Nordoff Robbibs Modell
Nordoff Robbibs Modell
Nordoff Robbibs Modell
Assessment and Evaluation
Treatment Procedures
Dynamics and Process
Summary and References
Chapter One
REATIVE music therapy is an improvisational approac? to individual
C and group therapy developed by Paul Nordoff, an Amencan composer-
pianist, and Clive Robbins, a British-trained special educator. Nordoff and
Robbins collaborated closely from 1959-1976 (22), working as therapist and
cotherapist with mentally, emotionally, and physically handicapped ~ildren in
a variety of settings and locations (15,16,17). During their 17 years of pioneer-
ing work, Nordoff and Robbins kept comprehensive notes of their clinical
work, and tape-recorded all of their sessions of individual music therapy. They
also wrote extensively about their clinical and research findings, and developed
a vast repertoire of musical materials for use in therapy.
Robbins has also collaborated with his wife Carol Matteson Robbins since
1975, when they began to develop a comprehensive approach to music for
hearing-impaired children (22). Since then the Robbins' have travelled exten-
sively in the USA and abroad, teaching creative music therapy and giving
workshops on their own work, while als_o continuing to do clinical work.
Since Nordoffs death in 1976, the~Robbins-Robbins team has worked
steadfastly to develop associations and centers around the world for the study
and advancement of Nordoff-Robbins therapy, and to archive the enormous
legacy of clinical and training materials produced over the years by Nordoff
and Robbins. To date, Nordoff-Robbins music therapy associations and cen-
ters have been established in England, Scotland, Denmark, West Germany,
and Australia (2), and various instructional materials have been prepared for
public~tion (10,11,17). In affiliation with the City University of London, the m. England offers a one-year course leading to a graduate diploma and
cert1ficat1on as a Nordoff-Robbins therapist; the center in Herdecke, West
?ennany is initiating a two-year postgraduate course (2); and a training course
lS anticipated in Australia in 1986.
24 Improvisational Mod.tis of Music Therapy
Nordoff and Robbins based the overall goals of their approach on what they
believed to be the unique contributions of music to the therapeutic process. In
one of their first statements on the subject, they said:
CmJliot Music Thrrapy
Used with all the resources belonging to its art, improvised music can estab·
lish communication, develop human relationships, initiate or extend speech,
dispel pathological behavioral patterns, and build stronger, richer personali·
ties (9:310).
Later, as their approach developed, they identified similar long-term goals in
their client evaluation scales ( 16). In the scales, the highest levels of therapeutic
growth are characterized by expressive freedom and creativity, communica-
tiveness, self-confidence, and independence, all of which are manifested within
the client's relationship to music and his/her musical relationship with the
therapist. What is important to note here is that in creative music therapy,
clinical goals are contained within the musical goals. Thus, personal freedom is
realized through musical freedom; interpersonal communicativeness is realized
through musical "interrcsponsiveness"; and self-confidence is realized through
independent creativity in music.
Music therefore becomes a sphere of experience, a means of intercommuni-
cation and a basis for activity in which handicapped children can find
freedom, in varying degrees, from the malfunctions that restrict their lives.
As such, music possesses inherent capacities for effecting a uniquely signifi-
cant contact with handicapped children and for providing an experiential
ground for their engagement, their personality development, their
integration - both individually and socially. To the extent to which music
achieves this it becomes music therapy... (15:16).
Nordoff and Robbins' therapy goals are closey aligned with humanistic
theories of psychology (viz., Abraham Maslow). They share a concern for
creativeness, intrinsic learning, peak experiences, growth motivation rather
than need motivation, and self-actualization (see Theoretical Orientations). It
is interesting to find that in their very first book, Nordoff and Robbins (13)
stated that goals for therapy should be geared to the client's individual potential
rather than to cultural expectations or universal standards for normality. For
them, the "freeing and development of the individual" is more important than
normalization" (p. 48).
Population Specific.
Because each handicapping condition carries with it certain restrictions in
individual freedom and specific developmental obstacles, broad goals can be
set for each population. Inevitably the goals are determined by what specific
benefits music can bring. For the mentally retarded, music therapy brings
vivid life experiences which are intelligible because they are concrete rather
than abstract. For the emotionally disturbed, it brings opportunities for expe-
riencing and communicating emotions, along with feelings of reassurance and
security. For the physically disabled, music motivates expressive movement
and helps to order and coordinate it (15).
28 Impror,isalional Models of Music Therapy
Goals differ for younger and older children, due to differences in experience
and personality development. For younger children, therapy is concerned with
processes of inner differentiation and growth because their personalities are
still fluid and in the process of becoming; for older children, therapy is con·
cerned with a "rebirth of hopefulness, of self-confidence, and a reevaluation of
the feeling and meaning of self and of life's meaning ( 15: 131). When there has
been neglect or misunderstanding, therapy aims at restitution and compensa-
tion for the lack of fulfillment often experienced.
Goals for hearing-impaired children in a school setting and medical adult
patients are similar to the general goals cited in the previous se~tion.
Goals in creative music therapy are also individualized to address the
unique potentials and aspirations of the client. Individualized goals are es-
tablished as therapy progresses. The therapist:
takes his stan from the child and determines his clinical goaJs, session by ses-
sion, from the course of the child's response. He works freely within a
general framework of hierarchies of musical experience-activity and so
works for musical goals - while he works responsively for the psychological
developmental goals that musical activities caq ·achieve specifically for the
child (16:91).
Private Therapy
Individual therapy is the most appropriate setting for children who are ob-
livious or noncommunicative, or who have behaviors which interfere with peer
interaction or participation in a group musical activity (15). Individual therapy
is also the preferred setting for adults.
The length of an individual therapy session is determined entirely by the
client's capabilities for commitment to musical activity. If the client can tolerate
or commit him/herself to the work or situation for only five minutes, then the
session should last only five minutes. During the early stages of therapy, the
sessions can last anywhere from 5-20 minutes, and as therapy progresses the
sessions can extend up to 30 minutes or longer. The average session lasts 15
minutes. What is important to note is that the length of an individual session is
not fixed or predetermined according to an arbitrary schedule but rather
geared to the tolerance and commitment level of the client. Generally, individ-
ual therapy is provided from one to three times weekly (16).
Crtatioe Music Therapy 29
30 lmprooisatumal Modtls of Music Therapy
intentions of the therapist at the piano ( 15, 16). The two work as partners, with
clearly defined roles which have been accepted by both parties and with equal
responsibility for the therapeutic process (16).
The team approach was used by Nordoff and Robbins in both individual
and group settings, and is still used by their followers whenever possible. In
many clinical situations, however, a team approach is not possible economi•
cally, especially for individual therapy. Moreover, in individual therapy for
adults, the need for and appropriateness of a team approach can be questioned.
Many creative music therapists have therefore adapted the approach to work·
ing without a partner. (Thus throughout this unit, "therapist" is used singularly
but may apply to a team as well, unless of course a distinction' is being made
between the therapist and the assistant of a team). -.1~ ·
In individual therapy, the client uses two media predominantly: vocalizing/
singing and playing a drum and cymbal. Any number of other instruments
might be used in addition, and in some instances, the ._client may move or
dance to the therapist's improvisations. '
In group therapy, the clients are engaged in both singin°g and instrumental
activities, involving reed horns (specially adapted for,therapy by Nordoff and
Robbins), bird calls and whistles, various string instruments, and an assort-
ment of pitched and unpitched percussion. An9lher important modality for
group work is the musical drama. ·
Because music plays such a central role in creative music therapy, Nordoff
and Robbins' views on the nature of music are of fundamental significance in
understanding their orientation toward particular clinical theories. Put another
way, their theory of music has in large part determined their theory of therapy
or treatment orientation. Hence, most of the relationships drawn between the
Nordoff-Robbins approach and various theoretical orientations can be traced
back to their notions regarding the nature of music and its relationship to hu-
man experience.
In the early years of their work, the ideas of Rudolf Steiner were influential
in shaping Nordoff and Robbins' conception of music therapy. (In fact, their
first book was published by a Steiner press.) Steiner (25) was the founder and
leading exponent of anthroposophy, which can be described as a humanistic
approach to theosophy. As a "science of the spiritt anthroposophy is concerned
with matters such as "the being of man, the nature and purpose of freedom, the
meaning of evolution, man's relation to nature, and the life after death and be-
fore birth" (p. v). Steiner was also the founder of "eurythmy," a concept of
movement which he described as visible speech and visible song, and which has J
become widely accepted (particularly in Europe) as an independent art form.
Creative Music Thrrapy
31 I
Several aspects of creative music therapy can be related to Steiner and an- •j'
throposophy. In the Nordoff-Robbins approach musical response_s _are viewed 1
as a mirror of the person's psychological and developmental cond1t1on, reveal- l
ing both progressive attributes and pathological factors and having diagnostic li
implication (15:34). Steiner said: i
You can never explain the life of feeling and passion by natural laws and so-
called psychological methods. You can understand it only if you consider
man himself in tenns of music.
There will come a time when a diseased condition of the soul life will not
be described as it is today by the psychologists, but it will be spoken of in mu-
sical terms, as one would speak, for instance, of a piano that was out of tune
Nordoff and Robbins advanced the notion that within every human being
there is an innate responsiveness to music and that within every personality
structure there is a "musical self" which they called the "music child" ( 16). This
idea relates to Steinei's concept of the "astral body:' The astral body is that part of
every human being where impulses, drives, passions, and emotions live as expe-
rience. It works within us according to rhythms, and melodies in the cosmos
which are also found in our physical form. In discussing the universality of mu-
sic, Steiner said, "This is the work of the astral body which is a musician in every
human being, and imitates the music of the cosmos" (26:348).
Nordoff and Robbins observed that clients often identify closely with songs
and melodic themes developed in therapy, and that the progressive externaliza-
tion of this identification into various forms of coactivity was a significant pro-
!·. cess in therapy. This appears to be directly related to Steiner's notions on the
origins of melody, rhythm, and harmony. Steiner said:
One cannot speak of a melody of the spheres. One can speak only of a har-
mony of the spheres. Melody exists in the soul of man. The soul is indeed the
harp upon which the musician plays. The whole feeling body of man is a musi-
cal instrument on which the ego resounds and the soul produces melody. It
does not exist in the cosmos. Melody lies within man himself (3:124).
Given the view that melody is a product of the ego resounding in the soul,
and considering th~ importance of intervals within a melody, Nordoff (11)
dency to recede inward, and no pressure to move outward. With the perfect
fourth, there is movement away from this security and toward others and the
environment. It is a beginning step outside of the self, an initial reaching out.
With the tritone there is ambiguity and unrest. It poses the possibility for pull-
ing back to the perfect fourth and then withdrawing even further into the self in
the major third, or pushing forward toward the threshold of outer regions en-
countered in the perfect fifth. With the perfect fifth one becomes extroverted,
and has the experience of standing in balance confronting the external world.
With the augmented fifth there is an experience of moving away from self to-
ward the other. With the interval of the sixth, one takes a defini~e step out into
the world, extending beyond oneself and towards others; ·With the minor
seventh, one has the experience of tension between self a~d et:iyironment which
grows even greater with the major seventh where there is an experience of
stretching and quivering outside of the self in unresolved te~sion. The octave is
the ultimate experience of ego finding itself capable of existing comfortably in
relation to the external world. It is not a doubling, or a uAison experience but
an integration with the other. ·
A further aspect of creative music therapy which, can be traced back to
Steiner relates to the process of therapy itself. Steiner taught that learning ta.lees
place from within rather than from without, th~ough experiencing our inner
livingness (i.e., impulses, drives, feelings) rather than through observing our
outward behavior. Similarly, in the Nordoff-Robbins model, the therapist be-
gins with whatever the client is doing impulsively or unconsciously, as a mani-
festation of his/her inner experience. Then, as Steiner advocates, the therapist
explores the client's inner experiences through the senses until they become ex-
ternalized and conscious. Then as the impulses come into the world of con-
sciousness, the client can begin to experience his/her own feelings about them
in terms of pleasures, freedoms, and intentions (4). Likewise, Steiner (26) be-
lieved that through the senses we become conscious of our world, through our
impressions and reactions we reconstruct our world, and by acting upon it in-
tentionally, we learn about the nature of our world.
Inasmuch as Steiner had a humanistic view of theosophy, it is not surprising
to find that Nordoff and Robbins identified with humanistic schools of psychol-
ogy as well. Here however, their work can be related to several different
theorists and systems of psychotherapy.
Ruud (24) identified creative music therapy with "relationship therapy" as
described by Axline (1) and Moustakas (8). Axline developed a method of non-
directive play therapy which employs eight principles that are also found to
some extent in the approach. They are: a warm, friendly re-
lationship between therapist and client; acceptance of the child exactly as he is;
a permissive relationship which encourages the expression of feelings; alertness
in recognizing and reflecting the child's feelings; deep respect for the child's
ability to make personal choices and solve problems for him/herself; a non-
directive rather than directive approach to therapy, wherein the therapist fol-
lows rather than leads the client; and the establishment of only those bounda-
ries that arc necessary to anchor the therapy to the demands of reality.
In a similar vein, Moustakas (8) defined the therapeutic process as a natural
growing and living together, with the client needing and seeking help, and the
therapist offering it. The therapist se:rves and waits for the client to come to
terms with him/herself, and find various ways of solving problems, relating,
and living.
Robbins and Robbins (22) related their therapeutic goals for personal ma·
turation to the humanistic concepts of Abraham Maslow (6, 7). The following
I' concepts are shared by creative music therapy.
l ... Natural impulses and drives should be used as dynamic forces in therapy
rather than undesirable phenomena to be controlled .
. . . Therapy should be growth-motivated rather than deficiency-motivated.
Rather than fulfill needs, therapy should focus and build on what poten-
tials the client already has. Growth is self-gratifying and self-validating
and is therefore motivated intrinsically rather than extrinsically.
. . . Therapy aims at self-actualization which involves: ability to experience
things vividly and fully; ability to make choices; ability to express self;
self-responsibility and honesty; courage of one's own convictions; appre~
ciation for the process of actualization as much as the product; openness
to peak experiences; and self-discovery of strengths and weaknesses .
. . . Learning should have intrinsic rather than extrinsic aims. Intrinsic
learning aims at developing the person's self-actualizing creativeness
whereas extrinsic learning aims at the achievement of specific knowl-
edge, skills, and behaviors .
. . . Having a special creative talent (e.g., musical talent) is not a prerequi-
site for self-actualizing creativeness, and is something quite different.
Self-actualizing creativeness springs from the personality and manifests
itself in many different aspects of living. Its specific achievements are
epiphenomena! and secondary t6 its characterological qualities, such as
courage, boldness, freedom, spontaneity, integration, and self-
acceptance .
. . . Therapy should facilitate peak experiences, those sublime moments
wherein one is able to transcend and integrate splits within the person,
between persons, within the world, and between the person and the
world. Since the arts facilitate the occurrence of peak experiences, es-
thetic endeavors are seen to be a central aspect of life and therefore of
Chapter Two
*Abridged version
· of Nordoff and Robbins (16)
Crtativt Music Therapy 39
Scale III was begun in the mid 1960s along with the previous evaluation
scales. It was then reworked in the l 970s, but unfortunately was not completed
prior to Nordofrs death. What is presented here is an abridged version of a
draft recently completed by Clive Robbins (20), and soon to be published.
Nordoff and Robbins found that children's musical responses fall into two
main categories, instrumental rhythmic activity and singing. Thus, the Musi-
cal Responses Scale III contains separate sections on each medium. They also
believed that the clinical significance of a child's musical responses is deter-
mined by structural aspects of the musical forms themselves together with the
child's levd of engagement and responsiveness expressed therein. The scale is
therefore an attempt to indicate not only what a child does musically but also
hows/he does it (20).
Table III presents the "Musical Responses Scale IIIA" for instrumental ac-
tivity. On this scale, rhythmic organization and expressive components are
Instrumental Rhythmic Responses
---Developed Levels---
Rhythmic Complexity (Rated _ _ (E) Establishing. Client
according to specific criteria is working to establish percep-
not shown here) . tive and expressive skills with
_complex respect to a particular
Advanced rhythmic component in own and
-Intermediate therapist's playing.
-Simple _ _ ( F) Finding. Client is
_Rudimentary becoming aware of own improvi-
sing in relation to therapist,
Tempo Range (Logged according but beating is not sufficiently
to metronomic speed in beats controlled, stable, or free to
per minute). establish skill.
_Very fast (+240 bpm) ___ (I) Incipient. Client
_Fast (150-239 bpm) has incipient awareness of own
_Moderate (95-149 bpm)• beating in relation to music,
_slow (60-90 bpm) with minimal perception of
_Very slow (-60 bpm) rhythmic structure.
---Undeveloped tevels---
Basic Beating _ _ (P) Perseverative. Child
_ability to maintain a beats unresponsively, fixedly,
steady beat with purpose. and inflexibly.
_ _ (C) Compulsive. Child
beats in an obsessive, driven,
and unresponsive way.
_ _ (R) Reactive. Child
overreacts to stimulation and
loses control and contact •
......,,__CU) Undirected/Unaware .
Child responds reflexively and
sporadically, with no indica-
tion of awareness .
40 lmprooisational Modtls of Music Therapy
the child's instrument playing (upper left column) are ev~uated according to
the child's awareness and perception of the musical components and their rela-
tionship to the therapist's music (upper right column): 'Letter codes are used as
shown. Similarly, the expressive components in the lower left column are eval-
uated ·according levels of responsiveness in the· lower right column-:
Table IV presents the "Musical Responses Scale IIIB" for singing. On this
scale, formal aspects of the child's melodies are evaluated in terms of their vocal
responsiveness and vocal participation. Vocal responsiveness refers to how
much expressive freedom the child exhibits and how sensitive the child is to the
therapist's music. Vocal participation refers to levels and conditions for the
child's involvement in singing activity. On this scale, the left column is evalu-
ated in terms of both the middle and right columns.
Crtativt Music TMrapy 43
one or two phases; with others, a single improvisation ma~ in_volve three
phases. For example, with a more reticent or lo':er functlonmg ch1~d who
makes no sounds or music, the therapist's efforts might be devoted entire:Y to
meeting the child musically and/or evoking some kind of respons~. ~1th a
more assertive or higher functioning child who already presents_mus1cal 1de~s,
the therapist's efforts might be devoted entirely to deve]opmg expressive
freedom and interresponsiveness.
As shown in Figure 1, the therapist follows certain sequence~ to ~chieve
each phase. The figure also shows how work in every phase begms with the
first phase, meeting the child musically.
This phase serves severaJ important functions. First and foremost, by com-
municating with the child as he is (16), the therapist creates an accepting, re-
sponsive atmosphere. Then by proceeding gently and respectfully, the therapist
works to make musical contact with the child, thereby establishing whatever
level ofrapport the child accepts (5). This not only serves to build trust but also
to lessen any resistiveness the child may have at this stage.
By stimulating the child musically and then observing closely, the therapist
is also working in this phase to discover the child's inherent musicality, or the
"music child" that lies within him/her. In order to establish a working musical
relationship, the therapist must discover the child's musical resources, limita-
tions, sensitivities, reaction patterns, and any cause/effect cel'ationships that
are revealed within the improvisatory situation. .1·
Crucial to establishing rapport and developing a working· ;elationship is the
child's enjoyment. Aside from conveying acceptance and stimulating the child,
the music must therefore bring pleasure and. entice tlje child to become
engaged (5). Whenever necessary, the therapist must ~so lend support and
help the child's improvising become musically meaningful;'
Levin (5) suggests that the music for this phase be ~pimposing, and capable
of being withdrawn at any time. In many instances, musical tension or urgency
is avoided. Dynamics and speed are kept moderate, rhythms are kept simple
and closely related to the beat, and harmonies are kept open but tonally cen-
tered. Meanwhile, all of these musical components are kept consistent with the
child's emotional state. Nordoff and Robbins (15) pointed out that more capa-
ble children may need more diverse musical experiences, whereas less capable
children may prefer limited idioms, qualities, or forms because of their special
significance for them.
A major technique used in this phase is usually referred to as "reflection:'
Though Nordoff and Robbins did not use this term, they described several
ways to "match" what the child is feeling and doing. These include: improvis-
ing a musical portrait of his personality; musically depicting the mood of the
moment; matching the child's facial expression and physical bearing in the
mood of the improvisation; setting the child's movements to descriptive music;
singing a song which describes the child's actions, mood, or experience; and
musically imitating any sounds the child makes (15,16).
The therapist should use his/her voice almost immediately with the piano
(16), because it is a human sound which is often associated with maternal nur-
turing (5). It is best to begin with vowels or neutral syllables rather than words,
because many children have been confronted through conventional language
(5). When indicated, simple word phrases such as "Good morning; or "Hello
_ _ _ ,, should be used ( 16). When words arc used, they are often sung re-
peatedly. The style is variable, depending upon the therapist's response to the
mood of the child. For example, the therapist may sing in short melodic
phrases simply built on the buic beat, or conversely in recitative style with