Aap Children of Gay and Lesbian Parents
Aap Children of Gay and Lesbian Parents
Aap Children of Gay and Lesbian Parents
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All children need support and nurturing from stable, healthy, and well-
functioning adults to become resilient and effective adults. On the basis
of a review of extensive scientific literature, the American Academy of
Pediatrics (AAP) affirms that “children’s well-being is affected much
more by their relationships with their parents, their parents’ sense of
competence and security, and the presence of social and economic
support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of
their parents.”1
permits it does not ensure access to structure, on the basis of the common 3. Foster care placement for eligible
federal benefits. The federal Defense of principles of justice. If a child has children to qualified adults without
Marriage Act (1996; Pub. L. No. 104-199) 2 living and capable parents who regard to their sexual orientation.
denies members of married same- choose to create a permanent bond
gender households access and bene- by way of civil marriage, it is in the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
fits equivalent to those available to best interests of their child(ren) that The authors and the committee thank
households headed by married parents legal and social institutions allow and James G. Pawelski, MS, for his valuable
of different genders, such as (1) Social support them to do so. If 2 parents are contributions to the development of
Security and related programs, (2) not available to the child, adoption or this policy statement.
housing and food stamps, (3) federal foster parenting remain acceptable
civilian and military service benefits, (4) options to provide a loving home for LEAD AUTHORS
employment benefits, (5) immigration a child and should be available Benjamin S. Siegel, MD
and nationality status, (6) remedies and without regard to the sexual orien- Ellen C. Perrin, MD, MA
protections for crimes and family vio- tation of the parent(s).
lence, and (7) certain loans and financial ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY
guarantees.10,21 For this reason, the AAP RECOMMENDATIONS HEALTH, 2012–2013
has joined with other national organ- Benjamin S. Siegel, MD, Chairperson
The AAP works to ensure that public Mary I. Dobbins, MD
izations in support of the position that
policies help all parents, regardless of Arthur Lavin, MD
the Defense of Marriage Act is uncon-
sexual orientation and other charac- Gerri Mattson, MD
stitutional.† John Pascoe, MD, MPH
teristics, to build and maintain strong,
A core mission of the AAP is to support Michael Yogman, MD
stable, and healthy families that are
the best interests of all children, re- able to meet the needs of their chil- LIAISONS
gardless of their home or family dren. In particular, the AAP supports: Ronald T. Brown, PhD—Society of Pediatric
1. Marriage equality for all capable Psychology
Amici Curiae: Brief of the American Psychological
Mary Jo Kupst, PhD—Society of Pediatric Psy-
and consenting couples, including chology
Association, the Massachusetts Psychological
Association, the American Psychiatric Association,
those who are of the same gender, D. Richard Martini, MD—American Academy of
the National Association of Social Workers and its as a means of guaranteeing all fed- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Massachusetts Chapter, the American Medical eral and state rights and benefits, Barbara Blue, MSN, RN, CPNP, PMHNP-BC—
Association, and the American Academy of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practi-
and long-term security for their tioners
Pediatrics Nos. 10-2204, 10-2207, and 102214 in the
United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. children. Terry Carmichael, MSW—National Association
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts v the United 2. Adoption by single parents, copar- of Social Workers
States Department of Health and Humans Services
ents adopting together, or a second
et al, November 3, 2011; Brief of the American CONSULTANT
Psychological Association, the American Academy parent when 1 parent is already George J. Cohen, MD
of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric a legal parent by birth or adoption,
Association, the American Psychoanalytic
Association, the National Association of Social
without regard to the sexual orien- STAFF
Workers and its New York City and State Chapters, tation of the adoptive parent(s). Stephanie Domain, MS, CHES
and the New York State Psychological Association.
No. 12-2335(L), 12-2435(Con) in the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Windsor v
United States of America and Bipartisan Legal REFERENCES
Advisory Group of the US House of
Representatives; Brief of the American
1. Perrin EC, Siegel BS; American Academy Welfare Information Gateway, 2010. Avail-
Psychological Association, the California of Pediatrics, Committee on Psychosocial able at: www.childwelfare.gov/pubs/fact-
Psychological Association, the American Aspects of Child and Family Health. Tech- sheets/foster.pdf. Accessed July 1, 2012
Psychiatric Association, the National Association of nical report: promoting the well-being of 4. US Department of Health and Human
Social Workers and its California Chapter, the children whose parents are gay or lesbian. Services, Administration for Children and
American Medical Association, the American Pediatrics. 2013, In press Families. How Many Children Were Adopted
Academy of Pediatrics, and the American 2. US Census Bureau. America’s Families and in 2007 and 2008? Child Welfare In-
Psychoanalytic Association, Nos. 12-15388 and
Living Arrangements. Available at: www.census. formation Gateway. Available at: www.
12-15409 in the United States Court of Appeals for
gov/population/www/socdemo/hh-fam/cps childwelfare.gov/pubs/adopted0708.cfm.
the Ninth Circuit; Golinski v United States Office of
Personnel Management and Berry and Bipartisan 2011.html. Accessed November 26, 2012 Accessed November 26, 2012
Legal Advisory Group of the US House of 3. US Department of Health and Human 5. O’Connell M, Feliz S. Same-sex couple
Representatives. Services. Foster Care Statistics. Child household statistics from the 2010 Census.