Villanueva Sim

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Let’s Check!

1. Instruction: Read the Story of the Wemmicks and write a summary of the
Story of the Wemmicks? (Include all the characters and their role in the life
of Punichello) with a minimum of 5 sentences each. (20 points). Guided

a. Who are these characters in my real-life situation? (Each of them)

The characters in real life are me myself, I am punichello in the story.
The one who always gives the best to make the family proud but still
not enough because they only see my weakness side. They only see
the wrong doing of me. What about my positive side? I only matter to
them when I get a biggest achievement in life. The wemmicks are the
people of God, the people surround me, the people who is ready to
judge you even if they don’t know you. Sometimes they judge you
because they cannot do the things that you do. Eli in the story is God in
real life, who made us unique and beautiful. God is always there to
guide us in our right path, to encourage us to face those challenges in
life because God made us to be strong not to be weak. Let us enjoy
our life and know more our purpose. Do not listen to the negative
comments of other people. Be who you are. lastly Lucia who is our
guardian angel in real life. Some of us don’t believe in guardian angel
but remember angels appears in unexpected time

b. How do I relate myself in the situation of Punichello? (Personal


I can relate myself to Punichello in a way of I’m always overlooked,

always the second choice, just an option, never a priority, yet it seems
like I’m always being watched, judged and compared. I’m will be never
be good enough for anything and the is always someone waiting to let
you know what I did wrong and what I could have done better. And I
will be never the best and, no matter what, some always find reason be
make me wrong even thought my actions was right.

I didn’t care anymore about trying to please everybody and I didn’t care
about their silly ideas of what is perfection, of what made you good and
what made you bad. I accepted the fact that, for some people, I’ll never
be good enough and, in most cases, there will always be someone
better than me. But I had also realized something else, something that
has given me the opportunity to still be the be and not to worry about
measuring up to those who have unrealistic standards. I finally realized
that I will always be the best me. No matter, no one can ever be better
than me at being myself.
Let’s Analyze!
Who Am I?

Briefly describe yourself using the table presented below. Fill each table
with your experiences that reflex each character.

As a human As a child in the As a child of As a student

Person Family God

Who am I as a As a child in the As a child of When in comes to

person? I’m family, I’m very God, I am a school, I’m the
always eager and loving and caring believer of him. I type of student
curios to learn person, I always surrender my life who is eager to
new things. Clam, value the time I to Jesus our lord learn and also,
honest, spend more time creator and I’m very friendly
determined, once with my family. owner and
I made a I’m the joker in accommodating
decision, I mean the family and I
it. And self- loved to hear
respect has there laughs and
always been my their happy faces
top priority. I
usually run away
from toxic people.
Though I hate
losing someone
its really hurts,
but they can ruin
your peace

Let’s Check!

Identify the Philosopher being asked in each statement below. Write your
answer before each number.

Socrates 1. The state of your inner being (soul/self) determines the quality of
your life.
St. Augustine 2. He held that the soul held the Truth and was capable of scientific
John Locke 3. He believed that the “self” is identified with consciousness and this
“self” consists of sameness of consciousness.

Renee Descartes4. He emphasized the use of reason to describe, predict, and

understand natural phenomena based on observational and empirical evidence.

Plato 5. The “soul” is indeed the most divine aspect of the humans being.
Socrates 6. He is known for his method of inquiry.

Socrates 7. His goal is the fulfillment of happiness.

St. Augustine 8. He reasoned those human beings through the senses could sense
the material, temporal objects as we interacted with the material world.

Rene Descartes9. He added that there is only one thing we could be sure in this
world, and that was everything could be doubted.

John Locke 10. He insisted that a person could only be held accountable for
behaviors he/she can remember.

Let’s Check!

Identify the philosopher being asked in each statement below. Write your
answers before each number.

Sigmund Freud1. He proposed the existence of the unconscious.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty2. He is known for his belief on embodied subjectivity.

David Hume 3. He asserted that “self” does not exist; instead, he stressed that
perceptions are only active for as long as an individual is conscious.

Rene Descartes 4. He was known for this phrase, “I act, Therefore, I am.”

Maurice Merleau-Ponty 5. He was famous for his idea on eliminative materialism.

Sigmund Freud6. He practiced psychoanalysis in answering questions about the

human psyche.
Immanuel Kant7. He stressed that the body and its qualities are rooted to the “self.”

Gilbert Ryle 8. He asserted that sensations, thoughts, and feelings do not belong
to a mental world separate from the physical world.
Henri Bergson9. The body acts what the mind perceives as a unified one.

Henry Bringson10. There is a constant movement of memories and impulses from

one level to another.

In a Nutshell

Journal #1: What is your own philosophy in life since you are still a student? Write it
on a one-page paper, printed or handwritten to be submitted through LMS.

My philosophy in life was knowledge is the most important in this world we can save
the world with the power of our knowledge for example this pandemic brought as
many challenges that make us even stronger do what you think is right, but always
remember think before taking action of a certain things you do.

Let’s Check!

Identify the words that is being asked in each statement below. Write your
answers before each number.

Body 1. It refers to the generalized view of self.

Divine Universal Consciousness 2. It is the divine universal consciousness.

Person perception3. It refers to the mental processes that perceive one’s own traits.

Refera 4. It embodies specific values, thoughts, or ideas that play an important

role in determining the person’s sense of “self.”

Kesh Temple Hymn 5. These are the earliest religious writings in the East.

Collectivism 6. It refers to the extent that we value our duty to groups to which we
Person perception 7. It refers to the mental processes that perceive one own’s traits.

Mental processes 8. person perception.

Confucianism 9. It means having the right to practice propriety in all that you do.

Self 10. It is the tendency to see reality as an aggregate of parts.

Eastern society11. It accepts the truth as given and is more interested in finding the

Western Tradition12. Acknowledged to be “imbued with a style of thinking based on

dichotomy and binary opposition.”

Materialistic /Rationalistic13. Tends to discredit explanation that do not use analytic-

deductive modes of thinking.

Ancient Egyptians14. The principle of cosmic order.

The Four Noble Truths 15. Composed of the teachings of Buddha.

Let’s Analyze!

Instructions: Determine the Filipino traits observed in the surroundings and classify
it accordingly to eastern or western influence. Give a brief explanation.

Filipino Traits Eastern Influence Western Influence

1. Honest Being honest is the best Be honest so other
thing to do to show people can trust you
respect with other people

2. Respectful Being respectful is one of Respect others if you

our best deeds saying “po want others to respect
and opo” you
3. Calm and Collected Being calm when it Being calm to stay safe
comes to any aspect that
the best thing Filipinos do

4. Resourceful Showing important in any Creating things from

waste disposal from scratches without using
others and creating toys the old things they more
etc. with the use of recommend new parts
garbage of others

5. Hardworking Enjoying their jobs Enjoying their jobs

wholeheartedly thinking their salary

6. Passionate Passion is important but Learn to accept things

learn to trust yourself
7. Achievements Learn to trust yourself Must be representable to
and do what so that you others so they can
can conquer all remember who you are
8. Goal Remember to look where The goal in your life is to
you came from and give do best and enjoy what
them what they deserve you want
9. Meditation Controlling your mind You can decide your
through emotions can do passion if you can
things well understand it’s nature
10. Leadership Good leader always Leader should do
listing to their people whatever they want
without asking others
In a Nutshell

Journal # 2: Write briefly an essay about your realization in identifying your traits
that influence both eastern and western concept. (30 points.)

In my perception, my realization in identifying traits about how it influences both

eastern and western concepts are that it is important in understanding the self that
we realize the blending of western and eastern traits. First , the western concept of
self aim the four categories on how to term “self” is used on contemporary
discussion, these four categories are Analytical, Monotheistic, individualistic, and
materialistic which explains that explains that it has its different perspective which
explains that it has its different perspective on how they can fully understand the
concept of self describes Hindu philosophy, Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Arabic
concept which explains that it has different aspects and features to discover the
concept of self-based on its traits and understanding, As a matter of fact, it is very
import to understand and realize these aspects where it helps us to gain more
knowledge between Western and Eastern concept. In my opinion, it is critical to
recognize the mixing of western and eastern features when finding traits that impact
both eastern and western conceptions. First, the Western concept of self is divided
into four categories based on how the term "self" is used in contemporary debates.
These four categories are Analytical, Monotheistic, Individualistic, and Materialistic,
each of which offers a unique perspective on how to fully comprehend the concept of
self. In addition, the Eastern idea of self describes Hindu philosophy, Buddhism, and
Confucianism, while the Arabic concept shows how to discover the concept of self-
based on its qualities and knowledge. In reality, it is critical to comprehend and
recognize these elements, as they aid us in gaining a better understanding of
Western and Eastern beliefs.

Let’s Check!


a. the basic unit of the society. Family

b. He/she is concerned with the questions of the person in the community.
c. Premodern society is concerned with social patterns.
d. He/she coined the theory of social self. George Herbert Mead
e. what are those stages proposed in the concept of developing self; describe in
brief. (6pts) These stages include the preparatory stage, play stage, and game
f. Sociologist study human behavior, express that people create social network by
joining groups.
g. it is described of interaction of two or more people sharing similar characteristic.
social group
h. Group influenced by the Family is known to be Family Influence.
i. and if it is influenced with your self-interest is embedded as organic
j. Developmental Psychologist – Catherine Raef (2010) – believed that culture can
influence how you view: B. Relationships C. Personality traits D. Achievement E.
Expressing emotions.
k. According to him/her that a child undergoes to 4 stages in cognitive development
l. Piag

Let’s Analyze!

Instruction: Make a graphic organizer of the theory that explains your traits,
behavior as an individual in connection to psychological views of self.

Traits/Behavior/Mannerism Explanation
I’m shy and timid As it was stated on Allport’s personality
theory, your traits and characteristics would
be imbued in yourself throughout your whole
I’m quite and cold type of person. This is the “me” that I show and present to
others. This is called “public self/persona”

I would change my opinion or stand Humans are not always right. But through
on an issue once I learned some having experience, they would reflect form it
facts and gain knowledge. Then they would be
able to form their own ideas and opinion.
That was stated in “cognitive department.”
I always obey my parents Healthy false self because I could still
function as an individual even if I kind of
pretend to be someone I am truly not.

Theory of Cognitive Development

In a Nutshell

Journal # 4
Instruction: Draw or present a picture or an object that best represent yourself in all
aspects of life. Make a brief explanation of why you chose such object/ picture.

Sunflower represent me because as a sunflower even in the darkest days in my life I

will stand tall and find the sunlight in every step of my journey.

Let’s Check!

Identification: Find the term ask in each question. Write your answer on the space

Adolesence1. It is the stage of development when individuals become sexually


Sex-Determining Region Y gene 2. What is the meaning of SRY or the male Y


Erogenous zone3. It describes the areas of the body that are highly sensitive to
stimuli and are often sexually exciting.

Sexual Stimulation4. It is serving as the primary erotic stimulus

Sexual Response 5. It refers to the sequence of physical and emotional

occurrences when the person is participating in a sexually stimulating activity.
Oxytocin 6. It is belonging to the role of hormones in sexual activity in which it is
also known as the “love hormone”.

Hypothalamus7. It is the most important part of the brain for sexual functioning.

Stage 1 Initial Meeting/Atrraction8. This stage involves the desire to have lasting
communication with your significant other.

Estrogen and Progesterone 9. It is belonging to the role of hormones in sexual

activity in which it is typically regulate motivation to engage in sexual behavior.

Hormonal Contraception10. It refers to a method that manipulates the hormones

which directly affect the normal menstrual cycle so that ovulation will not occur.

Let’s Analyze!

For boys: How was your experience the first time you had your nocturnal
emission? How did you cope with your feeling of awkwardness, negativity,
especially since it was accompanied by bodily changes?

The first time I had nocturnal emission It felt weird and Awkward, I think I had my first
nocturnal emission when I was 13 or 14 It felt a little bit weird even though I didn’t do
anything to make it happened and it made me worried about that day I did tell I to my
brother and he say it’s normal in that early age because he already experiences it
and teaches me how to avoid it. But as the time goes by, I learn how to manage my
nocturnal emission.

Do you have a crush now? A boyfriend/girlfriend? How are you dealing/

managing with your emotions? Do you consult your parents? Friends?
Classmates about it? How did you manage your communication with each
other considering the pandemic at present?

This pandemic brought many challenges when it comes to relationship the First to 5
months was really hard to be honest, she was in Davao city and I live in the province
the miscommunication can bring you to the edge. She was always mad at me I don’t
know why I did nothing wrong, in that instant our relationship was at the point of
breaking up. And I can’t handle my emotions that time but thanks to all of my friends
keep cheering me up
What were your honest view about sexual self?

Moving from an outside-in to an inside-out experience of our sexuality is the goal

of sexual self-awareness. It's about determining our legacy by knowing our
heritage. It's about the type of sexual healing that enables us to value erotic joys
as part of the human experience.

Let’s Check!

Instruction: Identify the terms asked in each question. Write your answers in the
space provided.

1. In this age everything in our society is based upon in the idea that
consumption should be easy as possible. Consumption and Production
2. Consumers are often portrayed as victims, exploited by greedy companies?
3. It is an image we build for ourselves through social interaction. Consumerism
4. Consumer Culture has turned into a lifestyle?
5. A psychologist in the 1950s who refer the identity as a social category and
social distinguishing? Identity
6. One of the strongest forces affecting modern people’s lives. Consumerism
7. As a consumer, consumption comes with responsibility and obligation?
8. People are slowly realizing that the power of consumption is stopping us from
finding the true and sincere happiness? Psychological/Sociological
9. Consumers keeps companies alive Production
10. Studies has observed that every waking moment in consumerism has become
a cycle of alternating time-space for work and time-space for consumption?
Let’s Check!
IDENTIFICATION. State which Filipino characteristic is described or
exemplified in each item.

1. submitting schoolwork at the last minute even when ample time was given
2. the smiling faces of Filipinos despite being in the midst of a calamity, usually
captured in news broadcasts.
3. dragging other classmates down just because the teacher gave you a failing
4. not studying the lessons before an examination, claiming bahala na si
5. having debt of gratitude towards someone who raised you and gave you a
good life
6. during group project meet-ups, there is always that one classmate who arrives
two hours later than the originally planned meetup time

7. being embarrassed about wearing local brands

8. going to mass every Sunday and other holy days of obligation
9. getting a perfect score in the quiz and declaring naka-chamba lang
10. choosing family above all else, even if it means giving up personal choices
1. Filipino-Time
2. Kapalaran Values
3. Crab Mentality
4. Tsamba Lang Attitude
5. Utang na Loob
6. Filipino-Time
7. Crab Mentality
8. Religiosity
9. Tsamba Lang Attitude
10. Familism or Close Family Relations
In a Nutshell
Divide the Filipino traits discussed. Which ones do you think are positive,
and which ones are negative?
Tsamba Lang Attitude
Utang na Loob
Crab Mentality
Familism or Close Family Relations
Kapalaran Values

Let’s Check!

In a Venn Diagram, briefly compare and contrast Religion from Spirituality.


 Truth  Faith Based  Truth Discovery

Knowledge  Belief  Formless
 Structured  Direction  Inclusive
 Exclusive  Can Overlap  Experience based
 Belief system  Can lift Spirits  Modernize
 Traditional  Lifestyle  Internal Divinity
 External  Purpose
Divinity  Practice of behavior
 Morals
 Practice of
Let’s Analyze!

Read, and write a reaction / reflection paper about the poem below.

The Creation Story

(From the Hopi natives)

The Creator gathered all of Creation and said,

"I want to hide something from the humans until
they are ready for it."

The eagle said,

"Give it to me, I will take it to the moon."

The Creator said,

"No. One day they will go there and find it."

The salmon said,

"I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean."

"No. They will go there too."

The buffalo said,

"I will bury it on the Great Plains."

The Creator said,

"They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even there."

Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees
with spiritual eyes, said,
"Put it inside of them."

And the Creator said,

The story of the creation by the Hopi natives depicts how the creator desires to give his
creation something that they will discover when the right time comes. The eagle, the
buffalo, and the salmon suggest places where they can hide what the creator desires to
hide but they realize that those places are accessible to humans. This means that
humans have skills and capabilities which are tangible. Hence, grandmother mole
suggest that the creator place it inside them which the creator already did when the
creations were made. The creator put inside them "the realization that they create their
own reality" (Hopi natives, 1). This means that humans have the capacity to realize their
own dreams, achieve goals in life, and forge their own paths. It is a realization that the
creator made them in its likeness that they too can CREATE. Sometime in life, we do
not know what will become of our future. Our fate stays hidden until we do something to
direct our lives to the path where we want to be. It is something we realize through the
passing of time, that we have the ability and power to become what we want and to give
meaning and purpose to our own life.

In a Nutshell

Journal # 5
Do you consider yourself to be spiritual, religious, or none of both? Write a journal entry
about your Spiritual Self.

I consider myself spiritual and religious. I pray and believe in God. I choose as much
possible the will or act according to God's teachings. I am also religious since as a Catholic,
I always pray the rosary and go to church. And follow the traditions and acts of Christianity
This is my journal entry about my Spiritual self. In days that everything is challenging, I pray
and ask God's guidance. When times when my prayer are answered I praise and thank God.
For waking me up every day I say thank you Lord for another blessing of life. Every day I
know I am sinful I say sorry for all my wrongdoings, for the bad thinking, harsh words and
selfish acts I done I apologize. As I believe that goodness is what we must possess, I try my
best to choose the things or actions that are good and not sinful. Though I am not perfect I
try my best to follow God and be spiritually nurtured. This time of pandemic, I and my family
always pray the rosary and recite the novena.
Let’s Analyze!

Instruction: In a graphic organizer, indicate your personal traits arrange by

different views of self (physical, sexual, material, political, spiritual, and digital).


I don’t have much time to My way toward I am obsessed with

exercise, it’s not really recapturing sexual self- buying stuff but mostly of
necessary for me I just view and boosting them are important, I
focus more on my works, confidence can appear to matter most on my needs
though it it’s important in be exceptionally than my wants, I am not
this society to take care overpowering toward the the kind of person who is
of our physical self as a star. I increase a superior not wise about money, I
lot of people consider comprehension of self think about the expenses
beauty than brains but and get back in contact I spent for my education
not generally. with self requires and for the needs of my
significant investment, a family, sometimes I buy
feeling of receptiveness, for myself like clothes and
and backing from peers, shoes.
family and companions.


I discovered that I am a Even though I have a I have a lot of time on

lot more republican than I religion which is roman social media doing
before suspected. The catholic I am not really unnecessary thing, I can’t
republican has into it, but I have a keep myself productive
confidence in government connection with Jesus cause of it, but I learned
assistance change that and all the love and the at it and socialize with
takes out waste, sacrifice he made, I have people, and read online
misrepresentation, and ethics, and I recognize articles and watch movies
abuse. myself in all being. and series, I have a lot of
friends, some I haven’t
seen in person yet.
Let’s Analyze!

Instruction: Create your own coping strategy of your stated recent situation in all
your roles (Etc. student, son, daughter, parent, citizen).
Student Son/Daughter
As a student, being friendly with As the youngest son in our family, I
none toxic people that could full always listen to my brother and my
you down. As a student my parents
responsibility is to gain knowledge
to exchange all the hard works that
my parent did. what good about
me? is that I always listen to my
teacher or ideas of my classmates
Citizen Parent/ future parent
As I am citizen in this country, I’m As a future parent I will always tell
active when it comes to clean and to my future children how loving
green program here in our and caring my parents is. I will do
province. To help my fellow people my best to keep them safe and to
here in our small province. have a Goodlife in the future
In a Nutshell

Instruction: Create your own parody about the topic/ content/ lesson
individually/by pair/ by group using a popular melody or tune.


Coping Strategies

Academic Academic
satisfaction dissatisfaction

Positive coping strategies Negative coping strategies

Positive Planning/ Denial of Distancing/ Acceptance/

reappraisal Resolution Problem Distraction Resignation

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