ELECT 1 Midterm

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ELECT 1 Midterm themselves, and songs with children composed on

their own.
- Serenade- It is song consisting of several movements
MUSIC OF LOW LANDS OF LUZON with no fixed form, usually played outside a woman’s
house by beau or an admirer at night to develop their
romantic relationship.
Folk music reflects the Philippines traditions. It is popular TAGALOG
among the low lands of Luzon. People from this region easily - Bahay Kubo- children’s song
embraced and adapted the culture of the Spaniards who - Leron Leron Sinta- children’s song
colonized the country. This is the reason why their folk songs - Sitsirtisit- children’s song
show distinct Spanish elements. - Lulay- love song
- Inday sa Balitaw- comical song
Folk song is a narrative song that uses traditional melodies. A
- Ang pagtatanim- work song
song of the common people passed on from generation to
generation. It is orally transmitted and handed down through ILOCANO
performance rather than notation or musical sheet.
- Pamulinawen- courtship song
Folk song is composed by anonymous individuals, or at any - Manang Biday- courtship song
rate, are not remembered at all. It does not belong to any - O Naraniag na Bulan- courtdhip song
composer, or performer that often learned by ear.
It also reflects the people’s every day activities. They mark
every stage in the of a Filipino, from the moment he was born - Atin Cu Pung Sing Sing- narrative
to the time of his death and burial. - O Caca, O Caca- love song

Philippine folksongs are inspired by the western influences. BICOLANO

These songs are sung, spoken, or chanted. - Sarung Banggi- narrative
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS OF - Si Nanay, Si Tatay- song about family
- It uses triple of duple meter. Vocal music is a kind of music which is sung orally with or
- It uses major and minor scales. without accompaniment.
- Its melody is easy remembered.
- It is syllabically set in stanza text. In the Philippines, vocal music is a mixture of European,
- It is usually accompanied by a guitar. American, and Indigenous sounds. All of these sounds
- It uses strophic form (only one melody in all stanzas). make up the rich culture and tradition of Philippine music.

Filipinos are musical people, as noted by the foreigners who THE PHILIPPINE MUSIC
visit the country. Since Philippine folk songs talk about
people’s everyday life, these songs center around love, nature, - Plays an important role in people’s lives;
and children. - Use two- four, three-four, and four-four-time
Most of all they reflect the Filipino culture, beliefs, traditions, - Performed vocally or accompanied by ethic musical
and family relations. Like any other aspects of Filipino instrument; and
culture, Philippine folksong tradition is characterized as rich - Often times, its also accompanied by the rhythmic
and varied, exhibiting an interesting blend of the east and movements or dance.

Indigenous or ethnic music is either vocal of instrumental. It is

diverse in nature and differs in form, structure, modes, style,
CLASSIFICATIONS OF PHILIPPINE FOLK SONGS and terminologies. It is rhythmic in nature rather than melodic.
- Narrative- This is a song that tells a story. Vocal genres include epic stories about gods and heroes, work
- Lullaby- It is sung to send a baby to sleep. songs (about plating, harvesting, fishing), courting songs,
- Work song- This is a song that inspires people at children’s songs, mourning songs, rituals songs (asking for
work. blessing of to drive the bad spirits), and songs to celebrate
- Children’s songs- These refer to songs that adult sing every occasion (wedding, birth, victory, or simply disputes).
or teach to children, songs that children sing among

1. Rhythmical with expressive pauses; - Secular music is non-religious music also means
2. Used mostly two simple musical notes; being separated from religion. As the ritual was
3. Recitative (in between singing and reciting); and mixed with forms, secular indigenous music was also
4. Free-flowing, improvised, and spontaneous. formed from the assimilation of European secular
Examples of Secular Music
The Spanish colonial regime reshaped Philippine culture in 1. Berso Golpeado- is a traditional greeting song of the
general, particularly its music. Indigenous music was replaced Ibanags of the Cagayan Valley. The song is in triple
by liturgical and religious music. time accompanied by a cinco-cinco guitar which strums
The song on the exploits of epic heroes and the rhythms of the out chord progressions.
native drums and gongs gave away to the chants of the 2. Composo- is a narrative song type found in Panay which
Christian church and the harmonized music of the organ, harp, is a vehicle for the spread local news. It is western
and guitar. inspired with diatonic melodies and uses chordal
progression. It is accompanied by a guitar.
- Liturgical Music- Every Spanish expedition 3. Kumintang- is originally a war song but later developed
included a group of missionaries tasked to bring the into an ancient dance and melody in triple time. It is
Christian faith to the natives. Conversion involved closely similar to the Western Nocturne, sung with the
not only embracing a new set of religious beliefs but accompaniment of a violin or guitar.
also turning away from existing cultural practices. It originated from Batangas, making it the Province of
The missionaries doubled their efforts on teaching Kumintang. The first published kumintang was “
European religious music to the new Christians. Comintanf de la Conquista” ( Comintang of the
- They discovered that the Filipinos people and Conquest) documented by a Frenchman named Jean
proved to be adept and enthusiastic in learning the Mallat.
plainsong, the flute, the harp, and the guitar. The
plainchant, plainsong, or Gregorian chant was the
very first sound of the Christian church music that the THERE ARE 3 KINDS OF KUMINTANG
natives heard. It is an austere, unaccompanied 1. Kumintang or Awit- narrative songs
monophonic melody. 2. Kumintang of Balayan- a tagalog bridal song
3. Kumintang of conquest- music of pristine beauty,
coquwttish and romance.
4. Balitaw- is a song and dance common among the
tagalogs or the Visayans. It is song in three-four
THE FOLLWOWING EXAMPLES OF RELIGIOUS time. It is derived from the Malayan word “ berita”
MUSIC meaning narration or “balita” in tagalog .
- Ave Maria- sung by a tenor with piano or
There are two types of balitaw:
harmonium accompaniment
- Flores de Maria- sung in three voices with organ or
- Balitaw Mayor- is derived from the French slow
harmonium accompaniment.
- O Salutaris Hostia- sung in eight voices with full
- Balitaw menor- or also known as Danza Menor is a
orchestral accompaniment.
dance piece in a minor key. This is usually a Visayan

- Church music is performed during the Holy Mass. 5. Kundiman- is the most typical love song of the
Songs related to the feasts of the Catholic Church Filipinos. Its varieties and uses are similar to the
were taught by the Spanish missionaries and “balitaw” among the Visayan people. It is none of
performed either during Christmas or Lent. There are the ancient airs of the Philippines.
also extra-liturgical devotions among Filipinos which The word Kundiman is probably taken from
are widely practiced until today. contraction of the phrase “kung hindi man” which
- Some of these are Alay (flower offering), the Marian means “if not needed.” Melody is characterized by
Flores de Mayo, and Santacruzan during the month smooth flowing and gentle rhythm with dramatic
of May; the pabasa, the pasyon and the Eastern intervals.
Salubong, during the Lenten season; the “ 6. Harana- is the traditional courtship song in the
Pangangaluluwa’’ in the month of November, and Mexican- Spanish tradition based on the habanera.
the Christmas “ Panunuluyan” among others. It has a romantic, lyrical, and slow tempo.
The guitar is the most trusted instrument for harana
songs because of its intimate sound that
complements the Spanish influenced songs.
If the Spaniards try to convert of Filipinos to their
ways through religion, the Americans did it though
education. A subtle but most effective medium of
colonial education was music. Teaching Filipino
school children songs helped much to produce an
unconscious dislike of their own culture and a high
preference for American culture.
The American regime brought cultural and musical
growth in the Philippines. It introduced and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF COLDILLERA,
developed a mass culture that promoted various of MINDORO, PALAWAN
social entertainment. Musical Instrument of Cordillera
1. Tongatong- A tongatong is percussion instrument
The Japanese on the other hand, tried to use made of various lengths of bamboo, which is found
education as a means to realize their Co- in KALINGA province. Traditionally, the tongatong
Prosperity Sphere which miserably failed. Their is used by the people of Kalinga to communicate with
desire to propagate Nippongo as the common spirits, particularly as part of healing rituals.
language was a dismal failure. It is played by hitting it against the
The Japanese also fostered their own musical culture earth/floor.
in the country, but it did not create a great impact like 2. Gangsa- It is a single hand-held smooth- surfaced
the Americans did. There lectures on Oriental music, gong with a narrow rim. A set of gangsa which is
Japanese music was heard over the radio, and played one gong per musician, consists of gangsa
Japanese folk song were forced to be learned in tuned to different notes, depending on regional or
schools. local cultural preferences.
3. Bungkaka- also known as the bamboo buzzer, is a
D. CONTEMPORARY MUSIC percussion instrument made out of bamboo common
This refers to the songs of the 21st century often in numerous indigenous tribes around the Philippines
called “OPM” (Original Pilipino Music) or Pinoy such as the Ifugao, Kalinga, and Ibaloi.
Pop. They are written in tagalog, English, or Taglish 4. Saggeypo- are thin pieces of bamboo with a node on
like the song “Ang Miss Univerese Ng Buhay Ko”, each end. The open end is cut in progressive lengths
by the Band Hotdog which help innovate the Manila and into the shape of an open mouth. They then tied
sound. together in a row. These are the Kalinga’s version of
Pinoy rock is the Filipino version of the harmonica.
Western rock. It usually uses “taglish lyrics” 5. Kubing- a type of Philippine jaw harp from bamboo
incorporating a strong rhythm known as rock beat. found among the Maguindanaon and other Muslim
The Neo-traditional genre in Filipino music and Non-Muslim tribes in the Philippines and
was also known as alternative folk music is also Indonesia.
gaining popularity. Current social and environmental 6. Tongali- a woodwind instrument from northern and
issues are often the preferred theme. it is displayed using nose. This is four-holed nose
R&B music, ballad slow-rap style of music flute is often played by the Kalinga and other peoples
also dominates the music scene through the songs of of Luzon. It is believed that the soft sounds of the
Kyla and Jay-R. nose flute were used to help rice grow.
A number of other genres are also growing 7. Gitgit- an instrument with 3 to 4 strings with a
in popularity in Philippine music scene today, a sure wooden body and human hair for the bow.
proof on how musically gifted the Filipinos are. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF MINDORO
1. Batiwtiw- a bamboo instrument from Mindoro
about 40 cm long, played by striking the split
end of a bamboo against the left palm.
2. Kalutang- a pair of percussion bars that are
struck against each other at specific angles to
produce a pitch. These sticks are a part of an
entire ensemble of kalutang which when playing
together produce melodies.
3. Kudlong- Boat lute is a two-stringed lute that is - Ifugao
boat-shaped with wooden tightening rods and - Benguet
frets made a beeswax. One string plays a drone
and the other string plays a melody. ALSO KNOWN AS HIGHLANDS OF LUZON
horizontally with the bamboo tongue in front of
the opened mouth. The left end is hit by the 1. Vocal Music
thumb of the right hand. This makes the bamboo 2. Instrumental Music
tongue vibrate which causes a sound. 3. Vocal ensemble with instrumental accompaniment


1. Suling- an Indonesian/Philippine flute made from - Mellismatic

bamboo. It is traditionally performed in gamelan - Free meter
ensembles. Depending on the regional genre, a suling
can be tuned into different scales.
2. Babarak- it is end-blown flutes with a rig wrapped - Vocal passage with one syllable
around the hole at the blowing end of flute. The ring
is usually made of a strip or rattan. - Sung against several note passages
3. Basal instruments or gong- ensemble of Palawan is
a set of one or two big gongs also known as agung,
and two small ringed gongs also known as sanang. - Salidumay- Song of Cordillera that express
4. Aruding (Jew’s Harp)- is a small lyre-shape thanksgiving among other positive themes.
instrument that when held between the teeth give
tones from a metal touge struck by the finger. EXAMPLES OF VOCAL MUSIC
5. Pagang or Bamboo Zither- It is made of one whole
1. Ibaloi Badiw
which is partly slit to keep the node from splitting
- One of the vocal genres considered to be the
signature form for specific cultures in Cordillera is
6. Dimble- a wooden drum made of monitor lizard’s
the Ibaloi Badiw. It is a style of singing without prior
preparation or practice in the leader-chorus form.
7. Kutiyapi or Kudyapi- is a Philippine two-stringed,
Vocal genres among the indigenous communities
fretted boat-lute.
may be identified according to their functions.
8. Tuganang- a signle node of bamboo cut midway to
2. Owiwi (Kalinga)- Lullabies
form two vibrating tongues. The body is incised with
3. Dagdagay (Kalinga)- Infancy related songs
the ancient Palaw’an script. It is struck against the
4. Oppia (Kalinga)- Infancy related songs
palm and is played as a solo instruement.
5. Langan bata-bata (Tausug)- Infancy related songs
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF VISAYAS 6. Bua ( Subannen) – Infancy-related songs
7. Kawayanna (Kalinga)- Infancy related songs
A length of bamboo serves the resonator of the instrument the
top of which is the tunning “head” where tow tunning pegs are
attached. The instrument is played with a small bow with
abaca strings.
- Bamboo flute- three holes and mouth opening
(pagoma) that is similar to that of a panpipe. Mindoro is also home to the Tamaraw or Mindoro dwarf
- Gitara- is sa fretted musical instrument that typically buffalo (Bubalus Mindorensis), which is endemic to the
has six strings. Cebu city is famous for producing island. The Tamaraw is a bovine related to the water of
guitars. buffalo and is an endangered species.
Vocal Music of Cordillera, Mindoro and Palawan Hanunó ó language – is a language spoken by
Mangyans in the province of Mindoro in the Philippines


1. AMBAHAN- lyrical chant of pure Mangyan (famous
Composed of Different Cities
- Apayao
2. PAMUYBUYEN- legend
- Abra
- Kalinga
- Mountain Province
3. MARAYAW- song used to communicate with spirits
in rituals for healing the sick and protecting the


1. Composed of seven rhyming syllables in one line.

2. The number of lines found in several Ambahan
ranges from 3 to 4.
3. It is rewritten in a bamboo tube.


Eye-catching white sandy beaches, beautiful coral reefs, and

virginal natural habitats.

The music of Palawan expresses respect for the spiritual as

well as the natural physical world through the epic chants,
nature songs and instruments.


1. KULIAL- A lyrical poem expressing love. This

vocal music accompanied by kudyapi.
2. TULTUL- is a chanted vocal music about epic
heroes and usually chanted at night, ending at


1. Imitations of sounds from nature and the

2. Highly influenced by the native language of the

Visayas is one of the three island groups in the
Philippines, along with Luzon and Mindanao.
The music of Visayas is highly Spanish influenced
because they colonized the Philippines for a long

The following are the different vocal forms used and
sung in different ceremonies, services, and for the
relaxation, of the Negritos with guitar
accompaniment in different rhythms.

1. Dandansoy
2. Ili-Ili Tulog Anay- Lullaby
3. Si Pelimon- Work Song
4. Matudnila
5. Rosas Pandan- Courting song

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