Violation of Publication Ethics, Authorship and Contributorship: Rules

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

10(08), 1322-1328

Journal Homepage: -

Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/15302



Kiran Somisetti
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History With the development in the field of research and academics,
Received: 28 June 2022 publishing research has become one of the most important aspect for
Final Accepted: 31 July 2022 the further development in the technological sciences. The authors must
Published: August 2022 always take care of their writings for the research publications.
Publications draw inferences from the data which can be manipulative
Key words:-
Scientific Writing, Publication Ethics, or fabrication data which leads to detrimental for the further
Authorship, Contributor Ship, Conflicts researchers. Good papers can encourage new researchers. Unluckily,
these days publishing has led to unethical practices in the research and
publications. This paper describes about steps for publications and the
violations in publishing. This paper also gives insights in resolving the
conflicts and providing the check list for the publications.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2022,. All rights reserved.

In academics, scientific journals are the publications done for the furtheradvancement in science, generally by
reporting a research. The content for the publication will be written by either students or researchers or professors
where the journals are highly specialized that contain articles which are peer reviewed in an attempt in meeting the
quality and validity standards. The publications have huge scopes in the area of research. The publications allows
researchers to keep updated with development of their research. Citations of previous work is done. Results are
needed by the funding bodies which are needed to publish in the journals. Even the doctoral programs allows thesis
by publication where students needs to publish certain amount of articles.

History of Journal Publishing dates from the year 1665, when the French and English languages first began to
publish the results of the research work. Later on reviewing of articles became essential component in the field of

Some of the types of Scientific Journals are

1. Letters
2. Research notes
3. Articles
4. Supplemental articles
5. Review articles
6. Data papers
7. Video papers
8. Newspapers
9. Trade Journals
10. Current affairs

Corresponding Author:- Kiran Somisetti 1322

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(08), 1322-1328

Out of the above mentioned types, there are again categories of publishing under academic papers which are termed
1. Concept Paper
2. Research paper
3. Case report
4. Position paper
5. Review article/ survey
6. Technical paper

Importance Of Publication
Publication plays an important role in the field of research, knowledge, development, science and technology. Such
publication must be preserved and should be made available to everyone so that more and more works can be done.
Some of the features are described below which explains the importance of publication and are as follows.
1. Publishing will establish a record of contribution of any new work to the knowledge
2. It will motivate the scientists to speak directly to one another
3. These also provide intellectual credit for innovative claims and emphasizes students to disclose knowledge that
is unknown to others.
4. It also creates a spirit of competition among the researchers
5. Since publication remainsprominent, it also endows the writers with measure of prestige
6. Many job awards can be achieved like job prospects, cash prize for the work carried out
7. It also creates an environment to be promoted or gain tenure
8. There is a scope for many scientific collaborations with high authorities
9. It can also create a scope for finance for the author
10. Easy and immediate online access is available for the work published which can be accessed by everyone
11. Liberal licensing is done
12. Enhances the visibility and presence of author due to frequent citations
13. It also improves the writing skill of the writer or the author
14. Science can also be progressed and developed in many other aspects

Process Stepsfor Publication

The publication process starts when the author writes a manuscripts and submit it to the publishing house. Then, the
publication process starts and takes place in two phases. First being a peer reviewing and second phase is
production. Once after the peer review is finalized and arranged by thepublishing editor where it has finalized
content of the articles and are accepted for publication when associated with images or figures related to the work.

Manuscript is often reviewed in rounds where after each round author can modify their submission with respect to
the comments of the reviewer and this process is repeated till the editor gets satisfied with the work of the publisher
and is accepted. Moving on with second phase of publishing that is production, this process is controlled by an
editor or the publisher of the publishing house and then takes articles by copy, editing, typesetting, and inclusion in
specific issue of a journal and then printing and online publication. Copy editing ensures that the articles written
matches the standards like style, referencing, labeling etc. Copy editing also seeks to ensure whether the text is
legible or not and is consistent. In current scenario, articles are photographed for printing into proceeding and
journals. This particular stage is known as camera ready copy.

Publication Ethics & Its Voilations

Publishing research work plays a vital role in the life of scientists. The results of the research work helps the
researcher to gain visibility in the community and can receive acknowledgement from their peers for their work.
Publication ethics are set of standards that needs to be obeyed by the writer while translating this work into
manuscript in order to ensure high quality scientific publications.The type and number of publications has become a
factor used to assess the researcher’s position in the universities.

But due to career/peer pressure and monetary gains, many people started violating the rules of the research
publications in order to gain fame, money, higher positions and complete degree. This is a global issue that is
prevailing all over the world currently. Duplicate / multiple submissions, plagiarisms, gift authorship, fake
affiliation, pressured authorship and fraud are some of the common problems. Violation of these publication ethics

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(08), 1322-1328

corrodes the integrity of science, millions of rupees that are invested for the project are lost directly which impacts
the society, advancement of knowledge will be impaired and integrity of research is undermined.

Some of the violations in publication ethics are

It is one of the major violations seen in publication of research work where the work or the data is changed and
instruments, materials or the equipment is manipulated according to the results needed and publishing the false

It is another type of violation and as the name itself explains, words are fabricated or constructed based on the
observations or characterizations. Adding data that has never been done or occurred.

The most common form of misconduct in the research is plagiarism. Researchers must make sure that they cite all
the sources of their work and take the notes carefully. Even representing the work of our own work constitutes
plagiarism. Committed intentionally or unintentionally, plagiarisms can cause huge loss to the author. Researches
must know that the work they are reading shouldn’t not be used for their own work unless and until the work is
published and cited properly. In simple terms, plagiarism can be defined as utilizing the words, ideas without giving
the credit to the owner.

Multiple submissions:
Double submissions also commonly known as multiple submission are simultaneous submission of the research
work to two or more journals at a time. This phenomenon ic called as duplicate submission. To define in simple
terms it means trying to submit same paper to multiplejournals at a time.

Redundant / duplicate publication:

Authors try to publish same paper in different journals. If authors try to use their own previous work that is been
already published or currently under review to publish with small changes then this type of publication is known to
be duplicate publication.

Suggesting bonusreviewers:
Authors give alternate mail id so that they can become the reviewers. Once after they become a part of reviewing
committee then it becomes easy for them to review their own paper and publish it with ease without any problems or
peer reviewing the paper.

Authorship And Conflicts

A research generally has multiple authors, a graduate/ an undergraduate student, investigators and staff those are
involved in the project. While converting the research findings into the manuscript, all the authors and contributors
must be listed properly. Some researchers often try to reduce the number of authors to increase the effectiveness of
contribution of each other. While some of them add their spouse or partners names to return a favor of them even
though they haven’t contributed to corresponding study.

One of the major aspect of assigning authorship is the order in which authors are listed. The first author is usually
the one who does most of the work regarding the design, conduction the experiment, collecting the critical data
while the last author is the investigator who has studied the work along with the first author and has conceptualized
the research.

The order of the author is given as follows:

First author (collected the bulk data and written the paper), middle author (can be 2 or more authors) (conducted
some research and helped in analysis), last author (is a principle investigator, designed the project and provided

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(08), 1322-1328

Some of the responsibilities of authorship are:

1. Originality: The work should be original and must be copied from others or duplicate someone’s work. The
novelty of the work must plays the important role.
2. Good record keeping: The author must maintain all the records of the work done right from the survey done till
the financial aid needed for the experiment or the research work that must be carried out.
3. Integrity and honesty: work that needs to be published should be novel and the author should maintain integrity
and honesty to his work.
4. Transparency: the work should be transparent and should be published clearly without hiding any other
5. Respect for propertyrights: rule breaking must not be done by the researcher and should ensure that the work is
properly carried out.
6. Copy right agreements: while publishing the work, the author must ensure that the word is bound to all the
agreements and under any circumstances should not break the agreements of the publications and authorships.
7. Responsibility: when published a work, the author must take all the responsibility for the consequences of the

There are few conflicts in naming the authors and some of them are mentioned below which gives a brief idea of
what type of authors are been represented.

Guest authorships:
Name itself declares ‘Guest’. Here the names of people are included who have no knowledge about the work and the
data. Their names are just included for the sake of acceptance, so that the rate of acceptance of paper increases. For
example, adding a name of the reviewer of the journal, so that acceptance becomes easy in spite of the reviewer
having no knowledge about the area of work and hasn’t dedicated any work from his side.

Ghost authorships:
A paper can be authorized by more than one researcher and in few cases there are even more than 15 authors. When
a set of people carry out a work for instance and in that set, one person has done most of the work in conducting the
research but due to different conflicts of ideas and interests among the group, actual name of the author who has
done the work and written the paper is not included and is been published.

Anonymous authorships:
When a paper is published, the authors are listed and when searched for authors individually, names turns out to be
anonymous which means authors put a false name or commonly known as pen name in poetry and books writing,
where the author fears to reveal his identity due to fear of society or some other personal issues. So original name of
the author is not published and never revealed which creates a problem as some other person with same name can
claim the work and can get a false credit.

Surrogate authorships:
In this case, someone’s work is published in one’s own name where the work is carried out by someone and paper is
written by him but publishing is done in the name of others. The original author might not be interested to publish
his/her work or show the results where others can take up their work and publish in one’s self-name.

Gift authorships:
There are few instances where original authors add others name say their partner or colleague from same field or
their helpers just to return their favor or show them gratitude by adding their name in spite the person not having any
knowledge about the work or experiment carried out. In such cases, people get benefited for no work done.

Salami slicing:
The name depicts ‘slicing’ which means that the slicing one research into different sub papers is called salami
publication or salami slicing. Unlike the redundant publications, which involves same data into two or more
publication, salami slicing means breaking up a large research work into two or more publications. These segments
are known as slices of studies. Publishing same data in different forms in different journals.

According to International committee of medical journal editors (ICMJE), individuals who meet all the below given
criteria are eligible as authors

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(08), 1322-1328

1. Who helped conceptualization, design, acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data

2. Drafting of the work
3. Who helps in final approval of version that needs to be published
4. Agreement for accounting for all aspects of the work

Anyone who disobeys the rules of authorship can be suspended and can face charges also.

Contributor Ship
Contributors can be classified as intellectual (one who gives ideas or helps in writing), practical (who helps in
performing experimental) and financial (who helps in funding the research).Any researcher, who doesn’t fall into all
the four criteria for authorship will be listed as a contributor. A person who has helped only in some part of the work
can’t be listed as author but their contributions must be mentioned in acknowledgements of the articles. As per
ICMJE, acknowledgment should be provided for writing, assistance, editing and proofreading.

Resolving Authorship/ Contributor Ship Issues.

1. When researcher don’t agree with authors list, they should consult with their respective institutions for
2. If there is confusion about authorship and contributor ship, research can contact the editorial team.
3. Follow the guidlines by reading them carefully.
4. The writer must know the key difference between the author and contributor while writing the names in the
author list.
5. Contributors must be acknowledged in the preface of the paper.

Case Studies & Solutions

1. A PhD Scholar complained to the Dean of doctoral programs of his university that his name is not included in
the author list of the article that was prepared using the experimental results of his thesis. Then a senior
researcher involved in the thesis claimed that he has forgotten to include the name of his co-author in the author
list. In such cases COPE solves the issue regarding authorship issues. Addition or omitting of an author can be
requested to the publishing journal. The journal will seek the consent of all the authors and correction would be
done if all authors agree to it.
2. A researcher included senior researcher of his department to the authors list of a paper. But the senior researcher
was not aware of it. Later on upon knowing, he thanked researcher after receiving a copy of the article in
prestige publication. In this case, it is not recommended to add if he/she is not involved in the wok. If an editor
finds this, removal of authorship is the recommendation from the COPE. Other authors can also inform possible
gift authorship. In order to avoid such problems, many journals now a days seek the authors’ contribution to the

Summary for Ethics checklist

Based on the overall understanding, this paper provides a sequence of steps which can be followed by all the
researchers to avoid violations of publications, authorships, submissions, conflict on interests, FFP (Falsification,
Fabrication and Plagiarism).
Approval and consent 1. Need of approval
2. Do you have approval from authorities/ institution for conducting the
3. Do you have the copy of the approval and consent from the board?
Data Accuracy 1. Is there any lurking fake data?
FFP 1. Are there any manipulations in data, processing, equipment, materials
2. Double check the data accuracy
3. Used own work or copied from others
4. Are citations mentioned properly?
5. Are you permitted for reproduced materials, tables or figures?
Submissions 1. Any simultaneous submissions to two or more journals?
2. Published entire work or part of it already? (salami slicing)
3. Excessive citation of own work is to be avoided
Authorships & contributor ship 1. Included all authors with specific pre agreed order
2. Seek agreement with co authors

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(08), 1322-1328

3. Co-authors should be aware of the contents of the publication

4. No ghost author or guest authors should be mentioned
5. No gift authorships
6. Know the difference between author and contributor
7. Acknowledge the contributors
Conflict of interest Declare relevant interests that can be influencing findings

Knowledge of good publication training must be implement among the research institutes to avoid the unethical
practices in the publications of the research. Each institute must follow the ICMJE rules for publishing and writing
their own paper who are into research. Unethical activities must be strictly discouraged for the authors for suitable
training and guidance.

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