Holywood Nepotism - Fedor8

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by fedor8@yahoo.


Daddy/Mommy/Uncle/Cousin - Actor/Producer/Director/Etc
Sean Penn Christopher Sigourney Beau Jeff Dominik
Leo Penn, Penn Weaver Bridges Bridges Garcia-
director Leo Penn, Sylvester 'Pat' Lloyd Lloyd Lorido
Eileen director Weaver, NBC Bridges, Bridges, Andy Garcia,
Ryan, Eileen Ryan, president actor actor actor
actress actress Elizabeth
Inglis, actress
Nicolas Cage Alicia Coppola Sofia Coppola Roman Coppola Jason Sc
Francis Ford Coppola, Denise Di Novi, actress Francis Ford Coppola, Francis Ford Coppola, Talia Sh
director (uncle) (cousin) director director Francis F

Emma Sophie Laura Dern Jane Fonda Peter Gwyneth

Thompson Thompson Bruce Dern, Henry Fonda Paltrow
Eric Eric actor Fonda, actor Henry Bruce Paltrow,
Thompson, dir Thompson, dir Diane Ladd, Fonda, TV producer
Phyllida Law, Phyllida Law, actress actor Blythe Danner,
actress actress actress

Geraldine Ronald Jamie Lee Jennifer Rob Reiner Rae Dawn

Chaplin Howard Curtis Aniston Carl Reiner, Chong
Charles Chaplin, Leslie Tony John Aniston, director Thomas
actor/director Howard, Curtis, actor Chong,
actor actor Nancy Dow, actor
Janet actress
Leigh, Telly Savalas,
actress actor
Mary Stuart Angela Liza Maria Cary Elwes Douglas
Masterson Lansbury Minnelli Schneider Dominic Fairbanks
Peter Moyna Judy Daniel Gélin, Elwes, painter Jr.
Masterson, MacGill, Garland, actor Elliott Douglas
actor actress actress Kastner, Fairbanks,
Carlin Glynn, George Vincente producer actor
actress Lansbury, Minnelli, (stepfather) Anna Beth
politician director Sully, actress
Mira Amanda Adam Melanie Brian Foy Eddie Foy,
Sorvino Plummer Arkin Griffith (producer) Jr.
Paul Christopher Alan Arkin, Tippi Hedren, Eddie Foy, Eddie Foy,
Sorvino, Plummer, actor actor actress actor actor
actor Tammy
Juliette Michael Eric Douglas Mia Farrow Tisa Farrow Diane Baker
Lewis Douglas Kirk Douglas, John Farrow, John Farrow, Dorothy
Geoffrey Kirk actor director director Harrington,
Lewis, actor Douglas, Anne Maureen Maureen stage actress
actor Buydens, O'Sullivan, O'Sullivan,
Diana Dill, publicity actress actress
actress agent
Charlie Rene Emilio Ramon Lindsey Suzanne
Sheen Estevez Estevez Sheen Crouse Pleshette
Martin Sheen, Martin Martin Martin Russel Crouse, Eugene
actor Sheen, actor Sheen, actor Sheen, actor musical Pleshette, TV
playwright executive
Corin Vanessa Lynn Pola Kinski Nastassja Marc Rocco
Redgrave Redgrave Redgrave Klaus Kinski (dir)
Michael Michael Michael Kinski, Klaus Kinski, Alex Rocco,
Redgrave, Redgrave, act Redgrave, act actor actor actor
Rachel Rachel Rachel
Kempson, Kempson, act Kempson, act

Katey Sagal Tori Randy Meredith Alan Alda Gloria

Boris Sagal, Spelling Spelling Baxter Robert DeHaven
director Aaron Aaron Whitney Blake, Alda, actor Carter
Sara Zwilling, Spelling, Spelling, actress DeHaven and
singer/director producer producer Allan Manings, Flora Carter,
writer/producer Vaudeville
Nick Zoe Cassavetes Sally Field Freddie Lorenco Christian
Cassavetes John Margaret Prinze, Jr Lamas Slater
John Cassavetes, Field, Freddie Fernando Mary Jo Slater,
Cassavetes, actor/director actress Prinze, Lamas, casting director
actor/director Gena actor actor Michael
Rowlands, Arlene Gainsborough,
actress Dahl, actor
Charles Joan John Jason John Romy
Matthau (dir) Cusack Cusack Connery Huston Schneider
Walter Dick Cusack, Dick Cusack, Sean Walter Wolf Albach-
Matthau, actor actor actor Connery, Huston, Retty, actor
actor actor Magda
Mario Van Sean Austin Charlotte Jennifer Grey Brian Keith
Peebles John Austin, Gainsbourg Joel Grey, actor Robert Keith,
Melvin Van actor Serge Gainsbourg, actor
Peebles, Patty Duke, composer
actor/director actress Jane Birkin,
Alison Carrie Brandon Lee John Lithgow Scott Matthew
Eastwood Fisher Bruce Lee, Arthur Lithgow, Caan Broderick
Clint Debbie actor/director theater James James
Eastwood, Reynolds, director/producer Caan, Broderick,
actor/director actress actor actor
Eddie Fisher Patricia
Josh Brolin Kurt Russell Melanie Oliver Reed Robert Jared
James Bing Russell, Shatner Carol Reed, Downey, Jr. Harris
Brolin, actor baseball William director Robert Richard
player, actor Shatner, actor (uncle) Downey, Harris, actor
Jennifer Lon Penelope Ann Gaby Blake Hart
Lynch (dir) Chaney, Jr. Miller Hoffmann Edwards Bochner
David Lon Mark Miller, Viva, Andy J. Gordon Lloyd
Lynch, Chaney, actor/director Warhol's Edwards, Bochner,
director actor "actress" director actor

Susan Ben Stiller Nina Foch Albert Miguel Juliet

Strasberg Jerry Dirk Fock, Brooks Ferrer Landau
Lee Stiller, conductor/composer Harry José Ferrer, Martin
Strasberg, actor Consuelo Flowerton, Einstein, actor Landau,
Paula Anne actr comedian actor
Strasberg, Meara,
actors and actress
founders of
the Actors
Bruno Kirby Dorothy Anthony Constance Joan Bennett
Bruce Kirby, Dandridge Perkins Bennett Richard Bennett,
actor Ruby Dandridge, Osgood Richard Bennett, actor
actress Perkins, actor actor

Isabella Clint Ron Howard James Stacy Anne Archer

Rossellini Howard Rance Keach Keach John Archer,
Roberto Rance Howard, dir Stacy Keach, Stacy actor
Rossellini, dir Howard, dir Jean Speegle Sr., actor Keach, Sr., Marjorie
Ingrid Jean Speegle Howard, actor Lord, actress
Bergman, Howard, actress
actress actress

Tim Holt David Holt Jennifer June Maria Schell Maximilian

Jack Holt, Jack Holt Holt Lockhart Ferdinand Schell
actor Jack Holt Gene Hermann Ferdinand
Lockhart, Schell, poet Hermann Schell,
actor Margarethe poet
Kathleen Noe, act Margarethe
Lockhart, Noe, act
Jason Jennifer Campbell Francesco Valentina Alex A.
Robards, Jason Leigh Scott Quinn Quinn Quinn
Jr. Vic Morrow, George C. Anthony Quinn, Anthony Anthony
Jason actor Scott, act actor Quinn, actor Quinn, actor
Robards, Barbara Colleen
Sr., actor Turner, Dewhurst,
scriptwriter actress
Sissy Tyrone Alan Rudolph Timothy Dario Kate
Spacek Power (dir) Hutton Argento Hudson
Rip Torn, Tyrone Oscar Rudolph, Jim Hutton, Salvatore Goldie
actor (first Power Sr., director actor Argento, Hawn, actor
cousin) actor producer Bill Hudson,
Tatum Juliet Hayley Zoe Larry Hagman Keenan Wynn
O'Neal Mills Mills Mary Martin, Ed Wynn,
Ryan O'Neal, John Mills, John Mills, singer/actress actor
actor actor actor

Paul Macus Ashley Barry Chad Anthony

Giamatti Giamatti Hamilton Van Dyke McQueen Michael Hall
Toni Smith, Toni Smith, George Dick Van Steve Mercedes Hall,
actress actress Hamilton, Dyke, McQueen, actress
A. Bartlett A. Bartlett actor actor actor
Giamatti, Giamatti, Alana Stewart, Neile Adams,
professor at professor at actress actress
Yale Yale

Charley Jennifer Bruce David Keith Robert

Boorman Grant Carradine Carradine Carradine Carradine
John Cary Grant, John John John John
Boorman, actor Carradine, Carradine, Carradine, Carradine,
director Dyan Cannon, actor actor actor actor
Helen Hunt Ethan Patrick Jake Busey Clementine Kate
Gordon Wayne Wayne Gary Busey, Ford Beckinsale
Hunt, John Wayne, John Wayne, actor Cybill Judy Loe,
director actor actor Shepherd, actress
actress Richard
Beckinsale, act
Melissa Michael Peter Nicollette Nora Ephron Julie
Rivers DeLuise DeLuise Sheridan (dir/pro) Delpy
Joan Rivers, Dom DeLuise, Dom Sally Sheridan, Phoebe & Henry Albert
TV show actor DeLuise, actress Ephron, Delpy,
host actor Telly Savalas, screenwriters actor
actor Marie
(stepfather) Pillet,
Daryl Hannah Barbara Bel Christian Corbin Patrick Don Swayze
Haskell Wexler, Geddes Vadim Bernsen Swayze Patsy Swayze,
cinematographer Norman Bel Roger Harry Patsy Swayze, choreographer
Geddes, stage Vadim, Bernsen choreographer
designer/architect director producer,
Catherine Jeanne
Deneuve, Cooper,
actress actress
Ethel Barrymore John Barrymore Lionel Barrymore Hugh O'Connor Lee Majors
Maurice Blyth, actor Maurice Blyth, actor Maurice Blyth, actor Carroll O'Connor, Lee Majors,
Georgie Drew, actress Georgie Drew, actress Georgie Drew, actress actor

Tahnee Lysette Eszter Christopher James Henry

Welch Anthony Balint Mitchum Mitchum Gummer
Raquel Michael Stefan Robert Robert Meryl Streep,
Welch, Anthony, Balint, Mitchum, actor Mitchum, actress
actress actor theater actor
Bernadette director
Miles, actress
Rebekah Sebastian John Gielgud Phoebe Penny Bob
Elmaloglou Elmaloglou Ellen Terry, Cates Singleton Balaban
Judi Dench, Judi Dench, actress (great- Joseph Cates, James Barney
actress (aunt) actress (aunt) aunt) prod/writer Farley, actor Balaban,
Aniela Gilbert Cates, studio head
Aszpergerowa, director (uncle)
actress (great- (uncle) Burt
grandma) Balaban,
Macaulay Ted Demme Noah Beery, John Ritter Richard Pauly
Culkin Jonathan Jr. Tex Ritter, Fleischer Shore
Bonnie Demme, Wallace Beery, actor Max Fleischer, Sammy
Bedelia, director actor (uncle) Dorothy Fay, cartoon Shore,
actress (aunt) actress producer comic
Lena Olin Marge Dolores Del Catherine Bo Derek Connie
Stig Olin, Champion Rio Deneuve mother was a Gilchrist
actor/director Ernest Ramon Maurice hairstylist for Martha
Belcher, Novarro, Dorleac, actor Holywood Daniels, actr
Hollywood actor/dir jet-set
ballet coach (cousin)
Virginia Glynis Nancy Natalie Wood Edward Michael
Grey Johns Sinatra Nicholas Albert, Jr. Anderson Jr.
Ray Grey, Mervyn Frank Gurdin, Eddie Michael
director Johns, actor Sinatra, architect/set Albert, actor Anderson,
mother was sing/act designer director
editor at Maria Gurdin,
Universal ballet dancer
Harry Colin James Ann Kate Dorothy
Carey, Jr. Hanks Cromwell Davenport Davenport Davenport
Harry Tom John Cromwell, Harry Harry Harry
Carey, Hanks, director/actor Davenport, Davenport Davenport
actor actor Kay Johnson, actor
Darren Jason Gould Victoria David Roger Andrew
E.Burrows Barbra Streisand, Tennant Ladd Livesey V.McLaglen
Billy Drago, actress/singer Cecil Alan Sam Victor
actor Elliot Gould, Tennant, Ladd, Livesay, McLaglen, actor
actor talent agent actor actor
Olivier, actor
Daniel Anna Elizabeth Robert Gordon Eric Lee
Massey Massey Montgomery Montgomery Parks, Jr. Preminger
Raymond Raymond Robert Jr. (dir) Otto Preminger,
Massey, Massey, act Montgomery, Robert Gordon dir
actor act Montgomery, Parks, Gypsy Rose
act actor Lee,
Ed Begley George Michael Tolkin Robert Kiefer Desi Arnaz,
Jr. Stevens, Jr. (dir/scr) Walker Jr. Sutherland Jr.
Ed Begley, (prod) dad was a TV Jennifer Donald Desi Arnaz,
actor George writer Jones, Sutherland, act actor
Stevens, mom worked as actress Lucille Ball,
director VP at Robert actress
Paramount Walker,
Jeannie Berlin Chris William Katt Chris Toby Tisha Sterling
Elaine May, Elliott Barbara Hale, Larkin Stephens Ann Sothern,
actr/dir Bob actress Maggie Maggie actress
Elliott, Smith, Smith, actress
actor actress
Emma Forbes Michael Charlotte Maggie Jack
Nannette Attenborough Attenborough Gyllenhaal Gyllenhaal
Newman, actress (dir) Richard Stephen Stephen
Brian Forbes, Richard Attenborough, Gyllenhaal, Gyllenhaal,
act/dir/pro Attenborough, act/dir producer prod
Richard act/dir Naomi Foner, Naomi Foner,
Attenborough, producer prod
act/dir Jamie Lee
(godfather) Curtis, actress

Daddy/Mommy/Uncle/Cousin/Grandpa etc. - Famous

David Cuba Gooding, Helena Glenn Close Tallulah
Schwimmer Jr, Bonham Grandpa was Bankhead
Arlene Cuba Gooding, Carter married to the William B.
Coleman- singer R&B H.H. Asquith, heiress to the Bankhead, Speaker
Schwimmer, british Prime Post cereal Of U.S. Congress
Hollywood Minister fortune who is
lawyer (grandad) mother of
Anthony actress Dina
Asquith, Merrill
director Brooke Shields,
actress (cousin)
Olympia Candice Bergen Griffin Dunne Liv Tyler Uma William
Dukakis Edgar Bergen, Dominick Steven Thurman Hurt
Michael comedian/ventriloquist Dunne, Tyler, Robert Henry
Dukakis, Kris Bergen, editor producer/writer singer of Thurman, Luce,
US (brother) Dominique "Aerosmith" professor at founder
presidential Dunne, actress Columbia, of
candidate (sister) buddhist monk "Time"
(cousin) Nena Thurman, magazine
model-turned- (grandad
psychotherapis ;
t adopted)
Shari Ashley Judd Robert Mariel Margaux
Belafonte Judd Nelson Aldrich (dir) Hemingway Hemingway
Harry Naomi Judd Leonard John D. Ernest Ernest
Belafonte, (mom) Nelson, Rockefeller, Hemingway, Hemingway,
singer/actor Wynonna attorney politician writer writer
Judd (sister), Merle (uncle) (grandfather) (grandfather)
country Nelson,
singers attorney
Oliver Platt Molly Winona Laurie George Nicole Kidman
Nicholas Ringwald Ryder Metcalf Clooney Anthony
Platt, Bob Timothy Zoe Atkins, Nick Kidman,
ambassador Ringwald, Leary, pro- Pulizter Prize- Clooney, TV well-known
blind jazz drugs hippie winning personality cancer
pianist guru screenwriter Rosemary researcher/clinic
(godfather) (great-aunt) Clooney, psychologist
singer (aunt)
Michael C. Mackenzie Nigel Havers Marisa Catherine Bea Lillie
Gwynne Phillips dad was Lord Berenson Oxenberg father was a
Frankie John Phillips Chancellor Elsa Princess Canadian
Kaye, of "Mamas Schiaparelli, Elizabeth of gov't
famous and Papas" fashion Yugoslavia official
Canadian designer (mother)
band leader (grandma) Prince Paul,
ex-regent of
Brooke Shields Dina Merrill Denise Di Ione Skye Jennifer Colleen
Frank Shields, Edward F. Novi Donovan, O'Neill Moore
tennis pro/actor Hutton, Wall (producer) folksinger grandpa was Walter
(grandpa) Street big-shot father president of Howey,
Teri Shields, Marjorie musician for the Bank of editor of the
actress/producer Merriweather Doris Day Rio de Chicago
(mother) Post, heiress to Janeiro Examiner
the Post cereal (uncle)
Diana Lynn Ann Adrien Brody Whit Clive Katharine
Dorothy Rutherford Sylvia Plachy, Stillman Brook Hepburn
Schiff, John Guilberty, photographer (dir/scr) dad was a born into a
publisher of Metropolitan for the Village father gold- prominent
New York Opera tenor Voice worked in mining family, dad
Post Truman and magnate was a famous
(mother-in- Kennedy mom was surgeon, mom
law) admin's an opera was a crusader
great- singer for women's
grandpa rights

Jenna Elfman
Tony Butala,
singer (uncle)
Sibling Nepotism aka If You Don't Help Get Me Into Movies
I'll Tell Everyone What A Loser You Are:

Warren Talia Shire Julia Roberts Summer Joaquim Kevin

Beatty Francis Ford Eric Roberts, Phoenix Phoenix Dillon
Shirley Coppola, actor River Phoenix, River Phoenix, Matt
MacLaine, director actor actor Dillon,
actress actor
Jennifer Mark Casey Affleck Chad Lowe Joseph Joe Estevez
Tilly Wahlberg Ben Affleck, Rob Lowe, Fiennes Martin
Meg Tilly, Donnie actor actor Ralph Sheen, actor
actress Wahlberg of Fiennes, actor
"New Kids on
the Block"
Aida Nicholas William Daniel Stephen Brian Doyle-
Turturro Turturro Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Murray
John Turturro, John Turturro, Alec Baldwin, Alec Alec Bill Murray,
actor actor actor Baldwin, Baldwin, actor
actor actor
Joan Fontaine James Kiernan Quinn Culkin Dennis Frank
Olivia De Belushi Culkin Macaulay Quaid Stallone
Havilland, John Macaulay Culkin, actor Randy Sylvester
actress Belushi, Culkin, act Bonnie Quaid, actor Stallone, actor
actor Bonnie Bedelia,
Bedelia, actress
actress (aunt)

David Naughton S. Wayans Marlon Damon Richard

James Naughton, actor Keenen Wayans Wayans Mulligan
Wayans Keenen Keenen Robert
Wayans Wayans, act/dir Mulligan,
Nina Dedee Jim Hanks Jonathan Penny Michael
Siemaszko Pfeiffer Tom Hanks, LaPaglia Marshall Bowen
Casey Michelle actor Antony Garry Robert
Siemaszko, Pfeiffer, LaPaglia, Marshall, Carradine, act
actor actress actor director Keith
Carradine, act
Monica Andrew Donal Lori Singer James Sydney Chaplin
Cruz Shue, Gibson Marc Singer, Arness Charlie Chaplin,
Penelope ex-soccer Mel Gibson, actor Peter actor/director
Cruz, actress pro actor Graves, actor (half-brother)
Shue, actress
Steve Edward Arthur Nikita June Havoc Marie Blake
Forrest Fox Howard Mikhalkov (dir) Gypsy Rose Lee, Jeanette
Dana James Fox, Leslie Andrei stripper/actress MacDonald,
Andrews, actor Howard, Konchalovsky, actr
actor actor director

Third Generation Nepotism aka It Just Gets Worse And

Worse, Doesn't It?:
Rosanna Patricia David Alexis Tony Samantha
Arquette Arquette Arquette Arquette Goldwyn Mathis
Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Samuel Bibi Besch,
Arquette, Arquette, Arquette Arquette Goldwyn actress
actor actor Cliff Cliff Jr.,prod Gusti Huber,
Cliff Cliff Arquette Arquette Samuel actress
Arquette, Arquette, Goldwyn,
comic comic prod
Natasha Joely Bridget Troy Vanessa Anjelica
Richardson Richardson Fonda Garity Vadim Huston
Tony Tony Peter Jane Fonda, Jane Fonda, John Huston,
Richardson, Richardson, dir Fonda, act act act director
director Vanessa Henry Henry Roger Enrica Soma,
Vanessa Redgrave, act Fonda, act Fonda, act Vadim, dir ballerina
Redgrave, Michael Henry Walter
actress Redgrave, act Fonda Huston, actor
Redgrave, actor
Martha Plimpton Ever Carradine Kansas Carradine Illeana Douglas As
Keith Carradine, actor Robert Carradine, actor David Carradine Helen Gahagan Douglas, Da
Shelley Plimpton, actr John Carradine, actor John Carradine actress/Congresswoman Sa
John Carradine Melvyn Douglas, actor

Sam Jason Bryce Dallas Diana John Tracy

Robards Patric Howard Barrymore Barrymore Jr. Reiner
Jason Jason Miller, Ron Howard, John John Rob Reiner,
Robards, actor actor/director Barrymore, Barrymore, director
actor Linda Rance Howard, actor actor Penny
Lauren Miller, director Dolores Dolores Marshall,
Bacall, actress Costello, Costello, act. actress
actress Jackie actress Maurice Carl Reiner,
Jason Gleason, Maurice Costello, director
Robards actor Costello, actor/director
Sr., actor actor/director

Bentley Josh McLaglen Alan Howard Jennifer

Mitchum (dir) Arthur Edwards
Robert Andrew Howard, act Blake Edwards,
Mitchum, actor McLaglen Leslie Howard, dir
Victor act J. Gordon
McLaglen, act Edwards, dir
Fourth Generation Nepotism aka Will Someone Please
Sterilize These Morons Already?:

Drew Barrymore
John Barrymore, Jr
John Barrymore
Maurice Blyth

And, finally, the I Blew My Buddy's Cock Since Primary

School "Nepotism":
And all these are just the ones I know about…
And I didn't even include all the spousal nepotism, I'll-help-
my-buddy connections, all the behind-the-scenes couch
casting, nepotism that involves "lesser" movie people etc…
So after all of that is added, it leaves very little space for
real auditions, for any kind of real talent-hunting. Hmm, so
very artistic. Anyone still consider acting an art form? The
art of the blow-job and having the right DNA at the right

There may be some errors. I used various sources, mostly

reliable ones, but you never know.
I didn't include every sibling pair. For example, the Coen
brothers made it as a team, together. This is not nepotism.
I ommitted a whole bunch of lesser nepotists; cameramen,
assistant producers and the like. I just couldn't be bothered,
quite frankly.
In fact, in making this list I realized I had made a mistake:
it would have been easier to compile a list of movie people who
AREN'T in the business through family relations. It would
have taken me less time, methinks.
Some cases were tricky. Julia's and Eric Roberts' father has
an acting school in Philadelphia(?). Is this a strong enough
connection to open doors? Hard to tell. I decided to give at
least Eric the benefit of a doubt. However, it's clear that
Roberts got in when Eric opened the doors for her. (I mean
just look at that face, and everything is clear.)
Another tricky case was Elizabeth Shue and her brother
Andrew. He was a soccer professional, but made it in films
AFTER his sister. So what came first, the chicken or the
egg, in this case? Who helped whom? Or is it possible neither
of them needed (much) help? I don't know. Though I tend to
not believe in coincidences when it comes to the movie world.
I decided to put Andrew's picture in.
I did not include people like e.g. Kate Winslet, whose parents
were actors but quite unknown (as far as I gathered). Hence,
I had to make a lot of "judgement calls". However, the vast
majority on this list have had very clear benefits from
An aspect I had to leave out was connections through
friendship. Ben Affleck helping Matt Damon, Di Caprio getting
the sleepy, talentless Tobey Maguire into films, etc. First of
all, this isn't nepotism, and secondly, I don't have that kind
of info; that is strictly insider knowledge. My guess is that a
huge number of people got their foot in the door this way.

Other lists I made or that are being prepared:



I have also written about 100,000 words of bogus biographies

i.e. parodies of Hollywood actors and directors. There are
about 80 entries and hundreds of pictures. More like an in-
joke. I don't know if anyone else would find them amusing.

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