Java Curriculumrriculum J2Se (Java 2 Standard Edition) : DURATION: 140 Hours

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INTRODUCTION TO JAVA Understanding Requirement: Why Java Why Java is important to the Internet INTRODUCTION TO JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE Java Virtual Machine Architecture Class loading process by Classloaders Role of Just in Time Compiler (JIT) Execution Engine PACKAGES AND INTERFACES Defining a Package Understanding CLASSPATH Access Protection Importing Packages Defining and implementing an Interface Abstract classes Vs Interfaces Adapter Classes Anonymous Classes AN OVERVIEW OF JAVA AND BUZZWORDS Data Types, Variables ad Arrays Operators Control statements Object oriented Paradigms Abstraction The Three OOP Principles: (Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism) EXCEPTION HANDLING Fundamentals of Exception handling Types of Exceptions Learning exception handlers Try and catch Multiple catch clauses Nested try statements Throw, throws and finally Creating custom exceptions JAVA CLASSES AND OOP IMPLEMENTATION Class Fundamentals Command Line Arguments Learning static initializer

DURATION : 140 Hours

Declaration of Objects Instance Variable Hiding Overloading and Overriding of Methods Understanding of Access Controls: Private, public and protected Learning Nested and Inner Classes Dynamic method Dispatching Using Abstract Classes Using final to prevent Overriding & Inheritance Garbage Collection STRING HANDLING Learning String Operations Learning Character Extraction Learning String Comparison Understanding of StringBuffer Class New in JDK 5 Generics Annotations Vargs static-import for-each MULTITHREADED PROGRAMMING The Java Thread Model Creating a Thread: Extending Thread, Implementing Runnable Creating Multiple Threads and Context Switching Synchronization: Methods and Statement Inter-thread Communication REFLECTION API Determining the class of an Object Getting Information about Class's modifiers, fields, methods, constructors and super classes Finding out constant and method declaration belong to an interface Creating an instance of a class whose name is not known until runtime Getting and setting value of an object's field if field name is unknown until runtime Invoking a method on an object if the method is unknown until runtime Creating a new array whose size and component type are not known until runtime.


COLLECTION FRAMEWORK The Collection Interfaces (List, Set, SortedSet) The Collection Classes (ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet) Accessing a Collection via an Iterator Working with Maps Working with Comparators The Collection Algorithms The Legacy Classes and Interfaces (Enumeration, Vector, Stack, Dictionary, Hashtable) Date and Time Handling

SYSTEM PROPERTIES & INTERNATIONALIZATION Usage of Property file Define the Locale ResourceBundle Fetching text from ResourceBundle REMOTE METHOD INVOCATION (RMI) Distributed Applications RMI Architecture Implementation Call-back Mechanism DATABASE PROGRAMMING USING JDBC JDBC Drivers Statements Metadata Scrollable & Updatable ResultSet Batch Updates Data Source & Connection Pooling Rowsets


TIER ARCHITECTURE Single Tier Two Tier Three Tier N Tier J2EE COMPONENTS Web Components Business Components J2EE CONTAINERS Container Types Container Services J2EE SERVICES Java Naming and DirectoryInterface Java Transaction Service Java Messaging Service Java Authentication & Authorization Service INTRODUCTION TO UML Use Cases Diagrams INTRODUCTION TO XML Document Type Definition (DTD) Schemas JAVA SERVLET Introduction to Web Programming Advantages of Servlets

Servlet Lifecycle Request Dispatching Session Tracking Event Listener Filters JAVA SERVER PAGES (JSP) & JSTL JSP Architecture JSP Elements JSP Objects Custom Tags Using tags of JSTL ENTERPRISE JAVA BEANS (EJB) INTRODUCTION ARCHITECTURE TYPES OF EJB SESSION BEANS Introduction State Management Life Cycle Types Stateless Statefull ENTITY BEANS Introduction Persistence Life Cycle Types Container Managed Persistent (CMP) 2.0 Introduction Primary Key Class EJB Methods EJB QL Syntax Clauses Bean Managed Persistent (BMP) Introduction Implementation EJB Relationships MESSAGE DRIVEN BEANS & JMS Messaging Overview Messaging Models Point to Point Model Topic Subscriber Model JMS Implementation Life Cycle J2EE DESIGN PATTERN Why Design Patterns? Front Controller Composite View Session Faade Service Locator Data Access Object Value Object

JAVA MAIL Email System & Protocols Architecture Sending mails Receiving mails Handling attachments Replying & Forwarding PACKAGING & DEPLOYEMENT USING ANT INTRODUCTION TO WEB SERVICES A Conceptual overview of Web Services Web Services Requirements SOAP WSDL UDDI UTILITIES Eclipse 3.1 WEB SERVER Apache Tomcat APPLICATION SERVER. Bea's Weblogic Sun Application Server Tomcat Server TRANSACTIONS Introduction ACID Properties Transaction Requirements Container managed transactions Bean Managed Transactions Distributed Transactions Two Phase Commit

Live project which is based on Java Technology with the help of J2SE for representing the core java concept and J2EE which represents the evolution of Sun MicroSytsems's server side development is an essential part of developing and nurturing the skils for a FRESHER because it standardizes the development and deployment of the kind of secure, portable, reliable and scalable applications required by the World Wide Web Development.

LIVE PROJECT What is Live Project? Project Phases What is Project Life Cycle? Software Development Cycle What is Project Team? What does Project Team do? Roles and Responsibilities

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