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Coal and Petroleum

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Coal and petroleum are sources of energy that are non- renewable.
They were made in the nature a long time before and they will
finish after long-time use

2 Different Types Of Natural Resources

Inexhaustible Natural Resources- These resources are present in COAL IS A COMBUSTIBLE
unlimited quantity in nature and are not likely to be exhausted SEDIMENTARY, ORGANIC ROCK,
Examples are: sunlight, air. WORDS COAL IS A FOSSIL FUEL
Exhaustible Natural Resources-The amount of these resources PLANTS THAT LIVED MILLIONS OF
in nature is limited. They can be exhausted by human activities. YEARS AGO. IT IS CONSIDERED AS A
Examples of these resources are forests, wildlife, minerals, coal, NON RENEWABLE SOURCE OF ENERGY
petroleum, natural gas etc. BECAUSE IT TAKES TOO MUCH TIME TO

Coal mainly COAL IS USED AS A

consists of carbon. SOLID FUEL TO PRODUCE
It also consists COAL IS USED AS A
compound and HEAT THROUGH
some other COMBUSTION

General Applications of Coal

Coal as fuel Coke is a solid carbonaceous residue derived from low-ash, low-
sulfur bituminous coal.
Coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing agent in
Coking and use of coke melting iron ore in a blast furnace.
It is further used in making steel

Ethanol production The reaction of coal and natural gas was used for making
Buna rubber.
Coal tar This reaction makes ethanol and it is used to make Buna rubber.

Surface Mining
Coal tar is a brown or black liquid of high viscosity, which Surface mining is a type of mining in
smells of naphthalene and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Being flammable, coal tar is sometimes used for heating or to
which soil and rock overlying the
fire boilers. mineral deposit (the overburden) are
Coal tar is used in treatment of the skin disease psoriasis. removed. It is the opposite of underground
It is also used to make roads.
mining, in which the overlying rock is
left in place, and the mineral removed
through shafts or tunnels.

Underground Mining
There are two ways to mine coal: Underground mining (soft rock)
Surface mining refers to a group of underground
Underground mining mining techniques used to extract
coal, oil shale and other minerals or
geological materials from
sedimentary ("soft") rocks.

Two Different Types Of Mining How petroleum is formed?

Surface Mining Underground Mining

List Of Coal Fields In India How petroleum is formed?

South Karanpura Coalfield Ib Valley Coalfield Petroleum is a naturally occurring,
North Karanpura Coalfield Chirimiri Coalfield flammable liquid , that are found
Ramgarh Coalfield Jhilimili Coalfield in geologic formations beneath the earth's
West Bokaro Coalfield Korba Coalfield surface. It was produced when sea
East Bokaro Coalfield Mand Raigarh Coalfield creatures died and got covered with sand
Jharia Coalfield Sohagpur Coalfield and clay. Under high pressure , these
Raniganj Coalfield Umaria Coalfield dead organisms changed into petroleum
Singrauli Coalfield Pench Kanhan Coalfield and natural gases.
Talcher Coalfield Wardha Valley Coalfield

Refining Of Petroleum What is an oil well?

Petroleum is a dark oily liquid. It has an
unpleasant odour. It is a mixture of various An oil well is a general term for any
constituents such as: boring through the earth's surface
Petroleum Gas that is designed to find and
Petrol acquire petroleum oil hydrocarbons. It
Diesel is used to pump out petroleum.
Lubricating Oil
Paraffin Wax, etc

Refining Of Petroleum
The process of separating the various constituents/fractions of
petroleum is known as refining. It is carried out in a petroleum

An Oil Well

We all know that coal and petroleum

Excess of Petroleum products and Coal usage leads to... are fossil fuels. It required the dead
organisms millions of years to get
Acid rain. converted into these fuels. On the
other hand, the known reserves of
Coal-fired power plants emit mercury, selenium, and these will last only a few hundred
arsenic which are harmful to human health and the years. Moreover, burning of these
fuels is a major cause of air pollution.
Release of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, which Their use is also linked to global
causes climate change and global warming according to warming. It is therefore necessary that
the IPCC. Coal is the largest contributor to the human-
made increase of CO2 in the air. we use these fuels only when
absolutely necessary. This will result
Temperature of earth increases. in better environment, smaller risk of
global warming and their availability
for a longer period of time.

Natural Gas In India, the Petroleum Conservation

Research Association (PCRA) advises
Natural gas is a very important fossil fuel because people how to save petrol/diesel while
it is easy to transport through pipes. Natural gas driving. Their tips are:
is stored under high pressure as ‘Compressed Drive at a constant and moderate
Natural Gas’. CNG is used for power generation. It speed as far as possible,
is now being used as a fuel for transport vehicles Switch off the engine at traffic lights
because it is less polluting. It is a cleaner fuel. The or at a place where you have to wait,
great advantage of CNG is that it can be used Ensure correct tyre pressure.
directly for burning in homes and factories where Ensure regular maintenance of the
it can be supplied through pipes. vehicle.

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