HILL (2012) - Consensual Qualitative Research A Practical Resource For Investigating Social Science Phenomena

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Consensual qualitative research : a practical resource for investigating social science phenomena / edited by Clara E. Hill.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4338-1007-7
ISBN-10: 1-4338-1007-7
1. Qualitative research. 2. Social sciences—Research. 3. Social sciences—Methodology. I. Hill, Clara E., 1948-

H62.C58497 2011

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

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First Edition



General Overview of Consensual Qualitative Research
1. Introduction to Consensual Qualitative Research
Clara E. Hill
2. Philosophical and Historical Background of Consensual Qualitative Research
Jessica V. Stahl, Nicole E. Taylor, and Clara E. Hill

Conducting Consensual Qualitative Research
3. Getting Started
Rachel E. Crook-Lyon, Melissa K. Goates-Jones, and Clara E. Hill
4. The Research Team
Barbara L. Vivino, Barbara J. Thompson, and Clara E. Hill
5. Biases and Expectations
Wonjin Sim, Teresa C. Huang, and Clara E. Hill
6. The Sample
Clara E. Hill and Elizabeth Nutt Williams
7. Data Collection
Alan W. Burkard, Sarah Knox, and Clara E. Hill
8. Coding the Data: Domains and Core Ideas
Barbara J. Thompson, Barbara L. Vivino, and Clara E. Hill
9. Cross-Analysis
Nicholas Ladany, Barbara J. Thompson, and Clara E. Hill
10. Auditing
Lewis Z. Schlosser, J. Jane H. Dewey, and Clara E. Hill
11. Writing the Manuscript
Sarah Knox, Lewis Z. Schlosser, and Clara E. Hill
12. Qualitative Meta-Analyses of Consensual Qualitative Research Studies
Clara E. Hill, Sarah Knox, and Shirley A. Hess

Overall Considerations
13. Establishing Trustworthiness in Consensual Qualitative Research Studies
Elizabeth Nutt Williams and Clara E. Hill
14. Considerations Related to Culture in Consensual Qualitative Research
Arpana G. Inman, Erin E. Howard, and Clara E. Hill

15. Ethical Considerations in Consensual Qualitative Research
Alan W. Burkard, Sarah Knox, and Clara E. Hill
16. Annotated Bibliography of Studies Using Consensual Qualitative Research
Harold T. Chui, John L. Jackson, Jingqing Liu, and Clara E. Hill

Modifications and Extensions of Consensual Qualitative Research
17. Consensual Qualitative Research for Simple Qualitative Data: An Introduction to CQR-M
Patricia T. Spangler, Jingqing Liu, and Clara E. Hill
18. The Modification of Consensual Qualitative Research for Case Study Research: An Introduction to
John L. Jackson, Harold T. Chui, and Clara E. Hill




Alan W. Burkard, PhD, Associate Professor/Department Chair, Marquette University,

Milwaukee, WI
Harold T. Chui, MS, Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology, Department of Psychology,
University of Maryland, College Park
Rachel E. Crook-Lyon, PhD, Assistant Professor, Counseling Psychology and Special Education,
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
J. Jane H. Dewey, MA, Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology, Seton Hall University, South
Orange, NJ
Melissa K. Goates-Jones, PhD, Psychologist, Adjunct Clinical Faculty, Counseling and Career
Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Shirley A. Hess, PhD, Associate Professor, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA
Clara E. Hill, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park
Erin E. Howard, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, Fayetteville Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
Fayetteville, NC
Teresa C. Huang, BS, Doctoral Student, University of Maryland, College Park
Arpana G. Inman, PhD, Associate Professor and Training Director, Counseling Psychology,
Department of Education, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
John L. Jackson, MEd, Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology, University of Maryland, College
Sarah Knox, PhD, Associate Professor, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Nicholas Ladany, PhD, Professor and Director, Counseling Program, Loyola Marymount
University, Los Angeles, CA
Jingqing Liu, MA, Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology, University of Maryland, College
Lewis Z. Schlosser, PhD, ABPP, Associate Professor, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ
Wonjin Sim, PhD, Assistant Professor, Chatham University, Pittsburgh PA
Patricia T. Spangler, PhD, Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College
Jessica V. Stahl, PhD, Core Faculty, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, Boston
Nicole E. Taylor, PhD, Psychologist, Colorado Blood Cancer Institute, Denver
Barbara J. Thompson, PhD, Adjunct Faculty, George Washington University, Washington, DC
Barbara L. Vivino, PhD, Psychologist, Private Practice, Berkeley, CA
Elizabeth Nutt Williams, PhD, Dean of the Core Curriculum, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St.
Mary’s City

When I started doing research, I used quantitative methods because they were the only
approaches that I knew at the time. For example, I developed a category system for coding therapist
behaviors (Hill, 1978). Using this system, I trained judges to code each therapist sentence into one
of several mutually exclusive categories of verbal response modes (e.g., reflection of feeling,
interpretation). Once the therapist behavior was coded reliably, I could calculate how often each
verbal response mode was used within and across sessions. The proportion of response modes could
then be examined descriptively (e.g., differences between Rogers, Perls, and Ellis in their use of
response modes; Hill, Thames, & Rardin, 1979) or correlated with other variables (e.g., immediate
client response, session evaluation; Hill et al., 1988).
This method for training judges and attaining validity and reliability on category systems has
been well developed and has been used frequently (see Hill & Lambert, 2004; Lambert & Hill,
1994), and it is particularly good for behaviors that are easily observable and require minimal
interpretation (e.g., head nods). Unfortunately, many of the behaviors of most interest to
researchers are not so transparent. As Holsti (1969) so aptly noted, “If you can’t count it, it doesn’t
count . . . if you can count it, that ain’t it” (p. 112).
For me, the culmination of this quantification-based, and somewhat sterile, paradigm came in
a study examining the effects of therapist verbal response modes within 132 sessions of eight cases
of brief psychotherapy, where each therapist and client statement was meticulously coded. In this
study (Hill et al., 1988), we found that therapist verbal response modes accounted for only 1% of
the variance of immediate client outcome (reactions, experiencing levels) and dropped to 0% when
therapist intentions and previous client experiencing levels were added to the regression equations!
How disheartening! After more than a decade of developing measures and then painstakingly
collecting and coding data, we found that therapist verbal response modes did not seem to matter, a
finding that fundamentally challenged my expectations and clinical experiences. Around this time, I
went into an existential crisis (see Hill, 1984). I had been brought up in this particular research
paradigm, I had played the game—and it did not work. Either my suppositions were wrong, or the
method was wrong or just not appropriate for my topic.
Around this same time, several people were discussing problems with quantitative methods
(see, e.g., Goldman, 1976, 1979). I remember participating in many such discussions at conferences
(see Hill & Gronsky, 1984) where we lamented what we could learn from quantitative methods.

Many colleagues suggested qualitative methods as an alternative paradigm. Although intrigued by
these new methods, largely arising from anthropology, sociology, and education, I was very
reluctant to embrace them because they seemed to lack rigor and specificity—it was hard to discern
what the methods were and how to implement them on a practical level.
Nevertheless, I continued to think about ways that I could loosen my quantitative ties. In Hill,
Charles, and Reed (1981), we interviewed doctoral students about their experiences of becoming
therapists. We “qualitatively” analyzed the data and published it along with quantitative data, but
we did not use any specific method. In our qualitative analyses, students reported that graduate
school was stressful but also growth producing. They also indicated that most of their changes were
in higher order counseling abilities (e.g., timing) rather than in basic helping skills. These
qualitative results greatly enhanced our findings from quantitative analyses of judges’ codings of
verbal response modes in brief counseling sessions showing that trainees decreased their use of
minimal encouragers and increased their use of questions across each of the three years of training.
I also experimented with what has been called discovery-oriented (Mahrer, 1988) or exploratory
research (Hill, 1990). In this method, the researchers ask open-ended questions and then allow
categories to emerge from the data for the individual study; they then train a new team of judges to
code the data, and they assess the reliability of these codings (e.g., Hill, Rochlen, Zack, McCready,
& Dematatis, 2003). In this way, the method is bottom up (i.e., inductive) in that categories
emerge from the specific data set and so provide a faithful representation of the data (within the
limits of researcher bias and the researcher’s ability to see what is in the data), in contrast to using
preimposed categories placed onto the data (considered a top-down or deductive approach).
Unfortunately, this approach still requires a second team of judges to abandon their clinical
intuition and code data into the categories provided. See Chapter 17 on consensual qualitative
research modified (CQR-M) for how we have now evolved using this method for qualitatively
analyzing relatively simple data.
My next step in this journey came when I was sitting at lunch with Renee Rhodes after a talk I
gave at Columbia University. We decided that we wanted to learn how to do qualitative research
because it seemed so promising, and so we asked Barbara Thompson to join us in this endeavor
because she was also intrigued by qualitative methods. We invited Robert Elliott to coach us
because he had been experimenting with qualitative methods. Thus began a great adventure. We
studied misunderstandings in psychotherapy, asking clients about what preceded the
misunderstanding, what the event entailed, and what the consequences were (Rhodes, Hill,
Thompson, & Elliott, 1994). In this first study, we asked participants to write their responses to
our open-ended questions because we thought that it might be easier for them to reveal distressing
information if their responses were anonymous. We quickly learned, however, that data collected
through written response tends to be “thin”; after this experience, we used interviews. This first
experience also provided a nice opportunity for us to get together and hang out. (In my mind, a
major advantage of qualitative research is that it fills a social function for researchers.) The Strauss
and Corbin (1990) book on grounded theory (GT) was enormously influential in our initial work
because it provided a structure and examples for how to do qualitative research. We read this book
many times, but we were nevertheless somewhat frustrated because so many details of the method
were unclear (e.g., what exactly is open coding?), and it was hard to determine exactly how to do
several of the steps (e.g., how exactly do you develop a hierarchical structure or theory?). It helped
very much to have Robert Elliott guide us through the process on the basis of his experiences of an
awareness of hermeneutics (i.e., the interpretation of written and oral texts), modifying GT, and
developing comprehensive process analysis (Elliott, 1989).
As we conducted a number of qualitative projects, we kept tinkering with the method. We
tried to remain true to the qualitative philosophy, but we also did not want to abandon some of the
good things we had learned about doing research using quantitative and exploratory methods. For
instance, because different people can view the same stimulus in quite diverse ways, we felt it was
important to have a way to address discrepancies in perspectives. Hence, we built in a consensus
process, which involves having multiple judges talk through their reactions so that different ideas

can be examined, and then having the team decide together about the interpretation of the data as
well as having auditors evaluate all the judgments. Furthermore, as we tried to teach our students
how to use this method, it quickly became apparent that we needed to codify what we were doing
and present the steps in a clear manner so that other researchers could use it. The first description
of what we came to call consensual qualitative research (CQR; Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997)
was quite a challenge because it forced us to capture our ideas on paper. The incredibly helpful and
detailed feedback from Puncky Heppner (then editor of The Counseling Psychologist) and five
anonymous reviewers forced us to clarify our fuzzy thinking and reexamine and clarify many issues
in the final published version of the method.
After the initial publication, we kept trying and modifying the method as new issues arose in
subsequent studies (e.g., using interviews rather than written responses). With each study, new
challenges occurred that forced us to rethink procedures (e.g., do we really need to hold two cases
out to see if new things are added [or what has been called a stability check], and what criteria should
be used to determine stability?). Then, when Beth Haverkamp, Sue Morrow, and Joe Ponterotto
invited us to contribute to a special issue of the Journal of Counseling Psychology on qualitative
methods, this provided an opportunity to think about these issues more formally. We examined the
27 studies that had used CQR to that point and noted how researchers had actually executed the
proposed steps (Hill et al., 2005). By studying actual practices and thinking through the
methodological issues more, we were able to modify the approach. For example, we no longer
suggested that researchers withhold two cases from the cross-analysis to test for stability; we
realized that this step was not followed and researchers never changed their findings on the basis of
this check, primarily because adding new cases at this point could result in very different data than
the set of interviews all collected at one time before data analyses.
Once we had a fairly clear idea about how to do CQR with interview data, we began to tinker
even more with trying to apply the basic approach to noninterview data. More specifically, we
modified the approach to fit examinations of data from cases of psychotherapy (see in particular
Berman et al., in press; Hill et al., 2008; Kasper, Hill, & Kivlighan, 2008). Most recently, I was
invited to submit a chapter on CQR (Hill, in press) for a book edited by Gelo, and in that text I
included our expanded thinking about modifications to CQR.
Now that many studies have been conducted and published using CQR, the time seems ripe
for a book in which we can again take the luxury of thinking through the major components and
steps of the model. In a book format, we can provide more detail and more examples, which should
make it easier for people to learn how to use the approach.
The authors of these chapters are all people who have worked closely with me or who have
worked closely with people who have worked directly with me. I have benefited greatly over the
years from collaborating with so many talented people who have helped me think through the
issues involved in CQR and who have helped me continue to modify and improve CQR. Having so
many inputs into this book has served as a consensus process in and of itself.

What Is Qualitative Research?

I particularly like McLeod’s (2011) description of qualitative research. In his excellent text on
qualitative methods, he said that

at its heart, qualitative research involves doing one’s utmost to map and explore the meaning of an area of human
experience. If carried out with integrity, this is a process that can result in unique learning both for the person who is
the inquirer, and for those who are his or her audiences . . . good qualitative research requires an immersion in some
aspect of social life, in an attempt to capture the wholeness of that experience, followed by an attempt to convey this
understanding to others. (p. ix)

McLeod then went on to define qualitative methods as contributing a special way of knowing,
which can be summarized in the following definition: “The primary aim of qualitative research is to
develop an understanding of how the social world is constructed” (p. 3), with particular emphasis on the

idea that this knowledge is constructed given that we live in a complex world and that knowledge
can be viewed from many perspectives without one absolute truth.

Key Components of CQR

The CQR approach is defined by several key components. See also Exhibit 1.1.

Key Components of Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR)
1. CQR is inductive rather than deductive.
2. CQR uses open-ended questions that stimulate participants’ thinking and elicit rich responses.
3. CQR uses words (narratives and stories) rather than numbers.
4. CQR uses the context of the entire case to understand each element.
5. CQR studies a small number of cases in depth.
6. CQR relies on multiple perspectives with at least three primary team members conducting the data analysis and one to two auditors checking
the work of the primary team.
7. CQR relies on consensus among the team members.
8. CQR places a strong emphasis on ethics, trustworthiness, and the role of culture.
9. CQR requires that researchers continually return to raw data to verify their emerging conclusions.

The first and perhaps most important aspect of the model is that data analysis is inductive or bottom
up (describing a phenomenon and drawing conclusions based on the gathered data) rather than top
down (imposing a particular theoretical lens on the data or setting out to confirm or disconfirm
existing theory). In other words, researchers allow the results to emerge from the data without
imposing theoretical constructs on the data, or imposing as little as possible. For example, rather
than setting out to investigate whether therapist self-disclosure leads to client disclosure and
insight, researchers might ask clients how they respond to therapist self-disclosure and then
describe systematically what the clients have said about different consequences of disclosure. In this
way, researchers remain open to learning new and unexpected things rather than just setting out to
prove what they had anticipated and thus measured. Because of this openness to learning from the
data, we typically use research questions rather than hypotheses.


Following from the inductive approach, a second important component of CQR is the use of open-
ended questions for collecting data. Researchers give participants a framework within which to
respond (i.e., they indicate the general topic) but then ask participants to say whatever comes to
mind about the topic (e.g., “What was your experience of your supervisor at that moment?”)
without imposing predetermined ideas about what their experiences were. This qualitative approach
starkly contrasts with the constraints placed on participants when they must indicate on a 5-point
Likert scale how much they agree or disagree with a statement presented by the researchers. Thus,
in CQR the researchers learn about the phenomenon from allowing the participants to talk openly
rather than only asking to what extent participants agree with researchers’ thinking as represented
by questions on a measure.

A third and related component of CQR is its reliance on words, narratives, and stories rather than
numbers. Thus, researchers allow participants to talk about what they are thinking in an open-
ended manner, asking for a full description of experiences related to the topic rather than trying to

capture their experiences merely through numbers. We recognize that words, like numbers, are
symbols that can mean different things to different persons (e.g., when one person talks about
apathy, she or he may mean something very different than another person means, just as a 3 on a 5-
point scale does not mean the same thing to each person); therefore, we remain as open as possible
to understanding what these words mean to the participant rather than imposing our meaning on
the words.

Not only are the specific words important, but the context within which the words are spoken is
also important. Thus, a fourth component of CQR is the importance of putting the words within a
context. To understand an individual sentence that the participant has uttered, the researchers need
to be immersed in everything the person has said (which they do through reading or listening to the
whole case to get a sense of context before making judgments). This broader perspective of context
provides clues for how the participant views the world. For example, knowing that the participant
had been sexually abused may provide an important context for understanding this participant’s
reactions to marriage.


Given the intensity of trying to understand each participant’s story, it quickly becomes apparent
that only a small number of cases can be examined. Thus, the fifth component is that CQR studies
rely on small samples of participants studied in great depth rather than superficially learning a few
things about a large number of cases. Researchers thus attempt to recruit a group of people who
have experienced the phenomenon in question and who can speak articulately about their

Because of the inherent biases in this process of making meaning out of people’s stories (it is
difficult for people to articulate their experiences, and judges inevitably impose their own
experiences on their understanding of others’ experiences), the sixth component of CQR involves
using a team of judges to analyze the data. Bringing multiple perspectives to the data allows
different viewpoints to emerge and helps the team think about the data in new ways. As mentioned
earlier, I learned very early on when doing quantitative analyses of data with large teams of judges
that people see the same stimulus in very different ways. For example, if 10 people listen to a
psychotherapy session, there will often be 10 very different perspectives about the therapist’s
empathy, given that each person brings his or her own background and experiences to the judgment
process. We do not want to force all the judges into one way of thinking just to achieve a decent
and publishable reliability statistic; instead, we want to hear all of the different perspectives and
have the team come to consensus in understanding the data.
Nevertheless, every team inevitably encounters group dynamics. Some people may try to
dominate, some remain comparatively silent, some try to maintain harmony, and some have
difficulty articulating their thinking. Furthermore, people are influenced by events outside of the
research process (e.g., they may have had a bad day, are tired). Thus, although the team approach
provides the advantage of having many perspectives on the data, it also presents challenges in terms
of working with people (e.g., resolving interpersonal ruptures) and having people agree to preserve
group harmony (i.e., groupthink). Because the data can be compromised by group dynamics (e.g.,
one team member gives in to appease another), it is important to build in mechanisms to check the
work of the group. Therefore, we also use one or more auditors to examine the work of the team

and provide feedback. In effect, the auditors provide a check and balance for the team and yet more
perspectives on the data.

As the name implies, consensus is an integral part of CQR. Consensus can be defined as “an
unforced unanimous decision” (Schielke, Fishman, Osatuke, & Stiles, 2009). During the consensus
process in CQR, judges examine the data independently and then come together to discuss their
ideas until all members of the team agree on the best representation of the data (Hill et al., 1997).
In other words, researchers seek a common understanding of the data, and individual team
members’ perspectives are respected and encouraged (Hill et al., 2005). The use of multiple
perspectives enables the team to capture some of the complexity of the data because different
members of the team inevitably perceive different nuances (although they certainly can never
capture all the complexity of the data because of inherent biases and expectations). A variety of
viewpoints thus emerge, helping to circumvent the biases of any one person.
Given the emphasis on both acknowledging multiple realities and reaching consensus, diverse
viewpoints are valued and honored in CQR. In fact, team members need to have the interpersonal
skills to state their own perspectives, discuss disagreements, and reach consensus (see also Chapter
4). Hill et al. (1997) stated that the consensus process “relies on mutual respect, equal involvement,
and shared power” (p. 523), which is consistent with feminist and multicultural approaches to
psychology because the process places a value on researchers working collaboratively (Hill et al.,
1997, 2005).
The consensus process is also central to the trustworthiness, or credibility (i.e., the qualitative
parallel of validity; Morrow, 2005), of a CQR study (see also Chapter 14). Consistent with CQR’s
ontology, the consensus process allows equally valid, multiple realities to be combined during data
analysis to represent the data richly and thoroughly. In a sense, the consensus process serves as a
means of triangulating researchers’ understanding of the data, thus contributing to the credibility of
the results. Thus, if multiple people who have examined the data independently subsequently agree
on an interpretation, researchers may have more confidence that other similar individuals would
also agree on that interpretation (Schielke et al., 2009) than they would with only one judge,
especially when the judges articulate the rationales for their judgments (Morrow, 2005).
Some evidence suggests that groups making decisions by consensus perform either equal to or
better than each group’s highest performing individual (Schielke et al., 2009). Schielke et al. (2009)
have suggested that “unforced consensus may result in interpretations that are deeper, richer, and
more thorough, precise, and realistic than one generated by a single individual” (p. 559).


Following ethical guidelines, trying to conduct the analyses in a trustworthy manner, and attending
to the cultural context are major features of CQR. Because CQR involves so much subjectivity, it is
important for researchers to be as careful as possible in their procedures. The quality of the data
relies on how the data are collected and analyzed. We present more details about these issues in
Chapters 13 to 15, but I just want to highlight here how important they are.


The final component of this method is constantly returning to the raw data to check for the
trustworthiness of the team’s emerging understanding of the data. When team members disagree
on how they view a piece of data, for example, they return to the participant’s words to resolve the
disagreement. Rereading the words, listening to a recording of the interview, and thinking about

the context of the case helps team members distinguish whether their interpretation of the data
arises from the data or from their own biases and expectations. Thus, CQR is characterized by
judges going back to the data to resolve any confusion or lack of clarity at every step of the way.

Overview of the Steps of CQR

Figure 1.1 provides a graphic illustration of the major steps of CQR. The first step involves getting
started, which typically means choosing a topic, selecting a research team, formulating research
questions (based on reading the literature, thinking about one’s own experiences, and conducting
pilot interviews or focus groups), and recruiting participants. Researchers then collect their data in
an open-ended manner, such that the participant can tell his or her story about the topic in his or
her own way. The data can be collected through an interview, a questionnaire, or over e-mail, but
the fundamental method involves asking open-ended questions without forcing participants to
think only in terms of predetermined responses (e.g., “Tell me about your experience . . . ” rather
than “Did you like working with her?”). Data collected through interviews are transcribed verbatim
(except for minimal utterances such as “mm-hmm”) for further analysis; transcripts are sent to
participants so that they can make corrections and additions if desired.


Steps involved in consensual qualitative research.

Once transcripts are obtained, researchers begin the analyses of individual cases (called within-
case analyses). They first sort the data into domains (content or topic areas). Thus, the researchers
think about the different types of ideas that have emerged in the data, develop labels for these
different types of ideas, and then place the raw data under these domains. For example, when asked
about corrective experiences (CE) in psychotherapy, clients might talk about what happened in the
experience itself, how therapists contributed to the experience, how they (as the client) contributed
to the experience, and outcomes of the experience. Note that at this point, we are only organizing
the data into these domains or topic areas; we are in no way interpreting the meaning of the data.
Once data are organized into domains, we summarize what the participant has said in each
domain. We call these summaries core ideas because judges take what the participant has said in a
domain and summarize what the participant said more concisely in clear and understandable terms
that take the context of the case into consideration. In other words, we abstract the essence of what
the participant has said when we create core ideas. At this point, the auditor or auditors examine
everything the primary research team has done and suggest changes.
Next, we explore whether there are any themes or patterns across participants in terms of their
responses within each domain. To answer this question, we perform a cross-analysis in which we
cluster the responses within each domain into different categories that characterize the data. For
example, within the domain of client contributions to CE, we might have categories of “client
remained open to process of therapy” and “client diagnosis interfered with CE.” Client diagnosis
might be further subcategorized into acting-out disorders versus depressive disorders. As is true of
all stages of the data analysis process in CQR, the categories emerge from the data rather than
being imposed by theory, and all decisions are made by consensus.

Applicability of CQR
CQR is ideal for studying in depth the inner experiences, attitudes, and beliefs of individuals
because it allows researchers to gain a rich, detailed understanding that is not usually possible with
quantitative methods. CQR is also particularly useful for investigations of inner events (e.g.,
secrets) that cannot be captured by observers watching the process. In addition, CQR can be used
to study perceptions of events that occur infrequently (e.g., weeping) or at variable time points (e.g.,
mood) because these are often hard for researchers to find when searching through psychotherapy
sessions. And researchers can study not just events but also attitudes (e.g., attitudes about
psychotherapy) and beliefs (e.g., beliefs about social justice). Perhaps most important, CQR is
particularly useful for topics that have not been explored previously and thus for which there are no
measures available and little to guide researchers about even what questions to ask. Finally,
although most of the examples in this book are about psychotherapy research because that is my
field, CQR is equally applicable to other topics in education and the behavioral and social sciences
(e.g., social justice, urban leadership development, effects of teachers on students).
I would not argue that researchers should use only qualitative approaches but rather that
researchers should choose the approach that best fits their research questions. For example, if
investigating the effects of two different psychotherapeutic approaches, a quantitative clinical trials
method involving standardized measures and sophisticated statistics is probably better suited than a
qualitative approach. A qualitative approach, however, would be better suited to answering
questions about how participants experienced the two different approaches.

Comparison of CQR With Other Qualitative Methods

Qualitative researchers (e.g., Bogdan & Biklen, 1992; Henwood & Pidgeon, 1992; Stiles, 1993)
have noted several key features of qualitative research:
Words are used rather than numbers.
Researchers use themselves as the instruments for analyzing and gaining insight into data
(e.g., serve as the judges to interpret the data).
Researchers seek to describe naturally occurring phenomena rather than explaining or
manipulating such phenomena.
Inductive rather than deductive strategies are used.
Researchers seek to understand phenomena from the perspective of the participant.
The importance of the context is emphasized in understanding behavior or events.
The causes of experiences are assumed to be complex and nonlinear.
The scientific process is viewed as generating tentative ideas rather than facts.
Researchers stress the emergence of theory from the data rather than forcing data into
existing theories.
CQR fits well with all these features. See also Chapter 2 for a discussion of the philosophical
foundation of CQR.
CQR is closer in theory and procedures to GT (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Rennie, Phillips, &
Quartaro, 1988; Strauss & Corbin, 1990) than to other qualitative methods. Similarities between
CQR and GT include the following:
interviewing participants,
developing core ideas and domains, and
continually returning to the data to ensure faithfulness to the data.
Differences between CQR and GT include the following:
CQR researchers use a semistructured interview protocol, such that the same set of questions
is used with all participants but the interviewer is also encouraged to probe for individual

information. In contrast, GT researchers use an unstructured interview protocol that evolves
as additional participants are interviewed, and as such, the same questions might not be asked
of all participants.
GT researchers alternate between data gathering and data analysis, collecting data until
stability is attained (i.e., no new findings emerge). In contrast, CQR researchers use a
predetermined number of participants.
GT researchers often use only one judge to analyze the data, whereas CQR uses multiple
judges and auditors.
GT researchers construct core ideas first and then arrange these core ideas into domains,
which are then arranged into a hierarchical structure under one core category. In contrast,
CQR researchers code domains, then construct core ideas, and then develop a hierarchical
structure of domains/categories and subcategories.
GT researchers describe each category in terms of its characteristics, whereas CQR
researchers do not.
CQR researchers specify whether categories and subcategories are general (apply to all or all
but one of the participants), typical (apply to at least half up to the cutoff for general), or
variant (apply to at least two up to the cutoff for typical), whereas GT researchers do not
specify how many participants fit into various categories.
CQR has a relatively fixed method of data analysis, whereas a key feature of GT is its
flexibility, such that researchers vary a great deal in how they implement the method.
By no means do we claim that CQR is the best qualitative approach. We assert, instead, that
CQR is a relatively accessible, rigorous, qualitative approach that researchers can easily learn and
apply in a trustworthy manner.

Overview of This Book

In the second chapter of Part I of this book, Stahl, Taylor, and I present a historical and
philosophical treatise on CQR so that readers can be aware of underlying philosophy of science
issues. Readers can make a more informed decision about whether to use this approach if they
know whether it fits their philosophical leanings (e.g., do you think that there is truth that can be
found or that there are multiple truths and perspectives depending on context?).
In Part II of the book, we delineate the steps of CQR in great detail so that researchers new to
this method can understand each part of the process and consider the essential choices they must
make along the way. Crook-Lyon, Goates-Jones, and I get us started in Chapter 3 by describing
how researchers select a topic, how they decide whether to use qualitative methods, and how they
approach the extant literature on the topic. In Chapter 4, Vivino, Thompson, and I describe issues
related to the selection, care, and “feeding” of the research team, given that the composition and
functioning of the team is crucial to the success of a CQR project. Biases and expectations are the
topics for Sim, Huang, and me in Chapter 5. Given that researchers bring so much of themselves
to this approach, this chapter will help the reader think carefully about how, on the one hand, to
limit researchers’ individual influences on the data and on the other hand, to encourage the creative
and thoughtful input of each team member. In Chapter 6, Williams and I discuss the selection and
recruitment of the sample, focusing on the influence of such choices on the results. Data collection
methods are the focus for Burkard, Knox, and me in Chapter 7, with a discussion of how to
conduct interviews. Thompson, Vivino, and I (Chapter 8) describe how to generate domains and
construct core ideas. Ladany, Thompson, and I (Chapter 9) describe how to conduct cross-
analyses. Auditing is the topic for Schlosser, Dewey, and me in Chapter 10, with a focus on how to
select auditors and a description of the essential role and tasks of auditors. In Chapter 11, Knox,
Schlosser, and I discuss steps involved in writing the manuscript so that researchers can best tell
their stories and bring the data to life for readers. In the final chapter in this section (Chapter 12),
Knox, Hess, and I present a new method called qualitative meta-analysis, which allows researchers

to aggregate results across CQR studies.
In Part III, we attend to broader issues that influence CQR. First, Williams and I tackle the
thorny issue of trustworthiness or determining the quality of a CQR study (Chapter 13). Rather
than talking about the psychometric properties of measures (i.e., validity and reliability) as is done
in quantitative research but that is not appropriate for qualitative research, we examine ways that
researchers can show that their methods are trustworthy or credible. Inman, Howard, and I explore
the topic of culture and its influence on CQR in Chapter 14. Burkard, Knox, and I discuss the
myriad ethical issues that arise in conducting CQR in Chapter 15. In Chapter 16, Chui, Jackson,
Liu, and I provide an annotated bibliography of published CQR studies, along with a summary of
the key features of CQR studies (e.g., authors, publication outlets, samples); this summary should
be useful to researchers trying to understand how CQR has been used.
Part IV addresses recent modifications and extensions of CQR. In Chapter 17, Spangler, Liu,
and I describe the application of CQR to simpler data, often collected via short answers to open-
ended questions in written questionnaires by large numbers of participants (CQR-M). In Chapter
18, Jackson, Chui, and I describe the application of CQR to psychotherapy case studies (CQR-C).
In contrast to the original CQR, which involves data collection through semistructured interviews,
CQR-C applies the method to naturalistically occurring data such as psychotherapy sessions or
Finally, in an Appendix to the book, I present an overview of CQR by answering frequently
asked questions about the method. I hope that this will serve as a review of the constructs used in

It can be daunting to learn qualitative research, particularly for those steeped in quantitative
traditions. Qualitative approaches offer a new way of thinking about research and knowledge, but
they often require that researchers struggle with many new ideas. In addition, each new study
requires researchers to think through many questions and develop unique solutions to problems in
data collection and data analysis. We can only provide general guidelines here for what researchers
might encounter in planning and conducting CQR studies.
I encourage researchers to follow the methods presented in this book as closely as possible if
they wish to say that they are conducting CQR. After researchers have tried this method, I
encourage them to empirically examine its various aspects in a constant effort to improve the
approach and develop better ways of conducting this type of research.

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Researchers should understand the history and philosophy of any method they use to determine if
it is an appropriate fit for their views and purposes (Creswell, 2007; Hoyt & Bhati, 2007). Such
understanding allows researchers to have a deeper understanding of the research process, think
critically about their own and others’ qualitative work, and explain and defend the relevance of
qualitative methods and findings (McLeod, 2011). This chapter provides a philosophical and
historical context for the consensual qualitative research (CQR) method to assist researchers in
determining whether it is appropriate for their circumstances.
In this chapter, we first define three major research paradigms relevant to the understanding of
CQR and the assumptions embedded within each. Then, following the recommendations of
Elliott, Fischer, and Rennie (1999), we place CQR within the context of the aforementioned
research paradigms to locate its philosophical underpinnings. Next, we briefly describe the history
of qualitative approaches and note the emergence of each of the research paradigms discussed in the
first section; we also note how CQR fits into the history of qualitative approaches and discuss the
rationale for qualitative, discovery-oriented approaches such as CQR. The aim in each of these
discussions is to help CQR researchers fully understand the assumptions, philosophies, and
historical context inherent in choosing this approach.

Research Paradigms
A paradigm can be defined as “the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques and so on
shared by the members of a given community” (Kuhn, 1970, p. 175). All research paradigms are
guided by assumptions about the world and how it should be studied (i.e., philosophies of science;
Denzin & Lincoln, 2005; Ponterotto, 2005). These assumptions address the nature of reality
(ontology), the relationship between the researcher and research participant (epistemology), the role
of researchers’ values in the scientific process (axiology), the language used to present the research to
an audience (rhetorical structure), and the process and procedures of the research (methodology) used.
In this section, we rely extensively on Ponterotto (2005) and delineate the ontology,
epistemology, axiology, rhetorical structure, and methodology for each of three different research
paradigms (positivism, postpositivism, and constructivism) relevant to understanding the

philosophical underpinnings of CQR (for discussion of other research paradigms, see Creswell,
2007; Denzin & Lincoln, 2005; for discussion of the philosophical history and context of these
paradigms as they relate to qualitative approaches, see McLeod, 2011). In addition, we provide an
example to bring to life how one might study the effects of different types of psychotherapy from
each approach.

The first of these paradigms, positivism, is exemplified by quantitative approaches and the true
scientific experiment. The focus is on using a priori hypotheses, controlled experimental methods,
and inferential statistics to predict phenomena and interpret results in order to discover an objective
truth. In terms of ontology, positivists believe that there is one true reality that can be apprehended,
identified, and measured. In terms of epistemology, positivists assume that the researcher and
research participants are independent and that the researcher can objectively (i.e., without bias)
study the participants; positivists do not believe that participants and researchers influence one
another. On the dimension of axiology, positivists believe that researchers’ values have no place in
the research process. Given the focus on objectivity and true experiments, positivists use a detached,
neutral, scientific rhetorical structure and method in which variables are carefully controlled and
manipulated through rigorous procedures (Ponterotto, 2005; Wampold, Heppner, & Kivlighan,
If one were to examine the effects of different types of psychotherapy from a positivistic
approach, the goal would be to design a methodologically rigorous study with experimental controls
such as random assignment to discover the truth about the psychotherapies (e.g., which one is more
effective). Thus, the researcher would set some a priori hypotheses (e.g., Treatment A will be more
effective than Treatment B in decreasing symptoms of anxiety). The researcher might then, using
random sampling, find individuals who score highly on the variables of interest (in this case,
individuals could score highly on a pretreatment anxiety inventory) and randomly assign identified
individuals to treatment groups. One set of individuals would participate in Treatment A for a set
length of time, and the other set of individuals would participate in Treatment B for that same set
length of time. After treatment is completed, the researcher would then administer quantitative
measures of anxiety to participants in both groups and would use statistical methods to objectively
measure and identify which treatment was more effective in reducing anxiety. The relationship
between the researcher and participants would ideally be nonexistent, with a double-blind method
used so neither the researcher nor participants knew to which treatment class the participant was
assigned. The researcher would assume throughout the process that his or her own beliefs about the
effectiveness of Treatment A versus Treatment B had no impact on the results of the study; any
research report of the study would present the results in a detached and neutral manner, thus
conveying the objectivity assumed to exist throughout the study.

Postpositivism shares many similarities with, yet is subtly different from, positivism.
Methodologically, postpositivists, like positivists, use experimental methods in which variables are
controlled or manipulated (Ponterotto, 2005; Wampold et al., 2008). Thus, postpositivists’
hypotheses and research design for the study on the effects of Treatments A and B would look
identical to the positivists’ study.
However, postpositivists’ ontological view differs from that of positivists in that they
acknowledge that although an objective truth exists, only an approximate understanding of this
truth can be attained. To continue the previous example from the hypothetical study on the effects
of Treatments A and B on participants’ anxiety, the postpositivist researcher acknowledges that we
can never know the truth about which treatment is more effective. Rather, the postpositivist

believes that we can approximate that “truth”1 by using rigorous experimental methods in a number
of different studies in the hopes that findings are corroborated and replicated across studies,
allowing us to be more certain that we are understanding the “truth” (Wampold et al., 2008). So
rather than drawing conclusions about the “truth” from a single study (as a positivist might), the
postpositivist believes that conclusions about the “truth” are made as the convergence of findings
across multiple studies increases.
The researchers in our Treatment A versus B study of anxiety might acknowledge (to
themselves, or each other—but typically not in research reports; Wampold et al., 2008) any biases
they might have that would affect the study. Regarding the relationship between researchers and
participants, postpositivists take the epistemological stance that the researchers and participants
should remain independent, although they inevitably influence one another within the research
process. (Note that this is a subtle difference from the positivist view, which posits that rigorous,
standard procedures allow the researcher to objectively study their participants without bias and
without influencing them.) Thus, researchers might have the data collected by research assistants
who are blind to the hypotheses of the study and to the condition to which participants have been
Postpositivists agree with positivists that researchers’ values have no place in the research
process, yet they simultaneously recognize human limitations for objectivity in the research
endeavor. Postpositivists advocate that researchers’ values be removed (or bracketed) from scientific
research, and they try to control the influence of researchers’ expectations (e.g., by keeping
experimenters blind to the hypotheses of the experiment and/or to the condition to which
participants have been assigned). Thus, postpositivist researchers recognize that biases exist, but
they aim to contain their biases when studying a particular phenomenon. As with positivists, this
approach is reflected in a neutral, detached, objective rhetorical structure for the presentation of
research results (Ponterotto, 2005; Wampold et al., 2008).

A constructivist approach to research differs in many ways from both positivism and postpositivism.
Ontologically, constructivists believe that a single true reality does not exist; rather, there exist
multiple socially constructed realities. Regarding epistemology, they believe that a close, subjective
interaction between the researcher and participant is central to accessing the participant’s “lived
experience.” Because they are intended to access this lived experience, methods used by
constructivists tend to be more naturalistic (i.e., using observations and/or interviews) and
qualitative. In terms of axiology, constructivists acknowledge that the values of the researcher
cannot be removed from the research process because the researcher’s own lived experience
inherently affects his or her interpretation of the participant’s lived experience. Researchers who
believe in constructivism thus “bracket” their values, biases, and expectations by explicitly
acknowledging and describing them. However, they do not seek to get rid of or control for their
biases and expectations (as postpositivists do) because they acknowledge that it is impossible to do
so. Given the focus on the subjectivity of the researcher and the interactive nature of the
relationship between researcher and participant, it is not surprising that such research reports are
often written in the first person and detail the researcher’s expectations, biases, values, and thought
processes throughout the research process (Ponterotto, 2005; Wampold et al., 2008).
If constructivists were conducting the comparison of Treatments A and B for anxiety, they
might interview individuals who had participated in each treatment to get a full picture of how
participants experienced the treatments. The researcher might look for themes that capture the
participants’ shared experiences while simultaneously acknowledging that each participant’s
experience of the therapy is unique. The constructivist researcher in this study would likely have
deep interactions with the participants and would acknowledge that his or her own biases are
inherently embedded in the research process. Research reports from such a study would describe in

detail the nature of the interaction between the researcher and the participants and would describe
the common and unique lived experiences participants had while in the treatment. Furthermore,
the researcher would report his or her biases (e.g., expectations about the ways in which the effects
of the treatments differ) in any research reports so that readers could take those biases and
expectations into account when interpreting the findings for themselves. Thus, in contrast to the
positivist and postpositivist goal of determining which treatment was better, the utility of a
constructivist study would lie in its ability to provide a vivid description of the participants’
experiences of the treatments from the perspective of the authors.


As outlined in Chapter 1, CQR has four major steps: (a) collecting data in an open-ended way; (b)
sorting data into broad categories, called domains; (c) creating summaries, called core ideas, of what
each participant has said in each domain; and (d) looking for themes or patterns across participants’
responses within each domain, called cross-analysis. Thus, CQR is an inductive process that allows
the results to emerge from the data and uses words and stories rather than numbers as the raw data.
In addition, attention is paid to the context within which the words are spoken in assigning
domains and creating core ideas, and the research team constantly returns to the raw data to check
for the trustworthiness of the analysis. Furthermore, CQR relies extensively on the use of a team of
judges who collaborate to consensually analyze the data, and auditors examine the work of the
research team to provide feedback about each step of the data analysis. All of these components of
CQR are important to keep in mind as we discuss the philosophical underpinnings of CQR.
Hill et al. (2005) described CQR as “predominantly constructivist, with some post-positivist
elements” (p. 197). From a constructivist standpoint, CQR relies on naturalistic, interactive,
qualitative methods. The meaning of the phenomenon being studied emerges from words and text,
the context of participants’ words is taken into account, and interviewers interact with participants
through the use of probes and clarifications (Hill et al., 2005; Ponterotto, 2005).
In terms of ontology (i.e., view of the nature of reality), CQR researchers recognize that there
are multiple, equally valid, socially constructed versions of the “truth” (a constructivist view). Thus,
researchers accept the uniqueness of each participant’s experience while looking for commonalities
of experiences among participants. Ontologically, CQR also has a flavor of postpositivism because
the emphasis on consensus among team members and auditors implies that team members are
working to coconstruct a “truth” as they seek to represent the data as faithfully as possible through
integrating multiple perspectives (Ponterotto, 2005). During the consensus process in CQR, judges
examine the data independently and then come together to present and discuss their ideas until all
members of the team agree on the best representation of the data (Hill, Thompson, & Williams,
1997). However, even within the consensus process, individual team members’ perspectives are
respected and encouraged (Hill et al., 2005). Use of multiple perspectives, combined with
constantly returning to the raw data, helps capture the complexity of the data because different
members of the team inevitably perceive different nuances. It also allows a variety of viewpoints to
emerge, helping to circumvent the biases of any one person. Furthermore, including the auditors in
the consensus process controls for groupthink and provides an additional perspective that helps the
team come closer to the “truth” (Hill, in press; Hill et al., 1997). This emphasis on consensus is one
of the features that differentiates CQR from more clearly constructivist approaches such as
grounded theory (e.g., Ponterotto, 2005; Strauss & Corbin, 1990), which often rely on a single
researcher’s understanding of the data.
From an epistemological standpoint, CQR is primarily constructivist in its recognition of the
mutual influence between researcher and participant. In CQR, the interviewer learns about the
phenomenon in question from the participant but also helps the participant explore his or her
experience in depth by using follow-up probes (see also Chapter 7 in this volume). The

postpositivist component of the epistemology of CQR is evident in the use of a standard
semistructured interview protocol with flexibility to query for further information where needed in
order to obtain the same types of information from each participant. This procedure stands in
contrast to a protocol subject to change, as one would find in more constructivist approaches.
Regarding the role of the researcher’s values (axiology), CQR again resides between
postpositivism and constructivism. In CQR, we acknowledge that researchers’ biases are inevitable
and should be discussed explicitly (a constructivist approach) but suggest that these biases can be
bracketed such that the degree to which they influence the results is minimized. This bracketing of
biases is consistent with both constructivist and postpositivist approaches. The goal of CQR is to
present how participants (not the researchers) view the world, and the assumption is that as a result
of bracketing, different teams would see the data in approximately the same way. Furthermore, in
CQR, researchers all use the same interview protocol to minimize the impact of individual
interviewers (a postpositivistic approach) but simultaneously acknowledge that the researchers’
biases influence the way in which they conduct the interview (e.g., what follow-up probes they use,
and when; see also Chapter 5 in this volume).
Finally, the rhetorical structure of CQR is primarily postpositivist because researchers present
results as objectively as possible, avoid broad interpretations, and use the third person to report
data. The goal is to summarize participants’ words and find themes across participants with the
hope of transferring results to a larger population if adequate sampling has taken place (Hill et al.,
2005; Ponterotto, 2005). However, the use of participant excerpts that bring to life the “lived
experience” of participants highlights the touch of constructivism present in the rhetorical structure
of CQR (Ponterotto, 2005).
Finding the right balance of rigor and relevance has been an ongoing struggle for qualitative
researchers. Qualitative research has been haunted by what Denzin and Lincoln (2005) called a
“double-faced ghost,” where one perspective emphasizes the assumption that qualitative researchers
can report their observations of the world with some level of clarity, objectivity, and scientific merit
(rigor) whereas the other perspective posits that the unique life stories of participants should be
maintained with as much richness as possible (relevance). This double-faced ghost has led to a
vacillation between experimental and postpositivist methods on one hand and more constructivist
and narrative models like grounded theory on the other hand. The struggle between objectivity and
richness has troubled qualitative researchers throughout history, but one of the greatest strengths of
CQR is that it was designed with both rigor and relevance in mind, thus providing a resting place
for the double-faced ghost.

History of and Rationale for Qualitative Approaches

The research paradigms discussed in the previous section are embedded in the history of philosophy
and the history of qualitative approaches; the history of qualitative approaches is briefly discussed
next (a detailed account of the history of philosophy relevant to qualitative approaches is beyond
the scope of current purposes; for more information, see McLeod, 2011). Prior to World War II,
researchers using qualitative data (e.g., sociologists and ethnographers in their accounts of field
experiences) did so from a positivist perspective: They sought to offer valid, reliable, and objective
accounts and interpretations in their writings. In psychology, this approach to studying human
phenomena was exemplified by behavioral traditions that were especially focused on quantifying
human behaviors and implementing reinforcement strategies that would allow for consistent
behavior change across many different groups (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005).
However, beginning in the middle of the 20th century, a paradigm shift from positivism to
postpositivism occurred across social science disciplines. This shift occurred as social scientific
researchers realized the importance of contextualizing data and describing phenomena in a rich
way. In psychology, the groundwork for the emergence of qualitative methods was laid by
dissatisfaction with behavioral approaches, which were seen as too simplistic in their attempts to

generalize truths about human behavior. Postpositivism reigned as researchers sought to make
qualitative research as rigorous as its qualitative counterpart, using probability and frequencies to
support the likelihood that a conclusion applies to a specific situation (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005).
By the 1970s, constructivist approaches to qualitative data emerged as social scientists turned to
the humanities for models, theories, and methods of analysis of qualitative data. Hermeneutics,
structuralism, semiotics, phenomenology, cultural studies, and feminism enabled researchers to take
a more critical, narrative, and interpretive look at human phenomena (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005).
Across disciplines, scholars began to take a more complex view of human behavior and to evaluate
cultural and social phenomena in new critical and contextualized ways. For example, sociologists
and anthropologists began looking at social institutions and began to question the traditional
assumptions and accepted truths about race and gender. This emphasis on understanding the social
construction of variables like race and gender was a radical departure from previous paradigms
(Denzin & Lincoln, 2005).
Qualitative research probably gained acceptance in fields like sociology and anthropology
because the methods were complementary to the traditional practices within those fields, like
studying social groups and engaging in fieldwork. In anthropology, in particular, the qualitative
approach of ethnography became especially important as researchers traveled to foreign lands and
sought ways to understand, document, and translate their experiences (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005).
Researchers in the social and behavioral sciences, on the other hand, were more reluctant to
accept these new methods, and we would be remiss not to mention the history of resistance to
qualitative work from our colleagues in the experimental sciences. Arguments against qualitative
research tend to claim that it is not “real” science, is not objective, and is merely one researcher’s
version of the truth (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005). Psychology and other behavioral sciences are often
considered natural sciences, and psychologists have historically attempted to distance themselves
from the sciences that are too “soft.” Unfortunately, this segregation between fields may have
contributed to the slower acceptance of qualitative research within psychology. Many psychologists
have attempted to adhere to positivist methodologies to keep up with their natural science
colleagues, cleverly coined “physics envy” (Nichols, 1993).
The first movement in psychology and psychotherapy research toward more qualitative-like
methods involved discovery-oriented approaches. Mahrer (1988) highlighted the limitations of
hypothesis testing (i.e., quantitative approaches) for advancing knowledge about psychotherapy. He
said that “hypothesis testing is essentially unable to fulfill its self-assigned mission of confirming or
disconfirming psychotherapeutic propositions or theories” (p. 696). Rather, he suggested that

researchers adopt the rationale, aims, and methods of discovery-oriented psychotherapy research . . . [because] the
whole basis for designing discovery-oriented studies is the intention to learn more; to be surprised; to find out what
one does not already expect, predict, or hypothesize; to answer a question whose answer provides something one wants
to know but might not have expected, predicted, or hypothesized. (p. 697)

The limitations of hypothesis testing and quantitative research are significant, and researchers
embarking on any new research project (not just those about psychotherapy) can benefit from
taking a more discovery-oriented approach. Although Mahrer advocated more discovery-oriented
approaches, he still retained many positivist elements in his approach (e.g., after deriving or
discovering categories from the data, he advocated having a new team of judges trained to high
reliability to code the data).
Qualitative approaches, which are of course discovery-oriented, emerged out of the discovery-
oriented approaches and dropped many of the positivist elements. These discovery-oriented
qualitative approaches are designed to understand (i.e., describe and interpret) the complexity of a
phenomenon within its context. They focus on understanding a few individuals in great depth (an
idiographic approach) rather than on general or universal patterns of behavior (a nomothetic
approach; Ponterotto, 2005). Thus, the purpose of qualitative research is to “describe and clarify
experience as it is lived and constituted in awareness” (Polkinghorne, 2005, p. 138). Fitting with
Mahrer’s ideas about discovery-oriented research, qualitative studies are usually driven by open-
ended research questions rather than hypotheses because studies are often conducted in areas

without much existing research and so hypotheses would be difficult to develop; in addition, studies
are also conducted in areas where an idiographic approach is preferable to a nomothetic one
(Wampold et al., 2008). Conclusions are made from the data by cycling between the inductive
process of generating themes and categories from the data, and the deductive process of checking if
those themes appear in new data (Morrow & Smith, 2000). This process keeps researchers
grounded in the actual data—for example, the text of an interview—rather than focused on
hypothesis testing.
The first three qualitative approaches that were developed and used within psychology and
psychotherapy research were grounded theory (Strauss & Corbin, 1990), phenomenological
approaches (Giorgi, 1985), and comprehensive process analysis (Elliott, 1989). These three
qualitative methods have many beneficial uses within psychology, but Hill et al. (2005) expressed
their frustration that the approaches seemed “vague, difficult to understand, and equally difficult to
implement” (p. 196). Given their desire to create an approach that could easily be taught and used,
Hill and her colleagues developed a new approach to integrate the best features of the three existing
approaches and thus created CQR (Hill et al., 1997). See Chapter 1 in this volume for more details
about the history of the development of CQR.
In discussing the history and philosophical context of CQR, it bears noting that although the
method was not developed specifically for psychotherapy research, the counseling psychologists
who developed it had primary research interests in that field. Above and beyond the philosophical
paradigms discussed earlier, the underlying biases and assumptions inherent in CQR are similar to
those in counseling. Rennie (1994) described how qualitative researchers and counselors are both
interested in the narratives of human experiences and the meaning individuals make out of them.
Both counselors and qualitative researchers emphasize the empowerment of the individual research
participant or client while still attempting to understand the person in the context of the whole
(Rennie, 1994). Furthermore, the overlap between the skills and processes involved in qualitative
research and counseling practice are extensive. Staying focused on the actual words that a
participant uses in an interview is similar to using good listening and counseling skills in a therapy
session; both require intense focus and empathy. Although this overlap makes CQR especially
beneficial for counseling process and outcome research, CQR has increasingly been used with a
variety of different topics, ranging from health psychology to sociology (see Chapter 18 in this
volume). The possibilities for use in other disciplines are vast because CQR is easily adapted to any
research project that involves interview data or textual analysis. Within psychotherapy research,
CQR has continued to prove useful in understanding new aspects of psychotherapy and case

We believe that CQR is an important research method that has built on the storied history of other
qualitative methods and will continue to develop and change in the future. After reading this
chapter, readers should have an understanding of where CQR fits within research paradigms and
how it builds on the history of other qualitative methods. We encourage readers to keep in mind
the historical context and philosophical assumptions of CQR discussed here as they learn more
about the method in subsequent chapters.

Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (2nd
ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research (3rd ed.).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Elliott, R. (1989). Comprehensive process analysis: Understanding the change process in significant

therapy events. In M. J. Packer & R. B. Addison (Eds.), Entering the circle: Hermeneutic
investigation in psychology (pp. 165–184). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Elliott, R., Fischer, C. T., & Rennie, D. L. (1999). Evolving guidelines for publication of
qualitative research studies in psychology and related fields. The British Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 38, 215–229. doi:10.1348/014466599162782
Giorgi, A. (1985). Sketch of a psychological phenomenological method. In A. Giorgi (Ed.),
Phenomenology and psychological research (pp. 8–22). Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press.
Hill, C. E. (in press). Consensual qualitative research (CQR) methods for conducting
psychotherapy process research. In O. Gelo (Ed.), Psychotherapy research: General issues, outcome
and process. Vienna, Austria: Springer.
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Hoyt, W. T., & Bhati, K. S. (2007). Principles and practices: An empirical examination of
qualitative research in the Journal of Counseling Psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54,
201–210. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.54.2.201
Kuhn, T. S. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Mahrer, A. R. (1988). Discovery-oriented psychotherapy research. American Psychologist, 43, 694–
702. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.43.9.694
McLeod, J. (2011). Qualitative research in counselling and psychotherapy. London: Sage.
Morrow, S. L., & Smith, M. L. (2000). Qualitative research in counseling psychology. In S. D.
Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Handbook of counseling psychology (pp. 199–230). New York, NY:
Nichols, D. P. (1993). Outgrowing physics envy: Reconceptualizing social research. Contemporary
Family Therapy, 15(1), 51–72. doi:10.1007/BF00903487
Polkinghorne, D. E. (2005). Language and meaning: Data collection in qualitative research. Journal
of Counseling Psychology, 52, 137–145. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.52.2.137
Ponterotto, J. G. (2005). Qualitative research in counseling psychology: A primer on research
paradigms and philosophy of science. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 126–136.
Rennie, D. L. (1994). Human science and counseling psychology: Closing the gap between
research and practice. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 7, 235–250.
Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and
techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Wampold, B. E., Heppner, P. P., & Kivlighan, D. M. (2008). Research design in counseling (3rd
ed.). New York, NY: Brooks/Cole.

1 From this point forward, the word truth is placed in quotation marks (“truth”) to reflect the postpositivist ontological view that one can
never fully capture a true reality and the constructivist view that a single true reality does not exist but rather that there exist multiple,
constructed realities (Ponterotto, 2005).

We offer some ideas in this chapter for researchers to consider when planning CQR studies. We
discuss how researchers choose topics, decide on the appropriateness of the topic for qualitative
analysis, state the purpose of the study, and develop research questions (see Table 3.1 for a
summary). As a foundation, we encourage researchers using the consensual qualitative research
(CQR) method to adopt a framework in planning that includes critical elements such as
trustworthiness, ethical, and cultural considerations (see Chapters 13, 14, and 15, respectively, in
this volume). At each step in the process, CQR researchers should think about establishing the
trustworthiness of CQR data and maintaining high standards of ethical and cultural sensitivity.

TA B L E 3 . 1
Summary of Recommendations for Getting Started on a Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Project

Although we present a clear set of steps, we recognize that not all researchers will approach
their projects in the order outlined below. Some researchers first become interested in a topic, then
review the literature, then develop their research questions, and only then decide that qualitative
methods are the most appropriate because of reasons listed in the previous section. Others may start
out wanting to do qualitative research and search for an appropriate topic.

Choosing a Topic
It is important to choose a topic in which you have a strong interest. Because research projects in
general, and CQR projects in particular, often take months to years to complete, only a personally
fascinating topic is likely to sustain motivation and momentum through the process. For example,
Sarah Knox described how she came to choose the topic of clients’ internal representations of their
therapists (Knox, Goldberg, Woodhouse, & Hill, 1999):

I had always been, and remain, fascinated by how clients carry around the presence of their therapist with them
between sessions. Far more of clients’ lives are lived outside of therapy, so how do clients continue the work, how to
they invoke the (hopefully) healing presence of the therapist when not physically with him/her . . . I wanted to hear
from clients themselves about this phenomenon, and was fascinated by what they shared. (S. Knox, personal
communication, February 18, 2010)

It is easy to see that Sarah’s passion for this topic was instrumental in the completion of this study.
In addition, researchers also often develop research ideas based on their own experiences with
various phenomena. For example, Williams et al. (1998) published the article “Perceptions of
Serendipity: Career Paths of Prominent Academic Women in Counseling Psychology.” The idea
for this study came from the principal investigator’s own serendipitous events:

When I was an undergraduate student at Stanford University (and nearing graduation), I went to the Career Center,
simply to have a counselor look over my resume as I was about to start job hunting. He looked over my experiences and
interests and said, “You know, my wife works at a small test publishing company just down the road and I think you
would really enjoy working there. You should check them out.” I did, and they hired me as their “Test Expert” (which
was fairly ironic at the time). The company was Consulting Psychologists Press, which publishes the Strong Interest
Inventory, Myers-Briggs, and a number of other important assessment measures. I ended up serving as the minute-
taker for the Strong Advisory Board meetings, and, as a result, got career counseling from Don Super, Lenore
Harmon, and John Krumboltz. Not too shabby! Because of them (and through meeting many great counseling
psychologists), I determined that I should apply to counseling psychology programs where there was also a good I/O
[industrial/organizational psychology] program. (E. N. Williams, personal communication, March 22, 2010)

A caution should be noted, however, about using personal experience to choose a research
topic. Because it is hard to be unbiased in the interviews and interpretation if you are extremely
invested in obtaining a particular result, it is probably best not to choose topics that evoke intense
emotions in you. For example, it may be difficult for a researcher to be unbiased in conducting
interviews on childhood sexual trauma if experiences of such trauma have not yet been resolved.

Another way that researchers choose research topics is when they see a need for more
information about this topic. For example, Knox, Dubois, Smith, Hess, and Hill (2009) published
a study investigating clients’ experiences giving gifts to therapists. They became interested in the
topic after Sarah Knox did a literature review and found that

this was an area that really hadn’t been explored, and thus seemed ripe for further examination. Much of the literature
was theoretical, with few investigations of the actual experiences of client gifts in therapy. Given the provocative nature
of this interaction, we wanted to hear directly from clients themselves how they experienced the gift-giving process. (S.
Knox, personal communication, February 18, 2010)

Generating Research Ideas

Researchers have many unique methods of generating research ideas. For example, the third author
of this chapter likes to go on walks with students and colleagues to brainstorm ideas. Other people
get research ideas by listening to presentations at conventions and consulting with colleagues. For
others, ideas come from reading scholarly journals. We especially encourage researchers to read
CQR articles so that they get an idea about the kinds of topics and questions that are possible to
examine. Other researchers may have ideas come to them in dreams, in the shower, or just by
pondering. Researchers also may benefit from keeping an “idea journal” where they record their
ideas for research projects.
Researchers should be careful to pick topics that on the one hand are important and big
enough to study but on the other hand are relatively limited in scope so that they are not too
overwhelming and vague. For example, the topic of clients’ emotional experiences in therapy may
be very interesting but it is very broad. Instead, it might be more manageable to narrow down the
topic to, for example, client experiences of crying in therapy.

Is a Qualitative Strategy the Best Approach for

Studying the Topic?
Several topic areas are especially suitable for a qualitative approach such as CQR. For instance,
qualitative approaches are especially suited for studying the process of psychotherapy to a depth that
quantitative methods often fail to achieve. Hill, Nutt-Williams, Heaton, Thompson, and Rhodes,
(1996), for example, were interested in studying therapeutic impasses in long-term therapy.
Although a quantitative method may have elicited data about the frequency or content of
therapeutic impasses, the researchers chose CQR because they wanted to obtain rich contextual
data about the factors that led to therapeutic impasses from the therapists’ perspective.
Another ideal application of qualitative methods is when one is interested in understanding
events that happen infrequently, especially because it is difficult to find such events through typical
approaches such as reviewing psychotherapy sessions. For example, gift-giving in therapy is a
relatively uncommon event but one that is important to understand because it can be very
meaningful to clients in a therapeutic setting. Because gift-giving in therapy is infrequent, it might
be difficult to find a large enough sample to yield adequate results in a quantitative study. Instead,
Knox, Hess, Williams, and Hill (2003) conducted a qualitative study wherein they interviewed 12
therapists about their experiences receiving tangible gifts from clients; they were able to ascertain
specific differences between “problematic gifts” and “unproblematic gifts.”
Relatedly, qualitative methods are helpful for understanding complicated phenomena such as
internal events. For example, therapists’ reactions to their sexual attraction toward clients is a topic
that presents an opportunity to gather rich data. Using quantitative methods, researchers might
examine the frequency of therapists’ sexual attraction toward clients, or correlates of sexual
attraction, but using qualitative methods can provide researchers with important information about
the lived experience of the participants because data can be gathered in depth and within a context.
Ladany et al. (1997) thus used CQR to determine that therapists believed they were overly invested

and attentive to clients to whom they were sexually attracted and that sexual attraction created
distance, distraction, and loss of objectivity. People often need time and an interested listener to be
able to delve into their thoughts and feelings about such complex and emotionally charged topics.
Another instance in which qualitative methods are especially appropriate is when little is
known about an area, making it difficult to know what questions to ask and what measures to use.
For example, Santiago-Rivera, Altarriba, Poll, Gonzalez-Miller, and Cragun (2009) were
interested in the incidence of therapist and client language switching between Spanish and English,
but there was “little published research about the therapist’s strategic use of bilingualism in therapy”
(p. 437). Because it was a relatively new area of research, these researchers needed to do some
groundwork to understand even what questions to ask. Hence, CQR was ideally suited for
exploring this topic; researchers learned that therapists often used language switching and idiomatic
expressions to establish trust, bond with clients, and promote disclosure.
Yet another reason for using CQR is because it is ideal for building theory. In contrast to the
quantitative methods in which researchers develop a hypothesis and then test that hypothesis, CQR
allows researchers to collect data that then forms the basis of a theory (thus CQR is inductive rather
than deductive). In their study of relational influences in career development, Schultheiss, Palma,
Predragovich, and Glasscock (2002) noted,

Despite the complex nature of relationships, most of the research supporting the facilitative nature of close
relationships on career progress has been conducted with large samples, employing quantitative statistical analyses
based on responses from forced-choice, self-report instruments. . . . Although qualitative studies are not completely
new to the attachment and career domain of inquiry, previous investigations have not fully captured the specific
relational factors associated with developmental progress in career decision making. (p. 219)

Because there was an identified need to build a theory of relational influences on career
development, Schultheiss et al. chose to conduct a qualitative study, which yielded valuable data
about the relationship as a multidimensional source of support.
Qualitative methods are also uniquely suited to understanding the inner experiences of people
because researchers can probe at a deep level. For example, Ladany, Constantine, Miller, Erickson,
and Muse-Burke (2000) interviewed 11 psychotherapy supervisors about supervisory experiences
with predoctoral interns; they were specifically interested in manifestations of countertransference
in supervision. Because countertransference is an inner experience, interviewers were able to probe
in depth and found that supervisor countertransference manifestations consisted of affective (e.g.,
emotional distress), cognitive (e.g., questioning one’s own competence), and behavioral (e.g.,
disengagement) components.
Qualitative methods are also useful for describing rather than explaining phenomena.
Schlosser, Knox, Moskovitz, and Hill (2003) were interested in describing the advisee’s perspective
of the graduate advising relationship rather than creating a model or explaining causal relationships
between variables. Schlosser et al. interviewed 16 doctoral students about their relationships with
their graduate advisors and discovered that satisfied and unsatisfied students differed on several
aspects of the advising relationship, including the ability to choose their own advisors, the
frequency of meeting with their advisors, the benefits and costs associated with the advising
relationship, and how the conflict was dealt with over time.
Finally, although many of our previous examples were of studying specific experiences (e.g.,
gift-giving), CQR can also be used for studying attitudes or beliefs more broadly. For example,
researchers could study attitudes toward racism or beliefs about God.
It is important to note that although CQR is ideal for studying a wide variety of phenomena, it
is not as useful as quantitative methods when one wants to know something about the population,
quantify an experience, or develop norms. However, for many of these areas, a quantitative study
might be followed by a qualitative study to allow researchers to more richly examine the

Approaching the Literature

After the researcher has selected a topic and decided on CQR as a method it is time to review the
literature. Some proponents of qualitative research (e.g., Glaser, 1978; Shank, 2002) have argued
that qualitative researchers should be familiar enough with the literature to determine whether their
proposed study has been conducted but should not review the literature completely until after the
data have been collected. Their rationale for this is based on the idea that a qualitative researcher
must put aside preconceived notions and use an exploratory approach to analyzing the data. At the
completion of data collection, the researcher then integrates his or her findings within the larger
body of literature.
Hill, Thompson, and Williams (1997) argued against this approach because knowledge of the
literature can sometimes help researchers steer clear of mistakes made in prior studies and identify
ways to meaningfully contribute to the literature (e.g., “next steps” within a particular line of
research). Reviewing the literature before conducting the study allows the CQR researcher to
become familiar with concepts and relationships that other researchers have identified in previous
studies and thus consider the role that such concepts and relationships play in the situation being
investigated. For instance, if a CQR researcher is interested in investigating the experiences of
psychotherapy clients, the researcher would find in the literature that clients’ perceptions of the
working alliance in psychotherapy have been consistently related to clients’ ratings of psychotherapy
outcomes (Horvath, 2001). On the basis of this review of literature, the CQR researcher might
decide to include questions about the relationship in the interview protocol.
To conduct a literature review, CQR researchers can search books, journal articles, and
computer databases (e.g., ERIC, PsycINFO). Once relevant articles are found, researchers can
search their reference lists to find other articles. For more specific steps and descriptions of research
planning and conducting a literature review, we refer readers to various chapters and books written
on this topic (e.g., Johnson & Christensen, 2008; Leong & Austin, 2006).

Bracketing of Knowledge About Literature

Although it can be important to utilize the extant literature to inform the development of the
research questions and interview protocol, CQR researchers should make a concerted effort to
bracket or set aside such knowledge when interviewing participants and approaching the data in the
data analysis phase so as to have a fresh or unbiased point of view. “Forgetting the literature” (Hill
et al., 1997) is an important feature of qualitative research so that researchers can allow the
participants and data to “speak” for themselves (Hill et al., 1997).
Using the hypothetical study of therapy outcome as an example, we might have been alerted
from the literature review about the need to include questions about the therapeutic relationship in
the interview protocol. During the interview and data analysis phase, however, the CQR
researchers would make a concerted effort to put aside their knowledge of the empirical findings
and instead focus on the experiences of the individual participants, who may or may not think that
the therapeutic relationship is important. And indeed, the CQR researcher may also find that other
issues (e.g., timing of the termination or financial concerns) than found in the literature are critical
to the experiences of recently terminated clients. Similarly, during the data analysis phase,
researchers look closely at the actual words the participants used rather than what they would like
the participants to have said. If the CQR researcher does not bracket knowledge during
interviewing and data analysis, essential information may thus be overlooked. Hence, CQR
researchers need to consider the relevant literature when getting started with a study, bracket the
literature when analyzing the data in order to allow unexpected information to emerge, and then
reconsider the literature when trying to interpret the results.

Stating the Purpose of a CQR Study

In CQR, the purpose of a study is typically to explore or understand a phenomenon experienced by

certain individuals. In stating the purpose, researchers can include the following elements:
Identify that the purpose of the study is to describe, understand, develop, or discover some
Identify and justify the choice of CQR as the method by which the researcher plans to collect
and analyze data.
In the following example of a statement of purpose, Juntunen et al. (2001) clearly identified that
the purpose of the study was to explore the meaning adult American Indians make of career and
related concepts using a CQR methodology:

Darou’s (1987) observation raised several questions about the relevance of career development theory and prompted
initiation of this study. If career choice, as such, is not a relevant concept, what are some relevant issues that might
contribute to the meaning of career or career development among American Indians? On the basis of the question
raised by Darou (1987), our goal was to hear from American Indians themselves about the meaning of career and the
ideas related to it. We also wanted to understand whether some of the issues raised in the multicultural literature, such
as cultural identity, acculturation, and family and community relationships, may also apply specifically to the realm of
career development. To that end, we conducted a qualitative investigation, relying on the strategies of consensual
qualitative research described by Hill, Thompson, and Williams (1997). The purposes of the study were to explore the
definitions and meanings of career and career choices or career development among an American Indian sample and to
identify related concepts generated by the participants. (p. 275)

Stating Research Questions

CQR researchers then specifically state their research questions, or what they will be investigating.
In a study of medical professionals’ perceptions of ethical and professional challenges in working
with patients with genetic concerns, for instance, Veach, Bartels, and LeRoy (2001, pp. 98–99)
identified three objectives:
to begin to describe the scope of ethical and professional issues encountered by genetic
counselors, physicians, and nurses in their practice;
to identify categories for classifying professional and ethical issues; and
to compare and contrast these issues across professional groups and across geographic regions
in the United States.
The authors then posed three major research questions
What are the ethical and professional challenges encountered by genetic counselors,
physicians, and nurses when their patients have genetic concerns?
Do the types of ethical and professional challenges vary by profession?
Do the types of ethical and professional challenges vary by geographic region?

Although we have provided ideas about how to get started on a CQR study, we want to emphasize
that developing ideas and formulating a research design is a creative process and that researchers
will differ in how they get started. If researchers are having trouble getting started, we encourage
them to read other references about research methods (e.g., Johnson & Christensen, 2008; Leong
& Austin, 2006). Finally, it is important to note that other chapters in this book refer to additional
aspects of getting started such as selecting and training the research team (Chapter 4), thinking
about biases and expectations (Chapter 5), selecting a sample (Chapter 6), methods of data
collection (Chapter 7), trustworthiness (Chapter 13), culture (Chapter 14), and ethics (Chapter
15). For an overview of what has been studied in the past, see the annotated bibliography in
Chapter 16.


Glaser, B. G. (1978). Theoretical sensitivity. Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press.
Hill, C. E., Nutt-Williams, E., Heaton, K. J., Thompson, B. J., & Rhodes, R. H. (1996).
Therapist retrospective recall of impasses in long-term psychotherapy: A qualitative analysis.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 207–217. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.43.2.207
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Horvath, A. O. (2001). The alliance. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 38, 365–372.
Johnson, B., & Christensen, L. (2008). Education research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Juntunen, C. L., Barraclough, D. J., Broneck, C. L., Seibel, G. A., Winrow, S. A., & Morin, P. M.
(2001). American Indian perspectives on the career journey. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48,
274–285. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.48.3.274
Knox, S., Dubois, R., Smith, J., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (2009). Clients’ experiences giving gifts
to therapists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 46, 350–361. doi:10.1037/a0017001
Knox, S., Goldberg, J. L., Woodhouse, S. S., & Hill, C. E. (1999). Clients’ internal representations
of their therapists. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46, 244–256. doi:10.1037/0022-
Knox, S., Hess, S. A., Williams, E. N., & Hill, C. E. (2003). “Here’s a little something for you”:
How therapists respond to client gifts. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 199–210.
Ladany, N., Constantine, M. G., Miller, K., Erickson, C., & Muse-Burke, J. (2000). Supervisor
countertransference: A qualitative investigation into its identification and description. Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 47, 102–115. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.47.1.102
Ladany, N., O’Brien, K. M., Hill, C. E., Melincoff, D. S., Knox, S., & Petersen, D. A. (1997).
Sexual attraction toward clients, use of supervision, and prior training: A qualitative study of
predoctoral psychology interns. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 44, 413–424. doi:10.1037/0022-
Leong, F. T. L., & Austin, J. T. (2006). The psychology research handbook (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
Santiago-Rivera, A. L., Altarriba, J., Poll, N., Gonzalez-Miller, N., & Cragun, C. (2009).
Therapists’ views on working with bilingual Spanish–English speaking clients: A qualitative
investigation. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40, 436–443. doi:10.1037/a0015933
Schlosser, L. Z., Knox, S., Moskovitz, A. R., & Hill, C. E. (2003). A qualitative examination of
graduate advising relationships: The advisee perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50,
178–188. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.50.2.178
Schultheiss, D. E. P., Palma, T. V., Predragovich, K. S., & Glasscock, J. M. J. (2002). Relational
influences on career paths: Siblings in context. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49, 302–310.
Shank, G. D. (2002). Qualitative research. Columbus, OH: Merrill, Prentice Hall.
Veach, P. M., Bartels, D. M., & LeRoy, B. S. (2001). Ethical and professional challenges posed by
patients with genetic concerns: A report of focus group discussions with genetic counselors,
physicians, and nurses. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 10, 97–119. doi:10.1023/A:1009487513618
Williams, E. N., Soeprapto, E., Like, K., Touradji, P., Hess, S., & Hill, C. E. (1998). Perceptions
of serendipity: Career paths of prominent academic women in counseling psychology. Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 45, 379–389. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.45.4.379

The richness and validity of the data obtained from consensual qualitative research (CQR) is in
large part dependent on the functioning of the team, given that the team works together to
transform the data into concepts that can be compared across cases. The purpose of this chapter is
to discuss issues pertinent to the formation and functioning of the research team.

Composition of the Team

In an unpublished survey we conducted in 2004 of people who had participated in CQR teams, we
found that the people who most liked CQR indicated that they enjoyed identifying and
communicating the core themes of others’ thoughts and that they enjoyed working collaboratively
with others on a research project, suggesting that these are important elements for people to think
about during team selection.
Who makes up a team? Essentially the research team can be made up of anyone with a basic
knowledge of the research subject, training in CQR, and a commitment to the research project.
Research teams have typically involved some combination of graduate students, professors, and
practicing therapists (Hill et al., 2005). Although there is no “best” choice in selecting a research
team, there are some important factors to be considered.
The first criterion in selecting team members is initiative and motivation. CQR requires a
major commitment of the members’ time and resources, and team members must actively
participate and be willing to have and voice their opinions. Because motivation and enjoyment of
the process are essential to the research team experience, discussing these factors as well as
suggesting ways to enhance them could be emphasized during the selection process. Understanding
the benefit of working on a research team could positively influence the team members’ motivation.
Often it is gratifying for members to work in a team situation, especially because research
traditionally can be an isolating experience. If team members enjoy collaborating with each other,
they have an opportunity for learning from each other and enjoying each other’s company!
Another criterion to consider when selecting team members is level of experience. Experience
can include experience with the subject being studied, experience on a CQR team, or experience

with research in general. Experienced or mature team members are typically considered to be more
desirable for topics that require specific knowledge or training (e.g., countertransference; Hayes et
al., 1998), whereas less experienced undergraduates are often quite able to participate as team
members for research on broader topic areas (e.g., women’s career development; Williams et al.,
There are also personality and skill factors to consider in the selection of research team
members. Hill, Thompson, and Williams (1997) suggested that therapists and therapists in
training are good choices for research team members because of their good interpersonal skills,
openness to feedback, and motivation to work on interpersonal relationships. Although personality
variables have not been formally assessed in CQR research teams, researchers of team effectiveness
have consistently found that emotional stability, extraversion, openness to new experience,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, and lack of dominance are important attributes (Driskell,
Goodwin, Salas, & O’Shea, 2006; Driskell & Salas, 1992).
Finally, in the majority of previous studies, the core team members knew one another or had
some sort of prior affiliation (e.g., as students or colleagues) prior to being asked to be on a research
team. Having already established relationships probably helps the primary team jell faster and work
together because of mutual understandings and caring. Selecting team members who add diversity,
however, can also be beneficial. For instance, including members of different genders and different
educational and cultural backgrounds can add to the richness of the team discussion. Decisions
about the diversity or homogeneity of the research team should be made, in part, on the basis of the
research topic. For example, if researchers are studying heterosexual marital relationships, having
both male and female team members might enable the team to better understand both gender
perspectives. Similarly, the ages of the team members might be important if researchers are
studying a topic such as older adult clients’ perspectives on counseling. In addition, it might be
preferable to have female interviewers interview women who have postpartum depression. Thus, we
recommend that when gathering a team, the diversity of team members should be considered both
in terms of the perspectives that one wants to be sure are covered and also in terms of the diversity
or special concerns of the participants in relation to who conducts the interviews.
On the basis of our experience and the experience of many of our colleagues, then, it seems
that several things are important in selecting team members. It helps if everyone is interested in the
topic, in doing qualitative research, and in working together as a team.

Forming the Team

Methods for recruiting team members have varied across studies. Typically, psychology doctoral
students have been asked by other psychology doctoral students or by professors to participate as
research team members.
Teams can be formed at various times during the research process. Sometimes teams have been
formed at the inception of the research idea. The shared enthusiasm for an idea can be the impetus
for researchers forming a research project and a team. Other research teams are initiated later in the
research process. For instance, a researcher may have already developed the research idea and then
later recruits team members to assist in the interview process and analysis of the interviews. Thus,
the formation of the team is subject to the needs of the team members and of the project itself.
Occasionally, there has been a quid pro quo in the sense that one researcher looking for team
members is willing to serve as a team member on another researcher’s project if the latter will return
the favor. For instance, when graduate students are working on several studies together, they can
assist each other by working together to analyze each other’s data, or an individual might agree to
be an auditor for one study in return for one of the other team members agreeing to audit for that
individual’s project.

Compensation for Participation on the Team
The typical forms of compensation have been authorship on the article to be published and/or
reciprocal participation on another research team. Research team members have never, to our
knowledge, earned financial compensation, although undergraduate students have often received
course credit (e.g., Sim et al., 2010; Williams et al., 1998). In general, participants choose to
participate in CQR teams because they enjoy collaborative investigative processes. In addition,
professors participate and publish as part of their position in academia, although many, including
the third author of this chapter, are interested in and enjoy the research and the collaboration as
well. As clinicians, the two first authors of this chapter have participated in CQR studies because
they were intrinsically interested in the topics, enjoyed doing qualitative research, enjoyed working
on a team and being involved in the investigative aspects of studies, and have felt that the topics
studied enriched and informed their practice (e.g., compassion in psychotherapy; Vivino,
Thompson, Hill, & Ladany, 2009).

How many people are on a team? Research teams have typically consisted of three people on the
primary team and one or two auditors. A variation is larger teams where people serve as both
primary team members and auditors in rotating teams (e.g., Ladany et al., 1997).


Differences in power among team members often influence the team process (see also Hill et al.,
1997, 2005). For example, when teams are composed of faculty members (who have formal social
power) and students (who have less social power), students often are reluctant, especially initially, to
voice their opinions because of concerns about alienating their advisors or mentors or out of
deference to authority. An additional power differential can occur when some members of the team
have more experience than others in conducting CQR. Team members new to the process may
defer to the more experienced members regarding both the process and content.
A related issue to be considered is the role of the principal investigator (PI) in a qualitative
research team. In all of the teams we have been a part of, the PI has been a member of the research
team. Power differences emerge naturally and need to be addressed when team members defer to
the PI or when the PI expects team members to defer. The emphasis on training and discussion
related to the consensual process helps to mitigate such expectations. So although the PI might
have some additional organizational tasks (e.g., keeping track of progress on cases from interview
through final audit status), the PI’s role in the consensual team is the same as that of every other
team member.
The majority of CQR research teams have consisted primarily of a combination of master’s and
PhD-level students (see Chapter 18 in this volume). This combination suggests that some of the
research team members had some prior training or experience with research as well as being
experienced in the field of psychology and were training the younger members. More experienced
team members need to be cognizant of their referred power. Training and early discussions of the
process can be used to highlight the importance of everyone “arguing” to consensus.
It is interesting to note that culture may play a role in this process, as discussions with
colleagues in other countries suggest. In our experiences in the United States, it has not been a
problem to include people at different power levels as long as the individuals with more designated
power do not claim expert status and individuals with less designated power are able to express their
opinions freely. However, in other countries with more rigid hierarchical power structures or in any
setting that has a strong hierarchical culture, as might be found in certain institutions or across
genders or roles, it can be difficult for students or people with less power to disagree with authority

figures. Therefore, it is important to consider possible hierarchical limitations when selecting team
members and to choose members at the same level of power if differences seem likely to be an
obstacle to group functioning. If power struggles emerge in a group after it has already formed then
this can be discussed openly. It is a good idea to schedule regular dialogue about group dynamics
and emphasize the importance of each person’s experience in the group. In addition, a system for
anonymous input regarding the members’ experience should be established (see also the section on
team process later in this chapter).

Research teams can take on several different configurations, including set teams, rotating teams, and
multiple dissertation teams. The first configuration has been the typical one, although rotating and
multiple dissertation teams are useful in particular circumstances.

Set Teams
There are two different types of set teams. A group of researchers (usually three people) can work
on the study from start to finish together. They share the construction of the interview protocol,
conduct the interviews, and analyze all the data together. In addition to the primary team, one or
two outside auditors are also used. Another type of set team is where one or two researchers
conduct the interviews and then are joined by one or two other researchers in analyzing the data
along with one or two auditors; this method is often used in a dissertation study in which the
dissertator does all of the interviews. Set teams offer the advantage of allowing all of the primary
team members to be immersed in analyzing all of the data (domains, core ideas, and cross-analysis)
for all of the cases. The disadvantage is that some aspects of the data analysis process (e.g.,
developing domains and creating core ideas; see Chapter 8) can become repetitive after several cases
and may not be the best use of everyone’s time.

Rotating Teams
Rotating teams usually consist of four to 12 team members who rotate doing all of the tasks,
including auditing (e.g., Ladany et al., 1997). With rotating teams, the core team members serve as
“internal” auditors, and the team meets as a group to reach consensus on the work that the team has
done. The team works together initially to ensure consistency across teams and then breaks into
smaller groups of three once everyone understands the process and shares a similar focus. (See
Chapter 8 for more details on the data analysis.) An advantage to this strategy is that rotating teams
can analyze larger data sets and that more viewpoints can be obtained. A disadvantage is that not all
the team members are as familiar with all of the cases, and thus their contribution may be limited.

Multiple Theses or Dissertations Teams

Another type of research team is one where several students working on theses or dissertations at
the same time use one interview protocol that incorporates questions related to different areas of
inquiry (distinct areas for each student). The students can then either analyze the interview together
as a team and use the data specific to their dissertation, or the students could form separate teams
to analyze only their portions of the interview data. Committee members for the dissertators could
serve as auditors to monitor the process. This approach can be excellent because students learn from
one another and have a built-in support group to compensate for the often lonely task of writing a
dissertation. Of course, it can also be disastrous if some students do not complete their respective

tasks. It is especially important for these types of teams that all members are fully aware of the time
commitment involved in CQR research.

Training is strongly recommended for researchers new to CQR (Hill et al., 2005). The degree of
formal training will depend on whether there are members of the team who have used the
methodology before. When there are one or two “trainers” (i.e., experienced CQRers) embedded in
the team, training can be more informal and consist of reading this book and reviewing exemplar
studies (e.g., Hill, Rochlen, Zack, McCready, & Dematatis, 2003; Knox, Burkard, Johnson,
Suzuki, & Ponterotto, 2003; Ladany et al., 1997; Vivino et al., 2009; Williams et al., 1998).
Practicing together as a team on developing domains and core ideas from previous studies is also
useful and recommended to build team rapport. If the majority of team members are new to CQR,
training with an experienced CQR researcher is recommended. Here is a suggested outline for
Each team member reads this book and several CQR articles.
The process is described and discussed in detail, with examples from previous studies.
Team members practice reaching consensual agreements as they work through the steps of
the process (developing domains, constructing cores ideas, cross-analysis) using a small
sample from a completed study.
The experienced trainer makes him- or herself available for consultation during the actual
data analysis process, ideally serving as an auditor to provide feedback along the way.
A final point is that the training procedures used should be clearly described in journal articles that
are written about the project.

The Team Process

Researchers often find that rich data can be obtained from CQR and also that participating on the
team can be fun! However the success of the team is dependent on several factors. Organizational
psychologists (West, 2004) suggest that three steps are important for the successful functioning of
a shared goal or vision,
commitment to the team or project, and


The shared goal for CQR research teams is usually to obtain rich pertinent data that honors the
varied experiences of the participants (interviewees) and that adds to the knowledge base in regard
to the focus of the study. However, commitment and trust of team members may be influenced by
other sometimes unspoken goals. Members may be interested in publishing an article, obtaining
tenure, gathering members for their own research team, learning from or pleasing colleagues and
professors, completing a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, or helping a fellow student
complete a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. These different goals undoubtedly influence
motivation and commitment, so it is important to understand why members are participating on a
team and to recognize that differences may affect the team functioning. For instance, if one team
member is anxious to complete his or her dissertation within a specific time frame, he or she might
be reluctant to go back and reanalyze data even if other team members feel it is important.

When a research team is formed, it is important that all members agree to the meeting time and
the anticipated duration of the team. People unfamiliar with CQR may underestimate the amount
of time involved in the process. Issues such as completing a dissertation in a timely manner may
impose potentially interfering dynamics. Some research teams meet every week for up to 2 years,
whereas others meet multiple times per week for a year. An understanding of the commitment and
a willingness to stay with the process is essential. In addition to meeting times, team members need
to acknowledge that they will be expected to work independently at times. An expectation of
promptness and a commitment to excellence also needs to be clarified.
When the team gets started, it is also important to outline the structure of the group. Taking
time to define roles, set ground rules, delineate the timing of sessions (i.e., how long, time of day)
can prevent future difficulties. Expectations about who is going to be PI and how to share the
multitude of administrative tasks all need to be discussed and agreed on. An explicit agreement to
openly communicate opinions and dissensions is also important. Motivation can be maintained in
the team by members giving each other positive feedback and by having clearly defined goals that
are met so that a sense of progress is felt.
Team members also need to make a commitment about sharing the workload. Because CQR
studies involve a lot of data management, team members typically (unless the study is for a thesis or
dissertation) share the tasks of managing the data for a certain number of the cases. Clarifying
which members will keep track of what data is part of the group process.
Many primary research teams work together in person to analyze the interviews. However,
sometimes it has been impossible to be in the same place at the same time, so telephone discussions
have been used instead. Telephone meetings have seemed to us to be effective as long as we started
with close relationships, but it is also true that some of the nuances of communication (facial
expressions, gestures, etc.) are lost. The effect of this loss has seemed minimal, although it may
have contributed to misunderstandings or to slowing down the process. The use of other
technology (i.e., Skype, video conferencing) has recently been used in CQR research teams and has
great potential, especially because researchers often live miles from each other or even in different
countries. In addition, communication with auditors is frequently done via e-mail and telephone if
needed to clarify comments or feedback.

Establishing Trust
Establishing and maintaining trust in the research group is important so that members feel open to
sharing their thoughts and opinions. This process begins with the formation of the research team.
In addition to discussing the structure of the team, we have found it helpful to begin the first
meeting of a team with a discussion of group dynamics and process. Expectations regarding the
group process can be clarified in the following ways:
All members are expected to contribute equally to all discussions.
Team members are encouraged to be sensitive to nonverbal communication (e.g., be aware
that silence may indicate disagreement, or recognize that physical signs of agitation may
indicate that someone is uncomfortable with a decision).
Team members are encouraged to comment and intervene to correct a group process problem
(group process discussion is as important as content discussion!).
Support and respect for each other is essential (the use of active listening skills can be
Another important element for promoting trust is to establish roles early on and thus clarify
who is going to do what tasks. As discussed earlier, the PI often takes on more of the tasks, such as

spearheading the institutional review board approval process, organizing and keeping track of the
status of each case, and writing up the first draft of the manuscript.

Managing Conflict
Although conflict is often viewed negatively, it is important to realize that constructive conflict can
increase a team’s energy level and provide greater creativity through allowing myriad viewpoints.
Conflict can add depth to discussions as members are challenged to elaborate on their ideas so that
others better understand them. If everyone already had the same point of view, there would be no
need to bring a team together to do the work!
In a CQR team, in fact, too much agreement is often problematic. If a team member wants to
get along and avoid conflict there is a danger of groupthink, when everyone goes along with a
proposal even when they secretly have reservations about it (Janis, 1972). Highly cohesive groups
are much more likely to engage in groupthink because their cohesiveness often correlates with
unspoken understandings and the ability to work together with minimal explanations. Surowiecki
(2004) warned against the loss of “cognitive diversity” that comes if team members share similar
educational and occupational backgrounds. The closer group members are in outlook, the less likely
they are to raise questions that might break their cohesion. Social psychologist McCauley (1989)
noted that groupthink occurs when there is directive leadership, homogeneity of members’ social
background and ideology, and isolation of the group from outside sources of information and
analysis. Hence, CQR teams might benefit from initially selecting diversity in the team members
and making sure that members feel comfortable speaking openly. In addition, CQR teams that
have worked together on multiple projects may be a danger of too much cohesiveness. Adding new
members or changing the makeup of the group for different projects, encouraging the expression of
dissenting opinions within the group, establishing a regular discussion of the group process, and
utilizing the objectivity of an outside monitor all may facilitate diversity of opinions and help to
avoid groupthink.
Typically, CQR teams have been able to work out difficulties in group discussion. However,
occasionally a team member may have problems (e.g., does not do the work, does not attend
meetings, engages in hostile interactions). When concerns arise and multiple group discussions
have been futile in an attempt to resolve the concerns, then the PI might have to gently inform the
person that it is not working out and ask the person to drop out of the team.

Example of a Working Team

In an example of a CQR team experience, the three authors of this chapter worked together on a
research team (Vivino et al., 2009). We had known each other for years and had developed an idea
for researching the concept of compassion in psychotherapy. The idea developed casually in
discussions at conferences and grew over time. The team typically worked very well together, and
we were all comfortable voicing dissenting opinions and arguing to consensus. Difficulties arose,
however, when we were analyzing transcript material that had a spiritual nuance. Two of us with
Buddhist/spiritual leanings perceived the meaning of the material very differently than did the third
member, who seemed unaware of the subtleties that the others had observed. Given that much of
what has been written about compassion comes from a Buddhist perspective and that many of the
therapists we interviewed had a Buddhist perspective, this issue was salient. Because one person
wanted to include material that seemed relevant from a Buddhist perspective whereas another
person thought that such material was irrelevant, a conflict thus arose about how detailed the core
ideas related to spirituality should be. The tension over the disagreement was uncomfortable, and it
seemed like a stalemate. We reached a compromise eventually after much discussion, and then the
auditor provided further feedback. The variety of perspectives helped us look carefully at the data,
but perhaps more important, we had to respect that we disagreed about some issues but still liked

each other.

Although challenging interpersonal issues often arise in working through group dynamics, research
teams are an essential part of the CQR process in terms of providing multiple perspectives on the
data. We encourage researchers to think carefully about whom they select to work with on teams
and then to thoughtfully and empathically talk about feelings and negotiate procedures as conflicts
inevitably arise during the process.

Driskell, J. E., Goodwin, G. F., Salas, E., & O’Shea, P. G. (2006). What makes a good team
player? Personality and team effectiveness. Group Dynamics, 10, 249–271. doi:10.1037/1089-
Driskell, J. E., & Salas, E. (1992). Collective behavior and team performance. Human Factors, 34,
Hayes, J. A., McCracken, J. E., McClanahan, M. K., Hill, C. E., Harp, J. S., & Carozzoni, P.
(1998). Therapist perspectives on countertransference: Qualitative data in search of a theory.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45, 468–482. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.45.4.468
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Rochlen, A. B., Zack, J. S., McCready, T., & Dematatis, A. (2003). Working with
dreams using the Hill cognitive–experiential model: A comparison of computer-assisted,
therapist empathy, and therapist empathy + input conditions. Journal of Counseling Psychology,
50, 211–220. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.50.2.211
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Janis, I. L. (1972). Victims of groupthink. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Johnson, A. J., Suzuki, L. A., & Ponterotto, J. G. (2003). African
American and European American therapists’ experiences of addressing race in cross-racial
psychotherapy dyads. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 466–481. doi:10.1037/0022-
Ladany, N., O’Brien, K. M., Hill, C. E., Melincoff, D. S., Knox, S., & Petersen, D. A. (1997).
Sexual attraction toward clients, use of supervision, and prior training: A qualitative study of
predoctoral psychology interns. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 44, 413–424. doi:10.1037/0022-
McCauley, C. (1989). The nature of social influence in groupthink: Compliance and
internalization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 250–260. doi:10.1037/0022-
Sim, W., Hill, C. E., Chowdhury, S., Huang, T. C., Zaman, N., & Talavera, P. (2010). Problems
and action ideas discussed by first- and second-generation female East Asian students during
dream sessions. Dreaming, 20, 42–59. doi:10.1037/a0018993
Surowiecki, J. (2004). The wisdom of crowds. New York, NY: Doubleday.
Vivino, B. L., Thompson, B., Hill, C. E., & Ladany, N. (2009). Compassion in psychotherapy:
The perspective of psychotherapists nominated as compassionate. Psychotherapy Research, 19,
157–171. doi:10.1080/10503300802430681
West, M. A. (2004). Effective teamwork: Practical lessons from organizational research (2nd ed.).
Oxford, England: Blackwell.
Williams, E. N., Soeprapto, E., Like, K., Touradji, P., Hess, S., & Hill, C. E. (1998). Perceptions

of serendipity: Career paths of prominent academic women in counseling psychology. Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 45, 379–389. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.45.4.379

In a study about the problems and action ideas of female college students expressed during dream
sessions, a research team listened to a session in which a client discussed her parents’ divorce.
During the session, the client mentioned that her father was absent in her childhood because of her
parents’ divorce. One research team member argued that the client’s parental divorce was a problem
for the client. Another team member disclosed that her own parents’ divorce was not problematic
for her and contended that the client might have felt a sense of relief that the divorce reduced the
marital conflict between the parents. Yet another judge expressed her angst about her parents’
divorce, her father’s absence, and having to travel back and forth between two houses. These three
judges became emotionally involved and argued with each other about whether the divorce was a
problem for this client. It became clear that their biases were interfering with their abilities to listen
to the client. To clarify the matter, they discussed their biases and expectations, went back and
listened carefully to the client’s tone of voice and the words she used, and finally agreed that indeed
the client did not seem distressed about either the divorce or her father’s resulting absence after the
As illustrated in the above example, researchers’ biases and expectations are inevitable parts of
the data analysis process and undoubtedly affect the coding process and results. Addressing such
ideas is especially important in qualitative research, where the research findings depend heavily on
the researchers’ interpretations of the data. In this chapter, we begin by providing a rationale for
addressing biases and expectations in consensual qualitative research (CQR) along with definitions
of terms. Next, we discuss some of the major challenges researchers face in addressing biases and
expectations as well as provide recommendations for how to think about these ideas in each step of
the research process. Last, we provide some concluding remarks about biases and expectations in

Rationale for Addressing Biases and Expectations in

Addressing biases and expectations in CQR can enhance the quality of research in important ways.
First, qualitative research that includes examples of assumptions that have been identified and

managed is regarded as more rigorous than research in which researchers do not examine their
assumptions (Fischer, 2009). Addressing biases and expectations thus allows CQR researchers to
“ensure that our understandings are not just our own and that if other researchers studied our data
that they would come to similar understandings” (Fischer, 2009, p. 584). This methodological rigor
can be achieved by having research team members try to set aside their biases and expectations
when examining the data (i.e., bracketing their biases and expectations during data analysis). The
methodological rigor can also occur by having team members record their biases and expectations
prior to data analysis and then compare those with the results at the end of data analysis to see if
the results were unduly influenced by the researchers’ preexisting assumptions; if so, then
researchers can take steps to remove or acknowledge their biases or expectations.
A second reason for addressing biases and expectations in CQR studies is that doing so can
enrich the research process itself. For example, by recording expectations and biases prior to data
analysis and discussing them throughout the data analysis process, the researchers may increase
their self-awareness and self-knowledge. Research team members may also respectfully point out
other team members’ biases and expectations, thus contributing to greater awareness. Improved
self-awareness and self-knowledge can assist researchers in looking at the data from diverse
perspectives instead of seeing the data only from their own perspectives.
Another important reason to address biases and expectations in CQR is that including
researchers’ expectations and biases in the final write-up benefits the research audience. Reporting
biases and expectations allows readers to understand the findings within the researcher’s context
(Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997) and take the researcher’s perspective (Fischer, 2009).
Alternatively, an awareness of the authors’ biases and expectations allows readers to purposefully
take a different perspective than that of the researchers if they wish to do so (Fischer, 2009).

Definitions of Biases and Expectations

Biases in CQR can be defined as “personal issues that make it difficult for researchers to respond
objectively to the data” (Hill et al., 1997, p. 539). We would add that because researchers cannot
avoid having biases and thus cannot be completely objective, dealing with these biases is a matter of
knowing how to acknowledge and address their effects. Researchers might have positive or negative
reactions to the data on the basis of their cultural backgrounds, values, beliefs, and direct and
indirect experiences regarding the topic, which hinders objective data analysis (Hill et al., 2005).
For example, if a researcher has the strong feeling that abortion is immoral, he or she might have
aversive reactions to a participant’s statement about choosing to have an abortion, inadvertently
make judgments about the participant’s morality, and assume that a participant’s abortion is a
problem for the client, no matter how hard the researcher tries to be objective and attend to just the
In contrast, Hill et al. (1997) defined expectations as “beliefs that researchers have formed based
on reading the literature and thinking about and developing the research questions” (p. 538). In
other words, expectations refer to researchers’ anticipations about participants’ probable responses
to interview questions or the probable results. For example, in a qualitative study on international
students’ challenges, researchers may anticipate, on the basis both of personal experiences and
awareness of the literature, that most international students would experience language difficulties
and loneliness. As a result, researchers may report language difficulties and loneliness for a
participant even if he or she gave a brief indication that loneliness was no longer a difficulty.
Biases might be more difficult to report than expectations. The term biases has a negative
connotation, which may discourage researchers from being honest, whereas the term expectations
has a more neutral connotation. For example, when researchers are asked about their biases about
Asian Americans’ family relationships, they are likely to think about their negative stereotypes (e.g.,
too much parental control, lack of open communication), which are not easy to report. In contrast,
expectations about Asian Americans’ family relationships might be more neutral, and hence

researchers might be more honest and less concerned about such reporting.
In their review of the corpus of published CQR studies, Hill et al. (2005) noted that there has
been a great deal of confusion regarding the reporting of biases and expectations. Many researchers
have used the terms interchangeably. Because of the lack of adherence to reporting both biases and
expectations as recommended in Hill et al. (1997), Hill et al. (2005) recommended recording and
reporting only biases; their rationale was that expectations are often implied in introduction
We think, however, that there is a need to address expectations as well as biases. By addressing
only biases, some influential expectations that are different from biases may not be discussed. For
example, in a qualitative study about the effect of immediacy, researchers’ expectations about
potential effects might come not from personal issues but from training, and these expectations
might influence the coding process (e.g., researchers’ beliefs about whether they consider
immediacy an important technique and their definition of immediacy). The results may thus reflect
expectations without these being taken into account.

Addressing Biases and Expectations

In this section, we discuss challenges in addressing biases and expectations and include
recommendations for how to do so in each step of the research process. We provide a summary of
our recommendations in Table 5.1.

TA B L E 5 . 1
Addressing Biases and Expectations in Each Step of Consensual Qualitative Research


One difficulty that can arise in addressing biases and expectations pertains to the selection of team
members. Although it may feel more comfortable to choose team members who have similar
backgrounds as that of the primary investigator or investigators, making a conscious effort to
choose team members who have a variety of biases and expectations (as well as theoretical
orientations and cultural backgrounds; Hill et al., 1997) can be helpful as long as the team members
can communicate well with each other. Diverse team members may be better able to detect other
team members’ biases than team members who have similar backgrounds and cultural influences.
Although selecting diverse team members is usually optimal, it is also important for team members
to work well together to facilitate openness and honesty during the research process (see also
Chapter 14, this volume).
In some cases, when a less diverse team is preferred because of needed experience and expertise
in the research area, having auditors with different backgrounds or perspectives can add a diverse
perspective. For example, in Sim et al.’s (2010) study on Asian American students’ problems and
action ideas, all therapists and judges were Asian because of the importance for the study of their
familiarity with Asian culture. In this case, an experienced Caucasian auditor was included on the
research team to balance out the assumptions of the Asian research team. For more discussion
about choosing research teams, see Chapter 4.


Team leaders may need to train team members with no CQR experience about biases and

expectations by providing rationales, definitions, and examples to make sure that the team members
truly understand the importance of such awareness and know how to do the task. It may also be
helpful for team leaders to initiate discussion about setting ground rules for addressing biases and
During the research process, it may be difficult to remember what biases one had prior to data
collection. Thus, it is important for each team member to record biases and expectations before
engaging in the research. It is also important to note that the team should not begin collectively
discussing biases and expectations until everyone has had a chance to independently ponder and
record their biases. If team members think of more biases and expectations at any point later in the
research process, they can add to their list. It may be helpful to distinguish and discuss biases and
expectations that were noticed prior to data collection compared with those noticed as the data
were being collected or analyzed.
A number of challenges can arise during the recording of biases and expectations. One
challenge is limited self-awareness (Rennie, 1996), due perhaps to minimal exposure to other ways
of thinking. In some cases, limited self-awareness is due to psychological defenses when admitting
such biases or expectations goes against one’s identity or ideal self. For example, one may not want
to think of oneself as holding any racial biases, so it may be difficult to admit to any racial
assumptions, which could result in one having a biased interpretation of racially related data
without one’s awareness. To address limited self-awareness, research team members could seek out
psychotherapy, multicultural training, or other opportunities to examine their biases and
stereotypes. Team leaders can also encourage team members to learn about themselves throughout
the research process and to openly discuss biases and expectations in order to increase self-
Additional challenges can arise from fear of potential professional and personal consequences
of disclosing one’s biases and expectations. Even if team members are aware of their biases, it can
be challenging and embarrassing to report some controversial biases for fear of facing overt or
covert criticism and judgment by other team members. For example, in a research team comprising
faculty members and students, it may be difficult for student researchers to share controversial
biases that go against perceived values and beliefs of authority figures given that faculty members
might remember student researchers’ biases during evaluations of their progress in training. For
instance, a student’s negative biases toward undocumented immigrants might be viewed as a lack of
multicultural sensitivity by a professor with an opposite opinion. On the flip side, faculty members
may be embarrassed to admit certain biases to their students because of a desire to project an expert
persona or fear that admitting certain biases could negatively affect their professional or personal
reputation. Although it may be challenging at times, we encourage CQR researchers to be as open
as possible about their biases and expectations and nonjudgmental about other team members’
beliefs for the purpose of ensuring greater research integrity. Selecting team members who trust
each other and working to create a safe and nonjudgmental atmosphere in the research team (e.g.,
by modeling an openness to dissenting opinions) can help in facilitating open and honest reporting
and discussion of biases and expectations.

Interviewers’ biases and expectations can affect how they conduct interviews because interviewers
could subtly influence participants’ responses. Interviewers might ask leading questions or
unwittingly give participants hints as to what they want to hear (e.g., ask for gratuitous reassurance;
Fischer, 2009). For example, researchers might expect that international students suffer from
adjustment problems and thus might ask more questions about negative aspects of adjustment and
fewer questions about positive experiences. To address this challenge, interviewers can try to
ponder, record, and bracket (i.e., set aside) their biases and expectations during the interview. In
addition, it can be useful to conduct practice interviews and receive feedback on whether interviews

seem to be unduly influenced by researcher biases and expectations.

Recalling and revisiting biases and expectations during data analysis is particularly challenging
because it is so easy to neglect them while focusing on analyzing data. Hence, it is important to
take extra care in thinking about and discussing biases and expectations during this stage of the
CQR process.
We recommend discussing biases and expectations when some team members always agree
with certain other team members without counterargument, perhaps indicating power dynamics or
groupthink within the research team. More dominant or talkative members might affect other
members’ opinions or make them feel uncomfortable about voicing differing opinions.
Nondominant team members may feel pressure to follow the opinions of dominant team members,
fear that their ideas might be devalued, and refrain from reporting different ideas, which can bias
the results toward the dominant team members’ opinions rather than staying close to what the data
indicate. For example, when examining a case in which the therapist gives suggestions to a client, if
most team members’ believe that giving suggestions to a client is not effective and hinders client
independence, it may be difficult for a researcher with a different idea (e.g., one who thinks that
giving suggestions is helpful) to express his or her opinion, and so this person may defer to the
majority opinion regarding giving suggestions.
In addition, when there is prolonged or significant disagreement among team members, when
judges’ ideas are polarized, when judges cannot reach consensus after long discussions, when one
judge seems to “win” all the arguments, or when some judges do not offer opinions, researchers
might suspect the existence of conflicting biases and expectations among the team members. When
these cues are present, it would be advisable to discuss the possible influence of biases and
expectations. For example, when a team listens to a session in which a client talks about a negative
relationship with his or her mother, a judge who has a negative relationship with his or her own
mother may express strong negative opinions about dependence on mothers and not want to give
up this negative opinion. This person may need to be gently confronted by other team members.
Our recommendation about addressing biases and expectations during data analysis is that if
any member of the research team suspects that biases and expectations may be influencing the data,
that person should call attention to the concern. The team may need to step back, process the
group dynamics, and discuss ways for all members to feel heard and understood. After the team
members acknowledge the existence of biases and expectations through processing and discussion,
researchers might want to read or listen to the raw data again nondefensively and focus more on
content and tone of voice of participants than on what they want to hear from the data.
In addition, the principal investigator might emphasize early on the desire to foster a
collaborative and collegial team environment in which all team members, not just the team leader,
initiate discussion of biases and expectations. Rotating which team member is designated as the
first one to express an opinion may allow all team members to share their opinions with less
influence by other team members. The principal investigator may also invite team members to
disagree and model an openness to dissenting opinions (i.e., when someone does disagree,
considering discrepant opinions and talking about them while being mindful of avoiding the use of
power to “win” the argument).
In addition, when a team finishes all of the analyses, researchers can hold a postmortem and
talk about the influence of biases and expectations on the results. It is important that all research
team members openly discuss the power dynamics in the group, how the team managed these
dynamics, and how they could have managed them better. It is also useful to ask all judges whether
they felt heard and validated, especially when the team involves people of different power levels.

After discussing and processing biases and expectations in the research team, the final step is to
include biases and expectations in the write-up of the study. It is important to include biases and
expectations of the interviewers, primary team members, and auditors in the Method section’s
description of participants. The challenge in writing about biases and expectations is to summarize
disparate and voluminous data across many people involved in the research process within given
page limits. Because of space considerations, we recommend presenting the common themes and
differences in biases and expectations rather than presenting each individual person’s ideas
An example of a report on biases and expectations can be found in a qualitative study on
immediacy in brief psychotherapy by Hill et al. (2008):

In terms of biases, all five researchers reported before the study that they liked immediacy and found it to be a powerful
intervention in therapy, although they ranged in how comfortable they felt using it themselves as therapists. All had
read Dr. W’s book but had not met him personally before the study. (p. 300)

Another example can be found in Knox, Dubois, Smith, Hess, and Hill’s (2009) study on
clients giving gifts to therapists:

We felt that the appropriateness of client gifts to therapists depended on a number of factors (e.g., the gift itself and its
timing, the client’s therapy concerns and therapy relationship, the perceived intentions behind and meaning of gift)
and that small or inexpensive gifts given to show appreciation would usually be appropriate and should be discussed,
even if only briefly. More troubling would be expensive or intimate gifts, gifts intended to manipulate the therapist in
some way, or gifts from clients with tenuous boundaries; we also felt such gifts should be discussed. (p. 353)

In addition, it is helpful to report the effects of the researchers’ biases and expectations on
research findings in the limitations section of the paper because this helps readers understand the
results within the context of the composition and functioning of the team. Authors not surprisingly
feel vulnerable about presenting limitations for fear of reviewers dismissing their findings as biased,
but it is important to be aware and to present the results openly and honestly.

Biases and expectations are inevitable in the qualitative research process and undoubtedly affect
how researchers understand and interpret research data. A parallel can be drawn to the effects of
undetected and unmanaged countertransference on the therapy process: When a therapist
recognizes his or her countertransference and uses it for a better understanding of the therapy
process, countertransference can positively influence the psychotherapy process (Gelso & Hayes,
1998). Similarly, researchers can make a conscious effort to understand their biases and
expectations, work to minimize these effects, and use their understanding of biases and expectations
to enrich the research process. Therefore, we encourage CQR researchers to become aware of and
address their biases and expectations and approach the data with open minds and curiosity.

Fischer, C. T. (2009). Bracketing in qualitative research: Conceptual and practical matters.
Psychotherapy Research, 19, 583–590. doi:10.1080/10503300902798375
Gelso, C. J., & Hayes, J. A. (1998). The psychotherapy relationship: Theory, research, and practice. New
York, NY: Wiley.
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Sim, W., Spangler, P., Stahl, J., Sullivan, C., & Teyber, E. (2008). Therapist

immediacy in brief psychotherapy: Case study II. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice,
Training, 45, 298–315. doi:10.1037/a0013306
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Knox, S., Dubois, R., Smith, J., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (2009). Clients’ experiences giving gifts
to therapists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 46, 350–361.
Rennie, D. L. (1996). Commentary on “Clients’ Perceptions of Treatment for Depression: I and
II.” Psychotherapy Research, 6, 263–268. doi:10.1080/10503309612331331788
Sim, W., Hill, C. E., Chowdhury, S., Huang, T. C., Zaman, N., & Talavera, P. (2010). Problems
and action ideas discussed by first- and second-generation female East Asian students during
dream sessions. Dreaming, 20, 42–59. doi:10.1037/a0018993

In consensual qualitative research (CQR), we ask people to tell us their stories. To obtain these
stories, we recruit participants who have had the type of experience that we are interested in and
who can describe their reactions in great detail. Hence, choosing the sample is of utmost
importance to obtaining good data. In this chapter, then, we focus on issues related to choosing and
recruiting the best samples for CQR.

Choosing the Sample

The main consideration in choosing a sample is to select one that fits the research questions, which,
one would hope, are well-delineated and specific. Thus, researchers need to have clarity about the
research questions before determining the composition of the sample (see Chapter 3). If the
question is about transference, for example, we need to select participants who are knowledgeable
about transference and who are “experts” in being able to talk about the phenomenon, as did Gelso,
Hill, Rochlen, Mohr, and Zack (1999). For the topic of transference, then, Gelso et al. chose a
sample of psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapists because they spoke a language that includes
transference, were likely to have thought deeply about transference, and were likely to have
experienced transference both as clients and as directed at them as therapists. If our interest is in
learning more about impasses in psychotherapy, we need to select a sample of either clients or
therapists who have experienced impasses, as did Hill, Nutt-Williams, Heaton, Thompson, and
Rhodes (1996).
Once we have broadly defined the population, we need to identify specific criteria for selecting
participants within this population. Our goal is to select a sample that is clearly defined because too
much variability within the sample (or the lack of clearly defined research questions) often leads to
a lack of consistency in the results.
Although there is some controversy about generalizability in qualitative research, we believe
that consensual qualitative researchers do indeed want to apply their findings at least tentatively
beyond their sample (what has been called transferability). Given that we want to transfer our
findings, it is important to define the sample carefully so that we can clearly identify to whom the
results might apply or to what theory the results might apply. In addition, if researchers define the

sample carefully and clearly, future researchers might study the same population, thus enabling
researchers to conduct qualitative meta-analyses to determine the trustworthiness and credibility of
the data (see Chapter 12).
In defining the population, researchers should think about demographic variables that might be
relevant to the research questions, such as gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status,
racial–ethnic status, country of residence, religion, disability status, and educational level. Thus, in
investigating relational events within therapy, we might want to specify that we will recruit
experienced psychoanalytically oriented therapists, given that both experience level and orientation
might influence the results, but we might try to recruit equal numbers of male and female therapists
so that our results could apply to both sexes (especially if we have no reason to expect that male and
female therapists would have different reactions). If we were studying the effects of psychotherapy
with clients who have experienced trauma, however, we might be more concerned with gender, race
or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and type of trauma, given that traumas occur differentially across
groups and influence groups in different ways. Thus, we might decide to select only upper class
African American men who had been sexually abused so that we would know to what population
we are referring.
Of particular relevance when thinking about criteria is the recency and salience of the
experience. If a psychotherapy client is asked about a fleeting experience of feeling understood in a
therapy session, it is probably best if the session was relatively recent so that the details of the
experience are clear in the client’s mind. Otherwise, the participant is likely to “fill in the blanks”
and not remember the experience as accurately as she or he would have if interviewed soon after the
event. For this research question, then, it might be best to talk with clients immediately after the
therapy session. In contrast, other events are more salient and can be clearly remembered years
later. The problem here is that feelings about the event may change over time. For example, if the
research question involves a perspective on the grieving process after the death of a child,
researchers might think carefully about how the grieving process would be immediately after the
death, a year later, 2 to 5 years later, and 5 to 10 years later. Researchers in this study would need to
think about what they are most interested in because they might get too broad a range of results if
they do not narrow the time frame. Researchers of such a study might also want to contemplate
other variables such as type of death, age of child, and religion of parents, all of which might
influence the results.
In addition, as these above examples illustrate, salience of the event interacts with the recency
of the event, given that very salient events are milestones in people’s lives and are thus remembered
longer and with more clarity than are events that are less salient or important to the individual.
That said, qualitative researchers should always remember that retrospective recall is always limited,
and thus what we are studying is the subjective (and undoubtedly distorted) recall of impressions
and experiences rather the accurate and objective reporting of events (see also Chapter 2, this
volume, about the philosophy of science underlying CQR). It is also important to remember,
however, that all memories of events involve retrospection, which is open to distortion.
Ideally, when choosing the particular sample researchers would select from the population
randomly so that they would be more likely to have a representative sample than one that is unique
in a way that is not what is desired in the study. For example, if a researcher only selected friends as
participants, there could be a skew if the researcher’s friends were all introverted or aggressive but
this skew was not known or acknowledged. In fact, however, it is often difficult, in quantitative
studies as well as qualitative studies, to choose a completely random sample, and of course this
inability places limits that must be acknowledged in the write-up (i.e., that a convenience sample
was used and that a different sample might have produced different results). Once the population
has been clearly defined, however, researchers should try as hard as possible to choose a sample
randomly from the population by announcing the study as widely as possible to potential
participants and choosing randomly from among the volunteers. In addition, because there are
typically self-selection factors operating, researchers need to describe their sample as clearly as
possible so that readers know who they were.

A final decision we discuss here is whether the research team should contribute data to the
study. In the first study using CQR (Rhodes, Hill, Thompson, & Elliott, 1994), some of the
authors did provide data for the study (although they did not serve on the team when their own
data were being analyzed). In response to queries from reviewers, the authors justified this inclusion
of data by explaining that having experienced misunderstandings in therapy themselves helped
them understand the phenomenon more deeply. In thinking about this issue now, we would not
recommend inclusion of researchers’ own data; it simply makes it harder to be unbiased, and so
much more information is available about the authors’ experiences than about those of other
participants because the authors might continue to embellish their experiences as they hear what
others say.

Size of the Sample

Our goal in determining the size of the sample is to try to think about how many participants are
needed to obtain some consistency of results. Although the range of sample sizes has varied in the
literature (see Chapter 18) from 3 to 97 (M = 15.7, SD = 11.5), we generally recommend using 12
to 15 participants. This number typically provides a large enough sample to begin to see some
consistency in results across participants, especially if the sample is relatively homogeneous in terms
of their experiences.
If researchers think that there is a good possibility that there may be subgroups within the
sample, a larger sample of 15 to 19 is advisable. With larger samples, researchers can subdivide the
sample using either predetermined criteria or criteria that emerge during the analyses. For example,
Williams et al. (1998) divided their sample of female counseling psychologists who had experienced
a serendipity experience in the career path into those who had experienced the event pre-PhD and
those who had experienced the event post-PhD because it became apparent during the analysis that
these two groups of participants had different experiences. In a study on hostile or unasserted client
anger directed at therapists, Hill et al. (2003) divided their results into events that were resolved
versus those that were unresolved on the basis of analyses that revealed that these were quite
different experiences. Similarly, Hess et al. (2008) divided their sample of psychology doctoral
student interns into those who were satisfied with their supervisor’s self-disclosures versus those
who were not satisfied because results differed between the two groups.
If one is using a very large sample (>20), different issues emerge. If in-depth information is
sought from each participant, researchers may end up with so much information that they have a
hard time finishing the project. Some researchers solve this problem by asking for less information
from each participant. In this situation, we recommend a modification to CQR called consensual
qualitative research modified (CQR-M; see Chapter 17).

Recruiting the Sample

Recruiting for qualitative studies is difficult because we are asking potential participants for a lot of
time, investment of energy, and disclosure of personal feelings. Thus, it is not surprising that many
people are reluctant to participate in qualitative projects. A couple of research findings provide
evidence about this issue. Bednar and Shapiro (1970) reported that fewer than 1% of 16,100
therapists agreed to participate in research that involved audiotaping a therapy session and then
spending an additional 3 hours evaluating the session. Another example is when Vachon et al.
(1995) asked 845 therapists to participate in a study that involved audiotaping one therapy session
and then being interviewed about the case for 2 hours, only 2% agreed. The primary reasons given
for not participating were insufficient time, unwillingness to audiotape clients, and not having
clients who were considered appropriate for the research.
In research using CQR, the participation rate has varied wildly from about 4% in Hill et al.
(1996) to 93% in Vivino, Thompson, Hill, and Ladany (2009). In Chapter 12, we report a

qualitative meta-analysis of 10 studies that queried participants about why they chose to participate
in CQR studies. The two most salient reasons were the wish to be helpful and thinking that the
topic was interesting or important. Other reasons mentioned less frequently were having had
related meaningful experiences, wanting to educate or contribute to knowledge, liking qualitative
research, being invited by a colleague or advisor, facilitating the participant’s own research, the
topic not being invasive or exploitative, and wanting experience as an interviewee. It is interesting
to note that it appeared graduate students had different reasons for participating than did
postgraduate professionals (the two most common samples). Graduate students were more likely to
participate when they felt that they had experienced the phenomenon and when they wanted to
help, whereas professionals were more likely to participate when they were invited by a colleague
and when they wanted to educate or contribute to knowledge. Taking the above research findings
and our personal experiences into account, we next cover factors that may influence participation.


First, there is the topic. In the Gelso et al. (1999) study, therapists seemed to be more willing to
participate because they were psychoanalytic and were interested in thinking about transference
(participation rate = 13%). This topic seemed to spark a chord in these therapists, and so they were
willing to talk about it. In contrast, it was harder to recruit therapists for a study on impasses in
therapy (4% agreed; Hill et al., 1996), perhaps because the topic was of less interest to therapists.
A related issue is how vulnerable the topic makes the potential participant feel. For example, in
the Hill et al. (1996) that had only a 4% participation rate, therapists may have felt very vulnerable
talking about clients who terminated from treatment because of impasses, perhaps because this
topic made them question their competence. Similarly, in a study of gifts in therapy (Knox, Hess,
Williams, & Hill, 2003), the low participation rate (6%) might have been due to therapists feeling
vulnerable about talking about clients giving them gifts when there is such a taboo against accepting
gifts in some theoretical orientations. People have told us that they were nervous about what might
come out in interviews about sensitive topics.
Another related issue is how much the potential participants trust the researchers. Especially in
qualitative research, where the participant is expected to disclose honestly about deep and often
difficult experiences, the participants have to trust that the investigators are going to be honest, fair,
compassionate, and nonjudgmental. If potential participants do not know the investigators, at least
by reputation, they may be reluctant to commit to participating and revealing deeply about
themselves, and thus novice researchers will have to work hard to be credible (see later section of
chapter about suggested procedures for recruiting).
In addition, if participants are busy, they are probably not going to participate no matter how
wonderful and important your study is because time is a concern for many people. Picking the right
time to ask is crucial, although often impossible to determine. But time and busyness are strange
things—sometimes we find time to do things that we consider to be very important—so it is vital
to convince the potential participant of the value of your study.
Wanting to be helpful, particularly if a colleague or person in authority asks for help, is a very
salient reason for participating, especially for people in helping professions. Graduate students often
mention research karma, or the idea that if they participate in someone’s research, then others will
feel generous and be willing to participate in their research when the time comes. In addition, if a
friend, colleague, mentor, or someone familiar asks, it is probably more likely that people will
respond than if asked by a stranger.
Incentives might work for some potential participants. For example, undergraduate students
may be more likely to participate if given course credit or money. For professionals, however, any
incentives that we can offer usually cannot match what their time is worth (e.g., offering $10 for 2
hours of their time is hardly adequate compensation if they make $100 per hour). We would also

caution against using excessive incentives because potential participants might feel coerced into
A general principle to think about in terms of recruiting is to know your population and think
carefully and creatively about what would motivate these particular people to participate. Different
groups present different challenges in terms of recruitment. For example, recruiting therapists can
be difficult because therapists are often very good at defining boundaries and saying no, their time
is valuable, and they are reluctant to make themselves vulnerable if they do not trust the researchers.
Clients, in contrast, are usually more amenable to participating in studies, but it is hard to find a
way to contact them. (A caution or consideration in using clients may be that they are more
vulnerable to exploitation and less able to give informed consent.) College students in introductory
psychology classes are easy to recruit if they earn extra credit for participating, but the topic has to
appeal to them because they often have choices about studies in which they can participate. Finally,
graduate students in psychology are often relatively easy to recruit, especially if the researchers are
other graduate students who appeal the potential participant’s sense of karma (i.e., paying back
others who have helped you in your research either previously or who might help you in the future;
the idea is that if you help others, others will be more likely to help you). Given that graduate
students need to conduct research, they are often sympathetic to others in the same position.


The participation rate can also be influenced by recruitment methods. For example, for the study in
Hill et al. (1996), we sent a letter of invitation to therapists and asked those who were interested to
respond using a self-addressed stamped envelope, and only 4% followed through and agreed to
participate. We probably demanded too much of these therapists, and they were not motivated to
take the time and energy to respond. In contrast, Gelso et al. (1999) reported a 13% participation
rate when a letter was followed up by a phone call. Vivino et al. (2009) obtained a 93% return rate
when therapists who had been nominated by a large sample of people in a metropolitan area as
compassionate were personally invited and told that they had been nominated as compassionate.
We suggest several ideas that researchers can consider when recruiting, remembering that the
recruiting strategy will differ depending on the target sample:
Send a personalized e-mail or letter (rather than a mass communication).
Begin the invitation with a catchy first sentence. You need to grab the reader’s attention right
away (remember how easy it is to hit the “delete” button or throw something away).
Compare “We would like to invite you to participate in a study on the experiences of clients
giving gifts in therapy” with “Has a client given you a gift recently and set you to wondering
about how you should respond?” Which sentence is most likely to grab your attention and
make you want to read further rather than hitting the “delete” button or throwing the letter
In the recruiting letter (or e-mail), provide all the relevant information about the time
commitment, nature of the study, and procedures for ensuring confidentiality so that the
potential participant can be fully informed and make a wise decision about whether she or he
wants to participate.
For studies requiring that participants think about the topic prior to the interview (e.g., a
therapist may need to review case notes to refresh his or her memory before talking with an
interviewer about an experience of dealing with a hostile or angry client), we recommend
providing a copy of the interview protocol so that potential participants can prepare
themselves for the interview. When participants might prepare too much and give only
socially desirable responses (e.g., when we want to know their immediate reactions to
feminism and do not want them to have a chance to formulate a politically correct response),
we would not give the interview protocol ahead of time. However, we typically are less
concerned about getting only socially desirable responses than we are about providing people

with enough opportunity to think over the details of events and perhaps review case notes.
Providing the interview protocol ahead of time also allows potential participants the
opportunity to make a wise choice about whether they want to participate. We are usually
asking people to disclose to us, and they need to know what they are getting into.
Follow the initial invitation with one more personal e-mail or phone call to invite the person
to participate.
Make it as easy as possible for the person to let you know that they agree to participate.
Don’t expect that they will take a lot of initiative to respond.
Do not harass potential participants. If people do not respond after two or three invitations,
researchers can safely assume that the potential participants are not interested.
It is important to recognize that our responsibility to participants does not end with recruiting
them. Indeed, we must treat participants with care, respect their autonomy and right to withdraw at
any time, and recognize their likely caution about sharing deep things with people who are
strangers. We also need to offer to provide participants with a transcript of the interview so they
can correct mistakes or provide additional information, and we need to provide them with a copy of
the final draft of the manuscript so that they can assure us that their identities have been concealed
There are a number of other relevant cultural and ethical issues involved in recruiting
participants. Cultural concerns are treated in depth Chapter 14 and suggest that researchers think
carefully about the background of the people they are selecting. Ethical concerns are treated in
detail in Chapter 15, but to summarize the issues here: We should not unfairly burden people who
are vulnerable (e.g., use prisoners as participants just because they are available, especially if the
topic is not directly about their lives), should not unduly pressure people to participate, should
provide adequate information so that people can choose whether they want to participate, and
should recognize that participants have a right to withdraw at any time with no penalty. We assume
that good research involves sensitivity to culture and good ethical practices, so we strongly advocate
such practices in CQR.

We hope we have convinced readers of the importance of thinking through issues related to
choosing and recruiting the sample. Given that the quality of the data yielded by the study depends
on the quality of the sample, researchers need to be attentive to such details. We cannot provide
criteria here for all possible scenarios, but we hope that we have provided readers with things to
think about when selecting and working with samples. A summary of the points in the chapter is
presented in Table 6.1.

TA B L E 6 . 1
Issues to Consider in Recruiting a Consensual Qualitative Research Sample

Bednar, R. L., & Shapiro, J. G. (1970). Professional research commitment: A symptom of a
syndrome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 34, 323–326. doi:10.1037/h0029339
Gelso, C. J., Hill, C. E., Rochlen, A., Mohr, J., & Zack, J. (1999). Describing the face of
transference: Psychodynamic therapists’ recollections of transference in successful long-term
therapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46, 257–267. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.46.2.257
Hess, S. A., Knox, S., Schultz, J. M., Hill, C. E., Sloan, L., Brandt, S., . . . Hoffman, M. A.
(2008). Pre-doctoral interns’ non-disclosure in supervision. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 400–411.
Hill, C. E., Kellems, I. S., Kolchakian, M. R., Wonnell, T. L., Davis, T. L., & Nakayama, E. Y.
(2003). The therapist experience of being the target of hostile versus suspected-unasserted client
anger: Factors associated with resolution. Psychotherapy Research, 13, 475–491.
Hill, C. E., Nutt-Williams, E., Heaton, K. J., Thompson, B. J., & Rhodes, R. H. (1996).
Therapist retrospective recall of impasses in long-term psychotherapy: A qualitative analysis.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 207–217. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.43.2.207
Knox, S., Hess, S. A., Williams, E. N., & Hill, C. E. (2003). “Here’s a little something for you”:
How therapists respond to client gifts. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 199–210.
Rhodes, R., Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Elliott, R. (1994). Client retrospective recall of
resolved and unresolved misunderstanding events. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 473–483.
Vachon, D. O., Sussman, M., Wynne, M. E., Birringer, J., Olshefsky, L., & Cox, K. (1995).
Reasons therapists give for refusing to participate in psychotherapy process research. Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 42, 380–382. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.42.3.380

Vivino, B. L., Thompson, B., Hill, C. E., & Ladany, N. (2009). Compassion in psychotherapy:
The perspective of psychotherapists nominated as compassionate. Psychotherapy Research, 19,
157–171. doi:10.1080/10503300802430681
Williams, E. N., Soeprapto, E., Like, K., Touradji, P., Hess, S., & Hill, C. E. (1998). Perceptions
of serendipity: Career paths of prominent academic women in counseling psychology. Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 45, 379–389. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.45.4.379

Consensual qualitative research (CQR) data are language based, can focus on events or nonevents
(e.g., attitudes, beliefs), and can be collected in several different forms. Most researchers have used
in-person or telephone interviews (66 out of 90 CQR studies; see Chapter 16), but others have
used journaling (e.g., Hill, Sullivan, Knox, & Schlosser, 2007), written questionnaires (e.g.,
Rhodes, Hill, Thompson, & Elliott, 1994), e-mailed questionnaires and correspondence (e.g., Kim,
Brenner, Liang, & Asay, 2003), and focus groups (e.g., Hendrickson, Veach, & LeRoy, 2002).
Given this clear predominance, the current chapter will focus on data collection via interviews. We
pay special attention to the development of the interview protocol, address preinterview
considerations, and also discuss factors that affect the interview process itself. Finally, we address
other considerations that are important to the collection and handling of interview data. Steps of
the data collection process are summarized in Table 7.1.

TA B L E 7 . 1
Data Collection Steps

TA B L E 7 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Data Collection Steps

Development of the Interview Protocol

To reduce bias in the development of the interview protocol, some qualitative researchers believe it
is important to avoid reviewing the literature prior to the development of any interview questions
(e.g., Charmatz, 1995). Disagreeing with this perspective, Hill, Thompson, and Williams (1997)
encouraged CQR researchers to review the extant literature to develop an understanding of the
empirical findings on a given research topic, to ensure that the study builds on this prior research,
and to avoid mistakes made by other researchers. We assert that a solid understanding of prior
research provides researchers a foundation for developing a study that is connected to and advances
prior research and that also avoids any shortcomings in prior research. Additionally, we also caution
researchers to be aware of the assumptions they may have regarding a topic from exposure to the
extant literature because these beliefs may unnecessarily restrict their ideas in the development of a
research protocol. (See also Chapters 3 and 5 in this volume.)
Those engaged in CQR, however, need not be limited only to developing questions that
emerge from the literature. Another important source of ideas is personal experiences. For example,
given that many qualitative psychotherapy researchers are themselves clinicians, they may have
insights about attitudes, beliefs, and psychotherapy practices related to the topic of investigation
from their clinical work. As an illustration, clinical supervisors have often asserted that difficult
events in supervision influence supervisees’ work with clients, although this connection has been
elusive to establish empirically (Bernard & Goodyear, 2009). Using this clinical awareness,
researchers in two studies of difficult supervision events recently included questions that asked
supervisees to describe any effects that supervision had had on their work with clients (Burkard et
al., 2006; Burkard, Knox, Hess, & Schultz, 2009).


The scope of the protocol is dictated by two important and related goals: the need to develop
rapport with participants and the need to gather consistent as well as idiosyncratic information
from participants about the phenomenon of interest. Interview protocols, then, often comprise
three sections designed to accomplish these goals. In the opening section, researchers build rapport

with participants by inquiring about topics that may be less emotionally evocative yet are still
related broadly to the study’s focus and thus serve to get the participants talking and to establish
rapport. For instance, in the studies of difficult supervision events mentioned previously, we queried
participants first about their supervisors’ supervision style before exploring more evocative topics of
difficult supervision experiences.
The second section of the interview protocol focuses on the main topic of interest. Typically,
scripted questions are used to explore areas germane to the topic and to ensure consistent
information across participants and may include discussion of events as well as attitudes, beliefs,
and feelings about such experiences. For example, when the research involves questions about
specific events, we often explore antecedents to the event of interest, factors that affect the event,
descriptions of the actual event, participant reactions, and consequences for the participants and
their relationships. Additional unscripted probes are used to help participants explain their
individual experiences more deeply and richly. For instance, after participants have shared an
experience, we might probe for their attitudes or emotions related to the events, how they behaved
in such situations, what they were thinking during the event, or what they noticed about others’
reactions. Such elaboration helps participants more fully explain their experiences. Although some
researchers script their probes, this additional structure to the interview can again lead to thin data
as noted earlier, and it also reduces the spontaneity of the interview. We have found that unscripted
probes best allow the interviewer to explore areas that are uniquely relevant to the participant and
can lead to unexpected findings. We do recommend that research teams discuss possible probes
prior to interviews and practice probing for further explanation during pilot interviews. In our
experience, these training approaches have been adequate for preparing team members to use
probes to help participants further elaborate on their experiences.
In the final section of the interview protocol, participants are asked to reflect on broader issues
related to the topic (e.g., advice about the topic; suggestions to clients, therapists, or supervisors
related to the topic). We also frequently ask participants about why they chose to participate and
about the effects of the interview. After disclosing what may be emotional information in the
second section of the interview, this final section helps participants decompress from any intense
reaction and allows the researchers to discern how participants are feeling emotionally. In cases
where the interview was particularly intense and participants remain upset, we offer referrals to
further assist participants with any distress they may be experiencing.
An important consideration for the interview protocol is the number of scripted questions to be
included. Hill et al. (2005) found that CQR researchers were using between three and 30 questions
in an hour-long interview, with 12 the median number and 15 the modal number. Using a large
number of questions can lead to thin data that resemble questionnaire information rather than an
in-depth description of a participant’s experience; too few questions can lead to topic areas that are
not consistently explored across participants (e.g., because researchers have not consistently probed
the same areas). In seeking to balance depth with consistency across participants, Hill et al.
recommended that interviewers use eight to 10 scripted, open-ended questions per interview hour
for a typical study. This number allows interviewers to fully probe important areas and still
maintain the consistent collection of information across participants.
Finally, interview questions are most productive when phrased as open-ended probes. These
questions are often used to facilitate clarification; explore attitudes, thoughts, or feelings about
experiences; and encourage participant elaboration of events without fear of judgment. Open
questions specifically facilitate participants’ exploration of feelings, thoughts, and meaning of events
without setting limits on the type of response. These queries may be offered as questions (e.g.,
“What was your supervision relationship like?”) or directives (e.g., “Tell me about your supervision
relationship”). To probe participants’ responses more deeply, we encourage researchers to be keenly
attuned not only to the content of what is said but also to the manner in which it is said, both of
which may yield additional rich data. It is also important to avoid leading questions (e.g.,
“Wouldn’t it be helpful to you if your therapist self-disclosed?”). Ideally, then, open questions offer
the interviewer the best opportunity for facilitating participants’ in-depth exploration and

elaboration of their experiences. (For more information about how to construct good open-ended
questions, see Hill, 2009, Chapters 6 and 7.)


After the initial protocol has been developed, we consult with researchers knowledgeable about the
topic area to ensure that our interview is capturing the relevant data. We often ask such individuals
to review our interview questions to determine whether we have addressed the important areas of
inquiry. We may also seek feedback from individuals who have experienced the phenomenon of
interest. Such persons have “lived the experience” and can offer feedback on the protocol that may
not be readily apparent to the researchers.


As an additional means of assessing whether the interview questions actually elicit the sought data,
we pilot the protocol with at least two people who fulfill the participation criteria but are not part of
the final sample. These pilot interviews allow researchers to determine whether participants
understand the questions, whether the questions yield data about the specific area of investigation,
and whether the questions flow logically. During such pilot interviews, we actively solicit feedback
from participants about any troublesome parts of the protocol (e.g., unclear wording, overlooked
topic areas, abrupt flow) and then use this feedback and our own reactions to revise the protocol.
When we have revised the interview protocol extensively on the basis of the feedback, we often
conduct a second round of pilot interviews to ensure the viability of the questions and the flow of
the interview. Such efforts have been invaluable in developing effective protocols. No matter how
much experience we have had with CQR, we find that developing effective interview protocols
requires intensive work.

The Interview
As noted by Knox and Burkard (2009), researchers must first decide whether to interview
participants by phone, by Skype, or in person (i.e., face to face). Phone and internet interviews free
researchers from geographic limitations. Drawing a sample from a broader geographical location
may also be attractive to researchers who desire a pragmatic way to obtain the perspectives of
nonlocal participants. In addition, participants who are themselves professionals in the mental
health field may value the more concrete boundaries inherent in a phone or internet interview (e.g.,
a distinct block of time that they can set aside). Furthermore, phone and audio-only Internet
interviews may provide participants greater anonymity through the use of a pseudonym.
In-person (also called face-to-face) interviews, however, offer access to nonverbal data, such as
facial expressions, gestures, and other paraverbal communications and enrich the meaning of
spoken words (Carr & Worth, 2001). In this vein, some researchers assert that because both
researcher and participant occupy the same physical space in an in-person, face-to-face interview
and thus have access to more than verbal data, they are better able to build the rapport so essential
for participants’ disclosure of their experiences than would occur in a phone interview (Shuy, 2003).
Video-based Skype interviews may be an alternative approach to phone or in-person face-to-
face interviews. Skype may combine the benefits of in-person interviews (e.g., access to nonverbal
data) with the advantages of phone interviews (e.g., low cost, no travel, ability to reach participants
where the Internet is accessible). If researchers elect to use Skype in an investigation, we encourage
them to review the limits of the Skype privacy policies and include a statement regarding the limits
of confidentiality in their informed consent for potential participants. Although there are no

current published CQR studies that have used Skype for interviewing, the technology is an
important innovation for combining traditional phone and in-person interviews.
Across hundreds of phone interviews, we have encountered few participants who were hesitant
to share their experiences (after all, they volunteered knowing what was expected). Most, in fact,
have appreciated the invitation to share their stories; freely offering their perspectives and noting
that doing so was helpful in allowing them to speak about often powerful personal experiences (see
also Hiller & DiLuzio, 2004). For the reticent few, we surmise that had we been face to face, they
may have been even less comfortable; the phone at least provided them physical and psychological
space from the interviewer (Sturges & Hanrahan, 2004). Furthermore, participants’ access to
nonverbal data may heighten the potential for response bias, for they may “read” interviewers’
reactions to their disclosures and then alter what they share (Marcus & Crane, 1986; Musselwhite,
Cuff, McGregor, & King, 2006). There is no empirical evidence about which approach is
preferable (although this would be an excellent area for research), and so at this point the ideal
approach may vary from study to study (Shuy, 2003).

It is essential to select interviewers who can conduct a good interview. They need to be empathic
listeners who can gently and competently elicit information from participants. In our own research
teams, we typically seek individuals who have at least had a class in basic counseling skills (e.g., use
of restatements, open-ended questions, reflections of feeling). Such training helps interviewers
understand the purpose of these skills, how these skills affect interviewees, and the type of
information likely to be gathered by using these skills. In short, trained interviewers are able to be
more intentional during the interview process, thus leading to more in-depth information emerging
from the interviews. We have also found that it is best to select people who have not only had
helping skills training but who have also had substantial clinical experience because they are more
adept at conducting interviews.

A second decision CQR researchers must make involves how many interviewers to use. If one
person conducts all interviews, the interviews across participants are more likely to be consistent
and uniform but of course reflect only that one interviewer’s biases. Alternatively, as long as
multiple interviewers adhere to the prepared protocol, a team of interviewers usually reduces the
opportunity for a single researcher’s approach or biases to adversely affect data collection. We must
acknowledge, however, that multiple interviewers may introduce a wider range of biases, thus
making it more difficult to understand how interviews were influenced by biases. The effects of the
biases may be reduced, however, because these biases are spread more thinly across interviews. The
team approach also brings the benefit of more equitably dividing the labor: The demands of data
collection are dispersed across several people rather than being the responsibility of one person,
potentially making researchers’ involvement in the project more attractive and also eliciting a
stronger investment from all team members because each has direct contact with participants. In
addition, if a researcher knows a participant, the interview can be conducted by a different member
of the team (see Chapter 15, on ethics, in this volume).


Although some qualitative researchers or methods have used just a single interview with each
participant, most CQR studies have used multiple interview contacts. Our concern with the former
is that it may fail to capture important information: One interaction with a participant with whom

the researcher has never before spoken may not yield the contextual data that would more likely
emerge via multiple interviews (Mishler, 1986) and without which the experiences discussed in an
interview may lose some of their meaning (Patton, 1989). Multiple interviews, then, may forge a
stronger relationship between researcher and participant, enabling the latter to feel greater comfort
in describing emotionally evocative experiences because he or she has had prior contact with the
researcher (i.e., the first interview) and has established at least a basic level of trust. Moreover,
researchers and participants may have further feelings and thoughts about or responses to the first
interview that can be explored in a second contact. Furthermore, if either party ended the first
interview feeling concerned or confused about some of its content, a follow-up interview provides
an opportunity for clarification.
We thus recommend that researchers use at least two interviews. Doing so increases the
likelihood of capturing the context, and thereby the meaning, of participants’ experiences; helps
participants feel safe with the interviewer; permits exploration of additional content that may be
stimulated by the first interview; and lets both parties clarify any confusing content from the first
interview. In this vein, some CQR interviewers are finding that during the second interview,
participants disclose important information that was not examined during the first interview. In
addition, it may be important to distribute substantive questions across the two interviews so that
the second interview does not become only a pro forma procedure consisting of a check-in with the


Some CQR studies focus on attitudes or beliefs, which illuminate participants’ immediate
reactions; others, however, examine events or specific experiences, thereby yielding retrospective
data. The greatest consideration in the latter circumstance, then, centers on the length of time
between the participants’ experiences and the interviews. In other words, how retrospective can the
data be? Interviews completed relatively soon after the actual experience certainly bring immediacy
and recency to the data. And because human memory is imperfect (Schacter, 1999), participants
may have better recall for events and may thus be able to offer more details than in an interview
occurring after a long passage of time. As Polkinghorne (2005) asserted, however, the purpose of
such interviews is often actually not to derive an inherently accurate recall but instead to engender
participants’ examination of the meaning and import of their experiences. In interviews that
necessarily occur after time has passed, then, asking participants to discuss especially salient or
potent events may reduce distortion or loss of detail because such powerful experiences are often
well remembered. Such retrospective interviews also enable participants to describe any shift in
their perspective on the events themselves because with the passage of time, new insights may
In our research on specific experiences, participants have discussed events occurring as recently
as a few weeks before and as distally as several years before. We have not found any meaningful
differences in the richness or quality of these data, although it should be noted that researchers have
not empirically examined data for these differences or to see how perspectives change over time.
We have found that participants are able to describe their experiences—whether recent or remote—
quite powerfully. Our recommendation, then, is that although it may be preferable to capture data
as soon after the experience as possible, researchers need not abandon the pursuit of data about
experiences that occurred some time before. As long as participants can recall and share rich data
about their experience, the purposes of the interview may be fulfilled. We do recommend keeping
the elapsed time between the experience and the interview somewhat consistent across cases.

Conducting the Interview

After developing the protocol, the next step is to implement it. Here, we discuss considerations

related to the actual execution of the protocol.

Even when good clinicians have been selected, training is crucial to ensure consistent quality in the
interviews. For training researchers new to CQR, we often ask them first to transcribe interviews
because this allows them to develop a sense of the interview process, the scope of interviews, and
how interviewers probe for depth on a topic. Second, we conduct mock interviews during team
meetings using the protocol. Usually, we have team members experienced in CQR model the
process during an hour-long mock-interview. After this demonstration, the team discusses the
interview process and addresses any questions that have arisen. Some CQR teams listen to National
Public Radio interviewers for an additional modeling experience to learn how to manage researcher
biases during the interview process. Next, we typically have novice researchers conduct mock
interviews during team meetings. These role-plays afford them the opportunity to receive direct
feedback on their interviewing skills from experienced interviewers and to become comfortable with
the interview protocol. We also encourage these novice interviewers to practice interviewing outside
of team meetings, ideally by telephone because our interviews are usually conducted by phone.
Finally, we have novice interviewers conduct pilot interviews, which reinforces their prior learning
and offers further experience with the protocol. After data collection begins, we have more
experienced members of the research team conduct the first interviews of the study and have the
novice interviewers listen to the recordings of these initial interviews, thereby allowing the novice
an opportunity to hear the interview with a “live” participant. In addition, we debrief after every
interview that a novice researcher conducts, further helping to identify strategies for problems or
difficulties that may occur during the interview process.


Consider, for a moment, the interview for a qualitative study from the participant’s perspective. As
a participant, you have agreed to share information about your attitudes, beliefs, or important
events in your life, and in many cases these beliefs or experiences may be some of the most difficult
or challenging intrapersonal concerns or interpersonal events you have faced. Interviewers use probes
(i.e., open-ended questions) to gather further details, often asking you about your emotions,
perceptions, or experience with regard to these situations. In short, they ask you to be open about
intimate details of your life, and often you know little if anything about the interviewer. During the
interview, you may feel vulnerable; may fear sharing a painful event; or may be exploring an
attitude, belief, or topic that causes you embarrassment (Adler & Adler, 2002). In addition, you
may feel evaluated by the interviewer, as if the interviewer is judging your experience. Finally, you
are also aware that eventually your experiences will be presented in published form, where others
will read your comments, emotions, and thoughts about these intimate experiences (albeit
anonymously). From this perspective, the interview can certainly be intimidating and may well elicit
anxiety, vulnerability, and concern for privacy.
Given this context, the interviewer bears the responsibility for developing a research alliance
with each participant and thus establishing rapport, trust, and a sense of safety. This relationship is
essential because the interviewer–participant relationship often determines the richness of data
collected for a qualitative research project (Knox & Burkard, 2009) and strengthens the validity of
the data (Adler & Adler, 2002; Kvale, 1996). As such, the alliance helps participants be
forthcoming with information about their experiences and can help protect the integrity of the
information (Thomas & Pollio, 2002).
While establishing such a research alliance, interviewers must balance the provision of support
with the need to acquire information. Attaining this balance is challenging because disclosure does
not occur equally for interviewer and participant, and as such they do not have equal status in the

interview relationship (Collins, Shattell, & Thomas, 2005). For instance, interviewers seldom
disclose personal information but request that participants fully disclose. Encouraging participant
disclosure requires interviewers to be empathic, which helps participants feel safe and develop
enough trust with the interviewer to fully describe their experience. In these circumstances,
interviewers often use the same skills during interviews that are used by therapists (see Hill, 2009).
For example, restatements, reflections of feelings, and open-ended questions are vital for facilitating
participant exploration, which often leads to further insight, which in turn promotes further
disclosure of feelings and thoughts. It is important, however, that interviewers maintain a focus on
the study at hand and remember that the purpose of the interview is to gather data rather than to
create insight or therapeutic change.
Perhaps most important, we stress that interviewers maintain a sense of curiosity and not be
judgmental because participants are likely to shut down if they feel that the interviewer is evaluating
them. In addition, we suggest that interviewers offer minimal self-disclosure during the interview
process because excessive interviewer self-disclosure may bias participant responses and divert the
focus of the interview to the researcher rather than to the participant. We acknowledge, however,
that it would be impossible (and probably undesirable) for interviewers to remain wholly neutral
during the interview process because such neutrality could result in a sterile, uncompassionate tone
to the interview. Participants’ retelling of a powerful experience or a tightly held belief is likely to
influence researchers’ perceptions and interpretations of the events or attitudes and may then affect
their interactions in the interview. We encourage researchers to examine and discuss their biases
prior to each study, discuss their evolving perceptions of the phenomenon of interest with the team
during the data collection process, and examine if and/or how their biases and perceptions may
have influenced the data collection at the end of the interview process (see also Chapter 5 in this


Regardless of the quality of the interview relationship, researchers will inevitability face difficulties
during the interview process. These difficulties often emerge from participant anxiety and
vulnerability, which can be challenging for interviewers to manage (Adler & Adler, 2002). For
example, participants may provide little information, offer vague or unclear responses, seek to take
over and control the pacing of interview, or request self-disclosure from interviewers.
In responding to these difficult behaviors, interviewer compassion and patience are crucial as
participants work through their thoughts and emotions about experiences that may have remained
unexamined until the interview. Sending the protocol in advance helps interviewees be aware of the
questions and also gives them the opportunity to reflect on their related attitudes, beliefs, and
experiences prior to the interview, perhaps further reducing the potential for surprise when
discussing some topics. In addition, we often come back to the questions that were not directly
answered by participants and try to rephrase them in a way that participants can hear. For instance,
we often query participants about their reactions to specific events. In cases where they do not
respond, we rephrase questions by asking about feelings they experienced or thoughts that arose
during the events. If the question remains unanswered, we note this and attempt to probe the area
later in the first or the follow-up interview. On occasion, we also might gently interrupt
participants if they are responding tangentially to topics and refocus them to get the desired
information. In the following section, we address some additional specific concerns that have been
identified during the interview process.

In our experience, participants who interpersonally withdraw or shut down during interviews do so
because they are experiencing intense emotions. Although these participants are usually able to

continue with the interview if they are given support and reassurance, in a few cases participants
have needed a short break to enable them to refocus in the interview. In addition, interviewers
might also consider using the therapeutic skill of immediacy (i.e., talking in the here and now about
the here and now relationship; Hill, 2009) to address participant affect. For example, interviewers
could ask participants if there is something about the interview content or relationship that is
contributing to their discomfort and then change their approach if necessary.

Controlling the Interview

When participants attempt to take control of interviews by asking and then answering their own
questions, the interviewer may need to gently interrupt the participant to ensure that the integrity
of the study is maintained and that rich data are collected. It may also be important to talk with the
participant about the best approach for the interview (e.g., remind the participant that the
researcher should ask the questions and have room to pursue follow-up questions as well).

Requests for Interviewer Self-Disclosure

For the reasons noted earlier, some participants ask questions of interviewers, which could lead to
interviewer self-disclosure. In these circumstances, we have briefly self-disclosed a shared
experience or belief but also asked if our feelings, beliefs, and observations were similar to those of
the participant, thereby ensuring that the focus remains on the participant and her or his
experience. Such interviewer self-disclosure is frequently used among feminist researchers who seek
to lessen the hierarchical relationship between interviewer and participant (Edwards, 1993); we
support this strategy as long as the researcher moves the focus of the interview back to the
participant. Researchers are cautioned against extensive self-disclosure during the interview process,
however, because it may indeed change the information that participants are willing to share or
affect their perceptions of their experiences, thus altering the data collected.

Some novice researchers have asked whether participants misrepresent or lie and how interviewers
have handled these situations during the interview. In our experience of hundreds of interviews, we
have never known of a participant to intentionally misrepresent or lie about her or his beliefs,
feelings, or experiences. Although it is possible such misrepresentation could occur, we suspect that
it happens infrequently. If, however, the research team suspects that a participant is not being
truthful, we encourage them to discuss the case in detail. If the team concludes that the participant
is intentionally misrepresenting her or his beliefs or experiences, we recommend that the case not
be included in the analysis process with the deletion mentioned in the write-up.

Other Considerations
We recognize that researchers using CQR face multiple decisions on other elements of the data
collection process. In the following, we briefly address these topics and offer some suggestions.


We wholeheartedly recommend that researchers send the protocol to participants prior to the
interview itself. At a practical level, participants’ review of the protocol helps ensure that they have

indeed had the experience or attitudes on which the research depends. When reading in the
protocol that the interview will examine clients’ experiences of giving their therapist a gift, for
instance, participants clearly see the intended focus of the interview and thus either confirm or
disconfirm their appropriateness for taking part. Furthermore, seeing the protocol prior to the
actual interview enables participants to give fully informed consent: They know the questions they
will be asked, are aware of the nature of the interview, and thus can make an informed decision
regarding their participation. In addition, having the protocol in advance allows participants to
reflect on their experiences before the interview itself. Many CQR studies examine emotionally
evocative phenomena, so participants may benefit from the opportunity to carefully examine their
thoughts and feelings about the events under examination.
Some journal reviewers have been critical of the CQR practice of sending interview questions
in advance because doing so allows participants to prepare for the interview and perhaps divulge
only socially desirable responses. Although we acknowledge the possibility that seeing the protocol
ahead of time facilitates socially desirable responses, we firmly believe that the ethical concerns of
informed consent should prevail in these circumstances. Furthermore, we note that no empirical
evidence exists at this time to suggest that sending the interview questions in advance affects the
social desirability of participants’ responses. Once again, however, the choice about whether to send
the protocol ahead of time depends on whether the research question requires extensive self-
reflection or checking of documents.

Researchers need to make an audio recording of each interview because without it, accurate
transcription (see the following section) is not possible. Researchers should test recording
equipment before any interview process (we can attest to the disheartening effect of losing an
interview because of faulty equipment). In addition, we recommend using equipment with the best
audio quality, such as digital recorders. Our practice has been to record each interview; make a
back-up copy of this original recording (we keep the original to ensure that we have a record of the
interview); and then give the back-up copy to a transcriber, who completes the transcription. Once
the transcript is finished, the transcriber returns the back-up recording to us, and we delete the
recording as per our agreements on the informed consent.

Transcribing is an absolutely crucial part of CQR because it is through this process that the
interview data are made available for analysis. We may have had deep and rich interviews and
memorable interactions with participants, but until we secure the transcripts we lack data in a
usable form.
We provide our transcribers (often undergraduate or graduate students seeking research
experience) with clear instructions about how to do the transcription. More specifically, we talk
with transcribers about the importance of confidentiality in terms of not talking about the interview
content and keeping the recordings of the interviews in a secure location. We also ask them to use
initials rather than people’s names and also not to use the names of cities, states, countries,
businesses, or universities. The transcript format that we suggest (see the example in Exhibit 7.1)
involves using I for interviewer and P for participant. We tell transcribers that they need to
transcribe all utterances verbatim, although they should exclude stutters, minimal encouragers (i.e.,
“mm-hmm”), and verbal fillers such as “you know.” Additionally, we request that transcribers
acknowledge nonverbal data such as pauses, sighs, laughter, or crying in brackets. We also often ask
them to complete the transcript within a defined period of time (e.g., 2 weeks). Once the transcript
is returned to us, we review the document to ensure that all meaningful data have been included,
usually by having a second person listen to the recording and review the transcription for accuracy.

Assuming that the transcript is indeed complete, we ask the transcriber to delete the transcript from
her or his computer.

Sample Transcription Format
I:  First question [name of participant] is, how if at all, have LGB [lesbian, gay, bisexual] issues been addressed in your graduate training?
P: Well they’ve been addressed very sparsely, and they’ve been addressed in the context of multiculturalism. I would have to say almost as an
aside or an afterthought as it may be brought up specifically by members of my cohort. For example, [long pause] Classmate A said
something the other day. There are a few of us who identify as LGB and we feel almost a certain level or responsibility to make sure that
the issue is brought up because if we don’t, sometimes it isn’t.
I:  Can you say more?
P: Sure, [sigh] there were a couple of specific times when it was, one was in the context of a class on relationship counseling. And two
individuals, one was bisexual and one was gay were invited into the class. They were both therapists and were invited to share
perspectives on counseling lesbian and gay individuals and their relationships.
Note. I = researcher/interviewer; P = participant/interviewee.

In a few instances, we have discovered that we did not record the interview or that the
recording was entirely inaudible. To protect against such circumstances, we take detailed notes of
the interview and then create the transcript from these notes. We also inform the participants of
the error and ask that she or he carefully review the transcript for accuracy and completeness. On a
rare occasion, we have also reinterviewed participants. These occurrences have been rare, but they
emphasize the importance of checking recording equipment to ensure that it is working properly
prior to the interview process.


Our final recommendation is that researchers take notes both during and after the interview.
Thorough interview notes help the interviewer stay actively involved in the interview process and
may prove vital in reviewing transcriptions for accuracy or filling in omitted words or phrases that
were unclear in the recording. In a few instances when parts of an interview have been inaudible,
our copious notes were helpful in filling in these gaps in the data. In addition, we suggest that
researchers briefly note their experience of the interview at its conclusion (e.g., sense of rapport
with the participant, richness of the participant’s responses, reactions evoked in the researcher by
the participant or his or her responses). Such a record sometimes proves useful later in the data
analysis process, providing context for puzzling interview content or information that seems
unclear. For example, during a study of clients’ experiences of giving gifts to their therapist (Knox,
Hess, Williams, & Hill, 2003), one participant’s responses were consistently brief and
nonelaborated. In addition, the researcher sensed some reticence, perhaps even some fragility, in
the participant, which she noted in the postinterview notes. When later analyzing this participant’s
data, such information helped the research team better understand the data. Similarly, if a
participant is struggling with bipolar disorder and presents as depressed in one interview and manic
in another interview, we would encourage researchers to document these differences.

Concluding Thoughts
In this chapter, we have offered an overview of the interview process commonly used in CQR.
These procedures have been developed, refined, and implemented in dozens of research studies and
reflect the strategies in use by many experienced investigators in CQR. These guidelines should
provide information important to planning a CQR study and the opportunity for the researcher to
develop or refine her or his interview skills to ensure the collection of rich, high-quality interview
In closing, we also hope to encourage researchers to examine several methodological features of

the CQR interview and data collection process. First, the influence of specific interviewers needs to
be investigated. From the psychotherapy literature, it appears that therapist characteristics have a
major influence on psychotherapy outcome (Wampold & Bolt, 2007). Likewise, different
interviewers may obtain different amounts and quality of data from participants. Further research
would also be useful on the relationships between the richness of data obtained and how recently
the interview occurred after the experiences being described as well as the method used for the
interview (e.g., telephone, Skype, face to face). Finally, the viability of alternative data collection
methods such as e-mail questionnaires (e.g., Kim et al., 2003), journaling (e.g., Hill et al., 2007),
written questionnaires (e.g., Rhodes et al., 1994), and focus groups (e.g., Hendrickson et al., 2002)
could be explored to determine whether there are differences in terms of richness and depth of
description of participant experiences.

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In this chapter we describe the first steps involved in analyzing the data: developing a domain list
and constructing core ideas. The goal of developing a domain list (i.e., a list of discrete topics) and
then assigning the raw data into these domains is to provide an overall structure for understanding
and describing each individual participant’s experiences. The goal of constructing core ideas is to
summarize what the participant has said within each domain in clear and concise terms. Having
clear domains and core ideas within the domains facilitates comparisons across cases during the
cross-analysis (see Chapter 9, this volume).
We assume that prior to beginning this process researchers will have prepared transcripts of the
interviews and checked these transcripts for accuracy (see Chapter 7, this volume). We recommend
numbering each line of the transcript consecutively so that team members can refer to specific
sections of the transcript with ease (numbering lines is a function available in most word-processing
packages). In addition, we assume that the research team members have recorded and discussed
their biases and expectations (see Chapter 5, this volume) and are ready to immerse themselves in
the experiential world of their participants with open, flexible minds.

Developing Domains
The first step is to create a domain list, by which we mean a list of the meaningful and unique topic
areas examined in the interview. In previous descriptions of consensual qualitative research (CQR;
Hill et al., 2005; Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997), two approaches for developing the domain
list were discussed. In the first approach, researchers develop a start list or proposed list of domains
based on a review of the literature (Miles & Huberman, 1994) and the primary questions in their
interview protocol. This method is fine if the data are relatively straightforward and if researchers
remain open to modifying the domain list as they become more familiar with the actual interview
data. Researchers then apply this start list to several transcripts (similar to the process described
below) and modify the domain list to capture the raw data. We used this approach (e.g., Rhodes,
Hill, Thompson, & Elliott, 1994) when investigating misunderstanding events within
psychotherapy because there was a clear sequential structure of antecedents, events, actions, and

consequences to the events (as suggested by Strauss & Corbin, 1990), but we also revised the
domains on the basis of the data. Our final domains in that study were Long-Term Background,
Immediate Background, Precipitant, Client Experience, Action, Resolution of Event, and Ensuing
The second method for developing a domain list involves reviewing the transcripts themselves
to see what topic areas naturally arise from the interview data, bracketing out or not thinking about
the interview protocol. This inductive approach to developing a domain list allows researchers to
stay close to the data and see what emerges. In this method, each person on the team independently
reviews several transcripts, identifying topic areas that represent what the participant said and that
reflect the main focus of the research. More concretely, each person goes through an interview and
circles or sections off blocks of the narrative that fall under a particular topic area and then
identifies a proposed domain name for that topic area (e.g., Client Reactions). When each team
member has created a domain list, the team meets to compare notes and consensually create a
domain list that best fits the data and the focus of the study. They accomplish this task by going
through the chosen transcripts together and explicitly discussing what domains they each pulled
from the data, what data fit into that domain, and rationale for each domain (e.g., how the domain
structure fits the data and overall purpose of the study). This process requires considerable debate as
team members typically focus on different levels of complexity of the data. The team member who
conducted the interview often can provide additional insights into the tone of the interview and
some of the participant’s nonverbal communication that would not be present in a transcript. For
example, there have been times when the team member–interviewer has been able to clarify an
ambiguous statement. The team might also consider listening to the interviews together so that the
participants’ tone of voice is heard, enhancing the ability of the team members to really immerse
themselves in the data.
Regardless of the method used to develop the domain list, the team then tests the domain list
by applying it to new transcripts to ensure that the list continues to “fit” the data. Researchers
continue changing the domain list as needed throughout six or seven interviews until the list
stabilizes. Stabilization of the domain list tends to occur naturally as the team gains a deeper
understanding of the participants’ experiences, as more participants are added, as the data become
more familiar, and as the focus of the study becomes more clearly defined. Researchers need to
remember that whenever changes are made to the domain list, previously coded cases need to be
One of the concerns that can arise at this stage has to do with how many domains “should” be
created. Although the final number of domains will in part be a function of the complexity of the
data, we recommend using fairly broad discrete domains at this stage given that categories within
the domains are created during the cross-analysis. Too many small and detailed domains can get
confusing and can make the analysis more difficult. In a study looking at the experience of trainees
having transfer clients during their 1st year (Marmarosh, Thompson, Hollman, Megivern, & Hill,
2010), we initially had more than 20 different domains, some of which were actually subdomains
within other domains. After working through a few transcripts, we realized that our domain list
was too unwieldy and complicated; with the sage advice of our auditor, we decided to broaden the
scope of some of our domains so that we had a list of discrete nonoverlapping domains. For
example, we combined Benefits of Transfer Experience and Costs of Transfer Experience to
Consequences of the Transfer Experience, recognizing that later we would create categories within
this broader domain during the cross-analysis. Although we had to go back and recode several
transcripts, the new domain list made the process considerably easier and more reliable.
At the end of this process, researchers should have a relatively finalized domain list (it often
continues changing throughout the analysis), with a number assigned for each domain. We cluster
the domains so closely related ones are listed near each other on the list (e.g., domains related to the
event being studied, such as before, during, and after the event, might be close together on the list
whereas domains such as relationship factors might be numbered later). Typically we save the last
number for the Other category and the next to last for Reactions to the Research if this was

included as a question.
At this point, we give the domain list to the auditor or auditors to review (see Chapter 10 in
this volume for greater detail about the auditing process). The auditors provide valuable feedback
about the clarity of the domain titles and give an opinion about the adequacy of the level of
specificity of the domains. Below are two examples of domain lists.
The domain list created for the misunderstanding study (Rhodes et al., 1994) was as follows:

1. Long-Term Background
2. Immediate Background
3. Precipitant
4. Client Experience
5. Action
6. Resolution of Event
7. Ensuing Process

In contrast, the domain list created for the compassion study (Vivino, Thompson, Hill, & Ladany,
2009) was as follows:

1. Definition of Compassion
2. Comparison of Compassion to Related Constructs
3. Manifestations of Compassion in Therapy
4. Limits to Capacity to Be Compassionate
5. Strategies Therapists Use to Return to Feeling Compassionate
6. Development of Compassion
7. Factors Facilitating Compassion
8. Factors Hindering Compassion


The team now goes back and assigns each “chunk” or “block” of the interview data into a domain.
This task can be done as a team working together until consensus is reached or with each team
member “domaining” the data individually and then meeting as a team to review and reach

Blocks of Data
Chunks or blocks of data can be phrases, thought units, sentences, and paragraphs that cover the
same topic area. It is important to recognize that each of these chunks of data needs to be
understood on its own, so researchers must provide enough context of the interview (including the
interviewer’s questions and comments) for readers to understand what the person is saying. For
example, the following block of data would be coded into the domain Reactions to Client (I =
interviewer; P = participant):

I:  It sounds like you were really feeling conflicted about your client.
P: Yes, like, was I going to be able to help him, did I want to really help him, could he be helped? I had very mixed
feelings toward the client and the work we were doing.

One caveat here is that the participant, not just the interviewer, has to actually say what is
being coded into the domain. Unlike the preceding example, in which the participant describes in
his or her own words being conflicted, in the following example, the interviewer puts words on the
participant’s experience (participant is feeling conflicted) to which the participant minimally agrees
but does not elaborate. Hence, it would not be appropriate to place the following block of data into

the domain Reactions to Client because the client has not personally stated these reactions.

P: Everything went pretty smoothly in the session except when the client got angry.
I:  It sounds like you were really feeling conflicted about your client.
P: Yeah. So after we talked further about the client’s father in that session, it didn’t come up again for several weeks.

Double Coding
By definition, a domain is a unique cluster of data that captures one aspect of the focus of the
qualitative study. People rarely, however, describe their experiences in unique clusters. Thus, at
times the text or narrative seems to fit into more than one domain, calling for double coding (putting
the same chunk of data into two different domains). There may also be times when it will be
necessary to triple code chunks of data. We generally recommend, however, that double or triple
coding be done sparingly. If researchers find themselves double and triple coding much of the data,
it may suggest that the domains are not as unique as they could be and thus should be combined or
modified. For example, the following participant statement related to differences in racial and
socioeconomic status was double coded into two domains: Therapist Variables Influencing Transfer
Process and Client Variables Influencing Transfer Process:

I think that we were so different from a racial and socioeconomic perspective made the initial transfer process more
difficult—for me it was hard to understand her lifestyle. I think for my client, our differences may have led her to be
more wary of me. (Marmarosh et al., 2010)

Noncoded Data
There will likely be some of what we elegantly refer to as “junk” data in each transcript. Junk data
might include greetings, scheduling discussions, reviewing the informed consent, or clearly
“sidebar” discussions that have nothing to do with the study and that will not ultimately be included
in the data analysis. Data that researchers choose not to code should be clearly defined and agreed
on by the team. Because these data will not be coded, researchers can eliminate them from the
consensus version of the case (defined below).

“Other” Domain
Some data do not fit comfortably into the domains. In our experience, participants sometimes go
off on tangents that are unrelated to the questions they are asked. For example, in the study on
transfer clients mentioned earlier(Marmarosh et al., 2010), the participants sometimes talked about
their experiences with clients in general rather than focusing specifically on the transfer experience.
Given the richness and complexity of our data, the team consensually agreed to limit the analysis to
the data that clearly focused on the transfer process itself, and thus the interview data not directly
related to the transfer process was assigned to a domain entitled Other.
Data may also be placed in an Other domain when it seems potentially relevant or interesting
but doesn’t fit in any of the domains. For example, one participant may spontaneously share
valuable information about some aspect of the study focus that might show promise for future
research, as when some of the participants in the transfer study mentioned earlier (Marmarosh et
al., 2010) talked about transferring their current clients to new trainees even though this question
was not part of the interview protocol. We therefore also placed these interview segments into the
Other domain and discussed the need to perhaps collect enough data to study this issue in the
future. It is important to retain this information throughout the process so that the contents of this
domain can later be examined to determine if there is enough information to warrant creation of
additional domains.
Once the team has worked together to assign interview data to the domains in several

transcripts (e.g., at least four to six), it is often helpful to divide into rotating pairs of judges to code
the remaining data from the transcripts into domains (as long as new domains are not emerging
and all team members grasp the concepts and feel very confident about the process). Dividing into
smaller teams can save time and reduce tedium. When only two judges are used, the other team
members review the case, acting as “internal” auditors. Any disagreements are discussed until
consensus is reached. When major new domains are created in this final stage of domaining, all
team members must be consulted and previous cases revised.

Consensus Version
One person on the team takes responsibility for creating the consensus version of each case (i.e., a
new file that involves all the raw data cut and pasted and put under the domains). We typically
rotate who takes responsibility for the consensus version so that each team member does the
consensus version for an equal number of cases. Team members often are responsible for the
consensus version for the cases where they were the interviewer.
There are two formats that have been used to create consensus versions. The first method is a
narrative format. The case number is listed first, followed by the domain title, followed by the core
ideas, and finally the raw data (with an indication of the case number and line numbers). See
Exhibit 8.1 for an example.

Sample Consensus Version Nontable Method From the Transfer Study: Case 1
Domain 1: Influence of Prior Therapist and Therapy

Core ideas: P noticed that transfer client had a lot that wasn’t worked through in the previous therapy. It felt like a lot of issues that the prior
therapist and client didn’t feel like getting through were dumped on the new therapist. P attributes this to resistance from the prior therapist
and client colluding around not wanting to discuss termination fully.
Raw data (Case 1, lines 45–51)
I:  Now that we know more about your overall experience, describe your experience with the transfer clients in the training clinic.
P: I’ve noticed that getting a client that was transferred to me there was a lot about the previous therapist that wasn’t worked through. I think
that’s a natural process but sometimes it seems like also like a dumping of the issues they didn’t feel like getting through or didn’t have
enough time to get through when terminating so they just dump it on the new therapist. And I think that’s just resistance from both the
therapist and the client and the collusion of not wanting to discuss termination fully. As a new therapist I noticed that a lot. I also
noticed that when I transfer to the future therapist that no termination is perfect and regardless of how much I feel like we’ve processed
the termination they are still going to discuss it with the new therapist.

Domain 7: Consequence of Experience for Participant, Professional Development

Core ideas: P noticed that when P transferred to new therapists that no termination was perfect, and regardless of how much the termination
was processed in the prior therapy, the client is still going to discuss it with the new therapist.
Raw data (Case 1, lines 53–55)
P: I also noticed that when I transfer to the future therapist that no termination is perfect, and regardless of how much I feel like we’ve
processed the termination they are still going to discuss it with the new therapist.
Note. The line numbers mentioned here refer to the line numbers in the original transcript. P = participant/interviewee; I = interviewer/researcher.

The second method is to put the data into a table format because this allows for easy sorting
later into domains and categories (using the sort function in a word processing program; see Figure
8.1). We typically organize the transcript into a table with five columns. The first column is the
case number, and this gets repeated every line (for later sorting across cases). The second column
has the line numbers from the original transcript (which is also kept for later reference). The third
column includes all the raw interview data from one contiguous chunk of the transcript. The fourth
column is for the core ideas (to be described in the next section). The fifth and final column is for
the domain number (which will be modified during the cross analysis to include the category and
subcategory numbers). If sections of the transcript are double or triple coded for separate domains,
each separate chunk must be placed in its own row of the table (to facilitate later sorting) with
appropriate line numbers. It is helpful to either highlight the text or in some other way designate
when data is double coded (e.g., place “dc” at the end of the raw data).


We do not typically send the consensus version to the auditors at this point. Rather, we wait
until the core ideas are added so that the auditors can look at both the domains and core ideas

Use of Software Packages to Code Data

We are often asked if we use specific software packages to process CQR data to avoid the time-
intensive administrative type of work involved in cutting and pasting the data from the transcript
into the consensus version and then later organizing the data. We have not found or created a
software package that accomplishes these tasks. In fact, we probably would not use one if it did
exist. There is a certain benefit to keeping close to the data and knowing where each piece goes. So
all of the tasks described here are done through word-processing programs. As word processing and
software become more sophisticated, CQR researchers may find new methods to manage the data.
What is most important for later steps of the analysis is that all units or chunks of data are assigned
to at least one domain, that the domain and raw data are placed close together in the consensus
version, and that the line numbers from the original transcribed version of the text are maintained
in the consensus version to facilitate later checking of the raw data.

Constructing Core Ideas

The next step in the data analysis is constructing core ideas or summaries of the data that capture
the essence of the participant’s statement in fewer words. The goal of constructing core ideas is to
transform the individual participant’s narrative into clear and understandable language that will
enable researchers to then compare data across cases. This process of constructing core ideas is
necessary because participants often can be confusing, rambling, and contradictory. Participants
also often refer back to previous things they have said, making it difficult to understand what they
have said without the context. By carefully studying the text, researchers can often make sense of
the data and use language that is consistent across cases.

As with developing domains and putting data into the domains, teams can work in either of
two ways. They can do all the work together as a team or they can work independently and then
come together and compare ideas and arrive at consensus. We have found that it is valuable to at
least do the first few cases together to further coalesce the team and to ensure that everyone is “on
the same page” in terms of how to arrive at core ideas.
Constructing core ideas is simply the process of summarizing the narrative. Because it is
important to remain as close to the data as possible at this stage, team members help one another
avoid making assumptions, making inferences about the participant intentions, or using
psychological jargon. By talking about their understanding of the narrative within the context of the
entire case, team members separate out their beliefs and biases from what the participant is actually
saying. It is important to keep the context of the whole case in mind when constructing core ideas
because the meaning often is understood by what the person has said elsewhere.
We find it helpful to replace pronouns in the narrative with agreed-on designations (e.g., “he”
or “she” becomes “C” for client or “T” for “therapist”; “I” becomes “P” for participant) and to place
the narrative in third person. Hesitancies or redundancies are removed, and the team tries to make
what the participant has said clearer and more concise.


We suggest that judges come to the team meeting having already read through the entire case so
that they are familiar with its content. If so desired, the team might then first create a title for the
case (e.g., “The Sausage Eater”) to remind them of the key features of the case. Then one person
reads aloud the chunk of interview data in the domain. That person then gives his or her version of
how to best summarize what the participant said, staying as close as possible to his or her actual
words while adding context and replacing pronouns as necessary. Team members help the person
revise it (adding details, articulating how they may have heard what the participant meant
differently, etc.), reaching consensus on each word of the core idea. The person responsible for the
consensus version of the case records the final core ideas either onto a sheet of paper or directly into
the computer. Once consensus on a core idea has been reached, the process repeats itself as the next
team member reads aloud the next chunk of data in the domain and proposes his or her version of
the core idea, with team members helping revise the core idea until consensus has been reached.
The stage of developing core ideas is another time when, as mentioned earlier, having team
members listen to some portions of the interview together can enhance the process. Listening to
the session can allow team members access to nonverbal data not present in the transcript and
further encourage immersion in the data.
Team members sometimes differ on decisions about the level of detail to include in the core
idea. The purpose of creating core ideas is to capture the content of the interview data in a succinct
manner, staying grounded in the data and not interpreting participant intentions. That being said,
there may be some aspect of a participant’s statement that seems less important or redundant to
some team members but not to others. For example, a participant might state that the session ran
over by 10 or 15 minutes. One team member might feel that it is important to retain the exact “10
to 15 minutes,” whereas another might feel that time frame will not be relevant to the topic and
prefer to just say “the session ran over time.” Thus, the team needs to come to consensus about how
much detail is necessary. As a guideline, however, we suggest that the core ideas should be briefer
than the raw data, including only the essential data and not trivial details.
We have found that one of the advantages of having so many people review the core ideas is
that if important content is missed by one person, another will catch it. When disagreements
during any part of the analysis arise, researchers go back to the interview data and to reach
consensus. Because of the need to go back to the data, case and line numbers must be included so
that team members can readily find the section to review.
The following is an example of how the raw data from the interview could be transformed into

a core idea:

Raw interview data: I think of empathy as a capacity to really stand in somebody else’s shoes and know what it feels
like to be, to be with what that person is with. But I think compassion takes it a step further in that for me compassion
really entails an active quality, there is a dynamic nature to compassion which is more than just the capacity to feel
what it’s like to be somebody else but to actually be really engaged with that person in what that place is and to help
them move through it, whatever that might look like.
Core idea: P thinks empathy is a capacity to stand in another’s shoes and know what it feels like to be that person.
Compassion takes it a step further and entails an active, dynamic nature, that of being really engaged with and helping
the C move.

Another consideration when constructing core ideas is that each core idea needs to make sense
on its own so that it can be understood outside of the context of the case. For example, if the
interviewer asked a question that provides a context for the participant’s answer, this information
needs to be included in the core idea, as in this excerpt from the transfer study mentioned earlier
(Marmarosh et al., 2010):

I:  Okay, um how about anything about the clinic you know again that made it more challenging to work with
transfer clients. You mentioned the timing I guess before.
P: Um, yeah, the fact that we started seeing these patients right during our finals week was a little hectic and I think
that kind of threw everybody for a loop and stressed people out really more than needed to be.

The core idea for this chunk might be as follows: “P felt the clinic’s timing of the transfer process
(during semester finals) made it more stressful for students to start working with patients.” Thus,
we added information (“clinic” and “timing”) from the interviewer’s question to help make sense
out of the participant’s comment.


When constructing core ideas for double- or triple-coded text, it is important to remember to
construct the core ideas to be relevant to the specific domain. Thus, the core idea will only include
the relevant part of the data that fits for the individual domain. For example, “I felt that my positive
transference toward my client was both a strength in that I really liked him, but also got in my way
because sometimes I failed to acknowledge all of his pathology” was double coded into the two
domains of Facilitating Participant Characteristics and Hindering Participant Characteristics. The
core idea for the domain of Facilitating Characteristics might be, “P felt positive transference
toward C was a strength because P really liked C.” The core idea for the Hindering Participant
Characteristics domain might be “P felt positive transference toward C was a weakness because P
sometimes failed to acknowledge C’s pathology.”


Once the team has worked through several transcripts together and everyone feels confident in the
process, it is possible to shortcut the process somewhat. One person (perhaps the same one who
does the consensus version) might draft core ideas that are then reviewed and worked through with
the whole team. It is important, however, that all members of the team remain close to the data and
reach consensus on the content of each core idea.

The consensus version of each case, with the domains and core ideas indicated, is sent to the
auditor or auditors for review (see Chapter 10, this volume). Once the auditors review the
consensus version, the team meets to argue through to consensus whether to make the
recommended changes. Typically, the team goes back to the raw interview data repeatedly to check

what the data actually say and resolve any conflicts. Once all of the consensus versions are complete
and have been audited, the team begins the cross-analysis (see Chapter 9, this volume).

The tasks of creating the domain list, blocking the data into domains and constructing core ideas
are central tasks in the data analysis phase of CQR (see Exhibit 8.2). Careful attention to details
here provides a strong foundation for comparing data across cases in the cross-analyses. Initial tasks
involve developing clear procedures for how the data will be coded. Later tasks involve maintaining
attention to detail while not getting bogged down by the details.

Steps in Developing Domains and Core Ideas
Steps in developing domains
1. Develop domain list from start list or inductively.
2. Verify and update domain list with new transcripts.
3. Assign blocks of interview data into domains.
4. Develop consensus version of interview data and associated core ideas within domains for each case.
Steps in constructing core ideas
1. The interview data in each domain in each case is cored (e.g., “edited”) to yield concise and clear wording and then put into the consensus
2. The consensus version is audited.
3. The audits are evaluated and changes made based on returning to the raw data to resolve discrepancies.
4. The consensus version of each case is finalized.

Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S. A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Marmarosh, C. L., Thompson, B. T., Hollman, S. N., Megivern, M. M., & Hill, C. E., (2010).
Trainee experiences of client transfer: A qualitative study. Manuscript in preparation.
Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd
ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rhodes, R., Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Elliott, R. (1994). Client retrospective recall of
resolved and unresolved misunderstanding events. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 473–483.
Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and
techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Vivino, B. L., Thompson, B., Hill, C. E., & Ladany, N. (2009). Compassion in psychotherapy:
The perspective of psychotherapists nominated as compassionate. Psychotherapy Research, 19,
157–171. doi:10.1080/10503300802430681

A crucial element of consensual qualitative research (CQR) is the cross-analysis—identifying
common themes across cases. The research team conducts a cross-analysis after placing the data in
domains and constructing core ideas for each case. Cross-analysis is more complicated than these
other relatively straightforward tasks of domain placement and core idea development; however, we
aim to explain the process in manageable and understandable steps in this chapter.

Data for the Cross-Analysis

When establishing domains and core ideas, researchers construct a consensus version of the
document for each case, using either an outline format or a table format (see Chapter 8, this
volume). Before proceeding to the cross-analysis, researchers must compile all of the consensus
documents from individual cases into one mega-document (sometimes affectionately referred to as
“the beast” or “the monster table”), sorted by domains (i.e., Domain 1, with core ideas from each
case; Domain 2, with core ideas from each case; etc.). If an outline format was used, data from each
case needs to be inserted sequentially for each domain. If a table format was used, the table can be
automatically sorted by domain number such that all core ideas for each domain are next to one
another (to do this, use the sort function in your word-processing software). In both the outline and
table format, researchers now delete the raw transcript text, but they retain the case number and
line numbers associated with each core idea to enable them to go back to the original transcript as
needed to clarify or resolve disagreements.

Researchers conduct the cross-analysis one domain at a time. The team begins the process by
choosing a domain for analysis. We suggest starting with a relatively small and easy domain so that
the team can gain competence with the task of conducting a cross-analysis.
Once a workable domain has been identified, each team member reviews all the core ideas

within that domain and clusters similar core ideas by identifying common elements or themes
across cases. The goal here is to create a category structure that captures most if not all of the data
within the domain. Categories are determined via a discovery-oriented process (Hill, Thompson, &
Williams, 1997; Mahrer, 1988). Researchers must remain mindful that category titles should be
derived from the data rather than from preconceived notions about what the data should look like.
After each team member has developed categories, the team meets to discuss these preliminary
categories and work toward consensus regarding which categories to include and what these
categories will be called. To illustrate, consider the relatively circumscribed domain of Emergence
of Sexual Attraction from Ladany et al.’s (1997) sexual attraction study (see Table 9.1). After
independently identifying possible categories in this domain, the team agreed on two categories
that seemed to be common across participants: (a) Sexual Attraction Emerged After Therapy
Began and (b) Sexual Attraction at First Sight.

TA B L E 9 . 1
Partial Cross-Analysis for Sexual Attraction Study (Ladany et al., 1997)

There is no set recommendation for how many categories to develop for each domain. Some
domains (such as the one above) will only have two major categories. Other domains might have
eight or nine categories. In addition, subcategories are common within larger domains as a way of
more adequately describing the data. Referring again to Table 9.1, the domain Client Factors
Associated With Therapist Sexual Attraction had several categories. One of these categories
(Client Was Interpersonally Attractive) was further divided into four subcategories: Client Was a
Good Therapy Client, Client Seemed Needy or Vulnerable, Client Was Sexually Provocative or
Flirtatious, and Client Had an Attractive Personality.
The process of developing categories is creative because it involves organizing and
conceptualizing the data to see how it clusters together into themes. This task can only be done
effectively by judges who have immersed themselves in all the cases and know the data intimately.
Throughout the process of domaining and coring, the team members have been developing
hypotheses about the data, and this is the time for them to see how the data fit together.


Each core idea may involve a number of separate thoughts, so prior to placing the core ideas into
categories, researchers divide the core ideas into as many units (i.e., separate ideas) as necessary.
Thus, for example, the core ideas for Case 10 (see Exhibit 9.1) were as follows:

Therapist attracted to average built and average appearance female who was intriguing, intelligent, therapy savvy, and
had little self-esteem and sexualized presentation. Client was rape and incest survivor. Client never did anything overtly
sexual, but there was strong transference.

Core Ideas for Five of the 13 Cases for Client Factors Associated With Therapist Attraction
Therapist attracted to client’s mix of emotional strengths and weaknesses, especially her emotional vulnerability, and her difficulties with
interpersonal relationships, and to a lesser extent the client’s physical attractiveness. On follow-up noted the client’s physical attractiveness.
Client’s primary need and goal of therapy was to develop an emotionally intimate non-sexual relationship. Client was exceptionally good as a
client, which may have increased the attraction. Therapist initially attributed the therapist’s attraction to the client’s manner of interpersonal
behavior rather than his own issues.
Client similar to therapist in age and minority status; client was average looking but attractive to therapist; client was sensitive, introspective,
and sincere; therapist identified with client’s struggles about ways to connect and be more genuine with people.
CASE #10
Therapist attracted to average built and average appearance female who was intriguing, intelligent, therapy savvy, and had little self-esteem and
sexualized presentation. Client was rape and incest survivor. Client never did anything overtly sexual, but there was strong transference.
CASE #13
Noted client fit “template,” that is, very attractive, similar in age, and from a prominent family. She was very provocative and seductive in her
body language, very relaxed, needy, and vulnerable, which made the work challenging. She recently broke up with her husband. Client was
someone with whom the therapist had difficulty maintaining boundaries and might have fallen for her in another context.
CASE #14
Client had an attractive personality, and was shy, sensitive, interested in nature, average looking, and insightful. Attraction was to personality
more than to physical characteristics. Client was involved in rocky relationship at beginning of therapy that was shortly terminated. Client was
not the therapist’s usual type.

We separated these core ideas separated into discrete units as follows:

Therapist was attracted to client who was intriguing and therapy savvy.
Client was intelligent.
Client had little self-esteem.
Client never did anything overtly sexual, but there was a sexualized presentation and client
had a strong love/hate transference to therapist.
Client was a rape and incest survivor.
Continuing to work with one domain at a time, then, each discrete core idea for each
participant is placed within one or more categories or subcategories. In the Emergence of Sexual
Attraction domain, core ideas from eight participants were placed into the Sexual Attraction
Emerged After Therapy Began category, and core ideas from the remaining five participants were
placed within the Sexual Attraction at First Sight category (see Exhibit 9.2). The team can either
complete this task together via consensus, or they can individually do it and then meet to
consensually decide about placement.

Cross-Analysis for All 13 Cases for Client Factors Associated With Therapist Attraction
1. Client was physically attractive (10 cases)
   1: Therapist found client physically attractive but stated that the identification was more important than the physical attraction.
   2: Client was physically attractive.
   3: Therapist was attracted, to a lesser extent, to the client’s physical attractiveness.
   4: Therapist was attracted to a physically attractive client.
   5: Therapist was mostly attracted to client because of his physical appearance: unique, wide-eyed adoring look, which therapist indicated
that in the gay community indicated interest in someone and was not often experienced by the therapist.
   6: Client was average looking but attractive to therapist.
   9: Client was a physically attractive client (i.e., dark hair, brown eyes, and Italian).
  11: Client was physically attractive.
  13: Therapist noted client fit “template” (i.e., his type), that is, very attractive.
  15: Client reminded therapist of a former boyfriend and was strongly attracted by client’s looks.
2. Client was attractive in nonphysical attributes (12 cases)
 a. Client was a good therapy client (articulate, bright, insightful) (8 cases)
   2: Client was brilliant, articulate, sophisticated, and richer in attributes than other clients.
   3: Client was exceptionally good as a client, which may have increased the attraction.
   4: Therapist was attracted to an insightful, motivated, and nice client.
   5: Therapist was attracted because client was intelligent and articulate. Client was open to psychological exploration/insight. Therapist
felt client was able to use short-term psychotherapy more effectively than many people. Client was reflective and thoughtful.
   6: Client was sensitive, introspective, and sincere.
   9: Client was a YAVIS client.

  10: Therapist was attracted to client who was intriguing and therapy savvy. Client was intelligent.
  14: Client was insightful.
 b. Client seemed needy/vulnerable (5 cases)
   3: Therapist was attracted to client’s mix of emotional strengths and weaknesses, especially her emotional vulnerability, her difficulties
with interpersonal relationships. Client’s primary need and goal of therapy was to develop an emotionally intimate nonsexual
   4: Therapist saw client as vulnerable because client’s fiancé recently broke off the engagement.
  10: Client was needy and had little self-esteem.
  13: Client was needy and vulnerable, which made the work challenging. Client recently broke up with her husband.
  14: Client was involved in a rocky relationship at beginning of therapy that was shortly terminated.
 c. Client was sexually provocative/flirtatious (4 cases)
  10: Client never did anything overtly sexual, but there was a sexualized presentation and client had a strong love/hate transference to
  11: Client was coy, sexually provocative, childlike, and flirtatious. Flirtatiousness was an integral part of client and not aimed specifically at
  13: Client was very unconsciously provocative and seductive in her body language, very relaxed, which made the work challenging.
  15: Client was flirtatious with therapist, which made therapist feel that she was attractive to client.
 d. Client had attractive personality (4 cases)
   3: Therapist initially attributed attraction to client’s manner of interpersonal behavior rather than to his own issues.
  12: Therapist was attracted to client’s personality (pensiveness, philosophy of life, intellectualism). Client was committed to social justice
(Peace Corps), and affiliated with the Baha’i faith. Therapist would have been attracted to client regardless of his presenting
problem. Therapist initially thought client was neat, wondered why he didn’t have a partner.
  14: Client had an attractive personality and was shy, sensitive, interested in nature, average looking. Attraction was to personality more
than to physical characteristics.
  15: Therapist was strongly attracted to client’s personality and problems.
3. Client was similar to therapist (6 cases)
   1: Therapist identified with client’s loneliness and felt bad for him.
   4: Client was close in age to therapist.
   5: Therapist identified with reflective/thoughtful attributes of client.
   6: Client was similar to therapist in age and minority status. Therapist identified with client’s struggles about ways to connect and to be
more genuine with people.
  12: Client spent time in Latin America (therapist was Latina).
  13: Client was similar in age.
4. Client was not the usual type therapist finds attractive (3 cases)
   4: Client was not the type to whom therapist usually was physically attracted.
  14: Client was not the therapist’s usual type.
  15: Client was not the type therapist usually finds attractive.
5. Other
   1: Client was a recovering substance abuser.
   9: Client’s personality was not attractive to the therapist (i.e., immature, playful, childlike).
  10: Client was a rape and incest survivor.
  13: Client was from a prominent family.
  15: Client was somewhat older than average college client and younger than therapist. Client appearance was punk/artistic.
Note. Numbers are used to indicate categories, and letters are used to indicate subcategories. YAVIS = young attractive verbal intelligent high socioeconomic status.

The domain/category list typically changes as the team tries to place the core ideas into
categories. Some changes are relatively minor, such as changing the title of a category. Other
changes are more significant, such as redefining the categories themselves, increasing or decreasing
the number of categories or subcategories, or even collapsing or expanding the domains. Moreover,
in the process of categorizing the core ideas, the researchers may notice that a core idea is unclear
because it is out of context. In this case, the researchers go back to the raw data and consensually
modify the core ideas or the categorization of the core ideas, following each modification with
appropriate corrections to the consensus version of the case.
Although researchers try to develop categories and subcategories that fit all of the data, there
are inevitably a few core ideas that do not fit any category or subcategory. Sometimes these cores
reflect unique experiences that were reported by only one participant. Sometimes they reflect
tangents in the data that are not relevant to the study. Core ideas that defy categorization should be
put in an Other category. An Other subcategory can also be used for core ideas that fit under a
general category but do not fit within any of its subcategories. When the cross-analysis has been
completed, the team can go back and examine all the core ideas in the Other category to see if new
categories can be developed to accommodate the relevant ideas.
The cross-analysis process (i.e., the development of categories and the placement of core ideas
into these categories) is repeated and completed for each domain. Thus, for the sexual attraction
study that contained 16 domains, 16 separate cross-analyses were conducted.

After completing the cross-analysis process, the primary team submits their work to their auditors.
The auditors review these cross-analyses to evaluate their adequacy and offer feedback to the
primary team (see also Chapter 10, this volume). Auditors should be particularly attentive to core
ideas placed in the Other category so that they can offer guidance to the primary team about
whether these ideas fit under existing categories or whether the category structure should be revised
to accommodate these ideas.
Typically, we ask the auditors to review each domain as we complete it and then in addition
review all the domains at one time at the end to see how they all fit together. In the same manner
as was done with the audit of the domains and core ideas, the primary team considers the auditors’
suggestions and modifies the cross-analysis accordingly. The primary team and the auditors may
need to correspond numerous times until the most elegant solution to the cross-analysis emerges.

The categorization process culminates with a determination of the representativeness of the
categories to the sample used in the study. To do this, frequency information is calculated for each
domain on the basis of the number of participants who have core ideas within each category or
subcategory. Although there may be more than one core idea for a given participant in a given
category or subcategory, we only count the participant once per category or subcategory (e.g.,
within a given case, there may be five core ideas that fit into a particular category, but we only count
that case once when we consider the frequency for the category).
When a category consists of data from all participants, or all but one of the participants, that
category is labeled general. Categories that consist of data from more than half of the participants
up to the cutoff for general are typical. Categories that consist of data from at least two participants
up to half of the participants are considered variant. When samples are larger than 15, a category
would be considered rare when it included core ideas from two or three participants (in which case
variant categories would contain four or more participants). The category of rare is added with
larger samples because these larger samples afford the researcher the opportunity to discover new
categories with less risk of overinterpreting anomalies, which might be the case with smaller
samples. We believe that narrative frequency labels rather than numerical percentages or
frequencies fit better with the qualitative approach, allow for comparison across studies, and provide
a meaningful way to communicate findings. Using raw numbers for frequency counts or the
calculation of percentages implies greater quantitative precision than we believe we can achieve in
this method and makes it difficult to compare results across studies.
It seems important to acknowledge here that the use of the labels of general, typical, and
variant do reflect numbers. Traditionally, a hallmark of qualitative research has been the notion that
words are better than numbers to characterize data. However, using numbers to help define the
words, whether admitted to or not by qualitative researchers, is also part of qualitative inquiry. For
example, by definition a theme is the result of the common presence of ideas in a data set. To be
common means that it must occur multiple times. The CQR approach explicitly recognizes that
numbers are used to reflect the commonality of a theme. Moreover, through the use of numbers,
CQR researchers can be systematic and thorough when working with the data.
The frequency labels are placed in the final table, wherein the domains, categories, and
subcategories are listed in descending order of frequency with designations next to each regarding
whether it was general, typical, variant, or rare. Core ideas in Other categories or subcategories are
not reflected in the final table. These core ideas should be retained in the full cross-analysis,
however, because they may provide ideas about important avenues for future research (especially in
studies with relatively small samples). Again, see Table 9.1 for an example of a table.

Describing and Comparing Subsamples
Sometimes researchers purposely set forth to compare subsamples of the data, whereas at other
times, subsamples emerge as the researchers examine the data. Describing subsamples is useful
when researchers recognize that participants differ in some manner that is meaningful and
noticeable, and their differentiation helps reduce the variability in the data. For example, in the
sexual attraction study, approximately half of the participants disclosed their sexual attraction
toward a client to their supervisor and half did not. It seemed fruitful for the researchers to further
delve into these findings and compare the subsamples to explore whether there were differences in
participants’ responses for those who had and had not disclosed their sexual attraction toward a
client to their supervisor.
We strongly suggest here that the division into subsamples be done after the cross-analysis has
been completed for all the cases. Thus, the categories are developed on the entire sample, making it
easier to compare across subsamples. By contrast, if the samples are divided first and then the
categories are developed, it is quite likely that different categories will emerge to describe the
different subsamples, making it difficult if not impossible to compare the results across subsamples.
The rules described previously apply to the designation of general, typical, and variant
frequency labels, but the specific numbers are changed to reflect the number of participants in each
of the subsamples. In the sexual attraction study, the variant category was not used because of the
small sizes of the subsamples. Also because of the small sample size, general was only used in this
case when it applied to the entire subsample.
When comparing samples, the question of what constitutes “different” immediately arises. In
some of the first articles comparing samples, CQR researchers used the criterion that samples had
to differ by at least one frequency category (typical vs. variant) to be considered different. In Hill et
al. (2005), we modified this criterion because the difference between two adjacent frequency
categories could be as little as one participant; therefore, we stated that samples had to differ by at
least two frequency categories (general vs. variant, typical vs. rare) to ensure that there was indeed a
difference. Another way that researchers could determine “difference” is to a priori set a criterion
that samples have to differ by at least 30% of cases (given that this difference is fairly large and
usually represents a reasonable difference).
Hill et al. (2003) provides an example of a CQR study that examined differences within
samples in a study. We asked each of 13 experienced therapists about two different situations: (a)
being the target of client anger that was hostile and (b) being the target of client anger that was not
asserted but was suspected. Using the old criterion of differing by just one frequency category, we
reported differences between hostile and unasserted events for all domains (e.g., hostile events less
often involved a good therapy relationship and a disliked therapist intervention). If we now impose
the more stringent criteria of differing by two frequency categories, fewer differences emerge.
Specifically, for the domain of initial client reactions to therapist interventions, results were more
often overtly “hostile” in hostile events and more often “no direct verbal anger” in unasserted events.
Likewise, therapists’ goals were more often “to decrease or manage client anger” in the hostile
events compared with “to help clients express anger appropriately” in the unasserted events.
In working with the data in the Hill et al. (2003) study, we noticed an additional means of
dividing the data. Specifically, we noticed by reviewing the cases that the hostile and unasserted
events both differed in terms of whether they were resolved or not. Hence, we further analyzed the
data to highlight these differences. As an example, for the resolved compared with unresolved
unasserted events, there was more often a good therapeutic relationship, therapists raised the topic
of anger, and therapists tried to help clients explore the anger and gain insight.
The example of the Hill et al. (2003) study thus illustrates that researchers can set out to collect
data about different samples as well as discover different samples to compare once data analysis has
started. The idea here is to make results clearer by delineating homogeneous samples and then
comparing across samples. However, sample size becomes a major issue when researchers subdivide
samples from data that have already been collected. Given that most CQR studies have samples of

only 12 to 15 participants, dividing the data can lead to very small samples. We typically
recommend that researchers have at least seven participants in each subsample; otherwise the large
individual variability within small subsamples can make it difficult for researchers to draw
meaningful comparisons.
Another way to compare subsamples and further describe the data is to define pathways for
process-oriented data. For example, in a study on misunderstanding events between clients and
therapist (Rhodes, Hill, Thompson, & Elliott, 1994), after we had analyzed the data we realized
that we had two groups, resolved events and unresolved events, and so we decided to compare
categories in each subsample to describe typical pathways that seemed to emerge. As can be seen in
Figure 9.1, we started with the domains and then identified the typical responses for resolved versus
unresolved cases. The figure shows clearly how the two groups of cases were similar (e.g., clients in
both groups experienced negative emotions about self or therapist, and both groups typically went
“underground”). From there, the pathways diverged, with one typical pathway for the resolved cases
(Mutual Repair Process leading to Resolution of the Event and Client Growth and Enhanced
Relationship), and two possible pathways for the unresolved cases (Therapist Maintains Position,
Disagreement Continues, Event Not Resolved but Therapy Continues; and Therapist Unaware or
Unresponsive, Client Thinks About Quitting, Client Quits). This type of data presentation is
particularly helpful when describing sequential processes that have a domain structure that follows a
sequential process. We note, however, that not all data lend themselves to graphical display (e.g.,
attitudes toward help-seeking might not yield data that would easily be traced in pathways).


Pathways for retrospective client-recalled resolved and unresolved misunderstanding events. Reprinted from “Client Retrospective Recall of
Resolved and Unresolved Misunderstanding Events,” by R. Rhodes, C. E. Hill, B. J. Thompson, and R. Elliott, 1994, Journal of Counseling
Psychology, 41, p. 480. Copyright 1994 by the American Psychological Association.

Checking for Stability

In the first CQR article, Hill et al. (1997) recommended that researchers analyze all but one or two
cases and then examine these additional cases after cross-analysis to determine whether new data
emerge or whether the new data fit the final domain/category list. In their 2005 update on CQR,
Hill et al. revised this position. After a number of years of experience checking for stability by
withholding cases, we discovered that the stability check did not seem to be functioning adequately.
We noticed that it was difficult to know exactly what criteria to use to determine whether new
information truly emerged, and we noticed a tendency on the part of researchers to minimize the
possibility that new data had emerged after the long data analysis process. Because all the interviews
are typically conducted at about the same time prior to data analysis in CQR (rather than
intertwined with the analysis process as in grounded theory), it would introduce a great deal of
uncontrolled data into a study if interviewers were to conduct additional interviews at a later time
after data analysis given that the same semistructured interview protocol would be difficult to
follow, the research team would have new biases based on their experiences with the data analysis,
and knowledge of the initial results could influence the interview process. Furthermore, we believe
that the use of homogeneous samples and semistructured interview protocols lessens the likelihood
of obtaining inconsistent data across participants.
For these reasons, Hill et al. (2005) concluded that it was unrealistic and perhaps fruitless to
complete stability checks. Instead, CQR has evolved to include more cases than some other
qualitative methods use and to include larger teams and more auditors. We argue here that the
intensity of the data analysis, the consensual process, and use of external auditors often require
substantial modification of domains and categories to better fit the data and thus serve to provide

an acceptable level of validity in the qualitative results (see also Chapter 13, this volume).
Furthermore, we believe that the best way to achieve adequate trustworthiness in CQR is clearly
describing the data analysis process for a given study, indicating changes and decisions that emerge
throughout the process, choosing an adequate sample and being mindful along the way about
whether the interviews were providing vastly different or some similar findings, and presenting
extended examples so readers can confirm the validity of the findings for themselves. In addition, if
we find some general and typical categories across samples or within subsamples, we feel more
certain that we have obtained representative data. In contrast, if we find only variant categories, we
are less certain that we have adequately sampled the population or that the sample is homogeneous.

During the cross-analysis process, researchers keep a keen eye on the emerging category structure.
In particular, researchers look for category structures that produce either all or no general or typical
categories. In either of these cases, the cross-analysis may not represent the data adequately. Cross-
analyses that contain primarily variant or rare categories may indicate that the sample was too
heterogeneous. In this case, it may be necessary to collect more data.
Poor category structures can also emerge from either poor interviews (e.g., the interviewers did
not follow the protocol, failed to probe and ask participants to elaborate or clarify statements, or
prompted the participant too much) or from a problematic protocol (e.g., a large number of
questions that might have been too broad or too narrow in scope). This outcome can be
discouraging given that the researchers have invested quite a bit of time in the study and data
analysis. We openly admit that some of our studies have never been published because of critical
sampling and/or interview flaws.

Exemplar Cross-Analysis
In the earlier description of the cross-analysis, we offered a relatively simple example (i.e.,
Emergence of Sexual Attraction) of the result of a cross analysis. To illustrate the process in more
depth, we again look to the Ladany et al. (1997) sexual attraction study but now provide
information using the actual core ideas. Exhibit 9.1 provides the core ideas for five of the 13 cases
(because of space limitations, we do not provide the data for all of the cases) for the domain Client
Factors Associated With Therapist Attraction. As can be seen in Exhibit 9.1, the core ideas for
each participant for a domain involve multiple units. The researchers thus divided the core ideas
into core idea units each reflecting a single idea (see Exhibit 9.2, where each core idea unit for each
participant has been placed under a given category).

Comparison of Cross-Analyses by Two Teams

Since we first developed CQR, we have been curious about whether two entirely separate teams
using CQR on exactly the same data would come up with relatively similar results. We tested this
question in a recent study of supervisees’ reports of corrective relational experiences in supervision
(Ladany et al., in press). In the Ladany et al. (in press) study, a set of graduate student interviewers
interviewed other graduate students about their corrective relational experiences in the supervision
of their psychotherapy. Two entirely separate teams of judges, each with three judges and two
auditors, were formed (all are contributors to this book and are very experienced in conducting
CQR). Exhibit 9.3 shows the results of the two cross-analyses side by side. Although there was
considerable overlap in the major domains (antecedent, event, consequences), there was a surprising
amount of divergence in the cross-analyses. Clearly, the two teams of judges, all of whom had been
trained equally well in CQR and who had worked together on many studies, did not see the data in

exactly the same way. For example, one team focused on parallel process whereas the other team
did not, probably because one of the team members on the first team was especially interested in
parallel process. In contrast, the second team had a category for processing the supervisory
relationship whereas the first team did not, again probably because of the interest in the second
team about immediacy. These findings illustrate that two teams can go in different directions, and
so clearly the findings are a reflection of the team. These data suggest strongly that CQR is indeed
a subjective approach and that the team matters in terms of the conclusions that will be drawn from
the data.

Results of Cross-Analysis for Two Different Teams

E X H I B I T 9 . 3 (C o n t i n u e d )
Results of Cross-Analysis for Two Different Teams

E X H I B I T 9 . 3 (C o n t i n u e d )
Results of Cross-Analysis for Two Different Teams

E X H I B I T 9 . 3 (C o n t i n u e d )
Results of Cross-Analysis for Two Different Teams

The cross-analysis process (see Exhibit 9.4) involves a great deal of creative thought, attention to
detail, and repetition and revision. The primary team and the auditors need to be up to the task of
revisiting the raw data at each step along the way. Although tedious at times, diligence and
meticulousness can make the difference between a qualitative study of high quality versus one that
is disjointed and does not honor the data at hand. The choice is clear for the qualitative researcher:
Rigor precludes rigor mortis!

Steps in Cross-Analysis
1. Combine all participants into one data set organized by domain number.
2. Begin with one domain.
3. Team members independently identify common themes or categories in this domain cases.
4. Team consensually agrees on category list for domain.
5. Repeat steps for all domains.
6. Send cross-analysis to outside auditors, integrate findings.
7. Assign frequency labels within each category (general, typical, variant, rare).
8. If appropriate or indicated, divide sample for further comparisons.
9. Send to auditors for final audit.

Hill, C. E., Kellems, I. S., Kolchakian, M. R., Wonnell, T. L., Davis, T. L., & Nakayama, E. Y.
(2003). The therapist experience of being the target of hostile versus suspected-unasserted client
anger: Factors associated with resolution. Psychotherapy Research, 13, 475–491.
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Ladany, N., Inman, A. G., Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Crook-Lyon, R., Thompson, B. J., Burkard, A.,
. . . Walker, J. A. (in press). Corrective relational experiences in supervision. In L. G.
Castonguay & C. E. Hill (Eds.), Transformation in psychotherapy: Corrective experiences across
cognitive–behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches. Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
Ladany, N., O’Brien, K. M., Hill, C. E., Melincoff, D. S., Knox, S., & Petersen, D. A. (1997).
Sexual attraction toward clients, use of supervision, and prior training: A qualitative study of
predoctoral psychology interns. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 44, 413–424. doi:10.1037/0022-
Mahrer, A. R. (1988). Discovery-oriented psychotherapy research. American Psychologist, 43, 694–
702. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.43.9.694
Rhodes, R., Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Elliott, R. (1994). Client retrospective recall of
resolved and unresolved misunderstanding events. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 473–483.

Across the life of a consensual qualitative research (CQR) project, auditors play an important role
in determining the quality and eventual completion of the research. Like a good editor, the auditors
pay close attention to small details as well as big-picture implications. Like a good consultant, the
auditors affirm and expand on the primary team’s findings. And like a good critic, the auditors
disagree with and challenge the primary team to think about the data in new and illuminating ways.
Auditor feedback at key points throughout the development and analysis of the study provides the
primary team with a very useful system of checks and balances and hopefully enhances the
trustworthiness and quality of the results.
Because of the importance of the auditor role, careful consideration must be made with regard
to a number of questions: Why have auditors? Who will the auditors be? How many auditors
should be employed? How involved will the auditors be with the conceptualization of the study?
What exactly do the auditors do? The answers to these and other questions will be discussed in this

Philosophical Foundation
The nature of the role of the auditor can be historically grounded in the philosophical hermeneutics
of Hans-Georg Gadamer. In short, hermeneutics is the study of meaning-making; a theoretical
framework for the process of interpreting a text or piece of art (Gadamer, 1975). Gadamer and his
mentor Martin Heidegger were among the first philosophers to emphasize the critical importance
of looking inward to our own biases and the impact that worldview can have on textual analysis.
The social sciences in general have been heavily influenced, whether consciously or not, by this
philosophical supposition (Butler, 1998).
Most salient to the role of the auditor is Gadamer’s notion of the dialectic process inherent in
the “hermeneutic circle of understanding” (i.e., the interplay of the individual and contextual factors
of both the text and interpreter influencing one another in a circular fashion; Gadamer, 1975). As
described by Butler (1998), “interpretation of social phenomena is never a straight-forward activity:
ambiguity and conflict characterize interpretations” (p. 289). According to Gadamer, the only
reasonable way to resolve ambiguity and conflict in understanding (the product of disparate

worldviews and lived experiences) is to enter into a discursive–dialectical process (Butler, 1998;
Gadamer, 1975).
The word dialectic has roots in the Greek word for the “art of conversation” (Butler, 1998, p.
290). In CQR, this dialectic exists throughout the layers of dialogue unique to each step of the
process. The first conversation is between the interviewer and the subject. The next is the
intrapersonal dialogue that the members of the primary team and the auditor have as they
individually make meaning from the text (i.e., the intrapsychic dialogue between the text and the
reader). After this, the interpersonal dialectic begins, and meaning-making among the primary
team becomes a group activity. Finally, mapping the auditor’s intrapersonal understanding onto the
primary team’s collective assumptions deepens the analysis and reduces the influence of groupthink
on the final interpretation of the data.
In addition to Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics, the process of auditing can also be
grounded theoretically in the work of anthropologist Gregory Bateson (Bateson, 1972, 1980). As
described by Brack, Jones, Smith, White and Brack (1993), Bateson is best known for “discussing
the benefits of mapping different worldviews onto the same data” (p. 619). Bateson believed that
the sum of two or more worldviews is, in essence, greater than the contributions of the constituent
parts. Existing external to the primary team’s process, the auditor has a unique vantage point from
which to offer an analysis that provides perspective from an additional worldview—one that has not
been impacted by the discursive process of the primary team.

Why Have Auditors?

In our experience, using at least one auditor has been a critical component to the success of using
CQR. While the primary team meets regularly to discuss, debate, and ultimately arrive at consensus
about the placement and meaning of data, the auditor exists outside this process of consensus and
acts as a “check for the team” at set points throughout the analysis (Hill, Thompson, & Williams,
1997, p. 548). Although the primary team may make every effort to maintain objectivity, the
auditors lend a fresh perspective and, as outsiders in the process, have the ability to reduce the
potential impact of primary team groupthink on the results (Hill et al., 2005, p. 196).
Why is this additional perspective so critical? As stated by Hill et al. (1997), “Working with
words is extremely difficult, and having many perspectives is crucial for capturing the essence of the
data” (p. 548). Rather than increasing the number of researchers on the primary team, one or more
auditors are invited into the process. Often these individuals are content area experts and
individuals who have previous CQR experience (Hill et al., 2005). Each auditor works intimately
with the data from a vantage point that is functionally separate from the primary team and from
one another (in cases of multiple auditors). This independent feedback provides the primary team
with new perspectives that have not been impacted by the primary team’s dialogues.
The process of achieving consensus within the primary team is an evolutionary one in which
team members’ initial understandings about the meaning of the data differ from one another in
meaningful ways. In a similar fashion, the auditor can help the team move closer to a better
understanding of the data. A multiperspective approach “yields better decisions and has the
potential to reduce individual biases” (Hill et al., 1997, p 524). Additionally, the auditor is
instrumental in reducing the impact of group-level bias that may be affecting the objectivity of the
analysis. Whether the auditor finds a way to subtly tweak a domain name to be more representative
of the data or sheds light on major chunks of data that have not been adequately abstracted, the
additional perspective is critical to maintaining a rigorous, scientific process.

Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Auditors

It has been our experience that the ideal auditor is someone with content area expertise and
familiarity with and openness to CQR. That being said, are there specific personality traits that are

associated with relative success or failure as an auditor? In our experience, it is helpful for auditors
be confident and self-assured,
have good attention to detail,
be able to work independently,
be thorough,
be timely, and
be open and flexible.
In fact, timely feedback keeps the primary team’s thinking on the content from growing stale
(which can occur when a lot of time elapses between the primary team’s deliberations and their
receipt of a particular audit). Conversely, unhelpful feedback would come from an auditor who
provides timid, limited, or no feedback;
provides only superficial comments regarding the primary team’s work;
misses key details of the content being studied; and
misses the “big picture” of the content being studied.
When an auditor lacks self-confidence, has difficulty working alone, or is not timely in the
provision of feedback, then the primary team is likely to be frustrated and the completion of the
research delayed.
Because a great many CQR teams involve collaborations from multiple institutions (often from
different states and sometimes different countries), it is also essential for auditors to be comfortable
using technology, including using conference calls or communicating feedback via software
designed to display feedback and edits (e.g., track changes). In addition, the auditors must have a
sufficient level of investment in the project. The auditors should not join a team to pad curricula
vitae with publications or because they are friends with someone on the primary team. Instead, the
auditors should have a genuine interest in and expertise in CQR and the subject matter under
investigation; anything less than this may lead to suboptimal auditing.
But going beyond competence, what makes for a great auditor? Perhaps what differentiates an
exceptional auditor from an adequate one is
the ability to attend to the details of a CQR analysis (e.g., the proper domain coding of a
speaking turn) while simultaneously seeing how the pieces of the data analysis fit in a larger,
overall conceptualization of the phenomenon under investigation;
the ability to comment on the process of the primary team as it is evidenced in their data
analysis work; and
an intimate knowledge of CQR along with the ability to be creative in seeking solutions to
problems in specific studies.
We would posit that these characteristics are advanced skills and might be a product of innate
ability and learned experiences from being a primary team member and an auditor across a number
of different CQR projects.

Selecting the Auditors

CQR researchers need to consider how many auditors should be a part of the project and whether
the auditors will be internal or external (i.e., serving both primary team and auditor roles or serving
only as an auditor outside the consensus process). The first studies using CQR used only one
external auditor. Since the 2005 Hill et al. CQR update, however, some researchers have begun to
use two auditors, and others have used rotating auditors who also served as primary team members
(usually these involved large teams of at least 6 people). Hill et al. (2005) suggested that if only one
auditor is used, having that person as an external auditor would reduce the effects of groupthink.
Being external allows the auditor to operate independently from the primary team’s group dynamics

in drawing their conclusions and offering their feedback. If multiple auditors are used, then
whether the auditors are internal or external is of less consequence because a larger number of
people are contributing views of the data. Having a larger CQR team may also reduce the impact of
In terms of the number of auditors, we now suggest having two auditors unless the single
auditor is extremely conscientious and experienced. An additional auditor is advantageous given
that different auditors typically pick up on different things. The variability in feedback across
auditors is likely a combination of differences in background, experiences, biases, and expectations.
This, of course, argues in favor of having multiple auditors who have different perspectives,
personalities, backgrounds, and worldviews.
As noted above, it has been our experience that the best auditors are those who have worked
with CQR before and who have content area expertise pertaining to the phenomenon under study.
Hill et al. (2005) stressed the importance of methodological familiarity over and above knowledge
of the topic area. We agree with this assessment and would choose an auditor well versed in CQR
over a content area expert who had no knowledge of the method. As an evaluator of the work of the
primary team, an auditor adept at the CQR method does not have to rely on the primary team for
instructions and examples of what is expected. An auditor with no CQR experience might too
frequently defer on the basis of an assumption that the primary team “knows better.” The primary
team may inadvertently bias an inexperienced auditor by using examples from the study itself to
educate the auditor about the CQR method.
Finally, it is probably wise for researchers to choose auditors with whom they are familiar and
comfortable and whom they trust and respect. Given that auditors are often at some distance from
the primary team, it is often important to have a solid relationship built on mutual trust before
embarking on a CQR project.

Roles and Functions of Auditors

Auditors perform a variety of tasks from the start to the finish of a CQR project. The auditor
typically takes part in the research process both prior to data gathering and during the data analysis,
although it would be rare for the auditor to conduct any of the interviews. Prior to collecting data,
the auditor might aid the primary team in conceptualizing the study but should especially be
involved in the interview protocol development and refinement. At a minimum, auditors should
review the interview protocol (and all the revisions thereof) and share their expectations and biases
with the primary team. During the data analysis, the auditor reviews the primary team’s work at
each major step (i.e., domains, core ideas, cross-analysis). We now examine each of these tasks in
greater detail.
When auditors review the interview protocol, they look at the number, order, clarity, and
relevance of the questions. They try to imagine being asked the questions and how that would feel.
For the domain list, auditors examine the wording of the titles of the domains. They also think
about how the domains fit the data, look for overlap among the domains, and look for domains that
are too large and complicated.
When reviewing the core ideas, the auditors look to see if the core ideas are crisp, concise, well
articulated, nonredundant, appropriate for the domain, and close to the words of the participants.
In reviewing the core ideas, the auditors review all of the raw data, read the core ideas developed by
the primary team, and determine if (a) anything is missing and (b) the core ideas could be stated in
a better way. By immersing themselves fully in the data, the auditors essentially do an independent
data analysis. In the auditing of the core ideas, it is helpful for auditors to be both as picky as
possible (even about the specific word choice) and to help the primary team see the big-picture
perspective of what the project is about.
When reviewing the cross-analysis, the auditors review the domains one by one as they are
completed by the primary team, and they also examine the entire cross-analysis (i.e., all domains at

once) to look for areas of overlap and completeness. The auditors determine whether the categories
fit the data and assess whether the core ideas are placed in the correct categories. When examining
the whole cross-analysis, the auditors are looking for concise elegance of the hierarchical structure
of the data. They want to see whether there are too many general categories that could be
subdivided or too many variant categories that are too small and meager (and could be combined
with other categories). Across the analysis, the auditors check to see whether data placed in the
“Other” domains and categories could go elsewhere or whether new categories could be created.
When two auditors are used, the data can either be sent to both auditors at the same time or
sent first to one and then to the other after the feedback from the first is processed, thereby getting
a complete new audit after revisions have been made. We have been using the sequential model
more often recently because it provides the maximum input from the two auditors when the second
auditor reviews the revised consensus version.
Feedback from the auditor is generally presented in writing. The auditor might provide
comments directly on the document using something like track changes, summarize the changes in
an e-mail carefully noting the page and line numbers, or write the comments legibly on a hard copy
of the document.
Finally, auditors should also read the manuscript and provide feedback to the primary team. In
this way, they can provide the critical commentary of an external reviewer while simultaneously
having intimate working knowledge of the study.

The Feedback Loop

The check on the power of the auditors is the primary team’s right to disagree with and ultimately
disregard comments (except in the situation of a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation; see the
following section). In practice, most primary teams accept some of the auditor’s recommendations
and refute others through a cyclical feedback process. First, the team considers the feedback and
returns to the raw data before making a decision regarding the validity of the feedback. In the event
that there is considerable disagreement between the team and an auditor, the team may choose to
return the data to the auditor for commentary and further thinking about the decision to dismiss or
accept the feedback and then continue the whole process until agreement evolves.
In theory, a primary team may decide to dismiss all of the auditor’s feedback and to keep their
original data analysis intact. As outlined by Hill et al. (1997), however,

If the team is ignoring everything the auditor says or the auditor makes no suggestions, there is some basis for concern
about the process. In such cases, the team might need to meet with the auditor to resolve disagreements or
misunderstandings and clarify thinking. (pp. 548–549)

The primary team’s dialogue surrounding a decision to ignore a recommendation made by the
auditor should be thorough and thoughtful, and their rationale should be clear and compelling.


Somewhat different guidelines apply to students using CQR for the first time for a master’s thesis
or doctoral dissertation. We have found that the advisor, who is usually an auditor, is very involved
at all stages of the process in guiding the student and preventing unnecessary confusion while the
student is learning the method. We have found that despite clarity in the published descriptions of
CQR, novice CQR researchers often get confused and need help working through each stage.
Hence, the advisor often asks the team for evidence of how they are processing the audits and asks
for progress notes on how the team is functioning, often intervening when disputes erupt. Close
contact with the primary team is beneficial to prevent major problems along the way, especially at
the beginning as the team is learning the process. Clara E. Hill recalls a painful time when a thesis

student she was advising thought she was doing things right and did not show Hill her work until
several consensus versions had been done; they were done incorrectly, and the team had to go back
and do them all over again.

Negotiating Relationships Between the Primary Team

and Auditors
Respect and egalitarianism are prerequisites for successful CQR analysis, but problems inevitably
arise on both sides. The primary team might feel that the auditor is dismissing all their hard work
and is not “getting it.” In contrast, the auditor may understandably struggle with the idea that the
primary team has the final say regarding the incorporation of feedback. If the feedback loop is
complete and the primary team or auditor continues to feel very strongly about an idea, we suggest
further dialogue. At this stage, a phone conference or face-to-face meeting may be beneficial to
help resolve differences.
Before requesting this dialogue, all parties involved should spend some time considering their
reactions. If there is a legitimate concern that the primary team or auditor has dismissed something
inappropriately (e.g., because of biases that the team may hold of which the auditor is aware,
because one member of the primary team is being highly domineering, because of the perceived
impact of groupthink), this meeting is warranted. If the reaction comes more from a personal place
(e.g., the auditor has difficulty with rejection, the auditor feels personally slighted), he or she should
reconsider the need for this meeting. Another advantage of working with an experienced auditor is
that the person will have had the experience of accepting and rejecting another auditor’s feedback
when serving as a member of a primary team. Recalling this experience can help the auditor take
the current team’s decision less personally.

The role of the auditors is crucial in terms of ensuring the quality of the analyses. Just as it takes a
village to raise a child, it takes a community to understand the complexity and richness of
qualitative data and to bring them to life in the analyses. Given that there are so many ways to view
data, we encourage CQR researchers to view the role of auditor as an opportunity to get
preliminary feedback about the data and thus enhance the validity of the conclusions regarding

Bateson, G. (1972). Steps to an ecology of mind. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.
Bateson, G. (1980). Mind and nature. New York, NY: Bantam Books.
Brack, G., Jones, E. G., Smith, R. M., White, J., & Brack, C. (1993). A primer on consultation
theory: Building a flexible worldview. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71, 619–628.
Butler, T. (1998). Towards a hermeneutic method for interpretive research in information systems.
Journal of Information Technology, 13, 285–300. doi:10.1057/jit.1998.7
Gadamer, H. G. (1975). Truth and method. New York, NY: Seabury Press.
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.

From the introduction to the Method section, as well as in the Results and Discussion sections,
authors of consensual qualitative research (CQR) manuscripts confront several difficult decisions.
In this chapter, we first describe some of these challenges and then provide recommendations. We
note at the start, however, that there are no tried-and-true “rules” for writing such manuscripts, and
different topics may require different presentation formats. Thus, our goal in this chapter is to help
readers with the many important decisions they must make in preparing a manuscript involving
CQR data. We have divided the chapter into sections that correspond to those of a manuscript, and
we conclude with some general recommendations to authors.

The Introduction
In qualitative methods, the key tasks in the introduction are to provide a context for why the area of
study is important, briefly review the relevant literature, justify the unique aspects of the design, and
state the purposes and research questions. CQR authors must also assert why they have chosen to
use CQR, thereby ensuring that readers accept their premises and do not evaluate the study using a
quantitative paradigm or another qualitative approach (e.g., grounded theory, phenomenology).
The process of accomplishing these tasks has changed as CQR has gained acceptance among
journal editors as a rigorous qualitative method. Our initial attempts to publish CQR studies were
met with varying degrees of skepticism. Such hesitation about CQR manifested in journal editors
requiring greater justification for the choice of CQR over other qualitative approaches (e.g.,
grounded theory) and demanding lengthy descriptions of the CQR method itself (see below). As
CQR has become more widely accepted, these demands have lessened. The challenge for authors
continues to be deciding how much to articulate the justification for selecting CQR. Our
recommendation is to provide a clear rationale for the choice of a qualitative approach in general
and CQR specifically, the latter of which can highlight the strengths of CQR vis-à-vis other
qualitative methods (e.g., multiple judges to arrive at consensus; external auditors).

The Method Section

As noted above, one salient challenge of the CQR method section is determining the degree to
which authors need to describe CQR itself. We recommend including a brief paragraph
highlighting the four key steps of CQR (i.e., interview, domains, core ideas, cross-analysis) and
referencing the seminal CQR writings (this volume; Hill et al., 2005; Hill, Thompson, &
Williams, 1997). If authors deviate substantively from the CQR method described in these sources,
they should provide additional description of and justification for those changes.
Another issue worth mentioning is context and bias. Specifically, CQR researchers usually
describe themselves (e.g., age, gender, race–ethnicity, experiences related to the topic of study) and
their biases and expectations in the Method section so that readers can understand the context that
may influence the results. For example, if a CQR team is examining the inclusion of religion and
spirituality in psychotherapy (as was done by Knox, Catlin, Casper, & Schlosser, 2005), then it
would be relevant to provide descriptions of the research team members’ religious and spiritual self-
identification and their biases and expectations: Doing so informs readers of the researchers’
backgrounds, illuminating the potential impact of the researchers on data collection and analysis.
Hence, we recommend that relevant cultural identities and biases and expectations be included in a
description of the research team (typically along with a description of the interviewees and
interviewers in the Participants section of the Method section).

The Results Section

Next is the Results section, where we share the findings of our research with readers. Here, too,
authors must make important decisions regarding how best to present their work.


Researchers using CQR often collect and analyze more data than they can reasonably present in a
manuscript, given the tight space limitations in journals. Thus, they have to decide which findings
to report to answer their research questions and which are more peripheral and could be omitted
from the manuscript. Given the labor that goes into such research, these are neither easy, nor often
happy, decisions, but they are indeed necessary decisions.
Authors are best guided by the question noted above: What findings most directly address the
research questions on which the project was based? Findings that speak to those questions should
clearly be included in the manuscript; those with only an indirect link to the research questions may
well be excluded. For example, many researchers using CQR begin their data-gathering interview
with warm-up questions that gently facilitate interviewee comfort and set the stage for the major
questions—for example, “Please tell me about your experience of this therapy” in a study examining
clients’ experiences of therapy termination (Knox, Adrians, et al., in press); or “Please describe your
individual supervision experiences as a supervisee thus far” in a study of supervisees’ experiences of
supervisor self-disclosure (Knox, Edwards, Hess, & Hill, in press). Data yielded by such questions
are not likely, nor are they really intended, to address the central questions of the particular study,
so researchers may decide not to report these results. In addition, researchers often ask questions at
the end of an interview that are similarly, and purposefully, not closely wedded to the foundational
questions (e.g., “How did this interview affect you?”; “Why did you choose to participate in this
interview?”). The answers to such queries may be important to the investigators but seldom answer
the research questions undergirding the whole study and so often can be dropped from the
Furthermore, even seemingly substantive data may not find its way into the manuscript. In a
recent study examining clients’ experiences of giving gifts to their therapist (Knox, Dubois, Smith,
Hess, & Hill, 2009), one question asked participants to describe how their experience of giving a
gift to the therapist compared with any prior therapy gift-giving experiences. This question yielded
data from some, but not all, participants; more important, the data failed to tell the researchers

much new about the topic beyond that which had been already gained by asking about one specific
gift-giving event. These data, then, were not reported in the published manuscript.
As another example of a challenging decision regarding what data to report, in a study on
therapist self-disclosure (Knox, Hess, Petersen, & Hill, 1997), the authors chose on the basis of a
comment from the manuscript’s prepublication reviewers not to report data about unhelpful
disclosures. In retrospect, the authors felt that they should not have deleted those data because they
were, in fact, valuable: Although not all participants could recall unhelpful disclosures, the lack of
such disclosures was illuminating; furthermore, the few instances in which participants found self-
disclosures to be unhelpful were important and might have been a valuable contribution to the
Decisions regarding what findings to include may also be influenced by the “juiciness” of the
findings (though the pursuit of such “juice” should certainly not lead authors to overemphasize
outliers). For instance, results that are surprising, that are of substantial theoretical or practical
significance, that are new and exciting, or that call into question previously held ideas may well be
worthy of inclusion in the manuscript (Landrum, 2008). For instance, in the previously cited study
on gifts (Knox, Dubois, et al., 2009), the authors separately presented the data from one case that
involved multiple gifts, even though this case was an outlier from the sample, because it
demonstrated the significant problems that can arise from such circumstances.
We recommend, then, that authors use the precious space of their Results section to focus on
findings that directly speak to the research questions guiding the study. Beyond that consideration,
findings that are novel, contain practical or theoretical implications, or challenge existing ideas may
also be included. Finally, we suggest that authors briefly inform readers what findings they have
chosen not to report and their reasons for doing so.

Another decision authors face involves the structure and organization not only of the Results
section, but also of the Discussion section. In publications using CQR as the primary data-
gathering method, most authors have presented these two sections separately, though a few have
combined them into an integrated Results and Discussion section. The former structure is certainly
more traditional and may thus be more familiar to and comfortable for readers, especially those new
to CQR or to qualitative research in general. This structure may be simpler for authors as well
because it clearly defines the content that is to appear in each area. The purpose of the Results
section is thus solely to state the findings of the research: On the basis of the prior Method section
(“here’s what we studied and how we studied it . . . ”), the authors now simply state “ . . . and here’s
what we found and the evidence for it.” Left to the Discussion section is the authors’ wrangling
with what the findings mean in terms of import, significance, and implications.
A few authors (e.g., Knox, Burkard, Jackson, Schaack, & Hess, 2006), however, have
integrated the Results and Discussion sections because of the substantial overlap between the
sections and the desire not to be repetitive. Doing so need not short-change either section and in
fact may render the whole paper more potent because readers see immediately not only what the
findings are but what sense the researchers make of them. As a reader, it may be quite gratifying to
see the authors’ understanding and interpretation of their data alongside the data themselves. The
greater immediacy and integration afforded by such a structure is certainly worthy of consideration
when determining how best to present and explain the findings. Our recommendation, then, is that
authors carefully consider what structure for the Results and Discussion sections will most
compellingly present the findings and the meaning thereof. We particularly recommend combining
the Results and Discussion sections when authors find themselves repeating their results in the
Discussion section (i.e., such as when the results are so lengthy or complex that the reader has to be
reminded of them in the Discussion section). Thus far, journal reviewers and editors have shown no
consistent preference for either of the organizational structures.

Some authors of CQR-based manuscripts include illustrative core ideas or participant quotes in the
body of the Results section, whereas others include them in tables at the end of the manuscript.
Wherever it appears, such content is vital because it brings vigor to the manuscript by using
researchers’ abstracts of actual interview content (core ideas), or even more immediately uses
participants’ own words in the form of relevant quotes to substantiate the researchers’ findings. The
decision regarding where such material should appear is likely driven by author preference and by
the nature of the core ideas or quotes themselves.
As noted earlier, some authors prefer to include such content in the body of the Results,
fearing that this section will be dry and boring without this material. This approach also ensures
that readers encounter the complete findings (domains, categories, and core ideas and quotes) in
this one important section of the manuscript, as was done in an examination of novice therapists’
experiences in a beginning graduate class (Hill, Sullivan, Knox, & Schlosser, 2007).
Other authors prefer that the body of the Results briefly note the domains and categories of the
study’s findings as more of an overview and then direct readers to a table at the end of the
manuscript, deeming this a more efficient presentation of the findings given the scarcity of
manuscript space. In this approach, the table includes the same content as the earlier style
(domains, categories, and core ideas and quotes) but presents this material with visual efficiency in
what is often a single-page table, as was done in a study of supervisees’ experiences of supervisor
self-disclosure (Knox, Edwards, et al., in press).
An important consideration in deciding where to place this illustrative content is, as mentioned
above, the nature of the core ideas and quotes themselves. If longer quotations are required to
illustrate the findings vividly and clearly, they may well be best presented in the body of the Results
section. If, on the other hand, the findings can be illustrated via fairly brief core ideas and quotes,
they may be effectively presented in a table. Thus, we again recommend that authors include the
core ideas and quotes where they may most powerfully contribute to the manuscript.
In addition to the usual core ideas and quotes we have described, some authors also present
whole-case illustrative examples in the Results section to integrate the study’s main findings and
serve as a springboard for the ensuing Discussion section (see the following section). In a recent
investigation of supervisees’ experiences of supervisor self-disclosure (Knox, Edwards, et al., in
press), for example, we presented two illustrative examples, one describing supervisees’ positive
experiences of supervisor self-disclosure and the other exemplifying more problematic supervisor
self-disclosure experiences. Each example was a composite based on the prevailing findings of each
type of event, and each example vividly captured the nature of participants’ experiences. An
alternative and equally effective approach to such composite examples is to use the actual findings
from a single case (appropriately de-identified—e.g., using pseudonyms, altering demographic
information). Whether composite or based on a single case, such content is frequently presented at
the end of the Results section to highlight and integrate the findings just described but may also
prove helpful at the beginning of the Results to provide readers a sense of the phenomenon before
they enter into the specific findings. Either approach may be successful, and we again counsel
authors to choose the style of presentation that most effectively conveys their findings.
Finally, occasionally researchers present a figure to illustrate the results graphically (e.g.,
Rhodes, Hill, Thompson, & Elliott, 1994, whose figure is reprinted as Figure 9.1 in this volume).
Although not all studies lend themselves to such graphic depictions, it can be useful as a way of
integrating the findings.

The Discussion Section

As is true of each of the preceding sections, authors also wrestle with important decisions in the
Discussion section of a CQR-based manuscript. These decisions directly affect the quality and

interest of the “story” told by the researchers’ findings.


A challenge that regularly besets CQR researchers is how to craft a Discussion section that does
more than simply repeat the findings and instead weaves those findings into a compelling story. An
effective Results section clearly describes what the study has discovered—what answers it has found
to its guiding research questions. The Discussion section, then, must move beyond the “trees” of
the Results and now speak of the “forest” that those trees create. This is no easy feat.
One strategy we have used is to identify the three to five essential “take-away” messages that
we hope readers learn from a manuscript, which Landrum (2008) called the “big bang” (p. 118).
Paring down months of effort and many pages of data into the three to five juiciest nuggets is a
daunting challenge, but it is one that forces researchers to distill their findings to the most
fundamental essence, an essence that should of course be linked to the research questions guiding
the study and also to the extant literature. Once identified, these foundational nuggets form the
backbone of the Discussion section, in that all Discussion content leads directly or indirectly back
to these ideas. For instance, in a manuscript on supervisees’ experience of supervisor self-disclosure
(Knox, Edwards, et al., in press), the components that appeared to contribute most to the positive
or problematic effects of such disclosures were the supervisory relationship, supervisors’
responsiveness to supervisees’ needs or concerns, and appropriate and clear intentions for the
disclosure. The Discussion section, then, was structured to discuss the meaning of these
components and tie them into the existing literature. Such an approach has proven successful in
fostering the vital “big picture” thinking that characterizes the Discussion section.
Another approach we have used is to structure the Discussion section around the whole-case
illustrative examples presented in the Results section (see previous section). From those more
“tree”-focused illustrative examples, we move out to a broader level of abstraction in the Discussion
to describe the “forest” they depict, incorporating the extant literature where appropriate. So instead
of focusing on such details as the different antecedents to supervisors’ self-disclosures or the
different types of disclosures, we could speak in the Discussion section about the discovery that
there was no particular antecedent pattern or predominant type of disclosure. Supervisors, in fact,
appeared to notice and respond to a range of supervisee needs in deciding to disclose, and they
revealed both clinical and personal information (e.g., Knox, Edwards, et al., in press).
Yet a third approach is to overtly frame the Discussion section around the extant literature and
use that existing knowledge base to understand the current data. For example, Schlosser, Knox,
Moskovitz, and Hill (2003) examined doctoral students’ views of their advising relationships. In
that study, two dimensions from Gelso’s (1979, 1993) theory of research training environments
(i.e., instructional and interpersonal components) were used to frame the discussion of the findings.
Not all of the data fit neatly into one of these two clusters, however, so the remaining data were
discussed separately. Regardless of the specific approach followed, situating the results within
current theory and research helps authors understand the degree to which their findings are similar
to or different from previous research and contextualizes the current data in the larger body of
existing knowledge.

CQR authors must address the limitations of their research to enable readers to consider potential
shortcomings in the study and thus know to whom the results may translate. We recommend, for
instance, that authors acknowledge anything unusual about the sample, especially if that sample was
heterogeneous or anomalous in some way (e.g., age, sex, race–ethnicity, experience related to topic
of study), and also caution their audience about generalizing the findings to the larger specific
population. In addition, authors may prevent against unwarranted criticisms by reminding readers

that small samples are the norm in this method.
Authors also need to address particular features of the research team and/or the participant
sample (e.g., minimal racial–ethnic diversity) and posit the possible effects of such differences.
Authors need to speak here about the potential impact of their identities, experiences, and biases
and expectations on their understanding and analysis of the data. For example, different research
teams, with different characteristics, might well come up with slightly different results. In a recent
study of advisors’ positive and problematic dissertation experiences (Knox, Burkard, et al., in press),
for instance, we noted that the faculty on the primary team had had relatively few experiences as
dissertation advisors at the time of the research, and the students were at the time preparing for or
engaged in their dissertations. Furthermore, one of the faculty had had a uniformly positive
dissertation experience as a dissertator, whereas the other faculty member’s experiences as a
dissertator were more mixed. We acknowledged that these experiences could have biased our
interpretation of the data but also noted that we hoped the use of external auditors reduced the
likelihood of flagrant misperceptions. We thus strongly recommend that writers of CQR
manuscripts engage in similar self-reflection regarding the potential impact of their own
background and experiences on their understanding of the data.

Here, authors offer a glimpse of the larger import and meaning of the findings, both in terms of
theory, practice, and research. Given that many readers are unfamiliar with qualitative research, and
thus also with CQR, it is important that authors clearly assert how their findings may increase our
understanding of the studied phenomenon. In an investigation of client gifts to therapists (Knox,
Dubois, et al., 2009), the first study to closely examine clients’ perspectives on this experience, for
instance, the authors spoke in this section of how powerful it was for many of the participants to
give their therapists a gift as well as of the effects of this exchange on the participants and their
therapy, suggesting that such interactions can have potent effects on the therapy process and thus
must be managed with great sensitivity. The authors also reminded readers of the alarmingly
troubling experiences that one participant had with a therapist who appeared to solicit gifts, further
strengthening the need for extreme care in such interactions.
Authors should conclude this section by reflecting on possible avenues for future research.
Given that no one study answers all questions, and indeed usually raises additional questions, this
section allows authors to describe fertile future directions in the hope that doing so will spark the
imagination of other researchers for further explorations.

General Considerations
CQR researchers face other decisions in progressing toward and preparing a manuscript. These
decisions are equally important as those noted above.


Many important decisions must be made when assembling a CQR research team (see Chapter 4,
this volume); we limit our discussion here, however, to those that affect the writing of the
manuscript. In our experience, implicit assumptions among the team members about the
responsibilities for manuscript writing tend to be the norm. These assumptions are that the first
author writes the manuscript and the other team members provide feedback on drafts prior to
submission for publication. Occasionally, however, other authors have written sections (e.g.,
Method) of the paper.
Although first authors writing the bulk of a manuscript may be standard for collaborative

scholarship, we advise researchers to discuss and clarify the roles and responsibilities of all team
members at the outset of the project, including who will write what parts of the eventual
manuscript. This discussion, which should also include designating order of authorship among
team members, reduces the likelihood of painful feelings about the amount of recognition (i.e.,
authorship order) relative to the amount of work invested. To that end, the principal investigator
(PI) typically is the first author, with the members of the primary team coming next in the order of
authorship, and the auditor or auditors last. We also frequently comment in the author notes
section on the relative contributions of the team members if the order of authorship does not
adequately reflect the contributions. For example, if the first author (of a three-person primary
team) has essentially written the manuscript, then we might comment that “the second and third
authors contributed equally to this project.” Such a statement acknowledges that the level of
involvement by the primary team is substantial and was equal among primary team members other
than the first author.
Whatever decision is reached regarding writing the manuscript, the authors should consider
the effects, positive and negative, of having the first author write the entire manuscript versus
having team members write sections of the manuscript. Employing a model where the first author
writes the entire manuscript yields a paper with one clear voice and writing style. It may also,
however, place a significant burden on the first author and could contribute to an idiosyncratic
presentation of the findings, which can be tempered by team members reviewing drafts of the
paper. The alternative approach of sharing the writing can be beneficial in that work is more evenly
distributed among team members, ideally on the basis of team members’ strengths and interests.
However, the first author eventually still must synthesize the various contributions into one
coherent voice for the manuscript.


An additional consideration is the use of external readers. Speaking personally, we often rely on at
least one external reader to review a manuscript prior to submission for publication. This external
reader is not part of the research team, nor is she or he an author of the paper; this position as an
independent “outsider” allows for a more impartial, critical review of the manuscript, more like
what will be received from reviewers of journals. A primary consideration regarding the decision of
whether to use an external reader is the experience level of the team members (who review
manuscript drafts prior to the external reader). That is, critical feedback on a manuscript is often
hard to obtain from more novice graduate student coauthors, especially when the first author also
serves as students’ advisor, supervisor, and/or course instructor. In such cases, the critical
commentary from an external reviewer can highlight areas in need of attention prior to journal
submission. If an external reader (or readers) is used, she or he should be selected for content area
expertise and openness to, and preferably familiarity with, CQR; such readers should be noted in
the acknowledgments section of the paper.


Finally, it can be very beneficial to present CQR research at appropriate professional meetings
before publication. In addition to the general dissemination of research knowledge, presenting
CQR data at a conference forces authors to focus on the essential findings that would be most
compelling for the audience. An additional benefit from such presentations is receiving feedback,
which might facilitate the generation of new ideas and perspectives. The effort to focus on the most
primary and compelling findings, as well as the opportunity to receive helpful feedback, may both
contribute to a stronger CQR manuscript.

Many, then, are the challenges of writing an effective CQR-based manuscript. As we have faced
these challenges, we have certainly learned and grown as researchers and as authors, and we are
confident that others will do the same. We hope that what we have offered here proves helpful for
those who wish to follow in this path. In Table 11.1, we summarize the recommendations made
throughout this chapter.

TA B L E 1 1 . 1
Writing the Manuscript

Gelso, C. J. (1979). Research in counseling: Methodological and professional issues. The Counseling
Psychologist, 8, 7–36. doi:10.1177/001100007900800303
Gelso, C. J. (1993). On the making of a scientist–practitioner: A theory of research training in
professional psychology. Professional Psychology, Research and Practice, 24, 468–476.
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Sullivan, C., Knox, S., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2007). Becoming psychotherapists:
Experiences of novice trainees in a beginning graduate class. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research,
Practice, Training, 44, 434–449. doi:10.1037/0033-3204.44.4.434
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Knox, S., Adrians, N., Everson, E., Hess, S. A., Crook-Lyon, R., & Hill, C. E. (in press). Clients’
experiences of termination in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research.
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Jackson, J. A., Schaack, A., & Hess, S. A. (2006). Therapists-in-
training who experience a client suicide: Implications for supervision. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice, 37, 547–557. doi:10.1037/0735-7028.37.5.547
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Janecek, J., Pruitt, N. T., Fuller, S., & Hill, C. E. (in press). Positive
and problematic dissertation experiences: The faculty perspective. Counselling Psychology
Knox, S., Catlin, L., Casper, M., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2005). Addressing religion and spirituality in

psychotherapy: Clients’ perspectives. Psychotherapy Research, 15, 287–303.
Knox, S., Dubois, R., Smith, J., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (2009). Clients’ experiences giving gifts
to therapists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 46, 350–361.
Knox, S., Edwards, L. M., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (in press). Supervisees’ experiences of
supervisor self-disclosure. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training.
Knox, S., Hess, S., Petersen, D., & Hill, C. E. (1997). A qualitative analysis of client perceptions
of the effects of helpful therapist self-disclosure in long-term therapy. Journal of Counseling
Psychology, 44, 274–283. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.44.3.274
Landrum, R. E. (2008). Undergraduate writing in psychology: Learning to tell the scientific story.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Rhodes, R., Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Elliott, R. (1994). Client retrospective recall of
resolved and unresolved misunderstanding events. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 473–483.
Schlosser, L. Z., Knox, S., Moskovitz, A. R., & Hill, C. E. (2003). A qualitative examination of
graduate advising relationships: The advisee perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50,
178–188. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.50.2.178

Any single consensual qualitative research (CQR) study can be informative and important. For
example, learning more about Filipino American identity development (Tuason, Taylor, Rollings,
Harris, & Martin, 2007), adaptation experiences of 1.5 generation Asian Americans (Kim,
Brenner, Liang, & Asay, 2003), or ethical values of master therapists (Jennings, Sovereign,
Bottorff, Mussell, & Vye, 2005) is fascinating and helps us better understand these phenomena.
Despite the potential contributions of individual studies, however, we cannot neglect questions
about the representativeness of findings beyond the specific sample. Was the sample unusual in
some unknown way? Did the interviewers obtain rich information? Did the research team’s biases
unduly influence the data analysis? Given such questions, the opportunity to replicate findings
across a series of studies exploring similar phenomena seems likely to yield more trustworthy
results. Similarly, in their seminal article describing CQR, Hill, Thompson, and Williams (1997)
noted that results would be stronger and more believable if there were replications of findings
across several studies. They lamented, however, that there were no existing methods for such
comparisons at that time.
Fortunately, progress has been made since 1997 in aggregating results across qualitative studies.
Specifically, Timulak (2009) presented guidelines for performing qualitative meta-analysis (QMA),
which he defined as “a precise and comprehensive picture of findings across qualitative studies that
investigate the same research topic” (p. 591). Just as quantitative meta-analysis (see Berkeljon &
Baldwin, 2009) first looks at overall effects (e.g., is there an overall effect for psychotherapy?) and
then explores particular features of subsamples (e.g., do the effects sizes differ by therapy approach
or client diagnosis?), Timulak noted that the aims of QMA are to summarize overall findings and
then to explore possible differences among samples.
Out first goal in conducting QMA on CQR studies, then, involves aggregating results across
studies investigating the same phenomenon. Here, researchers examine a set of studies and
determine how many report the same or similar findings. Recall that in CQR we label findings as
general if they represent all or all but one of the participants, typical if they apply to more than half
up to the cutoff for general, and variant if they apply to two or three up to the cutoff for typical.
Thus, if out of a hypothetical set of 20 studies, 15 reported typical findings for a particular category
(e.g., insight was a helpful aspect of the therapy), three reported this category as variant, and two
did not have a related category, we suggest that 18 out of 20 studies reporting the same category as

at least variant (i.e., variant, typical, or general) provides strong support for believing that this
category is descriptive of the phenomenon under investigation. In contrast, if out of a same
hypothetical set of 20 studies, only two reported typical findings for a particular category, three
reported this category as variant, and 15 did not have a related category, we would not have as
much confidence that this category is descriptive of the phenomenon under investigation. We
suggest that the majority of studies (which in the above example would be 11 of the 20 studies)
need to report a category as at least variant to consider the category as representative of the
phenomenon under investigation.
Our second goal involves exploring differences among samples to assess the effects of specific
aspects of samples (e.g., therapist vs. client participants) or data collection (e.g., data collected via
face-to-face vs. telephone interviews). In this second goal, researchers seek to determine whether
such differences among samples influence the overall results. By comparing results across studies
exploring a phenomenon from both therapist and client perspectives, for example, we could
determine the possible influence of perspective on the results. Thus, if eight of 10 hypothetical
studies from the therapist perspective indicated that the category of “insight was a helpful aspect of
therapy” occurred typically or variantly, whereas only one out of 10 hypothetical studies from the
client perspective found this category to be typical or variant, then we would have some preliminary
evidence that insight may be more important to therapists than to clients.
In this chapter, we first provide an example of a QMA. We then outline the specific steps
researchers might follow to conduct a QMA.

Example of a QMA
In this section, we demonstrate QMA of CQR data by examining findings for 10 investigations in
which researchers asked participants why they chose to participate in the project. These data were
never published because of journal space limitations and because the results were not directly tied to
the studies’ central questions of interest. Given the similarity of questions across studies, however,
they were ideal for a first foray into a QMA of CQR data.
We had access to the core ideas from all of the cross-analyses, so the three authors of this
chapter read over the category labels and the core ideas for each category for all 10 studies. We
quickly noted that codings into categories were not consistent across studies, and we felt a bit
uncertain about what each of the categories meant. To become clearer, we reexamined the original
category labels and their underlying core ideas and then developed six broad categories that seemed
to capture the findings across studies regarding why participants chose to take part in the research.
Next, we went back to each individual study and determined by consensus into which of our six
new categories each individual core idea fit (again, regardless of into which original category it had
been placed by the researchers). On the basis of which coding predominated, we then placed the
original category, as a whole, into one of the six new categories (again, regardless of the original
label given by the authors of the study). As an example, let’s say that an original category was
supported by 30 core ideas across participants and that 20 of those core ideas best fit new category
A, seven best fit new category B, and three best fit new category C. Because the vast majority of the
core ideas from this original category best fit new category A, the entire original category and its 30
core ideas were placed under new category A. On the basis of this work, we then created a table
that showed where each of the original categories from each study (using their original labels) fit
into our six new QMA categories (see Table 12.1).

TA B L E 1 2 . 1
Comparison of Reasons for Participation in 10 Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Studies

TA B L E 1 2 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Comparison of Reasons for Participation in 10 Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Studies

Our first goal in this QMA, then, was to determine how many of the 10 studies found similar
categories explaining why participants took part in the project. The reasons that were cited at least
variantly were as follows:
The most frequent reason cited was a desire to help, emerging at least variantly in 90% of the
studies, indicating that participants most often agreed to participate because they had a desire
to be altruistic or helpful.
The second most common reason cited was that the topic was interesting or important to the
participants (emerged as at least variant in 80% of the studies).
Other reasons that were mentioned less frequently were having had a meaningful related
experience (at least variant in 50% of the studies), wanting to educate or contribute to the
literature (at least variant in 50% of the studies), liking qualitative research (at least variant in
30% of the studies), and being invited by a colleague or advisor (at least variant in 30% of the
Three reasons (to facilitate participant’s own research, topic was not invasive or exploitative,
participant wanted experience as an interviewee) were mentioned in single studies but were
not replicated in any other studies.
On the basis of the findings of this QMA, then, researchers might consider targeting their
recruiting efforts to appeal to the wish to be helpful and to be involved in an important, interesting
Our second goal in this QMA was to determine whether there were any consistent differences
among the samples that might explain some of the variation in the findings. An examination of the
details of various studies (e.g., demographic data about the participants, methodological features)
revealed only one noticeable difference in the samples: Four studies involved graduate students as
participants, three involved practicing postgraduate professionals (e.g., postgraduate therapists or

faculty members), and three involved clients. However, because the three studies involving clients
included both therapists in training and practicing therapists as participants, we did not include
these in the comparison. Hence, we next compared the four studies involving graduate students and
the three studies involving postgraduate professionals.
We a priori arbitrarily decided that we would consider a difference between the two samples to
be important if they differed by at least 30% in number of studies (because a difference that large
seemed unlikely to have occurred just by chance). We also decided that the category had to have
occurred at least variantly (i.e., occurred variantly, typically, or generally). Differences were found
for four categories:
Professionals more often than graduate students mentioned participating because they were
invited by a colleague (66% were at least variant for professionals vs. 0% for graduate
Professionals more often than graduate students mentioned participating because they had a
desire to educate or contribute to the literature (100% were at least variant for professionals
vs. 50% for graduate students).
Graduate students more often than professionals mentioned participating because they had a
relevant meaningful experience (50% were at least variant for graduate students vs. 0% for
Graduate students more often than professionals mentioned participating because they
wanted to help (100% were at least variant for graduate students vs. 66% for professionals).
On the basis of these QMA findings, researchers might consider tailoring their recruitment of
graduate students to those who have had relevant meaningful experiences and who want to be
helpful (emphasizing research karma), whereas they might personally ask colleagues and appeal to
their desire to contribute to knowledge when recruiting postgraduate professionals.

Steps for Conducting QMA on CQR Data

Stepping back now from the specific example, we offer the following guidelines for conducting
QMA with CQR data. These guidelines are based on Timulak’s (2009) description of QMA,
which we modified on the basis of our experiences (described above) applying QMA to existing
CQR data. Table 12.2 provides a summary of these guidelines.

TA B L E 1 2 . 2
Summary of Steps for Conducting Qualitative Meta-Analysis on Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR)

We recommend having three to four people on a QMA research team to allow for a variety of
opinions. It could also be useful to have one or two auditors to provide feedback on the team’s
analysis, although at this point it does not seem to be absolutely necessary if enough people are
included in the research team. In terms of qualifications for the team and any auditors, experience
with CQR seems most relevant, along with expertise in the topic being studied.


To facilitate fair comparisons across studies, researchers need to select studies that address the same
or similar topics (i.e., at least some portion of each study must address the same topic). For
example, all selected studies might address helpful aspects of therapy, or some part of the chosen
studies might address why participants agreed to participate in the study.
Researchers need to determine inclusion and exclusion criteria to indicate what kinds of studies
they will and will not include in their review. For example, they might decide to include only
studies that faithfully followed CQR and might exclude studies that did not report quotes or core
ideas to illustrate categories (because it would be very difficult to determine what categories meant
without such supporting information). Researchers then exhaustively search the literature to make
sure that they include all possible studies that fit their criteria. Given that not all studies include the
term consensual qualitative research in the abstract, this search might entail more examination of
paper copies of journals than is usually done and following up on references in published studies on
the topic.
With regard to numbers of studies needed for a QMA, this decision depends on the reason for
conducting the QMA. If the intent is to feel confident about the findings in a particular area, then
many studies are needed (Patterson, Thorne, Canam, & Jillings, 2001, recommended at least a
dozen studies) because the stability of the results emerges only when multiple samples are
examined. Similarly, if the purpose is to investigate the effects of specific features of the studies
(e.g., type of sample), many studies would be needed so that potential differences among examined

features emerge with some stability. If the purpose is to perform a preliminary comparison of
findings across studies in an area where few studies exist, however, as few as two studies could be
included in the QMA because two studies can provide preliminary evidence about stability of
findings across samples. Given the current paucity of CQR studies examining the same topic, we
may need to rely on fewer CQR studies than might be ideal in these early stages of QMA.


Typically, researchers will have available to them only the evidence that has been published, which
usually consists of the category labels and either representative core ideas or quotes for each
category or subcategory. It is crucial to have at least the exemplar core ideas or quotes to obtain a
clear understanding of what category labels mean within the individual studies. In ideal
circumstances, researchers would also have access to each project’s cross-analysis so that they could
actually see the core ideas for each category, but we recognize that QMA researchers may not
always have access to such data. If the cross-analyses are available for some of the studies but not
others, QMA researchers must decide whether to include unequal levels of data (e.g., category
labels and core ideas for some studies vs. entire cross-analyses for other studies) in their QMA. If,
from an examination of the exemplar core ideas and quotes, the category labels seem clear and
discrete, researchers may include studies for which not all the core ideas are available; on the other
hand, if researchers are not sure about what the category labels really mean, it is probably wiser not
to include such studies in the QMA (and note this in the paper).


In this step, the primary team (i.e., all those except auditors) examines the categories within parallel
domains across studies and determines if there are similarities. Specifically, they look at the
category labels and exemplar quotes and core ideas (and all of the core ideas if the cross-analyses are
available) and determine whether the categories across studies convey sufficiently similar meaning
such that regardless of category title they represent the same construct. For example, by examining
such evidence (i.e., the category label, the exemplar core ideas), the team might determine that for a
domain capturing participants’ reasons for taking part in a study, the category “wanted to help” in
one study is equivalent to the category “to help out a colleague” in another study but that both of
these categories differ from the category “had the time” (see example above). Determination of
equivalence between categories is made by consensus among the research team members based on
considerable discussion and examination of all the available data.


Once it is determined that the categories represent the same construct, the next decision is how to
summarize the findings. We suggest here that researchers indicate which categories occurred
generally, typically, and variantly across studies. For example, let us suppose that researchers in a
hypothetical QMA of 10 studies about helpful components of psychotherapy indicate that the
category “insight” was general in four studies, typical in three, variant in one, and did not emerge at
all in two studies, whereas the category of “action ideas” was not general in any studies, was typical
in one, variant in three, and nonexistent in six. They could then summarize these results and say
that “insight” occurred at least variantly in 80% of the studies, whereas “action ideas” occurred at
least variantly in only 40%. Researchers could be more stringent and consider only those categories
that occurred at least typically in order to represent findings that held for at least half of the
samples. Thus, in our hypothetical example, “insight” occurred at least typically in 70% of the
studies, whereas “action ideas” occurred at least typically in only 10%.

The next decision is what to make of the above findings regarding how often each category
occurred. Here, then, we need to decide how often the category had to occur to consider it a key
component of the phenomenon. We tentatively suggest that more than half of the studies must
include the chosen category at least variantly (or if researchers wish to be more stringent, the
category must occur at least typically) for the category to be considered representative of the
phenomenon. Thus, if six out of 10 studies found “achieving insight” at least variantly to be a
helpful component of therapy, we would have confidence that insight is indeed helpful; in contrast,
if only two of 10 studies found “developing action ideas” at least variantly to be helpful, we would
have less confidence that this is a valued component of therapy.
If auditors are used, the results would now be sent to them. Auditors would examine all of the
evidence and comment on the results. The primary team would then consider the auditors’
comments and make needed adjustments.


As a follow-up to the main analyses of overall effects, researchers may decide to continue even
further in their analysis (if they have enough studies) to determine whether results differed across
samples. Differences based on characteristics of the samples might have muddied the overall results,
and thus a more micro level of examination might clarify that variation was due to something
related to the samples. For example, minimal consistency might be found across studies if samples
differed in terms of the theoretical orientation of therapists. If we could identify such differences
among samples, and if we had enough studies in each subgroup, we might be able to account for
variation across studies. Continuing the hypothetical example from the previous section, if clients in
studies involving psychodynamic therapy often cited “achieving insight” as a helpful component,
whereas clients in studies involving cognitive–behavioral therapy often cited “developing action
ideas” as helpful, we would consider this to be an “important” difference (note that we cannot call it
a “significant” difference because we did not do statistical tests of significance).
In order to investigate the influence of various features of the studies on the obtained results,
researchers first must note the relevant features of the chosen studies. For example, researchers
might record the stated theoretical orientation and stated expectations and biases of the research
team, the size and characteristics of the sample, the procedures for collecting and analyzing data,
any deviations from standard CQR procedures, and any concerns about the trustworthiness of the
data and data analysis. For instance, if it appears from an examination of the findings that there was
considerable variation with regard to therapists’ experience level, researchers might note which
samples used postgraduate therapists and which used therapists in training as participants.
Researchers are constrained, of course, by what is available about the studies in the published
records, unless they contact the authors for more detail.
Assuming that the researchers have enough studies for each of the subgroups of interest (we
suggest at least three studies in each subgroup), they can then investigate whether different results
emerged for the different subgroups. For example, researchers could explore whether the results
differed on the basis of how the data were gathered (e.g., face-to-face interviews, telephone
interviews, written questionnaires) and whether the sample reflected different cultural backgrounds
(e.g., China vs. the United States) or experience levels (e.g., doctoral students vs. experienced
therapists as participants). In another example, researchers might find that two of 10 studies
reported at least typical results for the category of sexual fantasies in dreams about clients on the
basis of telephone interviews compared with eight of 10 studies reporting typical or variant results
for this category when face-to-face interviews were used.
Researchers must then decide how much difference needs to be present to consider the samples
as having responded differently. We recommend that there be a difference of at least 30% between
subsamples (e.g., eight of 10 studies vs. five of 10 studies would be a 30% difference). Although the
30% criterion is admittedly arbitrary, it seems relatively large and thus likely to reflect true

differences between subsamples (and seemed to reflect meaningful differences when we examined
some data and yet was not overly restrictive). We advise researchers to set their criteria for
important differences prior to data analyses (otherwise researchers are likely to set criteria to
support their biases) and to state them clearly in the manuscript. Thus, researchers might determine
that in speaking of helpful aspects of therapy, clients of postgraduate therapists more often yielded
an “insight” category than did clients of therapists in training, basing this conclusion on the
evidence that eight of 10 hypothetical studies with postgraduate therapists included the “insight”
category as general or typical, whereas only two of 10 hypothetical studies with therapists in
training yielded “insight” as a general or typical category (a 60% difference clearly exceeds the 30%
criterion set a priori for differences to be considered important).

By presenting a clear description of an approach to conducting QMA, we hope to encourage
researchers to engage in this type of analysis. We also encourage researchers to replicate studies so
that there will be enough data to conduct additional QMA. We hope that the results of such efforts
will provide greater confidence in the findings across a body of research. In contrast, if similarities
are not found across studies, even when different features of studies are accounted for, researchers
might lose confidence in the utility of CQR and need to modify the approach.
Finally, we acknowledge again that these qualitative meta-analytic procedures are very new.
We fully expect the methods to change as researchers gain more experience with them. We thus
eagerly await further extensions of the method.

Berkeljon, A., & Baldwin, S. A. (2009). An introduction to meta-analysis for psychotherapy
outcome research. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 511–518. doi:10.1080/10503300802621172
Hess, S., Knox, S., Schultz, J. M., Hill, C. E., Sloan, L., Brandt, S., . . . Hoffman, M. A. (2008).
Predoctoral interns’ nondisclosure in supervision. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 400–411.
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Jennings, L., Sovereign, A., Bottorff, N., Mussell, M., & Vye, C. (2005). Nine ethical values of
master therapists. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 27(1), 32–47.
Kim, B. S. K., Brenner, B. R., Liang, C. T. H., & Asay, P. A. (2003). A qualitative study of
adaptation experiences of 1.5-generation Asian Americans. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority
Psychology, 9, 156–170. doi:10.1037/1099-9809.9.2.156
Knox, S., Adrians, N., Everson, E., Hess, S. A., Hill, C. E., & Crook-Lyon, R. (2011). Clients’
perspectives on therapy termination. Psychotherapy Research, 21, 154–167.
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Jackson, J. A., Schaack, A., & Hess, S. A. (2006). Therapists-in-
training who experience a client suicide: Implications for supervision. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice, 37, 547–557.
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Edwards, L., Smith, J., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2008). Supervisors’ reports
of the effects of supervisor self-disclosure on supervisees. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 543–559.
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Janecek, J., Pruitt, N. T., Fuller, S., & Hill, C. E. (in press). Positive
and problematic dissertation experiences: The faculty perspective. Counselling Psychology
Knox, S., Dubois, R., Smith, J., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (2009). Clients’ experiences giving gifts
to therapists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 46, 350–361.

Knox, S., Edwards, L. M., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (in press). Supervisees’ experiences of
supervisor self-disclosure. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training.
Knox, S., Hess, S. A., Hill, C. E., Burkard, A. W., & Crook-Lyon, R. E. (in press). Corrective
relational experiences of therapists or therapists-in-training. In L. G. Castonguay & C. E. Hill
(Eds.), Transformation in psychotherapy: Corrective experiences across cognitive behavioral,
humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Knox, S., Schlosser, L. Z., Pruitt, N. T., & Hill, C. E. (2006). A qualitative examination of
graduate advising relationships: The advisor perspective. The Counseling Psychologist, 34, 489–
518. doi:10.1177/0011000006290249
Patterson, B. L., Thorne, S. E., Canam, C., & Jillings, C. (2001). Meta-study of qualitative health
research: A practical guide to meta-analysis and meta-synthesis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Timulak, L. (2009). Meta-analysis of qualitative studies: A tool for reviewing qualitative research
findings in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 591–600.
Tuason, M. T. G., Taylor, A. R., Rollings, L., Harris, T., & Martin, C. (2007). On both sides of
the hyphen: Exploring the Filipino-American identity. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54, 362–
372. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.54.4.362

Establishing the validity of any empirical research study is crucial (Choudhuri, Glauser, &
Peregoy, 2004; Stiles, 1993). In qualitative research, the meaning and operationalization of
“validity” has been more difficult to determine than in the quantitative studies that have
traditionally dominated in psychology. First, qualitative researchers have no shared “shorthand,”
such as p values, estimates of interrater reliability, and error variance on which to rely (Williams &
Morrow, 2009). Thus, thinking about and assessing the construct of validity is difficult. Second,
qualitative researchers have struggled against simply adopting the language and approaches of
quantitative research (Arminio & Hultgren, 2002). Merely applying standards (e.g., the use of a
kappa statistic) from quantitative research does not make sense given that the two types of research
are based on different underlying paradigms (see Chapter 2 in this volume).
Instead of using the term validity, then, some qualitative researchers have begun to use the
term trustworthiness (e.g., Elliott, Fischer, & Rennie, 1999), referring to the researchers’ claim to
have used appropriate, adequate, and replicable methods and to have correctly reported the
findings. In 1981, Guba suggested that qualitative researchers should use credibility, transferability,
dependability, and confirmability to evaluate trustworthiness. Indeed, many have adopted these
criteria as a way to address challenges to methodological rigor leveled at qualitative research (Hoyt
& Bhati, 2007). Others (e.g., Morrow, 2005) have used these criteria to further define
trustworthiness. For this chapter, we rely on the three criteria that were initially presented by
Morrow (2005) and then refined by Williams and Morrow (2009):

1. Establishing the integrity of the data,

2. Balancing the tension between subjectivity and reflexivity, and
3. Clearly communicating the findings and their applicability to research and practice.

In this chapter, we review these three criteria, paying particular attention to the specific strategies
that consensual qualitative researchers can use to establish the trustworthiness of their data.

Integrity of the Data

Researchers can use several strategies to substantiate the integrity of the data. Among these are
providing details about the methods, triangulating methods, looking for saturation, and thinking
about generalizability.


The integrity, or dependability (Patton, 2002), of the data refers to the clear description of both the
methods and the results (e.g., do the results answer the research questions and do they provide
sufficient detail?). A first critical step in establishing the integrity of the data is to provide enough
methodological detail in the research report to allow for replication of the study’s procedures
(though not necessarily its results). In a consensual qualitative research (CQR) study, authors
should describe
the research team members in detail,
the research team’s biases and expectations,
evidence regarding the adequacy of the sample,
the interview protocol (and consider providing a copy in the appendix of the report),
the recruitment strategy used (and its success rate),
the interview process itself (by whom, where, how long, how recorded),
the transcription process,
the specific process followed in the data analysis (and how clearly the procedures followed the
CQR approach in particular),
attempts at establishing stability of the data (e.g., that new cases do not add significant new
categories to the findings), and
any other details of the study that other researchers would need to know to replicate the
An excellent example of a CQR study that describes these factors is Knox, Burkard, Edwards,
Smith, and Schlosser (2008). These authors provided a full description of the research team,
including providing an overview of their biases as an appendix. Also in an appendix is the full
interview protocol, and the authors provided a good deal of information about the interview process
itself (including the piloting of the protocol) and about the recruitment strategy used for the

Williams and Morrow (2009) also noted the use of triangulation as a strategy for establishing the
integrity of qualitative data. Triangulation is the use of multiple (mixed) methods for collecting data
(e.g., written surveys, interviews, physiological measures) and the collection of different participant
perspectives (e.g., asking clients and therapists to respond to the same interview questions about a
session). If results are not consistent, then researchers need to conduct further research to
determine if discrepancies are due to the methods or perspectives. As an example from CQR
research, Williams, Judge, Hill and Hoffman (1997) studied novice therapists’ attempts to manage
their reactions in counseling sessions. They collected data from the clients, the therapists
themselves, and the therapists’ supervisors. They also used both quantitative surveys (e.g., ratings of
anxiety and self-efficacy) and written, open-ended interview questions. Such triangulation ensured
a more complete representation of the therapists’ strategies over the course of a prepracticum course
in graduate school. If results are consistent across methods and perspectives, researchers can begin
to feel more confident about the data.

Williams and Morrow (2009) also recommended the use of theoretical saturation for establishing
trustworthiness. Glaser and Strauss (1967) described theoretical saturation as the point where no
new data emerge in the study, where the “researcher becomes empirically confident” (p. 65) in the
findings. Thus, saturation demands that researchers have collected enough data to ensure stability
in the domains and categories that emerged in their data sets and have linked the data to the
research questions and theoretical underpinnings of the research. In CQR, this type of saturation
has usually been referred to as stability of findings (Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997, p. 552). To
establish stability, CQR researchers have sometimes withheld one or two cases from the cross-
analysis; when those cases are added into the analysis, the researchers can check to determine
whether there are any “substantial changes” (defined by Hill et al., 1997, as creating a change in
category designation, such as moving a category from variant to typical). Although this procedure
for establishing stability has merit, it has not often been very helpful for CQR studies in particular.
Because all the interviews in a CQR study are typically collected prior to data analysis to ensure
consistency across cases, it is not usually feasible for researchers to collect new data if the analysis
indicates that the results are not stable. Furthermore, there are no clear standards for what
constitutes stability—how much the withheld cases need to add for the results to be considered
unstable. Given these concerns, Hill et al. (2005) suggested that researchers no longer attempt to
use stability checks in this way.
Rather than a stability check, researchers can use other methods to establish integrity. First,
researchers generally try to include a relatively large sample (about 13 to 15 participants) that is
relatively homogeneous so that they are more likely to obtain consistent findings (see Chapter 6 in
this volume). Second, researchers work hard to connect the individual results to the overarching
categories determined by the cross-analysis. This task is usually done by presenting exemplar core
ideas or using quotes from the data. A good example can be found in Hayes et al.’s (1998) study on
therapist countertransference. The authors presented information within and across cases about the
frequency of categories found in the cross-analysis, included numerous quotes in the results, and
provided summaries of their eight cases. Their connection of the individual cases to the overall
findings gave a strong sense of the applicability of the emerging categories as well as good
documentation of the integrity of the data.


CQR researchers often struggle with the issue of generalizability as it applies to trustworthiness in
qualitative research. Given that CQR studies use small samples that may not perfectly represent the
population and rely on rich, descriptive data, it is often hard to generalize results beyond the
specific sample of participants and researchers. In fact, some qualitative researchers use the term
transferability instead of generalizability. Transferability is fostered when researchers provide
detailed information about the participants and the research process so that readers can judge
whether findings might transfer to other settings. In pursuing transferability, we try to select
participants randomly from a well-defined and fairly homogenous population, and we use relatively
large samples (relative to other qualitative approaches). We note, as well, that participants for a
CQR study are selected not because they fulfill the representative requirements of statistical
inference, and thus generalizability, but because they can speak in detail about the experience under
investigation (Polkinghorne, 2005). We also resolve seeming contradictions in the data, account for
all data from each participant, provide examples to illustrate the findings, and respond to questions
about the fit of findings with the data (Fischer, 2006). In addition, the strength of qualitative
inquiry is more linked with the information richness of the cases selected and the observational and
analytical capabilities of the researchers than with sample size (Patton, 1990).
Moreover, although generalizability in a more strictly quantitative sense has referred to
generalizing findings beyond a sample to the population, CQR researchers find it is important to

establish the typicality of the findings within a study. We demonstrate typicality by indicating the
frequency with which categories emerge in the study: general (applies to all or all but one case in the
sample), typical (applies to more than half of the cases), and variant (applies to less than half of the
cases). It would be difficult to defend the trustworthiness of a study that had only variant categories
in a CQR study because those categories are not reflective of even the sample used in that particular
study. Given that the presence of only variant categories sometimes reflects variability within the
sample, researchers might try dividing the sample (if it is large enough) and see whether more
general or typical results emerge. Though not all studies find general categories, the existence of
typical categories also argues for the existence of some theoretical saturation of the data.

Reflexivity and Subjectivity

Once the integrity of the data has been established, CQR researchers can turn their attention to
balancing the tension between what the participants say and how the researchers interpret their
responses. Qualitative research, indeed any research, is inherently subjective (i.e., never truly
objective). Subjectivity enters into the research questions we decide to ask (or not ask), the
responses of the participants (and their nonresponses), and the researchers’ attempts at accurately
representing the participants’ views. Because of this inherent subjectivity, CQR researchers must be
careful to explore and manage (where possible) their biases and expectations (see also Chapter 5,
this volume). Rennie (2004) labeled this process of exploring and managing biases and expectations
as reflexivity, or an awareness of self. Thus, researchers must remain aware of their own biases,
interpretive lenses, and expectational sets and attempt to differentiate between what the
participants really “mean” and how the researchers perceive that information. This process is akin to
therapists’ attempts to keep a clear perspective on what the client brings to a session and what the
therapist must “own” as his or her own issues.
To manage these threats to our ability to clearly represent our participants’ voices, CQR
researchers have typically used the strategy of bracketing (or being aware of and setting aside) their
biases and expectations (Hill et al., 2005). As an example of how CQR researchers have attempted
to manage this balance between subjectivity and reflexivity, Knox, Hess, Williams and Hill (2003)
grappled with the difficulties of protecting participants’ confidentiality (in terms of balancing how
much detail to present in the research paper) and with the complexities of understanding the
meaning to therapists of their clients’ gifts with the overlying reactions of the research team to
particular gifts and therapists responses. The sheer volume of the data obtained in this study
necessitated a clear and dynamic exploration of the research team’s understanding of the various
therapists’ perceptions of and feelings about the gifts they received. Because some of the gifts were
quite large and sometimes surprising, the research team had to work to ensure that their own
reactions (whether a gift was “too” large or expensive, whether a gift was “inappropriate” or “out
there”) were separated from the therapists’ perceptions of the gifts they had received from their
clients. With such a charged topic, the researchers found an even greater need, and therefore
responsibility, to identify their own subjective responses and stay true to the participants’ voices,
meanings, and interpretations.
One way that CQR researchers have addressed this need to balance reflexivity and subjectivity
is by having multiple team members and auditors. CQR is built on the concept of consensus and
the idea that multiple perspectives will help ensure a truer representation of the participants’
meanings. As Hill et al. (1997) stated, “The assumption is that multiple perspectives increase our
approximation of the ‘truth’ and are more likely to be free from researcher bias” (p. 523; see also
Marshall & Rossman, 1989). Not only do group members on the primary research team help
individuals clarify their own perceptions and interpretations of the data, but having external
auditors provides an additional layer of review. In the event that a research team has developed
groupthink (Janis, 1982) related to some aspect of the study, the auditors may be able to raise that
issue and ask the research team to reconsider whether they have clearly and correctly represented

the participants’ voices in the analysis.

Clear Communication of Findings

Williams and Morrow (2009) emphasized that researchers must present their results and the
meaning of those results clearly and with purpose. Clarity goes beyond the strictly grammatical level
of the writing (though such clarity is indeed important). Communicating the findings with clarity
includes ensuring that the readers have enough information to know what was found and what
relationship the findings have to broader theoretical issues, past research, and implications of the
One way that researchers can clearly present the implications of their findings is to tie their
results explicitly to the purpose for conducting the study. Williams and Morrow (2009) noted
several specific purposes that qualitative researchers might emphasize particularly in psychotherapy
research. First, researchers could describe how their findings could be used to improve
psychotherapy process or outcome, including psychotherapy, training, and supervision processes.
For example, Hill, Sullivan, Knox, and Schlosser (2007) examined the developmental experiences
of novice therapists in their process of training to be psychotherapists. The reason for the study and
the conclusions drawn were based on the desire to provide ideas for enhancements to clinical
supervision and training. On the basis of their findings, they suggested four implications for
training: to continue a focus on helping skills training beyond an initial semester of practicum work;
the continued use of intensive supervision; specific training, including experiential exercises, for
helping novice therapists learn to manage their internal processes (such as anxieties and self-talk);
and specific skills training for helping novice therapists process emotional reactions in therapy.
Second, CQR researchers could establish the limitations of a particular therapeutic or
methodological approach. For example, Ladany et al. (in press) tested whether two different teams
working on the same data would arrive at the same conclusions. Specifically, they studied the topic
of corrective emotional experiences of supervisees in supervision. Results (shown in more depth in
Chapter 9 of this volume) indicated that there was both considerable overlap and considerable
divergence in the findings between the two teams. These results suggest to us that CQR is indeed a
subjective process and that different teams will indeed view data in different ways. Given that these
two teams were all trained together and shared relatively similar backgrounds (i.e., all were White
and from the United States), we would expect even bigger differences in the results between
research teams that come from different cultures or have team members with widely different
Third, the research findings could be used to encourage a further dialogue, such as between
researchers and practitioners. For example, Castonguay et al. (2010) described the use of a practice
research network (PRN) and interviewed the participants of the network to determine what
researchers and practitioners could learn from each other. They were able to identify difficulties
that psychotherapists experience when participating in research (such as added time and effort) but
also the benefits of doing so (such as gaining new knowledge, the utility of the findings for clinical
practice, and feeling good about collaborations and contributions made). What is perhaps most
exciting about this study is that it provided a venue in which this important dialogue could occur
and in which psychotherapists could give researchers advice on conducting future PRN studies.
Finally, the research could be used to suggest a new course of action (such as a change to
research procedures or psychotherapeutic methods). For example, Tuason, Taylor, Rollings, Harris,
and Martin (2007) used CQR methodology to explore an understudied group, Filipino Americans.
They investigated the different experiences of Filipino immigrants to the United States and U.S.-
born Filipino Americans. They summarized the impact of their findings in the following way:
“This study’s relevance lies in its understanding of Filipino Americans in an empowering way—
these definitions of ethnic identity are shaped by them instead of for them” (p. 370). Such
constructivist approaches to understanding personal identities can help facilitate better

understanding of different cultural groups and can assist researchers in the exploration of cultural
issues in ways that allow the participants to lead and contribute extensively to the findings.
Whatever the research purpose, we encourage CQR researchers to clearly tie their findings to
theory (where possible) and to the previous literature. Above all, CQR researchers should address
the context of their findings (the particular strengths and limitations of the sample, the setting, the
researchers, the procedures). Because qualitative research relies on the full and detailed description
of individual perspectives, such understanding of context is a critical element to understanding the
complexity of the findings. Such an understanding is aided by the “thick descriptions” (Ponterotto
& Grieger, 2007) usually found in qualitative research and by a clear establishing of the
trustworthiness of the study.

Establishing the trustworthiness of CQR data is important to convince readers that the researchers
have valiantly and honorably tried to collect, analyze, and report the data. Given that readers cannot
be present to look over researchers’ shoulders during each step of the process, readers need to be
able to trust that what the researchers did was reasonable and appropriate.
We encourage further dialogue about the issue of trustworthiness. Finding innovative ways to
demonstrate trustworthiness could advance the credibility of the CQR method in the scientific
community. For example, new methods such as qualitative meta-analysis (see Chapter 12), which
enable us to summarize results across studies, could help establish the trustworthiness of individual
studies. If consistent results are found across studies, we can feel more certain that individual
studies were conducted in a trustworthy manner. In contrast, if inconsistent results are found, we
might suspect that either a given study was not conducted in a trustworthy manner or that
characteristics of the samples or data collection varied across studies. If we find specific practices
that lead to untrustworthy results, we can begin to clarify those aspects of the method.

Arminio, J. L., & Hultgren, F. H. (2002). Breaking out of the shadow: The question of criteria in
qualitative research. Journal of College Student Development, 43, 446–460.
Castonguay, L. G., Nelson, D. L., Boutselis, M. A., Chiswick, N. R., Damer, D. D.,
Hemmelstein, N. A., . . . Borkovec, T. D. (2010). Psychotherapists, researchers, or both? A
qualitative analysis of psychotherapists’ experiences in a practice research network. Psychotherapy:
Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 47, 345–354. doi:10.1037/a0021165
Choudhuri, D., Glauser, A., & Peregoy, J. (2004). Guidelines for writing a qualitative manuscript
for the Journal of Counseling & Development. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82, 443–446.
Elliott, R., Fischer, C. T., & Rennie, D. L. (1999). Evolving guidelines for publication of
qualitative research studies in psychology and related fields. British Journal of Clinical Psychology,
38, 215–229. doi:10.1348/014466599162782
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Given the focus on languaged data in qualitative research (Polkinghorne, 2005) and the
constructivist emphasis of consensual qualitative research (CQR; Hill et al., 2005), the culture of
the individual participants and researchers is central in understanding data yielded by CQR. The
major goal of this chapter is thus to explore CQR through a cultural lens and, in particular, to offer
some considerations for implementing CQR in light of cultural issues. To begin, we highlight the
importance of situating research within a cultural context. We then address cultural issues relevant
to the construction and functioning of the research team, the development of research questions,
sampling and data collection, interpretation of data, and data validity and trustworthiness.

The choice of an etic (e.g., nomothetic) or an emic (idiographic) framework has typically guided
researchers with regard to their beliefs about the world, the specific area of study, the choice of
participants, the method of data analysis, and interpretation used in the study (Denzin & Lincoln,
2000; Ponterotto, 2005). An etic perspective highlights universal behaviors with a view that there is
one external objective reality, whereas an emic perspective emphasizes a culture-specific approach.
Thus, an etic approach has been associated with quantitative research, whereas an emic perspective
has been connected with qualitative research. We would assert, however, that although researchers
may begin with an etic perspective, in fact all research is grounded in a cultural or emic context
(Inman, 2008) given that culture is central to our work as researchers. Culture structures and
orients our personal experiences and interpretation of reality (Ani, 1994). The assumptions and
values that evolve from our cultural experiences influence how communication is given and received
(Hardy & Laszloffy, 1992).
An important assumption that flows from this perspective is that of constructivism, that “people
not only construct their own realities but that there are multiple and equally valid socially
constructed versions of ‘the truth’” (Hill et al., 2005, p. 197). A unique feature of a constructivist
paradigm is that the researchers are an inherent part of the data analytic process, and the meaning
that is created from the data is a function of a dialectical interaction between the researchers and
participants (Ponterotto, 2005). In essence, the researcher and the participant cocreate and interpret

the experience from an emic perspective and through an idiographic lens (Ponterotto, 2005).
Recognizing how one’s own personal experiences (e.g., biases) as well as conceptual and
theoretical assumptions or beliefs (e.g., expectations) influence research topics and questions,
participant selection, interpretation of data, and subsequent development of theories (Hill et al.,
2005; LeCompte & Preissle, 2003) is critical in CQR. In light of this, practicing cultural self-
reflexivity or self-awareness (e.g., situating oneself in terms of one’s gendered, ethnic, and other
cultural identities) can increase awareness of how the researcher’s own culture, personal agendas,
and blind spots influence how research questions are developed, presented, and probed. Thus,
whether engaged in studies on cultural phenonema or research in general, efforts need to be made
by the research team to stay aware of these contextual influences and discuss them throughout data
analysis (see Table 14.1).

TA B L E 1 4 . 1
Recommendations for Taking Culture Into Consideration in Consensual Qualitative Research

Construction and Functioning of the Research Team

A central aspect of CQR is the selection as well as the functioning of the research team.
Specifically, CQR calls for multiple judges along with an auditor or auditors. Such multimember
teams help to reflect both common and minority viewpoints (Miller, 1989) and thus, it is hoped,
yield better quality decision making (Michaelsen, Watson, & Black, 1989; Sundstrom, Busby, &
Bobrow, 1997). In addition, the ability to view data from varying perspectives can bring to the
forefront the subtle meanings, complexities, and ambiguities that exist in data (Hill et al., 2005).
Although the potential implications of having members diverse in educational level and
methodological experience have been noted within CQR (Hill et al., 2005), minimal attention has
been paid to how the cultural composition of the research team influences the research process.
Recent CQR studies investigating cultural phenomena have highlighted the need to question
how cultural demographics of the research team may inform the various processes in research (e.g.,
Inman, Howard, Beaumont, & Walker, 2007). This concern has come about because of queries
such as how a member’s cultural identification influences the team as a whole and how it influences
the analytic process, what the benefits of personal familiarity or identification with the topic of
study are, and how cultures influence research expectations and biases. When culturally
heterogeneous teams have one team member who identifies with participants’ culture or with the
cultural phenomenon of study, is it important to consider the differences in power dynamics that
might exist, especially when assumptions are made about team members’ “expert status” regarding
what is being studied.
Incorporating research team members who have some level of cultural immersion in the topic
or research community promotes “using the self as an instrument of inquiry” (McCracken, 1988, p.

32). Having lived within the culture under study provides familiarity with the topic, creates an
advantage in that the researcher has an intimate knowledge of the subject matter, and allows the
researcher to identify issues or concepts not identified by the literature (McCracken, 1988). For
example, in studies examining the experience of Asian Americans post-9/11 (Inman, Yeh, Madan-
Bahel, & Nath, 2007; Yeh, Inman, Kim, & Okubo, 2006), efforts were made to have a team that
had not only conducted research in the area of Asian American issues but that was also
representative of the different Asian American communities. This representation allowed for an
authentic discussion of Asian American experiences from different generational as well as cultural
Conversely, having members from different cultural backgrounds might allow for greater
exposure, increased knowledge, and a healthy dialogue about potential biases and blind spots than
would occur if all the researchers were immersed in the same culture. For instance, in Inman,
Howard, et al.’s (2007) study of ethnic identity transmission in Asian Indian immigrant parents,
the primary research team included an Asian Indian female who had immigrated to the United
States as an adult and two U.S.-born Caucasian females who identified with Irish and German
Irish heritage. This heterogeneous nature of the team forced the Asian Indian researcher to actively
examine her own cultural biases and understanding of her culture, whereas it required the two non-
Asian Indian team members to familiarize themselves with participants’ accents and produce more
accurate verbatim transcripts, understand the role of circuitous response tendencies (e.g.,
storytelling), and learn the meanings of some unique culture-specific language used by participants
(e.g., pujas, or religious services; stotras, or prayers and hymns). In addition, the influence of gender
(given that it was an all-female research team) on the interview and research process was also a
point of discussion. Approaching analysis from these different perspectives meant that team
members often varied in their initial interpretations of the data, which contributed to a healthy
amount of disagreement and a rich consensus-building process. This variety of perspectives
required ongoing discussion about how team members’ own cultural values and differences in
familiarity with Asian Indian culture and gender issues affected interpretations of the data, and
shaped power dynamics in the consensus process.
Given the emphasis on the consensual process in CQR, managing power dynamics is an
important element in building a strong research team. To address issues of power, it helps to have
team members take turns leading the discussion and to include time in team meetings for members
to talk about their perceptions of the consensual analytic process (see also Chapter 4, this volume).
Furthermore, when culturally heterogeneous teams have one team member who identifies with
participants’ culture or with the cultural phenomenon of study, it is important to consider how the
differences in power dynamics can affect the consensus-building process within a team. When team
members hold varying positions of power (e.g., faculty members vs. graduate students, people from
cultural backgrounds that traditionally differ in deference to authority, or people from cultures that
differ in valuing a collective vs. an individualistic orientation), a truly egalitarian consensus-building
process may not be automatic! Rather, certain assumptions may exist about team members’ expert
status that can impact the analytic process and, ultimately, how data are interpreted.
In sum, we assert that cultural issues influence the functioning of the research team. Thus,
CQR researchers, regardless of the topic of study, should be conscious of the possible contributions
or hindrances that can evolve from cultural assumptions (Juntunen et al., 2001).

Development of Research Questions

Research questions need to be assessed for their cultural applicability to the community being
researched to ensure that they are reflective of the experience of that community (Yeh & Inman,
2007). For instance, in a current investigation examining the experience of racism among first- and
second-generation Asian Indians conducted by Inman and her colleagues, interviews were piloted
with both generations. One particular research question related to participants’ socialization to

racism. The researchers were interested in how issues of racism were dealt with at home in the
upbringing of both first- and second-generation Asian Indians. Through the piloting of the
interview, the authors realized that because first-generation participants grew up in India, their
responses to this question may have been constricted. On the basis of feedback, the idea of asking
both groups about messages in the family while growing up in India and in their family
postimmigration was explored. The ensuing discussion brought to the forefront an important
cohort–generational distinction that may have been lost had authors not piloted the interview and
received feedback.
Similarly, in a study on international advisee perspectives in advising relationships conducted
by Inman and her colleagues, the semistructured interview was piloted to assess the cultural
relevance of the questions. Within the piloted sample, one student was from Canada and a second
was from India. Despite both identifying as international students, the cultural similarity between
Canada and the United States and the differences between India and the United States highlighted
the significant differences in the acculturation and adjustment processes for the two students. In
particular, the international student from Canada noted fewer challenges because of the student’s
familiarity with the education system compared with the student from India. These cultural
nuances helped the research team define and reevaluate the criteria for sample selection as well as
phrase the questions used in the study.

Sampling and Data Collection

In CQR, the selection of a sample should be purposeful (i.e., specific to the population being
studied) as well as theoretical (i.e., grounded in conceptually relevant constructs; Strauss & Corbin,
1990). However, when conducting research that is culturally congruent, issues related to
recruitment, confidentiality, and anonymity are also critical. As such, the relationship that develops
between the interviewer and participant in qualitative research is very important and not unlike the
working alliance needed in working within clinical practice (Heppner, Kivlighan, & Wampold,
1999; Yeh & Inman, 2007). We have found that recruiting participants from a minority
community must be based on developing an emotional bond with the participant. For example, in
researching the experience of 9/11 in the South Asian community (e.g., Inman, Yeh, et al., 2007),
it became apparent that the Asian Indian cultural norm against sharing sensitive information with
strangers influenced the recruitment process. Specifically, caregivers, service providers, and
researchers who were not immersed in the culture or well versed in its cultural values were viewed as
being insensitive to the cultural norms. For instance, one participant spoke about the insensitivity
on the part of a caregiver who suggested that the participant was still young and could remarry.
Although a comment such as this so early in the grieving process is insensitive irrespective of the
culture one comes from, the idea of remarriage is not something easily ventured into in the Asian
Indian community. Not being aware of this cultural nuance made this participant reticent about
seeking additional assistance or being open to speaking with other non-Indian personnel. Thus,
beyond understanding cultural values, developing a relationship prior to conducting research or
providing a service was important in that it allowed for greater trust and access into the community.
Understanding this cultural norm was an important aspect of recruitment and continuation of the
Similarly, the relationship between the interviewer and interviewee is important when
conducting interviews over the telephone (Heppner et al., 1999). Without access to nonverbal
information, the potential for increased misunderstandings due to cultural differences can be great.
For example, when interviewing participants for the 9/11 study (Inman, Yeh, et al., 2007),
telephone interviews were conducted within the United States and across continents. Apart from
being clear about the logistics of the interview (e.g., how long it would last, what steps would be
taken if the interviewer and caller became disconnected), managing the potentially awkward issues
related to informed consent and audio recording (e.g., verbalizing when the recording is beginning

and ending), given the sensitive nature of the topic, was important in orienting the participants and
preventing potential misunderstandings. Furthermore, being attuned to voice inflections or pace of
speech, especially when topics are emotionally charged and culture specific, is an important
consideration when nonverbal cues are absent or not easily accessible. Focusing on such
paralanguage can further help guide when to use or allow silence and when to seek clarification in
the interview process.
A final consideration is that of interviewing in the native language of the participant. Being
able to express one’s thoughts in one’s own language can be powerful and more meaningful for the
participant. When the language of the interview is the participant’s second language, grammatical
errors, intended meanings, or lack of access to words in the new language may create challenges not
only for the participant but also for later examination of the data. Having a research team member
who is bilingual and well versed in both the native language and the language into which the
interview is to be translated is very important. Not only does the process allow for a greater
emotional connection between participant and researcher but also promotes more in-depth and
accurate probing of participants. Such clarity in communication and “relational interconnectedness
between researcher and participant can contribute to shared understandings and perspectives that
foster [more] accurate interpretations” (Yeh & Inman, 2007, p. 381).

Understanding the Data

Cultural contexts provide a window into how people perceive, internalize, and project their
experiences. In particular, expression of experiences is intricately tied to patterns of communication
(e.g., direct or indirect) and language (e.g., word choices, phrases) and thus become important
considerations when interpreting and analyzing culturally informed data (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000;
Yeh & Inman, 2007). For instance, in studies exploring how Asians and South Asians coped with
the 9/11 tragedy (Inman, Yeh, et al., 2007; Yeh et al., 2006) and how Asian Indians transmitted
cultural values and cultural identity to their children (Inman, Howard et al., 2007), participants
tended to be circuitous in their responses and to share their thoughts through cultural metaphors
and stories. In Inman, Howard, et al.’s (2007) study about cultural transmission of Asian Indian
ethnic identity, participants were asked to describe factors that contributed to their sense of ethnic
identity. Many participants shared specific experiences and stories about food (e.g., trying cheese
for the first time, looking for Indian food grocery stores) to convey how central the value of
vegetarianism was to their ethnic identity. The process of condensing these stories and extracting
their critical meaning (e.g., the novelty of eating in a new country, challenges in retaining cultural
identity in a new society) required careful line-by-line examination of the data as well as
consideration of the meaning of the story as a whole.
Furthermore, accurately translating culture-specific language is critical in data analysis. For
instance, in Inman, Yeh, et al.’s (2007) study on the 9/11 experience of South Asians, one of the
participants used the word mann. In Hindi, mann can refer to the mind, heart, soul, and/or
consciousness. Thus, the phrase “Mann nahi karta” can mean “My heart is not in it because of
feeling sad,” “[I] don’t feel like it because I am not interested,” or “I am bored because I have
nothing to do” (Yeh & Inman, 2007, p. 380). As is evident in these examples, language “can
illuminate or conceal narrative realities that have personal and political implications” (Hoshmand,
2005, p. 184) and thus pose significant challenges in the translation and interpretation processes.
Having at least one team member who was fluent with the language, being aware of the multiple
meanings that this phrase can have, and probing further for clarification during the interview were
all critical factors in connecting with the participants and in picking up on the contextual nature of
these data.
The importance of translating culturally based data can be seen especially when words in other
languages have no direct translation in English. For example, in our research on the cultural
transmission of Asian Indian ethnic identity (Inman, Howard, et al., 2007), one of our participants

used the term madi, referring to a religiously based practice. This term has no exact English
counterpart, which affected our ability to fully reflect this participant’s experiences. At the simplest
level, in the Kannada language, madi refers to elders in the family not allowing anybody to enter the
kitchen without bathing. However, this concept can also extend to prohibiting menstruating
women from entering religious spaces, having sexual relations during menstruation, and eating
certain types of foods. Although these connotations stem from long-held cultural beliefs and
anecdotes rather than scientific study, the research team’s understanding of madi and its varied
implications was important in being able to provide an insider’s perspective about the meaning. In
addition, translating words or metaphors (e.g., “hitting a home run from third base”) from their
original language can decrease the potency that such phrases have in their original forms. Within
this context, language is not merely a mode of communication but a critical conduit for expressing
cultural beliefs, emotions, and deeper meanings underlying participants’ experiences (Santiago-
Rivera & Altarriba, 2002). Thus, researchers might struggle with whether to retain the original
language, translate to clarify the meaning, or consolidate the wording to distill the essential
meaning of the data. Having bilingual research team members who can translate and back-translate
(Brislin, 1980) as well as address appropriate semantics and construct validity of the concepts is
important in addressing cultural nuances inherent in such research (Yeh & Inman, 2007).

Validity and Trustworthiness

Issues of trustworthiness, representativeness, and coherence are particularly relevant in qualitative
studies. Because methods of ensuring validity and trustworthiness in CQR are described in Chapter
13 in this volume, we focus here on issues of credibility, data display, and consequential validity
within a cultural context.
As is the case in CQR and other kinds of qualitative studies, the most relevant and
methodologically sound studies are those in which the participants’ experiences are deeply explored,
thoroughly and accurately interpreted, well-documented, and verified by the participants
themselves. Researchers’ ability to tap into and portray participants’ phenomenological experiences,
especially when the focus is on cultural-specific phenomena, can be quite challenging.
As we alluded to in our earlier discussion of language and translation issues, the establishment
of rapport between the interviewer and participant is essential in obtaining credible data. Because
participants are unlikely to engage in deep reflection and share personal matters (especially as
related to cultural practices and identity) without feeling comfortable with the interviewer, we
recommend that researchers think about issues of rapport from the point of initial contact. Apart
from beginning each interview with at least two warm-up questions to help ease into a dialogue
that more directly relates to the phenomena of study, we argue that some level of cultural
immersion is required for valid data to both emerge and be construed accurately. Such intimacy is
not only developed throughout the investigation but also by working directly with those members
as an active participant.
During the interview, interviewers can work hard to clarify the meaning behind participants’
statements, especially in the case of ambiguously described or very nuanced experiences. It is
important that interviewers ask participants to expand on their responses or to “say a little more”
about what they mean so that the research team does not have to “stretch” (e.g., speculate or
interpret) to accurately code and organize the data.
Beyond this, we also emphasize the relevance of incorporating member checks (Hill,
Thompson, & Williams, 1997; Lincoln & Guba, 1985) to ensure that the meaning participants
intended to convey was accurately understood and translated by researchers. Thus, we routinely
invite participants to review the transcripts of their interviews as well as the interpreted data, which
not only serves to verify that participants’ words were accurately heard and captured but also offers
participants an opportunity to reflect on the interview content and clarify culturally nuanced
responses. Furthermore, we recommend incorporating feedback from presentations to research

professionals and to focus groups from the community being studied. By presenting the data to
multiple audiences, the research team is forced to look deeper into the data to make sure they have
understood it and are reflecting participant voices.
Relatedly, we strongly concur with Hill et al.’s (1997) original recommendation to integrate
verbatim quotations in order to showcase participants’ voices and stay “close to the data” (Hill et al.,
1997, p. 197). Thus, maintaining culture-specific words can be critical; for instance, using the word
stotras in our study on Asian Indian ethnic identity transmission (Inman, Howard, et al., 2007)
allowed us to stay close to the data without distorting the voices of participants. Similarly,
highlighting phrases and quoting participants (e.g., “I was blaming my own destiny. . . . It was not
my age to become a widow at 27”; Inman, Yeh, et al., 2007, p. 106) not only portrayed the depth of
the sentiment expressed by the participant but also stressed the potency of the data that would
otherwise have been lost with just reporting core ideas.
In addition, the notion of consequential validity is also relevant when considering cultural
phenomena. Consequential validity refers to a standard of validity that assesses the extent to which
research can be a catalyst for social change and political action (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000, p. 181).
For example, in our studies on 9/11 (Inman, Yeh, et al., 2007; Yeh et al., 2006), we not only
highlighted family experiences within the context of the 9/11 tragedy but also advocated for
culturally relevant mental health and immigration policy changes through press conferences. It is
with a focus on consequential validity that constructivist inquiry, an inherent aspect of CQR, starts
to embody the cooperative or participative nature of research and present validity as an ethical
relationship between participant and researcher (Lincoln & Guba, 2000).

Because all communication (verbal or nonverbal, direct or indirect) is culturally situated,
understanding research through a cultural lens is an important means of shedding light on the
meanings behind voiced and unvoiced emotions, thoughts, and actions. We encourage researchers
to make special efforts to maintain awareness of the interactive cultural dynamics among the
research team and participants while keeping in mind the steps inherent to the research method
itself throughout the investigative process. Cultural information can be so deeply embedded in one’s
experiences that team members may not talk about it, may not be consciously aware of it, and may
take it for granted. Figuring out ways to study these dynamics in CQR presents new and exciting
challenges for researchers.

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Santiago-Rivera, A. L., & Altarriba, J. (2002). The role of language in therapy with the Spanish–
English bilingual client. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 33, 30–38.
Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and
techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Sundstrom, E., Busby, P. L., & Bobrow, W. S. (1997). Group process and performance:
Interpersonal behaviors and decision quality in group problem solving by consensus. Group
Dynamics, 1, 241–253. doi:10.1037/1089-2699.1.3.241
Yeh, C. J., & Inman, A. G. (2007). Qualitative data analysis and interpretations in counseling
psychology: Strategies for best practices. The Counseling Psychologist, 35, 369–403.
Yeh, C. J., Inman, A., Kim, A. B., & Okubo, Y. (2006). Asian American families’ collectivistic
coping strategies in response to 9/11. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 12, 134–
148. doi:10.1037/1099-9809.12.1.134

The American Psychological Association’s (APA’s) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
Conduct (APA, 2010) provides psychotherapy researchers a foundation for ethical research practice
and decision making. This ethical code is founded on five general principles (i.e., beneficence and
nonmaleficence, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect for people’s rights and
dignity) that our profession uses to uphold our ethical ideals and to protect the public. In addition,
institutional review boards (IRBs) monitor ethical guidelines about research and now most require
researchers to complete IRB and ethics training. Although the APA ethical code and IRBs offer
specific guidelines for researchers, there are often additional challenges of specific concern to those
engaged in consensual qualitative research (CQR). Thus, a discussion of the ethical considerations
related to CQR is pertinent.
The unique features of CQR require researchers to familiarize themselves with ethical concerns
that may not arise as much in other research methods. We have consistently found in our studies,
for instance, that protecting participants’ confidentiality as well as the confidentiality of others they
may discuss takes on new meaning given the intimate experiences and details disclosed by
participants. In the current chapter, we review some of the ethical considerations faced by CQR
researchers in terms of the focus of the study, the research team, data collection, and presentation of
the study’s results. We also offer practical suggestions for how to address these concerns.

The Focus of the Study

Some topics, by definition, are likely to raise ethical considerations (e.g., clients discussing a history
of abuse; supervisors or therapists discussing boundary violations in which they have engaged);
other topics, in contrast, may seem less vulnerable to ethical challenges but may nonetheless elicit
them (e.g., clients giving gifts in therapy; students’ dissertation experiences). In a study of doctoral
students’ perspectives on their dissertation experiences (Burkard et al., 2010), for example, one
participant reported being sexually harassed by the participant’s dissertation advisor. We discussed
our concerns as a team and also consulted with the Ethics Office at APA. Although our team
found the situation personally challenging, we recognized that the participant had the right to
choose how, or whether, she or he wanted to address or proceed with the situation. We did,

however, encourage the participant to pursue making an ethical complaint to APA. In addition, in
a recently published investigation of clients’ experiences of giving gifts to their therapists (Knox,
Dubois, Smith, Hess, & Hill, 2009), one participant (i.e., therapy client) recalled giving hundreds
of thousands of dollars’ worth of gifts to her or his therapist, some of which the client felt had
actually been solicited by the therapist and many of which were not returned when the client asked
for them. Here, too, we discussed our concerns as a team, consulted with our university’s IRB and
also with APA’s Ethics Office, and again found ourselves in the uncomfortable position of not
being able to intervene on behalf of this client.
Some research topics may pose risks for participants—for example, when those participants are
interviewed about their professional activities. In a study about supervisees’ sexual attraction to their
clients (Ladany et al., 1997), the researchers would have had to intervene if any participant
disclosed unethical behavior toward a client. Although none reported such behavior, there may well
have been a level of discomfort among them about discussing attraction with the researchers: They
may have been concerned that the researchers would consider their treatment of the client
compromised, thus possibly warranting intervention. Similarly, in a study of graduate students’
experiences of becoming therapists (Hill, Sullivan, Knox, & Schlosser, 2007), the graduate-student
participants, all from the same doctoral program, described in detail their perceptions of their first-
semester training in basic therapy skills. In doing so, they likely realized that some of the
researchers (i.e., those from the same doctoral program) would be able to identify them, and thus
their anonymity was not assured. Furthermore, when they discussed elements of the training that
they did not like or that they found ineffective, they may have feared repercussions from the faculty
member involved because that faculty member not only taught the helping skills class but was also a
researcher on the study. Although nothing untoward occurred as a result of the students’
participation in this study, the risks were nevertheless present and needed to be considered carefully
by the research team.
Given such incidents, which are quite typical in illustrating the potential for a research topic to
elicit ethical concerns, our recommendations are not that researchers avoid such topics but rather
that they carefully consider how to design studies to minimize potential problems and also how
they will respond when inevitable concerns arise. Researchers thus should discuss early in the course
of the study what ethical considerations might arise and how they will be addressed. And, when
concerns do emerge, we recommend that researchers consult appropriate resources (e.g., their IRB,
APA, attorneys) and document these consultations.

Research Team Considerations

Researchers also need to consider the ethics of forming and developing a productive CQR team.
We address several of these concerns in this section.

Developing CQR research competence (see the APA Ethics Code, 2.01a, Boundaries of
Competence) may be challenging because CQR is somewhat difficult to learn without mentoring
and training. In our own experience learning CQR, we found that we really only understood the
process once we actually engaged in CQR studies. In addition, there are a number of skills that
novice researchers must learn to become competent CQR researchers, such as conceptualizing a
discovery-based qualitative study, developing an interview protocol, interviewing participants,
learning how to respond to interview difficulties or distressed participants, analyzing and making
sense of the data, and writing a manuscript. Because of space considerations, we cannot address
each of these areas and thus focus on those most salient for a discussion of CQR-related ethics:
qualitative interviews and data analysis.

Competence in Interviewing
The interview process presents several challenges because of the close interpersonal contact between
participant and researcher and the potential for errors that could be hurtful to participants. In a
study of trainees’ experiences of client suicide (Knox, Burkard, Jackson, Schaack, & Hess, 2006),
for instance, one participant appeared to become anxious during the interview and took control of
the interview by stating the interview questions, providing her or his answers, and not allowing the
interviewer time to interject with follow-up probes for clarification. Without proper training, the
interviewer could have made a number of errors, such as trying to interrupt the participant,
confronting the participant, or changing to a therapeutic interview style rather than maintaining
appropriate interview boundaries. In this example, we see the importance of developing competence
to respond to such situations; the interviewer needs to maintain her or his focus on the interview
topic, keep notes on areas for further exploration and probe those areas later in the interview, and
remain patient with the participant. As another illustration of the potential ethical challenges of
CQR interviewing, a participant disclosed a challenging and difficult supervision experience with a
clinical supervisor (Burkard, Knox, Hess, & Schultz, 2009). During the discussion, the participant
acknowledged the name of the supervisor, who happened to be an acquaintance of the interviewer,
thus creating a dual-role relationship. Here, the interviewer stopped and informed the participant
of the relationship, and the participant and interviewer discussed the appropriateness of proceeding
with the interview. This situation highlights the interpersonal flexibility that is necessary to
accommodate to changing circumstances during an interview.
Given the challenges of interviewing, we carefully screen potential interviewers for competency
in interviewing skills, usually requiring considerable training as a therapist and excellent evaluations
from supervisors. We have not set minimal levels of training that potential researchers must have
prior to joining our teams. We have discovered, however, that some topics are less appropriate for
inexperienced interviewers and then elected to work with experienced researchers on those research
topics. For example, in a current study of the high school experiences of youth who identify as
lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning (LGBQ; Burkard, Reynolds, Wurl, & Schultz, 2011), the two
senior researchers determined that it would be important that interviewers have significant clinical
experience working with LGBQ-identified youth to ensure their sensitivity and responsiveness to
the life experiences and potential discrimination that participants may have experienced. Similarly,
senior investigators of research teams may want to consider whether their topic or population of
interest is appropriate for inexperienced interviewers.
We use a number of training methods to develop interview skills to minimize ethical concerns
(see also Chapter 7, this volume). As a team, we review the research protocol, discuss the goals of
the interview, and review effective interview strategies. Perhaps most important, we practice the
interview process through role-plays, conducting practice and pilot interviews while under
supervision, listening to recordings of more experienced interviewers, and debriefing after actual
interviews (also see Fassinger, 2005, for additional ideas). We also anticipate the potential
emotionality of some interviews and discuss participants’ possible reactions as a team, role-play how
to respond to these reactions and emotions, and identify how novice researchers can reach principal
investigators during and following an interview when concerns do arise. Finally, we assess readiness
and ability to interact with participants throughout the training phase of the study and prior to any
interviews with actual participants. The assessment should focus on ability to maintain a focus on
the research interview (vs. therapeutic interviewing), respond empathically to participants’ emotions
and experiences, follow up on distressed feelings, and facilitate appropriate referrals (if necessary) at
the end of the interview. If a team member is not demonstrating competency after training, it may
be necessary to provide additional training or remove the person from doing interviews.

Competence in Data Analysis

Novice researchers often need guidance in learning the steps of CQR (domains, core ideas, and
cross-analysis). As an example of a common difficulty experienced at this stage, novice researchers
often make unsubstantiated inferences from the data, thus misrepresenting the participant’s
experience. Ethically, then, researchers need to learn how to transform participant-reported events
into meaningful results that accurately depict participant experiences (see also Chapters 8 and 9,
this volume). For instance, in a recent study on supervisee perception of clinical supervisor self-
disclosure (Knox, Edwards, Hess, & Hill, in press), the team struggled to avoid inferring a negative
bias toward supervisory styles that were authoritarian and that focused on technique or case
management and inferring a positive bias toward supervisory styles that were collaborative,
supportive, or empowering. Attributing a negative or positive value to participants’ experiences
could be misleading, potentially misrepresenting participants’ supervision experiences.
An approach that we use to reduce such difficulties is to didactically review the concepts
behind developing domains, core ideas, category titles, and the cross-analysis and provide
instruction about these processes. For example, in developing core ideas, we discuss the importance
of staying close to the participant’s actual words, not interpreting the meaning of the participant’s
experience, and making sure each core idea conveys a meaningful idea. We also model these
strategies for novice researchers by developing the first sets of core ideas from our own cases and
then lead the group review and consensus process for finalizing the core ideas. Relatedly, when a
novice researcher develops core ideas for her or his first case, we often write core ideas for a specific
domain during a team meeting to demonstrate how to generate clear and comprehensive core ideas.
These training and modeling methods seem to have been effective in helping novice researchers
develop competence in transforming raw data into domain titles, core ideas, and category titles that
do not overstate, understate, or misrepresent participants’ disclosed experiences.


As a qualitative research method, CQR relies on collaboration among team members, where
communication is free of interpersonal difficulties and based on trust (see also Chapter 4, this
volume). In essence, a positive group process is necessary for the successful completion of a study.
The importance of this group process is probably most evident during the data analysis phase, when
team members are actively discussing the coding of data in domains and developing core ideas and
cross-analysis categories. Given that research teams are often made up of students and faculty, or of
tenured and untenured faculty, there is an inherent imbalance of power. These power differentials
can have a detrimental effect on the data analysis because students or untenured faculty may not be
as forthcoming with feedback to more senior faculty members for fear of negative repercussions in
other contexts. Ethically, senior members of the team who hold positions of power (e.g., professors,
tenured faculty) may want to acknowledge the dual-role relationships and be open to discussing
these dual roles and the related concerns about management of power, and the team could discuss
how to manage any potential influence on data analysis (see also Chapters 4 and 7, this volume).
To facilitate open communication and reduce the influence of power and dual role
relationships during a CQR project, we actively seek to develop rapport and group cohesion among
members early in the research process. As senior faculty members, for example, we self-disclose
about our own experiences with events related to the study. We also talk as a team about the
importance of contributing equally to the discussion of the data, and we intentionally provide
positive support to students and new researchers as they are developing their research skills. Often
this feedback helps novice researchers build confidence and feel more able to offer feedback during
team meetings. For instance, during a study of supervisee experiences with client suicide (Knox et
al., 2006), one of the senior researchers shared his experience, thoughts, and feelings about a client’s
attempted suicide. This disclosure normalized the reactions of the less experienced team members,
who then became less anxious about sharing their own reactions. We also address group dynamics,
often debriefing at the end of meetings to ensure that all members feel able to contribute to the

research. If we notice that team members are not contributing in expected ways, we take time
during team meetings to discuss concerns and resolve any difficulties in the group process. Finally,
we try to have fun during our research meetings and use humor to break up the seriousness and
intensity of the work. These strategies seem to have been effective in helping team members feel
connected and empowered, and they have helped to reduce the potential influence of power on
teams as well as manage dual-role relationships within the research team.

Participants and Data Collection

In any data collection, the researcher needs to ensure that participants do not feel coerced to
participate. Beyond avoiding coercion of participants, however, CQR researchers also need to
consider the ethical treatment of participants during data collection procedures. We attend to these
concerns in the following sections.


A qualitative researcher intrudes on a participant’s world by probing and examining in detail the
participant’s intimate thoughts, feelings, and experiences (Stacey, 1988). Therefore, participants
need to have the autonomy to choose whether they want to participate in any given study.
Obtaining initial informed consent from participants for involvement in research is a fundamental
ethical principle for any project, including CQR investigations, but given the potential intrusiveness
of CQR, it is especially important to attend to issues of informed consent throughout the study.
Perhaps as a further complication, participants may not have fully anticipated the level of self-
disclosure required during the interview or the intensity of emotion they may experience when
discussing some topics. For instance, in a recent study of students’ dissertation experiences, several
participants talked about a difficult relationship between themselves and their advisors and
subsequently expressed surprise at the intensity of their emotions and the feelings of vulnerability
they experienced when discussing their dissertation experience (Burkard et al., 2010). During the
interviews, these participants raised questions about the confidentiality of their responses, and some
wondered if their advisors would recognize their stories.
Because of this ongoing need for informed consent throughout a study, we use several
strategies to keep participants apprised of their rights. In the opening phase of a study, we prepare
participants for the interview by sending protocols (i.e., interview questions) in advance to let them
review the types of questions we will ask. We also acknowledge in letters of introduction and
informed consent materials that participants may experience intense emotions when discussing
their experiences. During the opening of each interview, we review the informed consent
procedures and offer participants opportunities to ask any questions about the study or interview
process. In moments of intense emotions during interviews, we respond to participant distress, offer
support and referrals, and reassess their desire to continue in the project. Finally, we ask specifically
about participants’ reactions at the end of the interview. These procedures seem to have been
effective, given that participants typically have commented that they enjoyed the interview process
and the opportunity to reflect on their experiences.


During the course of an interview, interviewers may refer to participants by name, and participants
may refer to other individuals relevant to their experiences by name or by position. Similarly,
participants may also identify settings, locations, or other attributes. For example, in a current study
on marginalized youths’ experiences of discrimination during high school (Burkard et al., 2011),
one participant discussed the attention she or he had drawn in national media a few years earlier

and identified the specific outlets for this coverage. Other individuals identified school
administrators by name who contributed to their difficult experiences.
We take some fairly simple steps to protect the identity of participants and any individuals to
whom they may refer during the interview. First, we assign each case a code number. During the
study, we maintain a copy of participant names and code numbers in a password-protected
computer file to which only the first author has access. At the completion of the study, this code list
is deleted. Second, prior to any data analysis we de-identify all transcriptions by removing names,
geographical references, or any other personally identifying information. Hence, no names are
associated with a particular case at any level of data analysis. Additionally, if a participant is known
to a member of the research team, her or his interview may be conducted by a different researcher,
and her or his data are not reviewed by the team until they have been completely de-identified.
Finally, it can be a good idea to send the transcript of the interview to the participants, asking
them to ensure that they are comfortable with what they have disclosed and that the transcript is an
accurate reflection of their experiences. This “member checking” allows the participant to have a
feeling of control over the process. In our experience, few participants offer any revisions but feel
respected by having been given the opportunity to review the transcript.


CQR researchers typically assess and respond to participants’ readiness for and/or discomfort with
self-disclosure. Interviewers will commonly not press forward with an interview if they believe a
participant is uncomfortable about disclosing information or is clearly distressed. Recall the earlier
example of a participant who disclosed the sexual harassment he or she experienced from her or his
dissertation chair (Burkard et al., 2010). If the interviewer had not recognized the participant’s
discomfort (i.e., the participant seemed hesitant to respond to questions, became vague and
tangential in responses, wondered aloud about the appropriateness of her or his dissertation chair’s
behavior) and pushed forward with the interview, the interview experience itself could have become
traumatic. Thus, recounting some experiences can increase participants’ sense of vulnerability
because of disclosure of events or feelings that are embarrassing or anxiety or fear provoking (Birch
& Miller, 2000; Sinding & Aronson, 2003).
When strong emotions are elicited during interviews, the interview experience itself may also
exacerbate a participant’s fears that an interviewer is evaluating her or him (Adler & Adler, 2002).
For instance, in the dissertation study example noted previously, the participant queried the
interviewer about her or his immediate reactions to the participant’s disclosure of sexual harassment
by the dissertation chair and commented that the interviewer must think that the participant was
abnormal. These emotional states may directly affect a participant’s comfort with disclosure during
the interview, and pressing forward could potentially be exploitive of the participant and a breach of
Many of our recommendations (e.g., informed consent procedures, responding supportively to
distress, offering a break, debriefing participants at the end of an emotional interview) are effective
strategies in addressing these concerns. We also urge investigators to ensure that participants are
emotionally in a good place before ending the interview. To date, we have not had a participant
request to withdraw from a study, but stress that this option needs to be provided. Our primary goal
in such situations is to help participants make the best possible choice for themselves, to respect
their concerns, and to make sure that we as researchers are able to help participants maintain their
integrity and dignity.

Writing the Results and Discussion Sections


In many CQR manuscripts, authors include core ideas and/or illustrative examples to bring the
results to life (see Chapter 11, this volume). In doing so, they seek to tell the story of the study’s
findings in the most compelling way. They must ensure, however, that they do not breach
confidentiality in this effort.
Our practice has often been to include core ideas or participant quotes as illustrative examples
in the Results section or related tables. The core ideas are less likely to evoke concerns about
confidentiality because we keep them brief and succinct, intending them only to illustrate the
category from which they come. The illustrative examples, however, do require careful steps to
ensure that participants’ or others’ identities are not revealed. Toward this end, we frequently alter
some of the demographic data (e.g., age, sex, geographic location) but are careful not to distort the
findings’ meaning or integrity. In the study on client gifts (Knox et al., 2009), for example, the
illustrative example included gifts that were similar but not identical to those actually disclosed by
the participant. Likewise, in a study of therapist self-disclosure, (Knox, Hess, Petersen, & Hill,
1997), the actual disclosures were slightly altered, though their general nature was retained. As a
further precaution, we send the final draft of the manuscript to all participants, asking them to
ensure that their confidentiality has been maintained.

Because of the complex nature of CQR research, ethical considerations deserve special attention.
We have offered here a review of the common issues we and other CQR researchers have had to
address. Our recommendations as outlined in this chapter and as summarized in Table 15.1 provide
practical solutions that have been helpful in advancing the training of novice researchers while
maintaining respect for the rights of participants and protecting them from harm. Good research
practices arise from good ethical practices. Researchers planning a CQR project need not think of
ethics as an external set of rules and regulations, but rather as an important means for conducting
sound research.

TA B L E 1 5 . 1
Ethics in Consensual Qualitative Research

Adler, P. A., & Adler, P. (2002). The reluctant respondent. In J. F. Gubrium & J. A. Holstein
(Eds.), Handbook of interview research: Context and method (pp. 515–536). Thousand Oaks, CA:
American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct
(2002, Amended June 1, 2010). Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx
Birch, M., & Miller, T. (2000). Inviting intimacy: The interview as therapeutic opportunity.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 3, 189–202.
Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., DeWalt, T., Downs, J., Fuller, S., Hill, C. E., & Schlosser, L. Z.
(2010). Dissertation experiences of doctoral graduates from professional psychology programs.
Manuscript submitted for publication.
Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., Hess, S., & Schultz, J. (2009). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative
and non-affirmative supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56, 176–188.
Burkard, A. W., Reynolds, A. R., Wurl, A., & Schultz, J. (2011). Perceptions of lesbian, gay, and
bisexual affirming and hostile high school experiences. Manuscript in preparation.
Fassinger, R. E. (2005). Paradigms, praxis, problems, and promise: Grounded theory in counseling
psychology research. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 156–166. doi:10.1037/0022-
Hill, C. E., Sullivan, C., Knox, S., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2007). Becoming psychotherapists:
Experiences of novice trainees in a beginning graduate class. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research,

Practice, Training, 44, 434–449. doi:10.1037/0033-3204.44.4.434
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Jackson, J. A., Schaack, A. M., & Hess, S. A. (2006). Therapists-in-
training who experience a client suicide: Implications for supervision. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice, 37, 547–557. doi:10.1037/0735-7028.37.5.547
Knox, S., Dubois, R., Smith, J., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (2009). Clients’ experiences giving gifts
to therapists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 46, 350–361.
Knox, S., Edwards, L. M., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (in press). Supervisees’ experiences of
supervisor self-disclosure. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training.
Knox, S., Hess, S., Petersen, D., & Hill, C. E. (1997). A qualitative analysis of client perceptions
of the effects of helpful therapist self-disclosure in long-term therapy. Journal of Counseling
Psychology, 44, 274–283. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.44.3.274
Ladany, N., O’Brien, K. M., Hill, C. E., Melincoff, D. S., Knox, S., & Petersen, D. A. (1997).
Sexual attraction toward clients, use of supervision, and prior training: A qualitative study of
predoctoral psychology interns. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 44, 413–424. doi:10.1037/0022-
Sinding, C., & Aronson, J. (2003). Exposing failures, unsettling accommodations: Tensions in
interview practice. Qualitative Research, 3, 95–117. doi:10.1177/1468794103003001770
Stacey, J. (1988). Can there be a feminist ethnography? Women’s Studies International Forum, 11,
21–27. doi:10.1016/0277-5395(88)90004-0

In this chapter, we provide an annotated bibliography (see Table 16.1) of the studies that have
used consensual qualitative research (CQR) so that readers can see the types of topics that have
been covered, the types of samples, the compositions of teams, how data have been collected, and a
brief idea about the results obtained. We hope that this bibliography will also serve a networking
function so that researchers can identify other researchers who are doing similar research.

TA B L E 1 6 . 1
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

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Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

TA B L E 1 6 . 1 (C o n t i n u e d )
Summaries of Published Studies Using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) Method

To determine the corpus of studies, we included the 27 studies reviewed in the CQR update
(Hill et al., 2005) as well as studies that we knew about. We then conducted a search in PsycINFO
using the search term consensual qualitative research. We thus identified 120 studies that had been
published in peer-reviewed journals prior to January 2010.
We reviewed these studies for fidelity to the CQR method. Studies that were judged via
consensus of all the authors of this chapter as having mixed CQR with other qualitative methods or
as not having strictly followed all the steps of the CQR method were excluded, leaving a final tally
of 99 studies. We do not claim that this search was exhaustive, given that researchers may have used
CQR but not mentioned the method in their abstract (which is what gets searched in PsycINFO),
but we hope that this search provides some initial ideas about the use of CQR.
The four authors who conducted this review were three (2 male, 1 female; 2 Asian, 1 White)
doctoral students (28 to 29 years of age) in counseling psychology and a 61-year-old White female
counseling psychology professor at the University of Maryland. All authors have conducted studies
using CQR and believe that the method allows researchers to gain a deep understanding of the
phenomenon of interest. In addition, all authors have conducted research using quantitative
methods and feel that both quantitative and qualitative methods can be useful depending on the
research question.
We organized this bibliography by clustering articles into the seven topics that have received
the most attention: (a) psychotherapy, (b) psychotherapist/counselor training or supervision, (c)
multiculturalism, (d) career development, (e) trauma, (f) medical and health-related topics, and (g)
same-sex relationships. Within each topic, studies were grouped by the CQR method used:
traditional CQR, consensual qualitative research—modified (CQR-M), and consensual qualitative
research—case study (CQR-C). Articles were ordered chronologically and alphabetically within
topic area and CQR format. For each article, we provide information about the topic, method,
sample, team, data collection, and brief results. In the next section of the chapter, we provide a brief
summary of the trends in the data in each of these categories.

Summary of Trends in CQR Data

We reviewed this corpus of 99 studies to look for consistencies in authorship, publication outlets,
topics studied, types of CQR used, samples, research team compositions, and data collection
formats. Figure 16.1 shows the steady increase in the number of published studies using CQR since
its inception.


Number of published consensual qualitative research studies by year (1994 to 2009).


To investigate trends in authorship and institution affiliation, we followed the method used by
Buboltz, Miller, and Williams (1999) for assigning credit weighted for author–affiliation
contribution. Single authors (and their institutions) received the full credit for a study. If there were
two authors, the first and second authors (and their institutions) were given 0.6 and 0.4 points,
respectively. Three authors–institutions were given 0.47, 0.32, and 0.21, respectively; four authors–
institutions: 0.42, 0.28, 0.18, and 0.12; five authors–institutions: 0.38, 0.26, 0.17, 0.11, 0.08; and
six authors–institutions: 0.37, 0.24, 0.16, 0.11, 0.07, and 0.05. No credit was assigned beyond the
sixth author–institution. The sum of points equals 1.0 for each article.
According to this analysis, the most prolific CQR authors are Clara E. Hill (6.59; 28 studies),
Sarah Knox (5.21; 16 studies), Rachel Cinamon (2.20; 4 studies), Elizabeth Nutt Williams (2.01; 6
studies), Nicholas Ladany (1.83, 7 studies), Madonna Constantine (1.78, 5 studies), Shirley A.
Hess (1.71, 9 studies), and Alan W. Burkard (1.69, 5 studies). The institutional affiliations of these
authors, in descending order, are the University of Maryland, College Park (19.62; 30 studies);
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (8.36; 13 studies); Columbia University, New York,
New York (5.63; 9 studies); Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (4.43; 9 studies); and
Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania (0.99, 6 studies).
It is not surprising that the originators and elaborators of CQR (all contributors to this book)
have been quite prolific. But what is surprising and gratifying is that many researchers who have
used CQR are not even remotely connected with the institutions associated with these authors, and
many of them were not trained in CQR by these authors; thus, researchers seem to have been able
to learn the approach just by reading the published materials (Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997;
Hill et al., 2005). The ability of others to learn and use CQR speaks well to the portability of CQR.

The leading journals that have published CQR studies are the Journal of Counseling Psychology (34
studies), Psychotherapy Research (10 studies), Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (six
studies), The Counseling Psychologist (five studies), and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice,
Training (five studies).

In terms of topics, 34 studies investigated psychotherapy, 20 involved psychotherapy training and
supervision, 14 were on multiculturalism and immigration issues, 14 studied career development,
seven were on trauma, six involved medical and health-related topics, and four focused on same-sex
relationships. Thus, although CQR was initially used for psychotherapy studies, it has been widely
applied to a variety of topics.


Of the 99 studies reviewed, 90 used traditional interview-based CQR, six used CQR-C, and three
used CQR-M. The number of studies using the different methods reflects the history of
development of CQR, with traditional CQR having been developed first and the two modifications
having been developed more recently.

A total of 2,074 (1,084 male, 940 female, 50 unspecified gender; 1,105 White, 194 African/African
American, 194 Asian/Asian American, 113 Latino/a, 31 Native American, 42 Israeli, and 395
other or unspecified race–ethnicity) individuals (9 to 88 years of age) have contributed data to
studies using CQR. In traditional CQR studies, sample size has ranged from three to 97 (M = 15.7,
SD = 11.5). In CQR-M, sample size has ranged from 22 to 547 (M = 206.0, SD = 295.6). In
CQR-C, sample size has ranged from two to 16 (M = 6.7, SD = 6.5). Of the total sample of 99
studies, seven collected data from male participants only, 15 studies from female participants only,
76 from both male and female participants, and one did not report the sex of participants. In terms
of race–ethnicity, most (55) involved mixed samples, but many focused on only one group (White =
19, African/African American = 4, Asian/Asian American = 9, Latino/a = 1, Native
American/American Indians = 1, Israeli = 3); four did not report race–ethnicity of participants. In
terms of age of participants, most (53) involved a mixed age range, but many focused on a narrower
range of ages (children and adolescents < 18 years N = 4, young adults 18 to 29 years N = 11, adults
> 30 years N = 24); seven did not report age of participants. These samples demonstrate that CQR
may be used broadly to conduct research in homogeneous or more diverse populations across the
life span.


A range of people, in terms of educational level, have served as primary team members. Of the total
of 395 judges listed in studies (note that some of these are repeats because they were involved in
more than one study), there were 33 (8.4%) undergraduate students (in nine studies), 12 (3.0%)
master’s students (in seven studies), 168 (42.5%) doctoral students (in 67 studies), 33 (8.4%)
graduate students unspecified (10 studies), 117 (29.6%) PhD researchers (in 70 studies), 8 (2.0%)
professionals working in the field of study (four social workers, two correction officers, one genetic
counselor, and one senior clinical supervisor), and 24 (6.1%) whose education level was not
Auditors tended to be more senior and had a higher level of education. Among 121 auditors
(again some of these people are repeats because they audited more than one study), there were no
(0.0%) undergraduate students, one (0.8%) master’s student, 28 (23.1%) doctoral students (in 21
studies), six (5.0%) graduate student unspecified (four studies), 74 (61.2%) PhD (in 61 studies),
three (2.5%) counselors with unspecified education level (two studies), and nine (7.4%) auditors

whose education level was not specified.


Traditional CQR data have been collected in numerous ways, including in-person interviews (34
studies; 37.8% of traditional CQR studies), phone interviews (29 studies; 32.2%), in-person focus
groups (four studies; 4.4%), paper-and-pencil questionnaires (three studies; 3.3%), videotaped
conversations (two studies; 2.2%), online focus groups (one study; 1.1%), email questionnaires (one
study; 1.1%), journal entries (one study; 1.1%), written case studies (one study; 1.1%), and mixed
methods (14 studies; 15.6%; e.g., in-person interview and online messaging). CQR-M studies have
collected data via paper-and-pencil questionnaires (two studies; 66.6% of CQR-M studies) and
online-questionnaires (one study; 33.3%). CQR-C studies have used video-recorded (three studies;
50% of CQR-C studies) or audio-recorded (three studies; 50%) psychotherapy sessions for data
analysis. Diverse methods of data collection indicate that CQR is a flexible approach for
conducting qualitative research.

In closing, we are delighted to see so many CQR studies on such a wide range of topics, with
diverse participants, and involving many researchers. The many important and interesting findings
generated using the CQR method demonstrate its promise as a useful research tool. We encourage
people to let us know about their experiences in using the method.

Ali, S., Mahmood, A., Moel, J., Hudson, C., & Leathers, L. (2008). A qualitative investigation of
Muslim and Christian women’s views of religion and feminism in their lives. Cultural Diversity
and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 14(1), 38–46. doi:10.1037/1099-9809.14.1.38
Baird, M., Szymanski, D., & Ruebelt, S. (2007). Feminist identity development and practice
among male therapists. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 8(2), 67–78. doi:10.1037/1524-
Blustein, D., Murphy, K., Kenny, M., Jernigan, M., Pérez-Gualdrón, L., Castañeda, T., . . . Davis,
O. (2010). Exploring urban students’ constructions about school, work, race, and ethnicity.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57(2), 248–254. doi:10.1037/a0018939
Brown, C., Linnemeyer, R., Dougherty, W., Coulson, J., Trangsrud, H., & Farnsworth, I. (2005).
Battered women’s process of leaving: Implications for career counseling. Journal of Career
Assessment, 13(4), 452–475. doi:10.1177/1069072705277928
Brown, C., Pikler, V., Lavish, L., Keune, K., & Hutto, C. (2008). Surviving childhood leukemia:
Career, family, and future expectations. Qualitative Health Research, 18(1), 19–30.
Buboltz, W., Miller, M., & Williams, D. (1999). Content analysis of research in the Journal of
Counseling Psychology (1973–1998). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46(4), 496–503.
Burkard, A. W., Johnson, A. J., Madson, M. B., Pruitt, N. T., Contreras-Tadych, D. A.,
Kozlowski, J. M., Hess, S. A., & Knox, S. (2006). Supervisor cultural responsiveness and
unresponsiveness in cross-cultural supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53, 288–301.
Burkard, A., Knox, S., Groen, M., Perez, M., & Hess, S. (2006). European American therapist
self-disclosure in cross-cultural counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(1), 15–25.

Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., Hess, S., & Schultz, J. (2009). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative
and non-affirmative supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56, 176–188.
Castro-Convers, K., Gray, L., Ladany, N., & Metzler, A. (2005). Interpersonal contact experiences
with gay men: A qualitative investigation of “fag hags” and gay-supportive heterosexual men.
Journal of Homosexuality, 49(1), 47–76. doi:10.1300/J082v49n01_03
Chang, D. F., & Berk, A. (2009). Making cross-racial therapy work: A phenomenological study of
clients’ experiences of cross-racial therapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56(4), 521–536.
Cinamon, R., & Hason, I. (2009). Facing the future: Barriers and resources in work and family
plans of at-risk Israeli youth. Youth & Society, 40(4), 502–525. doi:10.1177/0044118X08328008
Cinamon, R., & Hellman, S. (2004). Career development stages of Israeli school counselors. British
Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 32(1), 39–55. doi:10.1080/03069880310001648085
Cinamon, R., & Hellman, S. (2006). Israeli counsellors facing terrorism: Coping and professional
development. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 34(2), 191–207.
Constantine, M., Alleyne, V., Caldwell, L., McRae, M., & Suzuki, L. (2005). Coping responses of
Asian, Black, and Latino/Latina New York City residents following the September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks against the United States. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology,
11(4), 293–308. doi:10.1037/1099-9809.11.4.293
Constantine, M., Anderson, G., Berkel, L., Caldwell, L., & Utsey, S. (2005). Examining the
cultural adjustment experiences of African international college students: A qualitative analysis.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(1), 57–66. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.52.1.57
Constantine, M., Kindaichi, M., Okazaki, S., Gainor, K., & Baden, A. (2005). A qualitative
investigation of the cultural adjustment experiences of Asian international college women.
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 11(2), 162–175. doi:10.1037/1099-
Constantine, M., Miville, M., Warren, A., Gainor, K., & Lewis-Coles, M. (2006). Religion,
spirituality, and career development in African American college students: A qualitative inquiry.
The Career Development Quarterly, 54(3), 227–241.
Corneille, M., Tademy, R., Reid, M., Belgrave, F., & Nasim, A. (2008). Sexual safety and risk
taking among African American men who have sex with women: A qualitative study. Psychology
of Men & Masculinity, 9(4), 207–220. doi:10.1037/a0012768
De Stefano, J., D’Iuso, N., Blake, E., Fitzpatrick, M., Drapeau, M., & Chamodraka, M. (2007).
Trainees’ experiences of impasses in counselling and the impact of group supervision on their
resolution: A pilot study. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 7(1), 42–47.
DiGiorgio, K., Arnkoff, D., Glass, C., Lyhus, K., & Walter, R. (2004). EMDR and theoretical
orientation: A qualitative study of how therapists integrate eye movement desensitization and
reprocessing into their approach to psychotherapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 14(3),
227–252. doi:10.1037/1053-0479.14.3.227
Dillon, F., Worthington, R., Savoy, H., Rooney, S., Becker-Schutte, A., & Guerra, R. (2004).
Counselor preparation: On becoming allies: A qualitative study of lesbian-, gay-, and bisexual-
affirmative counselor training. Counselor Education and Supervision, 43(3), 162–178.
Fitzpatrick, M. R., Janzen, J., Chamodraka, M., Gamberg, S., & Blake, E. (2009). Client
relationship incidents in early therapy: Doorways to collaborative engagement. Psychotherapy
Research, 19(6), 654–665. doi:10.1080/10503300902878235
Fitzpatrick, M., Janzen, J., Chamodraka, M., & Park, J. (2006). Client critical incidents in the
process of early alliance development: A positive emotion-exploration spiral. Psychotherapy
Research, 16(4), 486–498. doi:10.1080/10503300500485391
Fouad, N., Kantamneni, N., Smothers, M., Chen, Y., Fitzpatrick, M., & Terry, S. (2008). Asian
American career development: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72(1), 43–

59. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2007.10.002
Friedlander, M. L., Larney, L. C., Skau, M., Hotaling, M., Cutting, M. L., & Schwam, M.
(2000). Bicultural identification: Experiences of internationally adopted children and their
parents. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47, 187–198. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.47.2.187
Fuertes, J. N., Mueller, L. N., Chauhan, R. V., Walker, J. A., & Ladany, N. (2002). An
investigation of European American therapists’ approach to counseling African American
clients. The Counseling Psychologist, 30, 763–788. doi:10.1177/0011000002305007
Gazzola, N., & Stalikas, A. (2004). Therapist interpretations and client processes in three
therapeutic modalities: Implications for psychotherapy integration. Journal of Psychotherapy
Integration, 14(4), 397–418. doi:10.1037/1053-0479.14.4.397
Gazzola, N., & Thériault, A. (2007). Relational themes in counselling supervision: Broadening and
narrowing processes. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 41(4), 228–243.
Gelso, C. J., Hill, C. E., Rochlen, A., Mohr, J., & Zack, J. (1999). Describing the face of
transference: Psychodynamic therapists’ recollections of transference in successful long-term
therapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46, 257–267. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.46.2.257
Gray, L. A., Ladany, N., Walker, J. A., & Ancis, J. R. (2001). Psychotherapy trainees’ experience
of counterproductive events in supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48, 371–383.
Hayes, J. A., McCracken, J. E., McClanahan, M. K., Hill, C. E., Harp, J. S., & Carozzoni, P.
(1998). Therapist perspectives on countertransference: Qualitative data in search of a theory.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45, 468–482. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.45.4.468
Hendrickson, S. M., Veach, P. M., & LeRoy, B. S. (2002). A qualitative investigation of student
and supervisor perceptions of live supervision in genetic counseling. Journal of Genetic Counseling,
11, 25–49. doi:10.1023/A:1013868431533
Heppner, P., Tierney, C., Wang, Y., Armer, J., Whitlow, N., & Reynolds, A. (2009). Breast
cancer survivors coping with lymphedema: What all counselors need to know. Journal of
Counseling & Development, 87(3), 327–338.
Hernández, P., Taylor, B., & McDowell, T. (2009). Listening to ethnic minority AAMFT
approved supervisors: Reflections on their experiences as supervisees. Journal of Systemic
Therapies, 28(1), 88–100. doi:10.1521/jsyt.2009.28.1.88.
Hess, S., Knox, S., Schultz, J. M., Hill, C. E., Sloan, L., Brandt, S., . . . Hoffman, M. A. (2008).
Pre-doctoral interns’ non-disclosure in supervision. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 400–411.
Hill, C. (1996). Working with dreams in psychotherapy. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Hill, C. (2004). Dream work in therapy: Facilitating exploration, insight, and action. Washington,
DC: American Psychological Association.
Hill, C. E., Kellems, I. S., Kolchakian, M. R., Wonnell, T. L., Davis, T. L., & Nakayama, E. Y.
(2003). The therapist experience of being the target of hostile versus suspected-unasserted client
anger: Factors associated with resolution. Psychotherapy Research, 13, 475–491.
Hill, C., Knox, S., Hess, S., Crook-Lyon, R., Goates-Jones, M., & Sim, W. (2007). The
attainment of insight in the Hill dream model: A case study. In L. G. Castonguay & C. E. Hill
(Eds.), Insight in psychotherapy (pp. 207–230). Washington, DC: American Psychological
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual Qualitative Research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Nutt-Williams, E., Heaton, K. J., Thompson, B. J., & Rhodes, R. H. (1996).
Therapist retrospective recall of impasses in long-term psychotherapy: A qualitative analysis.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 207–217. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.43.2.207
Hill, C. E., Sim, W., Spangler, P., Stahl, J., Sullivan, C., & Teyber, E. (2008). Therapist
immediacy in brief psychotherapy: Case study II. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice,

Training, 45, 298–315. doi:10.1037/a0013306
Hill, C. E., Sullivan, C., Knox, S., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2007). Becoming psychotherapists:
Experiences of novice trainees in a beginning graduate class. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research,
Practice, Training, 44, 434–449. doi:10.1037/0033-3204.44.4.434
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Hill, C. E., Zack, J. S., Wonnell, T. L., Hoffman, M. A., Rochlen, A. B., Goldberg, J. L., . . .
Hess, S. (2000). Structured brief therapy with a focus on dreams or loss for clients with
troubling dreams and recent loss. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47, 90–101.
Hoffman, M. A., Hill, C. E., Holmes, S. E., & Freitas, G. F. (2005). Supervisor perspective on the
process and outcome of giving easy, difficult, or no feedback to supervisees. Journal of Counseling
Psychology, 52, 3–13. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.52.1.3
Inman, A., Howard, E., Beaumont, R., & Walker, J. (2007). Cultural transmission: Influence of
contextual factors in Asian Indian immigrant parents’ experiences. Journal of Counseling
Psychology, 54(1), 93–100. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.54.1.93
Inman, A., Yeh, C., Madan-Bahel, A., & Nath, S. (2007). Bereavement and coping of South
Asian families post 9/11. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 35(2), 101–115.
Jacob, C., & Veach, P. (2005). Intrapersonal and familial effects of child sexual abuse on female
partners of male survivors. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(3), 284–297. doi:10.1037/0022-
Jennings, L., & Skovholt, T. M. (1999). The cognitive, emotional, and relational characteristics of
master therapists. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46, 3–11. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.46.1.3
Jennings, L., Sovereign, A., Bottorff, N., Mussell, M., & Vye, C. (2005). Nine ethical values of
master therapists. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 27(1), 32–47.
Johnson, C., Hayes, J., & Wade, N. (2007). Psychotherapy with troubled spirits: A qualitative
investigation. Psychotherapy Research, 17(4), 450–460. doi:10.1080/10503300600953520
Juntunen, C. L., Barraclough, D. J., Broneck, C. L., Seibel, G. A., Winrow, S. A., & Morin, P. M.
(2001). American Indian perspectives on the career journey. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48,
274–285. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.48.3.274
Kasper, L., Hill, C. E., & Kivlighan, D. (2008). Therapist immediacy in brief psychotherapy: Case
study I. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 45, 281–297. doi:10.1037/a0013305
Kasturirangan, A., & Williams, E. N. (2003). Counseling Latina battered women: A qualitative
study of the Latina perspective. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 31, 162–
Kenny, M., Gualdron, L., Scanlon, D., Sparks, E., Blustein, D., & Jernigan, M. (2007). Urban
adolescents’ constructions of supports and barriers to educational and career attainment. Journal
of Counseling Psychology, 54(3), 336–343. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.54.3.336
Kim, B. S. K., Brenner, B. R., Liang, C. T. H., & Asay, P. A. (2003). A qualitative study of
adaptation experiences of 1.5-generation Asian Americans. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority
Psychology, 9, 156–170. doi:10.1037/1099-9809.9.2.156
King, R., Bambling, M., Lloyd, C., Gomurra, R., Smith, S., Reid, W., & Wegner, K. (2006).
Online counselling: The motives and experiences of young people who choose the Internet
instead of face to face or telephone counseling. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 6(3), 169–
174. doi:10.1080/14733140600848179
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Edwards, L., Smith, J., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2008). Supervisors’ reports
of the effects of supervisor self-disclosure on supervisees. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 543–559.
Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Johnson, A. J., Suzuki, L. A., & Ponterotto, J. G. (2003). African
American and European American therapists’ experiences of addressing race in cross-racial
psychotherapy dyads. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 466–481. doi:10.1037/0022-

Knox, S., Catlin, L., Casper, M., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2005). Addressing religion and spirituality in
psychotherapy: Clients’ perspectives. Psychotherapy Research, 15, 287–303.
Knox, S., Dubois, R., Smith, J., Hess, S. A., & Hill, C. E. (2009). Clients’ experiences giving gifts
to therapists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 46, 350–361.
Knox, S., Goldberg, J. L., Woodhouse, S. S., & Hill, C. E. (1999). Clients’ internal representations
of their therapists. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46, 244–256. doi:10.1037/0022-
Knox, S., Hess, S., Petersen, D., & Hill, C. E. (1997). A qualitative analysis of client perceptions
of the effects of helpful therapist self-disclosure in long-term therapy. Journal of Counseling
Psychology, 44, 274–283. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.44.3.274
Knox, S., Hess, S. A., Williams, E. N., & Hill, C. E. (2003). “Here’s a little something for you”:
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Imagine that you are conducting a large online quantitative survey of countertransference
management strategies used by therapists in training. In addition to the quantitative measures
included in the survey, you decide to add a single open-ended question asking participants to
describe components of their unique clinical experiences that were not captured by the measures in
the survey (e.g., “How do specific client characteristics or presenting issues relate to your unresolved
issues?”). The written responses obtained from your 300 participants contain three or four sentences
each and are relatively straightforward and easy to understand. Constructing core ideas as you
would for a traditional consensual qualitative research (CQR) analysis seems excessive because the
comments are already succinct and there is no context to consider. A briefer alternative to CQR
that would produce domains and categories consensually derived from the data would be useful, but
you are unsure of how to structure the coding teams, code the data, report the results, or discuss the
qualitative findings within the context of the overall study. Fortunately, consensual qualitative
research—modified (CQR-M) allows you to do just this task. This chapter provides a brief
definition and background of CQR-M followed by a rationale for using CQR-M. We then provide
a step-by-step guide to conducting CQR-M analyses.

Definition and Background

CQR-M is a qualitative research method that was adapted from CQR for use with large samples
and relatively brief, simple, qualitative data. In addition to its basis in original CQR, CQR-M
borrows from both discovery-oriented research (Mahrer, 1988) and exploratory research (Hill,
1990). These methods are bottom-up approaches through which researchers derive categories from
the data rather than imposing a predetermined structure on the data. Once categories are
developed, discovery-oriented and exploratory researchers train a new team of judges to code data
into the derived categories, calculate interrater reliability, and retrain judges to code more reliably if
necessary. We eschew the approach of training judges to high reliability, however, because our
experience has been that focusing on reliability stifles judges’ clinical judgment and inhibits
discussion and thereby prevents the team from coming to the best, most comprehensively informed
judgment. CQR-M merges the discovery-oriented and exploratory approaches with the consensual

component of CQR to create a method that allows us to code relatively simple data directly into
categories using consensus among judges.

Rationale for CQR-M

We favor CQR-M over quantitative methods that emphasize interrater agreement for several
reasons. First, human communication is often nuanced and ambiguous. Being able to think and
talk about shades of meaning helps researchers arrive at a more faithful representation of
participants’ responses than can typically be achieved by coders working independently. Relatedly,
in quantitative research, judges often code data independently, and thus their unchecked biases may
cause them to overlook important things. By contrast, CQR-M judges discuss their expectations,
biases, and disagreements with each other at length and can thus help each other keep true to the
data. Having multiple perspectives typically helps to reduce individual biases and thereby yields a
better understanding of the data. Lastly, in quantitative research judges often consciously or
unconsciously strive for high levels of agreement, which may cause them to constrain their clinical
intuition and try to guess what other judges will say so that they can attain a specific level of
agreement. In contrast, with CQR-M, judges are not required to force data into particular domains
just to attain high agreement levels. Instead, they are encouraged to use their experience and
wisdom to provide thoughtful reasons for their coding.

CQR-M is an effective tool for exploring phenomena for new and unexpected ideas. For example,
in a recently completed study (Spangler et al., 2009), we investigated specific teaching methods for
training undergraduates to use the helping skill of immediacy. Through qualitative analysis of
participants’ written responses to questions about their experience of learning immediacy, we were
able to explore participants’ reactions to what they liked and disliked about training. Using CQR-
M enabled discovery of two unanticipated domains in immediacy training: (a) what the students
would have liked in their training and (b) how the training affected the closeness of lab group
In addition to exploration and discovery, CQR-M can be used for describing little-studied
phenomena; results can help to expand the knowledge base and can serve as the basis for further
research. Such newly described phenomena can also be combined with quantitative data to gain a
fuller understanding of the topic under investigation. For example, in a study of interpersonal
patterns in dreams (Hill, Spangler, Sim, & Baumann, 2007), written descriptions of dreams were
taken from 67 participants. One purpose of the study was to identify and describe interpersonal
themes in dreams and another was to examine the associations between these relational themes and
the quantitative data on session process and outcome. CQR-M was used to derive five basic
relational themes: positive, negative, interpersonal nightmare, interpersonal agency, and
noninterpersonal. In addition to describing the patterns, quantitative analyses were used to
determine whether different patterns of process and outcome occurred in dream sessions for the
five different types of dreams.
Triangulation—another rationale for using CQR-M—refers to the notion that multiple views
of a phenomenon provide a better understanding of the phenomenon of interest (Heppner,
Kivlighan, & Wampold, 1999). Denzin (1978) described methodological triangulation as using
multiple methods to examine a phenomenon. CQR-M can be used in combination with
quantitative methods for the purpose of methodological triangulation. For example, in the
aforementioned study on immediacy training (Spangler et al., 2009), the overall purpose of the
study was to investigate how specific instructional components contributed to students’ self-efficacy

for using immediacy. After each component of training (e.g., reading, lecture, practice), participants
were asked to rate their self-efficacy for using immediacy using a four-item scale. We triangulated
quantitative results from these items with CQR-M-analyzed results of participants’ responses to
four open-ended questions: What was difficult about learning to do immediacy? What was most
helpful about the training? What was least helpful? How do you think your culture affected your
ability (either positively or negatively) to learn immediacy? Comparison of qualitative and
quantitative results revealed that students’ perception of their immediacy training experience was
very different in retrospect (the open questions were asked at the end of training) than it was during
the process of training, when the quantitative measures were completed. CQR-M analyses
indicated that 72% of the sample believed that practicing immediacy was the most effective part of
the training, whereas quantitative results showed that the greatest increase in immediacy self-
efficacy occurred after the lecture component. The varying results illustrate the benefit of
triangulating perspectives from multiple time points.
Clearly, then, the qualitative component in this study raised interesting questions about the
comparative effectiveness of teaching components and supported our thinking that the quantitative
measure was subject to a ceiling effect (i.e., additional benefits of practice cannot be captured on the
quantitative measure when ratings after lecture were already extremely high). In addition, the
exploratory questions shed new light on culture as a factor in helping skills training, in particular,
specific cultural variables unknown to the investigators that thus could not be preconceived and
incorporated into the quantitative measure.

CQR-M: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this section we provide a detailed description of how to conduct CQR-M analyses. We begin
with design considerations, including determining the purpose of the qualitative data and the issue
of sample size. Next are steps for data collection, followed by steps for recruiting and training
judges. We then describe the procedures for analyzing brief qualitative data, including development
of domains and categories, and the consensual coding process. Finally, we provide some guidance
for writing up CQR-M results and discussion sections. The steps of the CQR-M process are
shown graphically in Figure 17.1. To compare the CQR-M process with that of CQR as originally
conceived, compare Figure 17.1 with Figure 1.1 in Chapter 1 (see p. 13).


Steps involved in consensual qualitative research—modified.

Purposes of the Qualitative Data
A key consideration in deciding whether CQR-M is appropriate is how the qualitative data will be
used. Whether the data will be used for exploration and description of phenomena or for
triangulation with quantitative data will help determine how much data to collect and which topics
should be the focus of inquiry. For example, for the immediacy training study (Spangler et al.,
2009), we began by speculating about variables that might relate to students gaining immediacy
self-efficacy. Among those variables were specific training components, student aptitude and prior
experience with helping, and lab group climate. Specific training components were quantitatively
tested, as were helping aptitude and group climate. However, we were concerned that our
quantitative measures might not capture the complexity of the students’ experience of learning such
an advanced and socially uncomfortable helping skill. We were interested in triangulating the
quantitative data with qualitative analyses that provided a more participant-constructed view of the
experience. However, given the large sample size, we wanted to limit their written responses to a
length that could capture their individual experience and that could be analyzed in a reasonable
length of time, which could not be done with full CQR interview-based data.

Sample Size
Although CQR traditionally has been used to analyze small samples (eight to 15 participants),
larger samples can be accommodated with CQR-M. To date, two studies (Hill et al., 2007;
Spangler et al., 2009) have used the CQR-M approach with samples sizes of 67 and 132,
respectively. There are benefits and costs of studying a large sample using CQR-M. Obviously,
studying a large number of cases with the amount of rich data that are collected with traditional

CQR would be unrealistic because of the time and effort it would require. CQR-M sacrifices depth
and richness in analyzing a small amount of qualitative data collected from a large number of cases,
but it allows for a more complete description of the population (assuming the sample has been
selected randomly). Thus, when the focus of research is not a thorough, contextual understanding
of individual cases but rather a more comprehensive understanding of the population, CQR-M can
be used. For instance, for the immediacy training study (Spangler et al., 2009), the qualitative
component was an essential piece of the study, but our sample size (N = 132) made the use of
traditional CQR unfeasible. Thus, we determined that we would ask a small set of structured
questions that focused on attaining a fuller description of the participants’ experience of learning
this skill than could be captured by our quantitative measures alone.
In addition, a large sample allows researchers to divide the sample into subgroups when there is
unexpected variability in cases that makes it difficult to analyze the sample as a whole. For example,
having 67 participants in the Hill et al. (2007) study enabled us to examine quantitative process and
outcome variables for the six subgroups of qualitatively derived patterns of interpersonal dreams.

In approaching data collection with CQR-M, it is helpful to think about balancing the desired
richness of content with the practical concerns presented by sample size. Traditional CQR analysis
is a rather labor-intensive process: The interview transcript for each participant is read by the group
of judges word by word, domains and core ideas are derived from the data, feedback between
auditor and coding groups may go through several iterations, and cross-analysis of core ideas across
all cases is also done consensually. The process for the recommended eight to 15 participants
typically takes from 6 to 18 months. Clearly, then, for a large sample, analyzing such lengthy and
detailed data would not be feasible. Thus, when larger samples are involved, it is recommended that
researchers collect relatively brief and simple qualitative data.
One major departure of CQR-M is that researcher relationship to participant is much less of a
factor than it is with CQR. Because a large sample size typically precludes the use of interviews,
there is no direct interpersonal contact. The researcher’s impact on the participant thus is typically
solely through indirect means, and their coconstruction of the participant’s reality is not influenced
by follow-up probes that can be asked when there is direct contact between researcher and
participant. Data typically is collected in written form, and questionnaires are the typical mode of
communication between researcher and participant.

Developing the Questionnaire

In developing the questionnaire for CQR-M, it is crucial to have a clear idea of the purpose of the
qualitative investigation. Depending on the purpose, steering a course between specificity and
openness will inform construction of the items. For example, in Hill et al. (2007), the purpose of
analyzing the qualitative data was to explore interpersonal themes of dreams and relate them to
quantitative process and outcome results. Thus, the question was very open and simply asked
participants to describe a recent dream. Participants were given no indication as to how much or
how little to write, which encouraged openness in their responses.
If control over the scope and length of responses is desired, a set amount of space can be
indicated, as was done for Spangler et al.’s (2009) investigation of immediacy training. For that
study, participants were given half a page in which to type their responses to each question, thus
indicating to them the length of their expected responses and providing a degree of consistency in
the scope of responses. In addition to controlling length of response, one goal of collecting the
qualitative responses was to triangulate with the immediacy self-efficacy measures as to
effectiveness of specific teaching components. Thus, two of the questions corresponded to the
quantitative immediacy self-efficacy measure. Specifically, we asked “What was most helpful about

the training?” and “What was least helpful about the training?” The other two questions were more
exploratory: “What was difficult about learning to do immediacy?” and “How did your culture affect
your ability (either positively or negatively) to learn immediacy?”
The medium of data collection is also an important practical point for large samples, and we
strongly encourage researchers to use electronic data collection methods. Electronic collection is
less costly and more environmentally friendly than paper-and-pencil collection, facilitates
anonymity, and generally streamlines data management with the added advantage of not having to
transcribe the data. For the immediacy training study, the questionnaire was either posted on the
class website or emailed to participants. To gather impressions of the experience while it was still
fresh, participants were required to submit their response papers to their instructors via e-mail prior
to the start of the next lecture class. Because the questions asked were not likely to elicit responses
that required keeping a high level of confidentiality, e-mail was deemed an acceptable medium for
collecting the responses. We did, however, ask students to use only their student ID numbers on
their responses. We wanted to maintain the participants’ anonymity because judges for the study
were recruited from among the helping skills instructors and teaching assistants, and we wanted to
minimize instructor bias or expectations of their students’ responses.

Handling Missing and Unsuitable Data

If the goal of a study is to use CQR-M to describe and explore events, then missing data is not so
much of a problem. If, however, the intent of a study is to triangulate qualitative and quantitative
results on a particular phenomenon, then researchers must decide whether a participant’s missing
qualitative or quantitative data necessitates omitting all of that participant’s data. For the
immediacy training study (Spangler et al., 2009), because we wanted to compare qualitative
responses with quantitative results, we omitted all data from any participant who did not complete
both qualitative and quantitative measures.
CQR-M researchers also may be faced with the dilemma of having collected data that are
unsuitable for addressing the research questions at hand. The data may not work for either
theoretical or methodological reasons. For example, in the interpersonal dream study (Hill et al.,
2007), deriving very simple relational patterns for the categories was essential to investigating how
interpersonal patterns related to process and outcome data; theoretically, it was important to have
pure categories to conduct the analysis. However, many of the dreams were relationally complex,
with multiple scenes and images that made it impossible for the judges to come to consensus on
which pattern the dream fit. Thus, these complex dreams, as well as the quantitative data for these
participants, were eliminated from the final analysis of the particular questions in the study
(although they may have provided important data for a different study).


When assembling coding teams for CQR-M analyses, researchers should consider the amount of
data to be coded and any constraints on time or availability of judges. For very large samples, it is
helpful to have two or more teams working simultaneously (but trained together to ensure a shared
understanding of the domains and categories). Another consideration is judges’ prior coding
experience and familiarity with the phenomena of interest. Although training novice coders can
serve to minimize biases and expectations, some qualitative data require that judges have a more
sophisticated understanding of the topics being investigated. Finally, because biases and
expectations are as likely to influence judges’ interpretation of phenomena in CQR-M as they are
in CQR, it is important that prior to coding, members of the coding teams discuss their biases and
expectations as they pertain to the material being reviewed.
When recruiting judges for the coding team for the immediacy training study (Spangler et al.,
2009), we determined that it would be helpful to have coders who were familiar with the processes

of both teaching and learning immediacy and who had some understanding of the theoretical bases
and clinical uses of this helping skill. We thus decided to ask the course instructors and teaching
assistants to serve as judges (and authors), and we were able to recruit six individuals to work on
coding. The combination of judges making up the team varied from session to session, but because
the categories and subcategories were clearly defined and the data were simple (and all judges were
trained), shifting the composition of the teams did not seem to be problematic. The judges met as a
large group during the early stages of domain development to discuss their expectations and biases
about immediacy training in general, their own experiences of both teaching and learning the skill,
and how they thought culture might affect immediacy self-efficacy. For training, we talked as a
group about each of the domains and categories and tried to reach a common understanding of the
meaning of each. We then practiced on several transcripts to ensure a common understanding of
each category. Only after reaching high agreement did we separate into smaller subgroups.


Developing Domains and Categories
Domains and categories in CQR-M are directly derived from the data, making this a bottom-up
process. Typically, we have two people read through perhaps 30 or so transcripts and develop
domains. We then write out the list of domains and edit it and put similar items close together on
the list. In the next step, we meet with the larger team and work together to apply the domains and
categories to a different set of 30 or so transcripts, modifying the system until everyone feels
comfortable that we have captured all the relevant ideas in the most elegant structure. Again, we
draw up the list and edit it for clarity. Once the list is fairly well developed, we start the coding.
As an example, when determining the categories for the interpersonal dream content study
(Hill et al., 2007), two of the authors derived the categories of interpersonal content of dreams by
reading through a sample of approximately 50 dreams and identifying four types of interpersonal
dreams and one type of dream that was devoid of interpersonal content. The first author had many
years of dream research and CQR experience, and the second author had detailed knowledge of the
dream descriptions because she had worked with the data at many steps in the process. In the
immediacy training study (Spangler et al., 2009), deriving domains and categories was more
complicated and required developing a fairly complex list (see Exhibit 17.1 for part of the list). The
two initial coders began by using the questions asked to derive domains and then reviewed a sample
of cases to derive categories and subcategories. They also created a coding table (see Exhibit 17.2)
to track the responses of each participant, which facilitated determining frequencies. In addition, if
coders came upon a particularly descriptive response, they marked that response number with an
asterisk so that the text could be considered later as an illustrative quotation.

Example List of Coding Categories and Subcategories for CQR-M
Domain: Most Helpful Component of Training (He)
1. Video vignettes
2. Lecture/didactic
3. Readings
 a. Textbook
 b. Extra article
 c. Reading quiz
4. Practice
 a. Chain exercise (e.g., feedback chain, feedback loop, first lab exercise)
   i. normalizing
   ii. fact that it was compulsory
  iii. liked positive feedback
  iv. playing both client and helper roles
 b. Disclosure to classmates
 c. Practice was real and immediate (not artificial)
 d. Lab leader
   i. role-play/model (demonstration)
   ii. supportiveness
 e. Lab group members
   i. watching them (modeling)
   ii. supportive presence (group climate, respect)
 f. Feedback
   i. from lab leaders
   ii. from peers/classmates
 g. Mindfulness/relaxation exercise
5. Sequence of training components (getting didactic before practice)
6. Other

Example Coding Sheet for CQR-M
Judge: ______________________________________

Instructions: Write last 4 # of ID at top of column; asterisk if well-articulated good example.

A major departure from CQR is that in CQR-M, we do not construct core ideas. Because
CQR-M data typically are not as detailed, complex, or lengthy and do not have much context, it is
not necessary to make sure we have interpreted the data within the context; rather, we simply place
the data directly into the categories (the step that is similar to the cross-analysis in CQR). For
example, for the interpersonal dream study (Hill et al., 2007), dream descriptions were simply
placed into one of the six types (positive, negative, interpersonal agency, interpersonal nightmares,
noninterpersonal dreams, other).
Written CQR-M responses are especially prone to ambiguity because there is no opportunity
for researchers to ask clarifying questions. Although the data are comparatively simple, the fact that
no follow-up questions are asked of participants makes the judges’ ability to clarify ambiguous data
a key factor in the analysis. For this reason, the consensual analytical process is particularly
beneficial; rather than one person coding unclear data, the judges offer their interpretations of any
ambiguities and come to a consensus about the participant’s intent.
The judges rotate reading the responses and offering their opinion of the appropriate
categories. Differences of opinion are discussed until consensus is reached. In Spangler et al.
(2009), the judges read the responses to all four questions and considered them for all categories
because participants’ responses did not necessarily correspond to the question asked. Using this very
thorough process, an entirely new domain (Outcomes of Training) emerged during the final
coding, and judges went back over all papers to code this domain.
The next step in CQR-M analyses is to determine the response frequency, which we typically
do by presenting the proportion of each category (the frequency of each category divided by the
total number of responses). This step represents another departure from CQR as originally
conceived in which frequencies are reported as general, typical, or variant rather than as proportions.
For example, in the immediacy training study (Spangler et al., 2009), 72% of the sample indicated
that practice was a helpful component of the immediacy training, whereas only 14% indicted that
lecture was helpful. Using an a priori determined criterion of a 30% difference being the threshold
for an “important” difference (see justification for this criterion in Chapter 12 in this volume), we
could thus say that practice was considered to be more helpful than lecture.
As a final step we look at all categories to determine if there are categories that occur

infrequently, that seem minor, or that overlap, and we edit them as needed. We try to combine
small categories into larger, more abstract categories (e.g., Reading First and Modeling Before
Practice were subsumed into the category Sequence of Training), or we might drop miscellaneous,
small, less relevant categories that occur infrequently (< 1%).

No Auditing
Auditing is not done with CQR-M because discrepancies among judges in interpreting relatively
brief responses are easily resolved through discussion and consensus among members of the coding
team. Given the lack of context and the simplicity of the data, the multiple perspectives of the team
members typically seem sufficient. If, however, judges have concerns about the quality of the
codings, they might submit a subset of the data to an auditor to provide a check on their coding.

Writing Up Results
Because of the richness and complexity of qualitative data, it can be particularly challenging to
present qualitative results in a clear, succinct manner. One suggestion to facilitate clarity is to
organize results on the basis of the research questions. Specifically, researchers may restate the
research question and then follow it with the results for that question. For example, in the
immediacy training study (Spangler et al., 2009), one purpose of the study was to explore specific
components and events that influenced undergraduate participants’ experiences of learning
immediacy. Four domains related to this research question were presented in Results section:
difficulties involved in learning immediacy, effects of culture on learning immediacy, most helpful
components of training, and least helpful components of training.
As described earlier, we report the proportion of each category in the Results section. For
example, in Spangler et al. (2009), under the domain Difficulties of Learning Immediacy, the
authors started with the most frequently described difficulty (i.e., it can feel awkward,
uncomfortable, and socially inappropriate to use immediacy) and noted that 55% of the sample
reported experiencing this difficulty in their responses. We then reported the results for the
remainder of the categories. Following Hill et al.’s (2005) suggestion that CQR researchers report
all data in tables and present only general and typical results in the text, we recommend that CQR-
M researchers report all of the data in tables and present only the most frequent categories in the
text of the Results section. Finally, just as it is helpful in traditional CQR studies, we strongly
advocate the use of quotations to illustrate domains and categories when presenting CQR-M
results. Participants’ actual words can give the reader a vivid feel of the data and help the reader
understand what the categories mean (Hill et al., 2005).

Writing the Discussion

In their article updating the use of CQR, Hill et al. (2005) stated that authors should not simply
repeat the results in the Discussion section. We share this view and recommend that authors using
CQR-M use the Discussion section to elaborate on the full richness of their findings in describing
new or unexpected phenomena and to provide a sense of how the data fit with the literature. In
addition, we recommend that authors discuss how their qualitative findings triangulate with
quantitative results. Points of particular interest are consistencies and inconsistencies between
qualitative and quantitative results and consideration of how these results inform our understanding
of the phenomena of interest. For example, in Spangler et al. (2009), both quantitative and
qualitative results indicated that immediacy training was effective, which provided stronger

evidence for the effectiveness of immediacy training than if our support had been from only
quantitative or only qualitative data. However, qualitative and quantitative results diverged in terms
of the relative importance of each component of the training. Specifically, quantitative results
suggested that lecture was the most effective component of training, whereas qualitative results
indicated that practice was the most helpful component. The difference between quantitative and
qualitative results posed an interesting question that we addressed in the Discussion.

CQR-M can be a particularly useful approach for dealing with simple data taken from large
samples. It is an adaptation that retains the practice of consensus among multiple judges while
integrating components of discovery-oriented and exploratory methods. By eliminating
components of traditional CQR that would make its use with large samples impracticable, CQR-
M provides researchers a means to explore and describe phenomena and to triangulate their
qualitative findings with quantitative results. It is our hope that the preceding CQR-M primer has
elucidated the method sufficiently to enable interested readers to make use of this practical and
efficient means for coding qualitative data.

Denzin, N. K. (1978). The research act: A theoretical introduction to sociological methods. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill.
Heppner, P. P., Kivlighan, D. M., & Wampold, B. E. (1999). Research design in counseling (2nd
ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Hill, C. E. (1990). A review of exploratory in-session process research. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 58, 288–294. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.58.3.288
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Spangler, P., Sim, W., & Baumann, E. (2007). The interpersonal content of dreams:
Relation to the process and outcome of single sessions using the Hill dream model. Dreaming,
17(1), 1–19. doi:10.1037/1053-0797.17.1.1
Mahrer, A. R. (1988). Discovery-oriented psychotherapy research. American Psychologist, 43, 694–
702. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.43.9.694
Spangler, P., Hill, C. E., Dunn, M. G., Hummel, A., Liu, J., Walden, T., . . . Salahuddin, N.
(2009). Helping in the here-and-now: Teaching undergraduates to use immediacy. Manuscript in

Since its development (Hill et al., 2005; Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997), consensual
qualitative research (CQR) has relied primarily on interviews for data collection so that researchers
can gain an in-depth understanding of the inner experiences, attitudes, or beliefs of participants.
Although this interview approach is excellent for directly asking participants about their
experiences, attitudes, or beliefs, it is often inadequate for analyzing phenomena that are best
observed as they occur (e.g., events in which a client and therapist process their relationship during
a session). Because psychotherapy researchers are particularly interested in qualitatively analyzing
data obtained through the observation of cases of psychotherapy, Hill and colleagues have been
experimenting with modifications of CQR for case study research. Hill (in press) first articulated
some of the principles of this modification, and we extend this description in the current chapter.
Specifically, we provide a justification for using qualitative methods in case study research and then
outline the steps that researchers can use to conduct CQR—case study (CQR-C). In this chapter,
we focus only on the application of CQR-C to psychotherapy, although other applications are
certainly possible and encouraged (e.g., studies of legal cases, conversations between friends).

Justification for a Qualitative Case Study Approach

For well over a century, researchers have developed and refined a breadth of quantitative and
qualitative approaches to examine and understand the corrective nature of psychotherapy. The case
study approach, which may be defined roughly as a design that examines data from a single case of
psychotherapy, has existed and evolved as a prevalent domain of research throughout this time.
We recognize two trends in psychotherapy case study research. First, researchers have
increasingly emphasized the use of replicable, quantitatively oriented case study designs. Notably,
psychotherapy researchers have promoted time series designs for obtaining objective, inferential
data regarding client change and psychotherapy process (Borckardt et al., 2008; Kazdin, 1981).
Despite the promise of quantitative methods to produce replicable results across cases, they are
often inadequate for examining novel, complex phenomena in psychotherapy because they involve
the use of predetermined, standardized assessment instruments or coding schemes. Such fixed
research methods involve a reduction in the scope of data obtained and analyzed from a case. Data

falling outside the realm of quantitative instruments are relegated as “noise” or error. Quantitative
case study approaches thus often preclude the discovery of unique and novel features of the
phenomena of interest. In our research group, we have conducted a number of case studies (Hill,
1989; Hill, Carter, & O’Farrell, 1983; O’Farrell, Hill, & Patton, 1986) that involved judges coding
relevant client and therapist variables using measures that have received considerable psychometric
attention. We note that judges in these case studies were trained to achieve high reliability, showing
that it is possible to conduct case study research systematically and with considerable fidelity to the
Second, we recognize that qualitative case study approaches have maintained an influential and
dynamic presence throughout the history of psychotherapy research. Case study research
historically involved passive observation of anecdotal data from cases. Studies were often assembled
from clinical notes and impressions of a single practitioner writing about his or her work with a
client (Hilliard, 1993). Building and improving on this more anecdotal type of case study (as
opposed to the experimental quantitative case studies mentioned earlier), a number of researchers
have conducted qualitative case studies using more rigorous observational methods.
A qualitative case study approach offers researchers the opportunity to observe and analyze
intricate, sometimes novel phenomena (e.g., relational processes, alliance formation and
maintenance, affect expression) regarding human experience and behavior in the psychotherapy
process. Consensual qualitative research (Hill et al., 1997, 2005) modified for case studies (CQR-
C; Hill, 2011) is one such method that offers researchers both rigor and depth in the examination
and description of complex social science phenomena. In contrast to the observational case studies
mentioned earlier in the chapter, CQR-C does not rely on calculating reliability statistics and
averaging independent judges’ scores on existing rating systems. Instead, the method invites in-
depth discussion among research team members to reach consensus judgment on a domain of
interest. Each team member’s experience of the case is thus invoked and incorporated to render a
rich, constructive understanding and presentation of a phenomenon.
For CQR-C, we define a case study as research focusing on the unfolding of phenomena of
interest over a single case or a small number of cases of psychotherapy. CQR-C essentially involves
the identification and description of events that evince the phenomena of interest over a course of
psychotherapy. If several cases are examined, data collected from events can be summarized within
and across cases. To date, precursors to CQR-C have been used in a number of case studies
(Berman et al., in press; Hill et al., 2008, 2011; Kasper, Hill, & Kivlighan, 2008). Though the
method itself is still evolving, we describe in this chapter our current thinking about the basic steps
for conducting CQR-C.

Influential Sources in the Development of CQR-C

In our development of CQR-C, we have been influenced by Bill Stiles, who described case study
research as the process of integrating observations from a single case with the statements of an
existing theory (Stiles, 2003). Stiles focused on the capability of case study research to provide
numerous observations that could be brought to bear on related elemental statements of broad
psychotherapy theories. He asserted that case study research serves not only to confirm or
disconfirm existing theory but, more important, to extend, modify, or elaborate on a theory. Stiles
(2007) explained that in order to draw on observations from a case, a rich case record is essential.
Stiles indicated that such rich case records should include both qualitative and quantitative data,
such as recordings of treatment sessions, data from session-by-session quantitative questionnaires,
and quantitative and narrative data on treatment outcome. In addition, Stiles emphasized utilizing
data from the case record to apply the case to the theory rather than theory to the case. Simply
fitting an existing theory to the case likely requires that researchers ignore important details of the
data and places restrictions on the potential depth and breadth of theory elaboration. Stiles also
noted that although case study research should be systematic and intentional, it is unwise to adhere

to an inflexible study protocol; doing so would limit the variety in the data gathered and essentially
reduce a case study to a lab exercise rather than informative research.
Given that CQR-C is an observation-based, discovery-oriented approach that deems attention
to the depth and uniqueness of data as paramount to confirmation or disconfirmation of existing
theories, it reflects a number of Stiles’s (2003, 2007) views on case study research. We agree that
fitting theory to data through a process of theory elaboration and modification is preferred to fitting
data to an existing theory. Furthermore, CQR-C relies on a rich case record, and we recommend
using both qualitative and quantitative data when conducting case studies using this method.
Lastly, CQR-C is a flexible approach, allowing the researchers to make a number of choices at each
point during the orchestration of a study, from data collection to manuscript composition.
Elliott et al.’s (2009) case study approach, which involves explicit attention to confirmatory and
disconfirmatory evidence of therapeutic efficacy, has also influenced us. Elliott’s hermeneutic
single-case efficacy design (HSCED) involves gathering affirmative and disconfirming evidence
specifically regarding the sequence of events that leads to client change. Elliott et al. revised the
HSCED method by incorporation of a more formal “adjudication” approach in which an
affirmative team and a skeptic team evaluate a case on the basis of qualitative and quantitative data
and debate the extent to which therapy led to positive change for the client. We find Elliott’s
HSCED method and adjudication approach to be a useful means of guarding against groupthink
and the predominance of individual group members in CQR-C. Although CQR does not include a
formal adjudication approach, we have made efforts, based on Elliott’s work, to ensure that
conflicting ideas can be freely expressed and discussed by each research team member during the
consensus process.
A final influence is Schielke, Fishman, Osatuke, and Stiles’s (2009) qualitative approach to case
study research known as the Ward method (named for Ward’s 1987 approach to team development
of architectural designs). This method takes advantage of both individual creative work and group
information exchange among a team of psychotherapy researchers. After the research team has
developed a topic of interest (e.g., the use of immediacy in a case of psychotherapy) and a number
of questions about the topic (e.g., “How is immediacy used in the case?”; “What determines the
quality of an immediacy event?”), each member evaluates the case record individually and creates a
conceptualization of the case addressing the questions. Team members then meet as a group and
discuss each conceptualization. During the presentation of each conceptualization, other team
members ask for elaboration rather than provide criticism so that each team member can fully
expand on her or his conceptualization. After this meeting, members independently modify their
work to incorporate ideas they have gained from the other members. Through an iterative process
of independent work and group information exchange, the group eventually reaches a point of
convergence such that a common conceptualization is endorsed by all members. We find Schielke
et al.’s (2009) Ward method an inventive way to promote creativity and productive group
interaction while minimizing the criticism or member dominance that often hampers the consensus
process. We have adapted the Ward method in the data summary steps of CQR-C, using a similar
iterative process of independent work and group information exchange.

Initial Steps in CQR-C

Initial steps in CQR-C are similar to those in CQR (see Chapter 3 in this volume). We briefly
review them here to highlight some important differences (See Figure 18.1 for a flow chart of all
CQR-C steps).


Steps involved in conducting consensual qualitative research—case study (CQR-C).

Developing a focused topic area is critical to obtaining rich, meaningful results in CQR-C, just as it
is in CQR. The topic guides the selection of an appropriate case and identification of the events of
interest within the case. Once a topic area has been selected, researchers develop several research
questions to guide the study (although these questions may change as researchers immerse
themselves in the case and discover more refined interests).


In the study of psychotherapy using CQR-C, the optimal research team is made up of members
who have had at least some experience, either through training or professional work, in providing
psychotherapy. Familiarity with basic theoretical orientations (e.g., psychodynamic, cognitive–
behavioral) and aspects of psychotherapy process (e.g., the therapeutic relationship, transference,
therapist intervention types) may also help members contribute meaningful perspectives when
discussing cases because one or more of these concepts are typically related to the phenomena of
interest in psychotherapy research. It is also advisable that team members differ in their level of
expertise, given that novice members can often add a fresh perspective, whereas experienced
members can offer wisdom from their experience. We recommend that larger teams (e.g., four to
six members) be used for CQR-C than for CQR because more perspectives are often valuable when
observing complicated data and because auditors are not as often used. Once a team has been
selected, the researchers discuss their biases and expectations related to the topic (see also Chapter
5, this volume).

Researchers have two main options for obtaining case material. First, they can recruit a client and
therapist to complete a course of therapy for the purposes of the study (e.g., in the study of
therapist immediacy, Kasper et al., 2008, recruited an interpersonally oriented psychotherapist and
a client who responded positively to probes for immediacy during a recruitment interview). A
second option is to obtain case materials from a case that has already been completed (e.g., Berman
et al., in press, examined an existing set of three cases of individual psychotherapy with clients who
had anorexia nervosa to see how relational work unfolds naturally). An important caveat here is that
it is useful to have video rather than just audio recordings of psychotherapy sessions because video
allows judges to consider both the verbal and nonverbal behavior of the therapist and client in
segments of interest.

Preparing for Data Collection

Researchers should first familiarize themselves with the case because they need a context within
which to make judgments about the case. In some instances, watching the video of the case in its
entirety may be helpful. In other instances, knowledge about the entire case could be problematic if
it biases how team members perceive the phenomenon of interest given that they are aware of later
events and the outcome of the case. In such instances, it may be preferable for team members to
familiarize themselves with the case by reading intake notes and viewing several early sessions.

An event is a segment in a session of therapy during which the phenomenon of interest is
transpiring. An event can be defined by its beginning (e.g., when the phenomenon initially appears)
and its end (e.g., when the therapist and client start to talk about something else, or when the
phenomenon disappears). For example, in Hill et al.’s (2008) study of immediacy in psychotherapy,
the authors defined an immediacy event as beginning when either the therapist or client initiated a
discussion of the therapeutic relationship and the other person accepted the bid to engage in the
discussion; the event ended when the discussion shifted to another topic. If the discussion was
resumed later in the session or in subsequent sessions, it was coded as either the same event or a
separate event depending on the similarity of the content (i.e., occasionally participants returned to
the topic after an interlude, e.g., “. . . as I was saying earlier . . . ”). Events can range from a few
seconds to an entire session, but both participants must be engaged in the topic for it to be
considered an event (e.g., if the therapist brings up a topic but the client ignores the therapist, we
do not consider that to be an event; rather it is a bid for an event that does not come to fruition).

Once the events have been defined and their data captured throughout the therapy, the team
develops a list of domains (see Chapter 8, this volume) that they will use to capture different
dimensions of the event. Domains are developed to initially categorize information related to the
phenomenon of interest. For example, for each relationship event (when the client talked about her
relationship with the therapist or with a person outside of the therapy) in the Hill et al. (2011)
study, the authors consensually described actions within the domains of Wish, Response of Self,
Response of Other, Activating Affect, and Inhibitory Affect. These domains were developed on the
basis of the topic of interest in the study (relational themes and their change over a course of
therapy) and through a review of literature on methods for assessing relational themes. Because new
research questions may emerge as the team becomes familiar with the case (e.g., unanticipated
questions may arise as the team works with the data), the generation of domains is a flexible

process, with new and better domains added and ineffective domains deleted to better fit the
emerging understanding of the data.

Data Collection
Researchers watch sessions of a case sequentially (so that they have the context) and stop the
recording when the team members identify the occurrence of a predefined event. After identifying
the event and recording the beginning and end of the event, the team rewatches and prepares a
narrative description of the event—for example,

The therapist asked the client how he felt about her arriving late for the session. The client expressed that he felt upset
because he thought that the therapist didn’t respect him or care about him. He noted that the therapist had been late
two other times. The therapist apologized for being late and stated that she did respect the client and was invested in
their work.

Consensus is important in developing the narrative description because it ensures that the
perspectives of all team members are reflected. To encourage each team member to share equally
and achieve optimal collaboration, we recommend that team members rotate providing initial
descriptions of events and then having the rest of the team amend the description consensually.
After describing the event, the team members code the event according to each of the
predetermined domains. Here, too, it is important that each team member share his or her thinking
before moving to consensual discussion. Consensus takes precedence over reliability during
observation and coding of events. For example, in the Hill et al. (2011) article on relational events
in psychotherapy, a relational event in which the client appeared anxious and/or expressed anxiety
was coded as “anxiety” in the inhibitory affect domain. Codes or phrases in each domain for an event
are recorded under the narrative description of the event. Through successive meetings, the team
continues this process and thereby develops a running narrative of events, complete with domain
coding (Exhibit 18.1 provides an example of a narrative event summary composed during the data
collection phase of the Hill et al., 2011, study of relational events). Judges sometimes use nominal
categories (e.g., emotion-focused, cognitive-focused) and sometimes assign numbers reflecting the
strength of the variable (e.g., amount of activating affect). As coding progresses, research teams
may find that they need to redefine domains to fit the emerging case material better. If domains
change, the team needs to reexamine any sessions previously coded to ensure consistent coding
throughout the project. At each team meeting, the team member assigned the role of note taker
(again we suggest rotating this responsibility) takes responsibility for recording all of the
information about the event (e.g., session number, time markers of beginning and end of event,
narrative description, all codings).

An Example of the Narrative Summary and Domain Information for a CQR-C Event
RE2 (8:45): Cl was in a rush to leave the house and housemate R called her name. Cl abruptly told him that she was busy. Later, housemate R
told Cl that he just wanted to let her know that the morning coffee was ready. Cl believed that housemate R wanted to sit her down to chat, a
typical example of his attention-seeking behavior.
Wish: On one level, Cl wanted housemate R to get out of her way and not be such an obstacle to leaving the house. On another level, Cl likes
to be needed.
RO: R retreated and returned to explain why he approached the client.
RS: Cl thought that housemate R was demanding, self-centered, and that she was needed all the time; she felt annoyed.
Action: Cl sat down to have coffee with housemate R, neglecting her own needs to leave the house on time.
AA: self-assertion (needs to politely assert her need to go and follow through with leaving)
Rating: 24
IA: shame (not lovable if others don’t need her)
Rating: 56
Note. The second relational event (RE2) in an observed therapy session began at 8 minutes and 45 seconds into the session. Below the brief event summary are the domains of interest.
The numerical ratings below AA and IA indicate the extent to which the client expressed AA and IA on a scale of 0 to 100, as determined via team consensus. CQR-C = consensual
qualitative research—case study; Cl = client; RO = response of other (i.e., the client’s perception of his interactant’s response in the event); RS = response of self, the client’s response to the
RO; AA = the client’s activating affect in the event (i.e., the affect that the team believed would have been adaptive given the circumstances of the event); IA =the client’s inhibitory affect
(i.e. the maladaptive affect that inhibited the client from more fully expressing the AA).

Summarizing the Data (Cross-Analysis)
After the data have been collected, the researchers can then enter the data for all events into a table
(see Table 18.1 for an example from Hill et al., 2011), the purpose of which is to create a concise,
organized document that allows the team to identify and discuss patterns in the data across events.
Hill et al. (2011) coded segments from a course of therapy when the client spoke either about her
relationship with the therapist or about her interactions with others outside of therapy. The
researchers used Luborsky and Crits-Christoph’s (1990) core conflictual relationship theme as a
framework for capturing the client’s attitudes and reactions in the interactions and McCullough et
al.’s (2003) affect expression framework to capture the client’s activating and inhibitory affect
during the interactions and to consensually rate affect using a 0 to 100 scale. Table 18.1 illustrates
how this information initially was organized in tabular form, also showing how the event numbers
and the “target” (i.e. the initials of the individuals with whom the client was interacting) were
represented. To save space, this particular table does not include a narrative description of each
event. However, researchers may want to include an abbreviated version of the narrative description
in its own column. As illustrated in Table 18.1, each domain is presented in its own column.

TA B L E 1 8 . 1
Session 1 From Hill et al. (2011) Relational Psychotherapy Study


In category development, team members consensually identify themes or patterns within domains.
To accomplish this task, we suggest that the team hold an initial meeting in which each team
member shares his or her ideas about patterns that emerge across events within each domain.
Following this discussion, each member then spends time alone with the data and creates categories
independently before meeting again as a team to discuss the individually developed categories. At
this next meeting, or through a series of meetings if necessary, the team consensually determines
the best-fitting categories for each domain by integrating the categories that each member created.
Data that appear infrequently or that do not fall cleanly under these categories can be reexamined
to determine whether a new category should be created or whether the data should be put into a
general Other category. Table 18.2 is a complete summary table reproduced by permission from the
Hill et al. (2011) study referenced earlier in the chapter. The table organizes coded events by
“Target” individual in the first and final three sessions of therapy and includes standardized
categories within each of the five domains of interest. Additionally, categories are labeled General,
Typical, or Variant to denote how often they occurred across all events.

TA B L E 1 8 . 2
Completed Summary Table From Hill et al. (2011): Client’s Wishes (W), Response of Other (RO),
Response of Self (RS), Activating Affect (AA), and Inhibiting Affect (IA) in the First Three and Final Three

TA B L E 1 8 . 2 (C o n t i n u e d )
Completed Summary Table From Hill et al. (2011): Client’s Wishes (W), Response of Other (RO),
Response of Self (RS), Activating Affect (AA), and Inhibiting Affect (IA) in the First Three and Final Three

Once CQR-C has been conducted with observational data, as outlined previously, we recommend
that the themes identified in the cross-analysis be triangulated with other qualitative data (e.g.,
interviews with the therapist and client). Such data can confirm or disconfirm the team’s themes.
For example, in the Kasper et al. (2008) case study of immediacy, categories did not capture some
of the negative reactions to immediacy that the client expressed in a posttherapy interview. The
interview data thus added a valuable perspective to what was observed by the team members when
coding psychotherapy sessions and was included in the Kasper et al. study.
Qualitative data based on observation and interviews can also be triangulated with quantitative
data to enhance researchers’ understanding of the case. For example, in Hill et al.’s (2011) study on
relational events, analysis of pre- to posttherapy change showed a significant improvement in the
client’s overall interpersonal distress. Analysis of the qualitative data, however, indicated that
although the client showed improvement in her interactions with some significant others, her
desires and behavior in other relationships remained problematic. The nuances of these data, which
were presented and discussed in the manuscript, thus provided different perspectives and insights
into the complex process of interpersonal change.


After triangulating the data from different sources, the primary team now develops a narrative
document (referred to here as a case conceptualization) that answers the research questions and serves
as a major synopsis of the themes and nuances found in the data. The conceptualization process
entails (a) team members individually developing an initial conceptualization, (b) a number of team
meetings during which these conceptualizations are explored and enhanced, leading to (c) the
team’s joint final conceptualization. We describe each of these steps more fully in the next

The conceptualization begins with a meeting in which team members meet to clarify what it is
that they want to conceptualize. After developing a clear idea of the essential area of interest in the
conceptualization, team members go their separate ways, consult the raw data and the codings, and
individually create an initial conceptualization.
In the next team meeting, members present their conceptualizations one at a time and are
queried by other members regarding their answers to the research questions so that each person has
a chance to expand on his or her ideas and hear other members’ ideas in full (a process similar to
that used by Schielke et al., 2009). If some consensus seems to be emerging through this prolonged
discussion, the team moves to jointly developing the final conceptualization. If no consensus is
readily apparent, the team members separate again to continue working individually. Members each
modify their original conceptualizations by reflecting on and integrating what they consider to be
valuable ideas shared by others during the previous meeting. Members then return for subsequent
meetings and go through the process again. The process of presentation of ideas, discussion, and
rewriting continues until consolidation of ideas occurs. Consolidation is marked by team members’
consensual identification of the most pertinent material from each individual’s conceptualization.
This consolidated, pertinent material is discussed and recorded during a meeting to provide a frame
for the final consensual case conceptualization. In addition, team members continue to attend to
the raw data so that the emerging conceptualization remains faithful to the case material. For the
final conceptualization, each team member takes responsibility for writing a section of the
document by collating all the important ideas.
The Berman et al. (in press) study of relational work in psychotherapy provides an illustration
of the conceptualization process. After qualitatively coding data from three psychotherapy cases, the
members of the research team met and agreed that they wanted to answer the following three
questions in their conceptualizations: (a) What was the context in which the relational events
occurred? (b) What were the effects of the relational events? (c) What client, therapist, and
relationship factors contributed to the effects? Each member individually wrote a conceptualization
for each of the three clients that answered these questions. They individually presented their
conceptualizations in a team meeting and were questioned by other members so that their opinions
could be fully expressed and understood. The team members continued working on their own and
meeting with each other until they reached consensus. They discussed the consensual
conceptualization of the cases and then divided responsibilities for writing the final

Writing Up CQR-C Results

Writing up the CQR-C results parallels the writing process for traditional CQR data (see Chapter
11, this volume). In addition, however, it is important to appropriately familiarize the reader with
the case (taking care, of course, to disguise the identity of the participants; see Chapter 15, this
volume). Relevant therapist and client demographic information should be included. Additional
information for therapists might include years of experience providing therapy, theoretical
orientation, and therapist demeanor and style of interventions throughout the case. Additional
client information might include marital status, sexual orientation, reasons for seeking therapy,
diagnosis, appearance, and overall demeanor throughout the case. A brief description of the therapy
process and relationship is useful to allow the readers to become immersed in what took place
throughout the therapist’s and client’s work together. Such information might include the
predominant topics or themes discussed throughout sessions as well as any ruptures or corrective
moments that occurred in the therapy. Following the description of these pieces of information, the
data and conceptualization are presented, providing specific answers (with corroborating evidence)
to each of the research questions and exploring the findings’ implications for future practice and

Important Considerations
Consensus is vital to obtaining rich, clinically relevant conceptualizations of a case (see also Chapter
1, this volume). Accordingly, researchers need to attend to group dynamics of the research team to
ensure that all members share their thoughts throughout data analysis (see also Chapter 6, this
volume). Requiring each team member to take a turn and initiate discussion can provide a structure
to ensure that everyone speaks. Groupthink is likely to occur and bias the findings if unbalanced
power dynamics prevail and some members feel undervalued or incompetent to share their opinions
openly during meetings.

To date, we have not used auditors in CQR-C, primarily because auditors in CQR studies would
need to be as intimately involved in the data as the primary team. To be effective, the auditors need
as much information about the case as does the primary team, and obtaining this amount of
information would require watching the case in its entirety and engaging in extensive discussions
about the case. Without having a team with whom to discuss the case, the auditor would have a
difficult time engaging with the material in the comparable way.
To compensate for not having auditors, we have used larger teams of four to six researchers
rather than the two to three researchers used in traditional CQR studies. A larger team allows for
more variation across team member perspectives. A second strategy is to view sessions multiple
times to ensure that data are coded consistently. Third, it may prove helpful to ask the therapist and
perhaps the client to provide their perspectives on the case. For example, in Hill et al. (2011), the
therapist (also an author) watched and discussed a number of the initial psychotherapy sessions
with the research team and provided team members with her impressions on the general context of
the therapy. The research team watched and discussed the remainder of the sessions without the
therapist so that they could be more comfortable and open regarding their impressions of the
therapy. In Kasper et al. (2008), the therapist took part in a posttherapy interview to discuss his
reactions to the study. He also read drafts of the manuscript and wrote his afterthoughts about the
case and the research question regarding the use of immediacy throughout the therapy. Although
incorporating therapist and client perspectives in the data analysis is not a proxy for auditors, it does
provide a valuable outside (perhaps better called an inside) perspective on the data and helps the
researchers question their conclusions, return to the data, and possibly revise their work.

Although the CQR-C approach is relatively new and still evolving, we hope that the steps provided
in this chapter will provide enough information so that other researchers can begin to use it.
Though somewhat standardized, the procedures outlined in this chapter offer the case study
researcher substantial flexibility regarding the nature of phenomena that can be studied, the types of
therapy (e.g., individual therapy, career counseling, couples’ counseling, group psychotherapy) that
can be studied, and the types of data (e.g., videorecorded psychotherapy sessions, posttherapy
interviews with the therapist and client, quantitative process and outcome measures) that can be
integrated to investigate phenomena of interest. We encourage further innovation to refine and
improve this emerging method.

Berman, M., Hill, C. E., Liu, J., Jackson, J., Sim, W., & Spangler, P. (in press). Corrective

relational events in the treatment of three cases of anorexia nervosa. In L. G. Castonguay & C.
E. Hill (Eds.), Transformation in psychotherapy: Corrective experiences across cognitive behavioral,
humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Borckardt, J. J., Nash, M. R., Murphy, M. D., Moore, M., Shaw, D., & O’Neil, P. (2008). Clinical
practice as natural laboratory for psychotherapy research: A guide to case-based time-series
analysis. American Psychologist, 63(2), 77–95. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.63.2.77
Elliott, R., Partyka, R., Alperin, R., Dobrenski, R., Wagner, J., Messer, S. B., . . . Castonguay, L.
G. (2009). An adjudicated hermeneutic single-case efficacy design study of experiential therapy
for panic/phobia. Psychotherapy Research, 19(4–5), 543–557. doi:10.1080/10503300902905947
Hill, C. E. (1989). Therapist techniques and client outcomes: Eight cases of brief psychotherapy. Newbury
Park, CA: Sage.
Hill, C. E. (in press). Consensual qualitative research (CQR) methods for conducting
psychotherapy process research. In O. Gelo (Ed.), Psychotherapy research: General issues, outcome
and process. Vienna, Austria: Springer.
Hill, C. E., Carter, J. A., & O’Farrell, M. K. (1983). A case study of the process and outcome of
time-limited counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 30, 3–18. doi:10.1037/0022-
Hill, C. E., Chui, H., Huang, T., Jackson, J., Liu, J., & Spangler, P. (2011). Hitting the wall: A
case study of interpersonal changes in psychotherapy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 11,
Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Thompson, B. J., Williams, E. N., Hess, S.A., & Ladany, N. (2005).
Consensual qualitative research: An update. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 196–205.
Hill, C. E., Sim, W., Spangler, P., Stahl, J., Sullivan, C., & Teyber, E. (2008). Therapist
immediacy in brief psychotherapy: Case study II. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice,
Training, 45, 298–315. doi:10.1037/a0013306
Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., & Williams, E. N. (1997). A guide to conducting consensual
qualitative research. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 517–572. doi:10.1177/0011000097254001
Hilliard, R. B. (1993). Single-case methodology in psychotherapy process and outcome research.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61(3), 373–380. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.61.3.373
Kasper, L., Hill, C. E., & Kivlighan, D. (2008). Therapist immediacy in brief psychotherapy: Case
study I. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 45, 281–297. doi:10.1037/a0013305
Kazdin, A. E. (1981). Drawing valid inferences from case studies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 49(2), 183–192. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.49.2.183
Luborsky, L., & Crits-Christoph, P. (1990). Understanding transference: The core conflictual
relationship theme method. New York, NY: Basic Books.
McCullough, L., Kuhn, N., Andrews, S., Kaplan, A., Wolf, J., & Hurley, C. L. (2003). Treating
affect phobia: A manual for short-term dynamic psychotherapy. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
O’Farrell, M. K., Hill, C. E., & Patton, S. (1986). Comparison of two cases of counseling with the
same counselor. Journal of Counseling and Development, 65, 141–145.
Schielke, H. J., Fishman, J. L., Osatuke, K., & Stiles, W. B. (2009). Creative consensus on
interpretations of qualitative data: The Ward method. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 558–565.
Stiles, W. B. (2003). When is a case study scientific research? Psychotherapy Bulletin, 38(1), 6–11.
Stiles, W. B. (2007). Theory-building case studies of counselling and psychotherapy. Counselling &
Psychotherapy Research, 7(2), 122–127. doi:10.1080/14733140701356742
Ward, A. (1987). Design archetypes from group processes. Design Studies, 8, 157–169.

As I hope is evident from reading this book, consensual qualitative research (CQR) is a vibrant,
exciting method of getting close to data, analyzing their meanings, and presenting the stories they
tell. We have developed and refined this method by infusing qualitative approaches into more
traditional quantitative designs, and we believe that the melding of the two paradigms has led to an
integrative approach that combines the best of both methods. We have continued to modify CQR
to fit new topics and data formats and expect such evolution to continue as we encounter new
challenges and opportunities.
We hope that many of your questions about CQR have been answered by reading this book as
well as empirical articles that have used this method. We have found, however, that new concepts
are hard to grasp and need to be presented in a variety of formats. Hence, the authors of the book
suggested questions that they are frequently asked about CQR. In this Appendix, I provide brief
answers and refer readers to the relevant chapters for more detail. I break the questions into those
about the overall method, the data analysis, and writing and publishing CQR studies.

Questions About the Overall Method

 1. What is consensual qualitative research (CQR)?
CQR is an inductive approach to research that relies on words rather than numbers, involves
a team of judges and auditors to code the data, relies on consensus for all judgments, and
continually returns to the raw data to ensure accurate representation of the data. Data may be
generated via interviews, brief written responses to open-ended questions, or case data.
See Chapter 1 for more detail.
 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using CQR?
The advantages include staying close to the data, the ability to explore phenomena that are
complex and context laden, the ability to examine data in depth, having multiple perspectives
on the data, and the social aspect of working closely with a team.
Disadvantages include the time and amount of detail involved in conducting analyses, the
influence of unknown biases related to interviewers and judges, and difficulties related to

transferability of data (i.e., replication of data across studies).
See Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
 3. What fields or disciplines are most appropriate for CQR?
CQR has been used primarily for psychotherapy research, but it has also been used to study
many other topics (e.g., health, abortion, sexuality).
See Chapters 2 and 16 for more detail.
 4. Should I use quantitative or qualitative methods? What kind of research question is appropriate for CQR?
The choice of quantitative or qualitative methods depends on the research question. If the
research question involves wanting to know about the amount of something in the
population (e.g., what is the prevalence of psychopathology in the United States?), a
statistical comparison between conditions (e.g., is psychodynamic psychotherapy better than
cognitive–behavioral therapy?), or the relationship between variables (e.g., the relationship
between working alliance and psychotherapy outcome), quantitative methods are the best
approach. If the question, however, involves wanting rich description about inner experiences
(e.g., how do therapists react to clients who act out with hostility toward them?), attitudes
(e.g., expectations about seeking psychotherapy), or beliefs (e.g., religious/spiritual
convictions), or if not much is known about a topic, qualitative methods are excellent.
See Chapter 3 for more detail.
 5. How does CQR differ from other qualitative methods?
CQR is more structured than many other qualitative methods in that it involves
semistructured interviews to collect consistent data across participants, relatively clear-cut
procedures for analyzing the data, and the use of consensus among multiple judges and
See also Chapters 1 and 2.
 6. How do you communicate with quantitative researchers about CQR?
Emphasize the importance of multiple perspectives, problems with traditional assessments of
interjudge reliability, the procedures of returning to the data to repeatedly check for
consistency, and the ability to study phenomena in great depth and richness.
See Chapters 1 and 2 for more detail.
 7. How do you communicate with qualitative researchers about CQR?
Emphasize the constructivist nature of the data analysis (there are not truths to be
determined but rather understandings of phenomena to emerge from the data) and that
analyses are bottom-up (results emerge from the data rather than being imposed from
See Chapters 1 and 2 for more detail.
 8. How do I choose among CQR and the new modifications (CQR-M and CQR-C)?
Traditional CQR is appropriate for use with interview data (these data may be collected via
face-to-face interview, telephone, or e-mail). Consensual qualitative research—modified
(CQR-M) is appropriate for responses to open-ended questions when these responses are
brief and relatively simple to directly place into categories derived from the data without the
need for constructing core ideas. Consensual qualitative research—case study (CQR-C) is
appropriate when investigating case data (e.g., psychotherapy sessions) where specific
questions are not being asked of the participant; researchers instead use a structure derived
from the data for categorizing data.
See Chapters 1, 7, 17, and 18 for more detail.
 9. How long does a CQR project take?

Our projects typically take about 2 to 3 years from start to finish: about 3 to 6 months
planning, 3 months doing interviews and obtaining transcripts, 9 to 12 months doing data
analyses (domains, core ideas, and cross-analyses), 6 months writing and rewriting, and 6 to
12 months from the time of submitting the manuscript until you see the article in print. This
timeline fits when all is going well and the team is working about 2 hours a week on the
project. Theses and dissertations tend to be completed faster because teams meet 6 to 10
hours a week.
10. CQR generally uses smaller sample sizes than quantitative studies, so how can findings be generalizable?
Because CQR samples are not typically randomly selected from the population, we cannot
generalize to the population with confidence. We do, however, hope that the data can be
used to understand something about more than just the individuals included in the sample
(i.e., we hope the findings apply to other people). To this end, we try hard to select
homogeneous samples of well-defined participants who can speak clearly and cogently about
the topic, and then we provide detailed information about the sample in the write-up so that
readers know the characteristics of the sample. We also write about any anomalies or
limitations of the sample in the write-up.
We describe how much each finding is characteristic of the sample to give some idea of how
much the results generalize to the sample. We use the terms general (applies to all or all but
one), typical (applies to more than half up to the cutoff for general), and variant (applies to
two or three up to the cutoff for typical).
See Chapters 6 and 13 for more detail.
We also recommend the use of qualitative meta-analyses to examine the consistency of
results across samples, a direct test of transferability of CQR data.
See Chapter 12 for more detail.
11. Why don’t you assess for reliability among the judges?
When judges have to code into predetermined categories and work to reliability, their task is
to figure out the meaning of the category and how other judges are thinking. They cannot
use their clinical judgment to think about the data in innovative ways. By instead using
consensus among judges after considerable discussion and airing of lots of ideas, our
experience is that we have richer, more meaningful data.
12. How do I locate a CQR expert for consultation?
You might contact authors who have conducted CQR research on topics in which you are
interested. But do be sensitive about such requests because adequate consultation takes a long
time—a consultant may ask to be paid or be included on the publication (perhaps as an

Questions About Conducting the Data Analysis

13. How do you do CQR?
Read this book thoroughly through before starting, and then read the relevant chapters again
as you approach each new step. In addition, read several CQR studies to get an idea of how
others have approached the process. If possible, work first on a team with others who have
experience using CQR.
14. Should you review the extant literature on your topic before beginning the study or does doing so bias you
even before you begin?
We recommend that you review the extant literature so that you do not recreate the wheel
and so that you can learn from others and extend what has been done before. But when you
are conducting the interviews and analyzing the data, it is important to set aside (or bracket)

this previous knowledge as much as possible and focus completely on the data in front of you.
See Chapters 3, 5, 8, and 9 for more detail.
15. Given how much time we ask participants to invest in a study, how can we encourage more people to take
If you want people to participate in your study, it is important to choose a topic that is
meaningful and salient to them and appeals to their desire to be helpful to you. It is also
important to treat participants well and to provide a safe, confidential setting for them to
See Chapter 6.
16. Why do you use semistructured interviews?
We want to obtain consistent data across participants so that we can compare findings, but
we also want to probe the depths of the individual experiences, so semistructured interviews
allow for both goals to be met.
See Chapter 7 for more detail.
17. How “old” can experiences be and still be included in a study?
It depends on the research topic. If the topic of interest is something fleeting (e.g., sighing or
crying in psychotherapy sessions), it is best to conduct the interviews as soon as possible after
the event. On the other hand, if the topic is something more profound and salient and you
want the perspective of time (e.g., the effects of divorce), the experiences could have occurred
quite some time ago and still be useful for the research.
See Chapter 6 for more detail.
18. What if you realize halfway through data collection that you forgot to explore a really important area with
all of your participants thus far? Should you go back and reinterview the early participants?
You need to think through the consequences carefully. Data gathered from the “old” and
“new” participants might be quite different because of the different context. You might want
to just collect the data for the new sample and then report a smaller sample size for some of
the data. You could also just report the new findings as a postscript in the Results section and
recommend that other researchers gather data on this topic.
See Chapter 7 for more detail.
19. What is a domain?
A domain is a discrete topic area (e.g., antecedents, behaviors, consequences, contributing
See Chapter 8 for more detail.
20. What is a core idea?
A core idea is a summary or abstract of the critical essence of what the participant has said in
clear, more concise terms. The core ideas take into account everything that the participant
has said so that the participant’s views are adequately represented when taken out of context.
See also Chapter 8.
21. How many people should be on the primary research team?
We recommend at least three people on the primary team (the team making the initial
judgments about domains, core ideas, and cross-analyses). There have been larger teams but
rarely have there been smaller teams.
See Chapter 4 for more detail.
22. How do you select research team members?
Research team members should be motivated (i.e., willing to commit 1 to 2 years) and

interested in the topic of the study, open-minded, able to think objectively (i.e., not having
an agenda that they want the results to turn out a particular way), and enjoy working with a
team of people. It helps to have some diversity of opinion on the team but also constitute a
team of people who like each other and can talk to each other.
See Chapter 4 for more detail.
23. What are the responsibilities of team members?
It is important to negotiate roles early in the process. Typically, the principal investigator (PI)
is the first author and takes primary responsibility for obtaining institutional review board
approval, keeping track of the data flow, and writing the manuscript. All team members
(including the PI) typically share responsibility for conducting the interviews and managing
the data for the cases they interview. An exception to this work flow distribution often occurs
with theses and dissertations, where the PI (the thesis student or dissertator) does all of the
interviews and manages the data.
See Chapter 4 for more detail.
24. How would you know if a team member isn’t working out?
A team member might not show up for meetings, not be prepared with having done the
assignments, not voice any opinions, or dominate and not let others talk.
See Chapter 4 for more detail.
25. What do you do if a member of your CQR team isn’t working out?
Try to prevent problems by wisely selecting team members. If problems arise, the group
should first try to discuss the concerns within the group by using immediacy and concern.
Group dynamics inevitably arise and need to be addressed sensitively and compassionately. If
problems cannot be resolved, the PI may need to ask the team member to resign.
See Chapter 4 for more detail.
26. How many auditors do I need to have?
We typically use one to two auditors, with a preference for two auditors because they often
have such different perspectives.
See Chapter 10 for more detail.
27. What software program do you use to analyze your qualitative data?
We have not used any commercial software programs. The only tool we use is a word
processing program (e.g., Microsoft Word).
See Chapter 8 for more detail.

Writing and Publishing CQR Studies

28. What’s the most effective way to present the Results and Discussion sections?
It depends on the study. Sometimes the Results and Discussion sections are distinct,
sometimes combined.
See Chapter 11 for more detail.
29. Should I include core ideas or quotes in the results?
We have done both, but we are beginning to use quotes more often because it provides more
of a feel of what the participants actually said. Sometimes we present the core ideas or quotes
in the Results section, sometimes in a table.
See Chapter 11 for more detail.
30. How do I ensure that the Discussion is not just a dry regurgitation of the Results section?

Tie the results back into the literature. Also think of the larger meaning of the findings—do
they fit into some theory, or can you create a theory that explains them? The bottom line is to
discern the story the findings tell.
See Chapter 11 for more detail.
31. How do we decide authorship order?
Typically, the PI is the first author. Others on the research team are then the next authors,
with an author’s note that indicates that they contributed equally (if such is the case) and
their names placed alphabetically or in a random order. The auditors are typically last in the
publication lineup. It is important that authorship be discussed early in the life of a project
and that everyone contribute according to her or his place in the authorship order. One issue
that has arisen in our work is whether undergraduates serving as judges and earning course
credit for a thesis or dissertation project (wherein the PI does all the interviews and manages
all the data) deserve authorship. We have gone both ways with this—it depends on the
students’ level of commitment and contribution.
See the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010) for more detail
about the ethics of assigning authorship.
32. Which journals are receptive to CQR studies?
A perusal of the studies published shows that they have been published mostly in the Journal
of Counseling Psychology; Psychotherapy Research; Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority
Psychology; The Counseling Psychologist; and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training.
The predominance of counseling journals is probably because CQR was developed by
counseling psychologists. Other journals are increasingly publishing CQR articles.
See Chapter 16 for more detail.
33. How can we educate journal editors of the value of CQR research?
Do high quality CQR, get on editorial boards, and talk to journal editors about the
appropriateness of CQR. If manuscripts are rejected because of seeming bias against
qualitative methods, write to the editor and tactfully explain the method and ask for another
review by people who are qualified to review qualitative research, perhaps suggesting names.

Final Thoughts
I expect that in 20 years, we will have evolved new qualitative methods that stretch us even further
than what is reflected in this book about the current applications of CQR. It is exciting to
contemplate what these developments might look like. I thus encourage researchers to continue to
think of new approaches that will help continue to improve our research.

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

About the Editor

Clara E. Hill earned her PhD at Southern Illinois University in 1974. She started her career in
1974 as an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College
Park, and is currently there as a professor. She has been the president of the Society for
Psychotherapy Research, the editor of the Journal of Counseling Psychology, and the editor of
Psychotherapy Research. She was awarded the Leona Tyler Award from Division 17 (Society of
Counseling Psychology) and the Distinguished Psychologist Award from Division 29
(Psychotherapy) of the American Psychological Association, the Distinguished Research Career
Award from the Society for Psychotherapy Research, and the Outstanding Lifetime Achievement
Award from the Section on Counseling and Psychotherapy Process and Outcome Research of the
Society for Counseling Psychology. Her major research interests are helping skills, psychotherapy
process and outcome, training therapists, dream work, and qualitative research. She has published
more than 170 journal articles, 40 chapters in books, and nine books (including Therapist
Techniques and Client Outcomes: Eight Cases of Brief Psychotherapy; Helping Skills: Facilitating
Exploration, Insight, and Action; and Dream Work in Therapy: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and


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