Question Bank On Operations Research Uni

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UNIT-1: Basics of operations research

Q1. Discuss the origin and development of OR.

Q2. How computer has helped in popularizing OR?

Q3. What are the limitations of OR?

Q4. Describe the various objectives of OR.

Q5. What are the main characteristics of OR? Explain with suitable examples.

Q6Give features of OR. Briefly discuss technique and tools of OR.

Q7. What is the role of decision making in OR. Explain its scope.

Q8. “OR is the application of scientific methods, technique and tool to problems
involving the operation of a system so as to provide those in control of the system with
optimum solution to the problems.”

Q9. Discuss the significance and scope of OR in modern management.

Q10. “Mathematics of OR is mathematics of optimization.” Discuss.

Q11. “OR is an aid for the executive in making his decision by providing him with the
needed quantitative information, based on the scientific method analysis.” Discuss the
statement in detail, illustrating it with OR methods that you know.

Q12. Discuss in brief the role of OR model in decision making.

UNIT-2: Linear Programming

Q1. What are the essential characteristics of a linear programming model?

Q2.What is linear programming? Discuss the application of linear programming to

managerial decision making.

Q3 Discuss the assumption of proportionality, additivity, continuity, certainty and finite

choices in the context of linear programming problems.

Q4. Explain the meaning of linear programming problem stating its uses and give its

Q5. Write at least five application areas of linear programming.

Q6. A small manufacturer employs 5 skilled men and 10 semi skilled men and makes an
article in two qualities, a deluxe model and an ordinary model the making of deluxe
model requires 2 hours work by a skilled man and 2 hours work by a semi-skilled man.
The ordinary model requires 1 hour work by a skilled man and 3 hour work by a semi-
skilled man. By union rules no man can work more than 8 hours per day. The
manufacturer’s clear profit of the deluxe model is Rs.10 and of ordinary model Rs.8.
Formulate the model of the problem.

Q7. Old hens can be bought for Rs.2 each but young one cost Rs.5 each. The old hens lay
3 eggs per week, and young one 5 eggs per week, each egg being worth 30 paise. A hen
cost Re.1 per week to feed. If a person has only Rs.80 to spend on hens, how many of
each kind should he buy to get a profit of more than Rs.6 per week assuming that he can’t
house more than 20 hens?

Q8. A firm manufactures three products A, B, and C. The profits are Rs.3, 2 and 4
respectively. The firm has two machines and required processing time in minutes for each
machine on each product is given below:
Machine X 4 3 5
Y 2 2 4

Machine X and Y have 2000 and 1500 machine minutes respectively. The firm must
manufacture 100 A’s, 200B;s and 50C’s but no more than 150 A’s. set up an Lp model to
maximize the profit.

Q9. The manager of an oil refinery has to decide upon the optimal mix of two possible
blending processes, of which the input and output per production run are as follows:
Input output
Process Crude A Crude B Gasoline X Gasoline Y
1 5 3 5 8
2 4 5 4 4

The maximum amount available of crude A and B is 200 units and 150 units respectively.
Market requirement show that at least 100 units of gasoline X and 80 units of gasoline y
must be produced. The profit per production run from process 1 and process 2 are Rs.3
and 4 respectively. Formulate the problem as a linear programming problem.

Q10. A firm can produce three types of clothes say, A,B and C. Three kinds of wool are
required for it say, red, green and blue. One unit length of type A cloth needs 2 yard of
red wool and 3 yards of blue; one unit length of type B cloth needs 3 yards of red wool, 2
yards of green and 2 yards of blue; and one unit length of type C needs 5 yards of green
and 4 yards of blue wool. The firm has a stock of only 8 yards of red wool, 10 of green
15 of blue. It is assumed that the income obtained from one unit length of type A is Rs.3,
of type B cloth is Rs.5 and of type C cloth is Rs.4. Formulate LPP.

Q11. Why do some problems have multiple optimal feasible solutions? How such
information is useful for decision making?

Use graphical method to solve the following problem:

Q12. Maximize subject to Z=5x1+3x2,


Q13. Minimize subject to Z=20x1+10x2,

x1, x2≥0

Q14. Minimize subject to Z=3x1+2x2,

x1, x2≥0
Q15. Maximize subject to Z= -150x1-100 x2,+280000,
20≤ x1≤60,
120≤ x1+x2≤140,
x1, x2≥0

Use simplex method to solve the following problem:

Q16. Maximize subject to Z= 3x1+2 x2+ 5x3,

x1+ x2+ x3≤9,
2x1+ 3x2+ 5x3≤30,
x1, x2, x3≥0

Q17. Maximize subject to Z= 2x1+4x2+ x3+ x4,

x1+ 3x2+ x4≤4,
2x1+ x2≤3,
x1, x2, x3, x4≥0

Q18. Maximize subject to Z= 2x1+3x2+ x3+7 x4,

8x1+ 3x2+ 4x3+ x4≤6,
2x1+6x2+ x3+5x4≤3,
x1, x2, x3, x4≥0

Q19. Maximize subject to Z= 6x1+7x2+ 9x3,

3x1+ 7x2+ 6x3 ≤245,
5x1+8x2+ 9x3≤424,
x1, x2, x3, ≥0

Q20. Maximize subject to Z= 2x1+3x2+ 4x3+x4,

-x1- 5x2- 9x3+ 6x4≤2,
3x1-x2+ x3+3x4≤10,
x1, x2, x3, x4≥0
Q21. Minimize subject to Z= 4x1-3x2+ 7x3-x4,
7x1+ 3x2≤400,
5x1 + 4x3≥250,
x1,x2,x3,and x4 are non negative and none is below 20.

Solve by Big M-method

Q22. Maximize subject to Z= x1+2x2+ 3x3-x4,

2x1+x2+ 5x3=20,
x1, x2, x3, x4≥0

Q23. Maximize subject to Z= x1+2x2+ 3x3,

x1+x2+ 2x3≤8,
x1-x3 ≥2,
x1, x2, x3,≥0

Q24. A manufacturer produces three products A, B, and C. Each product requires

processing on two machines I & II. The time required to produce one unit of each product
on a machine is:
Time to produce one unit (hrs.)
Product Machine I Machine II
A 0.5 0.6
B 0.7 0.8
C 0.9 1.05

There are 850 hrs are available on each machine. The operating cost is Rs.5/hr. for
machine I and Rs.4/hr. for machine II. The market requirements are at least 90 units of A,
at least 80 units of B and at least 60 units of C. The manufacturer wishes to meet the
requirement at minimum cost. Solve the problem by simplex method.

Q25. A factory has decided to diversify its activities. The data collected by sales and
production department is summarized below.
Potential demand exist for three products A,B and C. market can take any amount of A
and C. whereas the share of B for this organization is expected to be not more than 400
units a month.
For every 3 units of C produced, there will be one unit of by-product which sells at a
contribution of Rs.3 a unit and only 100 units of this by-product can be sold per month.
Contribution per unit of products A,B &C is expected to be Rs. 6, 8 ,4 respectively.
These products require three different processes and the time required per unit product is
given in the table below:

Process Product A Product B Product C Available hours
I 2 3 1 900
Ii 1 2 600
III 3 2 2 1200

Determine the optimum product mix for maximizing the contribution.

UNIT-3a: Transportation Model

Q1. Explain the following in the context of transportation problem.

a) Degenerate transportation problem

b) Modified distribution method.

Q2. What is degeneracy in transportation problem? How it can be resolved?

Q3. What are the conditions for the application of optimality test in case of transportation
problem? Briefly explain as to why these conditions should be satisfied?

Q4. Find the feasible solution of the following transportation problem using North West
corner method.

W1 W2 W3 W4 Supply

Factory F1 14 25 45 5 6

F2 65 25 35 55 8

F3 35 3 65 15 16

Requirement 4 7 6 13 30 (Total)

Q5. Find the initial basic feasible solution of the following transportation problem using
Vogel’s approximation method.

W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity

Factory F1 19 30 50 10 7

F2 70 30 40 60 9

F3 40 8 70 20 18

Requirement 5 8 7 14 34 (Total)
Q6. Find the initial basic feasible solution of the following transportation problem using
North West corner method and Vogel’s approximation method.

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 Supply

Origin A 2 11 10 3 7 4

B 1 4 7 2 1 8

C 3 9 4 8 12 9

Requirement 3 3 4 5 6

Q7. Solve the transportation problem for which the cost, origin, availability and
destinations requirements are given below:

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 ai

O1 1 2 1 4 5 2 30

O2 3 3 2 1 4 3 50

O3 4 2 5 9 6 2 75

O4 3 1 7 3 4 6 20

bj 20 40 30 10 50 25 175 (Total)

Q8. A departmental store wishes to purchase the following quantities of ladies’ dresses:

Dress type A B C D
Quantity 150 100 75 250

Tenders are submitted by three different manufacturers who undertake to supply not more
than the quantities below:

Manufacturer W X Y
Total Quantity 350 250 150
The store estimates that its profit per dress will vary with the manufacturer as shown in
the matrix below. How should orders be placed?

Manufacturer 2.75 3.50 4.25 2.25

X 3.00 3.25 4.50 1.75

Y 2.50 3.50 4.75 2.00

Q9. A fertilizer company has three plants A, B and C which supply to six major
distribution centres 1,2,3,4,5,6. the table below gives the transportation cost per case, the
plant annual capacities and predicted annual demand at different centres in terms of
thousands of cases. The variable production cost per case are Rs.8.50, 9.40, 7.20
respectively at plants A,B and C. Determine the minimum cost production and
transportation allocation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 Annual production in
thousands of cases

Plant A 2.50 3.50 5.50 4.50 1.50 4.00 220

B 4.60 3.60 2.60 5.10 3.10 4.10 3400

C 5.30 4.30 4.80 2.30 3.30 2.80 1800

Annual production 850 750 420 580 1020 920

in thousands of

Prove that if variable production cost are same at every plant , one can obtain an optimal
allocation by using transportation costs only.

Q10. A production control superintendent finds the following information on his desk: In
department A,B,C the number of surplus pallet is 18,27,21 resp. In department G,H,I and
J the no. of pallets required is 14,12,23, 17 resp. The time in minutes to move a pallet
from one department to another is given below:
To G H I J
A 13 25 12 21
B 18 23 14 9
C 23 15 12 16

What is the optimal distribution plan to minimize the moving cost?

Q11. Solve the following transportation problem:

To A B C D E Supply
1 20 19 14 21 16 40
2 15 15 19 16 60
3 18 20 18 20 90
Demand 30 40 70 40 60

Q12. A manufacturing company has three factories F1, F2, F3 with monthly manufacturing
capacities of 7000,4000,10000 units of a product. The product is to be supplied to seven
stores. The manufacturing costs of these factories are slightly different but the important
factor is the shipping cost from each factory to a particular store. Following table
represent the factory capacities, store requirement and unit cost in rupees of shipping
from each factory to each store and slack. Here slack is difference between total factory
capacity and total store requirement.

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Slack Factory

Factory F1 5 6 4 3 7 5 4 0 7000

F2 9 4 3 4 3 2 1 0 4000

F3 8 4 2 5 4 8 3 0 10000

Store 1000 2000 4500 4000 2000 3500 3000 1000


Work out a transportation plan so as to minimize the transportation cost.

Q13. General electrode is a big electrode manufacturing company. It has two factories
and three main distribution centers in three cities. The supply and demand conditions for
units of electrode are given below along with unit cost of production. How should the
trips be scheduled so that cost of production is minimized?
The present cost of transportation is around Rs.3100/month. What can be the maximum
saving by proper scheduling?

Centers A B C
Requirement 50 50 150
Cost per trip from X 25 35 10
Cost per trip from Y 20 5 80
Capacity of plant X 150 units of electrodes
Capacity of plant Y 100 units of electrodes

Q14. A company has three plants at location A,B,C which supply warehouses located at
D,E,F,G,H.. Monthly plant capacities are 800,500,900 units resp. Monthly warehouse
requirements are 400,350, 250,900. the unit transportation cost in rupees given below:

To D E F G H
A 8 8 9 4 3
B 5 8 5 11 6
C 8 9 7 3 3

Determine an optimum distribution for the company in order to minimize the total
transportation cost. How much is the cost?

Q15. Priyanshu enterprise has three auditors. Each auditor can work up to 160 hours
during the next month, during which time 3 projects must be completed. Project I will
take 130 hours, project II will take 140 hours and III will take 160 hours. The amount in
rupee per hour that can be billed for assigning each auditor to each project is given

Project 1 Project 2 Project 3

Auditor 1 1200 1500 1900
2 1400 1300 1200
3 1600 1400 1500

Find the optimal solution. Also find the maximum total billing during the next month.

Q16. Four suppliers have submitted sealed bids that quote the price per case of hairnets
delivered to four regional stores of the army. The bids are summarized in the following
table. The regional stores requirements as well as supplying capacities of suppliers are
also shown. Supplier 4 has quoted for only region 1. Because of previous contractual
obligations, region 3 will have to get a minimum of 200 cases from supplier 2.
R1 R2 R3 R4 Max. Supply
Supplier S1 30 25 40 35 800

S2 35 32 38 40 1000
S3 28 30 35 38 1500
S4 25 - - - 600
Requirement 1000 800 1200 750

a) Formulate this problem as a transportation model including all constraints.

b) Find the initial basic solution using V.A.M.
c) Use Modi method to establish whether the above solution obtained is optimal or

Q17. A company has factories at location A, B, C which supply warehouses at D, E, F, G.

Monthly factory capacities are 250,300,400 units resp. for regular production. If overtime
production is utilized, factories A and B can produce 50 & 75 additional units
respectively at overtime incremental cost of Rs.4 and 5 resp. The current warehouse
requirements are 200,225, 300 units resp. Unit transportation cost in rupees from
factories to warehouse are as follows:

To D E F G
A 11 13 17 14
B 16 18 14 10
C 21 24 13 10

Determine the optimum distribution for this company to minimize cost.

Q18. A company produces a small component for an industrial product and distributes it
to five wholesalers at a fixed delivered price of Rs. 250 per unit. Sales forecasts indicate
that monthly deliveries will be 300,300,100,500,400 units to wholesalers 1, 2,3,4,5 resp.
The direct costs of production of each unit are Rs.100, 90, 80 at plants 1, 2, 3 resp. The
transportation cost of shipping a unit from plants to wholesaler are given below:

Wholesaler 1 2 3 4 5
Plant 1 5 7 10 15 15
2 8 6 9 12 14
3 10 9 8 10 15

Find how many components each plant must supply to each wholesaler to maximize the
profit? What is the maximum total profit? Take the monthly production capacities of
plant 1, 2 and 3 as 500,100, 1250units resp.
UNIT-3b: Assignment Model

Q19. Explain the following in the context of assignment problem:

a) Balanced assignment problem
b) The Hungarian method
c) An infeasible assignment

Q20. Show that the assignment model is a special case of the transportation model.

Q21. Six machines M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 are to be located in six places P1, P2, P3, P4, P5,
P6. Cij the cost of locating machine Mi at place Pj is given in the matrix below:

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
M1 20 23 18 10 16 20
M2 50 20 17 16 15 11
M3 60 30 40 55 8 7
M4 6 7 10 20 25 9
M5 18 19 28 17 60 70
M6 9 10 20 30 40 55

Formulate an Lp model to determine an optimal assignment. Write the objective function

and the constraints in detail. Define any symbol used. Find an optimal layout by
assignment technique of linear programming.

Q22. Five new machines are to be located in a machine shop there are five possible
locations in which the machine can be located. Cij the cost of placing machine i in place
of j is given in the table below:

Place 1 2 3 4 5
Machine 1 20 23 18 10 16
2 50 20 17 16 15
3 60 30 40 55 8
4 6 7 10 20 25
5 18 19 28 17 60

It is required to place the machine at suitable places so as to minimize the total cost.
a) Formulate an L.P model to find an optimal assignment.
b) Solve the problem by assignment technique of L.P
Q23. Solve the following assignment problem for minimum optimal cost:

To 1 2 3 4 5 6
A 12 10 15 22 18 8
B 10 18 25 15 16 12
C 11 10 3 8 5 9
D 6 14 10 13 13 12
E 8 12 11 7 13 10

Q24. A department has four subordinates and four tasks to be performed. The
subordinates differ in efficiency and task differs in their intrinsic difficulty. The estimates
of the profit in rupees each man would earn is given in the effectiveness matrix. How
should the task be allocated, one to each man, so as to maximize the total earning?

Task 5 6 7 8

1 5 40 20 5
2 25 35 30 25
3 15 25 20 10
4 15 5 30 15

Q25. Xyz airlines operating 7 days a week has given the following time table. Crew must
have a minimum layover of 5 hours between flights. Obtain the pairing of flights that
minimize layover time away from home. For any given pairing the crew will be based at
the city that results in the smaller layover.

Chennai-Mumbai Mumbai-Chennai
Flight Departure Arrival Flight no. Departure Arrival
A1 6 A.M. 8 A.M. B1 8 A.M 10A.M.

A2 8 A.M. 10A.M. B2 9 A.M 11A.M.

A3 2 P.M. 4 P.M. B3 2 P.M 4 P.M.
A4 8 P.M. 10 P.M. B4 7 P.M 9 P.M.
Q26. For the matrix shown below find least cost route for the traveling salesman

To city
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 ∞ 12 7 6 5 5
From 2 9 ∞ 13 5 13 10
city 3 6 13 ∞ 7 10 8
4 4 9 10 ∞ 6 9
5 5 13 7 6 ∞ 4
1 5 11 9 6 5 ∞
UNIT-4: Game theory

Q1. For what type of business problems might game theory be helpful?

Q2. Describe the role of theory of games for scientific decision making.

Q3. Explain the assumptions underlying game theory.

Q4. What do you understand by zero sum and non zero sum games? What do you mean
by strategy, dominance and saddle point?

Q5. Explain the following:

a) minimax and maximin principles
b) pure and mixed strategy
c) two person zero sum game

Q6. State the four properties which a competitive situation should have if it is to be called
a competitive game.

Q7. How is the concept of dominance used in simplifying the solution of a rectangular

Q8. Show how a game can be formulated as an L.P.P?

Q9. For a two person zero sum game , the payoff matrix for player A is

a11 b12

a21 b22

With no saddle point. Obtain the optimal strategies (x1, x2) and (y1, y2).

Q10. The following games have saddle point solutions. Determine the saddle point and
optimum strategies for each player.


X 4 6 4
2 10 0


X 2 -1 3
4 5 6
Q11. Determine the optimum strategies and the value of the following games:
-3 4 2 9
A 7 8 6 10
6 2 4 -1

-1 9 6 8
A -2 10 4 6
5 3 0 7
7 -2 8 4

10 4 2 9 1
A 7 6 5 7 8
3 5 4 4 9
6 7 3 3 2

Q12. Find the value of the games shown below. Also indicate whether they are fair or
strictly determinable.
1 9 6 0
A 2 3 8 -1
-5 -2 10 -3
7 4 -2 -5

6 -2 -3 8
A -1 -2 -7 0
8 9 -6 -7
9 5 -7 7

Q13. Find the range of values of p and q so that the entry (2,2) is a saddle point in the
following games:
2 q 4
A p 6 11
7 3 4

0 2 3
X 8 5 q
2 p 4

Q14. Two players A and B match coins. If the coins match, then A wins one unit of
value; if the coins don’t match, then B wins one unit of value. Determine the optimum
strategies for the players and the value of game.

Q15. In a game of matching coins with two players, suppose A wins one unit of value
when there are two heads,wins nothing when there are two tails and losses ½ unit of
value when there are one one head and one tail. Determine the payoff matrix, the best
strategies for each player and the value of the game to A.

Q16. Solve by using dominance property, the following game:

A I 1 7 2
II 6 2 7
III 6 1 6

Q17. Find the best strategy and the value of the following game:

A I -1 -2 8
II 7 5 -1
III 6 0 12
Q18. Find the optimum strategies for Y and the value of game.

4 -1 4 -1 2
X 2 2 3 -4 2
1 -3 1 0 -4

Q19. Solve the following game:

Player B
10 81 32 43 93
Player A 59 63 39 69 73
71 20 05 27 84
34 14 44 44 69

Q20. Reduce the following game to 2×2 game by using dominance and modified
dominance property and then solve the game.

B1 B2 B3 B4

A1 1 2 -1 2

A A2 3 1 2 3

A3 -1 3 2 1

A4 -2 2 0 -3

Q21. Solve by using dominance property, the following game:

1 4 2 0 2 1 1
A 2 4 3 1 3 2 2
3 4 3 7 -5 1 2
4 4 3 4 -1 2 2
5 4 3 2 -2 2 2
Q22. Reduce the following game to 2×2 game by using graphical method:

3 0 6 -1 7
A -1 5 -2 2 1

0 4 -8 -5 1
A 1 5 8 -4 0

2 3
A 6 7
-6 10
-3 -2
3 2

-4 3
A -7 1
-2 -4
-5 -2
-1 -6


A I 2 2 3 -1
II 4 3 2 6

Q23. Solve by using the method of matrices, the following game:

1 0 2
A 3 0 0
0 2 1
Q24. Solve by using the method of matrices, the following game:

1 -1 -1
A -1 -1 3
-1 2 -1

Q25. Solve by using the method of matrices, the following rectangular game:

3 -1 1 2
A -2 3 2 3
2 -2 -1 1

Q26. Solve the following game by linear programming:

A 0 2 2
3 -1 3
4 4 -2

Q27. Solve the following 3×3 game by linear programming:

A 1 -1 -1
-1 -1 3
-1 2 -1
UNIT-5: Queuing Model

Q1. Define the queue and explain the various queue disciplines.

Q2.Explain characteristics and classification of queuing model.

Q3 Write a note on various assumptions made in single channel queuing theory.

Q4. Explain the following:

a) Arrival pattern
b) Service discipline
c) Service channel
d) Service distribution

Q5. Explain the following with reference to queuing model:

a) M/M/2
b) Service discipline

Q6. Discuss the arrival and service process of waiting line model. Write the standard
method of expressing the queuing problem.

Q7. A repair shop attended by a single mechanic has an average of 4 customers per hour
who bring small appliances for repair. The mechanic inspects them for defect and quite
often can fix them right away or otherwise renders a diagnosis. This takes him 6 minutes
on the average. Arrivals are Poisson and service time has the exponential distribution.
You are requested to
a) Find the proportion of time during which the shop is empty
b) Find the probability of finding at least one customer in the shop
c) The average number of customers in the system
d) The average time, including service, spent by a customer.

Q8. A duplicating machine maintained for office use is used and operated by people in
the office who need to make copies, mostly secretaries. Since the work to be copied
varies in length (no. of pages of the original) and copies required, the service rate is
randomly distributed but it does approximate a Poisson having a mean service rate of 10
jobs per hour. Generally the requirements for use are random over the entire 8 hour
working day but arrive at a rate of 5 per hour. Several people have noted that a waiting
line develops occasionally and have questioned the policy of maintaining only one unit. If
the time of a secretary is valued at Rs.3.50 per hour, make an analysis to find
A) Equipment utilization
B) The percent time an arrival has to wait
C) The average system time
D) The average cost of waiting and operating the machine
Q9. Data have been accumulated at a banking facility regarding the waiting time for
delivery trucks to be loaded. The data shows that the average arrival rate for the trucks at
loading dock is 2/hour. The average time to load a truck, using 2 loaders is 10 minutes so
that the service rate is 3 trucks per hour. The management is considering hiring another
loader at Rs.5/hour to reduce the loading time. Drivers are paid Rs.4/hour and truck
utilization is valued at Rs.3/hour. Should the additional loader be hired if an increase in
the service rate to 4 trucks per hour would result?

Q10. The tool room company’s quality control department is manned by a single clerk
who takes an average of 5 minutes in checking parts of each of machine coming for
inspection. The machines arrive once in every 8 minutes on the average. One hour of the
machine is valued at Rs.15 and clerk time is valued at Rs.4/hour. What are the average
hourly queuing system costs associated with the quality control department?

Q11. XYZ wholesale fruit and vegetables distributors employ one worker whose job is to
load fruit and vegetables on outgoing company trucks. An average of 24 trucks per day or
3 per hour arrive at the loading gate according to a poisons distribution. The workers load
them at a rate of 4 per hour following approximately exponential distribution in his
service time.
i) Determine the operating characteristics of his loading gate problem. What is
the probability that there will be more than 3 trucks either being loaded or
ii) The distributors believe that adding a second fruit and vegetable loader will
substantially improve the firm’s efficiency. The estimate that 2 person crews
at the loading gate will double the loading rate. Analyze the effect on the
queue of such a change and compare the result to those obtained in part (i).
iii) Truck drivers working for XYZ distributors earn Rs.20 per hour on the
average. Fruit loader receives about Rs.3 per hour. Truck drivers waiting in
the queue or at the loading gate are drawing a salary but productively idle and
unable to generate revenue during that time. What would be the hourly cost
saving to the firm associated with employing two loader instead of one?

Q12. Arrivals at a telephone booth are considered to be Poisson with an average time of
10 minutes between one arrival and the next. The length of a phone call is assumed to be
distributed exponentially with mean 3 minutes.
a) What is the probability that an arrival will have to wait more than 10 minutes
before the phone is free?
b) What is the probability that it will take him more than 10 minutes altogether to
wait for phone and complete his call?
c) Estimate the fraction of a day that the phone will be in use.
d) Find the average number of units in the system
e) Find the probability that there will be 6 or more units waiting for the call.

Q13. A repairman is to be hired to repair machines which break down at an average rate
of 3/hour. The breakdowns follow Poisson distribution. Non productive time of a
machine is to be considered to cost Rs.10/hour. Two repairmen have been interviewed –
one is slow but cheap, while other is fast but expensive. The slow repairman charges
Rs.5/hour and he services breakdown machines at the rate of 4/hour. The fast repairman
demands Rs.7/hour and he services at an average rate of 6/hour. Which repairman should
be hired?

Q14. Auto vehicles arrive at petrol pump, having one petrol unit, in Poisson fashion with
an average of 10 units per hour. The service time is distributed exponentially with amean
of 3 minutes. Find the following:
a) average no. of units in the system
b) average waiting time for customers
c) average length of queue
d) probability that a customer arriving at the pump will have to wait
e) the utilization factor for the pump unit
f) Probability that the no. of customers in the system is 2.

Q15. Arrival rate of cars to a service station is according to Poisson distribution with an
average time of 50 minutes between the two consecutive arrivals. The length of service
needed by a car is assumed to be exponentially distributed with a mean of 25 minutes.
a) Determine the probability that a car arriving at the station will have to wait
b) Determine the probability that a car arriving at the station will have to wait for
more than 10 minutes for the service.
c) determine the probability that a car arriving at the station will have to wait for
more than 20 minutes for the service
d) Find the flow rate of the cars if the average waiting time of the car is 35 minutes.
e) What is the utilization fraction of the service station?

Q16. A hospital is studying a proposal to reorganize its emergency service facility. The
present arrival rate is one call every 15 minutes and service rate is one call every 10
minutes. Current cost of service is Rs.100/hour. Each delay in service cost Rs.125. if the
proposal is accepted, the service rate will become one call every six minutes. Can the
reorganization be justified on a strictly cost basis only if proposal increases the cost of
service by 50%?

Q17. A company’s quality control department is manned by a single inspector who takes
an average of 5 minute in checking parts of each machine coming for inspection. The
machine arrives once in every 8 minutes on the average. One hour of machine is valued
at Rs.15 and inspector’s time is valued at Rs.4/hour. What are the hourly average queuing
system costs associated with the quality control department?

Q18. Products are expected to arrive at a machining station at the average rate of 3 per
hour. One of the following alternatives is to be selected for machining of the products:
1. A single machine of type A
2. Two machines of type B
Machine A, on the average, can machine a product in 15 minutes. The average machining
time on machine B is 30 minutes per product. Which of the above alternatives will reduce
the average time a product waits before it is taken up for machining? Assume Poisson
pattern of arrivals and exponentially distributed service times.

Q19. In a factory the machine break down on an average rate of 10 machines/hour. The
down cost of the machine is estimated to Rs.20/hour. The factory works 8 hours per day.
The factory manager is considering two mechanics for repairing of machines. Mechanic
A takes, on an average, 5 minutes in repairing a machine and demands wages @
Rs.10/hour. Mechanic B takes, 4 minutes only but demands wages @Rs.15/hour.
Assuming that machine breakdown rate is Poisson distributed and repair times follow
exponential distribution, which of two mechanics should be engaged?

Q20. XYZ firm has ,on the average, 45 pieces of an equipment requiring repair per week.
The probability of an equipment failure is approximately constant so that the arrivals are
distributed according to the Poisson law. The repair time is exponentially distributed. The
downtime cost of equipment is estimated at Rs.600 per day. There are 5 working days
/week and the firm works 50 weeks per annum. The firm has two repair facilities to
choose from. The details are:
F1 F2

Installation charges Rs.7,20,000 Rs.12,00,000

Operating expense Rs.2,40,000 Rs.3,00,000
Economic life 6 years 6 years
Scrape value Nil Nil
Service rate 60/week 120/week

Assuming that there is no time value of money, which facility would you suggests the
firm to choose?

Q21. A road transport company has one reservation clerk on duty at a time. She handles
information of bus schedules and makes reservations. Customers arrive at a rate of 8/hour
and clerk can handle 12 customers on an average per hour. Answer the following:
i) What is the average no. of customers waiting for the service of the clerk?
ii) What is the average time a customer has to wait before getting service?
iii) The management is contemplating to install a computer system to handle the
information and reservations. This is expected to reduce the service time from
5 to 3 minutes. The additional cost of having the new system is Rs.50. the
waiting time cost works out to be 12 paise per minute spent waiting before
being serviced. Should the company install the computer system? Assume 8-
hour working day.
Q22. A firm has several machines and wants to install its own service facility for repair
of machines. The average breakdown rate of machines is 3/day. The repair time has
exponential distribution. The loss incurred due to the lost time of an inoperative machine
is Rs.40/day. There are two repair facilities available. Facility X has an installation cost
of Rs.20,000 and facility Y cost Rs.40,000. The total labour cost per year for two
facilities is Rs.5000 and Rs.8000 respectively. Facility X can repair 4 machines daily
while facility Y can repair 5 machines daily. The life span of both the machines is 4
years. Which facility should be installed?
UNIT-6: Replacement Model

Q1. Explain how the theory of replacement is used in replacement of items whose
maintenance cost varies with time.

Q2. A firm is thinking of replacing a particular machine whose cost price is Rs.12,200.
The scrape price of machine is only Rs.200.The maintenance costs are found to be as
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maintenance 220 500 800 1200 1800 2500 3200 4000

Determine when the firm should get the machine replaced?

Q3. A fleet owner finds from his past records that the cost per year of running a truck
whose purchase price is Rs.6000 are as given below:

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Running 1000 1200 1400 1800 2300 2800 3400
Resale 3000 1500 750 375 200 200 200

Determine at what age replacement is due?

Q4. A fleet owner finds from his past records that the cost per year of running a vehicle
whose purchase price is Rs.50000 are as given below:

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Running 5000 6000 7000 9000 11500 16000 18000
Resale 30000 15000 7500 5750 2000 2000 2000

Thereafter, running cost increases by Rs.2000 per year but the resale value remains
constant at Rs.2000. At what age replacement is due?

Q5. The data on the operating costs per year and resale price of equipment A whose
purchase price is Rs.10,000 are given below:

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Operating 1500 1900 2300 2900 3600 4500 5500
Resale 5000 2500 1250 600 400 400 400
a) What is the optimum period of replacement?
b) When equipment A is 2 years old, equipment B which is a new model for the
same usage is available. The optimum period for replacement is 4 years with an
average cost of Rs.3600. Should we change equipment A with B? If so when?

Q6. Machine A costs Rs.3600. annual operating cost are Rs.40 for the first year and then
increase by Rs.360 every year. Assuming that the machine has no resale value determine
the best replacement age.

Another machine B which is similar to machine A cost Rs.4000. annual running costs are
Rs.200 for first year and then increase by Rs.200 every year. It has resale value of
Rs.1500,1000 and 500 if replaced at the end of first, second and third year respectively.
After third year it has no resale value. Which machine would you prefer to purchase?

Q7. The data collected in running a machine, the cost of which is Rs.60,000 are given

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Resale 42000 30000 20400 14400 9650
Cost of 4000 4270 4880 5700 6800
spares (Rs.)
Cost of 14000 16000 18000 21000 25000
labour (Rs.)

Determine the optimum period for replacement of the machine.

Q8. A truck is priced at Rs.60000 and running costs are estimated Rs.6000 for each of the
first four years, increasing by Rs.2000 per year in fifth and subsequent years. If money is
worth 10%/year, when should truck be replaced? Assume that the truck will eventually be
sold for scrape at a negligible price.

Q9. A company has option to buy one of the minicomputers: MINICOMP and
CHIPCOMP. MINICOMP costs Rs.5 lakhs and running and maintenance costs are
Rs.60000 for each of the first five years, increasing by Rs.20000 in sixth and subsequent
years. CHIPCOMP has the same capacity as MINICOMP but costs only Rs.250000.
however its running and maintenance costs are Rs.12000/year in the first five years and
increase by Rs.20000/year thereafter. If the money is 10% per year, which computer
should we purchase? What are optimal replacement period for each computer? Assume
that there is no salvage value for either computer. Explain your analysis.

Q10. The yearly cost of two machines A and B in rupees when money value is neglected
is as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Machine A 1800 1200 1400 1600 1000
Machine B 2800 200 1400 1100 600

Find the cost pattern if money value is 10% per year and hence find which machine is
more economical?

Q11. A person is planning to purchase a car. A new car cost Rs.120000. the resale value
of car at the end of the year is 85% of the previous year. Maintenance and operation costs
during the first year are Rs.20000 and then increase by15% every year. The minimum
resale value of the car can be Rs.40000.

a) When should the car be replaced to minimize average annual cost?

b) If interest of 12% is assumed, when should the car be replaced?

Q12. If you wish to have a return of 10% per annum on your investment, which of the
following plans would you prefer?

Plan A Plan B
(in rupees)
1st cost 200000 250000
Scrap value after 15 years 150000 180000
Excess of annual revenue 25000 30000
over annual disbursement

Q13. Explain how theory of replacement is used in the replacement of items that fail

Q14. Why is replacement of items required? Distinguish between individual replacement

and group replacement policies.

Q15. What is the objective of replacement analysis and what are the costs associated with
sudden failure of items?

Q16. The following mortality rates have been observed for a certain type of light bulbs:

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Percent 10 25 50 80 100
failing by
week end

There are 1000 bulbs in use and it cost Rs.2 to replace an individual bulb which has burnt
out. If all bulbs were replaced simultaneously, it would cost Rs.50 paise per bulb. It is
propose to replace all the bulbs at fixed interval, whether or not they have burnt out and
to continue replacing burnt out bulbs as they fail. At what intervals should all bulbs be
Q17. The probability of failure just before age n is shown below. If individual
replacement costs Rs.1.25 and group replacement Re.0.50 per item, find the optimal
group replacement policy.

N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pn 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.05

Q18. The following failure rates have been observed for a certain type of light bulb:

End of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Probability 0.05 0.13 0.25 0.43 0.68 0.88 0.96 1.00
of failure
to date

The cost of replacing an individual bulb is Rs.1.25. the decision is made to replace all
bulbs simultaneously at fixed interval, and also to replace to replace individual bulb as
they fail in service. If the cost of group replacement is 30 paise per bulb , what is the best
interval between group replacements? At what group replacement price per bulb would a
policy of strictly individual replacement become preferable to the adopted policy?

Q19. A computer contains 20000 resistors. When any resistors fails , it is replaced. The
cost of replacing a resistor individually is Re.1. if all resistors are replaced at the same
time the cost per resistor is reduced to Re.40. the percent surviving at the end of month t
and the probability of failure during month t are given below:

End of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Percent 100 96 90 65 35 20 0
at the end
of month
Probability 0 0.04 0.06 0.25 0.30 0.15 0.20
of failure
during the
month t

What is the optimum replacement plan?

Q20. The following failure rates have been observed for a certain type of transistors in
digital computer:

End of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Prob. 0.07 0.11 0.25 0.41 0.70 0.88 0.96 1.00

The cost of replacement of transistors individually on failure is Rs. 15 per unit. A

decision is made to replace all transistors simultaneously and to replace the individual
transistor as they fail in service. If the cost of group replacement is Rs.8/unit,
i) What is the best interval between group replacements?
ii) Which policy of replacement is economical?
iii) If group replacement is economical at current cost, at what cost of individual
replacement, group replacement would be uneconomical?
iv) How high can the cost per unit in group replacement be to make a preference
for individual replacement policy?

Q21. An organization is considering periodic replacement of 2000 units of an item which

follows sudden failure mechanism. It is now following a policy of replacing its units as
they fail at a cost of Rs.800 per item. The organization feels that it can cut its per item
replacement cost by Rs.150 by using the periodic replacement method. By making use of
the information given in the table below evaluate these alternatives and make a
recommendation to the organization:

End of 1 2 3 4 5
percent of 10 20 40 70 100
original item
that fail
during the

Q22. Calculate the probability of staff resignation in each year from the following
survival table:

year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of 1000 940 820 580 400 280 190 130 70 30 0
staff in
service at
end of the
Q23. Truck tyres which fail in service can cause expensive accidents. A failure in service
is estimated to cost Rs.2000 excluding the cost of replacing the blown tyre. A new tyre
cost Rs.800 and has the mortality shown in the table below. If the tyres are to be replaced
after covering a certain fixed no. of Km or on failure, whichever occurs first, determine
the replacement policy that minimizes the average cost per Km.
Truck tyre mortality
Age at failure(Km) ≤ 10,000 Probability of failure
10001-13000 0.035
13001-16000 0.083
16001-19000 0.190
19001-22000 0.475
22001-25000 0.217
UNIT-7: Simulation

Q1. What is simulation? Describe its advantages in solving the problems. Give its main
limitations with suitable examples.

Q2. What is simulation? Describe the simulation process. What are the reasons for using

Q3. “When it becomes difficult to use an optimization technique for solving a problem,
one has to resort to simulation.” Discuss.

Q4. List the applications of Monte Carlo simulation in inventory control and capital

Q5. The management of a bank is thinking of opening a drive-in-facility for its branch
office in a commercial area. The inter-arrival times of customers at the branch are as
inter arrival times (minutes) probability
3 0.17
4 0.25
5 0.25
6 0.20
7 0.13

It is planned to have one cashier who can serve the customers at the following rate:

service time (minutes) probability

3 0.10
4 0.30
5 0.40
6 0.15
7 0.05

Determine the no. of spaces to be planned for waiting cars. Simulate the operation of the
facility for arriving sample of 25 cars. If the location has space for not more than two
waiting cars. How many customers would be turned away due to lack of space? What is
the average waiting time of a customer?

Q6. The demand for a particular item has the probability distribution shown below:
Daily 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
probability 0.06 0.14 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.03
If the lead time is 5 days , using simulation study the implications of inventory policy of
ordering 50 units whenever the inventory at the end of day is 40 units. Assume the initial
stock level of 75 units and run the simulation for 25 days.

Q7. A sample of 100 arrivals of customers at a retail sales depot is according to the
following distribution:

Time 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Frequency 2 6 10 25 20 14 10 7 4 2

A study of time required to service customers by adding up the bills, receiving payment,
placing packages, etc. yield the following distribution:

Service 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Frequency 12 21 36 19 7 5

Estimate the average percentage customer waiting time and average percentage idle time
of the server by simulation for the next 10 arrivals.

Q8. A bread vendor buys every morning loaves of bread at Re.0.45 each by placing his
order one day in advance ( at the time of receiving his previous order) and sells them at
Re.0.70 each. Unsold bread can be sold next day at Re.0.20 per loaf and discarded
thereafter. The pattern of demand for bread is given below:

Daily sales 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
( fresh
Probability 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.21 0.18 0.09 0.02
of demand
Daily sales 0 1 2 3
( one day
old bread)
Probability 0.70 0.20 0.08 0.02
of demand

The vendor adopts the following order rule: if there is no stock with him at the end of the
previous day, he orders 60 units. Otherwise he orders 50 or 55 whichever is nearest at the
actual fresh bread sale on the previous day. Starting with zero stock and pending order of
55 loaves, simulate for 10 days and calculate the vendor profit.
Q9. The following table gives the arrival pattern at a coffee counter for one minute
interval. The service is taken as 2 persons in one minute in one counter.

No. of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Probability 5 10 15 30 20 10 5 5

Using monte carlo simulation technique and the following random numbers, generate the
pattern of arrivals and the queue formed when following 20 random no. are given:
5,25,16,80,35,48,67,79,90,92,9,14,1,55,20,71,30,42,60 and 85.
Find the queue length if two counters are used that is 4 persons in one minute.

Q10. A production shop has a group of 20 automatic machines being maintained by a

crew of 5 mechanics. It is observed that quite often the machines have to wait for repair
for long spell of time, resulting in loss of production. To save the downtime of machines
the mgmt is interested in employing additional repairman. The problem is of determining
the proper crew size. Fringe benefit of serviceman and cost of machine time lost in
waiting in Rs.15/hour.
From a thorough scrutiny of previous records of machines break down, it is estimated
that for a group of 20 similar machines working under similar condition, the break down
and service time follow the frequency distribution shown below:

Break ≤7 8 9 10 11 ≥12
frequency 5 12 25 30 20 8
Service 10 20 30 40 50
frequency 5 25 40 25 5

Q11. A company trading motor car spares wishes to determine the level of stock it should
carry for the item in its range. Demand is not certain and there is lead time for stock
replenishment. For one item, the following information is obtained:

Demand 3 4 5 6 7
probability 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1

Carrying cost/unit/day=20 paise,

Ordering cost per order=Rs.5,
Lead time=3 days
Stock in hand at the beginning of the simulation process is 20 units. You are required to
carry out a simulation run over a period of 10 days, if the ordering policy is to order 15
units when the stock in hand falls to 15 units.
Calculate the total cost of operating this inventory for 10 days using the following
sequence of random no.

Q12. The output of a production line is subjected to a rigorous quality inspection. The
defects are classified into three categories A,B and C. if C grade defect is noticed, the
product is scrapped. The other two types of defect can be rectified or passed. The
rectification time is 25 minutes for A grade defects and 45 minutes for B grade defects.
The probabilities of A,B and C grade defects occurring are 0.10,0.20 and 0.15
respectively. Taking the following random no. simulate the quality inspection test for 10
units of production and give your findings on the following:
i) no. of units which passed inspection without any defect.
ii) No. of units scrapped
iii) No. of units subjected to rework.
iv) Total time spent on rework of defective units. Random no. are:

Defect 82 95 18 96 20 84 56 11 52 03
Defect 47 36 57 04 79 55 10 13 57 09
Defect 48 55 91 40 93 01 83 63 47 52

Q13. A manufacturing firm has 25 semi automatic machines in one section. Machines
work for eight hours a day and a repair squad of 5 machines attend to their maintenance.
The machines are such that only one mechanic can work on a machine at one time. It has
been determined from the past break down history that there are ten percent chances that
a machine will break down in any given hour. The time required for repairs and their
probability distribution is given in following table:

Time required to repair each Probability(%)

15 5
20 10
25 20
30 35
35 22
40 8

The management of the firm is interested in knowing whether this strength of repair
squad is optimum and if not, what is optimum no. the cost of idle machine time to the
company is Rs.10 per hour,while the wages paid to a repairman are Rs.5/hr. company
allows 10 minutes per hour as each repairman’s personal time.

Q14. A printing press receives a different no. of orders each day. The time required for
composing and printing varies from order to order. There is sufficient number of printing
machines and order usually do not have to wait for printing. The critical time is that of
composing. The manager of the press is interesting in knowing the no. of composers he
should have so that the sum of the cost of composer’s idle time and cost of order is
minimized. The following data regarding the number of order per day and the composing
time are available:

No. of order per day Frequency (%) Composing time per Frequency (%)
order (hours)
3 10 2 10
5 20 3 25
8 35 4 30
10 25 5 25
12 10 6 10

The press work for 8 hours per day, but a composer can work effectively for only 7 hours
a day. An order is accepted only if it can be processed within two days. The wages of the
composer are Rs.3/hr, while the cost of order back-ordered comes to Rs.5/hr.

Q15. In the child welfare section of the hospital, two specialists attend to the outdoor
patients daily from 2-5:00pm. There is general complaint from the public that they have
to wait too long. The duty doctors also complain that due to excess of patients they have
to sit beyond 5 pm on many of the days. from the data collected from past months, the
following distribution of patients arrival and check-up times are determined.

No. of patients per Frequency (%) Check up time per Frequency (%)
day patient (minutes)
20 40 8 20
25 30 12 40
30 20 15 35
40 10 20 5

What should be the no. of doctors on duty so that their average busy time does not exceed
3 hour/day?
UNIT-8: Advanced topic in linear programming

Q1. What is duality theory? What are the rules to form a dual problem from the primal
problem? What are the advantages of duality?

Q2. Explain the meaning of duality in L.P. what are the advantages of solving a
minimization problem by converting it into a maximization problem?

Q3. Discuss the various relations regarding primal and dual problem.

Q4. Write the dual of the following L.P problem:

Minimize subject to Z= 7x1+3x2+ 8x3,

3x1+6x2+ 4x3≥4,
4x1+ x2 +5x3 ≥1,
x1+ 5x2 +2x3 ≥7,
x1, x2, x3,≥0

Q5. Maximize subject to Z= 2x1+5x2+ 3x3,

-2x1-2x2+ 3x3≥-7,
x1+ 3x2 -5x3 ≥-2,
4x1+ x2 +3x3 ≤4,
x1, x2, x3,≥0

Q6. Minimize subject to Z= 3x1-2x2+ 4x3,

6x1+x2+ 3x3≥4,
7x1-2x2 -x3 ≤10,
x1-2x2 +5x3 ≥3,
4x1+ 7x2 -2x3 ≥2
x1, x2, x3,≥0

Q7. Maximize subject to Z= 4x1+5x2+ 12x3,

3x1-2x2+ x3=3,
x1, x2, x3,≥0
Q8. Minimize subject to Z= x3+x4+x5,
x2-x3- x4 + x5=1,
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5≥0

Q9. Maximize subject to Z= x1+x2+ 2x3,

4x1- 3x2 -5x3 =1,
x1, x2, x3,≥0

Q10. Minimize subject to Z= 10x1+15x2+ 30x3,

2x1+5x2+ 3x3≥120,
x1+ x2 +x3 ≥60,
x1, x2, x3,≥0

Q11. Write a short note on integer programming model.

Q12. Define and briefly explain I.P.P, all I.P.P and mixed I.P.SP

Q13. Explain some of the practical application of integer programming.

Q14. Write short note on zero one programming.

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