The Earth Is Warming and Places Are Burning

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The Earth is warming and places are burning. Water is rising, and cities are flooding.

The air isn’t safe to

breathe in certain areas. Global warming is responsible for all this.

This year alone, we have seen many plagues, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and many other natural
disasters hit the world. Experts say this is a result of global warming that we have been responsible for
over the past 50 years. The water is rising and the towns are flooded. Global warming is the cause of all
of this.

Climate change is caused by various activities. It leads to a dramatic change in temperature. The drastic
increase in temperature triggers calamities like floods, droughts, intense rainfall and severe heat waves.
A rise in temperature causes the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps thus leading to a rise in sea level.
The average temperature has risen in many places along the decade.
Some parts of Asia and Africa have experienced more frequent and intense droughts in recent decades.
The global warming and the greenhouse effect are the most pressing issues at hand.

Climate changes can be pinned to two main factors- natural and activities of humans. Natural events like
volcanic eruptions, oceanic currents, change in the orbit of earth and solar variations cause change in
climate in their own ways. Similarly ocean currents have great impact on the climate as well as a large
part of earth is made of oceans and seas. We know that due to the orbit of earth we experience seasons
and even a little tilt of earth can cause severe changes in the climate. The man caused pollution and
cutting down of plants has also played a key role in climatic changes.

The climatic changes are also having impact on biodiversity which is very important for the plants and
animals for maintaining their habitat and the ecosystem. It is a deeper and more problematic issue than
what it just seems.

Atmospheric pollutants, mainly carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, accumulate on the surface
of the atmosphere, absorbing sunlight and reflecting the sun's rays back to Earth, creating the
greenhouse effect and global warming.

Global warming is a threat to the global environment in the near future. Global warming means that the
temperature of the Earth's atmosphere continues to rise. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide,
greenhouse gases and other air pollutants accumulate in the atmosphere.

Global warming has affected the earth in the last century. It is the aftereffect of various human activitie
s. It is the rapid increase in Earth’s temperature primarily due to greenhouse gases, which are released
due to the burning of fossil fuels. The gases that have been altering the Earth’s temperature include
water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and dinitrogen oxide.

Throughout the Earth’s history, the climate has cooled and warmed for various reasons. Rapid warming
like we see today is unusual for the history of the planet. Volcanic eruption, snow and ice also affect the
climate. Volcanic eruptions spew out more than just lava and ash. It also releases tiny particles of
sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere which gets to the stratosphere and reflect the radiation back into
space. When snow and ice melt, less energy is reflected which causes more warming.
One needs to try and take part to stop global warming as it causes climate change. If the temperature
keeps on rising, living things would become extinct due to high temperatures. We need to take a stand
and go our part to protect our planet.

Humans released a huge amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
These gases come from the burning of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases have a tendency to act like a
blanket, trapping heat and leading to a rise in temperature. This is also known as the Greenhouse Effect
which is essential to support life on this planet. However, building up of greenhouse gases leads to
climate change and is dangerous to human health and the ecosystem.

A stable climate has been enjoyed by the people since the last ice age, which ended thousands of years
ago. A warmer climate may affect our water supplies, agriculture, natural environment as well as our
own health and safety. Climate change is irreversible it is because the carbon dioxide that is present in
the atmosphere will stay for as long as a century and will continue to increase the temperature of the

These are the gases within the atmosphere which absorb & emit the heat radiations. These heat-
trapping gases absorb the sunlight & the radiations that would have escaped into space—the
atmospheric temperature rises, which further agitates & boils our weather. According to statistics, in
comparison to the 19th century, there has been a rise in the average temperature by 0.8 degree Celsius.
At the pace of greenhouse gases emission, it is estimated that the three will be an increase of 1.5 to 5.3
degree Celsius by the end of 2100 in the average temperature.

example using optimum household electricity which can reduce the fossil fuel burning, using public
transport to reduce the vehicular emissions, planting trees etc. will have an impact on the reducing the
emissions of the country. Let us take a step forward to preserve the beauty of the planet for our next
generations. Let’s pledge to save & restore the natural beauty of the planet.

A. Attention Grabber and Introduction Paragraph:

B. Thesis: The causes of global warming and climate change are because of increased emissions of
greenhouse gases, and the effects of this are rising temperatures and more severe natural disasters.

One of the main greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide (CO2).

As trees grow they take in CO2 from the air. When the wood dies the CO2 is returned to the air. Forest
clearance and wood burning (such as happens in tropical rain forests) is increasing the latter half of the
process, adding to the CO2 in the atmosphere. Deforestation is now out of control. For example in 1987
an area of the Amazon rain forest the size of Britain was burned, adding 500 million tonnes of CO2 to
the atmosphere. According to 2018 satellite data compiled by a deforestation monitoring program
called Prodes, deforestation has hit its highest rate in a decade. About 7,900 km2 (3,050 sq miles) of the
rainforest was destroyed between August 2017 and July 2018. The loss of the forests also means that
there are fewer trees to absorb CO2.
However, as large a contribution as deforestation makes, studies in 2018 - 2019 suggest deforestation
only causes around 8 to 10% of global CO2 emissions, the rest comes from the burning of coal, oil and
other fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are burned in cars, power stations and factories of the wealthier
nations such as the USA, Western Europe and the USSR. The concentration of CO2 has increased 40%
since the industrial revolution, half of this rise has been in the last 30 years. It is expected to double
within decades.

Televisions, lights and computers use electricity that is created mainly from burning oil and coal. This is
why saving energy by doing simple things like turning off the lights helps to reduce pollution. Cars are
also major sources of CO2.

It is also accepted that those of us living in the Western world, or more developed countries contribute
far more to this problem than those in developing countries. The average European is responsible for
nearly 2.5 times as much atmospheric carbon as a Latin American.

For more information see Pollution factsheets and to find out more about fossil fuels take a look at
Energy. Related factsheets include Acid Rain, Meat free Mondays, Our Battered Biosphere.

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A very good morning to the audience present. Now-a-days, every one of us is well aware of the threat of
climate change. It is a serious issue increasing continuously because of global warming. It is a big issue
for our future generations to face all the challenges of this irreversible change in the environment.
Global warming is the regular increase in atmospheric temperature of the earth. Earlier the rate of rise
in temperature was slow however currently it is going at a faster rate. The main causes of global
warming are greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. Such gases gets
collected in the atmosphere and trap heat from all resources like the sun, and other resources. The level
of greenhouse gases also raise because of human activities such as burning trees, burning fossil fuels,
electric lights, use of refrigerator, microwave, air conditioners, and other electric machines. Such
process releases high percentage of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
causing the earth temperature to rise.
Due to the rise of the earth's temperature, various problems are caused. The increasing temperature of
the earth causes the destruction of various wildlife creatures due to the destruction of their habitats.
Because of increasing temperature in the environment, the arctic glaciers start melting and threatening
the lives of polar bears. Melting glaciers creates lots of water which increases sea levels and might as
well flood the nearby cities. Increasing ocean temperatures creates problems to the life of plants and
animals of water causes algae to die and disturbs the entire food chain.
We should change our habits positively in order to reduce waste by choosing the use of reusable
products instead of disposable one. We should buy products having minimal packaging to reduce the
amount of wastes. We should recycle paper, newspaper, glass, aluminium cans, etc. Regular use of the
CFL instead of regular light bulbs would help in eliminating around 90 billion pounds of greenhouse
gases from the atmosphere.
We should try to drive less and in very smart way for the fewer harmful gas emissions. We should try to
walk by foot as much as possible instead of using bike, car or other means of transport.
Together with changing our own habits, we should encourage others to conserve energy by reducing
lights use as much as possible.
Thank You

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