Significant Small Ships 2003

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SIGNIFICANT AORA Research vessel a new challenge for yard 3

SMALL SHIPS OF 2003 ARBOL GRANDE Largest OSV ever built in Spain 6
BOCAYNA EXPRESS New design for economic fast ferry 8
CABALLO ANDALUZ Multi use vessel for Mexico 10
CELTIC EXPLORER Vital research vessel 12
Cheryl Saponia, BA HODS
C-LEADER Most technically advanced OSV in the world? 14
Technical Advice: CMM VERACRUZ and CMM CORDOBA Unusual azimuthing
Eric Tupper FRINA
stern drives from builder 16
Production: EGE-5 Canadian tug built in Turkey 18
Greg Thompson FAIRWEATHER First aluminium ro-ro to be built in US 20
FARSET OF BELFAST Class leading workboat 22
Advertising Manager:
Rosemary Little FILLA Polish-built ferry for Shetlands Island Council 25
FIRST FERRY Aluminium cats delivered to Hong Kong 27
Advertisement Production:
FIRST TRAVEL Striking ferries for Hong Kong Harbour 29
Sarah Helm, BA HODS
FRONT RUNNER 911 Ultimate safety patrol boat 31
Marketing: GRAMPIAN SURVEYOR Diesel electric power for ROV 33
Adelaide Proctor
HIGH VELOCITY Multitude of applications for new cat design 36
Publisher: HMS ENTERPRISE First RN vessel with podded drives 38
Mark J Staunton-Lambert LAMMA and TAP MUN Yard's first pure harbour tugs for over
15 years • 40
Published by:
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects NIPPER Workboat assists media events 42
RAMON LLULL Optimisation for efficient use 45
Editorial & Advertisement Office:
RED JET 4 Quick turnaround on passenger ferry 47
10 Upper Belgrave Street
London SWlX 8BQ, UK SALTEN and STEIGTIND Norway imports Australian ferries 49
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7235 4622 SARAH PEARL Offshore vessel ensures safety 51
Telefax: +44 (0) 20 7245 6959
SPIRIT OF KANGAROO ISLAND Two firsts for medium
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected] speed ferry 53
SWIFT Sophisticated high-speed vessel for US Navy 55
THETIS First of series luxury multi purpose tug 57
UAL LOBITO Bodewes introduces new Trader series 59
VIKING ENERGY Gas-fuelled supply vessel 61
VOLcAN DE TINDAYA Plush interiors in Canary Island ferry 63
ZEPHYR Largest cat so far from US builder 65

02004. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects

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duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted without
the prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission is
not, however, required to copy abstracts or articles on con-
dition that a full reference to the SOIll"Ce is shown.

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Printed in England by Pensord Press Ltd, Tram Road,

PonUlfraith, Blackwood, Gwent NP2 2YA

ISBN 0 903055 96 I


his year's issue of Significant Small Ships
T once again gives The Royal Institution of
built by Kegoya Dock Co.
This positive trend is also true for the
Macduff Shipyards, for the University Marine
Biological Station, will be carrying out
Naval Architects an opportunity to present a offshore sector. A number of very interesting duties in Scotland and will assist UK
comprehensive overview of 2003's deliveries in this field have been made this marine biology students.
international significant small ship deliveries. year, including Grampian Surveyor a diesel As has been the trend for a number of years
This year there have been encouraging electric ROV and support vessel, the UNV- now, the fishing industry - especially in
signals that the fast ferry market is recovering built CMM Veracruz and CMM Cordoba which northern Europe - is still in great decline. The
from the past three years. More people were feature very unusual azimuthing stem drives, need for the recovery measures proposed by
this year travelling by ferry, and for the first and C-Leader which is claimed to be the most the European Commission to ensure the
time in 10 years, car decks on ferries show an rebuilding of a number of endangered fish
technically advanced offshore support vessel
stocks is seen by many to be essential. As a
improvement in payload in all of the major in the world. In addition, this publication
natural consequence of this weakened market,
markets. In addition, a number of new routes, details Arbol Grande, built by Metalship &
fewer and fewer fishing boats have been
especially in the Baltic region, have been Docks, which is reported to be the largest
created. A great many ferries have been offshore support vessel ever built in Spain. Other prolific deliveries this year include a
presented in this publication, all with very A beneficiary of the worldwide increased new cargo ship from Bodewes Shipyards, first
interesting technical designs, such as the need for maritime security has been builders of of the Trader series; Viking Energy an
Derecktor-built Fairweather the first patrol vessels. This year saw the delivery of environmentally-friendly gas supply vessel;
aluminium ro-ro to be built in the USA, Image the first UK Royal Navy vessel with podded and general duty workboats such as Nipper,
Marine's First Travel series - a highly drives. HMS Enterprise is a highly technical and High Velocity.
customised design for Hong Kong Harbour, vessel and contains a great deal of Once again, many thanks go to the
and Volcan de Tindaya, built by Spain's sophisticated survey equipment - some of shipbuilders, designers, engine builders, and
Barreras yard, which has luxury and high which is detailed in this publication. The owners for the information they have provided
specification interiors. Royal Swedish Navy has also taken delivery of in assisting in putting this comprehensive
Ferries are often seen as an indication of the the sophisticated Front Runner 911 for peace- report together. They have all given valuable
general marine industry, and on this theme, keeping and rescue operations. time to provide the data needed to make
Significant Small Ships a success. All the
there are no obvious signs of slowdown in the A number of very technical research vessels
vessels included in this publication have been
tug market. Tug sales have generally have also been delivered this year. Celtic
chosen on their own merits and all have made
improved this year, with conventional single Explorer was built by Damen Shipyards for a
a notable contribution to 2003's deliveries.
and twin screw tugs being the most popular. National Seabed Survey in Irish waters, which
Cheryl Saponia
Deliveries in 2003 include EGE-5 a high will monitor and record fish stocks and carry Editor
performance tug, and a series of six sisters out oceanographic tasks. A ora, built by January 2004


AORA: Research vessel a new challenge
for yard
Builder's name Macduff Shipyards has two FP 4-bladed propellers, and two high Number . 2
Designer............ . Macduff Shipyards performance rudders. The gearboxes were acquired Bow Ihruster
Vessel's name Aora from Rein tjes, and are model WAF 1641. Electrical Output 80hp
Owner/Operator University Marine Biological work on Aora was sub-contracted to Fraserburgh- Deck machinery 3 x split trawl winches 8.Otonnes
Station, Millport based company, R D Downie. core pull; 1 split net drum 2 x 5tonne core pull; slip ring
Country . Britain winch 1 (2 channel) 400m, 27mm cable; slip ring winch 2
Flag.. ...British TECHNICAL PARTICULARS (37 channel) 400m, 27mm cable; 2 x auxiliary winches
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil 3tonne core pull; landing crane 8tonne/m with winch;
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil Lenglh, oa 22.0m anchor windlass 2.5tonnes pull; net crane and head
Contract date .. Length, bp .. . 19.3m 8Otonne/m; Gilson winch 3.Otonne core pull
Delivery date April 2003 Breadth moulded 7.8m Bridge electronics
Deplh, moulded .4.2m Radars make/model Decca Bridgemaster E radar;
Simrad RA41C LCD radar
A ora, completed

Shipyards, of Grampian,
in April this year, is a 22m
research vessel designed and built by Macduff
Scotland. The complete
Max speed
Classification Society and Nolations
MCA Area Category 1
(Brown Code); normal operation in MCA Area Category 2
Video plotter
GPS make/model
Decca Fishmaster FS
GN 30D Simrad differential
vessel was built in-house, with steel being prepared (Brown Code) GPS receiver
and cut at the builder's profiling division. This is a Main engines Gyro Simrad RGC50 and xx GPS
move away from Macduff's usual boats, which are Make Mitsubishi Chart plotter Microplot 7
more usually fishing vessels. Model S6MPTA Sonar Simrad SL35 90kHz, EQ60 50kHz & 200kHz
This vessel was commissioned by the University of Number 2 single beam. EK60 38kHz & 120kHz & 200kHz split
London for the University Marine Biological Output of each engine 260kw at 1600rev/min beam, GeoAcoustics Sidescan Sonar 100kHz & 410kHz
Station, Millport (UMBSM), to operate from the Gearboxes Trawl monitor transducer Simrad ITI
marine station on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland. Make Reintjes Radio/telephone Simrad RS 87 DSC VHF, RD68
Aora replaces a smaller research vessel of the Model..................... . .wAF 1641 DSCVHF
same name, and will provide improved teaching and Number 2 Laboratories
research facilities for marine biology students all Ratio 5.044: 1 Wet lab area 11.4m'
over the UK. The researcb that is carried out is of Propellers Dry lab area 9.Om'
national interest, and includes the ecological impact Number .. . 2 Power 23OvAC 50Hz Clean Net 24vDC
of human activity on marine habitats) assessment of Pitch .. ..Fixed Complemenl
the damage made to the seabed by trawlers, and the Diameter . .... 1600mm Crew .. ..4/5
provision of data for the management of fish Open or nozzled. ..Open Others .. ..up 10 12
stocks. Auxiliary Engines Number of cabins .. ...9
Main engines consist of two Mirsubishi S6MPTA Make Mitsubishi Other significanl or special items of equipment
models, supplied by Macduff Diesels Ltd. Aora also Model 6D22T 157 EKW Trawl monitoring system .. ..Scanmar




ARBOL GRANDE: Largest OSV ever built
in Spain
Builder's name Metalships & Docks, SAU located fore, which are of 900kW each. All these Main engines
Designer .sawicon AS propellers provide the vessel with an optimal Make .. . .wartsua
Vessel's name .,4,rbol Grande manoeuvrability. Model. ............ 6L26A; 8L26A
Owner/Operator North Sea Commander Shipping AS The vessel also bas a redundant dynamic Number. ...2
Country Norway positioning system (DP II) which allows it to Output of each engine .. .. 1860kW/2480kW
Flag Spain maintain its position automatically with an accuracy Propellers
Total number of sister ships already completed NII of 1 m' under adverse meteorological conditions (up Manufacturer .. . Rolls-Royce
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil to force 9 winds). Furthermore, Arbo! Grande is Number. ...................... .2
Contract date December 2000 completely automatic, which allows the monitoring Diameter ... ....2700mm
Delivery date May 2003 and control of all her services from three Alternators
computers. Number ,.. .. .4

I n May 2003, Vigo shipyards Metalships

SA delivered the biggest offshore
& Docks
support vessel
In order to correctly conduct its support activities,
the vessel bas been provided with complete deck
Make/type Alconza 2 x NIR 5680A-8LW, 2 x NIR
built in Spain, to Norwegian company North Sea equipment consisting of two 25tonne/m and
Output of each set.. ....... 2 x 2213kVA, 2 x 2 975kVA
Commander Shipping A/S. Arbo! Grande has a total 16tonne/ m auxiliary cranes, moonpool with
Bow thrusters
length of 95m, a 20m breadth, and power of hydraulic hatchway and tugger-type reels, amongst
Make. .... Rolls-Royce
11,560hp. The contract for this offshore vessel other features. Furthermore the deck is covered with
Number. ........... .2
amounts to 0 35 million and it began building in high thickness wood in order to allow an appropriate
January 2002. arrangement of the cargo. Output of each. ................. 883kW/1200rev/min
Arbo! Grande (meaning Big Tree) will perform The vessel's safety is optimal and the rescue Stern thruster
rescue operations at high-sea oilrigs. Her first equipment consists of a rescue boat, four lifeboats, Make. .. Rolls-Royce
destination was the Gulf of Mexico, where she has a rescue rafts, according to the applicable regulations, Number. .. 1
five-year contract with the Mexican company centralised detection and extinction system, Output of each. . 1200kW/1800rev/min
Diavaz. Crew will be Spanish and will consist of 20 including its corresponding safety equipment. Deck machinery 2 x electro-hydraulic anchor marine
people. winch; 2 x electro-hydraulic capstans
The most remarkable features about this vessel are TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Bridge electronics
not its dimensions, but the up-to-date technology Radars make/model. .. ....JRC-9800-ARPA Display
used in its building process, as well as the abundance Length,oa.. ...94.28m Autopilot make/model Simrad Roberston - AP9MKIII
of electronic devices, which makes it an extremely Length, bp 79.90m GMDSS make/model Jotron TRON VHF
safe vessel with optimal manoeuvrability. This is due Breadth moulded.... .. 20.00m Other communication systems .Portable VHF-Motorola
to five propellers, three of which are azimuthing. Depth, moulded 9.50m (main deck)
GPS make/model Leica MX420/2
Arbo! Grande also has an automatic dynamic Gross tonnage 5.530gt
Gyro C . .. Plath Navigate
positioning system, heliport, deck moonpool, and Design, draught max 7.00m
Chart plotter.. . ......ECDIS Furuno FR-2110
room for 200 people in total. Design, deadweight .4245tonnes
Engine monitoring/fire detection system.. ......Eltek
All equipments installed in the vessel comply with Lightweight 3404tonnes
Speed, service 15.45knots Complement
the most demanding quality standards in
shipbuilding. Within its electric diesel propulsion Max speed .. 15.45knots C~.. . ~
system, Arbo! Grande has four diesel generators Range.. .. 16.5miles Passengers.. .. 181
amounting to 8680kW. Propulsion consists of five Daily fuel consumption 10 15kg/hour Number of cabins. . 74
propellers, two of which are 2400kW azimuth Classification Society and Notations Det Norske Veritas Other significant or special items of equipment .Dynamic
propellers; a compass bow azimuth propeller of Other important international regulations complied with .... 1 MO, Positioning System: Kongsberg Simrad; main crane:
1200kW and two other transversal tunnel propellers ILO, SUEZ, PANAMA TIS-Marine (9PCTO 2000-6041)


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BOCAYNA EXPRESS: New design for

economic fast ferry
Builder's name.. . Austal Ships can carry trucks and buses in addition to cars and Classification Society and Notations .... Det Norske Veritas +
Designer Austal Ships motorcycles. Maximum capacity is 69 cars and there are 1A 1 HSLC R3 Passenger Car Ferry B EO
Vessel's name. . Bocayna Express l l Olane metres for heavy vehicles. Main engines
Owner/Operator Fred Olsen, SA One of the cabin's main features is the lounge area Make. . MAN B&W
Country Spain located between the bar aft and the shop and transverse Model. . 2 x 18VP185 and 2 x 12VP185
Flag Spanish walkway amidships. The lounge is fitted out with Number. . .4
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil comfortable armchairs arranged around circular pedestal
Output of each engine ...2 x 3500kW at 1870rev/min; 2 x
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil tables and is flooded with natural light from a large
2300kW at 1840rev/min
Contract date December 2002 skylight.
Delivery date October 2003 Outboard of the lounge area are rows of four aircraft
style seats then another aisle and pairs of seats alongside Make ... ..................... Reintjes
~e Austal-built catamaran Bocayna Express was this the windows. The seats come complete with fold-down Model .. . ..2 x, VLJ 2230; 2 x VLJ 1130
1. year delivered to European operator Fred Olsen, SA. tables and information pockets. The same searing layout Number .. . .4
Tills vessel is the first of a new breed of medium-sized is repeated in the forward saloon that surrounds a central Gensets
Auto Express catamarans that have been designed with a utilities block and faces an expanse of aft raked windows Number. ................ 2
specific focus on low acquisition and running costs. running the full width of the cabin, providing passengers ........ MAN B&W D2866LXE
Austal's analysis of its performance and capacity with views over the bows. Aft there is an open sun deck
specifications reveals noticeably higher transport and outdoor bar.
Make .. ...... 2 x Kamewa 90SII; 2 x Kamewa 80SI1
efficiency than previous fast ferries in this size and speed Bocayna Express will operate with a crew of 16,
Number. . .4
range. With 19% greater car capacity Boc'!)!na Express is including a three-person bridge team. In keeping with
less than 9% slower than a sirnilarly sized monohull fast Fred Olsen's wishes, the bridge does not have wing Bridge electronics
ferry that has 35% more power. stations. Instead, the Captain uses the ferry's CCTV Radars make/model Radar Interswitch Unit - 65842A
During construction every effort was made to save system to monitor position while berthing. Featured Autopilot make .. . Navipilot
weight and a significant reduction in displacement among the array of modern electronics on bridge is GMDSS make.. . Skanti
resulted in a maximum deadweight in excess of Austal Ships' Marine Link ship control and monitoring Other communication systems .. ..... Gitiesse Girotecnica
300tonnes. Consequendy, on sea trials the ferry achieved system. This allows extensive monitoring of machinery IMCOS
speeds in excess of 40 knots lightship and just under and systems as well as providing a powerful on-line
DGPS make/model.. ...Leica MX420/8
36knots loaded. The originally stated contract speed was system to manage all user manuals as well as other ship's
Gyro C Plath Navigat XMk1/HSC Mod 1074634
3lknots. Bocayna Express is powered by two 12-cylinder drawings and documentation.
and two 18-cylinder MAN B&W VPI85 diesels which Chart plotter Transas Navi-Sailor
Engine monitoring/fire detection system Marinelink
drive Kamewa waterjets. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
The 450 passenger capacity catamaran operates /Consilium
between the islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura and Length,oa.. . 66.2m Complement
replaces a 14knot monohull ro-pax ferry. Its design was Length, bp 59.0m Crew .. ..16
specifically developed taking the route's shallow waters, Passengers. .............................. A50
Breadth moulded 18.2m
strong winds, and physical ship size restrictions into Number of crew cabins .. ..............................8
Depth. moulded.. . 5.9m
account, as well as the need to work harmoniously with
Gross tonnage 2578gt Vehicles
the exisring terminal infrastructure.
Design. draught .2A5m Number of vehicle decks... .... 1
Short turnaround times are facilitated by the
straightforward layout of the drive-through vehicle deck, Design, deadweight sootonnes ~cl~ffi.. . S
which is open at both bow and stern to save weight and Speed, service (90% MCR output) 34.0knots No of trucks/trailers 1101ruck lane metres and 37 cars
reduce construction cost. Rated for axle loads up to Max speed. ... AOknots Other significant or special items of equipment.. ... Seastate
12tonnes and providing clear height of 4.2m, the deck Fuel consumption.. . .2Atonnes/hour motion control Interceptors


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CABALLO ANDALUZ: Multi use vessel for
Main engines
Builder's name Hoop Intemational Lobith BV The azimuthing thrusters are speed controlled via
Make Caterpillar
Designer SCheepswerf de Hoop Lobith BV frequency drives of the 12 pulse type or pseudo 24
Vessel's name Caballo Andaluz pulse. In this way the harmonic distortions are reduced Model 35OBB DITA

Owner/Operator Candies Mexican Investments to acceptable values in all operational conditions, less Number. . 3
SDERLDECV than 4%. The tunnel thrusters forward are of constant Output of each engine 968kW
Country Mexico speed type with CPo Propellers
Flag. . Mexican Thruster motors forward and aft, as well as frequency Material. . NiAI Marine Bronze
Total number of sister ships already completed One drives) are all water cooled, in order to ensure safe Manufacturer.. . . Rolls-Royce
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil operation also in the tropics. The thruster room aft has Number 2
Contract date November 2002 an insulated deckhead (sun-radiation) and a special air Pitch.. . Fixed
Delivery date August 2003 cooler in order to keep the environmental temperarure Diameter.. . 21oomm
in the thrusters' room within acceptable limits. Speed Variable

G ballo Anda/JIZ is an offshore support, airdiving and

light maintenance vessel which works in the
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico. Home port is Cd
Caballo AlIda/JlZ has a duplex Dynamic Positioning
system (DP) with two independent Differential Global
Special adaptations
Open or nozzled.
360deg Azimuthing
. Open
Positioning Systems and a laser scan system. This Alternators
del Carmen and the operational area is the Cantarell power management system is required to always be Number.. . 3
field, off the coast of the Yucatan penisula. Cabalk: on-line. Make/type Caterpillar SR4
Anda/JIZ differs from her sister, Caballo de T rq)'a, in that The duplex DP system located on the bridge has been Output/speed of each set 1138kVN900rev/min
she is longer, with three web frames (of 5.4 m), and she split up with one computer and operator panel facing Bow thrusters
has a diving moon pool. forward and one computer and operating panel facing Make Rolls-Royce
The engine room is located forward with the three aft. Normal transit is performed from the forward Number. . .2
diesel generators. A ft of the engine room there are two bridge where all the necessary controls and Output of each .440kW/467rev/min, 250kW/571rev/min
fuel export pumps, each with a capacity of 40m3/hr at instrumentations are located for this. DP operations are Deck machinery .Dne deck crane telescopic 3.5tonnes at
1.8bar. Total fuel capacity onboard is 517m3 and part of be conducted from the aft bridge and a special 10.2m/2.2tonnes at 14.4m
this can be exported to third party. manoeuvring console was fitted for this purpose.
Bridge electronics
A moon pool has been fitted on the centre line of the Crew accommodation consists of 45 beds in one,
Radars make/model 2 x Furuno FR2115
ship. It can be opened by removing the upper and lower two, and four person cabins. Each cabin has its own
Autopilot make/model Part of Alstom DP system
plating. Aft of the moon pool there is a large empty shower and w / c unit.
GMDSS make/model Furuno Inmarsat, Jotron
space, the hold. The hold is accessible through a deck
transponders, Navico VHF
hatch and can be used for storage of various TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
GPS make/model.. . Part of Alstom DP system
equipment. The complete interior of the hull is
Gyro.. . .Part of Alstom DP system
protected by a double skin and a double bottom. Length, oa 61.B7m
Engine monitoring/fire detection system .... .Droste Elektro
In the main diesel generator room there are three Length, bp 57.10m
Lobith BV
diesel generators installed. Forward of the diesel Breadth moulded.. . 12.BOm
generator room is the switchboard room and the electro Depth, moulded 5.50m Complement

motors for the tunnel thrusters. Main power generation Gross tonnage . 1570gt Crew.. . .45

is via three 968kW Caterpillar engines, and the main Displacement.. ..212Otonnes Number of cabins 16
distribution power totals 480V / 60Hz. Design, draught.. 3.50m Other significant or special items of equipment... fitted out

The centre diesel generator can be connected to Design, deadweight 1600tonnes with diesel electric propulsion and a duplex DP system;
either starboard side or port side of the main lightweight. . 104Otonnes aft thrusters/propellers are of variable speed type
distribution board. The three diesel generators can all Speed, service.. . 10.0knots with Alstom frequency drives; forward thrusters are of
run parallel and in the normal operational condition Max speed. . 12.0knots variable pitch type and constant speed; electrical
two engines are required. In the case of severe Range 6000nm motors for thrusters are delivered by Alstom; DP
problems onboard, one azimuthing thrusrer Daily fuel consumption 6tonnes/day system is fitted out with three reference systems:
can be powered, together with the rest of the Classification Society and Notations LRS +1ooA1 two independent DGPS and one laser scan
auxiliaries, by one diesel generator. Offshore Support Vessel, +LMC, DP-AA reference system


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CELTIC EXPLORER: Vital research vessel
Builder's name Damen Shipyards a retractable fin keel is provided just forward of amidships. capacities of 25tonnes and 10tonnes, both at a
Vessel's name Celtic Explorer The keel is located in a totally enclosed vertical steel trunk working radius of 3m. A lifting frame with a 'T'
Owner/Operator .The Irish Marine Institute, Dublin, Ireland and can be raised or lowered by means of an electrically configuration can lift 10tonnes and is located on the
Country Ireland powered winch controlled from the bridge. starboard side of the main work deck.
Flag 1rish At the heart of Celtic Explorer is a sophisticated 'low noise' The vessel's anchoring equipment comprises twO 'high
Total number of sister ships already completed diesel-electric propulsion system that has been specially holding power' anchors handled by an electro-hydraulic
Total number of sister ships still on order .. developed for the vessel with the assistance of Dutch windlass located under cover, within the forecasrle.
Contract date December 2002 specialist Bakker Sliedrecht Elektro Industrie. A single, Warping heads are incorporated for mooring and the
Delivery date .. . April 2003 specially designed, 'extremely low noise' FP propeller of windlass drive is fitted with a tension control device.
3200mm diameter is direcrly driven (without gearbox) by A single, vertical capstan with a 5tonnes pull is

D arnen Shipyards, Gorinchem, this year completed the

complex and sophisticated research vessel Celtic
Explorer for the Irish Marine Institute, Dublin. This 65m
rwo direct current (DC) Indar, low speed, electric motors
coupled in tandem. Each of the low noise DC motors has
a maximum power rating of 1500kW at lSOrev / min which
provided aft.
Fully air conditioned accommodation is provided for
31 persons, 12 crew and 19 scientists. The facilities for
ship was constructed by Darnen in partnership with the are fed and controlled by rwo Bakker custom build digital scientific staff onboard include four well-equipped
Vlissingen yard of Royal Schelde and follows rwo other drives in a semi 24-pulse configuration together with rwo laboratories for chemistry, wet fish research, water
important vessels previously delivered to Ireland, the double winding transformers with an extra low-noise mode. sampling and dry procedures. A purpose designed IT
research vessel Celtic Vqyagerand the buoy maintenance ship The vessel can achieve a maximum speed of approximately room is included and a dedicated scientist's office and
Granumlle. The work to be carried out by this new vessel will 15.5knots at 100% MCR. meeting room. Provision is made to accommodate
include a National Seabed Survey in Irish waters, A single 'high-lift' ice class rudder is controlled by an additional scientific equipment contained in laboratory
performing a vital role in monitoring and recording fish electro-hydraulic steering system powered by two hydraulic containers on deck.
stocks, oceanographic tasks, and a wide range of other pumps. Two thrusters are also an important part of the
maritime duties. The new vessel is only the third of its kind propulsion system. An Elliot Gill jet powered by a nOkW TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
in Europe and represents a significant milestone in Irish electric motor is installed in the bow and delivers a
marine research. maximum omni-directional thrust of 6.2tonnes. A Length, oa 6S.S0m
Beam, oa . 1S.00m
CeItU Explorer was ordered to a demanding specification transverse tunnel thruster in the stern, located beneath the
Breadth, moulded.. . lS.0m
requiring compliance with the most stringent requirements main propeller shaft, has a CP propeller and is powered by Depth .. . 8.40m
for a vessel capable of carrying out sophisticated fishery, a 400kW motor. Oesign, draught.... . S.SOm
geological, and hydrographical research and environmental Power generation for the propulsion system and ship's Speed.. . 14.0knots
sampling The ship had to comply with Lloyd's Register of main electrical supply is provided by three Wiirtsilii diesel Classification Society and Notations Lloyd's Register of
Shipping class +looAI, Ice class ID,!Me, VMS, SCM for engines coupled to Indar generators. Two Wiirtsilii 9120 Shipping 1OOA1, Ice class 10, LMC, UMS, SCM
a multi-purpose research vessel. It was also to comply with powered generators produce 1620 kW each and a Wiirtsilii 'Multipurpose research vessel'
the International Convention on Exploration of the Seas 6L20 drives a 1080 kW generator, all at 690V Two Other important international regulations
complied with ..... International Convention on Exploration of
(ICES) '209' report on 'Silent Fish Surveying'. Celtic Explorer transformers are used to provide 400V and 230V supplies.
the Seas(ICES), '209' report on Silent Fish Surveying
is claimed to be the first vessel in the world to comply with Celtic Explorer is fitted with a comprehensive array of Main engines
ICES 209 without any compromise in the required sound winches and deck equipment enabling the vessel to handle Make.. . .wartsila
frequency range between 10Hz and 63kHz. a wide range of fisheries research equipment and nets, Model. . 2 x 9L20, 1 x 6L20
To meet these requirements special attention had to be towed hydrographic sensors, and also to carry out other Number. . 3
given in design, construction, and fitting out to rninirnise marine tasks over the stem. A total of eleven winches are Output of each engine 2 x 1620kW, 1 x l080kW
radiated underwater noise, onboard acoustic interference, installed on the vessel. Fishing operations are controlled by Propeller
and vibration. As a multi-purpose vessel it was necessary to a sophisticated trawl winch and handling system, with 'auto- Manufacturer Bakker Sliedrecht Elektro Industrie
Number.. .... 1
ensure that equipment and resources could be changed trawl' displays and controls on the bridge. Two 3Otonnes
Pitch..... . Fixed
easily from, for example, fisheries work to hydrographical split trawl winches located on the main work deck are each
Diameter.. . 3200mm
survey. fitted with 3500m of wire and have a maximum line pull of Bow thruster
The transversely framed, welded steel hull of Celtic 30tonnes at 78m/min. A pair of 12 tonnes Gilson winches Make .. .................................. ElliotGili
Explorer is 65.5m in length overall with a moulded breadth are located at bridge deck level. Three net drum winches are Number .. . 1
of 15.0m, depth of 8.4m, and design draught of 5.6m. Ice provided, two rated at 35 tonnes line pull and one at Output. . 720kW
class requirements are met by reinforcing the foreship with 45tonnes is fitted for towing purposes and incorporates a Stern thruster
intermediate framing and heavier shell plating. The constant tensioning system. The trawl gantry operates in Type.. . CP tunnel thruster
underwater profile incorporates a bulbous bow, a smooth conjunction with a 5.6tonnes net-sounding winch Number. . 1
Output .400kW
after body with a single propeller, and provision for bow accommodating 3200m of II mm diameter wire,
Deck machinery 11 winches; 3 hydraulically operated
and stern thrusters. Internal tanks are provided for 4OOm' of Three hydraulically operated deck cranes are provided,
deck cranes; 2 high holding power anchors; warping
fuel oil and 100m' of fresh water, ballast tanks fore and aft, one with a lifting capacity of 120tonnes/m and two of heads; vertical capstan
and a semi-passive roll reduction tank. A double bottom is 15tonnes/ m, one of the latter is mounted on the foredeck. Complement
incorporated between the fore and after peak bulkheads. The cranes can also be radio controlled if required. Crew.. ... 12
In order to assist the deployment of scientific transducers, The two stern mounted 'A' frames have lifting Passengers 19


£1 (OOl ;0 SdlHS llVWS LNVJWN!lIS

: l:I3l:101dX3 01.1130
C-LEADER: Most technically advanced
OSV in the world?
Number... .. 1 of each
Builder Edison Chouest Offshore; North engines, and contains both a bow thruster, and a
American Fabricators tunnel thruster, giving her a total propulsion power Stern thruster
Designer Edison Chouest Offshore of 8400hp. There are two standard generators Make 15OOHP tunnel
Vessel's name.. .. C-Leader onboard, and one emergency set. Number. .. 1
Owner/Operator.. . Edison Chouest Offshore/Shell Special features of these vessels include two Total propulsion 84oohp
Country USA passive type anti-roll tanks, and bilge keels for ship Generators 2 x 910kW; 1 x 190kW emergency
Flag . USA motion stability. For precise positioning C-Leader
Bridge electronics
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil has been equipped with DPS-2. The vessel also has
Radar make/rnodel. Furuno 2115 Radar System
Total number of sister ships still on order ..... Four two 4tonne tuggers, and one 1406kg capacity deck
C-Uberty, C-Legacy, and unnamed) Navigation system make/model. Furuno DGPS
Contract date .. Lifesaving equipment is comprehensive, as Other communication systems Furuno FE-7oo Depth
Delivery date ... . February 2003 expected in the offshore industry, and includes two Sounder; Furuno NX 500 Navtex Receiver; Furuno RC-
25-man and two 20-man liferafts, one Sea Force 490 1515 GMDSS; Inmarsat-C Felcom 12; DSC AASO Watch

C -Leader (Hull 218), an offshore support vessel,

was completed at North American Fabricators
(NAF) and was delivered to Shell in early February

boat, and all the other
for USCG and SOLAS
406 Electronics;
DSC Encoder/Decoder
SART ACR Electronics;
Terminal; EPIRB ACR
Seatel Satellite
Telephone; Furuno DSC 60 Receiver; Furuno FM 8500
2003. This vessel is the first in a series of five sisters
VHF Radios. FS 1562/15 SSB (Single Sideband Radio)
Gyro... .. AD-1oo Gyro Converter
The second vessel in the series, C-Legend
(Hull 219), was delivered for charter at the end Length. oa 85.34m Capacities
of June, also to Shell. The next three vessels in the Breadth.. . 18.28m Fuel oil.. . 303.093gal
series are: C-Legacy (which was delivered September Depth.. .. .. 7.31m Ballast .. 295.937gal
2003), C-Liberty (which was delivered in October Deadweight.. 481110nnes Potable water .. 32.998gal
2003), and the as yet unnamed Hull 280 (which will Dry bulk..... .. 323.945m' at BOpsi
Draught. loadline.. .. 5.86m
be delivered in March 2004).
Draught. lightship.. .. 2.20m Liquid mud 15.844 barrels
Edison Chouest Offshore is fairly unique in the
Clear deck .. 956.251 m' Methanol. .. 1910barrels
offshore marine industry, in that it can design and
Classification Society and Notations ABS Maltese Lifesaving equipment....2 x 25-Man inflatable life rafts; 2 x 20-
build vessels, then often owns and operates the
vessels, as well as chartering and selling vessels on to Cross A 1 (Hull) ABS Maltese Cross AMS (Machinery) Man inflatable life rafts; 1 x Sea Force 490 SOLAS 0/8
other companies. Edison Chouest Offshore claim ABS Loadline USCG Subchapter L (OSV) and I rescue boat; other equipment as required by
that this series is one of the most technically (Cargo) SO LAS 2000 Marpol 2001 ABS DPS-2 USCGISOLAS
advanced vessels in the world. Main engines Other significant or special items of equipment
C-Leader is classed by the American Bureau of Make .. ................................ Caterpillar Ship motion ... 2 x passive type anti-roll tanks. bilge keels
Shipping, and has certificates from the United States
Model. ..3608 Diesels Positioning.... . .DPS-2
Coast Guard, SO LAS, as well as MARPOL. She is
Number .. .. 2 Tuggers. .. 2 x 4tonnes
85m long, has a breadth of 18.28m, a depth of
Bow thrusters Deck crane.. .. 1 x 1406kg capacity
7.3Im, and a deadweight of 48lltonnes.
She is powered by two Caterpillar 3608 diesel Make 1200HP swing up; 1500HP tunnel Complement 29








\ \,


Unusal azimuthing stern drives from
Builder Union Naval Valencia, SA
Vessel name CMM Veracruz and CMM Cordoba B uilt by Union Naval Valencia for Corporaction
Maritima Mexicana, these identical tractor tugs
convention for prevention of pollution of sea (MARPOL
73/78). International convention for prevention of collision
Owner/Operator Corporaction Maritima were delivered in April this year. They are set to work at sea (COLREG 1972)
Mexicana SA de CV around the Port of Coatzacoalcos, in Mexico. Main engines
Designer.. ...Cintranaval/Union Naval Valencia These vessels have been built to class noatations Make Caterpillar
Country Mexico +100 AS TUG, +MC-AUT, FF 1, and comply with the Model.. .. 3W6 MAR
Rag Mexico Ship Inspection of Mexico, IMO regulations applicable Number. ...2
Total number of sister ships already completed Two harbour and unrestricted ocean going tugs, as well as Output of each engine , .2030kW at 1000rev/min
Total number of sister ships still on order Two the International Load Line Convention 1966, the Propellers
Contract date January 2002 International Tonnage Convention 1969, the Manufacturer .. . SChoUel
Delivery date.. .. April 2003 International convention for prevention of pollution Number.. .. 2
of sea (MARPOL 73/78), and the International Pitch Controllable
convention for prevention of collision at sea Diameter . 25OOmm
(COLREG 1972). Open or nozzled Nozzled
These 4 t3gr tugs have a length of 30.50m, a moulded Alternators
breadth of 10.60rn, and a depth of S.80m They have a Number . .2
standard hull form with a semi-raised forecastle, Make/type Caterpillar
CMM Veracruz and CMM Cordoba differ from the OutpuUspeed of each set 105kW at 1800rev/min
builder's usual tugs in that they do not have Voith Oeck machinery Two hydrauliC combined windlass
tractors, but azirnuthing stern drives. Each tug has two and towing winches each dimensioned for an anchor of
Caterpillar 3606 MAR main engines, with an output of 66Okg. 15Otonnes brake capacitv, 150m nylon rope of
2030kW at l000rev/rnin. Two nozzled CP propellers 8Omm; one hydraulic towing winch 5tonnes at 3OmImin.
are from Schortel, with a diameter of 2S00mm. 15Otonne brake capacity, 600m steel wire of 52mm with
autospooling device
Radars make/model JRC JMA 3910/B Band X
Length, oa 30.50m Autopilot make/model Navitron NT-921-G
Length, bp. . 2B.80m GMDSS make/model....Skanti HF/MF TRP1251S. 2 x VHF
Breadth moulded.. ...10.BO.m Skanti 1000DSC, SAT BEACOM TRON 40-S, Radar
Depth, moulded 5.80m transponder 9GHZ TRON-SART.Inmarsat
Gross tonnage. . 413gt C SCANSAT-CT,Nav1exNAV-5,Telex
Design, draught.. 4.40m GPS rnake/rnodel.. . ..Furuno GP-80
Max speed 13.5knots Engine monitoring/fire detection system Athel
Classification Society and Notations + 100 A5 TUG, +MC- Efansa/Autronica
AUT, FF 1 Complement
Other impor1antinternationalregulationscomplied with.....Ship Crew.. . B
inspection of Mexico, IMO regulations applicable to this Number of cabins. .. .4
kind of vessel. International Load Line Convention 1966. Other significant or special items of equipment FIFI 1
International Tonnage Convention 1969, International classification notation



."~ -+-~-rlII-A-Ho

I "80a~O~ II\III\I~
pue Zn~~"~3A II\III\I~
EGE·5: Canadian tug built in Turkey
Builder's name Uzmar Uzmanlar Denizcilik of the owner at the Ge-Ta Shipyard in Tuzla, TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Tic San LId Sti Istanbul.
The tug has been built in accordance with the Length, oa.. . .25m
Designer Robert Allan LId
Vessel's name EGE-5 classification requirements of Bureau Veritas; 1+ Length, bp. . 20.80m
Breadth moulded.. . ... 1Om
Owner/Operator Uzmar Uzmanlar Denizcilik TUG, Unrestricted Navigation, +AUT, MS. It is also
Depth moulded.. .. ..3.69m
Tic San LId Sti built for full compliance with applicable SOLAS,
Gross tonnage.. ....271.12gt
Country. ..Turkey MARPOL, and IMO rules, and equipped to GMDSS
Net tonnage.. .. 182.68tonnes
Flag. .. Turkish Area A2 requirements.
Design, draught.. 3.69m
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil The propulsion system comprises a pair of Deutz
Speed, service. . .. 11 knots at 90% MCR
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil Model SBV 6M 628 diesel engines, each rated
Max speed.. . .... 13knots
Contract date .. 1250kW at 1000rev/min, driving Schottel SRP 1010
Range... .. 2640nm
Delivery date January 2003 Z-drives through a straight-line shafting system.
Daily fuel consumption 6tonnes/day at 90% MCR
This combination delivers a Bollard Pull of
Classification Society and Notations Bureau Veritas, I+
nJanuary 2003, the high performance tug EGE-5 46tonnes at a continuous rating, and 49.5tonnes BP
Iwas completed. Built by Uzmar-Uzmanlar maximum. The free running speed is 12knots ahead
Main engines
+ MACH Tug Unrestricted Navigation + AUT- UMS

Shipping and Trading Company Ltd, of Izmir, and 10.5knots astern.

Make .. . Deutz
Turkey, for its own operation (and potential resale), All main and auxiliary machinery is cooled using
Model. ................... SBV 6 M 628
the new ASD Class 25/45 tug was designed Bloksma box coolers. Electrical power is provided .. ... 2
by Robert Allan Ltd, and built under direction by a pair of Cummins, 6 CTA 8.3-DM diesel gensets, ........ 1250kW at 1000rev/min
Output of each engine ...
each rated 125kW at 1500rev/ min.
The deck machinery comprises a Kraajeveld Material .. ............ CU AL 10 NI
hydraulic combination hawser winch/windlass Manufacturer .. .. Schottel SRP 10100
forward, rated 35tonnes line pull, 115tonnes brake, Number. ...................... 2
and a hydraulic powered towing winch on the aft Pitch .. .......................... Fixed
deck, rated 35tonnes line pull and 100tonnes brake. Diameter .. .. 2100mm
There is also a Mampaey disc type towing hook aft, Speed .. ............................ 280rev/min
450kN SWL, with a remote-controlled quick release, Gpen or nozzled. . Nozzled
and a towing gob-eye arrangement. Alternators
The tug is equipped with a fire-fighting capability Number. ...2
of 1200m' /hr, .provided by an independent diesel- Make/type.. .. Cummins 6CTA 8.3-DM
driven Unitor fire pump. EGE-5~ pump engine is an Output. .. 125kW
MTU 183 Series, rated 735kW at 2300rev/min. Deck machinery 1 Kraijeveld aft towing winch;
EGE-5 has fully air-conditioned accommodation 1 Kraijeveld foresight anchor and manoeuvring
for a full live-aboard crew of up to seven persons, winch; 1 Mampaey towing hook
complete with a spacious galley, and well-appointed Bridge electronics
mess/lounge area on the main deck. The tug is Radars make/model .. .. 2 Ray Marine RL 80
outfitted and finished to an extremely high standard, Autopilot make/model.. .. 1 Raytheon MP 60
including features seldom found on a small workboat GMDSS make/model. ...... AREA A-2, 2 Sailor
of this type, such as all accommodation panelling B- VHF and DSC RT 4822
15 rated, all interior doors rated to an A-O,A-60 or B- Other communication systems ..... 1 Sailor 250watts SSB
15 standard as appropriate. The wheelhouse side HC 4500
doors are gastight, of GRP construction, supplied GPS-Chart plotter Ray Marine RL 80 CRC
by Libra. Gyro.. .. Raytheon Gyro Star
All the ship's furniture is constructed of marine Engine monitoring Scana Moland
plywood coated with decorative plastic laminates, Fire detection.. .. Minerva
complemented by solid mahogany trim and fittings. Complement
Finally, all windows, portholes frames, and outside Crew ... .. 7
exhaust pipes are of polished stainless steel. Number of cabins. .. 3

61 £ooz so SdIHS llVVlS l.NVJI~INDIS

~ '. ~



FAIRWEATHER: First aluminium ro-ro to
be built in US
Builder's name.. . .Derecktor Shipyards Powered by four diesel engines and four water jets, this full service snack bar complete the onboard
Designer Nigel Gee & Associates 73m catamaran uses a geosym of the Nigel Gee hull accommodations.
Vessel's name.. . .Fairweather form employed in the 41m Ffying Cloud, which has been
Owner/Operator State of Alaska shown to provide the highest transport efficiency of any TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Country USA high-speed ferry of this size. A complete set of tank
Flag.. . USCG tests has been carried out, showing very low wake wash Length, oa 72.oom
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil characteristics. Length, bp 64.2m
Total number of sister ships stili on order 1 Classed with DNV Maltese Cross lAl HSLC, R3 and Breadth moulded . 18.oom
Contract date February 2002 with full USCG compliance to SOLAS/HSC Code Cat Depth, moulded 5.50m
Delivery date 24 February 2004 B, this aluminium vessel is the first vehicle and passenger Design, draught.... . 2.59m
high-speed ferry ever built in the US and it takes Design, deadweight 194tonnes
his catamaran ferry was designed by igel Gee & advantage of Derecktor's experience and high level of
T Associates for Derecktor's bid on the Alaska
Marine Highway System Project. It is designed to be a
craftsmanship in the field of higWy-stressed aluminium
structure construction.

(80% MCR output)

Society and Notations

. .


safe, high-speed ro-ro passenger ferry that minirnises The main deck has interior seating for 150 passengers Passenger Car Ferry A EO
costs and can interface with existing AMHS docks and in the observation lounge forward, and 104 in the snack Other important international regulations
pier side facilities. bar area midship with a mixrure of airline type reclining complied with SOLAS, HSC Code Cat B
Fairweather can carry 250 passengers on the main deck seats and table arrangements. Further seating is provided Main engines
and 30 large vehicles - of the type mosdy used in Alaska in the exterior solarium located aft. Full ADA Make.. . MTU
- on the cargo deck at a continuous-rating service speed compliance is guaranteed throughout the vessel. Model 16V 595 TE70
of 35knots and with great comfort up to sea state 6. Dedicated areas for video games and work/ srudy and a Number. . .4
Output of each engine 36ookW
Make.. ..Reintjes
Model .vLJ 2230
Number .4
Output speed. . 665rev/min
Make/type Kamewa/90S 11
Number.. ... .4
Bow thrusters
Make/type Quantum/QT 120
Number 2
Output of each . . 1OOhp
Number of vehicle decks 1
Total lane length 245.oom
No of cars . 35
No of trucks/trailers 8
Other significant or special items of equipement Noise
levels are below 75dBA throughout the vessel interior;
A helicopter pick-up area is located on the top deck


1(; £DOl so SdlHS llVWS mV::JldINDIS
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FARSET OF BELFAST: Class leading
VT Halmatic Code Category 3 (up to 20miles from a
Builder's name LId environmentally friendly paint. The craft is fitted
Designer VT Halmatic{T T Boat Designs with Wagner hydraulic steering and the heating safe haven)
Vessel's name .Farset of Belfast system was supplied by Krueger. Farset of Belfast has Main engines
Owner/Operator.. .. ..D Ferran & Son a bollard pull in excess of 10ronnes. Make Volvo Penta
Country Northem Ireland There is a clear aft deck offering a large working Model D12-550
Flag.. .. ..UK area that leads to a raised foredeck. The wheelhouse Number. .. 2
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil is fully protected by a tubular frame to prevent Output of each engine ... . .408kW at 1900rev/min
Total number of sister ships still on order One snagging and damage from mooring lines. Heavy- Gearboxes
Contract date July 2002 duty wrap around fendering is fitted at the bow and Make.. .. Twin Disc
Delivery date June 2003 aft quarters, with a substantial pushing log on the Model MG 5114 DC
bow. Number. .. 2

R arset of Belfast, named after one of the rivers

flowing into Belfast Lough, is a 15.40m
workboat that was ordered at Seawork 2002 by D
Carter winches
towing equipment
and Westmoor
is fitted enabling
Farset of Belfast to offer a class leading bollard pull of
Material................................................... . NAB
Pitch Fixed
Ferran and Sons. It will be used for general duties in approximately 14tonnes.
Number.. . 2
Belfast Harbour. The fully enclosed wheelhouse offers a functional
Open or nozzled Nozzled
The craft was fabricated and fitted out at VT working space with a centrally positioned helm
Halmatic's Porrchester Shipyard from a steel kit station forward offering exceptional visibility. The
supplied by Centraalstaal to an initial design from electronics system is a Simrad package that includes Number.. .. 1 per engine

TT Boat Designs. The panels were delivered cut and a CA42 display (incorporating radar, chartplotter, Output/speed of each set 100amp
profiled, with 10mm plate for the bottom, sides, DGPS and echo sounder), a f1uxgate compass and Deck machinery
floors, bow and transom, 12mm frames for the VHF DSC radio. Below decks is a large stowage area Winch Spencer Carter 4tonne
engine girders and aft longitudinals and 20mm thick that includes a crew WC and rope store. Fire suppression Pyrogen
sheer strake and engine supports. Steel kit .. Centraalstaal
Design and manufacture is in accordance with TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Towing equipment .westmoor Engineering
Lloyd's Register requirements for Special Service Paint.. Jotun
Craft although the vessel is not classed. However the Length, oa 15.43m Heating Krueger
craft is certified under the MCA Workboat Code Breadth moulded.. .. 5.45m Steering. ..wagner
Category 3 (up to 20miles from a safe haven). Displacement.. 55tonnes Exhausts... . Halyard
Power is provided by twin Volvo Penta D12-550
Design, draught 1.7m Bridge electronics
diesel engines, fitted with Halyard dry-exhausts,
Speed, service 1Oknots Radars make/model Simrad CA42 Navigation Centre
driving Kaplan type four-bladed propellers in Kort
Max speed. ..11.6knots Other communication systems .... Simrad RD68 VHF/DSC
nozzles through Twin Disc MG 5114 gearboxes.
Range 600miles (ex 20% reserve) GPS make/model. Simrad CA 42 Navigation Centre
The use of thse engines is a first: it is the first
Fuel consumption 1OOlitres/hr Chart plotter Simrad CA 42 Navigation Centre
commercial application of the fully electric type.
The unmanned engine room is fitted with a Other important international regulations complied with Engine monitoring/fire detection system Pyrogen

Pyrogen fire suppression system and the whole and manufacture is in accordance with Lloyd's Register Complement
vessel is protected by Jorun Paint Systems tin-free, requirements for Special Service Craft; MCA Work boat Crew.. .. 2


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FILLA: Polish·built ferry for Shetland

Islands Council
Builder. . Stocznia P6lnocna SA - Northern Rotary vane steering gear was supplied by Rolls- Output of each 150kW at 1500rev/min
Shipyard, Gdansk Royce Marine Tenfjord, to twin high efficiency Deck machinery
Vessel name.. . Alia rudders. Fire protection consists of a fire Anchor/mooring capstan SEC
Owner/Operator.. . . Shetland Islands Council detection system, supported by a water drenching Deck crane Palfinger PK48000MD
Country.. . United Kingdom system to extinguish fire in the car deck and a high- Lashing equipment.. MacGregor
pressure water vapour system used in the other Bridge electronics
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil internal spaces. Radars make/model Furuno FR-1505 Mk3
Total number of sister ships still on order .. . Nil Life saving equipment consists of two MES Autopilot make/model.. .. Robertson
Contract date 28 March 2002 stations (provided by Liferaft Systems Australia) and GMDSS make/model Jotron
Delivery date.. . 22 May 2003 a FRB delivered by Norwegian Maritime Equipment. GPS make/model Northrop Grumman Marine/
Navigation equipment was provided by Furuno, Leica MX 420
s a result of a tender exercise in early 2002 similar to that on Ungo, and is fitted with a voyage Gyro.. . Robertson
A Stocznia Polnocna SA - Northern
located in Gdansk, Poland, was awarded an order for
Shipyard, data recorder
with integrated
supplied by Broadgate.
Filla is fitted
system UMAS, delivered
Chart plotter.. .. Furuno
Engine monitoring/fire detection system Rolls-Royce
construction and delivery of a general purpose ferry by Rolls-Royce Marine. Marine/Stento/Zenitel
for the Shetland Islands Council. The vessel was the Other significant or special items of equipment
second to be built at Northern Shipyard for this TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Gensel.. . Mitsubishi
owner previously delivered was a ro-ro Harbour/emergency generator Mitsubishi
vehicle/passenger ferry Unga in 2002 (Significant Length, oa.. . 35.50m Air compressor Sperre
Small Ships of 2002). These vessels were built as Length, bp.. .. 30.30m Pumps B6rger/Desmi/Azcue/Grundfoss/
parts of a fleet renewal programme aimed at Breadth moulded 9.00m
replacing the ageing inter island ferry fleet in the Depth, moulded.. .. .4.20m
Box coolers.. .. Weka
Shetland Islands. Unga was the first vessel of this Gross tonnage 365gt
Grinder-polisher Simet
progtamme. Design, draught 3.05m
Workshop driller CKP
MacDuff Ship Design, Scotland, developed the Design, deadweight 172.5tonnes
Sewage treatment plant.. EVAC
tender technical specification for the Shetland Islands Speed, service.. .. 12knots at 85% MCR
Council. The detail design, technical and Max speed.
Classification Society and Notations LR 100A1 LMC, Air handling unit .PBUCH
classification project for this latest vessel was
UMS, PassengerNehicle Ferry, Specified Route Steering gear Tenfjord
prepared by Northern Shipyard subsidiary design
Service, IWS Integrated Automation System Rolls-Royce Marine
office - Naval Engineering & Design. Filla meets
Other important international regulations complied with all Main and emergency switchboards Elektromontaz
the requirements set by Lloyd's Register, the
requirements of the EU Council Directive 98/18/EC, Other switchboards Famor
British Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)
MCA Class B Windows and side scuttles Bohamet
and EU Directive 98/18/EC regarding passenger
Main engines Internal doors Hydroster/Lubmor
Make. .. Mltsublshl External doors Meblomor
Filla was launched in December 2002, and the
Model. .. .S12R - MPTA Fire Fighting equipment Unitor
completed ferry was delivered to her owner in May
Number .2 Mass Evacuation System Liferaft System Australia
2003 and placed into service in June 2003. The vessel
Output of each engine 670kW Fast rescue boat Norwegian Maritime Equipment
has a length overall 35.5m and a beam of 9m, and is
Gearboxes Strip ceilings and wall panels Famos
a ro-ro multipurpose ferry designed to carry up to 30 Make. .. Mekanord
passengers, nine cars or one lorry on deck and cargo Wooden furniture Womeb
in refrigerated holds (self load and discharge via a Stainless steel furniture Meblomor
Number 2
13tonne hydraulic crane). High-stowing folding type hatch covers MacGregor
Output speed. .. 295rev/min
Filla has been designed to operate on the longest of Stern ramp Northern Shipyard/Bosch-Rexroth
the Shetland Island Council's inter island ferry routes Engine alarm system Praxis
Material Ni Aluminium Bronze
- between Lerwick, the capital of the archipelago, and Manufacturer .. .. Kamewa
the remote group of islands called Out Skerries - this Number of vehicle decks ..
being a four and a half hour round trip. The vessel's Pitch Total lane length 18.50m
propulsion is via two Mitsubishi Diesel engines, Diameter 1750mm No of cars 9
671kW each, driving two four-blade CP propellers. Speed ... No of trucks/trailers 1
The vessel is fitted with two HRP hydraulic bow Open or nozzled Open Complement
thrusters driven from the main engine gearboxes. The Bow thrusters ~w 6
ship is equipped with three Mitsubishi generating sets Make HHf' Passengers 30
- two main sets and an emergency set. Number. .. 2 Cabins .4

FIRST FERRY: Aluminium cats delivered
to Hong Kong
Builder.. ...Wang Tal< Engineering & Shipbuilding Co LId application. Hull scantling designs were also selected Model MTU12V2000M70

Vessel name .... First Ferry IX, Arst Ferry X, and First Ferry XI for robust service. This matched with the latest Number. . 2
Owner/Operator New World First Ferry Services LId techniques in fabrication, and has resulted in a very Output of each engine 788kW/21 OOrev/min
Designer CMCS, Australia smooth finish to the hull and deckhouse. Gearboxes
Country.. . Hong Kong The deckhouse layout has been designed to suit Make. ..IF
Flag.. . Hong Kong owner's operational requirements. The alumin.ium Model .. ..ZF2500A
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil catamarans comfortably seat 231 passengers and Number. ..2
Total number of sister ships still on order.. .. Nil are powered by twin MTU 12V2000M70 Output speed .. ..2.536:1
Contract date.. . April 2002 Cat 778kW) diesel engines giving the vessel a top Propellers
Delivery date.. .. May 2003 speed of 27knots and a fully loaded cruise speed of Material. Aluminium bronze
25knots. Manufacturer Teignbridge Propellers LId

T hree new 28m high speed aluminium passenger

catamarans, named First Perry IX, First Perry X
and First Perry XI have been successfully delivered to
The high standard of fit-out has been achieved by
attention to detail and the use of light weight
honeycomb panels. Passenger seating is arranged as 3
Pitch Fixed

Diameter.. .. .. 1016mm
owners, New World First Ferry Services Ltd, of x 5 x 3 on the main deck and 3 x 4 x 3 on the upper Alternators
Hong Kong. These vessels were constructed deck, using Beurteaux Ocean Tourist HB seats Number 2
by Wang Tak Engineering & Shipbuilding Co Ltd, finished in the client's corporate colours. Side Make/type .Perkins 4TGM
one of Hong Kong's oldest established ship building windows are large and designed for panoramic Output of each set 62kW
and repair yard with more than 60 years history. exterior vision. All interior spaces are air conditioned
Deck machinery Hypac windlass
The design is from Australia's Commercial Marine with a seawater cooled system. The raised helm
Bridge electronics
Consulting Services CCMCS). This hull form was position at wheelhouse affords the master with good
Radars make/model JRC JMA3925-6 (2 units)
selected from the proven range of deep vee all-round vision. Helm console is spacious and well
Other communication systems Vingtor Public Address/
catamaran hulls suitable for coastal ferry operation, laid out.
Intercom, VHF (JRC JHS-25 (x2))
which has been modified and refined in conjunction
Chart plotter .. ..JRC NWU-800
with Wang Tak's technical staff and the owner's TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Engine monitoring .. ..MTU RCS-5
experience in ferry operation in Hong Kong waters.
Fire detection system. ..Thorn Security
Assisting in the development of the hull form, Length, oa 28.23m
extensive model tank testing was carried out at the Breadth moulded 8.50m
Crew .. ..4
Australian Maritime College CAMC) in Tasmania. Depth, moulded .2.54m
This hull form is the symmetrical deep vee type, Gross tonnage 220gt Passengers. ..231
which cuts through the water in smooth motion. This Design, draught... 1.0m Number of cabins
matched with the advantages of the CMCS aerofoil Design, deadweight.. 24tonnes Upper cabin.. .. 88 passengers
mini-keels which give great tracking and added Speed, service 25knols @ 85% MCR Main cabin 143 passengers
protection to the 1016mm, five-bladed Teignbridge Max speed 27knots Other significant or special items of equipment... ..AlC - Carrier
propellers. Passengers are thus ensured a very Classification Society and Notations.... .. .Designed 10 LRS scroll compressors @ 80,OOOBTU/hr x 6 units; McQuay air
comfortable ride. 'SSC Passenger Catamaran HSC G2' notation handler x 12 units for passenger cabins; AlC - McQuay
These vessel runs with very low wash, a reason why Main engines MTU split type AlC @ 20,000BTU/hr x 2 units; Beurteaux
the particular hull form was selected for this Make.. . . passenger seats






XXXII: Striking ferries for Hong Kong
Builder's name. .. .. Image Marine opportunities. Dimmable interior lighting enhances Gross tonnage 694gt
Designer.. . Image Marine the evening and night cruise experiences and a Design, draught.. 1.8m
Vessel's name First Travel XXXI and First Travel XXXII multi-lingual onboard tourist information system Speed, service (85% MCR output) 16knots
Owner/Operator New World First Travel Services provides insights into the city's attractions. Max speed. .. 17knots
Country.. .. Hong Kong The layout of the vessels features lounge and table Range 300nm
Flag. .. Hong Kong arrangements throughout, with seats for 172 Daily fuel consumption ,400Iitres/hour
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil passengers on the main deck and 182 passengers on Classification Society and Notations Structure to Lloyd's
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil the upper deck. Each vessel can also carry Register, Survey to Hong Kong Marine Department
Contract date.. .. November 2002 passengers in wheelchairs. Other onboard facilities Harbour Cruise class
Delivery date.. .. October 2003 include a kiosk on main deck serving a variety of Main engines
drinks and light meals, an upper deck bar and Make MTU

W ith the
of two 41.4m
to Hong Kong's New
World First Travel Services Ltd, Image Marine has
highly cultural booths providing
Kong's unique east-meets-west
explanations of Hong
culture. Adding to
the cruise experience, a variety of performances will
Output of each engine
12V 2000 M70

788kW at 2100rev/min

set a new benchmark in purpose designed and built be staged onboard, ranging from magic and live Gearboxes
harbour cruise vessels. With the flexibility for music to traditional Chinese acts including Make. ..ZF
sightseeing and charter/ function work, this order acrobatics. Model. ..2500
followed the delivery of three high-speed To facilitate this, the vessels are equipped with Number. ..2
catamarans to the same group by Image Marine's professional level audio-visual systems and part of Propellers
parent company, Austal Ships. the main deck forward converts to a dance floor, Material Nickel Aluminium Bronze
First Travel XXXI and First Travel XXXI will complete with lighting. This is achieved by removing Manufacturer Stone Marine
cruise the warmer climes of busy Hong Kong the central section of seating, a process that takes Number 2
Harbour at around 16knots. The vessels combine only a short time. The incorporation of these Pitch.. .. Fixed
the New World group's striking orange, purple, features, plus catering facilities on the main deck Open or nozzled Open
and green livery with an even more eye-catching and in the port hull, contributes to the catamarans' Alternators
Chinese golden dragon on the top deck. Over 16m versatility and makes them an attractive charter Number. 2
long, the dragons are particularly spectacular when option for functions, seminars and entertainment Make ... ..Stamford
spraying water from their mouths and when performances. Speed of each set.. .. 1500rev/min
highlighted in colourful light shows during evening Bridge electronics
cruises. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Radars make/model JRC JMC 3925
In addition to the open top deck which provides GPS make/model JRC NWV 700
panoramic views, passengers can choose between Length, oa.. . ,41,4m Engine monitoring/fire detection system Salwico
upper and lower enclosed decks which feature extra Length, bp 39.5m Complement
large side windows and broad expanses of glass on Breadth moulded.. . .. 11.8m Crnw.. . ~
the forward bulkheads to maximise viewing Depth. moulded... .. 3.5m Passengers 354 (plus one wheelchair)


o wm '
11 10


, :IS
, 32
, 31
, 30
, 29
, 29
, ,
27 26
, 25
, :M
, 23
, 22
, 21
, 20
, 19
, 18
, 17
, 16
, 15
, 1., 13
, 12
, 11
, 10
, •, i


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FRONT RUNNER 911: Ultimate safety
patrol boat
Builder Dockstavarvet conditions. These boats have been built because of TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Designer FMV (Defence Material Administration) the requirements for personnel safety and safe
and Yard operations of patrol craft when participating in Length,oa 16.10m
Vessel's name .Front Runner 911 and 913 international peace-keeping and rescue operations. Length, bp 13.00m
Owner/Operator Royal Swedish Navy/Amphibious Corps Safety measures usually mean increased weight, Breadth moulded 3.24m
Country Sweden and as a result, lower speed. However, Displacement 22.6tonnes
Flag. .. Swedish Oockstavarvet has combined modifications of a Design, draught 0.9m
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil boat by upgrading the existing Scania OSI 14 Design, deadweight.. .. 5.0tonnes
Total number of sister ships ordered 27 engines. The result was increased power, some extra
Lightweight 17.6tonnes
Contract date 10 December 2001 SOhp per engine, giving some 67Shp/ engine and a
Speed, service 38knots
Delivery date.. . Up until 23 October 2003 loaded speed of close to 40knots could be
Max speed .41 knots
Range 360nm

S ince 2001 Oockstavarvet has been engaged in the

development of a patrol vessel which is safe for
its personnel as well as safe operating under critical
This patrol craft, designated CB 90 HS, has been
developed to fulfil Armour Protection Level 4 (Nato
Ball 7.6 mm). It will also have NBC protection. The
Main engines
Make .. ..Scania
safety features include 38mm security glass in all Model................... . .DSI 14 52M23V

.,1'. ' .. ~
windows, a 20mm laminate build up of multiple Number 2
layers of polyethylene fibre covering the Output of each engine .496kW at 2100rev/min
engineroom, transport room, and wheelhouse. Gearbox
The transom is covered with a Smm steel, type Make .. ..Centastart clutches
. .• III!',
Armox 600.
The weight has been increased
giving a full load displacement
Number 2
,. •.. I r 22.6tonnes. The boat can carry up to 18 men, fully
,r., ;, .: "F. .. ' .• I equipped, or a corresponding amount of cargo.
Output/speed of each set...
Bosch and On an
2 x 120A, 24V +

C~]~i \f --/ ~1"-~~"4:-

' ., An air condition system is also included
operations in tropical conditions. NBC protection is
1 Onan 230V, 7kW at 1500rev/min

built up by a closed ventilation system under
Make Holls-Boyce Kamewa
pressure, making it possible for the boat to get out
Type FF-410
of areas of contamination. The CB 90 HS is
.,. '.;:' •...............•. ".,.' .• furthermore equipped with specially adapted Number
Bridge electronics

radar/ chart monitors and control panels to operate

.JJ~,.fd,' ;----.;: .'.-
/' in full darkness at 40knots when the crew use IR Radars make/model .Decca Bridgemaster
•••••••. . r,j ;'t••. night goggles. 180 (2 PPI)
----------- _.,-..;
The CB 90 HS originates from a conventional CB Chart plotter Transas
90, the Combat Boat 90 H, which has been under Engine monitoring/fire detection system Halotron 2B
serial production for the Swedish Navy for Complement
more than 10 years. The concept with armour ~w................................ ~
protection has nowadays more or less become a Passengers 18
necessity and is asked for by more and more Other significant or special items of equipment 3 x 12.7mm
cus tomers worldwide. HMG




GRAMPIAN SURVEYOR: Diesel electric
power for ROV
Builder .. . Balenciaga SA Shipyard operated by means of individual controls from the fore TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Designer IMT Marine Consultants and aft stations in the wheelhouse, and from a portable
Vessel name Grampian Surveyor joystick system, through the DP system. The DP Lenglh, oa 75.00m
Owner/Operator North Star Shipping (Aberdeen) Lenglh, bp 64.80m
equipment includes four position reference systems,
Breadlh moulded 16.00m
Country.. . UK DGPS, Fanbeam laser and hydroacoustic, all supplied by
Deplh, moulded 7.00m
Rag. . UK autronix, and a Kongsberg Simrad Ilipap 500.
Gross tonnage 2786gt
Total number of sister ships already compleled Nil Below decks the vessel is divided into the bow thruster
Design, draughl 5.65m
Totalnumber of sister ships still on order Nil compartment, where all three forward thrusters are sited, Design, deadweighl 225010nnes
Contract date June 2001 the engine room, the cargo tanks aft of amidships, with Speed, service. . 14knols
Delivery dale April 2003 two tunnels separating the centre tanks for fuel from the Max speed 15knots
side tanks outboard, and the cargo pump room aft. Classification Society and Notations LR, + 100A1, +LMC,

G rampian SlIm!!or was built by Balenciaga Shipyards

for North Star Shipping of Aberdeen, UK
vessel is intended for performing ROV support
These runnels also serve for routing of piping and the
heavy gauge wiring required for the propulsion motors.
Aft, in the propulsion compartment, all main
Other important international regulations complied with.....MCA
Main engines
carrying out subsea survey and pipeline construction and propulsion equipment is fitted comprising transformers, Make MaK
maintenance tasks, as well as for supply duties carrying water-cooled frequency converters and electric motors Model 6M25
fresh water, fuel oil and pipes, containers, ere, to offshore for the Contaz 15 propulsion units. The machinery Number .4 (driving generaling sets for diesel
installations. In common with many other recent rooms are air conditioned for operation in tropical electric propulsion)
examples of this type of ship, it features a diesel electric regions. Output of each engine .. ..1800kW
power plant for reasons of economy and lower noise The automation system controlling alarms, power Propellers
levels. Open or nozzled. ..Open
management and load sharing of generators, remote tank
IMT, in cooperation with the ship owners, cartied out level reading, draught measurement, cargo pump
Number .4
the main part of the design, especially concentrating on operation, remote valve control and stability programme
Make/lype Siemens
sturdiness and aesthetic lines. The ship was designed was supplied by Steinco, in close cooperation with
OutpuUspeed 01 each set 1720kW/720rev/min
from the outset to perform the roles of both a survey Siemens. Transverse thrusters
vessel and a supply ship. The survey role demands Accommodation is provided for 49 crew members, in Make Rolls-Royce
accommodation for a large crew capacity with dedicated single and two man cabins, all with individual sanitary Number 2 x tunnel; 1 retractable azimulhing
ROV operating rooms, an ROV platform, ROV facilities, distributed over four decks above the main Output of each 2 x 767kW; 1 x 883kW
workshop, and offshore rated crane. deck. A sauna and a fitness room is provided, along with Stern azimuthing thrusters
The diesel electric generating plant is centred around a two-bed hospital cabin. Two client offices are provided Make. ..Aquamaster Contaz 15,
four Siemens generating sets powered by MaK 6M25 on the forecastle deck. Accommodation for captain and counter-rota ling propellers
engines. Each generator is capable of producing 1800k W chief engineer, as well as eight other officer and guest Number 2
at 690V. The power is delivered via a dedicated cabins, and a ship's office is located on one level. The . Output of each 2200kW
propulsion switchboard to five Rolls-Royce thrusters upper deck has two ROV control rooms, the on-line 'Deck machinery windlass, 2 x capstan and 2 x tugger
driven by Siemens electric motors: two azimuthing room being sited on the starboard side to provide good winches, electric drive
Aquamastct Contaz 15 thrustctS aft, each rated 22ookW; visibility over the ROV platform deck. Bridge electronics
one Aquamaster UL1201 retractable bow thruster of The wheelhouse is designed for space and good all- Radars make/model Furuno FAR 2835 S, Furuno
883kW and twO 767kW Kamewa TI1650-FP-KlIl round visibility, Aft there is a walk around console with FR-2115
tunnel thrusters. On the main deck there is a Caterpillar aU the ship's controls, as well as a radar repeater, internal Autopilot make/model included in DP system
GMDSS make/model Furuno RC-15OOC
3306TA 170kW emergency/harbour generating set. This communications and VHF radio equipment. The DP
GPS make/model Included in DP system
large margin of propulsion power has been employed to dual console is sited aft overlooking the aft deck. In the
Gyro .lncluded in DP system
give the ship good station-keeping capabilities under DP centre of the wheelhouse, adjacent to the exhaust casing
Chart plotter Maxsea
control in bad weather. there is a sunken satellite communications centre, which Engine monitorlng/lire deleclion system Steinco/Autronlca
The main propulsion units are water-cooled and also serves as the wheelhouse office. To port there is a Complement
feature twin counter-rotating propellers, aft of the small meeting area. The forward console, for conning the Cffiw~ M
azimuthing pod. These, with the three electrically driven vessel while in transit, incorporates all ship controls, two Other signilicanl or special items of equipmenl crane
bow thrusters, are centrally controlled by a Nautronix radars, the navigation equipment and main GMDSS A3 by TIS-Norlift, wilh 20tonne capacity at 20m outreach;
ASK5OO2 DP2 system. All propulsion units can also be radio communication console. wire length 2000m

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HIGH VELOCITY: Multitude of applications

for new cat design
Builder Safehaven Marine ride and motion. However, the biggest disadvantage of The anchor locker is very large and incorporated in to
Designer Frank Kowalski the older type of catamaran hull - which featured very the superstructure, forming a comfortable seat.
Vessel's name High Velocity fine sections forward with little reserve buoyancy - gave Accommodation on this vessel is very luxurious,
Owner/Operator A O'Rahily a very smooth ride in short sea states, but suffering being lined and carpeted, and constructed in a
Country Ireland badly in ocean swell conditions due to slamming on the combination of teak and GRP mouldings. The helm
Total number of s.ster ships already completed ...... NiI bridge deck. This shortcoming has been solved with console is central in the cabin and offers excellent
Total number of sister ships still on order Three much fuller forward sections, offering greater buoyancy visibility. Either side is standing room with doors
Delivery date... . 14 July 2003 and giving the hull the necessary lift to prevent leading down to the fore cabins in each hull, which
slamming on the bridge deck allowing higher speeds to feature a reasonably sized V berth. There is a large
galley tOO,with sink, strainer, and gas hop. Opposite to
S afehaven Marine has this year launched its new
catamaran design, the Wildcat. This is a 10. 75m
offshore power cat designed for a multitude of work
be maintained into larger ocean swells.
At sea, this catamaran has a distinct advantage, the
twin hulls form a 'grove' in the water allowing the hull
port is a very comfortable curved settee with a folding
table. The heads compartment is accessed from the aft
boat applications. The first vessel, High Velociry, is a sea to track as if on rails whilst the tremendous transverse cockpit and usefully, can be hosed down. The twO
angling charter version which capitalises on the eat's stability means the hull suffers little yaw and surge, engines are situated below large flush hatches which
wide beam with an 'island wheelhouse design', allowing especially in quartering seas allowing virtually 'hands off feature very wide and deep 127mm x 152mm drainage
access to the full length of the boat for angling, yet still steering'. Assessing the vessels handling during channels and several outlets, which should ensure no
maintains a large cabin for accommodation and shelter. trials, she was run on all angles with the waves, and water finds its way below decks>
One of the main design briefs for the Wildcat was to virtually no roll or yaw was encountered and no helm
make the vessel as attractive and sleek as possible. The correction was needed. Heading into sea, she again TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
vessel has been designed to combine safe dependable ga\'e a very smooth ride with zero slamming on the
sea keeping and stability with performance and bridge deck. Length, oa.. . 10. 7m
economy. The Wildcat hull design utilises symmetrical When slowed down to displacement speeds in the Beam. . .4.59m
planning hulls. large and steep breakers in the tidal race she behaved Displacement 9500kg
The hulls are multi-chine in form. The main chine very well with no pitching, with the hulls providing Design, draught.... . 1m
deflects water out and away form the hulls having a plenty of buoyancy. On further trials in less severe Lightweight .. . 8550kg
two-fold effect. On the outboard chine this improves conditions (in force 5 conditions with 2.13m seas), she Speed, service 22knots
ride dryness and reduces wetted area. On the inboard was able ro maintain a service speed of 17knots at Max speed. ..27knots
chine the spray is turned so that in waves it provides a 2000rev/min and was able to punch into the waves Range. . 350nm
cushion effect. The spray is mixed with air coming comfortably. Main engines
down the tunnel and creates a high-density medium, The chines do a very good job of suppressing spray, Make Caterpillar
which when compressed dampens motions through and the spray pattern is clean and low, indeed in Model. . 3126
waves. Slamming on the bridge deck is eliminated as a moderate conditions very little spray comes aboard. Number. . 2
result of the hull riding on this high-density spray Also of interest is her low wash characteristics, which Output of each engine.. . 300hp
cushion. A second chine situated 200mm higher than result in a wash height approximately 50% less than a Gearbox
the main chine further aids in boat dryness, especially at comparable monohull. Make.. . Twin Disc
lower speeds when the main chine is mainly immersed. At a light ship displacement of 8550kg, and powered Model 5061A
Full-length keels are incorporated, and provide by twin 300hp Caterpillar 3126 engines, she achieved Propeller
protection to the propellers, as well as increasing the 27knots with a comfortable cruise of 22knots at Manufacturer Clements Engineering
hulls grip on the water for slow drift speeds. 2400rev/min. Throttling back even further to a very Diameler.. . 559mm
The vessels beam has been constrained to a wide economical 2000rev / min, still provided 17knots. In Bridge electronics
4.59m, providing a good compromise between work comparison with a similarly powered full keel Radar make/model. . Raymarine
area, stability, and minimal slamming that tends occurs monohull, at a similar displacement, the catamaran Autopilol make/model.. . Simrad
on catamarans that have a very wide bridge deck. Also shows a distinct performance advantage. Other communication systems.. . VHF
marina space and berthing facilities are considered, Working area is one of the catamarans main Chari plotter Raymarine
where excessive beam can be hard to facilitate. advantages. High Velociry has a large flush aft cockpit. Complemenl
Due to the slender nature of catamaran hulls, in The walkway up each side of the cabin is wide enough Crew 2
choppy conditions vertical accelerations are much for two persons to pass each other, and at the fore deck, Passengers. . 12
reduced in comparison with monohulls, giving a gentle mooring and anchoring is easily and safely carried out. Number of cabins. . . 2


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HMS ENTERPRISE: First RN vessel with
podded drives
Builder's name Appledore Shipbuilders lid scan sonar are also carried and deployed from the A- Model .. ....................... Ruston 6RK270
Designer Kavaemer Massa Marine, VT Shipbuilding, frame on the stern. Behind shell doors in the starboard Number. .........3
Appledore Shipbuilders lid side of the ship lies the 'Baltic Room'. From here the Output of each engine .. ..... 1660kW
Vessel's name HMS Enterprise CID oceanographic sampling gear and the Shipek grab Propellers
Owner/Operator UK Royal Navy seabed sampler can be deployed from a hydraulically Type twin Compact Azipods (podded drive units)
Country UK operated boom down to depths of 6000m. The survey Manufacturer.. .. ABB
Flag White Ensign (Nominally MCA) data is processed and stored via a Kongsberg Simrad Number. .. 2
Total number of sister ships already completed One Integrated Survey System, and survey operations are Pitch.. .. Fixed
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil supported by a comprehensive Navigation by Kelvin Diameter.. . .2.85m
Contract date 13 July 2000 (both ships) Hughes, plus a Ship Positioning control system providing Speed.. . 270rev/min
Delivery date HMS Enterprise 12 September 2003 joystick control. Special adaptations Ice Class
(HMS Echo 31 October 2(02) The ship's propulsion and electrical power system Open or nozzled.. . .. Open
comprises three 1.6MW Ruston and one SSOkW Alternators

N ew survey vessels entered service for the Royal Navy

during 2003 HMS Enterprise (and sister HMS Echo,
delivered at the end of 2002) were constructed at
Cummins powered 690V eliesel generator, providing
electrical power to the two ABB 1.7MW Compact
Azipods, Brunvoll bowthruster and Ships services (via
3 main; 1 harbour alternator

....ABB AMG 560 L 8 L

Appledore Shipbuilders to a prelirninary design provided transformers). The VTC (now Rolls-Royce) EPCAMS Harbour ABB AMG 400 S 4
by VT Shipbuilding Ltd. system provides automatic electrical power control and Output/speed
These new ships replace the H -Class ships and have a management. The ships have damage control Main 1882 kVA. 1600kW
much-increased capability. They have a elisplacement of arrangements to full Royal Naval standards as well as a Harbour. .. 688 kVA,550kW
3S00tonnes, are 90m in length and have a maximum gas-tight citadel to protect against nuclear, biological and Bow thruster
speed of lSknots, They are designed and constructed to chemical agents. Make.. ....Brunvoll
Uoyd's Register rules, including Ice Class 1C and EP, plus Number.... .. One
MCA overlaid by Naval Standards. Echo is the first RN TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Pitch. .. Variable
vessel with both full electric AC propulsion system and Output of each.. . 500kW
podded drives. Length, oa 90.60m Deck machinery .... aft deck A frame; aft deck crane; 2 x aft
The primary roles of the ships are hydrographic and Length. bp 86.00m deck capstan; undulating oceanographic recorder winch;
oceanographic survey. They are designed to capture data Breadth moulded 16.80m 2 x side scan sonar winch; rescue boat davit;
from the seabed and the water column and process the Depth. moulded.. .. 9.10m to main deck; 11.85m survey motor boat davit; Baltic room winch and
data onboard, which is then stored for downloading to the to upper deck extendable boom out of shell side
hydrographic office. They can gather hydrographic sonar Gross tonnage... . 3778gt doorway; 2 x anchor windlass; 2 x foredeck capstan
data in shallow to meelium depths, and oceanographic Displacement (at 5.50m draught) 3775.93tonnes (incorporated into windlass); foredeck stores davit;
data and bottom sampling data down ro 6000m. Design, draught 5.25m foredeck general purpose davit
Secondary roles of the ships include rapid environmental Design. deadweight (at 5.50m draught) 1260.7tonnes Bridge electronics
assessment, support of amphibious operations, and Lightweight .2506.5tonnes Radars make/model Kelvin Hughes NUCLEUS III
support to mine countermeasure operations. Speed, service 12knots at 50% MCR output Autopilot make.. .. Kongsberg Simrad
Survey sensors comprise a combination of hull Max speed. . 15knots GMDSS make Sailor
mounted and towed or over side sensors. Kongsberg Range... .. 9300nm Other communication systems.. .. Thales (Military
Simrad multibeam echo sounder provides a capability Daily fuel consumption 8.47tonnes/day (at 12knots) Communications System)
enabling hydrographic data to be gathered at a rate up to Classification Society and Notations Lloyd's Register of GPS make/model ..... VPLGR (Rockwell Collins 'P' Code);
120 times that of a single beam sounder. Two KS EASOO Shipping; @100A1 Survey Vessel. Ice Class 1C. @LMC. Applanix POS/MV
echo sounders are also fitted, and all the transducers are UMS, ES(2), (Sheerstrake. Exposed No 1 deck. flat of Gyro.. .. C-Plath
fitted in a gondola mounted below the keel. This feature, bottom), IWS, Shipwright PCWBT, PMS(CM), HCM, SCM, Chart plotter Kelvin Hughes ECDIS
which reduces entrained air affecting transducer CCS. ICC. EP. PSMR" Engine monitoring/fire detection system Vosper
performance, and the size of the ships enables gathering Other important international regulations complied with... MCA Thornycroft Controls Integrated Platform Management
data in conelitions up to sea state 6. except where this was overwritten by specific RN System and Engine Power Control and Management
Towed sensors measure conductivity, temperature, customer requirements. RN Naval Engineering Standards System
scatterance and suspended microscopic material in the for Magazine and NBCD Citadel Complement
water column down to SOOm. Magnetometers, Sub Main engines Crew 67 (max 83)
bottom pro filers and the Gee-Acoustics Sonar 2094 side- Make. . MAN B&W Number of cabins. .. 39


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LAMMA and TAP MUN: Yard's first pure
harbour tugs for over 15 years
Builder Kegoya Dock Co Supermix rope which HKST have found to be reliable Gearboxes
Designer Imamura Shipbuilding Co Ltd/ and long lasting, averaging well over 2500 tug moves Make Niigata Power Systems (buill in clutch)
HongKong Salvage and Towage before being replaced. These tugs do not have Model. . ZP-11A
Vessel name.. . Lamma and Tap Mun external ftrefighting installed since HKST have Number.. . 2
Owner/Operator Hong Kong United Dockyards Ltd sufficient ftrefighting tugs already. Propellers
Country SAR China All HKST harbour tugs operate with three men, Malerial Ni Aluminium Bronze (grade CU3)
Flag.. . Hong Kong supported by a small but dedicated maintenance team. Manufacturer Kamome Propeller Co Lid
Tolal number of sister ships already completed Four The accommodation has a total of six berths for use Number. . 2
Total number of sister ships still on order .Two by delivery crews. Both earlier sisters, Lam Tong and Pitch.. . Fixed
Contract dale 24th April 2003 Tung Lllng, were delivered from Hong Kong ro Diameter.. . 1900mm
Delivery date January 2004 Melbourne via Cebu and Thursday Island (a 5338miJes Speed.. ....331 rev/min
voyage in 27 days) with no problems. Alternalors
T alnlna and Tap Mun are the latest HUD Marine Initially these two tugs were the last of six Number.. . .Two
L.....(Hongkong Salvage and Towage) newbuiJdings, newbuiJdings but due to HKST's continued expansion Make/type.. ..Taiyo Electric TWY25C
and the first pure harbour tugs it has built since 1995. into new overseas markets an additional order has Output/speed of each set BOkVAx AC 385V x 3
Their design is based on the Lam Tong class with been placed with Kegoga Dock Co for two sister tugs Phase x 50hz x 1500rev/min
minor improvements to include an enhanced which are due for delivery in early 2004. The Lamma Deck machinery
wheelhouse incorporating an internal staircase. The class tugs will be for harbour towage in Hong Kong. Forward winch Kitagawa Kogyo eleclro-hydraulic
other improvements are noise suppression in the driven winch; 2/H X 25/65m/min; aft towing hook of 40SWL
accommodation, sewage treatment plant and NOx TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Bridge electronics
certified engines. The priority was reliability of Radars make/model.. . Furuno FR-7062
equipment to enable HKST to service the high Lenglh, oa 25.4m Autopilot make/model Tokimec FR-2204ZZ
business volume on Hong Kong Harbour. Length, bp 19.Bm Other communication systems VHF Sailor RT 4822
Each tug is powered by two Niigata type 6L2SHX Breadth, moulded. . B.5m GPS make/model:. ...Furuno GPBO
engines developing 3200bhp in total. This produces Deplh moulded .4.7m Gyro.. . Tokimec ES-110
the high bollard pull required for harbour towage, Gross lonnage.. . 231tonnes Engine monitoring/fire detection system Nippon Hakuyo
while still having excellent fuel economy. The Design draughl. . ...2.7m Complement
importance of length, breath, and power ratio for Speed, service 12.36knols ~w.. ...... 3
economical port operation has led HKST to the Bollard Pull .45.45tonnes Number of cabins: 3 x 2 berth; accommodation is
present design. Range 1600nm arranged in Ihe deckhouse on Ihe upper deck with
All HKST tugs including Lamma and Tap Mlln are Daily fuel consumption B.B3tonnes per day toilet, shower, laundry and galley facilities
designed to overcome a 'blackout' situation in the @100%MCR Other significanl or special items of equipment. Unitor
unlikely event one should occur. All controls and Classification Society and Notations., . Lloyd's Regisler+ CO, extinguishing system for engine room, full fendering;
emergency systems are designed to operate under 100A1 (Coastal Service) ship 10 ship power supply 3BOVAC 50Hz 1ooA; 250W metal
battery power for at least two hours, which provides Other rnportam international requlations complied with ITC, halide search light operated from wheelhouse console;
more than sufficient time to remedy an emergency SOLAS, Loadline, Marpol Nippon Hakuyo fire detection system to cover engine room,
situation. Main Engines propulsion room, mess area, crew cabins, and wheelhouse;
In Hong Kong, all tugs operate the push-pull system Make Niigata alarm panel fitted in wheelhouse; Matesaver man overboard
and the forward towing winch is a Kitagawa Kogyo Model. . 6L25HX recovery system and rescue nel fitted; tin-free antifouling
electro-hydraulic driven winch with an 80ronne brake Number.. . .. .2 paint; alltanks epoxy coat (except fuel/LO tanks): meters for
capacity. The winch is fitted with 110m x 96mm O~~.1~~ vessel fuel consumption











NIPPER: Workboat assists media events·
Builder's name SOuthBoats LId averaged 28litres/hour, A 4,9kVA Fisher Panda Daily fuel consumption" .".28Iitres/hr at
Designer SOuthCatamarans Lld/ generator set has been fitted to power the onboard service speed
IT Boat Designs LId computer, galley, and charging systems, Classification Society and Notations """"".Lloyd's Register
Vessel's name Nipper Nipper is designed to support television crews, SSC Rules, MCA Code 2
Owner/Operator Nipper Commercial Services photographers, and journalists during the many Main engines
Country England yachting powerboating events that take place on the Make, " .. "Cummins
Flag.. . .British south coast of England, In the first season of service Model "'" """"'" """"""""'" """""""'" """" ,6,BTA.5,9M
Total number of sister ships already completed Two over 600hours have been recorded undertaking this Number " " "" """" """" ",, ,,",,2
Total number of sister ships still on order Eight duty as well as commercial charters for underwater Output of each engine """"""""".""".""""""",,209kW
Contract date September 2002 survey companies, diving contractors, and guard boat Gearboxes
Delivery date.. . May 2003 operations. Make"",,, """""'" """"""'" """'''''''''''' """""" .TwinDisc
Nipper has a comprehensive electronic navigation Model."" "" "" "".MG5061A
7\ TiPper is a fast all-weather high buoyancy catamaran compliment including a Furuno 1942MkII Open Number"""" """", ..,""" ""'" ..,"""""""""",. """', .." .",,2
1. \I with an overall length of 11m but with a working Array Radar (fully interfaced with GPS and chart Output speed. , "" 1400rev/min
deck area in excess of 45m2• Nipper has been built to overlay), Furuno FCV-582L Dual Frequency Colour Propellers
MCA Category 2 (60nm) with work boat endorsement Echosounder, Furuno GP37 Differential DGPS Material. " ""."""""."""""."".Nickel Aluminium Bronze
for a local Isle of Wight skipper who plans to operate Navigator, Furuno GP31 GPS Navigator, ICS Navtex Manufacturer """"""""""".",Clements Engineering LId
the craft for media support and guard boat duties as 6+ Navtex/GPS Repeater, Raymarine ST50 Depth Number, """"""'" , """""",,2
well as survey and commercial diving. Echsounder, Icom M503 Euro Waterproof Fixed DSC Pitch" """"."".""Fixed
The vessel is fitted with an island wheelhouse VHF Radio Telephone, Icom DS-lOO DSC Terminal Diameter .,""""'''''''''''''''''''''"." "''''''".".,,.559mm
permitting full access around the sides and the bow Unit for Class D Operation, Navitron Autopilot, Open or nozzled """"""""""""""."""""""""""",Open
giving a flush working deck area of 45.6m2, The Prosser Weather Trend Indicator, as well as a Pentium Alternators
wheelhouse is fitted comfortably with a large helm III lap top computer with SeaPro2000 Professional Number" ". ,,2
position with all controls and electronics directed to charting software coupled to a 17inch wide screen Deck machinery """"""""",Quick 24V electric capstan;
the helmsman's KAB301 seat, A second KAB301 seat marinised helm screen, 500kg manual winch and davit
has been provided for a crew member, Aft of the port Bridge electronics
helm is an 'L' shaped upholstered seating area while to TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Radars make/model ."""""""""""""",Furuno 1942Mkll
starboard is a full electric galley with four burner hob, Autopilot make/model """""""", .."""""""""""Navitron
grill, oven, and microwave and sink with pressurised Length, oa """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 11m GMDSS make/model" " """"" "" " "",Icom M503 Euro
cold water supply, A heads compartment with ITT Breadth moulded" , "."""""""""""".4.88m Other communication systems" .,," "".Icom DS100
Jabsco manual flush sea toilet is fitted with access from Gross tonnage "",."" " "" "" ".6.19t GPS make/model ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Furuno GP37
the cockpi t. Displacement" ."", ,""""", ,"""",,,,,,8,5tonnes Chart plotter """"""""""""""SeaPro 2000 Professional
The vessel is fitted with twin Cummins 6BTA5,9 Design, draught.. """"""",,1.07m Complement
280hp diesel engines for a sprint speed of 26knots and Speed, service """""""""""""" .. """.20knots (70% MCR) Crew '"'''',.,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',,2
a loaded cruising speed of 20knots at 21 OOrev/ min or Max speed """".,,"""""""""""""""""" """""."".26knots Passengers """ "" """""""" " ". """.12
18,5knots at 2000rev/min, Fuel consumption has Range ."" " ,"""'''" ,'''''''''', """,500nm Number of cabins """"""""""""""""""""""""""""",0


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RAMON LLULL: Optimisation for
efficient use
Builder Rodriquez Cantieri Navali SpA winter months, there may be a high number of trucks and control. All systems are fully integrated into a central
Vessel name.. .. .Ramon Llull then the upper decks can be hoisted out of position to command station and have been designed, engineered,
Owner/Operator Balearia allow the taller trucks onboard. Typically, the summer tested, and manufactured by Rodriquez Marine Systems.
Designer. .. Rodriquez Engineering season will see RomonU"II optimised for cars, but during This system has been hydronamica'ly designed and
Country.. .. Spain the less tourist dominated winter season the need to carry tested to have zero negative effect on the ships speed
Flag .. Spain trucks is important. which is achieved by dialling in a very small amount of
Total number of sister ships already completed.. .....Nil Alternatively, it is possible to mix and match the 'lift' into the horizontal planes of the T-foils.
Total number of sister ships still on order One position of the ramps and decks to allow any Furthermore, small rudders are incorporated into the
Contract date.. . .. November 2001 combination of trucks/busses and cars onboard. The car vertical skegs of the T-Foils which allows the ship to make
Delivery date.. . May 2003 deck has an innovative arrangement often found on larger course corrections at medium to high speeds whilst
Rodriquez TMV 115 vessels, in that the central ramps can maintaining the waterjets at a zero angle and therefore at
Damon U"II (yard number 311), is an 84m all- be raised to accommodate tall vehicles such as buses or their full thrust position.
.I\.aJuminium fast ferry that was built for Balearia trucks. With the decks lowered, the maximum car capacity
Eurolinies Maritimes, at Rodriquez Cantieri Navali's yard is 58 cars but with the decks raised, there are 110lane TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
in Pietra Ligure, Italy. RomonLull is part of Rodriquez's metres available for these tall vehicles yet still additional
1MV series of Aquastrada monohulls and was followed space for 22 cars. This flexibility is important to allow Length, oa 83.35m
by her sistership The Princess which was delivered in July Balearia the ability to offer year-round operation for all Breadth moulded.... .. 13.50m
2003. vehicle types. Depth, moulded 8.80m
Ramon U"I/, named after the 13th century Spanish Power is provided by four Man B&W 18VP185 diesel Displacement 518.7tonnes
philosopher, has a capacity for 462 passengers divided engines each connected to a dedicated Lips steerable and Design, draught 2.10m
intO 106 sears for first class passengers, located on the reversible waterjer via a Reintjes VLJ 2230 gearbox. This Design, deadweight 337tonnes
upper deck; and 356 seats for economy class, located on arrangement will provide a service speed of 39knots Speed, service 34knots at 90% MCR
the main deck. based on 90% MCR and with a full load of passengers Max speed. . .. .40knots
Ramon U"lIis fitted with Rodriquez's patented hoistable and cars. Maximum speed is approximately 4Oknots. Range. .. 310nm at 39knots
upper car deck. This allows the ship to be optimised for She is equipped with the latest in advanced ride control Daily fuel consumption 2.9tonnes/hr
her particular vehicular cargo. For instance, during the systems that includes: anti-pitch T-Foils (fore and aft); (69.6tonnes/day)
summer months the traffic is primarily passenger cars, anti-roll fins (two per side, fore and aft); transom mounted Classification Society and Notations RINA'1 OO-A-1.1
and as such, full use of the car decks is made. During the intruders for longitudinal trim control as well as anti-roll NAVS HSC Cat B+IAQ-2 Tp Tr (Ro-Ro)
Other important international regulations complied with .....High
Speed Craft Code, Category B
Main engines
Make. .. MAN B&W
Model .Paxrnan 18VP185
Number .4
Output of each engine 3700kW
Make .... ..Reintjes
Model. .VLJ2230
Number .. ..4
Make .. ..Lips
Number .. ..4
Bow thrusters
Make Rodriquez Marine Systems
Number. .. 2
Crew .. ..12
Passengers. ..462
Number of vehicle decks 2
Total lane length 225
No of cars 89
No of trucks/trailers 10


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RED JET 4: Quick turnaround on
passenger ferry
Design, draught.. 1.3m at 100% load
Builder North West Bay Ships provided for passenger convenience.
Vessel name Red Jet 4 The interior has been detailed to complement Red Design, deadweight 29,3OOkg

Owner/Operator Red Funnel Group UK Funnel's other vessels, even down to the fabrics on Speed, service 35knots full load a, 80% MCR

Designer .. . North West Bay Ships the Beurreaux Ocean Tourist high-back seats. Max speed .41 knots
Country Untted Kingdom For passenger comfort, the superstructure is Classification Society and Notations .. DNV + 1A 1 HSLC R4
Flag. . UK isolated from the hull by rubber mounts to Passenger EO
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil mini mise noise and vibration. The noise levels Main engines
Total number of sister ships still on order NiI measured in the passenger cabin, at full power, Make MTU
Delivery date.. . May 2003 were a comfortable 70dB and 62dB in the Model.. ..12V4000 M70
wheelhouse. Number 2

N orth West Bay Ships this year delivered a 39m

passenger ferry, Red [et 4, to the Red Funnel
Group, UK, for operation on the Southampton to
The wheelhouse
provides good visibility both
and aft, and the latest in navigational,
communication and joystick control devices have
of each engine 1740kW/2oo0rev/min

Make. ...ZF
Cowes route. The vessel, designed and built in been installed. Red [et 4 is the first vessel to be Model.. ..BW4650
Australia, was delivered by heavy lift ship to equipped with an MJP vector control system. This Number. ..2
Southampton in May and entered into service in June. system gives the commander exceptional control Output speed. ..990rev/min
Features of the design include a low-wash hull when manoeuvring both at high and low speeds. To Alternators
form, a resiliently mounted superstructure to assist with berthing the wheelhouse is arranged with Number 2
minimise noise and vibration transmission for the commander's seat offset to port as all boarding Make/type Perkins Sabre 4TGM
passenger comfort, and a cabin arrangement and occurs via an onboard access ramp located on the
Output/speed of each set 62kW/1500rev/min
access doors specifically designed to facilitate rapid port side.
passenger ttansfer. Three Liferaft Systems Austtalia 128-man liferafts
Make MJP650R
The vessel is propelled by two MJP 650 waterjets, and a single 65-man raft are located on the upper
Number 2
which are driven by two MTU 12V4000 1740bkW deck. Emergency egress from the cabin is through
Bridge electronics
engines, and at full load achieves a service speed of dual doors, port and starboard, and then via inflatable
Radars make/model Litton Decca Bridgemaster II
35koots at 80% MCR. The low-wash hull form has mini slides down to the rafts. Additional doors and
Series 180 true motion radars
been developed from Ten, a 33m catamaran built by emergency windows are located at the forward quarter
Other communication systems Sailor RF2048 VHF;
orth West Bay Ships in 2001, and also incorporates points and single doors at the rear of both the
MDI adjustable interceptors mounted on the ttansom passenger and wheelhouse. In a 50% evacuation test, Sailor DSC2042 VHF

of each hull to enable running-trim conttol under 146 persons were safely evacuated in nine minutes six GPS make/model Sagitta NR51 DGPS System

varying loading conditions. and seconds. Gyro C Plath Gyro Compass

The ferry operates on a half-hour schedule between Chart plotter.. .. Transas Electronic
Southampton and Cowes and allows just seven TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Engine monitoring/fire detection system MTU MCS-5
minutes to turnaround 275 passengers. To facilitate Complement
rapid passenger transfer the passengers are Length, oa 39.8m C~.............................................. ~
accommodated on a single deck that has large access Length, wi 35.8m Passengers 275
doors amidships and generous aisles. It is possible to Breadth moulded 10.8m Number of cabins 1
load 200 passengers in only 1.75 minutes. Large Depth, moulded 3.00m Other significant or special items of equipment Low-wash
luggage racks and a refreshment preparation area are Gross tonnage 342gt hull form; MDI Adjustable Transom Interceptors



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SALTEN and STEIGTIND: Norway imports
Australian ferries
Builder's name Image Marine hold by cranes on the upper deck, which feature TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Designer Image Marine remote control capability for ease and swiftness of
Vessel's name.. . . Sa/ten and Steigtind loading and unloading - a vital factor on this service Length. oa .41.3m
Owner/Operator Ofotens og Vesteraalens due to the large number of different ports called upon Length. bp 36.1m
Dampskibsselskab asa (OVDS) each day. Breadth moulded 11.6m
Country Norway Designed to operate with four crew, the vessel's Depth, moulded .4.3m
Flag Norway layout facilitates the easy flow of passengers. Design. draught 1.4m
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil Hydraulically-operated boarding ramps are positioned Design, deadweight 48tonnes
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil both port and starboard and cater for the various Speed. service (85% MCR output) 33knots
Contract date May 2002 wharf heights encountered on the route, while the Max speed 36knots
Delivery date.. . May 2003 central ticketing office allows passengers to purchase Range 100nm

tickets after boarding. Boarding passengers move Fuel consumption 0.96tonnes/hour at 100% MCR
Classification Society and Notations Det Norske Veritas
A mong the world's first vessels produced to the
IMO's HSC 2000 Code requirements,
designed and built especifically for harsh Norwegian
forward to the main seating area, via luggage storage
compartments where they can leave their belongings.
Other important
+1A1 HSLC R2 (nor) Passenger
international regulations complied with ..... IMO

Sliding doors separate the main passenger cabin

weather conditions, Image Marine's first vessels for HSC Code 2000
from the lobby and baggage areas, creating a quiet
the northern European market are regarded by the Main engines
environment in which passengers can relax in climate-
Make MTU
Australian shipbuilder as among the best it has controlled comfort. Seating is arranged in a mixture of
Model 16V 4000 M70
produced. They also represent somewhat of a coup, row and table and chair arrangements and the entire
Number 2
as Norway is traditionally a supplier, rather than interior is fitted out to the typically high standards
Output of each engine 2320kW at 2000rev/min
importer of fast ferries. expected by Scandinavian passengers.
Built for leading ferry operator Ofotens og Passengers with disabilities are well catered for, with
Make. ..ZF
Vesteraalens Oampskibsselskab asa (OVOS) and noticeable features being hearing aid induction loops
Model. ..7550
named Salten and Steigtind, the passenger-cargo and interior colour schemes designed to clearly
Number. ..2
catamarans operate out of the far northern port of delineate walkways for those with poor eyesight.
Bodo. Capable of 33knots, and with capacity for 214 Since the vessels operate north of the Arctic Circle,
Number. ..2
passengers and 30 Euro pallets (12tonnes) of and throughout winter, specific attention was paid to Make/type .. ..Stamford
refrigerated cargo, the 41.3m vessels provide not only ensuring year-round functioning of all aspects of the Speed of each set.. .. 1500rev/min
a passenger service, but also the only transportation vessel in below freezing conditions. This includes all yvaterjets
link for travel and supplies between many small islands engineering systems and is encompassed in features Make .. ..Kamewa 71 SII
and the mainland. such as the covered mooring decks aft, which protect Number. ..2
Onboard facilities, for example, include large the crew from the weather when docking, and a sloped Bridge electronics
luggage storage areas and a specially designed room forward bulkhead that is designed to prevent the Radars .. ..2 x LMS
that allows passengers to transport their pets. A kiosk build-up of snow and ice over the escape hatch. Autopilot... ..Simrad
provides refreshments throughout rhe round-trip While based on an existing hullform, the hulls and GPS .. ..Simrad
which can last up to six hours, and an adjacent tunnel height have been slightly modified for Gyro ... ..Sperry
television room with toys provides children with a play Norwegian sea conditions and to allow for expected Chart plotter .. ..Simrad
area separate from the main passenger cabin. Smokers variations in passenger and cargo loads. The Engine monitoring/fire detection system .. ...Autronica
are catered for with a protected outdoor smoking area catamarans use Seastate interceptors to modify Complement
on the upper deck. running trim as well as providing significant motion ~w .4
The ferries' refrigerated cargo facilities enable damping. Passengers 214
OVOS to provide a valuable service delivering goods Power for the vessels is provided by twin MTU 16V 4000 Other significant or special items of equipment Seastate
to and from the mainland, particularly for Norway's diesels, each driving a Kamewa waterjet via a ZF gearbox. motion control system (Interceptors); refrigerated cargo
significant fishing industry. Cargo is lifted into the This produced a speed of 33knots in trial conditions. hold - 30 x 400kg Euro pallets; 2 x cargo cranes



1200 1000 l(OJ
TR 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 2.5 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 I:' 14 13 12 10 • 2 I 0

J2 31 eo 29 2. 21 2.
" 2' 23 22 21 20 I. I. I. ,.
11 14 13 12

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,. 23 22 21 20 I. I. 11 ,. I. "
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1100 HXD 1000



1200 lCXD 1000

TR 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 2' 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 I. 13 12 11 10 9 2 I 0


SARAH PEARL: Offshore vessel ensures
Builder .. . Strategic Marine The safety of the passengers and crew is catered Speed, service 23knots
Vessel name.. . Sarah Pearl for by a fully monitored fire detection system Max speed 25knots
Owner/Operator EMAS comprising heat and smoke detectors in the Range 3000nm
Designer.. . Southerly Designs machinery spaces, and smoke detectors in all Daily fuel consumption 121onnes
Country . . Singapore accommodation and stores spaces combined with Classification Society and Notations GL + 100 A5 OC3
Flag .. . Singapore audible and visual alarms throughout the vessel. The HSC - Cargo
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil provision of inflatable life-rafts, Iifejackets and Other important international regUlations complied with.. (+)MC
Total number of sister ships still on order NiI lifebuoys, and a GMDSS - area 3 communications HSC-Cargo
Contract date.. . January 2002 system with EPIRB and SART location Main engines
Delivery date November 2002 transponders adds to the wellbeing of the ship's Make .. ..MTU
complement in the event of any emergency. Model.. ..162000 M60

F ollowing the success of Sarah Jade (November

2001) EMAS required another crew boat to give
this company a premium level of operational
The entire vessel is constructed
maintenance aluminium and all seawater piping is of
stainless steel. The cargo deck is covered
out of low

with a
Number ..
Output of each engine .. ..680kW

continuity and security for its oil field suppOrt protective layer of thick marine pine planks which
Make .. ..ZF
contracts, so it again approached Strategic Marine protect the structure from shock loads during cargo
Pty Ltd, Western Australia, to construct such a Number .. ..3
handling and minimises the possibility of cargo
vessel. sliding. Propellers
On this occasion EMAS required a larger The vessel is powered by three MTU 162000 M60 Material .. ..Ali Bronze
boat with a larger carrying capacity and more rated at 1080hp, with three FP propellers through Manufacturer .. ..Stone - Singapore
open deck space, but with the same ZF 2550R/R - 2.03:1 gearboxes. The vessel is Number .. ..3
manoeuvrability and reliabiliry as the first vessel. The environmentally responsible, with the inclusion of Pitch .. ...Fixed
combination of Southerly Designs and Strategic an oily water separator and a Hanmann Diameter .. ..1000mm
Marine design teams once again in fused Wassertechnik MINI L sewage treatment plant, Open or nozzled .. ....Open
EMAS Offshore's requirements into this crew boar, along with the allocation of tank space to store the ~Iternators
Sarah Pearl. by-products of both systems until they can be Type .. ..Stanford
Sarah Pearl has a maximum speed of 25knots, can rlisposed of safely ashore. Bow thrusters
carry 123 passengers, 40tonnes of cargo, and has Output.. ..75kW
crew accommodation for 10 people. Operating out TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Deck machinery .. ....Tugger Winch
of various ports in Malaysia and Thailand, the vessel
Bridge electronics
will be used to transport rig and production crew Length. oa .40.00m Autopilot make/model Navigold
and equipment to and from oil and gas platforms Length, bp.. . 38.5m GMDSS make/model Sailor
and rigs. Breadth moulded 7.5m
The vessel also provides fire fighting capabilities Engine monitoring/fire detection system .Plotter
Depth, moulded 3.1m Complement
with the installation of a Fi-Fi system with a pump
Gross tonnage 219gt Crnw.. B
capable of pumping 1200litres/hour through a
Displacement 130tonnes Passengers 75
bridge deck-mounted remote control fire monitor
Design, draught 2. 75m Number of cabins 5
and a full deluge system for the ships protection.
The vessel is also fitted with oil pipeline Design, deadweight .40tonnes Other significant or special items of equipment. Fi-R Water
recovery /handling equipment. Lightweight 90tonnes cannon





firsts for medium speed ferry
Builder's name AustaJ Ships The new Austal catamaran will cross the challenging Output speed .481 rev/min
Designer.. .. Austal Ships/AMD Mu~ihull Designs waters of the Backstairs Passage between Cape Jervis Propellers
Vessel's name Spirit of Kangaroo Island and Penneshaw in approximately 45 minutes. Material. ..Aluminium-Bronze
Owner/Operator Kangaroo Island SeaUnk The focus in the interior has been to produce a Manufacturer .. ..Veem
Country Australia level of firour that is both economical and practical Number .. ....2
Flag.. .. Australian while also providing passengers with a comfortable Pitch .. ..Fixed
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil and enjoyable travelling experience. Passenger Diameter .. ..1600mm
Total number of sister ships still on order Nil facilities on the air-conditioned ferry include a Special adaptations .. ..5 blade
Contract date March 2003 licensed cafe, television and video monitors
Open or nozzled. ..Open
Delivery date. .. December 2003 and a mixture of table and chair seating, and
comfortable aircraft style seating. Every effort
Number 2
Spirit of
W Kangaroo Island
ith an operating

speed vehicle-passenger
speed of 15knots,
is not only the first medium-
ferry built by Austal Ships
has been made to ensure disabled
made comfortable including
of specially allocated wheelchair
the provision
areas and disabled
Make/type. ..
Speed of each set
Caterpillar 3406C
but also the first ferry this Australian shipbuilder has toilets. Deck machinery
sold to its local market. This catamaran has been Windlass 1 x Hypac, HHAW60-30, 40kN
acquired to meet an increase in demand in passenger TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Capstans .4 x Hypac, VHMC60, 50kN
traffic and improve ferry services to Australia's third Ramp winch 1 x Hypac, HHAW45-16, 70kN
largest island, Length, oa.. .. 50.37m Davit 1 x Hypac, RBD15-35S, SNL 10kN
Ordered by well-established operator Kangaroo Length, bp .49.5m Bridge electronics
Island SeaLink in March 2003, the aluminium Breadth moulded 17.8m Radars make/model Furuno/1942 SK2
catamaran was delivered in early December - a Depth, moulded 5.0m at transom Autopilot make/model Robertson/AP-50
remarkably shorr build time for a custom Gross tonnage 771gt GMDSS make/model Skanti/GMDSSAZI
designed vessel measuring just over 50m in length Design, draught . 2.5m GPS make Furuno
overall. Chart plotter Furuno GD-33OO
Design, deadweight 35010nnes
With the capacity for 244 passengers and 55 cars or Engine monnoring/fire detection system ..Marnelink/Salwico
Speed, service 15knots
16 cars and eight trucks, Spirit of Kangaroo Island has a Complement
Max speed 15knots
design deadweight of 350tonnes and is powered ro
Classification Society and Notations Det Norske Veritas C~w .._.................. B
its economical speed by a pair of Caterpillar 3512B
Main engines Passengers 244
diesels driving 5-bladed, FP propellers via Reintjes
Make . ..Caterpillar Number of cabins 6 crew cabins
gearboxes. Vehicles load and unload over a wide stern
Model .. ..3512B Vehicles
ramp onto an obstruction free open vehicle deck that
has no free height restrictions. Number .. ..2 Number of vehicle decks 1
Operating up to 10 trips per day, SeaLink provides Output of each engine .. .. 1118kW No of cars 55 cars or 16 cars and 8 trucks
the primary sea transportation ferry service between Gearboxes No of trucks/trailers 8 trucks
the mainland and Kangaroo Island, which is situated Make Reintjes Other significant or special items of equipment .Dangerous
about 9nm offshore from Cape Jervis, on the tip of Model .wAF 643 Goods Carriage, Class 2 & 3 - Water Curtain: Drencher
the Fleurieu Peninsula in the state of South Australia. Number. . 2 System, Fire Monitors


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SWIFT: Sophisticated high-speed vessel
for US Navy
Builder Incat Tasmania Ply LId speed of 20knots. Furthermore, she must be capable Max speed.. . approx 45knots
Vessel name.. . ..... Swift of 24 hour operations at slow speeds (3knots- Range minimum 11 OOnm at 35knots
Owner/Operator.. ...United States Navy 10knots) for experimentation with unmanned Daily fuel consumption approx 130.8tonneslday
Designer Revolution Design Ply LId auronomous vehicles, and to support dedicated and at 100% MCR
Country United States of America emerging organic mine warfare missions. Classification Society and Notations ... DNV + 1A 1 R1 HSLC
Flag United States Military A stern ramp capable of on/off loading Cargo EO HELDK
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil directly astern or to the starboard quarter has Main engines
Total number of sister ships on order Nil been fitted. The ramp is capable of Make .. ..Caterpillar
Contract date October 2002 loading/unloading a multitude of military vehicles Model. ..3618
Delivery date 15 August 2003 up to and including M1A 1 main battle tanks of up to Number. ..4
63,957kg. Output of each engine .. ..7200kW

T aking only 10 months from contract award to

delivery, and reaching 47knots on sea trial, the
US Navy are thought to be extremely pleased with
Swift is also fitted with a load compensating
capable of launch and recovery of small boats and
unmanned vehicles up to 11 ,793kg whilst underway.
crane Gearboxes
Model.. ..53000
this High Speed Vessel (HSV) HSV 2 Swift. She will The crane is capable of lifting up to 9979kg to and Number. ..4
serve operationally as an interim Mine Warfare from the flight deck. Alternators
Command and Support Ship (MCS), and support Perhaps one of the most impressive features of Number .4
transformational mine warfare modular mission Swift is the NAVAIR certified helicopter flight deck Make Caterpillar
payload initiatives. In support of Navy for operation of MH-60S, CH-46, UH-1, and AH-1 Output/speed each set 320kW, 60Hz nominal
experimentation, Swift will be used to explore helicopters. An area protected from the weather for Waterjets
concepts, capabilities, and military utility associated storage and maintenance of two MH-60S helicopters Make/type .. ..Lips LUI20E
with the advanced hull and propulsion technology has also been provided to enhance aviation Number. ..4
integrated with advanced communications in operations in day, night, and instrument Bridge electronics
support of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) meteorological conditions. Radars make Kelvin Hughes
program. The vessel will operate with crews stationed at . Autopilot make Lips
For the Marine Corps, the HSV will conduct a Naval Station Ingleside, Texas, and Naval • GMDSS To comply with sea area 1 & 2
series of limited-objective experiments, Amphibious Base Little Creek, Virginia. GPS make/model 2 x differential, Leica GPS
exercises, demonstrations, and training events that Gyro Anschutz
develop interoperability potential of high-speed TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Chart plotter Transis Navi-Sailor 2400
vessels with causeways, watercraft, amphibious ships, Engine monitoring/fire detection system ..... addressable
and other shipping. Experimentation data will Length,oa 97.22m system fitted
be used to access the military utility of HSVs and Length, wi 92.00m Complement
future joint and naval military operations or Breadth 26.60m Crew 353 personnel and equipment
applications. Depth, moulded 7.13m Number of cabins 17
The HSV is capable of maintaining an average Displacement.. 1800gt fully loaded Vehicles
speed of 35knots or greater, loaded with 500short Design, draught 3.43m loaded Number of vehicle decks 1 plus forward ramps
tons, consisting of 350 personnel and military Design, deadweight approx 680tonnes Total lane length approx 2050m
equipment. A minimum operating range of 1100nm Lightweight 112010nnes Other significant or special items of equipment shore
at 35knots was required by the contract, as is a Speed, service 38knots ramps; ride control; small boat crane; work boat;
minimum transit range of 4000nm at an average at 700tonnes dwt, 100%MCR helicopter deck



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THETIS: First of series luxury multi
purpose tug
Builder IHC Delta Shipyard wooden finish has been used in combination with Hydraulic system
Vessel's name........ .. Thetis Iskes' colours. Near the entrance of the deckhouse Make ... ..Deutz
Owner/Operator Iskes Towing & Salvage there is a dressing room for the crew, and the Type .. ..BF 8M 1013M
Flag.. ......The Netherlands captain's cabin includes a wash room. A combined Electrical system
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil mess/galley has been placed in the deckhouse. The Generator sets
Total number of sister ships still on order .. mess area consists of a 'couch corner' combined Make Deutz
Contract date .. with a low table. The accommodation in the fore end Type BF bM 1013M
Delivery date October 2003 consists of a two crew cabins, an engineers cabin, an Capacity 120kVN1 04kW
officers cabin, and a laundry. A wash cabin with Voltage 230/400V

T his first Delta Azimuth Tug 2800, named Thetis,

is a highly manoeuvrable tug as a result of the
use of two 360deg rotatable rudder propellers in the
shower and roilet has been situated
and officers cabin. The two crew cabins
also includes a washing cabin.
the Frequency
Harbour sets
Make.. ..

stern of the vessel. The tug is multi-functional and The tug has an excellen t all round view, especially Type .sF 4M 1012M
will be used as a harbour tug as well as a sea-going at the rowing winches and the side fenders. This is Capacity... . 52kVN47kW
rug, and will carry out duties such as anchor- because of large windows, which extend from floor Voltage 230/400V
handling, salvage operations, and fire-fighting to ceiling. Frequency.. .. 50Hz
activities in the ports of Ijmuiden and Amsterdam, Bridge electronics
as well as in the North Sea. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Long and short distance radar ...Furuno type FR-2115B;
Thetis is equipped for ship handling operations in FR-1505 MK3
the push-pull mode, rowing over the bow as well as Length, oa 28.80m Gyro compass Tokimec ES-11 ON
over the stern, and escort duties. She has a bollard Length, wi. .. 26.64m Magnetic compass Observator
pull of over 60ronnes, and is extremely silent due to Breadth moulded 1O.OOm Automatic pilot Radio Zeeland Seapilot 75
an extraordinary heavy ship construction and sound Depth. at side.. .. 5.20m Navtex ICS NAV-5and Furuno NX-300
insulation. The all-round view from the wheelhouse Draught .4.50m Electronic maps and navigation system Ouodfish
is excellent due the large windows. Speed, ahead 12.5knots Chart-worx MAP-210
The hull is divided into five watertight Speed, astern 12.0knots DGPS Furuno GP-80D in combination with GR-BO
compartments: aft peak, rudder propeller room, Classification Society and Notations Germanischer Lloyd Echo sounding system Furuno FE-700
accommodation/ fuel and fresh water tanks, and fore GL +100 A5 Tug + MC AUT Anemometer Observator Instruments OMC
peak. The hull is provided with a transom stern and Other important international regulations complied with...Dutch Maritime PC Radio Zeeland RZ-280
round bilges. The stern has well rounded transom Shipping Inspection Automatic direction finder Tayo Musen TD-L1620A
corners. Around the vessel at main deck and semi- Main engines SSB radio Sailor SP-4610
raised forecastle deck level, including the transition Make wartsua VHF radio.. .. Sailor RT-4822 and RT-4800
part between both decks, the upper hull part is Model 9L2!0 Radio/telephone Motorola GM-380
provided with a sheer strake of 20mm. The hull has Number.. .. 2 Inmarsat-C/M dual system Sailor SDMGS2
a transverse framing system combined with Rev/min 1ooorev/min GSM Nokia Premicell
longitudinal stringers. Gearbox GMDSS walkie-talkie Navico SRH-50
The bow is well flared and rounded, and has a long Make .. ..Twin Disc SART Jotron Tron-Scart
- to the bow - extended skeg, to achieve good astern Model .. ..HD 3000-7 EPIRB Jotron Tron-40S
seagoing characteristics, and is of the closed Reduction .. Slipping clutch Intercom/talk-back system Radio Zeeland
box type. Thetis is heavily fendered at the bow, Propellers ECO-710
and stern and because of this, the bulwarks are Manufacturer .wartsua Complement
double plated. Diameter 2400mm Passengers. ..7
The interiors are of a high luxury level and Open or nozzled 360deg steerable nozzles Number of cabins. ..4


UAL LOBITO: Bodewes introduces
new Trader series
Builder's name. . . .Bodewes Shipyards ventilation system gives six air changes per hour, loading aground, Ice Class 1B (Finnish and Swedish
(hull constnucted by Shipyard Turnu Severin, Romania) permitting dangerous cargoes to be carried. Ice rules), +LMC, UMS, SCM
Designer Bodewes Shipyards strengthening to Class IB (Finnish and Swedish Main engine
Vessel's name VAL Lobito Rules) is included, as well as strengthening for Make.. . Mak
Owner/Operator.. ... HMT International Shipping loading/unloading aground. Cargo handling is by Model. . 6M25
& Forwarding BV, The Netherlands means of two NMF deck cranes fitted on pedestals Number 1
Total number of sister ships already completed: One built into the port-side hull structure, each having a Output 1800kW/750rev/min
Total number of sister ships still on order: Five swl of 36tonnes and an outreach of 22m, giving a Gearbox
Contract date .. capability for working cargo approximately 8m Make. ..Renk
Delivery date... . 20 June 2003 beyond the starboard side of the vessel. A Framo Type .. ..vertical, single-step, reduction
anti-heeling system is fitted to compensate during Propeller

T he versatility of this new multi-purpose

ship design is demonstrated
first two deliveries entered service
by the fact that the
cargo handling operations.
The machinery installation was subcontracted
Wolfard & Wessels Werktuigbouw and is based upon
.wartsua (Lips)
different formats. Whilst the lead ship a MaK 6M25 main engine with an MCR of 1800kW Pitch Controllable
(AlmadiepIJanuary 2003) displays a gearless, 'low-air- at 7 50rev / min. This drives a CP propeller installed in Diameter 2500mm
draught (LAD)' configuration, the second, and a Lips HR nozzle, through a gearbox fitted with a Special adaptations Lips HR Nozzle
subject vessel, UAL Lobito, presents a more 360kW alternator, for a service speed of 12.50knots. Gearbox-driven alternator
conventional arrangement, with a three tier Two 248kW diesel alternator sets are also provided. Make Newage Stamford
deckhouse built upon a sunken poop deck, folding Manoeuvring is assisted by a 300kW electric bow Output 360kW
hatch covers and two deck cranes. A comparison with thruster, and the rudder is of the Stabilo free-hanging Diesel-driven alternators
other, similar sized, vessels of this type shows that flap type. Engine make/type Cummins/N14DM
the Bodewes Trader 4300 design has a wider Accommodation is arranged aft for 10 persons in Number 2
beam/ reduced draught hull form than is usual, and as single-berth cabins with private toilet facilities, for Alternator make/type Newage Stamford/HCM 434E
well as improving stability, this feature is particularly whom lifesaving provisions include a free-fall lifeboat Output. . .2 x 248kW
advantageous to her present charter commitments with recovery davit at the stern, a man overboard Cargo cranes
with Universal Africa Lines, providers of cargo liner dinghy similarly positioned, and two 12 person Make .. ..NMF
services linking West African pOrts, many having inflatable liferafts. Number. 2
depth restrictions, with Europe, North and South Type .. ..Electro-hydraulic
America and the US Gulf. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Duty .. ..36tonnes/22m outreach
Like many other shipbuilders these days, Bodewes Mooring equipment
are benefitting from the lower labour costs prevailing Length, oa ... ..89.98m Number 1 x mooring winch/windlass; 1 x capstan
in Eastern Europe, by sub-contracting hull Length, bp. .... 84.98m Type Electro-hydraulic
construction to yards in this region. Consequently Breadth, moulded .. ..15.20m ; Hatch covers
UAL Lobito originates from the Shipyard Turnu Depth .. ...6.60m Make. ..MacGregor
Severin, Romania, with outfitting completed by Draught.. ... 5.25m Type ... .Hydraulic folding
Bodewes at their own yard in The Netherlands. The Deadweight .. . .4300dwt Special rudder .. ..Stabilo flap type
compact layout features a double skin hull utilised as Gross .... ..3150gt Bow thruster
water ballast tanks, surrounding a single box-shaped Speed .. ..12.50knots Number. ..1
cargo hold, 59.20m long x 12.65m (61.50m x 12.65m Cargo capacity Output. ..300kW
in the LAD version) closed by hydraulic folding Grain .. ..6174m' Bridge electronics
covers, with a high coaming allowing three tiers of Bunkers Radars make/model 2 x Furuno
containers to be accommodated in the cargo space, Marine diesel oil 210m' G~ .2x~~o
with a maximum two tiers carried on the hatch covers. Gas oil 50m' Fire detection system ...Ajax Fire Protection Systems fire
Allowable loading on the tank top is 15tonnes/m', Water ballast .2000m' extinguishing systems
and on hatch covers 1.5tonnes/m'. Two portable Classification Lloyd's Register of Shipping + 100A 1, Engineroom .. ..CO,
cargo divisions are provided, capable of location at Strengthened for heavy cargoes, Container cargoes in Make. ..Ajax Fire Protection
any of five positions in the hold, and a mechanical holds and on hatches, Strengthened for unloading and Systems

I • ..,....,.,.." ••••

VIKING ENERGY: Gas-fuelled supply vessel
Builder's name.. . Kleven Veri! NS Safety precautions are extensive. All gas lines and about 7000tonnes of natural gas a year. This helps to
Designer ... ..Vik-Sandvik valves are enclosed in ventilated sheaths, with alarm improve the economics of building LNG bunkering
Vessel's name. . Viking Energy sensors to give warning of leakage, and all areas where facilities at locations on the Norwegian coast to provide
Owner/Operator Eidesvik Shipping NS gas could collect are monitored. fuel for a grO\ving fleet of gas-fuelled vessels in the
Country Norway Before use, the liquid gas has to be vapotised, and future.
Totalnumber of sister ships already completed Nil supplied to the engines at about 20°C and 5bar pressure.
Totalnumber of sister ships still on order One This is carried out by means of a hot water vaporiser unit TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Contract date .... attached to the gas cylinder. Two coils are fed with hot
Delivery date.. .... 14 April 2003 water from the ship's system; one rated at 390kW Length, oa 94.9~m
vaporises the fuel gas to supply up to 600m' /h of free Length, bp 81.60m

A fter a three-year development process, the first

platform supply vessel to be fuelled with liquefied
natural gas has now entered service. Viking Energy is the
gas, the other smaller unit boils enough LNG to maintain
pressure in the tank. A bunkering connection is located
on the starboard side of the ship, its enclosure inerted
Breadth moulded
Depth, to second deck..
Gross tonnage
realisation of ship owner Eidesvik A/S that gas fuelled with nitrogen for safety. Bunkering of gas will normally Draught 7.89m
support vessels could provide a useful contribution to occupy three hours once a week, of which actual LNG Deadweight.. . 2886tonnes
reducing exhaust emissions. Both this vessel and a sister transfer takes about two hours. Cryo AB was responsible Light ship.. . .4116tonnes
ship to be owned and operated by Simon Mokster for the ship's complete LNG system up to the Speed 16knots
Shipping A/S will work on a 10-year charter for Staroil. connections to the main engines. Classification Society and Notations DNV + 1A1, Supply
They will help Statoil to reduce both carbon dioxide and Apart from its unusual fuel, Viking Energy is a normal Vessel, SF, EO, Dynpos AUTR, gas fuelled, LFL',
nitrogen oxide emissions across its range of activities, PSv, able to transport all the usual supplies. Liquid mud Oil rec, Clean, COMF-V(3)
aiding Norway's commitment to the Kyoto agreement. is carried in eight tanks flanking the LNG system Other important international regulations complied with ....IMO
Kleven Verft in Ulsteinvik, Norway, part of the Kleven amidships. Aft of this are a further eight pressurisable 9258442
Maritime Group, built Viking Energy as its Yard No 303 tanks totalling 400m' for dry bulk. About 1300m' of fuel Main engines
to the VS 4403 design from Vik-Sandvik, As an can be carried, together with 2000m' of Make wartsna
important part of the quest for low emissions, the design ballast/drillwater, 1100m' of potable water, and 200m' of Model 6L32DF
incorporates the latest rhinking in low resistance hull methanol or special products. The cargo deck is sheathed Number .4
form to reduce the propulsion power needed for the in wood and has an area of 1030m'. High plated Output of each engine 2010kW
required service speed and carrying capacity, and uses bulwarks enclose it and right aft at either side of the Propellers
efficient azimuth thrusters with contra-rotating vessel above the rail height are manifold stations for Manufacturer .. ..Rolls-Royce
propellers for main propulsion. supply transfer. Number. . 2
This is a large straight supply vessel, 94m long by Two Hydramarine deck cranes are mounted at the aft Type. ..Contaz 25
20.4m beam, has a displacement of 6013tonnes at the end of the superstructure, while the Norsafe MOB boat Output. ..3000kW
summer draught of 7.9m, and dynamic positioning to is cradled to port and davits for the Viking liferafts are Tunnel thruster
IMO DP2. The vessel has DNV Clean and COMF-V(3) provided on both sides of the vessel. Make Rolls-Royce TT 2200 SS
notation. On sea trials the noise and vibration levels VIking Energy is equipped with dynamic positioning to Number 2
under both transit and manoeuvring conditions were Dt--TV AUTR class, using a Kongsberg Simrad DP Output of each 1OOOkW
very low. system. Rolls-Royce provided the propulsion and Retractable thruster
Four main generator sets each rated at 2010kW supply manoeuvring outfit, comprising two main Contaz 25 Make.. . Rolls-Royce ULE 1201
electric power for propulsion and all services. ABB was azimuth thrusters powered by 3000kW ABB motors, two Output of each 880kW
responsible for the electrical system. The prime movers lOOOkW tunnel thrusters, and an 880kW ULE1201 Deck machinery deck cranes Hydramarine; tugger
for the generator sets are Wiirtsilii 6L32DF dual fuel retractable thruster, all electrically driven. winches Hydrakraft; windlass Hydrakraft;
engines, designed to burn gas or oil in any proportion. The accommodation is spacious, finished mainly in life rafts Viking
For minimum emissions, LNG is used, but should the light colours with wood trim, and has 12 single berth Bridge electronics
ship move away from an area where gas can be bunkered, cabins and six two berth cabins. In the wheelhouse, there Radar make/model Furuno FAR-2835-S
the engines can run on diesel fuel, and the 116k W is a console facing the bow for transit conditions, and Doppler Log make/model Furuno DS-80
Caterpillar powered emergency genset also uses diesel oil. two identical stations looking the other way, with controls ECDIS Furuno.. . FEA-2105
LNG is contained in a giant thermos flask in the and data screens from with the operators have a good Echosounder make/model Furuno FAR-2825
middle of the vessel, and is well protected. The tank is a view over the working deck. Main controls are duplicated GPS make/model Leica MX420
horizontal cylinder with domed ends, fabricated from at the bridge wings, Gyro SG-Brown Meridian
304grade stainless steel. It comprises an inner and an Using LNG as a fuel means a higher capital cost for the Radio Plant.. . Furuno FS-5000
outer chamber, with a gap of 300mm between the two ship. The attraction is a cut in NOx emissions of Complement
maintained under a high vacuum to insulate the LNG at approximately 200tonnes per year compared with vessels Crew 24
-162°C from the surroundings. Tank volume is 234m', using oil, and a major reduction in carbon dioxide. Sraroil Single berth cabins 12
giving an effective fuel capacity of 220m' when filled to can use this saving as a quota to offset against other Double berth cabins 6
the allowable limit. The tank in turn is fitted in a operations. Other significant or special items of equipment... LNG tank
compartment with A60 fire insulation. A second factor is that Viking Energy is expected to use AGA-Cryo AB MOB Boat Norsafe



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VOLcAN DE TINDAYA: Plush interiors •In
Canary Island ferry
Builder's name Hijos De J J Barreras SA located on the main deck. Propellers
Designer.. .. Hijos De J J Barreras SNOliver Design Oliver Design, of Spain, created the interior and Material. .. Cunial
Vessel's name.. . votcen de Tindaya exterior of this vessel. The design brief was to create Manufacturer.. .. Rolls-Royce
Owner/Operator Maritrma de Las Islas, SL a cruise ship-like vessel with semi-open spaces for Number 2
Country .. . Spain use all year round. Bars and cafes were to be as Pitch.. .. Fixed
Flag . .. Spanish inviting as possible. Included on board is a centrally- Diameter 2300mm
Total number of sister ships already completed Nil located cascade bar. Thus waiters can serve the three Speed 314.56rev/min
Total number of sister ships still on order Two accommodation levels from the same area using a Open or nozzled Open
Contract date .. communication system inside the bar. Murals with Alternators
Delivery date.. .. 6 June 2003 scenes of the local area were painted by the artist Number 2
Alex Carrascosa. Accommodation is distributed on Make/type Stamford-Volvo HCM634G23

T he 78m ro-ro, Volcdn de Tindaya, was built by

Barreras Shipyard, Spain, for owner Maritima de
las Islas, from the Armas group, and was delivered in
three decks.

Bow thrusters
of each set 560kW/15OOrev/min

June this year. She will operate five turnarounds a Number.. ..2
day in the Canary Islands, from Playa Blanca Length, oa 78.00m Output of each.. .. 330kW (450bhp)
(Lanzarote) to Corralejo, (Fuerreventura). Length, bp.. . 65.50m Deck machinery 2 x high pressure windlass 7.1Ionnes at
This 700 passenger capacity ferry is powered by Breadth moulded 15.50m 12m/min; 2 x declutchable mooring reels 6.Otonnes; 2 x
two medium-speed engines with a CP propeller and Depth, moulded. . .4.80m hydraulic capstans 6.Otonnes at 14m/min
can reacb a speed of 16knots. Volcdn de Tindaya is Gross tonnage. .. 3715gt Bridge electronics
arranged with two symmetrical door-ramps aft and Design, draught 3.30m Radars make/model Raytheon Pathfinder/
forward - protected by a bow visor - for cars and Design, deadweight.. ..420tonnes ST <K2 X&S bands
trailers. Speed, service.... . 16.5knots Autopilot make/model.. .. .... Anschutz/Autopilot 2010
The vessel is equipped with two Wansila 8L26 Max speed. . 17.5knots GMDSS make/model Raytheon standard radio/A2
diesel turbocharged engines, each developing an Range 23OOnm GPS make/model Furuno/GP-80
MCR of 2600kW at 1000rev/min. Two auxiliary Classification Society and Notations BV Class 1+ Gyro AnschOtz standard 20 Compact
diesel engines of 2 x 550kW at 1500rev/min are HULL +MACH Ro-Ro Passenger Engine monitoring/fire detection system Noris/Consilium
connected to the alternators of 2 x 560kW, 400V, Ship Unrestricted Navigation AUT-UMS Complement
50Hz through corresponding couplings. The vessel Main engines Crew .... ..18
is equipped with two transverse bow thrust propellers Make.. . .wartsua Passengers. ..682
with an output of 330 kW each, driven by an electric Model 8L26 Vehicles
motor. Hydraulically-driven retractable fin stabilisers Number 2 Number of vehicle decks 2
were installed to reduce roll. Output of each engine.. .. 2SOOkW Total lane length. .. 495m/2m width
For service between quay and the vessel, there Gearboxes No of cars.. .. 100
are two stern ramp-doors, each one 5.5m wide Make Reintjes No of trucks/trailers 12
and 6.5m long. These doors can carry vehicle Model. .. VA-2451 K41 Other significant or special items of equiprnent.. .2 x stern
weights of up to 48tonnes. There are also two Number 2 ramp-doors: 6.5m x 5.5m; 1 x bow visor; 1 x bow ramp door:
movable car decks at the flanks of the rweendeck, Output speed 314.56rev/min 10m x 4.2m; 2 x hoistable car decks on main deck





•..••---- ~

ZEPHYR: Largest cat so far for US builder

Builder's name ", .. " " "" ..,,"""""" """".Austal USA corporate clientele and there are additional power TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Designer ." .. "." .. " " " " Austal Ships outlets on the upper deck for commuters to hook into
Vessel's name " " " " " Zephyr during their time aboard. Length, oa., ".43.5m
Owner/Operator". "Circle Line-Statue of Liberty Ferry, Inc The main deck showcases comfortable curved Length, bp """ ".""""""""""""""""""""",,.37.4m
Country" """".USA Beurteaux seats of a design very similar to those fitted Breadth moulded """""""""""""""""""""",, 11.5m
Flag .." "" ""."" .. """ """,, ,,"""USA on some large Austal vehicle ferries operating in Depth, moulded "" 3.5m
Total number of sister ships already completed "". """""Nil Europe. Small, built-in drinks tables are another Design, draught """"". "" ,,"""""""""""""""""" l.4m
Total number of sister ships still on order " .. """""""""".Nil feature. Design, deadweight .... """"""" .. " .... """"",,,,,,69.S5tonnes
Contract date" """"""""""""""""""""""September 2002 Passengers can make their way upstairs via the central Speed, service """""""""". " "" "" up to 30 knots
Delivery date """"""""""""""""""""""""""August 2003 staggered staircase or the very large double stairs aft, Max speed """"""""""""""""""",,30knots at 100% MCR
which also lead to the sun deck by way of a small Range """""""""",,. "" """""""""",, ..750nm
ith operational flexibility enhanced by both a landing on the upper deck. With up to 600 passengers
W changeable interior layout featuring specially
developed seats and four-engine propulsion
being carried, great emphasis was placed on loading and
unloading large numbers of people in a very short time,
Daily fuel consumption"""".0.72tonnes/hour
Classification Society and Notations
at 100% MCR
.... .i.Det Norske Veritas
Other importart international regulations complied with"".CFR
configuration, Zepf(jr is, at 43.5m in length, the largest especially when operating in excursion mode. Circle 46 Subchapter K - lakes bays and sounds
catamaran so far built at Austal USA's shipyard in Line's experience in this regard was instrumental in Main engines
Mobile, Alabama. It is also the first high-speed ensuring Zepf(jr can be turned around in minimal time Make" """""""""""""""" """" .. " .. "" " .. "Cummins
aluminium vessel in the fleet of New York-based and that it can operate successfully at a wide variety of Model """"""""""".""." .. ,, KTA3S-M2
operator Circle Line-Statue of Liberty Ferry, Inc. berths, both existing or planned, around New York. Number .4
The new catamaran meets Circle Line's requirements The upper deck also reflects the owner's desire for Output of each engine """""""".S95kW at lS00rev/min
for a vessel capable of fulfillinga variety of roles and versatility with the barely noticeable flush seat tracks Gearboxes
was developed througb close cooperation between forward a special feature that enables rapid conversion Make " Reintjes
Austal USA and Circle Line. of the space into an open function area. Beurteaux Model """""""""""""""""""""" " " WVS 440 DL
Most noticeable when entering through the large Diner chairs are located around beautifully finished Number .4
double doors forward is the atrium area, with a large tables from the same supplier. Aft is another bar with Gepsets
expanse of skylight providing the rwin benefits of an booth windows from which passengers on the external Number " " .4
airy, spacious saloon and unparalleled views of the deck are served. Make/type """"",, Cummins 6CTAS.3-D
Manhattan skyline. Equally striking is the circular The Austal catamaran is powered by four Cummins OutpuVspeed of each set """"""""""""""" .. ".173kWe
Amtico dance floor set below the skylight. diesels, each coupled to a Hamilton waterjet to produce Waterjets
The main deck is extremely spacious and service speeds up to 30knots. This configuration allows Make" "Hamilton 571
incorporates a number of features to enable a variety of Zepi!Jr to be operated with either rwo or four engines, Number" ,,4
functions to be held onboard. For example, to facilitate providing two disrinct service speeds to match the Bridge electronics
onboard presentations there is a large screen that can vessel's varied operating profiles. Noise levels onboard Radars make/model.. .Furuno 21355
be electrically lowered from the ceiling. This is are extremely low even at tOP speed and when cruising Autopilot make/model" "Com Nav 2000
supplemented by feed to 53cm flat screen monitors the harbour the engines are claimed to be barely GPS make/model" "GP 1900c
that are suspended from ceiling and wall locations noticeable. Engine monitoring" ..Cummins
throughout the vessel. These can also receive direct The vessel is operated from a comfortably furnished Fire detection" "AFP-200
satellite television service. bridge complete with two Bostrom helm seats from Complement
Laptop computer connections on the main and upper which the crew can work state-of-the-art navigation ~w ~
decks further enhance the catamaran's appeal to equipment. Wing station controls are also provided. Passengers .464 (Certificate of Inspection for 600)



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