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( 12) United
States Patent ( 10) Patent No .: US 11,001,374 B2
(45) Date of Patent : May 11 , 2021
( 54 ) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR VERTICAL 4,841,124 A * 6/1989 Cox B64D 15/12
5,269,657 A 12/1993 Garfinkle
( 71 ) Applicant: THE BOEING COMPANY , Chicago, 5,383,767 A 1/1995 Aubry
5,544,844 A 8/1996 Groen et al .
IL (US ) 5,681,013 A 10/1997 Rudolph
6,077,041 A 6/2000 Carter, Jr.
( 72 ) Inventor: Grzegorz Marian Kawiecki, El 6,196,800 B1 * 3/2001 Bauer B64C 27/33
Escorial ( ES ) 416/107
6,318,677 B1 11/2001 Dixon
( 73 ) Assignee : THE BOEING COMPANY, Chicago , 6,471,158 B1 10/2002 Davis
IL (US ) (Continued )
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 827 days. CN 1483634 A 3/2004
CN 205168896 U 4/2016
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 15 /705,099 (Continued )
(22 ) Filed : Sep. 14 , 2017 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
( 65 ) Prior Publication Data Nderjit Chopra , “ Design and analysis trends of helicopter rotor
US 2019/0077501 A1 Mar. 14 , 2019 systems” ( Year: 1994 ) . *
(Continued )
(51 ) Int. Ci .
B64C 27/02 ( 2006.01 ) Primary Examiner Assres H Woldemaryam
B64F 1/34 ( 2006.01 ) (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Moore IP Law
(52) U.S. Cl.
??? B64C 27/025 ( 2013.01 ) ; B64C 27/021 ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
(2013.01 ) ; B64C 277022 ( 2013.01 ) ; B64C An autogyro includes a frame and a rotor hub coupled to the
27/023 ( 2013.01 ) ; B64F 1/34 (2013.01 ) frame. The autogyro also includes a connector coupled to the
( 58 ) Field of Classification Search rotor hub and configured to couple the rotor hub to a
CPC B64C 27/025 ; B64C 27/023 ; B64C 27/022 ; ground -based pre - rotator device to rotate the rotor hub
B64C 27/021 ; B64F 1/34 during a vertical take - off operation . The autogyro further
See application file for complete search history . includes a plurality of rotor blades coupled to the rotor hub ,
( 56 ) References Cited each rotor blade configured such that rotation of the rotor
hub, during the vertical take -off operation, results in twisting
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the rotor blade from a first blade pitch distribution to a
second blade pitch distribution .
3,426,982 A 2/1969 Markwood
4,711,415 A 12/1987 Binden 20 Claims , 10 Drawing Sheets

200 300
114 *
Connector Rotor Hub
Rotor Blades 132 142
144 146

Quick Rotor Support

202 Connect / 126
Disconnect Rotor Blades
Fittings 202 Second Connector 144
232 Rotor Hub Link
250 142 146 Blade Spar
Universal Joint Link 148
204 146 Coupler
Rotor Blades
144 342
Output Shaft 206 Pre - Rotator Device
Blade Spar
US 11,001,374 B2
Page 2

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U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 1 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2

BGarosuend S1ta0i4on -RPreotator 1Dev5ic2e 154Sup ort Decvouiplceng156 FIG



114Rotor HubR142otor 1BRloa4tdoers L146ink BS148lpadre 1SRuop2to6rt 1DHe3avti0cneg

F1ram2e 116Engine 1Propel8r 120GLaendainrg 1CFoln2tirgohlst CFolnitrgohltD1ev2ic4es 1Coc2kp8it

U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 2 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2

HRoutobr 142
RSuoptort 126
CSoenctodr 232 JUnoivernsatl 204 152
Conectr 132 2

Quick Disconet
C/on ect 202Fit ings
Link 146 VIDEO
202 250

BRloatders 144
U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 3 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2

BSlpader 148

BRloatdoesr 144
Link 146

HubRotor 142
114 342

Link 146
BRloatders 144
U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 4 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2

BRloatdesr 144

Link 146
On-Board DRoetvaicoer 444
HRoutobr 142

Link 146

BRloatders .

U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 5 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2



514 .

512 +?

In - Plane
Shear Forces 2+0
Out- Of -Plane



Out- Of-Plane
Twist to
Load In - Plane 506
Shear Forces

FIG . 5
U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 6 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2

Link Rotor Hub
146 142
Passive Link 616




Spring 624

. X 1 X.

FIG . 6
U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 7 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2

718 720 722


4thAOAB@lades AOA@1stBlades
PAintgclhe 716

Relative Wind @2ndAOABlades

714 712
Refrnce Axis
U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 8 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2

9 852



U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 9 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2



While coupled to a ground - based station , initiate rotation of a rotor hub

of an autogyro


Responsive to rotation of the rotor hub , twist each of a plurality of rotor

blades coupled to the rotor hub from a first blade pitch distribution to a
second blade pitch distribution


Decouple from the ground - based station

Vertically take -off while the plurality of rotor blades are oriented at the
second blade pitch distribution

FIG . 9
U.S. Patent May 11 , 2021 Sheet 10 of 10 US 11,001,374 B2

114 142 144 146 148 132


Rot r HRoutobr RBloatders Link BSlpadre Conectr


Comunicat 1026
1 028
Envirometal 1030

10 0
US 11,001,374 B2
1 2
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR VERTICAL configured to couple the rotor hub to a ground -based pre
TAKE -OFF IN AN AUTOGYRO rotator device to rotate the rotor hub during a vertical
take -off operation. The autogyro further includes a plurality
FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE of rotor blades coupled to the rotor hub , each rotor blade
5 configured such that rotation of the rotor hub, during the
The present disclosure is generally related to autogyros vertical take -off operation , results in twisting the rotor blade
and ground based pre - rotators. from a first blade pitch distribution to a second blade pitch
BACKGROUND In another particular implementation , a system includes
an aircraft and a ground- based station. The autogyro
An autogyro is an aircraft that flies due to a lifting force includes a frame and a rotor hub coupled to the frame. The
generated by an unpowered rotor in a state of autorotation . autogyro also includes a connector coupled to the rotor hub
Autorotation is achieved due to an upflow of air that causes and configured to couple the rotor hub to a ground -based
the rotation
upward inflowof) generated
the unpowered
by therotor . The motion
forward upflow of(e.g.
the, 15 pre - rotator device to rotate the rotor hub during a vertical
aircraft combined with the angular motion of the rotor take -off operation. The autogyro further includes a plurality
generates a system of airloads on rotor blades of the unpow of rotor blades coupled to the rotor hub , each rotor blade
ered rotor that sustains the rotation of the rotor to generate configured such that rotation of the rotor hub, during the
the lifting force . That system of airloads remains in equi vertical take -off operation, results in twisting the rotor blade
librium and generates a lifting force, as long as there is a 20 from a first blade pitch distribution to a second blade pitch
sufficient mass of air flowing upwards through the unpow distribution. The ground -based station includes the ground
ered rotor. That upflow is induced by the motion of the based pre - rotator device configured to rotate the rotor hub .
aircraft due to the action of a thrust generating device (e.g. , The ground -based station further includes an energy source
a propeller or a jet engine ), the action of gravitational force, configured to provide energy to the ground - based pre - rotator
or both . As compared to a helicopter, an autogyro generally 25 device .
has an unpowered rotor typically with a fixed pitch (e.g. , a In another particular implementation , a method of per
fixed mast pitch and fixed rotor blade pitch) and requires forming a vertical take -off operation of an autogyro
some length of runway for both take-off and landing. A includes, while the autogyro is coupled to a ground- based
takeoff run is used to provide the upwards air flow through station , initiating rotation of a rotor hub of the autogyro . The
the rotor so that the rotor enters into autorotation and 30 method also includes, responsive to rotation of the rotor hub ,
generates a sufficient thrust for a liftoff. twisting each of a plurality of rotor blades coupled to the
In order to enable the autogyro to take -off vertically rotor hub from a first blade pitch distribution to a second
( referred to as a jump take -oft ), the rotor is rotated (e.g. , blade pitch distribution . The method includes decoupling the
pre - rotated) by a power unit so that the rotor begins gener- autogyro from the ground - based station . The method further
ating lift before the autogyro begins to move in a forward 35 includes vertically taking -off, by the autogyro , while the
direction . Autogyros may include a separate pre - rotator plurality of rotor blades are oriented at the second blade
device on -board the autogyro or may use power from the pitch distribution .
autogyro engine (which otherwise produces power for the Because the autogyro includes passive twist rotor blades
thrust propeller) via a clutched drive system . Such pre- or passive twist links between the blade and the hub and is
rotator solutions are not optimized for cruise and carry a 40 coupled to a ground based pre - rotator device , the autogyro
weight and performance penalty. is lighter and has less complexity as compared to autogyros
Additionally, preforming jump take - offs adds complexity that perform vertical take -offs with mechanical blade pitch
to the rotor system . The rotor is either pre -rotated to very angle control mechanisms, on - board pre - rotator devices, or
high speeds , as compared to rotational speed during cruise , both . The features, functions, and advantages described can
or the rotor is configured to include mechanical ( e.g. , active ) 45 be achieved independently in various embodiments or may
rotor blade pitch control. In operation, the rotor blade pitch be combined in yet other embodiments, further details of
is initially set to zero lift pitch to reduce the drag on the rotor which can be found with reference to the following descrip
and to reduce the requirements for spinning -up the rotor. tion and drawings.
Once the rotor has been spun -up , the pitch of the rotor blades
is suddenly increased , which increases the angle of attack of 50 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the rotor blades causing the autogyro to vertically ascend in
a " jump take -off ' maneuver . FIG . 1 is a block diagram that illustrates a system includ
Such configurations to perform jump take - offs signifi- ing an autogyro and a ground -based station ;
cantly increase the complexity of the rotor because the rotor FIG . 2 is a diagram that illustrates an example of a rotor
is configured to physically (e.g. , mechanically ) adjust the 55 and a connector of an autogyro coupled to a pre -rotator
pitch of the rotor blades or the rotor is designed to withstand device of a ground -based station ;
relatively high angular velocities to generate a lifting force FIG . 3 is a diagram that illustrates a first example of a
for a jump take -off at a relatively low blade pitch typical for rotor of an autogyro ;
autorotating rotors . As a result, the weight, cost , and main- FIG . 4 is a diagram that illustrates a second example of a
tenance of the autogyro increase to the point where the 60 rotor of an autogyro ;
autogyro is nearly as costly as a helicopter. FIG . 5 is a diagram that illustrates examples of composite
structures having a fiber layout that exhibits extension - twist
SUMMARY coupling;
FIG . 6 is a diagram that illustrates an example of passive
In a particular implementation, an autogyro includes a 65 link ;
frame and a rotor hub coupled to the frame. The autogyro FIG . 7 is a diagram that illustrates an example of a flight
also includes a connector coupled to the rotor hub and profile of an autogyro ;
US 11,001,374 B2
3 4
FIG . 8 is a diagram that illustrates an example of a and the rotor blades decrease in blade pitch angle from the
ground -based station for an autogyro ; second blade pitch angle to a third blade pitch angle asso
FIG . 9 is a flow chart of an example of a method of ciated with a cruising speed . An engine and a propeller of the
performing a vertical take - off operation of an autogyro ; and autogyro are engaged, and the autogyro begins to fly in
FIG . 10 is a block diagram of an example of an autogyro 5 forward flight without the weight penalty of an on -board
including a link or blade spar with extension -twist coupling pre -rotator device and without the weight penalty of
and a connector. mechanical rotor blade control mechanisms.
Thus, the autogyro is capable of performing a vertical
DETAILED DESCRIPTION take - off procedure without using mechanical rotor blade
10 pitch controls , such as a Collective control (which changes
Implementations described herein are directed to a system rotor blade pitch angle by the same amount). Additionally,
and method for operating an autogyro having passive twist the autogyro does not have to rotate the rotor as fast as
rotor blades and configured to be powered by a ground- autogyros with fixed rotor blade pitch because the rotor
based station during vertical take - off. The autogyro includes blades twist passively to increase blade pitch and lift.
rotor blades having links or blade spars with extension -twist 15 Furthermore, the autogyro is less complex and weighs less
coupling that twist the rotor blades to increase a pitch angle than autogyros with mechanical rotor blade pitch control.
( e.g. , a rotor blade pitch angle) of the rotor blades responsive Consequently, the autogyro has increased fuel efficiency and
to centrifugal forces ( e.g. , centripetal forces ) generated by reduced weight and drag as compared to autogyros with
rotation of the rotor. In some implementations, the links are on - board pre - rotator devices , with mechanical rotor blade
made from flexible matrix composites (e.g. , a laminate of 20 pitch control mechanisms, or both. Accordingly, an autogyro
composite materials or a composite laminate ) or other with passive twist rotor blades produces lower carbon emis
materials that display extension - twist coupling behavior. sions and has reduced fuel costs as compared to an autogyro
The flexible matrix composites may have an anti -symmetri- with an on -board pre - rotator device , with active rotor blade
cal fiber orientation that enables extension - twist coupling. pitch control mechanisms, or both .
Extension -twist Coupling is a property of a material or an 25 FIG . 1 illustrates an example of a system 100 including an
object that causes the object or the material to experience autogyro 102 and a ground - based station 104. The autogyro
twisting deformation about an axis of an applied axial load , 102 is configured to perform a vertical take -off ( e.g. , a jump
such as a load generated by centrifugal forces during rota- take -off) operation from the ground -based station 104. The
tion . The rotation causes an increase in the pitch angle of the ground -based station 104 includes a pre - rotator device 152
rotor blades and causes the rotor blades to generate 30 (i.e. , a ground -based pre -rotator device) configured to rotate
increased lift. Additionally, or alternatively, the links may or power the rotor 114 during the vertical take -off operation.
include a passive device that exhibits behavior similar to Accordingly, the autogyro 102 does not include the pre
extension -twist coupling behavior. For example, the passive rotator device 152 and the autogyro 102 weighs less as
device includes a moveable shaft to rotate or twist the rotor compared to autogyros that include a pre - rotator device to
blades responsive ( passively or automatically ) to a change in 35 perform a vertical take -off operation . Additionally, the auto
the magnitude of centrifugal force . gyro 102 includes passive rotor blade pitch adjustment.
The passive twist of the rotor blades can be used in place Rotor blade pitch adjustment adjusts rotor blade pitch dis
of mechanical rotor blade pitch control mechanisms, which tribution and increases lift, as described with reference to
results in lower complexity and weight. Additionally, pas- FIG . 7. Rotor blade pitch distribution corresponds to a pitch
sive twist rotor blades reduce stress on the rotor hub and 40 angle of the rotor blade along a length of the rotor blade . The
rotor supports as compared to rotors without blade pitch rotor blade pitch distribution may include different pitch
control because the rotor can generate more lift when rotated angles along a length of the rotor blade. For example, a tip
at slower speeds . The lower rotational speeds reduce stress of the rotor blade may be at a larger pitch angle than a root
on the rotor hub and rotor supports , which results in com- of the rotor blade. Each blade pitch distribution ( e.g. , a first,
plexity and weight reduction . Complexity and weight reduc- 45 a second , etc. ) may include a corresponding angle of attack
tion increases autogyro performance and lowers costs of the (e.g. , a first, a second , etc.) at a particular portion of the rotor
autogyro. blade . For example, when the plurality of rotor blades 144
The passive twist of the rotor blades and increased lift can are at the first blade pitch distribution , a midpoint of the
be utilized to perform a vertical take -off ( e.g. , a jump plurality of rotor blades 144 may be at the first angle of
take -off ). To illustrate, the autogyro may perform a vertical 50 attack at a specific point during a cycle of rotation .
take -off by coupling to the ground -based station to restrain Accordingly, the autogyro 102 does not include mechani
the autogyro from moving while a pre -rotator device of the cal angle of attack control mechanisms, and the autogyro
ground -based station rotates the rotor to a take -off speed , 102 weighs less as compared to autogyros that include
referred to as spinning -up the rotor. As the rotor is being mechanical angle of attack control mechanisms. The passive
spun -up , the rotor blades experience an increase in centrifu- 55 angle of attack adjustment occurs during the vertical take - off
gal forces, causing the rotor blades to twist and increase the operation and during flight. The passive angle of attack
rotor blade pitch angle from a first pitch angle (e.g. , a resting adjustment reduces rotational speeds of the rotor and loads
or design pitch angle ) to a second pitch angle . Once the rotor on the rotor during the take - off operation . Accordingly, the
is spun -up , the autogyro is detached from the ground based autogyro 102 can be designed lighter because the rotor can
station (e.g. , the rotor is detached from the pre - rotator 60 be lighter and less complex as compared to autogyros that
device ) and the autogyro vertically ascends due to kinetic perform a vertical take -off from a ground- based station .
energy stored in the rotor blades. The autogyro vertically The autogyro 102 includes a frame 112 , a rotor 114 , and
takes - off (e.g. , lifts -off) while the rotor blades are oriented at a connector 132. The frame 112 is configured to support
the second blade pitch angle larger than the first blade pitch components of the autogyro 102. The frame 112 may include
angle. The rotor blades are oriented at the second blade pitch 65 or correspond to a fuselage or a body of the autogyro 102 .
angle at the instance or moment of lift -off. As the autogyro The rotor 114 is coupled to the frame 112. The rotor 114 is
gains altitude, the rotational speed of the rotor slows down, configured to generate lift and is unpowered after decou
US 11,001,374 B2
5 6
pling from the ground station . For example, the rotor 114 102 is on the ground . The engine 116 may include or
generates lift through autorotation where incoming air correspond to an internal combustion engine, an electric
moves upward through the rotor 114 , rather than the rotor engine, or a hybrid engine. Movement of the autogyro 102
114 being driven by an engine and forcing incoming air rotates the rotor 114 and provides lift. To illustrate, incoming
downwards ( as in a helicopter ). The rotor 114 includes a 5 airflow generated by movement of the autogyro 102 drives
rotor hub 142 and a plurality of rotor blades 144. Each of the ( rotates) the rotor 114 , referred to as autorotation . The
plurality of rotor blades 144 includes a link 146 and a blade engine 116 and the propeller 118 (or a plurality of propellers )
spar 148. The plurality of rotor blades 144 are coupled to the are arranged in a pusher configuration or a tractor configu
rotor hub 142 via the corresponding link 146. The link 146 , ration .
the blade spar 148 , or both may provide extension - twist 10 In some implementations, the engine 116 is configured to
coupling behavior, and the link 146 is described further with direct heat (e.g. , exhaust) to the plurality of rotor blades 144
reference to FIGS . 3 and 4. Additionally or alternatively, the to increase a temperature of the plurality of rotor blades 144 .
link 146 may include a passive device that exhibits behavior The increase in the temperature of the plurality of rotor
similar to extension -twist coupling , as described further with blades 144 results in each of the rotor blades being more
reference to FIG . 6 . 15
Generally, rotor blades have a twist (e.g. , a designed complaint or deformable (e.g. , lowers an extension -twist
twist ), a change or variation in rotor blade pitch from root to coupling stiffness ). For example, each of the rotor blades
tip . Rotor blades generally have a greater pitch angle at the 144 may increase in pitch angle or angle of attack for a given
root (near the rotor hub 142 ) than at the tip because the tip speed . To illustrate , during a landing operation ( e.g. , a
of the rotor blade moves at increase speed compared to the 20 vertical landing or landing pad landing), heat generated by
root . This designed twist variation is different from mechani- the engine 116 is selectively directed to the plurality of rotor
cal (e.g. , active ) or passive rotor blade pitch control. In blades 144 such that the each of the plurality of rotor blades
mechanical control rotor blade pitch control systems, the 144 twists to increase an angle of attack of the plurality of
rotor blades are tilted by mechanical devices (e.g. , a swash- the rotor blades . As an illustrative non- limiting example ,
plate ) to adjust the rotor blade pitch . In passive rotor blade 25 exhaust gasses generated by the engine 116 may be selec
pitch systems, the links 146 , the blade spars 148 , or both , tively directed to the plurality of rotor blades 144 by
may have extension - twist coupling and are configured to activating a valve to direct the exhaust gasses to an auxiliary
passively control the rotor blade pitch by twisting responsive exhaust port near the rotor hub 142 and to block the exhaust
to rotational speed, which causes the twist ( or blade pitch gassed from exiting a primary exhaust port. The temperature
distribution) of the rotor blade. In passive twist systems, the
rotor blade is not controlled by a mechanical system . In
30 control may be also provided by a number of other effects,
some implementations, making the rotor blade from fiber such as chemical reactions or pyrotechnic devices .
reinforced composite materials with a particular anti-sym The landing gear 120 is coupled to the frame 112 and may
metrical fiber layout may alter the twist or pitch angle of the include or correspond to a set of wheels or skids. In some
rotor blade from the root to the tip (e.g., the blade pitch 35 implementations
implementations, where
the landing geargear120120is include
the landing retractable
a set. In
distribution ). In some passive twist systems , the link 146 , the wheels , one or more wheels of the set of wheels may be
blade spars 148 , or both , are said to be flexible .
The connector 132 is coupled to the rotor 114 and controllable ( e.g. , steerable ). For example, the one or more
configured to couple to the pre -rotator device 152 of the wheels may be turned to adjust a direction of the autogyro
ground -based station 104. The connector 132 is configured 40 102 when being driven on the ground.
to transfer power from the pre - rotator device 152 to the rotor The flight controls 122 are configured to move and direct
114. In a particular implementation , the connector 132 is the flight control devices 124. The flight control devices 124
configured to selectively couple the rotor hub 142 to the are configured to adjust an attitude (e.g. , pitch , roll, and yaw
pre -rotator device 152 to rotate (e.g. , spin -up ) the rotor hub directions ) of the autogyro 102 while the autogyro 102 is in
142 during a vertical take - off operation. For example, the 45 the air. The flight control devices 124 may include autogyro
connector 132 may be coupled to a shaft ( e.g. , a rotor mast ) flight control devices ( such as rotor axis titling) , aircraft
of the rotor 114. As another example, the connector 132 may flight control devices, helicopter flight control devices, or a
be coupled to a gear of the rotor hub 142 or coupled to the combination thereof. The aircraft flight control devices may
rotor hub 142. In some implementations, the connector 132 include elevator, flaps, ailerons, rudder, tail , leading edge
is configured to decouple from the pre - rotator device 152 50 vortex flaps, or other flight control and flow control surfaces
under tension generated during the vertical take -off opera- and devices. The helicopter flight control devices may
tion . For example, the tension may be caused by the auto- include a swashplate , hinges , or other helicopter flight
gyro 102 lifting off from the ground -based station 104. The control devices .
connector 132 may include mechanical linkage . For In a particular implementation , the flight controls 122 are
example, the connector 132 may include one or more 55 remotely controllable . In such implementations, the auto
driveshafts, one or more gears , a universal joint, a quick gyro 102 ( e.g. , an electric vertical take - off and landing
connect/disconnect fitting, or a combination thereof. An (EVTOL ) aircraft or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV ))
example of the connector 132 is further described with includes a wireless transceiver configured to send data and
reference to FIG . 2 . receive control inputs. The data is collected by one or more
The autogyro 102 further includes an engine 116 , a 60 sensors on -board the autogyro 102. In another particular
propeller 118 , landing gear 120 , flight controls 122 , and implementation, the flight controls 122 are automated . For
flight control devices 124. The engine 116 is configured to example, the autogyro 102 may be an autonomous aircraft
drive the propeller 118 to move the autogyro 102. For and may include an autonomous controller configured to
example , the engine 116 drives the propeller 118 to move control the autogyro 102 from origin to destination based on
( e.g. , fly ) the autogyro 102 while the autogyro 102 is in the 65 data from the on -board sensors . In some implementations,
air. Additionally, the engine 116 may drive the propeller 118 only a portion of the trip from origin to destination is
to move (e.g. , drive ) the autogyro 102 while the autogyro automated, such as a vertical take - off operation, a runway
US 11,001,374 B2
7 8
take - off operation, an air segment, a ground segment, a ticular implementation, the one or more supports 154
vertical landing operation, a runway landing operation, or a includes a landing pad . The one or more supports 154 may
combination thereof. be coupled to one or more portions of the autogyro 102. For
In some implementations, the autogyro 102 includes a example , the one or more supports 154 may be coupled the
rotor support 126 and a cockpit 128. The rotor support 126 5 frame 112 , the landing gear 120 , the rotor 114 , the connector
is coupled to the frame 112 and to the rotor 114. The rotor 132 , the rotor support 126 , or a combination thereof.
support 126 is configured to couple the rotor 114 to the The decoupling device 156 is configured to selectively
frame 112 and to support loads generated by the rotor 114 . couple to and decouple from the autogyro 102. In some
In some implementations, the rotor support 126 is coupled implementations, the decoupling device 156 is configured to
a shaft 132
or mast
, or aofcombination
the rotor 114thereof
, the. rotor hub 142128, theis
The cockpit 10 be coupled to the connector 132 of the autogyro 102. In other
coupled to the frame 112 or corresponds to a portion of the implementations, the decoupling device 156 is configured to
frame 112. The cockpit 128 may include seating for one or be coupled to the frame 112 of the autogyro 102. The
more pilots , one or more passengers , or a combination decoupling device 156 may be configured to be activated
thereof. 15 and deactivated by manual actuation, a control input
In some implementations, the autogyro 102 further received from a pilot ( e.g. , a motorized decoupling device
includes a heating device 130 distinct from the engine 116 controlled by a switch on - board the autogyro 102 ) , a control
and configured to generate heat to increase a temperature of input received wirelessly from a pilot on the ground, a
the plurality of rotor blades 144. For example, the heating control input received from the autonomous controller, or a
device 130 includes or corresponds to resistive heating 20 combination thereof. The decoupling device 156 may
elements coupled to the plurality of rotor blades 144. In a include or correspond to a hook , a latch , a clamp, a pin , one
particular implementation , the resistive heating elements are or more straps, rope and moorings, etc. The decoupling
embedded within or encases by the plurality of rotor blades device 156 may be included in the one or more sup orts 154
144. As another example , the heating device 130 includes or or may be separate from the one or more supports 154 .
corresponds to an electric heater. 25 The operation of the autogyro 102 and the ground- based
The autogyro 102 is configured to perform vertical take- station 104 is described with reference to FIG . 7. By using
off and vertical landing operations from the ground -based passive rotor blade twist and a ground- based pre -rotator
station . The ground -based station 104 includes a pre - rotator device, the autogyro 102 has reduced weight and increased
device 152. The pre - rotator device 152 includes at least one performance as compared to autogyros with on - board pre
of an electric motor, a pneumatic motor, a hydraulic motor, 30 rotators, autogyros with mechanical rotor blade control
or a mechanical engine coupled to the connector 132. In mechanisms, and autogyros that use ground -based pre
some implementations, the pre - rotator device 152 includes rotator devices.
an energy source , such a battery or a generator. In other FIG . 2 is a diagram 200 that illustrates an example of the
implementations, the pre - rotator device 152 is coupled to an rotor 114 and the connector 132 of the autogyro 102 of FIG .
energy source of the ground -based station or an external 35 1 coupled to the pre -rotator device 152 of the ground- based
energy source . station 104 of FIG . 1. The rotor 114 includes the rotor hub
In a particular implementation, the pre - rotator device 152 142 and the plurality of rotor blades 144 coupled to the rotor
is an energy source , and the autogyro 102 includes at least hub 142 via the link 146. The rotor support 126 is coupled
one of an electric motor, a pneumatic motor, or a hydraulic to the rotor hub 142 to the frame 112 ( not shown) and
motor. As an illustrative, non - limiting example, the autogyro 40 configured to support loads generated by the rotor hub 142 .
102 includes a brushless electric motor. By removing the The connector 132 is configured to couple the rotor 114 to
energy source from the autogyro 102 , the autogyro 102 is the pre - rotator device 152. The connector 132 may include
lighter than autogyros that include pre -rotator devices and an or correspond to a driveshaft ( e.g. , a flexible driveshaft or a
on -board energy source . In a particular implementation , the rigid driveshaft ) or a drivetrain . In a particular implemen
motor of the autogyro 102 is modular and is configured to be 45 tation , the connector 132 includes a drive shaft having a first
coupled to and decoupled from the autogyro 102. A modular gear that engages with a corresponding second gear coupled
pre - rotator motor enables the autogyro 102 to include the to the rotor hub 142. In some implementations, the connec
pre - rotator device on -board if a destination does not have a tor 132 is coupled to the rotor hub 142 and to the pre - rotator
ground -based station 104 . device 152 via mechanical linkage. As illustrated in FIG . 2 ,
In some implementations, the ground -based station 104 50 a first end ( e.g. , a proximal end ) of the connector 132 is
includes one or more supports 154 , a decoupling device 156 , coupled to the rotor hub 142 and a second end (e.g. , a distal
or a combination thereof. The one or more supports 154 are end ) of the connector 132 includes a quick connect/discon
configured to support the autogyro 102. For example, the nect fitting 202 and is configured to mate with a quick
one or more supports 154 may support the autogyro 102 connect / disconnect fitting 202 of a second connector 232 .
during a vertical take -off procedure, a vertical landing 55 The quick connect / disconnect fittings 202 are configured
procedure, or when the autogyro 102 is stored . In some to couple and decouple the connector 132 and the second
implementations, the one or more supports 154 include or connector 232 under tension , such as tension generated
correspond to one or more restraints and are configured to during a vertical take - off operation . The quick connect /
provide a restraining force to the autogyro 102. For example, disconnect fitting 202 includes or corresponds to a push or
the one or more supports 154 may provide a lateral restrain- 60 pull fitting. An illustrative example of the quick connect/
ing force, a vertical restraining force, or a combination disconnect fitting 202 is illustrated in circle 250. As illus
thereof, to the frame 112 of the autogyro 102. To illustrate , trated in the circle 250 of FIG . 2 , the quick connect/
the autogyro 102 may generate lift and torque ( rotational disconnect fitting 202 of the connector 132 is a protrusion
forces ) when spinning -up the rotor 114 for a vertical take -off and the quick connect /disconnect fitting 202 of the second
operation, and the one or more supports 154 may provide 65 connector includes a receptacle for the protrusion. In other
one or more restraining forces that oppose the lift and implementations, the quick connect/ disconnect fittings 202
rotational forces generated by the autogyro 102. In a par- may be reversed or “ genderless” fittings may be used .
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9 10
In some implementations, the second connector 232 is rotation of the rotor 114 generates centrifugal forces in a
coupled to an output shaft 206 of the pre - rotator device 152 pitch axis along the plurality of rotor blades 144. The
via a universal joint 204. The universal joint 204 is config- centrifugal forces cause the links 146 to deform in a manner
ured to transmit power from the output shaft 206 to the that changes an angle of the plurality of rotor blades 144
second connector 232 at different angles . To illustrate , the 5 relative to the pitch axis . The links 146 change shape such
universal joint 204 is configured to pivot and swivel to orient that the plurality of rotor blades 144 twist about the pitch
the second connector 232 at different angles relative to the axis root to tip . The pitch or feathering angle of each of the
output shaft 206. Different types of autogyros may couple to plurality of rotor blades 144 may change as each rotor blade
the ground -based station through different angles. The uni- rotates with the rotor hub 142. The link 146 may function as
versal joint 204 may allow compatibility with multiple types 10 an automated and passive feathering hinge that is based on
of autogyros (and allows some “ play” to enable easing rotational speeds of the rotor 114 and temperature of the
coupling of the connector 132 and the second connector plurality of rotor blades 144. Although two rotor blades are
232 ) . Additionally, in implementations where the autogyro illustrated in FIG . 3 , in other examples the rotor 114 may
102 is not restrained to the ground -based station 104 , the include additional rotor blades, such as 3 , 4 , 5 , etc.
universal joint 204 may pivot or swivel to allow the con- 15 In some implementations, at least a portion of the blade
nector 132 to remain coupled to the pre - rotator device 152 spar 148 of the plurality of rotor blades 144 includes a
as the autogyro 102 ascends . In other implementations, a flexible matrix composite . In such implementations, the
constant -velocity joint is used to transmit power from the plurality of rotor blades 144 may have increased angle of
output shaft 206 to the second connector 232 at different attack , as compared to rotor blades the have links 146 ,
angles. 20 because the portion (or the entire ) blade spar 148 may twist
Alternatively, the connector 132 is configured to couple to along the length of the blade spar 148 responsive to cen
the output shaft 206. For example, the output shaft 206 trifugal ( or centripetal) force in addition to the link 146
includes one of the quick connect / disconnect fittings 202 twisting
and couples to the quick connect /disconnect fitting 202 of The link 146 enables the autogyro 102 to achieve pitch
the connector 132 independent of the second connector 232 25 variations and control in a rigid rotor, without adding
and the universal joint 204 . moving parts. For example, the link 146 may take the place
Although the example illustrated in FIG . 2 corresponds to of a feathering hinge.
an example where the connector 132 is configured to trans- As illustrated in FIG . 3 , the rotor 114 includes a rigid rotor
fer mechanical ( rotational) forces (e.g. torque ), in other (e.g. , a hingeless rotor with blades flexibly attached to the
implementations, the connector 132 is configured to transfer 30 rotor hub 142 ) . Loads from flapping and lead / lag forces are
pneumatic , hydraulic, or electric energy or power. In such accommodated through the plurality of rotor blades 144
implementations, the connector 132 includes or corresponds flexing, rather than through hinges . For example , the plu
to a pneumatic line or hose , a hydraulic line or hose , or an rality of rotor blades 144 may bend or flex along the plane
electric wire or cable. In such pneumatic or hydraulic of rotation ( lead / lag flexing ) or into and out of the plane or
implementations, the quick connect/ disconnect fittings 202 35 rotation ( flapping ). By flexing, the plurality of rotor blades
may include a valve ( e.g., self - sealing valve ) configured to 144 eliminate weight and complexity as compared to hinged
stop the flow of fluid responsive to decoupling the connector rotor systems .
132 from the second connector 232 . In other implementations, the rotor 114 includes a semi
FIG . 3 depicts an example 300 of the rotor 114 of the rigid rotor ( e.g. , a teetering or seesaw rotor) or an articulated
autogyro 102 of FIG . 1. The rotor 114 includes the rotor hub 40 rotor. In a semirigid rotor, the plurality of rotor blades 144
142 and the plurality of rotor blades 144. Each of the (e.g. , 2 rotor blades ) share a common flapping or teetering
plurality of rotor blades 144 includes the link 146 and the hinge at the rotor hub 142. This allows the plurality of rotor
blade spar 148. Each of the plurality of rotor blades 144 is blades 144 to flap together in opposite motions like a seesaw .
coupled to the rotor hub 142 via the link 146 and a coupler In an articulated rotor, the rotor 114 includes a horizontal
342. The coupler 342 is configured to couple the link 146 to 45 hinge , a vertical hinge, or a combination thereof. The
the rotor hub 142. In some implementations, the coupler 342 horizontal hinge ( e.g. , a flapping hinge) allows the each of
is a rigid or stiff component of the rotor blade 144. For the blades to move up and down independent of each other.
example, the coupler 342 is configured to maintain (or The vertical hinge ( e.g. , a lead - lag hinge or a drag hinge )
substantially maintain ) its shape (e.g. , not deform or twist) allows each of the blades to move back and forth indepen
during rotation of the rotor 114. The coupler 342 may not 50 dent of each other. In some implantations, the hinges are
exhibit extension - twist coupling behavior in response to coupled to the rotor hub 142 and the link 146. The rotor 114
centrifugal forces. In other implementations, the coupler 342 is not a fully articulated rotor as the rotor 114 does not
is a flexible component and exhibits extension -twist cou- include a feathering hinge to tilt the plurality or rotor blades
pling behavior in response to centrifugal forces. independently .
In some implementations, the link 146 includes a flexible 55 FIG . 4 depicts another example 400 of the rotor 114 of the
matrix composite ( e.g. , a flexible link ). The flexible matrix autogyro 102 of FIG . 1. As compared to FIG . 3 , the autogyro
composite of the link 146 includes fibers having an anti- 102 includes an on - board rotator device 444 coupled to the
symmetrical fiber orientation, as described further with rotor 114. The on -board rotator device 444 is configured to
reference to FIG . 5. The anti - symmetrical fiber orientation generate power and provide the power to rotate the rotor hub
may cause the link 146 to exhibit extension -twist coupling 60 142. The on -board rotator device 444 is coupled to the rotor
behavior. In other implementations, the link 146 includes a hub 142 via a rotor shaft 442 (e.g. , a rotor mast) . In some
carbon fiber reinforced polymer, such as carbon epoxy , or implementations, the on - board rotator device 444 is config
another material that provides extension -twist coupling ured to rotate the rotor hub 142 during a vertical take -off
behavior. operation. In some such implementations, the on - board
The links 146 may function as an automated Collective 65 rotator device 444 is configured to rotate the rotor hub 142
control. For example, the links 146 twist to adjust an angle during a vertical landing operation. The on - board rotator
of attack of the plurality of rotor blades 144. To illustrate , device 444 includes or corresponds to at least one of an
US 11,001,374 B2
11 12
electric motor, a pneumatic motor, a hydraulic motor, or a have active pitch control mechanisms or that use on -board
hybrid motor. In a particular implementation , the on -board pre - rotator devices . For example, the autogyro 102 of FIG .
rotator device 444 includes a brushless electric motor. In 4 is lighter and less complex than autogyros that have active
some implementations where the on -board rotator device pitch control mechanisms. The autogyro 102 of FIG . 4 has
444 includes an electric or hybrid motor, the on -board 5 increased efficiency as compared to autogyros that have an
rotator device 444 is configured to receive energy from a on -board pre - rotator device because the autogyro 102 of
battery, an alternator (e.g. , an alternator coupled to the FIG . 4 uses the on -board rotator device 444 to power the
engine 116 ) , a wireless energy source ( e.g. , included in a rotor 114 during flight to reduce energy consumption of an
ground -based station 104 ) , or a combination thereof. engine of the autogyro 102. To illustrate, a 10 percent (of the
Additionally, or alternatively, the on - board rotator device 10 power used by the engine for level flight) power input into
444 is configured to rotate the rotor hub 142 during flight. the rotor 114 may reduce engine power output by 25 percent
For example, the on -board rotator device 444 is configured for level flight with only a 3 percent weight penalty for
to provide a portion of the power used to rotate the rotor hub additional energy storage ( e.g. , increase in battery weight for
142 during forward flight. As an illustrative example , the the on -board rotator device 444 minus fuel weight reduction
on -board rotator device 444 provides 10 percent of the 15 for the engine ). Accordingly, the autogyro 102 may exhibit
power used to rotate the rotor hub 142 to a speed used during an efficiency increase of greater than 10 percent. Addition
forward flight. In such implementations, the autogyro 102 ally, use of the on -board rotator device 444 enables the
includes a partially -powered rotor 114. By using an on- autogyro 102 to be designed to have or use a lower angle for
board rotator device 444 , the autogyro 102 may reduce a the rotor hub 142 (i.e. , the rotor hub 142 is tilted aft less )
pitch angle of the rotor hub 142 and of the plurality rotor 20 because the autogyro 102 generates more lift with a partially
blades 144 , which reduces drag. Accordingly, the autogyro powered rotor 114. The use of the lower angle for the rotor
102 is more energy efficient. hub 142 decreases drag on the autogyro 102 and increases
In some implementations, the on - board rotator device 444 efficiency.
is modular and is configured to be coupled to and decoupled FIG . 5 is a diagram 500 that illustrates examples of
from the autogyro 102. For example, the on -board rotator 25 composite structures having a fiber layout enabling exten
device 444 is coupleable to and decoupleable from the frame sion - twist coupling. The flexible matrix composites may be
112 of the autogyro 102. As an illustrative example, the used as or to form the links 146 of the plurality of rotor
on - board rotator device 444 may be coupled to the autogyro blades 144 , the blade spars 148 of the plurality of rotor
102 when traveling to a location that is not equipped with a blades 144 , or both of FIGS . 1-4 .
ground -based station ( and pre - rotator device) and decoupled 30 Diagram 502 illustrates a flexible matrix composite 512
from the autogyro 102 when traveling to a location that is having an antisymmetrical fiber orientation . The flexible
equipped with a ground- based station ( and pre - rotator matrix composite 512 includes a first layer 514 ( e.g. , one or
device ) more plies of fiber material) having a first fiber orientation
In some implementations, the on -board rotator device 444 angle ( e.g. , +0 ) and a second layer 516 (e.g. , one or more
is powered by wireless energy delivery during a vertical 35 plies of fiber material) having a second fiber orientation
take - off operation. In such wireless energy transfer imple- angle ( e.g. , -0 ) . The absolute value of the fiber orientation
mentations, the ground -based station 104 includes a wireless angles O is greater than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees.
transmitter configured to transmit energy to the autogyro The fiber orientation angles may have the same magnitude
102. The wireless transmitter may include or correspond to (e.g. , +20 degrees and -20 degrees) or different magnitudes
a laser, a microwave transmitter, a radiofrequency transmit- 40 (e.g. , +10 degrees and -15 degrees ). In other implementa
ter, or other wireless energy transmitter. Additionally, the tions , the flexible matrix composite 512 includes additional
autogyro 102 includes a wireless energy receiver configured layers, e.g. , more than two layers may be used . The addi
to receive the energy and provide the energy to the on -board tional layers may include fibers arranged at the first fiber
rotator device 444. By using wireless energy transfer, an orientation angle , the second fiber orientation angle , or a
energy source (e.g. , a battery or an alternator) stored on- 45 third fiber orientation angle .
board of the autogyro 102 is reduced or eliminated . Accord- The flexible matrix composite 512 (e.g. , a composite
ingly, the weight of the autogyro 102 is reduced ; the speed laminate having antisymmetric fiber orientation ) may be
and range of the autogyro 102 is improved. Additionally, formed by stacking plies (with respect to a thickness) having
wireless energy transfer may enable the autogyro 102 to be the first fiber orientation angle (e.g. , +0 ) and the second fiber
re - charged in flight. 50 orientation angle (e.g. , -0 ) . The flexible matrix composite
In other implementations, the on -board rotator device 444 512 undergoes shear deformation under an axially applied
is electrically connected to the ground - based station 104 load ( represented by F in the diagram 502 ) . This shear
( e.g. , via a wired connection ). In such wired energy transfer deformation is equivalent to applying a couple (a pair of
implementations, the connector 132 may include or corre- equal and parallel forces acting in opposite directions) in a
spond to an electrical wire or cable. In a particular imple- 55 cross -sectional plane of the flexible matrix composite 512 .
mentation, the connector 132 includes or corresponds to a The diagram 502 illustrates the resulting in -plane shear
retractable electric cable . forces of the shear deformation caused by the axial load . The
The autogyro 102 and the rotor 114 of FIG . 4 may have axial load and the in -plane shear cause the flexible matrix
increased performance as compared to the autogyro 102 and composite 512 to experience an out -of -plane twist , as illus
the rotor 114 of FIG . 3. For example, the autogyro 102 and 60 trated in diagram 504. The in -plane shear forces produce a
the rotor 114 of FIG . 4 may enable vertical take -off inde- moment ( torque ) which causes twisting deformation about
pendent of a ground -based station , increased speed and an axis perpendicular to the plane containing the in -plane
range , and may enable recharging in - flight. The autogyro shear forces. The moment ( torque) is independent of a
102 and the rotor 114 of FIG . 4 have increased complexity reference point, ( i.e. , a magnitude of the moment is the same
and cost as compared to the autogyro 102 and the rotor 114 65 for all points in the plane of shear forces ). The diagram 504
of FIG . 3. The autogyro 102 and the rotor 114 of FIG . 4 may illustrates the extension twist -coupling behavior of the flex
have increased performance as compared to autogyros that ible matrix composite 512 under the axial load .
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13 14
Diagram 506 illustrates a flexible matrix composite box first direction to increase an angle of attack and a blade pitch
beam 522. For the box beam 522 , the antisymmetric fiber distribution , such as from a first angle of attack to a second
orientation may be obtained with respect to a cross - section angle of attack .
mid -plane, as shown in FIG . 5. Each wall of the box beam FIG . 6 further includes a cross - section view 604 of the
522 consists of n plies , each having a thickness t . Each of the 5 passive link 610 coupled to the rotor hub 142. The passive
n plies of a particular wall of the box beam 522 have the link 610 includes a spring 622 and may include a retainer
same fiber orientation angle . As illustrated in the diagram 624. The spring 622 is disposed around the shaft 614 and is
506 of FIG . 5 , a left wall and a top wall of the box beam 522 the coupled to the frame 612 and to the shaft 614 , such as via
include plies having the first fiber orientation angle ( e.g. , +0 ) peg 616 or the retainer 624. The spring 622 is configured
and a right wall and a bottom wall of the box beam 522 10 torotate
exert a force on the shaft 614 to bias (e.g. , move and
) the shaft 614 towards the rotor hub 142 and towards
include plies having the second fiber orientation angle ( e.g. , an unrotated state . To illustrate, responsive to a reduction in
-6 ) . The diagram 506 illustrates the axial load, the resulting centrifugal force ( e.g. , a reduction in rotational speed of the
couple ( the in - plane shear ), and the out -of-plane twist . rotor hub 142 ) , the force exerted by the spring 622 on the
Although the flexible matrix composite 512 and the box shaft 614 overcomes the centrifugal force ( or a portion
beam 522 are illustrated as a rectangular in the diagram 506 15 thereof ) on the shaft 614 and the blade spar. As the force of
of FIG . 5 , the flexible matrix composite 512 and the box the spring 622 overcomes the centrifugal force, the spring
beam 522 may be formed into other shapes . For example , the 622 moves the shaft 614 towards the rotor hub 142 and the
flexible matrix composite 512 or the box beam 522 may be shaft 614 rotates in a reverse direction ( e.g. , decreases the
tubular and have a circular or oval cross - section . Increasing 20 angle of attack and the blade pitch distribution) as the peg
a thickness or a temperature of the flexible matrix composite 616 moves through the channel of the guide 618. The
512 or the box beam 522 affects the extension -twist coupling retainer 624 may be coupled to the spring 622 , the shaft 614 ,
behavior. To illustrate , increasing the thickness decreases the peg , 616 , or a combination thereof. The retainer 624 is
twisting and increasing the temperature increases twisting. configured to hold the spring 622 in place and to transfer the
Additionally, the fiber orientation angle 0 affects the exten- 25 force exerted by the spring 622 to the shaft 614 , the peg616,
sion -twist coupling behavior. As an illustrative, non- limiting or Inbothsome
implementations, the spring 622 is a variable
example for a particular flexible matrix composite, a maxi spring . To illustrate, the spring 622 may be a coil spring
mum twist occurs when the absolute magnitude of the fiber
orientation angles are between 10 and 20 degrees and the including a first section having a first diameter and a second
magnitude of the fiber orientation angles 0 are the same. In 30 the section having a second diameter. The varying diameters of
first section and the second section cause the spring 622
FIG . 5 , the out -of-plane twist of the flexible matrix com to exhibit a different amount of force (e.g. , different resis
posite 512 and the box beam 522 is counter - clockwise. In tance to centrifugal force) different locations , causing the
other implementations, the out-of -plane twist of the flexible passive link 610 to produce an intermediary angle of attack
matrix composite 512 and the box beam 522 is clockwise. 35 ( e.g., a third angle of attack greater than the first angle of
The direction of the twist may be controlled by reversing a attack and less than the second angle of attack ) for a larger
sign of the fiber orientation angles or by reversing a direction range of centrifugal forces. In other implementations, the
of the axial load . passive link 610 may include multiple springs.
FIG . 6 is a diagram 600 that illustrates an example of a FIG . 7 is a diagram 700 that illustrates an example of a
passive link 610 that exhibits behavior similar to extension- 40 flight profile 704 of the autogyro 102 of FIG . 1. The diagram
twist coupling behavior. The passive link 610 rotates ( twists ) 700 also includes a representation of a profile view 702 of
a rotor blade to change an angle of attack in response to a a rotor blade of the autogyro 102 .
change in a magnitude of centrifugal force. The passive link The profile view 702 illustrates a pitch angle and an angle
610 may be used as or to form the links 146 of the plurality of attack of the rotor blade. In the profile view 702 , an axis
of rotor blades 144 of FIGS . 1-4 . 45 of rotation is illustrated as a vertical axis and represents a
FIG . 6 includes an isometric view 602 of the passive link center of a rotor hub coupled to the rotor blade . A reference
610 coupled to the rotor hub 142. The passive link 610 axis ( reference plane ) is illustrated as a horizontal axis and
includes a frame 612 , a shaft 614 , a peg 616 , and a guide represents the plane that the rotor blade rotates in around the
618. The frame 612 ( e.g. , a housing) is coupled to the rotor axis of rotation . A chord line , illustrated in the profile view
hub 142 and includes the shaft 614 and the guide 618. The 50 702 as a dotted and dashed line, is a straight line intersecting
shaft 614 includes or is coupled to the peg 616 and is leading and trailing edges of the rotor blade . The angle of
coupled to a blade spar, such as the blade spar 148 of FIG . incidence is angle between the chord line of the rotor blade
1. The guide 618 includes a channel and the peg 616 is and the rotor hub (i.e. , the reference axis ). The angle of
configured to move within the channel of the guide 618. In incidence is a technical angle rather than an aerodynamic
other implementations, the shaft 614 is coupled to the rotor 55 angle and is often referred to as the blade pitch angle or pitch
hub 142 and the frame 612 is coupled to the blade spar. angle. The angle of attack is an angle between the chord line
The shaft 614 is disposed within the frame 612 and is of the rotor blade and a resultant relative wind . The angle of
moveable with respect to the frame 612. For example , the attack is an aerodynamic angle and the angle of attack can
shaft 614 may move back and forth with respect to the frame change with no change in the blade pitch angle ( e.g. , based
612 responsive to changes in centrifugal force caused by 60 on a change in the resultant relative wind ). The resultant
rotation of the rotor hub 142. To illustrate, responsive to a relative wind is based on a speed and direction of the airflow
centrifugal force or an increase in centrifugal force ( e.g. , an through the rotor blades . In the absence of airflow ( resultant
increase in rotational speed of the rotor hub 142 ) , the shaft relative wind) , the angle of attack and the blade pitch angle
614 moves away from the rotor hub 142. As the shaft 614 are the same . When a resultant relative wind is present, the
moves away from the rotor hub , the shaft 614 rotates as the 65 angle of attack is different (e.g. , smaller as illustrated in FIG .
peg 616 moves through the channel of the guide 618 . 7 ) from the blade pitch angle . If the blade pitch angle is
Rotation of the shaft 614 rotates (twists ) the blade spar in a increased, the angle of attack increases; if the blade pitch
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15 16
angle is reduced , the angle of attack is reduced , when the stage 714. In the transition stage 714 , the autogyro 102 gains
resultant relative wind remains unchanged. A change in the forward momentum to transition from the vertical take -off
angle of attack changes the coefficient of lift, thereby stage 712 to a cruise stage 716 ( e.g. , forward flight ). During
changing the lift produced by the rotor blade. the transition stage 714 , the autogyro 102 may increase in
The angle of attack may refer to the angle of attack at the 5 altitude. In some implementations, the rotor hub 142 may be
tip of the rotor blade, the hub of the rotor blade , or at a point adjusted to adjust pitch angle of the rotor hub 142 (or shaft
in between the tip and the hub (e.g. , 0.75 chord length ).
Additionally, the angle of attack of the rotor blade may refer thereof ). For example , if the autogyro 102 has a Cyclic
to the angle of attack at a specific point along a cycle of starboardthecontrol, rotor hub 142 may be tilted fore to aft, port to
, or a combination thereof.
rotation of the rotor blade because the angle of attack of the 10 During the cruise stage 716 , the autogyro 102 may fly at
rotor blade may change as it rotates around the rotor hub 142 a cruising speed and the pilot may make adjustment to the
during each cycle of rotation . Each rotor blade may have flight control devices 124 via the flight controls 122. For
multiple different angles of attack along the length of the
rotor blade . A blade pitch distribution includes the multiple example , the leading edge vortex flaps of the plurality of
different angles of attack along the length of the rotor blade. 15 rotor blades 144 may be deactivated for the cruise stage 716 .
Each angle of attack may be part of a corresponding blade angle Each of the plurality of rotor blades 144 may twist to a third
pitch distribution . of attack of a third blade pitch distribution during the
The flight profile 704 illustrates example stages 712-722 cruise stage 716 based on centrifugal forces generated by a
of a flight. The flight profile 704 includes a vertical take - off rotational speed of the rotor hub 142 corresponding to the
stage 712. During the vertical take -off stage 712 , the rotor 20 cruising speed . The rotational speed of the rotor hub 142
hub 142 of the autogyro 102 is coupled to the pre - rotator corresponding to the cruising speed is less than the rotational
device 152 of the ground -based station 104 , and the pre- speed of the rotor hub 142 for vertical take - off. Accordingly,
rotator device 152 rotates the rotor hub 142. Prior to rotation the third angle of attack is greater than the first angle of
of the rotor hub 142 , the plurality of rotor blades 144 are at attack ( e.g. , the resting or design angle of attack ) and is less
a first angle of attack of a first blade pitch distribution ( e.g. , 25 than the second angle of attack .
a resting or designed blade pitch distribution ). In some After the cruise stage 716 , the autogyro 102 may enter a
implementations, leading edge vortex flaps of the plurality coast stage 718. During the coast stage 718 , a pilot may
of rotor blades 144 may be activated prior to rotation of the deactivate the engine 116 , deactivate the propeller 118 ( e.g. ,
rotor hub 142 to increase lift generated during the vertical decouple the propeller 118 from the engine 116 ) , or both ,
take -off stage 712. During rotation of the rotor hub 142 , each 30 and enter a coast stage 718. Alternatively, the pilot may
of the plurality of rotor blades 144 twists (due to centrifugal reduce engine output or “ throttle down ” to reduce speed of
forces) from the first angle of attack to a second angle of the autogyro 102. The autogyro 102 reduces in forward
attack . The second angle of attack corresponds to an angle speed and the rotation of the rotor hub 142 reduces in speed .
of attack associated with a maximum rotation speed The autogyro 102 starts to descend and transitions to the
achieved by the rotor hub 142 and a second blade pitch 35 descent stage 720 where the forward flight of the autogyro
distribution . The autogyro 102 vertically takes -off while the 102 may be minimal.
plurality of rotor blades 144 are oriented at the second blade During the descent stage 720 , the autogyro 102 may
pitch distribution at the instance of take -off . As the autogyro prepare for a vertical landing stage 722. For example, the
102 starts to ascend, an angular velocity of the rotor 114 pilot may adjust a pitch angle of the rotor hub 142 to increase
slows down, and the increased rotation of the second blade 40 the angle of attack of the plurality of rotor blades 144 .
pitch distribution is reduced as the angular velocity slows Additionally, or alternatively, the pilot may activate the
down . leading edge vortex flaps of the plurality of rotor blades 144
In some implementations, the autogyro 102 is coupled to to increase lift. As another example , the pilot may activate
the ground -based station 104 such that the ground -based a heat generation device or may direct heat from the engine
station 104 opposes motion (e.g. , vertical motion , rotational 45 116 to the plurality of rotor blades 144 to perform a flare -out
motion , or both ) of the autogyro 102. The rotor hub 142 of maneuver ( e.g. , increase blade pitch angle ). Alternatively, a
the autogyro 102 is spun -up to a speed that is greater than controller of the autogyro 102 may activate the heat gen
needed for vertical lift, and the autogyro 102 is decoupled eration device or direct heat from the engine to the plurality
from the ground -based station 104 , such as by the pilot of rotor blades 144 responsive to determining the autogyro
activating the decoupling device 156. The autogyro 102 50 102 has a rate of descent greater than or equal to a threshold
vertically ascends quickly or “ jumps ” . In other implemen- or determining that an altitude is less than or equal to a
tations , the autogyro 102 is not coupled to the ground -based threshold . The plurality of rotor blades 144 , including the
station 104 such that the ground based station opposes links 146 thereof, may increase in temperature . By increas
vertical motion of the autogyro 102. The autogyro 102 is ing the temperature of the links 146 , the plurality of rotor
allowed to ascend while the pre -rotator device 152 rotates 55 blades 144 may become more susceptible to twisting . To
the rotor hub 142. The rotor hub 142 is then decoupled from illustrate, for a given centrifugal force, the plurality of rotor
the pre - rotator device 152. For example, the connector 132 blades 144 experience a greater degree of twist and thus a
separates from the pre - rotator device 152 ( or a connector greater angle of attack at higher temperatures compared to
coupled thereto ) under tension caused by ascension of the lower temperatures . This increase in temperature causes the
autogyro 102. The rotational speed of the rotor hub 142 60 plurality of rotor blades to increase in twist, which increases
decreases after decoupling from the pre - rotator device 152 lift. The increase in lift slows the rate of descent of the
or responsive to the pre - rotator device 152 ceasing to rotate autogyro 102 and provides a softer smoother and more
the rotor hub 142. As the rotor hub 142 decrease in rotational controlled landing during the vertical landing stage 722 .
speed, each of the plurality of rotor blades 144 decrease in Each of the plurality of rotor blades 144 may twist to a fourth
twist from the second angle of attack . 65 angle of attack of a fourth blade pitch distribution during the
The autogyro 102 activates the engine 116 or engages the descent stage 720 (or the vertical landing stage 722 ) , such as
propeller 118 , and the autogyro 102 enters into a transition during a particular instant during the descent stage 720 .
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17 18
The rotational speed of the rotor hub 142 during descent cally ) while the pre - rotator device 152 rotates (e.g. , spins
is less than the rotational speed of the rotor hub 142 at cruise up ) the rotor hub 142. Restraining the autogyro 102 , allows
and during vertical take -off. However, the temperature of the the rotor hub 142 to be rotated at a speed greater than needed
plurality of rotor blades 144 (or the links 146 thereof) is for lift - off and to achieve a speed such that the autogyro 102
increased during descent because of the heat applied to the 5 will “ jump " vertically to a height such that the engine 116 of
plurality of the rotor blades . Depending on the properties of the autogyro 102 can be activated to engage in forward flight
the material of the plurality of rotor blades 144 , the increase and clear objects . By using a ground - based pre -rotator
in temperature may cause the plurality of rotor blades 144 to device ( e.g. , the pre -rotator device 152 ) , the autogyro 102
twist to an angle of attack that exceeds that angle of attack does not incur a weight penalty from having an on -board
at cruise or during vertical take - off. Accordingly, the fourth 10 pre - rotator device and the autogyro has increased perfor
angle of attack is greater than the first angle of attack and mance .
may be greater than or less than the second angle of attack , FIG . 9 is a flowchart of a method 900 of performing a
the third angle of attack , or both . After the autogyro 102 has vertical take -off operation of an autogyro. The autogyro may
landed , each of the plurality of rotor blades 144 return to the include or correspond to the autogyro 102 of FIG . 1. The
first angle of attack . 15 method 900 may be performed by the autogyro 102 of FIG .
In other implementations, the flight profile 704 may 1. The method 900 includes, at 902 , while the autogyro is
include one or more additional stages . Additionally, or coupled to a ground - based station , initiating rotation of a
alternatively, one or more of the stages 712-722 may be rotor hub of the autogyro . For example, while the autogyro
omitted or duplicated. In some implementations, operation 102 is coupled to the ground- based station 104 , the rotor hub
of the autogyro 102 may include driving the autogyro 102 on 20 142 of the rotor 114 is rotated ( e.g. , spun -up ) , as described
the ground to the take -off ground -based station or from the with reference to FIG . 1. The autogyro 102 may be coupled
landing ground -based station . In some implementations, to the pre - rotator device 152 , the one or more supports 154 ,
each of the stages 712-722 (or a particular instance during a the decoupling device 156 of the ground -based station 104 ,
stage ) may correspond to a range of angles of attack or blade or a combination thereof.
pitch distribution . For example , the autogyro 102 may 25 The method 900 of FIG . 9 also includes , at 904 , respon
vertically take -off while the plurality of rotor blades 144 are sive to rotation of the rotor hub, twisting each of a plurality
within a first range of blade pitch distributions, cruise while of rotor blades coupled to the rotor hub from a first blade
the plurality of rotor blades 144 are within a second range of pitch distribution to a second blade pitch distribution . For
blade pitch distributions, and land while the plurality of rotor example, each of the plurality of rotor blades 144 twists
blades 144 are within a third range of blade pitch distribu- 30 from a first angle of attack to a second angle of attack
tions . As an exemplarily, non -limiting illustration , the sec- responsive to rotation of the rotor hub 142 , as described
ond range of blade pitch distribution for cruise may include above with reference to FIGS . 1 , 3 , and 7. To illustrate, the
or correspond a range of values plus or minus 15 percent links 146 , the blade spars 148 , or a combination thereof, may
of the third blade pitch distribution for cruise . twist due to centrifugal forces ( which cause in - plane shear
FIG . 8 is a diagram of an example 800 of the ground- 35 and a resulting moment) generated during rotation of the
based station 104 for the autogyro 102 of FIG . 1. As rotor hub 142 and the plurality of rotor blades 144. The links
illustrated in FIG . 8 , the ground -based station 104 includes 146 may include a composite structure having a fiber layout
a landing pad 804 (or a launch pad) . In some implementa- that exhibits extension -twist coupling as described in FIG . 5 ,
tions , the landing pad 804 includes the one or more supports the passive link 610 of FIG . 6 , or a combination thereof. The
154 of FIG . 1 configured to receive, couple, or restrain 40 angle of attack may refer to the angle of attack at the tip of
landing gear of the autogyro 102. Additionally, or alterna- the rotor blade, the hub of the rotor blade, or at a point in
tively, the one or more supports 154 are configured to between the tip and the hub ( e.g. , 0.75 chord length ). As
receive , couple , or restrain a portion of the frame 112 of the another illustration , each of the plurality of rotor blades 144
autogyro 102 of FIG . 1. The ground- based station 104 may twists from a first blade pitch distribution to a second blade
further include the decoupling device 156 of FIG . 1. As 45 pitch distribution responsive to rotation of the rotor hub 142 ,
illustrated in FIG . 8 , the decoupling device 156 include a as described above with reference to FIGS . 1 , 3 , and 7. To
hook configured to selectively couple to and decoupled from illustrate , the blade spars 148 twist due to centrifugal forces
the autogyro 102. In some implementations, the decoupling and cause a greater increase in angle of attack near the tip of
device 156 includes an actuator configured to activate and the rotor blade than at the root of the rotor blade .
deactivate (e.g. , engage and disengage ) the decoupling 50 Additionally, the angle of attack or blade pitch distribu
device 156 . tion of the rotor blade may refer to the angle of attack or the
The ground- based station 104 includes the pre - rotator blade pitch distribution at a specific point along a cycle of
device 152 configured to rotate the rotor hub 142. In some rotation of the rotor blade because the angle of attack or the
implementations, the ground- based station 104 includes blade pitch distribution of the rotor blade may change as it
mechanical linkage and connectors configured to connect 55 rotates around the rotor hub 142 during each cycle of
the pre -rotator device 152 to the rotor 114 , as described with rotation . For example, the rotor blades bend flex and or flap
reference to FIG . 2. In some such implementations, the during a cycle of rotation and experience variations in angle
ground -based station 104 further includes an energy source of attack , blade pitch distribution , or both . As another
852 configured to provide energy to the pre - rotator device example, the pitch angle of the rotor hub may cause the rotor
152. In other implementations, the pre - rotator device 152 60 blades to experience variations in angle of attack , blade pitch
includes or corresponds to an energy source . In some such distribution , or both , during a cycle of rotation . Additionally,
implementations, the ground -based station includes a wire- or alternatively, the angle of attack or blade pitch distribu
less energy transmitter, as described with reference to FIG . tion of the rotor blade may refer to a range of angle of attacks
4. or blade pitch distributions, as described with reference to
The one or more supports 154 , the decoupling device 156 , 65 FIG . 7 .
or a combination thereof, may be configured to restrain the The method 900 of FIG.9 includes , at 906 , decoupling the
autogyro 102 from moving (e.g. , moving laterally or verti- autogyro from the ground- based station . For example, the
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autogyro 102 is decoupled from the ground- based station In some implementations, the method 900 further
104 after the rotor hub 142 has reached at target rotational includes flying the autogyro . The rotor hub rotates at a first
speed . The target rotational speed may generate forces such speed at vertical take -off and rotates at a second speed
that the plurality of rotor blades 144 twist to the second during forward flight. The first speed is greater than the
blade pitch distribution , as described with reference to FIG . 5 second speed . Therefore , the plurality of rotor blades 144
7. In some implementations, the autogyro 102 is decoupled may -partially untwist ( e.g. , decrease in twist) after vertical
from the ground - based station 104 by activating/deactivat take off due to lower centrifugal forces generated at the
ing the decoupling device 156 or a restraint of the ground lower second speed . In some implementations, during the
based station 104 or a decoupling device or a restraint of the forward flight each of the plurality of rotor blades is twisted ,
autogyro 102. In other implementations, the autogyro 102 is 10 distribution
by a link, atbased
a thirdonangle of attackforces
centrifugal or a third blade pitch
generated from
decoupled from the ground- based station 104 ( from the rotation of the rotor hub . The third angle of attack ( or the
pre -rotator device 152 ) based on tension generated at or third blade pitch distribution) is greater than the first angle
during vertical take - off. In some such implementations, the of attack (or the first blade pitch distribution ) and is less than
autogyro 102 vertically takes -off and gains altitude before 15 the second angle of attack ( or the second blade pitch
decoupling from the ground -based station 104. To illustrate, distribution ). For example , the plurality of rotor blades 144
the connector 132 of autogyro 102 decouples from the may twist to the third angle of attack (or the third blade pitch
pre - rotator device 152 under tension generated responsive to distribution ) while the autogyro 102 is in the cruise stage
the autogyro 102 vertically ascending. 716 , as described with reference to FIG . 7. The third angle
The method 900 of FIG . 9 further includes , at 908 , 20 of attack and the third blade pitch distribution may be
vertically taking -off, by the autogyro , while the plurality of designed to optimize flight for autorotation .
rotor blades are oriented at the second blade pitch distribu- In some implementations , the method 900 further
tion . For example, the autogyro 102 vertically ascends and includes performing a landing operation of the autogyro . For
gains altitude while the plurality of rotor blades 144 are example , the landing operation may include or corresponds
twisted at a greater angle of attack (e.g. , a second angle of 25 to the descent stage 720 and the vertical landing stage 722
attack of the second blade pitch distribution ) than used of FIG . 7. In some implementations, the landing operation
during autorotation ( e.g. , the third angle of attack of the third includes providing heat from a heat generation device to the
blade pitch distribution ) from centrifugal forces ( e.g. , cen- plurality of rotor blades . For example, the engine 116 or the
tripetal forces) generated from rotation of the rotor hub 142 . heating device 130 may generate heat and transfer the heat
During ascent (e.g. , after take -off/ light off), the plurality of 30 to the plurality of rotor blades 144. In these implementa
rotor blades 144 decrease in angle of attack from the second tions , the landing operation also includes, responsive to
angle of attack . rotation of the rotor hub and the heat , twisting each of the
The autogyro 102 trades the kinetic energy of the spinning plurality of rotor blades coupled to the rotor hub to a fourth
rotor blades 144 for potential energy in the form of altitude angle of attack or a fourth blade pitch distribution . For
( an increase in altitude ). In some implementations, the 35 example, the autogyro 102 may perform a flare -out maneu
vertical take -off includes a jump take - off. To illustrate , the ver during the descent stage 720 by increasing a temperature
rotor hub 142 is spun - up to a rotational a speed greater than of the plurality of rotor blades 144 and the plurality of rotor
needed to lift-off while the autogyro 102 is restrained by the blades 144 to increase in twist to the fourth angle of attack
ground -based station 104. When the autogyro 102 is (or the fourth blade pitch distribution ), as described with
decoupled from the ground -based station 104 , such as by 40 reference to FIG . 7. In these implementations, the landing
deactivating the decoupling device 156 , the autogyro 102 operation further includes vertically landing the autogyro
will quickly ascend or " jump " . while the plurality of rotor blades are oriented at the fourth
In other implementations, the autogyro 102 is unre- angle of attack . For example , the autogyro 102 may land
strained and the vertical ascent is more gradual. As com- vertically during the vertical landing stage 722 while the
pared to jump take - offs of autogyros that are restrained when 45 plurality of rotor blades 144 are at the fourth angle of attack ,
spun -up or autogyros that include mechanical rotor blade as described with reference to FIG . 7. The rotational speed
pitch control, the vertical take -off of the autogyro 102 may of the rotor hub 142 decreases as the autogyro 102 descends,
be smoother and more controlled . For example, the autogyro which decreases the lift generated by the autogyro 102. The
102 may gradually increase in altitude as the rotor hub 142 angle of attack of the plurality of rotor blades 144 decreases
is rotated by the pre -rotator device 152. The pre - rotator 50 with the decrease in speed of the rotor hub 142 , which
device 152 may continue to rotate the rotor hub 142 after the further decreases the lift generated by the autogyro 102 .
autogyro 102 has lifted - off the ground. For example, the However, heating the plurality of rotor blades 144 increases
connector 132 may include a retractable electric cable that is the angle of attack of the rotor blades and the lift generated
configured to extend in length to stay coupled to the auto- by the autogyro 102 at the lower rotational speeds of the
gyro 102 for a portion of the vertical take - off. Because the 55 rotor hub . Based on material properties of the flexible matrix
plurality of rotor blades 144 twist based on centrifugal composites and speeds of the rotor hub 142 during the stages
forces generated based on rotation of the rotor hub 142 , the 712-722 , the fourth angle of attack may be greater than or
plurality of rotor blades 144 may twist to different angles less than the second angle of attack . In some implementa
during the vertical take -off based on the speed of rotation of tions , the fourth angle of attack is less than the third angle
the rotor hub 142 . 60 of attack .
In some implementations, each of the links include a In some implementations, the method 900 further
passive link device including a shaft and a spring , the shaft includes activating one or more leading edge vortex flaps of
configured to move and twist responsive to rotation of the the plurality of rotor blades 144. The leading edge vortex
rotor hub and the spring configured to bias the rotor blade flaps include or corresponds to the flight control device 124
towards the first blade pitch distribution . For example, the 65 of FIG . 1. The leading edge vortex flaps are configured to
links 146 may include the passive link 610 of FIG . 6 that generate a stable leading edge vortex at a leading edge of a
includes the shaft 614 and the spring 622 . corresponding rotor blade . The resulting leading edge vortex
US 11,001,374 B2
21 22
increases lift. The leading edge vortex flaps may be activated scope or meaning of the claims . In addition , in the foregoing
on take -off, on landing, or both . Detailed Description , various features may be grouped
By using materials that exhibit extension - twist coupling together or described in a single implementation for the
behavior ( e.g. , a flexible matrix composite with an antisym- purpose of streamlining the disclosure. Examples described
metric fiber layout ), the change in centrifugal force attrib- 5 above illustrate but do not limit the disclosure . It should also
uted to the change in rotational speed of the rotor 114 can be be understood that numerous modifications and variations
used to passively twist the blades. For example , the autogyro are possible in accordance with the principles of the present
has particular rotor speed range and corresponding twist disclosure . As the following claims reflect, the claimed
distribution range for vertical take -off and another rotor subject matter may be directed to less than all of the features
speed range with a different corresponding twist distribution 10 of any of the disclosed examples. Accordingly, the scope of
range for cruise flight. Greater twist is used for vertical the disclosure is defined by the following claims and their
take -off than forward flight. The passive twist rotor blades of equivalents.
the autogyro enable reduced vibrations, enhanced aeroelas- What is claimed is :
tic stability , and improved aerodynamic performance. Addi- 1. An autogyro comprising:
tionally, the passive twist rotor blades can be designed to 15 a frame;
enhance performance during vertical take -off and forward a rotor hub coupled to the frame;
flight. a connector coupled to the rotor hub , the connector
Referring to FIG . 10 , a block diagram of an illustrative configured to couple the rotor hub to
implementation of the autogyro 102 that includes the links a ground -based pre -rotator device to rotate the rotor
146 and the connector 132 is shown and designated 1000. As 20 hub during a vertical take - off operation; and
shown in FIG . 10 , the autogyro 102 includes the frame 112 , a plurality of rotor blades coupled to the rotor hub, each
an interior 1022 , and a plurality of systems 1020. The rotor blade configured such that a speed of rotation of
plurality of systems 1020 includes a communication system the rotor hub , during the vertical take -off operation,
1024 , an electrical system 1026 , an environmental system results in twisting a shape of each rotor blade of the
1028 , and a propulsion system 1030. In other implementa- 25 plurality of rotor blades from a first shape with a first
tions , the autogyro 102 may include one or more other blade pitch distribution to a second shape with a second
systems . The autogyro 102 further includes the rotor 114 and blade pitch distribution , wherein the shape of the plu
the connector 132. The rotor 114 includes the rotor hub 142 rality of rotor blades remains in the second shape
and the plurality of rotor blades 144. Each of the plurality of during the vertical take -off operation.
rotor blades 144 includes the link 146 and the blade spar 30 2. The autogyro of claim 1 , wherein the second blade
148. The autogyro 102 may further include a controller pitch distribution is greater than the first blade pitch distri
configured to execute computer -executable instructions bution , and wherein the plurality of rotor blades are config
( e.g. , a program of one or more instructions) stored in a ured to generate more lift at the second blade pitch distri
memory . The instructions, when executed , cause the con- bution .
troller, to perform one or more operations of the method 900 35 3. The autogyro of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality
of FIG . 9. In a particular implementation , the controller of rotor blades includes a link configured to twist a corre
includes a processor and the memory includes a non- sponding rotor blade based on centrifugal forces .
transitory computer - readable medium . In some implemen- 4. The autogyro of claim 3 , wherein the links comprise
tations , the controller is part of the propulsion system 1030 . composite materials having an anti - symmetrical fiber orien
The illustrations of the examples described herein are 40 tation .
intended to provide a general understanding of the structure 5. The autogyro of claim 3 , wherein each of the links
of the various implementations. The illustrations are not comprise a passive link device including a shaft and a
intended to serve as a complete description of all of the spring , the shaft configured to move and twist responsive to
elements and features of apparatus and systems that utilize rotation of the rotor hub and the spring configured to bias the
the structures or methods described herein . Many other 45 rotor blade towards the first blade pitch distribution .
implementations may be apparent to those of skill in the art 6. The autogyro of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality
upon reviewing the disclosure . Other implementations may of rotor blades includes a blade spar configured to twist a
be utilized and derived from the disclosure , such that struc- corresponding rotor blade based on centrifugal forces
tural and logical substitutions and changes may be made wherein the blade spars comprise composite materials hav
without departing from the scope of the disclosure. For 50 ing an anti -symmetrical fiber orientation .
example, method operations may be performed in a different 7. The autogyro of claim 1 , further comprising a propeller
order than shown in the figures or one or more method and an engine coupled to the frame, the propeller configured
operations may be omitted . Accordingly, the disclosure and to generate thrust and move the frame, wherein movement
the figures are to be regarded as illustrative rather than of the frame induces a rotor including the rotor hub and the
restrictive . 55 plurality of rotor blades to autorotate, and wherein autoro
Moreover, although specific examples have been illus- tation of the rotor results in each of the plurality of rotor
trated and described herein , it should be appreciated that any blades twisting to a third shape with a third blade pitch
subsequent arrangement designed to achieve the same or distribution .
similar results may be substituted for the specific implemen- 8. The autogyro of claim 7 , wherein the engine is con
tations shown . This disclosure is intended to cover any and 60 figured to direct heat to the plurality of rotor blades to
all subsequent adaptations or variations of various imple- increase a temperature of the plurality of rotor blades , and
mentations . Combinations of the above implementations , wherein the increase in the temperature of the plurality of
and other implementations not specifically described herein , rotor blades results in each of the rotor blades twisting to a
will be apparent to those of skill in the art upon reviewing fourth shape with a fourth blade pitch distribution .
the description. 65 9. The autogyro of claim 1 , further comprising a heating
The Abstract of the Disclosure is submitted with the device configured to increase a temperature of the plurality
understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the of rotor blades .
US 11,001,374 B2
23 24
10. The autogyro of claim 1 , further comprising at least a second connector configured to couple to the connector
one of an electric motor, a pneumatic motor, or a hydraulic of the autogyro ; and
motor coupled to the connector and the rotor hub and a universal joint coupled to the output shaft and to the
configured to receive energy from the ground -based pre second connector, the universal joint configured to
rotator device and to rotate the rotor hub based on the 5 transmit power from the output shaft to the second
energy . connector at different angles.
11. The autogyro of claim 1 , wherein the connector 17. A method of performing a vertical take -off operation
comprises at least one of a rotor shaft or a gear, and wherein of an autogyro , the method comprising:
the connector includes a quick disconnect fitting configured while an autogyro is coupled to a ground -based station ,
to decouple from the ground -based pre - rotator device under 10 initiating rotation of a rotor hub of the autogyro ;
tension generated during vertical take -off of the autogyro .
12. A system comprising: responsive to a speed of rotation of the rotor hub , twisting
an autogyro comprising: a shape of each of a plurality of rotor blades coupled to
a frame; the rotor hub from a first shape with a first blade pitch
a rotor hub coupled to the frame; 15 distribution to a second shape with a second blade pitch
a connector coupled to the rotor hub , the connector distribution ;
configured to couple the rotor hub to a ground -based decoupling the autogyro from the ground -based station ;
pre - rotator device to rotate the rotor hub during a vertically taking -off, by the autogyro, while the plurality
vertical take -off operation ; and of rotor blades have the second shape; and
a plurality of rotor blades coupled to the rotor hub , each 20 transitioning to forward flight after vertically taking - off.
rotor blade configured such that a speed of rotation 18. The method of claim 17 , further comprising, flying the
of the rotor hub, during a vertical take -off operation , autogyro , wherein the rotor hub rotates at a first speed at
results in twisting a shape of each rotor blade of the vertical take - off and rotates at a second speed during the
plurality of rotor blades from a first shape with a first forward flight, and wherein the first speed is greater than the
blade pitch distribution to a second shape with a 25 second speed.
second blade pitch distribution , wherein the shape of
the plurality of rotor blades remains in the second 19. The method of claim 18 , wherein during the forward
shape during the vertical take -off operation; and flight each of the plurality of rotor blades is twisted, by a
a ground -based station comprising: link , to a third shape with a third blade pitch distribution
the ground -based pre - rotator device configured to 30 based on centrifugal forces generated from rotation of the
rotate the rotor hub ; and rotor hub , and wherein the third blade pitch distribution is
an energy source configured to provide energy to the greater than the first blade pitch distribution and is less than
ground- based pre -rotator device . the second blade pitch distribution .
13. The system of claim 12 , wherein the ground -based 20. The method of claim 17 , further comprising perform
pre - rotator device comprises at least one of an electric 35 ing a landing operation of the autogyro, the landing opera
motor, a pneumatic motor, a hydraulic motor, or a mechani- tion comprising:
cal engine. providing heat from a heat generation device to the
14. The system of claim 12 , further comprising a decou- plurality of rotor blades;
pling device configured to decouple the autogyro from the responsive to rotation of the rotor hub and the heat,
ground - based station . 40
twisting each of the plurality of rotor blades coupled to
15. The system of claim 12 , wherein the shape of the the rotor hub to a fourth shape with a fourth blade pitch
plurality of rotor blades reverts to the first shape responsive distribution ; and
to the speed of rotation reducing after the vertical take -off vertically landing the autogyro while the plurality of rotor
operation is complete.
16. The system of claim 12 , wherein the ground -based 45 blades are oriented at the fourth blade pitch distribu
pre-rotator device further comprises: tion .
an output shaft;

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