Tally Feature

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1. Ledger.........................................................2
2. Accounting Voucher:.................................3
3. Inventory Vouchers...................................9
4. Multi Currency........................................10
5. Discount....................................................11
6. Actual & Bill Qty.....................................12
7. Track Additional Cost of Purchase........13
8. Price Level................................................14
9. Batch Wise Details...................................16
10. Cost Centre...............................................19
11. Order Processing......................................21
12. VAT (Value Added Tax).........................23
13. Service Tax...............................................25
14. TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)...............27
(Note: “*” Marks are Readymade Ledger)

Ledgers Groups
* Cash * Cash- in- hand

* Profit & Loss A/c Primary

Sales , Sales Return A/c Sales A/c

Purchase , Purchase Return A/c Purchase A/c

Commission Receive, Interest Receive Etc. Indirect Income

Interest Paid , Commission Paid, Salary,
Electricity Charges Etc Indirect Expenses

Wages, Transport Charges Etc. Direct Expenses

Bank A/c Bank A/c

Bank OD A/c or OCC A/c Bank OD A/c or OCC A/c

Furniture A/c Land A/c etc. Fixed Assets

Capital A/c Capital A/c

Bills Receivable A/c Etc Current Assets

Bills Payable A/c Etc Current Liabilities

A Person to Whom we Give Amount Or A
Customer Sundry Debtors
A Person from Whom we Receive Amount
Or A Supplier Sundry Creditors

Loan A/c loan(Liabilities)

Loan Given Loan & Advance

Personal A/c Secured Loan

VAT , TDS, Service Tax, FBT etc Duties & Taxes

Accounting Voucher:

F4: Contra
Bank Transaction Entry
E.g. Deposit, Withdraw, Transfer etc.

Mode of Entry: 1) Single Mode 2) Double Mode

1) Single Mode:(Note: In a Account Field we can only entered the Cash or

Bank Ledger)

Account: _________
Particulars Amount

E.g. Deposit Cash Rs. 5000 in Bank.

Account: Bank A/c

Particulars Amount
Cash A/c 5000

2) Double Mode:

Particulars Debit Credit

Dr Bank A/c 5000
Cr Cash A/c 5000

F5: Payment
Amount Paid Entry
E.g. Cash Paid, Cash Purchase, Paid by Cheque etc.

Mode of Entry: 1) Single Mode 2) Double Mode

1. Single Mode:(Note: In a Account Field we can only entered the Cash or

Bank Ledger)

Account: _________
Particulars Amount

E.g. Paid Cash Rs.5000 to Mr. B

Account: Cash A/c

Particulars Amount
Mr. B 5000

2. Double Mode:

Particulars Debit Credit

Dr Bank A/c 5000
Cr Cash A/c 5000
F6: Receipt
Amount Receive Entry
E.g. Receive Cash, Sold Goods for Cash, Receive Amount by Cheque etc.

Mode of Entry: 1) Single Mode 2) Double Mode

1) Single Mode:(Note: In a Account Field we can only entered the Cash or

Bank Ledger)

Account: _________
Particulars Amount

E.g. Receive Cash Rs 5000 from Mr. A

Account: Cash
Particulars Amount
Mr. A 5000

3) Double Mode:

Particulars Debit Credit

Dr Cash A/c 5000
Cr A A/c 5000
F7: Journal
Adjustment Entries

E.g. Sales Return, Purchase Return, Bills Receivable, Bills Payable Etc.

Mode of Voucher: Double Mode

E.g. Issued Bills Payable to Mr. Rajesh Rs 5000

Particulars Debit Credit

Dr. Rajesh 5000

Cr. Bills Payable 5000

F8. Sales
Credit Sales Entries
E.g. sold goods on Credit Crtl +V

Mode of Voucher: 1) Voucher Mode 2) Invoice Mode:

a)Account Invoice b) Item Invoice

Alt + I
Voucher Mode:

Particulars Debit Credit


Invoice Mode: 1 Account Invoice

Party’s Name:
Sales Ledger:
Particulars Rate per Amount

Invoice Mode: 2) Item Invoice

Party’s Name:
Sales Ledger:
Name of Item Quantity Rate per Amount
F9. Purchase
Credit Purchase Entries
E.g. Purchase goods on Credit
Crtl +V

Mode of Voucher: 1) Voucher Mode 2) Invoice Mode:

a) Account Invoice b) Item Invoice
Alt + I
Voucher Mode:

Particulars Debit Credit


Invoice Mode: 1 Account Invoice

Party’s Name:
Purchase Ledger:
Particulars Rate per Amount

Invoice Mode: 2) Item Invoice

Party’s Name:
Purchase Ledger:
Name of Item Quantity Rate per Amount
Inventory Vouchers

ALT F7: Stock Journal

Transfer of Materials
E.g. Transfer Goods from A Godown to B Godown

Source Consumption Source Destination

Name of item Qty Rate per Amount Name of item Qty Rate per Amount

ALT F10: Physical Stock

Stock Verification Entry

E.g. To Verify how many goods are Available at Present

Name of Item Quantity Amount

Multi Currency
Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Accounting Feature

Allow Multi- Currency: Yes

Step 2: Accounts Info

Currencies: Create
1. Symbol: $ Formal Name : Dollar
2. Rate of Exchange: STD Rate: 45

Step 3: Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
2. Customer : Under : Sundry Debtors A/c
Choose Currency of Ledger: e.g. $

Step 4: Accounting Vouchers

4) F6: Receipt
Account: Cash
Particulars Amount
Customer $50
(50$ Rs45/$ 2250)
(Agst Ref: 1)
Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Inventory Feature

Separate Discount column on invoice: Yes

Step2: Inventory Info

Stock Group : - Create

Name: Garments
Under: Primary

Units Of Measure : Create

Symbol: No
Formal Name: Numbers

Stock Item : Create

Name: Jeans
Under: Garments
Units: No

Step 3: Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
1. Sales – Under : Sales A/c
2. Customer : Under : Sundry Debtors A/c

Step 4: Accounting Vouchers

F8: Sales

Party’s Name: Customer

Sales Ledger: Sales A/c
Name of item Qty Rate per Disc% Amount
Jeans 10no 500 no 10% 4500
Actual & Bill Qty
Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Inventory Feature

Storage & Classification

Use Different Actual & Billed Qty: Yes

Step2: Inventory Info

Stock Group : - Create

Name: Garments
Under: Primary

Units Of Measure : Create

Symbol: No
Formal Name: Numbers

Stock Item : Create

Name: Jeans
Under: Garments
Units: No

Step 3: Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
3. Sales – Under : Sales A/c
4. Customer : Under : Sundry Debtors A/c

Step 4: Accounting Vouchers

F8: Sales
Party’s Name: Customer
Sales Ledger: Sales A/c
Name of item Qty Rate per Disc% Amount
Actual Billed
Jeans 20no 10no 500 no 5000
Track Additional Cost of Purchase
Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Inventory Feature

Purchase Management

Track Additional Cost of Purchase: Yes

Step2: Inventory Info

Stock Group : - Create

Name: Garments
Under: Primary

Units Of Measure : Create

Symbol: No
Formal Name: Numbers

Stock Item : Create

Name: Jeans
Under: Garments
Units: No

Step 3: Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
1. Purchase – Under : Purchase A/c

Step 4: Accounting Voucher

F5: Payment
Account: Cash
Particulars Amount
Inventory Allocation
Name of Item Qty Rate per Amount
Jeans 10no 300 no 3000
Additional Cost Details

Type of Cost %-age Amount

Purchase 10% 300
Price Level
Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Inventory Feature

Sales Management

Price Level: Yes - ABC price level

Step2: Inventory Info

Stock Group : - Create

Name: Garments
Under: Primary

Units Of Measure : Create

Symbol: No
Formal Name: Numbers

Stock Item : Create

Name: Jeans
Under: Garments
Units: No
Price List - Garments
Step 3: Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
1. Sales – Under : Sales A/c
2. Customer : Under : Sundry Debtors A/c

Step 4: Accounting Vouchers

F8: Sales
Party’s Name: Customer
Sales Ledger: Sales A/c
Name of item Qty Rate per Disc% Amount
Actual Billed
Jeans 20no 10no 500 no 5000

Note: (As you change the Qty as per Price list amount will also going to be Changed which you have
settled in price list)
Batch Wise Details
Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Inventory Feature

Storage & Classification

Maintain Batch-Wise Details: Yes

(Set expiry dates for Batches): Yes

Step2: Inventory Info

Stock Group : - Create

Name: Medicine
Under: Primary

Units Of Measure : Create

Symbol: stps
Formal Name: Strips

Stock Item : Create

Name: Dcold Total
Under: Medicine
Units: stps
Maintain in Batches: Yes
Track Date of Mfg: Yes
Use Expiry Dates: Yes

Step 3: Inventory Vouchers

Alt F10 Physical Stock

Mfg Expiry
Name of Item Batch/lot no Dt. Date Qty Amount

Dcold Total 411544 1-Apr-2008 5-march-2009 1000

Cost Centre
For E.g.

Cost Centre
Centre Ledger  
Branches Transaction Amount
Pimpri Purchase 5400
Pune Sale 5445
Pimpri Purchase 2445
Pune Sale 1445
Chinchwad Electricity 1721
Pimpri Sale 2541
Pune Electricity 542
Chinchwad Electricity 411
Chinchwad Purchase 6841
Pune Sale 5440

Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Accounting Feature

Cost/Profit Centres Management

Maintain Cost Centre: yes

Step 2: Accounts Info

Cost Centre – Create
o Name : Chinchwad , Pimpri , Pune
Under: Primary

Ledger – Create Cost Centres: Yes

o Purchase – Under Purchase A/c
o Sales - Under Sales A/c
o Electricity – Under Indirect Expenses
Step 3: Accounting Vouchers
Note: Pass the Transaction as there Keys are followed in below table

Cost Centre
Centre Ledger  
Branches Transaction Amount
(F5:Payment)Pimpri Purchase 5400
(F6: Receipt)Pune Sale 5445
(F5:Payment)Pimpri Purchase 2445
(F6: Receipt)Pune Sale 1445
(F5:Payment)Chinchwad Electricity 1721
(F6: Receipt)Pimpri Sale 2541
(F5:Payment)Pune Electricity 542

(F5:Payment)Chinchwad Electricity 411

(F5:Payment)Chinchwad Purchase 6841
(F6: Receipt)Pune Sale 5440
Order Processing
Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Inventory Feature

Order Processing
Allow Sales order Processing: Yes
Allow Purchase Order Processing: Yes


Use Debit /Credit Note: Yes

Use Invoice Mode for Credit note: Yes
Use Invoice Mode for Debit note : Yes

Additional Inventory Vouchers

Use Tracking Number (Delivery & Receipt Note): Yes
Use Rejection Note (Inward & Outward): Yes

Step 2: Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
1. Sales – Under : Sales A/c
2. Customer : Under : Sundry Debtors
3. Purchase- Under Purchase A/c
4. Supplier A/c – Under Sundry Creditors
5. Purchase Return – Under: Purchase A/c
6. Sales Return – Under : Sales A/c

Step2: Inventory Info

Stock Group : - Create

Name: Food Products
Under: Primary

Units Of Measure : Create

Symbol: No
Formal Name: Numbers

Stock Item : Create

Name: Pizza
Under: Food Products
Units: No
Step 3: Voucher Entry
Purchase Order ( Alt +F4) Supplier ( order no 1) Sales Order ( Alt+F5) Customer ( order no 1)

Receipt Note (Alt +F9) Supplier ( choose order Delivery Note(Alt +F8) Customer( choose
no 1 from list) order no 1 from list)

Purchase (F9) Supplier ( Choose Receipt note no 1) Sales ( F8) Customer ( Choose Delivery note no 1)

Rejection out ( Alt +F6) Ledger – Supplier Rejection In (Ctrl +F6) Ledger – Customer

Debit Note( Ctrl +F9) Ctrl+V Supplier Credit Note( Ctrl +F8) Ctrl+V
(Choose Tracking no 1) Purchase Return Customer(Choose Tracking no 1) Sales Return
Payment (F5) Supplier Receipt ( F6) Customer
VAT (Value Added Tax)
1% VAT: Precious Metals like Gold, Silver, Etc
4% VAT: Semi finished Goods & Agricultural Goods e.g. Electronics, Medicine Etc
12.5% VAT: General Goods Like Bakery Products
VAT Exempted: Unprocessed Goods, Natural Goods or A Goods Which are sold out of
the State

Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Statutory & Taxation

Enable Value Added Tax: Yes
Set/ Alter VAT Details: Yes

Step 2: Inventory Info

Stock Group : - Create

Name: Electronics
Under: Primary

Units Of Measure : Create

Symbol: No
Formal Name: Numbers

Stock Item : Create

Name: Cd-Player
Under: Electronics
Units: No

Step 3 Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
1. Supplier A/c – Under Sundry Creditors
2. Customer : Under : Sundry Debtors
3. Purchase- Under Purchase A/c Use in VAT Return: Yes ,
Class: Not Applicable.
4. Sales – Under : Sales A/c Use in VAT Return: Yes, Class: Not
5. VAT – Under Duties & Taxes , Type of Duty : VAT
Class: Not Applicable Inventory Value are Affected: Yes
Supplier A/c – Under Sundry Creditors
Step 4: Accounting Vouchers

1) F9: Purchase
Party’s Name: Supplier
Purchase Ledger: Purchase A/c
VAT TAX Class: Purchase @ 4%
Name of item Qty Rate per Amount

Cd-Player 10no 2000 no 20000

VAT 4% 800


2) F5: Payment
Account: Cash
Particulars Amount
Supplier 20800
(Agst Ref: 1)

3) F8: Sales
Party’s Name: Customer
Sales Ledger: Sales A/c
VAT TAX Class: Sales @ 4%
Name of item Qty Rate per Amount

Cd-Player 10no 2500 no 25000

VAT 4% 1000


4) F6: Receipt
Account: Cash
Particulars Amount
Customer 26000
(Agst Ref: 1)

5) F5: Payment
Account: Cash

Particulars Amount
VAT 200
(Agst Ref: 1)

Service Tax

Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Statutory & Taxation

Enable Service Tax: Yes
Set/Alter Service Tax Details: Yes
Step 2 Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
1. Sales – Under : Sales A/c Service Tax Applicable : Yes
Categories: Franchises
2. Customer : Under : Sundry Debtors Service Tax Applicable : yes
3. Service tax Under : Duties & Taxes Type of Duty : Service Tax
Categories : Franchises Inventory Values are
affected: Yes

Step 3: Accounting Vouchers

1) F8: Sales
Party’s Name: Customer
Sales Ledger: Sales A/c
Particulars Rate per Amount

Sales 25000

Service Tax Service Tax: 12% 12% 3090

Cess : 3%
(Note: After entering the service ledger you (Cess 3%)
will get a window where you have to enter
the service tax & cess %-age) 28090

2) F6: Receipt
Account: Cash
Particulars Amount
Customer 28090
(Agst Ref: 1)

3) F5: Payment
Account: Cash
Particulars Amount
Service Tax 3090
(Agst Ref: 1)
TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)

Step 1: Activation Press F11

Company Features

Statutory & Taxation

Enable TDS (Tax Deducted at Source): Yes
Set/Alter TDS Details: Yes
Step 2 Accounts Info

Ledger: Create
1. Expenses on Contract – Under : Indirect Expenses
2. Sub-Contractor : Under : Sundry Creditor TDS Applicable : yes
3. TDS on Sub- Contractor Under : Duties & Taxes Type of Duty : TDS
Nature of Payment : Payment to Sub-Contractor
Inventory Values are affected: Yes

Step 3: Accounting Vouchers

1) F7: Journal

  Particulars Debit Credit

Dr Expenses of Contract 25000  
Cr Sub- Contractor ( New ref – 1- Tds on sub-Contractor)   25000

2) F7: Journal Press Alt S

TDS Deduction
  Particulars Debit Credit
Dr Sub Contractor 281  
Cr TDS on Sub-Contractor   281
3) F5: Payment
Account: Cash
Particulars Amount

(Agst Ref: 1)

5) F5: Payment
Account: Cash
Particulars Amount
TDS on Sub-Contractor 281
(Agst Ref: 1)

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