MSB (AD05) deployed in the tension recorder has a resolution of 1.46 kgf (14.4 N)
Arabian Sea at 72° E/10° N from December 2011 to for the range of 2,997 kgf (29.4 kN) and an accuracy of
September 2012. The tension recorder was fitted at the ± 14.2 kgf (140 N).

Fig. 2 OrcaFlex line model of mooring

Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System 187

Fig. 3 Mooring line with tension recorder.

parameters, the actual environmental conditions

2.5 Modeling of the Buoy and Mooring System
measured at the location during the logged period were
The surface buoy is modelled as a spar buoy, so as to used for analysis. The environmental condition
capture the interactions with the sea surface. Buoy selected for modelling is the peak sea condition that
geometry is defined in terms of a stack of cylinders, of occurred during the studied period.
appropriate diameters and length. The stack base and From the graphs shown in Fig. 4, it is observed that
the centre of mass are positioned relative to a the maximum values of current and wind were
user-defined origin. Subsurface floats at the required recorded on 12th June 2012, which is the extreme
depth are represented by a midline buoy attached to the condition that existed during the period. The recorded
line. The mooring line is made up of the required values of the tension recorder are also plotted, and it
number of segments, and the respective material shows the maximum, minimum and mean values over
properties were assigned to each segment. The the entire deployment period.
segment’s length corresponding to the actual mooring By using these environmental parameters, the
component’s length is given as an input. As the MSB is mooring analysis has been performed, the maximum
already equipped with sensors to measure ocean tension in the mooring line is about 849 kgf, and that
188 Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System

occurs just below the surface buoy. Fig. 5 below and lengths up to 500 m experience more tension
depicts the mooring line tension in the mooring line compared with the remaining sections of the mooring.
over the full simulation time and the results were This is because the surface buoy transforms the full
compared with the actual measurements of the tension wave load to the mooring which is located just below it.
recorder. Also, the drag force experienced at this section is high,
as the surface current is comparatively high. There is a
3. Results and Discussion
sudden decrease of the mooring load in the middle
The mooring line section just below the surface buoy, section as it is slack.

Fig. 4 Wind, surface current and mooring tension data plots from AD05 (72° E/10° N).
Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System 189

Fig. 5 Mooring line tension obtained from the numerical model.

A comparison has been made between the actual tracked five cyclones since October 2011. The oceanic
recorded values of the tension recorder and the and atmospheric responses of three very severe
predicted values. The maximum value recorded by the cyclonic storms Mahasen, Phailin and Madi formed in
tension recorder during the whole deployment period is the BoB during 2013 were captured by four OMNI
854 kgf. This maximum value was recorded on 12th buoys and one Metocean buoy. Fig 6 shows the
June 2012, the day on which peak environmental maximum wind speed, wind gust and significant wave
conditions existed during the deployment period.The height recorded by the buoy network. The maximum
predicted values are in close proximity to the actual value of wind speed recorded was 25.7 m/s (10 minutes
value with an accuracy of better than 1%. Thus, the average at 1 Hz sampling frequency), and the wind gust
maximum tension load predicted by OrcaFlex software was 32.81 m/s (3 seconds average), during the passage
is in good agreement with the tension recorder logged of the MADI Cyclone [24] on 8th December 2013, and
value. was recorded by BD11 (13° N/84° E). Also, the
maximum significant wave height of 7.73 m was
3.1 Mooring System Performance during the PHAILIN
observed in the same buoy location on the same day.
A VSCS (very severe cyclonic storm) PHAILIN
The mooring buoy systems in the Bay of Bengal had originated from a remnant cyclonic circulation in the
190 Design, Ana
alysis and Installation of Offshore
O Insttrumented Mo
oored Data B
Buoy System

Fig. 6 Param
meters measurred by buoy network.

South Chinaa Sea [25]. It concentrated

c into a depresssion Octtober 2013 annd the same iss shown in Fiig. 7a [16].
over the sam
me region on 8th
8 October 2013
2 near latitude During
D the passage of this ccyclone, a MSB located att
12° N and longgitude 96° E, movving 16°N/88°E in the t eye of the cyclone experiencedd
west-northwwestwards, intensified into a deep d severe inertial oscillation,
o aas shown in Fig. 7b, ass
depression on
o 9th morninng, and furtheer, into a cycllonic evid
denced by the t surface buoy position, and thee
storm, “PHAILIN” on the same evening. e Movving maxximum recordded values off parameters were plottedd
northwestwaards, it furthher intensifieed into a severe in Fig.
F 7c.
cyclonic storrm in the moorning and intto a VSCS onn the As
A plotted in the watch ccircle diagram m, during thee
forenoon off 10th Oct, over
o the eastt central Bayy of passage of the Phailin
P cycloone, the buoy y has movedd
Bengal. Thee PHAILIN crossed
c Odishha and adjoinning outsside the watchh circle and rremained till the
t end of thee
north Andhrra Pradesh cooast, near Goopalpur (Odiisha) cycclone. It cleaarly indicatees that the “compliance
“ e
with a susttained maxim mum surface wind speedd of secttion” of the innverse catenaary mooring has stretchedd
200-210 km mph [26], aroound 2,230 hrs IST of 12th enoough, and keept the buoyy intact with the anchor..
Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System 191

Fig. 7 (a) Phailin cyclone track; (b) Movement of buoy during the passage of cyclone [16]; (c) Significant observations during
the Phailin cyclone.

Similar observations have been made during the in the direction of the wind, but then, turn to the right
passage of other cyclones, and the mooring remained hand side of the wind direction in the northern
intact in the respective locations. hemisphere because of the Coriolis effect. Once the
motion is setup, the surface water will continue moving
3.2 Inertial Oscillations and Mooring System
in a circle. This rotational motion is identified as
Performance during Other Cyclones
inertial oscillation, where the word “inertial” refers to
The inertial oscillation is a motion caused by the the effect of the inertial force induced by the rotation of
rotation of the earth, named Coriolis force. A sudden the earth reference frame and the word “oscillation” is
wind force will tend to push the surface water moving used, because the water particles will rotate in a circle.
192 Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System

An object, free floating or moored at the location near location where the depth is 2,150 m, and much offshore,
to this, follows the pattern of this inertial oscillation. thereby the wave height must have increased still
The intensity of the current induced inertial higher as the cyclone approached the Gopalpur coast,
oscillations has been observed independently, by India. The mooring withstood these high waves and
lowered and moored current meters, by neutrally upon retrieval of the MSB showed severe damage to
buoyant floats, and by electromagnetic current the surface sensors. However, the buoy and mooring
measurements. Inertial oscillations occur normally at remained at this location. The photograph of the
the time of cyclones, and the buoy systems moored surface buoy taken from the Indian Research Vessel
close to the travel path of these cyclones may SAGAR KANYA is shown in Fig. 9. This is a clear
experience the effect, and those which were reported indication of the success of the mooring design to
on real time basis, and discussed. The OMNI buoy withstand extreme weather conditions.
deployed in BoB at location 10° N/88° E had captured
3.4 Improved Mooring Designs
the tropical cyclone JAL in November 2010 [27].
The OMNI buoy subsurface measurement system The OMNI buoy system of NIOT is equipped with
consists of nine numbers of water CT (conductivity and an ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current profiler), which
temperature) sensors mounted on the connector-less measures the current profiles up to 100 m, which are
induction cable at pre determined depths, which used for oceanographic circulation models. The maximum
measure and transmit the measured data to the buoy
CPU inductively. In addition to that, an acoustic release
is attached just above the dead weight to enable the
retrieval of the induction mooring. The OMNI buoy
deployed in the Northern BoB has recorded the time
series observations of the surface meteorological and
oceanographic parameters, during the passage of the
tropical cyclone in November 2010, which attained
cyclonic strength by 7th November 2010, moved
west-north westwards, and crossed north Tamil Nadu.
The moored data buoy deployed in the Northern
BoB provided significant information about the
Fig. 8 Significant observations during the JAL cyclone.
cyclone. The effect of the cyclone as well as the inertial
oscillation on the buoy is clearly seen, in the time series
plot (from 5th to 7th November 2010) of the buoy
location shown in Fig. 8. Due to the passage of the
cyclone, the buoy started moving in a circular path and
remained in location.

3.3 High Winds

The buoy observations recorded the maximum

significant wave height of 6.27 m as observed at
18°N/89°E which was 140 nm away from the track of
the cyclone, “Phailin”. The buoy is deployed at a Fig. 9 Moored buoy after the PHAILIN cyclone.
Design, Analysis and Installation of Offshore Instrumented Moored Data Buoy System 193

Table 1 Maximum recorded values of current speed.

Maximum Current Speed in different depths(cm/s)
Location ID
1.2m 10m 20m 30m 50m 100m
AD06(19N/67E) 33.69 64.45 70.31 63.69 60.54 49.31
AD07(15N/69E) 46.36 65.42 74.70 67.38 76.66 98.14
BD08(18N/89E) 62.01 62.01 70.31 71.28 65.91 59.57
AD09(08N/73E) 141 129.35 102.05 104.49 76.17 72.26
AD10(10N/72E) 81.05 89.84 72.75 70.80 65.43 91.79
BD08(18N/89E) 99.84 90.82 88.37 83.49 77.14 73.24
BD13(11N/86E) 99.60 92.77 86.42 85.44 78.61 70.80
BD12(10N/94E) 93.75 84.96 78.12 78.12 76.17 83.98
BD10(16N/88E) 99.12 99.60 99.60 99.60 99.60 90.82
BD09(18N/89E) 99.12 97.65 98.14 97.65 93.26 93.26
BD11(13N/84E) 70.31 99.60 99.60 99.12 99.60 98.14
BD14(18N/85E) 98.63 96.19 99.60 95.70 98.14 86.42

current values experienced from 1st November 2012 to for funding this project. We are grateful to the staff of
30th October 2013 are listed in Table. 1. The maximum OOS (Ocean Observation Systems) group, VMC
surface current value of 141 cm/s is recorded at the (Vessel Management Cell) of NIOT and ship staff for
buoy station ID AD09 (8°N/73°E) is due to seasonal their excellent help and support.
current system (northeast monsoon current) in the
Northern Indian Ocean. In addition to the improved
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