30 Explains That A Shift in Speech Context, Speech Style, Speech Act and Communicative Strategy Affects The Message
30 Explains That A Shift in Speech Context, Speech Style, Speech Act and Communicative Strategy Affects The Message
30 Explains That A Shift in Speech Context, Speech Style, Speech Act and Communicative Strategy Affects The Message
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)
3. Makakalikasan
Care of the environment, Disaster
Risk Management, Protection of the
Environment, Responsible
Consumerism, Cleanliness,
Orderliness, Saving the ecosystem,
Environmental sustainability
4. Makabansa
Peace and order, Heroism and
Appreciation of Heroes, National
Unity, Civic Consciousness, Social
responsibility, Harmony, Patriotism,
2. Content Communication
4.2 Activity (5 minutes). This is an interactive strategy to elicit learner’s prior learning The teacher will facilitate students through the differentiated
experience. It serves as a springboard for new learning. It illustrates the principle that learning starts instructions and also motivate the group of students to
where the learners are. Carefully structured activities such as individual or group reflective exercises,
group discussion, self-or group assessment, dyadic or triadic interactions, puzzles, simulations or explain that a shift in speech context, speech style,
role-play, cybernetics exercise, gallery walk and the like may be created. Clear instructions should be speech act and communicative strategy affects the
considered in this part of the lesson.
Message. Students are given only 5 minutes to perform
their assigned tasks within their respective groups.
4.3 Analysis (10 minutes). Essential questions are included to serve as a guide for the teacher in ● Guide Question/s:
clarifying key understandings about the topic at hand. Critical points are organized to structure the Why does a shift in speech context, speech style, speech
discussions allowing the learners to maximize interactions and sharing of ideas and opinions about
expected issues. Affective questions are included to elicit the feelings of the learners about the act and communicative strategy affects the Message?
activity or the topic. The last questions or points taken should lead the learners to understand the
new concepts or skills that are to be presented in the next part of the lesson.
4.4 Abstraction (10 minutes). This outlines the key concepts, important skills that should be Discussion:
enhanced, and the proper attitude that should be emphasized. This is organized as a lecturette that How do students explain that a shift in speech context,
summarizes the learning emphasized from the activity, analysis and new inputs in this part of the
speech style, speech act and communicative strategy
affects the Message?
Explain the following types of communicative strategy:
1. Nomination; 2. Restriction; 3. Turn-taking; 4. Topic
control; 5. Topic shifting; 6. Repair; 7. Termination
4.5 Application (10 minutes). This part is structured to ensure the commitment of the learners Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style,
to do something to apply their new learning in their own environment.
speech act and communicative strategy affects the
4.6 Assessment (10 minutes). For the Teacher to: a) Assess whether learning objectives have been met Construct statements to engage in a
for a specified duration, b) Remediate and/or enrich with appropriate strategies as needed, and c) communicative situation that a shift in speech
Evaluate whether learning intentions and success criteria have been met. (Reminder: Formative Assessment context, speech style, speech act and
may be given before, during, or after the lesson). Choose any from the Assessment Methods below: communicative strategy affects the Message
(Group Collaboration)
Assessment Method Possible Activities
a) Observation Investigation, Role Play, Oral Presentation, Dance, In a group discussion and collaboration, students
(Formal and informal observations of learners’ Musical Performance, Skill Demonstration, Group
performance or behaviors are recorded, based Activity (e.g. Choral Reading), Debate, Motor & shall engage in a communicative situation
on assessment criteria) Psychomotor Games, Simulation Activities, Science
Experiment that explain a shift in speech context, speech
style, speech act and communicative strategy
affects the Message.
5. Remarks Indicate below special cases including but not limited to continuation of lesson plan to the following day in case of re-teaching or lack of time,
transfer of lesson to the following day, in cases of class suspension, etc.
6. Reflections Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions. Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my learning
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or I developed the classroom website innovation that can be browsed by students and can be
localized materials
did I use/discover shared to my co-teachers. Please consider this link: https://k12oralcom.weebly.com/
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
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