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Received: 30 July 2021 Accepted: 9 August 2021

DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12816


Visual and digital tooth shade selection methods, related

effective factors and conditions, and their accuracy and
precision: A literature review

Farhad Tabatabaian DDS, MS | Elaheh Beyabanaki DDS, MS |

Parisa Alirezaei DDS, MS | Saied Epakchi DDS, MS

Department of Prosthodontics, School of

Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Abstract
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Objective: Despite developments of dental shade selection methods, shade selection
Correspondence is still a challenge affecting esthetic outcomes. The purpose of this review was to dis-
Farhad Tabatabaian, Department of cuss visual and digital shade taking methods, related effective factors and conditions,
Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, and their accuracy and precision to find out the most accurate, precise shade selec-
Daneshjoo Blvd., Tehran 1983963113, Iran. tion method available in dentistry.
Email: [email protected];
[email protected] Overview: The key terms of accuracy, background, ceramic, color, colorimeter, color
analysis, color science, color measurement, color measuring instrument, color matching,
composite resin, dental/tooth shade guide, digital camera, esthetics, imaging, imaging
application/program/ software, intraoral scanner, light source, photography, precision,
shade, shade matching/ determination/prediction/reproduction/selection, shade taking
device, spectrophotometer, spectrophotometry, tooth color measurement, tooth color/
shade, and visual perception were used separately and jointly to detect related English-
language articles published between January 1, 1985, and January 1, 2021. Electronic/
non-electronic searches of Google Scholar/PubMed/Scopus/Web of Science were
accomplished. Consequently, 249 articles were considered. Accordingly, the digital
methods show higher accuracy and precision compared to the visual methods while
requiring to be enhanced regarding accuracy to achieve ideal shade taking results.
Conclusions: Dental spectrophotometers provide the highest overall accuracy and
precision among different shade selection methods while needing clinical setting to
control related effective factors/conditions and technological improvement to per-
form optimally.
Clinical Significance: Different factors can affect the accuracy and precision of tooth
shade selection methods and devices. The understanding of these effective factors may
lead to a standard shade taking protocol using accurate, precise methods and devices.

accuracy, color measurement, digital shade matching, precision, visual tooth shade selection

J Esthet Restor Dent. 2021;1–21. © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC. 1


1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N upgraded to ΔE94 in 1994: ΔE94 = {[ΔL0 /(kLSL)]2 + [ΔC0 /(kCSC)]2 + [ΔH0 /

(kHSH)]}1/2 to elaborate the color properties of lightness, chroma, and hue
For many years, color had been considered as a quality which was dif- based on their importance using both CIELab and CIELCh parameters.19
ficult to understand, evaluate, communicate, and reproduce in den- In 2000, the CIE suggested the most accurate color difference formula:
tistry. Munsell changed ideas about color with introduction of a color ΔE00 = {[ΔL0 /(kLSL)]2 + [ΔC0 /(kCSC)]2 + [ΔH0 /(kHSH)]2 + RT[(ΔC0 /kCSC)] 
notation and specification of a color space with three color properties [ΔH0 /(kHSH)]}1/2 to modify the lightness errors.19,20 This formula considers
including lightness or value (luminous intensity of a color), hue (color more color attributes and also gives more value to L* which is critical in
appearance or perception of an object's color, e.g., red, green), and dentistry. For clinical judgment, perceptibility and acceptability thresholds
chroma (color saturation or purity) in 1904.1,2 He allocated numerical have been defined based on color difference values. A 50:50% percepti-
amounts to the color properties while including physical samples to bility threshold regards as a situation in which 50% of raters discover a
determine objects' color. Accordingly, the Commission Internationale color difference between two objects whereas the other 50% detect no
de l'Eclairage (CIE) (the International Commission on Illumination) difference. Also, the color difference which is acceptable for 50% of
defined criteria for color measurement in 1931.4 raters represents a 50:50% acceptability threshold.10,14,21 As a result, the
The CIE utilized three coordinates to detect a color in a color former is quantitatively less than the latter.
space systematized by identification of the light source, the object, Nowadays, visual methods using dental shade guides, digital
and the observer.5 Human eyes possess three kinds of rod cells for methods using shade taking devices, imaging systems, and color
color perception according to the wavelength of the visible light matching software programs are available to determine, analyze, and
reflected from an object including: short wavelengths (380–500 nm) verify the tooth color.21–23 Despite these improvements, dental shade
related to blue color (B), medium wavelengths (430–600 nm) related selection has been a challenge in dentistry, and therefore, several
to green color (G), and long wavelengths (530–700 nm) related to red review studies have evaluated dental color measuring devices and
color (R). The CIE released the concept of standard observer based on systems10–14,21; however, to the best of the authors' knowledge, they
the average human reaction to light wavelengths indicating the man- failed to comprehensively assess newly-developed color matching
ner of an average human to see color across the visible spectrum (xyz devices, the effective factors and conditions related to diverse shade
equivalent of RGB). With multiplication of the spectral curve of the selection methods, and the accuracy and the precision of these
object (derived from wavelengths of the light reflected) by the spec- methods in comparison with each other with consideration of the
tral curve of a standard illuminant (derived from the relative spectral quantitative data extracted from the current literature. Therefore, the
power of the light source wavelength) and by the tristimulus values of purpose of this review was to discuss available shade selection
the standard observer (xyz), the object tristimulus values (XYZ) were methods, related effective factors and conditions, and their accuracy
calculated.4 and precision based on the literature to find out the most accurate,
The need for color measuring instruments led to employ tristimu- precise shade selection method available in dentistry.
lus cameras/colorimeters with transmittance spectra imitating color
coordinates in order to read visible spectrum using photodetectors in
digital imaging.6,7 In 1940, Beckman and his colleagues invented a 2 | METHODS
spectrophotometer, measured the reflection/transmission properties
of an object as a basis of wavelength, presented the whole spectral The key terms of accuracy, background, ceramic, color, colorimeter,
curve with high accuracy, and quantified the CIE color attributes.8,9 color analysis, color science, color measurement, color measuring
However, the first commercial dental shade guide, named the VITA instrument, color matching, composite resin, dental/tooth shade
Lumin Vacuum and launched in 1956, was not based on color parame- guide, digital camera, esthetics, imaging, imaging application/program/
ters. Thus, Sproull emphasized the three-dimensional nature of color software, intraoral scanner, light source, photography, precision,
and indicated difficulties of shade determination due to several fac- shade, shade matching/determination/prediction/ reproduction/
tors affecting the tooth color and inefficacy of existing shade guides selection, shade taking device, spectrophotometer, spectrophotome-
while suggesting feasible methods for color measurement, control, try, tooth color measurement, tooth color/shade, and visual percep-
and match in 1973. As a result, different dental shade guides tion were used both separately and jointly. An electronic search of the
were fabricated mainly based on color parameters. As observing con- Google Scholar/PubMed/Scopus/Web of Science database was con-
ditions might impact shade selection using dental shade guides, dental ducted by two reviewers separately to detect related original, review,
color measuring devices were launched as well.14 or case report English-language articles published between January
The CIE introduced the CIELab (L*: lightness; a*: redness-greenness; 1, 1985, and January 1, 2021. Consequently, 367 articles were initially
b*: yellowness-blueness) color system in 1976 based on the opponent- included. Three reviewers evaluated these articles' relevance to the
colors theory stating that two colors cannot be both red and green simul- subject of the study, as a result, 133 articles were excluded and 234
taneously, and comparably, yellow and blue,15,16 while releasing another articles were included after reading the title and the abstract of the

system, entitled CIELCh (L*: lightness; C*: chroma; h : hue angle), to con- articles. The included articles were collected, cross-checked in terms
nect the CIELab to the Munsell system.17 Also, the CIE presented a color of inclusion/exclusion criteria (database type, date, article type, and
difference formula: ΔEab = [(ΔL)2+(Δa)2 + (Δb)2]1/2,18 which was relevance), and organized by one reviewer based on the type of shade

selection method assessed in the articles. A non-electronic search was Moreover, manufacturers have produced their original guides for their
performed by the same reviewer and 15 classic articles of color science products because different materials and brands show different colors
were also added. The articles were divided between four reviewers and optical properties.36–41 The fabrication of shade guides with the
based on their subject (visual/digital methods, dental shade guides, digital actual restorative material has been suggested, otherwise the shade
cameras, colorimeters, spectrophotometers, and intraoral scanners) to be and optical properties of the restorative material may differ from
analyzed and summarized. Totally 249 articles were considered and shade guides.42 Using actual ceramic shade guides rather than non-
reviewed in different sections and subsections of this study considering homogeneous shade guides induces more acceptable color matching
the type of shade selection method, its related effective factors and con- in ceramic restorations.43 Thus, the brand and material of the shade
ditions, and its accuracy and precision. guide and the restorative material should be the same.44,45 Consider-
ing VITA Lumin Vacuum as a model, numerous dental shade guides
have been produced46; however, this shade guide is not based on the
3 | VISUAL METHOD three-dimensional color space.10 A list of common commercial shade
guides is presented in Table 1.
Visual methods of shade determination employ dental shade guides,
which are sets of tooth color physical samples, to assess the shade of
teeth and/or restorations. The physical samples (shade tabs) are 3.2 | Effective factors and conditions related to
placed close to the tooth in the same plane and ensuring incisal align- visual method
ment. Then the most similar shade to the tooth shade and adjacent
teeth/restorations shade is selected and used for the fabrication of a Three factors affect how an observer perceives the object color
restoration. Shade guides should express specific characteristics such including the light source, the object, and the observer. A light source
as proper distribution in color space, rational arrangement, ease of releases electromagnetic radiation which can be specified by the color
manipulation, and acceptable accuracy and precision.24–30 temperature. The color temperature of a light source is the tempera-
To choose the most matched shade to the tooth shade, well- ture of an ideal black-body radiator that emits light of a color similar
distributed shade tabs with proper color differences are necessary. to that of the light source. The color temperature is quantified in Kel-
Shade tabs should be arranged reasonably to make the shade selec- vin (K). Different light sources are defined such as 15,000 to 27,000 K
tion easy and accurate. Additionally, a shade guide should have a sim- for clear blue sky, 6500 K for daylight, 6200 K for xenon short-arc
ple, rational process of shade selection. Accuracy or validity shows lamp, 5000 K for horizon daylight, 3000 K for warm white fluorescent
how well a test or assessing device actually measures what it is mea- and light emitting diode (LED) lamps, 2700 K for soft white fluores-
sured or how correctly it reflects the reality it declares to show, while cent and LED lamps, 2400 K for standard incandescent lamps, and
precision or reliability is the degree to which a test or assessing device 1900 K for candle flame. Different illuminants such as natural daylight
creates stable results. Accuracy regards systematic errors, whereas and artificial light may be employed for shade selection. Daylight with
precision relates to random errors.14 Accuracy is tested by the assess- 6500 K is considered as a standard illuminant (D65) because of its
ment of coverage error and coverage error percentage,31 while preci- well-distributed visible light wavelengths (from 400 to 700 nm) and
sion is examined by the evaluation of repeatability (same procedure, relative spectral power. The CIE defined a color-rendering index (CRI)
observer, or device), reproducibility (different procedure, observer, for a light source as a measure for the ability of the light source to dis-
and/or device), time interval (short, medium, or long term), and sample close the colors of different objects correctly in comparison with an
manipulation (with or without sample replacement).14 Also, shade tabs ideal or natural light source. Since natural light properties differ, a light
should be matched with both natural teeth and restorative source with color temperature of greater than 5500 K and a CRI
materials, and therefore, manufactures have produced shade greater than 93 is advised for dental shade selection.47,48 An illumi-
guides according to their restorative materials due to the materials' nant should have sufficient intensity to make an equal balance of all
diverse optical properties. Different types of dental shade guides, visible wavelengths, an even distribution of the reflected light with
effective factors and conditions, and accuracy and precision for the the least light distortion, and an apparent view of tooth details.49
visual shade selection method are discussed as follows. Accordingly, the standard illuminant (D55) for dentistry has been
defined with consideration of some conditions: Washington, DC,
June, 12 AM to 1 PM, a slight overcast, a color temperature of
3.1 | Dental shade guides 5500 K, and a CRI of ≥90.47,48
Different light sources may exist in clinics such as natural light,
Dental shade guides can be classified based on their shape (strip-, fluorescents, and LEDs. As standard light conditions can be rarely
disk-, or tooth-shaped), material (ceramic, composite resin, or acrylic obtained in clinics, light correcting devices are suggested for shade
resin), fabrication type (custom or stock), and concept (theoretical, selection. These handheld devices usually have LED lamps with an
empirical, evidence-based). No shade matching accuracy differences illumination degree of 2  45 , a color temperature of 5500 K, and a
exist between disks and tabs. Shade guides have been made of watch-through rectangular window. Polarizing filters may be added to
materials such as ceramics, denture teeth, and composite resins. the device window to suppress glare. Indeed, a polarizing filter is a

TABLE 1 Common commercial dental shade guides

Shade guide name Related material Shade tabs number Shade categories Rationale Shade selection steps Manufacturer
VITA classical Ceramic 16 A (reddish-brownish) Questionable 1 step: based on VITA Zahnfabrik H.
A1-D4 B (reddish-yellowish) lightness, or Rauter GmbH & Co.
C (grayish) 2 steps: based on a KG, Bad Säckingen,
D (reddish-gray) preselection of Germany
hue group,
a shade tab is selected.
VITA Toothguide Ceramic 29 (including 26 Lightness levels: 0,1,2,3,4,5 Normally-distributed 3 steps: selection VITA Zahnfabrik
tooth-shaded tabs (light to dark) shades accurately of lightness, H. Rauter GmbH
3D-Master and 3 tabs of VITA Chroma levels: 1, 1.5, determined by color chroma, and hue, & Co. KG, Bad
Bleached Shades: 0 M1, 2, 2.5, 3 (low to high) science respectively Säckingen,
0 M2 and 0 M3) Hue levels: M (neutral), Germany
L (yellow), R (red)
VITA Linearguide Ceramic 29 (the same tabs as VITA Lightness levels: 0,1,2,3,4,5 A VITA value guide 2 steps: based on VITA Zahnfabrik H.
3D-Master Toothguide 3D-Master (light to dark) 3D-Master and 5 VITA a preselection Rauter GmbH &
with different arragement) Chroma levels: 1, 1.5, 2, Chroma / Hue guides from the value Co. KG, Bad
2.5, 3 (low to high) 3D-Master guide 3D-Master, Säckingen,
Hue levels: M (neutral), a selection is made Germany
L (yellow), R (red) from the Chroma/
Hue guide3D-Master.
Chromascop Ceramic 20 Group 100 for white, group An arrangement of shade 2 steps: based on Ivoclar Vivadent AG,
200 for yellow, group 300 tabs in 5 groups of 4 a preselection Schaan,
for light brown, group 400 of the shade Liechtenstein
for gray, group 500 for group, a shade
dark brown tab is selected.
Bioform IPN Porcelain and 24 Four groups of hue, 16 B shades Based on the most popular 1 step: for value Dentsply Sirona,
plastic material from B51 to B93 corresponding shades for both denture arrangement, York, PA
(denture teeth) to the VITA A-D shades and teeth and porcelain 2 steps: based on
8 Biofrom shades from B59 to B81 materials hue/chroma
Portrait IPN Plastic material 27 16 “P” shades from P1 to P34 Based on the VITA classical 1 step: for value Dentsply Sirona,
(denture teeth) corresponding to the VITA A-D A1-D4, Bioform B59-B81, arrangement, York, PA
shades, 8 shades from P59 to and bleached shades 2 steps: based on
P81 according to the ‘Base 8’ hue/chroma
Bioform shades, and 3 bleach arrangement
shades (PW2, PW4, PW7)
Bioblend IPN Porcelain and plastic 12 (including central, Bleached shades typified the For imitation of natural In harmonization Dentsply Sirona,
material (denture lateral, and canine three-tooth tabs of the Bioblend decalcification and with the York, PA
teeth) sets of shade tabs) IPN Blend Selector check lines patient's hair, eyes,
and complexion

neutral gray film decreasing oblique reflection from the object's

glossy surfaces. A cross-polarizing filter eliminates inessential

Shofu Inc., Kyoto,

Dentsply Sirona, reflections in both horizontal and vertical dimensions letting the

York, PA observer perceive less bright visualization. Overall, shade matching

is significantly better with light correcting devices than with a

natural light source.50,51 These devices enhance the observers'
agreement on the value of shade tabs52 and their shade matching
counteract the color saturation ability.53 Though some light correcting devices may be located
of the gingiva and place the 5 cm apart the tooth,50 the appropriate distance between the
the tooth shade guide to
The GUMYs are used with

shade tab in the same

teeth and the device differs from one device to another one, and
classical shade guide
comparable to VITA
Shade selection steps
Shade selection steps

therefore, the manufacturer's instruction should be considered in

this regard. Manufactures have launched various light correcting

devices such as Demetron Shade Light (Kerr Corporation, Orange,

CA), Rite-Lite-2 (AdDent, Inc., Danbury, CT), Smile Lite (Smile Lite;
Smile Line, St-Imier, Switzerland), and Shade Wand Dental Shade
Light (Authentic Dental Laboratory, Inc., San Antonio, TX). Rite-
GUMYs available in three
the red shift concept, the

Lite 2 provides three light modes: a color-corrected light at

Corrected to the 3D tooth

shades for gingiva (light,

based on VITA classical

color space; based on

Pre-fired porcelain tabs

5500 K, an incandescent-room light at 3200 K, and an ambient

light at 3900 K. With this device, the tooth shade can be selected
medium, dark)

under the corrected light mode and verified under the other
shade guide

modes. Shade matching ability of inexperienced observers is


enhanced by light-correcting devices; however, the addition of

polarizing filters may not positively affect the results.53,54
The object properties affect shade taking results. Teeth
Value Minus shade guide (8 shades),

should be wet when assessing shade and translucency, otherwise

all color attributes including value, hue, and chroma may be
shade guide (16 shades), NCC
(14 shades), NCC Standard

influenced.55–59 Within the first minute of tooth dehydration, the

NCC Value Plus shade guide

tooth color changes even greater than the perceptibility threshold

and Gumy indicator
B (reddish-yellowish)
A (reddish-brownish)

(ΔE00 = 0.8), while tooth rehydration takes 15 min after dehydra-

D (reddish-grayish)
Shade categories

tion.55 Moreover, following 15 min of rehydration, 90% of teeth

Note: Data collected from the manufactures' websites and product brochures/user manuals.

show color changes of greater than the perceptibility threshold,

C (grayish)

and 65% of teeth disclose a color shift of greater than the

acceptability threshold (ΔE00 = 1.8).55 A dehydrated tooth indi-
cates more lightness and less chroma and translucency, and
therefore, using a medium-viscosity clear glaze liquid is suggested
for wetting both teeth and shade tabs.56–58 This can also neu-
Shade tabs number

tralize effects of tooth surface texture and morphology on shade

selection.57,58 Thus, shade selection should be done at the appoint-
ment's beginning within the first minute and before tooth dehydra-
tion due to restorative procedures or isolation.55,59 The tooth region
affects the tooth color. From incisal to cervical regions, both a* and


b* values rise, while tooth translucency reduces.60 The incisal part is

impacted by backgrounds due to its higher translucency, while the
Related material

cervical part is affected by the color of gingiva, as a result, the middle

part better presents the tooth color.61–65 Thus, the shade should be


taken from the middle part for a one-shade report and/or in all parts

separately for a three-shade report. Nonetheless, the relation

between the color of maxillary anterior teeth in the cervical parts
Shade guide name

Vintage Halo NCC

Ceramco 3 Dentin

seems more reliable than in the other parts.66

The oral cavity, including neighboring teeth/restorations, gin-

giva, lips, and skin, can affect shade results due to the color con-
trast between these structures and the target tooth.67 As the
color contrast between a surrounding structure and the tooth

increases, the effect of the structure on the eye perception of 3.3 | Accuracy and precision of visual method
the tooth color increases. Since the red-violet gingiva makes a
great contrast, the eye perception of red-violet color is difficult The accuracy and precision of the visual method depend on several
leading to impression of only green-yellow colors existed in the factors such as shade guide properties, observer color matching abil-
target tooth. To tackle this problem, a manufacturer has presented ity/experience, and light source. Shade guide properties include tabs
gingiva colored shade indicators, named “the Gumy,” available in extension in tooth color space, tabs coverage error and coverage error
shades of pink, light, and medium to counteract the color satura- percentage, tabs arrangement and manipulation, and tabs accuracy/
tion of gingiva by placing the shade tab in the same surroundings precision.24,28,43,103–105
as the tooth. Comparably, lips and skin make-up and rubber-dam In the CIELab space, tooth colors are located between light-red
should be removed before shade selection.68 Dazzling dresses, eye and light-yellow along the L* axis demonstrating a banana-shaped
glasses, or items, which divert visual perception, should be space.106 Sufficient, well-extended shade tabs can properly cover
avoided. Using a gray bib, as a patient's cloth coverage, is help- teeth color space.107 Coverage error is determined to assess if the
ful in this regard. Age may impact the tooth color. As the shade tabs of a shade guide can appropriately extend in the color
age increases, the tooth L* value reduces and a* and b* values space of natural teeth. The shade guide coverage error is calculated
increases. Thus, a color-matched restoration may become mis- by measuring the mean color difference between a given studied set
matched over time.73 Shade selection should be conducted tooth of natural teeth and its matched shade tabs of the shade
by tooth, since anterior teeth show different shades except man- guide.25,108,109 The coverage error/color difference value may be com-
dibular central and lateral incisors.74,75 Also, the color harmony pared with perceptibility and/or acceptability thresholds.10,110–114 For
between teeth, skin, and eyes should be noticed. Patients with accurate shade matching, it seems reasonable that the shade guides'
fair skin are more prone to have teeth with low L* values, while coverage error should be at least less than the acceptability threshold
those with dark skin are more likely to have teeth with high and ideally less than the perceptibility threshold. A color difference
L*values.76,77 value of greater than the threshold (perceptibility or acceptability) is
The observer's shade matching ability impacts shade selection considered as a color mismatch between the tooth and its matched
results. This ability may be affected by age, gender, experience, type shade tab. To measure the shade guide's coverage error percentage,
of shade guide, training, color perception potentials, and diseases. the percentage of shade selection with color mismatches is calcu-
Although gender has been recognized as a crucial factor by stating the lated.109 Apparently, for achieving an accurate shade selection, the
superiority of females over males in color perception, some evi- shade guide coverage error and its percentage should be low.115 The
dence suggests no significant effects of gender and age on color dis- ΔEab coverage error is reported 7.22 for VITA Lumin Vacuum, 8.39
crimination.80–83 Comparably, the reports on effects of observer's for VITA 3D-Master, and 7.99 for Vintage Halo NCC in an Indian pop-
experience are controversial due to different samples and test condi- ulation.116 Also, ΔEab coverage error of VITA classical is reported
tions. Shade guide type affects the matching ability. Using 4.1.25 In Quinquagenarians and Septuagenarians, the ΔEab coverage
VITA 3D-Master rather than VITA classical provides higher accuracy/ error is 3.51 for VITA classical and 2.96 for VITA 3D-Master, while
precision, regardless of the age, gender, or experience.28,85 As training the coverage error percentage is 77% for the former and 76% for the
improves shade matching skills,54,83,89,90 the use of Toothguide latter.117 Unacceptable coverage errors (ΔEab > 3.3) are estimated for
Trainer Box and software (VITA Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH &Co. commercial dental shade guides28; though VITA 3D-Master and Vin-
KG, Bad Säckingen, Germany) is effective. tage Halo NCC show the lowest coverage errors.28,104
The color perception ability is affected by color vision defi- Since similar dental shade guides of a manufacturer may be uti-
ciencies which may be congenital or acquired. The prevalence of lized interchangeably, similar shade tabs should show similar color
congenital color vision deficiency is 3.6% in boys and 0.6% in parameters presenting high repeatability, reproducibility, or precision
girls.94 The acquired deficiency may occur following ocular, neuro- for shade guides. However, the precision of shade guides has been a
logic, or systemic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, type II diabe- cause for concern. While a clinically significant variation in the color
tes, and glaucoma.95–98 Red-green color vision deficiency should parameters of identical shade tabs of VITA classical and 3D-Master
be assessed at dental schools. Also, color-matching competency has been reported by some investigators,118,119 one study revealed a
can be evaluated with testing (ISOTR 28642:2011). The type high level of repeatability (almost 100%) for VITA classical.120
of light correcting device affects the color matching results of Professional experience can positively influence the observer
those with low skill and poor color discrimination competency accuracy/precision.82,88 Intraobserver and interobserver precisions
(60–75% accuracy for color matching) and D65 rather than D50 are critical for shade discrimination. The intraobserver precision of
improves their competency.101 Also, the correct shade matching visual method for experienced prosthodontists (50% with VITA Lumin
percentage of red-green color vision-deficient dentists can rise Vacuum, 60% with VITA 3D-Master) is higher than that for experi-
from 30.73% to 56.25% when using tungsten filaments rather enced general practitioners (27% with VITA Lumin Vacuum, 54% with
than D65. Controlling the factors discussed is a must for VITA 3D-Master).121 The interobserver precision for observers with-
acceptable shade selection by visual methods. Thus, methods with out color vision deficiency has been reported from 22.5% to
less subjectivity have been regarded in dentistry. 55%,82,122,123 while the intraobserver precision has been estimated

from 11% to 64%.121,123,124 The use of VITA 3D-Master rather than respect, a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera, which includes an
VITA classical may reduce the interobserver color matching image obtaining device (sensor), a liquid-crystal display (LCD) viewer,
differences, while controversially one study reported a decrease and a microprocessor, is a basic need in dental practice.14 The usual
in the intraobserver precision from 64% to 48% and the interobserver focal length is 50 mm, and therefore, interchangeable lenses with a
precision from 55% to 43% when using VITA 3D-Master.123 The dis- shorter focal length for landscape mode and a longer focal length for
parity of the results may be due to the different factors affecting the telephoto mode are added. Digital cameras employ a lens with an
interobserver and intraobserver precisions related to shade guides adjustable aperture to focus light onto the sensor. For digital photog-
such as the number of the shade tabs and their distribution in the raphy, camera settings and imaging conditions should be considered.
color space of natural teeth, the observer (inexperienced/experienced, The settings include ambient illumination, inter camera-object dis-
dentists/dental staff members/laypeople), and the type of samples tance, camera flash light, aperture size, shutter speed, and the sensi-
tested for shade matching (natural teeth/shade tabs/fabricated resto- tivity of sensor to light (ISO). Unreliable illumination and unfixed
rations). The observer shade matching accuracy has been reported distances confound photographic outcomes143; however, digital pho-
from 58% to 86%. However, shade matching accuracy and pre- tography under controlled conditions may be feasible for shade
cision of experienced dentists are still lower than those of dental matching.144
spectrophotometers. Different protocols for shade taking and color analysis by digital
Light source, tooth surroundings, and backgrounds can impact photography have been proposed. Hein et al.144 suggested using
shade matching.50–54 Shade matching ability is improved by using reflective cross-polarized light digital photography with a standardized
a light-correcting source rather than natural, clinical, or laboratory white balance gray card, regarded as a reference, in combination with
light. Incandescent light induces more accurate shade a specific DSLR camera profile and color processing software
determination than the filtered LED, LED, and daylight130; however, employing the CIELab space. McLaren et al.145 stated some points for
there is no difference between D65 and D50 light sources in this shade selection photography including using a DSLR camera permit-
respect.126 Different background colors may be used such as black, ting interchangeable lenses, preparing images in a RAW file format,
white, gray, pink, and blue. The worst accuracy is obtained with a benefiting from custom white balance, and applying manual exposure.
blue background, while achromatic backgrounds make no difference,126 A RAW format preserves the image's total data; however, image
as a result, a pink background is advocated.52Also, a light-correcting details are lost by changing the format to other formats such as JPEG,
device enhances the benefit of using a pink background.52 TIFF, or PNG. The same magnification ratio should be utilized for all
Among the aforementioned factors, the observer experience has images in all restorative treatment sequences and for all patients.145
the greatest impact on the accuracy/precision of visual method, The flash should be adjusted the same distance from the teeth in man-
while factors such as shade guide and light condition become more ual modes, while be tested to attain the proper amount of flash power
prominent for inexpert observers.50,51 Thus, improving shade for a proper exposure. Afterwards, all settings should be kept
matching skills by intensive education and training is strongly rec- unchanged. A standard gray reference card with specific CIELab
ommended.83,91,132–136 Also, using evidence-based shade guides and values is effective in correcting color changes during photography to
light conditions are advocated for low-skilled dentists.52,53,121 disclose the color of preoperative conditions and record postoperative
results with acceptable accuracy.146 Consequently, the use of mega-
pixel digital cameras for shade selection is advised.147 Images can be
4 | DIGITAL METHOD transferred to communicate data such as tooth color, morphology,
surface texture, and color distribution.148 Also, a conjunction of digital
Since 1990, numerous digital instruments have been developed for cameras and shade guides through positioning the selected shade tab
dental shade selection including digital cameras, colorimeters, spectro- near the tooth recorded in an image may be advantageous.149,150
photometers, and intraoral scanners. A color-measuring device should Intraoral cameras have been suggested for minimizing the factors
have requirements such as shock proof, easy control, rapid measure- affecting the image result of extraoral cameras.151–153 Digital intraoral
ment, acceptable working life, proper light source, reasonable price, cameras with LEDs and cross polarization may eliminate unreliable
and most of all acceptable accuracy and precision. Generally, digital ambient illumination, unfixed camera-object distance, and balance
methods minimize the subjectivity of measurement.123,138 set-ups. Using a digital intraoral camera accompanied with software
can improve the accuracy of photographic color measurements.151,153
Another means for digital photography is the use of smartphones hav-
4.1 | Digital cameras and color measuring software ing advantages of self-computing capability, enriched functionalities,
multiple software applications, wireless connectivity/communication,
Digital photography has definitely changed dental practice.139,140 and high-resolution photography. Smartphones' captured images may
Photos illustrate patients' portrait and oral cavity, inform and educate be used as color references for shade matching; however, like digital
patients, enhance patient's acceptance for treatments, communicate cameras, the color of images taken with smartphones may be affected
information, serve as documents, help for shade selection, and com- by diverse elements such as ambient illumination and device settings
pare intraoral conditions before and after treatment.141,142 In this (auto or manual), light sensors, and image processing.

Different software programs for color measurement/analysis of distance and light conditions improves shade results. In this regard,
digital images are available such as ClearMatch (Clarity Dental, Salt intraoral cameras with LED lighting of 6500 K may capture better
Lake City, UT), ShadeWave Dentist License (ShadeWave, Issaquah, images by minimizing the effect of shooting distance, as the distance
WA), Color Scanner 2006 (Nuova Franco Suisse, Vigonza, Italy), between the teeth and the intraoral camera can be kept similar and
Adobe Photoshop (Adobe Inc., San Jose, CA), MATLAB (MathWorks, stable in repeated image-captures.153
Natick, MA), EasyMatch QC (Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc, Res- Shade selection should be preferably performed before starting
ton, VA), CT&A and PatchTool (The BabelColor Company, Montreal, restorative procedures and be prevented within 15 min following
QC, Canada), Color Data Software SpectraMagic NX/DX (Konica rehydration.55,59 Also, because bleaching with hydrogen peroxide
Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc, Ramsey, NJ), and Color iMatch (X-Rite, induces tooth dehydration and color changes,165,166 shade selection
Inc, Grand Rapids, MI) which may be used for dental shade matching for definitive prostheses must be conducted after bleaching not
as well. The color measuring software, which is compatible with before bleaching to let the color changes induced by bleaching occur
a digital camera, needs to be installed in a computer.155 The software and the tooth color become stable.
employ color spaces such as CIERGB, CIEXYZ, CIELab, and CIELCh, Camera settings such as lens diameter, aperture, shutter speed,
while usually providing tooth shade mapping and 1–3 most similar flash light, light intensity, and ISO impact the color of images. The
shades to the tooth shade by using the data set of the shade tabs of most adaptable camera is a 35 mm-single-lens-reflex-camera.167 A
shade guides. Indeed, tooth color attributes is initially determined, magnification of 1:1 can be obtained with a 100 up to 135 mm-macro
then, color differences between the tooth and all shade tabs are calcu- lens.167 Since dental photography has a small field depth, a small aper-
lated using a color difference formula. The shade tab with the least ture such as f22 makes a large area in focus.168 Smaller apertures such
color difference is shown as the tooth shade by the software. as f32 and f64 provide a greater field depth; however, this may reduce
As intact teeth are polychromatic, translucent, and curved, while the image quality and resolution.168 Hence, a 90–105 mm-macro lens
colorimeters and spectrophotometers are fundamentally designed for with a focus from 1:1 to infinity and a least aperture of f32 is
flat surfaces and also the shade tab thickness may impact color per- suggested for clinical camera brands such as Nikon, Canon, Minolta,
ception, digital cameras may be considered as an alternative to other and Sigma.169 The exposure of sensor is adjusted by arrangement of
shade selection methods. Digital cameras supply reliable shade camera settings including the lens aperture and the shutter speed.168
results if lighting conditions, camera adjustments, and object to cam- Indeed, the lens aperture limits light intensity, while the shutter speed
era distance are properly set,157–159 while yielding data about dental determines the light duration of an open shutter being shown in frac-
morphology, surface texture, and color distribution. As tion of seconds.168 A minimum of 1/125 s for the shutter speed is
image data differ in diverse settings/cameras, appropriate calibration essential to avoid patient movements and camera jiggles, otherwise
and color adjustment are essentially required to enhance color mea- blurring may happen.168 Landscape mode is preferable for intraoral
suring accuracy.147,160 An extra image may be taken while placing the views meanwhile portrait mode is favorable for extraoral views.170
matched shade tab/tabs next to the tooth to make the most of digital With photographic condition standardization (light, shooting distance,
imaging and shade guides.14,161,162 The RAW format of image is bet- camera mode) manual focus is more precise than auto focus.170 Ring
ter seen on a calibrated monitor. Tools such as ColorMunki Dis- and dual/bilateral source flashes may be more controllable than other
play (X-Rite, Inc, Grand Rapids, MI) can calibrate the color of monitor. systems, while a dual flash with closeness to the lens supplies more
Thus, dentists should control the related influential factors, standard- natural illuminations and a maximum light coverage of the mouth.171
ize image taking conditions, and maintain settings when using digital Moreover, ring flashes are not advocated for anterior teeth, because
cameras for shade selection. their uniform burst of light destroys details, translucency, and color
detection.172 Dual flashes may be unidirectional or bidirectional. Uni-
directional dual flashes create shadows, thus adjustable bidirectional
4.1.1 | Effective factors and conditions related to dual flashes are suggested for positioning the flashes based on the
digital cameras arch form and teeth alignment and omitting shadows.172 With elec-
tronic flashes, blurring rarely occurs, as the flash light output
Image color consistency is a must for color measurement using digital (1/2000 s) is less than the shutter speed, and also the latter can be
photography and needs characterization and standardization of the automatically synchronized with the former.168
camera's input and output. The color consistency is affected by For close-up photography, the ideal magnification is 1:1.173 As
patient position during image taking, ambient light, tooth hydration/ exposure rises in close-up condition, increasing ISO number and illu-
dehydration, camera setting, shade taking protocol, cross polarization, mination intensity is considered to reduce exposure.168 ISO ranges
image file format, image color balance using shade analysis software, from 25 to 6400. The higher the ISO number, the more light-sensitive
and laboratory's monitor calibration. the sensor. ISO can be adjusted between 25 and 100, but it is usually
The distance between tooth and camera (shooting distance) is set at 100 as a default.174 Cross-polarization filtering is essential to
usually unfixed while being normally set between 14 and remove spectral artifacts induced by flash light reflection from rough-
50 cm.143,164 Also, different light temperatures between 3700 and ness or saliva on the tooth and produce precise and repeatable glare-
6500 K may be employed in clinics.143,163 Using consistent shooting free images.175,176

Overall, a step-by-step shade taking photographic protocol using same position is advised for enhancing accuracy and precision.
a digital camera with ring or dual flashes, image processing software, Accordingly, using an intraoral camera with cross-polarization, exter-
image records of the shade tabs, cross polarization, CIELab space, and nal light isolation, a positioning jig (±0.1 mm position repeatability),
color calibration may lead to acceptable shade selection.138,148,177–179 and SVM algorithms may achieve a more than 90% matching accuracy
and a less than 1% failure rate for shade matching.186
The precision of digital cameras for color determination is
4.1.2 | Accuracy and precision of digital cameras improved by proper calibration protocols.147,187–192 Jarad et al.148
reported that using a Nikon Coolpix 990 digital camera with Nikon
The accuracy/precision of information derived from cameras depends SB21B ring flash resulted in higher precision compared to visual shade
on factors such as settings and calibrations, ambient lighting, object matching with shade guides. Camera and light settings and image for-
features, and color adjustments. Adjustments of camera's color mat must always be consistent for achieving precise results.14 Despite
profile, white balance, and exposure ensure the perfection of images. advancements of digital cameras and their accessories, establishing a
A fixed setting including ISO 200, f25, shutter speed of 1/125 s, white standard approach to accurate, precise shade selection by digital pho-
balance flash, and RAW format is advocated.44,180A stable light source tography seems difficult.
such as a xenon light source (300 W Xe Arch Lamp, Oriel Instruments,
Stratford, CT) may be added to minimize light source discrepancies.147
Mahn et al.181 found no significant differences between a D7100 4.2 | Colorimeters
Nikon DSLR camera, equipped with an 85-mm macro lens, a R1C1
Nikon external flash-twin-flash system, and a polar-eyes cross- A colorimeter is an optical device that can read the visible spec-
polarized light filter, and VITA Easyshade spectrophotometer in mea- trum by using filtered photodectors. Initially, three glass filters
sured L* and b* values, and reported that the photographic method (red, green, and blue), whose transmittance spectra imitated the
led to acceptable inaccuracies (ΔEab < 6.8)181; however, this level of CIE color matching functions, were used to simulate response of
color difference seems to be a clearly unacceptable color mismatch the average human visual system.10 Later on, a filter bank was
110 180
according to Paravina et al. Based on Hein et al. combining pho- employed to upgrade the device accuracy. In fact, colorimeters'
tography using Canon or Nikon DSLR cameras (with either full frame sensors assess the sum of different wavelength spectra reflected
or APS-C type sensors) with numeric shade quantification is an alter- from the object to indicate the object color.193 The technology of
native to shade communication. For accurate photography, the expo- sensors has been improved to an accurate level for assessing
sure should be set to 1/125 s with the aperture of f22, regardless of even opaque objects.
the camera brand and model.180 Non-polarized photography, cross- Dental colorimeters have been introduced to help with shade
polarization photography, and spectrophotometry can be combined to selection. These simple, low-price devices analyze reflective light, col-
improve accuracy due to their correlations,182 as color differences lect data, convert data to color parameters, and specify teeth
between records of a spectrophotometer and polarized photography shade.193 As visual methods are not able to quantify the color, color-
are less than the acceptability threshold (ΔEab = 2.7) only in 23% of imeters raise the accuracy by error reduction.193 A list of available
cases.183 Object features impact the accuracy of photography, dental colorimeters is presented in Table 2.
because darker shades are better matched. Also, including three
predicted shade tabs beside a tooth in an image improves
accuracy.14,184 4.2.1 | Effective factors and conditions related to
A support vector machine (SVM) may develop shade matching colorimeters
accuracy of digital cameras and smartphones.185 In a study by Tam
and Lee185 using a smartphone camera, all images were captured with The disparities between colorimeters may be related to color variabil-
auto-mode settings, no flash, 14–20 cm shooting distance, and ity among the same nominal shade tabs, complexity in reading translu-
4000 K lighting. Though the camera could automatically adjust the cent objects, and dissimilar algorithms for assessing color
settings according to the environment, the camera sensor might have values. Standard positioning, constant distance between the
experienced unstable illumination in different shots which could be tooth and device, and an effective specimen port opening size of
addressed using SVM algorithms to train the images into various cate- the device are viable for correct measurement.196 Furthermore, color-
gories.185 The algorithms for mapping complex color features into a imetry seems most consistent in the middle region of labial tooth
linearly dimensional space enable considerable data to be manipulated surface.197
and classified. Despite the use of novel algorithms designed to cor- The object color, especially its chroma and value, can influence
rect the color for human perception, the correction of image taken by colorimetric outcomes. In other words, when the chroma is greater
cameras may complicate the color matching performed by color mea- than six CIELab units and the value is less than five CIELab units, the
suring software. Moreover, using S, a*, b* features may not resolve device-reported ΔEab color difference exceeds beyond clinically
complexities of color matching of images taken by smartphones due acceptable thresholds.197 Thus, using ShadeEye NCC is not suggested
to the lack of custom shooting or a flash. Thus, maintaining the for color measurements above these ranges.198 Also, colorimetric

TABLE 2 Common commercial digital dental shade-taking devices

Digital optical
Device name Type Components Capabilities Light source Recording Measurement area resolution resolution Accuracy Precision Manufacturer

ShadeVision Colorimeter/ Cordless CIELab, Filament 0 Entire tooth 22,000 px Not Reported Reported X-Rite, Inc.,
Digital color handheld several light measurement per image applicable from from 50% Grand
imaging colorimeter, shade 14.1% to to 100% Rapids, MI
docking station, guides, 84.8% and from
calibration value, hue, and from 1.01 0.2 to 2.6
reference, chroma, color to 3.49 ΔEab ΔEab units
20 disposable map feature units, 0.5 ΔEab
tips, software (50 tooth unit minimuma
ShadeScan Colorimeter/ Handheld VITA classical, Halogen 0 Entire tooth Unknown Not Reported from Reported from Cynovad,
Digital color colorimeter, LCD VITA 3D-Master, bulb, measurement applicable 54.2% 76.5% to Montreal,
imaging screen, docking Chromascop, Shofu 2  45 to 84.5%, 95.0%, 0.5 QC, Canada
station, calibration, Vintage Halo, 0.5 ΔEab ΔEab units
software Noritake, Dentsply, units minimuma
EsthetX, image minimuma
shade and
ShadeEye Colorimeter Cordless handheld CIEXYZ, CIELab, Xenon lamp 0 Spot measurement, Not Not Reported from Reported from Shofu Inc.,
NCC colorimeter, Shofu Viintage contact tip applicable applicable 41.3% to 87.5% to Kyoto, Japan
computer base Halo, VITA 43.5% 88.2% and 1.7
station, 1 box classical, VITA and 1.9 ΔEab ΔEab units
of disposable 3D-Master, units minimum minimum
tips, contact tip Chromascop,
holders, calibration Biodent
cap, printer,
ShadeStar Colorimeter Cordless handheld Vita classical, Vita Unknown 0 Spot measurement, Not Not Unknown Unknown DeguDent
colorimeter, LCD 3D- Master, contact tip = 3 mm applicable applicable GmbH, Hanau,
screen, calibration, Ceram-X Mono, diameter Germany
disposable tips Ceram-X Duo
(pk 24), barriers
(pk 24)
VITA Spectrophotometer Handheld CIELab, CIELCh, 20 W 0 , specular Spot measurement, Not 25 nm Reported from Reported from VITA Zahnfabrik H.
Easyshade spectrophotometer, VITA classical halogen excluded Probe tip = 5 mm applicable 13.8% to 41.9% to Rauter GmbH
touchscreen, base A1-D4, VITA bulb, 0 diameter 92.6%, 96.4%, and & Co. KG, Bad
unit, protective 3D-Master, and from 0.0 to from 0.0 to Säckingen,
shields, translucency 9.2 ΔEab units 2.28 ΔEab units Germany
calibration block for relative to tab
the white balance
VITA Spectrophotometer Cordless handheld CIELab, CIELCh, White 0 , specular Spot measurement, Not 25 nm Reported from Reported from VITA Zahnfabrik
Easyshade V spectrophotometer, VITA classical LED, 0 excluded Probe tip = 5 mm applicable 78% to 94%, 11.54% to H. Rauter
touchscreen, base A1-D4, VITA diameter acceptable 97.01%, less GmbH &
unit, protective caps, 3D-Master, to excellent than ΔEab of 0.1 Co. KG, Bad
calibration block for VITABLOCS (1.2 ΔEab units), Säckingen,
the white balance, shades, and from 2.86 Germany
software, Bluetooth bleached to 3.05 ΔE00
connection, software, index
Android App
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Digital optical
Device name Type Components Capabilities Light source Recording Measurement area resolution resolution Accuracy Precision Manufacturer

SpectroShade Spectrophotometer/ Cordless handheld CIELab, CIELCh, LED, 2 x 45 , 0 , polarized, Entire tooth 640 x 480 = 10 nm, 0.03  Reported from Reported from MHT Optic
Micro II Digital color spectrophotometer, 28 shade polarized, telecentric measurement, 307,200 px 0.03 mm for 54.5% to 80.2% 82.7% to 96.9% Research AG,

imaging digital camera, LCD guides, telecentric, 18  14 mm with (0.92 MB per each point and from 0.86 and from 0.65 to Niederhasli,
touchscreen. 2 pens, tooth color/ monochromatic 640  480 points image) to 2.45 ΔEab units 1.69 ΔEab units, Switzerland
base unit, 6 sterilizable translucency less than ΔEab
mouthpieces, white map, triple-zone of 0.5 on teetha
and green calibration tooth color
plates, software
Crystaleye Spectrophotometer/ Cordless handheld CIELab, CIELCh, 7-band 0 Entire tooth 434,000 px 10 nm, 1 nm Reported from Reported from Olympus
Digital color spectrophotometer, VITA classical, LED, 2  45 measurement, (1.3 MB per intervals 44.05% to 88.8% to 98.97% Corporation,
imaging digital camera, LCD VITA 3D-Master, 18  11.5 mm tooth image) for each pixel 91.25% and from 0.13 Tokyo, Japan
screen. Cradle, Chromascop and from to 1.4 ΔEab units
contact caps, reference Vintage Halo NCC 1.03 to
calibration plate, shades, Noritake 1.89 ΔEab
Crystaleye Application units
Master (software)
Shade-X Spectrophotometer Cordless handheld VITA classical, LED 0 Spot measurement, Not applicable Unknown Unknown Unknown X-Rite, Inc.,
spectrophotometer, VITA 3D-Master, Probe tip = 3 mm Grand
LCD screen, cradle, Chromascop diameter Rapids, MI
disposable tips (24), Esthet-X,
disposable protective Bioform,
barriers (24), calibration Empress CAD,
plaque e.max
CAD, 3 M
Paradigm C,
body and incisal
Shadepilot Spectrophotometer/ Cordless handheld CIELab, CIELCh, LED, 2  45 , 0 , polarized, Entire tooth 640  480 = 307, 10 nm. 0.03  Reported from Reported from DeguDent
Digital color spectrophotometer, different polarized, telecentric measurement, 200 px (0.92 0.03 mm for 77.7% to 89.4% to 93.8%, GmbH,
imaging digital camera, shade guides, telecentric, 18  14 mm with MB per image) each dot 87.5% and from 0.1 to Hanau,
LCD touchscreen, tooth color/ monochromatic 640  480 dots 2.6 ΔEab units, Germany
2 pens, base unit, translucency less than ΔEab
6 sterilizable map, triple- of 0.5 on teeth
mouthpieces, white zone tooth color
and green calibration
plates, software
Zfx Shade Spectrophotometer/ Cordless handheld CIELab, CIELCh, LED, 2  45 , 0 , polarized, Entire tooth 640  480 = 10 nm. 0.03  Unknown Less than ΔEab Zfx GmbH,
Digital color spectrophotometer, different shade polarized, telecentric measurement, 307,200 px 0.03 mm for of 0.5 on teetha Dachau,
imaging digital camera, LCD guides, tooth telecentric, 18  14 mm with (0.92 MB per each point Germany
touchscreen, 2 pens, color/ monochromatic 640  480 points image
base unit, 6 sterilizable translucency
mouthpieces, white and map, triple-zone
green calibration plates, tooth color
TRIOS 3 Basic Intraoral scanner Handheld scanner, 3Shape VITA classical, LED Different Entire tooth 1280  1024 px 41.21 points Reported from Reported from 3Shape A/S,
TRIOS Color software, VITA 3D-Master angles measurement (Cart monitor) per mm2 51% to 66% 76.67% to Copenhagen,
color calibration tool 1920  1080 px 86.66% Denmark
(MOVE monitor)
TRIOS 3 Intraoral scanner Wireless handheld scanner, VITA classical, LED Different Entire tooth 1280  1024 px Unknown Reported from Reported from 3Shape A/S,
3Shape TRIOS Color VITA 3D-Master angles measurement (Cart monitor) 27.5% to 53.3%, 87.17% to Copenhagen,
software, color 1920  1080 px and from 2.8 to 90.33% Denmark
calibration tool (MOVE monitor) 3.3 ΔEab units


measurements are shown to be affected by random and systematic


Dentsply Sirona,

Dentsply Sirona,

York, PA

York, PA
4.2.2 | Accuracy and precision of colorimeters
Reported 51.9%,

Reported 49%
Several studies have evaluated the accuracy/precision of dental color-
imeters. Yamanel et al.156 and Caglar et al.200 reported that a Fuji S20

Pro digital camera with Adobe Photoshop CS2 software could be used
as a substitute for a ShadeEye NCC colorimeter in terms of accuracy
and from 2.5 to
12.9% to 57%,

3.0 ΔEab units

when a combination of 2700 K and 6500 K lighting, a 10-cm shooting

Reported from

Reported 63%

distance, and proper camera settings were set.200 However, the cam-

era and colorimeter outputs showed only 30% CIELab similarities,156

due to differences in L* and b* values regardless of close a* values.200
Reports on the accuracy and precision of colorimeters have been
79.82 points
per mm2

questionable. Gehrke et al.122 suggested that the use of ShadeVision



colorimeter with software (V.1.20) or Shadepilot spectrophotometer

with software (V. 2.41) was more precise than the visual method,
1920  1080 px

1920  1080 px

while the colorimeter showed 10–20% lower precision and lighter

shades compared to the spectrophotometer.122 Conversely, Li and


Wang201 reported that the precision of shade selection could not be


certified by the ShadeEye NCC or Vintage Halo shade guide; nonethe-

less, shade results were better for the colorimeter than for the shade
Measurement area



guide. Similarly, Kuzmanovic and Lyons202 observed no significant dif-

Entire tooth

Entire tooth

ference between the ShadeVision and visual method regarding preci-

sion. Also, Klemetti et al.194 showed no significant difference between
the accuracies of ShadeEye NCC and visual method. Knösel et al.203
reported that the differences between the results of digital photogra-




Note: Data collected from the manufactures' websites, product brochures/user manuals, and the articles cited in this study.

phy and colorimetry were less than the sensitivity of human eyes
(ΔEab < 2.85).
As various dental colorimeters with diverse accuracies and preci-

Light source

White LED,

White LED,

sions have been assessed, controversial results have been obtained

when comparing colorimeters with other shade measuring methods.
Hence, the generalization of results is not rational and more research
is needed.
VITA 3D-Master

VITA 3D-Master
VITA classical,

VITA classical,

4.3 | Spectrophotometers

Spectrophotometers can measure the color by assessing the spectral

color calibration tool

color calibration tool

Connect software,
CEREC software,

reflectance or transmittance curve of objects. A spectrophotometer

Handheld scanner,

Handheld scanner,

has a tungsten-filament bulb or LED lamp as a white light source to


create a light output with the wavelength between 400 and 700 nm.
The light is depressed by a prism into a spectrum of wavelength bands
between 10 and 20 nm, reaches the object, and may then reflect,
pass, or scatter. The amount of light emitted from or transmitted
Intraoral scanner

Intraoral scanner

through the object is assessed for each wavelength band in the visible
declared by the manufacturer.

spectrum. A handheld spectrophotometer should have shockproof


ability, easy control, rapid measurement, acceptable working life,

appropriate light source, reasonable price, and high accuracy and pre-
Device name



cision. Some types of dental spectrophotometers can isolate the oral


cavity from external light using a mouthpiece eliminating effects of

ambient light on color measurements.123,137 Spectrophotometers can

be classified based on their measurement geometry into two types: tooth surface measurement spectrophotometers, while they deter-
entire tooth surface measurement and spot measurement while show- mine the tooth shade by averaging out the color information and two-
ing some differences in the angle of irradiance/reflection, lighting, dimensional color mapping of the tooth surface which may lead to
sensors, and filters.204,205 Color measurements are usually converted inaccurate shade results.14 In comparison with entire-measurement
to a corresponding shade tab. Compared to other shade taking devices, spot-measurement devices may not be quite accurate due to
devices, spectrophotometers show higher accuracy with longer work- possibly inconsistent measurement of the curved tooth surface,210
ing life without sensitivity to object metamerism, while providing a uneven shade of the tooth, the likelihood for tooth dehydration, and
33% increase in precision14 and representing the most suitable tooth errors in image capture.211 Nevertheless, spot-measurements with
color measurements at the present time. A list of available den- the probe tip have been reported to be more accurate.204 Obviously,
tal spectrophotometers is presented in Table 2. handling errors in clinical settings caused by patient movements, fog-
VITA Easyshade spectrophotometer measures CIELab/CIELCh ging, the probe position/angle, and the tooth location/inclination can
values and determines the tooth shade based on VITA 3D-Master and affect the results of different devices.
VITA classical. It has a 20 W halogen bulb providing a D65 illuminant Tooth position impacts spectrophotometric results. Both repeat-
as declared by the manufacture. Five generations of the device have ability and reproducibility of SpectroShade are affected by the tooth
been released to enhance its capabilities. VITA Easyshade Compact type (posterior teeth, lower incisors) and the tooth surface (mesial or
and Advance 4.0 are advanced forms, while the newest generation is distal areas)197; thus, caution should be taken when measuring the
named VITA Easyshade V. To prevent the specular/mirror-like reflec- color of curved surfaces of posterior teeth and labial surfaces of lower
tion that has a negative effect on measurements, a stainless-steel incisors. Handling conditions (standardized or freehand) definitely
probe containing fiber optics with a large diameter has been specially impact the outcomes.208 In this regard, using custom-made acrylic jigs
designed. The probe's diameter is 5 mm and has 2 apertures with 1- is proposed for preventing the effect of probe angulation and also
and 3- mm diameters. The device has 2 measurement modes based measuring similar tooth areas.212 To tackle handling errors, Angle
on the distance of the probe tip from the surface. The “dental mode” Control System incorporated in SpectroShade Micro makes the cor-
is used for a longer distance to measure the tooth color, while the rect centering and angulation of image capture possible. However, an
“restorative mode” is employed for a shorter distance to measure the acquisition angle less than 3 is hard to achieve. Only if this angle
ceramic color. 10
deviates more than 5 from the ideal angle, the image is regarded as
SpectroShade is another dental spectrophotometer which is accu- incorrect. Image capturing is impacted by the color and morphology of
rate, fast, and easy to use and one of the most representative. oral cavity. Hence, potential errors during image acquisition should be
SpectroShade Micro combines digital color imaging with spectropho- prevented by noticing opposing teeth, lips, and, tongue and gaining
tometry based on a LED technology. This instrument benefits from a acquisition angles less than 3 .213
linear polarized filter which excludes reflections caused by gloss. Vari- Owing to the device color analyzing software which converts the
ous shade guides data are saved in the device memory and captured CIELab format to the shade of a shade guide, the device shade guide
images can be compared with different shades. Its software can do mode may play a role in shade results.208 For example, in contrast to
fine and coarse color mapping, send data to laboratories with e-mail, SpectroShade Micro, the repeatability and accuracy of ShadeVision
and overlap the tooth image with the restoration image to allow for are negatively influenced by Vita classical mode.208,211,212 As this
virtual examination. SpectroShade Micro can compare two color mea- effect may not be related to the device optical geometry, making a
surements allowing evaluations before and after treatment, checking judgment on the effect of shade guide type is difficult.
that the restoration is a faithful copy of the original tooth,
and enabling to map inhomogeneities of the tooth surface.10 An
advantage for the Crystaleye spectrophotometer is the ability of 4.3.2 | Accuracy and precision of
cross-referencing the virtual shade tabs and superimposing them spectrophotometers
on the tooth image.14 A 7-band LED light and external light isolation
of this device provides higher consistency compared to digital The accuracy and precision of various spectrophotometers have been
photography. evaluated by investigators22,122,207,208,210,211,213–222; however, they
are not consistent in terms of the most accurate device or condition.
In a study by Odaira et al.215 the precision of Crystaleye and MSC-
4.3.1 | Effective factors and conditions related to 2000 Olympus multispectral camera was measured in comparison
spectrophotometers with Color Analyzing Spectrophotometer-Iwate (CAS-ID1) as a stan-
dard device. Though there were no significant differences in the L*
Main factors that may affect spectrophotometric measurements and C* values recorded by the devices, Crystaleye was the most pre-
include the magnitude of the surface being measured (spot vs. entire cise in both lighted and darkened room.215 Crystaleye indicates
tooth surface), correct centering, positioning and angulations of the acceptable accuracy (44.05%–91.25%, 1.03–1.89 ΔEab units), excel-
probe, the performance of color analysis software of the device, and lent repeatability (88.81%–98.97%, 0.13 to–0.24 ΔEab units), and
the device shade guide mode. Crystaleye and SpectroShade are entire proper reproducibility (similar results with different examiners/

illuminants/shade guides/tooth regions),223,224 presents the best per- 3.62 to 4.54 ΔΕab units,227 and also between those of spectropho-
formance in the tooth middle region,223 and is capable of shade mea- tometers or colorimeters, assessed from 4.06 to 16.04 ΔΕab units.228
suring of bleached teeth. Crystaleye Application Master 1 is color Hence, not only should not different devices from various brands be
analyzing software that not only delivers numerical color data, but used interchangeably,195,229 but also the interchangeable use of iden-
also provides digital images. tical devices from a brand is a cause for concern. Kim230 reported that
In another study comparing five color measuring devices 2 EasyShade Vs with diverse serial numbers revealed acceptable
(ShadeScan, Easyshade, Ikam, IdentaColor II, and ShadeEye), the CIELab values regarding repeatability but showed only 52% inter-
highest in vivo precision was reported for Easyshade and Ikam, while device matching accuracy leading to determination of different shades
the in vitro performance of the other devices was better.217 However, for the same tooth.
the most precise device in either conditions was Easyshade.217 Also, a Dental spectrophotometers present remarkable precision rather
high precision (>96%) was reported for SpectroShade, ShadeVision, than excellent accuracy231,232; however, considering their accuracy
Easyshade, and ShadeScan after repeated measurements, while the (from 66.8% to 92.6%) and precision (from 87.4% to 99.0%,), they are
highest and lowest accuracies were recorded for Easyshade and a paragon among shade determination methods.123,207,233 Future
ShadeVision, respectively.207 However, the accuracy and precision of studies may help to overcome their limitations and produce state-of
ShadeScan was affected by the shade guide mode. the-art dental spectrophotometers.
Easyshade and SpectroShade Micro delivered higher b* and
higher a* values, respectively, in a study,210 maybe because of their
diverse optical geometries and also the smaller irradiation area of 4.4 | Intraoral scanners
Easyshade that could affect CIELab values. Since CIELab values may
not be reproducible between different devices, the same device Although intraoral scanners have been initially used for digital impres-
should be used in clinical and laboratory conditions.210 Klotz sion, a tool for dental shade measurement has been added to some
et al.219,221 revealed that Easyshade Advance 4.0 and V were accurate scanners. The tool uses a high definition camera included into a hand-
and precise while being comparable regarding color measurements for held digital scanner. After scanning of the tooth with LED light, the
incisors and premolars. The accuracy and precision of Easyshade may tooth color is estimated with software and shown according to VITA
be negatively affected in the freehand conditions,208 while shades rather than color parameters. The selected shade and the digi-
SpectroShade is more precise than Easyshade in vivo.211 Although the tal impression are utilized for the restoration fabrication.234 A list of
first generation of Easyshade showed less accuracies compared to a available intraoral scanners with shade measuring ability is presented
reference device (ΔEab = 13.4–15.4),225 based on a systematic in Table 2.
review, Easyshade provides high accuracy and precision surpassing a
photo-colorimetric method.220 No significant differences may exist
between the color matching results of the crowns fabricated using 4.4.1 | Effective factors and conditions related to
Easyshade or Shadepilot, despite their explicit advantage over visual intraoral scanners
methods.226 In an in vivo study by Koumpia et al.213 SpectroShade
Micro showed precise color measurements with systematic and ran- Color imaging and data processing are two major requirements for
dom errors below the perceptibility threshold (ΔΕab < 1). Spectropho- intraoral scanners to be considered as a viable means for shade selec-
tometers may distinguish slight color differences as their limit of tion. Though intraoral scanners can measure the tooth color and col-
detection during in vitro quantification of monochromatic objects is lect three-dimensional tooth surface data, their color matching ability
ΔΕab = 0.1,as claimed by some manufacturers. may be affected by some factors emerging some deficiencies.235
The tooth type affects the reproducibility of measurements, while Intraoral scanners display the color results based on dental shade
only the b* value may not be impacted by the acquisition angle guides. In a study by Liberato et al.236 assessing a TRIOS intraoral
emphasizing the importance of setting this angle correctly. The scanner and a VITA Easyshade Advance 4.0, the best performance for
most precise measurements have been documented for upper inci- the scanner was configured for the Vita 3D-Master mode. Yoon
sors, whereas the greatest color differences have been recorded for et al.235 found significant differences between the TRIOS Pod
lower central incisors and upper first premolars. This might be intraoral scanner and the ShadeEye colorimeter in color parameters
because of the surface curvature of premolars and the resulting owing to the lower L* and b* values and higher a* values measured by
adverse effect on the uniform light reflected back to the device.222 the scanner, and therefore, an intraoral scanner might not be mainly
Moreover, difficult positioning of the optical head of the device's used for shade selection.235 However, benefiting from a high-
imaging camera on lower incisors and possible mandible movements definition camera, LED light, color analyzing software, and VITA shade
during image capturing may justify these findings. Using a custom- guides as references,234 newer scanners such as TRIOS 3 show not
made alignment device may avoid the mentioned potential errors only superiority over the visual method,137,237–239 but also compara-
when using the handheld devices. ble results to spectrophotometers.234,238
There are low agreements between the CIELab values measured On the bright side, the shade matching of intraoral scanners is
by visual and digital methods, reported from 38.8% to 67.4% and from not affected by the operator gender or experience.239 Exploiting real-

color scanning, TRIOS 3 can perform color selection with satisfactory, for TRIOS, 57% for Omnicam, and 63% for Primescan, while the preci-
low mean ΔEab values.137,238,240 Though some shade taking devices sion ranged between 44.3% (Easyshade V) and 51.9% (Omnicam).247
reduce the tooth color data to a single code (e.g., A2), scanners pre- A positioning jig, as used for other devices,212,248 cannot be utilized to
sent detailed color information. enhance scanners' precision owing to scanning mechanism. Scanners
The variation of reports might be originated from differences in may report lighter shades compared to spectrophotometers and visual
light reflection/detection system, different light sources (LED and a methods due to their unpolarized light source.249
fluorescent lamp for scanners and Xenon lamp for colorimeters), and In spite of technological differences among available intraoral
different color analyzing software algorithms.22,200 Other dipartites scanners, they seem precise but not accurate for shade taking. Hence,
between colorimeters and scanners include the differences between intraoral scanners have not been solely advised for tooth shade
the size of measuring tips or measurement area which is much smaller selection yet.
in colorimeters than scanners. Scanners assess the entire surface of
the tooth from different angles; however, colorimeters measure the
color with a parallel alignment in close contact with the surface.242 5 | CONC LU SIONS
Moreover, both devices are affected by inaccurate manipulation, dif-
ferent image capture system, and poor color analyzing software. Tooth shade selection is a complicated task fundamentally affecting
In contrast to spectrophotometers, shade determination by esthetic outcomes of restorative treatments. To improve the accuracy
intraoral scanners using VITA classical or 3D-Master mode can be and precision of shade determination, successful efforts have been
affected by different lighting conditions (10000-, 1000-, 500-, and made to make a shift from subjective visual methods to objective digi-
0-lx.). Thus, the use of an additional instrument is suggested for tal methods. Based on the current literature, the digital methods show
shade assessment.243 However, Yilmaz et al.244 stated that lighting higher accuracy and precision compared to the visual methods; how-
conditions (4000 or 6500 K) had no effect on the shade results of ever, the accuracy of the digital methods should be enhanced to
visual method using VITA 3D-Master and digital methods using achieve ideal shade taking results. Also, dental spectrophotometers
Easyshade Compact or TRIOS. The shade guide mode of scanners provide the highest overall accuracy and precision among different
impacts the results. The accuracy/precision of TRIOS 3 is greater shade selection methods while needing clinical setting to control
when the color is registered as VITA 3D-Master shades (53.3% for related effective factors/conditions and technological improvement to
accuracy, 90.3% for precision) rather than VITA classical shades perform optimally. Further studies are required for tackling the weak-
(27.5% for accuracy, 87.2% for precision). Moreover, the shade nesses of digital devices and improving their accuracy and precision in
results of an intraoral scanner do not exactly match those of a spec- order to completely replace the visual methods with the digital
trophotometer.245 In general, shade selection using scanners is methods in the future.
influenced by elements such as ambient light, image capture, color
analyzing software, and the shade guide mode used. DISCLOS URE
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
4.4.2 | Accuracy and precision of intraoral scanners ence the work reported in this paper. The authors do not have any
financial interest in the companies whose materials are included in this
Shade matching accuracy/precision of scanners have been studied. article.
Gotfredsen et al.234 reported that TRIOS was as good as
SpectroShade Micro regarding shade results. Based on Mehl et al.238 FUNDING
TRIOS 3 has a lower shade matching accuracy compared to This study was not financially supported by any organization or insti-
SpectroShade Micro, SpectroShade, VITA Easyshade, and VITA tute. The authors funded this project.
Easyshade Advance 4.0. The precision of TRIOS 3 seems acceptable
(>85%),239,245 but the accuracy of this device is less than that of a val- OR CID
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