An Analysis of EIA Report of The Second Internatio
An Analysis of EIA Report of The Second Internatio
An Analysis of EIA Report of The Second Internatio
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All content following this page was uploaded by Shree Govind Shah on 29 September 2020.
Abstract: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a planning tool which enables decision makers to accept
environmentally friendly projects and reject environment damaging projects or their certain components. EIA has
been mandatory in Nepal since the enactment of Environment Protection Act in 1997. Usually in Nepal, EIA is
done for a project late in the project cycle after many important decisions on design and locations have already
been made. While in case of government sponsored projects, EIA has remained as ‘pro forma’ compliance with
government’s legal requirements. This paper analyses outputs of approved EIA of a mega infrastructure project
“Second International Airport Project” which government wants to implement despite of protests by conservationists,
and environmental and social activists. There are technocratic problems in EIA Report such as informational
weaknesses, insufficient analysis of impacts, and inadequately proposed mitigations measures. It indicates political
influence on EIA. This paper suggests making policy decision on size and nature of an international airport and its
facilities, alternative locations avoiding ecologically sensitive area, and source of funding. It proposes to conduct
a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) complying with national and international
environmental and social safeguards, before making any decision to fell trees.
Keywords: Ecosystem services, pro Forma, technocratic problems, buffer zone, endangered, national park,
livelihoods, replacement, compensatory plantation, biodiversity, conservation, Nepal
BACKGROUND of about 0.8 million trees in the first phase as per the
Construction of airport
facilities such as aircraft
1.3 Size of facilities in Phase 1 & Phase 2 is given
& GSE maintenance com-
plex, car parks etc Size of airport facilities and airport utilities in
2nd phase has been calculated on the assump-
tion of handling 60 million passengers per year
- Power Plant, Airfield lighting substations, Heating/ or 164,000/day. Government should make policy
Construction of airport cooling plant & airport fuelling facilities decision to fix a comfortable size of the SIA in 2nd
utilities phase
1.4 - Pumping station and water treatment plant
Physical Environment
The proposed SIA Project area is situated in the Gangetic
alluvial plane with elevation of less than 300m and it
has flat plain topography. The climate is subtropical and
humid and rainfall pattern is monsoonal. The braided
Pasaha and Lal Bakaiya rivers originating in lower
hills bring flash floods and sediments during monsoon;
riverbank cutting is intense. There are small seasonal
streams and drainages that collect seepage water, locally
called ‘Paini’, in the project area and they join Pasaha
and Lal Bakaiya rivers in downstream area. There is good
source of groundwater in the project area which is used
for irrigation and drinking. At present, there is no air or
Fig 1: Location map of the proposed SIA project noise pollution.
DISCUSSION AND ACTION REQUIRED Government has declared 80.46 sq km area of which
94.2% is forest area, on the assumption that the future
Need for SIA development of the ‘second international airport (SIA)’
Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu will be an international hub for air traffic in South Asia
is highly congested and there is no space for its expansion and a possible ‘defence airport’ of the country (GEOCE,
due to haphazard urbanization and topographical 2018). Size of airport facilities and airport utilities has
limitations. Government is building ‘Regional Airports’ been calculated on the assumption of handling 60 million
in Pokhara in a valley, and Bhairahawa in Madhesh plain passengers per year or 164,000/day. Aviation experts
area at the Indian border with loans from International are sceptical and argue that the whole ‘international
agencies; Pokhara has topographical limitations for hub’ concept is outdated and misplaced by proponent
landing and take-off of large aircrafts. Currently TIA Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Aviation (Rai OA,
handles about 1.1-1.3 million passengers per year which 2018). Moreover, the concept of ‘defence airport’ in
is much less than required at present. Nepal is questionable. The proposed airport site is at an
Planning for Airport City: SIA project includes Delay in the construction of a ‘Second International
development of an Airport City spread in 6 sq km area Airport’ would be disastrous on tourism growth and
adjacent to airport. There is no rationale for developing development as well as the overall economic growth of
a city very close to airport at the cost of biodiversity rich the country. International connectivity must be enhanced
forest area. It is also not advisable to limit the size of a soon. Government must make vital wise-decisions on:
city. Nijgadh town in Nijgadh municipality is located i) size of airport facilities – is 60 million passengers per
about 5-6 km from SIA site in Kohalbi municipality and year required? - needs intensive stakeholder consultation
government is preparing Smart City Master Plans for with aviation expetrs, conservations, environmental
four urban towns including Nijgadh (Jha KK, 2018). planner, economists and local community.
Nijgadh municipality has an area of 157 sq km and its ii) ‘Airport City’ covering 600 ha – is it required when
population as per 2011 is 35,403. government is spending huge money for Smart City
planning in Nijgadh Municipality, about 5-6 km from
Costs estimate and international standards: The the proposed site?
detailed feasibility study in 2010 estimated US $ iii) preparation of Detailed Project Report within a year
545 million as cost for the 1st phase and US $ 6, 565 with detailed cost estimates
million as the total cost in three phases. Assuming 6-7% mission for financial resources – requesting International
inflation rate, project cost in 2019 would be around Financing/Lending agencies; even the 1st phase SIA
US $ 900 million for phase 1 and US $ 10 -11 billion as construction would cost around US $ 1.0 billion at
total project cost. It is a huge sum of money for Nepal. the current price, and
Government must look for international financial and no any forest clearance until financial resources are
multilateral development agencies (for example, the assured and a comprehensive ESIA is prepared
World Bank group, ADB). These agencies have stringent and approved both by a lending agency and the