Funeral Rites

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Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam


If one finds oneself on his or her deathbed or what appears to be the deathbed, one
is obliged or recommended to do certain acts of worship and people around the
dying individual are encouraged to be supportive and to provide certain basic

1. The Shahaadah
Those people who are present should encourage the dying person to repeat after
them the Declaration of Faith (Shahaadah) until he or she passes away confirming
Allaahs unique oneness (Tawheed). Both Aboo Sa eed al-Khudree and Aboo
Hurayrah quoted the Prophet (r) as saying,


Prompt your dying ones (to say): laa ilaaha il-lal-laah
and whoevers last
words before dying are: laa ilaaha il-lal-laah, will enter paradise one day, even if
he is afflicted before that by punishment.

This prophetic statement does not simply mean that the Shahaadah should be
mentioned by others in the presence of the one who is dying. The dying person,
himself or herself, should be instructed to say the Shahaadah, as is evident from
the Prophets statement whoevers last words are: laa ilaaha il-lal-laah. The
following hadeeth narrated by Anas indicates the Prophets practise in this regard:

Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.435, no. 1996, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.887, no.3111, Sunan Ibn-i-
Majah, vol.2, p.365, no.1444, Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.337 and Riyadh-us-Saleeheen, vol.2,
p.474, no. 918.
This addition is only found in Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan and it is authenticated in Irwaa al-Ghaleel,
vol.3, p.150.
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Anas ibn Maalik reported that the Messenger of Allaah (r) visited a man from
among the Ansaar and said to him,O Uncle, say : laa ilaaha il-lal-laah. The
man asked, Am I a maternal uncle or a paternal uncle? and the Prophet (r)
replied,Indeed you are paternal. The man then asked, Is it better for me to say
: laa ilaaha il-lal-laah? The Prophet (r) replied, Yes.

Muslims are also encouraged to be present when non-Muslims are dying in
order to present Islaam to them, in the hope that they would accept Islaam prior to
their death. For the acceptance of Islaam at this point to be of any benefit, it must
be based on knowledge,
it must be expressed sincerely
and with certainty,
it must take place before the actual throes of death begin.
This point is evident in
the Prophets (r) attempt to get his uncle Aboo Taalib to bear witness to Allaahs
oneness when the latter was on his deathbed.
Aboo Taalib knew about Allaah,
Islaam, and the Prophet (r) very well. Similarly, the following incident involving
the Prophets servant is one of a person who knew about Allaah and the Prophet

Collected by Ahmad and authenticated in al-Fat-h ar-Rabbaanee, vol.7, p.57, no.34 as well as
in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.11.
} { Know that there is no god worthy of worship besides Allaah. Chapter
Muhammad, (47):19.
} { The were only commanded to worship Allaah, making
the religion sincere for Him alone. Chapter al-Bayyinah, (98):5.
Aboo Hurayrah reported Allaahs Messenger as saying, I testify that there is no god worthy of
worship but Allaah and that I am the Messenger of Allaah. Any servant who meets Allaah with
those two [testimonies], having no doubt in them, will enter paradise. (Sahih Muslim, vol.1,
p.20, no.41)
The Prophet (r) was reported by Abdullaah ibn Umar to have said, Allaah, Most Great and
Glorious, will accept His servants repentance until the throes of death begin. (Collected by at-
Tirmithee and Ibn Maajah and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.2, p.418, no.3430.
See also Riyadh-us-Saleheen, vol.1, p.12, no.18, for an English translation of this hadeeth).
See Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.18, no.36.
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Anas also reported that, When a Jewish youth, who used to serve the Prophet (r)
got sick, the Prophet (r) visited him. The Prophet (r) sat by his head and said to
him, Accept Islaam. The boy looked at his father who was near him and the
man said, Obey Abul-Qaasim. So the boy accepted Islaam and the Prophet (r)
left saying, All praise is due to Allaah who saved him from the Fire.
the boy died the Prophet (r) said, Make salaah for your comrade.)

2. Good Words
People present may pray aloud for the dying person, letting them hear their
concern and compassion for them. Those present should also avoid saying
anything in the dying persons presence which is not good. Negative words will
only increase the difficulties which the sick and dying are facing. On the other
hand, good words and positive thoughts will make the process of dying easier and
the recovery from illness more bearable.

` ` ' r )) :

Umm Salamah reported that the Prophet (r) said, If you are in the presence of a
sick or dying person, you should say good things for verily the angels say
Aameen to whatever you say.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.246, no.438, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.881-82, no.3089 and
Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.328.
This addition is found in Musnad Ahmad and is authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.11.
Sahih Muslim vol.2, p.436, no.2002, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.887, no.3109, Sunan Ibn-i-
Majah, vol.2, pp.366-7, no.1447 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.337.
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When Umm Salamah asked the Prophet what should she say, he replied:

)) : ((
Say: Allaahumma-ghfir lee wa lahu wa aqibnee minhu uqba hasanah [O
Allaah, forgive him and me, and grant me a good substitute after him.]

3. Soorah Yaaseen
The practice of specifically reading the 36th chapter of the Quraan, Soorah
Yaaseen, in the presence of the dying has no basis in the authentic Sunnah.

Neither the Prophet (r) nor his companions did it or recommended that it be
done. However, it does fall under the general heading of good things which
could be said in the presence of one who is dying, but it carries with it no special
value. Reciting this chapter is like reciting any other chapter in the Quraan.
Consequently, one may read it for the dying, if one wishes to do so, or if the dying
person requests it due to his or her personal preference for it. However, to specify
that Soorah Yaaseen should be read for the dying and to believe that doing so has
special value is considered Bidah; a sinful innovation in the religion.

4. Facing Qiblah
Turning the body of one who is dying so that he or she faces the Qiblah
[Makkah] has no foundation in the practise of the Prophet (r) and his
companions. The body should be turned to face Makkah when it is placed in the
grave, according to the Prophets instructions. However, at the time of dying,
there were not such instructions. Turning the body, became a custom after the
time of the Prophets companions, but was objected to by the scholars of that
time. For example, Saeed ibn al-Musayyib,
one of the leading scholars among

Sahih Muslim vol.2, p.436, no.2002.
There is an unauthentic hadeeth narrated by Maqil and collected in Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2,
p.889 no.3115 and Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.367 no.1448. See also Mishkat Al-Masabih,
vol.1, p.338. It is declared unauthentic in Daeef Sunan Abee Daawood, p.316, no.683.
Saeed ibn al-Musayyib ibn Hazn (634-713CE), from the Madeenite tribe of Makhzoom, was
one of the seven leading legal scholars of Madeenah. He was known as the most knowledgeable
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

the students of the Prophets companions, openly expressed his dislike for this
practise. Zarah ibn Abdir-Rahmaan reported that he saw Aboo Salamah ibn
Abdir-Rahmaan with Saeed ibn al-Musayyib when he was on his deathbed.
When Saeed lost consciousness, Aboo Salamah instructed that his bed be turned
towards the Kabah. When Saeed regained consciousness he asked, Did you
move my bed? When they replied that they had done so, he looked at Aboo
Salamah and said, I think it was done with your knowledge? He replied, I told
them to do so. Then Saeed instructed them to return his bed to its original

5. Acceptance of Fate
The dying individual is obliged to accept his lot gracefully so that it becomes
a source of reward and blessing for him on the Day of Judgement. The Prophet
(r) taught that patiently bearing the trials of this life is an act of righteousness
which expiates sins.

` ' ' r `` ` : ` `
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Abdullaah stated that he visited Allaahs Messenger (r) while he was suffering
from a high fever and said to him, O Messenger of Allaah, you have a high
fever. He replied, Yes, I have a fever equal to what two of your men
experience. I asked, Is is because you will have double the reward? He
replied, Yes, it is so. Any Muslim who is afflicted with the harm of a thron prick
or more will have, as a result of it, some of his sins expiated the way a tree sheds
its leaves.

scholar about Umar ibn al-Khattaabs legal principles and his rulings. He lived on what he earned
from the sale of olive oil and never accepted grants. (Al-Alaam, vol.3, p.155).
Collected by Ibn Abee Shaybah in al-Musannaf and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.11,
Sahih Al Bukhari, vol.7, p.374, no.551and Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1364, no.6235.
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Pitying those who are dying is counterproductive, because pity will only
make it more difficult for those dying to accept their fate. Instead, those on their
deathbed should be encouraged to think positively by being told that they are
fortunate. They should be informed that, according to the Prophet (r), Allaah has
chosen them for a special reward.

'` ' : ` r )): ((

Aboo Hurayrah stated that Allaahs Messenger (r) said, Whoever Allaah wishes
good for, He afflicts with trials.

Those on their deathbeds should be instructed to avoid questions like, Why
me? and statements like, Im too young to die! and Its not fair! as all of
these indicate Kufr (disbelief). They should be reminded that it is all for the best,
if only they remain patient.

'` ' ` r )):


Suhayb reported that the Prophet (r) said, A believers affair is amazing; it is all
for the good and that is not the case of anyone besides the believer. If good times
come to him, he is thankful and thus it is good for him, and if bad times befall
him, he is patient and, thus, it is also good for him.

The dying individuals should also have good thoughts about Allaah and be
convinced that Allaah has chosen the most appropriate time and way for them to
die. In that way, they are able to protect their faith from doubts and fears..

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Sahih Al Bukhari, vol.7, p.373, no.548.
Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1541, no.7138. See also Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.2, p.1098.
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Jaabir ibn Abdillaah reported that he heard Allaahs Messenger (r) say, three
days before his death,None of you should die except thinking the best of

Among those who will die with bad thoughts about Allaah are those who
were only cultural Muslims. The only do some of the Islamic rites and rituals
because it is the custom of their people without ever accepting true faith in their
hearts throughout their lives. When death approaches, they will not want to
accept their fate and their deathbed doubts will often tear down their false claims
of belief, leaving them expressing statements of clear disbelief as death
overcomes them. It will be a big surprise for those around them, for everyone
assumed that they were Muslims destined for paradise, based on their practise of
some or most of the basic religious rites. Prophet Muhammad (r) addressed this
phenomenon as follows:

` ` `` ' ' ' ' r )) : ' ' `` `
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Sahl ibn Sa d quoted the Prophet (r) as saying, Indeed a man may appear to
people to do the deeds of the people of paradise, yet he will be of the people of
And in another narration related by Aboo Hurayrah, he quoted the
Prophet (r) as saying, Surely, a person may do the deeds of the people of
paradise for a long time, then terminate his deeds with the deeds of the people of
Since everyones deeds were already recorded in the book of destiny,
prior to the creation of the world, the change in deeds from good to bad was also
referred to by the Prophet (r) as the record or destiny overtaking the individual.

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Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1492,no.6877, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.886, no. 3107 and Mishkat
Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.334.
Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1395, no.6408.
Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1394, no.6407.
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Abdullaah ibn Masood quoted Allaahs Messenger (r), the truthful, as saying:
One of you may do the deeds of the people of paradise until only an arms length
remains between him and paradise, then what was written overtakes him and he
does the deeds of the people of hell and enters hell.

6. Between Fear and Hope
The dying person should be in a psychological state between fear and hope.
The person should fear Allaahs punishment for his or her sins and, at the same
time, hope for Allaahs mercy and forgiveness. The true believer is not sure about
whether he or she is going to paradise, no matter how good his or her life may
have been, because the Prophet (r) said that no one would enter Paradise solely
on the basis good deeds.
Every human makes many errors during his or her
lifetime. Although a person may consider some of his or her errors insignificant,
they may have had exceedingly bad results. The dying person also should not
give up hope in Allaahs mercy, no matter how great his or her sins may have
been, for Allaah is able to forgive all sins as He said,

} {
Do not lose hope of Allaahs mercy, for verily Allaah forgives all

The only exception to that rule being the sin of Shirk, as it negates the very
purpose of creation :

} {
Verily Allaah will not forgive Shirk but He forgives anything besides
it for whomsoever He wishes.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.9, pp.411-2, no.546 and Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1391, no.6390.
Sahih Muslim, vol.4, pp.1473-4, nos.6390 & 6770.
Soorah az-Zumar 39:53.
Soorah an-Nisaa 4:48, 116.
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Anas reported that the Prophet (r) visited a dying youth and asked him, How do
you find yourself? He replied, By Allaah, O Messenger of Allaah, verily I hope
for the best from Allaah and fear my sins. Allaahs Messenger (r) said,
Whenever two come together in the heart of a slave (of Allaah) in such a
situation, Allaah gives him what he hopes for and protects him for what he

7. The Death Wish
No matter how severe the pain of the sickness may become, one is not
allowed to hope or wish for death. The death wish reflects a belief that Allaah has
burdened one beyond his capacity and indicates a lack of patience. The longer
people live, the more opportunity they have to do good and improve their lot.

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Umm al-Fadl reported that the Prophet (r) came to see them while the Prophets
(r) uncle Abbaas, was complaining (of his sickness). When Abbaas wished for
death the Prophet (r) told him, O uncle, dont wish for death, for verily if you
were good and your death is delayed, it will add more good to your previous
goodness and it will be better for you ; and if you were bad, find fault in your bad
(and seek forgiveness) and it will be better for you, so dont wish for death.

Collected by at-Tirmithee and Ibn Maajah and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.3, nt.2.
See Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.335 for the English text.
This narration is found in al-Mustadrak, vol.1, p.339 and is authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz,
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As Anas reported that the Prophet (r) said, None of you should wish for death
because of some harm which has afflicted him. But if one must do it, let him say:
Allaahumma ahyinee maa kaanatil-hayaatu khayran lee [Oh Allaah keep me
alive as long as living is best for me] wa tawaffanee ithaa kaanatil-wafaatu
khayran lee [and take my life if death is better for me].

8. Debts
If dying individuals have in their possession certain rights belonging to
others, they should return them, if they are able to do so, in order to avoid having
to pay them back from their good deeds on the Day of Judgement. The Prophet
(r) warned his followers of this reality as follows:

` ` ` '` ' r )) :

Whoever has with him a wrong taken from the honor of his brother Muslim or
from his wealth, should return it before the Day of Judgement when neither
dirham nor deenaar will be accepted; if he has righteous deeds, it will be taken
from them, and if he doesnt have righteous deeds, it will be taken from his friends
bad deeds and put on him.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.7, p.390, no. 575, Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1411 nos. 6480 & 6485, Sunan
Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.884, no. 3102 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.333.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.3, p.377, no. 629 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.2, p.1062.
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If those that are dying are unable to pay back their debts, they should, at least,
have the sincere intention to do so and should inform their relatives about their
debts. Either, one of their relatives will repay their debts after their death, or the
Prophet (r) will take responsibility for the debts. The Prophet (r) established the
basic principle of divine accounting that if a person intends to do a good deed but
is unable, they are rewarded by God for their intention. Consequently, he said,

There are two types of debt : whoever dies intending to repay them, I will be
responsible for them, and whoever dies with no intention to repay them, will have
it taken from his good deeds. There will not be any deenaars or dirhams on that

9. Waseeyah (Will)
Before dying, everyone should write or dictate a will giving away up to one
third of their wealth to those who would not inherit from them based on the
inheritance laws. This recommendation was instituted by the Allaah to protect the
rights of non-inheriting relatives and friends. It is under this principle of
waseeyah that Muslims may leave wealth for non-Muslim relatives or receive
wealth from dead non-Muslim relatives. According to Islamic law, wealth
obtained by waseeyah is not considered to be inheritance. Islaam considers
inheritance to be the portions of the deceaseds wealth which the law assigns to
various family members in the absence of a will. According to the system of
Islamic inheritance laws (Faraaid), non-Muslims cannot be classified as heirs of
Muslims. Likewise, Muslims have no right to take portions of their dead non-
Muslim relatives wealth allotted by non-Islamic systems of inheritance. The
Prophet (r) was reported to have said, A Muslim must not inherit from a
disbeliever, nor should a disbeliever inherit from a Muslim.

Collected by at-Tabaranee and authenticated in Ahkaamul Janaaiz ,p.5.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.8, p.498, no. 756 and Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p.852, no. 3928.
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Consequently, the Prophet (r) encouraged Muslims to record a will and keep
it as soon as the need arises.

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It is not right for a Muslim who has something to bequeath to pass two nights
without having it in writing with him.

Reported by Ibn Umar and collected in all of the six books of hadeeth. Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.4,
p.1, no.1, Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p.863, no.3987, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.805, no.2856, Mishkat
Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.656, and Muwatta Imam Malik, p.329, no.1449.
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Obligatory Actions on Those Present
Once the person expires, the relatives and those present are obliged to
perform particular services for him or her.

1. Closing the Eyes and Duaa (Supplication)
The eyes of the dead person should be closed and a duaa made for him
based on the following hadeeth of Umm Salamah:

` ` ' r ` ` `` ' )):

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Allaahs Messenger (r) came in and found Aboo Salamahs eyes staring so he
closed them and said,Verily when the soul is snatched, the eyes follow it. Some
people from his family began to scream so he said, Do not call on yourselves
except good for verily the angels say Aameen to whatever you say, He then

Allaahummagh-fir li Abee Salamah warfa darajatahu fil-mahdeeyeen [O
Allaah, forgive Aboo Salamah and raise his level among the rightly guided,]
wakhlufhu fee aqibihi fil-ghaabireen [and let his remaining offspring be like
him.] wagh-fir lanaa walahu yaa Rabbal-Aalameen [Forgive us and forgive
him, O Lord of all the worlds] wafsah lahu fee qabrihee wa nawwir lahu feeh
[and expand his grave and illuminate it for him.]

Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.436-7, no.2003, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.888, no.3112, Sunan Ibn-i-
Majah, vol.2, pp.370-1, no.1455 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.337
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2. Covering the Body
A sheet of cloth large enough to cover the whole body of the deceased should
be drawn over body. This was the approved practise of the Prophet (r) and the
recorded practise of the Prophets companions.

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' )) : (( ' ' ' )) :

Jaabir said, After the Battle of Uhud, my father - who had been mutilated - was
brought and placed in front of the Messenger of Allaah (r). He was covered in a
cloth and I wanted to uncover him, but the people forbade me. The Prophet (r)
instructed that he be uncovered and when the cloth was lifted, he heard the voice
of a woman crying. He asked, Who was that? They replied that it was Amrs
daughter or sister and he said, Dont cry, for the angels were shading him with
their wings until [his soul] was lifted up.

` ` ' r ' `` .

Aaishah reported that a striped Yemeni cloak
was drawn over the Prophets
body [when he died].

In the case of someone who dies in a state of Ihraam
during Hajj or Umrah,
neither the head nor face should be covered by a sheet.

Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaaee, vol.2, p.397, no.1738.
Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.766, note.1. The style of cloak called hibarah had green
stripes and was made of cotton from Yemen.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.188-9, no.333, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.447, nos.2053 and 2056,
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.888, no.3114, and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.337.
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` ' ` ' '` ` ` '
` `' ' r )):
Ibn Abbaas said, While a man was standing at Arafah, he fell off his horse and
his horse trampled him to death. The Prophet (r) said, Wash him with water
and lotus blossoms, wrap him in his two sheets of cloth but do not put perfumed
oil on him, nor cover his head and face, for verily Allaah will resurrect him on the
Day of Resurrection making Talbeeyah

3. Hasten the Burial
Once death is evident, the body should be prepared and taken out of the
house for prayer and burial as soon as possible. In this way, contact with the dead
body is minimized which, in turn, keeps the grief and hurt of seeing the dead
down to a minimum. Aboo Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (r) said,

)) ((
Hasten the funeral rites.

4. Location of Burial
The dead should be buried in the same area where they died. Transporting
the body to another area or another country is not permissible, because it
contradicts the Prophets (r) order to hasten the burial and it also necessitates

Ihraam represents the consecrated state of one who has made the intention for pilgrimage and
has put on the specified garments.
Talbeeyah a the prayer repeated aloud by pilgrims at the beginning of Umrah or Hajj.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.199-200, nos. 355-357, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.596-7, nos.2747 &
2750 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.920, no.3232.
Collected in all of the six books of hadeeth. Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.225, no.401, Sahih
Muslim, vol.2, p.448, no.2059, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.897-8, no. 3153, Sunan Ibn -i-
Majah, vol.2, p.382, no.1477 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.338.
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unnecessary aditional expenses. Furthermore, the Prophet (r) specifically
forbade his followers from transferring of bodies from the local in which they

' ' ' : ` ` '`' ` ' r
` ` r '`' ' ' ' '`` .

Jaabir ibn Abdillaah said, On the day of the Battle of Uhud,
the dead were
being carried [back to Madeenah] for burial in al-Baqee,
when the Prophets
(r) announcer called out: Allaahs Messenger orders you to bury the dead where
they lie. This [announcement came] after my mother had already tied my father
and uncle to the sides of her camel, in order to bury them in al-Baqee. However,
she returned them to where they were killed (for burial).

Imaam an-Nawawee in his book, al-Athkaar, said, If [the dying person]
requests writes in his will that his body be transported to another country, it
should not be fulfilled. Because transporting the dead to another local is haraam
according to the authentic position held by most scholars.

5. Debts
All outstanding debts of the dead person should be repaid from the wealth he
or she left behind, even if it consumes all of the inheritance. If dead person was
without wealth or the inheritance was not sufficient to cover all of his or her
debts, the state will be responsible to repay the remainder, if the dead person had
made serious efforts to pay it. Aaishah reported that the Prophet (r) had said,

Uhud is a volcanic hill with a plain stretching before it on the western outskirts of Madeenah.
The Quraysh defeated the Muslims there in the third year of the Hijrah (625 CE). (The Concise
Encyclopaedia of Islam, p.68).
The name given to the city of Madeenahs graveyard.
Collected by the Four Sunans. Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.899, no.3159, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah,
vol.2, p.403-4, no.1516 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.356. It is authenticated in Saheeh Sunan
Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.610, no.2710 and in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.14.
Saheeh Kitaab al-Athkaar, vol.1, p.433.
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)) .((
Whoever among my Ummah carries a debt and strives to repay it, but dies
(before being able to do so), I will be responsible for it.

Allaah identified the ghaarimoon (debtors) as being among those eligible to
receive Zakaah. If, however, the state was unable to do repay the dead persons
debts, any Muslim may voluntarily repay the debts as a act of charity.

' ' ' ' '
` '' r )) : ((
' ' ' ' ` ' ' ` ` ` '
` ' ' ` )): .((

Sad ibn al-Atwal reported that his brother died and left behind him three hundred
dirhams and a family, and he, Sad, wanted to spend it on his brothers family, but
the Prophet (r) informed him, Verily your brother is imprisoned by his debt, so
go and pay it off. Sad went and paid it off, then came to the Prophet (r) and
said, I have paid it all off except for two dinars claimed by a woman who does
not have any proof. The Prophet (r) told him, Give it to her for verily she is

Permissible Actions by Those Present

1. Uncovering the Face and Kissing it
Those present at the individuals death or those who come to see the dead
person for the last time are allowed to uncover the face and kiss it. Kissing the

Collected in Musnad Ahmad, vol.6, p.74 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.19.
Collected in Musnad Ahmad, vol.4, p.136 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.2,
p.57, no.1973 and Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.15. For the English text, see Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1,
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

face of the dead is considered a part of the sunnah of the Prophet (r) and his

` ' ' r ' ` ` ` ' ` ``
`` .
Aaishah reported that when the Prophet (r) came to see Uthmaan ibn
Mathoon after he had died, he uncovered his face, bent over him and kissed

` ' ` ' r ` : ` ` `
` ' ' ` ' '
` ` ` r ` ` ' ' '` `` `
` ` ` ' .

Aaishah said, Aboo Bakr came riding on his horse from his home in Sunh. He
dismounted and entered the masjid without saying anything to the people until he
entered Aaishahs house. He then went to the Prophet (r), who was covered in
his striped yemeni cloak, uncovered his face, then bent over and kissed him
[between his eyes]
and cried.

2. Crying
Those present and the relatives of the deceased are allowed to cry for a
maximum period of three days.

Collected by at-Tirmithee (Hasan) Sunan Abu Dawud vol.2, p.898, no. 3157, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah
vol.2, p.371 no.1456 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.338.
This addition is found in Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaaee, vol.2, p.396, no.1735.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.188, no.333. The colour of the cloak was green see footnote.16.
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` ` ' ' ' ' r ` '` ' ' ' '` ))
The Prophet (r) delayed coming to visit Jafars family for three days after his
death, then he came to them and said, Do not cry for your brother after today.

In the previous hadeeth of Aaishahs concerning Uthmaan ibn Mathoon
she mentioned that the Prophet (r) cried until tears over flowed from his eyelids.

` ` ` ' ' r ' '
` ` ' ' r ' ' ` ` ` `` '
` ' `` `' r '``' ` ' `'
` ` ` )) : ((. `
r )) :

Anas ibn Maalik also reported that they went with the Prophet (r) to visit Aboo
Sayf, the husband of Ibraheems
wet nurse, and the Prophet (r) took Ibraaheem,
cuddled him and kissed him. When they later went back to visit him, Ibraheem
was breathing his last and the Prophets (r) eyes became filled with tears.
Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Awf asked, Even you, O Messenger of Allaah? The
Prophet (r) replied, O son of Awf, verily it is a mercy. His eyes again became
filled with tears and he said, Verily the eyes become filled with tears and the
heart feels sorrow, but we only say that which pleases our Lord. Indeed, we are
sorrowful at your parting, O Ibraaheem.

Reported by Abdullaah ibn Jafar Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.3, p.1165, no.4180 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih, vol.2, p.934.
Ibraaheem was the Prophets son by his Egyptian Coptic wife, Maria.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.219-20, no.390, Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1243, no.5733, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.891 no.3120, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.442, no. 1589 by Asmaa bint Yazeed
and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.360.
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3. Patience
Relatives of the deceased are obliged to be patient, practice self restraint, and
gracefully accept Allaahs decree because Allaah has already promised mankind
that He would test them.


Verily I
will test you with some fear, hunger and a loss of wealth, life
and the fruit (of your labor) so, give glad tidings to the patient ones.

Among the glad tidings for those who are patient when loved ones are lost is a
home in paradise. Aboo Moosaa al-Asharee quoted Allaahs Messenger (r) as


If a child of [Allaahs] slave dies, Allaah will say to His angels: You took My
slaves child. They will reply: Yes. He will then say: You took the love of his
, and they will reply: Yes. He will then ask: What did My slave say? and
they will reply: He praised you and said, Surely, we belong to Allaah and to Him
we will return. Allaah will then say: Build a house in paradise for My slave and
call it the house of praise.

However, true patience for which Allaahs promises reward is that which is
practised when the calamity first strikes. The real test of patience is at the time of

Literally we known in English as the majestic we or the royal we, used by those of great
Soorah al-Baqarah 2:155
Literally the fruit of his heart.
Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmithee, vol.1, pp.298-9, no.814.
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the calamity. Being patient after the initial shock and reaction has worn off, is not
considered real patience.

` ` ' ' : ` ` r ' ' ' )) :
(( : ` `' ' ` ' ' ' `
r ` r ` ` ' ' : ' ' )) :

Anas ibn Maalik related that once the Prophet (r) passed by a woman crying
beside a grave and said to her, Fear Allaah and be patient. She replied, Get
away from me, for you havent been afflicted with my misfortune. And you dont
even know what it is! Someone informed her that it was the Prophet (r) [and
the news struck her like death.]
She then ran to the Prophets (r) door - where
she did not find any guard - and called out, O Messenger of Allaah, verily I
didnt know it was you. The Prophet (r) replied, Verily patience is with the
first shock.

Patience and self restraint at the death of children have especially great
rewards because of the severity of their death on their parents. Aboo Hurayrah
reported that the Prophet (r) said,



Allaah will put any two Muslims who have three children that die, before
reaching maturity, in paradise along with them due to His mercy.
The children

This addition is in the narration of Sahih Muslim.
Sahih Al-Bukhari vol.2, p.208, no. 372, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.439, no.2013, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.890 no.3118, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.446 no.1596 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih,, vol.1, p.361. The wording is from Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.452, no.1605.

Sahih Al-Bukhari vol.2, pp.192-3, nos. 340-2, Sahih Muslim, vol.4, pp.1384-5, nos.6365 & 6368.
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will wait at the gates of paradise. When they are told to enter, they will reply,
Not until our two parents come. They will be told to enter paradise along with
their parents by Allaahs mercy.

` ' `` ' ' ` '` ` '
r ' ' ' `` )): ` '``
' ' ' ' ' ` '``
` ` `'` ' .((
Aboo Hassaan reported: I said to Aboo Hurayrah that my two children had died.
Would you narrate to me anything from Allaahs Messenger (r) a hadeeth which
would soothe our hearts in our bereavements ? He said: Yes. Small children
are the fowls of paradise. If one of them meets his father,
he would grab his
and he will not remove his hand from it until Allaah causes his father
to enter paradise.

Allaah has promised a special additional reward for women who lose three
children. Because she suffers even more than her husband when a child dies. It is
she who carries the child within her for nine months, gives birth to him, nurses
him, etc. If she is patient, she will be granted an even greater reward than her

` ` '` ' r ' )) :
(( `` ' : ` ' ) : )
Aboo Hurayrah quoted the Messenger of Allaah (r) as saying to a group of
Ansaaree women, Any woman who has three children that die will be shielded

Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaaee vol.2, p.405 no.1770.
The narrator added, or he demonstrated with his hand saying: the way I take hold of the hem of
your garment.
The narrator added, or he said: his parents.
Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1385 no.6370.
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by them from the Hellfire. When a woman asked about two children, he replied
that would also shield her.

4. Al-Istirjaa
When the news of death in the family reaches the relatives and friends, they
should say :

} {

Innaa lil-laahi wa innaa ilayhi raajioon [Verily we belong to Allaah
and verily to Him we must return.]

In the case of the husband or wife they should add: Allaahumma ajirnee fee
museebatee wakh-luf lee khayran minhaa (or minhu if it is the wife saying it)
[Oh Allaah grant me refuge in my affliction and replace her (him) with someone

` ' ` ' r )) :
) ` ' (
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` ` ' r ` ` ` ` '
)) : ((.
Umm Salamah reported that Allaahs Messenger (r) said, For any Muslim who
is afflicted with a misfortune and says : Innaa lil-laahi wa innaa ilayhi
raajioon, Allaahumma ajirnee fee museebatee wakh-luf lee khayran minhaa,

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.192-93 no.341 (reported by Aboo Saeed al-Khudree), Sahih
Muslim, vol.4, pp.1384-85 no.6367 & 6368, Mishkat Al-Masabih,, vol.1, p.367 and Muwatta,
p.112, no. 551.
Soorah al-Baqarah 2:156. This duaa is known in Arabic as al-Istirjaa.
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

Allaah will replace it with something better. She then said, So when Aboo
Salamah died I asked myself, Who among Muslims is better than Aboo Salamah,
the first family to make the Hijrah? When I said [the prayer], Allaah replaced
[Aboo Salamah] with Allaahs Messenger(r). Haatib ibn Abee Baltaah was sent
by Allaahs Messenger (r) to propose to me and I said, I have a daughter and I
am very jealous. The Prophet (r) said, As for her daughter, we ask Allaah to
make her benefit Umm Salamah, and I ask Allaah to remove her jealousy.

5. Al-Hidaad : Mourning
Women are allowed to avoid all forms of beautification as a sign of mourning
for their husbands, children or relatives. This does not contradict the
recommendations for patience, as long as the mourning does not exceed three
days for her child or relative and four months and ten days for her husband.

` ` ` ` ' ' ` ` '
` ' ' ' r )) :


Zaynab bint Abee Salamah reported that when she went to see Zaynab bint
after her brother died, she asked for some perfume. After wearing it, she
said, I dont need any perfume, except that I heard the Prophet (r) say: It is not
allowable for any woman who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to mourn for
the dead for more than three (days), except in the case of her husband, in which
case she may do so for four months and ten days.

Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.435-36, no.1999, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.888, no.3113, Sunan Ibn-
i-Majah, vol.2, p.447, no.1598, Muwatta, p.112, no. 554 and Mishkat Al-Masabih,, vol.1, p.337.
The Prophets wife and cousin.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.207, no.370, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.776, no. 3540, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.624, no.2292 and Mishkat Al-Masabih,, vol.1, p.709.
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Forbidden Actions by Those Present

1. Wailing
The Prophet (r) strictly forbade wailing and screaming, or the hiring of
mourners. Furthermore, he identified such practices as acts of Kufr (disbelief),
because they indicate displeasure with what Allaah has decreed. Eemaan (faith)
includes the belief that Allaah is the source of all good and all of His actions are
wise. Proper Eemaan would never allow those who possess it to commit such
acts of ignorance.

` '` ' r )):

Aboo Hurayrah quoted the Prophet (r) as saying, There are two practices found
among people, both of which indicate Kufr: ridiculing the ancestry (of others)
and wailing over the dead.

Abdullaah ibn Umar also reported that Hafsah
cried when Umar died and he
said to her Take it easy. Dont you know that the Messenger of Allaah (r) said,

)) ((
Verily the dead are punished in their grave by the wailing of their family over

The dead will suffer due to the wailing of relatives in two cases :

Reported by Aboo Hurayrah and collected by Muslim and al-Bayhaqee Sahih Muslim, vol.1,
p.44 no. 128.
Hafsah was one of the Prophets wives and daughter of Umar ibn al-Khattaab, the second
Reported by Ibn Umar and collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2,
p.213 no.379, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.439 no.2015, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.891 no. 3123,
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.444 no.1593 and Mishkat Al-Masabih,, vol.1, pp.360-61 by
Abdullaah ibn Umar.
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(a) When the deceased requested mourning prior to his death.
(b) If the deceased knew that it was the practice of the people and he did not
request that they do not do so over him.

2. Striking Cheeks and Tearing of Clothes
It was the practice in Arabia at the time of the Prophet (r) for women in
mourning to slap or scratch the cheeks of their faces and to rip their clothes.
These acts were strictly forbidden as well as all similar practices which involved
self punishment and the destruction of material wealth. These practices all aim at
heightening the pain and sorrow accompanying death while Islaam seeks to
minimize it. Ibn Masood reported that the Prophet (r) said,

)) .((
Whoever slaps his face, tears his clothes or invites (others) to an un-Islamic
slogan is not of us.

3. Shaving the Head or Dishevelling
the Hair
Since the womans hair is considered a part of her beauty, and women in
mourning would shun all forms of beauty, they used to either shave off all of their
hair or mess it up and leave it in a state of disarray.
In Islaam woman are allowed to shun various forms of beautification, but the
shaving of the head and dishevelling of the hair is forbidden, as these go beyond
normal bounds and are associated with pre-Islamic concepts.

Collected by al-Bukhaaree, Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud and al-Bayhaqee Sahih Al-Bukhari,
vol.2, p.216 no.385, Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.59, no. 184, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.438 no.1584
and Mishkat Al-Masabih,, vol.1, p.361, by Abdullaah ibn Masood.
i.e. messing it up and leaving it that way.
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` ` ` `' '` ` ' ' ' `` '
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Aboo Burdah ibn Abee Moosaa reported that Aboo Moosaa was overcome by
severe pain and lost consciousness while his head was in the lap of one of the
women of his family. The woman began to scream, but he was unable to say
anything to her. When he regained consciousness he said, I am blameless of
what Allaahs Messenger (r) declared himself blameless; the wailing woman,
the one who shaves her head and the one who tears her clothes.

' ` ' `' ` ` r
`' ' `' ' ` ' `' ' '
' ' .
One of the woman who made the pledge to the Prophet (r) before the Hijrah

said, Among the things which the Prophet (r) made us pledge not to disobey
him in was that we should not scratch or slap our faces nor call out woe, nor rip
our clothes nor dishevel our hair.

Those who normally shave but who let their beards grow for a few days to
indicate their sorrow, fall under this category of dishevelling hair as the intent is
similar. This practice is also bidah, an innovation in the rites of Islaam, which is
also forbidden.

4. The Announcement of Someones Death

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.215, no.383, Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.59, nos.186-7, Sunan Abu
Dawud vol.2, pp. 891-92 no.3124, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.439, no.1586 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih, vol.1, p.361.
The Prophets migration to the city of Madeenah.
(Saheeh) Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.892 no.3125 and Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.435
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It is forbidden in Islaam to make a big affair about announcing anyones
death, such as proclaiming it from the minarets of the masjids, announcing it in
the market streets etc ;

' ' ` ` '` '
` r ' ' ` .
If someone died, Huthayfah ibn al-Yamaan used to say, Do not proclaim his
death to anyone, for I fear that it may be a death announcement and I heard
Allaahs Messenger (r) with my own two ears forbid the death announcement.

However, a calmly expressed general announcement is allowed

` ` '` ' : ` r ` ` ` '
' ` ` .
Aboo Hurayrah reported that Allaahs Messenger (r) announced the death of the
Najaashee to his companions on the very day that he died, then he stepped
forward and they lined up behind him and he made [a funeral prayer consisting
of] four takbeers.

5. Gathering to Give Condolences
The practise of organizing gatherings in the home, at the grave or in the
masjid to give condolenses to the family of the dead person is against the sunnah
of the companions of the Prophet (r).

' ' ' : ` ` ' '

Collected by at-Tirmithee and Sunan Ibn-i-Majah vol.2, p.382 no.1476.
Collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.227 no.404, Sahih Muslim
vol.2, p.452 no.2077 &2078, Sunan Abu Dawud vol.2, p.911, no.3198 and Mishkat Al-Masabih,,
vol.1, p.348.
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Jareer ibn Abdillaah al-Bajalee said, We used to regard gathering at the home of
the deceaseds family and their preparation of food an aspect of wailing.

Imaam ash-Shaafiee said, I dislike gatherings, even if there is no wailing or
crying. For it only renews the [familys feelings of] sorrow and puts burdens on
their food supplies.
Imaam an-Nawawee related that the leading scholars
prohibited organized gatherings based on it being an innovation.

6. Preparing Food by the Family of the Deceased
The obligation placed on the family of the dead person to prepare food for
gatherings is incorrect based on the previously mentioned statement of the
Prophets companion, al-Bajalee. Furthermore, it contradicts the Prophets
explicit instruction to relatives, friends and neighbours to send food to the
bereaving family.
' `' ` ' ' ' ' ` r )) : ' `'
'` ' ' '` '` ' .((
Abdullaah ibn Jafar said: When the announcement of Jafars death came, the
Messenger of Allaah (r) said, Prepare food for Jafars family, for something
has happened to them which is distracting them [from their needs].

`' `` ` ' '` '
' ` ` ' )) :
Urwah related that Aaishah used to recommend talbeenah
for the sick and
those grieving over a death. She used to say: I heard Allaahs Messenger (r) say,

Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.456, no.1612 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1,
p.269, no.1308.
Al-Umm, vol.1, p.248, quoted in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.167.
Al-Majmoo, vol.5, p.306, quoted in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.167.
Collected by at-Tirmithee, Aboo Daawood and Ibn Maajah (Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.455,
no.1610) and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1, p.268, no.1306.
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Indeed, talbeenah relaxes the heart of the sick and removes some of his

Recommended Actions by Those Present

1. Preparing Food for the Family of the Deceased
It was the practise of the Prophet to have his family prepare food for the relatives
of the dead.

'` ' ' : ` ' ` r ' )) :
'` `' '` ' ' ` (( `' : `
Asmaa bint Umays said: When Jafar was killed, Allaahs Messenger returned to
his family and said, Jafars family is distracted by the affairs of their dead, so
prepare some food for them. Abdullaah
said: That remained the sunnah until
it became an innovation
and was abandoned.

2. Praising the Dead
It is recommended that righteous Muslims who knew the deceased well, and
were among his or her neighbours, should testify to others about the good
qualities of the deceased. This is a means of reminding others of righteousness
and spurring them on to good deeds. The Prophet (r) personally encouraged this
practice and pointed out that such praise is of benefit to the dead person.

Porridge made from flour, bran and honey.
Sahih Al Bukhari, vol.7, p.401, no.593 and Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1202, no.5491.
Abdullaah ibn Abee Bakr was one of the later narrators of this hadeeth.
People later elaborated on this practice until it became an exaggerated ritual with much pomp
and show. Later scholars considered its distorted form an innovation and abandoned it.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.455, no.1610 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah,
vol.1, pp.268-9, no.1307.
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' ` ' ' ' ' '
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Abul-Aswad related that he came to Madeenah during the time of an epidemic
and he sat next to Umar ibn al-Khattaab. When a bier passed by, the people
praised the person and Umar said, It has been affirmed. Another bier passed by
and the people praised the person and Umar said, It has been affirmed. When
a third bier passed by, the people spoke badly of the deceased and Umar said, It
has been affirmed. Abul-Aswad asked him what was affirmed and he replied, I
said what the Prophet (r) said: Allaah will put in paradise any Muslim for whom
four have testified to his goodness.

` ' ` r )) :
Anas also related that the Prophet said, For any Muslim who dies and four of his
close neighbours testify that they have known him to be good, Allaah - the
Blessed, the Highest - will say, I have accepted your testimony and forgiven him
for what you do not know about.

The practice of requesting witnesses after the burial prayer and the bearing of
witness by those who do not even know the deceased is bidah and futile, for false
witness will never benefit anyone in the next life.

Collected by Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.253-54, no.449, Mishkat Al-Masabih,, vol.1, p.350 at-
Tirmithee and an-Nasaaee.
Collected by Ahmad (Saheeh) See Ahkaamul Janaaiz, pp.45-6.
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There should be no delay in the washing, shrouding and burial of the individual
once he or she has died, as was mentioned earlier and supported by the Prophets
instruction, Hasten the funeral rites.

A. Injunctions Concerning Washing
Washing the dead body prior to shrouding and burial is obligatory, according
to numerous recorded instructions given by the Prophet (r). For example,
when his daughter, Zaynab, passed away, he told the women who were
preparing her for burial:

)) ((
You should wash her...

This obligation is however considered Fard Kifaayah (a collective responsibility),
if there is no one to claim the body. If someone performs the washing, the
community is freed from the obligation, but if no one does it, the whole
community is considered sinful.

As a general rule, males should take the responsibility of washing males, and
females should wash females. This rule is to avoid the arousal of any
undesirable feelings during this delicate procedure. The only exception to the
rule is in the case of husband and wife, or small children. Permission for
husbands to wash their wives and visa versa is based primarily on the fact that

Collected in all of the six books of hadeeth. Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.225, no.401, Sahih
Muslim, vol.2, p.448, no.2059, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.897-8, no. 3153, Sunan Ibn -i-
Majah, vol.2, p.382, no.1477 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.338.
Reported by Umm Ateeyah and in all the six books of hadeeth. Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.194,
no.344, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.445, no.2041, Sunan Abu Dawud vol.2, p.894, no.3136, Sunan
Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.372, no.1458, Muwatta, p.105, no.514 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1,
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

there is no prohibition from doing so. It is also based on statements of the
Prophet (r) and his wives.

` ' r ` `
` )) : (( ` )) :
Aaishah reported that when the Prophet (r) returned from a funeral at al-
Baqee, she was suffering from a headache and said, Oh my head. The Prophet
(r) replied, No, it is I who is in pain from whatever hurts you. If you were to die
before me, I would wash you, shroud you, pray for you and bury you.

' : ` ''' ' ' ' ' r `' .
Aaishah said, If I had known beforehand what I came to know after, only the
wives of the Prophet (r) would have washed him.

Those who take on the responsibility of washing the dead should be the most
knowledgeable of the procedures, preferably from among the deceaseds
immediate family members or relatives. Such was the case of those who took
charge of washing the Prophet (r). They were his cousins, Alee, al-Fadl ibn
Abbaas and Usaamah, the son of the Prophets adopted son, Zayd ibn Haarithah.

` ` ` ' ` ' r ` ' ` ` `
`' : ` ' ` ' `` .

Collected by Ibn Maajah (Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.376, no.1465), Ahmad and ad-Daarimee
and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.2, p.1308 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1,
p.247, no.1197.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.376, no.1464 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.894, no.3135 and
authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1, p.247, no.1196.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.912, no.3203 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.618, no.2748, as well as, in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.51.
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Alee ibn Abee Taalib is reported to have said, When he bathed the Prophet (r),
he began to search for traces of impurities which are usually found on dead
bodies, but he did not find any. So he said, May my father be a ransom for you.
You are the most pure. You were clean and pure in life and you are clean and
pure after your demise.

If relatives are not available, it is recommended that those who wash the body
be among the pious, due to the delicate nature of this procedure. Those who deal
with the dead in hospitals and morgues, usually become quite callous and rough
or disrespectful in their treatment of the corpses. The same is true of those hired
to wash the dead. Consequently, God-fearing individuals should be chosen in
order to ensure proper treatment of the dead.

Those who wash the dead are recommended to take an Islamic bath (ghusl)
afterwards, based on the following hadeeths:

'` ' : ` r )) :

Aboo Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (r) said, Whoever washes the dead
should take a ghusl and whoever carries the corpse should make wudoo.

The order in the above-mentioned hadeeth is understood as a
recommendation due to the following hadeeth in which Ibn Abbaas quoted the
Prophet (r) as saying,


Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.377, no.1467 and authenticated in in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah,
vol.1, p.247, no.1198.
Narrated by Aboo Hurayrah and collected in Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.898, no.3155, Sunan
Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.374-5, no.1463 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.108, and authenticated in
in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.609, no.2707.
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You are not required to make ghusl if you have washed your dead, for verily
your dead are not impure.
It is sufficient for you to wash your hands.

Ibn Umar was also reported to have said, Whenever we used to wash the
dead, some of us used to make ghusl while others would not.

Method of Washing
First: The body should be laid out, stripped of its garments and its joints
loosened, if possible. A cloth should be placed over the private parts, between the
navel and the knee, and the stomach should be pressed to expel any remaining

` ' : ' ` ` : `` '
`` ' `` ' ' `` ' `
Aaishah said: When they wanted to wash the Prophet (r), they said, By Allaah,
we dont know, should we remove all of Allaahs Messengers clothes as we
uncloth our dead, or should we wash him with his clothes on?

Second: A rag should be used to wash the body and the washing should begin
with the places on the right side of the body washed during wudoo.

` ' ` ` ` ' r `' `' )) :
(( .

Umm Ateeyah said: The Messenger of Allaah came among us while we were
bathing his daughter and he said, Begin with the her right side and the places of

The Arabic najis means ritually impure according to Islaam.
Collected by al-Bayhaqee and al-Haakim and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.54.
Collected by al-Daaraqutnee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.53-54.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.894, no.3135 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.49.
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Third: After completing the wudoo, the womans hair should be undone if it
was braided and the hair thoroughly washed. Then the rest of the body should be
washed, turning the body on its side so as to complete the right side before
washing the left.

` ` `` ` ` ` ' r `' `
` ` ` ` ` .

Umm Ateeyah said that they plaited the hair of the Messenger of Allaahs
daughter in three braids. They first undid her hair, washed it and then plaited it in
three braids.

Fourth: The body should be washed a minimum of three times and the water
should have in it some cleaning agent like soap or disinfectant. The final washing
should have in it some perfume like camphor or the like.

` ' ` ` ` ' r `' `' )) :
Umm Ateeyah said: Allaahs Messenger came among us while we were washing
his daughter and said, Wash her three, or five or more times
using lotus water
and put in the last washing camphor.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.195, no.346, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.446, no.2048, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.895, no.3139, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.372-3, nos.1459 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih, vol.1, p.344.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.197, no.350.
Seven times and an odd number of times were mentioned in other narrations collected in
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.196-7, no.349.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.194, no.344, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.445, no.2041, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.894, no.3136, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.372, nos.1458 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih, vol.1, p.344.
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Fifth: The body should then be dried and the hair combed out. In the case of
women, the hair should be plaited into three braids one from the front and two
from the sides and placed behind her head. This practice is based on Umm
Ateeyahs statement,

)) ` ' r ` ' (( : `` :
'' .

We braided the Prophets daughters hair in three braids. Wakee quoted
Sufyaan as saying: One [braid] from the forelock and two at the sides.

Sixth: Exceptions

The Pilgrim: In the case of person who died in the state of Ihraam,
should not be used in washing his or her body.

`' `` ` ` ` '` ` ` ' ` r '` `
` r : ))
Ibn Abbaas reported that a man in a state of ihraam was thrown by his camel
while they were with the Prophet (r) and he said, Wash him with water and
[ground leaves of the] lote-tree,
and shroud him in two pieces of cloth. But

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.198, no.352, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.446, no.2047, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.895, no.3138, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.372-3, nos.1458-9 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih, vol.1, p.344.
One who has made the intention for Hajj or Umrah and donned the garments.
The Arabic term sidr refers to the lote-tree of which there are two species; one grows in
cultivated lands and its ground leaves are used in bathing (ghusl) and its fruit (nabq) is sweet; and
the other grows in the desert, its leaves are not used and its fruit juicy. (Arabic-English Lexicon,
vol.1, p.1331).
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dont put perfume on him nor cover his head, for Allaah will resurrect him on the
day of judgement calling out the talbeeyah.

The Martyr: In the case of the martyr (shaheed), his body should not be
washed at all, but should be buried as it is.

` ' ' ' r ` ` )) :
((. '' ` ' .
Jaabir also reported that the Prophet (r) said regarding those killed during the
battle of Uhud, Do not wash them for verily every wound will emit musk on the
day of Judgement. And he did not offer the funeral prayer for them.

B. Injunctions Concerning the Shroud (Kafn)

Shrouding the body is obligatory based on the commands of the Prophet (r)
to do so. The body should be shrouded immediately after it is washed and

` `' `` ` ` ` '` ` ` ' r '` `
` r : )) .((
Ibn Abbaas reported that a man in a state of ihraam was thrown by his camel
while they were with the Prophet (r) and he said, Wash him with water and
[ground leaves of the] lote-tree, and shroud him in two pieces of cloth.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.200-1, no.357 and Sunan Abu Dawud vol.2, p.920, no.3235.
Collected by Ahmad and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.54-5 nt.32.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.200-1, no.357 and Sunan Abu Dawud vol.2, p.920, no.3235.
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The shroud or its cost should be taken from the wealth left behind by the
deceased, if it is enough money to purchase garments which can cover all of
the body.

` ` ` ' : ` ' ' ` ' '` .
Khabbaab said, Musab ibn Umayr died during the Battle of Uhud and we
couldnt find anything to shroud him in except his cloak.

The shroud should be sufficient to cover the whole body. If not, those
preparing the body should supply a proper shroud.

` ` ' ' ' r ' ' ` '
` ' ' r ' ` ' `` ` ' '
` `'` r )) ((.

Jaabir narrated that one day the Prophet (r) gave a sermon in which he talked
about one of his companions who had died and had been shrouded in a short
shroud and buried at night. He warned against burying [a person] at night, before
the funeral prayer could be made for him, unless one were forced to do that. The
Prophet (r) then said, If any of you shrouds his dead brother (Muslim), he
should shroud him well.

If the shroud is not large enough to cover the whole body and no substitute is
available, the head and body should be covered by the shroud and the feet can be
covered with twigs.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.205, no.366, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.446-47, no.2050, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, pp.896-97, no.3149 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.2, pp.1364-65. Ithkhir - a sweet
smelling plant which becomes white when dried used for roofing houses over the wood
(Arabic-English Lexicon, vol.1, pp. 956-7).
Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.448, no.2058, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.895, no.3142, Sunan Ibn-i-
Majah,vol.2, p.380, no.1474 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.344.
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

` ` ` ' : ` ' r `' ' `
` ` ` ' ' '` `' `'` '` ' ' ' ' '
' `' `' ` ' '` ` ' ' `
` `` '' ' r '' ' ' ` '
Khabbaab said, We migrated along with the Prophet for the sake of Allaah so
our reward was ensured by Allaah. Some of us died without accumulating any
material possessions, like Musab ibn Umayr, while others gained rewards.
Musab ibn Umayr died during the Battle of Uhud and we couldnt find anything
to shroud him in except his cloak. When we covered his head, his feet were
exposed and when we covered his feet, his head would be exposed. So the
Prophet instructed us to cover his head [with his cloak] and cover his feet with

If the number of dead is great or the cloth used for shrouding is insufficient
for all of the bodies, more than one body may be wrapped in the same shroud
at a time.

` ` ' ' ' r ' ' ` ' ' `
` ` ' '` ` ` `
`` `` '` ` ' ' `
` ' r ' ```` ' ` '`` ' .

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.205, no.366, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.446-47, no.2050, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, pp.896-97, no.3149 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.2, pp.1364-65. Ithkhir - a sweet
smelling plant which becomes white when dried used for roofing houses over the wood
(Arabic-English Lexicon, vol.1, pp. 956-7).
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.239, no.427, Sunan Abu Dawud , vol.2, p.893, no. 3130 and Sunan
Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.403, no.1514.
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Anas ibn Maalik related that Allaahs Messenger passed by the mutilated body of
and said, Were it not that Safeeyah
would have grieved, I would
have left him until the birds and wild animals devoured him so he would be
resurrected in their bellys. The garments were scanty and the slain were in great
number. So one, two and three persons were shrouded in one sheet of cloth.

The narrator, Qutaybah, added: They were then buried in one grave. Allaahs
Messenger asked: Which of the two knew the most Quraan? And the one who
had done so was placed in front, facing the Qiblah.

In the case of the martyr, his or her garments are not removed. The shroud is
wrapped over the garments in which the person was killed.

The number of sheets used to wrap the body can be as few as one sheet, based
on Umm Ateeyahs hadeeth in which she said,

)) ` ' : ((
He [the Prophet (r)] threw us his lower wrapper
and said, Shroud her in it.

Hamzah ibn Abdil-Muttalib was the brother of Aboo Taalib, and an uncle of the Prophet (r).
He was known for his bravery, thus his acceptance of Islaam in Makkah greatly strengthened the
position of Muslims there. He was killed during the Battle of Uhud, and Hind bint Utbah, the
wife of Aboo Sufyaan, mutilated his body and ate his liver in revenge for her fathers death in the
Battle of Badr. (The Life of Muhammad, pp.83,131, 385).
Safeeyah bint Abdil-Muttalib was the sister of Hamzah and paternal aunt of the Prophet (r).
She was also the mother of az-Zubayr ibn al-Awwaam. (The Life of Muhammad, pp.387-8 &
Ibn Taymeeyah was of the opinion that they were not literally shrouded in a single sheet of
cloth, but that a single sheet was torn and pieces used to shroud two or three bodies individually,
even if it did not completely cover them, due to necessity. He argued that if they were in a single
sheet, the Prophet (r) would have asked about the most knowledgeable before shrouding them, to
avoid having to undo the shroud and re-shroud them. (Awn al-Mabood, vol.3, p.165).
Collected by at-Tirmithee and Aboo Daawood (Sunan Abu Dawud , vol.2, p.893, no. 3130) and
authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.606, no.2689.
The izaar, also called a waist-wrapper, is a sheet of cloth wrapped around the waist like a
skirt. It is called a lungee in India and Pakistan, and a sarong in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Collected by Sahih Al-Bukhari,vol.2, p.194, no.344, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.445, no.2041, Sunan
Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.894-5, no.3136, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.372, no.1458 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih, vol.1, p.344.
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It could also be two sheets as in the hadeeth of the muhrim who was killed by
his horse at Arafah. The Prophet (r) said,

)) ... ((
... and shroud him in two sheets.

In the case of the male who dies while in a state of ihraam, the two sheets
will be the two sheets of his ihraam. Ibn Abbaas quoted the Prophet (r) as

Wash the muhrim in the sheets in which he entered the state of ihraam; wash
him with water and lote-tree leaves; and shroud him in his two sheets.

The preferable number is generally considered to be three sheets based on the
fact that the Prophet (r) was shrouded in three. However, since the use of one or
two sheets were suggested and approved by the Prophet (r) himself, the
companions choice of three sheets cannot be considered more preferable than
two or one.

` ` ` ' r ' ``

Aaishah reported that Allaahs Messenger (r) was shrouded in three sheets of
Yemeni cotton cloth from Sahool
and there was not among them a shirt or a

Collected by Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.199-200, no.355, Sahih Muslim vol.2, p.596, no.2746,
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.920, no.3232 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.344.
Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaaee, vol.2, p.411, no.1796.
Sahool is the name of a town in Yemen (an-Nihaayah, vol.2, p.347).
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Point of note: There is no difference between the man and woman in the
number of sheets used.
The Prophet (r) did not specify a particular number for
women and another for men as is commonly held among Muslims today.

The preferable color is white, since Ibn Abbaas quoted the Messenger of
Allaah (r) as saying,

)) ((
Wear white clothes, for verily it is among the best of your garments and shroud
your dead in it also.

It is also recommended that the cloth or at least one of the sheets be striped.
Jaabir related that the Prophet (r) said,

)) .((
If one of you dies and some cloth is available, let him be shrouded in striped

It is recommended that the shroud be perfumed with incense thrice, except in
the case of the muhrim, as was previously mentioned. Jaabir quoted the
Prophet (r) as saying:

Collected in all of the six books of hadeeth. Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.203, no.363, Sahih
Muslim, vol.2, p.447, no.2052, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.896, no.3145, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah,
vol.2, p.378, no.1469, Muwatta, p.105, no.516 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1.p.345,
Laylaa bint Qaaif ath-Thaqafeeyahs hadeeth regarding the Prophets daughters shroud [used as
evidence for the use of five sheets for females] is unauthentic. Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.897,
no.3151. It is rated unauthentic in Daeef Sunan Abee Daawood, p.319 no.691 due to the
presence of the unknown narrator, Nooh ibn Hakeem ath-Thaqafee, in its chain of narration.
Collected by Aboo Daawood (Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.3, p.1134 no.4050), at-Tirmithee, an-
Nasaaee and Ibn Maajah (Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.380, no.1472) and authenticated in Saheeh
Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.766, no.3426.
Collected by Ahmad and Aboo Daawood (Sunan Abu Dawud vol.2, p.896 no.3144.)
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)) .((

When you burn incense by your dead, do it three times.

Spending large sums of money on the shroud the way that non-muslims
compete with each other in buying the most expensive coffins, is strictly
forbidden in Islaam. The sheets should be normal cloth, preferably cotton and
not synthetics so that it decomposes quickly along with the body and the number
of sheets should not exceed three. A noted scholar, Abut-Tayyib, said that if it
were not for the fact that the shroud was ordered in Islaam primarily to cover the
private parts of the body, it would be considered wastage of wealth since it is of
no benefit to either the living or the dead. Therefore, both the use of many sheets
and expensive cloth should be avoided.
Al-Mugheerah ibn Shubah reported
that the Prophet (r) said,


Verily Allaah has forbidden you from harming your mothers, giving then taking
back what you have given, and killing your daughters. And he despises your
statements : It is said and he said,
excessive questioning and wasting your

C. Injunctions Concerning the Funeral Procession

Collected by Ahmad (Musnad Ahmad, vol.3, p.331), al-Haakim, and al-Bayhaqee and
authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.64.
Ar-Rawdah an-Nadeeyah, vol.1, p.165.
These are the introductory statements for gossip.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.8, p.6 no.6, Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p.929 no.4257 and Mishkat Al-Masabih,,
vol.2, pp.1024-25.
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Following a Muslims bier is among the obligatory rights due to every
Muslim from all Muslims who witness his funeral procession. Aboo
Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (r) said,

Every Muslim has five rights due to him from his fellow Muslims : Returning his
greetings of salaam [peace], visiting him when he is sick, following his bier,
praying for his well being when he sneezes
and giving him advice if he seeks

This practice is recommended because it helps to keep Muslims in touch with
the reality of death and the after-life. The believers all need to be reminded about
death from time to time, because the material needs, pleasures and distractions of
this life easily causes humans to forget about the life to come. Aboo Saeed
reported that the Prophet (r) said,

)) ((
Visit the sick and follow the biers, for it reminds you of the next life.

Method of Following the Bier: There are two ways by which the bier can be
a) Following it from the familys home until the funeral prayer is made for the
b) Following it from the familys home until the body has been buried.

Saying: Yarhamukal-laah (may Allaah have mercy on you).
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.187-88, no.332, Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p.1183, no.5378, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.3, p.1398, no.5012, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah,vol.2, p.360, no.1435 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih, vol.1, p.320.
Collected by al-Bukhaaree (al-Adab al-Mufrad, p.75) and Ahmad (Musnad Ahmad, vol.3, p.27)
and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.66-7.
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Both ways were done by the Prophet (r), but he favoured the second method
by indicating that its reward was greater. Aboo Hurayrah quoted him as saying,

Whoever follows a Muslims bier, out of Eemaan and seeking to increase his
account of good deeds, until he makes the funeral prayer for it will have a
Qeeraats worth of reward. And he whoever follows it until it is buried, will get
two Qeeraats He was then asked what two Qeeraats were and he replied, They
are equivalent to two huge mountains; [the smaller of the two is like Mount

The Participation of Women: The virtue of following the bier is basically
for men alone. Women are not encouraged to take part, based on the fact that
the Prophet (r) prohibited their participation. However, his prohibition was
one of dislike rather than complete forbiddance as is evident from the following
narration of a female companion of the Prophet (r).

' ` ` ` : ' ''` ' .
Umm Ateeyah said, [Allaahs Messenger] forbade us from following the bier,
but he did not demand that we obey.

The crowds which sometimes follow funeral processions and the crush of
bodies associated with it represent an unsuitable circumstance for women. Where
the crowds are absent and women can follow the bier without being pushed and
trod upon, they may take part in the funeral procession.

This addition is found in Muslims narration.
Reported by Aboo Hurayrah and collected in all the six books of hadeeth. Sahih Al-Bukhari,
vol.2, p. 230, no. 410, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.449-50, no.2067, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.900,
no.3162, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.414-5, no.1539 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, pp.347-48.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.206, no.368, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.445, no.2039, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, pp.899-900, no.3161and Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.434, no.1577.
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The Dirge
:Following the bier with wailing, chants, dirges, burning incense
etc., are all forbidden and considered bidah (religious innovation). The way
of the Prophet (r) and his companions was to maintain silence while walking
with the bier. Silence at this time allows those present to contemplate the realities
of life and death and extract from their participation real lessons.
Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (r) said,

)) ((
Do not follow the bier with voice or fire.

This prohibition includes thikr; chants using Allaahs names or attributes. Qays
ibn Ibaad said that the companions of the Prophet (r) used to despise the raising
of voice near the bier.
It is also the practise of some religions to make a lot of
noise during the funeral procession and Muslims are instructed to avoid imitation
of the religious practises of other nations.

Haste in Carrying the Bier: Those carrying the bier are required to walk
quickly with it from the deceaseds house to the masjid and from the masjid to
the graveyard. The Prophet (r) was reported by Aboo Hurayrah to have said,


A song sung at a burial or for a dead person.
Al-Athkaar, p.203.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.900, no.3165 and Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.387 no.1487, vol.2,
p.437 no.1583.
Collected by al-Bayhaqee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.71.
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Hasten with the bier for if the deceased was righteous, what you are taking him
to is good for him; and if he was not then you are removing evil from your

Accompanying the Bier: Those walking with the bier are allowed to walk in
front, behind or on either side of it, while those riding should be behind it.
Al-Mugheerah narrated that the Prophet (r) said,

The rider should go behind the bier while those on foot can walk behind it, in
front of it, on its right and on its left, keeping near to it.

` ' ' ' r ' ` .

Saalim quoted his father as saying that he saw the Prophet (r), Aboo Bakr and
Umar all walk in front of the bier.

' ' : ` ` r ' `
` .

Collected in all of the six books of hadeeth. Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.225, no.401, Sahih
Muslim, vol.2, p.448, no.2059, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.903, no.3175, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah,
vol.2, p.382, no.1477, Muwatta, p.115, no.570 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.347.
Collected by the authors of the four Sunans. Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.902, no.3174, Sunan
Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.384, no.1481 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, pp.350-1. It is authenticated in
Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.612, no.2723.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.902, no.3173, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.384, no.1482, Muwatta,
p.106, no.520 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.351. It is authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee
Daawood, vol.2, p.612, no.2722.
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Anas ibn Maalik related that Allaahs Messenger (r), Aboo Bakr and Umar all
used to walk in front of the bier and behind it.

However, it is preferable to walk behind the bier based on the many prophetic
statements in which he told his followers to follow the bier. The preference for
walking behind the bier is also supported by a statement from Alee ibn Abee
Taalib in which he was reported to have said, Walking behind the bier is superior
to walking in front of it, like the superiority of a mans prayer in congregation
over his prayer alone.

Standing for the bier when it passes by was practiced by the Prophet (r) in
the early days of Islaam, but he later abolished it. Waaqid ibn Amr said, I
witnessed a bier of the Salamah tribe so I stood up until Naafi ibn Jubayr
said, Sit down and I will give you some reliable information on this matter.
(When I sat down, he said) Masood ibn al-Hakam az-Zarqee told me that he
heard Alee ibn Abee Taalib in Koofah Square say,

)) ` r ' ` ` .((

Allaahs Messenger used to order us to stand for the bier at first then later he
used to sit and ordered us to sit also.

Transporting the Bier in a funeral coach or vehicle (hearse) according to the
traditions of non-Muslims is forbidden. Carts which could have been used to
transport the dead existed in the Prophets time, but he instructed his
followers to walk and carry the bier with their own hands. The Prophet (r)
explicitly instructed his followers on numerous occasions to differ in their
religious and social customs from non-Muslims.
For example:

Collected by at-Tahaawee (1/278) and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.73-74.
Collected by Ibn Abee Shaybah in al-Musannaf, vol.4, no.101, at-Tahaawee (1/279), al-
Bayhaqee (4/25), and Ahmad (754) and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.74.
Collected by Ahmad, al-Bayhaqee and Ibn Hibbaan. See also Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.455-6,
nos.2099 & 2100, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.901 no.3169, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.417,
no.1544, Muwatta, p.110, no.545 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.353.
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` ' : ` r )) : .((

Ibn Umar quoted Allaahs Messenger (r) as saying, Whoever imitates a people
becomes one of them.

The Prophet (r) also warned his followers against imitating others by
prophesying that future generations of Muslims would imitate the practises of
other religious groups and customs of other nations.

' ` ` r )) :
(( ` ` )):
Aboo Saeed al-Khudree related that the Prophet (r) said, You will follow the
ways of those nations who were before you, inch by inch, yard by yard, so much
so that if they entered a lizards hole, you would follow them. We asked: O
Messenger of Allaah, [do you mean] the Jews and Christians? He replied, [If not
them] who else?
In another narration by Aboo Hurayrah in which the Prophet
made a similar statement about following the customs of other people, his
companions asked: O Messenger of Allaah, [do you mean people] like those of
Persia and Rome? He replied, Who are the people besides them?

Furthermore, the Prophets instructions to follow the bier becomes difficult, if
not impossible, in some cases, and the goal of remembering the next life is often
lost as people are distanced from the dead. Al-Mugheerah narrated that the

Al-Albaanee collected most of the narrations prohibiting immitation in his book Hijaab al-
Marah al-Muslimah fil-Kitaab was-Sunnah.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.3, p. 1127, no.4020 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.761, no.3401.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.9, pp.314-5, no.422 and Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1403, no.6448.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.9, p.314, no.421.
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Prophet (r) said, The rider should go behind the bier while those on foot can
walk behind it, in front of it, on its right and on its left, keeping near to it.

In countries where Muslims are a relatively new minority, like America,
England, France and Germany, where there are virtually no Muslim
neighbourhoods with mosques and Muslim graveyards nearby, the use of
motorized transportation for part of the funeral procession is unavoidable. In fact,
in some of these countries, the laws specify that a hearse must be used to transport
the dead. Such circumstances represent exceptions to the general rule. However,
Muslims in these lands should still try their utmost to avoid imitation to whatever
degree they can.

Collected by the authors of the four Sunans. Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.902, no.3174, Sunan
Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.384, no.1481 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, pp.350-1. It is authenticated in
Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.612, no.2723.
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A. Injunctions Concerning the Prayer

The performance of Salaah al-Janaazah is considered Fard Kifaayah (a
communal duty). If someone is buried without it being performed, the whole
community is held responsible, but as long as some gather and perform it, the
obligation is removed from the community as a whole.

A Child Below the Age of Puberty: A child born dead or aborted after the fourth
month, or one that dies before reaching puberty, does not have to have a funeral
prayer because they have been guaranteed paradise by Allaah and His Prophet
(r). This fact is borne out by Aaeshahs statement,

' )) : ` `' `' r ' ` ' ' `' `
` r .((
The Prophets son Ibraaheem died when he was eighteen months old and the
Prophet (r) did not make salaah for him.

Although the funeral prayer is not fard (compulsory) in this case, it is still
legally a part of the Shareeah, recommended and was done by the Prophet (r) on
other occasions. For example, al-Mugheerah ibn Shubah reported that the
Prophet (r) said,

)) .((

Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p. 905, no.3181 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.614, no.2730.
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Salaah is made for the aborted child and forgiveness and mercy is asked for his

Aaishah also reported that a dead child from the Ansaars was brought to the
Prophet (r) and he led salaah for it.

A Child Aborted Before the Fourth Month: If the child was aborted before the
fourth month, there is no funeral prayer for it since it was not considered living in
the human sense.
This ruling is based on the hadeeth related by Ibn Masood in
which the Prophet (r) was quoted as saying,

Verily the creation of each one of you comes together in his mothers stomach
for forty days, then he becomes a leach-like clot for a similar period, then he
becomes a clump of flesh for a similar period, then an angel is sent to him and the
angel blows his soul into him.

The Martyr (Shaheed): Salaatul-Janaazah is also not required for one who dies
or is killed while fighting for the cause of Islaam. Such an individual can be
buried without Salaatul-Janaazah as was mentioned earlier in the case of the
martyrs of the Battle of Uhud. However, the funeral prayer may be made for
martyrs since the Prophet (r) did perform Salaatul-Janaazah for those who died
in battle on other occasions.

Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.902, no.3174, Sunan Ibn-I-Majah, vol.2, p.398 no.1507 and
Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.350 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.612,
Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1400, no.6436 and Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.1, pp.48-9, no.82.
Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.81.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.8, p.387, no.593 and Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1391, no.6390.
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' ` ` ' ` ' r ` ` `
` ` ` `` r ` ` ` ' ` ' '`
r ` `` r ' `` ` .
Shidaad ibn al-Haad reported that one of the Bedouins came to the Prophet (r),
accepted Islaam and made Hijrah along with him. He stayed in Madeenah for a
short time then he went out to fight the enemy. During the battle he was killed by
an arrow. After the battle his body was brought to the Prophet (r). The Prophet
(r) shrouded him in his own cloak then stepped forward and led the salaah for

An Executed Criminal: One who voluntarily confesses to a crime whose
punishment is death should be prayed for, since such a confession is an
unparalleled form of true repentence.

' ' ` '` ' ' ` '` ' r ` '`
` ` `' ` ' ` r ` )) :
(( ` r ` ` ` ` '
' ` ' ` ` ` ' : ))

Imraan ibn Husayn reported that a woman pregnant from adultery, from the
Juhaynah tribe came to the Prophet (r) and said, I have committed a capital
offense so apply the law to me. The Prophet (r) called her guardian and said,
Treat her well, and when she delivers bring her back to me. When he brought
her back, the Prophet (r) ordered that her clothes be drawn tight around her, then
he ordered that she be stoned to death. After that he led the funeral prayers for
her, so Umar asked him, Will you pray for her, O Prophet of Allaah, even though
she committed adultery? The Prophet (r) replied, Verily she repented such a

Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaaee, vol.2, p.420, no.1845. See also Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.62 and 82.
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great repentence that if it were divided up among seventy residents of Madeenah
it would have been more than enough for all of them.

The Corrupt: The funeral prayer should be held even for those who were
known to be corrupt, like alcholics, drug addicts, adulterers, and those who
abandoned prayer and Zakaah, while acknowledging that they are compulsory
However, it is preferable that the scholars and the pious do not join in the
funeral prayer for them as a punishment for them and discouragement for others
like them. It was the practice of the Prophet (r) not to pray for those who
committed major sins, although he did allow others to do so. Aboo Qataadah

` r ' ' ' ' ' `
' `' ' )) : (( ' ` ' .
If the Messenger of Allaah (r) was invited to lead a funeral prayer, he would
ask about the dead person. If good was said about the person, he would get up
and lead the prayer. But if other than that were said, he would tell the family, It
is your affair to deal with. and he would not take part in the funeral prayer for the

`` ' ` ` `' ` ` r ' ` `
)) : (( : ` `' r )) : ((
` ' r ' ` ` r )) :
(( ` `' ' r `` `'
` ` ' ` `` ` ` `` ` r

Sahih Muslim, vol.3, pp.917, no.4207, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.3, pp.1237-38, no.4426, Mishkat
Al-Masabih, vol.1, pp. 759-760 and Riyaadh-us-Saleheen, vol.1, p.27, no.22.
Those who deny that prayer or Zakaah is obligatory become disbelievers, in which case no
funeral prayer may be held for them.
Collected in Musnad Ahmad, vol.5, p.399 and al-Mustadrak, vol.1, p.374 and authenticated in
Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.84.
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' ` ` )) : (( ` ` ` `' )) :
(( : ' )) : .((
Jaabir Ibn Samurah reported that when a man got very sick and his family began
screaming, his neighbour went to the Prophet (r) and told him that the man had
died. The Prophet (r) asked him what made him think so and he replied that he
saw him. The Prophet (r) then told him that he was not yet dead. When he
returned, the mans family again screamed and his wife told the neighbour to go
and inform the Prophet (r). The neighbour asked Allaah to curse the man and
then went to look at him. He found, that he killed himself with a broad blade, so
he went and informed the Prophet (r) that he was dead. When the Prophet (r)
asked him how he knew, he described how he found him. The Prophet (r) then
asked the neighbour if he saw the dead man with his own eyes and when he
replied that he had, the Prophet (r) then said, In that case, I wont make salaah
for him.

Debtors: In the beginning, the Prophet (r) refused to lead the funeral prayer
for those who died leaving behind debts and no means to pay them. This was
done to emphasize the importance of clearing ones debts. However, he later
led prayers for them and paid off their debts from charity.

` ` '` ' r ' `'` ' ` `` `
' ' ` `` ' ' )) : ((
' ` ` )) :
Aboo Hurayrah related that when the body of a person who died owing debts was
brought to Allaahs Messenger (r), he would ask whether he had left enough
property to clear his debt. If the property left was sufficient, the Prophet would
lead the funeral prayer for him, otherwise [he would not, and] he would tell his
companions, Do the prayers for your companion. When Allaah opened the

Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.464, no.2133, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, no.3179, pp. 903-4 and Sunan
Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.408, no.1526.
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gateways of victory for him, he said: I am closer to the believers than their own
so if anyone dies leaving a debt, its payment is my responsibility, and if
anyone leaves a property, it goes to his heirs.

Burial without Salaah: It is allowable to perform the funeral prayer by the
grave of someone who was buried without Salaatul-Janaazah being
performed for him.

` ' : ` r ` ' ` ' ```
`` ' )) : (( ' '
' `' ' ' .

Ibn Abbaas reported that a man whom the Prophet (r) used to visit died and was
buried at night. When they informed the Prophet (r) in the morning, he asked
what prevented them from telling him and they said that they did not want to
place an unnecessary burden on him. The Prophet (r) then went with them to his
grave and led them in salaah for him.

Salaatul-Ghaaib : If someone dies in a country or situation where there is no
one to perform the Salaatul-Janaazah for him, it is permitted for a group of
Muslims to make a funeral prayer for him in his absence. This prayer is
known as Salaatul-Ghaaib.

'` ' ` r ` ` ' `
' .

This statement is in reference to verse 6 of chapter al-Ahzaab (33).
} { The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves.
Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p.855, no.3944.
Sahih Al-Bukhari vol.2, p.192, no.339, p.228, no.407, Sahih Muslim vol.2, p.453, no.2084,
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.910-11, no.3197, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.410-11, no.1530 and
Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.349.
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Aboo Hurayrah reported that when Allaahs Messenger announced the death of
the Najaashee
to his companions while they were in Madeenah and they lined
up behind him and prayed [the funeral prayer] for him.

Disbelievers : The performance of funeral prayers or even seeking
forgiveness or mercy for those who die in open disbelief or Nifaaq (subtle
disbelief) is strictly forbidden based on the following instruction of Allaah in
the Quraan:


Do not ever pray for any of them who die, and do not stand by their
graves, for verily they have disbelieved in Allaah and His Messenger
and died in sin.

This verse was revealed when the Prophet (r) prayed the funeral prayer for
Abdullaah ibn Ubayy, the leader of the hypocrites of Madeenah. Umar reported
that, after that Allaahs Messenger (r) never prayed for a Munaafiq nor stood by
his grave until Allaah took him.

` ' ' ' `' `' ` ' r ``
'' ' ` ' ' ` `' `
` ' ` ' ' `` ` ` ' ` )) :

Negus (Ar. Najaashee) was the title of the Ethiopian ruler with whom a group of eighty three
Muslims from Makkah sought refuge prior to their migration to Madeenah. He converted to
Islaam after listening to a reading of chapter 19 from the Quraan (The Life of Muhammad,
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.191 no.337, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.452, no.2082, Sunan Abu Dawud,
vol.2, p.911 no.3198, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.412, no.1534 and p.413 no.1535 and Mishkat
Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.348.
Soorah at-Tawbah (9):84
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' ' : ' '` '' '` '' (( ` ' )
' ' '` ( '' ` .

Ibn Umar narrated that when Abdullaah ibn Ubayy died, his son came to the
Prophet (r) and said: O Messenger of Allaah, give me your shirt to shroud him,
lead his funeral prayer and ask forgiveness for him. So Aallaahs Messenger (r)
gave him his shirt and said, Inform me (when the prayer is ready) and I will lead
the prayer for him. When he informed him and the Prophet (r) was about to
lead the funeral prayer, Umar took hold of his hand and asked: Hasnt Allaah
forbidden you to pray for the hypocrites? He replied, I have two choices: ask for
their forgiveness or do not ask for their forgiveness.
So he led the funeral
prayer and the verse: Do not ever pray for any of them who die... was

Abdullaah ibn Umar reported that, after that Allaahs Messenger (r) never
prayed for a Munaafiq nor stood by his grave until Allaah took him.

` ' ` ' `` ' ' r `
` ` `' `' ' ` r : ` ' ` `
`' ' `' ` `' `' ' `
` r )) : (( } ' `
`' '` '` ` ' ' ' ' ` `' {
Al-Musayyib ibn Hazn reported that when Aboo Taalib was on his deathbed, the
Prophet (r) went to him while Aboo Jahl and Abdullaah ibn Abee Umayyah
were with him. He said, O uncle, say: There is no god worthy of worship but
Allaah, so that I may plead your case with it before Allaah. On hearing that,
Aboo Jahl and Abdullaah ibn Abee Umayyah said: O Aboo Taalib, will you
renounce the religion of [our father] Abdul-Muttalib? The Prophet then said, I

This is in reference to chapter at-Tawbah (9):80.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.201-2 no.359, Sahih Muslim, vol.4, pp.1456-7, no.6680, and Sunan
Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.401, no.1523.
See Sahih Muslim, vol.4, pp.1457, no.6681.
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will continue to ask forgiveness for you as long as I am not prohibitted. Then
Allaah revealed the verse: The Prophet and Believers should not seek
forgiveness for the idolators even if they were near relatives, once it is made
clear that they are inhabitants of the Hell-Fire (9:113).

B. The Jamaaah (Congregation)

Salaatul-Janaazah, like the five daily compulsory prayers, must be performed
in congregation. This was the only way in which the Prophet (r) and his
companion did it and the Prophet (r) said,
)) ((
Pray as you saw me pray.

The only exception to this rule was in the case of the funeral prayer for the
Prophet (r) in which the Prophets companions all prayed separately due to the
uniqueness of the situation and their state of confusion at the time.

Three Rows: It is preferable that those behind the Imaam form at least
three rows, as this was the Sunnah when the number was insufficient to fill
the masjid. Aboo Umaamah reported that the Prophet (r) led the salaah for
the dead along with seven people and he made them form three rows, two of
which had two people in them.
Maalik ibn Hubayrah also reported that the
Prophet (r) said,

)) .((
Any Muslim who dies and three rows of Muslims make salaah for him, will be

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.6, p.158, no.197 and Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.18, no.36.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.1, p.345, no.604.
Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.99 with support of following hadeeth.
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Two Men: If there is only one man besides the Imaam, he should pray behind
the Imaam and not beside him as in the case of all other salaahs.

` ` ' ' r ' '`
` ` ` r ` ` ' ' r `
'``' '` ' ' '` ` ` .
Abdullaah ibn Abee Talhah reported that Aboo Talhah called for the Allaahs
Messenger (r) when Umayr Ibn Abee Talhah died. The Messenger of Allaah
(r) came and made salaah for him in their house. Allaahs Messenger (r)
stepped forward and Aboo Talhah stood behind him, and Umm Sulaym stood
behind Aboo Talhah. There was no one else there with them.

The Imaam: The Ameer or his assistant has more right to lead the funeral
prayer than the deceaseds walee.
Aboo Haazim said, Verily I was present
on the day of al-Hasan ibn Alees death and I heard al-Husayn ibn Alee say
to Saeed ibn al-Aas,
Go forward [and lead the salaah] for, if it was not [in
accordance with the] Sunnah, I wouldnt have put you forward. He said that
because there was some ill feeling between them.

If neither the Ameer nor his representative is present, the one who has
memorized the most Quraan should lead the funeral prayer, even if he is a child.

Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.899 no.3160 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, pp. 353-4. This is
authentic as a saying of the Sahaabee and not as the Prophets saying. See Daeef Sunan Aboo
Daawood, pp.320-1, no.695 and Daeef Ibn Maajah. p.113 no.327. Also see Ahkaamul-Janaaiz,
Collected by al-Bayhaqee, al-Haakim and at-Tabaraanee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-
Janaaiz, p.100.
Nearest male relative.
Saeed ibn al-Aas was the Ameer of al-Madeenah at that time. He was a Sahaabee and one of
those who wrote out copies of the Uthmaanee Quraan.
Collected by al-Bayhaqee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.100-01.
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

` ` '` ' `' `' r ` ' ` `
` ' )) : (( ' ' '
' ' ' ' ' ` `` `'
' ' '` .

Amr ibn Salamah reported that when a delegation from his tribe, which had come
to the Prophet (r), prepared to leave they asked, O Messenger of Allaah, who
should lead us in salaah? He replied, The one who has memorized the most
Quraan. Since none of the tribe had memorized more than me, they put me
forward - even though I was only a youth [of six or seven at the time].

Whenever I was present at a gathering, I was made the Imaam and I have lead the
salaah on their dead until today.

A Number of Dead: If there are a number of dead people, a single Salaatul-
Janaazah can be made for all of them. However, if there are males and
females, the female bodies are placed in front of the Imaam and the males
behind the Imaam even if they were young children.

` ` ` ' ` ` ' ' ' `
'` ` ` `' ` ` `' ' ' :
` .

Naafi reported that Ibn Umar led the funeral prayer for nine dead Muslims, the
dead males behind him and the women in front of him in one row. When the bier
of Umm Kulthoom bint Alee
and her son Zayd was brought together and the
youth was placed behind the Imaam, he disputed it and looked to Ibn Abbaas,

This addition found in Sahih Al Bukhari, vol.5, pp.413-4, no.595.
Sunan Abu Dawud,vol.1, p.155, no.587 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.1, p.117, no.548.
Also the wife of Umar ibn al-Khattaab.
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Aboo Hurayrah, Aboo Saeed and Aboo Qataadah and asked, What is this?
They replied, It is the Sunnah.

It is also allowable that Salaatul-Janaazah be performed on each person
individually as this was also done on occasion by the Prophet (r) and it is the
original practice.

` ' : ' ` ` .. ` ` ' ``
` ` ' ` ` ' ' ' '
'' ' ' ` .

Ibn Abbaas said: When Allaahs Messenger came accross Hamzah, he asked for
him and his body was prepared and placed in the direction of Makkah. He then
prayed the funeral prayer using nine takbeers. Then the bodies of the other
martyrs were brought. Each martyrs body was placed beside Hamzahs body,
one at a time, and he prayed for each along with Hamzahs body until he
completed seventy-two funeral prayers.

C. Location of the Prayer

According to the practice of the Prophet (r), there are two locations where
the funeral prayer may be held; inside the masjid or outside the masjid at a prayer
place reserved for it.

1. Inside the Masjid

Collected by an-Nasaaee, al-Bayhaqee and ad-Daaraqutnee. See also Sunan Abu Dawud,
vol.2, p.906, no.3187 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, pp.614-5,
Collected by at-Tabaraanee in Al-Kabeer, vol.3, pp.107-8 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-
Janaaiz, pp.104-5.
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` ' `` ' ` '` ' ' ' ' '
` ' ' ` ' '
` r ' ' ' '` .

Abbaad, the son of Abdillaah ibn az-Zubayr, related that Aaishah [and the
Prophets wives]
requested that the bier of Sad ibn Abee Waqqaas be brought
to the masjid so that they could also pray for him. [Those carrying the bier
brought it and placed it in front of their apartments
and they offered prayer for
him. When the people heard about it, they began to criticize them and say that it
was Bidah (innovation) and that the bier shouldnt be taken into the masjid.
When Aaishah heard that,]
she said, How quickly people have forgotten that
Allaahs Messenger (r) only prayed for Suhayl ibn Baydaa [and his brother]

inside the masjid.

2. Outside the Masjid
It is however preferable to have a place (musallaa) set aside for the funeral
prayer outside the masjid as this was the usual practice of the Prophet (r).

` ` ` '` ' r ' `
)) : (( ' ' ' ` ` .

Aboo Hurayrah reported that when Allaahs Messenger (r) announced to them
the death of the ruler (najaashee) of Ethiopia on the day on which he died, he

This addition is in Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.460-1, no.2124.
The doors of the apartments of the Prophets wives opened into the masjid.
This addition is in Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.460-1, no.2124.
This addition is in Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.461, no.2125.
Reported by Aaishah and collected in Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.460, no.2123, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.905, no.3183, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.404, no.1518, Muwatta, pp.108-9,
no.534 and Mishkat Al-Masabih,, vol.1, p.348.
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said: Ask forgiveness for your brother, and had them line up in rows at the
musallaa and prayed for him using four takbeeres.

` ` ` ` ` ` ` ' ' ' r ' '` `
' ' ` ' .

Abdullaah ibn Umar also reported that the Jews came to the Prophet (r) with a
man and woman who had committed adultery so he ordered that they be stoned
near the place for funeral (prayers) beside the masjid.

3. Between the Graves
It is forbidden for the Salaatul-Janaazah to be performed for the dead
between the graves according to the hadeeth narrated by Anas ibn Maalik in
which he said:

)) ` ` r ` ' ` ((
The Prophet (r) forbade the performance of the salaah for the dead in between
the graves.

D. The Method of Prayer

Position of the Imaam: The Imaam should stand, facing the Qiblah, behind
the head of the dead man and behind the middle of the dead woman,.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.191, no.337, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.452, no.2077, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.911, no.3198, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.412, no.1534, Mishkat Al-Masabih,
vol.1, p.348 and Muwatta, p.107, no.526.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp231-2, no.413.
Collected by at-Tabaraanee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.108, no.72.
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` ' '
` ' '` ' ' '` ' '
` ` `' ` `'` ' '
` ' `' ' ` ` ' '
' ' `` ` ' ' `` ` ''` ' ` '
`` ' ' ` `' ` `
: ` ' r ' ``` `
' `` ` ' : ' .

Naafi Aboo Ghaalib said: While I was in Sikkatul-Mirbad
a bier passed by with
a large number of people accompanying it. They informed me that is was the bier
of Abdullaah ibn Umayr, so I followed it. I noticed [among them] a man
wearing a thin cloak riding on a mule. He had a piece of cloth on his head to
protect himself from the sun. I asked who this important man was and they
replied that it was Anas ibn Maalik. When the bier was set down, Anas stood up
and led the funeral prayer for him. I was standing immediately behind him with
nothing between him and I. He stood near his head and made four takbeers. He
neither lengthened the prayer nor make it hastily. When he went to sit down, they
said to him: O Aboo Hamzah, [here is the bier of] an Ansaree woman. They
brought her near to him and there was a green colored na sh on her bier. He
stood opposite her hip
and led the funeral prayer in the same way as he done for
the dead man. He then sat down. Al-Alaa ibn Ziyaad
asked: O Aboo
Hamzah, did Allaahs Messenger (r) make the funeral prayer for the dead as you

Sikkah literally means a wide street or an even road in which the houses are in rows on either
side, and mirbad literally means an enclosure for camels, sheep or goats or a place in which
dates are put to dry after cutting(Arabic-English Lexicon, vol.1, pp.1010 & 1386). Sikkatul-
Mirbad was the name of a subdivision in Basrah.
Literally ajeezah means buttocks, backside, posterior.
He was among the most reliable narrators of hadeeth among the Taabioon from Basrah.
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did, using four takbeers and standing opposite the head of a man and the hips of a
woman? He replied Yes

Number of Takbeers: It is possible to do either four, five, six, seven or nine
takbeers as all of them are recorded in authentic hadeeths.


` ` ` ` '` ' r ' `
' ` ' ` ' ' .
Aboo Hurayrah related that the Messenger of Allaah (r) announced the
Najaashees death on the day on which he died and went out with them to a place
designated for large congregational prayers. He arranged them in rows and
pronounced four takbeers during the funeral prayer.

` ` ' ``` ' ' ' ' ' '
` ` ' r `` ` .

Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Abee Laylaa said, Zayd ibn Arqam used to make four
takbeers on our dead, but once he made five so we asked him about it. He
replied, Allaahs Messenger used to do it and I would not give it up for anyone
after him, ever.

Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.907-8, no.3188, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.391-2, no.1494 and
Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.352 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2,
pp.615, no.2735.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.227, no.404, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.452, no.2077, Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.911, no.3198, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.412, no.1534, Mishkat Al-Masabih,
vol.1, p.348 and Muwatta, p.107, no.526.
Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.453-4, no.2089, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.908-9, no.3191, Sunan
Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.397, no.1505 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.348.
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' `' ' : ' ' ' ``` ` `
` r ' ' .
Abd Khayr said, Alee ibn Abee Taalib used to make six takbeers [when he led
funeral prayers] on those who took part in the Battle of Badr, five takbeers on the
Prophets companions, and four takbeers on the rest of people.

` ` ` ' ' ' ` ' `' ' ' .
Moosaa, the son of Abdullaah ibn Yazeed, said that Alee ibn Abee Taalib made
the funeral prayer using seven takbeers for Aboo Qataadah, who was among those
who took part in the Battle of Badr.

' ' ' ' ` ' ` ` '` ' .
Abdullaah ibn az-Zubayr reported that the Prophet (r) made the funeral prayer
for Hamzah using nine takbeers.

Raising the Hands: It is permissible to either raise ones hands with each
takbeer, or to do so only for the first takbeer.

`` ` ` ' `' ` ` ` ' ' .

Collected by al-Bayhaqee and ad-Daaraqutnee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.113.
Collected by al-Bayhaqee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.113-4.
Collected by at-Tahaawee and at-Tabaraanee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.114.
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Ibn Abbaas reported that Allaahs Messenger (r) used to raise his hands for the
first takbeer in the funeral prayer, then not repeat it.

It was also reported that Ibn Umar used to raise his hands with every takbeer
of the funeral prayer.

Placing the Hands: The right hand should be placed on the left on the chest
as in regular prayer since there are no authentic hadeeths to indicate

' ' ' ' : '` `` ' `` `
` '` ' ` ` ``' ` .
The Prophets companion, Sahl ibn Sad, The people were ordered to place their
right hands on their left forearms in salaah.
also said, Allaahs
Messenger (r) used to place his right hand on his left and tighten them on his
chest when in salaah.

Recitation: Immediately after the first takbeer, the chapter al-Faatihah
should be read as this is what is recorded in authentic hadeeths.

' ' ' ' ' : ` ' '
: ` `' .

Collected by ad-Daaraqutnee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.116.
Collected by al-Bayhaqee (4/44) and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.117. See also
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.228, Chapter 55.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.1, pp.396-7, no.707 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.161.
Taawoos ibn Keesaan was among the middle level students of the companions of the Prophet
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.1, p.194, no.758 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.1, p.144, no.687.
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Talhah, the son of Abdullaah ibn Awf, said: I prayed the funeral prayer behind
Ibn Abbaas for a dead person and he recited [aloud] the Faatihah and said,
Know that [what I have done] is the sunnah.

The only thing which should be read prior to the Faatihah is the Refuge
and the basmalah.

` ' ` ' '

Aoothu bil-laahi minash-shaytaanir-rajeem min nafakhihi wa nafathih wa
hamzihi[I seek refuge in Allaah from the accursed Shaytan, from his pride, his
poetry and his madness]

There are no hadeeths neither authentic nor weak to support the reading of
the Duaa al-Istiftaah (the opening du'aa: subhaanakal-laahumma).
It is also permissible to recite another chapter after reciting Faatihah. This is
based on another narration of Talhahs statement in which he said:

)) ` ' ` ` ' '
` ` .((

I prayed the funeral prayer behind Ibn Abbaas and he recited Faatihah al-
Kitaab and another chapter loudly enough that we heard it. So when he finished I
took a hold of his hand and asked him about it. He replied, I said it loudly in
order that you all would know that it was Sunnah and correct.

The recitation should be done quietly based on Aboo Umaamah ibn Sahls

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.236, no.419 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.909, no.3192.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.1, p.397, no.710, Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.219, no.786 and Muwatta, p.36
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.1, p.196, no.763, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.4, no.808 and Mishkat Al-
Masabih, vol.1, pp.166-167 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1, pp.135-6,
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.234 no.419, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.909, no.3192, Sunan Ibn-i-
Majah, vol.2, p.392, no.1495 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.348.
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)) `` ` ` ' ` ' ` `
`' (( .

The Sunnah in Salaatul-Janaazah is to quietly recite Umm al-Quraan
after the
first takbeer; to then make three takbeers and tasleem at the end of the last

Prayer for the Prophet (r): Immediately after the second takbeer, the
salaah for the Prophet (r) should be made according to one of the various
patterns used in regular salaah. Aboo Umaamah in describing the funeral
prayer went on to say, Then the salaah for the Prophet (r) should be made.

`` `` ' `` ' ' ``
' `` `` .

Allaahumma salli alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammad, [Oh Allaah,
praise Muhammad and his family] kamaa sallayta alaa Ibraaheema wa alaa
aali Ibraaheem,[as you have praised Ibraheem and his family.] innaka
hameedun-majeed. [Verily you are the Most Praised and Glorious.]
Allaahumma baarik alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammad, [On Allaah
bless Muhammad and his family] kamaa baarakta alaa Ibraaheema wa alaa
aali Ibraheem [as you have blessed Ibraaheem and his family.] innaka
hameedun majeed [Verily you are the Most Praised and Glorious.]

Ummul-Quraan is among the names of the first chapter.
Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaaee vol.2, p.428, no.1880.
Collected by an-Nasaaee (Saheeh) See the last reference and also Ahkaamul-Janaaiz,
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.4, p.385, no.589, Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.224, no.807, Sunan Abu Dawud,
vol.1, p.249, no. 971, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.54-5, no.904 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1,
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Duaa for the Dead: After each of the remaining two or more takbeers,
sincere prayers should be made for the dead, their relatives and the living.
No, Quraan should be recited following these remaining takbeers. Aboo
Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (r) said,

)) .((

When you make funeral prayers for the dead, make sincere duaa for them.

The following are some authentic duaas any of which could be said after the
third and fourth takbeers :

1 ` `'` '` `` ' ` ' `'' ` ' ``
' `' ` ' ' ' '
' ' ' ` `' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
1. Allaahum-maghfir lahu war hamhu aafihee wafu anhu wa akrim nuzulahu
wa wassi madkhalah, [Oh Allaah forgive him, have mercy on him, make him
well, overlook his faults, make his place of rest a noble place and expand (the
door of)his entrance (into paradise);] waghsil-hu bil-maa wath-thalj wal-barad
wa naqqihu minal-khataayaa kamaa yunnaqath-thawbul-abyadu minad-danas
[wash him with water, snow and hail and purify him of his sins the way a white
cloth is purified of dirt,] wa abdilhu daaran khayran min daarih wa ahlah
khayran min ablih wa zawjan khayran min zawjih [replace his home with a better
home, his family with a better family and his wife with a better wife;] wa ad-
khilhul-jan-nah wa aoothu-hu min athaabil-qabr wa min athaabin-naar. [put
him in Paradise and give him refuge from the punishment of the grave and the

Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.909, no.3193, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.393, no.1497, Mishkat
Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.351 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, pp.616-7,
Reported by Aboo Hurayrah in Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.456-7, nos. 2104 & 2106, Sunan Ibn-i-
Majah, vol.2, pp.394-5, no.1500 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.348.
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2 `` ' `` ` ` '
' `` ' ` `' ' ' `'' `' '
`' .
2. Allaahummagh-fir lihayyinaa wa mayyitinaa wa shaahidinaa wa ghaaibinaa
wa sagheerinaa wa kabeerinaa wa thakarinaa wa un-thaanaa. [Oh Allaah forgive
our living and our dead, those of us who are present and those of us who are
absent, our young ones and our elder ones, our males and our females.]
Allaahumma man ah-yaytahu min-naa fa ah-yihee alal Islaam wa man
tawaffayatahu min-naa fa tawaffahu alal Eemaan. [Oh Allaah, whoever from
among us that you keep living, keep him living in Islaam and whoever among us
that you cause to die, take his life in a state of Eemaan.] Allaahumma laa tah-
rimnaa ajrahu wa laa tudillanaa badah. [Oh Allaah do not deprive us of his
reward and do not misguide us after him.]

3 )) '` ' ' ' ' `' `' ``
` ' '` ' `' ((

3. Allaahumma abduka wabnu ummatik ihtaaja ilaa rahmatik wa anta
ghaneeyun an athaabih [Oh Allaah, a slave of yours and a son of your nation
needs your mercy and you have no need for his punishment.] in kaana muhsinan
fazid-hu fee hasanaatih [If he was good, increase his good deeds] wa in kaana
museean fatajaawaz anh [and if he was bad, overlook them.]

Reported by Aboo Hurayrah in Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.909-10, no.3195, Sunan Ibn-i-
Majah, vol.2, p.393, no.1498 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, pp.351-2.
Reported by Yazeed ibn Rukaanah and collected by al-Haakim and Maalik (Muwatta, pp.107-8,
no.529) and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.125.
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:There are two ways by which the tasleems to close the salaah may
be given:
a) Either by saying: As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah [May Allaahs
peace and mercy be upon you] to the right side only, as in Aboo Hurayrahs
hadeeth :

)) ` ` r '' ' ' ` ((
Allaahs Messenger made the funeral prayer by doing four takbeers and one

b) Or by saying: As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah to both sides, as in Ibn
Masoods hadeeth:

)) ` r `' ``' ` `` ``
` ' ((

There are three things which Allaahs Messenger (r) used to do and which
people have neglected: One of them is making tasleem in the funeral prayer like
the tasleem in (regular) salaah....

Forbidden Times: There are three times in the day when Salaatul-Janaazah
or any other salaah is strictly forbidden except in the case of an emergency.
These are the times during which the sun worshippers used to perform their
rites of worship. Thus, these became forbidden times in order to avoid any
resemblance to them and to prevent non-Muslims from thinking that Muslims
might also be worshipping the sun.

The act of completing the formal prayer by giving greetings of salaam [peace] is known as
Collected by al-Bayhaqee, ad-Daaraqutnee and al-Haakim and authenticated in Ahkaamul-
Janaaiz, p.128, no.85.
Collected by al-Bayhaqee and at-Tabaraanee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.127,
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

`` ' ` ' : ` r ` '
' ` ` ' ' : ` ` ' `' `
` ` `' ` `' .
Uqbah ibn Aamir said, There are three times in which the Messenger of Allaah
(r) used to forbid us from making salaah or burying our dead:
1. When the sun is rising until it is clear of the horizon.
2. When it stands in the middle of the sky until it declines.
3. When it begins to set until it disappears.

Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.395, no.1811, vol.2, p.906 no.3186, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.405,
no.1519 and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.213.
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Injunctions Regarding Burial

Everyone Buried: Muslims are obliged to bury everone who dies in areas
under their jurisdiction.

' ' : ` r ' ` ' ` ` )) :
(( ` `' ' .
Alee said: I told the Prophet (r) : Verily, your old misguided uncle, has died.
He said, Go and bury your father, then dont say anything until you come back to
me. So I went and buried him and came back to the Prophet (r). He then
instructed me to take a bath, which I did, and he prayed for me.

Muslims Buried Separately: Muslims should not be buried besides non-
Muslims, nor non-Muslims beside Muslims. Each should have their own
separate graveyard.

` ' ' r : ` ' r ` ` `
)) : (( . '` ` ` ` )) :
( .(
the freed slave of Allaahs Messenger (r) said: While I was walking
with the Messenger of Allaah (r), he passed by the graves of the pagans and said

Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.914, no.3208 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.619, no.2753.
The narration explained that his pre-Islamic name was Zahm ibn Mabad and that when the
Prophet (r) had asked him his name, he renamed him Basheer.
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

three times, They preceded a time of abundant good. Then he passed by the
graves of the Muslims and said, They got abundant good.

Burial in the Graveyard: It was the Prophets sunnah to bury the dead in
the graveyard of Madeenah, known as al-Baqee.

` ' r ` `
` )) : .((
Aaishah reported that when the Prophet (r) returned from a funeral at al-
Baqee, she was suffering from a headache and said, Oh my head. The Prophet
(r) replied, No, it is I who is in pain from whatever hurts you.

It was also the unanimous practice of the earlier generations of righteous
Muslims scholars and their students.
The burial of the Prophet in his home was an exception based on his own
indirect instructions.

' : ` ` r ` : ' '
` r `' ' )) :
(( ' ` .
Aaishah said: When Allaahs Messenger (r) died they differed concerning his
burial. Aboo Bakr said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (r) say, Allaah only
takes a prophet in the place where he likes to be buried. So they buried him
where his bed was.

Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.917-8, no.3224 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.622, no.2767.
Collected by Ibn Maajah (Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.376, no.1465), Ahmad and ad-Daarimee
and Mishkat Al-Masabih, vol.2, p.1308 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1,
p.247, no.1197.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.467-70, no.1627 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmithee,
vol.1, p.298, no.812.
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` ` ' r )) : .((
Ibn Umar related that the Prophet (r) said, Make some of your prayers in your
homes and dont make your homes graves.

Depth of the Grave: The grave should be dug deep and wide, and well

' : ` r )) : .((
Hishaam ibn Aamir reported that Allaahs Messenger (r) said, Dig the grave
deep, make it spacious and prepare it well.

Form of the Grave: The grave may be dug straight down (shaq) with a
burial chamber in the middle or with a niche (lahd) to create the burial
chamber on the side. However, in both cases a burial chamber is created from
the earth, and sealed with bricks of unbaked clay.
Both methods were in practice
in the time of the Prophet (r).

` ` ` ' ' ` ` ` ' `
` ' ' ` ` `` ' ' ` `' `'
` ` ' .
Anas ibn Maalik said, When the Prophet (r) died, there was a man in Madeenah
who used to prepare a niched-grave and another who used to dig a straight-grave.
They said: We asked our Lord for the best, and sent for both of them on the basis

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.156, no.280.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.425, no.1560 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1,
p.260, no.1266.
See Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.458-9, no.2112.
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that whoever came last would not be chosen. The one who made niched-graves
came first, so they made a niched-grave for the Prophet.

However, the Prophet (r) favored the lahd style.

` ' : ` r )) : `' ' .((
Ibn Abbaas related that Allaahs Messenger (r) said, The niched-grave is for
us, and the straight-grave is for others.

Number of Bodies in a Grave: Two or more bodies may be buried together
in the same grave. This may be due to the large number of dead resulting
from a natural calamity or plague, or the dead may be from the same family.

` ` ' ' ' r ` ' '`` ' `'
' ' `` ' ` ' ` '`` ` :
)) ((. `` ' '' ` ' ' ' .
Jaabir ibn Abdillaah related that Allaahs Messenger (r) used to put two or three
men who were killed during the battle of Uhud in a single shroud and ask, Who
among them knew the most Quraan? If one was pointed out, he would be
placed first in the grave. He would say, I am a witness for these men, and
instruct that they be buried without removing the blood from their bodies. He
also did not pray the funeral prayer for them nor wash them.

Injunctions Concerning Placing the Body in the Grave:

Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.423, no.1557 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1,
pp.259-60, no.1264.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.912, no.3202 and Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.421-2, no.1554 and
authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1, p.259, no.1261.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.403, no.1514 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.893, no.3132.
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Men and not women: It is preferable that only men should be responsible
for placing the dead body inside the grave, even if the dead person is a
woman. This is due to the fact that it has been the custom among Muslims
from the time of the Prophet (r) until today. The process requires a certain
amount of strength and men are generally stronger than women. Furthermore, if
women took the responsibility, their effort to place the body in the grave would
likely lead to the exposure of some parts of their bodies during the process.

Near Relatives: The blood relatives of the dead have more right to place the
body in the grave based on the general meaning of the following Quranic

} {
Blood relatives have more right to one another in Allaahs scripture.

' ' '` ' : ' ' ' ` '
' ` ' ` ` ' r : ' '` ' '` ' :
' ' ` ' ``'` : ' '
' '` ` ' `` : ` .((
Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Abzaa said: I prayed the funeral prayer for Zaynab bint
in Madeenah along with Umar ibn al-Khattaab and he made four
takbeers. Then he sent a message to the wives of the Prophet (r) asking who did
they instruct should put her body in the grave. It would have pleased him to have
been the one who would be responsible for that. They sent back the reply: Find

Chapter al-Anfaal (8):75.
One of the wives of the Prophet (r) who was also his cousin.
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the one who was permitted to see her while she was alive
and let him be the one
to put her in her grave. Umar replied: They spoke the truth.

The Husband is permitted to place his wife in the grave on condition that he did
not have sexual relations with his wife the previous night.

` ' ` ` ' ' r ` r
' '' ' ' : )) ((
` )) (( ' .
Anas ibn Maalik said: We were in the funeral procession of the Messenger of
Allaahs daughter, [Ruqayyah], and Allaahs Messenger (r) was sitting near the
grave and I saw his eyes full of tears. He said, Is there anyone among you who
did not have sexual relations with his wife last night? Aboo Talhah
replied that
he had not, so Allaahs Messenger (r) told him to get down in her grave and bury
her, which he did.
[And Uthmaan ibn Affaan
did not enter her grave.]

Feet First: It is preferable that the body be placed in the niche feet first. This
was the recorded way of the Prophet (r).

' : `' ' ` ' ' ` ' `'
' '' ' ' `' : ` .

The only males who were permitted to see the wives of the Prophet (r) were their immediate
blood relatives (mahaarim).
Collected by at-Tahaawee and al-Bayhaqee (3/35) and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz,
Talhah was not a close blood relative of the Prophet (r) or his daughter.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.238, no.426.
Ruqayyahs husband.
Collected in Musnad Ahmad, vol.3, p.229 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.149.
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Aboo Ishaaq said: Al-Haarith left a will that Abdullaah ibn Yazeed should lead
his funeral prayer. So he led his prayer, then placed him in his grave feet first and
said, This is from the sunnah.

On the Right Side: It has been Muslim custom, from the time of the Prophet
(r) until today, to place the body in the grave on its right side with the face of
the dead person facing the Qiblah (Makkah).

Duaa: At the time of inserting the body in the grave, those handling the
procedure are recommended to make one of the following short prayers:

` ' : ` ` r ' ` )) :
Ibn Umar said: Whenever the Prophet (r) placed a dead person in his grave, he
would say, In the name of Allaah, and according to the way (sunnah) of the
Messenger of Allaah.

` ' : ` r ' ` ' )) :
Ibn Umar said: Whenever the Prophet (r) placed a dead person in his grave, he
would say, In the name of Allaah, and according to the religion of the Messenger
of Allaah.

` )) : .((

Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.913, no.3205 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.619, no.2754.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.419-20, no.1150 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.913, no.3207 and
authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.619, no.2752.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.419-20, no.1150 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah,
vol.1, p.259, no.1260.
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Hishaam said: Whenever the Prophet (r) placed a dead person in his grave, he
would say, In the name of Allaah, in the path of Allaah and according to the
religion of the Messenger of Allaah.

Throwing Dirt on the Grave: It is recommended for those near the grave to
throw three double-handfuls of dirt after the burial chamber has been sealed.

` '` ` r ' ' ` ' `
Aboo Hurayrah narrated that Allaahs Messenger (r) lead funeral prayers then
went to the dead mans grave and threw three handfuls of dirt in his grave
opposite his head.

After Burial
Raising the Grave: It is recommended that the grave be slightly raised, no
more than a palms width, so as to be higher than the surrounding ground.
This is in order that it be distinguishable and not disrespected.

` ` ' : ` ` r ``' ` ' ` ' ' `
' ' ' ' .
Jaabir related that a lahd was dug in the Prophets grave and earthen bricks of
earth was placed over it, and his grave was raised above the ground by
approximately a palms width.

It is also preferable that the raised portion be rounded.

Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.419-20, no.1150 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah,
vol.1, p.259, no.1260.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.427, no.1565 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1,
p.261, no.1271.
Collected by Ibn Hibbaan and al-Bayhaqee and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.153.
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` ` ' : ` ' ' r ` ' ` .
Sufyaan at-Tammaar said: I saw the graves of the Prophet, Aboo Bakr and Umar
and they were rounded.

Marking the Grave: Placing a stone or something similar to identify the
location of the grave is also from the sunnah. The marker will help people
later locate the grave in order to bury other family members in the same

` ` ` ` `' `` ` r ' `
' ` ` ' `' '' r ' ' ]
` ' `` `` r ' `
` r ` [ ` )) :
said: When Uthmaan ibn Mathoon died, he was carried out on his
bier and buried. The Prophet (r) requested a man to bring him a rock, but he was
unable to lift it; so the Messenger of Allaah (r) went to it and rolled up his
sleeves. [The one who told me about Allaahs Messenger (r) said: It is as though
I can still see the whiteness of Allaahs Messengers forearms when he rolled up
his sleeves.] He then carried the stone, placed it near the head of the grave and
said: I am marking my brothers
grave with it, and I shall bury beside him
those of my family who die.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.267, no.473. The addition of the graves of Aboo Bakr and Umar is
from Ibn Abee Shaybahs narration.
Al-Muttalib ibn Abee Widaaah was a well known companion of the Prophet (r) who accepted
Islaam with the conquest of Makkah.
Uthmaan was the foster-brother of the Prophet (r).
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.912-3, no.3200 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.618, no.2745.
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Structures over Graves: The building of any kind of structures over graves
is strictly prohibited.

' ' ` ' `' `` ' ' ` ` '
' '` .

Jaabir related that Allaahs Messenger forbade the plastering of graves, or that
they be sat upon, or that any structure be built over them
[or that anything be
written on them]

Duaa: On the completion of the burial, it is recommended that those present
at the grave-site offer prayers on behalf of the deceased:

` ' ` ' r ' ` ' )):

Uthmaan ibn Affaan said: Whenever the Prophet (r) finished burying person,
he would stand at the grave and say, Ask forgiveness for your brother, and pray
for his steadfastness, for he is now being questioned.

Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.459, no.2116 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.216, no.3219.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.216-7, no. 3220 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee
Daawood, vol.2, p.621, no.2763.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.915, no.3215 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.620, no.2758.
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The Quraan established two general principles concerning the reward and
punishment for deeds:
1)Each human will only be benefitted or harmed by the deeds which he or she
actually did.

} {
That humans will only have the result of their actions.

2) No human can carry the sin of another.

} {
That no one bearing sins can carry the sins of others.

Consequently, when a person dies, the opportunity for that person to do good ends
with the persons death. However, the chance to harvest good from deeds which
were done prior to death remains.

Duaa: The prayers of other Muslims on behalf of the dead will benefit the
dead. In chapter al-Hashr (59):10, Allaah praises the believers who pray for
those who have passed away before their time.

Soorah an-Najm, (53):39.
Soorah an-Najm, (53):38.
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And those who came after them say: Our Lord, forgive us and our
brothers who preceded us in faith, and do not put in our hearts any
hatred against the believers. Our Lord, You are indeed full of
kindness, Most Merciful.

Furthermore, the funeral prayer itself consists mostly of prayers for the dead.

r )) :

(( r .
said: I visited Abud-Dardaas home in Syria, but did not find him there.
Ummud-Dardaa asked [me]: Are you going to make Hajj this year? I said yes and
she said: Pray to Allaah for good for us, for the Prophet (r) said: The prayer of
a Muslim for his brother Muslim in his absence will be answered. There is an
assigned angel near his head who says: Amen and may the same be for you, as
long as he prays for the good of his brother. I left and went to the market place
where I met Abud-Dardaa and he related from the Prophet (r) the same as that.

Fasting: Fasts which the dead person missed may be done on their behalf by
their close relatives. The fasts may be from Ramadaan or from oaths

The narrator mentioned that Safwaan ibn Abdillaah ibn Safwaan was previously to Ummud-
Sahih Muslim, vol.4, p.1429, no.6590.
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)) :

Aaishah quoted Allaahs Messenger as saying, Whoever died owing fasts, his
guardian should fast on his behalf.

: :
)) : .((

Ibn Abbaas said: A man came to the Prophet and asked: O Messenger of Allaah,
my mother died owing one month of fasting. Should I do it for her? He replied,
Yes, Allaahs debts have more right to be paid.
In another narration a woman
asked about her debt of fasting and got the same reply.

Paying Financial Debts: Anyone may cover the debts of a dead person,
whether they are relatives or not. Furthermore, the payment of outstanding
debts can benefit the dead by releaving them of some of the punishment
which was due to their negligence in repaying them.


r )) :
(( : )) : ((
r ))

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.3, p.99, no.173 and Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.556, no.2553.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.3, p.99, no.174 and Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.556, no.2554.
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Jaabir said: A man died and we washed him, perfumed him and shrouded him,
then we brought him to Allaahs Messenger (r) to lead the funeral prayer for
him. We said: Could you pray for him? He took a step forward then asked,
Does he have any outstanding debts? We answered: Two deenaars. [He said:
Make the funeral prayer for your companion, and]
he began to leave. Aboo
Qataadah took responsibility for [paying] them saying: The two deenaars are my
responsibility. Allaahs Messenger (r) said: Will the creditor been taken care of
and the dead person is no longer responsible for them? He replied: Yes. So the
Prophet (r) led the funeral prayer for him. One day later he asked [Aboo
Qataadah], What was done about the two deenaars? He replied: He only died
yesterday! The following day he returned to the Prophet (r) and said: I have paid
them off. The Messenger of Allaah (r) said, Now his skin has become cool.

The Charity of Children: Parents will benefit from whatever righteous
deeds their children do, without decreasing the reward of their childrens good
deeds. A righteous child is considered to be a part of the parents earnings.

r ))
Umaarah ibn Umayrs aunt asked Aaishah: I have an orphan under my
guardianship. May I consume some of his wealth? She replied that she had heard
Allaahs Messenger (r) say, Among the most pleasant a man consumes is what
comes from his own earnings, and his child is from his earnings.

)) : .((

This addition can be found in another narration of this hadeeth.
Musnad Ahmad, vol.3, p.330 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.16.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.1002, no.3521 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.2, p.674, no.3013.
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Aaishah related that a man asked the Prophet (r) : My mother died suddenly
and I think that if she had spoken [before dying], she would have given something
in charity. If I give charity on her behalf, will she get the reward? He replied:

r )) :
Aboo Hurayrah quoted the Messenger of Allaah (r) as saying, When a man
dies, his acts come to an end, except in three cases: an on-going charity,
knowledge from which people continue to benefit, and a righteous child who
prays for him.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.266, no.470, Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p.866, no.4002 and Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.812, no.2875.
Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p.867, no.4005 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.812, no.2874.
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Visiting the graves of those who died is recommended in Islaam in order to help
the living reflect on the shortness of this life and the closeness of the next. In the
Makkan period when Islaam was first being spread, visiting graveyards was
prohibited. Later on the Prophet (r) later permitted it.

r )) :
Buraydah related that Allaahs Messenger (r) said, I forbade you from visiting
graves, but you may now visit them, for in visiting them there is a reminder of
death. [So whoever wishes to visit may do so, but dont say anything false]

Imaam an-Nawawee stated that The prohibition was due to their closeness to
the pre-Islamic period of ignorance, which could have led them to make
inappropriate statements at the graves. When the foundations of Islaam were
firmly established, and its rules and principles had become well-known, visiting
the graves was permitted. The Prophet (r) added, as a precaution, the warning,
But dont say anything false.

Women Visiting Graves: The recommendation to visit graves is general and
includes women, just as the earlier prohibition included them without any
special mention. Furthermore, women share with men the benefits of visiting
the graves. In al-Haakims narration from Anas ibn Maalik, the Prophet (r) was
quoted as saying, Visit the [graves], because it softens the heart, brings tears to
the eyes and reminds of the next life, but dont say anything false.

This addition is found in an-Nasaaees narration. See Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaaee, vol.2, p.436,
Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.463, no.2131 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.919, no.3229. The wording
quoted is that found in Sunan Abu Dawud.
Al-Majmoo, vol.3, p.310.
Mustadrak al-Haakim, vol.1, p.376 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.180.
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Aaishah, wife of the Prophet (r) and one of the leading scholars among his
followers, understood the permission to visit graves to include women.

: :
r : .
Abdullaah ibn Abee Mulaykah said: One day when Aaishah came from the
graveyard, I asked her: O Mother of the Believers, where are you coming from.
She replied, From Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Abee Bakrs grave. So I asked her:
Didnt Allaahs Messenger (r) forbid the visiting of graves? She replied, Yes,
then he instructed that they be visited.

When the Prophet (r) found a woman crying in the graveyard, he did not
chase her out of the graveyard, but told her not to cry.

: r )) :

Anas ibn Maalik related that once the Prophet (r) passed by a woman crying
beside a grave and said to her, Fear Allaah and be patient.

After mentioning this hadeeth under the heading Visiting Graves, Ibn Hajar
said: The [scholars] disagreed regarding women [visiting graves]. The majority
held that they are included in the general permission for visiting graves [if there is
no danger of corruption]. The ruling permitting women to visit graves is
supported by the hadeeth of this chapter. The source of evidence in the hadeeth is

Mustadrak al-Haakim, vol.1, p.376 and Sunan al-Bayhaqee, vol.4, p.78 and authenticated in
Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.181.
Sahih Al-Bukhari vol.2, p.208, no. 372, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.439, no.2013, Sunan Abu Dawud,
vol.2, p.890 no.3118, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.446 no.1596 and Mishkat Al-Masabih,, vol.1,
p.361. The wording is from Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.452, no.1605.

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the fact that he (r) did not censure the woman for sitting beside the grave and
whatever he approves is proof [of its permissibility].

However, frequent visitation of graves by women is not permissible.

r .
Hassaan ibn Thaabit narrated that Allaahs Messenger (r) cursed women who
frequently visit graves.

Imaam al-Qurtubee said that the curse mentioned in the hadeeth is for those
women who are frequent visitors as indicated by the intensive form of the word
zuwwaaraat. Perhaps the reason is the negative result of frequent visits like: the
husbands rights, unnecessary public exposure of women, as well as it leading to
wailing and other forbidden expressions of grief.

Visiting Non-Muslim Graves: Although participation in the funeral rites of
non-Muslims is not permitted, Muslims are allowed to visit the graves of
disbelievers for reflection. However, praying for those who die in a state of
dibelief is totally prohibitted.


Whether you ask forgiveness for them or you do not, even if you
ask seventy times for their forgiveness, Allaah will never forgive

} {

Fat-hul-Baaree, vol.4, p.244.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, p.433, no.1574 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1,
p.263, no.1279.
Nayl al-Awtaar, vol.4, pp.134-5.
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Do not make the funeral prayer for any of them who dies, nor stand
at his grave.
Prophet Muhammad (r) was prevented by Allaah from praying for his own
mother, because she and his father had died as a polytheists.

r ))

Aboo Hurayrah related that the Prophet (r) visited the grave of his mother and
cried and caused those around him to cry. Then he said, I asked my Lords
permission to pray for her forgiveness and permission was not granted to me.
Then I asked His permission to visit her grave and he permitted me. So visit the
graves, for it makes you mindful of death.

)) (( ))
Anas related that a man asked: O Messenger of Allaah, where is my father? He
replied, In the hellfire. When he turned, he called him and said, Your father
and my father are together in the hellfire.

In fact, Prophet Muhammad (r) had instructed one of his companions to give
tidings of the hellfire whenever he passed by the grave of a disbeliever.

: r :
)) : (( :

Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.463, no.2130, Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.919, no.3228 and Sunan Ibn-i-
Majah, vol.2, pp.431-2, no.1572.
Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.136, no.398.
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)) : (( :
: r ! .
Sad ibn Abee Waqqaas reported that a Bedouin came to the Prophet (r) and
asked: My father used to maintain family ties, and he was this and that. So where
is he? He replied, In the hellfire. It was as though the Bedouin found it
difficult to take, so he asked: O Messenger of Allaah, where is your father? He
replied, Wherever you pass by the grave of a disbeliever, give him tidings of
hell. The Bedouin accepted Islaam after that and later said: Allaahs Messenger
(r) burdened me with a tiresome responsibility. I havent passed by the grave of
a disbeliever without giving him tidings of hell.

Duaa: When visiting the graveyard, general prayers should be made for all
of those buried there.

)) :
Muhammad ibn Qays quoted Aaishah as saying: I asked: How should I pray
for them, O Messenger of Allaah? He replied, Say: As-Salaamu alaa ahlid-
diyaari minal-mumineena wal-muslimeen [Peace be on the believers and
Muslim inhabitants of this city] wa yarhamullaahul-mustaqdimeena minnaa
wal-mustakhireen [May Allaah have mercy on those who went before us and
those coming after] wa innaa in shaa Allaahu bikum lalaahiqoon [Indeed, we
will - Allaah willing - be joining you.]

Collected by at-Tabaraanee in al-Mujam al-Kabeer, vol.1, p.191, no.1 and Ibn as-Sunnee in
Amal al-Yawm wal-Laylah, no.588 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.198-9.
Sahih Muslim, vol.2, pp.461-2, no.2127.
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Buraydah said: Allaahs Messenger (r) used to teach them what to say whenever
they went out to the graveyard. They would say, As-Salaamu alaykum ahlad-
diyaari minal-mumineena wal-muslimeen [Peace be on you, the believers and
Muslim inhabitants of this city] wa innaa in shaa Allaahu lalaahiqoon [Indeed,
we will - Allaah willing - be joining you.] asalul-laaha lanaa wa lakumul-
aafiyah [I ask Allaah for your well being and ours.]

Recitation of Quraan: There is no basis for the recitation of Quraan in the
graveyard. Neither the Faatihah (First Chapter) nor any other chapter of the
Quraan should be read near the graves.

r )) :
Aboo Hurayrah reported that Allaahs Messenger (r) said, Dont make your
houses graveyards, for surely Satan flees from the house in which the chapter al-
is read.

Raising the Hands in Duaa: The hands may be raised during supplications
for the dead in the graveyard.


Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.462, no.2128.
The second chapter of the Quraan. The title, al-Baqarah, literally means the cow and it refers
to an incident mentioned in the chapter, verses 67-73.
Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.377, no.1707.
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Aaishah said: One night, Allaahs Messenger (r) went out of the house and I
sent Bareerah
after him to find out where he went. Bareerah returned to me and
informed me that he had gone to Baqee graveyard, stood near its beginning with
his hands raised, then he left. When I got up the next morning, I asked Allaahs
Messenger where he had gone the previous night and he replied, I was sent to the
inhabitants of Baqee to pray for them.

Facing the Qiblah: During supplications for the dead, the grave should not
be faced due to the general prohibition against prayer towards the graves. The
supplicant should, instead, face Makkah when praying for the dead.

r )) :
Aboo Marthad al-Ghanawee quoted Allaahs Messenger (r) as saying, Dont
pray towards graves, nor sit on them.

Since supplication (duaa) is the essence of formal prayer, the ruling
regarding the direction of prayer applies to both.

)) : }
{ ((
An-Numaan ibn Basheer related that the Prophet (r) said, Supplication is
worship. Then he recited: Your Lord said: Call on Me and I will answer


Aaishahs servant-girl.
Musnad Ahmad, vol.6, p.92 and Muwatta Imam Malik, p.115, no.569 and authenticated in
Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.193-4. The raising of the hands is not mentioned in Muwatta Imam
Maliks narration.
Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.460, no.2122 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.917, no.3223.
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Walking Between the Graves: Shoes and sandals should be removed by
those walking between the graves.

r r
: )) (( :
)) (( r
)) : ((
r .
the freed slave of Allaahs Messenger (r) said: While I was walking
with the Messenger of Allaah (r), he passed by the graves of the pagans and said
three times, They preceded a time of abundant good. Then he passed by the
graves of the Muslims and said, They got abundant good. Allaahs Messenger
(r) then saw a man walking among the graves wearing sandals, so he called out,
O you wearing sandals, beware. Remove your sandals. The man looked
around and when he recognized Allaahs Messenger (r), he took off his sandals
and threw them away.

Annual Visits to Graves: Visiting graves on the anniversary of the persons
death, or at special annual festivals to perform worship at the graves of those
designated as saints is all forbidden.

Soorah al-Ghaafir (40):60.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.1, p.387, no.1474 and by al-Bukhaaree in al-Adab al-Mufrad, no.714.
The narration explained that his pre-Islamic name was Zahm ibn Mabad and that when the
Prophet (r) had asked him his name, he renamed him Basheer.
Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol.2, pp.429-30, p.1568 and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.917-8, no.3224
and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.622, no.2767.
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r )) :
Aboo Hurayrah narrated that Allaahs Messenger (r) said, Dont make your
houses graveyards, nor make my grave a place of celebration
, and ask Allaahs
blessing for me, because it will reach me wherever you may be.

Travel to Visit Graves: Setting out on journeys to visit graves was
specifically forbidden by the Prophet (r). This practise forms the basis of
idolatrous pilgrimages in other religions.

r )) :
r .((
Aboo Hurayrah quoted the Prophet (r) as saying, Dont travel except to three
masjids: al-Masjid al-Haraam (Makkah), Masjid ar-Rasool (Madeenah) and
Masjid al-Aqsaa (Jerusalem).

While returning from a trip, Aboo Basrah al-Ghifaaree met Aboo Hurayrah
and the latter asked him where he was coming from. Aboo Basrah replied that he
was coming back from at-Toor where he had made prayer. Aboo Hurayrah said,
If only I had caught you before you had set out, for I heard Allaahs Messenger
say: Dont travel to other than three masjids...
Aboo Qaz ah also related that
he had wanted to go to at-Toor, but when he asked Ibn Umar about it, he quoted
the Prophets prohibition of travel to other than the three masjids.

The term used in the hadeeth is eed, i.e., and annual celebration.
Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, pp.542-3, no.2037 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
vol.1, p.383, no.1796.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.1, p.157, no.281, Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.699, no.3218, and Sunan Abu
Dawud, vol.2, p.540, no.2028.
Musnad Ahmad, vol.6, p.7 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, p.226.
Collected by al-Azraqee in Akhbaar Makkah, p.304 and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz,
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Planting Twigs on Graves: It is not permissible to plant any flowers or
twigs on the grave. The placing of wreaths and flowers is a non-Muslim
ritual. The companions of the Prophet and the early generation of Muslim
scholars did not practise this ritual. It is, however, authentically narrated that the
Prophet did, on one single occasion, stick a palm leaf in a grave.

r )) :

)) : .((
Ibn Abbaas reported that the Prophet (r) once passed by the graves of two
people who were being punished in their graves and said, They are not being
punished for a major sin. One didnt used to protect himself from the splatter of
urine and the other used to spread rumors. He then took a green leaf of a date-
palm tree, split it into two pieces, and planted one on each grave. The people
asked, O Messenger of Allaah! Why have you done this? He replied, Perhaps
it will reduce their punishment as long as it remains green.

In Jaabirs narration the Prophet (r) said:

)) ((
I passed by two graves whose occupants were being tormented. I wished to make
intercession for them so that they may be releaved as long as these two twigs
remain fresh.

Planting leaves in a grave was an act unique to the Prophet (r),
aabee said the tt Kha - Al . none of his early followers repeated it , consequently
following regarding this hadeeth: It represents the [principle that the] actions of
the Prophet (r) are blessed and that his supplication for a lessening of their
punishment is special to Allaah. He also chose the period of freshness of the leaf
to be [the length of ] the period of his request for a reduction [in their

Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.249-50, no.443 and Sahih Muslim, vol.1, pp.171-2, no.575.
Sahih Muslim, vol.4, pp.1545-9, no.7149. This text is on page 1548.
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

punishment]. This does not mean that a fresh leaf has any superiority over a dry
leaf. It is now the custom among the masses in many countries to plant palm
leaves in the graves of their dead. However, what they are doing cannot be based
ee th Tirmi - at mad Shaakir in his commentary on Sunan h A . on the Prophets act
the masses have been even , since then , And . aabee spoke the truth tt Kha - Al , said
more enthusiastic in doing this practice which has no valid basis in Islaam. They
imitated the Christians so much, especially in Egypt, that they now put flowers
on the graves. They exchange them as presents among themselves. Some people
put them on the graves of their relatives and friends as greetings to them and as a
courtesy to their living relatives. So much so that this custom has become similar
to the international etiquettes of courtesy. Thus, whenever Muslim personalities
visit a European country, they go the the graves of its former leaders or the grave
of the unknown soldier and lay fresh and artificial wreaths of flowers on them.
This practice is an innovation in the religion (bidah) which should be
avoided. All such innovations are cursed. Ibn Umar was reported to have said,
in this regard:

Every innovation is misguidance, even if people consider them to be good.

Collected by Ibn Battah in Al-Ibaanah an Usool ad-Diyaanah, vol.2, p.112, no.2 and
authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, pp.200-1.
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1. Recital of Soorah Yaseen at the graveyard.

2. Turning the dying persons body to face Qiblah.

3. The removal of menstruating women from the dead
persons presence.

4. Placing lit candles near the dead body until the morning.

5. Putting cotton in the throat, nostrils and anus of the dead

6. Recital of the Quraan for money at the time of the
persons death.

7. Celebration of the deceaseds 1st, 3rd, 7th, 20th, 40th
day, anniversary of his or her death.

8. Gathering a the home of the dead person and obliging the
family of the deceased to provide food for the guests.

9. Recital of Soorah al-Faatihah, al-Baqarah and the last
two verses of Soorah al-Baqarah based on a fabricated
narration falsely attributed to Ibn Umars narration.

10. Whoever recites the Soorah al-Ikhlaas 1000 times will
be safeguarded from Hell, is a fabricated tradition.

Abdullaah ibn Umar said he heard the Prophet (r) say, When one of you dies do not keep him
long, but take him soorah al-Baqarah recited at his head and the concluding verses of the same
soorah recited at his feet. Collected by al-Bayhaqee in Shuab al-Eemaan. See Mishkat Al-
Masabih, Al-Masabih, vol.1, p.358.
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

11. Prompting (talqeen) those who have already died to
recite the declaration of faith laa ilaaha illal-laah. This
practice is of no use to the dead.

12. Writing duaas on the shroud.

13. Making absent funeral prayers (salaatul-ghaaib) for
people for whom funeral prayers were made in the
location in which they died.

14. Transferring the body of the deceased large distances in
order to bury the person near the graves of the pious.

15. Reciting aloud Quraan or poems or words of
rememberance while carrying the bier.

16. Placing flowers, twigs etc. on the graves based on
Prophet Muhammads (r) action.
What the Prophet
(r) did was special for him and he did not do it for every

17. Reciting of the Athaan at the graveyard. How this
practice came into being is unknown especially when
there is no Athaan or Iqaamah for the funeral prayer.

18. Sprinkling rose water when placing the body and
everybody covering the grave with sand reciting

Ibn Abbaas reported that the Prophet (r) once passed by the graves of two people who were
being punished in their graves and said, They are not being punished for a major sin. One didnt
used to protect himself from the splatter of urine and the other used to spread rumors. He then
took a green leaf of a date-palm tree, split it into two pieces, and planted one on each grave. The
people asked, O Messenger of Allaah! Why have you done this? He replied, Perhaps it will
reduce their punishment as long as it remains green. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, pp.249-50,
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam

19. Recitation of the Shahaadah 3 times after closing the
grave and sprinkling of water.

20. Building structure over graves or placing grave stones to
indicate the name and family of the dead.

21. Leaving dying men to die among the women and only
coming to collect the body after they have died.

22. Excessive talking in loud voices during the time of burial.

23. Putting flag poles with white flags outside the home of
one who has died to indicate that death has occurred in
the family. This is a practice of Hindu origin found
amongst Muslims in Southern Philippines.

24. Visiting the graves of ones parents every Jumuah.

25. Visiting the graves in the middle of the month of

26. Visiting the graves specifically on every Eed, or in the
months of Rajab, Shabaan or Ramadaan.

27. Dedicating the reward for certain acts of worship like
salaah, and Quranic recitation to the dead or to the
Prophet (r).

28. Circumambulating (r) the Prophets grave or any other

29. Touching or rubbing the tombs of the righteous in the
belief that blessings will gained from the act.

Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam



Albaanee, Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-, Ahkaamul-Janaaiz, Beirut: al-Maktab
al-Islaamee, 8th ed.,1986.

----------, Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islaamee, 1st. ed.,

----------, Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaaee, Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islaamee, 1st. ed.,

----------, Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmithee, Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islaamee, 1st. ed.,

----------, Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islaamee, 3rd. ed.,

Atheemaabaadee, Muhammad Shams al-Haqq al-, Awn al-Mabood Sharh Sunan
Abee Daawood, Beirut: Daar al-Kutub al-Ilmeeyah, 1990.

Ansari, Muhammad Tufail, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah [Arabic/English], Lahore: Kazi
Publications, 1st. ed., 1993

Bashier, Zakaria, Sunshine at Madinah, United Kingdom: The Islamic
Foundation, 1990.

Glasse, Cyril, The Consise Encyclopaedia of Islam, London: Stacey International,

Guillaume, A., The Life of Muhammad, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1st.
ed., 1955.

Hasan, Ahmad, Sunan Abu Dawud, (English Trans.), Lahore: Sh. Muhammad
Ashraf Publishers, 1st ed., 1987.
Islamic Online University Funeral Rites in Islaam


Ibn al-Atheer, an-Nihaayah fee Ghareeb al-Hadeeth wal-Athar, Beirut: al-
Maktabah al-Ilmeeyah, 1963.

Ibn Hajar, Ahmad ibn Alee, Fathul-Baaree, Cairo: Daar Abee Hayyaan, 1st ed.,

Khan, Muhammad Muhsin, Sahih Al-Bukhari,(Arabic-English), Lahore: Kazi
Publications, 6th ed., 1986.

Lane, E.W., Arabic-English Lexicon, Cambridge, England: Islamic Texts Society,

Nawawee, Yahyaa ibn Sharaf an-, Saheeh Kitaab al-Athkaar, (edited by Saleem
al-Hilaalee), Madeenah: Maktab al-Ghurabaa al-Athareeyah, 1413 AH.

Rahimuddin, Muhammad, Muwatta Imam Malik, (English Trans.), Lahore: Sh.
Muhammad Ashraf Publishers, 1980.

Robson, James, Mishkat Al-Masabih, (English Trans.), Lahore: Sh. Muhammad
Ashraf, 1981.

Siddiqi, Abdul Hamid, Sahih Muslim, (English Trans.), Lahore: Sh. Muhammad
Ashraf Publishers, 1987.

Thahabee, Muhammad ibn Azmad ath-, Siyar Alaam an-Nubalaa, Beirut:
Muassasah ar-Risaalah, 8th ed., 1992.

Ziriklee, Khayrud-deen, az-, Al-A laam, Beirut: 1969

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