World Magic Sorcerer - GM Binder

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World Magic sorcerers can harness the earth's life force to gain temporary hit points and enhance their physical abilities. Their powers grow over levels to include additional damage, spells, and even time manipulation.

At 1st level, World Magic sorcerers gain abilities like Earthly Enhancement and Worldly Might which allow them to enhance their physical abilities with the earth's energy for a time.

The Alluvian Reinforcement feature grants temporary hit points equal to the level of spell cast when casting a 1st level or higher spell. These hit points are added to any existing temporary hit points instead of replacing them.

World Magic

orn with a unique connection to the earth,
World Magic sorcerers are capable of Worldly Might
harnessing the earth's life force. They
1st level World Magic feature
utilize this energy to reinforce their
bodies, protecting themselves while also Harnessing the power of the earth you can bolster your
being capable of unleashing their stored physical strength.
energy for potentially devastating strikes.
You can spend a bonus action to have your lifting, pushing
Terrene Magic and carrying capabilities (described in chapter 7 of the
player's handbook) and Strength (Athletics) checks be
1st level World Magic feature determined by your spellcasting ability in place of your
strength for 1 hour. You can do this a number of times per
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in day equal to your half your Charisma modifier (minimum
this class, as shown on the World Magic Spells table. Each of 1).
of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it
doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you
Alluvian Reinforcement
6th level World Magic feature
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one
spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher you gain a
same level. The new spell must be an transmutation or number of temporary hitpoints equal to the level of the
evocation spell from the sorcerer, warlock or wizard spell spell cast. These temporary hit points are special as they
list. add to your total temporary hit points instead of replacing
them. These special temporary hitpoint do not grant
Sorcerer Level Spells
additional hitpoints as described in the earthly
1st Gift of Alacrity, Armor of Agathys enhancement feature.
3rd Aid, Fortune's Favor
In addition, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the
5th Vampiric Touch, Pulse wave
purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
7th Guardian of faith, Shadow of Moil nonmagical attacks and damage.
9th Destructive Wave, Circle of Power
Tellurian Overcharge
Earthly Enhancement 14th level World Magic Feature
1st level World Magic feature
When you gain temporary hit points while already having
You can use the earth's life force to enhance your natural temporary hit points, you may use a reaction and spend 2
abilities. sorcery points to add these temporary hit points instead
of replace them.
Whenever you gain temporary hit points, you gain an
additional amount of temporary hit points equal to half In addition, when you land an unarmed strike against a
your sorcerer level, rounding up, + your Charisma modifier target you can sacrifice all your temporary hit points to
(minimum of 1). These additional temporary hit points are deal additional force damage equal to the amount of
lost when whatever feature that granted those temporary temporary hit points sacrificed.
hit points ends. While you have temporary hit points your
You may also sacrifice all your temporary hit points to
AC increases by an amount equal to your Constitution
unleash a wave of energy on all enemies in a 60ft cone as
a bonus action. All creatures must make a dexterity saving
Additionally, your unarmed strikes count as melee throw or take damage equal to the amount of temporary
weapons for the purposes of spellcasting. You can roll a d8 hit points sacrificed as force damage. This is very taxing on
in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strikes the user and after using this technique they have
and you can use your spellcasting ability instead of disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls and have
strength for the attack and damage rolls of unarmed their move speed halved until the end of their next turn.
Tenser's transformation is added to the sorcerer's spell list
and you can choose to learn or replace a spell with it when
you get this feature.

Terrestrial Mastery
18th level World Magic Feature

Your control and mastery over the world's energy allows

you to temporarily halt the flow of time. As an action you
may stop time giving you two additional turns in a row
during which you can use actions and move as normal.
Spell and attacks that target other creatures do not resolve
until time resumes.

You also gain the ability concentrate on another spell

when you use this feature. Maintaining concentration on
more than one spell is very strenuous and comes with the
following detriments:

You have disadvantage on all concentration saving

At the end of each turn, you must make a concentration
saving throw.
When you make a concentration saving throw, you
must make one concentration save per spell being
concentrated on.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until

1d4+1 days have passed, unless you spend 13 sorcery
points to use it again.
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