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MiKTeX Manual

Revision 4.6
Christian Schenk
MiKTeX Manual: Revision 4.6
Christian Schenk
Copyright © 2022 Christian Schenk
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved
on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire
resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
Table of Contents
About this Document ........................................................................................................... v
I. User Guide ..................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3
About this Manual .............................................................................................. 3
About MiKTeX .................................................................................................. 3
How to Get MiKTeX ........................................................................................... 3
Give Back .......................................................................................................... 3
The MiKTeX Project Page ................................................................................... 3
Documentation .................................................................................................... 4
2. Installing MiKTeX ................................................................................................... 5
Windows ........................................................................................................... 5
macOS .............................................................................................................. 5
Linux ................................................................................................................ 5
3. Using MiKTeX ....................................................................................................... 6
Getting Started .................................................................................................... 6
Unique TeX features ............................................................................................ 6
Automatic Package Installation ...................................................................... 6
Finding out Package Usages ......................................................................... 6
Specifying Additional Input Directories .......................................................... 7
Specifying the Directory for Auxiliary Files ..................................................... 7
texify: The MiKTeX Compiler Driver .................................................................... 7
Printing ............................................................................................................. 8
Using a Viewer to Print DVI/PDF Files .......................................................... 8
Using mtprint to Print DVI Files .................................................................. 8
4. Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 9
Refreshing the File Name Database ........................................................................ 9
Setting the Preferred Paper Format ......................................................................... 9
Installing Updates ............................................................................................... 9
Automatic Package Installation .............................................................................. 9
Integrating Local Additions ................................................................................... 9
5. Advanced Topics ................................................................................................... 11
Managing Font Map Files ................................................................................... 11
Changing TEXMF run-time parameters ................................................................. 11
II. Reference ..................................................................................................................... 13
6. Programs .............................................................................................................. 15
miktex-bibtex .................................................................................................... 16
miktex-dvicopy ................................................................................................. 18
miktex-dvips ..................................................................................................... 20
findtexmf ......................................................................................................... 26
miktex-gftodvi .................................................................................................. 28
initexmf ........................................................................................................... 30
miktex-filesystem .............................................................................................. 32
miktex-filetypes ................................................................................................. 33
miktex-fndb ...................................................................................................... 34
miktex-fontmaps ................................................................................................ 35
miktex-formats .................................................................................................. 36
miktex-links ...................................................................................................... 37
miktex-languages ............................................................................................... 38
miktex-luatex .................................................................................................... 39
miktex-mf ........................................................................................................ 43
miktex-mpost .................................................................................................... 47

MiKTeX Manual

miktex-packages ................................................................................................ 49
miktex-repositories ............................................................................................. 51
miktex ............................................................................................................. 52
miktexsetup ...................................................................................................... 54
mpm ................................................................................................................ 58
mthelp ............................................................................................................. 60
mtprint ............................................................................................................. 62
miktex-pdftex .................................................................................................... 63
setupwiz ........................................................................................................... 68
miktex-tex ........................................................................................................ 70
texify ............................................................................................................... 75
miktex-xetex ..................................................................................................... 77
7. Files .................................................................................................................... 81
miktex.ini ......................................................................................................... 82
pdftex.cfg ....................................................................................................... 101
8. Environment variables ........................................................................................... 103
9. Trace Streams ...................................................................................................... 104
10. Run-Time Defaults ............................................................................................. 106
All MiKTeX Programs ..................................................................................... 106
BibTeX .......................................................................................................... 124
All TeXMF Programs ....................................................................................... 124
All TeX Programs ............................................................................................ 125
pdfTeX .......................................................................................................... 126
METAFONT & MetaPost ................................................................................. 126
METAFONT ................................................................................................... 126
MetaPost ........................................................................................................ 127
Index ............................................................................................................................. 128

About this Document
This is version 4.6 of the MiKTeX manual. It corresponds to MiKTeX 22.8.28 as of August 28, 2022.

Part I. User Guide
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
About this Manual ...................................................................................................... 3
About MiKTeX .......................................................................................................... 3
How to Get MiKTeX ................................................................................................... 3
Give Back .................................................................................................................. 3
The MiKTeX Project Page ........................................................................................... 3
Documentation ............................................................................................................ 4
2. Installing MiKTeX ........................................................................................................... 5
Windows ................................................................................................................... 5
macOS ...................................................................................................................... 5
Linux ........................................................................................................................ 5
3. Using MiKTeX ............................................................................................................... 6
Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 6
Unique TeX features .................................................................................................... 6
Automatic Package Installation .............................................................................. 6
Finding out Package Usages ................................................................................. 6
Specifying Additional Input Directories .................................................................. 7
Specifying the Directory for Auxiliary Files ............................................................. 7
texify: The MiKTeX Compiler Driver ............................................................................ 7
Printing ..................................................................................................................... 8
Using a Viewer to Print DVI/PDF Files .................................................................. 8
Using mtprint to Print DVI Files .......................................................................... 8
4. Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 9
Refreshing the File Name Database ................................................................................ 9
Setting the Preferred Paper Format ................................................................................. 9
Installing Updates ....................................................................................................... 9
Automatic Package Installation ...................................................................................... 9
Integrating Local Additions ........................................................................................... 9
5. Advanced Topics ........................................................................................................... 11
Managing Font Map Files ........................................................................................... 11
Changing TEXMF run-time parameters ......................................................................... 11

Chapter 1. Introduction
About this Manual
This manual is about MiKTeX, a modern implementation of TeX & Friends.

If you are not yet familiar with using TeX (LaTeX), then please consider reading one of the tutorials
available on the Internet.

About MiKTeX
TeX is a typesetting system invented by D. E. Knuth. MiKTeX (pronounced mik-tech) is an
implementation of TeX and related programs.

MiKTeX is available for Windows, macOS and selected Linux distributions. Its main features include:

• Easy to install

• Integrated package management: MiKTeX's integrated package manager installs missing components
from the Internet, if required. This allows users to keep the TeX installation as minimal as possible
(“Just enough TeX”).

• Complete: the MiKTeX distribution contains almost all packages that are freely redistributable.

• Always up-to-date: the MiKTeX package repository is updated regularly and MiKTeX provides tools
to easily install package updates.

• Open source

How to Get MiKTeX

The MiKTeX installer for Windows and macOS can be downloaded from the MiKTeX download page

For selected Linux distributions, you can install MiKTeX via the system package manager frontend. The
MiKTeX download page [https://miktex.org/download] has relevant information available.

Give Back
If you enjoy MiKTeX and want to support the project, then please become a known MiKTeX user by
giving back something. It encourages me to continue, and is the perfect way to say thank you!

Visit the MiKTeX Give Back page [https://miktex.org/giveback], for more information.

The MiKTeX Project Page

The MiKTeX Project Page [https://miktex.org/] is the address to turn to for MiKTeX related news &


Use the mthelp utility to quickly access general TeX related documentation. For example, run mthelp
memoir to view documentation of the memoir package.

Chapter 2. Installing MiKTeX
You use the Basic MiKTeX Installer to install MiKTeX on your Windows computer Please read the
installation tutorial [https://miktex.org/howto/install-miktex], for step-by-step guidance.

The installer is available on the download page [https://miktex.org/download].

MiKTeX for macOS is distributed as a disk image (.dmg) file. To set up MiKTeX, download and open the
disk image. Then drag the MiKTeX icon onto the Applications folder. Please read the installation tutorial
[https://miktex.org/howto/install-miktex-mac], for step-by-step guidance.

The disk image is available on the download page [https://miktex.org/download].

MiKTeX is available for selected Linux distributions.

Installing MiKTeX on Linux involves these steps:

1. Register the GPG key with which MiKTeX installation packages and metadata is signed.

2. Register the installation source which contains the MiKTeX installation package. The installation
source depends on the Linux distribution version.

3. Use the package management system to install MiKTeX.

Please read the installation tutorial [https://miktex.org/howto/install-miktex-unx], for step-by-step


Chapter 3. Using MiKTeX
Getting Started
If you have never used TeX before, then it is recommendable to work through one of the TeX/LaTeX
tutorials. A good starting point is the TeX FAQ: https://texfaq.org/.

MiKTeX doesn't differ very much from any other TeX system you might have used before. Typesetting
with MiKTeX involves these steps:

1. Start TeXworks (a sophisticated TeX frontend) and edit your LaTeX document.

2. Press Ctrl+T to create a typeset view of your document.

Unique TeX features

This section describes features that are unique to MiKTeX's TeX implementation.

Automatic Package Installation

MiKTeX can be configured in such a way that missing packages are automatically installed (see the
section called “Automatic Package Installation”).

It is possible to override the global configuration setting with these command line options:

--disable-installer Missing packages will not be installed.

--enable-installer Missing packages will be installed.

Finding out Package Usages

The command line option --record-package-usages can be used to find out which packages are
used in a job.

For example, you would say

latex -record-package-usages=packages.txt test

to create the file packages.txt, which contains the names of the packages used by test.tex.

If test.tex looks like this:

Hello, world!

Then the resulting packages.txt would contain these lines:


Using MiKTeX

The package list can be handed over to the package manager (see mpm(1)), e.g.

mpm --update-some=packages.txt

would ensure that you have the latest versions installed.

Specifying Additional Input Directories

The command-line option --include-directory=dir causes the program to include dir into the
list of input directories.

For example:

latex --include-directory="C:\My Styles" foo.tex

This prepends C:\My Styles to the input search path, i.e., C:\My Styles will be searched first,
when TeX tries to find an input file.

Specifying the Directory for Auxiliary Files

The option --aux-directory=dir causes TeX to create auxiliary files in another directory. For

> mkdir C:\texoutput

> mkdir C:\tobedeleted
> latex -output-directory=C:\texoutput -aux-directory=C:\tobedeleted foo.tex

This ensures that 1) foo.dvi will be created in C:\texoutput and 2) all other files (foo.log, …)
will be created in C:\tobedeleted.

texify: The MiKTeX Compiler Driver

texify is a command-line utility that simplifies the creation of DVI (PDF) documents: texify automatically
runs LaTeX (pdfLaTeX), MakeIndex and BibTeX as many times as necessary to produce a DVI (PDF)
file with sorted indices and all cross-references resolved.

To run texify on an input file foo.tex, do this:

texify foo.tex

As shown in the example above, the input file names to texify must include any extension (.tex, .ltx,

There are several command line options you can use to control texify (see texify(1)). Here are some

texify --clean foo.tex

All auxiliary files will be removed, i.e., only the output foo.dvi file will be left in the current folder.

texify --tex-option=--src foo.tex

Passes the option --src to the TeX compiler.

Using MiKTeX

texify --run-viewer foo.tex

Opens the output file foo.dvi (unless there are compile erros).

texify --tex-option=--src --viewer-option="-1 -s\"200 foo.tex\"" --run-viewer foo.t

Compiles foo.tex with source file information (--src) and then initiates forward DVI search to
open foo.dvi at the source special location “200 foo.tex”. The previewer option -1 re-uses an existing
previewer window.

See the Yap manual, for a complete list of previewer options.

Using a Viewer to Print DVI/PDF Files
TeX output files (*.dvi/*.pdf) can be printed from within the viewer.

Using mtprint to Print DVI Files

DVI files can also be printed with the help of the command-line utility mtprint (MiKTeX Print Utility).

For example, run mtprint paper to send the DVI file paper.dvi to the default Windows printer.

See mtprint(1), for more information about mtprint

Chapter 4. Maintenance
Refreshing the File Name Database
To speed up file search, MiKTeX makes use of a list of known file names. This list is called the file name
database (FNDB).

It is necessary that you refresh the file name database whenever you manually install TeX/LaTeX-related
files in a user-managed TEXMF directory.

You can update the file name database with the help of MiKTeX Console [https://miktex.org/howto/
miktex-console]. If you prefer the command-line, you can use One MiKTeX Utility (see miktex(1)).

Setting the Preferred Paper Format

You can set the preferred paper format with the help of MiKTeX Console [https://miktex.org/howto/

Installing Updates
You can use MiKTeX Console to install the latest MiKTeX updates.

To start MiKTeX Console, search and click the MiKTeX Console icon in the application launcher. Please
read the MiKTeX Console tutorial [https://miktex.org/howto/miktex-console], for a step-by-step guide.

Automatic Package Installation

MiKTeX has the ability to automatically install missing packages.

MiKTeX asks your permission before installing a package.

Click Install to start the installation of the package. Click Cancel, to cancel the installation. If you do not
want to see this dialog in the future, clear the mark from the check box Always show this dialog before
installing packages. Your decision will be remembered.

Integrating Local Additions

If you have files that you want to integrate into the MiKTeX setup, you have several options:

Use the command-line option --include-

For example:

latex --include-directory=C:\path\to\my\style\files thesis.tex

See the section called “Specifying Additional Input Directories”, for more information.


Set environment variables

For example:

set TEXINPUTS=C:\path\to\my\style\files
latex thesis.tex

See Chapter 8, Environment variables, to learn more about MiKTeX environment variables.

Register a user-managed TEXMF root directory

Register the root of the directory tree which contains your files. The directory tree must conform to the
TDS standard, i.e., you must imitate the directory tree in the MiKTeX installation directory (usually C:
\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9).

This is the recommended method. You can register TEXMF root directories with the help of
MiKTeX Console [https://miktex.org/howto/miktex-console].

Chapter 5. Advanced Topics
Managing Font Map Files
Information about outline fonts is stored in a file by the name of psfonts.map. This file is normally
created automatically. It can be manually created by running miktex fontmaps configure (see

psfonts.map depends on the file updmap.cfg. This configuration file contains declarative
instructions, which will be used to build psfonts.map.

The contents of psfonts.map should never be edited directly. Your modifications get lost
when you install new packages.

For example, follow these steps if you want to add an entry for the font map file xyz.map:

1. Run initexmf --edit-config-file updmap.

2. Insert the following line at the end of the file:

Map xyz.map

3. Save the file and close the editor.

4. Run miktex fontmaps configure to rebuild the font map files.

Changing TEXMF run-time parameters

You can control a number of run-time parameters (in particular, array sizes) on the command-line or in
a configuration file.

Some of the more interesting paramaters:

main_memory Total words of memory available, for TeX, METAFONT, and MetaPost.

extra_mem_bot Extra space for large TeX data structures: boxes, glue, breakpoints, et al.

font_mem_size Words of font info available for TeX.

See Chapter 10, Run-Time Defaults, for a complete list of the TEXMF run-time parameters.

Here is a typical example of a configuration file:


The name of the configuration file is that of the engine (e.g., miktex-pdftex) or format (e.g, miktex-
pdflatex). You use the --edit-config-file option of initexmf to edit the configuration file, e.g.:

> initexmf --edit-config-file=pdflatex

Advanced Topics


Part II. Reference
Table of Contents
6. Programs ...................................................................................................................... 15
miktex-bibtex ............................................................................................................ 16
miktex-dvicopy ......................................................................................................... 18
miktex-dvips ............................................................................................................. 20
findtexmf ................................................................................................................. 26
miktex-gftodvi ........................................................................................................... 28
initexmf ................................................................................................................... 30
miktex-filesystem ...................................................................................................... 32
miktex-filetypes ......................................................................................................... 33
miktex-fndb .............................................................................................................. 34
miktex-fontmaps ........................................................................................................ 35
miktex-formats .......................................................................................................... 36
miktex-links .............................................................................................................. 37
miktex-languages ....................................................................................................... 38
miktex-luatex ............................................................................................................ 39
miktex-mf ................................................................................................................ 43
miktex-mpost ............................................................................................................ 47
miktex-packages ........................................................................................................ 49
miktex-repositories ..................................................................................................... 51
miktex ..................................................................................................................... 52
miktexsetup .............................................................................................................. 54
mpm ........................................................................................................................ 58
mthelp ..................................................................................................................... 60
mtprint ..................................................................................................................... 62
miktex-pdftex ............................................................................................................ 63
setupwiz ................................................................................................................... 68
miktex-tex ................................................................................................................ 70
texify ....................................................................................................................... 75
miktex-xetex ............................................................................................................. 77
7. Files ............................................................................................................................ 81
miktex.ini ................................................................................................................. 82
pdftex.cfg ............................................................................................................... 101
8. Environment variables ................................................................................................... 103
9. Trace Streams .............................................................................................................. 104
10. Run-Time Defaults ..................................................................................................... 106
All MiKTeX Programs ............................................................................................. 106
BibTeX .................................................................................................................. 124
All TeXMF Programs ............................................................................................... 124
All TeX Programs .................................................................................................... 125
pdfTeX .................................................................................................................. 126
METAFONT & MetaPost ......................................................................................... 126
METAFONT ........................................................................................................... 126
MetaPost ................................................................................................................ 127

Chapter 6. Programs


miktex-bibtex — make a bibliography for LaTeX

miktex-bibtex [option...] auxfile

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

BibTeX reads the top-level auxiliary (.aux) file that was output during the running of miktex-latex(1)
miktex-tex(1) and creates a bibliography (.bbl) file that will be incorporated into the document on
subsequent runs of LaTeX or TeX.

BibTeX looks up, in bibliographic database (.bib) files specified by the \bibliography command, the
entries specified by the \cite and \nocite commands in the LaTeX or TeX source file. It formats the
information from those entries according to instructions in a bibliography style (.bst) file (specified by
the \bibliographystyle command, and it outputs the results to the .bbl file.

The LaTeX reference manual explains what a LaTeX source file must contain to work with BibTeX.
Appendix B of the manual describes the format of the .bib files. The BibTeXing document describes
extensions and details of this format, and it gives other useful hints for using BibTeX.

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values
used. Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to
name and invoking name.

--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

Give help and exit.

This option is only available on Windows systems: show the
manual page in an HTML Help window and exit when the window
is closed.

--include-directory=dir Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for input files.

Defines the minimum number of crossrefs required for automatic
inclusion of the crossref'd entry on the citation list; the default is

--quiet Suppress all output, except errors.


--record-package- Record all package usages and write them into file.

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

Show version information and exit.

Extra paths to locate .bib files.

Extra paths to locate .bst files.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.

See Also
miktex-latex(1), miktex-tex(1)

978-0201529838. LaTeX: A Document Preparation System. 2nd Edition. Leslie Lamport. Addison-Wesley. 1994.


miktex-dvicopy — produce modified copy of DVI file

miktex-dvicopy [option...] indvi outdvi

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

miktex-dvicopy reads a DVI file, expands any references to virtual fonts to base fonts, and writes the
resulting DVI file. Thus you can use virtual fonts even if your DVI processor does not support them, by
passing the documents through miktex-dvicopy first.

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values
used. Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to
name and invoking name.

--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

Give help and exit.

This option is only available on Windows systems: show the
manual page in an HTML Help window and exit when the window
is closed.

--include-directory=dir Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for input files.

Override existing magnification with mag.

Process n pages; default one million. This option cannot be used
together with --select.

Start at page-spec, for example 2 or 5.*.-2. This option cannot
be used together with --select.

--record-package- Record all package usages and write them into file.

Select pages to be copied.


The syntax for sel is: start [n], where start is the starting
page specification (for example 2 or 5.*.-2) and n (optional) is
the maximum number of pages to be copied.

You can use up to 10 --select options. This option cannot be

used together with --max-pages or --page-start.

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

Show version information and exit.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.


miktex-dvips — convert a DVI file to PostScript

miktex-dvips [option...] dvifile

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

This man page is obsolete! See the Texinfo documentation instead.

Dvips takes a DVI file produced by TeX (or by some other processor such as miktex-gftodvi) and converts
it to PostScript. The DVI file may be specified without the .dvi extension.

Many of the parameterless options listed here can be turned off by suffixing the option with a zero (0); for
instance, to turn off page reversal, use -r0. Such options are marked with a trailing *.

- Read additional options from standard input after processing the

command line.

--help Print a usage message and exit.

--version Print the version number and exit.

-a* Conserve memory by making three passes over the DVI file instead of two
and only loading those characters actually used. Generally only useful on
machines with a very limited amount of memory.

-A Print only the odd pages. This option uses TeX page numbers, not physical
page numbers.

-b num Generate num copies of each page, but duplicating the page body
rather than using the /#copies PostScript variable. This can be useful in
conjunction with a header file setting bop-hook to do color separations
or other neat tricks.

-B Print only the even pages. This option uses TeX page numbers, not
physical page numbers.

-c num Generate num consecutive copies of every page, i.e., the output is
uncollated. This merely sets the builtin PostScript variable /#copies.

-C num Generate num copies, but collated (by replicating the data in the
PostScript file). Slower than the -c option, but easier on the hands, and
faster than resubmitting the same PostScript file multiple times.

-d num Set the debug flags, showing what Dvips (thinks it) is doing. See the Dvips
manual, for the possible values of num. Use -d -1 as the first option
for maximum output.

-D num Set both the horizontal and vertical resolution to num, given in dpi (dots
per inch). This affects the choice of bitmap fonts that are loaded and also


the positioning of letters in resident PostScript fonts. Must be between

10 and 10000. This affects both the horizontal and vertical resolution. If
a high resolution (something greater than 400 dpi, say) is selected, the
-Z flag should probably also be used. If you are using fonts made with
METAFONT, such as Computer Modern, makepk needs to know about
the value for num that you use or METAFONT will fail. See the file
modes.mf for a list of resolutions and mode names for most devices.

-e num Maximum drift in pixels of each character from its “true” resolution-
independent position on the page. The default value of this parameter is
resolution dependent (it is the number of entries in the list [100, 200,
300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200, …]
that are less than or equal to the resolution in dots per inch). Allowing
individual characters to “drift” from their correctly rounded positions by
a few pixels, while regaining the true position at the beginning of each
new word, improves the spacing of letters in words.

-E* Generate an EPSF file with a tight bounding box. This only looks at marks
made by characters and rules, not by any included graphics. In addition, it
gets the glyph metrics from the TFM file, so characters that print outside
their enclosing TFM box may confuse it. In addition, the bounding box
might be a bit too loose if the character glyph has significant left or right
side bearings. Nonetheless, this option works well enough for creating
small EPSF files for equations or tables or the like. (Of course, Dvips
output, especially when using bitmap fonts, is resolution-dependent and
thus does not make very good EPSF files, especially if the images are to
be scaled; use these EPSF files with care.) For multiple page input files,
also specify -i to get each page as a separate EPSF file; otherwise, all
the pages are overlaid in the single output file.

-f* Read the DVI file from standard input and write the PostScript to standard
output. The standard input must be seekable, so it cannot be a pipe. If your
input must be a pipe, write a shell script that copies the pipe output to a
temporary file and then points Dvips at this file. It turns off the automatic
sending of control-D if it was turned on with the -F option or in the
configuration file; use -F after the -f to send it anyway.

-F* Write control-D (ASCII code 4) as the very last character of the PostScript
file. This is useful when Dvips is driving the printer directly instead
of working through a spooler, as is common on personal systems. On
systems shared by more than one person, this is not recommended.

-G Shift non-printing characters (ASCII 0-32, 127) to higher-numbered

positions. This was useful to work around bugs in old versions of Adobe's
PDF reader. It's more likely to cause problems nowadays.

-h name Prepend name as an additional header file, or, if name is -, suppress all
header files. Any definitions in the header file get added to the PostScript

-i* Make each section be a separate file; a section is a part of the document
processed independently, most often created to avoid memory overflow.
The filenames are created replacing the suffix of the supplied output file
name by a three-digit sequence number. This option is most often used in
conjunction with the -S option which sets the maximum section length


in pages; if -i is specified and -S is not, each page is output as a separate

file. For instance, some phototypesetters cannot print more than ten or so
consecutive pages before running out of steam; these options can be used
to automatically split a book into ten-page sections, each to its own file.

On the other hand, if your document uses very large fonts or very large
included figures, Dvips might take it upon itself to split the output into
unwanted sections, to try to avoid overflowing printer memory.

-j* Download only needed characters from Type 1 fonts. This is the default.
Some debugging flags trace this operation. You can also control partial
downloading on a per-font basis.

-k* Print crop marks. This option increases the paper size (which should be
specified, either with a paper size special or with the -T option) by a half
inch in each dimension. It translates each page by a quarter inch and draws
cross-style crop marks. It is mostly useful with typesetters that can set the
page size automatically. This works by downloading crop.pro.

-K* Remove comments in included PostScript graphics, font files, and

headers; only necessary to get around bugs in spoolers or PostScript post-
processing programs. Specifically, the %%Page comments, when left
in, often cause difficulties. Use of this flag can cause other graphics to
fail, however, since the PostScript header macros from some software
packages read portion the input stream line by line, searching for a
particular comment.

-l [=]num The last page printed will be the first one numbered num. Default is the
last page in the document. If num is prefixed by an equals sign, then it
(and the argument to the -p option, if specified) is treated as a physical
(absolute) page number, rather than a value to compare with the TeX
\count0 values stored in the DVI file. Thus, using -l =9 will end with
the ninth page of the document, no matter what the pages are actually

-m* Specify manual feed, if supported by the output device.

-mode mode Use mode as the METAFONT device name for path searching and font
generation. This overrides any value from configuration files. With the
default paths, explicitly specifying the mode also makes the program
assume the fonts are in a subdirectory named mode.

-M* Turns off automatic font generation.

-n num Print at most num pages. Default is 100000.

-n num Print at most num pages. Default is 100000.

-N* Turns off generation of structured comments such as %%Page; this may
be necessary on some systems that try to interpret PostScript comments
in weird ways, or on some PostScript printers. Beware: This also disables
page movement, etc., in PostScript viewers such as GSview.

-noomega Disable the use of Omega extensions when interpreting DVI files. By
default, the additional opcodes 129 and 134 are recognized by Dvips
as Omega or pTeX extensions and interpreted as requests to set 2-byte


-noptex Disable the use of pTeX extensions when interpreting DVI files. By
default, the additional opcodes 130 and 135 are recognized by Dvips as
Omega extensions and interpreted as requests to set 3-byte characters, and
255 as request to change the typesetting direction.

The only drawback is that the virtual font array will (at least temporarily)
require 65536 or more positions instead of the default 256 positions, i.e.,
the memory requirements of Dvips will be somewhat larger. If you find
this unacceptable or encounter another problem with the Omega or pTeX
extensions, you can switch off the pTeX extension by -noptex, or both
by -noomega.

-o name Send output to the file name. If -o is specified without name, the default
is file.ps where the input DVI file was file.dvi. If -o isn't given
at all, the configuration file default is used.

If name is -, output goes to standard output. If the first character of name

is ! or |, then the remainder will be used as an argument to popen; thus,
specifying |lpr as the output file will automatically queue the file for
printing as usual. Dvips will print to the local printer device PRN when
name is |lpr and a program by that name cannot be found.

-o turns off the automatic sending of control-D. See the -f option for
how to override this.

-O x-offset,y-offset Move the origin by x-offset,y-offset, a comma-separated pair of

dimensions such as .1in,-.3cm. The origin of the page is shifted from
the default position (of one inch down, one inch to the right from the upper
left corner of the paper) by this amount. This is usually best specified in
the printer-specific configuration file.

This is useful for a printer that consistently offsets output pages by a

certain amount. You can use the file testpage.tex to determine the
correct value for your printer. Be sure to do several runs with the same O
value-some printers vary widely from run to run.

If your printer offsets every other page consistently, instead of every page,
your best recourse is to use bop-hook (see the Dvips manual for more

-p [=]num The first page printed will be the first one numbered num. Default is the
first page in the document. If num is prefixed by an equals sign, then it
(and the argument to the -l option, if specified) is treated as a physical
(absolute) page number, rather than a value to compare with the TeX
\count0 values stored in the DVI file. Thus, using -p =3 will start with
the third page of the document, no matter what the pages are actually

-pp first-last Print pages first through last; equivalent to -p first -l last,
except that multiple -pp options accumulate, unlike -p and -l. The -
separator can also be :.

-P printer Read the configuration file config.printer, which can set the output
name (most likely o |lpr -Pprinter), resolution, METAFONT
mode, and perhaps font paths and other printer-specific defaults. It works
best to put sitewide defaults in the one master config.ps file and


only things that vary printer to printer in the config.printer files;

config.ps is read before config.printer.

A configuration file for eventual creation of Adobe PDF files is provided

in config.pdf and thus can be loaded with -Ppdf. It will try to
include Type 1 outline fonts into the PostScript file.

-q* Run quietly. Don't chatter about pages converted, etc. to standard output;
report no warnings (only errors) to standard error.

-r* Output pages in reverse order. By default, page 1 is output first.

-R Run securely. -R2 disables both shell command execution in \special

(via `) and config files (via the E), pipes as output files, and opening
of any absolute or ..-relative filenames. -R1, the default, forbids shell
escapes but allows absolute filenames. -R0 allows both.

-s* Enclose the output in a global save/restore pair. This causes the file to not
be truly conformant, and is thus not recommended, but is useful if you
are driving a deficient printer directly and thus don't care too much about
the portability of the output to other environments.

-S num Set the maximum number of pages in each “section”. This option is most
commonly used with the -i option; see its description above for more

-t papertype Set the paper type to papertype, usually defined in one of the
configuration files, along with the appropriate PostScript code to select
it. You can also specify a papertype of landscape, which rotates a
document by 90 degrees. To rotate a document whose paper type is not
the default, you can use the -t option twice, once for the paper type, and
once for landscape.

In general, you should not use any -t option when using a papaersize
special, which some LaTeX packages (e.g., hyperref) insert

One exception is when using a nonstandard paper size that is not already
defined in config.ps; in this case, you need to specify -t unknown.

Another exception is when producing multi-page files for further

processing; use -t nopaper to omit any paper size information in the
output. (If you just have a single page document, you can use -E to get
pure EPSF output.)

-T hsize,vsize Set the paper size to (hsize,vsize), a comma-separated pair of

dimensions such as .1in,-.3cm. It overrides any paper size special in
the DVI file. Be careful, as the paper size will stick to a predefined size
if there is one close enough. To disable this behavior, use -tunknown

-u psmapfile Set psmapfile to be the file that Dvips uses for looking up PostScript
font aliases. If psmapfile starts with a + character, then the rest of the
name is used as the name of the map file, and the map file is appended
to the list of map files (instead of replacing the list). In either case, if the
name has no extension, .map is added at the end.

-U* Disable a PostScript virtual memory-saving optimization that stores the

character metric information in the same string that is used to store the


bitmap information. This is only necessary when driving the Xerox 4045
PostScript interpreter, which has a bug that puts garbage on the bottom
of each character. Not recommended unless you must drive this printer.

-v Print the Dvips version number and exit.

-V* Download non-resident PostScript fonts as bitmaps. This requires use

of makepk to generate the required bitmap fonts. The bitmap must be
put into psfonts.map as the downloadable file for that font. This is
useful only for those fonts for which you do not have real outlines, being
downloaded to printers that have no resident fonts, i.e., very rarely.

-x num Set the x magnification ratio to num/1000. Overrides the magnification

specified in the DVI file. Must be between 10 and 100000. It is
recommended that you use standard magstep values (1095, 1200, 1440,
1728, 2074, 2488, 2986, and so on) to help reduce the total number of PK
files generated. num may be a real number, not an integer, for increased

-X num Set the horizontal resolution in dots per inch to num.

-y num Set the y magnification ratio to num/1000. See -x above.

-Y num Set the vertical resolution in dots per inch to num.

-z* Pass html hyperdvi specials through to the output for eventual
distillation into PDF. This is not enabled by default to avoid including
the header files unnecessarily, and use of temporary files in creating the

-Z* Compress bitmap fonts in the output file, thereby reducing the size of what
gets downloaded. Especially useful at high resolutions or when very large
fonts are used. May slow down printing, especially on early 68000-based
PostScript printers. Generally recommend today, and can be enabled in
the configuration file.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.


findtexmf — search files in MiKTeX directories

findtexmf [option...] file...

findtexmf can be used to find files in the MiKTeX directories. When the -file-type option is not
given, the search path used when looking for a file is inferred from the name given, by looking for a known
extension. If no known extension is found, the search path for TeX source files is used.

Pretend to be name when finding files.

Give help and exit.

Use the specified file type (see below).

Print known file types.

Allow installation of a packacke, if a file should exist because it is
a part of the package.

Print the search path for the specified file type (see below).

Start the associated program, if the file was found.

game=name Set the name of the engine. Relevant when searching for format

Show version information and exit.

File Types
afm (.afm)
base (.base)
bib (.bib)
bst (.bst)
cid maps (.cid;.cidmap)
clua (.dll;.so)
cweb (.w)
dvi (.dvi)
enc (.enc)


executables (.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC)
font feature files (.fea)
fmt (.fmt)
hbf (.hbf)
graphic/figure (.eps;.epsi;.png)
gf (.gf)
ist (.ist)
lig files (.lig)
lua (.lua;.luatex;.luc;.luctex;.texlua;.texluc;.tlu)
map (.map)
mem (.mem)
mf (.mf)
mfpool (.pool)
mft (.mft)
mlbib (.mlbib;.bib)
mlbst (.bst)
mp (.mp)
mppool (.pool)
ocp (.ocp)
ofm (.ofm;.tfm)
opl (.opl)
opentype fonts (.otf)
otp (.otp)
ovf (.ovf)
ovp (.ovp)
pk (.pk)
PostScript header (.pro;.enc)
subfont definition files (.sfd)
tcx (.tcx)
tex (.tex)
texpool (.pool)
TeX system documentation (.pdf;.html;.md;.txt;.ps;.dvi)
tfm (.tfm)
truetype fonts (.ttf;.ttc)
type1 fonts (.pfb;.pfa)
type42 fonts (.t42;.T42)
vf (.vf)
web (.web)


miktex-gftodvi — make proof sheets from generic font files

miktex-gftodvi [option...] [gffile]

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

The miktex-gftodvi program converts a generic font (GF) file output by, for example, METAFONT, to
a device independent (DVI) file (that can then be typeset using the same software that has already been
written for). The characters in the GF file will appear one per page, with labels, titles, and annotations as
specified in Appendix H (Hardcopy Proofs) of The METAFONTbook.

miktex-gftodvi uses other fonts in addition to the main GF file. A “gray” font is used to typeset the pixels
that actually make up the character. (We wouldn't want all the pixels to be simply black, since then labels,
key points, and other information would be lost.) A “title” font is used for the information at the top of
the page. A “label” font is used for the labels on key points of the figure. A “slant” font is used to typeset
diagonal lines, which otherwise have to be simulated using horizontal and vertical rules. The default gray,
title, and label fonts are gray, cmr8, and cmtt10, respectively; there is no default slant font.

To change the default fonts, you can give special commands in your source file, or you can change the
fonts on the command-line.

The GF file name on the command-line must be complete. Because the resolution is part of the extension,
it would not make sense to append a default extension as is done with other DVI-reading software. The
output file name defaults to the same root as the GF file, with the .dvi extension added. For example,
the input file cmr10.2602gf would become cmr10.dvi.

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values
used. Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to
name and invoking name.

--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

Sets the “gray” font. Default is gray.

Give help and exit.

This option is only available on Windows systems: show the
manual page in an HTML Help window and exit when the window
is closed.


--include-directory=dir Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for input files.

Sets the “label” font. Default is cmtt10.

Sets the “logo” font. Default is logo8.

offset=real Specifies the distance from the right edge of the character bounding
box at which the overflow equations (if any) are typeset. The value
is given in points. The default is a little over two inches.

--record-package- Record all package usages and write them into file.

Sets the “slant” font. There is no default.

Sets the “title” font. Default is cmr8.

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

Show version information and exit.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.

See also

978-0201134452. The METAFONTbook. Donald E. Knuth. Addison-Wesley. 1986.


initexmf — MiKTeX configuration utility

initexmf [option...]

initexmf can be used to configure MiKTeX.

User mode vs. administrator mode

This utility can be run in two modes:

User mode (default) MiKTeX operates on user-scoped configuration and data files.

Administrator mode Only system-wide MiKTeX configuration and data files are modified,
assuming that the MiKTeX setup is shared by all users. The utility must be
run with administrator privileges.

By default, the utility runs in user mode. You can turn on administrator mode with the --admin option.

--admin Run in administrator mode:

• Operate on the system-wide MiKTeX configuration data store.

• Install packages for all users.

Using this option requires a shared MiKTeX setup, i.e., MiKTeX

must have been set up for all users. The program must be run with
administrator privileges.


--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

file=configfile Open the specified config file in a text editor.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.


Print what would be done. Nothing is changed.

Suppress screen output.


Write a MiKTeX configuration report.

Set a value to be stored in the MiKTeX configuration data store (see

value=[section]valuename Print a value from the MiKTeX configuration data store (see


--user-roots=directories Register user root directories.

Print information on what is being done.

Print the version number and exit.

See also
miktex(1), miktex.ini(5)


miktex-filesystem — watch the file system

miktex [common-option...] filesystem command [command-option-or-parameter...]

Commands for watching the file system.

watch [--template Watch for changes in a directory.
template] directory
template controls the output of each directory event. It can
contain the following placeholders:

{action}, {fileName}

See also


miktex-filetypes — manage Windows filetypes

miktex [common-option...] filetypes command [command-option-or-parameter...]

Commands for managing Windows file types.

list [--template template] List Windows file types.

template controls the output of each record. It can contain the

following placeholders:

{commandArgs}, {ddeArgs}, {displayName},

{executable}, {extension}, {iconIndex},
{progID}, {takeOwnership}, {verb}

register Register Windows file types.

unregister Unregister Windows file types.

See also


miktex-fndb — manage the MiKTeX file name database

miktex [common-option...] fndb command [command-option-or-parameter...]

Commands for managing the MiKTeX file name database.

Refresh the MiKTeX file name database.

remove Remove the MiKTeX file name database.

See also


miktex-fontmaps — manage PDF/PostScript font maps

miktex [common-option...] fontmaps command [command-option-or-parameter...]

Commands for managing PDF/PostScript font maps.

Configure font map files for PDF/PostScript output drivers.

set-option name [value] Set a configuration option.

show-option [--template Show a configuration option.

template] name
template controls the output. It can contain the following

{name}, {value}

See also


miktex-formats — manage TeX formats

miktex [common-option...] formats command [command-option-or-parameter...]

Commands for managing TeX formats and METAFONT bases.

build [--engine engine]

list [--template template] List TeX formats.

template controls the output of each record. It can contain the

following placeholders:

{arguments}, {compiler}, {custom},

{description}, {exclude}, {inputFile}, {key},
{name}, {noExecutable}, {outputFile},

See also


miktex-links — manage links from scripts and formats to executables

miktex [common-option...] links command [command-option-or-parameter...]

Commands for managing links from scripts and formats to executables.

install [--force] Install all links. Existing links will be overwritten, if --force is

list [--template template] List all links.

template controls the output of each record. It can contain the

following placeholders:

{linkName}, {linkType}, {target}

uninstall Uninstall all links.

See also


miktex-languages — manage LaTeX language definitions

miktex [common-option...] languages command [command-option-or-parameter...]

Commands for managing LaTeX language definitions.

Configure LaTeX language definition files.

list [--template template] List LaTeX language definitions.

template controls the output of each record. It can contain the

following placeholders:

{custom}, {exclude}, {hyphenation}, {key},

{lefthyphenmin}, {righthyphenmin}, {loader},
{luaspecial}, {patterns}, {righthyphenmin},

See also


miktex-luatex — an extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language

miktex-luatex [option...] [[command...] | [file]]

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

Run the LuaTeX typesetter on file, usually creating file.pdf. Any remaining commands are
processed as LuaTeX input, after file is read.

Alternatively, if the first non-option argument begins with a backslash, interpret all non-option arguments
as a line of LuaTeX input.

Alternatively, if the first non-option argument begins with a &, the next word is taken as the format to
read, overriding all else. Any remaining arguments are processed as above.

If no arguments or options are specified, prompt for input.

If called as miktex-texlua it acts as Lua interpreter. If called as miktex-texluac it acts as Lua bytecode

LuaTeX is an extended version of pdfTeX with Unicode and OpenType font support, embeded Lua
scripting language, the eTeX and Omega extensions, as well as integrated MetaPost engine, that can create
PDF files as well as DVI files. For more information about LuaTeX, see http://www.luatex.org, you can
read the LuaTeX manual using the MiKTeX Help Utility (mthelp luatex).

All LuaTeX text input and output is considered to be Unicode text.

In DVI mode, LuaTeX can be used as a complete replacement for the TeX engine.

In PDF mode, LuaTeX can natively handle the PDF, JPG, JBIG2, and PNG graphics formats. LuaTeX
cannot include PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) graphics files; first convert them to PDF using

When the LuaTeX executable starts, it looks for the --lua commandline option. If there is no --lua
option, the commandline is interpreted in a similar fashion as in traditional pdfTeX. But if the option is
present, LuaTeX will enter an alternative mode of commandline parsing in comparison to the standard
MiKTeX programs. The presence of --lua makes most of other options unreliable, because the Lua
initialization file can disable path searching and/or hook functions into various callbacks.

--lua=file Load and execute a Lua initialization script.

The following two options alter the executable behaviour:

--luaonly Start LuaTeX as a Lua interpreter. In this mode, it will set Lua’s arg[0] to the
found script name, pushing preceding options in negative values and the rest of the
commandline in the positive values, just like the Lua interpreter. LuaTeX will exit
immediately after executing the specified Lua script.


--luaconly Start LuaTeX as a Lua byte compiler. In this mode, LuaTeX is exactly like luac from
the standalone Lua distribution, except that it does not have the #l switch, and that it
accepts (but ignores) the ##luaconly switch.

Then the regular options:

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values
used. Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to
name and invoking name.

--aux-directory=dir Set dir as the directory to which auxiliary files are written. Also
look for input files in dir first, before along the normal search path.

--c-style-errors Change the way, error messages are printed. The alternate style looks
like error messages from many compilers and is easier to parse for
some editors.

--credits Display credits and exit.

--debug-format Enable format debugging.

--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.


--draftmode Switch on draft mode. luaTeX; doesn't write a PDF and doesn't read
any included images, thus speeding up execution.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.


--halt-on-error Quit after the first error.

Give help and exit.

--include-directory=dir Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for input files.

--initialize Become the INI variant of the program.

--interaction=mode Set the interaction mode. Must be one of batchmode,

nonstopmode, scrollmode and errorstopmode. The
meaning of these modes is the same as the corresponding commands.

--job-name=name Set the name of the job (\jobname). This has an affect on the output
file names.

Enable fmt generation, where fmt must be either tex or tfm.

--no-c-style-errors Don't change the way, error messages are printed.

Disable fmt generation, where fmt must be either tex or tfm.

Disable the Lua socket library.

--output-comment=string Use string for DVI file comment instead of date.

--output-directory=dir Write output files in dir. instead of the current directory. Look up
input files in dir first, then along the normal search path.

--output-format=format Use format for job output (one of: dvi, pdf).

--recorder Enable the file name recorder. This leaves a trace of the files opened
for input and output in a file with the extension .fls.


--safer Disable easily exploitable Lua commands.

--synctex=n Generate SyncTeX data for previewers. If n is zero, no .synctex

file is created. If n is negative, the .synctex file is a text file. If n
is positive, the .synctex file is compressed with gzip and the .gz
file name extension is added.

Furthermore, n is interpreted as a bit field:

Bit 1 (n AND 2) Don't add the .gz file name extension.

Bit 2 (n AND 4) Activate form support.

Bit 3 (n AND 8) Activate better compression.

--undump=name Use name as the name of the format to be used, instead of the name
by which the program was called or a



--utc Init time to UTC.

Show version information and exit.

The following options are ignored:

##8bit, ##etex, ##parse#first#line, ##no#parse#first#line

These are always on.

##default#translate#file=tcxname, ##translate#file=tcxname

These are always off.

The editor to use when selecting e in the error prompt menu.

The value can contain these placesholder:

%f The name of the file, which contains the erroneous line of TeX code.

%l The line number.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.

See Also
miktex-epstopdf(1), miktex-pdftex(1)


miktex-mf — METAFONT, a language for font and logo design

miktex-mf [option...] [[command...] | [file]]

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

METAFONT reads the program in the specified files and outputs font rasters (in GF format) and font
metrics (in TFM format). The METAFONT language is described in The METAFONTbook.

Like TeX, METAFONT is normally used with a large body of precompiled macros, and font generation in
particular requires the support of several macro files. This version of METAFONT looks at its command
line to see what name it was called under. Both inimf and virmf are links to the miktex-mf executable.
When called as inimf (or when the --initialize option is given) it can be used to precompile macros
into a .base file. When called as virmf it will use the plain base. When called under any other name,
METAFONT will use that name as the name of the base to use. For example, when called as miktex-mf
the mf base is used, which is identical to the plain base. Other bases than plain are rarely used.

The commands given on the command line to the METAFONT program are passed to it as the first input
line. (But it is often easier to type extended arguments as the first input line, since shells tend to gobble up
or misinterpret METAFONT's favorite symbols, like semicolons, unless you quote them.) As described in
The METAFONTbook, that first line should begin with a filename, a \controlsequence, or a &basename.

The normal usage is to say miktex-mf \mode=printengine; input font to start processing
font.mf. (Or you can just say miktex-mf and give the other stuff on the next line.) Other control
sequences, such as batchmode (for silent operation) can also appear. The name font will be the
“jobname”, and is used in forming output file names. If METAFONT doesn't get a file name in the first
line, the job name is mfput. The default extension, .mf, can be overridden by specifying an extension

A log of error messages goes into the file jobname.log. The output files are jobname.tfm and
jobname.numbergf, where number depends on the resolution and magnification of the font. The
mode in this example is shown generically as printengine, a symbolic term for which the name of
an actual device or, most commonly, the name localfont (see below) must be substituted. If the mode
is not specified or is not valid, METAFONT will default to proof mode which produces large character
images for use in font design and refinement. Proof mode can be recognized by the suffix .2602gf after
the job name. Examples of proof mode output can be found in Computer Modern Typefaces (Volume E of
Computers and Typesetting). The system of magsteps is identical to the system used by TeX, with values
generally in the range 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0.

Magnification can also be specified not as a magstep but as an arbitrary value, such as 1.315, to create
special character sizes.

Before font production can begin, it is necessary to set up the appropriate base files. The minimum set
of components for font production for a given printengine is the plain.mf macro file and the local
mode_def file. The macros in plain.mf can be studied in an appendix to The METAFONTbook; they
were developed by Donald E. Knuth, and this file should never be altered except when it is officially
upgraded. Each mode_def specification helps adapt fonts to a particular printengine. The local ones in use
on this computer should be in modes.mf.


The e response to METAFONT's error-recovery prompt causes the default editor to start up at the current
line of the current file. The configuration value [Core]Editor can be used to change the editor used. It
may contain a string with %f indicating where the file name goes and %l indicating where the decimal line
number (if any) goes. For example, an [Core]Editor string for emacs can be set with the command

> initexmf --set-config-value="[Core]Editor=emacs +%l%f"

A convenient file is null.mf, containing nothing. When METAFONT can't find the file it thinks you
want to input, it keeps asking you for another file name; responding null gets you out of the loop if you
don't want to input anything.

Online Graphics Output

You can see METAFONTs output without printing. Chapter 23 of The METAFONTbook describes what
you can do. You enable screen ouput by giving --screen on the command-line.

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values
used. Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to
name and invoking name.

--aux-directory=dir Set dir as the directory to which auxiliary files are written. Also
look for input files in dir first, before along the normal search path.

--bistack-size=n Set the size of the stack for bisection algorithms.

--buf-size=n Set the the maximum number of characters simultaneously present

in current lines of open files and in control sequences between
\csname and \endcsname. TeX uses the buffer to contain input lines,
but macro expansion works by writing material into the buffer and
reparsing the line. As a consequence, certain constructs require the
buffer to be very large, even though most documents can be handled
with a small value.

--c-style-errors Change the way, error messages are printed. The alternate style
looks like error messages from many compilers and is easier to
parse for some editors.

--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

--dont-parse-first-line Disable checking whether the first line of the main input file starts
with %&.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

--error-line=n Set the width of context lines on terminal error messages.

--half-error-line=n Set the width of first lines of contexts in terminal error messages.

--halt-on-error Quit after the first error.



Give help and exit.

This option is only available on Windows systems: show the
manual page in an HTML Help window and exit when the window
is closed.

--include-directory=dir Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for input files.

--initialize Become the INI variant of the program.

--interaction=mode Set the interaction mode. Must be one of batchmode,

nonstopmode, scrollmode and errorstopmode. The
meaning of these modes is the same as the corresponding

--job-name=name Set the name of the job (\jobname). This has an affect on the output
file names.

--job-time=file Set the time-stamp of all output files equal to file's time-stamp.

--lig-table-size=n Set the maximum number of ligature/kern steps. Must be at least

255 and at most 32510.

--main-memory=n Change the total size (in memory words) of the main memory array.
Relevant only while creating memory dump files.

--max-print-line=n Set the width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60.

--max-strings=n Set the maximum number of strings.

--max-wiggle=n Set the number of autorounded points per cycle.

--move-size=n Set the the space for storing moves in a single octant.

--no-c-style-errors Don't change the way, error messages are printed.

--output-directory=dir Write output files in dir. instead of the current directory. Look up
input files in dir first, then along the normal search path.

--param-size=n Set the the maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters.

--parse-first-line Check whether the first line of the main input file starts with %&,
and parse if it does. This can be used to specify extra command-
line options.

--path-size=n Set the the maximum number of knots between breakpoints of a


--pool-size=n Set the maximum number of characters in strings, including all

error messages and help texts, and the names of all fonts and control

--quiet Suppress all output, except errors.

--record-package- Record all package usages and write them into file.


--recorder Enable the file name recorder. This leaves a trace of the files opened
for input and output in a file with the extension .fls.

Enable screen output.

--stack-size=n Set the maximum number of simultaneous input sources.

--string-vacancies=n Set the minimum number of characters that should be available

for the user's control sequences and font names, after the compiler's
own error messages are stored. Must be at least 25000 less than
pool_size, but doesn't need to be nearly that large.


--time-statistics Show processing time statistics.

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

--undump=name Use name as the name of the format to be used, instead of the name
by which the program was called or a



Show version information and exit.

Extra paths to locate METAFONT input and openin files.

The editor to use when selecting e in the error prompt menu.

The value can contain these placesholder:

%f The name of the file, which contains the erroneous line of TeX code.

%l The line number.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.

See also
978-0201134452. The METAFONTbook. Donald E. Knuth. Addison-Wesley. 1986.


miktex-mpost — MetaPost, a system for creating graphics

miktex-mpost [option...] [[command...] | [file]]

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

MetaPost interprets the MetaPost language and produces PostScript (EPS) or Scalable Vector Graphics
(SVG) pictures. The MetaPost language is similar to Knuth's METAFONT with additional features for
including TeX commands and accessing features of PostScript not found in METAFONT.

MetaPost is normally used with some preloaded macros, and it will use its executable name as the name
of the preload file to use. For example, when called as miktex-mpost the mpost.mp file is used, which
is identical to plain.mp. When the --initialize option is given, preloading does not happen.

The commands given on the command line to the MetaPost program are passed to it as the first input
line. (But it is often easier to type extended arguments as the first input line, since shells tend to gobble up
or misinterpret MetaPost's favorite symbols, like semicolons, unless you quote them.) The normal usage
is to say miktex-mpost figs to process the file figs.mp. The basename of figs becomes the
“jobname”, and is used in forming output file names. If no file is named, the jobname becomes mpout.
The default extension, .mp, can be overridden by specifying an extension explicitly.

When the --dvitomp option is given, MetaPost acts as DVI-to-MPX converter only. Run miktex-
mpost --dvitomp --help for option explanation.

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values used.
Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to name
and invoking name.

--c-style-errors Change the way, error messages are printed. The alternate style looks
like error messages from many compilers and is easier to parse for
some editors.

--debug Print debugging info and leave temporary files in place.

--halt-on-error Quit after the first error.

Give help and exit.

--initialize Become the INI variant of the program.

--interaction=mode Set the interaction mode. Must be one of batchmode,

nonstopmode, scrollmode and errorstopmode. The
meaning of these modes is the same as the corresponding commands.

--job-name=name Set the name of the job (\jobname). This has an affect on the output
file names.


--no-c-style-errors Don't change the way, error messages are printed.

--numbersystem=string Set number system mode (string one of: scaled, double,
binary, decimal).

--output-directory=dir Write output files in dir. instead of the current directory. Look up
input files in dir first, then along the normal search path.

--recorder Enable the file name recorder. This leaves a trace of the files opened
for input and output in a file with the extension .fls.

--restricted Be secure: disable tex, makempx and editor commands.

-s internal="string" Set internal to the string value.

-s internal=number Set internal to the number value.

Use texprogram instead of miktex-tex when compiling text labels.

This flag overrides the environment variable TEX.

Set prologues:=1 and assume --tex=troff.

--undump=name Use name as the name of the format to be used, instead of the name
by which the program was called or a



Show version information and exit.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.

Extra paths to locate MetaPost input files.

Extra paths to locate MetaPost input files.


miktex-packages — manage MiKTeX packages

miktex [common-option...] packages command [command-option-or-parameter...]

Commands for managing MiKTeX packages.

check-update [--repository Check for MiKTeX package updates. The exit code will be 100,
url-or-directory] when package updates are available.

check-upgrade [--repository Check for a MiKTeX upgrade. The exit code will be 100, when an
url-or-directory] upgrade is available.

info [--template template] Show information about MiKTeX packages.

template controls the output of each record. It can contain the
following placeholders:

{archiveFileSize}, {copyrightOwner},
{copyrightYear}, {creator}, {ctanPath},
{description}, {digest}, {displayName},
{docFiles}, {id}, {isContained}, {isContainer},
{isInstalled}, {isInstalledCommon},
{isInstalledUser}, {isObsolete},
{isPureContainer}, {isRemovable},
{licenseType}, {minTargetSystemVersion},
{numFiles}, {refCount}, {releaseState},
{requiredBy}, {requiredPackages}, {runFiles},
{size}, {sizeDocFiles}, {sizeRunFiles},
{sizeSourceFiles}, {sourceFiles},
{targetSystem}, {timeInstalled},
{timeInstalledCommon}, {timeInstalledUser},
{timePackaged}, {title}, {version},

install [--package-id-file Install MiKTeX packages.

file] [--repository url-
or-directory] package-

list [--template template] List MiKTeX packages.

template controls the output of each record. See the info

command, for a list of possible placeholders.

remove [--package-id-file Remove installed MiKTeX packages.

file] package-id...


update [--package-id-file Update MiKTeX packages.

file] [--repository url-
or-directory] [package-

update-package-database Update the MiKTeX package database.

[--repository url-or-

upgrade [--repository url- Upgrade MiKTeX to the specified level.

or-directory] package-

verify [--package-id- Verify the integrity of installed MiKTeX packages.

file=file] [package-

See also


miktex-repositories — manage MiKTeX package repositories

miktex [common-option...] repositories command [command-option...]

Commands for managing MiKTeX package repositories.

check-bandwidth [-- Check the bandwidth of MiKTeX package repositories.
template=template] [--
url=url] template controls the output of each record. See the info
command, for a list of possible placeholders.

info [--template=template] Get information about a MiKTeX package repositories.

template controls the output of each record. It can contain the
following placeholders:

{bandwidth}, {country}, {delay}, {description},

{integrity}, {lastCheckTime}, {lastVisitTime},
{packageLevel}, {ranking}, {relativeDelay},
{releaseState}, {status}, {timeDate}, {town},
{type}, {url}, {version}

list [--template=template] List MiKTeX repositories.

template controls the output of each record. See the info

command, for a list of possible placeholders.

See also


miktex — One MiKTeX Utility

miktex [common-option...] topic command [command-option-or-parameter...]

miktex is the utility to configure and maintain a MiKTeX installation.

User mode vs. administrator mode

This utility can be run in two modes:

User mode (default) MiKTeX operates on user-scoped configuration and data files.

Administrator mode Only system-wide MiKTeX configuration and data files are modified,
assuming that the MiKTeX setup is shared by all users. The utility must be
run with administrator privileges.

By default, the utility runs in user mode. You can turn on administrator mode with the --admin option.
For example, if you want to update the system-wide file name database, you invoke the utility as follows:

> miktex --admin fndb refresh

Common options
--admin Run in administrator mode:

• Operate on the system-wide MiKTeX configuration data store.

• Install packages for all users.

Using this option requires a shared MiKTeX setup, i.e., MiKTeX must
have been set up for all users. The program must be run with administrator

--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option overrules

settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

Suppress screen output.

Increase the verbosity level.

Print the version number and exit.

miktex-filesystem(1) Commands for watching the file system.


miktex-filetypes(1) Commands for managing Windows file types.

miktex-fndb(1) Commands for managing the MiKTeX file name database.

miktex-fontmaps(1) Commands for managing PDF/PostScript font maps.

miktex-formats(1) Commands for managing TeX formats and METAFONT bases.

miktex-languages(1) Commands for managing LaTeX language definitions.

miktex-links(1) Commands for managing links from scripts and formats to


miktex-packages(1) Commands for managing MiKTeX packages.

miktex-repositories(1) Commands for managing MiKTeX package repositories.

See also


miktexsetup — MiKTeX setup utility

miktexsetup_standalone [options] download

miktexsetup_standalone [options] install

miktexsetup [options] uninstall

The MiKTeX Setup Utility is used to download, set up and remove MiKTeX. This utility is the command
line counterpart of the MiKTeX Setup Wizard. It is suitable for unattended setup tasks.

The utility comes in two variants:

standalone The standalone variant can be downloaded from the MiKTeX

(miktexsetup_standalone) download page. It is only available for Windows.

integrated (miktexsetup) The integrated variant is a component of each MiKTeX installation.

The download task creates a local package package repository which is a mirror of the remote package
repository. It is possible to run the task on a regular basis in order to maintain an up-to-date package

The install task installs MiKTeX from a local package repository. This task is only available in the
standalone variant.

The uninstall task removes MiKTeX. This task is only available in the integrated variant and only
on Windows.

--common-config=dir Set the location of the common configuration directory. This option
requires administrator privileges.

--common-data=dir Set the location of the common data directory. This option requires
administrator privileges.

--common-install=dir Set the common installation directory. This option requires

administrator privileges.

--common-link-target- Set the system-wide directory in which to create symbolic links to

directory=dir MiKTeX executables.

--common-roots=dirs Register additional directories for all users. dirs must be a

semicolon-separated list of fully qualified path names. This option
requires administrator privileges.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used.

--list-repositories Download the list of known package repository URLs, then print
the list.


--local-package- Download into (install from) the specified directory.


--modify-path Add MiKTeX to PATH.

--modify-path=no Don't add MiKTeX to PATH.

--modify-path Add MiKTeX to PATH.

--package-set=set Download/Install the specified package set. This must be one of

essential, basic, complete.

--portable=dir Setup MiKTeX for use on a portable device.

--print-info-only Print information about what would be done then exit.

--program-folder=name Add shortcuts to the specified program folder.

--quiet Suppress all output, except errors.

--remote-package- Download from the specified URL. Use --list-

repository=url repositories to download an up-to-date list of possible

--shared=yes Run the task for all users. This option requires administrator

--shared=no Run the task for current user only.

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

--use-registry=yes Write configuration settings into the Windows registry.

--use-registry=no Don't write configuration settings into the Windows registry. Use
configuration files instead.

--user-config=dir Set the location of the configuration directory for the current user.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used. See the

example below.

--user-data=dir Set the location of the data directory for the current user.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used. See the

example below.

--user-install=dir Set the user installation directory.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used. See the

example below.

--user-link-target- Set the per-user directory in which to create symbolic links to

directory=dir MiKTeX executables.

--user-roots=dirs Register additional directories for the current user. dirs must be
a semicolon-separated list of fully qualified path names.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used.


--verbose Turn on verbose output mode.

Show version information and exit.

The first task is to download MiKTeX into a local package repository:

> miktexsetup_standalone ^
--verbose ^
--local-package-repository=C:\miktex-repository ^
--package-set=complete ^

This command will create a local package repository in C:\miktex-repository.

It is possible to interrupt (Control+C) this operation at anytime and resume it later by running the same
command again.

Installing for all users

In this example, MiKTeX is installed for all users from the local package repository C:\miktex-
repository. User directories are specified by using environment variables (<VARNAME>) which are
expanded at run-time (delayed expansion).

You can first specify --print-info-only in order to perform a dry run:

> miktexsetup_standalone ^
--verbose ^
--local-package-repository=C:\miktex-repository ^
--shared=yes ^
--user-config="<APPDATA>\MiKTeX" ^
--user-data="<LOCALAPPDATA>\MiKTeX" ^
--user-install=<APPDATA>\MiKTeX" ^
setup task: install from local package repository
local package repository: C:\miktex-repository
package level: complete
install for all users?: yes
use registry?: yes
modify path?: yes
common install root: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX"
user install root: <APPDATA>\MiKTeX
user config root: <LOCALAPPDATA>\MiKTeX
user data root: <APPDATA>\MiKTeX
program folder name: "MiKTeX"

MiKTeX can be removed by selecting the uninstall task (only available in the integrated variant on
Windows). --shared=yes should be specified, if MiKTeX is installed for all users.


> miktexsetup --verbose --shared=yes uninstall


mpm — MiKTeX package manager

mpm [option...]

MPM starts in windowed mode, if you do not specify any command-line options.

User mode vs. administrator mode

This utility can be run in two modes:

User mode (default) MPM operates on the user installation directory (usually
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\MiKTeX 2.9).

Administrator mode MPM operates on the system-wide installation directory (usually C:

\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9), assuming that the MiKTeX setup
is shared by all users. MPM must be run with administrator privileges.

By default, MPM runs in user mode. You can turn on administrator mode with the --admin option. For
example, if you want to install a package for all users, you invoke MPM as follows:

> mpm --admin --install=a0poster

--admin Run in administrator mode:

• Operate on the system-wide MiKTeX configuration data store.

• Install packages for all users.

Using this option requires a shared MiKTeX setup, i.e., MiKTeX

must have been set up for all users. The program must be run with
administrator privileges.

Give help and exit.

This option is only available on Windows systems: show the
manual page in an HTML Help window and exit when the window
is closed.

Import the specified package from another MiKTeX installation.
The root directory must be specified via --repository=dir.

Import all packages from another MiKTeX installation. The root
directory must be specified via --repository=dir.


--pick-repository-url Pick up a suitable URL from the package repository list and print it.

--quiet Suppress all output, except errors.

--repository=location Use the specified location as the package repository. The location
can be either a fully qualified path name (a local package
repository) or an URL (a remote package repository).

--repository-release- Select the release state of the remote package repository.

state=state The release state is relevant for finding appropriate package
repositories. The release state must be one of stable or next.

repository=location Store the location of the default package repository in the MiKTeX
configuration data store. The location can be either a fully qualified
path name (a local package repository) or an URL (a remote
package repository).

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

--verbose Turn on verbose output mode.

Show version information and exit.

Location of the default package repository. This can be either a fully qualified
path name (a local package repository) or an URL (a remote package

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams).
If this variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into
the configured log sink.

http_proxy The proxy server to be used for HTTP.

FTP_PROXY The proxy server to be used for .

ALL_PROXY The proxy server to be used, if no protocol-specific proxy is set.

NO_PROXY Comma-separated list of host names that should not go through any proxy.

See also


mthelp — MiKTeX help utility

mthelp [option...] {name...}

mthelp is a utility to look up MiKTeX related documentation.

mthelp creates an HTML page which contains a short description of the package together with links to all
documentation files. An HTML viewer is started to view the page.

You can use the --view to bypass the intermediate HTML file.

name should be the name of a package in the TeX distribution.

--list-only List documentation files, but do not start a viewer.

--print-only Print the command that would be executed to view the documentation, but do not start
the command.

--quiet Suppress all output, except errors.

Show version information and exit.

--view Open the main documenation file in a viewer.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If
this variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the
configured log sink.

MIKTEX_VIEW_dvi DVI viewer.

MIKTEX_VIEW_pdf PDF viewer.

MIKTEX_VIEW_ps PostScript viewer.

MIKTEX_VIEW_html HTML viewer.

MIKTEX_VIEW_txt Text viewer.

The environment variables should be set with a “%f” as a placeholder for the name of the file. For example:

> MIKTEX_VIEW_pdf="gv %f"


The intermediate HTML file (package.html) is stored in the directory miktex/mthelp relative to
the data TEXMF data root (usually %LOCALAPPDATA%\MiKTeX\2.9).

See also
MiKTeX Project Page [https://miktex.org/]

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.


mtprint — MiKTeX print utility

mtprint [option...] file...

mtprint sends TeX output files to a printing device.

Prints only even TeX pages.

Selects landscape output format.

Prints only odd TeX pages.

Selects a TeX page range (e.g., 20–21). Multiple --page-range
options accumulate

Selects a print method. One of

psbmp This method uses Dvips and Ghostscript to produce the print

ps This method uses Dvips to produce an intermediate PostScript

file which will be sent to the printer. This only works for
PostScript printers.

Simulates printing.

Selects a printing device. The default printer is used, if this option is


miktex-pdftex — DVI/PDF output from TeX

miktex-pdftex [option...] [[file] | [\command...]]

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

Run the pdfTeX typesetter on file, usually creating file.pdf. If the file argument has no extension,
.tex will be appended to it. Instead of a file name, a set of pdfTeX commands can be given, the
first of which must start with a backslash. With a &format argument pdfTeX uses a different set of
precompiled commands, contained in format.fmt; it is usually better to use the --undump=format
option instead.

pdfTeX is a version of TeX, with the eTeX extensions, that can create PDF files as well as DVI files.

In DVI mode, pdfTeX can be used as a complete replacement for the TeX engine.

The typical use of pdfTeX is with a pregenerated formats for which PDF output has been enabled. The
miktex-pdftex command uses the equivalent of the plain TeX format, and the miktex-pdflatex command
uses the equivalent of the LaTeX format. To generate formats, use the --initialize switch.

In PDF mode, pdfTeX can natively handle the PDF, JPG, JBIG2 and PNG graphics formats. pdfTeX
cannot include PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) graphics files; first convert them to PDF using
miktex-epstopdf(1). pdfTeX’s handling of its command-line arguments is similar to that of of the other
TeX programs in the MiKTeX implementation.

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values
used. Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to
name and invoking name.

--aux-directory=dir Set dir as the directory to which auxiliary files are written. Also
look for input files in dir first, before along the normal search path.

--buf-size=n Set the the maximum number of characters simultaneously present

in current lines of open files and in control sequences between
\csname and \endcsname. TeX uses the buffer to contain input lines,
but macro expansion works by writing material into the buffer and
reparsing the line. As a consequence, certain constructs require the
buffer to be very large, even though most documents can be handled
with a small value.

--c-style-errors Change the way, error messages are printed. The alternate style
looks like error messages from many compilers and is easier to
parse for some editors.

--disable-8bit-chars Make only 7-bit characters printable.


--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.


--dont-parse-first-line Disable checking whether the first line of the main input file starts
with %&.

--draftmode Sets \pdfdraftmode so pdfTeX doesn't write a PDF and doesn't read
any included images, thus speeding up execution.

--enable-8bit-chars Make all characters printable.

Enable encTeX extensions such as \mubyte.

Enable eTeX extensions.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

Enable MLTeX extensions such as \charsubdef.


--error-line=n Set the width of context lines on terminal error messages.

--extra-mem-bot=n Set the extra size (in memory words) for large data structures like
boxes, glue, breakpoints, et al. Relevant only after the memory
dump file has been read.

--extra-mem-top=n Set the extra size (in memory words) for chars, tokens, et al.
Relevant only after the memory dump file has been read.

--font-max=n Set the maximum internal font number.

--font-mem-size=n Set the size, in TeX memory words, of the font memory.

--half-error-line=n Set the width of first lines of contexts in terminal error messages.

--halt-on-error Quit after the first error.

--hash-extra=n Set the extra space for the hash table of control sequences (which
allows 10K names as distributed).

Give help and exit.

This option is only available on Windows systems: show the
manual page in an HTML Help window and exit when the window
is closed.

--include-directory=dir Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for input files.

--initialize Become the INI variant of the program.


--interaction=mode Set the interaction mode. Must be one of batchmode,

nonstopmode, scrollmode and errorstopmode. The
meaning of these modes is the same as the corresponding

--job-name=name Set the name of the job (\jobname). This has an affect on the output
file names.

--job-time=file Set the time-stamp of all output files equal to file's time-stamp.

--main-memory=n Change the total size (in memory words) of the main memory array.
Relevant only while creating memory dump files.

--max-in-open=n Set the maximum number of input files and error insertions that
can be going on simultaneously.

--max-print-line=n Set the width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60.

--max-strings=n Set the maximum number of strings.

--nest-size=n Set the maximum number of semantic levels simultaneously active.

--no-c-style-errors Don't change the way, error messages are printed.

--output-directory=dir Write output files in dir. instead of the current directory. Look up
input files in dir first, then along the normal search path.

--output-format=format Set the output format mode, where format must be either dvi or
pdf. This also influences the set of graphics formats understood
by pdfTeX.

--param-size=n Set the the maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters.

--parse-first-line Check whether the first line of the main input file starts with %&,
and parse if it does. This can be used to specify extra command-
line options.

--pool-free=n Set the minimum pool space left after loading the format.

--pool-size=n Set the maximum number of characters in strings, including all

error messages and help texts, and the names of all fonts and control

--quiet Suppress all output, except errors.

--record-package- Record all package usages and write them into file.

--recorder Enable the file name recorder. This leaves a trace of the files opened
for input and output in a file with the extension .fls.


--save-size=n Set the the amount of space for saving values outside of current

--src-specials Embed source file information (source specials) in the DVI file.

--stack-size=n Set the maximum number of simultaneous input sources.


--string-vacancies=n Set the minimum number of characters that should be available

for the user's control sequences and font names, after the compiler's
own error messages are stored. Must be at least 25000 less than
pool_size, but doesn't need to be nearly that large.

--synctex=n Generate SyncTeX data for previewers. If n is zero, no .synctex

file is created. If n is negative, the .synctex file is a text file. If
n is positive, the .synctex file is compressed with gzip and the
.gz file name extension is added.

Furthermore, n is interpreted as a bit field:

Bit 1 (n AND 2) Don't add the .gz file name extension.

Bit 2 (n AND 4) Activate form support.

Bit 3 (n AND 8) Activate better compression.


--time-statistics Show processing time statistics.

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

--trie-size=n Set the amount of space for hyphenation patterns.

--undump=name Use name as the name of the format to be used, instead of the name
by which the program was called or a



Show version information and exit.


The editor to use when selecting e in the error prompt menu.

The value can contain these placesholder:

%f The name of the file, which contains the erroneous line of TeX code.

%l The line number.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.



Extra paths to locate TeX \input and \openin files.

Extra paths to locate TeX \input and \openin files.

Extra paths to locate TeX font metric files

See also

The full pdfTeX manual can be accessed from the home page or CTAN page.


setupwiz — MiKTeX setup wizard

basic-miktex-22.8.28.exe [options]

setup-22.8.28.exe [options]

MiKTeX Setup Wizard is used to install MiKTeX.

There a two instances of the installer:

Basic MiKTeX Installer (basic- Basic MiKTeX Installer is used to set up a basic MiKTeX system.
miktex-22.8.28.exe) All required resources are embedded in the installer, i.e., nothing
else needs to be downloaded from the Internet.

MiKTeX Net Installer MiKTeX Net Installer is used to set up a complete MiKTeX system.
(setup-22.8.28.exe) In a first step, all required resources will be downloaded from the
Internet. In a second step, a complete MiKTeX system is installed.

Both installers read command-line options from the file setupwiz.opt, if it exists.

--allow-unattended- Restart the system, if necessary.

--common-config=dir Set the location of the common configuration directory. This option
requires administrator privileges.

--common-data=dir Set the location of the common data directory. This option requires
administrator privileges.

--common-install=dir Set the common installation directory. This option requires

administrator privileges.

--common-roots=dirs Register additional directories for all users. dirs must be a

semicolon-separated list of fully qualified path names. This option
requires administrator privileges.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used.

--download-only Download all required packages, but do not otherwise install


--dry-run Simulate. No files shall be downloaded and/or installed.

--install-from-local- Install MiKTeX from a directory (to be specified with the --

repository local-package-repository option).

--local-package- Download into (Install from) the specified directory.



--no-additional-roots Do not integrate additional TEXMF root directories into the

MiKTeX setup.

--no-registry Do not store path information in the Windows Registry but write
the startup configuration file (miktexstartup.ini).

--package-set=set Download/Install the specified package set. This must be one of

basic, complete.

--portable Setup MiKTeX Portable.

--private Install MiKTeX for the current user only.

--program-folder=name Add shortcuts to the specified program folder.

--remote-package- Download from the specified the URL.


--shared Install MiKTeX for everyone using this computer. This option
requires administrator privileges.

--unattended Run in unattended mode.

--user-config=dir Set the location of the configuration directory for the current user.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used. See the

example below.

--user-data=dir Set the location of the data directory for the current user.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used. See the

example below.

--user-install=dir Set the user installation directory.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used. See the

example below.

--user-roots=dirs Register additional directories for the current user. dirs must be
a semicolon-separated list of fully qualified path names.

Environment variables (<VARNAME>) can be used.

In this example, MiKTeX is installed from a network share (\\server\miktex\repository). User
directories are specified by using environment variables (<VARNAME>) which are expanded at run-time.

> setupwiz --install-from-local-repository ^

--local-package-repository=\\server\miktex\repository ^
--package-set=complete ^
--shared ^
--user-config=^<APPDATA^>\MiKTeX ^
--user-data=^<LOCALAPPDATA^>\MiKTeX ^


miktex-tex — text formatting and typesetting

miktex-tex [option...] [[file] | [\command...]]

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

Run the TeX typesetter on file, usually creating file.dvi. If the file argument has no extension,
.tex will be appended to it. Instead of a filename, a set of TeX commands can be given, the first of
which must start with a backslash. With a &format argument TeX uses a different set of precompiled
commands, contained in format.fmt; it is usually better to use the -undump=format option instead.

TeX formats the interspersed text and commands contained in the named files and outputs a typesetter
independent file (called DVI, which is short for DeVice Independent). TeX's capabilities and language are
described in The TeXbook. TeX is normally used with a large body of precompiled macros, and there are
several specific formatting systems, such as LaTeX, which require the support of several macro files.

This version of TeX looks at its command-line to see what name it was called under. Both initex and
virtex are links to the miktex-tex executable. When called as initex (or when the -initialize option
is given) it can be used to precompile macros into a .fmt file. When called as virtex it will use the plain
format. When called under any other name, TeX will use that name as the name of the format to use.
For example, when called as miktex-tex the tex format is used, which is identical to the plain format.
The commands defined by the plain format are documented in The TeXbook. Other formats that are often
available include latex and amstex.

The non-option command line argiments to the TeX program are passed to it as the first input line. (But it is
often easier to type extended arguments as the first input line, since shells tend to gobble up or misinterpret
TeX's favorite symbols, like backslashes, unless you quote them.) As described in The TeXbook, that first
line should begin with a file name, a \controlsequence, or a &formatname.

The normal usage is to say miktex-tex paper to start processing paper.tex. The name paper
will be the “jobname”, and is used in forming output file names. If TeX doesn't get a file name in the
first line, the job name is texput. When looking for a file, TeX looks for the name with and without
the default extension (.tex) appended, unless the name already contains that extension. If paper is the
“jobname”, a log of error messages, with rather more detail than normally appears on the screen, will
appear in paper.log, and the output file will be in paper.dvi.

This version of TeX will look in the first line of the file paper.tex to see if it begins with the magic
sequence %&. If the first line begins with %&format --translate-file tcxname, then TeX
will use the named format and transation table tcxname to process the source file. Either the format
name or the --translate-file specification may be omitted, but not both. This overrides the format
selection based on the name by which the program is invoked. The -parse-first-line option or the
parse_first_line configuration value controls whether this behaviour is enabled.

The e response to TeX's error-recovery prompt causes the default editor to start up at the current line of
the current file. The configuration value [Core]Editor can be used to change the editor used. It may
contain a string with %f indicating where the file name goes and %l indicating where the decimal line
number (if any) goes. For example, an [Core]Editor string for emacs can be set with the command

> initexmf --set-config-value="[Core]Editor=emacs +%l %f"


A convenient file is null.tex, containing nothing. When TeX can't find a file it thinks you want to
input, it keeps asking you for another file name; responding null gets you out of the loop if you don't
want to input anything. You can also type your EOF character (usually Control+Z).

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values
used. Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to
name and invoking name.

--aux-directory=dir Set dir as the directory to which auxiliary files are written. Also
look for input files in dir first, before along the normal search path.

--buf-size=n Set the the maximum number of characters simultaneously present

in current lines of open files and in control sequences between
\csname and \endcsname. TeX uses the buffer to contain input lines,
but macro expansion works by writing material into the buffer and
reparsing the line. As a consequence, certain constructs require the
buffer to be very large, even though most documents can be handled
with a small value.

--c-style-errors Change the way, error messages are printed. The alternate style
looks like error messages from many compilers and is easier to
parse for some editors.

--disable-8bit-chars Make only 7-bit characters printable.

--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.


--dont-parse-first-line Disable checking whether the first line of the main input file starts
with %&.

--enable-8bit-chars Make all characters printable.

Enable encTeX extensions such as \mubyte.

--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

Enable MLTeX extensions such as \charsubdef.


--error-line=n Set the width of context lines on terminal error messages.

--extra-mem-bot=n Set the extra size (in memory words) for large data structures like
boxes, glue, breakpoints, et al. Relevant only after the memory
dump file has been read.

--extra-mem-top=n Set the extra size (in memory words) for chars, tokens, et al.
Relevant only after the memory dump file has been read.

--font-max=n Set the maximum internal font number.


--font-mem-size=n Set the size, in TeX memory words, of the font memory.

--half-error-line=n Set the width of first lines of contexts in terminal error messages.

--halt-on-error Quit after the first error.

--hash-extra=n Set the extra space for the hash table of control sequences (which
allows 10K names as distributed).

Give help and exit.

This option is only available on Windows systems: show the
manual page in an HTML Help window and exit when the window
is closed.

--include-directory=dir Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for input files.

--initialize Become the INI variant of the program.

--interaction=mode Set the interaction mode. Must be one of batchmode,

nonstopmode, scrollmode and errorstopmode. The
meaning of these modes is the same as the corresponding

--job-name=name Set the name of the job (\jobname). This has an affect on the output
file names.

--job-time=file Set the time-stamp of all output files equal to file's time-stamp.

--main-memory=n Change the total size (in memory words) of the main memory array.
Relevant only while creating memory dump files.

--max-in-open=n Set the maximum number of input files and error insertions that
can be going on simultaneously.

--max-print-line=n Set the width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60.

--max-strings=n Set the maximum number of strings.

--nest-size=n Set the maximum number of semantic levels simultaneously active.

--no-c-style-errors Don't change the way, error messages are printed.

--output-directory=dir Write output files in dir. instead of the current directory. Look up
input files in dir first, then along the normal search path.

--param-size=n Set the the maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters.

--parse-first-line Check whether the first line of the main input file starts with %&,
and parse if it does. This can be used to specify extra command-
line options.

--pool-free=n Set the minimum pool space left after loading the format.


--pool-size=n Set the maximum number of characters in strings, including all

error messages and help texts, and the names of all fonts and control

--quiet Suppress all output, except errors.

--record-package- Record all package usages and write them into file.

--recorder Enable the file name recorder. This leaves a trace of the files opened
for input and output in a file with the extension .fls.


--save-size=n Set the the amount of space for saving values outside of current

--src-specials Embed source file information (source specials) in the DVI file.

--stack-size=n Set the maximum number of simultaneous input sources.

--string-vacancies=n Set the minimum number of characters that should be available

for the user's control sequences and font names, after the compiler's
own error messages are stored. Must be at least 25000 less than
pool_size, but doesn't need to be nearly that large.


--time-statistics Show processing time statistics.

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

--trie-size=n Set the amount of space for hyphenation patterns.

--undump=name Use name as the name of the format to be used, instead of the name
by which the program was called or a



Show version information and exit.

The editor to use when selecting e in the error prompt menu.

The value can contain these placesholder:

%f The name of the file, which contains the erroneous line of TeX code.

%l The line number.


Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.

Extra paths to locate TeX \input and \openin files.

Extra paths to locate TeX font metric files

This version of TeX implements a number of optional extensions. In fact, many of these extensions conflict
to a greater or lesser extent with the definition of TeX. This version of TeX fails to trap arithmetic overflow
when dimensions are added or subtracted. Cases where this occurs are rare, but when it does the generated
DVI file will be invalid.

See Also

978-0201134476. The TeXbook. Donald E. Knuth. Addison-Wesley. 1986.


texify — MiKTeX compiler driver

texify [option...] file...

texify runs Texinfo or LaTeX input files through miktex-tex (miktex-pdftex) in turn until all cross-
references are resolved, building all indices.

The directory containing each file is searched for included files. The suffix of file is used to determine
its language (LaTeX or Texinfo).

makeinfo is used to perform Texinfo macro expansion before running miktex-tex when needed.

-@ Use @input (instead of \input); for preloaded Texinfo.

--batch, -b
No interaction.

--clean, -c
Remove all auxiliary files.

--expand, -e
Force macro expansion using makeinfo.

-I dir Search dir for input files.

--help, -h
Display help and exit successfully.

--language=lang, -l
lang Specify the language of input files: either latex or texinfo.

Limits the number of iterations to prevent endless processing. The
default for n is 5.

Pass option to the index generator.

--pdf, -p
Use miktex-pdftex (or miktex-pdflatex) for processing.

--quiet, -q, --silent, -s

No screen output unless errors plies --batch).

Run a viewer on the resulting DVI (PDF) file.

Pass --src-specials to the TeX compiler.


--texinfo=cmd, -t=cmd
Insert cmd after @setfilename in copy of input file. Multiple
values accumulate.

Pass option to the compiler.

--verbose, -V
Print information on what is being done.

--version, -v
Display version information and exit successfully.

Pass option to the viewer.

Environment Variables
TEXINDEX environment variables are used to run those commands, if they are set.


miktex-xetex — Unicode-based TeX engine

miktex-xetex [option...] [[file] | [\command...]]

This man page is an adaption of the corresponding TeX Live man page.

Run the XeTeX typesetter on file, usually creating file.pdf. If the file argument has no extension,
.tex will be appended to it. Instead of a file name, a set of XeTeX commands can be given, the first of
which must start with a backslash.

XeTeX has simple font installation; it can use any installed fonts in the operating system without
configuring TeX font metric. As a result, XeTeX can access font features such as special ligatures and
variable font weights.

--alias=name Pretend to be program name, i.e., set program (and memory dump)
name to name. This may affect the search paths and other values
used. Using this option is equivalent to copying the program file to
name and invoking name.

--aux-directory=dir Set dir as the directory to which auxiliary files are written. Also
look for input files in dir first, before along the normal search path.

--buf-size=n Set the the maximum number of characters simultaneously present

in current lines of open files and in control sequences between
\csname and \endcsname. TeX uses the buffer to contain input lines,
but macro expansion works by writing material into the buffer and
reparsing the line. As a consequence, certain constructs require the
buffer to be very large, even though most documents can be handled
with a small value.

--c-style-errors Change the way, error messages are printed. The alternate style
looks like error messages from many compilers and is easier to
parse for some editors.

--disable-8bit-chars Make only 7-bit characters printable.

--disable-installer Disable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.


--dont-parse-first-line Disable checking whether the first line of the main input file starts
with %&.

--enable-8bit-chars Make all characters printable.

Enable eTeX extensions.


--enable-installer Enable automatic installation of packages. Specifying this option

overrules settings in the MiKTeX configuration data store.

Enable MLTeX extensions such as \charsubdef.


--error-line=n Set the width of context lines on terminal error messages.

--extra-mem-bot=n Set the extra size (in memory words) for large data structures like
boxes, glue, breakpoints, et al. Relevant only after the memory
dump file has been read.

--extra-mem-top=n Set the extra size (in memory words) for chars, tokens, et al.
Relevant only after the memory dump file has been read.

--font-max=n Set the maximum internal font number.

--font-mem-size=n Set the size, in TeX memory words, of the font memory.

--half-error-line=n Set the width of first lines of contexts in terminal error messages.

--halt-on-error Quit after the first error.

--hash-extra=n Set the extra space for the hash table of control sequences (which
allows 10K names as distributed).

Give help and exit.

This option is only available on Windows systems: show the
manual page in an HTML Help window and exit when the window
is closed.

--include-directory=dir Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for input files.

--initialize Become the INI variant of the program.

--interaction=mode Set the interaction mode. Must be one of batchmode,

nonstopmode, scrollmode and errorstopmode. The
meaning of these modes is the same as the corresponding

--job-name=name Set the name of the job (\jobname). This has an affect on the output
file names.

--job-time=file Set the time-stamp of all output files equal to file's time-stamp.

--main-memory=n Change the total size (in memory words) of the main memory array.
Relevant only while creating memory dump files.

--max-in-open=n Set the maximum number of input files and error insertions that
can be going on simultaneously.

--max-print-line=n Set the width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60.


--max-strings=n Set the maximum number of strings.

--nest-size=n Set the maximum number of semantic levels simultaneously active.

--no-c-style-errors Don't change the way, error messages are printed.

--no-pdf Generate XDV (extended DVI) output rather than PDF.

--output-directory=dir Write output files in dir. instead of the current directory. Look up
input files in dir first, then along the normal search path.

--output-driver=cmd Use cmd as the XDV-to-PDF driver instead of xdvipdfmx.

--papersize=string Set PDF media size to string.

--param-size=n Set the the maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters.

--parse-first-line Check whether the first line of the main input file starts with %&,
and parse if it does. This can be used to specify extra command-
line options.

--pool-free=n Set the minimum pool space left after loading the format.

--pool-size=n Set the maximum number of characters in strings, including all

error messages and help texts, and the names of all fonts and control

--quiet Suppress all output, except errors.

--record-package- Record all package usages and write them into file.

--recorder Enable the file name recorder. This leaves a trace of the files opened
for input and output in a file with the extension .fls.


--save-size=n Set the the amount of space for saving values outside of current

--src-specials Embed source file information (source specials) in the DVI file.

--stack-size=n Set the maximum number of simultaneous input sources.

--string-vacancies=n Set the minimum number of characters that should be available

for the user's control sequences and font names, after the compiler's
own error messages are stored. Must be at least 25000 less than
pool_size, but doesn't need to be nearly that large.

--synctex=n Generate SyncTeX data for previewers. If n is zero, no .synctex

file is created. If n is negative, the .synctex file is a text file. If
n is positive, the .synctex file is compressed with gzip and the
.gz file name extension is added.

Furthermore, n is interpreted as a bit field:

Bit 1 (n AND 2) Don't add the .gz file name extension.

Bit 2 (n AND 4) Activate form support.


Bit 3 (n AND 8) Activate better compression.

--time-statistics Show processing time statistics.

--trace[=tracestreams] Enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument, if

specified, is a comma-separated list of trace stream names
(Chapter 9, Trace Streams).

--trie-size=n Set the amount of space for hyphenation patterns.

--undump=name Use name as the name of the format to be used, instead of the name
by which the program was called or a



Show version information and exit.

The editor to use when selecting e in the error prompt menu.

The value can contain these placesholder:

%f The name of the file, which contains the erroneous line of TeX code.

%l The line number.

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams). If this
variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into the configured
log sink.

Extra paths to locate TeX \input and \openin files.

Extra paths to locate TeX font metric files

Chapter 7. Files


miktex.ini — MiKTeX configuration data store

MiKTeX configurations settings are read from the file miktex.ini.

The syntax follows the informal conventions of a traditional INI file [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Querying and Modifying

It is recommended that you use the MiKTeX Configuration Utility (see initexmf(1)) to query and modify
configuration settings.

Settings Reference

;; This variable specifies the external program called for

;; TeX's interactive `e' option. %l is replaced by the line
;; number and %f by the current file name.
;; If left unspecified, A platform dependent value is chosen.
;Editor = miktex-texworks -p=%l "%f"

;; Deprecated.
;GUIFramework = 1

;; Deprecated.
;UserInfoFile =


;; Shell command mode.

;; Forbidden: don't allow any shell commands
;; Restricted: allow the commands listed in AllowedShellCommands[]
;; Unrestricted: allow all shell commands
ShellCommandMode = Restricted

;; The programs listed here are probably safe: they either do

;; not write any output files or implement restrictions
;; similar to or higher than
;; [Core]AllowUnsafeOutputFiles=true.
;; They also have no features to invoke arbitrary other
;; programs, and no known exploitable bugs. All to the best
;; of our knowledge. They also have practical use for being
;; called from TeX.
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-bibtex
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-bibtex8
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-epstopdf


AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-gregorio
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-kpsewhich
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-makeindex
AllowedShellCommands[] = bibtex
AllowedShellCommands[] = bibtex8
AllowedShellCommands[] = extractbb
AllowedShellCommands[] = findtexmf
AllowedShellCommands[] = gregorio
AllowedShellCommands[] = kpsewhich
AllowedShellCommands[] = makeindex
AllowedShellCommands[] = texosquery-jre8

;; Do we allow unrestricted shell command execution when running

;; with elevated privileges.
AllowUnrestrictedSuperUser = true

;; Do we allow TeX \input or \openin on file names starting

;; with `.' (e.g., .rhosts) or outside the current tree (e.g.,
;; /etc/passwd)?
AllowUnsafeInputFiles = true

;; Do we allow TeX \openout on file names starting with `.'

;; (e.g., .rhosts) or outside the current tree (e.g.,
;; /etc/passwd)?
AllowUnsafeOutputFiles = false

;; Automatically turn on administrator mode for elevated MiKTeX programs

;; in a shared setup.
AutoAdmin = ?

;; Root of the system-wide MiKTeX configuration tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;CommonConfig =

;; Root of the system-wide MiKTeX data tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;CommonData =

;; Root of the system-wide MiKTeX installation tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;CommonInstall =

;; Extra system-wide MiKTeX trees.

;CommonRoots =

;; System-wide directory in which to create symbolic links to

;; MiKTeX executables.
CommonLinkTargetDirectory =

;; System-wide log directory. A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.

;CommonLogDirectory =

;; Deprecated.
;NoRegistry =


;; Other unmanaged system-wide trees.

;OtherCommonRoots =

;; Other unmanaged per-user trees.

;OtherUserRoots =

;; PK file name template.

PKFnTemplate = %f.pk

;; On Windows, prefer MiKTeX Ghostscript (mgs.exe)

;; to the installed Ghostscript
PreferMiKTeXGhostscript = true

;; Indicates whether MiKTeX is installed system-wide.

SharedSetup = ?

;; Path to the MiKTeX startup configuration file.

;StartupFile =

;; Path to the directory for temporary files.

;TempDir =

;; Trace flags.
Trace =

;; Root of the per-user MiKTeX configuration tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;UserConfig =

;; Root of the per-user MiKTeX data tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;UserData =

;; Root of the per-user MiKTeX installation tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;UserInstall =

;; Per-user directory in which to create symbolic links to

;; MiKTeX executables.
UserLinkTargetDirectory =

;; Per-user log directory. A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.

;UserLogDirectory =

;; Extra per-user MiKTeX trees.

;UserRoots =

;; Preferred UI languages.
;UILanguages[] =


;; Search path for Adobe font metric (AFM) files.


Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/afm//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching AFM files.

EnvVars[] = AFMFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; AFM file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .afm


;; Search path for METAFONT memory dump files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %r/miktex/data/le

;; METAFONT memory dump file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .base


;; Search path for BibTeX database files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/bibtex/bib//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching BibTeX

;; databsae files.
EnvVars[] = TEXBIB

;; BibTeX database file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .bib


;; Search path for BibTeX style files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/bibtex/{bst,csf}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching BibTeX

;; style files.

;; BibTeX style file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .bst

[Core.FileTypes.cid maps]

;; Search path for CID map files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/cid//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching CID map

;; files.



;; CID map file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .cid
Extensions[] = .cidmap


;; Search path for dynamic libraries for Lua.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/lua//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching dynamic

;; libraries for Lua.

;; File name extensions for Lua dynamic libraries.

Extensions[] = .dll
Extensions[] = .so

[Core.FileTypes.cmap files]

;; Search path for character map files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/cmap//

;; Environment variables to be used for character map files.

EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS


;; Search path for CWeb input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/cweb//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Cweb input

;; files.

;; CWeb file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .w


;; Search path for DVI files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/doc//

;; DVI file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .dvi

[Core.FileTypes.dvips config]


;; Search path for Dvips configuration files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/dvips//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Dvips

;; configuration files.


;; Search path for encoding vector files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/enc//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching encoding

;; vector files.
EnvVars[] = ENCFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Encoding vector file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .enc

[Core.FileTypes.font feature files]

;; Search path for font feature files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/fea//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching font feature

;; files.

;; Font feature file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .fea


;; Search path for TeX memory dump files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %r/miktex/data/le/{$engine,}

;; TeX memory dump file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .fmt


;; Search path for generic font bitmap files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching generic font

;; bitmap files.
EnvVars[] = GFFONTS


EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Generic font bitmap file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .gf

[Core.FileTypes.bitmap font]

;; Search path for bitmap font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching bitmap font

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS


;; Search path for figure files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/dvips//
Paths[] = %R/pdftex//
Paths[] = %R/tex//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching figure

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TEXPICTS

;; Figure file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .eps
Extensions[] = .epsi
Extensions[] = .png


;; Search path for HBF files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/misc/hbf//

;; HBF file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .hbf


;; Search path for MakeIndex style files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/makeindex//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MakeIndex

;; style files.


;; MakeIndex style file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ist

[Core.FileTypes.lig files]

;; Search path for ligature definition files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/lig//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching ligature

;; definition files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Ligature definition file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .lig


;; Search path for Web2c file name database files.

Paths[] = %R

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Web2C file

;; name database files.
EnvVars[] = TEXMFDBS


;; Search path for Lua files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/{lua,}//
Paths[] = %R/tex/{$progname,generic,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Lua files.


;; File name extensions for Lua files.

Extensions[] = .lua
Extensions[] = .luatex
Extensions[] = .luc
Extensions[] = .luctex
Extensions[] = .texlua
Extensions[] = .texluc
Extensions[] = .tlu


;; Search path for font map files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching font map

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS


;; Font map file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .map


;; Search path for MetaPost memory dump files.

Paths[] = .

;; MetaPost memory dump file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mem


;; Search path for METAFONT input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/metafont//
Paths[] = %R/fonts/source//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching METAFONT

;; input files.
EnvVars[] = MFINPUTS

;; METAFONT file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mf


;; Search path for METAFONT program string files.

Paths[] = .

;; Environment variables to be used for searching METAFONT

;; program string files.
EnvVars[] = MFPOOL
EnvVars[] = TEXMFINI

;; METAFONT program string file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pool


;; Search path for MFT style files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/mft//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MFT style

;; files.

;; MFT style file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mft

[Core.FileTypes.misc fonts]


;; Search path for font related files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/misc//

;; Environment variables to be used for font related

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS


;; Search path for MlBibTeX database files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/bibtex/bib/{mlbib,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MlBibTeX

;; databsae files.
EnvVars[] = TEXBIB

;; MlBibTeX database file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mlbib
Extensions[] = .bib


;; Search path for MlBibTeX style files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/bibtex/{mlbst,bst}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MlBibTeX

;; style files.

;; MlBibTeX style file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .bst


;; Search path for MetaPost input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/metapost//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MetaPost

;; input files.
EnvVars[] = MPINPUTS

;; MetaPost file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mp



;; Search path for MetaPost program string files.

Paths[] = .

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MetaPost

;; program string files.
EnvVars[] = MPPOOL
EnvVars[] = TEXMFINI

;; MetaPost program string file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pool

[Core.FileTypes.MetaPost support]

;; Search path for MetaPost support files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/metapost/support//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MetaPost

;; support files.


;; Search path for Omega compiled process files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/omega/ocp//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; compiled process files.

;; Omega compiled process file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ocp


;; Search path for Omega font metric files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/ofm//
Paths[] = %R/fonts/tfm//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; font metric files.
EnvVars[] = OFMFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Omega font metric file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ofm
Extensions[] = .tfm


;; Search path for Omega property list files.

Paths[] = .


Paths[] = %R/fonts/opl//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; property list files.
EnvVars[] = OPLFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Omega property list file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .opl


;; Search path for Omega translation process files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/otp//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; translation process files.

;; Omega translation process file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .otp

[Core.FileTypes.opentype fonts]

;; Search path for OpenType font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/opentype//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching OpenType

;; font files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; OpenType font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .otf


;; Search path for Omega virtual font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/ovf//
Paths[] = %R/fonts/vf//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; virtual font files.
EnvVars[] = OVFFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Omega virtual font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ovf



;; Search path for Omega virtual property list files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/ovp//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; virtual property list files.
EnvVars[] = OVPFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Omega virtual property list file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ovp

[Core.FileTypes.pdftex config]

;; Search path for pdfTeX configuration files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/pdftex/{$progname,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching pdfTeX

;; configuration files.


;; Search path for packed bitmap font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts//

;; Packed bitmap font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pk

[Core.FileTypes.other binary files]

;; Search path for program binary files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/$progname//

[Core.FileTypes.other text files]

;; Search path for program text files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/$progname//

[Core.FileTypes.PostScript header]

;; Search path for downloadable PostScript files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/{dvips,fonts/{enc,type1,type42,type3}}//
Paths[] = $psfontdirs

;; Environment variables to be used for searching downloadable

;; PostScript files.


;; Downloadable PostScript file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pro
Extensions[] = .enc


;; Search path for architecture-independent executables.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching

;; architecture-independent executables.

[Core.FileTypes.subfont definition files]

;; Search path for subfont definition files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/sfd//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching subfont

;; definition files.
EnvVars[] = SFDFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Subfont definition file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .sfd


;; Search path for TCX files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/miktex/config
Paths[] = %R/miktex/web2c

;; TCX file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .tcx


;; Search path for TeX input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/tex/{$progname,generic,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching TeX input

;; files.

;; TeX input file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .tex



;; Search path for TeX program string files.

Paths[] = .

;; Environment variables to be used for searching METAFONT

;; program string files.
EnvVars[] = TEXPOOL
EnvVars[] = TEXMFINI

;; TeX program string file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pool

[Core.FileTypes.TeX system sources]

;; Search path for source files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/source//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching source

;; files.

[Core.FileTypes.TeX system documentation]

;; Search path for documentation files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/doc/miktex//
Paths[] = %R/doc//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching

;; documentation files.
EnvVars[] = TEXDOCS

;; Documentation file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pdf
Extensions[] = .html
Extensions[] = .md
Extensions[] = .txt
Extensions[] = .ps
Extensions[] = .dvi


;; Search path for TeX font metric files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/tfm//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching TeX font

;; metric files.
EnvVars[] = TFMFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; TeX font metric file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .tfm


[Core.FileTypes.troff fonts]

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Troff font

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TRFONTS

[Core.FileTypes.truetype fonts]

;; Search path for TrueType font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/truetype//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching TrueType

;; font files.
EnvVars[] = TTFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; TrueType font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ttf
Extensions[] = .ttc

[Core.FileTypes.type1 fonts]

;; Search path for Type1 font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/type1//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Type1 font

;; files.
EnvVars[] = T1FONTS
EnvVars[] = T1INPUTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Type1 font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pfb
Extensions[] = .pfa

[Core.FileTypes.type42 fonts]

;; Search path for Type42 font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/type42//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Type42 font

;; files.
EnvVars[] = T42FONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Type42 font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .t42
Extensions[] = .T42



;; Search path for TeX virtual font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/vf//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching TeX virtual

;; font files.
EnvVars[] = VFFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; TeX virtual font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .vf

[Core.FileTypes.web2c files]

;; Search path for Web2c files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/web2c//


;; Search path for WEB input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/web//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching WEB input

;; files.

;; CWeb file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .web


;; Directory where METAFONT stores *.base files.

DestDir = %R/miktex/data/le


;; Directory where TeX engines store *.fmt files.

DestDir = %R/miktex/data/le/$engine


;; Directory where makepk stores *.pk files.

DestDir = %R/fonts/pk/%m/%s/%t/dpi%d


;; Directory where maketfm stores *.tfm files.

DestDir = %R/fonts/tfm/%s/%t



;; Install packages for all users.

AutoAdmin = ?

;; Install missing packages automatically (on-the-fly).

AutoInstall = ?

;; Deprecated.
ForceLocalServer = f

;; Local package repository path.

;LocalRepository =

;; Deprecated.
;MiKTeXDirectRoot =

;; Indicates whether proxy authentication is required.

ProxyAuthReq = f

;; Proxy host address.

ProxyHost =

;; Proxy host port.

ProxyPort = 8080

;; Remote package repository URL. Pick a random URL, if empty.

RemoteRepository =

;; The MiKTeX API endpoint.

RemoteService_4727 = https://api2.miktex.org/

;; Package stream. One of: stable, next.

RepositoryReleaseState = stable

;; Type of the package repository. One of: remote, local.

RepositoryType = remote

;; Indicates whether a proxy is configured.

UseProxy = f


;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator has checked for system-wide i
;LastAdminDiagnose =

;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator changed the system-wide confi
;LastAdminMaintenance =

;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator has installed system-wide upd
;LastAdminUpdate =

;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator has checked for system-wide u
;LastAdminUpdateCheck =


;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator has updated the system-wide p
;LastAdminUpdateDb =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user has checked for issues.
;LastUserDiagnose =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user changed the configuration.
;LastUserMaintenance =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user has installed updates.
;LastUserUpdate =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user has checked for updates.
;LastUserUpdateCheck =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user has updated the package data
;LastUserUpdateDb =


;; Create auxiliary directory if '--aux-directory=DIR' refers

;; to a non-existing directory.
CreateAuxDirectory = t

;; Create the output directory if '--output-directory=DIR'

;; refers to a non-existing directory.
CreateOutputDirectory = t

;; Enable file:line:error style messages.

CStyleErrors = f

;; Deprecated.
;ParseFirstLine =

;; Indicates whether format files (*.fmt) will be automatically renewed.

RenewFormatsOnUpdate = t


;; Indicates whether input file encodings are guessed.

GuessInputKanjiEncoding = t

See also


pdftex.cfg — configuration settings for MiKTeX-pdfTeX

MiKTeX-pdfTeX configurations settings are read from the file pdftex.cfg when a format file is being
created by MiKTeX-pdfTeX.

Do not edit this file directly. Run initexmf --edit-config-file pdftex.cfg to edit
configuration settings for MiKTeX-pdfTeX.

A typical pdftex.cfg file looks like this, setting up output for A4 paper size and the standard TeX
offset of 1 inch:

compress_level 9
decimal_digits 3
horigin 1 true in
vorigin 1 true in
image_resolution 300
move_chars 1
output_format 1
page_width 210 true mm
page_height 297 true mm
pdf_minorversion 4
pk_resolution 600

The configuration file sets default values for these parameters, and they all can be overridden in the TeX
source file. Dimensions can be specified as true, which makes them immune for magnification (when

compress_level This integer parameter specifies the level of text and in||line
graphics compression. MiKTeX-pdfTeX uses Zip compression. A
value of 0 means no compression, 1 means fastest, 9 means best,
2..8 means something in between. Just set this value to 9, unless
there is a good reason to do otherwise; 0 is great for testing macros
that use \pdfliteral.

decimal_digits This integer specifies the preciseness of real numbers in PDF page
descriptions. It gives the maximal number of decimal digits after
the decimal point of real numbers. Valid values are in range 0..5. A
higher value means more precise output, but also results in a much
larger file size and more time to display or print. In most cases the
optimal value is 2. This parameter does not influence the precision
of numbers used in raw PDF code, like that used in \pdfliteral and
annotation action specifications.

horigin & vorigin These dimension parameters can be used to set the offset of the TeX
output box from the top left corner of the “paper”.


image_resolution When MiKTeX-pdfTeX is not able to determine the natural

dimensions of an image, it assumes a resolution of type 72 dots per
inch. Use this variable to change this default value.

move_chars Although PDF output is claimed to be portable, especially when all

font information is included in the file, problems with printing and
viewing have a persistent nature. Moving the characters in range 0–
31 sometimes helps a lot. When set to 1, characters are only moved
when a font has less than 128 glyphs, when set to 2 higher slots are
used too.

output_format This integer parameter specifies whether the output format should
be DVI or PDF. A positive value means PDF output, otherwise we
get DVI output.

page_width & page_height These two dimension parameters specify the output medium
dimensions (the paper, screen or whatever the page is put on). If
they are not specified, these values are calculated.

pdf_minorversion Sets the PDF version of the generated file and the latest allowed
PDF version of included PDFs. The value 3 tells MiKTeX-pdfTeX
to set the PDF version to 1.3 and allows only included PDFs with
versions less than 1.3. A suitable default value is 4.

pk_resolution One can use this entry to specify the resolution for bitmap fonts.
Nowadays most printers are capable to print at least 600 dots per
inch, so this is a reasonable default.

Chapter 8. Environment variables
Extra paths to locate .bib files.

Extra paths to locate .bst files.

Extra paths to locate METAFONT input and openin files.

Location of the default package repository. This can be either a fully qualified
path name (a local package repository) or an URL (a remote package

Comma-separated list of trace stream names (see Chapter 9, Trace Streams).
If this variable is set, then MiKTeX programs will write trace messages into
the configured log sink.

Extra paths to locate METAFONT input and openin files.

Extra paths to locate TeX \input and \openin files.

Extra paths to locate TeX font metric files

Chapter 9. Trace Streams
access file tests (access(), stat())

config MiKTeX configuration settings

core MiKTeX core library

curl cURL library

dib device independant bitmaps

dvibitmap DVI bitmaps

dvicolor DVI color

dvifile DVI files

dvigc DVI garbage collector

dvihypertex DVI hypertex specials

dvipage DVI page builder

dvipkbitmap DVI PK raster operations

dvipkchar DVI PK characters

dvipkfont DVI PK fonts

dvisearch DVI source specials

dvitfm DVI font metrics

dvivfchar DVI virtual font characters

dvivfont DVI virtual fonts

env environment variables

error error conditions

extractor MiKTeX package archive file extractor

files file operations

filesearch file searching

fndb file name database operations

fontinfo font information retrieval

mem TeX & Friends memory allocation

mmap memory mapped files

mpm package manager

Trace Streams

mtprint MiKTeX print utility

packages packages

process execution of secondary processes

tempfile temporary files

time execution time

values configuration values

yap Yap

Chapter 10. Run-Time Defaults
MiKTeX configuration settings are initialized with default values which are described in this chapter.

All MiKTeX Programs


;; This variable specifies the external program called for

;; TeX's interactive `e' option. %l is replaced by the line
;; number and %f by the current file name.
;; If left unspecified, A platform dependent value is chosen.
;Editor = miktex-texworks -p=%l "%f"

;; Deprecated.
;GUIFramework = 1

;; Deprecated.
;UserInfoFile =


;; Shell command mode.

;; Forbidden: don't allow any shell commands
;; Restricted: allow the commands listed in AllowedShellCommands[]
;; Unrestricted: allow all shell commands
ShellCommandMode = Restricted

;; The programs listed here are probably safe: they either do

;; not write any output files or implement restrictions
;; similar to or higher than
;; [Core]AllowUnsafeOutputFiles=true.
;; They also have no features to invoke arbitrary other
;; programs, and no known exploitable bugs. All to the best
;; of our knowledge. They also have practical use for being
;; called from TeX.
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-bibtex
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-bibtex8
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-epstopdf
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-gregorio
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-kpsewhich
AllowedShellCommands[] = miktex-makeindex
AllowedShellCommands[] = bibtex
AllowedShellCommands[] = bibtex8
AllowedShellCommands[] = extractbb
AllowedShellCommands[] = findtexmf
AllowedShellCommands[] = gregorio
AllowedShellCommands[] = kpsewhich
AllowedShellCommands[] = makeindex
AllowedShellCommands[] = texosquery-jre8

;; Do we allow unrestricted shell command execution when running

Run-Time Defaults

;; with elevated privileges.

AllowUnrestrictedSuperUser = true

;; Do we allow TeX \input or \openin on file names starting

;; with `.' (e.g., .rhosts) or outside the current tree (e.g.,
;; /etc/passwd)?
AllowUnsafeInputFiles = true

;; Do we allow TeX \openout on file names starting with `.'

;; (e.g., .rhosts) or outside the current tree (e.g.,
;; /etc/passwd)?
AllowUnsafeOutputFiles = false

;; Automatically turn on administrator mode for elevated MiKTeX programs

;; in a shared setup.
AutoAdmin = ?

;; Root of the system-wide MiKTeX configuration tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;CommonConfig =

;; Root of the system-wide MiKTeX data tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;CommonData =

;; Root of the system-wide MiKTeX installation tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;CommonInstall =

;; Extra system-wide MiKTeX trees.

;CommonRoots =

;; System-wide directory in which to create symbolic links to

;; MiKTeX executables.
CommonLinkTargetDirectory =

;; System-wide log directory. A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.

;CommonLogDirectory =

;; Deprecated.
;NoRegistry =

;; Other unmanaged system-wide trees.

;OtherCommonRoots =

;; Other unmanaged per-user trees.

;OtherUserRoots =

;; PK file name template.

PKFnTemplate = %f.pk

;; On Windows, prefer MiKTeX Ghostscript (mgs.exe)

;; to the installed Ghostscript
PreferMiKTeXGhostscript = true

Run-Time Defaults

;; Indicates whether MiKTeX is installed system-wide.

SharedSetup = ?

;; Path to the MiKTeX startup configuration file.

;StartupFile =

;; Path to the directory for temporary files.

;TempDir =

;; Trace flags.
Trace =

;; Root of the per-user MiKTeX configuration tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;UserConfig =

;; Root of the per-user MiKTeX data tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;UserData =

;; Root of the per-user MiKTeX installation tree.

;; A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.
;UserInstall =

;; Per-user directory in which to create symbolic links to

;; MiKTeX executables.
UserLinkTargetDirectory =

;; Per-user log directory. A platform dependent location, if left unspecified.

;UserLogDirectory =

;; Extra per-user MiKTeX trees.

;UserRoots =

;; Preferred UI languages.
;UILanguages[] =


;; Search path for Adobe font metric (AFM) files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/afm//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching AFM files.

EnvVars[] = AFMFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; AFM file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .afm


;; Search path for METAFONT memory dump files.

Run-Time Defaults

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %r/miktex/data/le

;; METAFONT memory dump file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .base


;; Search path for BibTeX database files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/bibtex/bib//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching BibTeX

;; databsae files.
EnvVars[] = TEXBIB

;; BibTeX database file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .bib


;; Search path for BibTeX style files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/bibtex/{bst,csf}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching BibTeX

;; style files.

;; BibTeX style file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .bst

[Core.FileTypes.cid maps]

;; Search path for CID map files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/cid//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching CID map

;; files.

;; CID map file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .cid
Extensions[] = .cidmap


;; Search path for dynamic libraries for Lua.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/lua//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching dynamic

Run-Time Defaults

;; libraries for Lua.


;; File name extensions for Lua dynamic libraries.

Extensions[] = .dll
Extensions[] = .so

[Core.FileTypes.cmap files]

;; Search path for character map files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/cmap//

;; Environment variables to be used for character map files.

EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS


;; Search path for CWeb input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/cweb//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Cweb input

;; files.

;; CWeb file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .w


;; Search path for DVI files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/doc//

;; DVI file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .dvi

[Core.FileTypes.dvips config]

;; Search path for Dvips configuration files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/dvips//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Dvips

;; configuration files.


;; Search path for encoding vector files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/enc//

Run-Time Defaults

;; Environment variables to be used for searching encoding

;; vector files.
EnvVars[] = ENCFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Encoding vector file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .enc

[Core.FileTypes.font feature files]

;; Search path for font feature files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/fea//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching font feature

;; files.

;; Font feature file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .fea


;; Search path for TeX memory dump files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %r/miktex/data/le/{$engine,}

;; TeX memory dump file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .fmt


;; Search path for generic font bitmap files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching generic font

;; bitmap files.
EnvVars[] = GFFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Generic font bitmap file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .gf

[Core.FileTypes.bitmap font]

;; Search path for bitmap font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching bitmap font

;; files.

Run-Time Defaults

EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS


;; Search path for figure files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/dvips//
Paths[] = %R/pdftex//
Paths[] = %R/tex//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching figure

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TEXPICTS

;; Figure file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .eps
Extensions[] = .epsi
Extensions[] = .png


;; Search path for HBF files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/misc/hbf//

;; HBF file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .hbf


;; Search path for MakeIndex style files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/makeindex//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MakeIndex

;; style files.

;; MakeIndex style file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ist

[Core.FileTypes.lig files]

;; Search path for ligature definition files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/lig//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching ligature

;; definition files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

Run-Time Defaults

;; Ligature definition file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .lig


;; Search path for Web2c file name database files.

Paths[] = %R

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Web2C file

;; name database files.
EnvVars[] = TEXMFDBS


;; Search path for Lua files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/{lua,}//
Paths[] = %R/tex/{$progname,generic,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Lua files.


;; File name extensions for Lua files.

Extensions[] = .lua
Extensions[] = .luatex
Extensions[] = .luc
Extensions[] = .luctex
Extensions[] = .texlua
Extensions[] = .texluc
Extensions[] = .tlu


;; Search path for font map files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching font map

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Font map file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .map


;; Search path for MetaPost memory dump files.

Paths[] = .

;; MetaPost memory dump file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mem


Run-Time Defaults

;; Search path for METAFONT input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/metafont//
Paths[] = %R/fonts/source//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching METAFONT

;; input files.
EnvVars[] = MFINPUTS

;; METAFONT file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mf


;; Search path for METAFONT program string files.

Paths[] = .

;; Environment variables to be used for searching METAFONT

;; program string files.
EnvVars[] = MFPOOL
EnvVars[] = TEXMFINI

;; METAFONT program string file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pool


;; Search path for MFT style files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/mft//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MFT style

;; files.

;; MFT style file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mft

[Core.FileTypes.misc fonts]

;; Search path for font related files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/misc//

;; Environment variables to be used for font related

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS


;; Search path for MlBibTeX database files.

Paths[] = .

Run-Time Defaults

Paths[] = %R/bibtex/bib/{mlbib,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MlBibTeX

;; databsae files.
EnvVars[] = TEXBIB

;; MlBibTeX database file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mlbib
Extensions[] = .bib


;; Search path for MlBibTeX style files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/bibtex/{mlbst,bst}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MlBibTeX

;; style files.

;; MlBibTeX style file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .bst


;; Search path for MetaPost input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/metapost//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MetaPost

;; input files.
EnvVars[] = MPINPUTS

;; MetaPost file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .mp


;; Search path for MetaPost program string files.

Paths[] = .

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MetaPost

;; program string files.
EnvVars[] = MPPOOL
EnvVars[] = TEXMFINI

;; MetaPost program string file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pool

[Core.FileTypes.MetaPost support]

Run-Time Defaults

;; Search path for MetaPost support files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/metapost/support//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching MetaPost

;; support files.


;; Search path for Omega compiled process files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/omega/ocp//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; compiled process files.

;; Omega compiled process file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ocp


;; Search path for Omega font metric files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/ofm//
Paths[] = %R/fonts/tfm//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; font metric files.
EnvVars[] = OFMFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Omega font metric file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ofm
Extensions[] = .tfm


;; Search path for Omega property list files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/opl//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; property list files.
EnvVars[] = OPLFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Omega property list file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .opl


;; Search path for Omega translation process files.

Run-Time Defaults

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/otp//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; translation process files.

;; Omega translation process file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .otp

[Core.FileTypes.opentype fonts]

;; Search path for OpenType font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/opentype//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching OpenType

;; font files.
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; OpenType font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .otf


;; Search path for Omega virtual font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/ovf//
Paths[] = %R/fonts/vf//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; virtual font files.
EnvVars[] = OVFFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Omega virtual font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ovf


;; Search path for Omega virtual property list files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/ovp//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Omega

;; virtual property list files.
EnvVars[] = OVPFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Omega virtual property list file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ovp

[Core.FileTypes.pdftex config]

Run-Time Defaults

;; Search path for pdfTeX configuration files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/pdftex/{$progname,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching pdfTeX

;; configuration files.


;; Search path for packed bitmap font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts//

;; Packed bitmap font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pk

[Core.FileTypes.other binary files]

;; Search path for program binary files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/$progname//

[Core.FileTypes.other text files]

;; Search path for program text files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/$progname//

[Core.FileTypes.PostScript header]

;; Search path for downloadable PostScript files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/{dvips,fonts/{enc,type1,type42,type3}}//
Paths[] = $psfontdirs

;; Environment variables to be used for searching downloadable

;; PostScript files.

;; Downloadable PostScript file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pro
Extensions[] = .enc


;; Search path for architecture-independent executables.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching

;; architecture-independent executables.

Run-Time Defaults


[Core.FileTypes.subfont definition files]

;; Search path for subfont definition files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/sfd//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching subfont

;; definition files.
EnvVars[] = SFDFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Subfont definition file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .sfd


;; Search path for TCX files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/miktex/config
Paths[] = %R/miktex/web2c

;; TCX file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .tcx


;; Search path for TeX input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/tex/{$progname,generic,}//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching TeX input

;; files.

;; TeX input file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .tex


;; Search path for TeX program string files.

Paths[] = .

;; Environment variables to be used for searching METAFONT

;; program string files.
EnvVars[] = TEXPOOL
EnvVars[] = TEXMFINI

;; TeX program string file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pool

[Core.FileTypes.TeX system sources]

Run-Time Defaults

;; Search path for source files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/source//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching source

;; files.

[Core.FileTypes.TeX system documentation]

;; Search path for documentation files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/doc/miktex//
Paths[] = %R/doc//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching

;; documentation files.
EnvVars[] = TEXDOCS

;; Documentation file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pdf
Extensions[] = .html
Extensions[] = .md
Extensions[] = .txt
Extensions[] = .ps
Extensions[] = .dvi


;; Search path for TeX font metric files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/tfm//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching TeX font

;; metric files.
EnvVars[] = TFMFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; TeX font metric file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .tfm

[Core.FileTypes.troff fonts]

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Troff font

;; files.
EnvVars[] = TRFONTS

[Core.FileTypes.truetype fonts]

;; Search path for TrueType font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/truetype//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching TrueType

Run-Time Defaults

;; font files.
EnvVars[] = TTFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; TrueType font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .ttf
Extensions[] = .ttc

[Core.FileTypes.type1 fonts]

;; Search path for Type1 font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/type1//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Type1 font

;; files.
EnvVars[] = T1FONTS
EnvVars[] = T1INPUTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Type1 font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .pfb
Extensions[] = .pfa

[Core.FileTypes.type42 fonts]

;; Search path for Type42 font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/type42//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching Type42 font

;; files.
EnvVars[] = T42FONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; Type42 font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .t42
Extensions[] = .T42


;; Search path for TeX virtual font files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/fonts/vf//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching TeX virtual

;; font files.
EnvVars[] = VFFONTS
EnvVars[] = TEXFONTS

;; TeX virtual font file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .vf

Run-Time Defaults

[Core.FileTypes.web2c files]

;; Search path for Web2c files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/web2c//


;; Search path for WEB input files.

Paths[] = .
Paths[] = %R/web//

;; Environment variables to be used for searching WEB input

;; files.

;; CWeb file name extensions.

Extensions[] = .web


;; Directory where METAFONT stores *.base files.

DestDir = %R/miktex/data/le


;; Directory where TeX engines store *.fmt files.

DestDir = %R/miktex/data/le/$engine


;; Directory where makepk stores *.pk files.

DestDir = %R/fonts/pk/%m/%s/%t/dpi%d


;; Directory where maketfm stores *.tfm files.

DestDir = %R/fonts/tfm/%s/%t


;; Install packages for all users.

AutoAdmin = ?

;; Install missing packages automatically (on-the-fly).

AutoInstall = ?

;; Deprecated.
ForceLocalServer = f

;; Local package repository path.

;LocalRepository =

Run-Time Defaults

;; Deprecated.
;MiKTeXDirectRoot =

;; Indicates whether proxy authentication is required.

ProxyAuthReq = f

;; Proxy host address.

ProxyHost =

;; Proxy host port.

ProxyPort = 8080

;; Remote package repository URL. Pick a random URL, if empty.

RemoteRepository =

;; The MiKTeX API endpoint.

RemoteService_4727 = https://api2.miktex.org/

;; Package stream. One of: stable, next.

RepositoryReleaseState = stable

;; Type of the package repository. One of: remote, local.

RepositoryType = remote

;; Indicates whether a proxy is configured.

UseProxy = f


;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator has checked for system-wide i
;LastAdminDiagnose =

;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator changed the system-wide confi
;LastAdminMaintenance =

;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator has installed system-wide upd
;LastAdminUpdate =

;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator has checked for system-wide u
;LastAdminUpdateCheck =

;; Last time (a time_t value) a MiKTeX administrator has updated the system-wide p
;LastAdminUpdateDb =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user has checked for issues.
;LastUserDiagnose =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user changed the configuration.
;LastUserMaintenance =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user has installed updates.
;LastUserUpdate =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user has checked for updates.

Run-Time Defaults

;LastUserUpdateCheck =

;; Last time (a time_t value) the current MiKTeX user has updated the package data
;LastUserUpdateDb =


;; Create auxiliary directory if '--aux-directory=DIR' refers

;; to a non-existing directory.
CreateAuxDirectory = t

;; Create the output directory if '--output-directory=DIR'

;; refers to a non-existing directory.
CreateOutputDirectory = t

;; Enable file:line:error style messages.

CStyleErrors = f

;; Deprecated.
;ParseFirstLine =

;; Indicates whether format files (*.fmt) will be automatically renewed.

RenewFormatsOnUpdate = t


;; Indicates whether input file encodings are guessed.

GuessInputKanjiEncoding = t

;; Maximum size of a str_entry_var.
ent_str_size = 500

;; Maximum size of a str_global_var.

glob_str_size = 200000

;; Initial maximum number of strings, including pre-defined.

max_strings = 200000

;; Minimum number of cross-refs required for automatic cite_list inclusion.

min_crossrefs = 2

All TeXMF Programs

;; TeX uses the buffer to contain input lines, but macro expansion
;; works by writing material into the buffer and reparsing the line.
;; As a consequence, certain constructs require the buffer to be very
;; large, even though most documents can be handled with a small
;; value.
buf_size = 200000

Run-Time Defaults

;; Width of context lines on terminal error messages.

error_line = 79

;; Extra low memory for boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc.

extra_mem_bot = 0

;; Extra high memory for chars, tokens, etc.

extra_mem_top = 0

;; Width of first lines of contexts in terminal error messages; should

;; be between 30 and (error_line - 15).
half_error_line = 50

;; Words of inimemory available.

main_memory = 3000000

;; Width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60.

max_print_line = 79

;; Maximum number of strings.

max_strings = 500000

;; Maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters.

param_size = 20000

;; Pool space free after format loaded.

pool_free = 47500

;; Max number of characters in all strings, including all error

;; messages, help texts, font names, control sequences. These values
;; apply to TeX and MP.
pool_size = 3250000

;; Maximum number of simultaneous input sources.

stack_size = 10000

;; Strings available after format loaded.

strings_free = 100

;; Minimum pool space after TeX/MP's own strings; must be at least

;; 25000 less than pool_size, but doesn't need to be nearly that
;; large.
string_vacancies = 90000

All TeX Programs

;; Maximum number of input files and error insertions that can be
;; going on simultaneously.
max_in_open = 50

;; Maximum number of semantic levels simultaneously active.

nest_size = 1000

Run-Time Defaults

;; Space for saving values outside current group.

save_size = 80000

;; Space for hyphenation patterns.

trie_size = 1000000

;; Total number of fonts.

font_max = 9000

;; Words of font info for TeX (total size of all TFM files,
;; approximately).
font_mem_size = 8000000

;; Extra space for the hash table of control sequences (which allows
;; 10K names as distributed).
hash_extra = 600000

;; Prime number of hyphenation exceptions.

hyph_size = 8191

;; Size of the output buffer; must be a multiple of 8.

dvi_buf_size = 16384

;; Limit on recursive expansion calls so TeX has a chance to quit nicely

;; before stack space runs out. The default is 10000. Normally there is no
;; reason to change it. The web2c manual has a bit more about this.
expand_depth = 10000

pdf_mem_size = 10000
obj_tab_size = 1000
dest_names_size = 131072
pdf_os_buf_size = 1


;; Size of stack for bisection algorithms; should probably be left at
;; this value.
bistack_size = 1500

;; Maximum number of ligature/kern steps, must be at least 255 and at

;; most 32510.
lig_table_size = 15000

;; Maximum number of knots between breakpoints of a path.

path_size = 10000

;; Number of autorounded points per cycle.
max_wiggle = 1000

Run-Time Defaults

;; Space for storing moves in a single octant.

move_size = 20000

;; Number of words for TFM information for text fonts.
font_mem_size = 10000

--landscape, 62
Index --language=lang, 75
--lib-table-size=n, 45
--list-file-types, 26
Symbols --list-modes, 30
--admin, 30, 52, 58 --logo-font=font, 29
--alias=name, 16, 18, 26, 28, 40, 44, 47, 63, 71, 77 --lua=file, 39
--aux-directory=dir, 7, 40, 44, 63, 71, 77 --luaconly, 40
--batch, 75 --luaonly, 39
--bistack-size=n, 44 --mag=mag, 18
--buf-size=n, 44, 63, 71, 77 --main-memory=n, 45, 65, 72, 78
--c-style-errors, 40, 44, 47, 63, 71, 77 --max-in-open=n, 65, 72, 78
--clean, 75 --max-pages=n, 18
--credits, 40 --max-print-line=n, 45, 65, 72, 78
--debug, 47 --max-strings=n, 45, 65, 72, 79
--debug-format, 40 --max-wiggle=n, 45
--default-paper-size=paper, 30 --min-crossrefs=n, 16
--disable-8bit-chars, , , --mkidx-option=option, 75
--disable-installer, 6, 16, 18, 28, 30, 40, 44, 52, 64, 71, 77 --mktex=fmt, 40
--disable-write18, 40, 64, 71, 77 --move-size=n, 45
--dont-parse-first-line, 44, 64, 71, 77 --must-exist, 26
--draftmode, 40, 64 --nest-size=n, 65, 72, 79
--dump, 36 --no-c-style-errors, 40, 45, 48, 65, 72, 79
--edit-config-file=file, 30 --no-file-line-error, 40, 45, 48, 65, 72, 79
--enable-8bit-chars, , , --no-file-line-error-style, 40, 45, 48, 65, 72, 79
--enable-enctex, 64, 71 --no-mktex=fmt, 40
--enable-etex, 64, 77 --no-pdf,
--enable-installer, 6, 16, 18, 28, 30, 40, 44, 52, 64, 71, 78 --no-registry, 69
--enable-mltex, 64, 71, 78 --no-shell-escape, , , ,
--enable-write18, 40, 64, 71, 78 --nosocket, 41
--error-line=n, 44, 64, 71, 78 --numbersystem=string, 48
--even-only, 62 --odd-only, 62
--expand, 75 --output-comment=string, 41
--extra-mem-bot=n, 64, 71, 78 --output-directory=dir, 41, 45, 48, 65, 72, 79
--extra-mem-top=n, 64, 71, 78 --output-driver=cmd,
--file-line-error, 40, 44, 47, 63, 71, 77 --output-format=format, 41,
--file-line-error-style, 40, 44, 47, 63, 71, 77 --overflow-label-offset=real, 29
--file-type=filetype, 26 --page-range=range, 62
--font-max=n, 64, 71, 78 --page-start=pagespec, 18
--font-mem-size=n, 64, 72, 78 --papersize=string,
--gray-font=font, 28 --param-size=n, 45, 65, 72, 79
--half-error=n, 44, 64, 72, 78 --parse-first-line, 45, 65, 72, 79
--halt-on-error, 40, 44, 47, 64, 72, 78 --path-size=n, 45
--hash-extra=n, 64, 72, 78 --pdf, 75
--help, 16, 18, 26, 28, 40, 44, 47, 58, 64, 72, 75, 78 --pool-free=n, 65, 72, 79
--hhelp, 16, 18, 28, 45, 58, 64, 72, 78 --pool-size=n, 45, 65, 73, 79
--import-all, 58 --print-method=method, 62
--import=package, 58 --print-nothing, 62
--include-directory=dir, 7, 16, 18, 29, 40, 45, 64, 72, 78 --print-only, 30
--initialize, 40, 45, 47, 64, 72, 78 --printer=printer, 62
--interaction=mode, 40, 45, 47, 65, 72, 78 --quiet, , 30, , 52, , , ,
--job-name=name, 40, 45, 47, 65, 72, 78 , , 75,
--job-time=file, 45, 65, 72, 78 --record-package-usages=file, 6, 17, 18, 29, 45, 65, 73, 79
--label-font=font, 29 --recorder, 41, 46, 48, 65, 73, 79


--register-root, 30 A
--report, 30
automatic package installation, 6
--restrict-write18, 41, 65, 73, 79
auxiliary files
--restricted, 48
removing, 7
--run-viewer, 75
specifying the directory for, 7
--safer, 41
--save-size=n, 65, 73, 79
--screen, 46 B
--select=sel, 18 BIBINPUTS, 17, 103
--set-config-value=[section]valuename=value, 31 bibliography
--set-repository=location, 59 creation, 16
--shell-escape, , , , BibTeX
--shell-restricted, , , , invoked by texify, 7
--show-config-value=[section]valuename, 31 BSTINPUTS, 17, 103
--show-path=filetype, 26
--src, 75 C
--src-specials, 65, 73, 79 cross-references
--stack-size=n, 46, 65, 73, 79 minimum number required, 16
--start, 26 resolving, 7
--string-vacancies=n, 46, 66, 73, 79
--synctex=n, 41, 66, 79 D
--tcx=tcxname, 46, 66, 73 DVI search, 8
--tex-option=option, 76
--tex=texprogram, 48
--texinfo=cmd, 76 E
--the-name-of-the-game=engine, 26 error messages
--time-statistics, 46, 66, 73, 80 C/C++ style, 40, 44, 47, 63, 71, 77
--trace=tracestreams, 17, 19, 29, 46, 55, 59, 66, 73, 80 line width, 44, 64, 71, 78
--translate-file=tcxname, , , extra_mem_bot, 11
--trie-size=n, 66, 73, 80
--troff, 48 F
--undump=name, 41, 46, 48, 66, 73, 80 file name database
--unregister-root, 31 defined, 9
--utc, 41 refreshing, 9
--verbose, 31, 52, , 76 file name datasbase
--version, 17, 19, 26, 29, 31, 41, 46, 48, 52, 56, 59, 60, refreshing, 34
66, 73, 76, 80 font_mem_size, 11
--viewer-option=option, 76 format files
-max-iterations=n, 75 build,
-s internal=NUMBER, 48
-s internal=STRING, 48 G
-slant-font=font, 29 gftodvi, 20
-src, 65, 73, 79 give back, 3
-title-font=font, 29
.bbl, 16
.bbl (bibliography file), 16
.bib (bibliographic database), 16 Knuth
.bst (bibliography style file), 16 Donald E., 3
.dvi (DVI file), 20
\write18 (run a program from within TeX), , L
, , , , , , , LaTeX
, , , invoked by texify, 7
LaTeX language definition files
configuring, 38


local additions PostScript

intergrating, 9 converting TeX output into, 20
local guide, 6 PostScript Type 1 fonts
psfonts.map, 11
M private installation, 69
main_memory, 11 project page, 3
MakeIndex psfonts.map, 24
invoked by texify, 7 creating, 11
modes, R
MFINPUTS, 46, 103, 103 registration, 3
features, 3 S
getting, 3 security, 24
how to pronounce, 3 setup wizard
registering, 3 setupwiz.opt, 68
updating, 9 setupwiz.opt, 68
MiKTeX Console shared installation, 69
running, 9 startup configuration file, 69
update wizard, 9
MiKTeX project T
how to support the, 3
texify, 7
MiKTeX Project Page, 3
TEXINPUTS, 66, 67, 74, 80, 103
MIKTEX_EDITOR, 41, 46, 66, 73, 80
TEXMF root
MIKTEX_TRACE, 17, 19, 25, 29, 42, 46, 48, 59, 60, 61,
66, 73, 80, 103
TFMFONTS, 67, 74, 80, 103
modes.mf, 43
MPINPUTS, 48, 48
mthelp, 4 U
unattended setup, 54, 69
O installing, 9
Outline fonts
psfonts.map, 11
virtual fonts
P resolving, 18
package set, 55, 69
automatic installation of, 9
finding out usages, 6
updating, 9
paper format
setting, 9
paper size
changing, 102
setting default,
distilling into, 25
PDF/PostScript font map files
configuring, 35
invoked by texify, 7
portable, 55


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