Visual Basic 1
Visual Basic 1
environment that you use to execute Visual Basic .NET applications and the services you can use within
those applications. One of the main goals of this framework is to make it easier to develop applications that run over the Internet. However, this framework can also be used to develop traditional business
applications that run on the Windows desktop. Visual Studio also includes several other components that make it an development product. One of these outstanding is the Microsoft
Development Environment, which youll be introduced to in a moment. Another is the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (or MSDE). MSDE is a database engine Visual
Studio for developing database applications that are compatible with Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server in system that can be
used to provide the data for large networks of users or for Internet applications.
Studio .NET
includes several other components that make it an outstanding development product. One of these is the Microsoft Development Environment, which youll be introduced to in a moment. Another is the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (or MSDE). MSDE is a database engine Visual
Studio for developing database applications that are compatible with Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server in system that can be
used to provide the data for large networks of users or for Internet applications. The two other
languages that come with Visual Studio .NET are C# and C++. C# .NET is a new language that has
been developed by Microsoft especially for the .NET Framework. Visual C++ .NET is Microsofts version of platforms
Visual Studio .NET can be used on any PC that runs Windows 2000 or later. You can also see that the applications that are developed with
Visual Studio .NET can be run on any PC that runs Windows 98 or later, depending on which .NET components are used by the application. From a practical point of view, though, you can assume that the applications that you develop with Visual Basic
Edition that includes only the Visual Basic language, not C# or C++. Although the three languages shown in programming languages
you can use within Visual Studio .NET, other vendors are free to develop languages for the .NET Framework.
Visual Basic. There are two kinds of data types in VB.Net. Value type (implicit data types, Structure and Enumeration) Value types are passed to methods by
composing implicit data types. As seen in the first unit, implicit data types in .net compliant languages are mapped to types in Common Type System (CTS) and Language Specification). Hence, each
CLS (Common
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