Ipc2022-87090 Modification of Existing Pipeline Corrosion Assessment Methods For
Ipc2022-87090 Modification of Existing Pipeline Corrosion Assessment Methods For
Ipc2022-87090 Modification of Existing Pipeline Corrosion Assessment Methods For
September 26-30, 2022, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Andy Russell
Newcastle, UK
1 © 2022 by ASME
ASME B31G acknowledges for pipelines subject to As noted above, there are a number of alternative
significant axial compressive stresses, these need to be assessment methodologies to assess corrosion subject to internal
accounted for but it does not include a codified procedure to pressure and compressive axial stress; however, the most widely
account for combined loading – the user is instead directed to used method is the stress based approach developed by DNVGL.
other ‘more comprehensive’ methods. The method assumes the applied axial loads are load
Other assessment methods are available that have been controlled. It is noted that the results from testing show that the
specifically developed to assess corrosion subject to combined failure behaviour will be different in a purely displacement
internal pressure and compressive loading, due to an axial force controlled environment [10][11]. For this loading scenario, the
or a bending moment. The combined loading assessment method impact of the axial load on the failure pressure is expected to be
included within DNVGL-RP-F101 (DNVGL hereafter) [2][3] is less significant. This partly depends on the available material
the most widely used in the industry and is also recommended strain capacity to allow relaxation of the applied secondary
by PDAM2 [4]. This method considers global collapse and uses stresses. In practice, it may not always be possible to clearly
a Tresca yield criterion. Alternative methods include an approach determine if the applied loading is load controlled or
developed by the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) [5], the displacement controlled (or a combination of both). In this
‘RPA-PLLC’ method [6] developed by Petrobras (based on the situation, guidance for example from the Joint Industry Project
DNVGL method) and the biaxial method (failure locus (JIP) sponsored PDAM2 [4] suggests that load control should be
diagrams) developed by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) [7][8] as part assumed.
of a project funded by Pipeline Research Council International, The DNVGL combined loading method assumes that the
Inc. (PRCI). failure surface follows the shape of a Tresca yield criterion (see
Since Modified B31G and Detailed RStreng (an effective FIGURE 1), and considers global collapse based on the net axial
area method that considers the corrosion profilei) are widely used cross-sectional area. Failure is deemed to occur when the
in the industryii, this paper presents an approach to modify these effective (Tresca) stress equals the flow stress (defined as the
assessment methods, based on the global collapse method tensile strength (TS) in this case). The method does not consider
developed by DNVGL, to allow them to be used to assess failure due to global yielding or instability/bucklingiii.
corrosion subject to combined internal pressure and compressive As shown in FIGURE 1 below, a tensile axial (longitudinal)
loading. To validate that the proposed modified assessment stress does not affect the failure pressure, but a compressive axial
methods provide safe failure pressure predictions, the results stress linearly reduces the failure pressure. The DNVGL
were compared against existing full-scale test data. This was combined loading method is only applicable if the total axial
further supported by carrying out finite element analysis (FEA) stress is compressive; i.e. after taking into account the tensile
simulations to estimate plastic collapse and local failure axial stress due to internal pressure.
pressures (based on API 579 Level 3 assessment procedures), in
order to consider the impact of different corrosion profiles on
predictions using effective area calculations. It is noted that this
work follows on from a previous paper [9] and includes
additional FEA simulations to consider the influence of the
loading order on the failure pressure. In addition, a case study is
presented showing the potential benefit of using an effective area
method when compressive loading is significant.
The complex shape assessment methodology (profile based) within DNVGL- These failure modes can be evaluated using the biaxial method developed by
2 © 2022 by ASME
The failure pressure for an anomaly under internal pressure The DNVGL equation (Part B) to estimate the failure
loading only is given by: pressure of a corrosion anomaly subject to internal pressure
loading only (Equation 1 above) has a very similar format to the
d Modified B31G failure pressure equation (Equation 6 below):
2t t
Ppres s UTS
D t 1 d 1
2t (1− 0.85 t )
Ppress = (SMYS + 68.95) (6)
t Q D (1− 0.85 d )
(1) tM
It is not necessary to include the effects of external loads if The three key differences between the failure pressure
the loads are within the following limits; where, σL iv > σ1: equations for DNVGL (Part B) and Modified B31G relate to the
1 Flow stress (DNVGL: TS vs. Modified B31G: SMYS +
1 0.5 UTS t
68.95 MPav)
1 Length (bulging) correction factor equation (or Folias
tQ (2) factor, M)
Profile factor (PF) (DNVGL: PF = 1 vs. Modified
The failure pressure for a longitudinal corrosion anomaly B31G: PF = 0.85, both flat bottomed)
(including the H1 correction factor for the influence of
compressive longitudinal stress) is given by the following To account for the effect of combined loading on the failure
equation: pressure (as determined by Equation 1), the DNVGL method
applies a correction factor (H1) based on the Tresca yield
d criterion. This criterion is based on engineering principles and is
2t t H therefore not related specifically to the DNVGL failure pressure
Pc omp UTS
D t 1 d 1 1 equation. Consequently, to account for combined loading when
t Q using Modified B31G, the Tresca based correction factor used
(3) by DNVGL has been adopted. Where appropriate, the definitions
for flow stress, Folias factor and profile factor have been
Where changed in accordance with those defined for the Modified
B31G assessment method.
L 1 Based on the modifications to the equation, the failure
UTS A r pressure for a longitudinal break (including the H1 correction for
d the influence of compressive longitudinal stress) is given by the
1 t following equation:
2A r d 1
t Q d
(4) 2t (1− 0.85 t )
Pcomp = (SMYS + 68.95) H
D (1− 0.85 d ) 1
𝑑 𝑐
𝐴𝑟 = 1 −
𝑡 𝜋𝑑
(5) (7)
Sum of longitudinal stress due to external applied axial force and bending
iv v
Based on the definition given in the original 1989 AGA report.
3 © 2022 by ASME
Folias factor is given by M and the profile factor is replaced by The failure pressures estimated by the FEA parametric study
0.85. for each of the scenarios considered were compared to the failure
As a comparison, FIGURE 2 shows an example sentence pressures calculated using the proposed updated versions of
curve (allowable corrosion depth vs. axial length) according to Modified B31G and Detailed RStreng, in order to assess their
both DNVGL and Modified B31G considering two loading conservatism and consequently determine their acceptability for
cases; i) Internal pressure only (at 72% SMYS), ii) Internal use.
pressure and a compressive stress of 200 MPa (56% SMYS). As The parametric FEA study was selected for supporting the
illustrated, the proposed Modified B31G combined loading validation, in addition to comparison with full-scale burst test
method provides a similar level of reduction in the allowable data, given the key benefit of FEA in allowing a wide range of
depths as the DNVGL combined loading method (10% to 15% scenarios to be assessed. This included different anomaly
of the wall thickness (wt) reduction, compared to allowable profiles (‘river bottom profiles’ (RBPs)) which could be
depths based on internal pressure loading only). encountered in pipelines, but are not covered by available full-
scale test data. FEA was therefore the most pragmatic way of
supporting the proposed method of predicting failure pressures
for interacting corrosion anomalies, as test data mostly covers
only single depth flat bottomed anomalies.
4 © 2022 by ASME
4.2 Parametric Study Cases and FEA Model
To conduct the parametric study, a series of 3D solid A sufficient length between the ends of the model and the
element models of a section of pipeline was created in the corrosion area was modelled, to prevent boundary condition
Abaqus FEA solver. Each of the models contained a corrosion effects from influencing the stresses at the location of the
area (or cluster) comprised of 3 to 5 individual rectangular flat- anomalies.
bottomed corrosion anomalies located adjacent to each other, As the assessments followed the elastic-plastic assessment
ensuring interaction. The combination of each corrosion area and method from API 579, the elastic-plastic true-stress true-strain
associated RBP was specifically designed to create different behaviour was modelled using the Ramberg-Osgood stress-
corrosion profiles. strainvii response derived using Annex 2E.3.3 of API 579 (see
Different combinations of geometry of the section of FIGURE 4). All analyses were performed with non-linear
pipeline and corrosion anomalies, pipeline material and geometry options turned on. As the strength assessment assumes
compressive axial loading were modelled as part of the monotonic loading, isotropic hardening and incremental
parametric study, to cover a range of scenarios. In total, 28 FEA plasticity were used with a von Mises yield criterion.
models were created with a combination of the parameters in
TABLE 1. An example of one corrosion cluster combination is
shown in FIGURE 3.
These values were selected based on the typical range of thermal compressive The yield and tensile strength values were based on specified minimum values
stresses for buried pipelines operating at temperatures of up to 100°C. as actual values were not available. Consequently, the estimated failure stress
values will be conservative relative to results using actual values.
5 © 2022 by ASME
to the other end face to put it into compression i.e.
equivalent to a temperature displacement.
A pressure load was then applied to the internal surface.
This load was increased incrementally until global
collapse or local failure was reached.
6 © 2022 by ASME
predictions using the modified version of Detailed RStreng were
appropriate and safe.
FIGURE 7 shows a comparison between the actual (from
full-scale tests or FEA simulations) and predicted failure stress
according to DNVGL’s compressive model. FIGURE 8 and
FIGURE 9 show the same comparison according to the proposed
modified versions of Modified B31G and Detailed RStreng
7 © 2022 by ASME
Combined Loading Standard
Mean Ratioxi
Assessment Method Deviation
DNVGL-RP-F101 2.34 1.46
Modified B31G 2.46 1.55
Detailed RStreng 2.30 1.38
Failure stress from full-scale tests or FEA simulations divided by predicted This approach can be automated for ILI box data, where the profile is
failure stress. approximated by rectangular boxes. For clusters, the profile is approximated
based on the boxes that make up the cluster.
8 © 2022 by ASME
Repair DNVGL Detailed RStreng REFERENCES
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9 © 2022 by ASME