User Manual 14-10-2020

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1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Web application and machine communication........................................................................................................4
1.2 Precautions regarding the machine installed system.............................................................................................5
2 Access and navigation.....................................................................................................................5
2.1 Logon....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 First time sign in...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Expiring password................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Password recovery.................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.5 Expiring account...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.6 Account recovery..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.7 Supported web browsers......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.8 Settings.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Navigating I_Site.............................................................................................................................7
3.1 Top navigation bar................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 The left navigation panel......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Maintenance notice................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.4 Help......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Logout.................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6 Terms of use.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
4 Navigating reports.........................................................................................................................10
4.1 Making a search.................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.1 Selecting sites.............................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1.2 Switching sites............................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1.3 Selecting multiple sites................................................................................................................................ 12
4.1.4 Refining search by text criteria.................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.5 Refining search by group criteria................................................................................................................. 13
4.1.6 Selecting time intervals................................................................................................................................ 13
4.1.7 Including historical data............................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Viewing search results........................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.1 Sorting tables............................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.2 Expanding view............................................................................................................................................ 15
4.2.3 Favourites.................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.4 Subscriptions............................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.5 Exporting to excel........................................................................................................................................ 18
4.2.6 Charts.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.7 Exporting reports.......................................................................................................................................... 19
5 User and driver administration......................................................................................................20
5.1 Creating system user accounts............................................................................................................................. 20
5.2 Editing user accounts............................................................................................................................................ 23
5.3 Site management – Drivers................................................................................................................................... 23
5.4 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 23
5.4.1 Machine log-on and log-off.......................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.2 Default log-on codes.................................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.3 Default Smart Access log-on....................................................................................................................... 24
5.5 Machine managed installations............................................................................................................................. 25
5.5.1 Assigning machine access (adding drivers)................................................................................................25
5.5.2 Editing driver details..................................................................................................................................... 25
5.5.3 Driving license expiry................................................................................................................................... 26
5.6 Server managed installations................................................................................................................................ 27
5.6.1 Adding single drivers................................................................................................................................... 27
5.6.2 Adding drivers from template....................................................................................................................... 28
5.6.3 Editing driver details..................................................................................................................................... 29
5.6.4 Driver groups............................................................................................................................................... 33
5.6.5 Assigning machine access.......................................................................................................................... 34
5.6.6 Synchronizing driver information................................................................................................................. 36
5.6.7 Driver access overview................................................................................................................................ 36
5.6.8 Deleting machine access............................................................................................................................. 37
5.7 Smart Access........................................................................................................................................................ 38

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5.7.1 Assigning machines by means of Smart Access.........................................................................................38

5.7.2 Log on with Smart Access........................................................................................................................... 41
6 Site management – Machines........................................................................................................41
6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.2 Configuring machines............................................................................................................................................ 41
6.2.2 Battery settings............................................................................................................................................ 46
6.2.3 Miscellaneous.............................................................................................................................................. 47
6.2.4 Pre-Operational Check (POC)..................................................................................................................... 49
6.2.5 Immobilize On/Off........................................................................................................................................ 49
6.2.6 Last known state.......................................................................................................................................... 50
6.2.7 Trigger communication................................................................................................................................ 50
6.3 Machine groups..................................................................................................................................................... 51
6.3.1 Creating machine groups............................................................................................................................. 51
6.3.2 Editing machine groups............................................................................................................................... 52
6.3.3 Deleting machine groups............................................................................................................................. 52
6.4 Assigning driver machine access.......................................................................................................................... 52
6.4.1 Synchronize machine with latest driver list..................................................................................................53
6.4.2 Delete drivers from machine access............................................................................................................53
6.5 Report viewing sites.............................................................................................................................................. 54
6.5.1 Site summary............................................................................................................................................... 54
6.6 Report viewing machines...................................................................................................................................... 55
6.6.1 Utilization rates........................................................................................................................................................... 55
6.7 Activity reports....................................................................................................................................................... 57
6.8 Charts.................................................................................................................................................................... 58
6.9 Shocks – Drivers................................................................................................................................................... 58
6.9.1 Searching shocks drivers............................................................................................................................. 59
6.9.2 Investigating further..................................................................................................................................... 60
6.10 Shocks – Machines............................................................................................................................................... 60
6.10.1 Shocks summary......................................................................................................................................... 60
6.10.2 Shock details................................................................................................................................................ 61
6.10.3 Interpreting shock reports............................................................................................................................ 63
6.10.4 Impact tests.................................................................................................................................................. 64
6.10.5 Resetting shock lock-outs............................................................................................................................ 65
6.11 Battery reports....................................................................................................................................................... 66
6.11.1 To access Battery Detail:............................................................................................................................. 66
6.11.2 Battery Detail............................................................................................................................................... 67
6.11.3 Exporting battery report............................................................................................................................... 67
6.11.4 Changing time period................................................................................................................................... 67
6.11.5 Battery Discharge Indicator graph...............................................................................................................68
6.11.6 Lead Acid battery......................................................................................................................................... 70
6.11.7 LI-ION batteries general information............................................................................................................71
6.11.8 Li-Ion batteries data colour coding...............................................................................................................71
6.12 Report viewing – Drivers....................................................................................................................................... 72
6.12.1 Utilization rates............................................................................................................................................ 72
6.13 Activity reports....................................................................................................................................................... 74
6.14 Charts.................................................................................................................................................................... 75
6.15 Shocks - Drivers.................................................................................................................................................... 75
6.15.1 Shocks summary......................................................................................................................................... 75
6.15.2 Shock details................................................................................................................................................ 76
7 Service and rental contracts...........................................................................................................76
8 Subscriptions and Notifications.....................................................................................................77
8.1 Subscriptions......................................................................................................................................................... 77
8.2 Notifications........................................................................................................................................................... 79
9 Pre-Operational Check..................................................................................................................80
9.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................ 80
9.2 The on-board panel............................................................................................................................................... 81
9.3 Machine Configuration settings............................................................................................................................. 82
9.3.1 Enable POC................................................................................................................................................. 82
9.3.2 Response time............................................................................................................................................. 83
9.3.3 Safety control checks by supervisors..........................................................................................................83
9.3.4 Randomized questions................................................................................................................................ 83
9.3.5 Selecting checklist....................................................................................................................................... 84

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10 Pre-Operation Checklists...............................................................................................................84
10.1 Accessing Pre-Op Check...................................................................................................................................... 84
10.2 Searching Pre-Op Check machines...................................................................................................................... 85
10.2.1 Investigating further..................................................................................................................................... 86
10.3 Accessing Pre-Op Check drivers........................................................................................................................... 87
10.4 Searching Pre-Op Check drivers........................................................................................................................... 87
10.5 Accessing Pre-Op Check-results........................................................................................................................... 88
10.6 Searching Pre-Op Check results........................................................................................................................... 88
10.6.1 Investigating further..................................................................................................................................... 89
10.7 Checklists.............................................................................................................................................................. 89
10.8 Creating checklists................................................................................................................................................ 89
10.8.1 Publishing checklists.................................................................................................................................... 92
10.8.2 Removing checklists from machines...........................................................................................................93
10.8.3 Modifying checklists..................................................................................................................................... 93
10.8.4 Deleting checklists....................................................................................................................................... 93
10.9 Answering procedure............................................................................................................................................. 93
10.10 Resetting POC lock-out......................................................................................................................................... 94
10.11 POC summary – Drivers........................................................................................................................................ 94
10.12 POC summary – Machines.................................................................................................................................... 95
10.13 POC Result details................................................................................................................................................ 96
11 Messaging......................................................................................................................................97
11.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................ 97
11.1.1 Create message........................................................................................................................................... 98
11.1.2 Overview.................................................................................................................................................... 100
11.2 Home page / Dashboard..................................................................................................................................... 102
11.2.1 Dashboard................................................................................................................................................. 102
11.3 Creating new tiles................................................................................................................................................ 102
11.4 Modifying tiles...................................................................................................................................................... 103
11.5 Moving tiles.......................................................................................................................................................... 104
11.6 Removing tiles..................................................................................................................................................... 105
11.7 Replacing tiles..................................................................................................................................................... 105
11.8 Accessing reports from dashboard...................................................................................................................... 105
11.9 General features.................................................................................................................................................. 106
11.9.1 Machine Configuration............................................................................................................................... 106
11.10 Sorting and expanding tables..............................................................................................................................106
11.11 Favourites............................................................................................................................................................ 107
11.12 Exporting to excel................................................................................................................................................ 107
12 Andon..........................................................................................................................................109
12.1 Setup and configuration of Andon.......................................................................................................................109
13 Positioning...................................................................................................................................112
13.1 Positioning General information.......................................................................................................................... 112
13.2 Positioning feature............................................................................................................................................... 113
14 Geofence......................................................................................................................................113
14.1 Creating Geofence the first time.......................................................................................................................... 113
15 Shock Positioning........................................................................................................................120
15.1 Enabling the shocks positioning..........................................................................................................................120
Appendix: I_Site shock recordings.......................................................................................................123

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1 Introduction
1.1 Web application and machine communication
I_Site is a web-based enterprise application that offers central administration of machines and driver access as
well as provides information on driver performance, when and by whom machines are operated, rate of usage,
battery maintenance (machine design dependant), impact registrations as well as follow-up of performed
machine health checks. Machine access is achieved by entering a PIN code or by the use of personal id cards
(Smart Access or SA ). A supplementary feature, My Fleet, surveys carried out preventive and repair machine
maintenance. My Fleet is described in a separate manual.
I_Site utilizes GPRS communication between individual machines and a central database server. Equipment on
the machines comprise Data Handling Unit (DHU), log-on keypad, antenna as well as shock sensor, panel for
Pre-Operation Check (POC) and access card reader (SA). The system collects data and uploads the information
regularly to the central server. A web interface is used to present the information and to perform administration


System overview

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1.2 Precautions regarding the machine installed system

The cellular terminal inside the DHU transmits radio signals. According to the guidelines
for human exposure, the antenna should be placed at least 20 cm away from human bodies.
An information label (as illustrated) must be placed on the machine, easily visible.

Due to risk for interference, a DHU equipped machine must not be driven near medical
equipment or explosives. Usage in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres requires that the installation has
been appropriately protection modified in accordance with rules and regulations in force.
The DHU is sealed and must not be opened. Breaking the seal will terminate warranties and service support
assistance will be discontinued.

2 Access and navigation

2.1 Logon
Logon to the web portal is done on the I_Site website, which can be found at

To login:
1. Enter User name
2. Enter Password
3. Click SIGN IN

2.2 First time sign in

To access I_Site use the username and temporary password supplied in the invitation e-mail.
On successful logon you will be asked to change your password before you can proceed to the home page.

The password is case sensitive.

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2.3 Expiring password

A password will expire every 180 days and you will be required to change it prior to its expiration. You will
have to enter a new password after logging on, but before you can proceed to the home page. If your password
has expired and you cannot log on, you will need to recover your password.

2.4 Password recovery

In case you need to recover your password click on the Forgot Your Password? link or go to Follow the instructions on the page to receive a temporary password to your
email account. An auto-generated password will be e-mailed to you. Upon logon you may change to a
personalized password.
If you have not received your new password within one hour contact your contract administrator.

2.5 Expiring account

If you haven’t logged on for more than 3 months your account will expire and will be locked. Expired accounts
will have all active notifications and subscriptions cancelled. It will not be possible to access I_Site via mobile
app either.
To recover your account contact Toyota support line. It might take a few days before your account is re-

2.6 Account recovery

If you have problems accessing your account or don’t remember your logon credentials, contact your contract

2.7 Supported web browsers

I_Site is supported on Internet Explorer 11 or newer and Google Chrome version 68 or newer. It is possible to
access I_Site using other browsers, but some behaviour might differ from described in the manual.

2.8 Settings
Clicking on settings will display checkbox with I am an internal user text next to it. This must be checked for
Toyota employees that are working outside company network or are not connecting using VPN connection.
Most users don’t need to check this box and can safely ignore it.

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3 Navigating I_Site
3.1 Top navigation bar
Top navigation bar is the main means of moving around I_Site and accessing various features and reports. The
picture below shows the most advanced view with all features and roles enabled. Clicking on the icon will load
the default report or function in a given module and load a side bar which shows all reports and features
available in the module.

Home Dashboard
Utilization View site, machine, driver and contract utilization

Shocks View shocks on the machine, view shocks associated with drivers, comment shocks
Pre-Op. Check Manage pre-op checklists, view pre-operation checklist reports, manage messages, view message
Manage Site Create driver groups, create machine groups, configure machines, manage drivers
Administration Manage user access
MyFleet Information about fleet composition, cost and service

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3.2 The left navigation panel

All modules have the left navigation panel with additional reports and functions that can be accessed. These are
described in a section corresponding to each module. Clicking on the report / function name in the side bar will
load the report / function window.

3.3 Maintenance notice

Notifications of planned maintenance and other web service information are posted above the top navigation

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3.4 Help
To access additional support materials, e-learning or to download smart access application and files click on
help in the top right corner of the web portal.

3.5 Logout
To logout click on the user name in the upper right corner of the web portal. It will expand a drop-down menu.
Click logout and close the browser window to end session.

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3.6 Terms of use

To view the current terms of use, click on the link in the bottom right corner of the web portal.

4 Navigating reports
All reports in I_Site follow the same structure. They consist of the search field and results. The search field is
used to determine the scope of the report that will be created. The results show the data that is matching the
search criteria. This part consists of summary row and results row(s).

4.1 Making a search

4.1.1 Selecting sites
I_Site can display reports both from a single site and aggregated from multiple sites. If you have access to
multiple sites, the default site that I_Site will show information from is the first site alphabetically on the site

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4.1.2 Switching sites

If you want to receive report from a different available site:
1. Click on the red field at the top of the report page
2. Move the mouse over the site you want to see and it will be highlighted with a red ribbon
3. Click on the highlighted site
4. Click outside the site selector menu

I_Site will reload and show the data for the site you have selected.

4.1.3 Selecting multiple sites

If you want to see aggregated data for multiple sites:
1. Click on the red field at the top of the report page.
2. Select checkboxes for the sites you want the data for and click Select All to check all the checkboxes
3. Deselect the default site checkbox if you don’t want to see the information for that site [optional]
4. Click outside the site selector window

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I_Site will reload and show the data for the site you have selected. Name of the site displayed on the red ribbon
will change to show that you can now perform search and see information from multiple sites.

4.1.4 Refining search by text criteria

Search results can be further refined by entering search criteria. Most common search criteria include:

Machine Searching by machine serial number

Driver Searching by driver name
Fleet Number Searching by machines fleet / identification number

Search criteria are individual for each report and will be listed in a given report description.
Leaving search criteria blank will result with displaying all available information for a given time.

4.1.5 Refining search by group criteria

Search results can be narrowed down by selecting a particular set of data or a group. When selecting a group or
groups any text search will be done within that selection.

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4.1.6 Selecting time intervals

Data reports can be refined by timespan. Clicking on either the From date or To date field will expand
calendar. Select the dates for which data should be displayed.

4.1.7 Including historical data

By default, data for the trucks that have been removed from I_Site is not visible on site. To be able to see that
data checkbox Include Historical Data must be selected prior to making search. This is only possible when
only a single site is selected for search. Search on multiple sites must be done on a single site at the time.
Historical trucks will be displayed as greyed out.

Historical data is only available for the following reports, charts and excel exports:

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 Utilization – Machines
 Shocks – Machines
 Pre-Op. Check – Machines

Following elements are excluded from information provided as historical data:

 Fleet Number
 Battery Status Information (BSI)
 Truck Ownership
 Last updated

Include Historical Data option is not selected by default. The user selection is remembered, and it will be pre-
selected in the next session in any of the reports with historical data functionality.

4.2 Viewing search results

4.2.1 Sorting tables
Click on the title field to expand sorting options. A list of all table headers will be displayed. Click on the header
name that you want to sort by. Sorting order will be applied automatically.

Click on the descending (arrow down) or ascending (arrow up) to define sorting order. Default value is

4.2.2 Expanding view

Some non-essential information is hidden in the default view (compact). You can see this information by
expanding the view.
To expand all rows, click on the .

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To fold all reports, click on the minus sign.

To expand a single row, click on the down arrow on the far right corner of the row.

To fold a single row, click on the up arrow on the far right corner of the row.

4.2.3 Favourites
Favourites are means of keeping track of data selection in the reports. By clicking on a favourite, you will be
taken to the report with the exact data it was saved with.

To create a favourite:
1. Click the star icon to open the Save favourite dialogue window
2. Enter a name
3. Save

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To access saved favourite report:

1. Click on the star icon next to login name
2. Click on the favourite you want to access

To remove a favourite:
1. Click on the star icon next to login name
2. Click on the trashcan icon next to the favourite you want to remove

4.2.4 Subscriptions
Subscriptions are means of receiving excel exported reports on regular basis without the need to logon to I_Site
web portal. Subscriptions will be sent at a regular, selected interval and at specified time to an email address
entered at the user creation process and/or e-mail that is indicated as the recipient of the subscriptions in my

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To create a subscription:
1) Visit the report you want to subscribe to
2) Select search criteria that you want the subscription to be based on
3) Click on the subscription icon
A pop-up window will appear enabling you to do the following
4) Name the subscription
5) Select time interval at which the report should be sent
6) Specify hour and minute when the report should be sent
7) Click Add
Under Subscriptions heading in the pop-up window in my profile, you will see all active subscriptions for that
report regardless of the search criteria.

Subscriptions might be disabled for some sites or contracts. If that is the case, please contact your contract
administrator to have this feature enabled.
It is strongly advisable to visit the web portal to obtain additional, non-subscriber information like battery

4.2.5 Exporting to excel

Many reports and lists support export to excel function. To do so click on the export to excel icon. Report
download should begin automatically. The excel has a ready to print layout and is prepared with pivot tables in

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4.2.6 Charts
Charts are a different way to view reports. They show less amount of information but highlight the most
important information in the graphical form. To switch between table, view and chart view click on the chart /
table view next to the report name.

To switch to chart view.

To switch to table view.

Table view is a default view for all the reports.

4.2.7 Exporting reports

Reports can be saved as PNG files. To save a report:
1) Right click on the report
2) Click Save Image As…
3) Enter name
4) Save

Reports can also be copied to another document (i.e. excel or word). To copy report:
1) Right click on the report
2) Click Copy Image
3) Paste image to another document

5 User and driver administration

(Requires the ‘User Administrator’ role)

5.1 Creating system user accounts

1) Go to the ‘Administration’ tab and click Users on the left navigation panel. Press Create user to open the
‘Create user’ dialogue window. Enter the user e-mail address.
2) Press Next.
3) Press Save when confirmed.

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4) Enter data as required. The Username (User ID) can be alphanumeric based on name initials or other
significance but must be without spaces. The Username cannot be modified at a later stage (requires
system maintenance support), however first and last names can be updated (see ‘My profile’).

5) Press Save to open the dialogue windows for assigning sites and roles.
You will be advised by e-mail of the new user you have added, containing ‘User ID’ and a temporary
password. Forward the information to the new user together with any additional instructions that might be
useful. Note that it takes the system 15 minutes to configure a new user.
Refrain from logging in as the user you just created since the password is a “one-time use” only and will
have to be changed on first log-in.
6) To assign sites, click the Sites bar to view Available sites Click the icon to add a site to the user’s
profile. The user must be given access to at least one site.
To assign several sites, it might be useful to check mark the sites and press Add selected sites.
7) Assigned sites are saved automatically. Click the bar again to close the expanded view.

8) To assign roles, click the ‘Roles’ bar to view ‘Available roles’. Click the or the icon to add the role
to the user’s profile.
9) Assigned roles are saved automatically. Click the bar again to close the expanded view.

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The range of roles comprises the following (your profile may include a selection only):

Role Description

Driver Administrator Add and edit driver profiles and machine access.

Machine Administrator Add driver machine access and edit machine settings.

Manage Pre-Op Checklists Create, modify, delete and publish POC lists. The role is not
needed to only view results or use the Messaging function

Remote Shock Lockout Reset Allows for shock lockout reset from the I_Site portal.
(Should primarily be reserved for appointed supervisors)

Immobilizer Allows for immobilizing machines (impairing operation as

supported by machine functions) from the I_Site portal
including reset.
(Should primarily be reserved for appointed supervisors)

User Administrator Add and edit access to the I_Site portal.

(Should be limited to one or at the most two people at each site
or group of sites)

My Fleet - Fleet list Enables access to view Fleet List

My Fleet - Contract cost Enables access to view Fleet Cost

My Fleet - Service Reports Enables access to view Service Reports

My Fleet - PM Accuracy Enables access to view PM Accuracy

My Fleet - Non-Contract Cost Enables access to view Non-Contract Cost

My Fleet - Service Reports detailed Enables user to view Vehicles Off the Road (VOR), First-fix
and Response Time

Driver Info Enables access to view driver info

5.2 Editing user accounts

Current users are edited in the ‘User Administration’ dialogue windows as described above. Click Search to get
a listing of the users that you’ve added to the system.
Assigned sites and roles are removed by the delete icon.
The ‘User Administrator’ profile allows you to delete sites or roles from your own account, but you cannot add
them back. That has to be done by a supervisor.
To delete user accounts, click Delete and confirm in the pop-up window.

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5.3 Site management – Drivers

(Requires the ‘Driver Administrator’ role)

5.4 General
Driver management comprises:
- Adding drivers in the system and assigning machine access by means of PIN codes and, if applicable, set up
usage of personal access cards (SA).
- Specifying driver profiles, work shift schedules and machine access time limitations (Driver license validity
- Forming driver groups.
PIN codes may be either ‘Machine Managed’, i.e. stored in the keypads, based on 4 digits or ‘Server Managed’,
i.e. downloaded from the I_Site portal to each DHU, requiring 5 digits. ‘Machine Managed’ is the default
setting. To enable PIN code usage at your site and for switching to ‘Server Managed’, consult your TMH
service representative.

5.4.1 Machine log-on and log-off

To start machines, an assigned PIN code has to be entered on the installed keypad followed by pressing the
green key (I). If entered correctly, the green indication light will be lit. A failed entry will be indicated by the
red light. Alternatively, with Smart Access (SA), an access card has to be put on the installed reader followed by
pressing the green key (I) on the keypad. The SA feature is described in 5.7.
If the machine is equipped with Pre-Operation Check (POC), the driver will have to respond to displayed
questions. The feature is described in section 6.2.4.
Working passes are ended by pressing the red key (O), or via inactivity timeout.
Safety: The red key (O) must never be pressed while operating the machine. It may cause the machine to
come to an abrupt stop with the risk of personal injuries and/or damages to the goods.

5.4.2 Default log-on codes

Keypads and DHUs are pre-programmed with default codes to be used until driver PIN codes have been stored.
The default codes are voided when driver PIN codes have been stored.

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To comply with safety regulations, new default access codes have been introduced replacing previous codes,
0001, 0002 and 0003 (may still be applicable to earlier ‘Machine managed’ installations).
Access codes: 1258, 2258 and 3258
Reset codes: 1111 (Machine managed) or 11111 (Server managed)
In case all driver PIN codes have been erased (emptied) from a keypad or DHU, the default codes are
reactivated and will have to be used. Driver PIN codes should however be restored promptly since the default
codes do not allocate operating performance to the actual drivers.

5.4.3 Default Smart Access log-on

For Smart Access installations, a generic transit/start-up access card is provided with the machine to be used
until driver access cards have been programmed (downloaded) into a DHU. The generic access card is then
In case the codes for all driver access cards have been erased (emptied) from a DHU, any card can be used to
start the machine. Driver access cards should however be restored promptly since operating performance will
not be allocated to the actual drivers and POC questions may not be triggered unless activated for lock-out reset

5.5 Machine managed installations

5.5.1 Assigning machine access (adding drivers)
Drivers are assigned by programming or activating PIN codes and profiles on the keypads (requires assistance
from TMH service technician).
Drivers will be added to the I_Site portal as working passes are uploaded to the server.

5.5.2 Editing driver details.

Before edited, uploaded drivers will be shown as their PIN codes in reports.
1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site)
2) Click Drivers on the left navigation panel.
3) Press Search to get a listing of uploaded drivers.
4) Click the driver name to open the Driver details’ dialogue window.

5) Enter driver name, shift time, driving license period and additional information as applicable. See 5.1 for
Note that ‘Machine managed’ installations do not offer the possibility to assign drivers to machines from
the portal and the driving license period serves as information only (does not cut off machine access). The
profile is set on the machine and portal settings have no effect on driver operations.
6) Press Update and Save (Sending SMS has no effect and can be disregarded.

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5.5.3 Driving license expiry

Driver license date can be set for each machine family or one driver license date for all machine families. It is
possible to set driver license date for one driver or several drivers at the same time.
When sending message with driver licenses the message need to contain driver license expiry time for each
machine family (CB IC, CB Electric, Stackers, Order Pickers, VNA Trucks, Reach Trucks, Low Lifters, Tow
Tractors). The message is implemented.

1) Go to manage Site.
2) On the left navigation pane, press Drivers.
3) Type a name of a driver that you are looking for and press search.
4) To edit driver license press Edit, after choosing driver license press Ok.

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Shift time and driving license period may be updated for several drivers at once by marking checkboxes to the
left of the names and click Configure Selected.
Other items, i.e. ‘Driver Groups, ‘Access overview’ and machine related have little or no significance when
operating ‘Machine managed’.

5.6 Server managed installations

PIN codes and profiles as well as machine access are configured on I_Site and downloaded to the DHU by
means of prompted synchronizations. The following sections describe the procedures.

5.6.1 Adding single drivers

1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site).
2) Click Drivers on the left navigation panel.
3) Press Create driver to open the ‘Create driver’ dialogue window.
4) Enter driver name or designation, PIN code and permitted driving period.
5) Press Create driver to save the driver and to open the ‘Driver details’ dialogue window (see following

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5.6.2 Adding drivers from template

1) Go to the Manage Site tab, (select site if you have access to more than one site) and click Drivers on the
left navigation panel.
2) Press Upload Drivers to open dialogue windows for batch upload.

3) Open the Excel template by clicking the hyperlinked ‘here’:

4) Complete the table. Use drop-downs for ‘Site’, ‘Profile’ and ‘Shift time’. Up to 5000 drivers can be
5) Save (name the worksheet) and close.
6) Press Choose File and navigate to the file.
7) Press Next. A successful import is confirmed by pop-up note.

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If unsuccessful, a message will specify incorrect worksheet entries.

8) Download the ‘Upload Report’ and make the required corrections. Continue per steps 6) – 8) above.

5.6.3 Editing driver details

1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site).
2) Click Drivers on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria for ‘Driver name’, ‘Driver group’ (see next section), ‘Add info’ or ‘License expires
before’ or leave blank.
4) Press Search.
5) Mark the checkbox for a driver (or click the driver name) or mark a range of drivers or press Select All.
6) Press Configure Selected to open the ‘Driver details’ dialogue window.
With several drivers selected, data that differ between the drivers will be shown as ‘Multiple values’.
Data entered in those fields will apply to all the selected drivers. Individual driver data will not change if
left as ‘Multiple values’.

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TOYOTA MATERIAL HANDLING Driver name (Single driver selected only).

When changing a driver name, earlier operating data will be referred to the new name.

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TOYOTA MATERIAL HANDLING PIN code (Single driver selected only).

Driver PIN codes may be changed; however, it can affect the accuracy of reports. Alternatively, recreate the
driver and remove machine access from the earlier driver account. Card ID
The feature requires that your site is enabled for the Smart Access usage. Please consult your TMH
representative. The feature is described in 5.7.2. Profile
Profile settings affect machine performance as activated on the machines. Please consult your TMH service
The ‘Lockout Reset’ profile allows resetting shock and POC lock-outs (see following sections).
The ‘Supervisor Lockout’ profile provides possibility to block the usage of a machine. Note: The profile does
not include the lock-out reset possibility.

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Shift times
The shift time specifies drivers work schedule and forms the basis for utilization calculations (see following
Select the appropriate shift time from the drop-down menu. For best utilization calculations, select the
maximum number of days the driver is likely to be working, i.e. 7 days even if working weekends only
occasionally. The ‘0x0’ alternative will not add to utilization rates – Suitable for servicing personnel.
Recorded utilization rates will not be recalculated when changing shift schedule settings.

Profile 1-8: Standard driver.

Profile 9: For autopiloted machines. Driving license

The driving license period controls for how long drivers will have machine access. When expired, the driver
access is blocked. If left blank, there is no time limit. Additional info

May be used for any driver related information, e.g. driver group or work area. Delete drivers

The delete driver function will erase earlier data. An alternative as a first step is to disable machine access and
change to the 0x0 work schedule.
To delete a driver, press Delete.
When done, click Update. In the pop-up, select Save if there are more drivers to be edited. When finished
with all drivers, select Send SMS & Save for a prompt download. Parameters that are server settings only will
not generate the Save/Send window.

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5.6.4 Driver groups Creating driver groups

For better overview and swifter driver management it might be useful to form driver groups, e.g. departments
or work shifts. Drivers can belong to several groups.
1) Go to the Manage Site tab.
2) Click Driver Groups on the left navigation panel.
3) Press Create Driver Group to open the ‘Create Driver Group’ dialogue window.
4) Enter Title and Description and select Site.
5) Press Create.
6) Press Add drivers to group.
7) Enter search criteria (driver name, add. info) or leave blank for all drivers.
8) Press Search.
9) Add drivers by clicking the (not drag and drop). Added drivers will be listed in the left column.
10) Press Close when finished. Editing driver groups

1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site).
2) Click Driver Groups on the left navigation panel.
3) Click the driver group to be edited.
4) Add drivers as described above. Delete drivers by clicking the x-sign next to the driver name.

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5) Press Close when finished. Deleting driver groups

Deleting a driver group requires that all drivers in the group have been removed from the group. A garbage
can will then appear.

1) Remove all the drivers from the driver group.

2) Press trash bin icon to delete driver group.

5.6.5 Assigning machine access

Assigning machine access can be done from both the driver and the machine dialogue windows. This section
describes the procedures using the driver windows alternative. For assigning access by using the machine
dialogue windows, see 6.4
1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site).
2) Click Drivers on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria in the fields for ‘Driver name’, ‘Driver group’, ‘Add info’ or ‘License expires
before’ or leave blank.
4) Click Search.
5) Mark the checkbox for a driver (or click the driver name), mark a range of drivers or press Select all.
6) Press Configure Selected to open the ‘Driver details’ dialogue window.

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See 5.6.5 for an illustration of steps 1) –6).

7) Click Add machines to driver.
8) Leave search fields blank or limit the search by selecting machine group (see following section) from the
drop down or enter criteria for:
- Driver name – Convenient for copying the machine access of a current driver to a new or a range of new
drivers as selected. The entire name has to be entered and correctly spelled.
- Machine number –Incomplete machine number can be entered.
- Machine brand – Enter a brand’s two-letter designation.
- Fleet number – Incomplete fleet numbers can be entered.

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9) Press Search.
Machines, that the selected driver or any of the drivers of the selected range already can access, are
displayed in the left column.
10) Add machine access by clicking on the icon or press Add all. The selected drivers will get access to
the added machines.
11) Click Update when done. In the pop-up, select Save if there are more drivers to be assigned machine
access. When finished with all drivers, select Send SMS & Save for a prompt download.

5.6.6 Synchronizing driver information

Machines that are not updated with the latest driver information are indicated by a ‘NN machine(s) out of
sync’ button. To synchronize:
1) Go to the Manage Site tab. Several sites may be selected.
2) Click Drivers.
3) Press the NN machine(s) out of sync button.
4) Press Send.

5.6.7 Driver access overview

Drivers access to the various machine types is available from the ‘Access Overview’ chart.
1) Go to the Manage Site tab. Several sites may be selected.
2) Click Access Overview on the left navigation panel.
3) Leave search fields blank or limit the search by making a selection.
4) Click Search.
Passing the cursor over the machine type acronym will display the full description.
Passing the cursor over the X will display the number of trucks of that type and how many of these the driver
may access.

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5.6.8 Deleting machine access

Deleting machine access can be done from both the driver and the machine dialogue windows. This section
describes the procedures using the driver windows alternative. For deleting access by using the machine
dialogue windows, see 6.4.2.
1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site).
2) Click Drivers.
3) Enter search criteria in the fields for ‘Driver name’, ‘Driver group’, ‘Add info’ or ‘License expires
before’ or leave blank.
4) Click Search.
5) Mark the checkbox for a driver (or click the driver name), mark a range of drivers or press Select all.
6) Press Configure Selected to open the ‘Driver details’ dialogue window.
See 5.5.2. for an illustration of steps 1) – 6).
7) Click the icon to the left of the machine number to delete access for the driver or range of drivers as
8) Press Update. In the pop-up select Send SMS & Save for a prompt download.

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5.7 Smart Access

5.7.1 Assigning machines by means of Smart Access
Available with DHU, generation 2. Please consult with your TMH representative for this add-on feature.

With the Smart Access feature, drivers may access machines by means of personal id cards (requires that DHU,
gen.2 is installed on all machines the driver can access). Besides the card reader on the machine, a programmer
unit and corresponding software is required.
Smart Access software and installation instructions can be found in the I_Site help menu, which is located in the
upper right corner of the I_Site web page.

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To assign drivers to Smart Access card usage, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Smart Access program. Select language and ‘I_Site mode’.
2. In the ‘Scan mode’ tab: Place the driver access card above the programmer and click Start. The card family
of your card will be identified by the scanner.
3. In the ‘Read driver card’ tab: Place the driver access card above the programmer again. The card id should
say ‘(detected)’. Click Copy.

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4. Open I_Site and go to ‘Manage Site’ and ‘Drivers’.

5. Select the driver that should be assigned to the card and click Configure Selected.
6. Paste the copied number in the ‘Card ID’ field.
7. Click Update. In the pop-up, press Save if you are assigning several drivers. Select the Send SMS and Save
alternative when you are finished only.

To program a Configuration card for machine reader, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Smart Access program. Select language and ‘I_Site mode’.
2. In the ‘Scan mode’ tab: Place the driver access card above the programmer and click Start. The card family
of your card will be identified by the scanner.
3. In the ‘Setup Config Card’ tab: Place the configuration card on the 'USB' reader to pick up the driver card

4. Press ‘Write’. The card type will be recorded and confirmed by Config
card data written successfully.
5. On truck: Place the configuration card on each machine reader to
download the driver card type. Download is confirmed by the two
indicator lights lightning up in blue for a second.

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5.7.2 Log on with Smart Access

To log on to a machine equipped with Smart Access :
1) Put the card on the card reader. The green light on the card reader will flash for 5 seconds.
2) Press the green button on the keypad while the green light is flashing. A green light on the keypad
confirms that you are logged on.
- A red light on the card reader indicates that you lack access to the machine.
- Neither Green nor red lit up on the reader indicates that the reader has not been programmed for your
type of access card.

6 Site management – Machines

(Requires the ‘Machine Administrator’ role)

6.1 General
Machine management comprises:
- Configuring machines regarding shock settings, server communication frequency and work shift schedules.
- Forming machine groups.
- Assigning driver access.

6.2 Configuring machines

1) Go to the Manage Site tab
You may select more than one site if machines at different sites should be configured in the same way.
For adding driver access (see 5.3), a single site has to be selected
2) Click Machines on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria for Machine, Fleet Number or Model or make a selection based on Machine
family or Machine group (see following section for grouping machines) or leave blank.
4) Press Search.

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5) Mark the checkbox for a machine (or click the machine number), or mark a range of machines or click
Select all.
6) Press Configure Selected to open the ‘Machine Configuration’ dialogue window.
7) Click the Machine Configuration to expand the configuration table.
The table will have default settings filled in. The Desired configuration column is for adjusting
parameters. The Current Configuration column shows actual settings on the machine.
8) Enter new settings by clicking the parameter value or the icon to the right. The configuration parameters
are described in the drop-down list.

9) Click Update when completed. In the confirmation pop-up window, press Send SMS & Save
for an immediate download.
Successfully downloaded and after refreshing the page, the left column should match the right column.
Parameters that are server settings only will not generate Save and Send.

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Shock settings
Shocks are registered in the forward / reverse directions (X
axis) and left / right directions (Y axis) and reported on I_Site.
Shock recordings vary with machine types and type of
operation. Early shock level settings may therefore have to be
adjusted after some time to fit your installation.
Factors that influences shock registrations are discussed in the
attached appendix.

6.2.1 Shock levels

Shocks are registered as Low, Medium and High impacts
depending on settings (see also 6.10).
1) Enter start number for the low level.
2) Continue with start numbers for the medium and high levels. The application will set the range ending
Changing shock level settings will not adjust earlier recordings. Shock lock-out

The shock lock-out feature offers an opportunity to closely monitor machine operations. When activated,
impacts e x c e e d i n g threshold levels will trigger the lock-out function. For many machine models, shock
lock-outs impair operations, requiring machine reset. On I_Site, shock lock-out incidents are indicated as
padlock icons (see section 6.10).

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Shock lock-outs may be reset on the machine from I_Site smartphone app or from the portal by means of the
Reset Shock Lockout button, see 6.10.5.

Depending on which generation of DHU is installed (please consult your service representative), shock lock-
out settings vary in that the upgraded version (DHU2) allows drivers to reset at lower shock levels, while
supervisor reset is still required for higher levels. Related table rows are added automatically for DHU2

DHU – Generation 1
1) To activate, set Lockout Enabled to ‘Yes’.
2) Set the threshold values for the X and Y directions.
3) If drivers are permitted to reset a shock lock-out, enter ‘Yes’ in the field for Normal Profile Reset.
Requiring the ‘Lockout Reset’ profile, leave as ‘No’.

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DHU2– Generation 2
The generation 2 offers the opportunity for operators to reset shock lock-outs at a defined interval. The graph
to the right illustrates the scenario that corresponds to the settings below.

1) To activate, set Lockout Enabled to ‘Yes’.

2) Set the threshold values for the X and Y directions.
3) If drivers are permitted to reset a shock lock-out, enter ‘Yes’ in the field for Normal Profile Reset.
Requiring the ‘Lockout Reset’ profile, leave as ‘No’.
4) For ‘Yes’, enter the upper values for the ‘Normal Profile’ resetting intervals. The example has it set to 29.
Impacts stronger than 30 will then require a supervisor reset. The interval starting level is decided by the
threshold settings.

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If the ‘Normal Interval’ fields are left blank, the ‘Normal Profile Reset’ applies to all impacts above the
threshold levels. To enable the reset function in this case, it is required, however, that at least one
supervisor/driver with the ‘reset profile’ is assigned to the machine.

6.2.2 Battery settings

For machines that offer battery monitoring, parameter values are pre-entered for your installation but
may require adjustments. If necessary, consult your TMH service representative for parameter setting
The Enable BDI Notification has to be set to ‘Yes’ and When BDI lower than has to be filled in to
enable notification. To activate, see Notifications section 8.2
For battery performance viewing, see descriptions in 6.11.

For Li-ion Battery machine configuration view looks like the example below:

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For electric (Lead) battery type it shows like example below:

Note! The battery setting between battery type lead and Li-ion is done automatically based on
the data sent by the truck, so if the truck has not sent data, there is a risk that the battery type
is not adapted.

6.2.3 Miscellaneous Communication frequency

Operating data collected by the DHU is conveyed to the I_Site portal by means of scheduled communications.
Daily communication is quite satisfactory for most installations.

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For driver follow up, PIN reporting has to be activated. Shift times

The shift time specifies work schedule and forms the basis for utilization calculations (see following sections).
Select the appropriate shift time from the drop down menu. For best utilization calculations, select the
maximum number of days the machine or machines are likely to be operated, i.e. 7 days even if being used
weekends only occasionally.
Recorded utilization rates will not be recalculated when changing shift schedule settings.

6.2.4 Pre-Operational Check (POC)

Machine configuration parameter settings as well as creating check lists and results are described in
section 6.2. and section 10.8

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6.2.5 Immobilize On/Off

The immobilizing feature offers impairing machine operation (Immobilize On) and resetting impaired
machines (Immobilize Off) from the portal. Requires the ‘Immobilizer’ role.
1) Press the Immobilize On/Off button to open the dialogue window.
2) Enter the reason for the activity.
3) Press On to impair operation (as supported by machine functions).
4) Press Off to reset the machine (POC lock-out or Immobilize On)

6.2.6 Last known state

The last known state offers information on the latest management action taken on the unit and when it
occurred. The following states are shown:
- Locked by supervisor at the machine.
- Locked from Immobilize On.
- Locked out from POC failure or high shocks.
- Active, the machine is operational. Any lock-out was reset.

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6.2.7 Trigger communication

The feature may be used to request data transfer between the server and machine on demand. It will download
from the server any machine or driver settings that have not yet been updated on a machine or range of
selected machines.
To request, press Trigger communication at the top of the page (for illustration, see 6.2).

6.3 Machine groups

For better overview and swifter machine management, it might be useful to group machines, e.g. departments or
work shifts. Machines can belong to several groups.

6.3.1 Creating machine groups

1) Go to the Manage Site tab.
2) Click Machine Groups on the left navigation panel.
3) Press Create machine group to open the ‘Create machine group’ dialogue window.

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4) Enter Title and Description and select Site.

5) Press Create.
6) Press Add machines to group.
7) Enter search criteria or select machine family from the drop-down menu or leave blank for all machines
on the site.
8) Press Search.
9) Add machines by clicking the (not drag and drop). Added machines will be listed in the left column.
10) Press Close when finished.

6.3.2 Editing machine groups

1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site).
2) Click Machine Groups.
3) Click on the machine group to be edited.
4) Add machines as described above. Delete machines by clicking the x-sign next to the machine serial
5) Press Close when finished.

6.3.3 Deleting machine groups

Deleting a machine group requires that all machines have been removed from the group. A garbage can will
then appear.

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6.4 Assigning driver machine access

Assigning driver access from the machine dialogue windows require the ‘Server Managed’ setting, see 5.4. To
assign driver access from the driver dialogue windows, see 5.6.5.
1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site).
2) Click Machines on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria for Machine, Fleet Number or Model or make a selection based on Machine
family or Machine group or leave blank.
4) Press Search.
5) Mark the checkbox for a machine (or click the machine number), mark a range of machines or press
Select all.
6) Press Configure Selected to open the ‘Machine Configuration’ dialogue window.
See for an illustration of steps 1) – 6).
7) Click the Driver bar to expand the driver table.
Drivers that have access to the selected machine already or to any of the machines of the selected range
will be displayed
8) Press Add drivers to open the dialogue window.
9) Leave search fields blank or enter criteria for:
- Driver name – Incomplete driver name can be entered.
- Additional Info
- Machine number – Convenient for copying the driver list of a machine already in operation to a new or
a range of new machines as selected. The entire machine number has to be entered correctly.
10) Press Search.
11) Add driver access by clicking the icon or press Add all. Added drivers will get access to the machine or
range of machines as selected.
12) When done, click Update. In the pop-up, select Save if there are more drivers to be assigned machine
access. When finished with all machines, select Send SMS & Save for a prompt download.
13) Click the Driver bar to minimize the driver table.

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6.4.1 Synchronize machine with latest driver list

A machine that is not updated with the latest driver list will have an indication (Machine out of sync) on the
‘Drivers’ bar. To synchronize:
1) Click the Driver bar to expand the driver table.
2) Press the Resync PIN codes button.
3) In the pop-up window, press Send.
Alternatively, use the Trigger communication function, see 6.2.

6.4.2 Delete drivers from machine access

1) Go to the Manage Site tab (select site if you have access to more than one site).
2) Click Machines on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria for Machine, Fleet Number or Model or make a selection based on Machine
family or Machine group or leave blank.
4) Press Search.
5) Mark the checkbox for a machine (or click the machine number), or mark a range of machines or click
Select all.
6) Press Configure Selected to open the ‘Machine Configuration’ dialogue window.
See for an illustration of steps 1) –6).
7) Click the Driver bar to expand the driver table.
8) Click the icon to the left of the driver name to delete access from the machine or range of machines as
9) Press Update. In the pop-up select Send SMS & Save for a prompt download.

6.5 Report viewing sites

6.5.1 Site summary
1) Click the Utilization tab to open the site overview window.
2) Enter search criteria if you have access to several sites or leave blank. Press Search.
A summary of machines and drivers at the site or sites, as selected, will be displayed.
3) Click the hyperlinked numbers of machines or drivers to open detailed dialogue windows:
 ‘Quantity’ – Number of machines and drivers at the site. May differ from current conditions if the
numbers have changed during the period.

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 ‘Util. Avg.’ – Average utilization rates based on number of machines and drivers during the period.
4) ‘Shock Avg.’ – Average number of shocks
Click the icon to display location details. Click the icon to close.

6.6 Report viewing machines

6.6.1 Utilization rates

1) Click the Utilization tab (select site or sites if applicable).
2) Go to the Utilization heading on the left navigation panel.
3) Click Machines.
4) Enter search criteria or leave blank. The field for machine groups will appear if a group or groups have
been created (several groups may be selected).
5) Press Search.
A summary of site data is given at the top of the listing.
The following data are shown for the selected time period:
- ‘Machine’ = Machine serial number.
Click the number to open the ‘Machine Configuration’ page.
- ‘Fleet No’ = Machine reference number at the site.
- ‘Utilization’ = Operated [Run] hours in relation to the set work schedule.

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- ‘Run Hours’ = Total time the machine has been operated.

Click the number to open the Activity report, see next section.
- Shocks = Number of impacts.
Click the number to open the Shocks Machines (6.10) wrong index
- BSI = Battery status indicator.
Click the icon to open the battery graph (6.15.3). wrong index
- Machine serial number. Click the number to open the ‘Machine Configuration’ page.

6) Click the icon to expand machine details. Besides site information, type of ownership and machine
specifications the following is also shown:
- ‘Last updated’ is when data was last transferred between the unit and the server.
- ‘Last known state’ and ‘… change’, see 6.2.6.

7) Click the icon to close details.

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6.7 Activity reports

1) Click the Utilization tab. Multiple sites may be selected but the listing will not separate machines to the
selected sites.
2) Go to the Activity heading on the left navigation panel
3) Click Machines.
4) Enter search criteria or leave blank. The field for machine groups will appear if a group or groups have
been created (several groups may be selected).
5) Press Search.
A summary of activity data is given at the top of the listing.
Operating data are reported for each working pass per machine and for the selected time period (limited to 1
month), comprising:
- ‘Machine’ = Machine serial number (For a long number, pass the cursor over it to see it in full).
- ‘From – To time’ = Working pass start and finish hour.
- ‘Key time’ = Time the machine has been turned on.
- Drive and lift times add up to the operating time (Op. Time). Simultaneous driving and lifting add as a
single movement.
- Op. Ratio = Operating ratio, i.e. the ratio between operating and key times.
6) Click the icon to expand details including machine and driver information. ‘Time with Load’ is the
operating time that a load is carried on the forks. Please consult your TMH service technician about
availability on your machines.
7) Click the icon to close details.

6.8 Charts
Reported utilization, activities and shocks information may be viewed as charts.

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1) Click the chart icon at the left top corner of the table.
2) Adjust time settings and resolution as you find useful.
3) Click the table icon to get back to the listing.

6.9 Shocks – Drivers

To access Shocks drivers:
1. Click on the SHOCKS in the top bar
2. Click on DRIVERS in the side bar under Shocks

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6.9.1 Searching shocks drivers

Following filters can be used to search drivers that created shocks. Searching without any filters applied will
result in showing drivers assigned with data relating to the last 30 days.

Driver Search by full or partial name of the driver

Additional Additional info regarding the driver
Info 1
Additional Additional info regarding the driver
Info 2
From date Search from a specific date. Modifies driver related statistics. Default value is
date 30 days in the past. Date selection is mandatory
To date Search by a specific date. Modifies the driver related statistics. Default value is
current date. Date selection is mandatory

6.9.2 Investigating further

Driver ID Name of the selected driver
Total Shocks Total amount of shocks registered on the selected driver
High The number of high level shocks created in the selected time span
Medium The number of medium level shocks created on the selected time span
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Low The number of low level shocks created on the selected time span.
Run Hours/Shocks The amount of time the driver has worked before creating a shock.
Site Name of the site where the driver is located
Postal Code Postal code of the site where the driver is located
City Name of the city where the drivers site is located
Additional Info 1 Here you can find additional information regarding the driver profile
Additional Info 2 Here you can find additional information regarding the driver profile

6.10 Shocks – Machines

6.10.1 Shocks summary

1) Click the Shocks tab (select site or sites if applicable).
2) Click Machines on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria or leave blank. The field for machine groups will appear if a group or groups have
been created (several groups may be selected).
4) Press Search. This will display summaries for machines as selected.
The Run Hours / Shock is calculated based on operating time and number of total shocks. In cases of only
one or no shocks, the number is equivalent to the operating time for the selected period.
5) Click the hyperlinked Total Shocks number to open the ‘Shock Details’ dialogue window, see next
6) Click the icon to display site and machine details. Click the icon to close.

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6.10.2 Shock details

1) Click the Shocks tab (select site or sites if applicable).
2) Click Shock Details on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria (see below regarding ‘Comments’) or leave blank.
4) Mark the Include Reset Information checkbox to display who reset a shock lock-out. It shows also if it
was reset at the machine (Machine) or remotely (Web/App), see 6.10.2.
5) Press Search. This will display machine (and driver) shock information as selected.

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For a quick overview, shock magnitudes are indicated by symbols:



Impact that exceeds the limit for shock lock-out.

For shock lock-out and shock level settings, see Machine Configuration 6.2. Adjusting shock level settings will
affect new shock registrations only. Already recorded shocks will not change.

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The shock details table displays the strongest impacts in the X and Y directions during each working pass on
two separate rows.
(Working pass = Login – Logout). Shock lock-outs are registered directly on the portal with DHU2 installed on
the machine.

The DHU2 registers impacts also while the machine is parked. Driver information is then committed. Click the
icon to view additional information and to enter comments (next). Click the icon

I_Site shock recordings

By means of a shock sensor, I_Site offers registration of impacts for improved safety and reduced damages to
machines, goods and racking. Information includes time, which machine and who was driving plus if the impact
was minor or substantial.

6.10.3 Interpreting shock reports

As described above, a I_Site reading of 10 corresponds approximately to a deceleration of one `g` or 10im/s².
For a 6 ton, this gives an impact force of about 60 kN (kilo Newton) or 6 000 kp (kilopond) which is the same
gravity force the truck is putting on the floor, however distributed on 4 wheels.

Imagine that the truck is jacked up on a single support column right in the middle underneath. The stress on the
floor under that single support will be 4 times that caused earlier by each wheel on the corresponding floor
areas. It`s the same thing with impacts. If caused by a head on collision against a wall by a vehicle without
lifting devices, the damage to the wall will be limited even at relatively high shock readings. On the other hand,
if the same shock reading is due to the point of one of the support arms hitting the wall, the resulting damage
will be considerable.

As the impact is proportional to the weight of the vehicle, a shock reading of 15 for a reach truck will cause a lot
more damage than the same shock reading of 15 caused by a small pedestrian truck. Already, if going at the
same speed, a reach truck will cause more damage to a racking column than a pedestrian truck. Still, the shock
value will be lower for the reach truck than for the pedestrian truck.

Correlating shock readings to a vehicle design, weight and speed, size of impact surface area or elasticity of the
hit object is not realistic. Therefore, as a first approach, the shock levels may be set as suggested in the
instructions. After having monitored the shocks over a period of some weeks, reset to acceptable and non-
acceptable levels based on the experienced results. The impact test results below might be of some guidance.

6.10.4 Impact tests

I_Site shock report from a series of shocks using an OSE120P (low level order picking truck) and colliding with
obstacles in the driver direction (forks facing backwards)

Shock X- Y- Method Test person

Type Axis Axis response
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High 35 1 Driving into a wall at high “substantial”

High 21 2 speed “milder”
High 11 35 Hitting the right side of “relatively hard”
Low 6 16 the truck “milder”

More test results can be found online on the I_Site Help page in Shock Tests catalogue Comments
Comments may be added to each shock registration and are especially useful for follow-ups of shock lock-out
1) Click the Comment plus icon to open the dialog window (The icon appearance will change when a
comment has been added).
2) Enter details as relevant. Comments may be edited or amended at a later time if required.
3) Select category and damage types from the drop-downs.
4) Press Save.

Comments are included in exports to Excel spread sheets (see 11.12) which facilitates analyses and compiling
accident reports.

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6.10.5 Resetting shock lock-outs

In cases of shock lock-out, start out by checking for personal injuries and damages. If all is still OK and it’s
verified that the machine is safe to operate, reset the shock lock-out. The reset may be done at the machine or
remotely, i.e. from the I_Site portal or by the I_Site app.

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TOYOTA MATERIAL HANDLING Resetting at the machine

Driver normal profile:
1) Log off.
2) Log on with your driver PIN code or access card.
Driver reset profile [supervisor]:
1) Log off.
2) Log on with a reset [supervisor] PIN code or access card.
For registration of who reset a machine, the person should be logged on for at least 3 seconds, which is
the minimum time for working passes to be registered.
3) Log off.
4) Log on with your driver PIN code or access card. Resetting remotely

The feature is available for I_Site users with the ‘Remote Shock Lockout Reset’ role.
Reset from the portal:
1) Click the machine number in ‘Shock Details’ or go to ‘Manage Site’
2) Go to machine configuration, see 6.2.
3) Press the Reset Shock Lockout button.
Reset from the I_Site app.
1) Log into the I_Site app.
2) Click Level Red Shocks, see 6.10.5.
3) Press the Reset Shock Lockout button.

6.11 Battery reports

6.11.1 To access Battery Detail:

1. Click on UTILIZATION in the top bar
2. Click on MACHINES under Utilization in the side bar
Enter by clicking the battery status indicator icon.

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6.11.2 Battery Detail

Battery detail is a graphical representation of battery performance on the truck. The report consists of the chart
that shows battery charge levels over time, pop up window, which shows working pass details regarding battery
performance and machine activity.

Note! Battery reports are only available on machines that supplies the I_Site system with battery data
from the truck. This includes most Toyota / BT branded machines.

To facilitate an overview, the battery information is colour coded in level green for ok and yellow and red for
warning. The different colours are set by different errors or of incorrect handling. see details below...

6.11.3 Exporting battery report

As with any chart battery report graph can be saved as a graphic file with png extension. Information from the
pop-up window is not exportable.

The BDI graph (BDI = Battery Discharge Indicator) shows battery discharge levels, power capacity, usage and
recharging in weekly intervals for the selected machine.

6.11.4 Changing time period

Battery chart shows one week from Monday to Sunday. To switch to a different week:
Method 1
1. Click on the Previous Period button to see previous week, or
2. Click on the Next Period button to see next week

Method 2
1. Click on the Select period drop down menu
2. Select one of the available weeks

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6.11.5 Battery Discharge Indicator graph

Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI) graph shows battery charge levels over the course of seven days (from
Monday to Sunday).

 Colors indicate battery discharge health and are different between Lead and Li-Ion batteries (for details
see below).
 Black dots (nodes) on the line indicate beginning and ending of a working pass.
 Dashed lines show non-work time.

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Below the graph, is a table of the working passes for the shown interval. For each working pass, the table lists
log-on and log-off time stamps, driver id/name, battery status at beginning and end plus log-off method.

By clicking on the working pass in the graph, you will get to working pass in the table and vice versa.

Moving a mouse over the node will display a pop-up window with details on the working pass. The window
contains different amount of data depending on battery type.

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6.11.6 Lead Acid battery

BSI icons colour coding
[Green] OK
[Yellow] See table below.
[Red] See table below.
[Grey] Function not activated.

“N/A” Battery monitoring is not available for this machine.

The rules for the BSI colour coding:

Power loss Short time recharging Rapid discharge

Yellow Yellow Red Yellow Red
 Battery change: NO BDI going from 60 to 30 % (usually
Power is lost  Power off: < 30 minutes takes several working passes) and the
during ongoing  BDI, working pass end ≤ 20% calculated drive + lift time (minutes) per
working pass  BDI, next working pass start: 100% 100 Ah is less than:
Parameter 1 Parameter 2
2 out of 10 3 out of 10 working 5 out of 10 2 out of 5 times 2 out of 3 times
working passes passes working (10 if battery change) (6 if battery
passes change)

Graph lines:

Line Type Description Meaning

Solid Working Pass No undesired events detected during
Green working pass
Solid Opportunity charge, Rapid discharge or Battery has been disconnected or truck
Yellow Power loss was shut down with an emergency
switch, or
Battery discharge measured when
crossing either 60% or 30% mark was
faster than expected, but above critical
Solid Red Opportunity charge or Rapid discharge Opportunistic charge occurred, or
(serious) Battery discharge measured when
crossing either 60% or 30% mark was
faster than expected and equal to or
below critical levels.
Dashed Between working pass - Power On No work activity was registered and the
battery was connected to the machine
Dotted Between working pass - Power Off No work activity was registered and
battery was not connected to the
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6.11.7 LI-ION batteries general information

Li-Ion batteries have capability to send additional information over the CAN network as report health status and
identification number. This information will be displayed in the pop-up window of the Battery Status Indicator
Note! All trucks with Li-Ion batteries are not sending BMS data. This includes most Toyota / BT
branded machines but not all.

6.11.8 Li-Ion batteries data colour coding

[Li-Ion Green] OK

[Li-Ion Green] see table below

“N/A” Battery monitoring is not available for this machine.

State Of Health Lost Opportunity to charge Power loss

Yellow Yellow Yellow
IF State of Health is A Lost Opportunity to charge is indicated if Battery disconnected
lower than 90 a battery hasn’t been charged even though
standing idle for at least 15 minutes.

Occurred more than 2 times during the last 2 times or more during the
24h. last 10 working passes

Graph lines:

Line Type Description Meaning

Solid Working Pass No undesired events detected during working pass
Solid State of health IF State of Health status is lower than 90
Solid A Lost Opportunity to A Lost Opportunity to charge is indicated if a battery
Yellow charge hasn’t been charged even though standing idle for at least

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15 minutes.
Solid Power loss Battery has been disconnected or truck was shut down
Yellow with an emergency switch.
Dashed Between working pass - No work activity was registered and the battery was
Power On connected to the machine
Dotted Between working pass - No work activity was registered and battery was not
Power Off connected to the machine.

6.12 Report viewing – Drivers

6.12.1 Utilization rates

1) Click the Utilization tab (select site or sites if applicable).
2) Go to the Utilization heading on the left navigation panel.
3) Click Drivers.
4) Enter search criteria or leave blank. The field for driver groups will appear if a group or groups have been
created (several groups may be selected).
5) Press Search.

A summary of site data is given at the top of the listing.

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The following data is shown for the selected time period:

- ‘Driver ID’ = Driver name.
Click the name to open the ‘Driver details’ page.
- ‘Expected Hours’ = Expected working time based on set work schedule [Shift time].
- ‘Run Hours’ = Total actual working time during the selected period.
Click the number to open the Activity report, see next section.
- ‘Utilization’ = Worked [Run] hours in relation to the set work schedule.
- Shocks = Number of impacts.
Click the number to open the Shocks report see (6.10.1).
6) Click the icon to expand site and driver details.
7) Click the icon to close details.

6.13 Activity reports

1) Click the Utilization tab. Multiple sites may be selected but the listing will not separate drivers to the
selected sites.
2) Go to the Activity heading on the left navigation panel.
3) Click Drivers.
4) Enter search criteria or leave blank. The field for driver groups will appear if a group or groups have been
created (several groups may be selected).
5) Press Search.
A summary of activity data is given at the top of the listing.
Operating data are reported for each working pass per driver and for the selected time period (limited to 1
month), comprising:
- ‘Driver’ = Driver Id or Driver name.
- ‘From – To time’ = Working pass start and finish hour.
- ‘Key time’ = Time the machine has been turned on.
- ‘Drive and lift times add up to the operating time (Op. Time). Simultaneous driving and lifting add as a
single movement.
- Op. Ratio = Operating ratio, i.e. the ratio between operating and key times.
6) Click the icon to expand details including machine and driver information.
7) Click the icon to close details.

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6.14 Charts
activities and
may be
viewed as
charts, see

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6.15 Shocks - Drivers

6.15.1 Shocks summary

1) Click the Shocks tab (select site or sites if applicable).
2) Click Drivers on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria or leave blank. The field for driver groups will appear if a group or groups have been
created (several groups may be selected).
4) Press Search. This will display summaries for drivers as selected.
The Run Hours / Shock is calculated based on operating time and number of total shocks. In cases of only
one or no shocks, the number is equivalent to the operating time for the selected period.
5) Click the hyperlinked Total Shocks number to open the ‘Shock Details’ dialogue window, see next
6) Click the icon to display site and driver details. Click the icon to close.

6.15.2 Shock details

The shock details dialogue window is the same for machines and drivers. Please see section 6.10.2.

7 Service and rental contracts

The overview is a useful tool to follow contracts.
1) Click the Utilization tab (select site or sites if applicable).

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2) Go to the Utilization heading on the left navigation panel.

3) Click Contract.
4) Enter search criteria or leave blank. The field for machine groups will appear if a group or groups have
been created (several groups may be selected).
5) Press Search.
The listing specifies contract data for each machine.
MAT12 Projected Hours is the predicted machine usage for the current 12 months contract period based on
machine usage to date.
Icons are shown for:
MAT12 Status, Projected Hours.
Run On Time left to contract expiration date.
6) Click the icons to show symbol definitions.
7) Click the icon to display contract period and machine details. Click the icon to close.

8 Subscriptions and Notifications

8.1 Subscriptions

Please consult your TMH representative for this add-on feature.

The subscription feature offers you regular reports on areas that you like to follow more closely.
1) Go to the report you like to follow.
2) Click the Subscription icon.

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3) In the pop-up dialogue window, name the subscription and specify frequency and time. You may adjust
the time zone in case the selected site is at a different time zone.
The time extension in the report will correspond to the setting in the dialogue window.
4) Click Add. Report mailing will commence at the next occurrence as specified.
To review your subscriptions, go to ‘My Settings’ by clicking your user name at top right corner.
The subscription may be renewed for another year by clicking the renewal icon or terminated by clicking the
garbage can icon.

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8.2 Notifications
The full feature range requires the Machine Administrator role.

The Notification feature offers instant alert information on machine incidents and activities.
1) Go to ‘Notifications’ by clicking your user name at the top right corner, see. 8.1. The left navigation panel
lists the range of notifications.
General: This allows you to direct notification e-mails to someone else or a group mail. By default your e-
mail address is filled in.

Pre-Op Check Report on failed checks, see 10.13.

Shocks Shock that exceeds shock lock-out threshold settings (DHU2 installed).
Superv. Lockout Machine been locked for usage by supervisor at the machine (PIN code or access card).
Battery Incident Battery BDI level below the low limit as set in the Machine configuration table.
Requires Enable BDI Notification set to ‘Yes’, see 6.2.
Driving License Driving license is available to set for each machine family a specified time and it is
possible to choose it “same for all”

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2) Mark the checkbox for the wanted notification.

3) Reduce the scope of notifications by means of the filtering options.

4) Press Update to activate each notification.
5) To unsubscribe: Clear check boxes.
Notification e-mails vary slightly in appearance but contain site and machine information.

9 Pre-Operational Check
(Requires that the Pre-Op Check feature is included in your I_Site package. Please consult your TMH I_Site

9.1 Introduction
The Pre-Operational Check (Pre-Op Check or POC) feature is based on checklists for control of the machine
condition. The lists are created by means of the I_Site web interface and transmitted to an on-board panel. The
checklist has to be completed in connection with machine log-on. The completed checklist is communicated
back to the web site for follow-up. If a control response indicates hazardous operation, i.e. Pre-Op check failure,
the machine operation will be impaired or an alert triggered as applicable. For further description of machine
performance, please consult your TMH service representative.
To activate, the POC feature must be enabled in the ‘Machine Configuration’ settings as described in the

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9.2 The on-board panel

 The items or functions to be checked are shown in the display window as control questions. Up to 20
questions can be stored (see following sections for downloading questions from web site).
 Each question is responded to by pressing either the green Yes-button or the red No-button. Note that
questions like “Are the brakes faulty?” a “No” answer is correct for well-functioning brakes.
Questions may be either non-critical or critical.
- Non-critical: Concerns machine defects that do not pose a risk of immediate hazard.
- Critical: Concerns machine defects that make operation hazardous. The problem should be fixed
before further usage.
Creating questions is described in detail in the following.
 When responded, the next question is shown in the display window.
 While responding, the amber light is flashing at 0.5 Hz.
 On completion, the responses are analysed by the on-board system and the result is indicated by colour
coded lights to the left of the display window:

Green Controlled items or functions are all in good condition or non- Continuous for 3 sec.
critical items only were found faulty.
Red One or more critical items or functions have been found faulty or Flashing until reset.
the check-up was not completed properly (critical question
included). Machine operation may be impaired (POC lock-out) or
an alarm signal can be activated.
Amber The check-up was not completed properly (critical questions not Continuous for 3 sec.
included). Machine operation will not be impaired and no alarm

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signal will be activated.

Response results or information on incomplete response sessions are transmitted to the web site with scheduled
or triggered communication. Pre-Op check failures (a red indication light) are registered directly on the portal.

9.3 Machine Configuration settings

Activating POC and specifying features are done in the ‘Machine Configuration’ dialogue window, see 6.2.

9.3.1 Enable POC

By default, POC is not activated. To enable, select mode of checking machine safety:
- Yes, once per 12h per driver: Each driver has to perform the safety check. A renewed check is required 12
hours from when the earlier check was done.

- Yes, every new driver: Every time a new driver logs on to the machine, the safety check has to be
performed. A driver has to repeat the control check if someone else has used the machine in between.
- Yes, once per 24h, all drivers: The first driver who logs on to the machine after the specified daily Start
time has to perform the safety control check. A Start time has to be entered.

9.3.2 Response time

The allowed responding time between questions can be set in the field for Time until Timeout.

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9.3.3 Safety control checks by supervisors

If considered valuable to have a record of supervisors’ control of the machine, the For Lockout Reset profile
should be set to ‘Yes’.

9.3.4 Randomized questions

To avoid drivers memorizing the response sequence, it might be useful to scramble the order questions are
shown from one time to the next. To enable, set Randomized questions to ‘Yes’,

9.3.5 Selecting checklist

The checklist to be used for an individual machine can be selected from published checklists drop-down.

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10 Pre-Operation Checklists
Pre-Op checklists gives information regarding checklists, drivers, machines and results.

10.1 Accessing Pre-Op Check

To access Pre-Op Check Machines:
-Click on the PRE-OP CHECK in the top bar
-Click on MACHINES in the side bar

10.2 Searching Pre-Op Check machines

Following filters can be used to search the machine. Searching without any filters applied will result in showing
machines assigned with data relating to the last 30 days.

Machine Search by full or partial name of the machine

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Fleet No Limit results by typing the fleet number

From date Search from a specific date. Modifies machine related statistics. Default value
is date 30 days in the past. Date selection is mandatory
To date Search by a specific date. Modifies the machine related statistics. Default
value is current date. Date selection is mandatory
Select Status Select in the drop down if you want to see passed, warning or failed POC.
Select Select on the drop down if you want to see completed or time out POC.

10.2.1 Investigating further

Machine Name of the selected machine

Fleet Number Number of the fleet the machine is part of
Performed The number of times that a POC has been performed on this machine during the
selected period of time
Failed The number of times that POC has failed on this machine during the selected
period of time
Warning The number of times a non-critical question has been answered incorrectly on this
machine during the selected period of time
Passed The number of times the POC was passed correctly on this machine during the
selected period of time
Failed-Completed The number of times the POC was completed incorrectly
Failed-Session Too The number of times the POC was completed too quickly
Failed-Time Out The number of times the POC was completed too slowly
Warning- Completed POC session with a non-critical question answered incorrectly
Warning-Session Completed POC session with a non-critical question answered too quickly
Too Short
Warning-Time Completed POC session with a non-critical question answered too slowly
Site Name of the site the machines is located
Postal Code Postal code of the site the machine is located
City Name of the city the machines is located
Machine Family The name of machine family
Model The model of the selected machine
Brand The brand of the selected machine

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10.3 Accessing Pre-Op Check drivers

To access Pre-Op Check Machines:
3. Click on the PRE-OP CHECK in the top bar
4. Click on Drivers in the side bar

10.4 Searching Pre-Op Check drivers

Following filters can be used to search the Drivers that performed POC. Searching without any filters applied
will result in showing Drivers assigned with data relating to the last 30 days.

Additional info 1 Here you can find additional information regarding the driver profile.
Additional info 2 Here you can find additional information regarding the driver profile.
From date Search from a specific date. Modifies driver related statistics. Default
value is date 30 days in the past. Date selection is mandatory.
To date Search by a specific date. Modifies driver related statistics. Default
value is current date. Date selection is mandatory.
Select Driver Groups Select on the drop down the driver group.
Select Status Select on the drop down if you want to see passed, warning or failed
Select Result Select on the drop down if you want to see completed or time out

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10.5 Accessing Pre-Op Check-results

1. Click on the PRE-OP CHECK in the top bar

2. Click on RESULTS in the side bar

10.6 Searching Pre-Op Check results

Following filters can be used to search the results. Searching without any filters applied will result in showing
results assigned with data relating to the last 30 days.

Machine Search by full or partial name of the machine

Fleet No Limit the results by typing the fleet number
From date Search from a specific date. Modifies result related statistics. Default value is
date 30 days in the past. Date selection is mandatory
To date Search by a specific date. Modifies result related statistics. Default value is
current date. Date selection is mandatory
Select Status Select in the drop down if you want to see passed, warning or failed POC.
Select Select on the drop down if you want to see completed or time out POC.

Click on the box Include Reset Information if you want to include in the search the resets that have been done
by a supervisor

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10.6.1 Investigating further

Title Title of the checklist
Machine Name of the selected machine
Registered Date and Time the checklist was performed
Fleet Number Number of the fleet the machine is part of
Site The name of site the machine is located
Postal code The postal code of the site
City The city of the site that the machine is located.
Result The result of the POC
Duration The duration of the time it took to complete the POC
Driver The driver that made the POC
Failed Questions Below you get listed failed questions

10.7 Checklists
(Requires the ‘Manage Pre-Op Checklists’ role)

10.8 Creating checklists

1) Click the Pre-Op Check icon in top bar
2) Click Checklist in the left navigation panel. Current checklists will be shown.
3) Press New Checklist to open the dialogue window.
4) Name the checklist in Title field.
5) Select site or if applicable.

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6) Leave the field blank for ‘Copy Questions From’ or find an earlier check list from the drop-down menu.
A check list must be in status Published (described in the following) to appear in the listing.
7) Press Create New Checklist to open the dialogue window for entering safety control questions.
8) Enter safety control questions in the open text field. Similarly worded questions will be shown as you
type. The drop down allows you to search among earlier questions.
Up to 20 questions can be added per checklist. There is an upper limit of 80 characters per question
9) Press Add for each new question.
A question may be deleted by clicking the icon.
The order of the questions can be changed by drag and drop, however, see also ‘Randomized questions’
in the following.
10) Click the green icon to change the expected answer from ‘Yes’ to ‘No’ for a well working function or
for a component in good condition. Click the red icon to change back.

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11) Mark ‘critical’ questions by clicking the icon. The colour will change to red . Click the red icon to
change back.
12) Set the time for the minimum time required to answer the questions. The default setting is 30 seconds.
13) Select machine group or groups from the drop-down list.
14) Press Add for each selection. Individual machines are shown if the checklist is assigned to a machine
from the ‘Machine Configuration’ dialogue window, see 6.2. Remove by clicking an added machine.
15) When completed, press Publish to open the publishing dialogue window. (Next section).

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10.8.1 Publishing checklists

1) Mark the checkbox for Send SMS to configure machines for a prompt download. If left unmarked, the
checklist will be downloaded at the next scheduled communication.
2) Press Replace all checklists to publish the checklist.
When published, the checklist is locked for modifications. Modifying or deleting checklist is described in the

Adding machines to a published checklist.

If a new machine group or family is introduced or new machines have been added to a group or family, the
checklist has to be republished in order to have the checklist assigned to those machines.
1) Click Checklist in the left navigation panel.
2) Select the checklist to be downloaded to the new machines.
3) If applicable, add the new machine group or family.
4) Click Republish.
5) Add single machines from the ‘Machine Configuration’ dialogue window, see 11.9.

10.8.2 Removing checklists from machines

1) Navigate to checklists and select the checklist to be removed.
2) Click Unpublish.
The checklist will be removed from all the assigned machines and the status will change to ‘Not Published’.
3) Should some machines still use this list, add those machines and publish again. The status will then change
back to ‘Published’.
An alternative is to delete machines from the list, see step 14) of ‘Creating checklist’.

10.8.3 Modifying checklists

A. Checklists that have never been published:
1) Navigate to checklists and select the checklist to be modified.
2) Proceed per steps 8) – 15) in ‘Creating checklists’.
3) Publish when ready.

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B. Published (and unpublished) checklists:

1) To modify, a new checklist has to be created as described for ‘Creating checklist’, steps 1) – 15). If
reusing the same name, it’s advisable to give it a revision number.
2) Add machines to the modified list.
3) Publish when ready.
Machines that have been assigned the modified list are no longer shown as using the unmodified list.
Machines that have not been added will still use the unmodified list.

10.8.4 Deleting checklists

A checklist in status ‘Not Published’ can be deleted by clicking the garbage can icon.

10.9 Answering procedure

1) Enter PIN code or put access card on the reader per normal log-on procedures to activate the POC function.
The first control question will appear on the panel display in 2 – 3 seconds.
The questions may reappear at the next log-on depending on ‘Machine Configuration’ settings. The
questions will reappear if the previous session generated a red light or a new checklist was downloaded
after the previous session.
The red light is triggered when:
- A function or component that is defined by a critical question has been found faulty.
- The response session containing a critical question was not completed within the set time limits.
2) Respond to the safety control questions as they show up on the panel display. The machine can be operated
during the response session.
When completed, a green light will allow continued machine operation. The red light may impair operation
and/or an alarm (light or sound) signal might be activated.
3) At the end of the working pass, log-off per normal procedures.
4) In case of a red light (POC lock-out) the machine should be inspected and repaired as required.
5) Reset when confirmed safe to operate (Next section).

10.10 Resetting POC lock-out

The reset may be done at the machine or from the I_Site portal.
Resetting at the machine
1) Log off.
2) Log on with reset [supervisor] PIN code or access card.

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For registration of who reset a machine, the person should be logged on for at least 3 seconds, which is
the minimum time for working passes to be registered.
3) Respond to control questions if activated for the lock-out reset profile.
4) Log off.
5) Log on with a driver PIN code or access card.
Resetting from the I_Site portal
To reset from the portal, the Immobilize On/Off’ feature may be used, see ‘Machine Configuration’ section
6.11.6. The ‘Remote Shock Lockout Reset’ role’ is required.

10.11 POC summary – Drivers

1) Click the Pre-Op Check tab (select site or sites if applicable).
2) Click Drivers on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria or leave blank.
The field for driver groups will appear if a group or groups have been created (several groups may be
The search may be filtered further by the Select Status and Result drop-down menus.
4) Press Search. This will display summaries for drivers as selected.
5) Click any of the hyperlinked numbers for Failed/Warning/Passed to open ‘Result details’, see following
6) Click the icon to display site and machine details. Click the icon to close.

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10.12 POC summary – Machines

1) Click the Pre-Op Check tab (select site or sites if applicable).
2) Click Machines on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria or leave blank.
The field for machine groups will appear if a group or groups have been created (several groups may be
The search may be filtered further by the Select Status and Result drop-down menus.
4) Press Search. This will display summaries for machines as selected.

5) Click any of the hyperlinked numbers for Failed/Warning/Passed to open ‘Result details’, see following
6) Click the icon to display site and machine details. Click the icon to close.

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10.13 POC Result details

1) Click the Pre-Op Check tab (select site or sites if applicable).
2) Click Results on the left navigation panel.
3) Enter search criteria or leave blank.
The field for machine and/or driver groups will appear if a group or groups have been created (several
groups may be selected).
The search may be filtered further by the Select Status and Result drop-down menus.
4) Mark the checkbox for ‘Include Reset Information’ to display who reset a POC lock-out. It shows also if
it was reset at the machine (Machine) or remotely (Web/App).
5) Press Search. This will display machine (and driver) POC results as selected.

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11 Messaging
(Requires the Pre-Op Check feature)

11.1 Introduction
This feature allows you to send ad-hoc messages from the I_Site web application directly to the driver(s) /
machine(s), which is convenient in remote or noisy sites where communication can be difficult.

- Safety messages to all drivers

- Fleet manager allocating a job to a specific machine for the driver to accept and act on next time the
machine is started
- Call all drivers to information meeting, allowing each driver to accept or reject the invite

The messaging function is available to all I_Site users who have access to the pre-operational check and it is
accessible via the pre-op check icon in the menu bar. The pre-op check display is required.

11.1.1 Create message

By selecting Create Message on the left-hand side navigation, a new message text may be entered with
maximum 80 characters:

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Expiry date & Expiry time has to be entered to indicate until when the message is to be displayed on the
drivers’ screens.
Default values: Expiry date = current day, Expiry time = 23:59 (i.e. valid until the end of the day)
The new message may be sent to all machines in the fleet or to a selection of machines:

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- If a driver is logged on (and a pre-op check is not ongoing) the message shall be shown immediately.
- The message is accepted by the driver by pressing the green button.
- The message is rejected by the driver by pressing the red button.
- If not expired, the message shall be shown at each log on of a new driver (but not to drivers who have
already accepted or rejected the message).
- If a pre-op check session is ongoing, the message shall be shown on the display 10 seconds after the pre-op
check session has been completed.
- If the message is shown and the driver logs out without having accepted or rejected, the message is shown
again at next log on (if not expired), even if it is the same driver.
- If timeout is reached without the driver having accepted or rejected the message, it shall be shown again at
next log on (if not expired).
- Driver ID and timestamp for acceptance/rejection is reported to the web server at next communication.
A list of all messages displays their validity timestamps, with a possibility to delete inactive messages.
Only messages which have not yet been published may be deleted.

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11.1.2 Overview
The message overview shows a summary of all messages that have been sent at the selected site(s) for a
specified time period.
The summary specifies (for each message)
- Message text
- Number of machines that the message has been sent to
- Number of replies received (may be multiple replies from same machine)
- Date when message was published
- Date and time when message expires
- Detailed reply information regarding Machine, Fleet Number, Driver and Time of reply
- Information regarding the status of the answer (Accepted/Rejected)

If pressing the ‘trash can’ icon, the message will be deleted. If the message has not passed its time of expiry
when deleted, it will be considered as expired after deletion.
Machine/Reply indicates the number of machines to which the message has been sent (Machine) and from
how many of those machines we have received a reply (Reply).
The Reply quantity is independent of the number of drivers who may have logged on to the machines. It
indicates whether the message has been replied to by someone (even though in reality several drivers may have
received the same message on the same machine).
The purpose is to know whether the message has reached all machines or not. In other words, the Reply
quantity cannot be greater than the Machine quantity.
Replies (i.e. accept or reject by means of green or red button) is not communicated immediately but at the next
scheduled communication.
All detailed replies – per machine and driver – are displayed in the table underneath each message.
The Accepted/Rejected status is updated as the drivers accept or reject the message. The example below shows
how one message which was sent to one machine was replied to by several different drivers logging on to that
machine during the same day:

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11.2 Home page / Dashboard

11.2.1 Dashboard
The dashboard is the first window displayed after login. It is comprised of a set of up to nine tiles, which show
summary information from a chosen site(s). For users with access to less than 5 sites the dashboard will have
five tiles pre-configured with the most frequently looked up information. More tiles can be added and existing
tiles can be modified according to preference.

11.3 Creating new tiles

To create a new tile:
1. Click on the empty, grey tile space. Valid tile space is indicated by icon
2. A list of all possible reports will appear on the left
3. Select a report by clicking on the row with the report name
4. A new tile will be created automatically with default data selection. The tile can be modified

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11.4 Modifying tiles

All tile can be modified to suit user preferences regarding data selection, time span and refresh rate. To modify
the tile:
1. click on the cogwheel icon in top right corner of a tile
2. a tile control panel will pop-up
3. apply required changes
4. click on the black x dot in the top right corner of the control panel window to save the changes and exit the
configuration window

Tile configuration structure can differ depending on the report, to which tile corresponds. The list below lists all
possible fields that may appear in the tile control panel:

Title Rename tile. Tile names are created automatically when a tile is created. Default name of a
tile is the report name
Colour Select one of the four tile header colours to distinguish tile or a set of tiles from others
Toggle Change the speed at which the tile rotates between different values in the report
Sites Users with more than one site assigned to their account can chose from, which site they
want to display value. A user can select up to 20 sites at the same time. When a new tile is
created all sites are included by default. At least one site has to be selected for a tile to
show information. Information from all selected sites will be aggregated and displayed as
a total value for all selected sites. A red arrow next to the site indicates that the site
contains relevant machine / driver group(s).

Red Arrow Red arrow next to the site name indicates that site contains machine / driver groups.
Clicking on the red arrow will take the user to the group list for that site. There user can
select any or all groups from that site.

Filter sites This field can be used to search for relevant sites in the list above
Delete Clicking on the trash can icon will remove the tile

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11.5 Moving tiles

To move a tile, drag and drop it to one of the other eight spaces. If that space is already occupied tiles will be

11.6 Removing tiles

To remove a tile:

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5. Open a tile configuration menu

6. Click on the trashcan icon next to delete field to remove an existing tile

11.7 Replacing tiles

If all nine tile spaces have been taken up and there is a need to have new report tile one of the old tiles needs to
be removed first. To replace a tile:
7. Open a tile configuration menu
8. Click on the trashcan icon next to delete field to remove an existing tile
9. Click on the empty space to create new tile

11.8 Accessing reports from dashboard

Clicking on the dashboard tile will open a report view with data selection (time span, groups and site(s))
reflecting that of the displayed tile.

11.9 General features

11.9.1 Machine Configuration

Clicking a ‘Machine’ hyperlinked serial number in any dialogue window will get you back to the ‘Machine
Configuration’ overview window (section 6.2.).

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11.10 Sorting and expanding tables

1. Tables may be sorted on any of the parameters in a listing.
2. Tables may be sorted ascending or descending for the selected parameter.
3. Click the to expand all rows.

11.11 Favourites
 Click the star icon to open the Save favourite dialogue window.
 Enter a name and save.
 Access favourites by means of the ‘file’ icon at the top right corner.

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11.12 Exporting to excel

Many dialog windows offer the feature of exporting to Excel.

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The format has a ready to print lay-out. It’s also set up for pivot table analyses, see illustration.

12 Andon

12.1 Setup and configuration of Andon

1. To setup Andon first enter Pre-Op. Check on the navigation Tab.
In the Pre-Op. Check panel furthest down select Manage Andon and press New Andon List.

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2. Fill in the title of the Andon list, select which site the Andon list is going to affect. It's also possible to
copy messages from previously made Andon list.
Press Create New Andon List.

3. It is also possible to copy messages from an existing Andon list. Fill out Title, Site and choose which
list the Andon messages will be copied from by pressing Copy messages from.
It is possible to remove and add more messages from the list that was copied.

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4. After creating the Andon list the user needs to create the messages that is going to be displayed. Type
the messages in the box and press ADD, then press Publish to publish the Andon list.

5. After publishing the messages, the user needs to assign machines to the Andon messages. Search the
for the machines with Machine, Brand or Model and press the plus icon to add them to the assigned
list. After selecting and adding to the list press Update.
When the trucks has been selected press Publish to publish the Andon list.

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6. The final step is to check if Andon is enabled in the Machine Configuration menu.
Scroll down to Andon and check if Andon is enabled and choose a published list were all the Andon
messages will be fetched from.

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13 Positioning

13.1 Positioning General information

The features positioning, geofence and shock positioning are all based on the telematics unit
having a position that can be delivered. The conditions for being able to deliver position
depends on the surrounding environment. When I_Site requests the truck's position, the last
stored position is sent. Due to different conditions, it may be such that the position sent is not
completely correct.
In Machine Configuration the truck must have Firmware version 2.5.4 and a supporting
telematics unit (DHU2+) and it must be set to enable GNSS.

13.2 Positioning feature

1. To use Positioning, press Map in the top navigation panel.
Select the sites in the red bar and the trucks will appear on the displayed map.

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2. Zoom in on the map and click on truck on the map to get the information such as Machine, Site,
Position and Date/Time.

14 Geofence

14.1 Create Geofence.

Note: In order to show Geofence notifications on machines, Positioning GNSS must be enabled.
In positioning the location is not always entirely 100% correct. The Position of the shock filters based on data
signal that are received. See 13.1 Positioning General information

At the Maps menu, turn Geofences ‘ON’

Click on ‘Create Geofence’.
Set a name on the Geofence and at the desired location drag a circle over on the maps.

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After you have finished with geofence edit, press ‘Create’.

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When there are more than one Geofences, it is possible to edit and update the existing Geofences under the
specified sites.
To edit a geofence first click on the desired area and press ‘Edit’.
It is possible to choose more than one Geofence area and edit them one by one on the map by selecting on the
sites name.

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After that you will have the opportunity to reshape, move and delete the fence area.

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Press ‘Save’ when changes have been done.

To receive notifications from Geofence, you must go the

profile and enable it.
Set the Site, filter the machine group or the owner type and
press ‘Update’.

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15 Shock Positioning

15.1 Enabling the shocks positioning

1) Go to the ”MAP” tab on the top right corner of the I_Site menu and select on the “MAP MENU”
SHOCKS. Press on the dot to enable it.
2) After enabling SHOCKS the arrow next to it will be available and will lead to the shock locations on the
map with its functions. The user has the possibility to select through a range of settings on the SHOCKS
menu, like “Fleet Number, Machine, Driver also Time and Date and Shock Levels”
3) Once the wanted machine has been selected, hover over the machine number on the map and by
selecting it, this will show info of the recorded shock and its level also time and driver information.
4) It is possible to click on the selected Machine ID on the left information panel.

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5) Only shocks exceeding the threshold levels are shown on the map
6) I_Site will use the latest position just before the shock.

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From the position of the shock, also map can be accessed via the link from Shock Details.

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Appendix: I_Site shock recordings

Measuring principle

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The shock sensor measures deceleration in X and Y directions with the resolution of 0.1 g. However, rather than
presenting a ‘g’ figure, I_Site gives the impact magnitude as a 0-100 range (no unit). A deceleration of 2 g is
thus presented as 20. The reason for a ‘non-g’ presentation is that the deceleration varies very much with high
peaks in both positive and negative direction due to vibrations. The measurement is therefore done in a moving
time window of approximately 40 ms, where several samples are taken. The absolute values of the samples are
averaged over the time window, thus giving a filtered value proportional to the impact.
The value presented on I_Site is the highest filtered value in X and Y directions during a working pass.

Impact tests
I_Site shock report from a series of shocks using an OSE120P (no forks).

Time Method Test person response

11:12 Driving into a wall at high speed “substantial”
11:13 Driving into a wall at low speed ”milder”
11:14 ”relatively hard”
Hitting the right side of the truck
11:18 ”milder”

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