Coal and Petroleum
Coal and Petroleum
Coal and Petroleum
Coal and petroleum are sources of energy that are non- renewable.
They were made in the nature a long time before and they will
finish after long-time use
Coal as fuel Coke is a solid carbonaceous residue derived from low-ash, low-
sulfur bituminous coal.
Coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing agent in
Coking and use of coke melting iron ore in a blast furnace.
It is further used in making steel
Ethanol production The reaction of coal and natural gas was used for making
Buna rubber.
Coal tar This reaction makes ethanol and it is used to make Buna rubber.
Surface Mining
Coal tar is a brown or black liquid of high viscosity, which Surface mining is a type of mining in
smells of naphthalene and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Being flammable, coal tar is sometimes used for heating or to
which soil and rock overlying the
fire boilers. mineral deposit (the overburden) are
Coal tar is used in treatment of the skin disease psoriasis. removed. It is the opposite of underground
It is also used to make roads.
mining, in which the overlying rock is
left in place, and the mineral removed
through shafts or tunnels.
Underground Mining
There are two ways to mine coal: Underground mining (soft rock)
Surface mining refers to a group of underground
Underground mining mining techniques used to extract
coal, oil shale and other minerals or
geological materials from
sedimentary ("soft") rocks.
Refining Of Petroleum
The process of separating the various constituents/fractions of
petroleum is known as refining. It is carried out in a petroleum
An Oil Well