PDA Technical Report No. 33

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Article: PDA Technical Report No. 33, Revised 2013 Evaluation, Validation and Implementation of Alternative and
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Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)

Evaluation, Validation and
Implementation of Alternative and
Rapid Microbiological Methods

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Bethesda Towers
4350 East West Highway
Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20814 USA
Tel: 1 (301) 656-5900
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.
PDA Evaluation, Validation and Implementation of Alternative and Rapid Microbiological Methods
Technical Report Team

Michael J. Miller, Ph.D., Microbiology Consultants, David Jones, Ph.D., Rapid Micro Biosystems
LLC (Task Force Leader)
Richard Levy, Ph.D., PDA
John Albright, bioMérieux, Inc.
Daemon Lincoln, Ph.D., DL2 Limited
Claude Anger, CBA MicroEnterprises
Patrick McCarthy, Millipore Corporation
Dilip Ashtekar, Ph.D., Consultant
Patrick McCormick, Ph.D., Bausch & Lomb, Inc.
Peter Ball, Ph.D., Pall Life Sciences
Jeanne Moldenhauer, Excellent Pharma Consulting
Joseph Chen, Ph.D., Genentech Inc.
Paul Newby, Ph.D., GlaxoSmithKline
Steve Douglas, Hospira, Inc.
William Fleming, III., Ph.D., DosDocs Company, LP Bryan Riley, Ph.D., US Food and Drug Administration
Miriam S. Rozo, Johnson & Johnson
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Ren-Yo Forng, Ph.D., MedImmune, LLC
Gary Gressett, Excellent Pharma Consulting
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Heather Wilson, Jubilant HollisterStier, LLC

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Jianping Jiang, Instant BioScan, Inc. Elizabeth Yo ung, Formerly of Baxter Healthcare, Inc.
Robert Johnson, Ph.D., Dialogue
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Pascal Yvon, AES – Chemunex, Inc.

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Oliver Gordon, Novartis Pharma Stein AG

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DISCLAIMER: The content and views expressed in this Technical Report are the result of a consensus achieved by the
authorizing Task Force and are not necessarily views of the organizations they represent.
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Evaluation, Validation r y 4.
and Implementation t
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Alternative Inand4Rapid
u x e r Methods
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M e eNo. 33 (Revised 2013)
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Technical c
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ISBN: 978-0-939459-63-6

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© 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc.

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Bethesda Towers
4350 East West Highway
Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20814 USA
Tel: 1 (301) 656-5900
Fax: 1 (301) 986-0296
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.pda.org
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Table of Contents

1.0  INTRODUCTION...................................................1 4.3.2 Fatty Acid Profiling.................................. 17

1.1 Scope and Purpose of the Technical Report...... 1 4.3.3 Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption
1.2 Overview of Technical Report Structure........... 2 Ionization Time of Flight (MALDI-TOF)
Mass Spectrometry................................. 18
2.0  GLOSSARY OF TERMS.........................................3 4.3.4 Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption
Ionization Time of Flight
(SELDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometry............. 18
3.0 CLASSICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND THE MOVE 4.3.5 Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR)
TOWARD ALTERNATIVE AND RAPID METHODS.5 Spectrometry........................................... 18
3.1 Classical Microbiological Methods................... 5 4.3.6 Endotoxin Detection................................ 18
3.2 Introduction to Alternative and Rapid 4.4 Optical Spectroscopy .................................... 18
Microbiological Methods.................................. 6 4.4.1 Light Scattering/Intrinsic Fluorescence.... 19
3.3 Regulatory Perspectives................................... 6 4.4.2 Raman Spectroscopy............................... 19

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3.3.1 United States............................................. 7
4.5 Nucleic Acid Amplification ............................ 19

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3.3.2 Europe....................................................... 8 4.5.1 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)........... 19

3.3.3 Japan and Australia................................... 9 4.5.2 Reverse Transcriptase (RT) PCR.............. 20

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3.3.4 Rest of World (ROW)................................. 9 4.5.3 Ribotyping............................................... 20
3.3.5 When an RMM is Approved by One
Regulatory Authority I
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4.5.4 Gene Sequencing..................................... 20

4.5.5 PCR and MALDI-TOF

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But Not Another...................................... 10 Mass Spectrometry................................. 21

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3.4 Business/Economic, Quality and Technical
4.6 Micro-Electro-Mechanical

Considerations................................................ 10 Systems (MEMS)........................................... 21

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3.4.1 Business and Economic Considerations.. 10
4.6.1 Lab-On-A-Chip and

3.4.2 Quality Considerations............................. 11
Microfluidic Systems............................... 21

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3.4.3 Technical Considerations......................... 11
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3.5 Risk Analysis.................................................. 12
4.6.2 Microarrays............................................. 21
4.6.3 Other Technologies.................................. 21

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3.6 Vendors, Suppliers and Audits........................ 12

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3.7 Automated Methods...................................... 13 5.0 THE VALIDATION PROCESS...............................22

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4.0 TECHNOLOGY REVIEW.......................................14
5.1 Pre-Validation Activities.................................. 23

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4.1 Growth-based ................................................ 14
5.1.1 Proof of Concept (POC)............................ 23
5.1.2 Assessment of Supplier Capabilities/

4.1.1 Electrochemical Measurement................ 15 Supplier Audit.......................................... 23
4.1.2 Detection of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)........... 15 5.1.3 Business Benefits or Return on
4.1.3 Utilization of Biochemical and Investment Considerations...................... 24
Carbohydrate Substrates......................... 15 5.2 Validation of the Equipment,
4.1.4 Digital Imaging and Auto-fluorescence Software and Method..................................... 24
of Micro-Colonies.................................... 15 5.2.1 Risk Assessment and
4.1.5 Fluorescent Staining and Laser Validation Planning.................................. 25
Excitation of Micro-Colonies.................... 15 5.2.2 User Requirements
4.1.6 Use of Selective Media for the Specification (URS)................................. 26
Detection of Specific Microorganisms..... 16 5.2.3 Design Qualification (DQ)......................... 26
4.1.7 Measurement of Change in 5.2.4 Functional Design Specification (FDS)..... 27
Head Space Pressure............................... 16 5.2.5 Requirements Traceability
4.1.8 Microcalorimetry..................................... 16 Matrix (RTM)........................................... 27
4.2 Viability-based ............................................... 16 5.2.6 Standard Operating
4.2.1 Flow Cytometry....................................... 16 Procedures (SOPs) and Technology
4.2.2 Laser Scanning Solid Phase Cytometry... 16 Training.................................................... 27
4.2.3 Direct Epifluorescence Filter Microscopy.17 5.2.7 System Integration.................................. 27
4.3 Cellular Component-based ............................. 17 5.2.8 Installation Qualification (IQ).................... 28
4.3.1 ATP Bioluminescence.............................. 17 5.2.9 Operational Qualification (OQ) ................. 28
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.2.10 Performance Qualification (PQ)................ 28 5.6.1 Alternative and Rapid Endotoxin

5.2.11 On-going Maintenance and Detection Methods.................................. 44
Periodic Reviews..................................... 29 5.6.2 Unique Methods Requiring Additional or
5.3 Establishment of Method Validation Criteria... 29 Modified Validation Strategies................. 44
5.3.1 Accuracy................................................. 31 5.6.3 Guidance on Changing
5.3.2 Precision.................................................. 32 Acceptance Criteria................................. 45
5.3.3 Specificity................................................ 33 5.7 Alternative and Rapid Microbial
5.3.4 Limit of Detection.................................... 35 Identification Methods.................................... 46
5.3.5 Limit of Quantification.............................. 37 5.8 Alternative and Rapid Methods for
5.3.6 Linearity................................................... 37 Mycoplasma Detection.................................. 46
5.3.7 Range...................................................... 38
5.3.8 Ruggedness............................................. 38 6.0 IMPLEMENTATION:
5.3.9 Robustness.............................................. 39

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5.3.10 Equivalence/Comparative Testing........... 39
VERSUS INITIAL VALIDATION............................ 48

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5.4 Suitability Testing........................................... 41 6.1 Guidance for the Transfer of an Alternative or

u Rapid Method from an Originating Qualification

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5.4.1 False Positive Testing.............................. 41
Lab to a Separate Site/Manufacturing Facility.48

5.4.2 False Negative Testing............................. 42
6.2 Reduced Installation and Operational
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5.5 Variability of Microbiological Methods:
Qualification at the Site.................................. 48
Additional Considerations............................... 43

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5.5.1 Preparation of Test Samples.................... 43 6.3 Performance Qualification at the Site............. 48

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5.5.2 Sample Distribution Error......................... 43 6.4 Implementation of the Alternative or

Rapid Method at the Site................................ 49
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5.5.3 Cellular Arrangement............................... 44

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5.5.4 Metabolic Activity................................... 44

7.0 REFERENCES.......................................................50

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5.6 Validation of Microbiological Methods:

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Additional Considerations............................... 44
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Table 5.2-1 Validation Deliverables

and Responsibilities............................ 25
Table 5.3-1 Method Validation Criteria.................. 30
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

1.0  Introduction

Microbiological testing plays an ever-increasing role in the pharmaceutical laboratory. In response

to this, a variety of alternative and rapid methodologies that automate existing methods, make use
of surrogate markers, or are based on wholly new technologies have emerged in recent years. These
alternative methodologies offer significant improvements in terms of speed, accuracy, precision, and
specificity over traditional, or classical, microbiology test methodologies.

The majority of testing performed today relies on century-old, conventional methods based on the
recovery and growth of microorganisms using solid or liquid microbiological growth media. This
is true in part because these methods can be appropriate for their intended use and have a long
history of application in both industrial and clinical settings. They often are limited, however, by
slow microbial growth rates, the unintended selectivity of microbiological culture, and the inherent
variability of microorganisms in their response to culture methods. In spite of the limitations of clas-
sical culture methods, acceptance of alternative and potentially superior methods has only started

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to gain momentum within the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. The

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Technical Report Team believes that the lack of clear guidance both on how to demonstrate the
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equivalence of alternative/rapid methods to existing methods in a manner acceptable to regulatory

agencies and on how to validate the equipment associated with alternative/rapid methods is one

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impediment to the widespread adoption of these methods.

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Considerable guidance can be found regarding the validation of chemical methods. Examples in-

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clude USP General Informational Chapter <1225> Validation of Compendial Methods and the Inter-

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national Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guideline Validation of Analytical Methods (1,2). These

publications provide very specific instruction regarding the demonstration of alternative analytical

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chemistry methods and their equivalence to existing methods. Chapters introduced by the com-
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pendia, including USP General Information Chapter <1223> Validation of Alternative Microbiological
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Methods, and Ph. Eur. Informational Chapter 5.1.6 Alternative Methods for Control of Microbiological

Quality, provide guidance on the steps needed to validate an alternative microbiological method

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(3,4). However, additional guidance is needed, as an understandable and holistic approach to the
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qualification and implementation of novel alternate microbiological methods, including rapid mi-

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crobiological methods, still does not exist that would satisfy all regulatory agencies.

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The original PDA Technical Report No. 33 was published in 2000 to fill this void. Industry, compen-
dial, and regulatory developments since then, however, have necessitated this update to the guid-
ance. The team believes that this revision is timely and will provide additional guidance to assist
with the evaluation, validation, and implementation of the alternative microbiological methods.

This Technical Report was developed as a collaborative effort amongst representatives from alter-
native method suppliers and vendors, the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and medical device
industries, and regulatory agencies. It is intended to provide a comprehensive approach to the in-
troduction of alternative microbiology methods in a government-regulated environment. It is an-
ticipated that by providing agreed upon performance standards, the development, qualification and
implementation of alternative microbiological methods will be greatly accelerated.

1.1 Scope and Purpose of the Technical Report

This Technical Report is intended to provide guidance for the successful evaluation, validation,
and implementation of alternative and rapid microbiological methods needed by the pharmaceuti-
cal, biotechnology and medical device industries to assure product quality. Applications for these
methods include, but are not limited to, the testing of microbial limits, sterility, and antimicrobial
effectiveness; microbiological monitoring of clean rooms and other controlled environments and

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 1
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

water for pharmaceutical purposes; microbial characterization and identification; and microbiologi-
cal in-process control testing.

The Technical Report Team authored this document for microbiologists responsible for the valida-
tion of the microbiological test methods used in the routine microbiology testing laboratory; the
document also should be of interest to suppliers of testing equipment, microbiology managers and
supervisors, validation specialists, quality control personnel responsible for the approval of valida-
tion protocols and the release of product and regulatory agencies.

1.2 Overview of Technical Report Structure

This Technical Report was written to establish industry-wide criteria on what constitutes an accept-
able alternative/rapid microbiology test to the compendial or classical method and how to prove it

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to the satisfaction of quality organizations and regulatory agencies.

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The Technical Report Team arranged the guidance in such a way as to describe the technical, qual-
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ity, regulatory, and business attributes of alternative and rapid microbiological methods, the scien-

tific basis for available technologies, and an efficient process for the validation and implementation

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of such methods.

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2 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

2.0  Glossary of Terms

Accuracy Limit of Detection (LOD)

The closeness of the actual test results obtained The lowest concentration of microorganisms in
by the new method to the actual test results ob- a test sample that can be detected, but not nec-
tained by the existing method. essarily quantified, under the stated experimen-
tal conditions.
Alternative or Rapid Microbiological
Method (RMM) Limit of Quantification (LOQ)
A novel, modern and/or fast microbiological test- The lowest number of microorganisms in a test
ing method that is different from a classical or tra- sample that can be enumerated with acceptable
ditional growth-based method, such as agar-plate accuracy and precision under the stated experi-
counting or recovery in liquid broth media. The mental conditions.
alternative or rapid method may utilize instru-
mentation and software to manage the testing Linearity
and resulting data, and may provide quantitative,
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The ability to elicit results that are proportional

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qualitative and/or microbial identification test re- to the concentration of microorganisms present
sults. Automated technologies that utilize classical
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in the sample within a given range, where ac-

curacy and precision are demonstrated.
growth-based methods may also be designated as

being novel, modern or rapid, based on their sci-
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ir eu be
entific principle and approach to microbial detec-
The degree of agreement among individual test
tion. The terms alternative, rapid microbiological
results when the procedure is applied repeated-
method, rapid method and the acronym RMM are

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used interchangeably within this technical report.
ly to multiple samplings of the same suspension

Equivalence/Comparative Testing io
of microorganisms and using different suspen-

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sions across the range of the test. Also known

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o re Range s
A measure of how similar the test results are
when compared with the existing method.
as repeatability.

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Exclusivity The interval between the upper and lower lev-

The capacity of an assay not to detect microorgan- els of microorganisms that have been demon-

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isms closely related to a target microorganism.
strated to be determined with accuracy, preci-

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sion and linearity.
False Negative

i c Reproducibility
A test result that is erroneously classified in a

negative category (e.g., the absence of a viable The precision between laboratories, for exam-
microbial detection result when viable microor- ple, through collaborative studies.
ganisms are present).
False Positive A method’s capacity to remain unaffected by
A test result that is erroneously classified in a small but deliberate variations in method pa-
positive category (e.g., a viable microbial detec- rameters and provides an indication of its reli-
tion result when viable microorganisms are not ability during normal usage.
Inclusivity The degree of intermediate precision or reproduc-
The ability of an assay to detect a target micro- ibility of test results obtained by assessing the same
organism. samples under a variety of normal test conditions.

Intermediate Precision Specificity

The precision within the same laboratory using The ability to detect a range of microorgan-
different analysts, equipment, reagents and/or isms, which demonstrate that the method is fit
on different days. for its intended use.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 3
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

The act of demonstrating and documenting
that a procedure operates effectively and is suit-
able for its intended purpose. Process validation
is the means of ensuring and providing docu-
mentary evidence that processes (within their
specified design parameters) are capable of con-
sistently producing a finished product of the re-
quired quality.

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4 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

3.0 Classical Microbiology and the Move Toward

Alternative and Rapid Methods
3.1 Classical Microbiological Methods
Classical pharmaceutical microbiology methods and strategies are comparatively simple techniques
encompassing little technology and limited in their scope of detection. Methods for the detection
and enumeration of bacteria, yeast, and mold have been appropriate for a variety of applications, in-
cluding sterility testing, microbial limits, antimicrobial or preservative effectiveness, environmental
monitoring, bioburden and microbial identification, to name a few. Biopharmaceutical production
processes based on biotechnology and the use of cell cultures also require the industry to test for the
presence of other adventitious microbiological agents, such as viruses and mycoplasma, in finished
product, in-process samples and cell line/fermentation processes. Many of these microbiological test-
ing methods have served the pharmaceutical industry for almost four decades, a period of growth in
complexity and quantity of manufactured drug products.

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Each of the above mentioned microbial tests are all considered as “growth-based” techniques that
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have primarily relied on three basic nutrient media for detection of significant microorganism con-

tamination—Trypticase Soy Broth/Agar (developed by NASA in the 1960’s) for aerobic bacteria, Sab-

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ouraud’s Dextrose Broth/Agar for fungal growth (developed in the 1940’s), and Fluid Thioglycolate
Medium (also developed in the 1940’s) for anaerobic microorganisms. These three media combined
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with the “aerobic plate count” method, published in the 1965 United States Pharmacopeia (USP) XXI-

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IV, have provided the basis for quantitative microbial challenge assays for microbial safety and quality

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product release, validation of in-process microbial tests, and sterilization validation for pharmaceu-

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ticals and medical devices in the twentieth century. The precision, accuracy, and standard error of

these classical microbiological methods have been affected by the distribution of microorganisms in

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the test samples, cellular arrangement, sample dilution, and the plate count method itself such that
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the antimicrobial or preservative effectiveness test error is ±0.5 logarithm (5) and standard plate count
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errors can range from 18% to 100% (error as % of the mean counts) when the mean number of colony

forming units per plate is 30 to 1, respectively (6).

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Although the growth of microbial cells on agar surfaces or in liquid media provides the laboratory

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with critical information about the amount and the type of organisms that may be present in a
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sample under evaluation, the time-to-result is usually longer than what is desired. Days and even

weeks may elapse before microbial colonies are visually detected, and in many cases, confluent
growth prevents individual organisms from being isolated, necessitating subculture onto additional
agar media, delaying the time-to-result even further. This delay may hamper the industry in making
forward processing decisions and confirming that manufacturing processes are in a microbiological
state of control.

Additionally, microorganisms that are stressed due to nutrient deprivation following exposure to
sublethal concentrations of antimicrobial agents, such as preservatives, disinfectants, heat, or decon-
taminating gases, or as a result of certain pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, may be stressed
or physiologically injured; nor will they replicate when cultured on artificial media, because the me-
dia and/or incubation parameters may not be optimal for the resuscitation and subsequent prolifera-
tion of organisms that may be present. The inability of stressed microorganisms, or even nonstressed
microorganisms, to grow in artificial media has also been referred to as Viable But NonCulturable
(VBNC). Additionally, when microorganisms experience unfavorable conditions at the beginning of
the stationary phase, environmental challenges can induce some cells into dormancy, and these cells
will not grow. VBNC and dormancy states are further discussed in the public literature (7).

For these reasons, the modern microbiological laboratory should look toward developing innovative
approaches for the detection, quantification and identification of microorganisms. From a quality

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 5
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

risk management perspective, the industry can benefit from implementing alternative microbiologi-
cal testing strategies to:
• design robust processes that prevent contamination
• ensure that a state of microbial control is maintained
• develop more effective strategies to correct a contamination problem
• continually improve processes and products
• assess the potential impact of failing results on the patient

The motivation for using risk management principles is supported by a number of quality and regu-
latory initiatives, and these have a direct impact on microbiological monitoring and control. For
example, FDA’s Pharmaceutical cGMPs for the 21st Century: A Risk Based Approach and Guidance for Indus-
try: Process Analytical Technology, A Framework for Innovative Pharmaceutical Development, Manufacture

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and Quality Assurance indicate that using a scientific framework to find ways of mitigating risk while

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facilitating continuous improvement and innovation in pharmaceutical manufacturing is a key pub-
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lic health objective (8,9). These initiatives further promote the use of the latest scientific advances

in manufacturing and technology, and this can apply to the implementation of alternative and rapid

x Methods
microbiological methods (RMMs) and testing strategies.

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3.2 Alternative and Rapid Microbiological
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For more than 20 years, the field of alternative and RMMs has been gaining momentum as an area of
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research and application across a number of technology sectors. In fact, much of the development of
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new systems for the detection and identification of microorganisms has been driven by the food and

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beverage, environmental, municipal water, clinical, personal care and military/homeland security

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sectors. It is only since the introduction of the first version of this Technical Report that the pharma-

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ceutical and biopharmaceutical industry took notice that these methods and technologies were avail-
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able and could be validated as alternatives to existing microbiology testing.

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Alternative and RMMs are based on a wide variety of scientific principles and can be used for a num-
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ber of testing applications. Technologies can detect the presence of diverse types of microorganisms
or a specific microbial species, enumerate the number of microorganisms present in a sample, and

can identify microbial cultures to the genus, species and subspecies levels. The manner in which
microorganisms are detected, quantified or identified will be dependent on the specific technol-
ogy, procedures and/or instrumentation employed. Additionally, a number of these methods are
considered to be more sensitive, accurate, precise, and reproducible when compared with classi-
cal, growth-based methods. Some methods are fully or semi-automated, offer increased sample
throughput, provide significantly reduced time-to-result (e.g., from days or weeks to hours or min-
utes), and for a few technologies, afford results instantaneously and in real-time. A more thorough
review of technology platforms and the science behind these methods is provided in Section 4.0 of
this Technical Report.

3.3 Regulatory Perspectives

Alternative and RMMs have been understood, accepted and encouraged by regulatory authorities in
numerous regions including the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia. Regulators will generally
accept a change in a manufacturing or testing process if the change has been proven to be equivalent
to, superior to, and/or non-inferior than the system currently in place. While this Technical Report con-
tains recommendations for the validation studies to demonstrate such a concept, the final decision on
acceptance may be through the affected regulatory agencies. This may be especially true if the existing

6 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

method is incorporated in a previously approved regulatory dossier, such as a New Drug Application
(NDA), Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) or Marketing Authorisation. However, there are
also instances where a formal regulatory submission or post-approval change may not be necessary, and
in order to develop an appropriate strategy for the validation and implementation of these methods,
it is important to fully understand the current regulatory expectations. Therefore, it is highly recom-
mended that an open dialogue between the interested parties (i.e., the firm intending to implement the
method and the relevant regulatory authority) be initiated early in the planning process. This dialogue
can include discussions about the proposed method, impacted products, the validation approach and
acceptance criteria, as well as regulatory submission requirements. These types of meetings have been
very helpful and have enabled the potential alternative method users to move forward with greater as-
surance that they will be successful in gaining regulatory approval, when required.

There exists a variety of different perspectives on alternative and RMM validation and submission

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strategies, depending on with which regulatory body a firm’s products are registered and/or which
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local inspectorate is responsible for conducting GMP audits at a firm’s manufacturing facilities. The

following sections will summarize the most current regulatory expectations for validation, submis-

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sion and implementation; it is always recommended, however, to monitor any regulatory updates or
changes in this area, as appropriate.
x er
3.3.1 United States u
ie b
e r m
The FDA has been accepting of alternative and RMMs for a number of years, and this position is

M ec e
echoed in a variety of guidance documents and quality initiatives. For example, FDA’s 2004 Guid-
b i
ance for Industry: Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing – cGMP recommends the use of

rapid genotypic methods for microbial identification, as these methods have been shown to be more

t o re s
accurate and precise than biochemical and phenotypic techniques (10). The guidance also states

d pi
that these methods are especially valuable for investigations into significant microbiological ad-

verse events, such as sterility test failures and contaminated media fills. The guidance additionally
s ex
confirms that other suitable microbiological tests (e.g., RMMs) can be considered for environmental

i c e se
monitoring, in-process control testing, and finished product release testing after it has been demon-
strated that these new methods are equivalent or better than conventional methods.
L en
In 2008, FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) published draft Guidance for Industry
Validation of Growth-Based Rapid Microbiological Methods for Sterility Testing of Cellular and Gene Therapy Prod-
ucts, and in 2011 published a proposed rule in the U.S. Federal Register amending the sterility test require-
ments for biologic products (11). The latter states that advances in technology (in recent years) have allowed
the development of new sterility test methods that yield accurate and reliable test results in less time and
with less operator intervention than the currently prescribed methods. The proposed rule also included a
discussion on expanding the potentially acceptable sterility test methods to non-culture-based methods in
addition to culture-based methods, as well as guidance on validation principles, such as limit of detection,
specificity, ruggedness, and robustness. The proposed rule was finalized in 2012 as “Amendments to Steril-
ity Test Requirements for Biological Products” (12).

A separate initiative, known as FDA’s Strategic Plan for Regulatory Science, calls for the develop-
ment of sensitive, rapid, and high-throughput methods to detect, identify, and enumerate microbial
contaminants and validate their utility in assessing product sterility (13).

The FDA suggests that USP <1223>, Ph. Eur. Chapter 5.1.6, or PDA Technical Report No. 33, be
used as the basis for developing an appropriate validation plan (3,4). Additionally, many firms have
successfully utilized the FDA comparability protocol (CP) as a means to manage the validation plan
(14). Briefly, the CP is a regulatory submission (typically a prior approval supplement) that contains

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 7
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

a validation protocol for the alternative or rapid microbiological method. The CP describes the pro-
posed validation studies and the acceptance criteria to be met to demonstrate that the alternate
method is acceptable. Once the CP has been approved, the applicant can use the protocol in the CP
to validate the alternative method for its intended use. The CP can be particularly useful for changes
of a repetitive nature, such as the use of a RMM for multiple products or processes. Moreover, be-
cause the CP is reviewed by the FDA, deficiencies in the validation plan can be corrected prior to
performing the studies, eliminating the need to repeat some or all of the testing.

When the applicant has completed the studies and met the acceptance criteria as outlined in the CP,
they need to notify FDA when they are ready to implement the alternative method. This notification
can be accomplished by the submission of a Special Report (21 CFR 314.81(b)(3)(ii)) (15). The Special
Report is a simple letter to FDA stating that they have completed the validation, the acceptance criteria
have been met and that the alternative or rapid method is being implemented. In addition, a reduced

tr y 4.
reporting category can be used when notifying the FDA, such as a Changes Being Effected (CBE)-30 or

s 01
CBE-0, the latter allowing the firm to immediately implement the method for routine use.
nd 4, 2
Finally, if the alternative or RMM will impact in-process microbiology assays that are not included in
x er
a formal product submission, such as an NDA or ANDA, the implementation of the method may be

better managed through a firm’s internal change control program instead of going through a formal

ie b
regulatory process. For this reason, it is always recommended that a firm discuss their validation

e m
and implementation plan with the FDA early in the planning phase.

M ec e
3.3.2 Europe
b i o
: D
Like their U.S. counterparts, European regulators have supported the validation and implementa-
t o re
tion of alternative and RMM technologies. However, there are subtle differences with respect to

d pi
validation expectations and submission requirements. Furthermore, although individual member
s ex
states have approved RMMs for routine use and for product marketed in the European Union (EU),

many of the validation and implementation tools provided by the FDA did not exist until 2010.
e se
L enc
Commission Regulation (EC) 1234/2008 went into effect in 2010 and applies to variations to a Marketing
Authorisation granted in a Mutual Recognition/Decentralized Procedure and to Community or Cen-

tralized Authorisations (16). The new variations regulation introduces a number of features aimed at re-
ducing the workload for both competent authorities and applicants. One of the most important changes
relating to alternative and RMMs is that it is now possible to group variations under the same Marketing
Authorisation such that they can all be assessed at the same time. Furthermore, it is possible to combine
the same variations or group of variations from different Marketing Authorisations and have all of these
assessed at the same time under what is called a “Work Sharing Process” or “Common Assessment.”
This could be the case for a single alternative or RMM technology being used for multiple products.

Next, there is an opportunity for scientific dialog with regulators through the EMA Scientific Advice
(SA) procedure (17). Here, a firm may ask for advice on their validation and implementation strate-
gies. The SA working party includes representatives from all EU member states and a written report
is provided with the results of the SA process.

On the basis of the Regulation (EC) 1234/2008, the Commission published a “guideline on the details
of the various categories of variations to the terms of marketing authorisations for medicinal products
for human use and veterinary medicinal products” which implements the ‘post approval change man-
agement protocol’ (PACMP) (18). This voluntary process, which is very similar to FDA’s CP, provides a
strategy for managing the review of proposed validation plans prior to the start of testing (19).

8 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

In this two-step process, a change management testing protocol is first submitted as a Type 2 Varia-
tion. The protocol should include the overall testing strategy, such as the planned studies, accep-
tance criteria and methods. Prior to submitting the PACMP, a firm may also discuss their testing
strategies with the EMA under the SA procedure. Once the protocol is approved, the submitting
company will perform the testing as specified in the protocol.

The second step of the PACMP process involves submitting the resulting data (assuming they have met
the protocol’s acceptance criteria) as either a Type 1A or 1B Variation. The decision as to whether the data
is submitted as a Type 1A versus a Type 1B variation is determined at the time of protocol review and ap-
proval. If the data is submitted under a Type 1A Variation, the company can immediately implement the
alternative or rapid method, while a Type 1B Variation requires a 30-day waiting period while the data is
reviewed. These strategies are very similar to the FDA’s CBE-0 and CBE-30 reduced reporting policies.

r y 4.
The European Pharmacopeia (Ph. Eur.) contains a chapter that addresses the validation of alterna-

s 01
tive microbiology methods (4). Along with this document, Ph. Eur. 5.1.6 provides a framework for

the development of an appropriate validation plan. The validation plan can then be included in the

nd 4, 2
PACMP as the basis for the studies that will be performed.

x er
The EMA has recently extended the competencies of the PAT team (which is currently responsible
ie b
for QbD matters) to also cover all matters related to alternative microbiological methods.

e r m
Finally, it is recommended to have discussions with the EMA, the relevant competent authorities and/

M ec e
or the local inspectorate early in the implementation planning phase, especially if it is determined that

b i
a formal Type Variation change may not be required (this will depend upon the alternative or RMM’s

intended application, such as an in-process microbiology test that is not in a Marketing Authorisation).

t o re
3.3.3 Japan and Australia s
e d pi
s ex
Both the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) and the Australian Thera-

peutic Goods Administration (TGA) are also accepting of alternative and RMM technologies.

i c e se
The TGA utilizes relevant sections in the Ph. Eur., British Pharmacopoeia, USP Chapter <1223>, Ph.
L en
Eur. Chapter 5.1.6, ISO 17025, as well as this technical report, when working with companies wish-

ing to validate and implement alternative and RMM technologies (3,4,20).

The Japanese PMDA requires evaluation and approval for alternative or rapid methods that will be
used for product release, such as a rapid sterility test. As of the publication date of this TR, at least
one rapid sterility test has been approved by the PMDA. However, in the case of in-process control
tests, the validation and implementation of alternative or RMM technologies would be managed
under the responsibility of the drug manufacturer. Furthermore, the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP)
is preparing a chapter on RMMs and will refer to USP chapter <1223> and Ph. Eur. Chapter 5.1.6.

3.3.4 Rest of World (ROW)

The implementation of alternative and RMMs has also been successful in non-U.S. and non-Euro-
pean regions, including the Asia-Pacific and Central/South America. As with U.S. and European
agencies, it is recommended that an open dialogue with the affected regulators is initiated early in
the implementation process. And as many of these agencies may be unfamiliar with the proposed
technologies, it may also be recommended to have the vendor involved as well. Where some ROW
countries may follow USP Chapter <1223> and/or Ph. Eur. Chapter 5.1.6, other countries may only
follow their own, local Pharmacopeias (3,4). In either case, it is recommended that this technical
report serve as a framework for discussion of the planned validation and implementation plans.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 9
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

3.3.5 When an RMM is Approved by One Regulatory Authority but not

Companies that want to utilize a RMM for a product that is marketed in multiple countries may re-
quire approval from each country’s regulatory authority. However, it is possible that one regulatory
authority may not approve the RMM, even though another regulatory authority has approved it. In
this case, the company may need to establish an alternative product testing strategy for the country
in which the RMM cannot be utilized, and this may include using the original microbiology method
for that particular product.

3.4 Business/Economic, Quality and Technical Considerations

Significant opportunities exist for improving the efficiency of manufacturing and quality assurance

y 4.
through the application of modern process analytical tools including alternative and RMMs. For many

companies, the implementation of these technologies has provided a more in-depth understanding of their
s 01
manufacturing processes in terms of microbial quality control. As such, some companies have been able to

nd 4, 2
reduce variability and wasteful activities, and increase manufacturing capacity and efficiencies.

x er
To aid in the evaluation of which particular alternative or RMMs are appropriate for specific applica-

tions, firms should consider the business and economic, quality and technical considerations of the

ie b
proposed method(s).

M ec e
3.4.1 Business and Economic Considerations m
b i o
The business and economic or cost requirements when implementing alternative or RMM should

: D
be well understood. These considerations may have a significant impact on the decision to validate
t o re
and implement new technologies for routine use. From a business perspective, a number of factors

d pi
should be considered, including, but not limited to, the following:

s ex
• Potential for reduced in-process microbiology testing and finished product release cycle times

e se
• Reduction in risks associated with forward processing (e.g., bacterial contamination of mammalian cell cultures)

i c
• Elimination or reduction of off-line assays

L en
• Increases in laboratory automation and reductions in manual testing, sample handling and/or data

• Reduced overhead and/or headcount for sampling and/or testing
• Ability to make immediate microbiology decisions on the state of microbial control
• Faster response to contamination events or microbial data deviations, and the initiation of investigations
• Reduced repeat testing, lot rejection, reprocessing and rework
• Reduction in plant downtime and investigations
• Increased product yields
• Reduced raw material, in-process and finished goods inventory holdings
• Reduced warehousing space/cost and work-in-process (WIP).

Many of these business considerations, in terms of potential cost savings and/or cost avoidances,
may be analyzed using an appropriate financial or economic model, and the resulting information
used to support, from an economic standpoint, the implementation of a new technology. However,
it should be noted that the financial results of conducting such an exercise should not solely be used
to make a final decision on whether or not to implement the technology; but rather, should be con-
sidered in addition to all of the other relevant factors, including the quality and technical benefits,
when implementing the technology.

10 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

A variety of financial models can be used to assess whether an alternative or RMM will provide a
cost savings or cost avoidance when implemented. These include Return-On-Investment (ROI), Net
Present Value, and Payback Period, to name a few. For example, ROI is the ratio of money gained
or lost on an investment relative to the amount of money invested. In this case, the investment is
the implementation of an alternative or RMM. Payback Period is the time required for the return
on an investment to “repay” the sum of the original investment. A company’s financial organiza-
tion can assist in determining the most appropriate model to use, depending on the technology, its
applications, and other financial factors. In all cases, the operating costs associated with the existing
method and the alternative or RMM are identified, as well as the potential cost savings/cost avoid-
ances and the investment costs for validation and implementation. These values are then used in the
relevant financial model to calculate either a potential financial benefit or loss.

Examples of operating costs may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Cost per test (e.g., consumables)
tr y 4.
• Labor time and labor costs
u s 01
nd 4, 2
• Equipment depreciation, calibration, qualification and maintenance
• Laboratory overhead
x er
• Data management and storage

r ie b
• Additional testing (e.g., if the RMM is not approved in all countries).

e e m
Examples of investment costs may include, but are not limited to, the following:
M ec
i o
• The capital costs for the new technology

• Software updates
: s D
• Training
t o re
d pi
• Validation

s ex
• Regulatory filings and associated costs, when applicable.

e se
Finally, the values associated with potential cost savings and/or cost avoidances may be similar to

L enc
what was previously discussed in the beginning of this section. Additional information on how to
develop a financial assessment may be found in the public literature (21,22).

Lic Considerations
3.4.2 Quality
There are also potential quality benefits that a firm should consider. For example, the implementation of
alternative or RMMs may provide the means to better monitor and control the overall microbial qual-
ity of a manufacturing process and its associated product, thereby reducing risk to the patient. Also, the
use of technologies that provide a greater understanding of manufacturing variability, enhance process
knowledge, and contribute to continuous process and product improvement should be considered. Fur-
thermore, some technologies allow for more accurate, sensitive and reproducible monitoring, as well
as enhanced trending of microbiological data, and automation, all which can contribute to increases in
compliance, process knowledge and the improved detection of microorganisms.

3.4.3 Technical Considerations

Many alternative or RMMs offer increased accuracy, precision, reproducibility, sensitivity and speci-
ficity, as compared with classical microbiological methods. These technologies may also be fully
automated, offer increased sample throughput, operate in a continuous data-collecting mode, pro-
vide significantly reduced time-to-result (e.g., from days or weeks to hours or minutes), and for some
technology platforms, obtain results in real-time. Therefore, the potential technical benefits should
also be understood when considering an alternative or RMM for implementation.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 11
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

3.5 Risk Analysis

Generally, when a change to a manufacturing or testing process is proposed, the potential risks asso-
ciated with these changes should be identified. This is also the case when implementing an alterna-
tive or rapid microbiological method; therefore, a risk assessment should be performed prior to the
start of any validation and implementation activities.

The risk level in adopting an alternative or rapid method may vary depending on the technology
considered and the methodology it replaces, the technology supplier, the nature of the measurements
taken (qualitative, quantitative or identification) and the unit of measure (e.g., as compared with clas-
sical microbiology measurements, such as the colony forming unit), the particular product or process
attribute being evaluated, method variability, the potential for false positive or false negative results,
test sample requirements, computer system security, alarm notifications, the location of the mea-

r y 4.
surement in the manufacturing process chain, worldwide regulatory acceptance, and various other
s 01

nd 4, 2
The evaluation of risk to using an alternative or rapid method, as well as the risk to product qual-

ity, should be based on scientific knowledge and a link to patient safety. As such, the level of effort,

x er
formality and documentation should be relative to the level of risk. Briefly, the steps in conducting a
ie b
risk analysis will include identifying the risks or hazards, and determining the likelihood of occur-

e r
rence and severity of harm for each of the risks identified. The ability to detect the risks may also be
considered. Then, each risk is analyzed against predefined criteria, and the output is a quantitative

o M ec
risk score or a qualitative risk ranking (e.g., low/medium/high). Based on the output, it should be
b D
determined whether the risks are acceptable or not. If they are not acceptable, the process may be

t :
o re s
changed and/or the risk may be reduced to an acceptable level. Additional activities may include
routine risk reviews to ensure that no new risks have been introduced, and that risk controls are ef-

d pi
fective, especially during the routine use of the alternative or rapid method.
n s ex
Risk Analysis Model tools, such as Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) or Hazard Analysis and

c e se
Critical Control Points (HACCP), may be utilized in order to effectively decide on which alternative or
L en
rapid method to implement, to assist in the justification of technology implementation, or to better un-
derstand the impact of implementation upon the product and the business. For additional information on

these two methods of risk analysis or other risk analysis methods the reader is referred to the literature,
which includes PDA Technical Report Number 44, Quality Risk Management for Aseptic Processes (23-25).

3.6 Vendors, Suppliers and Audits

Vendors of alternative or rapid method technologies should be assessed for their ability to provide high
quality instrumentation, consumables, software, and/or technical support. For example, vendors should
have in place an appropriate quality system for designing, manufacturing, testing and release of equip-
ment, software, reagents and consumables throughout the technology life cycle. Additionally, vendors
may provide technical documentation, training, troubleshooting, calibration services, preventive mainte-
nance programs and/or field service support. To ensure that the vendors meet a firm’s internal quality re-
quirements, as well as GMPs, vendors should be evaluated for their ability to meet these expectations. Ven-
dor assessments or audits may be conducted through a review of relevant documentation provided by the
vendor and/or a physical audit at the vendor’s manufacturing, design/development and testing facilities.

Some of the assessment areas that a company may focus on include, but are not limited to:
• Quality assurance procedures and standards, including change control and ISO certification
• Results from other audits (regulatory or other end-users)

12 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

• Financial stability
• Availability in providing consumables and instrumentation
• Ability to respond to field issues of a technical nature
• Training and validation support, and associated documentation
• The vendor’s internal validation procedures and data
• How software updates are managed, including the impact on validation activities
• Additional information that may support the end-user’s justification to implement the vendor’s technology,
such as peer-reviewed publications, user manuals and other relevant documentation.

Some vendors may also have submitted additional technology performance information to FDA
in the form of a Drug Master File (DMF; 21 CFR 314.420). The contents of the DMF may include
method development information or data from validation studies performed by the vendor. For ex-

r y 4.
ample, certain types of validation studies, such as ruggedness and robustness, may be performed by
s 01
the vendor and included in a DMF. End-users may utilize the data supplied in the DMF as supporting

information for their own validation studies and submissions to the FDA, when appropriate.

3.7 Automated Methods Ind 4, 2

u x er
Some alternative or rapid technologies may be considered as automated traditional or compendial

r ie b
microbiological test methods, especially when the results are in colony forming units (CFU). These

M ec e m
technologies may be qualified for their intended use without the need for demonstrating certain
method validation requirements as specified in Section 5.0 of this Technical Report. For these tech-

i o
nologies, at least accuracy and precision assessments should be performed, in addition to method
: D
suitability and equivalence/comparability studies. A risk assessment should be performed to deter-
t o re
mine the required testing that would support the validation of the alternative or rapid technology.

e d pi
n s ex
i c e se
L en

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 13
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

4.0 Technology Review

There exists a wide variety of alternative and rapid technologies, and they can be grouped in one or
more of the following categories: qualitative, quantitative and/or identification.

Qualitative technologies will detect the presence of diverse types of microorganisms (e.g., total aerobic
bacteria, yeast and mold), or a specific type of microorganism (e.g., E. coli or Mycoplasma). For compari-
son, the presence/absence sterility test is an example of a classical microbiological qualitative method.

Quantitative technologies will enumerate the number of microorganisms present in a test sample.
For comparison, the standard agar plate count method is an example of a classical microbiological
quantitative method.

Identification technologies can identify microbial cultures, and for some systems, single cells, to the
Genus, species, subspecies and even strain levels. Some of these technologies represent fully auto-

y 4.
mated strategies of classical, growth-based biochemical and carbohydrate methods, while other rely

on a completely novel scientific principles that are similar to chemical or analytical methods.
s 01
nd 4, 2
The manner in which microorganisms are detected, quantified and/or identified will be dependent

on the specific technology, their scientific principles and the instrumentation employed. For ex-

x er
ample, alternative and rapid technologies may be further classified as those that rely on microbial

growth, the use of viability stains, the detection of cellular markers or targets, optical spectroscopy,

ie b
nucleic acid amplification, and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, or MEMS.

M ec e m
This chapter provides an overview of the different types of alternative and rapid technologies that

i o
are commercially available or are known to be in development. For ease of understanding, these

b D
technologies are discussed under their primary scientific principle; however, it should be noted that
o re s
some technologies might provide one or more detection capabilities (i.e., qualitative, quantitative
and/or identification). When applicable, this Technical Report provides additional clarity for tech-

e d pi
nologies that fall under each of these detection categories. For example, certain nucleic acid amplifi-

s ex
cation technologies that are primarily used to identify microorganisms may also provide an estima-
e se
tion of cell count based on the number of amplification cycles required to elicit a positive response

i c
(i.e., this is related to the number of genetic copies of the target starting material in the original

L en
sample). Additionally, certain spectroscopic technologies are able to provide both a microbial iden-

tification as well as a cell count.

The reader should also be aware that because alternative and rapid technologies are constantly
evolving, specific vendor names and their respective technologies are not specified in this Techni-
cal Report; rather, the scientific principles of known technologies and developing methods are dis-
cussed. Additional information regarding specific technologies may be found in the public literature
and in relevant online resources (26-28).

4.1 Growth-based
Alternative and RMM that employ the use of growth-based platforms have been shown to reduce
the time at which actively growing microorganisms can be detected, although the actual time-to-
result may be impacted by the physiological state of microorganisms and/or the lag period in which
microorganisms adapt to growth conditions. Many growth-based systems continue to use conven-
tional liquid or agar media. As a result, the same types of applications that traditional methods
are used for can also be applied to growth-based alternative and rapid methods. Examples include
bioburden testing, Microbial Limits, environmental monitoring, sterility testing, and the identifica-
tion or presence/absence of microorganisms. A summary of growth-based technologies is presented

14 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

4.1.1 Electrochemical Measurement

Electrochemical methods measure changes in the electrical properties of microbiological media as a
result of microbial metabolism. Liquid growth media comprise relatively large uncharged or weakly
charged molecules, and microorganisms growing in this media will break down the large molecules
into smaller more highly charged components (e.g., proteins into amino acids, fats into fatty acids
and polysaccharides or sugars into lactic acid). These technologies can rapidly detect changes in
measurable electrical threshold during microbial growth by monitoring the movement of ions be-
tween electrodes (conductance), or the storage of charge at the electrode surface (capacitance). By
measuring the changes in electrical impedance, capacitance and/or conductance, growing microor-
ganisms can be detected much faster than observing turbidity in the media.

4.1.2 Detection of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

tr y 4.
Microorganisms, when grown in liquid culture, produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other metabolites. In a

s 01
closed container, the amount of CO2 produced may be monitored and used as a measure of organism vi-
nd 4, 2
ability (i.e., the presence of growing microorganisms). Test samples are added to media bottles that contain

a liquid emulsion or silicone sensor. During microbial growth, CO2 in the medium diffuses into the sensor.

x er
Hydrogen ions will then interact with the sensor resulting in a decrease in pH, and the sensor will turn

color (e.g., from gray to yellow). The rate at which CO2 is detected depends on the initial concentration of

ie b
microorganisms; for example, a higher initial concentration will provide a faster detection response.

M e m
4.1.3 Utilization of Biochemical andeCarbohydrate Substrates
i o e c
There are a variety of technologies that employ a microorganism’s ability to utilize biochemical and

: s D
carbohydrate substrates as sole carbon or energy sources for the rapid and automated identification

t o re
of microorganisms. A suspension of a pure culture (usually from an isolated colony on an agar plate)

d pi
is inoculated onto test cards or strips. Each card or strip is composed of incubation wells, and individ-
s ex
ual wells contain a single substrate in dehydrated form. The inoculated cards or strips are incubated,

and if the organism under test utilizes any of the substrates for cellular metabolism and growth, the
e se
turbidity, color and/or fluorescence in the well will change. The resulting data (normally in the form
L en
of positive and negative responses in each well) are compared with an internal database or reference

Lic Imaging and Auto-fluorescence of Micro-Colonies

library and a microbial identification (e.g., Genus and/or species) is provided.

4.1.4 Digital
During microbial growth, cells will fluoresce in the yellow-green spectral region when illuminated
with blue light. Cellular auto-fluorescence in this spectral region is a property of all microbial cells due
to the presence of ubiquitous fluorescent biomolecules including flavins, riboflavins, and flavoproteins.
Test samples are filtered and the membrane is placed onto an agar surface and incubated. During incu-
bation, a Light Emitting Diode (LED) excites micro-colonies to autofluoresce, which are quantitated by
a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) imaging system in approximately one-half the time an operator would
normally be able to observe colonies on the agar surface. Incubation of the agar can continue to allow
for the recovery of larger colonies for subsequent analysis, such as microbial identification.

4.1.5 Fluorescent Staining and Laser Excitation of Micro-Colonies

Viability staining and laser excitation can also be used to detect and quantify micro-colonies. A test
sample is filtered and the membrane is placed onto an agar surface. Following an appropriate incuba-
tion period, the membrane is stained with a nonfluorescent substrate. Microorganisms on the filter
will take up the substrate, which is then enzymatically cleaved, liberating free fluorochrome in the
microorganism cytoplasm. As the fluorochrome accumulates inside the cells, the signal is ampli-

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 15
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

fied. The membrane is subsequently placed into a reader and exposed to the excitation wavelength
of the fluorochrome. Fluorescent micro-colonies are then enumerated. Incubation of the agar can
continue to allow for the recovery of larger colonies for subsequent analysis.

4.1.6 Use of Selective Media for the Detection of Specific Microorganisms

Selective media is used to selectively promote the growth of specific types of microorganisms while
preventing the growth of other types of microorganisms. This is also known as inclusivity and ex-
clusivity. A test sample is added to a liquid-based selective medium that also contains unique dyes.
During incubation, optical sensors detect changes in the medium’s color or fluorescence, thereby
indicating the presence of growing microorganisms.

4.1.7 Measurement of Change in Head Space Pressure

r y 4.
These technologies are based on noninvasive, continuous, automated monitoring of growing mi-
s 01
crobial cultures. The test sample is added to a liquid medium and electronic transducers will detect

positive or negative pressure changes in the headspace of the container as a result of microbial
d ,2
growth (i.e., the production and/or consumption of gases).

x I 4
4.1.8 Microcalorimetry
ir eu be
Microbial catabolic activity produces heat, which can be measured on a sensitive microcalorimeter.

M ec e m
This heat production can be measured by flowing the test sample continuously through a micro-
calorimeter, or by placing the test sample suspended in a growth medium inside a sealed metal am-

i o
poule within the microcalorimeter. The measured heat associated with the test sample is compared
: D
with the heat evolved from a sterile medium standard or baseline value.

t o re
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4.2 Viability-based
s ex
Viability-based technologies use viability stains and laser excitation for the detection and quantification of

e se
microorganisms without the need for cellular growth. For this reason, organisms that are stressed, injured,

i c
fastidious, in a dormant state or are considered viable, but nonculturable, may now be detected when these

L en
same organisms will not grow in or on classical microbiological media. These types of technologies can be

used for a variety of applications that require the detection and enumeration of microorganisms, such as bio-
burden and Microbial Limits testing, environmental monitoring, process water analysis and sterility testing.

4.2.1 Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry involves labeling microorganisms with a viability marker and injecting the labeled sample
into the instrument’s flow cell. As individual, labeled cells pass through a focused laser beam, they will
fluoresce and are enumerated. Because the flow cell is very narrow, usually small volumes of test sample,
such as 1 mL or less, are usually evaluated. The process of labeling and evaluating viable cells in these types
of technologies can be accomplished in as little as a few minutes, and for some systems, operate with mini-
mal operator manipulation. Flow cytometry provides a relatively large range of detection operation (e.g.,
101-106 cells/mL) and has been demonstrated to enumerate a wide variety of microorganisms.

Test samples that are applicable to the use of flow cytometry include liquid matrices and material
that cannot be filtered, such as creams and lotions.

4.2.2 Laser Scanning Solid Phase Cytometry

Solid-phase cytometry uses a similar staining and laser excitation method as does flow cytometry;
however, the microorganisms are first captured onto a solid phase (e.g., a 0.4 µm membrane filter) and

16 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

the filter is subsequently labeled with a nonfluorescent, viability staining substrate. Microorganisms
that are present on the surface of the filter will take up this substrate, and within the cytoplasm of
metabolically active cells, the substrate is enzymatically cleaved by an esterase. This process results in
the release of a fluorochrome, which can be excited when exposed to a laser of an appropriate wave-
length. If the retained organisms have an intact cell membrane, the fluorescent label is concentrated
within the cell, and this signal is detected when the laser scans the membrane surface. Following laser
scanning, the technology provides a viable organism count, with a limit of quantitation of a single
cell. The time from filtration to staining to enumeration is approximately 90 minutes.

Test samples for use in solid phase cytometry must be filterable, as the microorganisms must be
retained on the membrane for viability staining and laser excitation.

4.2.3 Direct Epifluorescence Filter Microscopy

tr y 4.
Direct epifluorescence filter microscopy (DEFT) is essentially a precursor to laser scanning solid

s 01
phase cytometry. DEFT technology is based on membrane filtration followed by microorganism
nd 4, 2
staining using viability dyes and enumeration. Following sample filtration, the membrane is treated

with fluorescent dyes, such as acridine orange, or 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), and viewed

x er
under an epifluorescence microscope. Viable microorganisms accumulate acridine orange and stain

orange, while nonviable microorganisms stain green. A number of fluorescent redox dyes can also

ie b
be used with DEFT, such as 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl-tetrazolium chloride (CTC) for respiring cells.

4.3 Cellular Component-basede

M ec e m
b i o
Cellular component-based technologies rely on the detection and analysis of specific portions of the micro-
o re s
bial cell, including ATP, endotoxin, proteins and surface macromolecules. The types of applications these
methods can be used for are wide spread and include sterility testing, bioburden and Microbial Limits test-

e d pi
ing, environmental and process water monitoring, microbial identification and endotoxin analysis.

n s ex
4.3.1 ATP Bioluminescence

i c e se
ATP bioluminescence is the generation of light by a biological process. In the presence of the enzyme
L en
luciferase and the substrate luciferin, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is enzymatically broken down to

produce photons of light. An instrument equipped with a photomultiplier tube can detect these pho-
tons. Because ATP is a key intracellular energy source in all cells, measuring ATP can be a marker for
viable microorganisms. Depending on the technology, some systems will detect the general presence
of microorganisms by measuring the total relative light units from the test sample, while other sys-
tems can detect ATP bioluminescence from individual micro-colonies, thereby providing a quantita-
tive assessment of the number of microorganisms from the original sample under evaluation.

The sensitivity and time-to-result of the ATP bioluminescence assay may also be improved with a
two-phase reaction that begins by using an enzyme-catalyzed reaction to generate ATP to levels sig-
nificantly higher than what is naturally contained in the microorganism. In the presence of microor-
ganisms, specific microbial enzymes can be used to convert adenosine diphosphate (ADP) provided
to the reaction into ATP and adenosine monophosphate (AMP). The enzymes are not consumed
by the reaction; therefore, ATP is continuously generated as long as ADP is present. The amplified
ATP levels are then detected using the typical ATP bioluminescence reaction previously described.

4.3.2 Fatty Acid Profiling

The cellular membrane contains lipid biopolymers, and one component of this cellular layer is
chains of fatty acids. Fatty acids can be extracted from a pure culture of microorganisms, and fol-

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 17
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

lowing a series of chemical conversion steps; the purified fatty acids are analyzed via automated gas
chromatography (GC). The resulting gas chromatogram is compared with a previously established
library of known microorganisms, and if a match is found, the identification is provided.

4.3.3 Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight

(MALDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometry
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry provides an accurate molecular weight measurement and charac-
terization of biomolecules, including proteins, peptides, polysaccharides and nucleic acids. Whole
cells from an isolated colony are smeared onto a stainless steel plate and mixed with a UV-absorbing
matrix. A laser ionizes the cells’ biomolecules, which are then accelerated in an electric field. Within
this field, the ionized molecules are separated according to their mass to charge ratio and the result-
ing mass spectrum is compared with an internal library of previously identified microorganisms.

tr y 4.
4.3.4 Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight
(SELDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometry
u s 01
Ind 4, 2
SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry utilizes a chip array that contains one of a variety of chemical or biochemi-

x er
cal surface receptors that will bind very specific protein molecules. The captured proteins are then ana-
ie b
lyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and when compared with other mass spectrum from known

e r
microorganisms, a microbial identification may be obtained. This technology also allows for the direct pro-
filing of proteins from complex biological samples, thereby bypassing the complicated steps of purification.

i o
4.3.5 Fourier Transform-InfraredM(FT-IR)eSpectrometry
: b D
o re s
Molecular functional groups can absorb infrared radiation to generate a transmission spectrum
d pi
specific for a material under evaluation. The material can also include microorganisms, and FT-IR

can generate organism-specific spectra without the need for staining, labeling or amplification. For

s ex
example, cellular material from a pure culture is spread onto a micro-plate and dried at 40-45°C un-
e se
der vacuum to create a biofilm. The dried biofilm is then analyzed in the FT-IR spectrometer. Each

i c
cell’s FT-IR spectra reflects its biochemical composition, including proteins, lipids, DNA and RNA,

L en
and carbohydrates. This spectral fingerprint is then compared with other spectra from a previously

established library of known microorganisms, and if a match if found, an identification is provided.

4.3.6 Endotoxin Detection

The detection of endotoxin, or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may now be performed using a quantita-
tive, kinetic chromogenic method via a hand-held, point-of-use instrument within 15-20 minutes.
The system uses LAL (Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate) reagents and has a sensitivity level similar to
larger laboratory-based instrumentation (e.g., 0.05 – 5.0 EU/mL). Another technology utilizes an
ELISA-based procedure where phage-derived protein binds LPS to the bottom of test wells in a mi-
crotiter plate. The plate can then be washed to remove components or conditions which may lead to
interference during the endotoxin assay (e.g., salt or extremes in pH). Following the washing step,
the bound endotoxin is detected using recombinant factor C and a fluorescent substrate. The sensi-
tivity of this technology is between 0.05 – 500 EU/mL.

4.4 Optical Spectroscopy

Optical spectroscopy methods utilize light scattering and other optical techniques to detect, enu-
merate and identify microorganisms without the need for microbial growth, labeling or amplifica-
tion, and in many cases, obtain results in real-time.

18 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

4.4.1 Light Scattering/Intrinsic Fluorescence

Light scattering is a phenomenon in which the propagation of light is disturbed by its interaction
with particles. Instrumentation that utilizes Mie scattering (i.e., where the scattered light intensity is
dependent upon the particle size in a certain size range) and fluorescence detection techniques can
provide information about the size and number of viable microorganisms in air. As microorganisms
pass through a laser of a specific wavelength, certain metabolites, such as NADH, riboflavin and
dipicolinic acid, are excited and provide an intrinsic fluorescent signal that distinguishes the micro-
organisms from other airborne particulates. Therefore, these types of systems offer the simultane-
ous and instantaneous detection, sizing and counting of both viable and total particulates per cubic
volume of air. Other instruments utilize Mie scattering to detect the presence of certain classes of
microorganisms in water, such as coliforms, pseudomonads and protozoa.

4.4.2 Raman Spectroscopy

tr y 4.
s 01
Raman spectroscopy is an established analytical method based on the Raman scattering properties
nd 4, 2
of a material under evaluation. When a laser interacts with the material, molecules are excited,

resulting in a photon energy shift, which is related to the vibrations and rotations of the molecule.

x er
Because each molecule has its own unique Raman spectrum, this technique can be used for the

ie b
identification of microorganisms. For example, a sample can be filtered, and each of the captured

e r
particulates is evaluated. The resulting Raman spectra are then compared with spectra from a pre-

viously established library of known microorganisms, and if a match if found, an identification is

i o M ec
provided. Because Raman can target individual particulates, there exists the potential for obtaining

a simultaneous identification as well as a microbial count.

: s D
t o re
4.5 Nucleic Acid Amplification

e d pi
Nucleic acid and gene amplification-based technologies employ a variety of scientific principles, includ-

s ex
ing, but not limited to, DNA-based Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), RNA-based reverse-transcriptase
e se
amplification, 16S rRNA typing, gene sequencing and other novel techniques. Many of these methods will

i c
detect the presence of a specific microorganism, such as an “objectionable” or pharmacopoeia “specified”

L en
organism, or can provide a microbial identification, in some instances, to the strain or subspecies level.

Additional methods can be used to estimate the number of viable microorganisms in a sample, based on
the number of amplification cycles required to reach a baseline or threshold level. Because there are many
methods and systems based on nucleic amplification techniques, it is not possible to cover all of the scien-
tific principles in this technical report; therefore, a brief example of key methods is provided, and additional
information may be found in the literature and in online resources (26,27,29,30).

4.5.1 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

In a classical PCR reaction, DNA is extracted from microorganisms (e.g., from an isolated colony on
an agar plate) and heated to separate the double strands. DNA primers are then added which will
bind to unique target sequences on the template DNA. The primer is elongated when a heat-stable
DNA polymerase and nucleotide bases are added. The result is two new copies of the template DNA.
This PCR process is then repeated, resulting in millions of copies of the target DNA.

One of a variety of probes that also contain a fluorescent dye is included in the process, which allows
for the rapid and real-time detection and quantitation of the number of amplification cycles needed
to reach a threshold level, which in turn can be related to the number of copies of the target sequence
in the original sample. There are many different types of probes that bind to double-stranded DNA
or to specific sequences as they amplify and accumulate in the test system. The increase in fluores-

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 19
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

cent signals is then detected. As an example, if a sample contains a DNA target sequence associated
with a particular microorganism, following PCR amplification of that target, the fluorescence signal
from the probe will be detected, and the system will provide a positive response for that particular
microorganism. If the target is not present in the original sample, then no amplification will occur
and no fluorescence will be detected (above the threshold or background level). If the method uti-
lizes real-time, quantitative PCR, the DNA amplification reaction is measured as it occurs.

4.5.2 Reverse Transcriptase (RT) PCR

RT-PCR uses RNA, instead of DNA, as a starting template for the PCR reaction. In this process, RNA is
extracted from the cell, and the enzyme reverse transcriptase will create a complimentary strand of DNA.
RNAse H will then remove the original single-strand of RNA. A second primer and DNA polymerase is
then used to create double stranded DNA, which will be used in the classical PCR reaction as described

tr y 4.
above. RT-PCR has some advantages over classical PCR, such as a lower risk of contamination from nonvi-
able cell DNA or residual DNA from the sample and/or work environment. RT-PCR is now being used for

u s 01
the detection of specific types of microorganisms as well as the estimation of viable cell count.

4.5.3 Ribotyping
Ind 4, 2
u x er
To maintain correct RNA structure and ribosome function in bacteria, the 16S sequence of rRNA is

ie b
highly conserved at the Genus and species level, but there are also nonconserved fragments within

e r m
the rRNA operon that can be used for microbial identification and for strain differentiation. This

M ec e
method, known as ribotyping, uses restriction enzymes to cut DNA into fragments, which are then

separated according to size by gel electrophoresis. The double-stranded DNA is then denatured to

b D
single-stranded DNA, which is subsequently hybridized with an rRNA operon probe and chemilu-
o re s
minescent agent. The resulting bands emitted by the fragments are compared with previously de-
d pi
veloped patterns from known microorganisms, and a bacterial identification is provided. Addition-

ally, the differences observed within the same patterns can be used to provide information related

s ex
to strain differentiation between bacteria belonging to the same Genus and species.
i c e
4.5.4 Gene
s e
L en
Gene sequencing is used for the identification of a wide variety of microorganisms, including bacte-

ria, yeast, mold and Mycoplasma. The scientific principle involves sequencing each nucleotide base
of a specific DNA target after PCR amplification. Typically, the first 500 base pairs of the 16S rRNA
gene are used, although the entire 16S rRNA gene has also been employed for greater accuracy.

DNA is first extracted from a pure culture of cells and then amplified via PCR in four separate reac-
tions; one reaction for each of the four deoxynucleotide bases: adenine (A) thymine (T) guanine (G)
and cytosine (C). However, a mixture of these standard nucleotides and dideoxyribonucleotides are
used, where the latter nucleotides lack a 3’-hydroxyl (-OH) group on their deoxyribose sugar. When
a dideoxyribonucleotide is randomly incorporated during the amplification reaction, elongation of
the PCR primer is terminated. This provides DNA fragments of varying lengths. Because each dide-
oxyribonucleotide is labeled with a different fluorescent dye, a series of fluorescently labeled copies
of the amplified sequence, each terminating at a different base, is formed. These copies differ in
molecular weight and can be separated and detected (based on their fluorescence) using capillary
electrophoresis of the reaction mixes. By simultaneously analyzing each of the four reaction mixes
representing the four deoxynucleotide bases, software within the gene sequencer will reconstruct
the linear arrangement of these bases in the sequence being analyzed. The resulting sequence is
then compared with a library of known microorganism sequences, and if a sequence match is found,
a Genus and species identification is provided.

20 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

4.5.5 PCR and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

Combination gene amplification and mass spectrometry systems are also available for the detection of specific
microorganisms and for microbial identification. PCR is first performed using primers and probes specific for
one or more target sequences. In one system, the resulting PCR amplified sequences, or amplicons are trans-
ferred onto a silicon chip and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is performed. In a separate system, the am-
plicons are introduced into an electrospray ionization-TOF mass spectrometer. The ionized amplicons will
reach the detectors based on their nucleotide composition and length, and the resulting spectra are compared
with an internal library of known microorganisms. These technologies can detect a wide variety of micro-
organisms, including viruses, and can detect multiple microbial species in a single sample (i.e., multiplexing).

4.6 Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

y 4.
MEMS utilize microarrays, biosensors, Lab-On-A-Chip or micro-fluidic systems, and nanotechnology,

all which provide miniaturized technology platforms as compared with conventional, bench-top
s 01

4.6.1 Lab-On-A-Chip and Microfluidic Systems

Ind 4, 2
u x er
Lab-On-A-Chip technologies employ sample preparation, fluid handling, analysis and detection

ie b
steps in a microchip format. Samples are processed through the use of microfluidics, where pres-

e r m
sure or voltage gradients move pico- or nanoliter volumes through miniaturized channels. Protein,

M ec e
DNA, RNA and whole cells are able to be analyzed in fluid samples.

b i D
One example of this type of technology utilizes a microchip to separate PCR amplicons for the

t :
o re s
purpose of identifying and strain typing microorganisms. The system targets short, repeating se-
quences of unknown function that occur randomly throughout the DNA of an organism. Primers

d pi
bind to these sequences, resulting in multiple fragments of various lengths, which are subsequently
s ex
added to the microchip and separated by size and charge. The amplicons then pass through a laser,

causing fluorescence of an intercalating dye, and the resulting profile is compared with an internal
e se
i c
database of similar profiles. If a match is found, a microbial identification or strain type is provided.

L en
4.6.2 Microarrays

Microarrays are composed of an orderly arrangement of proteins, DNA, RNA or other biological
fragments on a solid substrate, and can rapidly detect microorganisms of clinical importance, such
as influenza A and Avian H5N1 (bird flu) strains.

One technology can identify up to 40 different species of Mycoplasma. DNA is first extracted from
the Mycoplasma culture and PCR is performed using primers specific for conserved and species-
specific regions of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) of the Mycoplasma DNA.
The fluorescently labeled fragments are then hybridized to the microarray chip. The chip contains
probes for both species-specific targets and a universal probe for all Mycoplasmas, and if one of the
targets is present, the system will provide a positive response.

4.6.3 Other Technologies

MEMS technologies continue to be developed, and include biosensors, nanoarrays, and micro and
nanocantilever platforms for the rapid detection of microorganisms, viruses and other biological
material. As microbiology detection systems evolve and continue to miniaturize, there is the po-
tential for incorporating these novel methods directly into pharmaceutical manufacturing process
streams and to reduce the footprint for lab-based methods that are still in use today.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 21
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.0 The Validation Process

There are many definitions of validation. For example, ICH Q2(R1) states that (2):
“The objective of validation of an analytical procedure is to demonstrate that it is suitable for its
intended purpose.”

Another example of a representative one of these definitions used by the EMA is from CPMP/
QWP/848/96; EMEA/CVMP/598/99, September 2001 (31):
“Validation is the act of demonstrating and documenting that a procedure operates effectively. Process
validation is the means of ensuring and providing documentary evidence that processes (within their
specified design parameters) are capable of consistently producing a finished product of the required

Therefore, two components of validation are the appropriateness or suitability of the process or proce-

y 4.
dure (meaning it does what it is intended to do) and reproducibility (meaning it continues to perform

as expected). In the context of a new microbiological method, it is, therefore, important to be able to
s 01
demonstrate the appropriateness of the method for the intended analytical application and ensure

nd 4, 2
that there are procedures in place to show it continues to perform to the same standard of quality
over time.
x er
Validation should be more than a study conducted on a new method or sample matrix. Instead it

ie b
should encompass the entire process that commences with the decision to change some aspect of the

M ec e m
microbiological testing program and continues through ongoing routine use of the method. It fol-
lows, therefore, that validation starts from the outset, and the validation plan is designed to include

i o
each stage of the process that is required to implement a new test method. Adoption of this approach
: D
is intended to streamline and expedite the introduction of the new method by ensuring that each

t o re
step in the process is considered in depth and documented before moving onto a subsequent stage.

e d pi
As such, and in relation to alternative and rapid methods, a validated system may actually consist of

s ex
equipment or instrumentation, associated software and an analytical test method. There are many
e se
industry guidance documents on the need for validation, and descriptions of a validation process.

i c
This Technical Report focuses on the unique aspects associated with validation of alternative and

L en
rapid methods (and their associated systems). Should you wish a more detailed review on the general

requirements for validation, appropriate references are provided to discuss these topics.

Note: Some alternative and rapid methods may not utilize any equipment or software, and depend-
ing on the simplicity of the method, there may not be a need to validate anything other than the
method itself. However, for the majority of commercially available alternative and rapid methods/
systems that utilize a variety of substantially more complex hardware, software, incubators, special-
ized consumables, or other instrumentation, an analysis should be conducted to assess the extent of
the validation strategy.

There are many different approaches that have been successfully used for the validation of alterna-
tive and rapid methods. Furthermore, these approaches have been accepted by regulatory authori-
ties. While examples of specific validation strategies are provided in this section of the Technical
Report, it may be necessary to modify or customize these strategies to most appropriately address a
specific technology, method and/or application.

The original issuance of PDA Technical Report No. 33 was published in May of 2000 followed by
the United States and European Pharmacopeias each subsequently publishing a new chapter, USP
<1223> and Ph. Eur. 5.1.6 (3,4), respectively, regarding the validation of alternative microbiological
methods. At the time these documents were written, very few companies had implemented and

22 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

validated alternative or rapid microbiological technologies and methods. The validation approach
used generally followed the validation criteria for chemical methods in the various compendia, but
redefining these criteria in microbiological terms. Within these documents there are provisions for
some of the validation testing to be conducted by the supplier/vendor of the system (equipment,
software and method) as well as validation testing that should be conducted by the end-user.

Broadly speaking, the validation criteria which need to be satisfied for microbiological testing meth-
ods can be divided, with the exception of microbial identification, into two categories: quantitative
(a test that results in an enumeration of recovered microorganisms) and qualitative (a test with two
outcomes; either positive or negative). However, minor differences existed between the three guid-
ance documents, including terminologies, procedures employed during the validation process, data
interpretation, acceptance criteria and the use of statistics. Therefore, it is the purpose of this current
version of PDA Technical Report No. 33 to help potential users of alternative and RMM to achieve

r y 4.
a harmonization of performance parameters requiring validation for any new method such that
u s 01
one strategy and/or regulatory submission can be acceptable in all geographic regions and by all
regulatory authorities, and most importantly, be scientifically defendable and justified. It is also the

nd 4, 2
recommendation of this Technical Report that the appropriate regulatory agencies be contacted and
x er
involved in the decision making process for both the validation activities and the implementation/

use of an alternative or rapid microbiological detection, enumeration or identification method that

ie b
will be utilized during the development and/or manufacture of pharmaceutical products.

5.1 Pre-Validation Activities e

r m
o M ec e
b i
There are a variety of activities that may be successfully completed prior to initiating validation of
t :
o re s
the system, as some of these tasks are critical to the subsequent validation activities required. Com-
pletion of these tasks can aid in completing a successful validation and, hopefully, reducing the num-

d i
ber of deviations and retesting that may be necessary during the course of the validation activities.
e p
n e x
5.1.1 Proof ofsConcept (POC)

i c e se
The alternative or rapid microbiological method selected for use should be initially evaluated to

L en
ensure confirmation of proof of concept (POC), feasibility or principle (i.e., assessing whether the

method and accompanying system is actually suitable for its intended purpose and that it is compat-
ible with the intended product or sample matrix). This proof of concept phase is most appropriate if
the method supplier has no supporting data on similar products or sample matrices that the end-user
will routinely test; therefore, POC testing can be conducted prior to making the final decision to
purchase the equipment or instrumentation. This activity can be conducted either by the end-user
or the supplier of the system/method. For example, the products or other sample matrices for evalu-
ation during POC testing and, when appropriate, the number and types of microorganisms chosen
to challenge the new method, should be carefully selected in order to ensure that the resulting data
provides a compelling indication that the validation of the intended method and accompanying sys-
tem will have a high probability of success.

5.1.2 Assessment of Supplier Capabilities/Supplier Audit

It is important to assess the ability of a potential supplier to meet the specified requirements (e.g., as
outlined in a User Requirements Specification, which is described in more detail in Section 5.2.2).
This can include the supplier’s ability to provide validation support, when required, as well as field
service, software maintenance, and an uninterrupted supply of consumables and reagents. An as-
sessment of the supplier’s financial viability, size of the company, and understanding of applicable
regulatory requirements may also be required. Some end-users generate an assessment or audit

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 23
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

checklist for the supplier to complete, while others may choose to audit the supplier’s development
and manufacturing sites (i.e., capital equipment and consumables production facilities). These activi-
ties may also include an assessment of the supplier’s primary design (hardware and software) and
validation of the technology.

5.1.3 Business Benefits or Return on Investment Considerations

Based on the POC evaluation and other pre-validation activities as described in the previous sec-
tions, a thorough analysis should be conducted to determine the technical appropriateness of the
alternative or rapid method for its intended use. Additionally, a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis
may also be helpful to support or justify the business case for purchasing the equipment and its
subsequent validation and implementation for routine use (refer to Section 3.4.1 for further discus-
sion on this topic). The final instrument selection and purchase should, of course, take place before

y 4.
initiating validation.

s 01
5.2 Validation of the Equipment, Software and Method
nd 4, 2
The validation of an alternative or rapid method involves the entire system. Therefore, prior to
validating the actual microbiological test method, the testing equipment/instrumentation and the
x er
associated software/computer system should be qualified. For this process, an adaptation to the

ie b
Analytical Equipment Qualification Model may be used (32).

e r m
The validation steps described in the following sections provide a useful framework that can be ap-

o M ec
plied to the validation of a complete system (i.e., all the components of the new test method includ-
b D
ing any instrumentation, software, firmware and reagents), and guides the end-user through the

t :
o re s
process steps involved in the decision-making and practical work required for implementing a new
alternative or rapid microbiological analytical instrument and associated method(s). It is of note that

d pi
the framework provided here reflects a highly detailed approach, and some companies may not con-
s ex
sider some of the validation deliverables a requirement for commercial off-the-shelf equipment (e.g.,

conducting a Design Qualification). As such, the overall validation strategy for particular equipment
e se
should be evaluated in a Risk Assessment and documented in the Validation Plan (refer to Section
L en
5.2.1 for further detail).

Not all the activities in each section need to be carried out in serial order, and as such, parallel path
activities can occur (e.g., combining the IQ and OQ, if appropriate). However, it should be noted that
some activities should not begin until previous activities have been completed (e.g., the PQ should
be initiated only after it has been demonstrated that the OQ acceptance criteria have been met, and
this phase of the validation plan has been reviewed and approved).

The deliverables to be considered for validation, in addition to the recommended responsibilities for
each task, are provided in Table 5.2-1.

24 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Table 5.2-1 Validation Deliverables and Responsibilities

Validation Deliverable
User Supplier
Risk Assessment and Validation Plan ü
User Requirements Specification (URS) ü
Design Qualification (DQ) ü ü
Functional Design Specification (FDS) ü
Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) ü
SOPs and Technology Training ü ü

y 4.
System Integration ü ü
Installation Qualification (1)

s 01
ü ü
Operational Qualification
nd 4, 2
ü ü

Performance Qualification (Method Validation) ü
Suitability Testing
u x er ü

ie b
On-going Maintenance and Periodic Reviews (1)
ü ü

e r m
(1) Suppliers and end-users may perform their own IQ, OQ and on-going maintenance. The end-user should

o M ec
determine the extent of each party’s roles in meeting the deliverables described above.

: bValidationDPlanning
5.2.1 Risk Assessment and
t o res
In keeping with the principles introduced in Section 3.5, the first deliverable of any validation exer-

e d pi
cise should be a documented Risk Assessment. This is essentially a high level review of the potential

s ex
risks associated with implementing a new microbiological method, as well as the factors that are
e se
likely to influence the overall approach to the validation of the new method (e.g., criticality of the

i c
generated data, system complexity/maturity, use of electronic records/signatures). Critical method

L en
steps and parameters, technical and scientific risks on method performance and the resulting data

should be considered in this assessment. The output from this activity will be an appropriately
scaled and focused validation effort that supports the pre-defined use of the new method.

The next phase is the development of an overall validation strategy, or Validation Plan. It is the
responsibility of the end-user to ensure that the Validation Plan is appropriate and correctly docu-
mented. Depending upon a company’s requirements, the Validation Plan may or may not include
those activities as described under the pre-validation activities (Section 5.1).

When it is determined that the new method requires validation then an approved Validation Plan
should be followed which will govern the process from beginning to end and will detail precisely
what activities are necessary to produce an appropriately validated system. Another key component
of the Validation Plan is the definition of system validation responsibilities, such as the identification
of the individuals or organizations/departments responsible for performing, reviewing and approv-
ing the work. The Validation Plan should also specify how deviations from the approved testing strat-
egy are handled, documented, reviewed and approved. There are also situations where validation
responsibilities may fall on both the end-user and the supplier of the new method (see Table 5.2-1).

Finally, it may not be possible to verify every feature associated with every piece of equipment.
Therefore, a decision should be made regarding the relevance of testing those features of the system

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 25
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

(e.g., during the IQ and OQ) that will not be used during the routine use of the new test method.
One way to address this type of concern is to obtain a certificate of conformance for those particular
features within the instrument received from the supplier of the system. Alternately, the Validation
Plan should specifically exclude those features and the reason why they will not be tested. For exam-
ple, a system may offer the option to document assay parameters via a thermal printer or a regular
printer. Depending on which option a company decides to pursue, the other may not be applicable
and therefore not in scope for testing. Similarly, if a computer function will not be used routinely,
then that computer function may not have to be tested during validation.

5.2.2 User Requirements Specification (URS)

The User Requirements Specification (URS) is a key document that explicitly describes the charac-
teristics of the method that will be required for routine use. As such, the content of the URS may

y 4.
well determine the success or failure of the method selection process. The specification is typically

prepared by the end-user; however, it is important to seek input from other internal stakeholders,
s 01
such as Regulatory Affairs, Quality, Information Technology (IT), and other relevant validation

nd 4, 2
groups, as well as potential suppliers of the method. Many alternative and rapid method suppliers

possess their own system specification, often referred to as an External Specification or Supplier

x er
URS. Careful review and comparison of the supplier’s URS and the end-user’s URS may help iden-
ie b
tify criteria not included in one or the other which may be critical performance characteristics to

e r
be considered during the system selection process. This may include not only the microbiological
aspects of the method and accompanying system, but also throughput, automation and environ-

o M ec
mental requirements, supplier expectations and/or communication and computer system capabili-
ties (e.g., Laboratory Information Management Systems or LIMS interface, data management). In

: D
cases where the end-user requires a very specific workflow (e.g., based on sample matrices and/or
t o re
applications), the URS may serve as a starting point for additional performance characteristics that

d pi
the end-user and the supplier may need to consider and/or develop.
n s ex
The URS will also be the starting point for establishing the validation criteria that will be tested by

i c e se
the end-user. Therefore, the URS should describe the functions that the method and accompanying

L en
system must be capable of meeting that will be very specific for the end-user’s needs and the ma-
terials to be assessed. Essentially, the requirements specified in the URS will directly influence the

entire validation strategy and acceptance criteria.

The functions that the method and accompanying system must be capable of performing will most
likely be specific for each technology and the manner in which they are to be used. Examples may
include, but are not limited to, the application, the level of sensitivity (limit of detection or quantifi-
cation), microorganisms to be detected or identified (specificity), sample handling, automation and
data management.

5.2.3 Design Qualification (DQ)

Design Qualification (DQ) is documented review and verification that the proposed design of the
equipment or system is suitable for its intended purpose. Therefore, the DQ is most critical if no
commercial off-the-shelf equipment is available for the intended application, and must be specifi-
cally designed for that purpose. However, since most alternative and rapid microbiology methods/
systems are commercial off-the-shelf equipment, the DQ serves to verify that the equipment specifi-
cations will meet the requirements as provided in the URS. The DQ may also take data from proof
of concept testing into consideration, when appropriate. While this is termed “qualification” and is
part of the qualification process, the DQ activity typically occurs prior to purchasing and validation
of the method and accompanying system.

26 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

The DQ can be performed by the end-user and/or the supplier; however, the end-user is responsible for
verifying that the method and accompanying system meets the requirements as specified in the URS. The
methods for accepting the DQ and the instruments’ suitability for use will be determined by the nature of
the instrument, the complexity of the proposed application, the complexity of the software used for instru-
ment operation and data analysis and the prior history with the supplier. Vendor audits, vendor-supplied
documentation reviews and/or direct examination of the system can satisfy the DQ requirement.

5.2.4 Functional Design Specification (FDS)

Prior to initiating the validation phase, a separate Functional Design Specification (FDS) document
that describes all of the performance functions and requirements for the method and accompanying
system, and what will be tested to ensure that the method and accompanying system performs as
specified in the URS, should be written. The FDS can include microbiological and performance char-

y 4.
acteristics such as system and method functionality, configuration, input/outputs, environmental

conditions, utilities, computer and communication architecture, interfaces, data management and
s 01
security. The FDS can also point directly to the specific test scripts where each performance func-

nd 4, 2
tion or requirement will be evaluated and verified against pre-established acceptance criteria. For

example, test scripts can be placed within the Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualifica-

x er
tion (OQ) or Performance Qualification (PQ) sections of the validation plan. The FDS may be writ-
ie b
ten by the end-user, the supplier or both parties, and may also be incorporated into other relevant

e r
documents, including the URS, depending on a company’s validation requirements or preferences.

M ec
5.2.5 Requirements Traceability Matrix
o e

b i D
The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) provides traceability that all the requirements listed in the

t :
o re s
FDS and/or URS have been verified and/or tested. This may be considered a validation checklist and is, for
all intent and purposes, a living document during the execution of the validation test scripts or protocols.

e i
d pProcedures
s ex
5.2.6 Standard Operating (SOPs) and Technology Training
e se
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that facilitate the proper execution of the method and system

i c
instrumentation should be written and approved prior to the execution of the validation plan. The

L en
need for effective instructions is important in order that personnel can understand exactly how to

perform the new test, operate and maintain the associated instrumentation. SOPs should be appro-
priate, clear, accurate and approved by the proper individual/organization. Often the supplier of the
new method will provide instructions for the system in order that they can be incorporated into an
end-user’s internal SOPs with minimum effort. However, it is the responsibility of the end-user to
ensure that all SOPs are appropriate for their intended use.

Additionally, those analysts that will conduct the validation and/or operate the system should be appro-
priately qualified for these purposes. Therefore, training with the system supplier should be completed
prior to the start of the validation activities, and this training may be conducted in-house (usually during
the initial commissioning of the equipment) and/or at the supplier’s own training facility, when available.

5.2.7 System Integration

System integration usually refers to information technology (IT), or computer systems, and involves
bringing together all of the component subsystems into a single, operating system and ensuring
that all of the components of the system function appropriately. If the alternative or rapid technol-
ogy requires to be connected to a separate data management storage and retrieval system, such
as a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) or similar platform, system integration
between these various components may be required. The supplier may need to work directly with
the end-user’s IT organization in developing an acceptable integration plan.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 27
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.2.8 Installation Qualification (IQ)

Installation Qualification (IQ) studies should establish that the equipment is properly and safely installed
with the correct utilities in an appropriate laboratory or, in some cases, manufacturing environment. A
significant part of installation qualification is a verification that all new equipment was received and meets
the design specifications for the equipment ordered. Any exceptions to the original specifications should
be documented, showing the corrected specification and approvals. It should also be noted that an IQ is in-
strument specific and portions of an IQ may need to be repeated if the equipment is moved within the labo-
ratory or to another user site. An exception to this rule may be for instrumentation designed to be portable.

IQ studies should be performed in accordance with an approved protocol. Examples of the funda-
mental types of information to be included in an IQ document include system descriptions, utility
requirements, operating environmental conditions, safety features, calibration requirements, soft-

y 4.
ware to be installed, and supporting documentation (e.g., technical manuals, blueprints, drawings).

s 01
Computerized or microprocessor controlled systems should also document important features such
nd 4, 2
as dip switch settings, cabling connections, microprocessor chips utilized, the computer configura-

tion, any special features of the equipment required, printer connections, buffers, files, and memory

x er
requirements. It is also important to document the software required and appropriate version num-

bers. This includes any operating systems used by the computer.

ie b
e r m
The IQ may be carried out by the supplier during the initial installation or system integration of the

M ec e
equipment and witnessed by the end-user. However, depending on the extent of the supplier’s IQ as

compared with receiving company’s validation requirements, a separate and more extensive IQ may

also be performed by the end-user.
: D
t o re
5.2.9 Operational Qualification s

e d pi
s ex
The Operational Qualification (OQ) verifies and documents that relevant system parts or function-

alities (and if applicable, associated software) work within pre-determined limits when operated in

i c e se
accordance with their operational procedures. Typical OQ parameters may for instance be verifica-

L en
tion of specified heating or cooling rates, adequate performance of optical systems or proper func-
tioning of the user interface.

Furthermore, there is an expectation that any system, which will be used to generate regulated elec-
tronic records (and/or electronic signatures), is appropriately validated for this use (e.g., to generate
records which are accurate and reliable and which can be appropriately maintained and accessed,
or to comply with the expectations in 21 CFR Part 11). Other examples of computer testing that will
be performed during the OQ include, but are not limited to, administrator control and operator ac-
cess, user ID and password set up, user and system lockout, data, audit trails, report generation, data
transfer and server communication, data backup and recovery, database management and integrity,
and interference (radio frequency, electromagnetic or wireless). Additional guidance and require-
ments regarding the validation of computer systems may be found in EU Annex 11, 21 CFR Part 11,
and Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP) (33-35).

5.2.10 Performance Qualification (PQ)

Performance Qualification (PQ) provides documented confirmation that the equipment, as installed
and operated in accordance with operational procedures, consistently performs in accordance with
predetermined criteria and thereby yields correct and appropriate results. This may, for instance, be
demonstrated through the successful validation of a microbiological test method using that particu-
lar equipment or through application of another experimental setup, which may also encompass

28 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

an appropriate selection of test microorganisms and/or other material (e.g., nucleic acid standards,
fluorescent particles, etc., depending upon the technology).

Method Validation
Method validation is the process by which it is experimentally demonstrated that the alternative or
rapid method is adequate for the intended application and performs in a reliable manner. Further-
more, where applicable, it has to be demonstrated that the alternative or rapid method performs at
least equivalently (i.e., it is non-inferior) to the existing or reference/compendial method intended
to be replaced. This is also referred to as equivalence or comparative testing. Section 5.3 provides
detailed guidance on the parameters that should be addressed during method validation.

Suitability Testing
Since the validated method will be used with actual product or test samples, suitability testing

y 4.
should also be performed to demonstrate that the presence of a particular product, material or

sample matrix does not significantly impact the performance of the alternative or rapid method.
s 01
Section 5.4 provides detailed guidance on the parameters that should be addressed during suit-

In d ,2
ability testing, including false-positive and false-negative assessments.

5.2.11 On-going Maintenance and Periodic Reviews
r 4
ir eu be
Following validation of the new method and accompanying system, appropriate procedures should

e m
be established to maintain the system in a validated state, for example, SOPs should be implement-

M ec e
ed, the method and accompanying system should be included in a change control program, and all

instrumentation or equipment should be maintained in good working condition.

: b D
Once the new method and accompanying system has completed validation, subsequent change con-

t o re
trols should assess the impact of the change on the validation status of the system. Additionally, a

d pi
formal mechanism should be put in place to periodically review the method and accompanying
s ex
system’s performance, as well as the overall validation program in relation to current GMPs.

e se
A special area of concern is the preventive maintenance program, frequently handled by the equip-

L enc
ment manufacturer of specialized equipment. Many programs include updating system software
with the most up-to-date software versions, extension of databases and periodic calibration checks.

It is important to ensure that appropriate re-qualification testing is performed before placing the
system back into use and that the end-user is cognizant of GMP requirements and performs the
maintenance accurately in addition to documenting the activities that were performed. The Sup-
plier should also provide information on the potential impact of repairs or spare part changes, in
order to define re-qualification or verification requirements.

Finally, the results or outputs of this phase should feed back into the first phase of the validation
process, namely, risk assessment, to ensure that the overall operation of the new method and ac-
companying system does not introduce additional quality risks associated with the lifecycle of the
products and sample matrices that will be tested routinely.

5.3 Establishment of Method Validation Criteria

The task force for this revision of this Technical Report has considered the USP, Ph. Eur. and the
original PDA Technical Report No. 33 recommendations, in addition to current industry practice
and regulatory expectations for the validation of alternative and rapid methods, in developing a
selection of acceptable strategies for satisfying the validation criteria for quantitative and qualita-
tive alternative and RMM (microbial identification methods are addressed later in this Technical
Report). The recommendations are found in Table 5.3-1.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 29
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Table 5.3-1 Method Validation Criteria

Validation Criteria Quantitative Method Qualitative Method

Accuracy Yes No
Precision Yes No
Specificity Yes Yes
Limit of Detection Yes Yes
Limit of Quantification Yes No
Linearity Yes No
Range Yes No
Ruggedness Yes Yes
tr y 4. Yes Yes

u s 01
Equivalence/Comparative Testing Yes Yes

Ind 4, 2
All of the validation criteria, with the exception of Equivalence/Comparative Testing, are usually

x er
proven with standardized microbial suspensions (e.g., different cultures of bacteria, yeast and mold)
ie b
in suitable diluents. During validation criteria testing, these microorganisms are used to demon-

e r
strate that the acceptance criteria (specific to each validation criterion) are met, and, when appli-
cable, are at least equivalent with the results of the existing method (i.e., when using these same

i o M ec
standardized microbial suspensions or an equivalent preparation).

: b D
During Equivalence/Comparative Testing, actual product and/or sample matrices (i.e., test sam-

t o re s
ples from the working environment as opposed to standardized laboratory cultures) are utilized.

d pi
However, when the product or sample matrices are not expected to contain viable microorganisms
s ex
(e.g., Water for Injection [WFI], air samples from ISO 5 environments, or test samples that typically

provide a negative result during sterility testing or the microbiological examination of nonsterile
e se
i c
products), challenging these test samples with known levels of microorganisms, and comparing the

L en
response in both the alternative or rapid method and the existing microbiological method, may be


Actual product and sample matrices are also utilized during the assessment of background noise,
interference and the potential for false positive or false negative results (i.e., this is covered in the
section on Suitability testing).

The following sections provide definitions and protocol recommendations for each of the validation
criteria, including testing procedures, acceptance criteria and statistical analyses, for quantitative
and qualitative alternative and RMM.

Validation testing may also be designed and executed where the data from one validation criteria
study may be used for several other validation criteria requirements. For example, the data derived
during the test for Linearity may also be used for the test for Accuracy.

It should also be noted that these recommendations are not all inclusive, and end-users may find
alternative strategies (e.g., revised, additional or reduced testing, based on risk assessments) that are
also satisfactory for use and accepted by regulators. In this instance, end-users are strongly encouraged
to discuss their validation strategies with the relevant regulatory authorities prior to initiating their proposed
validation plan.

30 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.3.1 Accuracy
The accuracy of a quantitative alternative or rapid method is the closeness of the actual test results
obtained by the new method to the actual test results obtained by the existing method (e.g., standard
plate count). Accuracy should be demonstrated across the practical range of the test, and the range
may be dependent upon the new method’s quantitative recovery capabilities. When using the stan-
dard plate count method, the range will be limited by the countable numbers of colonies on a plate
for a particular dilution of a microbial suspension (e.g., 25 to 250 cfu). Accuracy is usually expressed
as the percentage recovery of microorganisms by the new method as compared with the actual
recoveries from the existing or traditional method. Accuracy in terms of microbial identification
systems is separately addressed in Section 5.7.

y 4.

Prepare a suspension of microorganisms in a suitable diluent at the upper end of the range of the
s 01
test and serially dilute down to the lower end of the range of the test. At least five (5) suspensions

nd 4, 2
across the range of the test should be analyzed. Additionally, accuracy should be measured at each

of the suspensions using an appropriate number of replicates (e.g., at least triplicate), especially at the

x er
lower concentrations, where the variability on recoveries may be more pronounced. Actual recov-
ie b
ery counts are obtained for each suspension using the new and the existing methods. The percent

e r
recovery for the new method is determined by comparing the recovered counts obtained by the new
method with the recovered counts obtained by the existing method.

i o M ec
Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis

: b D
The new method should provide equivalent or better results than the existing method. The new

t o re s
method should provide a recovery of viable microorganisms not less than 70% of the actual recovery

d pi
provided by the existing method for each suspension.

s ex
Alternatively, a statistical comparison between the new method and the actual recoveries using the

e se
existing method may be performed. If the methods generate data that are normally distributed and

i c
have equal variances, a simple approach is to apply a Student t-test. If variances are not equal, a Stu-

L en
dent’s t-test with Welch’s correction may be used. If CFU counts do not follow a normal distribution,

these should be transformed in order to have an almost Gaussian distribution by using, for example,
the log of the counts or the square root +1 (which allows inclusion of “0” values). If CFU counts do
not follow a normal distribution despite transformation, an adequate nonparametric test should be
applied (e.g., Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test).

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) can also be utilized. The use of ANOVA is primarily indicated if more
than two groups of data should be compared (cases with only 2 groups can be covered with Student’s
t-test). Also ANOVA requires normally distributed data and equal variances. If CFU counts do not
follow a normal distribution, these should be transformed in order to have an almost Gaussian dis-
tribution by using the log of the counts or the square root +1 (which allows inclusion of “0” values).
If CFU counts do not follow a normal distribution despite transformation, an adequate nonparamet-
ric test should be applied (e.g., the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance test). If a significant
difference between the data sets exists, Post-tests (e.g., Tukey’s test) indicate the data sets, which are
significantly different. Some Post-tests rely on comparison of confidence intervals. If the confidence
interval for the differences between the true means of the new and the existing methods contains
zero (i.e., the upper limit is a positive number and the lower limit is a negative number), then there is
no statistically significant difference between the two methods. Alternatively, because microbiologi-
cal counts tend to follow a Poisson distribution, the ratio of the means may be used; if the confidence
limit of the ratio contains one, no statistically significant difference exists (36,37).

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 31
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

However, it should be noted that the two methods may be statistically significantly different but this dif-
ference is of no practical consequence. In other words, the results should be reviewed against the require-
ments of the test. The reason is that even smaller differences become significant with increasing sample
size, leading to situations where the difference is significant but the actual recovery of the new method
is clearly higher than 70%. On the other hand, insufficient sample size may lead to situations where no
statistical difference is detectable, although mean recovery may be below 70% (this may be the case with
high standard deviations). Therefore, it may be advisable to use test power calculations in order to verify
appropriateness of the used number of replicates. If no systematic power calculations are performed, used
sample size should not be lower than six (6) replicates per data group and statistical test (36,38).

As opposed to classical hypothesis testing which focuses on whether the application of different
experimental methods leads to different outcomes, statistical equivalence or non-inferiority tests
may also be used.

tr y 4.
Due to potential differences in microbial detection methods, there exists the possibility that the new

u s 01
method will recover a higher number of microorganisms than the existing method (e.g., when the

nd 4, 2
new method does not rely on microbial growth). Because it is not possible to predict the outcome of

microbial recovery of all alternative or RMM and for all sample types, this TR does not recommend

x er
an acceptable upper level for recovery during Accuracy studies. The end-user may want to consider
ie b
establishing relevant upper levels, as applicable for the technology being evaluated, to ensure that

e r
recovery counts are acceptable and not due to sample, method or instrumentation issues. Here, in-
put from the supplier of the alternative or rapid method may be appropriate.

5.3.2 Precision
i o M ec
: b D
o re s

The precision of a quantitative alternative or rapid method is the degree of agreement among in-
d pi
dividual test results when the procedure is applied repeatedly to multiple samplings of the same

s ex
suspension of microorganisms and using different suspensions across the range of the test. In the
e se
context of this section, precision may also be referred to as repeatability, within-run variability or

i c
intra-assay precision, and makes use of the method within the same laboratory over a short period of

L en
time using the same analyst with the same equipment. The precision of a microbiological method is

usually expressed as the standard deviation or, for the purposes of this technical report, the relative
standard deviation, which is also referred to as the coefficient of variation.

Precision may also include a measure of either the degree of intermediate precision or reproducibil-
ity of the microbiological method under normal operating conditions. For example, intermediate
precision (also referred to as run-to-run variability) refers to the use of the method within the same
laboratory using different analysts, equipment and on different days. Reproducibility expresses the
precision between laboratories, for example, through collaborative studies. Intermediate precision
and reproducibility are addressed in Section 5.3.8, Ruggedness. Therefore, when testing for preci-
sion, firms may include the use of single or multiple analysts, as desired.

Prepare a suspension of microorganisms in a suitable diluent at the upper end of the range of the
test and serially dilute down to the lower end of the range of the test. As counts approach the lower
end of the range of the test (e.g., a single cell), variability in precision will increase. Therefore, sus-
pensions should be used that will be appropriate for assessing precision. At least two (2) to five (5)
suspensions across the range of the test should be analyzed. For each suspension, at least five (5) to
ten (10) replicates should be assayed for recovered counts in order to calculate the coefficient of varia-
tion. Precision calculations are to be performed on both the new method and the existing method.

32 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis

Generally, the precision of the assay should be appropriate for its intended purpose. The alternative
method should not have a variability that is significantly larger than that of the existing method,
except when a clear rationale or justification exists why such higher variability can be tolerated.
Whether a comparison to the existing method is adequate has to be evaluated by the end-user. For
a traditional plate count method, a coefficient of variation of less than 35% for a microbial number
higher than 10 cfu is generally expected. If the new method meets the 35% value, there is no need
to compare the new method’s coefficient of variation with the existing method’s coefficient of varia-
tion. However, if the new method does not meet a 35% coefficient of variation, then the new method
should have a coefficient of variation that is not significantly greater than the coefficient of variation
of the existing method.

To demonstrate that the new method’s coefficient of variation is not greater than the existing meth-

tr y 4.
od’s coefficient of variation, the McKay approximation may be used (39). For example, the coeffi-

s 01
cient of variation of the new method will be declared not statistically greater than the coefficient of

nd 4, 2
variation of the existing method if the confidence intervals intersect, and the upper limit of the 95%

confidence interval for the new method coefficient of variation does not exceed the upper limit of

x er
the 95% confidence interval of the existing method by more than 10% (e.g., if the upper limit of the

95% confidence interval of the existing method would be 35%, the upper limit of the 95% confidence

ie b
interval of the new method must not be higher than 45%).

M ec e m
Another approach may be to use a statistical test for equal variance (e.g., Bartlett’s test for normal

i o
distributed data or Levene’s test for not normal distributed data). A third approach may be to statisti-

b D
cally compare the coefficient of variation values of the new method with the coefficient of variation

o re s
values of the existing method using a paired t-test (i.e., coefficient of variation values obtained for the

same microbial suspension and from the same test run should be paired).

d pi
s ex
5.3.3 Specificity
e se
i c
The specificity of an alternative or rapid method is its ability to detect a range of microorganisms,

L en
which demonstrate that the method is fit for its intended use. For alternative or rapid methods that

qualitatively detect a target panel of specific microorganisms, such as those that employ nucleic
acid amplification techniques (e.g., as described in Ph. Eur. 2.6.21 and USP <1125>), inclusivity and
exclusivity should be demonstrated (40,41).

Specificity should be conducted for both quantitative and qualitative alternative or RMM.

Specificity testing has also been used to demonstrate that an alternative or rapid method is compatible
with specific product or sample matrices (e.g., the absence of false positive or false negative results);
however, these types of assessments should be conducted under Suitability Testing (refer to Section 5.4).

To demonstrate that the new method is able to detect a range of microorganisms (if relevant to
the new method and its application), a representative selection of microorganisms, such as Gram-
positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast, mold and/or bacterial and fungal spores, should be uti-
lized. The end-user should determine what types of microorganisms are to be used (and the number
of replicates) during the assessment of each of the validation criteria as described in this Technical
Report. This includes the use of stressed microorganisms, and when appropriate, mixed cultures.
It is the responsibility of the end-user to determine the appropriate panel of microorganisms to use
for this purpose, which may include standard laboratory or culture collection strains (e.g., ATCC),

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 33
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

environmental or facility isolates, in-process or sterility failure isolates, slow-growing, fastidious or

anaerobic strains, and/or clinically relevant cultures.

Inclusivity and exclusivity testing should be performed for those new methods/systems that rely on
the detection of a specific target microorganism(s) but will not report a positive result if another non-
target microorganism is present in the test sample. For example, if a selective, growth-based method
or a PCR technique is specific for the detection of E. coli, then inclusivity testing should demonstrate
that the presence of E. coli in the test sample would render a positive result; however, when S. aureus
is present in the test sample, a negative result should be provided. The end-user should determine
the extent of inclusivity and exclusivity testing based on the number of microbial targets the new
method is intended to detect, and to select microorganisms that will be detected by the new method
(i.e., show inclusivity) in addition to selecting unrelated and closely related microorganisms that

y 4.
should not be detected by the new method (i.e., show exclusivity). An appropriate number of repli-

cates (e.g., at least 3) should be considered for each target and nontarget microorganism. Addition-

s 01
ally, a relevant concentration of microorganisms may also be considered (e.g., lower concentrations

nd 4, 2
for inclusivity and higher concentrations for exclusivity testing). When applicable, controls relevant

to the new method may also need to be evaluated (e.g., nucleic acid standards). However, these may

x er
not be sufficient to evaluate inclusivity in all cases, as they may not cover several aspects of method
ie b
sample preparation, such as microorganism lysis, nucleic acid capture and purification.

Mixed Culture Testing

e r m
M ec e
Mixed cultures may be used to demonstrate that the new method will detect or enumerate
b i
more than one type of microorganism during the evaluation of test samples against the valida-
tion criteria specified in this technical report, such as accuracy, precision and limit of detection.

t o re s
It is the responsibility of the end-user to determine the appropriate panel of microorganisms to

d pi
use for this purpose, if it is determined that this type of testing is required.

s ex
Mixed cultures may be evaluated in the presence of the test sample during Equivalence/Com-

e se
parability Testing or in a suitable diluent during the assessment of other validation criteria, such

i c
as accuracy and precision testing.

L en
Stressed Microorganism Testing
When validating alternative or rapid methods for certain applications, such as sterility testing,
process water or environmental monitoring, there may be a requirement to include stressed mi-
croorganisms, for example, when evaluating the limit of detection or during equivalence testing.
Exposing cultures to environmental (e.g., UV, heat, cold, pH, extremes in tonicity), antimicrobial
(disinfectants, drug product) or sublethal sterilization conditions are examples of methods an
end-user may use to obtain stressed microorganisms. The stressing method should provide a reli-
able and reproducible challenge, and therefore, may need to be qualified before use.
The goal of the application of stress protocols may either be to force microorganisms into an
injured, though still viable state prior to the experiment, from which the microorganisms may
recover upon start of incubation if conditions are favorable, or challenge the organisms with a
continuous presence of an adverse agent. Whilst the former typically leads to a prolonged lag-
phase followed by normal growth, the latter may lead to a prolonged generation time.
A relevant panel of microorganisms that will undergo stress protocols should be chosen as de-
scribed above.
Additional information on how to stress microorganisms for use in Specificity studies may be
found in the public literature (42).

34 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis

All microorganisms (including stressed microorganisms or mixed cultures, where appropriate) uti-
lized during the testing should be successfully detected and/or enumerated, and meet the specific
acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria similar to those that are recommended for other validation
parameters may be utilized. For qualitative methods it should be noted that the number of replicates
required may be significantly lower than suggested for assessment of the limit of detection, since
higher microbial inocula may be applied.

Inclusivity testing should demonstrate that the new method detects the target microorganism(s)
it is intended to, and does not produce a positive detection result for unrelated or closely related
microorganisms (i.e., exclusivity for nontarget microorganisms). For example, if a known nontarget
organism is tested three (3) times, the new method should not detect the organism.

5.3.4 Limit of Detection

tr y 4.
u s 01
nd 4, 2
The limit of detection of an alternative or rapid method is the lowest concentration of microor-

ganisms in a test sample that can be detected, but not necessarily quantified, under the stated ex-

x er
perimental conditions. Limit of detection applies to a microbiological limit test, which determines

the presence or absence of microorganisms. The limit of detection refers to the concentration of

ie b
organisms present in the original sample, before any incubation or enrichment step, and not the

M ec e m
concentration of organisms present at the time of the assay. Also, the amount of sample tested, and
the dilution of that sample, may determine the limit of detection. For example, when 10 grams of

i o
test material is diluted in 90 mL of diluent, and 1 mL of the resulting preparation is plated on con-
: D
ventional agar medium, the absence of colonies (CFU) on the plate would be reported as <10 cfu per

t o re
gram, because the limit of detection is 10 cfu.

e d pi
For alternative or rapid methods that qualitatively detect a target panel of specific microorganisms,

s ex
such as those that employ nucleic acid amplification techniques, inclusivity should be demonstrated
e se
at the intended limit of detection (i.e., the lowest number of target microorganisms that will be

i c
detected). This may relate to the limit of detection for specific microorganisms or genomic copy

L en
equivalents that are present in the test sample prior to, or after, amplification steps, depending on

the intended sensitivity and workflow of the new method.

As it is not possible to consistently obtain a reliable sample containing a very low level of microor-
ganisms (e.g., a single viable cell), it is essential that the limit of detection of an assay is determined
from an appropriate number of replicates. Since experiments aiming towards demonstration of the
detection limit of an assay typically apply very low microbial concentrations, the number of repli-
cates used may be higher as compared with other validation parameters. Furthermore, the appropri-
ate number of replicates also depends on the statistical method(s) used (see below).

As the intent of demonstrating that a new method is capable of detecting very low levels of mi-
croorganisms, then challenging a suitable diluent with a concentration of microorganisms that is
appropriate for the new method’s application range is an acceptable strategy. For example, if a new
method purports to have a limit of detection of less than 5 cfu, then challenging the system with
1-5 cfu is an adequate approach. Alternatively, the level of inoculation can be adjusted until at least
50% of the samples show growth in the existing test, or the inoculation levels can be diluted into
the fractional range (e.g., dilutions to be assayed may contain 50, 5, 0.5, and 0.05 cfu). Regardless of
the procedure used, the rate of recovery between the new method and the existing method are then
compared for each dilution or microbial concentration that is being evaluated.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 35
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Another approach may be to use a microbial suspension with a low mean microbial concentration
(e.g., on average 1 cfu per inoculation volume), and repeatedly challenge the new method with this
suspension. The fraction of samples in which the microorganisms are successfully detected should
be noted and compared to the expected value based on an appropriate statistical model. A statistical
model that is often applied for this purpose is the Poisson distribution. With a mean microbial inocu-
lum of 1 cfu, the Poisson distribution would predict that microbial growth occurs in 63% of samples
if the LOD is 1 cfu, but only in 26 % of the samples if the LOD is 2 cfu. Thus, if a sufficient number
of replicates is tested, the detection limit which best explains the obtained results can be evaluated.

As previous stated under the Specificity section, the end-user should determine the most appropri-
ate types of microorganisms to utilize during limit of detection testing. These may include standard
cultures, environmental or facility isolates, in-process or sterility failure isolates, slow growing, fas-
tidious or anaerobic strains, clinically relevant cultures, stressed microorganisms and/or difficult to
detect strains.
tr y 4.
Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis
u s 01
nd 4, 2
The detection limit should be adequate for the intended application and may be assessed in com-

parison to a reference method if appropriate. In general, the limit of detection of the alternative or

x er
rapid method should not be significantly worse than that of the existing method, except when a
ie b
clear rationale or justification exists why a higher detection limit can be tolerated. For nucleic acid

e r
amplification detection methods, the limit of detection may be demonstrated for a specific concen-
tration of microorganisms, or for an approximate number of genomic copy equivalents before the
amplification process.
i o M ec
: b D
The Fisher’s exact test or Chi-Square test can be used for statistical evaluation of results. Alterna-

t o re s
tively, a statistical equivalence test may be used. However, depending on the statistical test uti-

d pi
lized, the number of replicates should also be carefully considered. For example, the Chi-Square test

s ex
should be used with relatively high sample sizes because it is based on an approximation to a certain

distribution, and such approximation becomes less precise with a lower sample size. When smaller

i c e se
sample sizes are used, the Fisher’s exact test may be the better choice, because it does not rely on ap-

L en
proximations. Furthermore, when using a challenge level of less than 5 cfu, the statistical power of
these evaluations may also be reduced. If no systematic test power calculations are performed, not

less than 50 replicates per test method should be included in the statistical evaluation (this value is
derived from a test power simulation with the Fisher’s exact test, assuming a mean microbial inocu-
lum of 2 cfu). Therefore, it may be advisable to pool the results obtained for different test runs and
microbial strains for the statistical evaluation in order to achieve adequate test power.

When using multiple microbial concentrations (similar to the fractional dilutions described above),
a Most Probable Number (MPN) technique may be employed, where MPN tables are used to calcu-
late the MPN value and upper and lower confidence intervals. In this case, no significant difference
exists between the methods if the confidence levels overlap. In such fractional approaches, it is rec-
ommended to use not less than 10 replicates per dilution, in order that the MPN can be adequately
estimated. Also, if the MPN values permit, a paired t-test or non-inferiority test may be conducted
using these numbers in order to further strengthen the argument of a comparable limit of detection.

5.3.5 Limit of Quantification

The limit of quantification of an alternative or rapid method is the lowest number of microorgan-
isms in a test sample that can be enumerated with acceptable accuracy and precision under the
stated experimental conditions.

36 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

As it is not possible to consistently obtain a reliable sample containing a very low level of micro-
organisms (e.g., a single viable cell), it is essential that the limit of quantification of an assay is de-
termined from an appropriate number of replicates. Therefore, at least five (5) to ten (10) replicates
are recommended. In order to demonstrate the limit of quantification, it may be advisable to use
different concentrations of microorganisms in a suitable diluent. Because limit of quantification is
intended to determine the lowest number of microorganisms that can be enumerated, the range of
concentrations should be at or near the desired level of quantification for this purpose. For example,
if the intended limit of quantification of a new method is expected to be that of a plate count method,
then the theoretical range of concentrations tested may, for instance, be between 0.5 and 10 cells.

As previously stated under the Specificity section, the end-user should determine the most appropri-
ate types of microorganisms to utilize during limit of quantification testing.
Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis
tr y 4.
u s 01
The limit of quantification must be appropriate for the intended application. In general, the limit of

nd 4, 2
quantification for the alternative or rapid method should be at least as sensitive as the existing meth-

od is to similar levels of microorganisms, except when a clear rationale or justification exists why a

x er
higher quantification limit can be tolerated. To demonstrate this, confidence intervals of count re-
ie b
sults assuming a Poisson distribution may be used. To that end, Poisson confidence intervals for the

e r
count results of the existing method may be calculated. If the values obtained with the alternative
or rapid method are within that range, a similar limit of quantification may be assumed. However,

o M ec
caution should be taken when using this approach for low microbial concentrations that result in
frequent sterile samples. In this case, mean count results of several replicates should be obtained for
the comparison.
: s D
t o re
d pi
Alternatively, the methods outlined for the validation parameters accuracy and/or precision may be

s ex
used, if extended to concentrations of microorganisms near the desired or expected detection level.

e se
5.3.6 Linearity
L enc
The linearity of a quantitative alternative or rapid method is its ability to elicit results that are pro-

portional to the concentration of microorganisms present in the sample within a given range, where
accuracy and precision are demonstrated.
At least five (5) replicates from at least five (5) different concentrations of microorganisms in a suit-
able diluent and across the range of the assay are recommended. The mean of the replicates from
each concentration may be used when calculating linearity. The end-user should determine the
most appropriate types of microorganisms to utilize during linearity testing.
Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis
Linearity is demonstrated through linear regression analysis. Results can be considered satisfactory
if the correlation coefficient, R 2, is 0.9 or better and the slope of the line is not diverging more than
20% from 1.0. An exception from the acceptance criterion for the slope may be appropriate if the al-
ternative or rapid method consistently recovers higher numbers than the existing method (this may
particularly be the case for nongrowth-based methods in comparison to a growth-based reference).

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 37
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.3.7 Range
The range of a quantitative alternative or rapid method is the interval between the upper and lower
levels of microorganisms that have been demonstrated to be determined with accuracy, precision
and linearity.
The range is determined from studies of accuracy, precision and linearity.

Acceptance Criteria
The range is validated by verifying that the new method provides acceptable accuracy, precision and
linearity when applied to samples containing microorganisms in a suitable diluent at the upper and
lower concentrations of the range, as well as within the range.

tr y 4.
5.3.8 Ruggedness
u s 01
nd 4, 2

Ruggedness is the degree of intermediate precision or reproducibility of test results obtained by as-

x er
sessing the same samples under a variety of normal test conditions, such as different analysts, differ-
ie b
ent instruments, different lots of reagents or on different days. Intermediate precision is performed

e r
within the same laboratory, and reproducibility is performed between laboratories. Ruggedness can

also be considered the intrinsic resistance to the influences exerted by operational and environmen-

i o M ec
tal variables on the results of the method.

: b D
Ruggedness is a validation parameter that is best determined by the supplier of the alternative or

t o re s
rapid method, who has easier access to multiple instruments and batches of components. The data

d pi
provided by the supplier are admissible to prove validation of ruggedness. However, it is the respon-

sibility of the end-user to review the supplier’s data and identify gaps with respect to any modifica-

s ex
tions of the method for in-house use. An evaluation should be performed whether these modifica-
e se
tions are critical in nature and should be covered in a systematic study.

i c
L en
Some end-users may also want to perform their own ruggedness testing; therefore, the following

recommendations are provided.
Prepare a suspension of microorganisms and evaluate at least five (5) to ten (10) replicates against
each relevant test condition. Depending on the method, either changes in Precision (e.g., coefficients
of variation) or the general ability to detect microorganisms could be evaluated.
Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis
It should be demonstrated that the different test variables do not significantly impact outcome of
the analysis. Acceptance criteria, statistical analyses and data evaluation approaches previously de-
scribed in the sections covering accuracy, precision, specificity or limit of detection may be applied,
depending on whether the assay is qualitative or quantitative.

38 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.3.9 Robustness
Robustness is a measure of a method’s capacity to remain unaffected by small but deliberate varia-
tions in method parameters and provides an indication of its reliability during normal usage. Ro-
bustness is a validation parameter that is best determined by the supplier of the alternative or rapid
method. The data provided by the supplier are admissible to prove validation of robustness. Howev-
er, it is the responsibility of the end-user to review the supplier’s data and identify gaps with respect
to any modifications of the method for in-house use. An evaluation should be performed whether
these modifications are critical in nature and should be covered in a systematic study.

Some end-users may also want to perform their own ruggedness testing; therefore, the following
recommendations are provided.

tr y 4.
s 01
The same procedure recommended for ruggedness testing may be used while changes on identified
nd 4, 2
critical method and system parameters are introduced. Such critical method or system parameters

may be evaluated through a risk assessment. These may include, but are not limited to, reagent con-

x er
centrations, instrument operational limits, and incubation parameters (e.g., time and temperature
for methods requiring microbial growth).
ie b
e r m
Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis

M ec e
For each test condition a range should be demonstrated, within which the alternative or rapid meth-

od operates in a robust manner. If the method is shown to fail at providing robust results for particu-

b D
lar test conditions, this should be accepted as the limitation(s) of the method. If a method is shown
o re s
to be particularly sensitive towards a certain type of procedure, system parameter or manipulation,
d pi
the results should be used to define adequate precautions or limitations when the method is used


n s ex Testing
5.3.10 Equivalence/Comparative

i c
Definitione se
L en
The equivalence of an alternative or rapid method is a measure of how similar the test results are

when compared with the existing method.

Variability may be a limiting factor with microbiological samples; therefore, the first phase of vali-
dation criteria testing requires that the two methods initially be run in parallel using standardized
cultures (e.g., pure or mixed cultures in a suitable diluent) to demonstrate that the validation criteria
previously discussed in this section of the technical report are being met.

Equivalence or comparative testing involves the use of actual product and other sample matrices
that will be routinely tested using the alternative or rapid method once it is validated and imple-
mented. The new method is run in parallel with the existing method for a specified period of time
or number of product batches or test samples. The end-user should determine the most appropriate
strategy for the duration and extent of these comparative studies, which may be influenced by the
critical nature of the test method, the material being analyzed, the statistical methods used when
interpreting the resulting data, regulatory expectations and/or other quality requirements.

Actual product and sample matrices should also have previously been assessed for their potential to cause in-
terference; false positive or false negative results (refer to Section 5.4 for further detail). When a supplier tests
the end-user’s product or sample matrices against the validation criteria, it is the end-user’s responsibility to
determine if additional, in-house testing is required, or if the testing performed by the supplier is adequate.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 39
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Finally, advances in technology can offer greater precision and sensitivity in comparison to conven-
tional or compendial-referenced methodologies. As a result, an increase in organism recovery (i.e.,
detection or enumeration) may be observed. To address this, statistical treatment of the data gener-
ated from both methods should be used to demonstrate that the alternative or rapid method results
are equivalent (i.e., non-inferior) or better than (i.e., superior) that of the existing method.

Test samples should be identified that are expected to contain microorganisms and, when appropri-
ate, test samples that do not contain microorganisms, in order to test the suitability of the alterna-
tive or rapid method. The latter is most important when determining that the test sample will not
provide a false positive result.

However, it should also be noted that if the test sample does not contain microorganisms, then it is

y 4.
not possible to determine whether the new method will detect or enumerate microorganisms, nor

will it be possible to perform a statistical comparison for equivalency between the new method and
s 01
the existing method, as both methods will report the absence of microorganisms or no recovered

nd 4, 2
counts (i.e., cannot compare zeros to zeros). Therefore, it may be necessary to challenge product

or sample matrices with microorganisms in order to demonstrate equivalence with the existing

x er
method. The strategies for inoculating actual product or sample matrices should be similar to the
ie b
methods described for the initial phase of validation criteria testing, namely, the use of microorgan-
isms in a suitable diluent.
e r m
M ec e
Additionally, the end-user must determine the numbers, types and physiological state of the chal-
b i
lenge microorganisms in order to provide for meaningful data to support the successful validation

of the alternative or rapid method. For example, regulatory authorities expect that very low levels

t o re s
(e.g., at the level of detection or quantification) of a wide variety of stressed microorganisms, includ-

d pi
ing standard compendial cultures, anaerobes, slow growing strains and environmental or facility

s ex
isolates, be utilized when validating a new method for the sterility testing of pharmaceuticals. For

qualitative nucleic acid amplification detection methods/systems, product or sample matrices may

i c e se
need to be inoculated with actual target microorganisms, or with nucleic acid standards that will be
relevant to the method under evaluation.
L en
When conducting equivalence/comparative testing using actual product or sample matrices in the new
method and the existing method, similar procedures and data analyses may be employed that were pre-
viously utilized for the validation criteria with standardized cultures in a suitable diluent. For example,
when demonstrating equivalency for a new sterility test, the new method should be compared with the
existing, compendial sterility test method using the limit of detection assay, where very low levels of
microorganisms are inoculated into sterile product, and the resulting rates of positive to negative results
can be statistically compared to demonstrate the new method is at least equivalent or superior in terms
of detecting the challenge inoculum. Similarly, a new quantitative bioburden method can be shown to
be equivalent or superior to an existing compendial bioburden assay by demonstrating that the recov-
ered counts are not statistically different, or are higher, than the existing method.

In all cases, the comparison between the alternative or rapid method and the existing method should
be specific for the new method’s intended application(s).

Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis

The alternative or rapid method must be shown to be at least statistically equivalent (i.e., it is the
same), or statistically non-inferior (i.e., it is not worse), to the existing method. The new method may
also be shown to be statistically superior (i.e., better results, higher recovery, a greater amount of
microbial detection or a lower limit of detection) to the existing method, although the need to show

40 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

superiority is not required, as the test for equivalency is to demonstrate that the new method is at
least as good as the existing method.

Statistical methods and data analysis for equivalence using actual product or sample matrices may
be the same as what was used when testing standardized cultures (in a suitable diluent) against other
validation criteria.

5.4 Suitability Testing

To demonstrate that the new method is compatible with specific product or sample matrices that
will be routinely assayed, each material should be evaluated for the potential to produce interfering
or abnormal results, such as false positives (e.g., a positive result when no viable microorganisms are
present in the test sample) or false negatives (e.g., a negative result when microorganisms are present

y 4.
in the test sample). This may also include evaluating whether cellular debris, dead microorganisms

or mammalian cell cultures have any impact on the ability of the new method and accompanying
s 01
system to operate as it is intended to.

Ind 4, 2
Although it is possible that certain classes of materials will produce similar results, it is the end-user’s

x er
responsibility to ensure that all test samples will be compatible with the new method.

ie b
The following guidance on false positive and false negative may be considered or modified to meet

e r m
the specific needs of the end-user performing these analyses, when appropriate.

5.4.1 False Positive Testing

o M ec e
b i D
This evaluation determines if the product or sample matrix contains any material that may produce

t o re s
background noise or interfering signals, resulting in a false positive outcome. This evaluation may

d pi
also be conducted with the diluent used to prepare standardized suspensions that are utilized in

the testing of other validation criteria (e.g., accuracy, precision), if it is thought that the diluent may

n s ex
produce a false positive result.

i c e se
Whenever possible, an appropriate test sample should contain no viable microorganisms (i.e., is

L en
sterile). In the event that the test sample is not supplied as sterile, then the sample should be treated

such that it will not contain any viable microorganisms and it will not alter the sample properties
that may have an adverse effect on this study.

Evaluate the sterile test sample using the new method. The size of the test sample (e.g., individual
sample volume) evaluated should be the same as what will be used during routine analysis. This
evaluation should be performed using an appropriate number of replicates and test sample batches.

Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis

Product or sample matrices analyzed for their potential to cause a false positive result should not
produce a positive result (i.e., the system detects microorganisms or provides a viable cell count,
when it is known that no microorganisms are present in the test material). If the new method pro-
vides a positive result, but a positive result is not expected (e.g., the test sample is sterile), then the
new method should be reviewed to determine if the result is due to a true false positive or interfer-
ence condition, and not due to contamination of the supposedly sterile test sample. The end-user
should be aware; however, that some contaminants may not be detectable by classical methods, but
may be detected by the new method (e.g., viable but nonculturable, or VBNC organisms). There-
fore, sterile test samples should be utilized to the end-user’s best ability, and that acceptance criteria
should be defined accordingly (e.g., a comparison to the results obtained with classical methodolo-
gies may not always be appropriate in such cases).

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 41
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

True false positives should be resolved before the new method is used to routinely to test that par-
ticular product or sample matrix. This may be achieved through measures that potentially reduce
impact of the product or sample matrix, like for instance, increasing the dilution factor or adjust-
ment of the rinsing protocols. If false positives cannot be resolved, then the specific test sample may
be incompatible with the new method. However, some end-users may find that a low false positive
rate is still acceptable if a follow-up confirmatory test is utilized.

Additionally, the presence of normal background noise should be fully understood, and in the event
this interference is unavoidable, the end-user should determine if the background noise can be in-
corporated into the use of the new method (e.g., background noise may be an acceptable baseline for
detecting microorganisms in the test sample under routine use).

5.4.2 False Negative Testing

tr y 4.
This evaluation determines if the product or sample matrix contains any material that may quench,

u s 01
mask or otherwise prevent the detection or enumeration of microorganisms when they are present,

nd 4, 2
thereby producing a false negative result. Furthermore, it can be used to determine if a particular

product or sample matrix does not exhibit pronounced antimicrobial properties. This evaluation may

x er
also be conducted with the diluent used to prepare standardized suspensions that are utilized in the

ie b
testing of other validation criteria, if it is thought that the diluent may produce a false negative result.

e r m
The test sample should be inoculated with a known level and type of microorganism. The end-user

M ec e
should determine the appropriate levels and types of microorganisms specific for the method being

b i
validated and/or the test sample. Furthermore, an appropriate positive control should be prepared

which is inoculated the same way but does not contain the product or sample matrix of interest.

t o re s
The microorganism-containing test sample and positive control should be evaluated using the new

d pi
method. The size of the test sample (e.g., individual sample volume) evaluated should be the same as

what will be used during routine analysis. This evaluation should be performed using an appropri-
s ex
ate number of replicates and test sample batches.

i c e se
When applicable, markers specific for the technology being evaluated may be added to the test sam-

L en
ple to demonstrate that the marker will be detected under the conditions of the test. For example,

ATP may be added to a test sample to demonstrate that the test sample will not interfere with the
detection of ATP and result in a false negative result.

Acceptance Criteria and Statistical Analysis

Product or sample matrices analyzed for their potential to cause a false negative result should not
produce a negative result (i.e., the system does not detect microorganisms or provide a viable cell
count when it is known that microorganisms are present in the test material).

If the new method provides a negative result, but the positive control provides a positive result,
then the detection of microorganisms in the new method may be quenched, masked or prevented.
Alternatively, the product or sample matrix may exhibit pronounced antimicrobial properties. For a
quantitative method, the recovered counts from the product or sample matrix should not be signifi-
cantly lower than from the positive control (e.g., not less than 70% recovery).

True false negatives should be resolved before the new method is used to routinely to test that par-
ticular product or sample matrix. This may be achieved through measures that potentially reduce
impact of the product or sample matrix, like for instance, increasing the dilution factor or adjust-
ment of the rinsing protocols. If false negatives cannot be resolved, then the specific test sample may
be incompatible with the new method or accompanying system.

42 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.5 Variability of Microbiological Methods: Additional Considerations

An important point to consider during the validation of a new microbiological test method is the
inherent variability in microbiology. There are three sources of variation: sample distribution error,
cellular arrangement (chains or clumping) and metabolic activity.

For any given test procedure, the relative importance and contribution from these sources will de-
pend on the principle of the test method and must be carefully considered.

5.5.1 Preparation of Test Samples

Unlike chemical analytes where one can accurately weigh out a quantity of a chemical of known
purity and dissolve it in a solvent such as water to obtain a standard solution, it is more difficult to
consistently prepare a bacterial inoculum with a uniform cell count per unit volume of water espe-

tr y 4.
cially with low microbial counts. Therefore, care should be taken when preparing in-house cultures,

s 01
especially at low concentrations, or to utilize commercially prepared cultures that have been specifi-
nd 4, 2
cally designed to deliver low levels of microorganisms in a test system.

x er
Next, some level of error is normally expected to be associated with sampling, dilution, plating,

incubation, counting, and calculation of microorganisms.

ie b
e r m
Additionally, if you have a well-mixed homogeneous suspension of a pure culture, the counts in

M ec e
aliquots taken from that suspension should approximately follow a Poisson distribution. Additional

variability can occur, however, when the distribution of microorganisms in the suspension (or the

b D
inoculated test sample) is not uniform (see 5.5.2 Sample Distribution Error) and can be introduced
through handling.
t o re s
d pi
Next, the precision between replicates of an assayed suspension of microorganism increases as num-
s ex
ber of microorganisms increase; conversely, the precision decreases as the number of microorgan-

isms decrease. This should be understood especially when working with microorganism concentra-
e se
i c
tions at very low levels.

L en
An important issue is the determination of the number of replicates that are used in a validation

protocol. The number of replicates required declaring a statistically significant difference between
two microbial counting methods differs with a stated level of confidence. The number of replicates
depends on the true percent difference (e.g., 0, 20, 25, 50 or 100%) that you want to detect, the prob-
ability (e.g., 50, 70 or 90%) of being able to detect the difference and the target concentration (e.g., 1,
10, 50 or 100 cfu) of the sample. Therefore, the appropriate statistical model and analysis parameters
should be carefully selected for use and test power calculations may help in definition of an appropri-
ate sample size.

5.5.2 Sample Distribution Error

Distribution error is the largest source of error contributing to the variability in microbiological
testing. The natural distribution of microorganisms is heterogeneous and rarely follows normal
Gaussian distribution even after log transformation. The distribution tends towards a negative bi-
nomial or Poisson distribution and is extremely difficult to assess and predict particularly at the low
contamination levels that are routinely found in relatively ‘clean’ test samples (e.g., from ISO 5 envi-
ronmental monitoring samples and purified water systems). For this reason, appropriate statistical
approaches should be carefully considered when comparing the results from an alternative or rapid
method and an existing microbiological method.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 43
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.5.3 Cellular Arrangement

Traditional culture methods detect and/or enumerate microorganisms by monitoring changes in
turbidity or by counting CFU visible to the naked eye. For enumeration, the assumption is that one
colony forming unit is derived from a single microorganism that was uniformly distributed within
the test sample. However, microorganisms have a variety of arrangements and can occur singly
and in pairs, chains, tetrads or irregular clusters. Microorganisms also have a tendency to colonize
surfaces and form biofilms, which may also affect the manner in which individual cells are structur-
ally arranged and are distributed in a test sample. Therefore, the number of CFU (or cell density)
in a plated sample and therefore the accuracy of the viable count estimate are directly affected by
colonial arrangement. Consequently, the coefficient of variance for microbiological methods may be
large, especially for growth-based assays.

5.5.4 Metabolic Activity

tr y 4.
u s 01
Successful detection and/or enumeration of microorganisms are influenced by their metabolic

nd 4, 2
activity, genotype and readiness for growth. In any microbiological test method the presence of

interfering factors must also be considered. Microorganisms may be stressed due to exposure to

x er
processing, environmental and experimental conditions or inhibitory components in the product
ie b
or test sample itself. Stressed cells may require a period of resuscitation and repair before they can

e r
be detected by cultural methods. Therefore, stressed organisms should be utilized in determining

the time-to-result for growth-based alternative or rapid methods. Additionally, inactivating agents

o M ec
added to media that neutralize some product components, may also stress cells and inhibit their
growth. Conversely, some products may contain nutrients sufficient to support microbial survival

: D
or even growth. Each of these points should be considered when developing the validation plan and
t o re
testing strategy for an alternative or rapid method.

e p i
d Microbiological
5.6 Validation
n and
x Methods: Additional Considerations
eRapid Endotoxin Detection Methods
5.6.1 Alternative
Lic ens
The introduction of alternative and rapid methods for endotoxin detection requires that these new

systems be qualified for their intended use. Therefore, it is expected that these types of methods/
systems meet the appropriate compendial requirements for the validation of endotoxin methods.
This includes the qualification of the testing laboratory and the analysts. Validation of the instru-
mentation usually involves verification that standard or reference solutions of endotoxin yield the
specified standard curves, analytical responses and/or limit of detection or quantification. Endo-
toxin detection methods that do not meet existing compendial requirements should be validated as
an alternative method.

5.6.2 Unique Methods Requiring Additional or Modified Validation Strategies

The method validation testing strategies contained within this TR primarily use standardized mi-
crobial cultures in liquid suspension. However, there exists the possibility that some alternative or
rapid detection systems may need to consider different approaches, especially if a liquid suspension
cannot physically be introduced into the detection system for analysis. Technologies that utilize
airborne, aerosol, or other nonliquid-based samples may fall into this category. Therefore, expand-
ing or adapting the validation strategies within this TR may be appropriate, as long as the testing
methods are scientifically justified. Because the end-user may not posses the expertise or specialized
equipment to conduct such studies, the vendor may need to play a greater role in supporting the
end-user during the validation of these types of technologies.

44 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.6.3 Guidance on Changing Acceptance Criteria

Microbiological methods are subject to varying degrees of variability. For example, most of the
methods used for environmental monitoring programs are performed in the absence of standard
methods for the conduct of these tests. The results can be variable for a variety of reasons including:
media selection, incubation time, incubation temperature, incubation conditions (e.g., humidity,
oxygen tension and the like), intrusiveness of the sampling method, presence or absence of disinfec-
tant residues, and the actual method being used. For traditional microbiological methods that mea-
sure in terms of CFUs, one does not actually know whether it is a single free-living cell, a clump of
cells floating freely, or a cell(s) associated with a particulate. If one is performing surface monitoring
with a swab or contact plate, recovery methods can vary yielding typically 20-60% of the number
of organisms that are actually on the surface. In addition to these sources of variability, the actual
method of enumerating the cells can be difficult and can have an impact on the results obtained.

r y 4.
Even automated systems for enumeration can show variability because the method is dependent
s 01
upon the technique used by the operator in preparing the sample. These are just a few examples of

the ways that variability is manifested in conventional microbiological methods.

Ind 4, 2
In addition to the variability show within the conventional methods, it is also possible with alterna-

x er
tive or rapid methods to see differences due to the actual measurements being reported. For exam-
ie b
ple, a conventional quantitative method will provide results in terms of a CFU, while the alternative

e r
or rapid counterpart may provide results as the number of viable cells, a spectral analysis, relative
light units, fluorescent units, and so forth. This may present a challenge. It is a frequent regulatory

o M ec
expectation to require data be evaluated or trended to create a history of the microbiological at-
tributes present in an environment or in a test sample. If data are to be compared over time, then

: D
test methods must remain the same, which is fundamental to trend analysis. However, some of the
t o re
alternative or rapid technologies provide a greater level or improved level of detection sensitivity

d pi
over its conventional method counterpart, either through design or the ability to detect stressed or

s ex
VBNC microorganisms. Therefore, the implementation of these new methods/systems may also

require the establishment of new acceptance criteria. And in some instances, the trending of data

c e se
may be lost at some point in time in order to bridge the gap between “old” and “new” data analysis.
L en
Regulators are aware of these issues, and these concepts were discussed in a 2006 publication by
FDA microbiologists, Hussong and Mello (43).

In the event that an alternative or rapid method is qualified to provide greater sensitivity than the
method intended to be replaced, an understanding of the impact to existing acceptance levels, in-
process or product specifications, and compendia and regulatory expectations is required. A sta-
tistical analysis and comparison between the data observed between the two methods should be
performed, when appropriate, and this information may be used to justify any recommendations
for changes to currently employed in-process or product acceptance levels and/or specifications.
Discussions with relevant regulatory agencies and/or Pharmacopeias may also be required or regu-
latory submissions made prior to any changes being finalized.

Ultimately, any changes to established specifications must be related to fitness for use and be suitable
for the application of interest. Additionally, final specifications should be scientifically sound, justi-
fied and based upon appropriate risk analysis.

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 45
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

5.7 Alternative and Rapid Microbial Identification Methods

A variety of new alternative and rapid methods exist for the characterization and identification of
microorganisms. According to the recently published USP Chapter <1113>, the verification of an
identification test system may include one of the following three options (44):
“1) Using an existing system for parallel testing of microbial isolates obtained from routine
testing (the number of isolates tested may be as high as 50, and any discrepancies in
identification can be arbitrated using a referee method);
2) testing 12–15 known representative stock cultures of different commonly isolated species
for a total of 50 tests; or
3) confirming that 20–50 organism identifications, including 15–20 different species, agree
with the results of a reference laboratory testing of split sample.”

tr y 4.
s 01
The USP monograph further indicates that it is appropriate to use the quality control microorgan-

isms specified by the supplier of the system and organisms identified in the applicable compendia.

Ind 4, 2
The monograph also states that verification of the identity of the species should be evaluated and

u x er
the level of agreement should be considered. Typically greater than 90% agreement can be achieved
with samples of microorganisms that are appropriate for the identification system.

r ie b
e m
According to USP <1113>, the most important verification tests are accuracy and reproducibility (44).

M ec
These parameters have been defined as:

o e
b i
Accuracy % = (Number of correct results/Total number of results) x 100
: s
Reproducibility % = (Number of correct results in agreement/Total number of results) x 100

t o re
d pi
The user should establish suitable acceptance criteria for accuracy and reproducibility/precision,

s ex
taking into account method capability (44). However, these criteria should be applied critically, as

the results will depend on the organisms selected in the verification. For example, the microbial

i c e se
identification system may not be able to identify an isolate because the organism is not included in

L en
the database, the system parameters are not sufficiently comprehensive to identify the organism, the
isolate may be nonreactive in the system, or the species may not have been taxonomically described.

Additional instrumentation and method validation activities may also be necessary, as required by the
end-user, and as appropriate for the technology platform representative of the alternative or rapid sys-
tem. For example, additional precision studies, similar to what has been described under Ruggedness
(Section 5.3.8) may be employed, where testing is conducted on different days and/or by different ana-
lysts. Robustness testing (see Section 5.3.9) may also be warranted in the event modifications to the
original method or instrumentation have been made. Additional suitability testing (see Section 5.4)
may also be required if the sample being analyzed has the potential to cause false identification results.

5.8 Alternative and Rapid Methods for Mycoplasma Detection

PDA’s Technical Report Number 50, Alternative Methods for Mycoplasma Testing, defines mycoplasma
as follows (45):
“Mycoplasma (trivial names for members of the class of Mollicutes) are an unusual group of
bacteria distinguished by the absence of a cell wall, a small genome and low G+C content.
The class includes pathogenic, saprophytic, and commensal species.”
This same technical report provides a comprehensive review of the various methods available for
mycoplasma testing as well as describing the methods to use in evaluating the appropriateness of
these methods.

46 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

Many of the recommendations provided in this (the PDA Technical Report No. 33) may be used in sup-
port of validating an alternative or rapid mycoplasma method; however, the reader is encouraged to
review the recommendations provided in TR50 for a thorough understanding of what is expected.
Furthermore, Ph. Eur. Chapter 2.6.7 may provide additional guidance (46).

tr y 4.
u s 01
Ind 4, 2
u x er
r ie b
M ec e m
b i o
: s D
t o re
e d pi
n s ex
i c e se
L en

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 47
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

6.0 Implementation: Guidance on

Site Commissioning versus Initial Validation
6.1 Guidance for the Transfer of an Alternative or Rapid Method
from an Originating Qualification Lab to a Separate Site/
Manufacturing Facility
The first time an alternative or RMM technology platform is qualified, it is expected that a compre-
hensive qualification test plan, such as the one recommended in this technical report, is appropri-
ately performed. However, it is usually not necessary to repeat the same qualification test plan for
identical technologies that will be installed in the same location or at secondary facilities at a differ-
ent geographic location (e.g., manufacturing sites) for routine use. In this case, a copy of the original
qualification package can be provided to the secondary location, and a reduced test plan developed
for the installation of the identical technology at that site. Each new installation, or technology
transfer, must be separately evaluated to determine the extent of additional IQ, OQ, or PQ testing to

r y 4.
be performed. This section outlines what this reduced testing plan may cover.
u s at01the Site
6.2 Reduced Installation and Operational Qualification
I nd 4, 2
When an identical technology is installed at the secondary location, it is expected that a standard

x er
equipment IQ and OQ be performed following the original qualification package (refer to Section
ie b
5.0). Furthermore, the original hardware/software security configuration testing may not need to

e r
be repeated unless there will be systems in use at a secondary site that were not evaluated in the

initial test plan. An example might be the use of a different data handling or archiving platform (e.g.,

i o M ec
LIMS, LAN server, external drive) than what was originally qualified. There may also exist envi-

ronmental or physical conditions related to the secondary location that could warrant additional

: D
qualification considerations, such as extremes in altitude, relative humidity or temperature. For
t o re
example, additional studies may need to be performed for methods that depend on the generation of

d pi
gases as an indicator of microbial growth, as differences in performance may be observed at higher

e x
elevations due to decreased atmospheric pressure.
s Qualification
e n e
6.3 Performance e at the Site
Lic ens
Because an exhaustive microbiological testing plan will be completed during method validation at

the initial qualification facility, it may not be necessary for the secondary facility to repeat this testing
in its entirety when a like-for-like instrument (e.g., the exact same methods and components with the
exact same version numbers for all software, microprocessors, computers) is installed. However, it is
recommended that a reduced microbiological challenge from the original qualification, in addition
to representative isolates recovered at the secondary site (if applicable; see below), be performed to
demonstrate that the system is operating as intended. For example, a few reference organisms, identi-
cal to what was used during the original qualification, may be used to confirm basic functionality and
demonstrate that key qualification requirements are met (e.g., accuracy and precision). Additionally,
it may be appropriate to determine if the original qualification will meet current GMPs and internal
requirements, taking into consideration the date the original qualification was completed.

A review of locally recovered microbial isolates should indicate if the reference strains used during
the original method validation are representative of the isolates recovered at that site. If it is deter-
mined that they are not, then the local qualification plan should include a list of microbial isolates to
be evaluated and what qualification requirements they will be tested against.

Following the limited method validation using reference cultures and/or local isolates, the local
equivalency testing will be performed. Even though the original equivalency testing may assess
the same type of test sample as what the secondary site will be evaluating routinely, the microbial

48 © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

load (number and type of microorganisms) may not be the same. Therefore, equivalency testing
should be conducted using the actual test material at the secondary site. Additionally, if the origi-
nating qualification did not include the actual product and/or process material that the site will be
evaluating routinely, then these materials must be evaluated during the local method suitability
testing, where the potential impact of sample material on the test method is assessed, such as system
interference, false positives and/or false negatives. Section 5.0 of this Technical Report provides the
guidance for conducting these types of studies.

During the development of the local equivalency test, the site will determine the nature of the test
plan to provide meaningful data about the ability of the system to operate as it is intended. This may
include the required number of batches, number of replicates, number and location of sampling
points, length of study, etc. Most importantly, sufficient data will be required to evaluate whether
a shift in the data from the alternative or rapid method is statistically significant than the method

r y 4.
being replaced, and whether the data warrants a modification to the baseline acceptance levels or
s at0the
1 Site

nd 4, 2
6.4 Implementation of the Alternative or Rapid Method
x er
As part of the installation, qualification and technology transfer activities at the secondary site, all

necessary training will be conducted, relevant procedures will be written and approved, and main-

ie b
tenance and calibration programs will be developed prior to performing the analyst qualification
and subsequent routine use.
M ec e m
i o
Once the alternative or rapid method has been successfully installed and qualified for use at a sec-

: s D
ondary site and regulatory approval as required is sought, the system may be used routinely.

t o re
In the event the site intends to qualify the same instrument for use with a new product or process

d pi
material, a robust new qualification plan is required to be performed, and the test plan and accep-
s ex
tance criteria are previously discussed in this document.

e se
L enc

Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013) © 2013 Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 49
COPYRIGHT PDA: Licensed to: bioMerieux Industry Marketing Communications posting intranet (non-commercial use) for 1 year. License expires December 4, 2014.

7.0 References

1. General Chapter <1225> Validation of Compendial 12. Amendments to Sterility Test Requirements for Biological
Methods. USP 36/NF 31; U.S. Pharmacopeia: 2013. Products – Final Rule; U.S. Food and Drug
www.usp.org (accessed October 4, 2013). Administration: 2012. www.federalregister.gov/
2. Quality Guideline Q2(R1): Validation of Analytical sterility-test-requirements-for-biological-products
Procedures: Text and Methodology; International (accessed October 4, 2013).
Conference on Harmonisation: 2005. www.ich.org
(accessed October 4, 2013). 13. A Strategic Plan – Advancing Regulatory Science at
FDA; U.S. Food and Drug Administration: 2012.
3. General Chapter <1223> Validation of alternative rapidmicromethods.com/references/FDA’s%20
microbiological methods. USP 36/NF31, U.S. Regulatory%20Science%20Strategic%20Plan%20
Pharmacopeia: 2013. www.usp.org. 8-17-11.pdf (accessed September 13, 2013).
4. Informational chapter 5.1.6. Alternative methods 14. Guidance for Industry – Comparability Protocols Protein
for control of microbiological quality. European Drug Products and Biological Products ­ Chemistry,
Manufacturing, and Controls Information DRAFT

y 4.
Pharmacopoeia 7.8, European Directorate for

GUIDANCE; U.S. Food and Drug Administration

the Quality of Medicines (EDQM), Strasbourg,

s 01
France: 2013. www.fda.gov/downloads/dr ugs/guidance


nd 4, 2
5. Matthews, B. Efficacy of antimicrobial preservation ucm070262.pdf (accessed October 15, 2013).

– rationale for the Harmonisation Proposals. 15. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 Part 314.81:

x er
PharmEuropa. 1993, 5(4), 355-358. Subchapter D—Drugs for Human Use, Part 314 —

ie b
6. General Chapter <1227> Validation of microbial Applications for FDA Approval To Market A New

recovery from pharmacopeial articles. USP 36/ Drug, Subpart B—Applications www.accessdata.

(accessed October 4, 2013). e

M ec e m
NF31, U.S. Pharmacopeia: 2013. www.usp.org fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.
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b i o
7. Epstein, Slava S. (Ed). Uncultivated Microorganisms. 16. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1234/2008
2009. Springer.
: s D Concerning the examination of variations to the terms

o re
of marketing authorisations for medicinal products for

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d pi
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s ex
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c e se

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L en
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u s 01
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x er
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26. Encyclopedia of Rapid Microbiological Methods, 39. McKay, A. Distribution of the Coefficient of

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e r
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M ec
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d pi
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docs/en_GB/document_library/Scientific_ 62-69.
guideline/2009/09/WC500002913.pdf (accessed 44. General Chapter <1113> Microbial Characterization,
October 4, 2013). Identification, and Strain Typing. USP 36/NF 31;
32. General Chapter <1058> Analytical Instrument U.S. Pharmacopeia: 2013. www.usp.org (accessed
Qualification. USP 36/NF 31; U.S. Pharmacopeia: October 4, 2013).
2013. www.usp.org (accessed October 4, 2013). 45. Technical Report No. 50: Alternative Methods for
33. EudraLex, The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the Mycoplasma Testing; Parenteral Drug Association:
European Union - Volume 4 Good Manufacturing Practice - 2010. www.pda.org/bookstore (accessed October
Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use - Annex 4, 2013).
11: Computerised Systems; European Commission: 46. Informational chapter 2.6.7. Mycoplasmas. European
2010. ec.europa.eu/health/files/eudralex/vol-4/ Pharmacopoeia 7.8, European Directorate for the
annex11_01-2011_en.pdf (accessed October 4, 2013). Quality of Medicines (EDQM), Strasbourg, France:

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Technical Report No. 33 (Revised 2013)
About PDA Technical Reports
PDA Technical Reports are global consensus documents, prepared by member-driven Task Forces (listed on inside front cover) com-
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