Brosur DX800 LC - Compressed.compressed-1

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C*ns*ruetisn Equipment

Engine Power SAE J1349, net 354 kW (481 PS) @ 1,8ffi rpm
0perationalWeighl 75,5001q9
Buckei Capacity 6AE) 5.58 m3

Model Thd heart of the system is the EPOSTM (Electronic Power Optimizing

Perkins 2506D Tier3 System). lt allows the efficiency of the system to be optimized for all
working conditions and minimizes fuel consumption. The 4.ew EPOSTM
Type is connected to the engine electronic controt via a data tr$sfer tink to
WATER-COOIED, harmonize the operation ofthe engine and hydraulics.
M EUI (MechanicaIty Actuated Electronically'Controlled Unit lnjector)
. The hydraulic system enables independent or combined operations.
I{umber of cylinders r Two travel speeds offer either increased torque or high speed tracking.
6 r Cross-sensing pump system for fuel savings.
o Auto deceleration system,
r Two operating modes, two power modes.
354 kW (481 PS) @ 1,800 rpm (SAE I 1995,Gross) . Button control of flow in auxiliary equipment circuits.
354 kW (+Sr pS) @ 1,800 rpm (SAE i1349, net) o Computer-aided pump power controt.

Maxtorque Main pumps

222.7kgf .m @ 1,400 rpm Tandem, Axial piston

Piston displacement maxflow :2x504llmin @ 100 bar, 1,800 rpm

Displacement : 280 X2 cc I rev
Main reliei Pressure
Main Retief Valve Pressure t35obar 457 ksf/cm'?)
Travel Crossover Re]ief Valve hessure t368bar A75 kgf/cm'?)
Swing Crossover Relief Valve Pressure t294bar (300 kgf/cm'?) '


The piston rods and cytinder bodies are made of high-strength steet. A Chassis are ofvery robust construction, all welded structures
shock absorbing mechanism is fitted in att cylinders to ensure shock-free are designed to timit stresses.High-quality material used for durabitity.
operation and extend piston [ife. : Lateral chassis welded and rigidly attached to the und&caniage. Track
rollers lubricated for [ife, idlers and sprockets fitted with floating seals.
Cylinders Quantity Borex Rod diameterxstrcke Tracks shoes made of induction-hardened alloy with triple grousers.
Boom 2 79AX725X7,795',mm Heat-treated connecting pins.Hydraulic track adiuster with shock-
Arm 7 215 X 15OX 2,030 mm absorbing tension mechanism.
Bucket 7 190 X 13o X 1,465 mm
Upper rollers(Standard shoe) - 3
Lorrver roller - 8
Trackshoes - 48
Max. Swingspeed (TheoreticaD '7.5 rpm Overatl hack length - 4,75omm
Max.Swfngspeed (EFF. = 0.987d '7.4rpm
Max. SwingToque (TheoreticaD - 31,600 kgf.m (310 kN.m) REFILLCAPACITIES
Max. SwlngToque (EFF. = 0.81 Yo) - 25,600 kgf.m (251 kN.m) Fuet tank - 880 t
Coolingsystem - 70.6 t
Engine oil6dl -

Travel speed (HiSh 2.9 kmlh (EFF.:987")

/ low) - 4.9 I Swingdrive-zx8t
Maximum traction force 54.4 133.1 ton (EFr.--77yo)
- Finaldrive-2x20t
Gradeability - 70olo Hydraulictank- 435 t

D,ouble grouse

1.12 kgf/cm'

Bucket ' ' GoaciW (nf) Width (mm) STD - 6.65m Boom 7.7m Boom
Radius (mm) Weight (kg)
SAE/PCSA CECE W/O Cutter With Cutter 2.6mtum iTD - 2.9m Arm 2.9mArm 3.55m Arm
3.42 , 3.08 \724 7,720 2,727 3,4r2 A A A B

3.68 1.29 1,820 1,820 2,727 3,579 A A A B

4.05 ).67 t,720 7,720 2,742 3,727 A A B c

H Ctass tt.43 1.94 1,850 1,850 2,142 3,874 A A C c
4.64 4.18 1.920 1,920 2,142 3,952 A A c D

5.24 4.70 1,910 7,910 2JA6 4,147 B B D D

5.58 5.06 2.010 2.010 2.786 4.387 B c D

Based on ISO 1o567 and SAE 1295, arm length without quick change clamp
A : Suitable far materials with density of 2,100 kg/m'? (3,500 lb/yd)
B : Suitable for materiats with density of 1,80o kg/m'! (3,000 lb/yd'?)
C : Suitable for materials with density of 1,50O kg/m? (2,500 lblyd'?)


Boom Type (One Piece) (mm) sTD - 6,650

Arm Type (mm) sTD - 2,900

BucketType (SAE) (m') sTD - 5.58

Tait Swing Radius (mrn) N 4,070

Shlpping Height (Boom) (mm) o 4,905

Shipping Heigltt (Hose) (mm) P 5,125

Shipping tength (mm) a 72,320

Shippingwidth (Std.) (mm) R 3,550

Shipping Width (l{anon) (mm) -R*

C/Weight Clearance (mm) S 7,544

HeigfitorcrCab, (mm) T 1,510

HouseWidth (mm) U 3,410

Cab. HeightAbove House (mm) 25

CahWidth (mm) W 1,010

Tumbler Distance (mm) x 4,734

Track Length (mm) 5,960

Undercaniage Width (Std.) (mm) 7 3,4OO I 4,000'

Width (Narrcw) (mm) z*

ShoeWidth (mm) a 650

Track Height** (mm) b 7,375

Car Body Clearance (mm) c 850

*: Retracted / Extended
** : Without shoe grouser

BoomType (One Piece) (mm) sTD - 6,650

fumType (mm) srD - 29oo

BucketType (pcsa) (m') sTD - 5.58

MALdiggingreach (mm) A n,fia

illax. digging reach Ground ) (mm) B 17,225

MAjX. digginsdepth (mm) C 7,O50

Itlax. hcight (mm) D 7,075

Min.loadingheigfit (mm) E 3,130

Mar height (mm) F 70,465

Max. bucket pin heigltt (mm) G 9,260

Marvertical wall depth (mm) H 745

Max. radiugvertical (mm) I 17.295

Max depth tIline (mm) I 6,900

Min. radius 8'line (mm) K 3,724

[iin. diggingrcach (mm) L 1,840

ttin.swingradius (mm) M 5.240

Bucket angle (des) d 767

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